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Model 7A (1911)


Alan Grayer 2012

Scale 1:7
Harley-Davidson belt drive singles. The Model

In 1901 William Harley and Arthur Davidson This is based on the 1911 Model 7A, with
started work on a motorised bicycle using a small magneto ignition and 28" (overall) wheels. The
(116cc) engine and a pedal-cycle frame. This was design is taken from some of the many
completed by 1903, but turned out to be greatly photographs to be found on the WWW, and is
underpowered, and as a result not a success. The inevitably somewhat speculative in places. A
following year they, together with Arthur's brothers particular problem is that almost all of the
Walter and William, had a new design. This had a photographs are of restored examples, and they
frame with an S-shaped front tube, forming a differ from each other in detail quite significantly,
circular space for a much larger engine, but especially in the painting scheme. It would be
otherwise was still very much a bicycle with a best considered as a model of a possible
motor attached. Production continued until 1908 restoration, where a good attempt at authenticity
with minor improvements but no major change in has been made, but where some inaccuracies are
appearance. to be expected.

In 1909 a new model appeared showing marked The model is to a scale of 1:7 and will measure
changes. The frame was strengthened by adding approximately 300mm x 80mm x 150mm (12" x 3"
a second horizontal top tube, and new fuel and oil x 6"). It is designed for printing on thin card
tanks were fitted surrounding the two tubes and 0.2mm thick, typically corresponding to a paper
fitted front and rear to the shape of the opening. weight of 160gsm. The PDF file is for A4 paper
Previously the tanks were of rather arbitrary size, but with two exceptions all the parts are
shape and size, and strapped on in a rather ad within a 7.5" x 10" rectangle, so should print
hoc way. This was beginning to look like a comfortably on US Letter size paper. The
purpose-built motorcycle. exceptions are the two wheel rims on pages E1
and E3, which are marginally longer than 10", but
Two changes occurred in 1911. The S shaped are still unlikely to cause problems.
front tube was replaced by a straight one. As a
result, it met the head tube at a steeper angle, The parts file is divided into logical, identified by
which meant that the head tube had to be moved the letters A-G. Within each section the parts are
forward slightly to make room, increasing the numbered sequentially from 1, roughly in the
wheelbase correspondingly. Unfortunately the order they appear on the sheets. The instructions
shape of the tanks was not changed, so they no are similarly divided into sections. In each section
longer fitted the frame angles neatly. The engine of instructions parts for that section are identified
was given a new cylinder head with vertical radial just by their number; reference to parts from other
cooling fins - previously the horizontal fins of the sections are preceded by their section letter.
cylinder were continued over the head as well. Where a part number is followed by * the part
should be laminated on thicker card, to give a
In 1912 a new saddle mounting was introduced - total thickness of 1mm; where they are followed
the "Ful-Floteing" seat. Instead of being clamped by ** they should be laminated to thicker material
rigidly in the top of the rear tube of the frame, the - this is always mentioned in the textual
saddle tube was allowed to slide, constrained by instructions.
springs inside the rear tube. In order to allow this
movement, the rear tube had to be cut down by This kit is not intended for beginners. The
several inches, and the rear third of the tanks and instructions identify the parts and give a suitable
top tube were sloped down to match. At the same assembly sequence, but do not describe detailed
time, the front of the tanks was redesigned to fit construction techniques. It is made available free
the new front geometry. This year also saw the of charge for private non-commercial use. You
first chain drive, fitted to the V-twin version are welcome to distribute it unchanged to others,
together with a rear-wheel clutch. Over the next and to make modifications for personal use.
three years chain drive was introduced on more
models, and by 1915 belt-driven models had been
phased out altogether.

