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Coffee occupies an important place in the world economy, being widely

consumed as the most prestigious beverage. In the world trade coffee ranks first
among non-staple food and its rated as the fifth most important agricultural product.

The Philippine used to be the top coffee producer and exporter in Asia but
declining yields and conversion of coffee plantations to other exports crops resulted to
an importation to coffee since 1997.The average green bean yield per hectare per year
is less than 500 kilos. The total local green bean production has been declining

Throughout the period 2006-2010, coffee production went down by an average

annual rate of 2.38 percent lower than the 2009 production of 96.43 thousand metric
tons. The declining production was attributed to the cutting trees due to land use
conservation and dry spell to some regions like Davao and Iloilo. Area planted and
number of bearing trees contracted annually by 0.94 and 1.52 percent. As of 2010 the
Soccsksargen was the top coffee producer with 29.37 percent contribution to the total
countrys production followed by Davao region with 23.99 percent share. Robusta had
the highest share of 71.85 percent in the total production of all varieties.

Crop Varieties

1. Arabica

This is considered to be the best coffee in other countries because of its

excellent flavor and aroma. It is known locally kapeng tagalong. The shrub of
this variety is smaller than Liberica and Robusta, with lateral branches in
opposite arrangement, horizontal and in pairs. It leaves are fragnant, with
creamy in color. Beans are oblong-ellipsoid they are green in color, and later
turn in yellow when ripe. The size of seeds range from 8.5 to 12.7cm long. This
variety is early .Two years after transplanting, it produces berries.

2. Robusta

Known for its umbrella shaped growth .The Robusta plants produces
berriers four years after transplanting .A well tended one hectare field can yield
about 1,200kg per year of coffee green beans .Leaves are thinner than Excelsa
and the egde is scalloped. Its flowers are also white with 5 to 6 petals. The
bearers are smaller than Arabica, closely clustered and blood when ripe with
thin pulp and parchment.
3. Liberica

This variety is locally known as kapeng barako. Trees are upright with
straight trunks, weedy and grow to height of about nine meters. This variety is
tolerant to drought and can grow to wider soil types. It starts bearing four to
five years after transplanting.A one hectare farm planted can yield about 1,000
kg per year.

4. Excelsa

This has wide leaves that are thicker than Robusta, but thinner, smoother
and more rounded than Liberica. This variety is resistant to drought. Bearing
starts four to five years after transplanting. It yields approximately 1,000 kg of
clean dry coffee beans per hectare.

Cultural Management


Throughout the coffee producing areas in Uganda, a vast number of coffee trees
have been lost mainly as a result of Coffee Wilt disease but also due to
mismanagement and neglect. It is estimated that about 100 million trees have died
since 1993. It is therefore important for farmers to plant new trees to recuperate the
lost production.

When deciding to plant seedlings or clonal cuttings, farmers should ensure that
the planting material originates from registered and approved nurseries.
The planting holes should be dug about 3 months before planting and filled with a mix
of soil and manure. Planting will then be carried out just at the onset of the rainy

It is important to keep the young seedlings shaded and protected from the hot
sun especially at mid-day. During dry spells it is important that they are watered every
couple of days.


Weeds compete with coffee for nutrients and water especially during the dry
season and therefore farms should be kept weed free. Weed control can be done
physically through slashing and digging or chemically using a herbicide. Mulching is
also very effective because the mulching material helps suppress weed growth.

Coffee pruning is one of the most critical factors for good production. Its
contribution to total yield has been rated at about 30%. It is a vital agricultural
practice that rejuvenates the plant through the removal of unproductive wood and
through the promotion of new suckers which will develop into new stems.

It is important to limit the number of stems on each tree to a maximum of 3-4

because a higher number will result in lower productivity due to increased competition
for nutrients. De-suckering should be carried out several times a year whereby well
positioned suckers are promoted and the rest are eliminated. It is also important to
remove most of the inside primaries to encourage the stems to lean out in order to let
light in for the development of the new suckers. When production on the bearing
branches at the top of the stems is no longer significant, it becomes necessary to
prune the tree and to remove the unproductive stems.

Pruning should be carried out at the end of the main crop after the harvest, at
which point the tree is exhausted having carried a crop for 9 month. A pruning saw is
the most effective tool to use for pruning and as it leaves a clean cut and allows the
plant to recuperate 30% faster than if pruning was carried out with a panga.


