6TSRAM Cell Report
6TSRAM Cell Report
6TSRAM Cell Report
Mat Binggeli
The objective of this report is to describe the design and implementation of a 6-transistor SRAM cell.
The basic operation and constraints of static RAM will be discussed, along with transistor sizing for
device stability. The design will be covered using a symbolic schematic, as well as a physical device
layout (both generated using Electric VLSI Design System). Finally, the read and write operations will
Basic Design
Historically, many different SRAM designs have been used (from 4T to 12T), but this report will focus
exclusively on the standard 6T design. This type of RAM is one of the most common, due to its low
leakage and compactness. A downside of the 6T SRAM is the need of more external circuitry to
perform read and write operations, but when many memory cells are used with only one read and write
The basic purpose of a memory cell is to hold a single bit of data, and this can be accomplished
statically (without the need for refreshing) by using a pair of inverting gates. Since an inverter is the
smallest CMOS gate, it is ideal for use in the core of an SRAM cell. In order to read from and write to
this invertor pair, access transistors are also needed. Fig. 1 shows how these components are connected
together and labels the different transistor pairs. The invertor pair contains pmos pull-up transistors P1
and P2, above nmos pull-down transistors D1 and D2 (also called driver transistors). The access
transistor A1 and A2 connect nodes Q and Q_b (which contain the stored bit and its complement) to the
bit lines.
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The two modes of operation of the 6T SRAM cell, read and write, each require a different set of
1. Charge both bit and bit_b HIGH 1. Charge bit HIGH
2. Let both bit and bit_b float 2. Let bit float
3. Raise the word line 3. Pull bit_b down to ground
4. Raise the word line
Bit will now contain the data value Q will now contain a HIGH value
(swap bit & bit_b to write a LOW value)
An important aspect of the 6T SRAM is the relative sizes of its transistors. By analyzing the read and
write operations above, its shown that certain size relationships between the transistor pairs must be
In the first case (the read function), the bit-line that is connected to the Q-node which is LOW will be
pulled down to ground. When this happens, the charge stored in the line goes through an access
transistor (A) and a driver transistor (D). This current causes a slight increase in the voltage of the Q-
node, which could potentially flip to HIGH if the increase was large enough. To prevent an unwanted
flip, D must be stronger than A (the driver must be wider or shorter than the access transistor).
In the second case (the write function), the bit-line that is pulled down to ground must be able to drop
the voltage of an adjacent HIGH Q-node, enough that the node flips to LOW. Since the opposite P
transistor connects this Q-node to Vdd, it opposes the flip. Therefore, P must be weaker than A for the
write to be successful.
These two constraints (D > A and A > P) give the basic necessary relationships between the transistor
pairs for correct operation. D transistors must be the strongest, and P transistors must be the weakest,
with A transistors in-between. In the following schematic and layout, this is accomplished by using
drive transistors of size 8/2 (8 wide and 2 long), access transistors of size 4/2, and pmos transistors of
size 3/3.
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The following figures show a 6T SRAM cell created in the Electric VLSI Design System. Fig. 3
contains a symbolic schematic along with an icon for the device. Fig. 4 shows the corresponding
physical layout, and Fig. 5 gives this same layout in a 3D rendering that is tilted to better show the
metal layers.
These designs passed a Design Rules Check (DRC) according to the MOSIS standards. A Network
Consistency Check (NCC) was also performed, and the Metal-3 arc shown on the bottom of Figure 3
was added just to pass the NCC. This arc connects the two ground rails in order to match the single
ground shown in the schematic and is not necessary when a complete SRAM array is made.