A. Frame side up inside, to form a groove for the middle
tube. Pass the top tube through the holes in the
Roll the top tube 2 and add the sleeves 1 and 3 tank, and fit this down over the middle tube. Glue
where marked. Do the same for the middle tube the ends of the top tube to the head and down
(4, 5 and 6), down tube (7 and 8) and rear tube tubes at the front, and to the rear tube. Glue the
(12, 13, 14 and 15). Roll the bottom tube 10, strengthening webs 20, 21 and 22 in the angles
remove the cutouts and form the curved section. formed by the head, top and down tubes.
Glue the ends of the engine mounting brackets 9
and 11 back-to back, forming them around the Make up the pedal tube 23, 24 and 25 and the
bottom tube, but not yet gluing them. Make rolled brace 26 and fit where marked to the rear tube.
connectors to fit half inside each end of the The long projection of the pedal tube is to the left
bottom tube, and half inside the down and rear side, and the seam goes at the bottom. Make up
tubes Glue these all together, then place the the seat box 54 and fit to the rear tube and pedal

engine brackets over the joins. Glue the ends of brace.

the middle tube to the markings on the down and
rear tubes. Roll the left chain stay 29, and bend to the shape
shown in the diagram. Add the front bush 28 and
Roll the head tube, and add the bearing rings 16 27 and the rear capping 30 and 31. The
and 17 to the top, and 18 to the bottom, after semicircular portions of 30 and 31 are glued back-
laminating these to card to a thickness of 1mm. to-back, and the egg-shaped halves cap the V-
Glue the head tube to the down tube, using the shaped end of the chain stay. Repeat for the left
diagram to get the angle correct. rear stay (32-36), right rear stay (42-46) and right
chain stay (48-52). Make up the stay bracket (38,
Construct the tank 53. Before cutting out, use the 39 and 40) and fit to the rear tube just above the
guide lines to score lightly across the sides, front seat box. Roll the crosspiece 41, then mount all
and rear, to allow them to taper in. Cut out the the stays to the rear tube.
rectangles marked with a red X, then form the
shape, tucking the final rectangular panel on each


Chain Rear
Form the cylinder head core 27 and 28 and glue
Stays Stays to the top fin. Make the top 29 and 30, and glue
on part 27. Add the valve chamber head core 31
and 32, flange 33 and 34 and inlet valve cover 35
Laminate and cut out the wheel bearers 37 and and 36. Add the head fins 37-42, 45-54 and 57-60
47 and the chain 72, and fit to the frame, around the valve chamber head, as shown in the
remembering to thread the right chain stay diagram. The radiused corner of each fin is the
through the hole in the chain before fitting the top outside corner.
right wheel bearer.
The gas and oil fillers (55, 56 and 63, 64) and
pumps (57-62 and 65-71) can be made up now,
but are best not fitted to the tank until the end of

B. Engine
75 61
Start with the cooling fin stack. Glue 26 to the 54
50 45
underside of 12 (this will form a plug to locate the
lower cylinder skin 76). Glue 25 on top of 12, then 56
11 on top of 25, lining up the cutouts on 11 and 43
12. Continue with all the other layers, until the 42
stack is complete with part 1 on top. When fitting
parts 1-5, the right-hand edges of the smaller
60 37
circles should line up vertically - the left-hand
edges slope. The stack should match the height Not to scale
as shown in the diagram, though there is no harm
in its being a little short. If it is a small amount too Fit the spark plug boss 44 between fins 42 and
tall, it can be squeezed in a vice to get it right. 45, and glue the short fin 43 on top. Make up the
carburettor mounting 55 and 56, and fit between
fins 54 and 57. Fit the cylinder head fins 61-75
(these are all the same). Both top corners are
radiused - the larger radius goes to the outside.

Roll the cylinder base 76, and fit over the plug 26.
Roll the exhaust stub 77, valve spring 78 and
valve stem 79. Fit the valve spring into the cutouts
in fins 7-12, with its seam towards the cylinder
axis, and top touching the underside of fin 6. Glue
the exhaust stub centrally underneath the small
circle of fin 6. Slide the valve stem 79 inside the
spring 78, but do not glue.