Mulching is a practice by which the soil is covered with vegetative material.

Any dry grass or crop residue including banana leaves and stems can bematerial.
Mulching is very beneficial for the coffee trees because it:

Preserves moisture in the soil during the dry months

Slows down runoff, improves rainwater penetration a
Suppresses weed growth
Nutrients are returned to the soil when the mulch decomposed

It is important that the mulching material does not touch the trunk of the tree
to avoid any possibility of infections and rotting.

The best time for mulching is at the beginning of the rainy season.

Erosion Control and Rainwater Harvesting

Water is the most critical element for the survival of coffee and therefore
farmers should carry out any techniques that will maximize the availability of water to
their coffee trees. Whenever the land is sloping and water flows over the field, the
farmer has to put place to reduce or stop runoff. Apart from protecting the top soil
from being washed away, holding rainwater on the land is also very beneficial because
the more water that infiltrates into the soil, the longer the soil will stay moist during
the dry periods. The benefits of water harvesting are of course enhanced if the field is
also mulched. Various soil conservation measures can be adopted to reduce runoff
such as digging trenches and growing bands of grasses across the slope.

If proper rain water harvesting techniques are in place, most of the water
requirements of the coffee trees will be met and they will also be protected during dry

When cultivation on slope, the farmers have to ensure to plant across the slope
(along contours)

This will slow down any runoff and protect the land against erosion. Terracing
is a very effective cultivation technique to hold water on the land.

Composting and Manuring

Composting and Manuring are very effective organic methods of improving soil
fertility. They increase the organic matter content of the soil, improve the soil
structure and improve the water holding capacity which helps maintain the soils moist
during dry periods.

There are various methods of producing compost however some methods like
Pit Composting are advisable as they are effective, cheap and easy to set up for the

Three pits are enough to go through a 45 day composting cycle and the
composting material is passed from one pit to the other every 15 days. From the third
pit it will then be ready to be used in the field. Its appearance and texture would have
changed to look like a dark brown soil. When filling the first pit, the farmer should
layer the material in such a way that the more difficult materials to decompose (woody
material and crop stalks) are at the bottom, and the easiest materials to decompose
(soft vegetables and fruit peels) at the top. Some animal manure and a little top soil
which already contains decomposing material should also be added to provide the
microorganisms that will start the decomposition process. Once all the material has
been layered in the first pit, it should be covered with leaves (banana leaves for
example, as they are readily available) to reduce moisture loss. If the materials placed
in the pit are very dry, then the farmer may need to add some water to increase the
moisture in the pit.


It is normal for soils, after years of cultivation, to start becoming exhausted and
deficient in certain important elements that support high productivity. Fertilization is
the process by which deficient elements are returned to the soil and thereby made
available again for plant uptake. Fertilization can be organic through the use of
manure and compost, or inorganic through the application of chemicals products such
as NPK, DAP and Urea.
It is recommended that farmers start utilizing chemical fertilizers only after
having employed organic methods which are cheaper, available at farm level, safer to
use and, if properly carried out, very effective. Chemical fertilizers are more
complicated to utilize because the timing and the rates of application have to be
carefully respected otherwise undesirable results may be obtained. For example,
applying fertilizers at the wrong time can result in excessive vegetative growth (stem,
branch and leaf formation) and no cherry development.

Before starting to use chemical fertilizers, the farmers should seek advice and
training to properly understand the different types available, application rates and
correct timing for application. Generally fertilizers are applied twice a year during the
rainy seasons.

Coffee trees need good nutrition especially during the berry expansion stage
which is usually 2 to 3 months after flowering.

Pest and Diseases and Their Management


1. Coffee berry borer

It is the most destructive and hardest to control coffee pest. Young coffee
berries infected by coffee bearer turn from normal green to yellow orange.
Shortly ,after wards, the fruits fall prematurely .Infected mature and ripe
berries are mummified and remain attached to the tree.

To control berry borer, collect and destroy all infected berries before and
after harvest including those that fall to the ground to eliminate suitable
breeding and feeding site of the insect.

Apply insecticide at recommended rates only when necessary .If applied

application should be done for months after flowering for two times at 21 day

2. Stem or twig borer

Extensive tunneling of stem or twig borer larvae in young coffee

branches.To control borer, collect and burn affected branches.

