Vnwa Help
Vnwa Help
Vnwa Help
This help file covers the hardwares VNWA2 with firmware version 4.15 and VNWA3/VNWA3E with firmware version
5.22 and VNWA Software version 36.6.0.
The VNWA software is an experimental software targeted for educational purposes and for experimenters, e.g. radio
I will take no responsibility for any damage that may result from its usage.
The VNWA software is still in beta-state . This means, that it may contain bugs and is subject to changes. If you find
bugs, please report them.
Note: Also file formats are subject to change, so do not attempt to use older calibration files and ini-files on
newer software versions!
My home page
You are encouraged to post questions and suggestions regarding this software and the related hardware in the
VNWA forum:
Please read this help file carefully and consult the Yahoo VNWA forum before mailing me questions.
This help file and its contents is intellectual property of Tom Baier, DG8SAQ. All rights reserved.
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This software was originally written to control a DG8SAQ vector network analyzer (VNWA) by means of a standard
PC running Microsoft Windows2000 or Windows XP via the parallel printer port (LPT).
New software builds also support the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA interface and Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows
8 32bit and 64bit. Special thanks to Guido PE1NNZ for providing the 64bit WinUSB driver interface!
And sorry, it is not possible to compile this software for native Linux or MacOS support, as I make abundant use of
Windows functions.
However, I have managed to run the software in Linux under a standard Wine installation (x86 processors only!)
such that it can control the VNWA2/3/3E via USB interface.
The Linux installation package including installation instructions can be found here:
Thanks to Michael Hartje DK5HH for helping me get going with Linux and for extensive testing.
The software can also control an N2PK VNA via LPT or via the USB interface of Dave Roberts G8KBB. Thanks to
Paul Kiciak N2PK, Ivan Makarov VE3iVM, Andreas Zimmermann DH7AZ, Eric Hecker, Dave Roberts G8KBB and
Roderick Wall VK3YC for supporting this part of the project. See here how to activate N2PK support.
Also thanks to all the beta-testers and users who have provided valuable feedback to optimize the software and this
help file.
The software can also be run without hardware connected for data display and analysis purposes. If no VNWA is
connected, select the LPT interface, otherwise a warning is issued (no VNWA detected) at every program start.
Software requirements:
-Windows2000, WindowsXP, Windows Vista, Windows7 or Windows8, alternatively a Wine installation emulating
Windows in Linux, see above.
Hardware requirements:
-a Standard PC. Memory is not an issue, computational power is no longer an issue either, as the software has
been optimized on CPU usage. The software has been verified to run properly on a 233 MHz PII in LPT mode and
USB mode (with USB1.0 interface!).
If you still hit 100% CPU load during sweeping, your machine is too slow or your settings are unsuitable. See How
to reduce CPU load in such a case.
-a sound capture device with stereo line input, which may also be connected externally via USB (integrated in the
DG8SAQ VNWA_USB interface and in VNWA3 already).
-a parallel printer port interface or the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA interface (integrated in VNWA3 already).
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ATTENTION: An USB to LPT adapter will not work due to critical timings! The DG8SAQ USB_VNWA interface
takes over all the timing tasks from the PC.
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- Coverage from below 1 kHz to 500 MHz with dynamic range of up to 90dB, useful performance up to 1.3 GHz with
reduced accuracy.
- Component Measurements: Resistance, Admittance Capacitance, Inductance & Quality Factor (Q)
- Optional USB-interface allows to run the VNWA with a single (USB) cable connection to the PC for highest mobility.
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VNWA Hardware
All variants share the same design und functional principle and thus the same technical data:
Technical Data
- Unidirectional vector network analyzer for reflection and transmission measurements with integrated
reflection bridge
- Maximum permissible external RF Input Level to TX-Out and RX-In ports: 0 dBm (0.225V RMS) 3)
- Maximum permissible external DC Input Level to TX-Out and RX-In ports: +/-0.225V 4)
- Power supply: 4.5...5.5V DC @500mA max, suppliable by a self powered USB interface
- Dimensions: Width 10.4 cm, Depth 8.0 cm, Height 4.6 cm, Weight 0.2 kg
- TX-Out max RF Output as signal generator -17dBm into 50 Ohms @ 1MHz decreasing at higher frequencies
1) Note, that clock multipliers of up to 20x leads to dramatically overclocking the DDS chips with up to 720 MHz
core clock. This is well outside the DDS spec, which allows for 400 MHz maximum core clock. Nevertheless, the
DDS chips just get hand warm when overclocked and we haven't seen a single failure in hundreds of shipped
2) Values apply to the slowest sweep rate of 100ms/frequency point. High accuracy results can only be expected up
to 500 MHz, as this is the specification limit of the used mixers. Also, the DDSes show increasing spurs beyond 500
3) We have tested with up to 7 dBm input level at various frequencies without failure.
4) Too much DC will burn the bridge resistors. All semiconductors are AC coupled.
The VNWA was inspired by Paul Kiciac's N2PK VNA which was published in RadCom in October 2004.
In contrast to Paul's direct conversion approach I decided to go for low IF instead, as I wanted to use a PC sound
card for signal processing from the beginning.
A design very similar to mine but without sound card was published by Jan Vandewege in 2005:
Java-enab led low cost RF vector network analyzer
De Mulder, B. Van Renterghem, K. De Backer, E. Suanet, P. Vandewege, J.
IMEC/Intec, Ghent Univ., Belgium
This paper appears in: IEEE-NEWCAS Conference, 2005. The 3rd International
Issue Date: 19-22 June 2005
I finally went public with my design in a public presentation and on my webpage in July 2006. The orininal
presentation can still be viewed on
During August 2006 I submitted the VNWA for publication in the DARC CQ-DL magazine and in the ARRL QEX
magazine. The articles appeared in 2007:
"Vektorieller Netzwerkanalyzer mit minimalem Hardwareaufwand", CQ DL, volumes 3,4,5/2007
"Low Budget Vector Network Analyzer from AF to UHF", QEX Mar/Apr 2007.
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Further articles followed in 2007 and 2009:
"A Small, Simple, USB-Powered Vector Network Analyzer Covering 1 kHz to 1.3 GHz", QEX 1/2009.
"A Simple S-Parameter Test Set for the VNWA2 Vector Network Analyzer", QEX 5/2009
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Functional Principle
The above schematic shows the fundamental design of the new VNWA. It consists of two digitally tunable Direct
Digital Synthesizer (DDS) oscillators, realized by two fast Analog Devices AD9859 chips. The clock generation could
be realized in a simple way, as the AD9859s contain an on-chip clock multiplier PLL circuit. Both DDSes are clocked
from one and the same crystal oscillator delivering about 36 MHz. The exact crystal frequency is of no importance,
as it can be accounted for in the VNWA software. It is crucial, that the two DDS cores are clocked with DIFFERENT
frequencies, if one wants to omit anti-aliasing filters and make use of higher order alias frequencies. This is simply
achieved here by setting the clock multipliers of the two DDS chips to two different values, e.g. 20 and 19, leading to
clock frequencies of 703 MHz and 740 MHz respectively. Note, that in this frequency scheme, the DDSes operate
well beyond their specification limits of 400 MHz maximum core clock. Quite remarkably, all tested DDS chips (many
hundreds so far), work nicely without getting hot under these conditions. This is a very experimental approach, but
pushing the DDS clock frequency means pushing the usable fundamental frequency range of the VNWA, which
amounts to 600 MHz under the selected operating conditions.
The RF-DDS output signal is fed into a VSWR-bridge formed by 50 Ohms resistors. The balanced bridge output
signal is fed into the balanced inputs of the Gilbert cell mixer M1 (SMD type SA612), followed by an operational
amplifier. The amplifier output signal is guided through a CMOS switch to the left channel 1) of the PC sound card
line-in. The CMOS switch multiplexes this Reflect signal with the Thru measurement signal originating from mixer
M3 and its following amplifier. The multiplexing is necessary, as standard sound cards only have a stereo line-in
channel, which can only capture two signals simultaneously 2). But a third signal, the Reference signal, is required
to acquire the phase information. The Reference signal is obtained by mixing the LO- and RF-DDS signals in M2
and amplifying the output signal with the following operational amplifier. It is then fed into the right channel 1) of the
sound card line-in. Note that the VNWA works with an IF of about 1 kHz...12 kHz. The sound card is used as IF
amplifier, the PC acts as a digital IF filter.
If a device under test (DUT) with two ports is placed between the TX- and RX-terminals of the VNWA, its scattering
parameters S11 and S21 can be derived from the three measurement signals (Thru, Reflect, Reference). By
manually inverting the device 3), also S12 and S22 can be measured.
1) For the various VNWA versions the audio channel assignments may be flipped.
2) The VNWA software can simultaneously service two sound devices, thus the switch can be omitted if two sound
cards are being used. Thru and Reflect can be measured simultaneously in this case.
3) or by using an automatic S-parameter test set
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VNWA2 LPT interface
As can be seen left, the VNWA2.* board has four connectors. The front SMA connectors TX port and RX port are the
test ports for connecting the test object or DUT (device under test). The rear connectors are the VNWA's interface to
the PC LPT port (or to the USB interface board). The audio-connector is a standard 3.5mm female one. Use a
standard audio cable to connect the VNWA's audio port with the stereo line in of your PC's soundcard. The
microphone input is mono and thus won't work! The female Sub-D9 connector carries both the control lines as
well as the power supply lines. The connection scheme to the PC's parallel port (LPT) interface can be seen in the
The above schematic shows the cable connecting the PC's parallel (LPT) port with the VNWA Sub-D9 connector.
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Don't apply 9V DC power, if you have mounted the step-up regulator MAX632 on the VNWA board . If you have not
mounted it, you need to provide two supply voltages, 5V DC and 9V DC.
If you want to power the VNWA from a USB port, you must have the step-up regulator in place and you need to
connect an additional cable to the Sub-D9 connector with a USB connector on the other end.
Hint: In my instrument, I reroute the supply voltage through the parallel port cable and run the USB power cable
out of the Sub-D25 LPT connector. This lets the LPT connector and the USB connector both end at the PC and
leaves only one cable running to the VNWA (apart from the audio cable).
Hint: In LPT mode, the software issues a high level on LPT port D7 on sweep start, which will return to low level
on the end of the sweep. This signal is useful to start and stop an antenna rotor when performing antenna radiation
pattern measurements.
Note: I have observed extremely slow signal rise times on some new PCI LPT interface cards. This is a
problem when controlling the VNWA. Should you encounter unreliable communtication between PC and VNWA in
LPT mode, you might need a signal conditioner, which sharpens the digital pulses.
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VNWA2 USB Interface
The left schematic shows the fundamental design of the DG8SAQ VNWA USB Interface. It connects to the host PC
with a single USB cable and performs both control and data acquisition. At the same time it provides the power
supply for the VNWA from the PC via the USB cable.
The host PC USB signal is fed into the USB hub, which provides 3 USB interfaces. One of them is used to connect
an on board USB sound codec, which captures the VNWA audio signals. The second USB hub interface connects to
the VNWA controller, a microcontroller,that takes care of the sweep timing and DDS control, thus reliefing the host
PC from a lot of realtime action compared to the LPT modes. The third USB hub interface is not needed and thus
available for custom use like a memory stick or a second sound codec.
Warning: The free USB hub interface is only intended for low power devices like a mouse or a memory
stick. You might damage your PC and / or your DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface by connecting high power USB
devices as no power detection / control is implemented inside the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface!
Note:The free USB hub interface does not support full speed, thus transfer rates to memory sticks will be
limited to about 1MByte/s.
Connecting the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface to the VNWA and to the host PC
The DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface simply connects with a single standard USB cable to the host PC. The interface
has been proven to work on PCs with USB1.0 and USB2.0 interfaces.
There are two possibilities to connect the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface to the VNWA:
1. External connections
As can be seen in the picture above, the audio and data connections can be made via the external 3.5mm
connectors and the Sub-D9 connectors. This allows to upgrade an original LPT mode VNWA to USB support. Also,
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VNWA and USB-Interface may be housed in different boxes. Note, that the unused top Sub-D connector at my ribbon
cable is for diagnostic purposes.
The late VNWA boards support direct plugging into the USB interface as can be seen above. The Sub-D connectors
and audio connectors are replaced by appropriate 2.5mm inter-pcb connectors in this case. No additional external
connections will be required other than the USB cable to the host PC.
The control signal for the S-parameter test set is available on the USB_VNWA Interface at pin 3 / J26 or
alternatively pin 7 / J5 (Sub-D9) provided the appropriate resistor R=680 Ohms (not placed on below board) is in
Pin 1: Ground
Pin 2: 5V DC (through 47 Ohms internal resistor for protection)
Pin 3: S-Parameter test set control signal
From firmware v4.12 on a Rotor start/stop signal has been implemented on AVR Port C0 (=Pin 23), which is
accessible on J25 pin 2. The pin will go high at start of a sweep and go low again when the sweep is finished. This
signal can be used to control an antenna rotor for antenna radiation pattern measurements.
Pin1: Ground
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Pin2: Rotor start/stop signal
Pins 3...7: not used
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The VNWA3 combines the VNWA2 and the USB interface functionality on a single 100x60mm board:
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The VNWA3 only requires a single USB cable to connect to a PC. Nevertheless, it offers many hardware interfacing
VNWA3 Pinning
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Pin 1: external DDS power in (+2.7...5V, 0.3A), see footnote 1)
Pin 2: switched +5V power out
Pin 3: USB cable Ground
Pin 4: USB cable D+
Pin 5: USB cable +5V
Pin 6: USB cable D-
RF DDS test point
socket for production purposes only, no user functionality.
LO DDS test point
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1. Introduction:
VNWA3E was formerly named VNWA3+ but both are the same product. The DG8SAQ VNWA3E is the VNWA3 fitted
with the VNWA3 Expansion Board which provides additional functionality as follows:
- 2nd Audio Codec allowing S11 and S21 measurements to be performed in a single sweep instead of 2
- USB power consumption reduced from 0.41A without Expansion board to 0.33A despite additional power
consumption of 2nd Audio Codec on the Expansion board.
- RJ12 connector making the VNWA3 control signals and DC power accessible to the outside world.
- Optional SMA connector to obtain the multiplied 12 MHz internal TCXO clock or to feed in an external 36 MHz
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clock source.
Note: All VNWA3 instruments can be upgraded to VNWA3E. Consult for details.
The VNWA3 Expansion Board plugs into several of the VNWA3 connectors. No additional connections are required.
The expansion board contains an additional audio codec, a switcher supply for the DDSes, which more than
compensates the additional codec's power consumption (see footnote 1) and an RJ12 connector, that makes the
VNWA3 control signals accessible from the outside world.
Signal Details:
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Note 1: For operating the VNWA3 from an external 5V DC power supply, a zero Ohm resistor must be removed, see
footnote 2).
Note 2: Cable colour refers to the colours of the optional RJ12 cable available from SDR-Kits
An Optional SMA connector may be fitted for connecting an external 36 MHz clock output or to tap the internal
multiplied system clock. After the VNWA 3 Expansion Board is fitted, the SMA connector is fitted in the 8mm round
hole provided only in VNWA3 with s/n 2201 and higher.
> With a scalpel cut a round hole in the rear panel label and fit the SMA connector.
> solder a short wire between the SMA center connector to the PCB track. Soldering of ground connections is
not required.
If the SMA connector is not used then it is recommended to fit an SMA screening cap to prevent radiation from and
damage to the SMA connector.
> Internal Clock Output: TCXO 12 MHz*x (x=2..8) 2ppm Out - 1kOhm impedance, 400mVpp output
> External Reference Clock: ideally 36 MHz (=> VNWA2 functionality achieved) with level of -6dBm...+3dBm /
50 Ohms
1) Important! For operation with external DDS power e.g. from the expansion board, zero Ohm resistor A must be
removed from the VNWA3 board, see image below.
2) Important! For operating the VNWA3 from an external 5V DC power supply, zero Ohm resistor B must be removed
from the VNWA3 board, see image below.
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3. Configuring VNWA3E Audio Codec
3.1.1 Plug the VNWA3E with Expansion Board fitted into USB port of Personal Computer.
Start the VNWA Application, then select "File" and "Setup" "USB Settings" and perform "Test USB Interface"
to confirm that VNWA is operational.
3.1.2 Select Tab "Audio Level" and tick the box "Auxilary Audio Capture Device Available" in fig 1. which is
applicable for Windows XP operating system. This will bring up the configuration of the Auxilary Audio Capture
Device. Change the settings as shown in fig 1.
If the "Auxiliary Audio Capture Device available" checkbox is NOT shown in fig 1., then exit VNWA application and add
the line AuxAudio=1 to the file VNWA.ini with a text editor and then restart the VNWA Application.
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Note: With the VNWA 3 Breakout PCB fitted there are now two USB Codec devices, a) USB Audio Codec and
b) USB Audio Codec 2. The on-VNWA3-board USB codec must be the main capture device, as it is hard wired to the
multiplexing switch. Configuration is done in the following step:
3.1.3 Press the button "Calibrate Sample Rate" as shown in fig 1. If Sample Rate Calibration fails (First pulse not
detected) then reverse the two USB Audio Codec devices and test again (.ie. Audio Capture becomes "USB Audio
Codec" and Aux. Audio Capture becomes "USB Audio Codec 2").
3.1.4 Now select the tab "Audio Level" and select "Reflect" mode with no termination on the TX-port, and check the
blue main Reference signal and blue Reflected signal are as shown in fig 2. Do not worry about the lighter red Aux
Audio signal, which may also be visible.
Note:If the sinewaves are "clipped" (Vista or Windows 7) then the Recording level of the relevant USB Audio
Codec needs to be changed. Also check whether the USB Audio Codec is set to Stereo 48000Hz.
3.1.5 Connect a short coax cable between TX and RX ports and check the Reflect sinewave in fig 1. now becomes a
flat blue line.
3.1.6 Next select the tab "Aux. Audio Level" and check the display as shown in fig 2. is obtained.
Note: If the sinewaves are "clipped" (Vista or Windows 7) then the Recording level of the relevant USB
Audio Codec needs to be changed. Also check whether the USB Audio Codec is set to Stereo 48000Hz.
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Fig 2. Aux. Audio Level with TX and RX ports connected
Troubleshooting: If the above displays are not obtained then check the USB-Audio Settings in fig 1. and perform
step 3.1.3 again.
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Startup Procedure
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Automatic driver and software installation
From VNWA software version V35.0 on an automatic installer file (VNWA-installer.exe) is available which will
automatically guide you through the installation of the VNWA software, the USB driver and the help file system. It can
be downloaded from
From VNWA software version V36.2.z, the VNWA software will guide you after first launch through an automatic
setup, see page "Automatic Configuration of the Software for Usage with a DG8SAQ VNWA (Auto-Setup)".
Software beta-versions must still be installed manually by simply replacing the old VNWA.exe in the installation
directory by the new one or by creating a separate new installation manually.
Note, that you can have several installations in different directories at the same time, which can even operate
several VNWAs simultaneously connected at the same time.
Warning: If you use the automatic installer on 64 bit operating systems, it is recommended that you do NOT
install into protected system directories like "c:\Program Files" or "c:\Program Files (x86)". As you will not be the
owner of the installed files, VNWA might not be able to access its ini-files and you might not be able to manually
replace an old VNWA.exe version by a newer one.
Warning: A similar issue might arise when you intend to run VNWA in a non-Administrator user account:
In this case, you should NOT start VNWA as administrator after software installation. Make sure to initially start the
VNWA software in the non-Administrator account which you intend to use in future. This will make sure that the
non-privileged user is the owner of the ini-files generated by VNWA upon first program start. Otherwise the VNWA
software will not be allowed to update the ini-files upon program termination.
A detailed installation guide for the automatic installer can be downloaded from here:
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Manual software and driver installation
Note: It is good practice to make regular backups of your data on your PC, particularly before installing drivers.
Installing the VNWA software and drivers is by no means any more dangerous than installing any other Windows
software. SDRKits and the author (DG8SAQ) will not be responsible for any damage or data loss, though.
Todate the USB-version of the VNWA is supported by all Windows versions from Windows 98 to the latest Windows
7 64 bit. If the VNWA is to be controlled via an LPT port instead of USB, generally only 32 bit Windows systems are
Please consult the "Driver Compatibility Table and Driver Installation".
The latest driver files and software updates are always available from the VNWA Yahoo Newsgroup
If you want to use the VNWA application without VNWA hardware, you may go straight on to installing the VNWA
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Driver Compatibility Table and Driver Installation
USB support
Thanks to Fred PE0FKO there is a unified signed LibUSB driver available for all Windows versions from
Windows98 to Windows8 64bit.
Note, that you must use VNWA V33.0 or newer and firmware v4.6 or newer to use this signed driver. For earlier
firmware versions use the unsigned LibUSB driver (only installable on 32 bit systems).
Important for Vista / Windows 7 64 bit users: Only VNWA firmware v4.6 or newer and VNWA software v33.0
or newer are supported.
Important for Windows 8 users: Only VNWA firmware v4.6 or newer and VNWA software v36.2 or newer
are supported.
Windows 8 / 64 bit requires installation of the amateur radio root certificate PRIOR to driver installation. The
automatic VNWA installer takes care of this.
If you have received your VNWA after April 2010, you have already received firmware v4.6 or higher. If you have a
working VNWA installation, you can also check your firmware version with the VNWA software in "setup-USB
settings" by pressing "Test USB". After the test is performed successfully, the firmware version is being displayed in
the bottom status line. Consult chapter "Upgrading VNWA firmware to v4.6" for details..
Installation examples:
Example 1: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows XP (English screenshots)
Example 2: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows 7 (mostly English screenshots)
Example 3: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows XP (German screenshots)
Example 4: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows 7 (German screenshots)
LPT support
Note: In order to enable LPT support, you must copy the driver file zlportio.sys into your VNWA program
Note: If you do not use the VNWA USB interface and you do not intend to install the LibUSB driver, you must
manually provide the file libusb0.dll. You must copy the libusb0.dll version from the LibUSB driver package into your
VNWA program directory in this case.
Note: Since the parallel printer interface (LPT) is subject to extinction, LPT support for 64 bit OSes will not be
If you do not intend to install USB drivers, you can go straight on to installing the VNWA application software.
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Example 1: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows XP (English screenshots)
Note: This step is only required if the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface is used. Skip this step if you control your
VNWA via the parallel printer port.
a) Download and unpack the LibUSB driver files to any empty directory:
b) Connect the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface with your PC. The VNWA board doesn't need to be connected to the
interface board. Windows will notify "Found New Hardware" and will ask to install a driver.
Hint: In case Windows does not detect your USB_VNWA interface, continue with the USB troubleshooting
guide. In case Windows does not start driver installation automatically, proceed with manual driver installation via
the Windows device manager as is described in Example 2: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows 7 (mostly
English screenshots).
c) Click on "no, not this time" and press continue to prevent driver search on the web.
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d) Click on "install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and press continue to install the driver from your hard
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confirm path with ok ... and press >Next on the previous window.
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Finally you will be notified about the successful installation. Press "Finish" and you can use the USB_VNWA
interface on your computer.
Now you are all set to install the VNWA application software.
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Example 2: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows 7 (mostly English
Note: This step is only required if the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface is used. Skip this step if you control your
VNWA via the parallel printer port.
Note: You need VNWA software version V33.0 or higher and firmware version v4.6 or newer to work with
the signed LibUSB driver.
See chapter "Upgrading VNWA firmware to v4.6" on how to upgrade your firmware.
Note The following describes a step by step installation procedure on a Windows 7 / Windows Vista machine,
where no previous attempt has been made to install a VNWA driver. If you previously have tried to install different
USB drivers for the VNWA make sure to completely remove all previously installed driver relicts from your
0. Download and unpack the LibUSB driver files to any empty directory your hard disk.
Windows 7 will attempt to install USB drivers for the VNWA ...
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2. Open your device manager
You will see the VNWA as up to now non functional DG8SAQ-VNWA device under "other devices":
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Windows 7 will ask you how you would like to search for driver files.
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5. Select the unzipped directory which contains the drivers...
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... and press Next.
Windows 7 will issue a security warning "publisher of driver software could not be verified".
Even though the USB driver is signed, Windows 7 will issue a security warning "publisher of driver software could
not be verified". This is ok and no problem.
If you desire, the warning can be avoided by installing the root certificate prior to driver installation, but this is not
required for installing and running the driver.
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6. Select "install this driver software anyway ..."
... and Windows 7 will start installing the driver software. This might take a couple of minutes until done:
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The USB driver is now installed and the VNWA device is operational as can be seen in the device manager, where
the VNWA will show as AVR USB device:
Now you are all set to install the VNWA application software.
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Example 3: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows XP (German screenshots)
Note: This step is only required if the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface is used. Skip this step if you control your
VNWA via the parallel printer port.
a) Download and unpack the LibUSB driver files to any empty directory:
b) Connect the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface with your PC. The VNWA board doesn't need to be connected to the
interface board. Windows will notify "new hardware found" and will ask to install a driver.
Hint: In case Windows does not detect your USB_VNWA interface, continue with the USB troubleshooting
guide. In case Windows does not start driver installation automatically, proceed with manual driver installation via
Windows device manager as is described in Example 4: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows 7 (German
c) Click on "no, not this time" and press continue to prevent driver search on the web.
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d) Click on "install from list..." and press continue to install the driver from your hard disk.
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f) The driver will be installed. Finally you will be notified about the successful installation. Press "finish" and you can
use the USB_VNWA interface on your computer.
Now you are all set to install the VNWA application software.
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Example 4: Installing the LibUSB driver on Windows 7 (German screenshots)
Note: This step is only required if the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA Interface is used. Skip this step if you control your
VNWA via the parallel printer port.
Note: You need VNWA software version V33.0 or higher and firmware version v4.6 or newer to work with
the signed LibUSB driver.
See chapter "Upgrading VNWA firmware to v4.6" on how to upgrade your firmware.
Note The following describes a step by step installation procedure on a Windows 7 / Windows Vista machine,
where no previous attempt has been made to install a VNWA driver. If you previously have tried to install different
USB drivers for the VNWA make sure to completely remove all previously installed driver relicts from your
0. Download and unpack the LibUSB driver files to any empty directory your hard disk.
Windows 7 will attempt to install USB drivers for the VNWA ...
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... but it will fail as it can't find any drivers.
You will see the VNWA as up to now non functional DG8SAQ-VNWA device under "other devices":
Windows 7 will ask you how you would like to search for driver files.
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5. Select the unzipped directory which contains the drivers...
Even though the USB driver is signed, Windows 7 will issue a security warning "publisher of driver software could
not be verified". This is ok and no problem.
If you desire, the warning can be avoided by installing the root certificate prior to driver installation, but this is not
required for installing and running the driver.
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6. Select "install anyway ..."
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7. Press the close button
The USB driver is now installed and the VNWA device is operational as can be seen in the hardware manager,
where the VNWA will show as AVR USB device:
Now you are all set to install the VNWA application software.
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Manual installation of the VNWA application
The VNWA hardware is controlled by the VNWA application software. Installing the software is a means of simply
copying the file VNWA.exe to any directory you wish to use as program directory.
You can even install the VNWA application onto a memory stick which may remain attached to the extra VNWA USB
port of your VNWA2. The advantage of doing so is that when moving the VNWA from one computer to another you
also move all your settings and calibration files along.
Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 note: On Windows Vista / Windows 7 or 8 the "program files"
directory on the system partition is particularly write protected. Since the VNWA application writes many files
(ini-files, calibration files,...) into the program folder, it is recommended to NOT install the VNWA application into
any system folder like "program files" in order to avoid conflicts. Use any folder where you have normal write
access instead.
You should start out with an empty program folder into which you unzip the VNWA application VNWA.exe, the LPT
driver file zlportio.sys if LPT support is desired, special function dlls (if desired) and the help file system
"VNWA.HLP" and "VNWA.cnt". No special software installation procedure is required as the files are ready to run.
The VNWA application does not make use of the Windows registry. This is particularly interesting for trying out
software beta versions in a folder separate from the main installation folder.
If you have received a key file (*vnwakey*.ini or *vnwakey*.txt) together with your VNWA hardware from SDRKits, copy
it into the same installation directory. From software version 35.0 on VNWA will look for a key file on first program
start after installation and read the key information. This way, you do not have to enter the key manually.
Note: If you have not installed a USB driver for the VNWA, then you must copy the file libusb0.dll from the
LibUSB package into this directory.
Note: You need to have administrator privileges in order to run the application in LPT mode. If you attempt to
run it with lower privileges, the LPT driver will fail to load. The driver will also fail to load on systems that do not
support the LPT driver zlportio.sys (e.g. Win98 and all 64 bit Windows versions).
Note: You can add an icon to your desktop by right-clicking onto VNWA.exe and selecting copy. Then right-click
onto your Windows desktop and select add link.
Windows Vista / Windows 7 or 8 note: Please consult "Configuring and running the VNWA application under
Windows Vista, 7 or 8" for special Vista / Windows 7 or 8 issues. Note, that Windows Vista and Windows 7 / 8
require that you set the VNWA audio device inside Windows to stereo operation and that you manually adjust the
recording level.
Now you're ready to control your DG8SAQ VNWA. See the configuration guide for details
If you want to control an N2PK VNA with the VNWA application, then you need to create an additional file named
N2PK.ini with arbitrary contents in the program folder. You can do so by e.g. typing echo > n2pk.ini on the console
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prompt. If you want to control your N2PK VNA via Dave Robert's G8KBB USB interface, you must provide the files
delphivna.dll and vnadll.dll in your VNWA program directory. Configuration instructions for controling an N2PK VNA
can be found here.
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Description of Files in Installation Folder
The automatic VNWA software installer creates the following subdirectories files inside the VNWA program
./DG8SAQ-USB-Driver Directory containing USB drivers. Once installed, the directory is no longer needed.
./firmwares Directory containing all published firmwares. Only needed for firmware upgrades
CodecIF.dll Audio level control interface dll for Windows Vista, 7, 8. If omitted, recording levels have to
be set via Windows manually.
delphivna.dll Interface dll for N2PK-VNA, not needed for DG8SAQ VNWA
DelZip190.dll zipper dll used to pack debug info, not needed if debug emailer function is not used
gfx_dll.dll dll used to load background image. Not needed if no background image is used
helpfile change history.txt help file change history, not needed
logo.bmp SDRKits logo, VNWA also runs without this file.
svg_dll.dll dll used to load background image in *.svg format. Not needed if no background image is
unins000.dat uninstaller data base, not needed for VNWA operation
unins000.exe VNWA application uninstaller, not needed for VNWA operation
VNWA.cnt Help file table of contents, only needed if help file is used.
VNWA.exe VNWA application
VNWA.hlp VNWA help file, not needed for VNWA operation
VNWAKey.ini VNWA license key, needed for VNWA hardware operation
After running and terminating the VNWA application for the first time, the following additional files are created.
FList.csv Listed sweep frequency list. Will only be accessed upon program start and when
a listed sweep is edited.
MemorySpaces.dat Storage for data spaces, creation and access can be deactivated
Paths.ini Links to directories visited by user in open/save dialogs will be stored here. File
will only be read once upon program start.
PreSetup.* Set of files containing a backup of the instrument state before entering setup. Will only be
created when setup is opened. Creation may be suppressed.
VNCommon.ini General software settings. Will only be read once upon program start. Current instrument calibration. Will only be read once upon program start.
VNWA.ini DG8SAQ VNWA hardware related settings. Will only be read once upon program start.
VNWA.mul DG8SAQ VNWA2 clock multiplier table for auto-clock. Will only be read once upon
program start.
VNWA3.mul DG8SAQ VNWA3 clock multiplier table for auto-clock with fixed premultiplier. Will only be
read once upon program start.
VNWA3A.mul DG8SAQ VNWA2 clock multiplier table for auto-clock with auto-premultiplier. Will only be
read once upon program start.
Depending on selected instrument and mode, the following additional calibration files might have been generated:
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Page 48 Calibration for "internal+external bridge" mode Calibration for "RF-IV mode" Calibration for "Spectrum Analyzer" mode Calibration for "N2PK VNA" instrument
If in any of the above mentioned modes a master calibration has been performed, then there will be additional
master calibration files of the form *.cal with user defined master calibration file names.
After opening the Setup window in the VNWA application for the first time, a set of files with name PreSetup.*
are created.
These files are present a so called Instrument State, i.e. the complete instrument settings at the point of time before
entering Setup. Thus, a wrong setup can be undone by manually retrieving this instrument state. Note, that the files
PreSetup.* are being updated every time you enter the Setup menu. Automatic creation of these files can be
deactivated in Setup-Misc. Settings-Special Settings section.
A basic instrument state contains the following files (shown for the example instrument state MyState.*):
The following additional mode calibration files may be included in the instrument state if available:
When emailing debug information or downloading software updates from the internet, the following directory is
Internet access can be suppressed by deactivating the automatic check for software updates.
In remote-control mode internet access is automatically blocked.
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Automatic firmware upgrade - The Wizard
From VNWA software version VNWA35.5 on the VNWA firmware version will be checked automatically upon every
program start.
If the firmware requires an update, the software offers to start the automatic firmware upgrade wizard:
Note that the wizard automatically guides you through the required steps to upgrade your firmware. The wizard also
supervises your actions by checking if you follow its instructions and by disabling inappropriate controls.
Summarizing, doing a firmware upgrade with the wizard is completely self explaining and perfectly safe.
If you agree to start the upgrade process, the wizard automatically copies the correct firmware into your VNWA,
provided you have installed VNWA with the automatic self installer. In this case the software knows where to look for
the firmware files. If these are not found at the expected location, you are asked to manually locate the firmware
The flashing process can be monitored by watching the bottom status line of the wizard just below the mouse
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Once the flashing process is completed, you need to reset your VNWA by unplugging ...
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The wizard will check for both unplugging and Windows reconnecting the VNWA, so it is impossible to make a
mistake here.
If the flashed firmware version is the final one, the wizard will be closed...
... otherwise, the update process restarts automatically to obtain the next higher version.
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Manually upgrading VNWA firmware to v4.14
IMPORTANT: For flashing, you must use a VNWA version that supports the latest firmware version to be
flashed, e.g. only VNWA33.q supports firmware v4.7 and newer. It is recommended that you upgrade your VNWA
software to the latest available version prior to upgrading your firmware in order to avoid compatibility issues.
Generally, upgrading from one firmware version to another is very straight forward, see here for a detailed
Transition from firmware version v4.2 to v4.6 and from 4.6 to 4.8 is a bit more complicated, as some sections of the
firmware need to be reprogrammed, that are by default write-protected. Therefore, several codes need to be
uploaded in the correct order that make the MCU reprogram protected sections AFTER code upload. This not quite
straight forward upgrade procedure is described in the following.