Memory Arrays
It can be seen in Figures 3 & 4 that the labeled connections are all attached to metal lines that extend
the entire length or width of the cell. While these long rails are unnecessary in a single SRAM cell,
they are very useful when creating a large memory array. In an SRAM structure with multiple columns
(bits) and rows (words), the rails will connect to adjacent cells. Neighbors to the left and right will
share the same word line and Vdd. They will also overlap on the gnd lines, so that there will be one
gnd line for each cell rather than the two shown. Neighbors to the top and bottom will actually be
mirrored so that each looks upside down to the other. This allows two vertical neighbors to overlap on
the Vdd line, although they must not vertically overlap on the word line since each row will have its
own word signal. Top and bottom neighbors will also connect on the vertical rails, sharing the same
The use of vertical and horizontal rails makes sense when considering the way that memory arrays are
accessed. For example, when writing a word to a memory address, each bit of the word is connect to a
corresponding bit line (and inverted for a bit_b line) while the word line that corresponds to the desired
memory address is driven HIGH. In this way, every cell in a column will receive the same value on its
bit lines, but only the single cell that is also connected to the selected word line will write the data
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When simulating an SRAM cell, it is desirable to know the values of Q and Q_b because they contain
the stored data and show whether a write is successful. Because of this, the schematic and layout were
both modified in order provide Q and Q_b connections which can be observed in SPICE simulations.
Fig. 7 Modified SRAM physical layout. Fig. 8 3D rendering of modified SRAM cell.
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As shown in Fig. 2, performing read and write functions on the SRAM cell requires a special set of
procedures, and being able to accomplish this in a SPICE simulation is a definite challenge. Perhaps
the biggest difficulty is setting up a mechanism to simulate the floating bit and bit_b nodes. SPICE
throws out an error whenever a node is floating (for good reason), so special tricks have to be used to
Voltage-Controlled Switches
The method that is used in the following code (Fig. 9) takes advantage of voltage-controlled switches
to connect the bit lines to either Vdd or gnd at specified times. In this way, either bit or bit_b can be
connected to Vdd at a specified time between operations and then disconnected just before a read or
write, allowing it to momentarily float (since the word line is LOW). The same kind of switch can also
connect either bit-line to gnd before a write operation, leaving it tied to gnd during the write, and then
disconnect once the operation is finished. Using four of these voltage-controlled switches (connecting
Vdd and gnd to each of the two bit-lines), the procedures for both the read and the write functions can
be performed.
Realistic Modeling
There are still other devices that need to be included in the SPICE code, however. If a simulation is run
using just the method described above, unpredictable and impossible results can occur. This is because
a floating node is not a realistic model. In reality, if a section of metallization is connected through a
switch to Vdd and then allowed to float by the opening of that switch, it will momentarily hold a
charge. This charge will then dissipate over a certain period of time. In SPICE, the ability to hold a
charge can be modeled by a capacitor, and a resistor can model the dissipation. As seen in Fig. 9, a
resistor and a capacitor were added to each of the bit lines. Their values are purposely large, since they
With the switching devices created and a realistic SPICE model, the next step is to construct control
devices for timing the operations. Timing the bit-lines is achieved by creating four voltage sources,
each connected to the voltage control terminals of one the switches described above. By specifying the
voltage of each of these control sources with a piece-wise linear (PWL) function, the four switches can
be independently controlled and made to turn on and off at specified times. Another voltage source
Timing Sequences
With all of the control devices now described, all thats left is to decide what operations to perform and
to generate the appropriate timing sequences. For this SRAM cell, there are two possible operations
(read and write) and two possible values (HIGH and LOW). Therefore, a simulation that performs
four operations can demonstrate the correct function of all possible actions that the SRAM needs to
execute. For this project, the following simulation sequence was created: write HIGH, read (should
First, the timing of the word line was setup similar to a clock signal with a 10ns period. For the first
five nanoseconds, the word line is LOW. Between 5ns and 6ns, it ramps up from LOW to HIGH (from