cable connector 124 and 125 to the top. Roll up
Optionally glue the cylinder bolt heads 81-84 over the contact box 127 around the former 128, and
the markings on the flange 80, then glue the glue to the magneto face opposite to the ignition
completed cylinder in the centre. cable connector. Fit the cover 129 over it, with the
rolled-up fixing post between the projection and
Laminate 85 and 86 to card, glue 87 to the back the top right both head on the magneto body. Roll
of 86 and cut out. Glue back-to-back. Roll 89 and up the drive cover and fit on the opposite side of
90, and use 88 and 90 as formers to make them the magneto. Laminate the mounting bracket 132
circular. The seam of 89 should line up with the to card, and glue the underside 133 to the back.
small mark at the top of 88, and similarly with 91 Fit to the magneto body. Form the D-shaped
and 90. Glue 88 and 89 to 85 again lining up the magnet by taping the inner layer 136 coloured-
seam with the top marking, and glue 90 and 91 to side in to a suitable former. Then laminate the
86. Make up the cam cover 94 with 95 as a middle and outer layers 135 and 134, trim and fit
former, and glue to 88, lining up the seam with the to the sides of the magneto. Glue the completed
bottom marking on 88. Fold up and assemble the magneto to the rear of the drive 98.
cylinder mount 92 and glue to the top of the
crankcase assembly. Place the front panel 93 Mount the engine in the frame, centrally located in
over 92 and 88, resting on the cam cover 94. the curve of the bottom tube and attaching the
lugs on the flange 86 to the mounting brackets A9
Glue the magneto drive cover 96 over 97, and and A10.
glue 98 to the back. Then put this on the cam
cover 94, lining up the mark at the bottom of 98 Construct the muffler 138-140. The seam in 139
with the seam. Glue the cylinder on top of the will go at the top, and should be lined up with the
mount 92, and glue the bottom of the exhaust mark on the front end 140. Add the inlet trunk 141
valve stem 79 to the top of the cam cover 94. and outlet 137 where marked. Make up the inlet
142 and 143, and fit on to the end of 141. Blacken
Start the carburettor by rolling the main body 99, the reverse side of 144, and glue it to the capped
then adding sleeves 100 and then 101 at the rear end of the inlet. Make up the exhaust pipe,
end and 102 at the front. Glue the spacers 103 to shaping it according the the diagram, and fit
106 over the seam: 106 first between 100 and between the engine and muffler.
102, then 105 over the top, butted up against
sleeve 101, and then 103 and 104, with the front
ends lined up with the front end of 105. Make up
the float chamber 109, forming the petals into a
hemisphere underneath. Fit the top 108 and the
support 110 and 111. Make up the air intake 114,
blackening the reverse side first. Glue 105 and
106 back-to-back, and fit to the forward end of
114, with 116 facing outward. Make the centre
post 112 and 113, and glue to the middle of 115.
Fit the intake to the rear end of the carburettor
body 99. Roll the throttle lever support 120, add
the lever 119 and the top rod 117 and 118. fix
these to the top of part 99. Glue the carburettor to
its mounting on the engine, and make up the
bracket 117 and position it between the float
chamber support 110 and the cylinder cooling

Defer adding the various pipes and cables 146-

154 until more of the model is completed.
Roll the spark plug pieces 121 and 122, then slide
C. Front Forks
121 inside 122 and glue to the boss on the
cylinder head.
Roll the left main fork top section 2, add the bush
6 to the top, and the spring support 7 to the
Fold the magneto body 123 into a box, then wrap
middle. The spring support should angle 45
the front/rear panel 126 around it. Add the ignition

degrees forward/inward when the seam of the Repeat for 37 and 19. Roll up the cross-piece 15.
fork tube faces inwards. The final section with the Glue 16 to card, cut out, and glue to the rear of
semicircular cutout runs straight forward. Roll the 17. Fold up the lower section of 17 to form the
handlebar support 1, and glue inside the top of fender mount. Fit 15 and the 16/17 assembly
part 2, lining up the seams. Roll the spring fork 8, between the spring forks 8 and 19. The seam on
and add the top bush 3 and 4, and the middle 15 should be down, and the black central mark to
bush 5. Repeat for the right-hand side (19-26). the front; the fender mount on 17 goes to the
Laminate the yoke layers 27 to 29 to their
backing, and cut out the holes and slots and then Fit the wheel mounts 32 and 36 to the outside of
the parts themselves. Glue the spacers 30 and 31 the spring forks 33 and 37, then add the main
to card. Assemble the yokes and spacers forks, ensuring that the spring crosspiece 15 rests
alternately. Note that the yokes are slightly in the brackets 7 and 24.
asymmetric - the centre hole is not quite in line
with the centre of the slots. When assembled, the
slots should be slightly forward of the hole.