Note: All calibration files will remain valid also after the firmware update! There is no reason not to do this
firmware update.
Note, that flashing of v4.4, v4.8...v4.13 may be skipped. We go straight from v4.3 to v4.5 and from v4.7 to v4.14.
Note: You need a working VNWA installation in order to do this firmware upgrade!
Note: You need VNWA software version V35.0 or higher to perform this upgrade and to use firmware v4.5
or newer. It is recommended to always use the latest VNWA software release to perform a firmware upgrade.
Note: Firmware upgrade to v4.5 will require installation of a new USB driver after the firmware update.
You do this by using the "Test USB" feature in Setup-USB Settings. The result will be displayed in the bottom status
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It can be seen in the bottom status line (see mouse pointer above), that firmware version v4.2 is running. If your
firmware version is newer, then move on to the appropriate step.
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After pressing the "Open" button, you can observe flashing progress in the bottom status line of the setup window.
After the flashing process is over, you will see further instructions on the screen:
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a) Powercycle the USB interface in order to generate a reset condition for the AVR controller. This is necessary to
trigger some further internal reprogramming action of v4.3.
b) Rescan USB Bus. This is necessary to reestablish contact between the VNWA application and the USB interface
after the hardware reset in a).
Note: When you do "Verify Firmware" after powercycling and rescanning the USB bus, you will see an error
This is perfectly ok and proves that the firmware has modified itself after the power reset. Now it is time to
This is done like described in step 2. Note, that we are skipping v4.4.
Note: v4.5 will again modify some parts of the USB core routines after power reset. Therefore ...
4. Completely close the VNWA application and powercycle the USB interface e.g. by unplugging and
replugging your VNWA.
This done, Windows will recognize the VNWA as a new device and will ask for a new driver to be installed.
You should install the signed LibUSB driver now.
Consult the driver compatibility tables in order to gather information on how to install the signed LibUSB-driver on
your system.
5. Flash firmware v4.7, power-cycle VNWA and press "Rescan USB Bus"
Note that we can skip firmware v4.6. After rescanning v4.7 a warning will pop up stating "firmware non functional,
flash with functional firmware". This is perfectly ok. V4.7 cannot operate the VNWA, but it is necessary to load
6. Flash firmware v4.14, power-cycle VNWA and press "Rescan USB Bus"
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General manual firmware upgrade procedure
Note: The flashing procedure is very safe. Nevertheless avoid power failures during flashing!
Note: All calibration files will remain valid also after the firmware update! There is no reason not to do a
firmware update if a new firmware is available.
You do this by using the "Test USB" feature in Setup-USB Settings. The result will be displayed in the bottom status
It can be seen in the bottom status line (see mouse pointer above), that firmware version v4.2 is running.
Note: Not all firmware versions are compatible with each other, i.e. not every firmware version can be
overwritten with any other firmware version. Basically, you have to do the upgrades in the order of the firmware
version numbering. If you attempt to flash an incompatible firmware, you cannot damage anything, but you will see
the following error message:
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2. Flash new firmware:
Press the "Flash Firmware" button and select the desired firmware version:
After pressing the "Open" button, you can observe flashing progress in the bottom status line of the setup window:
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After the flashing process is over, you will see further instructions on the screen:
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a) Powercycle the USB interface in order to generate a reset condition for the AVR controller. This is necessary to
grant stability. Some firmware versions (v4.3, v4.5) also need this hardware reset to trigger some further internal
reprogramming action.
b) Rescan USB Bus. This is necessary to reestablish contact between the VNWA application and the USB interface
after the hardware reset in a). Closing and reopening the VNWA application will do the same job but can be avoided
by rescanning the USB bus.
c) Optionally, you can verify the firmware update by pressing the "Verify Firmware" button and selecting the file that
is to be compared to the firmware residing in the VNWA interface.
Successful verify will produce this output:
Note: Some firmware versions cannot be verified after flashing (they will produce a compare error), because
they will reprogramm themselves after power cycling. Todate these are v4.3, v4.5 and v4.7.
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VNWA Software Updates
VNWA software updates can either be performed all manually via the SDRKits software update webpage or from within VNWA using the main menu "File - Software Updates".
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Automatic Configuration of the Software for Usage with a DG8SAQ VNWA
From VNWA software version V36.2.z on an automatic setup wizard is available. It will automatically start on first
program launch after installation, provided the VNWA hardware is connected.
The following describes a typical setup run on a Windows 8 machine, which behaves very similar to Windows7 and
Vista. Notes will point out differences to Windows XP.
If you haven't already entered the license code during software installation, make sure you have your license code at
Connect the VNWA hardware to your computer using a USB cable and give your computer a minute to automatically
configure the VNWA hardware drivers.
Then start the VNWA software by double-clicking the VNWA icon on the desktop (or VNWA.exe after manual
2. First informations
In order to use your VNWA over the full frequency range (up to 1.3GHz and beyond), the DDS chips inside must be
overclocked. In the long history of the VNWA several thousand DDS chips have been overclocked and we have not
observed a single failure. You still do overclock at your own risk.
Press OK if you agree to overclock. Press Cancel or close the window using the X-button if you do not want to
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Next, some useful first hints about not so obvious ways to operate the software are shown:
Also this window will show only once. Close it after having read by pressing OK or using the X-button.
The application main window comes up and the software detects that a setup is necessary:
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Pressing Cancel or closing the Warning window with the X-button will abort the guided setup and will activate the
main window.
In order to proceed with the guided setup press OK.
Note: You can interrupt the guided setup at any point by not pressing the OK button or by closing the dialogs or
the setup window with the X-button. Auto-Setup can be restarted by going to the "Audio Settings" tab and pressing
the "Auto-Setup Audio Devices" button on the lower left.
If a license code had been entered previously during software installation, the next step will be skipped
automatically and the setup process will continue in section 4.
If no license code has been entered previously, then you are asked to do so now:
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Confirm the notification by pressing OK, then enter your license code...
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... and terminate by pressing the return keyboard key or by pressing the "Rescan USB Bus" button.
If the entered license key is incorrect, you will be asked again to enter a correct license key.
If the key is correct and connection to the VNWA hardware could be established, then the setup wizard proceeds
with the automatic audio setup:
Make sure that nothing is connected to the VNWA TX and RX ports before proceeding with the auto-detection of
audio devices.
Also, I have noticed that on some Windows 8 installations, sound devices cannot be opened while the Windows
sound device control window is open. So make sure it is closed before you proceed.
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After having verified that nothing is connected to the VNWA RF ports, proceed by pressing OK.
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In this example I have connected a VNWA3E, which contains two sound devices. If a VNWA3 is being used, only one
sound device will be detected.
For Windows versions Vista and newer, the VNWA sound recording devices will be switched to 1 Channel / 44100
Hz upon first connection with the PC. The VNWA software will notice this and ask you to change it. As Windows does
not allow user code to change these settings, you will be asked to change them inside the Windows Sound
manager which will open automatically. Note, that this problem does not occur for Windows XP and older systems.
Press OK and watch another notification window and the Windows sound manager open:
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Double-click those sound devices in Sound manager which are shown in the notification window. By doing so, the
Windows sound device Properties manager will open:
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Go to the Advanced tab, ...
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... and change from the current setting ( 1 channel 44100 Hz) ...
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... to 2 channels 48000 Hz.
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Press OK ...
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... and repeat with the second sound device. Then close the Windows Sound devices manager by pressing OK...
After all sound devices have been configured correctly, the auto detect process will start. Observe progress in the
bottom status line of the setup window:
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Successful completion of the auto-detect process ends with the automatic correction of the sound devices setup
and a user notification:
Note, that from VNWA software version V36.2.z on, the software is able to control the codec recording levels for
Windows versions Vista and later, provided the codec interface library CodecIF.dll is properly installed (the
automatic installer takes care of this, on manual installation, the file has to be copied to the program directory). At
this stage, the levels have already been set to the correct values.
All that is left to do is to determine the exact codec sampling rates. This sample rate calibration step is started
automatically after confirming by pressing the OK button. Observe the progress bar moving slowly to the right as the
measurement proceeds:
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After successful completion you will be notified. Please also observe the exact determined sample rates in the
bottom status line of the setup window. If those values deviate very much from each other or from the nominal
sample rate of 48000 Hz, then it is advisable to repeat this calibration step later manually by pressing the "Calibrate
Sample Rate" button on the right side of the Audio Settings tab.
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After closing the notification window by pressing OK, an audio test will be started and the software will switch
automatically to the Audio Level tab:
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Here you can see the VNWA signals as they reach the codec. With the first default settings you will see sine-waves
which should show only a very slow phase shift over time. If they move rather fast, this indicates that the previous
calibrate sample rate step has failed and should be repeated.
Note, that this audio test can be repeated manually later by going to the Audio Level tab and pressing the Start/Stop
button on the lower left.
Note, that if you happen to have changed the number of sample points per IF period to a very low value, then the
shape of the sine waves may become trapezoidal/triangular. This is perfectly ok.
In above screenshot you do see the blue main reference signal and the faint red auxilliary reference signal (aux
signal visible for VNWA3E only). The signal levels are preset to about 50% of full scale, which is the recommended
setting. Note, that VNWA 36.2.z and later offers a single volume slider on the bottom, that controls the recording level
of the main sound device for Windows versions Vista and later. Windows versions XP and earlier offer two sliders
(separate for left and right channel) or none depending on availability of hardware level control. There is no
thru-signal (red and blue flat lines) as nothing is connected to the VNWA RF ports.
When toggling the Thru-button to reflect mode by pressing it, a second blue sine wave representing the reflect
signal appears:
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Note that the red aux signals remain unchanged. The level of the aux signal my be controlled by the volume slider
on the bottom of the Aux Audio Level tab:
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Manually changing levels should not be necessary, as auto-setup presets levels to recommended settings.
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... and close the setup window by clicking the X-button again thus going back to the VNWA main window.
The instrument hardware setup is completed now and you are back on the VNWA main window. The instrument
is ready to sweep.
Try it by pressing the Single Sweep button:
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The S21 transmission measurement will show noise as there is no RX input signal yet. The S11 reflect signal is off
screen as the instrument is not RF calibrated yet.
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Manual Configuration of the Software for Usage with a DG8SAQ VNWA
To start the VNWA software, double-click VNWA.exe. Look here for special issues on Windows Vista.
On program start two windows should open.One of looks like this:
Check the desired interface type. Make sure to enter the correct address of your LPT port (378hex is the most
common choice, see your PC BIOS). The button "Test LPT" allows you to evaluate the speed of your LPT port. You
should obtain values between about 1us and 2us per byte. This is no functionality test of the LPT port hardware,
though! You can actually test the LPT hardware with the feature to the right. You can toggle the states of the LPT
lines and observe the changes with a scope. You can also make a loopback connector and observe the changes on
the input lines.
Note: USB to LPT converters won't work for this application due to latency of the USB transfer protocol.
Before you select USB Mode, the USB_VNWA interface must be plugged in!
If you select USB Mode, the LPT test features disappear and the USB Settings tab appears.
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Press Rescan USB Bus to see if the USB driver and the USB_VNWA interface are being properly detected. You
should see the above screen in this case.
Note:Before continuing, you must enter the license code you have received together with your USB_VNWA
interface into the bottom field. After this you must close and reopen the hardware setup window in order to activate
the license key!
After activation you can press Test USB Interface to verify flawless communication.
Audio Settings
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Select your prefered audio capture device on the left. 48kHz is a good choice of a sampling rate, which is supported
by all modern sound cards. Lower sampling rates may be advantageous for very low frequency measurements, but
limit the sweep speed. The indicated "Misc Audio Settings" are good choices. If you have a slow CPU you might
want to increase the Audio Buffer Length. This will lead to fewer graphics updates.
Here you can specify the hardware inside your VNWA. If you have a different crystal frequency, modify the data
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according to your hardware. The displayed frequency of 35.9 MHz is approximately obtained if a standard 12 MHz
crystal is used in 3rd overtone mode. If you want to calibrate your DDS clock oscillator frequency, press the
according button and follow the instructions. You need a frequency counter to do so. Note, that the two frequency
multipliers need to be as high as possible and different from each other. If you want to use the frequency range 600
MHz...1.3 GHz, you need to select multipliers auto. When you do so, the prefilled auto clock multiplier table pops up.
Simply close it as the default values should be ok. Now your PC is ready to send control data to your VNWA board
and it is time to connect it to the PC, if you haven't done so already.
Note: With the displayed clock multiplier selections you stay within the Analog Devices DDS specification, but
you can only measure up to about 300 MHz.
Adjusting the Audio Level (no adjustment available for the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA interface or for Windows
Move on to the "Audio Level" tab and press the button "Test Audio". You might want to increase the window size for
better visibility. You should see the following screen:
Left and right audio channels are monitored while the VNWA is set to a fixed frequency. On the above screen, you
can see that the reference signal arrives on the right channel (bottom curve, if it's the left channel in your case, make
sure to change the setting in the Audio Settings/right block accordingly). Set the volume slider for the reference
channel such, that by no means clipping occurs. A good rule of thumb is to set the volumes such, that the amplitude
spans 50% of the maximum amplitude. The left channel (top) shows a flat line, as the Thru signal is zero while the
VNWA Tx and Rx ports are disconnected from each other. Press the right lower button showing "Thru". It will change
to display reflect. At the same time, you'll see the Reflect signal on the left channel (top). Adjust the level with the
according slider as for the reference signal. If you connect a short or a load resistor to the TX port, you can observe
how the amplitude and the phase of the reflect signal changes. If you now connect the TX port with the RX port via a
coaxial cable, the reflect signal should disappear, as the 50 Ohms input resistance of the RX port does not reflect
RF power. If you press the bottom right button again to show "Thru", you should see a strong thru signal instead. If
its amplitude appears too large, reduce it with the according slider. Don't increase the amplitude at this time, as you
woud also increase the reflect signal amplitude, that you have already adjusted.
Note: No sliders will be available for USB codecs on Windows XP or older. A single slider will be available for
on Windows Vista or later for VNWA software version 36.2.z and newer!
If you are done, press the "Test Audio" button again to stop sampling. Note, that the other tabs are deactivated
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while the sound device is capturing! Also, you cannot close the setup window while sampling.
Note, that the sine wave in above screen shot is sampled with the default setting of 10x4 samples per IF period,
which makes it look smooth and sine-like. If you reduce the number of samples per IF period to 1x4 as is required
for ultrafast sweeping ...
... the sine wave will rather look triangular or trapezoidal ...
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... which is perfectly ok! It is still a sine wave which is approximated in the graph with 4 straight lines connecting the
4 sampled data points per period. Note that the last two screenshots were taken on a Windows7 machine with a
Audio Driver Timing Calibration (LPT Mode0 only) and Sample Rate Calibration
If you have selected interface type "LPT Mode 0" in the beginning, you need to calibrate the sound driver latency next.
In this case move on to tab "Calibrate System Timing" (for "LPT Mode 1" you can skip this step). Press the button
"Recalibrate". You should see the following picture:
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Here, the DDSes are switched on and off and the data stream is analyzed to recover the switching moments. The
vertical yellow lines should exactly match the changes in the blue audio stream. The cross correlation function (top)
should have a sharp maximum. In the above example, an audio delay of 17 samples is determined. Press the
recalibrate button a few times and observe the calculated audio delays. If they are constant to within about +-1
sample, then this operation mode is feasible for your PC. If not, then you need to run "LPT Mode 1". The latter is the
case for all USB audio devices.
Next, you need to calibrate the sound card sampling rate. Move back to the tab "Audio Settings" and press the
button "Calibrate Sample Rate" in the right lower half of the window. A blue progress bar should appear for about 30
seconds. If the calibration is successful, you should see the determined sampling rate just below the button. It
should be very close to the one specified in the according selection box. The VNWA must be connected and running
in order to perform this calibration.
Here, you may enter a filename, which is used to store an instrument master calibration, which will be loaded and
interpolated automatically, in case no calibration for the actual sweep settings has been performed.
need to be unchecked for proper VNWA operation.
Now close the setup window and close the main window by pressing the buttons. Closing the main window
will cause the entered data to be stored in ini-files, which you will now find in your VNWA programm directory.
This setup is required only once at first program start. On the subsequent program starts, the necessary data will be
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read from these ini-files and the setup menu will not be entered automatically any more. But you can still enter and
modify the setup manually via the menu "Options-Setup".
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Configuring and running the VNWA application under Windows Vista, 7 or 8
The following procedures apply to Vista, Windows7 and Windows8 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems. For 64 bit
operating systems a special set of USB-driver is required. The automatic software installer takes care of this
automatically. If manual driver installation is attempted, consult the "Driver Compatibility Tables and Driver
Installation" page for details.
Help system note: When you see this text on a Vista or Windows7/8 machine, you have already figured out how
to configure your OS to support old helpfile formats. By defaullt Vista and Windows 7 or 8 do NOT support *.hlp
help files.
LPT note: In order to use LPT mode on 32 bit Vista or Windows 7, you must run the VNWA application with
administrator rights. See here for details. Note, that you cannot use LPT mode on 64 bit OSes, as the LPT drivers
used by VNWA are not digitally signed by Microsoft.
USB audio codec note: If you use VNWA3 or the built in audio codec of the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA interface, you
must manually configure the audio codec for stereo operation.
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Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 help file issues
In order to view this helpfile on a Vista machine, you need to download and install the appropriate WinHlp32.exe for
your operating system.
Finally, Microsoft has provided a fix for Windows7 also to support this help file format. In order to view this helpfile on
a Windows7 machine, you need to download and install the appropriate WinHlp32.exe for your operating system.
An alternate workaround is possible: You need to get the file WinHlp32.exe from a WindowsXP machine and copy it
to your VNWA software directory. Next, modify VNWA.ini with a text editor by changing the line "HelpByExe=0" to
This done, the helpfile will open normally from within VNWA.
This fix will also work for Vista in combination with VNWA, but it will not fix help file problems for third party software.
In order to view this helpfile on a Windows 8 machine, you need to download and install the appropriate
WinHlp32.exe for your operating system.
This fix is tested to work on Windows8 Enterprise, but is reported to fail on Windows 8 Professional. A workaround
is to manually copy winhlp32.exe from a Windows XP system to the VNWA installation directory. VNWA36.2 and later
will automatically detect the program and use this instead.
Even after having installed the Microsoft help fix you might not be able to open the helpfile with WinHlp32. In this
case, the help file is blocked by Windows for security reasons. In order to qualify VNWA.hlp as safe, right-click
VNWA.hlp and select properties. You will see the following window.
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At the very bottom you see the item Security and a statement telling you file access is being blocked. Press the
release-button right next to it (see mouse pointer).
You might have to repeat this step with the accompanying content file VNWA.cnt.
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Vista / Windows 7 LPT mode issues
When the VNWA software is used in combination with the LPT driver zlportio.sys on a Windows Vista or Windows7
machine, then by default Windows blocks the port driver and upon double-clicking VNWA.exe, this is what you will
Solution 1:
Confirm the warning popping up by agreeing to start the program. Then VNWA.exe should be started flawlessly with
LPT support. Note, that you have to do this upon every program start. More convenient is solution 2:
Solution 2:
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Select the tab-sheet "compatibility" and activate "run program as administrator". Do not select any compatibility
mode! Confirm with "ok".
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From now on you can double-click VNWA.exe to run it with administrator rights. A warning window will still pop up
upon every program start unless you deactivate it inside Windows.
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Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 audio issues
Warning: In Windows 7, 8 and Vista the name of the USB Audio Codec depends on which USB port you plug
the VNWA into. This means, if you do below configuration with the VNWA connected to one specific USB port, you
have to redo it again if you connect the VNWA to a different USB port. Moreover, the VNWA software will try to
autodetect the USB audio codec, when you change connection from one USB port to another. This works reliably if
you have only one USB audio codec connected. Otherwise, you probably have to manually select the correct sound
codec in "setup - audio settings" afer changing the USB port.
Summarizing, it is a good idea to connect the VNWA always to one and the same USB port.
Note, that some people have reported they had to run VNWA/USB in administrator mode as described before for the
LPT mode in order to make it work. This is not generally the case but might be worth a try in case of problems.
1. Right-click the the little loudspeaker icon on the lower right Windows bar of your desktop and select "capture
devices" from the popup menu:
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2. Highlight the USB audio codec by clicking on it as seen above and press the "properties" button:
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3. Select 2 channel 16 bit 48000Hz as operation mode for the codec as seen above.
In contrast to all other supported operating systems, Windows 7 and 8 allow to control the recording volume of
the USB codec. Note, that this is only a software control, which allows to multiply the sample data that the codec is
sending by an amplification value. But apparenty, numerical clipping will occur. By default, the volume setting is
reportedly too sensitive, so reduce the volume appropriately by highlighting the microphone device of the USB
codec, pressing the "properties" button and selecting the "level" tab.
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Levels between 2 and 4 are reported to work ok.
Not necessary but nice: Customizing the VNWA Audio Device in Windows 7 / 8
Windows 7 / 8 offers the possibility to change the name and symbol/icon of the USB audio device:
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To change the name, simply replace the original name by something more descriptive like "DG8SAQ-VNWA" as
shown in above example. The icon can be exchanged by pressing the button "other icon" (see mouse pointer in
above screen shot). After pressing the button, a file selection menu opens. Use it to select the VNWA application file
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Confirm with "OK" and the USB audio input device will show with the VNWA icon:
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Press the "Accept" button and then "OK" and the new name and icon are saved:
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From now on you will see the VNWA USB codec with its new name in the VNWA audio setup:
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Note: The new name and icon is linked to the VNW USB codec AND the specific USB port it is connected to. If
you reconnect your VNWA to a different USB port, it will show with a different name and icon. Connecting it back to
the original port, it will show the freshly installed name and icon, though.
=> Always connect your VNWA to the same USB port. If you change the port, you will have to redo the VNWA
audio settings AND the Windows7 audio settings!
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Configuring the Software for use with an N2PK VNA
If you want to use the G8KBB USB interface mode, make sure that the files vnadll.dll and delphivna.dll are present
in the VNWA software directory prior to first program start.
- delphivna.dll will automatically be provided when using the automatic software installer to install the VNWA
- vnadll.dll is maintained by Dave Roberts G8KBB and is subject to changes to support N2PK-VNA firmware
updates. Always obtain the latest version of vnadll.dll from Dave's webpage Go to his
download page and download the latest USB driver zip file. You'll find vnadll.dll in there.
From VNWA software version 36.3 on, the simplest way to activate N2PK support is to copy the file vnadll.dll
obtained from Dave Robert's webpage (see above) into the the VNWA installation directory:
The automatic software installer has already installed delphivna.dll into the same directory.
Now, after launching the VNWA software, N2PK mode can be selected via the main menu:
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Alternative way to activate N2PK support
An alternative approach to activate N2PK support, is to create file named N2PK.ini with arbitrary contents in the
program folder prior to program start.
You can do so by e.g. typing echo > n2pk.ini on the console prompt. This approach is only necessary if you run your
N2PK VNA with LPT interface and you don't want to provide the USB controller vnadll.dll.
Now start the VNWA software by double-clicking VNWA.exe. Two windows should open. One of them is the VNWA
setup window. Close it by pressing the button.
The remaining Window is the VNWA main window with its main menu:
Connect your N2PK VNA to your PC via USB or parallel port interface and power it up. To activate N2PK mode, select
from the main menu "Options" , "Select Instrument" and "N2PK VNA". The software will search for the N2PK
hardware, but likely it will not find it as we haven't provided setup data yet. If the software claims that it hasn't found
detectors, close the notification. After having done so, the N2PK setup window will automatically open:
N2PK Setup
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Enter the required data. If you use the LPT interface mode, make sure to enter the correct LPT address. Note, that
LPT mode is not supported on 64 bit Windows systems.
In the "Other Settings" tab, you can specify a master calibration filename, which will be automatically loaded upon
program start and which will be used to interpolate corrections in case no calibration has ben performed.
You can use the functions in the "Diagnosis" tab to ckeck proper operation and communication between PC and
N2PK hardware.
If done, close the setup window and close the main window by pressing the buttons. Closing the main window
will cause the entered data to be stored in ini-files, which you will now find in your VNWA programm directory.
This setup is required only once at first program start. On the subsequent program starts, the data will be read from
these ini-files and the setup menu will not be entered automatically any more. But you can still enter and modify the
setup manually via the menu "Options-Setup".
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Display Settings and Measurement
After having gone through the hardware setup procedure after first program start, and after having restarted the
VNWA software, you should see the following screen, which I subsequently call the main graphics window:
Select the menue item "Settings"-"Diagrams"-"Display". You'll see the following window:
Here, you can customize colors, line widths and select, which traces (=curves, maximum 6) and types of traces to to
be displayed.
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To save CPU time it is recommended to select Background "none", which leads to a grey windows type background
color. I prefer grid and smith diagram grid colors to be white on a grey background. To change colors, left-click the
color boxes and select a color of your choice.
You can display two horizontal freely placable reference lines if you like. If you don't need them, check "RefLine
Color " "none".
You can select the traces you want to display with the "Trace Enable " checkboxes. When checking one of the
traces, a trace information field pops up, where the memory space (S21, S11, S12, S22, Memory1...4) and the
display type (dB, Smith...) can be selected.
When you are done with these settings, close the Display Settings window and open the menu item "Settings" -
"Sweep Settings":
Select the number of data points (min 1, max 8192) and the sampling time per data point (min 0.2 ms, max 100
ms) for your measurement.
Note: Sweep rates below 1ms / frequency point are only available in USB mode.
Note: The sample rate slider will block on the left at the fastest possible sweep rate. If you want to sweep faster
you need to increase the IF by decreasing the #samples per IF period and/or increasing the sample rate.
Select a sweep progress display option if you like. This is particularly usefull, when doing slow sweeps.
Close the Display Settings window when done. You should see the main graphics window again with your new
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A dB vs. frequency grid (A) and a Smith chart (B) are visible. Above, you find the main menu (C). The top left blue
scale label (D) indicates the scales per division for the to be blue trace. The right blue "reference label" (E)
indicates the reference level and reference postion of the to be blue trace. To change the scale, the reference level
or the reference position, double-click either of the labels D or E, and modify the data in the window which is
popping up:
Also, the number of horizontal grid lines and the position of the optional reference line can be changed here. Close
the window when done.
An alternative way to change the scale/division is to hold the mouse pointer over the corresponding reference label
(E, the shape of the pointer will change) and turn the mouse wheel.
Yet another possiility is to right-click the label.
An alternative way to change the reference level of a trace is to move the mouse pointer to the according reference
label of the trace on the right hand side of the grid (E, mouse pointer shape will change), then press the left mouse
key and move the mouse up or down while keeping the left mouse key pressed. This way, the traces can be moved
up or down the screen with the mouse in realtime.
Yet an alternative is to right-click the reference label.
A very useful feature is the "get scales from" feature accessible on right-click on any trace label (D,E,L). It allows to
copy all scale information from one trace to another, e.g. when you want to save S21 to Memory 1 and then display
Memory 1 with the same scales as S21.
In order to set the measurement start and stop frequencies, double-click on one of the frequency labels below the
grid (F). The following frequency "Input" window will pop up:
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Enter start and stop frequency or alternatively center frequecy and frequency span. The units selected here will also
be displayed on the main screen. The center unit will also be used for markers.
Also, the number of vertical grid lines and the sweep mode (linear, logarithmic, listed sweep) can be changed here.
Note, that the start, stop, center frequency and the frequency span can also be changed with the mouse wheel by
holding the mouse pointer over the corresponding main window frequency label below the grid (F).and turning the
mouse wheel. The increment values can also be set in the frequency "Input" window.
Note, that while VNWA2 has a quite odd clock frequency of 35.9 MHz, the VNWA3 clock frequency is exactly 12 MHz.
Since, very sensitive measurements will reveal some degree of undesired interference at multiples of the clock
frequency, it might be desirable to modify the frequency grid such that these frequencies are being maximally
avoided. This can be done automatically for the linear sweep mode by right-clicking the "linear" combo box:
Note, that you can modify the displayed frequency units at labels K (the center unit will also affect the marker unit!) by
right-clicking one of the frequency labels:
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Start and Stop labels will always show the same unit.
If you have calibrated your instrument, it is now ready for sweeping (which means measuring). To do so, press the
button "Single Sweep" (M) if you only want to aquire a single frequency sweep or the button "Continuous" (F) for
continuous sweeping. Both sweeps can be interrupted by pressing the same button again.
Warning: Your measurement results will be quite meaningless unless you have calibrated the instrument!
Each trace can be switched on or off by checking/unchecking the checkboxes below the grid (J).
You can also change the displayed memory space (S21, S11, S12, S22, Mem1...Mem4) and the display type (dB,
Smith, mag, phase...) by right-clicking the labels next to the checkboxes (K, L). Alternatively, double-click the label K
or L.
Trace data can be copied from one memory space to another (e.g. S21 to Memory 1) with the button H. The combo
box to the left of the button selects the source, the one on the right selects the target memory space for the copy
process. Several memory spaces can be copied simultaneously by right-clicking the copy button H. A popup menu
will appear in this case:
Markers can be added by right-clicking into the grid field or into the smith chart. Marker positions can be changed by
dragging the markers with the mouse (pointing the mouse onto the marker triangle, pressing the left mouse key
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and keeping it pressed while moving the mouse).
The "File" menu allows to save or print the screen, to save or load S-parameter files in Touchstone format (s1p,
s2p) or save/load calibrations.
S-parameter files can also be loaded most conveniently by dragging them from any file browser and dropping them
onto the VNWA main window.
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Memory Spaces
Data inside the VNWA software is organized in distinct memory spaces, which generally contain only S-parameters,
but no frequency information. All memory spaces (except the "Plot" spaces) share the same frequency frame data
given by the x-axis of the main diagram in unzoomed mode.
Note: If the frequency frame data is changed, the memory space data remains unchanged (except for the "Plot"
data spaces), thus, you will see the same traces with changed frequency axes, which generally invalidates data.
Note: If the number of frequency points is changed, the memory space data will be erased (except for the
"Plot" data spaces).
Note: Data can be copied from almost any memory space to almost any other memory space by means of the
"=> button" H.
Note: Memory space data can be exported to a file or imported from a file by means of the "File"-"Export Data" or
"File"-"Import Data" menu.
The memory spaces Plot1...Plot4 each contain an individual frequency grid memory. While importing data into e.g.
Mem1 causes the frequency grid for all traces (except Plot* traces) to be modified, importing data into the Plot*
memory spaces leaves the main frequency grid untouched. The Plot* data remains valid upon changing the main
frequency grid (frequencies, lin/log scale) or the number of frequency data points. Note, that marker data for the Plot*
memory spaces is interpolated to the main frequency grid.
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2. Increase the frequency span and the number of data points:
You will still see correct data plotted into the valid frequency span. Note, that marker levels have slightly changed
due to the frequency grid interpolation.
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Instrument Calibration
Master Calibration
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Calibration Standard Setup
Todate, the VNWA software allows for SOLT (Short, Open, Load, Thru) calibration. Before actually performing an
instrument calibration, you need to specify the RF properties of the calibration standards you are going to use. To do
so, select from the VNWA main menu "Settings" the submenu "Calibration Kit Settings". The following window will
If you do not know anything about your cal standards, select "ideal calibration standards". In this case, the load
standard is assumed to be 50 Ohms, the open and short standards are assumed to be ideal open and short
circuits of zero length.
For high precision measurements in the VHF and UHF range, this is generally not good enough. In this case you
need to obtain a more precise model of your cal standards.
If you select "simple model custom calibration standards" and open the "Simple SOL Model Settings" tab,this is
what you'll see:
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Enter the electrical delays of your open and short standards as well as the DC resistance and shunt capacitance of
your load standard.
Kurt Poulsen has compiled calibration kit data for the calibration standards available through SDRKits which is
available from his web page
You can accurately measure the DC resistance of your load standard with a 4 wire Kelvin probe. In order to obtain
the other parameters for standards not covered by Kurt Poulsen's documents, either refer to the manufacturer's data
sheets or measure them with a reference VNWA. For comparison between the measured reflection coefficients
from a reference VNWA and the model data, you can simulate the model calibration standard reflection coefficients
by activating the checkbox "Generate cal standard S-parameters on click/modify in S11/S21" in the "SOLT Simulation
Settings" tab:
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S11 data will automatically be updated whenever you modify the calibration standard model parameters. E.g. if you
display the measured reflection coefficient of your Open in memory space Mem1 and compare it to the simulated
reflection coefficient in memory space S11, you can modify the parameter "Open delay" (it can also be modified with
the mouse wheel), until both curves match.
Hint: You will only see a difference in delays, if you look at the phase.
If you do not have access to a reference VNWA, then you might use the realtime recalibration feature on the bottom
(greyed in above figure). To do so, you must previously have performed a SOL reflection calibration with your
unknown calibration standards and you need to have measured the reflection coefficient of an about 30cm long
open ended or shorted high quality 50 Ohms coaxial transmission line, preferably of semi-rigid type. It must be
measured on your VNWA which is calibrated with your unknown cal standards. Make sure, the measured line
reflection coefficient is displayed in S11. If a valid calibration is available, then you are allowed to activate the
"enable realtime recalibration" checkbox. When activated and if you click on one of the cal standard parameter
fields and turn the mouse wheel, then the parameter will change and the calibration will be recalculated in realtime.
You will see this by a changing S11 trace. This way you can actually tune the cal standard parameters for lowest port
mismatch ripple of your transmission line measurement in amplitude (dB) and phase progression (-continuous
phase/f). Make sure you keep one delay (e.g. that of the Open standard) at a fixed value (e.g. =0). This will define the
position of the calibration plane. See an example on page Extracting calibration kit parameters.
The feature in the big field in above figure serves the same purpose, but it utilizes s1p-measurement data files
instead of actual measurements.
Hint: Calibration standard delays are entered and stored as time delays. But the software converts and
displays them for convenience as propagation lengths as well. To do so, the software needs to know which velocity
factor to use. This velocity factor can be defined in the "Special Settings" tab. The predefined value of 0.7 is quite
typical for PTFE dielectric SMA standards:
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The Delay Thru setting in above screenshot should always be set to zero unless you exactly know what you are
doing. It is only retained for compatibility with previous software versions. This is a port extension that acts differently
on transmission and reflection.
From VNWA software version 35 on the user may create his own calibration standard model by selecting "arbitrary
model custom calibration standards" in the "General Settings" tab. In this case the cal standard model can be
defined by a custom formula:
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The user can specify a formula for the impedance Z, the admittance Y or the reflection coefficient S of the reflection
standards. For convenience, a delay needn't be programmed into the custom formula but can be specified in the
field below. The formula will be parsed upon pressing the return button. Parsing errors will be reported between the
bright lines.