3. Mealy bugs

The gray mealy bug is abundant during the dry season. It lives on the
tender parts of the plant and sucks the sap and secrete honey dew which
encourages the growth of the sooty mold. Gray mealy bug and sooty mold cause
falling and softening, wilting and curling of leaves.
4. The cotton cushion mealy bugs and filamentous mealy bug

It occurs year round and produce waxy secretions on the shoots, leaves
and in between berries .Plants attached by these bugs become stunted with
under developed berries. To control mealy bugs, remove weeds and scales that
harbor the insects. Apply insecticides if needed.

5. White Grub. White grub

It is a big larva that eats the roots of the coffee, causing death in young
plants and stunting in old plants. Control by killing the grubs or by applying
appropriate insecticides if necessary.


1. Coffee rust

Coffee rust is the most destructive disease of coffee. Coffee rust is caused
by Hemileia vastatrix. Initially, coffee rust is manifested by small yellowish
translucent spots in the lower surface of the leaf. As the spots enlarge, powdery
yellow to orange spores are produced on the underside of the affected leaves.
The affected leaves drop leaving bare branches and the tree may eventually die
if left unchecked.

To prevent coffee rust, use resistant strains like India S-288, S-333, S-
446, S-795, Kenya S-36, Bourbon, Granica and Mundo Nuvo. For susceptible
strains, spray with copper-based fungicides at 2-3 weeks interval at the onset of
the rainy season until the berries mature.

2. Die back

Die back is characterized by drying of branches and twigs from the top
progressing downwards. It has two forms: physiologic and pathologic. The
former may be caused by overbearing, nitrogen deficiency or inadequate
carbohydrate supply hence vigor of trees should be maintained by fertilizing
with the right kind and amount of nutrients at the proper time. The latter could
be due to fungi, e.g. Colletotrichum coffeanum, Cercospora coffeanum or
Hemileia vastatrix. Pathologic die back is manifested by the appearance of spots
with concentric areas on the leaves of coffee seedlings and grown twigs causing
falling off of twigs and berries. To minimize pathologic die back, apply copper-
based fungicides.

3. Thread blight

This is caused by a fungus known as Pellicularia koleroga. This disease

affects coffee located at high altitude especially during the rainy season. This is
characterized by growing-grayish white threads that are tightly glued to the
branches which later cover the petiole and send outside shoots to undersurface
of the leaves and berries; thus leaves overlap and twigs come together. At the
later stage of the disease, the plants turn brownish.

To control this disease, prune infected trees and burn diseased plants
parts in order to allow sunlight penetration and proper aeration.

4. Anthracnose

This disease is manifested by the appearance of light brown to dark

brown spots with grayish white center that turns completely gray as the disease
progresses . The spots first appear at the margin of the leaves which then
spread to the twigs. Infection in berries appear as sunken black spots.

To control the disease, prune and burn affected branches. Apply

fungicides as needed.


What is Rejuvenation?

Rejuvenation in coffee is generally defined as the cutting of vertical stems of old

trees to induce growth of new sprouts. Its is a widely accepted practice for revitalizing
coffee farms and has been found to be more advantageous than replanting.

When to rejuvenate?

Rejuvenation should be done at the start of the rainy season in areas with
distinct wet and dry periods. During this period, sufficient water is available and
growing conditions are more favourable to support the newly growing shoots of coffee.
In areas where irrigation is available or rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the
year, rejuvenation maybe done immediately after harvesting.

System of Rejuvenation

Rotation of verticals within the tree

Rejuvenation of trees in alternate rows
Block rejuvenation

For Multiple Vertical Systems

Select the lowest vertical stem that grows farthest towards the outside of
the crown. This is the vertical stem that shall remain uncut, to serve as
the lung branch.
Except for the vertical stem that shall remain uncut, remove the upper
branches of the other vertical stems with a sharp bolo, ax or hand saw.
This will reduce the weight of the stems during falling and thereby
avoiding cracking or splitting of the stem during cutting.
To cut each vertical stem, use a sharp chain saw, hand saw or bolo.
Make the cut slanting outward at about 30 cm from ground.
Clean the rim of the cut with a sharp bolo or knife to remove serrated
bark or wood.
When the sprouts are about 10 cm high, select and maintain five to
seven sprouts.
Remove extra sprouts, usually those weak and damaged by pulling them
out. Water sprouts that grow on the other parts of the stem should also
be removed
When the sprouts are 30 cm high, select and maintain three to five
uniformly distanced sprouts around the stem. All other sprouts must be
removed as they come out.
When the sprouts are 30 cm high, cut the remaining vertical stem.
However, if the vertical stem carries laterals with berries, cutting them
may be postponed until the berries have been harvested.
As the vertical sprouts grow, train them towards outside the crown.

