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Letter About Carl Icahn

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May 9, 201 7

The Honorable J. Christopher Giancarlo

Acting Chairman
Commodities Futures Trading Commission
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21 51 St. NW
Washington, DC 20581

The Honorable Jay Clayton

Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F St. SE
Washington, DC 20549

The Honorable Scott Pruitt

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20004

Dear Acting Chairman Giancarlo, Chairman Clayton, and Administrator Pruitt:

We are writing to request that your agencies investigate whether Carl Icahn violated insider trading
laws, anti-market manipulation laws, or any other relevant laws based on his recent actions in the
market for renewable fuel credits.

On December 21, 2016, President Trump named Mr. Icahn "special advisor to the President on
issues relating to regulatory reform." 1 Despite this role, Mr. Icahn continues to retain his massive
business interests, including serving as the majority owner of CVR Energy, a petroleum refining
company that is heavily involved in the renewable fuel credit market.

Mr. Icahn "made a massive bet in 2016" that the price of the renewable fuel credits would drop. 2
He then - as an unpaid adviser to President Trump - recommended personnel and policies that did
in fact cause the price of these credits to drop. The net result was an "impossible" "rare profit" on
the credits, "a $50 million turnaround" from Mr. Icahn's initial investment. 3

1 Trump Transition Press Release, President-Elect Donald J. Trump Names Carl Icahn Special
Advisor to the President on Regulatory Reform (Dec.21, 2016).
( l 19884).
2 Reuters, Chris Prentice and Jarrett Renshaw, Inside Edge - Trump Advisor Icahn's Big Bet

against Biofuels Credits (Apr. 12, 201 7) (

exclusive-idUSKBN 17EOD6).
3 Reuters, Jarrett Renshaw and Chris Prentice, Big Short Position on Biofuels Generated Profit for

Icahn's Refiner (May 1, 2017) (

idUSKBNl 7X2HX).
These actions, and the massive profit earned by Mr. Icahn, raise clear questions about whether he
may have violated conflict-of-interest rules that apply to government officials. 4 These questions are
best addressed by the Office of White House Counsel, the Office of Government Ethics, and the
Department of Justice.

But questions regarding insider trading and market manipulation of renewable fuel credits fall
squarely within your agencies' jurisdiction. The issuance and trading ofrenewable fuel credits
(referred to as Renewable Identification Numbers, or RINs) falls within the jurisdiction of the EPA,
and the EPA and the CFTC work together to ensure integrity in the RIN market. 5 The Dodd-Frank
law also granted CFTC broad authority to frevent insider trading and other market manipulation in
commodities markets and futures markets. Finally, to the extent that any actions taken by Mr.
Icahn in his capacity as an adviser to President Trump affected CVR's stock value, or the accuracy
of the company's annual and quarterly financial reporting and disclosure, the SEC has jurisdiction
to investigate these matters.

Renewable fuel credit insider trading and market manipulation hurts all parties, including biofuel
producers and refineries, and publicly available evidence raises serious questions about Mr. Icahn's
conduct. Over the course of 2016, including the months immediately prior to and following
President Trump's election, CVR Energy delayed purchases of necessary renewable fuel credits and
instead sold millions of them. This "counterintuitive trading strategy ... [was] a bet that it could buy
the credits it would need later at lower prices." 7

Mr. Icahn secured a position as a senior adviser to President Trump, from which he was, according
to press reports, able to influence decisions that drove down the price of the credits. Detailed
reporting by Reuters noted "several political events" that drove down the price of the credits and
benefitted CVR and Mr. Icahn. 8 Mr. Icahn reportedly advised President Trump to choose Mr. Pruitt,
a critic of the renewable fuel credit program, as EPA Administrator. 9 When President Trump did
so, the price of the credits dropped by approximately 20%. Then, after February 27, 2017, when
press reports indicated that Mr. Icahn had presented the White House with executive language to
modify the renewable fuel credit program, RIN market prices dropped again, by approximately a
third, reaching a 17-month low that represented about a 70% decline from the November 2016 peak
cost of the credits. 10

4 See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. 201-209; 5 U.S.C. app. et seq.; 5 CFR Part 2635.
5 EPA, CFTC-EP A Memorandum of Understanding (March 17, 2016)
6 P.L 111-203 753. .
7 Reuters, Chris Prentice and Jarrett Renshaw, Inside Edge-Trump Advisor Icahn's Big Bet

against Biofuels Credits (Apr. 12, 2017).