Similarly, the transmission and reflection coefficients of the thru standard can be specified by formulas:
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The only restriction is that the thru standard be reciprocal, i.e. S21=s12, and symmetric, i.e. S11=S22. Otherwise,
just about anything with two connectors can be used as a thru standard provided its properties are known.
From VNWA software version 36.0 on, low loss capacitors can be used as optional additional calibration standards.
These are user definable and thus only available within the arbitrary calibration standard model. As capacitors are
strongly frequency dependent impedances, several capacitor calibration standards with different capacitance values
are needed to cover a wider frequency range.
A new LLC standard can be defined by right-clicking onto the Low Loss C-tab:
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The popup menu also allows to delete or rename an existing LLC standard.
Upon selecting "add LLC standard", you are asked to enter a unique name for the new standard, e.g. its
capacitance value:
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After confirming with Ok, a new tab with the previously assigned name appears, where the calibration standard
definitions can be entered:
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User definabe settings:
- ESR: Effective Series Resistance of the capacitor. This may be frequency dependent and must be modeled.
Variables f (frequency), w (angular frequency) and C (capacitance) may be used in the ESR expression, likewise all
functions supported by the custom trace compiler.
- C nom: Nominal capacitance of the standard. This does not need to be accurate. It is only used to estimate the
standard's frequency range of applicability, the recommended frequency range, which is displayed on the bottom
of the tab.
- Delay: The time delay of the capacitor position relative to the calibration plane.
- Use standard #... If checked, the standard will show in the calibration menu. If unchecked, the standard remains
invisible during calibration. See page Low Loss Capacitor Calibration for details.
Note: The recommended frequency range boundaries cannot be edited. These are automatically calculated
from the entered Cnom value.
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Performing a Calibration for a Two Port S-Parameter Measurement
When measuring S-parameters of a two-port device (S11, S21, S12, S22), care has to be taken, that calibration
planes for the reflect (S11, S22) measurement and for the through (S21, S12) measurement are identical, i.e. the
phase values for all 4 S-parameters are consistent.
In the following, I describe the procedure, I normally use to calibrate my VNWA. This is not the only possible way to
perform a proper calibration, see Kurt Poulsens documents at . A different way to do
a 2 port calibration using female Amphenol calibration standards provided by SDRKits is described on page
"Practical Example on Performing a 2-Port Measurement".
Important Note: Before performing a calibration measurement, make sure, that the instrument sweep rate is
set to the lowest value you intent to use the calibration with, otherwise your later measurement results will be
dominated by the noise of your calibration measurements.
In order to initiate a two-port calibration, click the menu "Measure" and "Calibrate". You'll see the following window
popping up:
When you press the buttons next to the red lights, you'll see a window popping up which tells you, which cal
standard to connect, e.g. when pressing on "Short", you'll see this window:
Now, connect the calibration standards, which you are asked for, and press ok when done. Output is synonymous
for TX port and input for RX port. If you press "abort", no measurement will be performed. You can repeat any
calibration measurement at any time. You can calibrate in any order you like. After a successful calibration sweep,
the corresponding red lamp turns green indicating, that valid calibration data is available:
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Note the red "M"s inside the green lamps. These indicate that no master calibration is available yet. By clicking on
the green lamp, you can invalidate a calibration measurement and the green lamp turns red again. You can also
switch corrections off and on again without invalidating the calibration measurements using the checkboxes next to
the lamps.
The radio menus in the "Correction Schemes" tab allow to experiment with various degrees of mathematical
In the following I will exactly describe my cal standards and how the calibration is to be performed.
Thru Calibration:
Starting point are the two coaxial cables comming from the VNWA TX port (output, left) and going to the VNWA RX
port (input, right) with two SMA male connectors.:
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In case you run the "Crosstalk Cal", just leave the two cables separated from each other as shown above.
Note: Normally a crosstalk calibration can (and should) be omitted, as the VNWA's crosstalk level is below the
noise floor. In this case, a crosstalk calibration only increases the noise level by 3dB. Use the crosstalk calibration
to eliminate crosstalk of test adapters if necessary.
For the "Thru Cal" you need to connect the two cable ends. Obviously, you need an SMA female to female adapter
as can be seen in the following picture:
Note that the adapter introduces some phase shift because of its finite electrical length that has to be accounted for
in the further reflection calibration.
The "Thru-Match" calibration step requires the same thru standard as the thru calibration. While the thru calibration
step measures transmission, the thru match calibration step measures reflection of the RX port in order to
numerically compensate deviations from a perfect 50 Ohms RX port match.
Reflection calibration:
One possible way to deal with the additional phase shift of the thru adapter is to leave it in the system when
performing the reflection calibration. The following picture shows my open "standard", which is the bare female SMA
side of the thru adapter:
This nails the reference plane to the place where the RX cable connector was sitting during the thru calibration and
ensures zero phase difference between S11 and S21.
An alternative calibration scheme using the calibration standards available thru SDR-Kits can be found on page
Practical Example on Performing a 2-Port Measurement.
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The thru adapter is also in place when measuring the "Short" and "Load" standards, which are both commercial
products with male SMA connectors.
The "Short" standard is an SMA male connector with a built-in short circuit. The "Load" standard is an SMA male
connector with a built-in 50 Ohms resistor.
Actually, for open, short and load standards, the calibration planes will still not be exactly at the same position as
internal builds differ slightly. These slight errors can be corrected for by entering proper calibration standard
parameters if known.
Finally, you want to remove the Thru adapter so you can connect the VNWA cables to your test object (a monolythic
crystal filter in below picture)
in forward direction to measure S11 and S21
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The only remaining effect to corrected is, that your reference plane still sits at the position where the end of the Thru
adapter was, which would be well inside your test object now. This can be compensated in the port extension menu
invoked by "Measure"-"Port Extensions":
You can move calibration planes for forward and reverse measurements independently, by entering delays into the
"Ext. Port 1" and "Ext. Port 2" fields. This might be useful, when you want to correct for different input and output
connector lengths of your test object or if you want to move the calibration planes beyond the connectors to the
solder pads of your component under test. A positive port extension will move the calibration plane away from the
VNWA. Port extensions will be applied only if the "Ext. on" checkbox is checked.You can monitor the application by a
slight rotation of your previously measured data in the Smith Chart.
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Master Calibration
As long as you haven't performed a calibration, the VNWA will yield quite arbitrary and useless results. Once you
have decided, what frequency range to sweep and how many data points to collect, it's time to do the calibration.
When you modify the number of data points or the frequency span, the calibration will be invalidated and is thus
lost. To avoid the necessity for repeated calibrations for standard moderate precision measurements, the master
calibration feature has been implemented. The idea is as follows: Calibrate the instrument once with a large
number of points (e.g. 8192) and the maximum span (1 kHz...1.3 GHz):
Then make this calibration the master calibration by saving it as a master calibration. You are asked for a file name
to store the calibration for later reload after program restart. Successful activation of a master calibration is indicated
by the red "M"s inside the green lamps turning green and thus vanish:
When you change the number of points or the frequency span, and the calibration is thus invalidated, the master
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calibration data is used to interpolate new calibration data. In this case, the instrument will still deliver reasonable
results, even though it is not calibrated. This can also be seen from the calibration window which shows green "M"s
inside red lamps indicating no calibration but an activated master calibration:
An active master calibration is also indicated by the Master Calibration Activated info in the top left rectangular info
field above.
Hint: You can have more than one master calibration by selecting different file names. You can reload an
existing master calibration file using the Master calibration Menu above or via the main menu "Setup" and
"Misc-Settings" tab.
Note, that you can also transform a loaded calibration into a master calibration via main menu "
File-Save-Calibration to Master-Cal.":
You can load a calibration directly as master calibration via main menu "File-Retrieve-Mastercalibration" as well as
via "Options-Setup" Misc. Settings tab, button "Browse and Load Master Cal."
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Low Loss Capacitor Calibration
Theoretically, a SOL-calibration does remove all linear errors that can occur in an impedance measurement with the
In real life, error correction is only as accurate as the calibration kit models.
Small changes in the models may yield big changes in the measurement results, particularly, when measuring
extreme impedances, i.e. near the edge of the Smith chart.
Accurately measuring Q-values of capacitors, inductors and resonators is a task particularly sensitive to the
calibration standard models.
The following picture shows an impedance measurement of a standard SMD 100pF capacitor. The measurement
data has been corrected using two different Load models:
red: ideal load model (i.e. Z=50 Ohms)
blue: load model consists of 50 Ohms and 2nH connected in series
The DUT capacitor can be modeled as a series connection of capacitor Cs and resistor Rs.
Note, that while the measured capacitance Cs is quite independent of the load model, the measured Rs changes
by 50%, even though a 2nH inductor is only a very minor correction to our load in our frequency range (j*0.1
Ohms...j*0.5 Ohms). And the effect persists even to the lowest frequencies.
=> Measured Q-values depend strongly on the imaginary part of the load standard model impedance for SOL
calibration! So, for accurate Q-measurements you have to have this absolutely right.
BUT... The load standard's imaginary part of impedance is usually the one parameter of all calibration standards
that is least accurately known, while the load's absolute value of impedance can be measured quite accurately at
DC with a Kelvin probe.
Solution LLC-calibration:
Accepting that there will always be poor knowledge of the imaginary part of ZLoad, an additional calibration standard
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is needed to overcome this problem.
As the missing knowledge strongly influences loss measurements on e.g. capacitors, a capacitor with well known
loss is best suited as additional calibration standard.
Best suited would be a capacitor with no loss at all (e.g. Effective Series Resistance ESR=0), second best is a low
loss capacitor (LLC). When ESR is small, then the ESR uncertainty is automatically small as well.
This implies if the Q of the capacitor is much higher than the Q of the DUT, then ESR might even be set to 0, as in
this case it hardly influences the measurement result.
Since the magnitude of ZLoad is assumed to be known, the exact capacitance value of the calibration capacitor isn't
required to be known. It is sufficient to know the loss, i.e. the effective series resistance ESR.
Note, that even though the exact capacitance value need not be known, the LLC capacitance still influences the
usable frequency range. A capacitor is equivalent to an Open at verly low frequencies and to a Short at very high
frequencies. Thus, it does not deliver additional information at these extermes over the Open and Short standard. In
order to cover a wide frequency range, a number of LLC standards with different capacitances is required.
The following picture demonstrates how an additional LLC calibration fixes a wrong Load standard model. The
same 100pF SMD capacitor as above was used as test object and as LLC standard:
The traces stored in Mem1 (pink, red) were determined with the assumed correct ideal load model (Z=50 Ohms).
The S11 traces (blue, green) were obtained with the wrong load model, but the calibration was extended by a LLC
calibration measurement. After LLC calibration the S11 measurement reproduces the supposedly exact ESR=0.8
Ohms as entered into the LLC model, even though the load model is wrong.
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Next, measure your LLC standard:
Generally, the capacitor will not be located in the SOL calibration plane. This leads to a frequency dependence of the
measured capacitance value as seen above (green trace).
Next, we use a port extension to determine, how far away the capacitor is from the calibration plane.
Activate port extensions and tune the Port 1 extension ...
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Note, that for a port 1 extension of 115ps the green capacitancy trace almost becomes flat.
Note, that that the scale for the green trace above is 0.2pF/ while it was 2pF/ in the previous plot.
Note, that it is sufficient to enter an approximate nominal capacitance value. In the line ESR you should enter an
expression modeling the frequency dependent ESR (effective series resistance) of your capacitor as closely as
possible. Note, that you can use mathematical formulas for modeling. The syntax is identical with the custom trace
compiler syntax, e.g. variable f denotes the frequency.
Example of an ESR that rises linearly in frequency from 0.1 Ohms to 10.1 Ohms at 1MHz:
ESR = 0.1+10*f/1e6
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Either consult the capacitor data sheet or use a transmission measurement to determine the ESR without using the
SOL calibration standards.
For a first test we use ESR=0, which is a good initial choice for very low loss capacitors.
After clicking on the "Low Loss C"-button, you are asked to connect the standard. As you can define up to 8 different
LLC standards, the standard's name is shown. Be sure to connect the right one.
The calibration sweep is performed for the underlined standard. If you want to use a different LLC standard, click the
corresponding number and it will become underlined, i.e. active.
After the cal measurement, the LLC cal label turns from red to green indicating an active LLC calibration:
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Note, that clicking onto the green LLC label will delete the calibration measurement and turn the label red again.
Note, that next to the nominal capacitance value there should be a fairly accurate indication of the real capacitance
measured during the calibration measurement. This capacitance value is determined from the last frequency point,
so it may be off from the average capacitance, but not far. If this value is far off, then either the delay is wrong or you
have picked the wrong standard.
We now enter the correct ESR for this capacitor of 0.8 Ohms (not exactly low loss, better use a high Q type).
Next, measure your LLC calibration standard as it was a DUT (i.e. not doing a calibration measurement but a
normal sweep) still having the found delay switched on:
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Note, that the LLC calibration step changes the measured series resistance of the capacitor to the value specified
in the LLC standard setup, thus the LLC correction works.
Note: LLC correction will work somewhat beyond the recommended frequency range, but it will completely fail,
if the frequency is too far ABOVE the recommended frequency range. In this case, the software falls back to the
standard SOL correction ignoring the LLC calibration measurement.
Note: If several LLC standards are defined and calibrated, then the software automatically use the standard
best fitting the current frequency point. So, within a single sweep several LLC standards may be used for correction
depending on the data point frequency.
Note: The LLC correction will NEVER be saved into a master calibration! Master calibrations cannot contain
LLC corrections. When saving a calibration containing LLC corrections into a master calibration, the LLC part will
simply be omitted, but the SOLT corrections will properly be saved.
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Your instrument is now set up and calibrated and showing the main graphics window. It is ready for sweeping,
which means measuring.
To do so, press the button "Single Sweep" if you only want to aquire a single frequency sweep or the button
"Continuous" (F) for continuous sweeping. Both sweeps can be interrupted by pressing the same button again.
The picture below shows the measurement result of a low pass filter.
The Cal-label indicates a valid calibration. If that label text shows MC instead, there is no valid user calibration, but a
Master Calibration is loaded. You can double-click the label to activate the calibration menu. Right-click to switch off
the calibration. If the user only performs a thru calibration, the software combines the user thru calibration with the
master reflect calibration (if available).
The "Dly" label indicates, that a port extension (delay) is being applied. Double-click it to enter the port extension
menu or right-click to switch off port extensions.
Note the arrow below the yellow circle. It indicates the measurement direction:
=> means forward measurement. Measurement data is stored in data spaces S11 and S21.
<= means reverse measurement. Measurement data is stored in data spaces S12 and S22.
As the VNWA2.* hardware cannot switch the measurement direction, you need to turn around the DUT manually
for a reverse measurement.
Display modes:
Data can be displayed in various ways. The software can recalculate S11 e.g. to VSWR, impedances,
capacitances, inductances, Q-values... . The following screenshot shows a reflection measurement (S11) of a
wired 180pF capacitor:
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Hint: If you change the display type (e.g. from dB to VSWR) and you won't see your trace because of unfit
scales, the fastest way to see something is to perform an Autoscale operation. To do so, right-click the according
scale-label and select autoscale. Scale to Ref is an alternative to automatically scale the graph. It keeps the scale
per division untouched but aligns ref level to the maximum of the trace.
Up to 9 markers can be used. To add a marker, right-click onto the main grid at the frequency, where you want the
marker to show up and select "add normal marker".
Hint: In the above picture, you also see one of the two available horizontal dashed reference lines. You can
move them up and down with the mouse. You can change their color by right-clicking on them.
You can also zoom into a trace. To do so, left-click to one corner of an imagined box in the main grid, which you want
to enlarge and draw the so called zoom-box with the mouse. While you keep the left mouse button pressed and you
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move the mouse, you will see the zoom-box. In the following example, we attempt to zoom into the measured filter's
As soon as you release the mouse button, the zoom-box will be enlarged to completely fill the main grid.
You see the zoomed passband. Note, that I have added bandwidth markers in the above image as an example.
Note: When zooming, the measurement span and measured number of data points remains untouched. Only
part of the data is displayed. When sweeping in zoomed state, you still sweep the whole unzoomed frequency
range, but only part of it is displayed.
Note: You cannot zoom inside the Smith chart. But as you can see in above screenshot, the Smith chart data
outside the zoomed frequency range is greyed.
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Note: You can unzoom by right-clicking the zoom label near mouse pointer. If you right-click it, the above
shown unzoom menu pops up.
You can
- Undo last zoom = return to the state before the last of consecutive zooms
- Unzoom = restore the original x- and y-scales before all consecutive zooms
- leave zoom-mode keep y-scale = restore the full frequency span but keep the zoomed vertical scale
- leave zoom-mode keep all scales = keep the zoomed frequency span and the zoomed vertical scale. The outside
data is lost, the visible data is interpolated to the full number of data points grid. A sweep after this will only sweep
the visible frequency span.
- Overlay Unzoomed = if selected, overlay an unzoomed and greyed version of the zoomed data with the zoomed
range highlighted.
Hint: You can also unzoom by right-clicking the main graphics grid.
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Example: A simple one port measurement
The following example demonstrates how the VNWA can be used to measure a little loop antenna for 13.5 MHz and
extract its electrical properties.
1. Setting up
We set the instrument to the desired frequency range e.g. by double-clicking the "Stop" label or by simply pressing
the f-key on the keyboard.
Also, select S11 for both traces as shown above. Select Settings-Sweep or press the s-key on the keyboard to
choose reasonable sweep parameters:
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Next we place a marker by right-clicking onto the main drawing grid:
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Here it is:
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Now we are ready to calibrate the VNWA for a one-port measurement, also called reflection measurement.
2. Calibration
This example demonstrates how to calibrate a male test cable end with male calibration standards.
We connect our test cable to the VNWA TX port and we connect our open calibration standard (in this case a
female-female through connector) to the other end of the test cable:
We select "Measure-Calibrate" or simply press the c-key on the keyboard, press the "Open" button, confirm that the
open standard is connected and observe the instrument measuring the standard.
When the measurement is completed, the red Open light turns green:
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In similar fashion we measure the load calibration standard...
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Finally, all reflect calibration lamps should be green:
We close the calibration window and double-check the calibration by measuring the calibration standards. Observe
the red Smith chart trace.
The short calibration standard should yield a dot at the left edge of the Smith chart (reflection coefficient -1, red
marker value). Without the marker, the dot would be barely visible:
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The open calibration standard should yield a dot at the right edge of the Smith chart (reflection coefficient +1):
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The load calibration standard should yield a dot at the center of the Smith chart (reflection coefficient 0):
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The dB scale trace shows that the measured reflection coefficient is not exactly zero but very very small due to noise.
3. Measurement
Next, we connect our loop antenna to be tested to the end of the test cable...
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... and measure it:
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The antenna looks pretty much like an inductor with the red Smith chart trace circling mostly at the upper edge of the
Smith chart. The blue trace shows that almost all power is reflected by the antenna (absolute value of reflection
coefficient close to 1 = 0dB) if connected to the 50 Ohms source impedance of the VNWA.
4. Parameter extraction
The antenna can be described quite accurately by the following equivalent circuit:
In order to obtain the inductance value, we switch trace 1 to display the series inductance calculated from the
measured reflection coefficient S11 by right-clicking onto the dB label on the bottom:
The dominating contribution to the reflection coefficient at low frequencies comes from the inductance. We therefore
move the marker with the mouse to the left and read off the inductance value at low frequency to yield L=1.54uH:
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Next, we read off the parallel resonance frequency caused by the parallel capacitor by finding the frequency where
the inductance value becomes zero between the resonance peaks to be f=49.7MHz.
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From this we can calculate the capacitance value using the parallel tank circuit formula ...
Finally, we determine the real part of the antenna impedance at the nominal transmit frequency of 13.5MHz...
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... to yield 1.34 Ohms. This impedance value is also shown in the bottom status line after right-clicking a marker.
The first number pair is the reflection coefficient S11=0.77+i 0.63. Its magnitude is close to 1, which means almost
all power is being reflected. The last number is the first part of the (due to small window width truncated) number
pair indicating the impedance in the parallel equivalent circuit, i.e. 14.6kOhms || -84pF. A negative parallel reactance
means the device is inductive. If you compensate the inductance by connecting 84pF in parallel, the resulting tank
circuit will resonate at 13.5MHz and yield an impedance of 14.6kOhms in resonance.
These values can be used to calculate a matching network in order to match our antenna to e.g. 50 Ohms output
impedance of a transmitter.
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Example: Simple two port measurements and their interpretation
The following chapter explains what a two port device is and how it is being described. Next, actual examples of how
two port device measurements are being performed. Finally, the measured data is being analyzed in order to find
out what we can do with it.
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Principles of 2-Port Device Parameters and their Measurement
Electrical two port devices are devices with two ports or two connectors, where a signal can be sent into one port
and be detected at the other port. Typical examples are attenuators, amplifiers and filters.
The description of electrical two port devices follows closely the description of optical devices like a lens. A lens is
also a two port device, where a beam of light shines onto one side of the lens. Some of the incident light gets
reflected back, some of the light entering the lens will be absorbed and converted to heat, while the rest will be
transmitted from the other side:
An electrical two port device behaves quite similarly, when inserted between two transmission lines, where the left
one is guiding an electrical wave into the device. Some of the electrical power might get reflected at the device input
(reflection loss), some will be converted into heat inside the device (dissipation) and the rest will come out of the
device at the right hand side.
As a lens can be used to shine light through it it both directions, also an electrical two port device can be operated in
reverse direction. Thus, waves may enter the device from both sides (incident waves). Likewise, waves will leave the
device from both sides (evanescent waves). Electrical two port devices are being characterized in terms of these
incident waves denoted by a and evanescent waves denoted by b. The two ports are being numbered (1=left,
2=right) and the waves carry subscripts denoting on which side of the device they exist, e.g. a1 is an incident wave
(a) coming from the left (1).
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The complex wave amplitudes a1, a2, b1 and b2 are complex numbers that carry both the wave amplitude and the
wave phase information.
For linear devices there are linear relationships between these:
The complex numbers S11, S12, S21 and S22 are called scattering parameters or S-parameters. These fully
characterize the two port device for linear (=small signal) operation.
Now, we will investigate the meaning of these S-parameters.
Consider a situation where there is a wave a1 being sent into the left side port 1 of our two port device, but nothing
is sent into the right side port 2, i.e. a2=0.
In this case the above equations simplify to:
These simplified equations allow us to interpret the S-parameters as well as to understand how to measure them.
Let's look at the first equation. Solving it for S11 shows, that S11 is the ratio of reflected wave b1 to incident wave a1
at port 1:
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The inverse of the magnitude of S11 is known as input return loss. I.e. a device showing a return loss of 10dB will
yield |S11|=-10dB. This means, the reflected wave is 10dB weaker than the incident wave or 1/10th of the incident
power is being reflected. But, since S11 also carries the phase information, also the input impedance of our DUT
cann be calculated from S11.
Solving the second equation for S21 shows, that S21 is the ratio of the transmitted wave b2 to the incident wave a1:
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The inverse of |S21| is known as transmission loss. For example, a 10dB / 50 Ohms attenuator will show
Now, it is clear that in order to measure S11 and S21 we must feed power into port 1 and detect the incident wave
a1, the reflected wave b1 and the transmitted wave b2.
This is exactly what the VNWA is doing:
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If we want to know S12 and S22, we can measure this in a similar fashion by sending power into port 2. As the
VNWA in its standard version is unidirectional, i.e. only the TX port can deliver a signal, we have to interchange ports
1 and 2 of our test object, i.e. turn it by 180 degrees in order to measure S12 and S22:
But why should we be interested in how our device performs in reverse direction, when we will only operate it in
forward direction in the final application?
There are several answers to this.
Imagine, your test object is a low pass filter to be placed in between a power amplifier and an antenna. Clearly, only
the power amplifier will feed power into the low pass fillter and all that counts is how much power arrives at the
antenna. So, S21 being a measure for the transmission loss is crucial. But, as we do not want power to be reflected
back into the power amplifier, we have to make sure that amplifier and filter are impedance matched. So, S11 being
a measure for the filter input impedance is crucial. Likewise, we want the antenna to be impedance matched to the
filter output. Thus, S22 being a measure for the filter output impedance is crucial, too, even though we won't actively
feed power into the filter output. If there is no perfect match between filter output and antenna, which will lead to
signal being reflected back into the filter, S12 will become important, too.
Another scenario is a filter, which is to operate in the final application in an impedance environment very different
from the 50 Ohms environment of the VNWA like a high impedance crystal filter. The VNWA cal only measure the
filter S-parameters in its 50 Ohms environment. Once, the full set of S-parameters is known, it is possible to use
these to simulate and optimize the filter performance in any final application with an arbitrary impedance
environment. Such an example will be shown in page "Interpretation and Usage of 2-Port Measurements".
The following page "Practical Example on Performing a 2-Port Measurement" will present a step by step example on
how the full set of S-parameters is being measured.
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Practical Example on Performing a 2-Port Measurement
The following example demonstrates how the VNWA can be used to measure two port S-parameters of a narrow
band 10.7 MHz two pole crystal filter.
We connect the filter using test cables and a test board between the VNWA TX port and RX port:
It is recommended that you number your test object ports to make very sure that you always measure in the proper
1. Setting up
First, we need to set a frequency range reasonably covering our test object.
To find it, we will do a first transmission measurement without calibration over a relatively large frequency span.
To make sure that we capture all interesting features, we will set a large number of data points (here 8000) and a
the fastest sweep time (0.16ms per data point) by pressing the s-key or by selecting Settings-Sweep:
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Next, we set the instrument to the desired frequency range e.g. by double-clicking the "Stop" label or by simply
pressing the f-key on the keyboard.
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We select S21 (=transmission) for a trace as shown below and do a single sweep by pressing the "Single Sweep"
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The span (1MHz) is much too high and the center frequency is off. We place a bandwidth marker by right-clicking
onto the main grid in order to determine the optimum center frequency and span:
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We want a higher bandwidth level, so we right-click on marker4 caption to change it...
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... to 40dB:
Now, we can read off the desired center frequency and span:
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We decide to use a center frequency of 10.7MHz, a span of 80kHz:
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This way, we have a good view of the passband of the filter (between the two maxima) and we also see some of the
nearby stopband. Note, that the filter passband is not flat, because the filter is not impedance-matched to the VNWA
impedance level of 50 Ohms.
Now, we reduce the number of frequency points to a reasonably low number (500 is quite sufficient) and in turn
increase the measurement time such that the whole sweep takes about 4 seconds. Note, that quartz filters have
relatively high Q values. Therefore, they need time to settle to a new frequency stimulus. Thus, it is crucial to sweep
them slowly. Play with sweeping speed and see how the passband changes. In below view (200 points only), the
red trace is sweeped within 30ms, while the blue trace was taken within 4s:
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Clearly, the red trace was taken at a too high sweep rate as the maxima are shifted to the right and the filter is
ringing after the maxima (marker arrow).
Finally, we activate a second trace for S11 by pressing the + key on the keyboard, we select it to display a Smith
chart and we sweep again:
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The just measured S11 reflection data is partly outside the Smith chart because our VNWA is not yet calibrated. The
data is not valid yet.
Now we are ready to calibrate the VNWA for a two port measurement, which consists of transmission
measurements (S21,S12) and a reflection measurements (S11,S22).
2. Calibration
We want to perform a calibration using a female Amphenol calibration kit available through SDRKits:
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We want to perform a calibration which places the calibration plane exactly into the male test cable connector
reference plane:
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The above calibration kit data was compiled by Kurt Poulsen and is available from his web page also for different calibration kit builds and manufacturers.
We open the calibration kit settings window by pressing the k-key on the keyboard, select "simple model custom
calibration standards"...
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... and copy the calibration kit parameters from Kurt Poulsens document:
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Note: Before performing any calibration measurement, make sure, that the instrument sweep rate is set to the
lowest value you intent to use the calibration with, otherwise your later measurement results will be dominated by
the noise of your calibration measurements. We have selected a total sweep time of 4s above which is as slow as
we want to sweep, so we're ok.
We select "Measure-Calibrate" or simply press the c-key on the keyboard, press the "Open" button, confirm that the
open standard is connected and observe the instrument measuring the standard.
When the measurement is completed, the red Open light turns green:
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... and the short calibration standard:
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Next, we need to calibrate the VNWA for transmission. We therefore connect the test cable ends of TX port and RX
port with the Thru standard...
... and press the "Thru" button and let the instrument do the calibration sweep.
The "Thru-Match" calibration step requires the same thru standard as the thru calibration. While the thru calibration
step measures transmission, the thru match calibration step measures reflection of the RX port in order to
numerically compensate deviations from a perfect 50 Ohms RX port match.
So, once the thru calibration sweep is done, we press the Thru Match button.
We do omit the crosstalk isolation as this is usually not required. Finally, all lamps except for the crosstalk
calibration are green:
We close the calibration window and double-check the calibration by measuring the "Thru" calibration standard.
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As our Thru standard has by definition 0dB attenuation, we obtain a flat blue 0dB line. We have also measured the
reflection coefficient of the RX port (red trace reduced to a dot, barely visible without marker), which is very close to
zero for all frequencies.
Next, we must move the calibration plane from the male reference plane position into our device test board to the
wire position of our test object using port extensions. We therefore insert the test board without the test object with
port 1 connected to the VNWA TX port ...
... and do a sweep. We add another trace showing S11 by pressing the + key and select it to show the phase:
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Then we open the port extensions menu by pressing the p-key on the keyboard and place the port extensions
window next to the main window so both remain visible:
We check the Ext. on box (mousepointer) and set focus to the Ext. Port 1 by clicking on it. Next, while observing the
green S11 phase trace in the main window, we turn the mouse wheel or edit the field until the the S11 phase is
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Note, that the reflection coefficient S11 is now exactly 1+i0, which is the open reflection condition, corresponding to a
dot at the right edge of the Smith chart.
Next, we reverse the empty test board, such that port 2 is connected to the VNWA TX port:
We add a fourth trace S22 also showing the phase and we reverse the measurement direction by clicking onto the
direction arrow (hand mouse pointer in below figure):
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Note, that reversing the VNWA measurement direction arrow does not physically change the measurement
direction. The signal still comes out of the TX port. That's why we have physically reversed the test object. Reversing
the direction inside the VNWA software causes the reflection data to be collected in the S22 memory space rather
than in S11 as before.
Now, do a single sweep and observe data being collected in S22. S21 and S11 data remain untouched by this
sweep. Go to the still open port extensions window (or reopen it by pressing the p-key) and change the Ext. Port 2
value while observing the pink S22 phase trace ...
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Note the labels Cal and Dly in above figure at the mouse arrow indicating that a calibration is active and port
extensions (=port delays) are activated.
Looking at our port extensions, we observe, that the path from the test board connector to our test object on port 2
side is somewhat longer than on port 1 side, which is confirmed by visual inspection of the test board.
Now, the VNWA is fully calibrated and ready for measuring two port s-parameters and we can close the port
extensions window.
3. Measurement
Next, we put our test object (=crystal filter) onto the test board and connect the test board to the VNWA such that port
1 is connected to the VNWA TX port and port 2 is connected to the RX port, ...
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... switch the software to measure forward direction by clicking the arrow do a single sweep:
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Now, we have already measured S21 and S11. Note, that the S11 data now lies completely inside the Smith chart
as must be for a passive device. When clicking onto the red Smith chart marker 1, we get additional information on
the S11 data at the marker position in the bottom status line. We do not only see the measured reflection coefficient
(0.92-i*10.13), but also what this means in terms of impedance in the series equivalent circuit model (Z=312.86
Ohms-i*549.46 Ohms) as well as in the parallel equivalent circuit model (Z=1277.85Ohms || 20.44pF). So, the input
impedance of our filter is quite high.
We could now collect reverse data by reversing the test object and manually reversing the measurement direction.
But there is a more convenient way to collect 2 port data, which is the 2 port measurement assistant. We launch a 2
port measurement into memory by pressing the F2-key or via the main menu:
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The assistant instructs us that the signal flow is Terminal1 => Terminal2, which means that the TX port should be
connected to port 1 and the RX port to port 2.
After inspection, that this is indeed the case, we press OK and observe how S11 and S21 are being remeasured:
Note, that meanwhile we have chosen to display all four S-parameters S11, S21, S12 and S22.
When the forward sweeps are done, the assistant pops up again indicating that next the reverse direction is to be
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This means, that we have to reverse our test board, i.e. connect port 2 to the VNWA TX port and port 1 to the VNWA
RX port:
Once we are done with reconnecting the test board, we press OK on the multiport assistant and observe S12 and
S22 being measured:
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Note, that the forward S-parameters (S21, S11) might slightly change during the reverse measurement as the
software uses the additional information of the reverse measurement to correct the forward measurement results in
order to obtain the highest possible accuracy.
Note, that S12 and S21 are identical as must be the case for reciprocal devices like passive filters. S11 and S22 are
quite similar indicating that the filter input and output are designed in similar fashion.
Finally, we save the full set of measured S-parameters into a Touchstone s2p-file for later use:
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We may add a comment to the s2p-file...
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Now, that we have obtained the full set of S-parameters, what can we do with them?
This will be demonstrated on the following page "Interpretation and Usage of 2-Port Measurements".
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Interpretation and Usage of 2-Port Measurements
In the previous page "Practical Example on Performing a 2-Port Measurement" we have demonstrated how to
measure the two port S-parameters of a two pole crystal filter:
Now, what can we learn from these and how can we make use of them? We can do some simple analysis right
inside the VNWA software. For more sofisticated simulations we need to make use of network simulation software,
which will be described at the end of this page.
Note, that both S11 and S22 data lies at the open circuit side in the Smith chart, i.e. our filter appears to have a
relatively high input and output impedance compared to 50 Ohms. We have measured the transmission in the 50
Ohms impedance environment of the VNWA, though. Now, it could be interesting to find out, how the same filter
would behave in a high impedance environment, i.e. in an environment where both the filter input and output are
power matched. We actually can do this analysis inside the VNWA software using the Matching Tool, which we
activate by pressing the m-key on the keyboard:
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We can now modify port 1 and port 2 impedances by using the keyboard or the mouse wheel (right-click onto the
edit fields to change the mouse wheel increments) and observe in me main window how the S-parameters change
when transformed to different terminating conditions, e.g. changing the terminating impedances on both sides to
1550 Ohms ...
... will yield a reasonable power match condition and a flat passband:
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We can easily implement this impedance condition in an experiment by connecting 1500 Ohms resistors in series
with the VNWA RX and TX ports. The RX and TX port impedances of 50 Ohms will add to these 1500 Ohms to yield
1550 Ohms impedance at the filter:
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We therefore modify the bottom of our test board ...
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We connect the modified test board with the crystal filter to the VNWA and do a single sweep in forward direction
using the original calibration and settings from the S-parameter measurement:
Indeed, the filter passband is flat now, but the insertion loss has increased by about 30dB in comparison to our S12
trace which has survived from our software matching experiment!