For Single Vertical Stems

Make an upward slanting cut up to about 75 percent of the stems

diameter and about two feet from the base. To cut use a sharp chain or
hand saw.
Bend the stem towards the ground slowly to avoid splitting or cracking of
the main stem. Do not cut and separate the upper portion of the main
stem. This will provide nourishment to the growing new sprouts and
minimize dying of the tree particularly when rejuvenate is done during
the dry months.
When the sprouts are about 10 cm high, cut and separate the upper
portion of the tree from the main stem. The cut should be slanting and
about 30 cm from the ground.
Select and maintain five to seven sprouts that are uniformly distanced
around the stem. Remove the other sprouts.
When the sprouts are to 30 cm high, select the maintain three to five
sprouts uniformly distanced around the stem. All other sprouts must be
removed as they come.
As the vertical sprouts grow, train them towards outside the crown. This
will encourage maximum sunlight penetration and better growth and


Coffee trees that give very poor yield but have well- developed root system can
be made highly productive by means of grafting .Rejuvenation alone will not greatly
improve the yield of these low- yielding trees but grafting could. Cleft grafting of
selected sprouts on newly rejuvenated coffee trees is usually done when the sprouts
are more than 30 cm high or when the stems are about pencil- size.

Harvesting normally refers to the handpicking of berries when they turn red or
yellow. Only ripe berries are harvested because immature and over ripe berries.

Three types of Ripeness

1. Green Ripe mature berries but not fully ripe, still yellowish- green color.
2. Hard Ripe mature red in color.
3. Soft Ripe mature, red to dark, skin no longer firm.

Principles in Harvesting

1. Index of Maturity- the berry of normal size is hard when pinched or bitten at about
of its breadth. Another index of maturity is the slight yellowing of the upper
portion of the berry.
2. Time of Harvest-the berries of coffee mature from nine to eleven months while
varieties mature earlier.
3. Procedure of Harvesting a twig are yellowing or have already turned red, they are
most often stripped together rather than picked one by one. This is usually done
when the trees are expected to flower while still in fruits, a fact that always occurs
when rain falls during a dry spell.


After harvesting, start processing the coffee bean within 12 hours. Delaying the
pulping operation for more than 48 hours causes deterioration of the quality of beans.

Processing Methods

1. Dry Processing- this is recommended for dry areas during the harvest season.
Sinkers are separated from floaters and dried separately. Simple steps in drying

Place the harvested berries on a mat or on the ground and sun- dry
Spread the harvested berries evenly with the aid of rake or with bare hands.
Turn over the mat of coffee berries 3 or 4 times a day
Gather the berries on the heap before sun down and cover them either with
buri mat or thin bamboo splits.
Remove the cover and expose the berries again to sunlight the following day.
These steps are followed for several days until the moisture content reduced
to about 14 percent.


The parchment and part of the silver skin of beans are removed by
hauling. This process must be done carefully because improper adjustment
of the hauling machine may result to the unnecessary breakage of the beans
and incomplete removal of the parchment.
Polishing may also be done while hulling. It is the removal of the silver
skin of the beans.

Sorting process - separating the good or high grade beans from defective
ones which appear as black, broken, unhulled, infected or immature.

Packaging - coffee beans may be placed in bags, bamboo basket or

wooden bins. The beans should be allowed to cool before it is packed.

2. Wet Processing recommended technique during the rainy season .Steps in

wet processing are:

Floating- these are light berries often infested by berry borers .Black dry
berries and floaters are processed separately and considered low grade.
Pulping should be performed immediately after harvesting to prevent
Fermentation- removal of mucilage. Ferment in boxes until parchment does
not stick to the hand.
Washing- removes mucilage, pulp and skin. Wash until water becomes
Drying- after washing, the coffee beans should be thoroughly dry under the
heat of the sun or with use of artificial dryers.


DA-Agricultural Training Institute, Practical Guide for Quality Arabica Production in

the Cordillera, Cordillera Integrated Agricultural Research Center, DA-CAR and
Dairybuss.ness/Agribusiness. Bureau of Agriculture and Statistic.

Printed at Bureau of Plant Industry

Information Section
January 2015

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