8 Reuters, Chris Prentice and Jarrett Renshaw, Inside Edge -Trump Advisor Icahn's Big Bet

against Biofuels Credits (Apr. 12, 2017).

9 CNBC, Trump Names Icahn as Special Advisor on Regulation, Vows to Shred Obama Rules
(Dec. 21, 2016) ( /trump-to-name-icahn-as-special-adviser-on-
10 Reuters, Chris Prentice and Jarrett Renshaw, Inside Edge -Trump Advisor Icahn's Big Bet

against Biofuels Credits (Apr. 12, 2017).

While this was occurring, most refiners were accumulating credits to satisfy renewable fuel
standards - but CVR was offloading credits they would need to purchase again later in 2017 in a bet
that the price for RIN s would continue to plummet and they could buy them at that later date at a
discount. 11

The net result was a $50 million windfall for CVR and Mr. Icahn. One analyst described this
windfall as "impossible ... No one has ever done anything like this ... You're essentially betting that
that you really believe there's a strong probability the government will make a change for the
(biofuels) program. Most people are uncomfortable making a directional bet like that." 12 But Mr.
Icahn was in a unique position to know and impact the direction of government policy - and
evidence suggests that he did so.

We have no way of knowing at this time whether Mr. Icahn made any of his renewable fuel credit
trades or decisions about trades based on material, non-public information or otherwise manipulated
the market. But the publicly available evidence is troubling, and based on this evidence, we ask that
your agencies investigate whether Mr. Icahn's conduct violated any laws under your jurisdiction.
Specifically, we ask that your investigation include:

1. The precise nature and extent of Mr. Icahn's communications with President Trump and
other Administration officials during and after the Presidential transition.

2. The extent to which Mr. Icahn influenced the Trump administration's decisions that affected
the market for renewable fuel credits and associated markets.

3. The extent, timing, and rationale for Mr. Icahn's decisions relating to CVR's purchases and
sales of renewable fuel credits, and the outcome of these decisions.

4. The extent to which Mr. Icahn had access to material, non-public information or provided
such information to the media or the public, and whether he might have used this
information in his decisions regarding renewable fuel credits.

5. An analysis of whether CVR's SEC quarterly and annual reports appropriately disclosed
information relevant to Mr. Icahn's decisions regarding renewable fuel credit investments
and their impact on the market and on CVR stock prices.

An additional complication of this matter will be potential recusals of Administrator Pruitt

and Chairman Clayton from issues involving Mr. Icahn. Mr. Icahn was reported to be heavily
involved in interviewing candidates to for SEC Chairman, and Chairman Clayton has acknowledged
that he met with Mr. Icahn after he was nominated as SEC Chair. 13 Similarly, Mr. Icahn was

11 Reuters, Chris Prentice and Jarrett Renshaw, Inside Edge - Trump Advisor Icahn' s Big Bet
against Biofuels Credits (Apr. 12, 2017).
12 Reuters, Jarrett Renshaw and Chris Prentice, Big Short Position on Biofuels Generated Profit for
Icahn's Refiner (May 1, 2017) (
idUSKBNl 7X2HX).
13 Reuters, Exclusive - Wall Street Lawyer Jay Clayton Emerges as Trump's Top SEC Choice (Jan.
4, 2017) ( Y4); Reuters,
involved in President Trump's choice of Administrator Pruitt for EPA Administrator, and reportedly
discussed renewable fuel permits issues with him on several occasions prior to his nomination. 14
These contacts, and Mr. Icahn's role in selecting both Chairman Clayton and Administrator Pruitt,
may mean that recusals are necessary in order to prevent conflicts of interest, or the appearance of
conflicts of interest, as your agencies investigate this matter. We therefore ask that you provide us
with information on whether Administrator Pruitt or Chairman Clayton will be recusing themselves
from this matter, and how the EPA and SEC will handle their decisions about whether to do so.

We also ask that you provide us with a briefing on this matter no later than June 9, 2017.


Un ed State Senator United States Senator

.a." c;.,.'-f"1-..._~. Sherrod Brown

United States Senator

United State Senator

United State Senator

Senate Panel Presses SEC Nominee Clayton on Conflicts (Mar. 23, 201 7)
( 16UOD L).
14 Bloomberg, Icahn Pressed EPA Candidates on Ethanol Rule He Wants Scrapped (Mar. 17, 2017)

( -17/icahn-pressed-epa-candidates-on-ethanol-
rule-he-wants-scrapped ?bcomAN ews=true ).

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