We get a better comparison when we adjust the scales and shift the reference level of the blue S21 trace to -30dB:
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So, except for the high loss, our measurement looks like anticipated.
The 30dB extra loss is no surprise, though, as we have effectively introduced 2x1500 Ohms=3000 Ohms into the
signal path.
Next, we want to quickly find out, how much extra loss the insertion of 3000 Ohms into the signal path will yield. We
add another trace and make it a Custom trace:
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The custom trace editor will open:
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We edit the expression for the function to be plotted as shown above. The number 3000 denotes our resistor of
3000 Ohms which we want to simulate. The function z2s() converts this resistance into a reflection coefficient. The
outermost function s2t() converts the reflection data (which could also be measured as S11 with our 3000 Ohms
connected from the TX port to ground) into transmission data (which could be measured as S21 with our 3000
Ohms connected between TX port and RX port). We also assign a descriptive caption, which will later show on the
main window. Closing the custom trace editor, the new trace will be computed and plotted:
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For clarity, we have reverted to the original scales 10dB/ and a unique reference level of 0dB on top. We can read off
the black 3k simulation trace, that 3000 Ohms will introduce an extra loss of 29.83dB, which looks about right
compared to the blue S21 trace.
Now, can we correct the green S12 trace by the just computed attenuation to directly compare it to the measured
blue S21 trace? Yes, we can. We open the custom trace editor again by double clicking onto the black 3k label and
modify the experssion such that we multiply S12 with the previous expression:
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Indeed, the simulated black transfer characteristic and the measured blue S21 trace are in good agreement:
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We have arrived at our black simulation curve in a handwaving way. Next, we want to verify it by doing a real network
QUCS is a powerful yet free network analysis software available for download at
In the following, we will set up a QUCS project using our crystal filter S-parameters which we have just measured.
First, we want to simulate how the filter behaves in between the two 1500 Ohms resistors as measured above.
After launching QUCS, we create a new project by clicking onto New in the Projects tab and by assigning a new
project name:
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An untitled schematic opens:
We save it ...
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... and thus assign a name to it:
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We change to the Components tab, ...
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Page 207 lumped components dropdown menu and add two resistors and two ground symbols:
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Next, we select the sources dropdown menu and add two power sources.
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Then, we switch to file components and add a 2-port S parameter file component (and from the lumped
components another ground component which we have previously forgotten) :
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We need to change our resistors to 1500 Ohms, therefore we right-click the resistors and select Edit Properties:
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We highlight the R-property and change the value to 1500 Ohm
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In similar fashion, we edit the property of the 2-port S parameter file component by right-clicking on it and selecting
Edit Properties:
Here, we browse for our measured S-parameter file which we have saved from the VNWA software in the previous
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The sematic is done. It looks like the hardware in our previous measurement.
Now, we have to tell the simulator what kind of simulation we want. We change to the simulations components and
add an S parameter simulation:
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We edit the S parameter properties by right-clicking them and entering the desired frequency range and number of
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We use the same frequency grid as in our S-parameter file. Now, we can launch the simulation by pressing the
Simulate button:
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The plot window opens, but it is empty. We still need to add a diagram component. We select a Carthesian plot...
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... and add it to the document. The diagram properties pop open. We add an S21 trace by double-clicking onto the
highlighted S[2,1] property ...
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... and specify that we want a logarithmic left axis:
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So, finally, we see our simulation result:
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The plot is not very nice, and we want to compare this simulation with our previous measurement. Therefore, we are
going to export the simulation data back into the VNWA software.
To do so, we right-click the blue simulation curve and select Export to CSV:
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We save the simulation result as csv-file on disk:
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And we switch over to the VNWA software, which still has our old measurement and our handwaving simulation
result on screen. There, we import the just saved QUCS simulation result into Memory 1:
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We select file type QUCS, ... (*.csv) and select our simulation file from disk:
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We open another trace to display our QUCS simulation in Mem1:
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Note, that our handwaving black simulation agrees with the red QUCS simulation to almost the last digit. Therefore,
the black trace lies hidden behind the red trace.
We can simulate what our filter would look like in a 1550 Ohms environment like we have done with the VNWA
matching tool. To do so, we remove the resistors and change the sources' impedances to 1550 Ohms:
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Not surprising, the result is identical with the VNWA result:
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We have added a Smith chart to display the simulated S11 and S22.
Note, that the stopband attenuation of our two pole filter is not very high. We might improve it by cascading two of
these filters. We can easily simulate the expected performance by adding another S parameter file component
which actually points to the same file as the first one, since we want to cascade two identical filters:
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The simulated S21 data shows an ugly hump at the high frequency skirt which is due to internal mismatch between
the two pole filters:
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We add a capacitor to the internal filter connection to improve the match:
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Now, we have a decent passband and a considerably larger stopband attenuation.
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We could easily continue to optimize internal and external matching and thus design a perfect four pole crystal filter.
Obviously, a simulator like QUCS together with the VNWA for acquiring S parameter data is a powerful pair for RF
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Time domain measurements
The VNWA software allows to perform a realtime FFT on measured or imported data from frequency to time domain,
display data in time domain, manipulate data in time domain by gating and perform an inverse FFT back to
frequency domain.
A special topics section on time domain measurements demonstrates examples of both usages:
The step response is useful to determine impedance variations along a coaxial cable.
Gating is used to separate responses depending on their arrival times, e.g. to separate the slow mechanical
response of a crystal filter from the fast electromagnetic feedthrough of the test board.
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Save Screen
Export Data
Import Data
Software Updates
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File - Exit
Exit the VNWA software. All settings will be saved for the next session.
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File - Save Screen
Save Screen... File
Save the current main graphics window into a bmp, jpg or png file. When saving, you will first be asked for a file
name, then an input mask for an optional image comment pops up:
Enter a comment or press no comment. The exported image with the above comment will look like this:
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Note, that the buttons and menus are suppressed. The image size in pixels is identical with the VNWA window
client size. If you want the saved image to be bigger, increase the VNWA window size. Clipboard
copies the main window client area as bitmap to the Windows clipboard. From there, the image can be pasted into
documents or presentations e.g. by pressing ctrl-V.
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File - Print
On the right hand side, a preview of the printout including the paper size and printable area are visible.
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In the Marker Caption box you can:
- change the horizontal and vertical positions and the size of the marker caption labels in the printout
- for better readibility transparency of the marker caption labels can be switched off.
On the bottom a Title and a Comment can be specified to be printed out together with the graphs.
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File - Export Data
Export Data
Note: Exported data is always normalized to 50 Ohms.
Export Trace
VNWA can export any trace data into a Touchstone style *.s1p-file or a binary *.v1b file. To do so, select the main
menu item "Export Data"-"Trace"-... .
You can also export a trace's data by right-clicking onto the according main window's trace label:
Note: The s1p-file standard defines, that an s1p-file must contain one-port reflection data. Nevertheless, I use
the same format to store S21-data and other trace data as well, as it is a useful format.
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You can export a complete set of 2-port (3-port) S-parameters to a *.s2p-Touchstone file (*.s3p-Touchstone file) in
various formats or to a *.v2b binary file
Note: If VNWA doesn't hold valid 2-port S-parameters, you are asked, if the data contained in the display data
spaces (S21,S11,S12,S22) should be saved instead:
Note: If VNWA doesn't hold valid 3-port S-parameters, an error message is displayed:
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File - Import Data
Import Data
VNWA can import certain S-parameter files in Touchstone format (s1p, s2p, s3p), binary format (v1b, v2b) and
csv-format. To do so, select the main menu "File"-"Import Data"-... .
Hint: You can directly import trace data into a specific memory space by right-clicking the trace label (e.g. S11 in
below example) and selecting "Import s1p". Thus, the s1p, v1b or csv file will be loaded into the S11 memory space.
Hint: You can also import S-parameters by dragging s*p, v*b or csv-files from any file browser and dropping it
onto the VNWA application.
Hint: VNWA will accept s*p, v*b or csv file names as runtime parameter. A second numeric parameter specifies
the data space where an s1p record is stored (1:S21, 2: S11...). Thus, if you associate e.g. the file ending s2p with
VNWA.exe, then you can start VNWA and load an s2p file by double-clicking onto the file.
Hint: You can also import 3-port data from 3 2-port measurements with the third port terminated by 50 Ohms.
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File - Import - Data - s3p - from 3 s2p Files
It is possible to automatically combine 3 2-port measurements or data files to 3-port data. Note, that the unused port
must be terminated with 50 Ohms in order to obtain valid 3-port S-parameters.
To do so, select the menu highlighted below:
In the popping up window, you may specify 3 filenames and the corresponding DUT port numbers.
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File - Save
Save Calibration
You can save a calibration to a *.cal file. You are asked for a file name and an optional comment to be stored in the
calibration file.
If the instrument is not calibrated, the command will be ignored.
You can save a calibration to a *.cal file. At the same time the file is loaded as master calibration.
You can save the display state, i.e. the color scheme, displayed kinds of traces, grids and units into a file. You are
asked for a file name. If you enter a file extension, it will be ignored, as the extension of the backup file is predefined.
You can save the complete instrument state including display state, hardware setup, calibration, multiplier table...
into a set of files. You are asked for a file name. All backup files will start with the name specified by you. Predefined
extensions will be added automatically.
Note: The master calibration will NOT be saved!
If this option is checked, VNWA will automatically write data from all memory spaces into the file MemorySpaces.dat
at program termination. This allow to reload the displayable traces at a later VNWA session.
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File - Retrieve
Retrieve Calibration
You can retrieve a previously saved calibration from a *.cal file. When invoking this command, the calibration file
manager opens to let you select the *.cal file. When loading the cal file, the frequency range will be changed to that
of the calibration file. Also, the calibration standard settings are saved in the cal file and will be restored upon load.
Warning: If the number of data points or the frequency span of the calibration differs from that of your displayed
data, all data in the display buffers will be lost.
Note: The master calibration will NOT be overwritten!
Retrieve Mastercalibration
You can retrieve a previously saved calibration from a *.cal file and load it as mastercalibration. When invoking this
command, a file browser opens to select the *.cal file. The frequency range will remain unchanged.
You can retrieve a previously saved display state, i.e. the color scheme, displayed kinds of traces, grids and units
from a backup file. A file browser will open to assist you selecting the backup.
You can retrieve a previously saved complete instrument state including display state, hardware setup, calibration,
multiplier table... from a set of backup files. You are asked for a file name. A file browser will open to assist you
selecting the backup. You only need to select one of the backup files. The remaining files will automatically be
found. Missing backup files will be irnored.
If this option is checked, VNWA looks at program start for the file MemorySpaces.dat and loads all memory spaces
from this file if available. This will reload the displayable traces from the last VNWA session.
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File - Retrieve - Calibration: The Calibration File Manager
Upon invoking the man window menu File-Retrieve-Calibration the calibration file manager opens to let you select a
calibration file:
The manager lists all calibration files in the selected directory and displays their main properties.
Column "Comment" lists the comments which the user has entered when the cal file was saved. Automatically
generated cal files show automatically generated comments (e.g. autosave...).
Browse Path: sets you select the directory to browse. The current working directory is shown by the blue label on
the bottom.
Home: invokes a jump into the VNWA program folder.
Extension: lets you filter file extensions. Cal files may also have the extension *.bak. Note, that the manager
will only show calibration files regardless of their file name and extension.
View: allows to customize the displayed file list by e.g. filtering calibrations with appropriate VNWA
Delete File: deletes the marked file. This functionality is also achieved by right-clicking the file name.
-The wildcard * can be used in the file input field to apply a file list filter.
-Clicking a file name will copy the name to the name input field.
-Double-clicking a file will open it.
-The file name input field also accepts file paths.
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File - Software Updates
Starting VNWA software version 36.2 it is possible to initiate a software update from within the VNWA software.
The menu item "Software Updates" allows to manually or automatically check for VNWA software updates over the
If "Auto-check for updates upon program start" is checked, then the VNWA software will consult the web for
software updates every time the software is launched manually.
If the software is remote controlled via script file or via Windows messages, web access is suppressed, so the
remotely launched application won't hang and wait for user interaction.
If VNWA finds an available update newer than the installed software, the user is being notified:
If you accept downloading the new version by pressing OK, then the VNWA Software Updater will be started:
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Note: The VNWA Software Updater can also be launched manually by the main menu item "File - Software
Updates - Check for VNWA Software Updates NOW".
The updater displays the new available and the currently installed software version and asks for confirmation to
download. Pressing OK will actually start the download:
Note: The download process can be interrupted by pressing Abort, but only after downloading has actually
started as can be seen by the blue progress bar.
Once, the file is downloaded, the user is asked for confirmation in order to install of the new software version:
Pressing OK will terminate the VNWA software and launch the just downloaded aoutomatic installer.
Abort will close the software updater and return to the VNWA main window. The just downloaded installer will not be
deleted and can later be launched manually from a file browser.
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Enforce Sweep
Port Extensions
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Measure - Direction
Use this menu item to select the measurement direction forward or reverse.
Hint: The measurement direction can also be altered by clicking on the arrow label => on the lower left side of
the VNWA main window:
Note: Without usage of an S-parameter test set the direction menu only determines, in which data spaces the
measured data is stored. The function of the Tx port and Rx port remains unchanged. This means, the VNWA2.x
cannot automatically alter the signal flow direction.
If you want to measure S12 and S22 in this case, you need to manually turn the DUT around, e.g. exchange input
and output terminals of the DUT.
Note: The VNWA software supports usage of an S-parameter test set, which actually allows for automatic
change of signal flow direction. If activated, the direction menu will actually alter the signal flow direction.
Note: The direction menu will be disabled in the presence of an S-parameter test set with automatic direction
switching being activated.
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Measure - Enforce Sweep
Depending on what traces are being displayed, the VNWA software determines what to measure. I.e. if only S21 is
being displayed, VNWA only measures S21 under normal conditions.
When only a custom trace is being displayed, VNWA will report "nothing to sweep", even though the custom trace
may access e.g. S21.
In this case sweeping of S21 may be enforced by selecting the main menu "Measure-Enforce Sweep"...
Selecting "None" will clear all checked items and switch the software back to automatic determination of what is to
be measured.
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Measure - Calibrate
The "Calibrate" menu allows to calibrate the VNWA using calibration standards.
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Note: Cal kit info is also stored in the calibration file. Thus loading a calibration will also rewrite calibration kit
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Measure - S-Parameters
This menu allows you to measure S-parameters of a 2-port or a 3-port device, e.g. of a crystal filter (2-port) or a
balun (3-port).
You can select, if you want to store the acquired data in the internal s2p-buffer (=memory) or additionally store it in a
file on your hard disk.
Note: Acquired or loaded 2-port S-parameters will be stored in the VNWA data spaces (S21,S11,S12,S22) and
additionally in an internal s2p buffer. This is necessary for recalculating S-parameters to new varying normalization
impedances, e.g. like in the matching tool.
If you invoke the measurement, you need to confirm by pressing the ok-button, that you are ready to measure.
After the forward measurement (S11,S21) has finished, you need to manually turn the DUT and confirm with the ok
-button again, that you are ready for the reverse measurement.
If you have selected to measure "to File" then you are asked to select a file name:
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The data is saved in Touchstone s2p format.
Note: If you have decided to measure "to Memory", you can still save your measured data manually.
3-port measurements basically work like 2-port measurements, except that you must terminate the unused port
with a 50 Ohms resistor:
Note: If port extensions are activated upon measurement start, you may specify 3 different port extensions for
the 3 DUT ports:
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Note:Measurement data will be collected into an internal s3p buffer (=memory containing s11,s12,s13,...,s33).
There is a distinction between e.g. S11 (2-port data) and s11 (3-port data). These are stored in different memory
spaces. This is necessary when analyzing 3-ports by reducing them to a 2-port with a balanced port by means of the
3-port analyzer tool.
Note: You can save your measured data manually to a 3-port Touchstone *.s3p-file .
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Measure - Port Extensions
Here, you can add delays to your measured data as well as account for the finite length of your Thru calibration
Example: You perform a calibration at the end of your test cable. But between your test cable and you DUT,
there might be another low loss 50 Ohms transmission line (e.g. a stripline on the test PCB). If you want to know the
reflection coefficient of your DUT without the additional transmission line, you can simply enter the signal delay
caused by the additional line into the "Ext. Port 1" field and check the box "Ext. on". The delay of the transmission
line can easily be found by creating a temporary short circuit at the DUT and tune "Ext. Port 1" such that the
measured reflection coefficient shows up at the short circuit point in the Smith chart.
Note: Entered delays are one way delays. Reflection data will be corrected by 2x the delay, as reflected signals
travel through the delaying transmission line twice (forth and back!). Transmission data will only be corrected by 1x
the delay as a transmitted signal will pass the delaying transmission line only once.
Note: Positive delays move the calibration planes further away from the VNWA, negative delays move them
closer to the VNWA.
Hint: You can also tune the delays with the mouse-wheel.
Note: Delays for forward and reverse measurements can be chosen independently.
Note: The mechanical lengths of the delays are being displayed for info. The velocity factor is only used to
calculate the mechanical lengths of the delays. It has no influence on the measured data. Note, that a velocity factor
of 0.7 is appropriate for coaxial adapters, while for coaxial cables the velocity factor is typically lower.
Note: All delays also influence the phases of the transmission measurements. The effects of port extensions
can only be monitored by looking at phase data or by monitoring data in the Smith chart.
Hint: Right-clicking the port extension window will allow to activate an info text label on the main screen
displaying the port 1 and 2 delays:
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Frequency Range
Sweep (VNWA)
Sweep (N2PK-VNA)
Power Levels
Average, Peak Hold, Autosave
Time Domain
Calibration Kit
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Settings - Frequency Range
This menu item allows to set the sweep mode (linear, logarithmic, listed sweep) and the sweep frequency range.
Selecting "Linear Sweep" or "Logarithmic Sweep" will change the sweep mode accordingly and will activate the
frequency "Input" window.
Selecting "Listed Sweep" will select the listed sweep mode and open the frequency list editor.
Enter a start and stop frequency or alternatively a center frequency and a frequency span.
Also, the number of vertical grid lines and the sweep mode (linear, logarithmic, listed sweep) can be changed here.
Hint: Note, that the start, stop, center frequency and the frequency span can also be changed with the mouse
wheel by holding the mouse pointer over the corresponding main window frequency label below the grid and
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turning the mouse wheel. The increment values can be set here in the frequency "Input" window.
Note, that while VNWA2 has quite an odd clock frequency of 35.9 MHz, the VNWA3 clock frequency is exactly 12 MHz.
Since very sensitive measurements will reveal some degree of undesired interference at multiples of the clock
frequency, it might be desirable to modify the frequency grid such that these frequencies are being maximally
avoided. This can be done automatically for the linear sweep mode by right-clicking the frequency input window
When generating a mastercalibration with auto-clock multipliers in use, special care has to be taken to properly
include the frequencies, where the multipliers change, in the frequency grid. Thus, ideally a listed sweep grid is
needed. An appropriate frequency list with the chosen start and stop frequency and approximately the chosen
number of points can automatically be generated with the menu item "Generate frequency grid for
mastercalibration", which is opened by right-clicking the frequency input window anywhere:
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A notification of the used parameters follows:
After pressing ok, the sweep mode is changed to "Freq. List". After closing the frequency input window, the
frequency list window opens to show the frequency segments. After closing it, the odd but optimized frequency grid
will be shown and used in the main window:
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Settings - Diagrams
The VNWA main menu "Settings - Diagrams" offers the following functions:
Marker Caption
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Settings - Diagrams - Zoom
The zoom settings allow to control box-zooms, which can be accomplished by drawing a box with the mouse
keeping the left mouse button pressed around the trace feature of interest.
Note: The zoom menu items below the separator line are only visible in zoom mode, i.e. when a box zoom has
been performed. Zoom mode is indicated by the "Zoom-label" on the lower left of the main window (see below
- X only ... = only zoom the frequency axis, leave all y-axes unchanged (not applicable in time domain mode).
- Y only ... = only zoom vertically, leave the frequency axis unchanged (not applicable in time domain mode).
- X and Y = zoom frequency axis and y-axis
- Overlay Unzoomed = If selected, a greyed version of the unzoomed data is displayed with the zoom range
highlighted together with the zoomed trace:
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The following choices are only visible in zoom mode:
- undo last zoom = restore the x- and y-scales of before the last zoom
- leave zoom-mode keep y-scale = restore the full frequency span but keep the zoomed vertical scale
- leave zoom-mode keep all scales = keep the zoomed frequency span and the zoomed vertical scale. The data
outside the last zoom box is lost, the visible data is interpolated to the full number of data points grid. A sweep after
this will only sweep the visible frequency span.
- unzoom = restore the original x- and y-scales of before all consecutive zooms
Hint: You can also unzoom by right-clicking the main graphics grid.
Hint: You can also unzoom by right-clicking the zoom label on the main window.
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Settings - Diagrams - Display
The VNWA main menu "Settings - Diagrams - Display" offers the following functions:
Grid Options
Storage Screen
Transparent Screen
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Settings - Diagrams - Display - Traces
The "traces" settings allow to control most displayed features on the main window.
On clicking the menu item "Settings - Diagrams - Display - Traces", the display settings window will open:
In the upper part of the miscellaneous panel the displayedcolors can be configured. If "none" is selected, the
feature is either not displayed or the standard windows color (grey) is used. To change a color, click onto the
appropriate color field and select the desired color from the popping up color select menu.
Hint: Two horizontal freely movable reference lines can be displayed. If these are not needed, check "RefLine
Color " "none". These lines can either be positioned in the y-scale menu (accessed by double-clicking the y-scale
labels (D,E) or by dragging them up or down with the mouse. Switching on the cursor when moving the lines with
the mouse will simplify placing the lines to a specific level.
Hint: A user definable reference circle can be displayed in the Smith chart. If it is not needed, check "RefCircle
Color " "none". The circle diameter can be specified by the "RefCircle R" parameter. R = 1 puts the circle at the edge
of the Smith chart.
Hint: The traces' and grids' line widths can be specified to improve visibility outdoors in the sunlight. The
default linewidth is 1 (= 1 pixel, thinnest lines)
The "trace enable checkboxes" select, which traces (=curves, maximum 6) may be displayed.
When checking one of the traces, an according trace information field pops up, where the trace type (S21, S11, ...)
and the display type (dB, Smith...) can be selected.
The "enable trace markers checkboxes" select, which traces (=curves, maximum 6) will be allowed to carry
markers. If unchecked, markers will not show for the selected traces, even though markers may be activated.
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S21, S11, S12 , S22 => measured data
Memory 1...4 => stored data
Unitarity => |S11|+|S21| = fraction of power not dissipated
M.3/M.4 => Memory 3 / Memory 4
S21/M.3 => S21 / Memory 3
S11/M.4 => S11 / Memory 4
TimeDomain => inverse FFT of selected data space, see example.
Gated F-Domain => FFT of gated time response, see example.
Custom1...6 => arbitrary mathematical expression containing data space variables, see example.
s11,s12,...s33 => 3-port S-parameters
The following display types are only visible for trace types S11 and S22. Z denotes the impedance and Y the
admittance calculated from the reflection coefficient.
real Z
imag Z
C -- => series equivalent circuit capacitance, series resistance is real Z.
L -- => series equivalent circuit inductance, series resistance is real Z
real Y
imag Y
R || => parallel equivalent circuit resistance
C || => parallel equivalent circuit capacitance
L || => parallel equivalent circuit inductance
QC => quality factor of capacitor
QL => quality factor of inductor
smith renormalized => smith chart renormalized to user selectable complex impedances (power wave
representation), see example
Hint: Trace types and display types can also be changed in the main VNWA window by right-clicking the
trace-type labels (K) and the display type labels (L) respectively.
Hint: The display settings menu can also be accessed by double-clicking the trace select checkboxes (J), the
trace-type labels (K) (except for trace type "custom", where the custom menu is invoked and for trace types "time"
and "gated", where the time domain settings window is invoked.) and the display type labels (L) .
Note: Traces can be switched on or off with the trace select checkboxes (J).
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Settings - Diagrams - Display - Grid Options
The "Grid Options" settings allow to control the appearance of the x-y grid (=Carthesian grid) and the Smith grid.
Moreover, the trace and the background appearance can be controlled here.
On clicking the menu item "Settings - Diagrams - Display - Grid Options", the grid options window will open.
Hint: The same functionanity can be accessed by right-clicking the grid on the main VNWA window and
selecting Grid Options.
Many of the grid options are accessible in other windows, e.g. in the trace settings. All grid related settings are
summarized here.
Frequency Markings: If checked, the frequency of every vertical grid line will be displayed in the main window.
Left and Right Y-Grid Markings: Horizontal grid markings can be chosen for two traces and can be configured to
show the trace number and to appear in the trace color.
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The Smith grid options allow to configure the Smith grid in various new ways:
- An admittance Smith grid (see red grid on below screen shot) can be selected in addition or alternatively to the
default impedance Smith grid .
- VSWR circles can be added (see purple circle below).
- Grid and circle colors are customable.
- All grid lines are fully user configurable. You can add or remove grid lines by adding or removing entries in the
Excel-like table.
- Smith grids can be configured to show markings with impedance/admittance markings either normalized to 50
Ohms or absolute in Ohms/Siemens as seen below:
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Note that the carthesian grid does not show right markings here, since trace 2 does not show in the carthesian grid
but in the Smith grid.
Also note the adapting frequency grid in 20 MHz increments with frequency markings.
Here, the grids of polar and RADAR plots can be controled. Note, that while polar plots generally have the 0
orientation to the right, RADAR plots have it to the top.
Phi-Grid-Marking = Auto will automatically select the marking style according to the above rule.
The custom background options allow to load an image to appear as background on the VNWA main window.
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Image file import is implemented in an optional external dynamic link library (dll) to avoid incompatibilities with older
Windows versions (Windows98 and Windows2000 do not support GDI, which is used to read and display
Two different dlls are provided for reading image files:
svg_dll.dll supports import of scalable vector graphics files (*.svg)
gfx_dll.dll supports import of most pixel graphics files like *.bmp, *.jpg, *.png... .
Before importing an image, an appropriate dll-file must be loaded by pressing the "Load DLL" button and selecting
the dll-file.
Once the dll is loaded, the controls for loading and manipulating an image appear.
See page "Importing and Manipulating a Background Image" for detailed examples.
The traces and background menu allows to set the colors of traces, grid, background and reference lines and
circles and do some related settings. This menu is redundant to the "Trace Options" menu.
Misc. Options:
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Note, that the actual markers will only change after pressing the "Apply Size" button or after closing the grid options
The button "Default Size" restores the default marker size.
After applying the selected marker size, the main window markers will appear in the same size as the example
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The "Zoom Color Blending" slider will change the shading of e.g. the Smith chart trace outside the zoom area (see
mouse pointer):
Maximum means the outside trace segments disappear while off means the whole trace is drawn in the same
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From software version 35.8.q a storage screen is available, i.e. everything plotted to the main screen becomes
permanent. This is useful if many consecutive sweep traces are to be compared.
See here for more details.
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Settings - Diagrams - Display - Storage Screen
From software version 35.8.q a storage screen is available, i.e. everything plotted to the main screen becomes
permanent. This is useful if many consecutive sweep traces are to be compared.
To activate/deactivate this feature click the main menu "Settings - Diagrams - Display - Storage Screen - active".
Alternatively use the keyboard shortcut ctrl-s.
When the storage screen is activated, every sweep leaves a permanent trace on the plotting grid. The following
shows a series of sweeps performed while tuning a filter:
The color pitch of the storage screen can be controled with the Zoom Color Blending slider.
The storage screen can be erased by right-clicking onto the plotting grid and selecting "Storage Screen - Clear",
via keyboard shortcut ctrl-x or via the main menu "Settings - Diagrams - Display - Storage Screen - clear", e.g.
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Note, that the storage screen is erased automatically, whenever the drawing grid changes size, upon a zooming
action or upon deactivation of the storage screen.
From software version 36.5.5 on the storage screen contents will be automatically saved upom program shutdown
and it will be reloaded upon program restart. Also, the storage screen contents will be saved to and reloaded from
saved instrument states. Moreover, the storage screen content can temporarily be saved and reloaded using the
above visible storage screen popup menu.
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Settings - Diagrams - Display - Transparent Screen
From software version on, the background of the main window can be switched to transparent mode:
This is useful to quickly overlay a measurement or data file over a document e.g. a data sheet.
Simply move the transparent VNWA window over the document to be compared and adjust the VNWA scales to
match the document's:
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Above, the red trace and labels are VNWA data, while the blue trace and labels are on a pdf document placed under
the VNWA window.
Note: Most screen capture softwares cannot capture semitransparent windows. Two softwares that can, are
the Windows 7 built-in snipping tool and the freeware 7capture.
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Settings - Diagrams - Marker Caption
Note: The marker captions can be moved on the main window by pointing onto the frequency part and dragging
the captions around with the mouse, while keeping the left mouse button pressed.
The "marker caption" settings allow to control the behavior of the marker captions on the main window.
restore default = places the marker captions to the default position in the upper left corner and makes it
lock position = locks the marker caption position such that it cannot be moved with the mouse
unlock position = makes marker caption movable by the mouse after "lock position" again
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Settings - Sweep (VNWA)
The "sweep settings" allow to specify the number of measured data points as well as the measuring time per
data point. From these values, a best guess sweep time is calculated, but as Windows is often doing
unpredictable things, usually the sweep time is a bit longer in LPT mode. The prediction for USB mode is accurate.
Note: Except for the fastest (<=1ms) time settings, 50% of the specified time are reserved for the DUT to
settle to the new frequency. The remaining 50% are used for measurement. In the <=1ms cases, the DUT settling
time is specified in the setup window by the # of presamples.
Note: Sweep rates below 1ms / frequency point are only available in USB mode.
Note: The sample rate slider will block on the left at the fastest possible sweep rate. If you want to sweep faster
you need to increase the IF by decreasing the #samples per IF period and/or increase the sample rate.
Two kinds of sweep progress indicators can be switched on or off, namely a graphical progress bar appearing at
the lower edge of the main VNWA window grid and a progress text appearing in the status line at the very bottom of
the VNWA main window.
Right-clicking the sweep control panel allows to activate a numerical input field for the time per data point:
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In above example, 30ms have been entered into the "Wanted" data field. The software selects the nearest possibe
value, in above case 29.33ms.
In the same way, two default speed values can be defined as "Fast" or "Slow" speeds:
Selecting "Time per Point to > Fast/Slow" will copy the currently selected time per point to a fast/slow memory, from
which it can be restored when selecting "Fast" or "Slow" via above menu or by means of the keyboard shortcuts F or
S respectively. This is useful for quickly switching between two predefined measurement speeds.
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Settings - Sweep (Spectrum Analyzer - SA)
In SA-mode (=spectrum analyzer mode) the "sweep settings" allow to specify various settings.
2. The measurement time per data point: From these values, a best guess sweep time is calculated, but as
Windows is often doing unpredictable things, usually the sweep time is a bit longer in LPT mode. The prediction for
USB mode is accurate.
Note, that the minimum sweep time depends on the resolution bandwidth. The slider will lock at the minimum
allowed measurement time.
Note, that measurement times below 1ms / frequency point are only available in USB mode.
4. Two kinds of sweep progress indicators can be switched on or off, namely a graphical progress bar appearing
at the lower edge of the main VNWA window grid and a progress text appearing in the status line at the very bottom
of the VNWA main window.
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5. A frequency axis option: Three options are available:
c) custom frequency scheme (see Setup - Instrument Settings) This option allows the user to customize the
frequency axis to e.g. account for external frequency converters or frequency multipliers. The customization is
specified in the "custom sweep scheme" input field in "Setup"-"Instrument Settings":
The above example shows a situation, where the TX frequency (=RF) is displayed and the LO of the RX is offset by
the IF above the TX.
Note, that the above shown "custom sweep scheme" input field (next to the mouse pointer) is only visible if option c)
(custom frequency scheme) is activated.
6. A frequency offset to detune the TX signal by the specified offset from the RX frequency. The displayed frequency
axis shows the RX frequency. Say, you display a frequency range of 1...10 MHz and the specified offset is 10 MHz.
Then the TX sweeps like a tracking generator the range of 11...20 MHz. This feature is useful to measure transfer
functions of converters and mixers using an additional external local oscillator. Note, that the frequency of the
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external LO must be identical with the selected frequency offset to within the resolution bandwidth. Note, that todate
no calibration can be performed if the offset is not zero. For zero offset, a regular through calibration is possible, but
then you might rather use the VNWA mode to measure transmissions.
7. A level offset to adapt the displayed amplitude levels e.g. to show dBm. The offset level must todate be
determined with an external oscillator with known output level, as it depends on the sound card sensitivity.
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Settings - Sweep (N2PK-VNA)
The "sweep settings" allow specification of the number of measured data points as well as the measurement
Moreover, the analysis mode (normal, CDS, higher order FFT and harmonic detection) is specified here.
From these values, the time per data point and the sweep time are calculated and displayed.
Finally, two kinds of progress indicators can be switched on or off, namely a graphical progress bar appearing at
the lower edge of the main VNWA window grid and a progress text appearing in the status line at the very bottom of
the VNWA main window.
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Settings - Power Levels
This menu item allows to control the VNWA oscillators' signal levels. Firmwares v4.15 (VNWA2) and v5.10
(VNWA3) are mandatory for this functionality.
The menu item is only visible if the software/firmware combination supports level control.
Invoking the "Set Levels" command will open the "Signal Power Levels" window.
This menu item can also be accessed by the shortcut key "L" or via the main window level label context menu.
The TX and LO levels can be changed with the sliders. Note, that the LO level should normally be set to maximum
as shown above.
The left attenuation label below the slider (see mouse pointer above) shows the attenuation value (or absolute level
if selected, see below). Note, that the level can also be controlled in very fine steps with the mouse wheel, when the
mouse pointer is held over this label. Observe the "Level" label change in unity steps when the mouse wheel is
turned. The "Level" label shows the DDS amplitude word in hexadecimal representation. Note, that you can scroll
the levels below the slider accessible values. I have found the levels to deviate strongly from the theoretical values
for attenuations higher than 50dB and therefore I have excluded the high attenuation range from the slider
accessible values.
The TX level attenuation value (or absolute level if selected, see below) is also displayed in the main window level
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Note, that you can also control the TX level by holding the mouse pointer over this label and scrolling the mouse
Double-clicking this label will invoke the "Signal Power Levels" window.
Right-clicking the label will open the level context menu:
From here, you can also invoke the "Set Levels" command.
Also, you can set the desired increment for mouse wheel action on the main window power label.
