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Backwards Design Lesson Plan

Lesson plan designer: Ghadi Matouq, Fatimah Hamz

Date: 04/24 Theme/Topic: On the Road

Targeted Lower- 50
Age Range of r of
14-18 Performance Intermediate minut
Learners: minute
Level: level es

Definition and Guiding Question


A lesson is defined as a single learning experience A learning episode is defined as a learning
typically lasting no more than sixty to ninety experience that addresses a specific aspect of a
minutes. Learning experiences occur both in the learning target or can-do statement. Learning
classroom and/or in other settings. Longer blocks of episodes typically provide a limited amount of input
time will involve several learning episodes and with time allowed for guided and independent
lesson plans. practice. The amount of time allotted for a learning
episode is approximately equivalent to the age of
the learner and will rarely be more than twenty

Questions to Consider Before and During Lesson Planning

Do the activities in the lesson
give students a reason for needing to/wanting to pay attention and be on task?
provide sufficient opportunities for understanding new words before expecting production?
provide multiple, varied opportunities for students to hear new words/expressions used in highly
visualized contexts that make meaning transparent?
provide students with an authentic purpose for using words and phrases?
engage all students (as opposed to just one or two students at a time)?
vary in the level of intensity and the amount of physical movement required?
make the learner, not the teacher, the active participant?
build toward allowing students to demonstrate in meaningful and unrehearsed ways that they are
able to use what they know?
make the best use of instructional time to maximize student learning?
take an appropriate amount of time considering the age of the learner?

STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by

the end of this lesson?

What are the learning targets/can-do statements What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language
for this lesson? chunks, cultural knowledge, and content/information
do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do?

A. Road signs vocabulary

A. Students will be able to identify i. Go straight

vocabularies that relate to road signs. ii. U turn

iii.Dead end

B. Students will be able to use prepositions iv. Turn right

of place to give directions. v. Don't turn left

vi.Don't enter
B. Prepositions of place
C. Student will be able to demonstrate their
i. past
understanding of the lesson by applying
ii. near
three online activities.

1) Students will perform a writing task iv. after

on wiki spaces. They will write three v. under

different sentences to describe the vi.over

directions to Migo.
2) Students will recored their answers on
Voice Thread so the teacher could
assess their pronunciation.
3) Students will practice writing the new
words on Quizle in a dictation form

STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what
they know by the end of the lesson?

What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet
the lesson can-do?

1- Students will recall the meaning of the new vocabularies by playing the road signs game.
( Stage1: can do A).

2- Students will read aloud some sentences to highlight some prepositions of place. ( Stage 2:
can do B).

3- Students will use different websites to practice the new vocabularies and the usage of
some prepositions of place. For example they will use Wikispaces for writing, Voice thread for
speaking and Quizlet for dictation. ( Stage 3 can do C).

STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do

with what they know?

How will you facilitate the learning?

What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can-do?
What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing?

Opening Activity
A. The teacher will greet the students in the target language. minutes
B. The teacher will ask the students to open their books to chapter 9, On the
Road, and ask one of the students to read aloud the title. Then, the teacher
will write it on the board.
C. The teacher will point out to the objectives of today's class.
D. The teacher will play a video about giving directions for about 2 minutes
E. The teacher will comment on the video after students' participation and
move to the next objective i.e. the first episode.

Learning Episode
- In this episode, students will learn some new words about road signs. 13 minutes
A- First, the teacher will introduce new vocabularies and their meanings to the
students by showing them some pictures on a Prezi slide.
B- Second, the teacher will present the first classroom activity by giving the
students the road signs in a paper form, and ask them to respond to the
vocabularies on some Prezi slides. In other words, the students need to raise up the
sign that goes along with the presented word on each slide.
C- Then, if the students participated effectively, the teacher can ask them to write
down the words on the classroom board.
After that the teacher can move on to the next objective.

Learning Episode

- In this episode, the teacher will introduce some prepositions of place on 8 minutes
another Prezi slide.
A. First, the teacher will read out some questions that people would usually ask
when they want to get to a specific place.
B. Second, the teacher will ask the students to read aloud the possible answers
from the slide to highlight the prepositions of place and to be familiar with the
kind of answers to such questions. Then, the teacher will use some objects that
are available in the class to demonstrate the meanings of the prepositions of
C. Then, the teacher will ask the students if they have any questions about the
meaning of each preposition before moving on to the online practice phase.

Learning Episode
- In this episode, the students will have the opportunity to practice what they 17 minutes
have learned in the previous episodes through three different online activities.
A- First, the teacher will present an imaginary character that is called Migo on an
online map. The map contains different locations e.g. bakery, bookstore, school,
hospital, post office, supermarket, and shopping center.
B- Then, the teacher will ask the students to help Migo by giving him directions to
three different places i.e. post office, bookstore, and shopping center.
C- The application would be on various online websites: (1) The students will go to
Wikispaces website to write down the directions on a discussion bar to check their
understanding and writing skill , (2) the
students will record their responses at home as a homework on Voice Thread
website. and (3) the
last activity will be applied on Quizlet website where students can practice writing
the new vocabularies and prepositions of place
D. The teacher needs to mentor the students' performance and provide feedback
to each student individually.

Add additional learning episodes if necessary.

Materials needed for this lesson

- The materials needed for this class are, laptop, iPad ( for each student), data show projector,
speakers, board, whiteboard pens, wireless internet, the textbook (Say it in English, by Swruji,
Raies, Aladhmah& Majdli, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia, chapter 9 On the Road- lesson 1),
Prezi presentation, YouTube video, Wikispaces website, Voce Thread, Quizlet website, and Road

Reflection/Notes to Self

A. The teacher needs to check the students understanding of the lesson's objectives, so they
can perform the online activities efficiently.

B. The teacher needs to remind the students that the online activities should be done silently.

C. The teacher must be ready before the class begins i.e. to check devices' batteries, speakers,
internet connection, and links activation, so the class will begin promptly without any delay.

Note: This Backwards teaching plan/lesson plan is adopted from STARTALK 2016 Lesson Plan Template .

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