Laminate parts 32 to 37 to card, and glue the

reverse colouring on. Cut out the lower main forks
34 and 35, and fit through the slots in the yokes.
The top of the yoke is lined up with the boundary
between the grey and white section - the top of
the red lining should just be visible beneath the
yoke. Slightly flatten the bottom of part 2, and fit it
over the top of part 34, resting on the top of the
yoke. The seam should face inwards. Do the
same with 26 and 35.

Roll the top bearing 12 and add the cap 11.

Laminate 9 and 13 to card, and add 10 and 14 to
the back. Glue these on opposite sides of 12,
then fit the assembly between the bushes 6 and
23, forming a ladder arrangement to keep the
forks parallel.

Cut out 33, and glue inside the flattened ends of

8. In this case the seam on 8 should face the rear. Roll the steering pin 18, then push it upwards
Part 33 needs to be fitted snugly against the through the yoke, the head tube bearings of the
forward edge of the flattened tube, leaving a gap frame, and into the top bearing 12. Glue at the
at the rear. Then cut away the tube at the rear to bottom.
give a smooth curve (see diagram).
D. Fenders

Cut out the rear fender sides, leaving the domed

cutouts in place at the moment (though you may
find it best to cut the curved top of the cutouts,
leaving the straight sides connected). Join these
sides to the centre section 2 - the cutouts in the
sides go towards the forward (square-cut) end of
the centre section. Glue the template 11 to
something thick (e.g. foamcore), then glue the
fender backing 1 inside the centre section of the
Flatten Cut fender, and wrap the whole thing around the
template to dry. This sets in the correct curvature.
Finally trim the ends of the inside piece 1 to
match part 2, and remove the cutouts from the

Repeat the process with the front fender parts 6-

9. Here the screwhead marking on the curved

sides goes with the square-cut rear end of the
centre section. Add the mud flap 10 to the rear Repeat for the rear wheel, using parts 10-19,
end. template 20, and the remaining parts 21-25. Note
that the longer end of the hub 13 will be on the left
Glue the finished rear fender to the curved back of the finished model, and parts 14 and 15 are
of the seat box, with the cutouts accommodating end caps for 13, which will be partially visible.
the chain stays. Fix the front fender to the mount
on the front forks, with the spring fork tubes
passing through the cutouts. * My method for spokes.

The fender stays 12-15 can be laminated, but are I use silver-grey embroidery thread for my spokes
best left to be fitted after the wheels. (working in 1:14, so half-size relative to this kit).

Glue the stand pieces 16 and 17 to card, and the First cut out the template, and cut again at the
template 18 to thicker stuff. Fold the inside, 17, second-outer grey ring, to produce a circle and an
around the template, coloured side in, using the annulus. The circular portion has three grey rings
marker lines to locate the corners. Glue the representing the hub, the outside of the hub
outside piece 16 around, forming the correct flange, and the wheel rim. Glue the circle to a
profile. Shape the stand clip 5 as shown in the piece of board, and drill a hole in the centre for a
diagram. post on which the hub fits (with rolled-paper
packing if need be). The annulus goes on a
Fender separate piece of material, approximately the
same thickness as the distance between the hub
flanges. For my scale 5mm foamcore is about