Invoking the "Define TX Level" command from the context menu or from the main menu will open the "TX Reference
Level" window:
If you specify an absolute TX reference level for 0 dB attenuation and UN-check "Display relative attenuation only",
then the main window power label will display the absolute TX level instead of an attenuation value as shown in the
screenshot below. Note that below main window power label may be completely deactivated by unchecking "Show
level label in main window".
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Settings - Average, Peak Hold, Autosave...
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Settings - Average, Peak Hold, Autosave... - Averaging/Peak Hold
Averaging and Peak Hold can be activated with the left dropdown menu box:
In the above example, Mem1 accumulates the average of consecutive S21 sweeps. n = 228 means, that already
228 sweeps have been averaged up to now. This number is reset to zero when pressing the "Clear Average"
button. At the same time, the the averaging memory space (Mem1 in above example) is cleared i.e. zeroed.
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Averaging effectively reduces the noise. The averaged red trace is a lot less noisy than the single sweep blue trace.
Note: You can also access some averaging functions by right-clicking the "Av" label on the main window
(partly hidden by the upper left corner of the popup menu in above screenshot).
Note The averaging label is only visible, if the averaging function is activated.
Note: Holding the mouse pointer over the averaging label will invoke a pop-up text with the current average
number n.
Peak Hold
The peak hold function will determine after each sweep for every frequency point the bigger amplitude of the recent
sweep and the stored sweep and stores this maximum value of the two. Thus over the time and consecutive
sweeps, at each frequency point, the biggest ever encountered amplitude will be accumulated. This function is well
known in spectrum analyzers. It may also be useful for tuning filters. Trace selection and reset functionality is the
same as for averaging. If the peak hold function is activated, this is indicated by the PH label in the main window.
Note: You can also access the peak hold functions by right-clicking the "PH label" on the main window (see
Note The PH label is only visible, if the peak hold function is activated.
Note: Holding the mouse pointer over the PH label will invoke a pop-up text with the current sweep number n.
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Settings - Average, Peak Hold, Autosave... - Autosaving
Autosaving means automatically saving data at the end of each sweep to another memory space.
The effect of the above settings is, that the last four sweeps are automatically displayed and updated after each
This feature is useful when tuning devices, where it is advantageous to see the changes from sweep to sweep.
The activated "auto saving" function is indicated by the AS label on the left side of the main window (see above).
Note: You can also access some autosave functions by right-clicking the "AS label" on the main window (see
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Settings - Average, Peak Hold, Autosave... - Smoothing
Smoothing means to average data over several neighboring frequency points. This can be used as a means to
reduce noise, but care must be taken not to smooth out real features of the data.
Below is a S21-measurement of a bandpass filter passband showing attenuation (blue) and group delay time (red)
with 4000 frequency points. The noise level was artificially increased by an attenuator in front of the RX port, which
was calibrated out. While the amplitude data is quite smooth, the group delay data is very noisy because it was
obtained by numerical differentiation of the original measurement data. The higher the number of points, the larger
the numerical noise in this differentiation process will be.
As the group delay of such a filter is a relatively smooth function and there is a vast number of points in this
measurement to use for smoothing, the actual group delay can be obtained by invoking the smoothing functionality:
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Select the trace to be smoothed, in this case Trace1 (=red trace). The corresponding slider adjusts the averaging
width, i.e. how many frequency points are being used to calculate the average.
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Smoothing could efficiently remove the noise from the group delay trace.
Note: If smoothing is activated, a red Sm label is shown on the lower left edge of the main screen. Right-click
or double-click this label to access some of the smoothing functionality.
Note: The straight stubs at both ends of the red smoothed trace above indicate the smoothing width. Frequency
points too close to the range edges cannot be smoothed, therefore those points are set to the same value as the
closest averaged point, which produces the straight stubs.
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Settings - Time Domain
The "time domain settings" allow display and analysis control of time domain data.
With the above settings, after each sweep an inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the S21 data will be
calculated and displayed in a time range of 0...300 us if trace type "time" is activated (see below, red trace 2). The
frequency data is weighted with a Hamming window function prior to calculating the Fourier transform in above
Time markers display time, distance and level. The distance is calculated from the time with the vacuum speed of
light and a velocity factor. This is useful to determine lengths of coaxial cables.
The /2 checkbox allows to get proper lengths on reflection measurements, where the signal travels through the
cable twice (forward and backward).
Hint: You can access the time domain settings also by double-clicking the red start and stop time labels or the
Time or Gate label in the main window.
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Hint: You can separately add frequency and time markers.
Hint: Besides the impulse response, also the step response of a DUT can be displayed selectable with the
"Time domain response" dropdown menu. This is useful to determine transmission line impedances and
impedance variations.
For an introducion to time domain measurements and practical examples see here.
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Settings - Calibration Kit
The calibration kit settings allow to specify the parameters of the user calibration kit (physical open, short, load, thru
standards) used to calibrate the VNWA.
Calibration kit data can be saved to and loaded from a *.ckf file.
Upon pressing "Load Settings" the calibration kit file manager will open and display all available cal kit files with
their properties:
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Hint:You can also browse the path by clicking the blue path label.
Note: OSL delays are two way delays. Lengths are calculated from half the delays using the velocity factor
specified in the Special Settings tab. If the calibration standard is longer than the position of the desired calibration
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plane indicates, a negative delay is to be entered.
Note: The Calibration Kit menu can also be used to extract calibration kit parameters from measurements.
See page Extracting calibration kit parameters on how to do this.
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Matching Tool
Restore Unmatched
Copy Display Data to S2P Buffer
Crystal Analyzer
3-Port Analyzer
Specification Tester
Complex Calculator
Realtime Expression Evaluator
Virtual Keyboard (32 bit Windows versions only)
ASCII Data Import Tool
Configure Tools
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Tools - Matching Tool
The VNWA's built-in matching tool allows to simulate the 2 port DUT's transfer characteristics under arbitrary
impedance termination conditions and to calculate matching networks.
This is useful for the application of non 50 Ohms filters like crystal filters, where matching networks need to be
Note: The original S-parameters normalized to 50 Ohms are stored in a separate internal S2P-buffer and
remain untouched during the simulation. Simulation results will be stored and displayed via the display memory
spaces (S11, S21, S12, S22), which will change in turn. The original 50 Ohms S-parameters can be restored from
the S2P-buffer into the display buffers by the main menu command "Tools"-"Restore-Unmatched".
Note: The matching tool can only be invoked, if the internal S2P-buffer contains valid S-parameters. You can
copy the display memory spaces (S11, S21, S12, S22) into the internal 2-port buffer and thus make them valid
S-parameters with the main menu command "Tools"-"Copy Display Data to S2P Buffer".
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Tools - Restore Unmatched
"Restore Unmatched" copies S-parameters from the S2P-buffer into the display buffers (S11, S21, S12, S22) .
Note: The "restore unmatched" can only be invoked, if the internal S2P-buffer contains valid S-parameters.
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Tools - Copy Display Buffer Data to S2P Buffer
"Copy Display Buffer Data to S2P Buffer" copies the display memory spaces (S11, S21, S12, S22) into the internal
S2P-buffer and thus makes them valid S-parameters, which can be used in conjunction with the built-in matching
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Tools - Crystal Analyzer
The "crystal analyzer" tool allows to extract equivalent circuit model parameters from the measured reflection
coefficient of a crystal resonator or similar resonator (SAW, ceramic,...)
See page "Crystal Analyzer: Extracting Resonator Model Parameters" for detailled examples.
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Tools - 3-Port Analyzer
Three port RF devices like baluns or SAW-filters with e.g. balanced outputs confront the user with a complex
characterization task:
On the one hand, one would like to know e.g. the insertion attenuation from single ended input to differential outputs
and the complex differential output impedance (differential mode). On the other hand, the common mode
attenuation is of interest.
The 3-Port analyzer tool allows to perform both characterizations on a set of imported or measured 3-port
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Tools - Specification Tester
The Specification Tester tool is available from VNWA version on.
It allows to measure components and compare them to a custom defined specification.
Measurement results can be logged to a file. Pass/Fail indication will be given accoustically and optically.
Specification Tab:
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Here up to 20 spec items can be defined.
- The #-column denotes the spec reference number, which will show in the measurement log.
- The src-column denotes the source to be tested. Allowed choices are S11, S21, S12, S22, Mem1...Mem4,
- The cmd-column denotes the spec command as described in the Syntax tab.
- The param*-columns denote the parameters of the spec command as described in the Syntax tab.
- The min and max column denote the lower and the upper specification limit.
The four entries in above example all test S21 for:
- the -1.5dB center frequency, good is 900MHz...910MHz
- the maximum insertion gain (=negative attenuation) in the GSM RX band 890MHz...960MHz, good is anything
between -4dB and 0dB.
- the attenuation in the GSM TX band 935MHz...960MHz relative to the previously evaluated maximum insertion gain,
good is anything between -999dB and -15dB.
-the amplitude ripple in the GSM RX band 890MHz...960MHz, good is anything between 0dB and 1.5dB.
Evaluator Tab:
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Upon pressing the Measure and evaluate button, VNWA performs a single measurement, e.g.
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After completion of the sweep, the measurement is being automatically evaluated with respect to the entered
specification. The results will be displayed in the Evaluator table, and, if Log to file is activated, the same results will
also be automatically logged to a text file. To define a log file path, click onto the blue File Path label. The log file
name will automatically be generated from the current time and date.
Pass/Fail information of the last measurement will be given optically on the lower right (green PASS or red FAIL
label) and acoustically by two different sounds.
In above example, 8 components have been tested, of which component #6 has failed. Red entries in the table
denote failures.
Hint: The Evaluator table will be cleared when the Specification table is being accessed.
Hint: Specifications can be loaded from or saved to a file via the File menu on the top left.
Timed Measurements:
From VNWA36.5.0 on measurements can be launched periodically by a custom definable timer. Timer
measurements are useful for monitoring the same device over a long time e.g. under varying environmental
conditions like temperature. This can also be used for automatic spectrum monitoring in Spectrum Analyzer mode.
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With above settings, when pressing "Measure and evaluate", the button will remain in the pressed position and a
measurement will automatically be performed every 1 minute and be checked against the user defined spec. The
timed measurement process continues until the "Measure and evaluate" button is pressed again. As seen in above
menu, the software can be configured such that the timer automatically stops, when the measurement fails to
comply with the user defined spec.
For timed measurements several new spec commands have been implemented:
TIME Logs the time and date when the sweep ended.
DTIME Logs the time when the sweep ended in seconds after the "Measure and evaluate" button was pressed.
DFREQ Logs frequency meter for long time frequency stability measurements.
CUST* Custom data analysis as defined in a user provided external dynamic link library.
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By providing an external dynamic link library (dll), the user can define any conceivable analysis of the measurement
Moreover, the analysis value sent back to the specification tester need not be related to the measurenment data at
all, but could also be an environment value measured by means of the dll like environmental temperature, a voltage
or a current. This is very useful for automatic temperature measurements of for e.g. measuring the C-V
characteristic of a varactor diode.
The spec tester dll is loaded via the spec tester main menu:
Below example shows simple dll that accesses the measured sweep data and returns some values to the VNWA
spec tester. In this example a console window is opened, which is useful during program development for
outputting debug information using the writeln() command.
_Init: is called when the dll is loaded the first time. Do one time initializations here, e.g. open the
console window.
_Close: is called just before the dll is unloaded. Do cleanups here like releasing dynamic memory or
closing the console window as shown in the example.
_Process: is called after every sweep when new measurement data is available. Note, that the values are
returned as strings, thus any kind of data may be returned to be displayed in the table.
library SpecDLL;
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{$R *.res}
R: double;
I: double;
TFloatArray=array of double;
TComplexArray=array of TComplex;
exports _Init;
exports _Close;
exports _Process;
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And this is the console output of above example dll after the first sweep:
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Tools - Complex Calculator
This is a tool for evaluating complex expressions written by Simon Bucheli from
Thanks for allowing me to integrate this tool into VNWA!
The tool basically works like a pocket calculator, but it can calculate with complex numbers.
Hint: The tool can access data in the VNWA data spaces (S11,S21,...,Mem1...4) and marker frequencies.
Implemented Constants
Implemented Functions
arg or Arg example: arg(exp(j*5))=5
deg conversion radiants to degrees
db or dB dB(x)=20*log(ab s(x))
im example: im(2+3*j)=3*j (unusual definition of the imaginary part)
imag example: imag(2+3*j)=3 (usual definition of the imaginary part)
J0 Bessel function of the first kind of order 0
J1 Bessel function of the first kind of order 1
lb logarithm base 2
lg logarithm base 10
ln natural logarithm (base e)
log logarithm base 10
mag mag(x)=ab s(x)
marker or Marker or m or M example: marker(3) = frequency [Hz] of marker 3
mval<n> example: mval2(1) = value of marker 1 for trace 2
mem1 or Mem1 example: mem1(200e6) = value of data space Mem1 @ 200 MHz
mem2 or Mem2
mem3 or Mem3
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mem4 or Mem4
rad conversion degrees to radiants
re example: re(2+3*j)=2 = real part
s21 or S21 example: S21(10e6) = value of data space S21 @ 10 MHz
s11 or S11 example: S11(m(2)) = value of data space S21 @ marker 2
s12 or S12
s22 or S22
s2t converts a reflection coefficient normalized to 50 Ohms to a transmission coefficient
s2y converts a reflection coefficient normalized to 50 Ohms to a complex admittance. example: s2y(0)
= 0.02
s2z converts a reflection coefficient normalized to 50 Ohms to a complex impedance. example: s2z(0)
= 50
ss2t converts a shunt reflection coefficient normalized to 50 Ohms to a transmission coefficient.
t2s converts a transmission coefficient to a reflection coefficient normalized to 50 Ohms
t2ss converts a transmission coefficient to a shunt reflection coefficient normalized to 50 Ohms.
t2zs converts a transmission coefficient to a shunt impedance.
y2s converts a complex admittance to a reflection coefficient normalized to 50 Ohms. example: z2s(0)
z2s converts a complex impedance to a reflection coefficient normalized to 50 Ohms. example: z2s(0)
= -1
zs2t converts a shunt impedance to a transmission coefficient.
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Tools - Realtime Expression Evaluator
You look at S11 in a Smith chart and you would like to have a marker showing impedance instead of the reflection
Select main menu "Tools-Realtime Expression Evaluator" or right-click onto the main graphics screen and select
menu item "Realtime Expression Evaluator - Start":
Here, you can customize a marker text to your needs. Enter the mathematical expression to be evaluated into the
Expression field. In above example S11 is evaluated at the marker 1 frequency and converted to a complex
impedance. Pressing enter will parse the expression. In case of expression errors, these will be displayed in the
grey blank rectangle below the controls. Note, that the expression syntax is that of the complex calculator tool.
With the controls below the expression, you can customize the way, the result will be displayed. Close the window
when done. With above settings a new label appears on the main screen showing the impedance at marker 1
position (see mouse pointer below):
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Note, that the displayed impedance values change when you move marker 1.
Note, that the default position of the label is top left, but the label can freely be moved with the mouse.
Note, that you can reopen the expression evaluator window by double-clicking the label.
Note, that some functions can also be accessed by right-clicking the label:
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This example demonstrates how the realtime expression evaluator can be used to determine the Q-value of a
resonance notch by comparing the -3dB notch width to the notch frequency in real time.
In order to determine the notch width we need two markers to the left and to the right of the notch at an absolute level
of -3dB. We place the left marker by right-clicking on the main grid and selecting a left absolute level frequency
We can set the marker level by either right-clicking the marker itself or the marker level label:
Upon selection of the "Set Bandwidth Level" menu item, the level mask pops up:
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We enter -3dB and confirm.
In a similar fashion we add a right absolute value frequency marker:
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Next we start the real time expression evaluator:
The expression definition mask pops up. There, we enter the evaluation formula, where 0.5*(m(1)+m(2) yields the
notch center frequency computed from the two marker frequencies m(1) and m(2) and (m(2)-m(1)) yields the notch
width as calculated from the same marker frequencies. So, the result of the formula yields notch frequency divided
by notch width, which is the Q-value.
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With above output format settings (display "Q=",display real part only, display no unit, 3 valid digits) we obtain the
following result:
The computed Q-value of 8.21 is displayed and updated in real time as new measurement results come in.
Note, that the Q-label like the marker labels can be dragged to any convenient position on the VNWA window.
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Tools - Optimizer
VNWA version 36.5.0 and up has a built-in least squares fit optimizer tool suitable for model fitting:
Upon first start, the optimizer tool presents itself like this:
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- The optimizer tool includes a complex valued function parser with syntax identical to the custom trace expressions
syntax, which is used to define a fit function in the second line above.
- The fit function may be split up into three subexpressions which may be named descriptively using aliases for the
default names Sub1...Sub3.
- All expressions may contain up to 10 real valued variables to be optimized (x1...x10), which may again be renamed
- Initial real values have to be assigned to the variables as well as initial step sizes (Delta) for the optimizer.
- For manual optimization, the values can be changed in Delta steps using the mouse wheel. Upon changing the
variables the model will be recalculated.
- The optimizer can be informed to keep a variable constant by setting the Delta value to zero or better by unchecking
the Optimize checkbox.
- A descriptive text or a jpeg or bitmap picture may be loaded by right-clicking the picture/text area. A picture may also
be loaded via menu "Load"-"Picture".
- The optimizer tool also allows to save or load a model via the main menu.
- The first line in the optimizer tool informs the optimizer to fit the model to resemble as much as possible to S11.
- The model simulation is selected to be stored in 3-port data space s_11with above settings.
- The main menu item "Optimize" initiates the optimizing process.
Note, that pressing Return on any input field will invoke recompilition and recalculation of all expressions.
Note that unused subexpressings may be hidden by moving the separator bar up (see mouse arrow above).
Note, that unused variables may be hidden by decreasing the window height.
We want to find an equivalent circuit model for the following loop antenna:
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The measurement reveals that the loop is basically an inductor with rather low loss which becomes slightly
capacitive at high frequencies, though:
We thus try to simulate the antenna using a model consisting of an ideal inductor with a series resistor. In order to
model the capacitive behavior at high frequencies, there must be a small capacitance in parallel to the lossy
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The predefined variable w denotes the angular frequency.
Since we have instructed the optimizer to store the simulation into 3-port data space s_11, we may compare our
measurement to our initial guess for the model parameters:
As the match is not perfect yet, we instruct the optimizer tool to fit our model to the S11 measurement by pressing
the optimizer menu "Optimize". The optimizer then yields the following optimum variable values:
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i.e. rounded to two digits
R=0.29 Ohms
These values intuitively make sense.
Comparing the optimized model to the measurement we find an almost perfect match:
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Tools - Virtual Keyboard
Windows has a built-in on-screen or virtual keyboard, which can be operated with the mouse or via touchscreen in
case no hardware keyboard is available or desired.
For 32 bit Windows versions this keyboard can directly be invoked from within VNWA using the main menu "Tools -
Virtual Keyboard":
For 64 bit Windows versions this menu item is made invisible as Windows does not allow the 32 bit VNWA
application to launch the 64 bit keyboard application.
There are two possible workarounds to still use a virtual keyboard on a 64 bit Windows machine.
This is done by either typing "osk.exe" from a Windows command prompt (which is a challenging task without
keyboard) or by having placed the osk application beforehand onto the desktop and double-clicking it.
Solution 2: Using a 32 bit virtual keyboard application and adding it to the VNWA tools menu
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In the following this approach is demonstrated using the freeand powerful virtual keyboard software Click-N-Type
which can be downloaded from
After having installed the Click-N-Type software, it can be integrated into the VNWA tools menu. To do so, open the
main menu "Tools-Configure Tools" and add "Click-N-Type" to the configurable tools menu. Use the Path-button to
browse for the Click-N-Type application on your disk and give it a descriptive name (here "Virtual Keyboard").
After closing the "Configure Tools" menu, a new submenu "Virtual Keyboard" will be available in the "Tools" main
menu and, if selected, it will launch the Click-N-Type virtual keyboard:
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Tools - ASCII Import Tool
Often data measured with the VNWA is to be compared to third party data. If the latter is available in Touchstone snp
format, then it can directly be read into the VNWA software.
If the third party data is only available as raw rows of ASCII numbers, then the ASCII Import Tool helps to read it. The
import tool is either accessible via the "Tools" menu as shown above, via the keyboard short cut "i" or via the main
menu "File"-"Import Data"-"Any ASCII Import".
Data can be read from a file via "Load"-"from File" or by dropping the file via drag and drop onto the list field.
Alternatively, data can be entered from the Windows clipboard.
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Above data has been entered via clipboard/copy and paste from a HP spectrum analyzer and the HP benchlink
If the numbers use "," as decimal separator instead of a decimal point, the "Decimal Separator" menu allows to
change the data to using a decimal point.
The list field shows the raw input data. Comment lines should be deleted by right-clicking them and selecting
Below the raw data list, the user specifies which columns are to be read in what way and where the data is to be
copied to. In above example, the first column is the frequency in Hertz and the second column is the attenuation in
dB. If no column defining a phase is specified, then the phase is set to zero. By pressing the "Import" button, the
data is copied to the S21 data field:
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Tools - Configure Tools
The "configure tools" menu allows to customize the tools menu by showing or hiding the built-in tools and/or by
registering up to four external tools to the "Tools" menu. An example is presented in section "Interfacing ZPlots".
External tools are characterized by four parameters which can be selected by the user:
Name: The name of the external tool that will be shown in the "Tools" menu.
Path: Path including the application file name of the external application. Valid applications are files and
links that can be started in Windows by double-clicking.
Argument: An optional runtime argument that can be passed to an external tool, e.g. a file name for a text
Autowrite: When the "autowrite" checkbox is activated, current measurement data will be written to the
directory specified by "Path" as default.s2p prior to launching the external tool and also every time a sweep cycle is
completed. This allows automatic data transfer to external tools.
Note: You have to activate an external tool by the checkbox on the very left to make it visible in the tools
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Options - Select Instrument
The menu item "Select Instrument" allows to select, which kind of hardware architecture the software VNWA.exe is
to control.
Note: Depending on the instrument selection, clicking the "Options"-"Setup" menu item will either open the
VNWA setup window or the N2PK-VNA setup window.
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Options - Operation Mode
The menu item "Operation Mode" allows to select different operation modes for the VNWA hardware:
This is the standard vector network analyzer mode, which allows to perform vector transmission and reflection
This is a mode for reflection measurements only as the RX input is used as bridge detector for an external
reflection bridge. This mode might be useful, when measuring antennas in a strong BCI environment. For details
see page "External Bridge Mode".
This is a mode for two simultaneous reflection measurements. The TX port is used in the normal way, while the
RX input is used as bridge detector for an external reflection bridge. The internal bridge is being mapped to S11
while the external bridge is mapped to S22.
Note that this mode requires tapping the TX signal internally with an external isolating amplifier in order to provide a
TX signal for the external bridge without causing interference with the internal bridge.
This is a mode utilizing an external RF-IV test head instead of an external bridge for impedance measurements.
RF-IV allows for higher measurement stability at extreme impedances as is explained on page "How to measure
Impedances - General Considerations". Details about RF-IV can be found on page "RF-IV Mode".
5. Spectrum Analyzer
The VNWA hardware can also be used as a rudimentary spectrum analyzer. Details can be found on page
"Spectrum Analyzer and Tracking Generator Mode".
6. Signal Generator
The VNWA hardware can act as a rudimentarry CW signal generator. Details can be found on page "Signal
Generator Mode".
7. Frequency Meter
The VNWA hardware can be used as a very accurate frequency meter. See page "Frequency Meter Mode" for details.
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External Bridge Mode
The VNWA hardware can also be operated with an external reflection bridge. To do so, select Operation Mode -
VNWA, external bridge.
The setup can be SOL calibrated in the normal manner. The calibration standards are to be connected to the DUT
port of the bridge.
Measurement results are displayed in the S11 memory space. Note, that the memory spaces S21 and S12 contain
meaningless results in this case and should not be displayed.
Note: The advantage of this setup lies in the fact, that an attenuator pad can be inserted between bridge and
RX port. This might be necessary, when measuring antenna impedances in strong BCI environments. In such
environments the BCI signals might well saturate the internal VNWA bridge mixer. An external bridge followed by
e.g. a 20dB attenuator in front of the RX port avoids mixer saturation. Of course, the desired reflect signal is also
attenuated by 20dB, but there is still enough dynamic range margin to obtain reflection data with reasonable
accuracy. You could also use the internal bridge, connect your 20dB attenuator to the TX port and calibrate at the
attenuator. This would also attenuate the BCI signals by 20dB, but the desired reflection signal would be attenuated
by 40dB, since it travels through the attenuator twice (forth and back).
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RF-IV Mode
RF-IV mode is way to greatly improve measurement stability for extreme impedance measurements (very high Z,
high Q L and C, very low Z).
Instead of measuring the reflection coefficient S11 of an impedance and calculating the impedance value from it,
RF-IV measures the AC voltage V and the AC current I running through the unknown impedance. These are
measured by VNWA with two separate sweeps. Now, why should it be advantageous to measure an impedance
with the RF-IV method instead of using the external bridge?
a) Bridge measurement
Say, you want to measure a resistor with 50 kiloohms, which is 1000 times the normalization impedance Z0=50
Without measurement error, you would measure S11=(1000-1)/(1000+1)=0.998.
If the instrument drifts such that the measured S11 value is off by 0.1%, you will measure S11=0.999 instead.
Using this value, an impedance of Z=50*(1+0.999)/(1-0.999)=99.95 kiloOhms is measured.
=> Even though your test equipment offers an accuracy of 0.1%, your Z-result is off by almost 100%!
b) RF-IV measurement
Now, do the same measurement using the RF-IV technique. You will measure the voltage V and the current I with
0.1% accuracy.
VNWA will calculate the impedance Z=V/I. As V and I both show an error of 0.1%, the result Z will be off by at most
0.2%, likely less, ass drift will affect I and V in the same way since both are measured with the same detector. Now,
compare this to almost 100% error in bridge mode!
Summarizing, the RF-IV method is always recommendable, when impedances very close to the edge of the Smith
chart are to be measured accurately.
I have performed my experiments with an RF-IV test head developed by Paul Kiciak N2PK and kitted by Ivan Makarov
VE3IVM. For the kit see Ivan's homepage (
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The VNWA TX signal is fed into the test head with a coax cable. The test head detector signal is fed back into the
VNWA RX input. The test object (next to the two cal standards) is connected to the test head.
Note, that the test head requires a 5...12V DC power supply, which is tapped from the 5V VNWA USB power. It also
requires a 0/3.3...5V switching signal to select I or V measurement mode. VNWA reuses the S-parameter test set
signal for this purpose. Note, that the polarity of the control signal is of no importance. Even if I and V sweeps are
being swapped, the calibration will fix this.
In order to use the RF-IV principle, you must switch the VNWA to RF-IV mode:
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Note, that the blue main window title bar also shows RF-IV Mode if selected.
Now, do a normal SOL calibration using ordinary short, open and load standards to be connected to the RF-IV head
DUT port. Note, that VNWA is doing two calibration sweeps per standard now, one for I and one for V. When done,
connect your DUT and press the Single Sweep or Continuous button. Note that again each measurement requires
two sweeps (I and V). Switching between I and V channel can be monitored by the VNWA direction arrow changing
direction from sweep to sweep:
Note, that when you display S11 e.g. in a Smith chart, you will still see a reflection coefficient. But in RF-IV mode this
reflection coefficient is calculated from the measured impedance.
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Spectrum Analyzer and Tracking Generator Mode
Spectrum Analyzer
The VNWA can also be used as a rudimentary spectrum analyzer. Since the VNWA was never designed to be a
spectrum analyzer, there are a few restrictions. Inside the VNWA, the unfiltered DDS LO signal is fed into the RX
mixer, i.e. the mixer is fed with a whole spectrum of LO signals. This will lead to the fact that if one applies a pure
sine signal to the RX input, one can observe not only the spectral line of the input signal, but also a lot of birdies or
ghost spectral lines, which are actually not present. The higher the frequency, the more severe these birdies will
Therefore it is recommended to use SA mode only at frequencies below 100MHz and with the highest possible LO
clock multiplier (x20). Another set of birdies stems from the fact that the VNWA RX acts in SA mode as a direct
conversion receiver, which makes the RX sensitive to subharmonics of the input signal. These can be
distinguished by their narrower shape as compared to the real spectral lines.
Next, you need to specify the sweep parameters. The following picture shows the settings used in the following
Warning: Note, that in SA mode (unless used with tracking generator) the frequency point spacing must be
smaller than the resolution bandwidth! If this is not the case, spectrum gets lost, e.g. there might be spectral lines
but you won't see them. If settings are inappropriate, the status text (left of the mouse arrow in above screen shot)
will turn red.
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A 30mVpp sine wave signal (= maximum level, that doesn't create overload yet = 30mVpp = -26.5dBm =2.25uW) is
fed into the VNWA RX port.
Note, that by choice of the level offset, signal power can be read off directly in dBm, e.g. from marker 1.
Note, that a dynamic range better than 90dB is achieved.
Note: For most sound cards, the dynamic range is limited by the DC offset of the sound card ADCs. This DC
offset can be efficiently removed by performing a crosstalk thru calibration, which has ben done in all displayed
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The shape of the spectral line is determined by the frequency response of the sound card. As zero frequency is in
the center of the spectral line and sound cards are AC coupled, there is a small notch in the center of any spectral
line, which might or might not be seen dependent on choice of the frequency grid.
The picture below, compares the measurement results for two different sweep time rates. The red trace is identical
with the above picture.
The blue trace was measured with the fastest available sweep rate (0.2ms / frequency point)
Note, that decreasing the sweep rate increases the noise floor.
Also note, that if you sweep too fast, the IF filter (=sound card) starts "ringing" (feature above the mouse pointer) due
to the the limited bandwidth.
The picture below shows again the same signal with a lower resolution bandwidth and slow sweep rate.
Resolution bandwidth control is achieved by changing the sample rate and utilizing the fact, that the resampler of
the Windows sound system provides a special anti aliasing filter fitting for every sampling rate.
Note, that the noise side humps are likely artifacts of the Windows anti-aliasing filter algorithm.
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Below, again the same signal is swept in a wider frequency span.
Due to the fast sweep rate, ringing is visible on the right skirt of the main peak at 5 MHz. The first harmonic is clearly
visible at 10 MHz. At lower frequencies, spurious signals are being seen, which come from unfiltered aliasing
frequencies of the DDSes. Some of them can be identified by their width, which is half of the regular peak width.
Tracking Generator
Note, that in spectrum analyzer mode, the TX oscillator is running all the time as a tracking generator. Thus, in this
mode, the VNWA can be operated as a scalar network analyzer.
One can still perform a SOLT calibration, but the pase information will not be available.
The benefit of using this scalar mode lies in the fact, that the TX frequency can be offset by a value specified in the
sweep menu and the analysis bandwidth is rather large (20kHz). This allows to measure transfer characteristics
of frequency mixers and converters by using an external local oscillator, which frequency must coincide with the
specified frequency offset. Its stability must coincide with the resolution bandwith.
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Signal Generator Mode
The VNWA2/3 hardware can act as a simple CW signal generator outputting a variable amplitude fixed frequency at
its TX port. Moreover, VNWA3(E) allows to AM/FM modulate the output signal with a sine wave with arbitrary
frequency of up to about 3 kHz (VNWA software version 36.2.z and VNWA3 firmware version 5.19 or later required).
The signal Generator mode is activated by the main menu "Options-Operation Mode-Signal Generator" or by the
keyboard shortcur ctrl-g:
The signal generator mode is not a unique mode but it can be activated on top of other modes. Of course, it is not
possible to run the VNWA as signal generator and sweep at the same time, though. An attempt to sweep will switch
off the signal generator facility.
If the signal generator mode is activated, the signal generator controls become visible in the main window:
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VNWA mode power level. Both levels are being memorized and applied depending on the current operation mode.
- The frequency can be changed by editing it with the keyboard, by using the pushbuttons or with the mouse wheel.
The mouse wheel increment can be set by right-clicking the frequency input field:
- The signal generator can also be deactivated with the right-click menu. Alternatively, it can be deactivated by
selecting any other operation mode or with the keyboard shortcut ctrl-g.
- The signal generator panel can be aligned to any of the four main grid corners by right-clicking the panel title and
selecting the desired alignment style.
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Note: The VNWA keyboard shortcuts are deactivated while the signal generator mode is active!
If the system supports signal modulation (VNWA3(E), software version 36.2.z or later, firmware version 5.19 or later),
then the Sine Wave Modulation controls become visible:
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Above settings produce a 1 MHz signal amplitude modulated with a 500Hz sine wave with 80% depth:
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Note the little steps in the modulation, which arise from the fact that the modulation sine wave is generated by a
software DDS with about 16kHz clock and 8 bit (=256 step) resolution and the modulation is performed digitally.
This puts the Nyquist limit at about 8kHz. The actual modulation frequency should be chosen well below.
The same applies to frequency modulation, which is performed by digitally switching between a maximum number
of 256 discrete frequencies.
Above settings produce a 1 MHz frequency modulated with a 500Hz sine wave with 300 kHz FM deviation, i.e. the
output signal varies between 0.7MHz and 1.3MHz:
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Note, that due to the digital control the FM deviation is very accurate and thus the VNWA is very well suited to
calibrate FM deviation meters.
From software version VNWA36.3.8.3 and firmware v5.22 (VNWA3/3E only) on, there is also pulsed cw modulation
With above settings a train of RF pulses with repetition rate of 651Hz and 12.5% duty cycle is produced (blue trace):
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If the HW-Monitor checkbox is checked, a synchronous digital hardware monitor pulse train is produced on the
Rotor start/stop control signal. This may be used for synchronizing measurements with the RF bursts. Note that for
technical reasons the hardware monitor signal shows a delay of 5us with respect to the RF bursts.
Also note, that the modulation is performed digitally by the VNWA on board MCU in real time while the same MCU
has to handle USB traffic. If the USB port in use belongs to a hub branch with a lot of USB traffic, the modulation will
get interrupted while the MCU handles the incoming USB signals. This will cause clicking noises when listening to
the modulated signal in a receiver. Kurt Poulsen OZ7OU has investigated this phenomenon in detail and has
worked out guidelines how to avoid this effect, which can be found on page Optimizing USB Traffic for Modulator
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Frequency Meter Mode
In the simplest setup, the unknown signal frequency is measured against the VNWA internal clock oscillator, which
-in the case of VNWA3- shows an accuracy of the order of +-1ppm.
The phase measurement allows for much higher measurement precisions, even at short measurement times,
therefore it is worthwhile to connect an external frequency standard. VNWA3E has an optional external clock input:
Make sure to use sufficiently large DDS clock multipliers to avoid sensitivity dips. There are several possibilities to
measure the RX imput frequency using the VNWA software.