0V to 5V). The word is HIGH from 6ns to 9ns, then it ramps down to LOW in the last nanosecond, and
this repeats. Since the word line must be raised (HIGH) in order for a read or write to occur, the
operation begins on the rising edge between 5ns and 6ns. Therefore, the bit-lines are prepared in the
nanosecond before word begins to rise. For example, in the first period (0ns to 10ns) a write HIGH
operation is performed. As described in Fig. 2, preparing the bit-lines means that bit needs to be
charged HIGH and then allowed to float, while bit_b needs to be pulled to gnd and left there. To
achieve this, the switch that connects bit to Vdd is closed at 4ns, then opened at 5ns, while the switch
that connects bit_b to gnd is closed at 4ns and left closed through the write. Similar bit-line switching
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(depending of the operation being performed) also occurs at 14ns, 24ns, and 34ns just before the
word line rising edges at 15ns, 25ns, and 35ns. The word line falls to LOW for the last time at 40ns,
completing the last read operation, and the simulation transient analysis ends at 45ns. These timing
# Connect 5V to vdd
vdd vdd 0 DC 5
# Set precise timing of word line for 4 separate 10ns operation cycles
vword word 0 PWL(0n 0 5n 0 6n 5 9n 5 10n 0 15n 0 16n 5 19n 5 20n 0
+25n 0 26n 5 29n 5 30n 0 35n 0 36n 5 39n 5 40n 0)
Simulation - Results
Using the SPICE code above, simulation results were similar for the schematic and the layout. Figures
10 and 11 show output for the full 45ns simulation. For clarity, Fig. 10 shows just the input signal
voltages: bit, bit_b, and word. Fig. 11 shows the resulting node voltages that hold the data bit: q and
q_b. Fig. 12 zooms in to show all of these voltages during the write HIGH operation, and Fig. 13
zooms in to the following read. Similarly, Fig. 14 displays the write LOW, and Fig. 15 gives the
subsequent read.
The simulation results above demonstrate that this 6T SRAM cell design operates correctly for all four
necessary functions: write HIGH, write LOW, read HIGH, and read LOW. As Fig. 12 shows, the
write HIGH function is successful in flipping the bit, changing q from LOW to HIGH. Its also shown
that q reaches a voltage within 10% of HIGH at about 0.2ns after the word line finishes rising.
Similarly, Fig. 14 shows that the write LOW function is successful, flipping the bit again and changing
q from HIGH to LOW. Here, its worth noting that although Fig. 14 is virtually identical to Fig. 12
(just with the bit-lines and the q-nodes reversed), during the write LOW q drops to 0V, and its there
before the word line finishes rising. While this may make it might seem like writing a LOW is faster
than writing a HIGH, looking at q_b shows that it still takes 0.2ns after the word line finishes rising to
come within 10% of 5V. Whatever data value is being written, the same period of time is needed for
To determine the success of the read functions, its necessary to analyze the bit-lines as well as the q-
nodes. For the operation shown in Fig. 13, q is HIGH so the read should result in bit staying HIGH.
In fact, bit does stay HIGH, while bit_b drops to LOW, as it should. However, another important
criteria for a successful read is that the operation does not cause an unwanted flipping of the bit. In
this case, q_b does raise in voltage slightly, but it does not go above 0.5 V. The bit remained stable
while the value was read, so the read was a success. Fig. 15 shows an identical situation with the bit-
lines and q-nodes reversed. Here, q is LOW, so the read should result in bit dropping LOW. It does
drop to 0V while the bit remains stable, so this read was a success, as well. It can be noted for the
read function that the dropping bit-line doesnt fall within 10% of 0V until about 2ns after the word
Considering the operation delay seen in these simulations, it appears that the read function takes about
ten times as long to reach stability as the write function. This is assuming that the cell data is stable
when the q-nodes are within 10% of their final values, and that the bit-lines are stable to read when
their voltages are within 10% or their final values. It is important to note that the longest delay (from
the dropping bit-line in the read function) will change if the values of resistance and capacitance
shown in Fig. 9 are changed. However, trying to set ideal values for these components is a trade-off.
Having a higher value for RC (the time constant) makes the dropping bit-line take longer to discharge,
so read delay is increased. Having a lower RC value makes the dropping bit-line fall faster (decreasing
read delay), but it also causes the holding bit-line to fall faster. The holding bit-line is supposed to stay
near HIGH during the read, but it will drop to an invalid logic level if the RC value is low enough. A
low RC value also makes the floating bit-line weaker during the write function, which increases the
write delay. Therefore, a good RC value will balance read and write delay, while holding the bit-line