Make up the hub with the inner flanges, and place

it on the central post, and pin the annulus to the
board, lining up the red and green lines. Run a
piece of thread from the left along a red line,
around the hub on top of the top flange, and to
Stand the right side along the green line almost
opposite, holding it down at both ends with small
pieces of magic tape. Then repeat until all the
red and green lines are covered, working
anticlockwise around the template. When you
have worked round far enough for the "red" side
Not to scale to cross some already-fitted "green" threads, take
them underneath those "green" threads, but
If the model is to be shown on its stand, glue the above any "red" ones in between. Now tension all
clip to the back end of the rear fender. If the stand the threads lightly, and check the hub carefully to
is to be shown clipped up in riding position, glue make sure that everything is neat and
the clip to the centre of the stand base. Either way symmetrical, before dotting the threads at the hub
do not attach the stand to the model until the with cyano to lock everything solid. Fit one of the
wheels are done. remaining flanges over the hub and glue it down
over the centre threads. Release the pinned
E. Wheels annulus, turn it over, and repeat for the other side,
lining up the already-fitted threads with the pink
Form the front wheel rim 1, and use the formers 2 and light green markings on the template, and
and 3 to keep its edges circular. Roll the axle 4 again using the darker red and green lines on the
and fit flanges 6 and 7 over it, printed faces baseboard for the new threads.
inwards, just inside the marked lines. Fit spokes
in your preferred manner*, using the template 9 to Pierce the wheel rim at each of the 36 marked
obtain the correct positions. Glue flanges 5 and 8 dots down the centre, then form into a circle, and
over the inner ends of the spokes. add ONE of the formers to one edge. Release
one thread end from the annulus, thread it
Glue one part 22 on each side to the formers 2 through the wheel rim with a sewing needle, and
and 3, then add 23 and 21 to suggest a little curve refix. Continue round the annulus, threading
to the sides of the tyre. Fit two pieces 24 around through alternate holes in the wheel rim, until all
the outside, and then two pieces 25.

18 are done. Retension all the threads, then turn
everything over and repeat for the other side. Pass the drive belt through between the left-hand
stays, and join up the ends. Put the wheel pulley
Place packing between the annulus and the into the large end of the belt, then fit the wheel to
baseboard so that when the hub is pressed down the stays. Place the idler arm over the drive axle
to the base, the annulus is in line with the centre but do not glue yet. Glue the engine drive pulley
section between the flanges. Adjust the spoke to the axle, with the narrow end of the drive belt
tension again, then run a bead of glue around the around it. For a model in running condition, glue
outside of the rim, locking the threads to it. I use the idler arm to the engine with the idler wheel
quick-set epoxy, but thick cyano would probably pressed up against the concavity in the drive belt,
also be good. Thin cyano soaks into the paper and glue the bottom end of the clutch lever to the
and discolours it, so is not recommended. engine with the lever leaning back. For display as
if parked, fix the idler arm near vertical, and the
Once this is set, fit the second former to the wheel clutch lever fully forward. Finally fix the sector
rim, then release the threads from the jig and trim strip mounts to the side of the tank.
them back, before continuing with the tyre.

Now is the time to add parts deferred from

F. Drive Train previous sections.

Laminate and cut out the pulley sides 1 and 2. Fix the oil filler (A55, A56), oil pump plunger (A57-
Glue one of the centre circles on thick card, and A61) to the markings on the left-hand side of the
use as a former for the rim pieces 3 and 4. Then tank top, and the oil pump body (A62)
edge-glue the sides to the rim. Double the centre underneath. Do the same with the gas filler (A63,
part of each pulley bracket, then glue the longer A64), gas pump plunger (A65-A69) and gas pump
end of each (with three rivets) to the marks inside body (A70, A71) on the right-hand side. Run the
the pulley. Glue the other ends to the rear wheel oil tube B152 from the bottom of the oil pump to
rim. the right-hand edge of the crankcase, just forward
of the cylinder mounting flange. Fix the gas pipe
Make the engine drive pulley. Parts 18 and 19 B148 between the side of the gas pump A70 and
form the back (engine side) flange, 20 the running the carburettor float chamber B109. Glue the
surface, and 21, 22 and 23 the front flange. lever at the bottom of the spark advance cable
B149 to the magneto B127, and run the cable
Roll part 26 with the printing inside, and glue 27 over the engine and up to the left-hand handlebar
on the outside to form the idler drum. Sandwich support.
card between 24 and 25, and push into one end
of the drum. Make up the centre stub 28 and 29,
and glue inside. Glue 30 and 31 back to back with
card in between, then fit the idler centrally at the
narrow end.