1. Frequency Meter
The frequency meter is activated via the main menu "Options-Operation Mode":
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Selecting "Frequency Meter" will automatically select VNWA mode, set the frequency span to zero and display the "
Precision Frequency Meter" panel.
The frequency meter can display absolute frequency F, frequency deviation from Center dF or relative frequency
deviation dF/F:
Selectable items:
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- displayed result: frequency F, frequency deviation dF, relative frequency deviation dF/F
- source: normally S21, i.e. RX intput signal is being analyzed
- unit: in above example mHz = Millihertz is selected
Info items:
- Measurement time = time per data point * number of points. This is the sweep time, which is being influenced by
the sweep settings. This would be the equivalent to the gate time for a normal frequency counter.
- Range: This is the frequency range around Center, for which frequency measurement is possible. This is
influenced by the sweep setting "time per data point".
The longer the time per data point, the lower the measurement noise, but at the same time the allowed frequency
range becomes smaller due to the underlying signal processing.
- TX Offset: DDSes have a very small but still finite frequency channel spacing. TX offset indicates by how much the
actual TX output frequency deviates from the indicated Center frequency. This can be of the order of 100mHz. This is
for info, the displayed frequency is already corrected for this deviation. But note, that when measuring the TX output
frequency, you will not measure zero deviation but this finite deviation, because that's the real output frequency as in
above example. The TX offset is determined by the clock multipliers and by the VNWA firmware rounding behavior.
Therefore, the VNWA must be connected so the software can read out this TX offset.
Let the VNWA sweep and the frequency meter will update the measured frequency at the end of every completed
sweep. This works equally well in single sweep mode and in continuous sweep mode.
Right-clicking any place of the frequency meter panel except the meter reading will open the meter main popup
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Right-clicking onto the meter reading lets you calibrate the VNWA clock to the measured and displayed frequency
versus the nominal center frequency:
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Details can be found on page Calibrating VNWA System Clock using Frequency Meter.
2. Accuracy
In order to get a feeling for the measurement accuracy to be expected, I have measured the VNWA3 internal TCXO
against itself by measuring the TX output frequency by selecting source S11. Clearly, this measurement should
exactly reproduce the indicated TX Offset, i.e. dF=0 in below example. The time per data point was set to 100ms
which leads to a Range of +-4Hz and 10 data points per sweep was selected, which leads to a total measuring time
of 1 second. The center frequency was 12 MHz.
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The above picture shows three typical sweeps, two of which display dF.
With the selected settings and 1second measurement time, it turns out that the frequency of 12 MHz can be
measured with an accuracy of about +-10 micro-Hertz!!!
Now try to beat this with a normal frequency counter.
Note: When displaying or logging absolute frequencies, you may be running out of digits as even the large
number of double precision digits can be exeeded here, see above absolute frequency display.
a) Signal crosstalk:
When some of the reference signal leaks into the measurement signal channel, a phase error will result. In order to
estimate the significance of this error, isolation measurements have been performed VNWA3E main audio codec ...
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Long time averaging has been used (blue traces) to get below the system noise floor (red traces).
For both codecs, the signal crosstalk is well below 100dB, i.e. the interferer amplitude is less than 10^-5 times
smaller than the signal amplitude.
This will lead to a phase error smaller than 10^-5 rad. So, within an analysis time interval of 1 s the frequency error
will be less than 10^-5/(2*pi*1s) or about 2 micro-Hertz.
For longer measurement intervals this error will become even smaller according to a 1/time law.
3. Frequency Trending
As explained above, data logging can be used to obtain frequency vs. time data for a stability analysis over a long
period of time. Over a short period of time, the time dependent frequency can directly be displayed graphically using
display types dF, F or dF/F:
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Example 1
The following screenshot shows a measurement on one Rubidium 10 MHz frequency standard, while the VNWA3E
is clocked by a second independent Rubidium 10 MHz frequency standard. The sweep has been done with 65000
data points and covers a total time of 260 seconds:
As one can see, the Rubidium standards are detuned by about 2.5 milli-Hertz against each other with some
temporal fluctuation (<+-0.5 milli-Hertz), which is almost invisible on the phase plot. The frequency offset shows as
linear phase progression. Note, that numerical noise from calculating the time derivative of the phase (i.e. the
frequency, blue trace) has been removed by trace smoothing over a time interval of about 3 seconds. Note, that
frequency markers display the time at which the data point was measured after sweep start instead of frequency for
zero span which is used here.
Note: The maximum allowed number of data points has been increased with VNWA version 36.0 from 8192 to
65000 for this application.
The software may react very sluggish, when using such a vast number of points!
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Example 2
Another example for frequency trending is shown in the next image. Here, a 10 MHz Rubidium frequency standard
has been measured against the VNWA3E internal TCXO. The sweep time was again 260 seconds at 65000 data
Assuming the Rubidium standard to be accurate, the internal TCXO must have a deviation of about +3Hz +-1Hz or
+0.3ppm+-0.1ppm, which is excellent. One can clearly see that the temperature compensation of the TCXO is
achieved by digitally switching the frequency in small increments. The effect looks dramatic on the plot because of
the very high accuracy of the test setup, but in fact it is only a small correction. Note, that the phase curve is smooth
while only slightly changing tilt.
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Frequency Meter Postprocessing dll
The Frequency Meter Mode is a highly precise method to measure the frequency of an RX input signal. It also allows
logging of the measured frequency together with the time of measurement to a data file. If the frequency is to be
measured together with some other parameter e.g. a voltage or temperature, this can be achieved by linking a user
written dynamic link library (dll), which is called at the end of each sweep and which then performs the external
measurement and returns the result to the VNWA software, so the external measurement can be logged together
with the measured frequency to the same data file. A dll code example returning a simple string can be found here:
library CounterDLL;
{$R *.res}
procedure _Close; export; cdecl; //called only once when dll is unloaded
exports _Init;
exports _Close;
exports _Process;
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Calibrating VNWA System Clock using Frequency Meter
The Frequency Meter offers a very convenient way to calibrate the VNWA system clock which drives the DDS
Simply apply a precise frequency signal to the RX port of the VNWA. Set the VNWA center frequency to the nominal
source signal. Let theFrequency Meter measure the frequency.
Then invoke the "calibrate clock" command and the DDS clock frequencies will be corrected automatically.
LF and VLF radio stations generally derive their transmission signal from a very precise atomic clock. E.g. the
German time signal transmitter DCF77 transmits a time code on 77.5 kHz with sufficient power to be received all
over Germany and in most neighbor countries. Its signal is derived from a very precise Caesium fountain clock
located at the PTB in Braunschweig.
As the VNWA RX is a very sensitive receiver, a simple ferrite antenna is sufficient to receive this signal:
Capacitors are to be chosen such that a reasonable match to 50 Ohms is achieved, i.e. the capacitor to ground
must be a lot bigger than the other one.
Many countries have their own LF transmitters distributing the standard time and a standard frequency.
With this simple antenna I have measured the DCF77 signal in 500 km distance from the transmitter:
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One can clearly see the amplitude modulated time code on the blue trace with an amplitude notch every second
except for second 59.
The amplitude level of -60dB corresponds to a signal amplitude at the RX port of about -88 dBm, not exactly much.
Over a 1 minute period the signal frequency is measured to be -0.35 ppm off. Of course it is the VNWA TCXO that is
really of, but -0.35 ppm from the default value is not bad at all.
The red trace is displayed with 0.5 ppm per vertical unit. The red trace has been smoothed by a sliding average over
2 seconds.
Correcting the VNWA system clock is very simple now. Right-click the frequency reading...
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... and invoke the calibrate system clock menu. The correct DDS clock frequency will be calculated and applied:
Note, that the frequency offset has been corrected to zero (apart from roundoff error).
If we measure again, the measured frequency offset will be a lot smaller than before the calibration:
Accuracy considerations
To check reliability of such a low level reference signal (-88 dBm !), I have measured the DCF77 signal against a
Rubidium frequency standard over an extended period of time.
Here is the last of 20 second sweeps over 2 hours of time:
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The frequency readings have been logged over the full 2 hours from 11:00 to 13:00 at daytime. Each star is one 20
second frequency measurement. For clarity, the measurement points have been joint by the red polygon.
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None of the 20 second sweeps was off by more than +-0.03 ppm. The 2 hour average (green line above) yielded
0.0005 ppm or 5*10^-10, which is about the accuracy of my Rubidium standard.
Thus, the measured frequency is accurate and a 20 second measuring time is sufficient to calibrate to +-0.03 ppm,
which exceeds the stability of most TCXOs.
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Options - Setup (VNWA)
The VNWA setup window allows to specify all VNWA hardware related settings.
A quick start guide to do the setup can be found here.
When attempting to enter setup while a calibration is active, a warning will be issued:
If you do not want to be warned every time you enter setup, you can suppress the warning by pressing ctrl-w. The
warning can be reactivated by pressing ctrl-w again.
Setup input is organized in several tabs, which open when they are clicked. Some of these tabs are context
dependent, i.e. they are only visible if applicable to the selected interface type.
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Interface Type
USB Settings
Audio Settings
Audio Level
Calibrate System Timing
Instrument Settings
Misc. Settings
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VNWA Setup - Interface Type Tab
The VNWA can be controlled via the PC parallel printer port (LPT) or via the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA interface.
For LPT control, there are two timing modes are available:
LPT Mode 0 is very experimental and requires a special system timing calibration.
LPT Mode 1 is the safe mode. If activated, the Calibrate System Timing Tab is invisible.
If USB Mode is activated, all LPT related controls are switched invisible.
-For proper operation via LPT, the correct LPT IO address must be specified here. Any address between 0 hex and
FFFF hex can be entered.
-Also crucial for proper operation via LPT is the minimum transfer speed, the parallel port must achieve. This can
be tested by pressing the "Test LPT" button. The test result is displayed in the status line on the very bottom of the
setup window. Note, that this test does not check if your LPT lines are actually switching! Only the port driver
software speed is determined.
-If you have trouble with your LPT interface, you may use the controls on the right for diagnosing it. The checkboxes
allow to statically toggle any LPT port output line. The lamps allow to detect the levels of all LPT input lines. Note
that inputs will only be read when outputs are being changed. If you don't have a scope for checking levels, you can
make a loopback cable and control the switching action here. Note, that the controls resemble the LPT port pinout
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VNWA Setup - USB Settings Tab
In this tab you can configure and test the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA interface.
Note: In order to use the following controls, the USB Interface must have been activated with a valid license
Verify Firmware:
With this control you can compare the firmware inside your USB device with a hex-file in order to find out if the two
are identical or not.
Flash Firmware:
With this control, a firmware update can be uploaded to the DG8SAQ USB interface.
Warning: You may damage your interface if you upload unapproved firmware or if you unplug or power down
your USB interface during firmware upload. See here for details of the upgrading procedure.
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Firmware Energy Settings: These settings tell the USB firmware when to power up the VNWA independently of the
VNWA software.
- Off on power up: The power supply for the VNWA will not be switched on, when plugging it into a powered
USB outlet or when powering up the PC.
- On on power up: The power supply for the VNWA will be switched on automatically, when plugging it into
a powered USB outlet or when powering up the PC.
Note: The former setting will help conserve energy, e.g. when using battery power. The latter guarantees for
maximum warmup time of the instrument.
Software Energy Settings: These settings tell the VNWA software when to power up the VNWA.
- VNWA always OFF: The power supply for the VNWA is switched off at all times. This setting may be useful to
reset the DDSes or to conserve energy.
- VNWA always ON: The power supply for the VNWA is switched off at all times. This setting is useful to
guarantee maximum warmup time for the instrument.
- On if software started: Upon start of the VNWA software, the VNWA is powered up and upon program
termination, the VNWA is powered down automatically. This setting may be useful to conserve energy in battery
powered systems.
License Code:
Enter a valid license code here.
Important: Immediately after entry of a valid license code, you will not yet be able to e.g. test the USB interface.
You must activate the license code first! In order to activate the license code, you must either close the setup
window or rescan the USB bus.
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VNWA Setup - Audio Settings Tab
The audio settings tab allows to control all sound card related settings.
In the audio capture device panel all sound card settings are being controlled. Select:
For Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 (or if the audio mixer is decativated) select
- the audio capture device
For Windows XP and earlier with activated audio mixer select (entry fields suppressed in above screenshot as
audio mixer is deactivated by default):
- the used sound card
- recording or capture, NOT playback!
- a stereo line-in or microphone input, NOT Loudspeaker!
Proper operation of the sound card can be tested with the "Test Audio" button. The labels below the button show
the smallest an largest sample within a data block. The audio data can be visualized in the "Audio Level" tab. Also,
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the recording levels can be set there if supported by the operating system and codec.
Note: Most controls will become inactive when "Test Audio" is activated. Also, the setup window cannot be
closed at once in this case.
VNWA3E offers a second audio codec for simultaneous measurement of S11 and S21. The auxiliary codec as to be
set up in the same way as the main codec in the Audio Capture Device panel.
Available controls:
- "Buffer length in Samples" specifies the length of each ring buffer segment. Recommended is 3000. Shorter
length means more frequent screen update at the expense of increasing CPU load. Experiments show, that
windows cannot cope satisfactorily with buffers shorter than 800 samples.
- "Samples / IF period x4" specifies the IF frequency. Note, that the entered number is multiplied by 4. So, if 10 is
entered, that means 40 samples per IF period. At a samle rate of 48 kHz, this leads to an IF of 48 kHz / 40 = 1.2 kHz,
which is displayed next to the edit field. The highest selectable IF is 12 kHz at 48 kHz sampling rate which is also
the highest one that works with the used USB sound codec, which has a limited bandwidth of 20 kHz.
- "# Presamles" specifies the number of samples, that are skipped after a frequency change. Recommended is 3.
- "# Postsamples" specifies the number of samples, that are skipped before a frequency change. Recommended
is 3.
Presamples and postsamples are safety margins to cope with variations between the sampling clock and the CPU
clock. It is to be avoided, that data is analyzed, that was taken, while the VNWA received a frequency update due to
the resulting digital noise.
Note: A measurement is only possible, if at least one IF period + the presamples + the post samples fit into the
selected measurement time per data point. The minimum necessary measurement time is displayed. If a shorter
measurement time per data point is selected, there's a timing conflict and the software will refuse to sweep.
Hint: For measurements in the 0.1...20 kHz range, it is advantageous to manually select the lowest possible IF
and use a long measurement time per data point. This avoids interference of RF and IF in the sound card.
- "Calibrate sampling rate" button: It is required, that the sound card sampling rate is well known in order to retrieve
the data from the correct time spots in the audio stream. Therefore, the sampling rate needs to be compared once
to the CPU clock by pressing this control. Note, that a calibration is only possible if a VNWA is connected. The
procedure requires 30 seconds.
- Pulldown control "Reference = Right Channel": Use this button to control which audio channel the software is to
interpret as reference channel.
- Pulldown control "ignore overload": The VNWA software detects potential signal clipping in the audio stream. use
this control to determine the action to be taken upon an overload condition.
Possible Choices:
-ignore overload
-stop after sweep on overload
-immediately stop on overload
- Pulldown control "continue on no sync": This control only shows effect for LPT mode 1 and USB mode, which
both use sync bursts. Occasionally, sync bursts can get lost due to other Windows traffic. Select if you want to
continue sweeping, restart a sweep or stop sweeping if a sync is lost. Recommended is "restart sweeping".
Possible Choices:
-stop on no sync
-restart on no sync
-continue on no sync
-silent restart on nosync In silent restart mode, the "no sync" label on the main window is suppressed. This
setting might be useful on slow PCs, where e.g. moving a marker might lead to a no-sync condition.
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Select here which of the auxiliary codec's channels is the reference channel.
It is quite tedious to go through the audio setup manually. Therefore VNWA software version 36.2.z and newer offers
the Auto-Setup Audio Devices button.
Pressing this button takes care of the complete instrument setup! More details on the auto-setup feature can be
found on page Automatic Configuration of the Software for Usage with a DG8SAQ VNWA (Auto-Setup).
The selection box next to the Auto-Setup Audio Devices button can be used to speed up audio device selection by
suppressing evaluation of non-USB sound devices which are normally not used for the VNWA (unless you have
modified your hardware to do so).
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VNWA Setup - Audio Level Tab
The audio level tab allows to visualize incoming audio data and controling the recording levels.
Note, that the faint red traces are only visible if a second auxilliary audio device has been activated. The auxiliary
audio levels can also be studied in the "Aux. Audio Level" tab.
- "Start / Stop" button: Use it to start and stop sampling. If the VNWA is connected, the reference signal should
always be visible. In the above example, the reference signal comes in on the lower right channel.
- "Thru / Reflect" button: It toggles the instrument between thru and reflect measurement. In the above example, the
instrument is in thru mode without a connection from TX to RX. Therefore no thru signal arrives.
- "Channel labels": Left-click onto the blue channel labels (Left=..., Right=...) in order to change the Reference
channel selection. Alternatively, this setting can be changed in the "Audio Settings" tab.
+,++,-,--, Reset buttons: With these controls it is possible to fine tune the VNWA IF frequency. The aim is to have the
sine waves move as little as possible. On most machines this adjustment can be omitted. On some machines,
S-parameter measurements show very small non-static oscillations, which can be removed by properly tuning the
IMPORTANT: Do calibrate the codec sample rate and the VNWA clock frequency before using these controls,
otherwise tuning might make things worse.
If the selected audio capture device is NOT a VNWA2 or VNWA3 internal device, but e.g. the PC motherboard sound
device which generally supports hardware capture level control, then annitional volume slider controls begome
visible (not in Windows Vista or later):
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- Volume sliders: Use these to control the recording volumes. Make sure that the audio levels are at most about
50% of the displayed vertical span. At 100% level clipping occurs. Note that the difference between 50% span and
100% span is only 6dB. So it is not worthwile to go to the limit and risk clipping. VNWA will issue an overload
warning at 90% level during a sweep already.
Note: Volume sliders are not available on Vista and Windows7 / Windows 8 machines. The volumes must be
set via the Windows mixer in this case.
Note: It is not possible to close the setup window during active sampling. An attempt to do so will stop
sampling, but won't close the window. Try to close the window a second time in this case.
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VNWA Setup - Aux. Audio Level Tab
The Aux. Audio Level tab allows to visualize incoming audio data on the second auxilliary sound device.
Note, that the faint blue traces are the main sound device signals.
- "Channel labels": Left-click onto the red channel labels (Left=..., Right=...) in order to change the Reference
channel selection. Alternatively, this setting can be changed in the "Audio Settings" tab.
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VNWA Setup - Calibrate System Timing Tab
The "calibrate system timing" tab is only visible if LPT mode 0 is selected. It is used to determine the sound driver
latency (=audio delay).
Press the "Recalibrate" button and observe the displayed audio delay (17 samples in the above example). Repeat
this several times. If the audio delay varies more than +-1 sample over several measurements, LPT mode 0 is not
suitable and you must select LPT mode 1.
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VNWA Setup - Instrument Settings Tab
The "instrument settings" tab allows to specify the details of the connected VNWA hardware.
General controls
- "VNWA Type": For usage with VNWA2.1 upwards select "VNWA2+", for VNWA3.* select VNWA3.
-S-Parameter Test Set: Select none if you don't have one. If available, manual or automatic measurement direction
control can be selected. Also, the switch response time (=switch delay) and the polarity of the control line can be
- "Control line: S11 = ..." pulldown control: For usage with VNWA2.1 upwards select "S11 = Low" as seen above.
- "safe profile" button allows to save the VNWA hardware settings in a *.prf profile file. This is only useful, when the
same software is to control several VNWAs with different settings, as the settings are stored in ini-files anyway.
- "load profile" button allows to reload a VNWA hardware profile from a *.prf file.
DDS controls
- DDS Types:
Select AD9859, AD9951 on both DDSes for VNWA2.1 upwards and for VNWA3.
- "Clock":
Enter the DDS input clock, which is identical on both DDSes for VNWA2.1 upwards and amounts to about 3x the
used crystal frequency.
- clock multipliers
must be as high as possible, but different such that the smallest common multiple is as high as possible.
Obviously, for VNWA2.1 and upwards 20 and 19 is the best choice in this respect. On the other hand, VNWA
electrical power consumption is proportional to the clock multipliers. So, if the VNWA is used in the short wave
bands only and power consumption is an issue, use of smaller multipliers can be advantageous.
VNWA3 contains an additional common premultiplier for both DDSes which is programmable. It is used to multiply
the 12MHz TCXO clock up to 36MHz by default, but other premultipliers can be selected as well:
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Also, an external clock source can be selected here. In this case, the common premultiplier is bypassed and the
external clock is directly applied to the DDSes. Use a 36 MHz external clock to obtain VNWA2 functionality with
VNWA3. Lower external clock rates will lower the usable instrument bandwidth.
Make sure not to exceed DDS core clocks of about 750 MHz. There is no danger of hardware destruction, but the
DDS internal clock multipliers will simply not produce any clocks above about 750 MHz and the VNWA won't work.
In order to cover the frequency range 600 MHz...900 MHz, dynamical switching of clock multipliers is mandatory.
Select clock multipliers "auto" to use this feature. On doing so, the "Auto Clock Multiplier Settings" window will
The "Auto Clock Multiplier Settings" window is already prefilled with proven values. Here, the clock multipliers nLO
and nRF are specified for a list of frequency segments, where each spans from the specified start frequency to the
start frequency of the next segment. Here, you could also specify a low frequency segment from e.g. 0...30 MHz with
lower clock multipliers to conserve energy. Note, that you can insert or delete lines by right clicking on a line. Note,
that there must not be empty lines. Also note, that you can save and reload this data to or from a *.mul file by using
the "File" dialog. The "Options-Restore default multiplier table" dialog allows to restore default multiplier settings.
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the premultiplier (by default set to 3) to be "auto":
After doing so, an extended clock multiplier table pops up, which allows to select different premultiplier values for
different frequency segments:
Note, that allowed premultiplier values can be selected from a dropdown box by clicking onto the appropriate cell as
shown above.
VNWA contains a default table which is being used if no custom table is available. This table could remove all
major interferers in the frequency range up to 1.3 GHz. Above, the signal strength could be improved such that
some signal can be obtained up to 2 GHz now (with lots of interferers, though).
The multiplier table can be modified and optimized. The modified table will be stored in the files VNWA*.mul in the
program directory.
Delete these files if you want to restore the default table values after the next program start or use the dialog
"Options-Restore default multiplier table" to immediately restore default multiplier settings.
Note: When optimizing the multiplier table, you should avoid the following DDS multipliers: 4, 6, 8, 12, 16.
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These have shown to cause amplitude instabilities of the DDS chips. There are no restrictions on the
It is crucial for the precise function of the VNWA, that the DDS clock frequency is accurately specified. If not, the
frequency axis unprecise, but worse, the IF is unprecise and even dependent on the measurement frequency. This
might cause signal degradation together with the narrowband digital filters, which might show up in oscillatory
noise or interference.
The "Calibrate DDS Clock Frequency" button allows to calibrate the clock with the aid of an external frequency
counter. Pressing it, a 10 MHz signal will be generated at the VNWA's TX port. Measure it with a frequency counter as
accurately as possible and enter it into the appearing frequency field. Having done so, press the appearing "Done"
button and the software will calculate and update the DDS clocks.
An alternative approach to calibrate the DDS clock to an arbitrary precision frequency source is described on page
Calibrating VNWA System Clock using Frequency Meter.
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VNWA Setup - Misc. Settings Tab
The "Misc. Settings Tab" can also be accessed directly by double-clicking above red data logging label.
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"Special Settings":The purpose of these special settings is to reduce CPU load and HDD usage for slow
- "don't autosave instrument state on entering setup": Normally, the instrument state is atutomatically saved to the
HDD when the setup window is being opened. This might lead to considerable delays when running VNWA on a
slow medium like a memory stick or a solid state disk. This delay can be avoided by deactivating autosaving using
this feature.
- "update traces at the end of sweeps only": Traces on the main window are being updated after every audio block
that is coming in from the sound codec. For very large numbers of data points this is very CPU intensive, particularly
when a small audio block size is being chosen. This might interfere with proper VNWA operation on slow machines,
particularly in combination with data logging to slow media.
Activating this feature will dramatically reduce CPU loading at the expense of the main graphics window being
updated only once per sweep at its end. Also, the progress bar will be suppressed.
- "extended synchronization period b y...": On slow or heavily loaded machines the operating system might
occasionally delay dispatching the start sweep command to the VNWA hardware. This might lead to a loss of sync if
the VNWA software isn't aware of it. Use this feature to make the VNWA software aware that such a situation might
arise. You can extend the synchronization period up to 125 seconds. Note, that if sync really gets lost, VNWA will not
be responding for this extended period.
- "show sweep statistics": With this feature you can check the actual delay of the sync signal experienced over the last
continuous sweep period as well as the average time per sweep:
If the maximum sync delay time reaches 500 milliseconds or one experiences occasional losses of sync, then one
might consider to extend the synchronization period by a value larger than the maximum experienced sync delay
time. Above statistics were collected with VNWA3 and default settings on a virtual XP system in VMWare player run
on a Windows7 machine, which works very well.
"Debug Settings":
These are used for VNWA software development and for educational purposes only!
WARNING: Don't touch these debug settings unless you exactly know what you are doing! For proper VNWA
operation, all checkboxes must be unchecked!
- "write audio data to file": If selected, the raw stereo audio stream data is stored after each sweep to the file out.dat.
=> requires considerable processing time. A good free software tool to view the raw audio data is the plotting
software GENPLOT.
- "do not normalize to reference channel": If selected, the reference channel data is ignored. This is useful to
evaluate absolute signal amplitudes of the DDSes and noise levels.
- "Deactivate RF DDS": If selected, the RF DDS is shut down. This is useful to check the noise floor level of the
instrument undisturbed by RF crosstalk. Requires USB firmware V4.2 or higher.
- "Deactivate LO DDS": If selected, the LO DDS is shut down. This is useful to check the noise floor level of the IF
signal path. Requires USB firmware V4.2 or higher.
- "slow down LPT": If checked, communication via LPT is slowed down by a factor of 2.
Note: The last two options show no effect on USB controlled VNWAs.
"Signal Generator"
This feature is intended for testing proper DDS operation. There is a more convenient signal generator feature
available on the VNWA main window.
With the RF Frequency control, you can directly control the frequency of the RF DDS. The Frequency Offset LO - RF
control sets the frequency of the LO DDS accordingly.
Example 1:
If RF is set to 10 MHz and an offset of 1 MHz is selected, then the RF DDS is set to 10 MHz and the LO DDS is set to
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11 MHz.
Example 2:
If RF is set to 5 MHz and an offset of -5 MHz is selected, then the RF DDS is set to 5 MHz and the LO DDS is set to 0
MHz, which means it is switched off.
Example 3:
If RF is set to 0 MHz and an offset of 5 MHz is selected, then the RF DDS is set to 0 MHz (=off) and the LO DDS is set
to 5 MHz.
"Instrument Monitoring" (only VNWA3 with VNWA35.8.z and firmware v5.16 or later)
VNWA3 firmware version v5.16 or later allow to measure the internal VNWA temperature. If availability of this feature
is detected, the temerature will continuously be updated in the "Instrument Monitoring" section (mouse pointer
As the temperature sensor is not calibrated and not very accurate, an individual offset can be applied to improve the
readings. Initially, the sensor is calibrated assuming the VNWA is exposed to 20 deg. Celsius at first start. This
calibration can be redone by
1. resetting the temperature calibration by right-clicking onto the "Instrument Monitoring" panel and selecting "Reset
Temperature Calibration"...
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2. ..and following the instructions:
Note: When data logging is activated using binary (*.v*b) file format, the current VNWA temperature will be
logged into the data files together with the measured S-parameters.
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Options - Setup (N2PK-VNA)
The "N2PK Instrument Setup" window allows to configure VNWA.exe to control an N2PK-VNA.
In the interface section, select the interface of your choice (either N2PK Parallel Port or G8KBB USB Interface) and
in the former case the port address. The "Test LPT" button allows to test the LPT speed. The result will be displayed
in the very bottom status line and should be <2 us.
The hardware section specifies the VNA clock frequency and the available detectors and how they are assigned.
The above setup shows Detector 1 being used for Forward through (S21) and Reverse through (S12) while Detector
2 in turn is being used for Forward reflection (S11) and Reverse reflection (S22). This can be changed according to
individual external wiring of your N2PK VNA. Note, that this might not be the best assignment of detectors.
You can also specify if an S-parameter test set (automatic switch to invert the DUT) is available and if it should be
used manually (user selecty measurement direction) or automatically (direction is switched automatically). Also,
the polarity of the test set control can be selected. As most switches are built with slow mechanical relays, the
software needs to wait until the switch is thrown. Specify the switching delay accordingly.
The minimum VNA settling time is not exactly a hardware setting. It specifies, how long the software waits after a
DDS phase change for the VNWA to settle. 200us are sufficient. Entering 0 will invoke the minimum settling time
influenced by the LPT transfer speed and can range from 100us to 200us.
The "Transverter settings" section specifies, how the main VNWA window frequency axis is to be scaled, if a
frequency transverter is used together with the VNA. E.g. if scale=0.5 and offset=-400MHz, a specified measurement
frequency range of 430...440 MHz will invoke a DDS output frequency of 15...20 MHz.
The G8KBB USB Interface allows to control two switching lines, one of which is used for controlling the S-parameter
testset (usually switch #1, as is selected above). The other switch can be controled with the "alt switch settings" to
e.g. control additional test heads. Note, that this feature is only functional in USB mode.
Here, you can load an existent master calibration file or specify a master calibration filename to be automatically
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loaded on the next program start.
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Options - Screensaver
The menu item "Screensaver" allows to configure the screen saver if a Windows screensaver is activated.
ON: The screensaver is permanently active and switch the screen off after a while of inactivity.
OFF: The screensaver is permanently disabled, the screen will never be switched off.
off while sweeping: The screensaver is disabled when VNWA is sweeping, such that the screen won't get switched
off while measuring, but it will be switched off after a while of inactivity if VNWA is in idle mode.
Note, that these settings are local settings inside VNWA and affect the Windows screensaver only while the VNWA
software is running. These settings have no effect at all if the Windows screensaver is disabled via the Windows
control panel.
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Configure Help
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Help - Help
If "PDF Help" is selected in Configure Help, then an appropriate PDF Help file is required instead of the *.hlp file
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Help - Configure Help
As Microsoft does not or only with delay provide viewers to view help files in *.hlp format for new Windows versions,
you may choose here to use a different viewer or use the pdf help file instead. This menu also informs if the
Microsoft winhlp32 viewer is actually installed.
- A possible alternative viewer is viewhlp by Alan M0PUB, which is similar to winhlp32, but lacks some of its
features. It can be downloaded from the SDR-Kits website by clicking on the blue "Download viewhlp.exe" label.
- If viewhlp is actually installed, the blue "browse for viewer" label will indicate "viewhlp.exe" instead. Clicking on this
label will launch a *.exe file open dialog. Here, you can select the executable of any help file viewer you like to use. If
you have an old Windows XP license, you may decide to use the XP winhlp32.exe instead on your new Windows7 or
Windows8 machine, which works very well. Copy the executable to the VNWA installation folder (or any other folder)
and select it here.
- Clicking on the blue "browse for PDF" label will launch a *.pdf file open dialog. Select the pdf file, that is to be
opened later when you click the Help menu. After a pdf file has been selected, the label will show its name.
- Clicking the "Download latest PDF" will launch the download of the latest PDF help file from the SDR-Kits website
as a background process. Note, that the download cannot be interrupted.
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Help - Home
Default Links
Download latest Software Package will let you access the VNWA self installer binary for software, driver, firmware
and help file updates.
DG8SAQ will let you access DG8SAQ's webpage to e.g. to look for literature and links.
SDR-Kits will let you access Jan G0BBL's ordering and support webpage.
VNWA Newsgroup will guide you to the VNWA Yahoo forum, where you can post your questions and find software
and driver updates.
Customizing Links
The internet links in this menu can be customized by creating an ASCII file with name "links.url" in the VNWA
program directory. Note, that the file extension is .url, and NOT .txt.
Every line in above file denotes a menu item with corresponding internet link. Note, that any text preceeding "http" is
interpreted as link name to be shown in the "Help-Home"-menu. The above file will modify the menu like this:
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Help - About
General Tab
Note, that the "featured by" logo on the bottom of above screen can be customized / changed by replacing the image
file "logo.bmp" in the VNWA program directory. If logo.bmp is removed, the "featured by" text and logo will not be
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Look here to determine your software version. Here you can also automatically generate a debug report by
pressing the "Email system info..." button:
Note, that the email is only generated if you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. Add your own comments to
the automatically generated email and send it off. But please use this feature with condideration, so I don't drown in
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If you use a non-Microsoft mailer or if you decide to cancel the email, you will see an error window with the
information on where the debug data has been saved to your disk, so you can mail it manually later.
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LCR Meter
The VNWA + Software can be configured such, that it behaves like a standard LCR-meter being able to measure a
complex impedance at a fixed frequency, decompose the result to parallel and series equivalent circuit and display
the result numerically.
- To do so, first set the VNWA center frequency to the desired value and set the span to zero. Any other span will
work, too, but as the evaluated numbers will be averages over the full sweep, these will also be frequency averages
if a non-zero span is used.
- Set the number of data points and time per data point such, that a sweep rate of 1...10 sweeps per second will be
performed. This will be the rate, at which the LCR and Q-values will be updated.
- Next perform a SOL-calibration in order to accurately measure S11, and if desired, move the calibration plane by
means of a port extension to where you would like it to be, e.g. to the tip of a test fixture.
- Next, select display mode LCR-Meter for an S11 trace as seen below.
As can be seen below, numerical values appear on the main window. They display L,C,R and Q-values for parallel
and serial equivalent circuit of the impedance to be connected to the TX port and to be measured into S11. Sweep
continuously and change the test object on the TX port. You will see how the displayed values change after every
sweep. The software will automatically detect if the test object is capacitive or inductive and chose to display
Henries or Farads accordingly.
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The number of displayed fractional digits can be controled by right-clicking onto the displayed numbers as can be
seen below. Note, that all other diagrams must be disabled in order to do so.
The above action will cause 5 fractional digits to be shown (below) instead of 2 fractional digits (above).
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Note: As inductivity and capacity are frequency dependent effects, that tend to zero as the frequency approaches
zero, L and C measurements will become more and more inaccurate the lower the measurement frequency.
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Zoom Functionality
You can zoom into a displayed trace in order to view an enlarged section of it. To do so, point the mouse cursor to
one corner of an imagined box on the main window grid, which you want to enlarge, press the left mouse button
and draw the so called zoom-box with the mouse keeping the left mouse button pressed continuously. While you
keep the left mouse button pressed and you move the mouse, you will see the zoom-box taking shape. In the
following example, we attempt to zoom into a measured filter's passband:
As soon as you release the mouse button, the zoom-box will be enlarged to completely fill the main grid.
