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PRE-FCE Unit 6 Fame

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a. Look at this set of words . Which is the odd one out.
1. celebrity fame talent star
2. give win gain receive
3. shock misunderstanding delight panic
4. anxious tense irritated nervous
5. deal with look after work out keep away
6. generally rarely usually normally

b. Fill in the blanks with a word / phrase from the box below.

successful - inspiration talents ambition - hard work fame achievement - fortune money -
Celebrity is 1. __________ and public attention in the media, usually applied to a person. Celebrity status
is often associated with wealth or 2. ___________ and can often provide opportunities to make 3.
____________. Famous people depend on their 4. ___________, the kind of 5. ___________ they each
put in, and where they might get 6. _____________ from. Their careers become 7. ________________
after they have fulfilled their 8. _____________. Winning the Oscar is their greatest 9. _______________.

c. Use a phrasal verb with keep in the correct tense to complete the following sentences.
1. I generally _________ ______ (not go somewhere or near something) from the
city during my holidays because it so noisy.
2. Sarah runs fast! I never manage to _________ _____ _____ (move at the same
speed) her.
3. If the manager __________ _______ (stay with the plan) time at the meeting,
we will be finished by 2:30.
4. I need to exercise to ________ _____ (stop the size) my weight.
5. Doctors are _________ Mark ______ (stay in hospital) for a general check- up.

d. Complete the phrases with the words in the box. Put the verbs in the correct
ambition reach succeed achieve - manage
1. The film director _______________ in shooting the new adventure film.
2. David Guetta ___________ success after the release of Sun Goes Down.
3. After writing the saga, Ken Follet said he had _____________ an ambition.
4. Last year, England Charity successfully __________ a target of $60,000.-
5. Scientists successfully ___________ to find the cure for AIDS.

PRE FCE Test Units 6 2016-

CONDITIONALS 0, 1st & 2nd Types
a. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb tense.
1. If you add (add) sugar to a cup of coffee, the coffee __________________ (taste)
2. Im not sure what time Ill be home tonight. If I ______________ (have to) work late, I
__________________ (call) you.
3. Shall I buy that car? If I had (have) the money, I ____________ (buy) it. Wish it
were true.
4. If you ___________________ (pass) the chemists, ____________________ (you/get)
me some cough medicine?
5. If I ________________ (be) you, I ______________(talk) to your sister about it. She
looks very upset.
6. Unless you _______________ (hurry), you ________________ (be) late again.

7. Provided you _______________ (be) over eighteen, you can join the club.
8. I havent given Bill the message, but when I ________________ (see) him, I
_________________(tell) him the news.
9. Jo doesnt spend enough time with me, but if she _______________ (have) the time,
Im sure she ________________ (try), shes very busy, though.
10. If the temperature ____________ (fall) below 0C, water _____________ (turn) into ice.

b. Study the situation and make a corresponding conditional sentence.

1. I dont have a car, so I have to wait for the bus every day.
If I _________________________________________________________to wait for the bus every
2. Lisa is trying to decide where to go on holiday. She would like to go to Spain.
If she _______________________________________________________________visit Madrid.
3. It is always snowy on the top of the mountains in winter, but the sun melts it in summer.
When the sun ___________________________________________________________________.
4. He doesnt study hard thats why he always fails his exams.
5. Its cloudy and stormy outside. Dont forget your umbrella.
Remember to take your umbrella in case _____________________________________________.

c. Choose the correct answer.

1. If you that plate, youll burn your fingers. Why? Has it been in the oven?
a. would touch b. will touch c. touch
2. youre busy, well talk now. Thats fine. Im not busy at the moment.
a. If b. Provided c. Unless
3. If you watch the news, you a lot. I know. I watch it every day.
a. learn b. were learning c. would learn
4. you wear warm clothes, you wont get cold. Ill wear an extra jumper.
a. Unless b. Providing c. Supposing
5. Shall I invite John to the party? Well, were I you, I him.
a. would invite b. will invite c. am inviting
6. When water boils, it steam. Yes, I know; and the steam is hot, too.
a. would produce b. produce c. produces

d. Conditional 3rd Type. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form.
1. Why didnt you phone me? If I __had known __ you were coming, I
__________________________________________ (meet) you at the airport.
2. Its a pity you missed the party. If you _____________________ (come), you
_______________________________________________ (meet) my friends from Hungary.
3. Claire_____________________________________ (not marry) David in the first place
if she____________________________________________ (listen) to her mother.
4. I ________________________________________ (not pass) the exam yesterday if
you _______________________________________________ (not help) me.

e. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

1. I didnt have an umbrella with me and so I got wet.
I wouldnt ______________________________________________________________________.
2. Without Jacks help, I wouldnt have been able to move the table.
If _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. Ann was driving so fast that her car crashed into a tree.
The car ________________________________________________________________________.

f. I wish / If only. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. I wish I ____________________________ (play) a musical instrument. You should take
2. If only the wind ___________________ (stop) blowing so hard. Yes, its very windy today,
isnt it?
3. I wish I ___________________ (study) more when I was at school: It doesnt matter now,
youve got a good job.

4. If only I _________________________ (be) young again. So do I.
5. Im exhausted. I wish I ___________________ (do) some of the housework yesterday. Sorry
I wasnt here to help you.
6. If only Bob _____________________________ (call) me. Well, he promised to call today.

g. Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.
1. If you dont follow the instruction carefully, you may make a mistake.
unless You may make a mistake ________________________________ the instructions carefully.
2. You should ask someone to help you with your project.
were If ____________________________________, Id ask someone to help you with your project.
3. If Helen gets a grant, she will be able to continue her studies.
provided Helen will be able to continue her studies ________________________________ a grant.
4. If there is an emergency, call this number.
in Call this number ____________________________________________________ an emergency.
5. You can go to the party if you are home before 11 pm.
as You can go to the party _________________________________________ home before 11 pm.
6. You will never learn to play the piano unless you practise daily.
if You will never learn to play the piano ___________________________________________ daily.
7. You didnt call thats why you didnt get tickets for the concert.
called If you ________________________________________________ got tickets for the concert.
8. I want to have a party, but my flat isnt big enough.
only If ______________________________________________ big enough for me to have a party.
9. We got lost because you werent able to read a map!
have We ___________________________________________ if you had been able to read a map!
10. Why dont you make an effort to improve your life?
would If ____________________________________________ make an effort to improve your life.
11. We dont have any pets because my dad doesnt like animals.
would If my dad ________________________________________________________ some pets.
12. I might not be in later, so take your keys with you.
case Take your keys with you ________________________________________________ in later.
13. Its a pity I missed your graduation.
wish I _____________________________________________________________ your graduation.
14. I am a policeman today because my father encouraged me to become one.
would If my father hadnt encouraged me to become a policeman, _________________ one today.
15. I would have helped you if I had known about your problems.
known Had ______________________________________, I would have helped you.
16. You didnt check the time and thats why youre late.
be If you had checked the time, __________________________________________________late

A Report

Your school is going to create a new student canteen. You have been asked to write a report for the headmaster,
explaining why students dont use the existing facilities and making recommendations for the new canteen.

Write your report between 140-190 words.


h. Mixed Conditionals. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. If you had saved some money, you _________________________________ (not be)
so hard up now.
2. If I werent allergic to seafood, I _______________________ (had) dinner at the
seafood restaurant yesterday evening.
3. If Brenda __________________________ (steal) the money, she _____________
_________ (not be) in prison now.
4. If I _______________________(know) her, I __________________________ (speak) to her
yesterday at the party.

i. Inverted Conditionals. Make formal conditional sentences, instead of using If.

1. If I were in your position, I would change the doctor.
2. If you had been more careful, you wouldnt have hurt yourself.
3. If she should call, tell her Im out
j. The Unreal Present or Past. Circle the correct tense.
1. Id rather you did / had done your homework before you go out.
2. Supposing you had heard / had been heard telling me, what would have happened?
3. He acted as if he owns / owned the house.
4. I wish I went / had gone to the library yesterday.
5. Its about time we employed / had employed some new staff.
6. Suppose you saw / had seen a crime being committed, what would you do?
7. They spoke as if they knew / had known each other for years.

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