Cut out the small slots in the clutch lever 39, then B148
roll it. Glue the bottom end flat, and cut along the
lines to give a round end, and add the top 32.
Laminate 36, 37 and 38 to card, then assemble in
the order 36, 37, 39 and 38, keeping the main B152
part of 36 in line with lever 39. Thread the sector
33 through the slots in 39, then glue the mounting
blocks 34 and 35 behind the ends.

Stick the drive belt template 41 to foamcore or

something similar, and form the drive belt around
it in two layers, parts 14 and 15 on the inside and
16 and 17 outside. Do not join up the final overlap
yet. If the model is to be shown in running Glue the "copper" end of the ignition cable B154
condition, form the belt tightly to the template, to the end of the spark plug B121, and the other
otherwise form it as a loose band. end (trimmed if necessary) to the magneto
connection B124.
Roll up the axle 40, and glue into the engine

Glue the throttle crank and mounting (B147 and Make up the left-hand saddle springs (5-7 and 9-
B146) to the down tube just below the tank, with 11) and join them with the rod 8. Alternatively, use
the mounting crosswise on the rear side of the a pin for the central rod, in which case you can
down tube, and the crank to the right. The crank paint the reverse of 10 and 11 black, and omit the
end with two connection marks should be forward top cover 9. Make up the right spring (12-18)
and down, the end with just one marking goes similarly. Glue the tops of the upper springs to the
rearward of the down tube and up. Link the upper crosspiece 21. Place the saddle in the top of the
end of the crank to the throttle lever B119 using rear tube of the frame.
wire B151. Glue the lever end of B153 to the
forward side of the cam cover B94, and trim off After laminating to card, glue the saddle supports
the long cable to length to reach the lowest 19 and 20 back-to-back. Glue 22 and 25 back-to
marking on the throttle crank. Use the remainder back and stick over 19, and do the same with 23
of this cable to link the second mark at the lower and 26 on the other side. Glue 24 on the reverse
end of the crank to the inside of the right-hand side of the tails os 25 and 26 - these tails should
handlebar support C1. diverge at around 45 degrees from the centreline.
Glue the crosspiece 21 with the springs to the
cutout in 19 and 20, and fix the ends of the
diverging tails to the edge of the bottom springs.

B151 Roll up the handlebars 27, and add the support

bushes 31 and 32 where marked. Thicken up the
ends with parts 30 and 33, and add the grips 29
B147 and 34 over the ends of these. Remove the
lenticular cutouts in part 27, and form up to the
shape shown in the diagrams. Then glue to the
top of the front forks.

Glue the exhaust control wire B150 to the front

right-hand edge of the seat box A54, and then out
to the lever B144, trimming as needed.

Fix the front fender stays D12 and D13 to the

wheel supports C36 and C32 and to the fender
sides C6 and C7. The stays are deliberately
overlong, so that they can be bent and trimmed to
fit. Fit the rear fender stays D14 and D15 to the
rear wheel supports A47 and A37 and the fender
sides D4 and D3. The left-hand rear stays have to
be bent inwards part-way up, to clear the drive
pulley on the rear wheel.

Attach the stand D16/17 to the rear wheel

supports A47 and A37 in the desired position,
either stowed by the end of the rear fender, or in
use facing downwards (and slightly forward) with
the top ends against the chain stays A50 and
Finally add the end caps 28 and 35.
G. Saddle, Handlebars and Pedals
After laminating the pedal arms 36 and 38 to card,
Assemble the saddle parts 1-4. The small marks glue the wider ends back to back. Bend out at
next to part 3 indicate where to place the ends of approximately 45 degrees at the first mark, and
parts 2 and 4. glue the centre section. Bend back at the second

mark, and glue the remainder. Make up the pedal (37-45), and glue both pedals to the pedal tube on
40, and glue on the ends 42 and 43. Fix to the the frame.
end of the pedal arm. Repeat for the other pedal


I hope that you have enjoyed it and are pleased with the result.

Alan Grayer


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