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Note: When zooming, the measurement span and measured number of data points remains untouched. Only
part of the data is displayed. When sweeping in zoomed state, you still sweep the whole unzoomed frequency
range, but only part of it is displayed.
Note: You cannot zoom inside the Smith chart. But as you can see in above screenshot, the Smith chart data
outside the zoomed frequency range is greyed.
Note: You can unzoom by right-clicking the zoom label near mouse pointer. If you right-click it, the above
shown unzoom menu pops up.
Hint: You can also unzoom by right-clicking the main window grid.
Hint: Zoom functions can also be accessed by the main menu "Settings"-"Diagrams"-"Zoom":
- Y only ... = only zoom vertically, leave the frequency axis unchanged (not applicable in time domain mode).
- X and Y = zoom frequency axis and y-axis
- Overlay Unzoomed = If selected, a greyed version of the unzoomed data is displayed with the zoom range
highlighted together with the zoomed trace:
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The following choices are only visible in zoom mode:
- undo last zoom = restore the x- and y-scales of before the last zoom
- leave zoom-mode keep y-scale = restore the full frequency span but keep the zoomed vertical scale
- leave zoom-mode keep all scales = keep the zoomed frequency span and the zoomed vertical scale. The data
outside the last zoom box is lost, the visible data is interpolated to the full number of data points grid. A sweep after
this will only sweep the visible frequency span.
- unzoom = restore the original x- and y-scales of before all consecutive zooms
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Marker Summary
In order to read numerical information from displayed traces, up to 9 markers can be placed onto the traces.
1. Adding a marker
This is done by pointing the mouse cursor to the position (=frequency) in the plotting grid where you want the marker
to be and right-click the mouse. A popup menu allows to select a marker type to be placed:
Note, that with the aid of above menu you can also delete the most recently placed marker ("Clear last marker") or
delete all markers ("Clear all markers").
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Note, that in addition to the actual markers a marker caption with marker number, marker frequency and marker
values is displayed in the top left area of the plotting grid.
The user settable frequency unit of the center frequency is used as marker frequency unit (MHz in above example).
2. Moving a marker
Markers can be moved with the mouse. To do so, point the mouse to the marker which you want to move. If the
mouse pointer changes to a hand shape, press the left mouse button and drag the marker to where you want it to
If the marker is to be set to an exact frequency, then double-click the marker to open the extended marker info
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The marker frequency can be adjusted here and thus the marker will be moved accordingly.
3. Removing markers
The last marker or all markers at once can be removed by right-clicking the main window grid and selecting "Clear
last Marker" or "Clear all Markers":
A specific marker can be removed by right-clicking that marker and selecting "Clear Marker":
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The same functionality can be achieved by right-clicking a text line of the marker caption and selecting "Clear
The marker caption is the text informing about marker frequencies and marker levels. It can be moved with the
mouse in a similar fashion as the markers. To do so, point the mouse to the frequency part of the marker caption.
When the marker pointer changes to a hand shape, press the left mouse button and drag the caption to where you
want it. The default position can be restored by right-clicking the marker caption. Also, the current position can be
locked or unlocked:
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The same functionality is accessible via the main menu "Settings"-"Diagrams"-"Marker Caption".
Note: For better readibility the marker caption can be switched to non-transparent, i.e. graphic elements behind
the marker caption will be invisible. Also, the font size of the marker caption can be increased:
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Extended marker information on a specific marker is available upon double-clicking that specific marker:
Since double-clicking the marker might slightly change the marker position, the same functionality is available
without this risk by right-clicking the marker and selecting "Extended Marker Info":
Another way to access this function is to double-click the value string belonging to the specific marker:
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Note, that double-clicking the frequency part will have no effect as the frequency belongs to a whole row of markers
on all traces.
When marker 1 on the first trace (S21 trace) is selected then the following extended marker indo window will show:
The marker frequency can be set to an exact value (not for maximum, minimum or bandwidth markers), e.g. 10.7
MHz in this example.
Note, that as long as the ext. info checkbox is unchecked, the values of all traces are being displayed at the same
Checking the ext. info checkbox (next to mouse pointer above) will yield extended marker info on one specific trace
(the S21 trace 1 in this example):
Even more extended information is available for reflection trace markers (S11, S22), for which impedances and
VSWR aree being be calculated:
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Note, that you can place the extended marker info window next to the main window and leave it open while
sweeping. Whenever a trace is being updated or the corresponding marker is moved with the mouse, the extended
marker info in the separate marker window is updated as well.
Note, that you can copy extended marker info to the Windows clipboard by right-clicking the extended marker window
in order to paste it into any text document:
Note, that extended marker information doesn't make sense in spectrum analyzer mode, as no phase information is
available there. Some times it is desirable in SA-mode to lock the instrument center frequency to a spectral line that
might slowly drift. This can be achieved by setting a maximum marker that detects the spectral line. Double-clicking
it will open the following marker window:
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Note, that you cannot modify the marker frequency as this is determined by the maximum of the marker trace.
Checking the "Track Marker" checkbox will cause the software to set the measurement center frequency to the
marker frequency just before starting a new sweep. This way, it is attempted to keep the maximum in the center of
the measurement span. This tracking also works for minimum and all bandwidth markers. Sometimes it is more
stable to track the 10dB center frequency than the maximum of a peak.
It might be useful to make minimum/maximum markers visually distinguishable from normal markers as the former
ones obviously cannnot be moved with the mouse. This can be achieved by double clicking a minimum or
maximum marker (frequency markers only). The marker menu window then opens which looks like this for e.g. a
maximum marker:
Note, that you can select a maximum marker indicator character (mouse pointer), which then replaces the colon
after the frequency information in the marker text:
Note, that you can select two different indicator characters for minimum markers and for maximum markers.
6. Available Markers
Depending on the displayed data (frequency data, time data, radar data) the following marker types are available in
the markers menu:
Add Frequency Marker (for frequency data and polar data, e.g. Smith charts)
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Add Time Marker (for time domain data)
Add RADAR Marker (for angular data e.g. antenna diagrams)
Note: Only frequency markers will yield an extended marker info window upon double-clicking.
- normal marker
- maximum marker (automatically jumps to the maximum of the first applicable displayed trace)
- minimum marker (automatically jumps to the minimum of the first applicable displayed trace)
- absolute level markers:
- zero marker (automatically jumps to the first zero crossing of the first applicable displayed trace)
- left marker (automatically jumps to the first crossing at a specifiable absolute level from the left of the first
applicable displayed trace, default level is minus one unit)
- right marker (automatically jumps to the first crossing at a specifiable absolute level from the right of the first
applicable displayed trace, default level is minus one unit)
- bandwidth markers:
- Bandpass (places a maximum marker, two markers down one vertical division below the maximum marker
and a center marker between the bandwidth markers)
- Bandstop (places a minimum marker, two markers up one vertical division above the minimum marker and a
center marker between the bandwidth markers)
- Max Left Down (places a maximum marker, and one marker down one vertical division left of the maximum
- Max Right Down (places a maximum marker, and one marker down one vertical division right of the
maximum marker)
- Min Left Up (places a minimum marker, and one marker up one vertical division left of the minimum marker)
- Min Right Up (places a minimum marker, and one marker up one vertical division right of the minimum
- delta marker (displays the frequency distance and the vertical distance to the last normal marker)
Note: If the frequency span is zero, the sweep time instead of the frequency is used to identify the marker
position in x-direction.
- normal
- maximum(automatically jumps to the maximum of the first displayed RADAR trace)
- minimum (automatically jumps to the minimum of the first displayed RADAR trace)
- opening angle (places a maximum RADAR marker, two RADAR markers down one vertical division below the
maximum marker and a center marker between the opening angle markers)
- delta marker (displays the angular distance and the vertical distance to the last normal RADAR marker)
The following screenshot shows an example of both a bandpass and a bandstop marker:
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The bandwidth levels can be changed individually by either dragging the bandwidth markers (2,3,6,7) up or down
with the mouse or by right-clicking one of the bandwidth markers (as seen above) or the associated marker
captions (as seen below)...
... and selecting "Set Bandwidth Level". A level input mask will pop up:
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Enter a new value here and the corresponding bandwidth markers will move to the new relative level.
The same holds true for the other bandwidth markers like the "Max Right Down" marker shown in below example:
Note: The bandwidth functions will be applied to the first frequency trace that is visible in the xy-grid. Make sure,
that the trace you want to see the bandwidth of is the first one to show.
This also means, you cannot see a bandpass bandwidth on one trace and a bandstop width on another trace at the
same time.
Sometimes, one wants to display traces that do not show markers. An example could be if a limit circle is displayed
by using a custom trace.
The following example custom expression displays a circle inside the Smith chart with center at -0.5 and radius 0.5:
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As we do not want markers on this circle, we switch the markers for this trace off by right-clicking onto the marker
caption and unchecking trace 3, which is the custom trace denoted with Circ.
Note, that both markers and marker captions are disabled now for the red custom trace:
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Note, that you can enable/disable the markers for specific traces also in the main menu
Sometimes marker frequencies are needed for changing the VNWA frequency range or for putting it into a
document. This can simply be achieved by right-clicking the marker symbol in question and selecting the menu
"Marker Frequency to...":
Clipboard The marker frequency is copied as string to the Windows clipboard so it can later be
pasted into any document.
Start Frequency The VNWA start frequency is changed to the marker frequency.
Stop Frequency The VNWA stop frequency is changed to the marker frequency.
Center Frequency The VNWA center frequency is changed to the marker frequency.
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Note, that when the VNWA frequency grid is changed, effects on the displayed traces will only be seen after
remeasuring them.
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The mouse pointer will change to a cross and a cursor label colored with the trace color showing the cursor
coordinates will appear right below the main menu:
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The cursor label can be moved with the mouse to any convenient position by holding the left mouse button
pressed while pointing onto the label:
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The label text size can be increased:
Displayed coordinate data depends on the selected Smith grid options:
- Impedance information is only shown if the impedance grid is activated.
- Admittance information is only shown if the admittance grid is activated.
- VSWR information is only shown if VSWR circles are activated.
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Multiple VNWA Support
Using more than one VNWA may lead to two questions, which are being answered below.
1. How do I select one of several VNWAs connected to the PC at the same time inside the VNWA software?
2. How can I use multiple VNWAs with different license codes without having to retype the license code every time I
change the VNWA?
If you have more than one VNWA, you can have all VNWAs connected to your PC simultaneously. If more than one
VNWA is detected upon program start or upon "Rescan USB Bus", the "Setup"-"USB Settings" menu will show a
combo box which allows the user to select one of the connected VNWAs (very bottom, next to the mouse pointer):
Note, that identical VNWAs can be distinguished only by their USB port ID, which is basically the order of device
detection. This order might change upon reboot or replugging.
Therefore it is useful to modify the VNWAs' serial numbers, which are factory preset to "NONE". If more than one
VNWA is connected, it is recommended to use consequtive serial numbers like 0001, 0002, ... .
In order to change a VNWA's serial number, select the VNWA which you want to change and press the according
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Enter a new 4 -digit serial number (e.g. 1234 in below example, you are only allowed to enter digits, no letters!) and
press the "Change Now!" button:
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Note, that the VNWA serial has been changed to 1234 now (see entry next to mouse pointer above and also in the
selection box).
From now on, this VNWA is uniquely determined and selected by its unique serial number 1234.
When several VNWAs with different license codes are to be operated from the same software installation, it is quite
inconvenient to manually modify the license code every time the VNWA is replaced by another. Therefore the
following means has been created to let the VNWA software handle up to 30 different license codes at the same
a) Create a text file with name VNWAaltKeys.ini inside your VNWA installation folder and enter all your license keys,
one per line:
Note, that the part starting with " does not belong to the license code but is interpreted as the licensee's name,
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which is being shown in the program title bar.
b) Save and restart the VNWA software. From now on every VNWA with a license code found in the list can be
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Keyboard Shortcuts
The VNWA (starting VNWA V33.z) software can be controlled with the keyboard to some extent.
For this purpose, some keyboard shortcuts are available to initiate frequently used tasks.
Note, that for VNWA36.3.1.9 and later the shortcuts marked red, are deactivated while VNWA is sweeping for stability
key: action:
alt+f set linear sweep range
alt+g set logarithmic sweep range
alt+l set listed sweep range
alt+a autosave memory spaces on/off
ctrl+alt+a autoretrieve memory spaces on/off
alt+c save calibration
ctrl+alt+c retrieve calibration
alt+d save display state
ctrl+alt+d retrieve display state
alt+m save calibration to mastercal
ctrl+alt+m retrieve master calibration
alt+p restore default marker caption position
alt+t configure tools
ctrl+2 import s2p-data from file
shift+ctrl+2 export s2p-data to file (dB/phase)
ctrl+c save screen to clipboard
ctrl+i retrieve instrument state ignore hardware settings
ctrl+j retrieve instrument state
shift+ctrl+i save instrument state
ctrl+a Spectrum analyzer mode
ctrl+d create a debug file
ctrl+e External Bridge mode
ctrl+f save screen to file
ctrl+g Signal generator mode
ctrl+m Frequency meter mode
ctrl+p print screen
ctrl+r RF-IV mode
ctrl+s activate/deactivate storage screen
ctrl+t define TX level
ctrl+v VNWA mode
ctrl+x clear storage screen
ctrl+alt+x activate/deactivate sound mixer (Windows XP and older only)
shift+ctrl+x activate/deactivate SelectIsMute (Windows XP and older only)
shift+ctrl+c report flash checksum (returns 0xFFFFFFFF if not supported)
F1 open help file
F2 measure 2 port S-parameters
F3 measure 3-port S-parameters
F5 save screen to file
F6 print screen
F12 open clock multiplier quick change menu
spacebar start/stop single sweep
return start/stop continuous sweep
right arrow measurement direction forward
left arrow measurement direction reverse
+ add a trace
- remove last trace
0 cursor off
1 cursor trace 1 on
2 cursor trace 2 on
3 cursor trace 3 on
4 cursor trace 4 on
5 cursor trace 5 on
6 cursor trace 6 on
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a open average and autosave
b open about screen
c open calibrate menu
d open display-trace menu
g open grid options menu
h open help file
k open cal kit settings menu
l open power levels settings menu
m open matching tool
n open complex calculator tool (numerics)
p open port extensions menu
r open realtime expression evaluator
s open sweep settings menu
t open three-port analyzer tool
x open crystal analyzer tool
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Sweep modes
The VNWA software allows to do frequency sweeps in the following sweep modes:
The "sweep mode" is either selected in the frequency input window opening on double-clicking the main window's
frequency labels or by right-clicking the center or span label.
The screenshot below shows linear sweep settings, where the center frequeny is in the middle of the screen.
The screenshot below shows a Bode type plot with logarithmic frequency sweep settings. Looking at the markes,
it is seen that with every full frequency grid progression, the frequency increases by a factor of 10. Observe, that
instead of the center frequency, "Log Frequency Sweep" is displayed. The sweep mode can be changed by
right-clicking this label.
The screenshot below shows an example of a listed sweep. The DUT (a narrow band crystal flter) is swept from 1
MHz to 1000 MHz using 400 data points, yet the 20 kHz wide filter passband is clearly resolved (see markers). For a
linear sweep with the same point number, the spacing between frequency points would be 2.5 MHz and the filter
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passband would not be seen.
The frequency list specifies 3 frequency segments, which are swept consecutively and displayed simultaneously.
Note, that in the VNWA main window segment boundaries are marked with vertical grid lines.
Hint: The sweep "sweep frequency list editor" opens automatically, when "listed frequency sweep" is
selected for the first time. Right-click a line to insert or delete a segment.
Hint: The sweep "sweep frequency list editor" can be reopened by right-clicking or double-clicking the "Listed
Frequency Sweep" label below the main graphics.
Hint: Frequency lists can be stored and reloaded to/from *.csv files, which can also be processed with Excel.
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Ultrafast Sweeping
Note, that the selected VNWA IF frequency detemines the upper limit of the sweeping speed. The reason is that in
order to determine the amplitude and phase of a signal at least one IF period has to be sampled.
With the default setting of 1.2 kHz IF the minimum measurement time per frequency point is of the order of 1
Also note, that the "dead" delay time between consecutive sweeps limits the sweep rate. This dead time could be
reduced dramatically with software version 35.8.d. Therefore ultrafast sweeping really only makes sense with
software version 35.8.d or a newer one, otherwise the delay between consecutive sweeps might take a lot longer
than the sweep itself.
The VNWA can sweep as fast as 6000 frequency points per second. In order to use such ultrafast sweep rates,
the IF frequency must be increased from the default value of 1.2 kHz to the maximum possible value of 12 kHz.
Note, that a change of IF frequency will make your calibrations invalid.
The minimum measurement time per frequency point is determined by the settings "Samples / IF Period", "#
Presamples" and "# Postsamples". Above settings are the recommended settings for obtaining the minimally
possible measurement time per data point.
- "Samples / IF period x4" specifies the IF frequency. Note, that the entered number is multiplied by 4. So, if 1 is
entered, there are 4 samples per IF period. At a samle rate of 48 kHz, this leads to an IF of 48 kHz / 4 = 12 kHz,
which is displayed next to the edit field. The highest selectable IF is 12 kHz at 48 kHz sampling rate. Note, that
higher sampling rates theoretically allow higher IFs, but the bandwidth of the USB sound codecs in use is limited to
20 kHz.
- "# Presamles" specifies the number of samples, that are skipped after a frequency change. This number should
be as high as possible to avoid timing problems but on the other hand as small as possible to allow for fast
sweeping. Setting it to 2 is a good compromise which still allows the maximum sweep rate.
- "# Postsamples" specifies the number of samples, that are skipped before a frequency change. This number
should be as high as possible to avoid timing problems but on the other hand as small as possible to allow for fast
sweeping. Setting it to 2 is a good compromise which still allows the maximum sweep rate.
The sweep rate of continuous sweeps is also determined by the delay between end of sweep and start of the next
sweep. This delay amounts to minimum one audio buffer. With above settings (Audio Buffer Length = 3000
samples and 48k samples per second), this delay will be at least 3k/48k seconds or about 60 milliseconds. If the
PC is fast enough, this delay can be reduced by making the Audio Buffer Length smaller, i.e. by chosing the
smallest allowed value of 800 samples. Note, that a short audio buffer only works well for a small number of
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frequency points per sweep (e.g. 200) where the CPU loading due to plotting is low.
Note: Above setup changes will not automatically make the VNWA sweep any faster. In order to switch on
the fast sweeping mode, you must open the main menu "Settings"-"Sweep" and move the measurement time
slider to the left. While for the default setup the minimum settable time per frequency data point is 1.3 milliseconds,
above settings allow to reduce the time per frequency data point to 0.16 milliseconds:
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Simultaneous Capture with two Sound Cards
In its original design, the VNWA cannot measure S11 and S21 simultaneously, but with the aid of a multiplexing
switch these can be measured alternately.
The reason for this lies in the fact, that three signals must be captured for a simultaneous measurement
(Reference, Reflect, Thru), but a standard stereo sound device as used in the VNWA base design has only two input
This restriction can be overcome by adding a second sound device to the measurement system, thus adding two
audio channels. As the sound devices are not running synchronously in any way, both need to receive the Reference
signal. This still leaves two free channels for the Thru and Reflect signal to be captured simultaneously:
As can be seen above, the main audio capture device remains unchanged and is used to measure S11. The
multiplexing switch will remain fixed in the position shown above at all times.
In order to measure S21, the RX OpAmp (behind M3) must be tapped to provide the Thru signal for the second,
auxiliary sound card. Make sure to properly DC decouple the OpAmp output to the aux audio input by means of a
capacitor (e.g. 10uF) if it is not DC decoupled by itself. Note, that the auxiliary sound card will also need the
reference signal again, which can be tapped at the main audio connector.
Note: VNWA3 users just need to add the VNWA3 expansion board. VNWA3E users have this expansion board
already mounted.
Go to "Setup-Audio Settings" and update the settings according to your modified hardware. Don't worry about the
settings on the right hand side, yet.
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Note, that generally, unlike shown above, the built-in USB codec must be the main capture device, as it is hard wired
to the multiplexing switch.
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First check if you have chosen the correct main sound device by pressing the Thru/Reflect button with nothing
connected to the VNWA. If one of the blue traces changes when toggling the button, the sound device is the correct
In Thru-mode with no cable connection between TX-port and RX port, you should see the blue main reference
signal and a flat blue line. Don't worry about the faint red aux audio signals, which are also visible. If the blue
sinewave signal is not marked as "Reference" like seen above, left-click onto the blue label denoting the sinewave
signal. It will then change to "Reference". Thus you have selected the appropriate channel as main reference
channel. Press the Thru-button to check if the reflect signal is working properly.
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Without TX to RX through connection, you should see the red aux reference sinewave signal only. Make sure that
this is selected as aux reference signal as seen above (if necessary) by clicking onto the red label denoting the
sinewave signal and observing the correct description. Next connect a coax thru connection from TX to RX port and
make sure you do see an unclipped thru signal as well.
Next, go back to the "Audio Settings" tab and perform a sample rate calibration. Note, that both sound cards
must be calibrated as they might have slightly differing sample rates as can be seen above.
Perform calibrations and measurements in the normal fashion. From now on S21 and S11 traces will update with
new data simultaneously, thus cutting the measurement time down by a factor of two.
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How to measure Impedances - General Considerations
The VNWA is very well suited to measure impedances and admittances. There are several ways to accomplish this
with largely varying accuracy depending on the impedance range to be measured. Therefore, it is worthwhile to pick
the right method for the impedance range in question.
The most straight forward method is to connect the impedance to be measured (Zx) to the TX port of the VNWA:
The VNWA measures the reflection coefficient (S11) of Zx relative to its 50 Ohms environment.
The setup can be Short/Open/Load-calibrated to remove systematic errors.
By virtue of the reflection bridge used which is tuned to 50 Ohms, this method is most accurate when Zx is near 50
For much smaller or much bigger impedances, the test setup becomes very insensitive and thus the results
2. The I-Method
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The VNWA RX port is used to measure the current I through Zx.
As S21 is measured, a simple Thru-Calibration is sufficient in this case.
Use the custom function t2s(S21) to convert the S21 transmission data into reflection data.
Since the TX port is not an ideal voltage source and since the RX input has finite impedance, this method becomes
very insensitive and thus inaccurate for small impedances Zx.
This method is well suited to measure crystals or losses in small capacitors.
Note: None of the Zx ports may be grounded for this method.
3. The V-Method
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4. The RF-IV-Method
The RF-IV method combines the I-method and the V-method by measuring both current through Zx and voltage
across Zx in two consecutive measurements. Then, these measurements are combined to yield Zx = V/I.
Thus, the method combines the advantages of the I- and the V-measurement, i.e. high sensitivity and thus high
accuracy for all possible values of Zx.
In order to use this method, an external RF-IV test head is required. See page RF-IV Mode for details.
The following table lists the change in detector voltage for a 10% increase of Zx for several Zx values:
Clearly, only the RF-IV method yields high sensitivity over the full impedance range. Nevertheless, the other
methods will yield accurate results, if the right method is chosen for the particular impedance under test Zx.
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Time domain measurements
The VNWA software allows to perform a realtime FFT on measured or imported data from frequency to time domain,
display data in time domain, manipulate data in time domain by gating and perform an inverse FFT back to
frequency domain.
A special topics section on time domain measurements demonstrates examples of both usages:
The step response is useful to determine impedance variations along a coaxial cable.
Gating is used to separate responses depending on their arrival times, e.g. to separate the slow mechanical
response of a crystal filter from the fast electromagnetic feedthrough of the test board.
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Introduction to Time Domain Measurements
Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is a straight forward and widely used technique to find faults in cables and
transmission lines. The idea is to send a short voltage impulse into the line and detect the reflected impulse(s)
which is the so called impules response.:
Every not correctly terminated end of the line will reflect some of fraction of the incoming impulse. Also, cable
damages like breaks or compressions will cause part of the incoming impulse to be reflected. By measuring the
time delay of the impulse reflected by the damage one can calculate the location of the damage if the impulses
velocity through the cable is known. The impulse in question must travel the distance from cable input to the fault
and back.The impulse velocity (=speed of light * velocity factor) can be determined experimentally as well by
observing the reflection from the far end of the cable and by measuring the length of the cable.
A voltage step is equally well suited as input signal for time domain reflectometry and it is technically simpler to
generate. The reflected signal of a voltage step is called the step response.
In fact, every impedance change in a transmission line will cause some of the incident signal being reflected in
a characteristic way:
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(Image from Anritsu presentation "Time Domain Analysis UsingVector Network Analyzers" b y Dr. Martin I. Grace)
An impulse or a step signal g(t) consists of a spectrum G(f) of an infinite number of frequencies f.
The spectrum can be calculated with the Fourier transform:
Example: An ideal Dirac impulse (width zero, infinite amplitude) will produce a constant spectrum which contains all
(angular) frequencies from - infinity to +infinity with equal strength.
If the spectrum is known, the impulse shape can be reconstructed using the inverse Fourier transform:
The same holds true for any time signal g(t). Thus, the time signal and the corresponding spectrum or frequency
signal contain the same information.
While a classical time domain reflectometer can generate impulses and measure the impulse response g(t) in
time domain, a VNA cannot do this. On the other hand, a VNA can generate sine waves with almost arbitrary
frequencies and thus measure the frequency response G(f). Since time domain response and frequency domain
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response are interrelated through the Fourier transform, the impulse response of a system can basically be
reconstructed mathematically from the frequency response measured with a VNA.
Any existing VNA has only a limited frequency range. Outside this frequency range a system's frequency response
cannot be measured. Reconstructing a time response from such a frequency limited response will generally
produce artefacts. The following graph shows an impulse reconstructed from a spectrum obtained by limiting the
spectrum of an ideal impulse to the displayed frequency range:
The blue impulse reconstructed from the band limited green spectrum is widened as compared to an ideal Dirac
impulse and it shows sidelobes according to the law sin(t)/t. The red trace shows the same reconstructed impulse
in dB scale. Note that the zeros of the blue reconstructed impulse produce very distinct notches in the blue dB
scale. These notces and sidelobes are not related to any test object but are merely a consequence of the
limited bandwith. These sidelobes might well cover up some real lower level DUT response. In order to detect such
covered low level response the windowing technique was invented. By weighting the frequency response by
appropriate windowing functions (e.g. by Hamming, Hanning, Blackman...) the sidelobe level can be considerably
reduced. The tradeoff is a reduces time resolution, i.e. the reconstructed impulse becomes wider:
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Effects of applying the above windowing functions:
Note, that the narrower windowing functions lead to wider reconstructed impulses with generally lower sidelobe
The same behavior can also be observed in the step response:
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Colors in above diagram correspond to the window functions in the previous diagrams. Sidelobes and impulse
width in impulse response correspond with overshoot and step steepness in step response.
There are two possible ways to process a measured frequency response in order to obtain a time response,
namely band pass and low pass processing.
In band pass mode, the utilized frequency range is the VNA frequency span.
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(Image from Anritsu presentation "Time Domain Analysis UsingVector Network Analyzers" b y Dr. Martin I. Grace)
This mode ignores negative frequencies. As a consequence of omitting negative frequencies the reconstructed time
response is unphysically complex valued. Usually, only the magnitude of the band pass response is of interest. It
might give useful information for tuning filter structures, see e.g. Agilent AN 1287-10 "Network Analysis Solutions
Advanced Filter Tuning using Time Domain Transforms". Note, that window functions will suppress both the high
frequency and the low frequency content of the frequency response in this case. As a voltage step contains strong
low frequency components, band pass mode cannot be used for calculating a step response.
Low pass mode makes use of the inherent symmetry of the frequency response with respect to frequency zero.
Thus, having measured the response for positive frequencies, the response for negative frequencies can be
reconstructed mathematically and can be used to calculate a real valued time response, i.e. the imaginary part is
zero as expected for a time response. Note that the measured frequency span should extend to (almost) zero in
order to obtain good time domain results.
(Image from Anritsu presentation "Time Domain Analysis UsingVector Network Analyzers" b y Dr. Martin I. Grace)
By using this trick, the utilized frequency bandwith is doubled and thus the time resolution is improved by a factor
of two as can be observed in the following example showing the reconstructed impulse responses of identical
frequency data for band pass mode and low pass mode.
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Note, that for band pass mode the window functions have their maxima located at zero frequency, which makes this
mode particularly useful for reconstructing step responses which contain strong low frequency content.
There are many algorithms to calculate an inverse Fourier transform for reconstructing a time response from a
measured frequency response. The most widely known algorithm is the FFT or Fast Fourier Transform algorithm by
James Cooley and John W. Tukey. It is very efficient, but it can only calculate a time response at a strictly equidistant
grid of times predefined by the frequency span and by the number of data points. If the times of interest lie in
between this grid, FFT cannot be used. In such a case, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) has to be calculated
by some other less CPU efficient algorithm. The VNWA software offers three choices to calculate and display
reconstructed time data, namely FFT, FFT interpolated and DFT:
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Each FFT data point is displayed as a plateau with the point sitting in the center of the plateau.
In contrast, FFT interpolated linearly interpolated the FFT data points.
DFT also calculates time data in between the fixed FFT grid and uncovers the oscillations caused by the finite
frequency span.
Note, that all traces must coincide on the FFT grid, i.e. at the centers of the blue plateaus.
Note, that the above data shows the step response of the open VNWA TX port reconstructed from the displayed S11
measurement without window function, i.e. rectangular window with maximum width.
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Time Domain Reflectometry: Impulse Response
Time domain reflectometry measures the impulse response of a DUT, e.g. a transmission line. Classicaly, one
applies a short impulse to the line input and measures the time dependent voltage at the line input. If the line is
perfectly terminated, the impulse will not be reflected back to the line input and no second impulse will be
measured after the initial one. If the line is broken somewhere in the middle, some of the input impulse will be
reflected there. The position of the defect can then be calculated from the delay of the reflected impulse relative to
the initial one, if the velocity factor of the transmission line is known.
The VNWA cannot perform impulse measurements, but it can do a wideband frequency measurement and perform
an inverse Fourier transform on it, which is equivalent to an impulse measurement.
The time (and thus length) resolution depends on the frequency sweep span.
Hint: Do your frequency sweep with the maximum possible span starting at 0 in order to obtain the highest
possible temporal and spatial resolution. With the maximum span of 1.5 GHz a spatial resolution up to a millimeter
can be achieved.
The longest time (and thus length) you can measure depends on b oth, the numb er of measurement points and on
the frequency sweep span.
Because of the periodic nature of the Fourier transform the maximum allowed delay you can measure is numb er of
points * resolution. The resolution order of magnitude is 1/frequency span.
Hint: Make sure that you have no signals coming in later than the maximum allowed delay, otherwise those will
be folded back in time and create ghost signals. Use a larger number of points if necessary.
Hint: If you want to measure really long delays and you have reached the maximum allowed number of points,
decrease the frequency span and thus the resolution.
Hint: The FFT responses are computed most efficiently if the number of frequency points is chosen to be a
power of 2. There is no such efficiency benefit for the DFT modes.
1. Calibrate the VNWA for a reflection measurement (SOL, use auto-clock multipliers). In below example I have used
2000 data points and a 4 milliseconds per data point.
2. Measure the reflection coefficient (S11) of your bare open VNWA TX output and display it in trace1. The result
should be one (= 0dB) except for some spurs.
3. Add a second trace with trace type "Time" and open the "Time Domain Settings" via the Settings-Display menu or
by the appropriate popup menu on right-clicking the display label.
4. Open the time domain settings window by activating the Settings - Time Domain menu or by double-clicking one
of the time labels.
5. Select source S11, select "Imulse DFT", "Lowpass" and "Rectangular" for maximum time resolution and edit
start and stop times as seen below:
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Choosing "normalized to impulse height" in this example will make it possible to read the power reflected off a
cable discontinuity directly in "dB". Note that the alternate choice "unnormalized" will yield the unnormalized
impulse response which has the unit 1/seconds and integration of it will yield the system's step response.
As the VNWA cannot measure below about 25kHz with default settings, "low frequency data extrapolated below
25 kHz" is chosen here, i.e. below 25 kHz the measurement data is replaced by some higher frequency data
extrapolated to lower frequency. If reliable low frequency data is available by special settings or from a simulation,
choose "as measured" instead of "extrapolated below 25 kHz".
6. Close the time domain settings window. After proper scaling you should see the following result:
The blue trace shows the constant 0dB reflection of the open TX port in the frequency range 0...1.5GHz. The red
trace shows the Fourier transform in the time range of -5ns...5ns, which is equivalent to the length range of about
-50cm...50cm. We see a sharp peak at length 0 with level 0dB (see marker caption), which means that all of the TX
signal is reflected at the calibration plane. The oscillatory sin(x)/x behavior stems from the fact, that no frequency
windowing function is selected.
7. After adjusting for a wider time span, you will see the following.
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In the above image we look at a length span of about 10 meters. We only see the signal reflected at zero length off
the calibration plane.
Note, that with 1.5GHz span and 2000 points a maximum reflection length of 150 meters can be measured. The
maximum available 8192 data points at 1.5GHz span allow to measure reflection lengths of around 0.6 kilometers
with a resolution of a few millimeters.
Note, that the reflected signal now comes in attenuated and with a time delay equivalent to the cable length of 4.5
meters (see time delta marker 2). We have thus measured the length of our coaxial cable.
Note, that there is still weak reflection at zero length coming from the SMA to BNC adapter.
Note, that there is also a signal at 9 meters delay steming from multiple reflection.
9. Next, I have connected a second open ended coaxial cable to the end of the first one. Note, that the second cable
has 90 degree angled BNC connectors:
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The reflection is now shifted by the length of the additional cable. The total cable length is now 6.5 meters.
Note, that some signal is still reflected at the end of the first cable due to the imperfect wave match of the angled
BNC connector.
=> Cable defects can be detected and localized very accurately by this method.
10. Finally, I have connected a BNC load to the end of the second cable:
Note, that we still see reflections from the connector bend in the middle and at the end of the cable.
Also note, that the overall reflected signal has decreased considerably due to the cable termination.
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Time Domain Reflectometry: Step Response
While the impulse response is the DUT's response to a short voltage impulse, it is sometimes useful to look at the
DUT's response to a sharp voltage step which is called the step response. The two are closely related. E.g. in time
domain, integration of the impulse response basically yields the step response. This means, every impedance
change at a certain delay will produce an impulse in the impulse response at a certain delay time, which in turn will
produce a step in the step response at the same delay time. The useful feature is that the step height is related to
the impedance change. In other words, the impedance change can be calculated from the step height, thus
enabeling one to see varying cable impedances at varying delays or positions.
This is demonstrated in the following with a chain of coax cables of different impedances. The DUT below consists
of a piece of 75 Ohms coax connected to the VNWA TX port followed by a 50 Ohms coax followed by a 25 Ohms coax
the far end of which was left open.
First, calibrate your VNWA in the maximum available frequency range (0-1500 MHz) for maximum spatial resolution
with a reasonablly high number of points (2000 points used in this example) to separarate all temporal features.
Next, measure the reflection coefficient (=S11) of your DUT, so the result is visible in the S11 data space.
In order to see the step response, select trace type "Time" in the main window and select "Step DFT" from the
"Time Domain Settings" menu. For displaying smooth steps without artificial overshoot, a Blackman window
function was chosen. We use low frequency data "extrapolated below 25 kHz" to suppress the zero frequency
artefact of S11 to enter the time domain analysis.
If you select to display the time data in terms of impedances (|Z| in below example), you can immediately read off
the varying cable impedance at varying positions:
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Note, that the impedance jumps from 75 Ohms to 50 Ohms to 25 Ohms are clearly visible. Also, the jump at the
open end to (almost) infinite impedance is visible.
If the far cable end is terminated with 50 Ohms instead of leaving it open, the jump to (almost) infinity vanishes and
the terminating impedance of 50 Ohms becomes visible.
Bear in mind, that the impedance values determined this way will be influenced by multiple reflections and also by
cable losses, e.g. no matter what you connect to the far end of a 75 Ohms transmission line with e.g. 100dB loss,
you will always see 75 Ohms impedance at all delays.
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Time Domain Gating and inverse FFT
Time domain gating is used to separate responses depending on their arrival times, e.g. to separate the slow
mechanical response of a crystal filter from the fast electromagnetic feedthrough of the test board.The following
example shows how to use this feature.
As an example you see a wideband measurement of a narrowband SAW filter as DUT with artificially increased
electrical feedthrough from input to output.
2. To transform and view this data into time domain, select the main menu item "Settings"-"Time Domain
Settings"-"Trace 2"::
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Here you can specify the signal source which is to be transformed to the time domain (here S21) and also the type
and parameters of the transformation to be used. Start and stop times for the time domain diagram can be entered.
3. Close the window when done and do select on the main window a second trace with trace type "Time Domain".
You can add time markers the same way as adding frequency markers. Another way to change the start and stop
times is to doubleclick the red time labels below the traces of the main window.
You do now see the inverse Fourier transform of your frequency data (red trace), which is by nature of the discrete
Fourier Transform periodic. The part of it starting at time zero is the envelope of the DUT's impulse response, which
you could also measure by applying a short impulse to the DUT's input. Note, that due to the DUT's high Q-value, it
delays and streches an incoming impulse considerably (filter ringing).
4. Add a third trace to the main window with trace type "Frequency-Domain Gated" or Gated and then select the
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main menu item "Settings"-"Time Domain Settings"-"Trace 3"::
5. Once you have activated time gating you will see two dashed vertical lines on the main window with attached
labels indicating the time gate window edges (start gate and stop gate). You can move these with the mouse. Now
zoom into the time domain so you see only the time range of interest:
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6. Move the vertical dashed gate lines (or attached labels) with the mouse and observe how the green trace
changes. If you look at the red time domain response, you see a sharp peak near time zero. This is the very fast
electrical feedthrough signal travelling at speed of light, i.e. the fraction of the input impulse that bypasses the SAW
filter due to electrical crosstalk and remains unchanged. The round features at later times is the SAW filter impulse
response (=filter ringing), which travels by the nature of the Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) with the speed of sound
on the quartz crystal chip (about 1000m/sec). Due to this speed difference it is possible to zero out the electrical
feedthrough in the time domain (=gating) and visualize the transfer function of the filter without electrical feedthrough
in the frequency domain (green curve). The green curve shows stopband features which are hidden under the
electrical crosstalk in the blue trace.
Hint: You can change the color of the start gate and stop gate lines and labels by right-clicking them.
This technique called "time domain gating" zeroes out the fractions of the DUT's time domain response outside the
vertical gate boundary lines. Transforming the gated impulse response back to the frequency domain might reveal
features previously hidden by e.g. electrical feedthrough.
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Tuning Filters in Time Domain
This tutorial was provided by Roderick Wall, VK3YC. Thank you very much, Roderick!
Note, that from software version VNWA35.9 on there are two new time domain settings refering to impulse
response normalization and low frequency data extrapolation. Use the default settings (impulse response
normalized to impulse height and frequency data below 25 kHz extrapolated) to reproduce below results.
A Template is required to tune variable coupling filters. The Template can be generated from a Gold Standard
Engineering filter or simulated in software. This example uses Jim Tonne's Elsie Filter design software to design a
BPF and to generate a s2p Touchstone s-parameter file. The s-parameter file is imported into a memory location in
VNWA to be used as a Template to tune the filter to. The example 40 meter variable coupling BPF circuit is shown
below. Trim capacitors were used for the coupling capacitors. Adjustable inductors were used for the inductors.
Use Elsie to design the filter. Set the centre frequency to 7.15MHz, frequency span to 2MHz and sweep steps to 500
(also refer to VNWA settings below). Generate a s2p s-parameter Template file. Import the the s2p Template file into
VNWA and store S11 into Memory 1. Store S21 into Memory 2. Under "Settings" select "Time Domain" and then
select "Trace 1". Set the Time Domain settings as shown below.
Under "Settings" select "Time Domain" and then select "Trace 3". Set the Time Domain settings as shown below.
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Set the center frequency to the resonant frequency that the resonators need to be tuned to. If you don't then you will
be tuning the BPF to the wrong frequency. Set the Span to two to five times the bandwidth of the BPF. Set the Mouse
Wheel Increments to 5kHz.
Set the number of scan steps to 500. As shown below, set trace 2 to S21 dB, trace 4 to Mem1 dB, trace 5 to Mem2
dB and trace 6 to S11 dB.
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Blue Time Domain trace = Elsie Template. Red Time Domain trace = DUT BPF.
Green Return Loss trace = Elsie Template. Black Return Loss trace = DUT BPF.
Black Insertion Loss = Elsie Template. Red Insertion Loss = DUT BPF.
Click "Single Sweep" to scan the DUT 40 meter BPF. Adjust trace scaling to suitable sizes. Your Time Domain trace
won't have the deep dips shown above because the BPF has been adjusted using Time Domain. The two Time
Domain dips are the return loss from each resonator. The three humps are the three coupling capacitors. Refer to
Agilent's application notes AN 1287-8 and AN 1287-10 for the procedure to adjust the filter. Click Continuous scan to
adjust the BPF.
Before assembling the BPF you may want to adjust the components to the values shown in the circuit, this will make
it easier to adjust the BPF.
The Mouse wheel can be used to adjust the center frequency. Hold the cursor over the center frequency and turn the
wheel. Adjusting the center frequency allows you to determine the frequency the resonators are tuned to. Adjust the
center frequency for the deepest dip and the center frequency is the resonant frequency. Using the Mouse
Frequency wheel makes it easier to adjust the resonators.
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Custom: Trace data manipulation
The trace type custom allows to simulate traces or to manipulate trace data in order to display functions of trace
VNWA.exe contains a compiler, which can generate fast code to calculate user defined mathematical complex
algebra expressions. This code can be used for real time data manipulation during the sweep or to generate
simulation data.
Note: This parser / compiler (own development) is different from that used in complex calculator, thus
functionalities might differ slightly.
Is it possible to accurately determine an impedance from a transmission measurement with only a thru calibration?
The answer is yes and a custom trace greatly simplifies this task.
Below is a transmission measurement (S21) of a 120pF capacitor connected between the hot pins of the VNWA TX
and RX port after a simple thru calibration (note, that both traces show S21):
Clearly, the higher the frequency the lower the insertion loss due to the capacitor's decreasing impedance with
increasing frequency.
Next, we want to calculate the one port reflection coefficient (S11) of the capacitor from our transmission
measurement with the aid of a custom trace. Therefore we right-click the S21 label and select trace type
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The custom trace editor window opens indicating in its header that we are editing expression 1 (=cus1) which is to
be displayed in trace 2:
For simplicity, we assign to S21 the shorter alias name x and enter the expression (3*x-2)/(x-2), which transforms a
thru-measurement result into a reflect measurement result (Note that from VNWA version 35.9.d on this expression
is implemented as function t2s()). Also, we give this expression the descriptive name t2s (for transmission to
scattering parameter, default name is cus1), see caption field. Press ok and observe the updated main window:
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Red trace 2 is now labeled by the assigned name t2s and the data apparently shows the reflection coefficient of a
quite ideal capacitor (curve running along the lower edge of the Smith chart).
We now want to determine the capacitance of the capacitor, therefore, we want to see the very same t2s data in a
third trace in terms of Picofarads. We add a third trace and select again trace type "Other-Custom":
Observe, that the custom drop down menu now shows as first entry t2s instead of cus1 because we have assigned
this name to expression 1. We select t2s. The custom trace editor opens again, but we do not need to edit anything
as we have already entered the required expression before. Therefore we simply close the custom trace editor and
select display type "C--" for trace 3:
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Indeed, our capacitor shows a capacitance of 124pF, which is very close to the nominal capacitance of 120pF
printed on it. Note, that the rising capacitance is due to the inductance of the long capacitor leads.
The above example shows measured S11 and S21 data of a SAW filter (red and blue traces). The green trace
shows the so called unitarity condition:
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which, when shown in dB, is the power neither reflected nor transmitted, thus the power dissipated inside the DUT.
The brown "Cus4" trace ( = custom trace 4) shows exactly the same as the "Unit" trace, but is user defined.
Double-clicking the Cus4 label will open the custom trace editor window:
Here, the mathematical expression to be displayed can be entered. It is evaluated using complex calculus, thus
complex S-parameters can be manipulated in a proper way. In the above example, the unitarity formula has been
Note: Alias variables can be defined to abbreviate e.g. the rather lengthy variable name S21 by the variable t.
Hint: Typing return upon completion of the expression will invoke a syntax check without closing the window.
Hint: Pressing the "ok button" will also invoke a syntax check and close the window only if the syntax is correct.
Hint: You can save and load expressions to or from a Derive *.mth file.
Hint: Expressions will automatically be saved in the VNWA ini-file upon program termination for reuse after
program restart.
Hint: By changing the Caption field in above window (see mouse arrow), you can modify the trace identifier
label K on the main VNWA window showing up below the grid.
Example 3: Subexpressions
When the custom trace editor window height is increased, up to 6 input fields for subexpressions are being
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Subexpressions can be used if a parameter or term is to be reused several times in the same custom expression
or simply to improve readibility. In the above example, the reflection coefficient of a series resonat circuit is being
calculated using subexpressions. In subexpression 1 an inductance value of 1 microhenry is being defined.
Subexpression 2 defines a capacitance value of 100pF. Subexpressions 3 and 4 define the impedances of the
inductor and capacitor respectively by making use of subexpressions 1 and 2. Subexpression 5 defines a resistor
value of 20 Ohms.
The main expression sums up the impedances defined in subexpressions 3, 4 and 5 and converts it to a reflection
coefficient that can be displayed with the standard S11 display modes on the main window:
Apparently, we have simulated a series resonant circuit with a resonance frequency of 15,9 MHz. We can use the
Complex Calculator tool to check if the resonance is where it would be expected:
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Indeed, the resonance is to be expected at 15.9 MHz.
..., then pressing ctrl c to copy the marked data into the clipboard, then right-clicking into the field where the value is
to be transfered to...
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... and finally selecting paste:
When measuring impedances, VNWA internally works with reflection coefficients and by default displays those:
Now, it shall be demonstrated how the magnitude and phase of the corresponding impedance can be displayed
using a custom trace. Add a custom trace (e.g. cust1), fill in the expression "s2z(S11)" which converts the reflection
coefficient s11 into an impedance and assign a descriptive name to this expression, e.g. "Z11":
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After proper scaling, you can display the magnitude of the impedance (green). The unit will be Ohms:
If you want to display the phase of the impedance as well, simply add another trace and select to display custom
trace Z11 which we have defined before by assigning the name Z11 to it:
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Immediately close the custom trace window again which is popping up as no changes are required. After proper
scaling, you will also see the phase of the impedance Z11 in terms of degrees (pink):
Note, that we are using just one and the same custom expression for two different traces.
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Subexpression 1 contains the conversion from transmission measurement (S21) to reflection data (function t2s)
and subsequent conversion to impedance z (function s2z).
Subexpression 2 contains the Q-factor.
Subexpression 3 contains the "Equivalent Series Resistance" formula.
Subexpression 4 contains the dissipation factor formula.
Subexpression 5 contains the power factor.
The main expression can use any of the subexpression aliases, e.g. the dissipation factor DF.
Available Syntax
pi = 3.14...
e = Eulers number 2.718...
i = complex unit (mathematician's choice)
j = i = complex unit (engineer's choice)
clock = DDS input clock [Hz]
Available operators
+ = complex addition
- = complex subtraction
* = complex multiplication
/ = complex division
^ = complex power Hint: exp(x) is more CPU efficient than e^x
f = frequency
w = 2*pi*frequency
s = complex frequency = i*w
t = time as shown in the time domain displays
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S21 = measured data S21
S11 = measured data S11
S12 = measured data S12
S22 = measured data S22
Mem1 = data space Mem1 data
Mem2 = data space Mem2 data
Mem3 = data space Mem3 data
Mem4 = data space Mem4 data
P1 = data space Plot1 data
P2 = data space Plot2 data
P3 = data space Plot3 data
P4 = data space Plot4 data
s_11...s_33 = 3-port measured data
gated = gated response
a_ = reflect calibration coefficient a
b_ = reflect calibration coefficient b
c_ = reflect calibration coefficient c
M21 = raw, uncorrected measured data for S21
M11 = raw, uncorrected measured data for S11
M12 = raw, uncorrected measured data for S12
M22 = raw, uncorrected measured data for S22
SS = VNWA source reflection coefficient as calculated from calibration data
SL = VNWA load reflection coefficient as calculated from calibration data
n = data point number
n_top = highest data point number = # data points - 1
noise = random complex numbers with real and imaginary parts between -1 and +1
delay_s21 = group delay of S21 = -d Arg(S21(w))/d w
delay_s11 = group delay of S11 = -d Arg(S11(w))/d w
delay_s12 = group delay of S12 = -d Arg(S12(w))/d w
delay_s22 = group delay of S22 = -d Arg(S22(w))/d w
delay_mem1 = group delay of Mem1 = -d Arg(Mem1(w))/d w
delay_mem2 = group delay of Mem2 = -d Arg(Mem2(w))/d w
delay_mem3 = group delay of Mem3 = -d Arg(Mem3(w))/d w
delay_mem4 = group delay of Mem4 = -d Arg(Mem4(w))/d w
cphase_s21 = continuous phase of S21 in radians
cphase_s11 = continuous phase of S11 in radians
cphase_s12 = continuous phase of S12 in radians
cphase_s22 = continuous phase of S22 in radians
cphase_mem1 = continuous phase of Mem1 in radians
cphase_mem2 = continuous phase of Mem2 in radians
cphase_mem3 = continuous phase of Mem3 in radians
cphase_mem4 = continuous phase of Mem4 in radians
Sub1...Sub6 = subexpression 1...6
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LOG =complex logarithm of base 10
J0 =Bessel function of first kind of order 0
J1 =Bessel function of first kind of order 1
HEAVISIDE=real heaviside function, imaginary part of argument is ignored
DB =decibels: db(x)=20*lg(abs(x))
Y = S2Y =complex admittance in 1/Ohms Y(s)=(1-s)/((1+s)*50)
Z = S2Z =complex impedance in Ohms Z(s)=1/Y(s)
Y2S =conversion from complex admittance Y(s) to reflection coefficient s, e.g. s=Y2S(Y(s))
Z2S =conversion from complex impedance Z(s) to reflection coefficient s, e.g. s=Z2S(Z(s))
T2S =convert a transmission measurement to reflection data
S2T =convert a reflection measurement to transmission data
T2SS =convert transmission data to shunt reflection data
SS2T =convert shunt reflection data to transmission data
T2ZS =convert transmission data to complex shunt impedance data
ZS2T =convert complex shunt impedance data to transmission data
CP =parallel capacitive part of complex admittance in F (as function of reflection coefficient S)
LP =parallel inductive part of complex admittance in H (as function of reflection coefficient S)
RP =parallel resistive part of complex admittance in Ohms (as function of reflection coefficient S)
QC =Q-value of complex admittance
CS =serial capacitive part of complex impedance in F (as function of reflection coefficient S)
LS =serial inductive part of complex impedance in H (as function of reflection coefficient S)
RS =serial inductive part of complex impedance in Ohms (as function of reflection coefficient S)
QL =Q-value of complex impedance (identical with QC, but calculated from Z instead of Y)
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Measuring RF-ID tags
In the following simple method for testing RF-ID tags using the DG8SAQ VNWA by SDR-Kits is demonstrated using
13 MHz NFC RF-ID tags ...
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The VNWA is operated in reflect mode (measuring S11) using a single turn detector coil with about 2cm diameter
connected to its TX port:
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Note, that the coil is dampened by the 50 Ohms output impedance of the VNWA TX port, thus it is not likely to detune
a resonator by resonant coupling.
... we can see its effect on the coil showing a sharp but tiny resonance at about 14 MHz:
Next, we want to zoom into the tag's resonance frequency and separate the tag's response from that of the coil by a
simple calibration step. The idea is to mathematically divide the tag measurement by a measurement of the coil
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without tag. Using this method, we do not even need to SOL calibrate the TX port. All following measurements will
be performed without calibration. The measurement of the coil without tag serves as calibration measurement.
Here are the uncalibrated S11 measurements without (red) and with (green) tag in a narrow frequency range:
We can clearly see the tag's resonance and find its frequency with the aid of a minimum marker at 13.70 MHz.
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As mentioned above, we divide any reflect measurement (S11) by the reference measurement without resonator in
memory space Mem1. We assign the name "ratio" to this trace.
The resulting blue "ratio"-trace nicely shows the tag resonance alone, i.e. how much RF power is being absorbed by
the tag as a function of frequency:
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Note, that with every subsequent S11 measurement the ratio trace is being recalculated and updated in real time
during the sweep. So, it indeed conveniently serves as a calibration method.
Varying the distance between coil and tag does not change the tag resonance frequency:
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While above red trace was taken with the tag positioned right on top of the detector coil, the blue trace was taken
with the tag being spaced 2 cm above the coil.
For the fun of it, we place a second tag on top of the first one:
And sure enough, we see resonant detuning through the coupling of the two tag resonators to each other:
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Above red trace shows the response of the lower (brownish, lengthy) tag alone, while the blue trace shows the
response of the stack of both tags.
The same test method can be applied to LF RF ID tags operating at 125 kHz. Below image shows a 125 kHz RF ID
tag placed onto a pickup coil with 3 turns (green wire):
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The signal to noise ratio can be improved by using a detector coil with a higher number of turns, e.g. 15 turns as in
the picture below:
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The absorption signal becomes a lot stronger:
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Now, what is the optimum pickup coil for a certain RF ID tag?
On the one hand the coil should have many turns in order to maximize the magnetic field for good coupling to the
tag. On the other hand, the natural parallel resonant frequency of the coil (coil inductance parallel to parasitic coil
capacitance) should be well above the tag's resonant frequency, to avoid detuning of the tag by resonant coupling to
the pickup coil.
The pickup coil is best optimized experimentally starting with a large number of turns and removing turns until the
parallel resonance of the coil alone is well above the tag frequency, e.g. by at least a factor of two.
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Renormalized Smith chart
The VNWA software can recalculate one port reflection coefficients to an arbitrary reference impedance and
display it as renormalized Smith data.
Most Smith charts display reflection data normalized to a reference impedance of 50 Ohms. If a different reference
impedance is chosen, e.g. 75 Ohms, the reflection coefficients will change. For example, a 75 Ohms resistor will
have a reflection coefficient of zero if normalized to 75 Ohms reference impedance or in other words in a 75 Ohms
S11 is the input reflection coefficient of a crystal filter terminated with 50 Ohms on output. The blue curve near the
open circuit point in the Smith chart shows, that the input impedance is much higher than the reference impedance
of 50 Ohms. This changes, if a reference impedance of 2000 Ohms (see red impedance label under hand cursor).
The magnitude reflection coefficient is still quite high in this case, as the power is still reflected at the mismatched
50 Ohms termination on output. To modify the reference impedance, double-click the red impedance label. The
reference impedance window will open, where new values can be entered.
Hint: You can also change the real part (imaginary part) of the reference impedance, by holding the mouse over
the real part (imaginary part) of the red impedance label in the VNWA main window and turn the mouse wheel.
Note: The definition of a reflection coefficient is only unique as long as the reference impedance is purely real.
For a complex reference impedance I have chosen to implement the power wave formulation, which allows to
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interpret the reflection coefficient in terms of reflected power like of the real reference impedance case.
Hint: To renormalize two port S-parameters to a new reference impedance, use the matching tool.
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Importing and Manipulating a Background Image
The custom background options allow to load an image to appear as background on the VNWA main window.
Image file import is implemented in an optional external dynamic link library (dll) to avoid incompatibilities with older
Windows versions (Windows98 and Windows2000 do not support GDI, which is used to read and display
Two different dlls are provided for reading image files:
svg_dll.dll supports import of scalable vector graphics files (*.svg)
gfx_dll.dll supports import of most pixel graphics files like *.bmp, *.jpg, *.png... .
Moreover, the source code of a simple dll-example for reading *.bmp files is provided in order to document the
programming interface.
Before importing an image, an appropriate dll-file must be loaded by pressing the "Load DLL" button and selecting
the dll-file:
Once the dll is loaded, the controls for loading and manipulating an image appear and an image file can be loaded.
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There are several possibilities to manipulate the displayed image:
Opacity ...alows to blend the image more and more into the background until it disappears
cropping ...means cutting off the image portions that are extending outside the selected grid
transparent ...if checked, all portions of the image having exactly the same color as the lower left image pixel
become transparent, i.e. invisible. Particularly useful for black and white graphs to make the white portion
The image can be placed in foront of or behind the grid lines
It can be scaled to one of the grids (i.e. if the grid is resized, the image will be resized accordingly or it can be
displayed with fixed size in one of the main window corners
Moreover, the image can be rotated, resized by a zoom-factor, streched by an x-zoom-factor and repositioned by
specifying offsets.
The image can be chosen to autoload upon program start.
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Example 2: Loading a company logo
Here a logo in *.png format has been loaded using the gfx_dll.dll and the image has been fixed to the upper left
corner of the main window:
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Example 3: Comparing a measurement with a graph from a print or a graphic file
Very often one comes into the situation where one would like to compare an own measurement result with a
measurement result published in the literature. Usually, the literature result is not available as S-parameter file, but
only as print or pdf-file. In this case, an image file of the literature result can be created by either scanning the paper
or extracting the image from the pdf document. In the following, I have extracted an image from a data sheet of a
similar filter and loaded it using the gfx_dll.dll:
After properly shifting and scaling the image and adjusting the VNWA grid and frequency scale, the image scales
match the VNWA scales. As the image is scaled to the carthesian grid, the scale match will be maintained even if
the window size and aspect ratio is changed. Now, a measurement can be overlaid. The cursor can be used to
compare image values with measurement values:
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Note, that in above example, the image has some portions that are extending outside the carthesian grid, which
might obscure VNWA features. Also, near the image curve transparency is not perfect, which is due to color
interpolation in the original image format.
Here, it might be nicer, to make the image non-transparent yielding the white image background and cropping the
image parts extending outside the grid:
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Here you can clearly see that my filter is a lot worse than the literature example.
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Extracting calibration kit parameters
In order to obtain accurate measurement results, a good knowledge of the used calibration kit parameters is
mandatory. These must be entered into the "Calibtration Kit Settings" menu:
When activating "Generate S-pars. on click/modify in S11", the reflection coefficient of the modified cal standard
will be simulated and stored in S11. Note, that the parameters can be "tuned" with the mouse wheel and the
changes will be visible on the VNWA main window in real-time. This can be used to fit the calibration kit model to a
reference measurement:
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The above example shows the reflection coefficient of my load as measured on a R&S ZVM (Mem1) compared to
the model generated with above parameters. Note, that the model reacts very sensitive on changes in model
If no reference VNWA is available, then there is still a possibility to extract model parameters. To do so, do the
1) In the "Calibration Settings" window select custom calibration standards, but enter the values for ideal
calibration kits (Load: 50 Ohms real, all delays zero).
2) Perform a reflection calibration (SOL, S11 only) over a frequency range of 1...500 MHz with your unknown
calibration kit. Calibrate the VNWA output without a test cable for best accuracy.
3) Measure the input reflection coefficient of 30cm straight high quality semi-rigid 50 Ohms transmission line with
its output open or shorted. The result should ideally be a reflection coefficient of magnitude 1 circling around the
edge of the Smith chart:
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Basically, this is the case. But looking at it a bit closer, the magnitude of the reflection coefficient must decreases
with increasing frequency due to the increasing transmission line loss. This is observed, but superimposed, an
oscillatory behavior with increasing amplitude is visible (blue trace), which may lead to unphysical reflection
coefficients greater than unity (outside the Smith chart). Similar oscillations are observed in the phase progression
(red trace). These oscillations are not real, but a mathematical artefact arising from the fact, that the real calibration
coefficient parameters are different from those used in the correction calculations. This effect is known in the
literature as port mismatch. Knowing that much, it is straight forward to tune the calibration kit parameters such that
the oscillations on both curves vanish in the best possible way and the phase progression becomes as constant as
possible (constant "circling speed" around the Smith chart).
4) To do so, activate the "enable realtime recalibration" checkbox in the "SOL Simulation Settings" tab:
5) Keep the open delay at constant zero value. This will fix the calibration plane.
6) Tune short delay, load R and load C|| with the mouse wheel and observe the change to the recalibrated S11 in
the VNWA main window. A good choice with reduced port mismatch is seen below.
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Matching Tool: Performing a matching analysis
Note, that the VNWA measures S-parameters, that are normalized to 50 Ohms source and load impedance!
This might not be the desired operating conditions for your DUT. E.g. a narrowband crystal filter is usually a high
impedance device and performs very poorly, when terminated with 50 Ohms at input and output. The picture below
shows a measurement of a 10.7 MHz telecommunication crystal IF-filter.
Note, that the filter S21 shows a passband ripple of close to 20dB. Note also, that like for all reciprocal DUTs (all
passive devices except isolators and circulators) S21=S12.
As you can see from S11 and S22, the filter is severely mismatched, as its impedances are near the open circuit
point in the Smith chart.
When building the filter into a receiver, the high filter impedances must be transformed with inductors and
capacitors to match the impedances of the surrounding circuitry. This is called matching. Most the time, it is
desirable, that the output impedance of one section (e.g. driving transistor) equals the complex conjugate of the
following section's input impedance. This condition is called power match, as it ensures, that all power is
transfered from one stage to the next. Sometimes, different matching conditions are used, e.g. noise match, to
optimize the signal to noise ratio.
The VNWA's built-in matching tool allows to simulate the DUT's transfer characteristics under arbitrary
impedance termination conditions.
Note: You must have a complete set of four valid S-parameters (S11,S21,S12,S22) in order to use the
matching tool.
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The matching tool window will pop up.
Place this window in such a way on the desktop, that you can see both, the VNWA main window with your
measurement curves and the matching tool window.
In the upper part of the matching tool window, you can specify the your DUT's impedances. At startup, these are real
50 Ohms on input and output (=impedances of the VNWA). If you modify them, you will find, that the S-parameters on
the main window change. The crystal filter of our example has impedances of about 2000 Ohms resistance parallel
to about 1pF capacitance (thus impedances represent slightly capacitive loads) on input and output. Entering these
impedances yields a perfectly flat passband and a good power match:
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Note: The mathematical transformation from the measured 50 Ohms impedance level to calculated 2 kOhms
imposes a crucial test on the accuracy and consistency of the four S-parameters (S11,S21,S12,S22). If the
passband shows spikes, this is a sign that there was some measurement error, e.g. wrong calibration,
inconsistent reference planes, no 6 term correction... .
Hint: You can also modify the impedances with the mouse-wheel. To change the increment, right-click onto the
according input field. Here, you can also lock input and output impedances. This might be useful, if you have a
symmetric DUT and you want to change input and output impedances synchronously:
By now, we have determined the impedance environment, our IF filter (=the DUT) wants to see for best
performance, namely the complex conjugates of the port 1 and port 2 impedances.
If we want to actually place the above filter in between a mixer output and an amplifier input, we need to match the
mixer output to the filter input and the filter output to the amplifier input with two matching networks.
The matching networks can be calculated in the lower part of the matching tool window. Assume, the mixer output
has an impedance equivalent to 1 kOhm || 2 pF and the subsequent IF amplifier stage has an input impedance of
real 30 Ohms (i.e. || 0 pF). Enter these impenances into the lower part of the matching tool window:
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The calculated matching networks are shown in a little schematic. With the displayed matching networks, the filter
will yield optimum performance now, if the In-terminal sees 1 kOhm || 2 pF and the Out-terminal sees 30 Ohms.
Note: Calculations are performed with ideal components with infinite Q-values.
Hint: Identical impedance transformations can be obtained with up to 4 different variants of matching network
topologies. You can select the one you like with the combo-boxes:
Note: The impedance transformations are calculated at a single frequency, by default the center frequency. If
this doesn't coincide with your filter's passband, you can change the frequency used by the simulation in the edit
field at the very bottom.
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Matching Network Tutorial
This tutorial describes, how the VNWA can be used to generate and optimize an impedance matching network,
that transforms a given source impedance (in our example 50 Ohms) to a given load impedance.
Note: For all measurements, the VNWA must be properly calibrated. Some of below screenshots show the
VNWA in uncalibrated state. These screenshots have been created from earlier recorded S-parameters. All
S-parameters have been measured with the calibrated instrument.
Note: If you repeat below experiments in the VHF/UHF range, a proper setting of the calibration plane using port
extensions will be most important. Since below example is performed at 2.5MHz (Wavelength >100m), a few mm
shift in the calibration plane will hardly be detectable.
1. First, we need to know the source and load impedance between which we want to achieve a power match, i.e. a
matching condition with minimum power loss.
For simplicity, we use 50 Ohms as the impedance of our source. This could be the output of a transmitter.
Our load impedance in this example will be a 1,2kOhm wired carbon resistor:
This could be a model of a high impedance antenna. To be on the safe side, we measure the impedance of our
load in the frequency range of interest:
2. We want to achieve a power match at the marker frequency of 2.5MHz, therefore we calculate a matching network
for this frequency. This can be done with the VNWA matching tool. We only need half of it. We enter our source
impedance (50 Ohms) and the measured load impedance (1200Ohms || 3pF), the frequency where the matching
condition is to be achieved (2.5MHz) and select a matching topology (#2):
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In order to build up the matching network we will need a 15uH inductor (standard value) and a 251pF capacitor
which we will approximately create by connecting a 150pF and a 100pF capacitor in parallel. All components are
connected on a test board:
3. We connect our high impedance load to the matching network output ...
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... and measure the input reflection coefficient:
We observe that matching works. We achieve a return loss on input which is better than 20dB. Now the question
arises, what is the insertion loss of our matching network.
We could do a simulation e.g. with APLAC:
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We see that S11 looks like the measurement and S21 becomes nearly 0dB at 2.5MHz because we have simulated
with lossless ideal components.
4. In order to find the real insertion attenuation of the matching network, we must perform a full 2-port measurement
of the matching network (S11, S21, S12, S22):
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We will see an insertion loss of about 8dB and a severe mismatch on input and output:
This is because the matching network is now terminated with 50 Ohms of the VNWA.
5. Using the matching tool we can recalculate the S-parameters to what they would be like if the load impedance
were the one of our hardware load. We enter the source and load impedance and the matching frequency:
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We observe how the S-parameters change under the new load condition:
Now we can see that our matching network introduces a transmission loss of 0.17dB, which is very good. Observe
how closely this recalculated measurement resembles the APLAC simulation.
6. The renormalized S11 for the new load condition should be identical to the measured S11 when our hardware
load is connected to the matching network output. This can be verified by a measurement:
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S11 contains the renormalized 50Ohm measurement while Mem1 contains the input reflection coefficient of the
matching network with the hardware load connected to the output. As expected the two are identical.
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Crystal Analyzer: Extracting Resonator Model Parameters
Example 1: Reflection Measurement
Example 2: Transmission Measurement
General Hints
Analyzing a batch of crystals
Example 3: Mixed measurements with virtual ground calibration
A crystal or any other electrical resonator can be described reasonably accurate by the following equivalent circuit
model :
Knowledge of the model parameters is useful as input to circuit simulators for e.g. synthesizing crystal filters or
modeling crystal oscillators. The VNWA crystal analyzer tool allows to extract these model parameters from a
or in transmission (S21)
Often low impedance (e.g. 12.5 Ohms) test fixtures are available for crystal transmission measurements. Therefore
the fixture impedance must be taken into account for transmission measurements. You should NOT use a low
impedance fixture for reflection measurements, unless you exactly know how to calibrate it properly.
The following examples show several methods to measure crystal resonators and to extract model parameters. In
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all measurements 3000 data points and a sweep time of 2ms/data point have been used for measurement. This is
not a recommendation but simply the first and only settings I have tried. Feel free to experiment. But keep in mind
that a crystal is an extremely narrow band device and as such requires some time for settling. So, do not sweep too
fast. Also, the accuracy of your calibration will improve with slower sweep rates.
You might want to use customized calibration standards that plug straight into your test fixture for this purpose, e.g.
2. Perform a reflection (S11) measurement of your crystal with one crystal pin grounded.
By doing so, you measure the reflection coefficient of your resonator as 1-port device. Make sure, the crystal is
connected as close as possible to the calibration plane.
This is what the measurement result should look like for a 12 MHz crystal:
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Make sure, to display 3-port memory space s_11 before moving to the next step. 3-port memory spaces s_11 and
s_21 will be used to store and allow to display the model simulation in reflection and transmission.
3. Start the "Crystal Analyzer" tool via the main tools menu.
4. The above is what you see a short moment after having pressed the auto optimize button. Make sure that
source = S11 is selected before auto-optimizing. The displayed equivalent circuit model is fitted to the
measurement data. The simulated data is stored in s_11 (and s_21) for comparison. Note that there is a perfect
match between measurement and simulation:
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Hint: After auto-optimization, the fitted model parameters are automatically stored in the Windows
cut-and-paste buffer and can be pasted into any text document in the following form:
F = 11998309.8281313
Q = 99632.1600629463
L = 0.0140275240017728
C = 1.25435105103075E-14
R = 10.6140569892503
C0= 3.35578116630557E-12
F1= 12020712.3
F2= 12020712.9
F3= 11998309.2
F4= 12020632.9
F5= 12020772.2
F6= 11998312.5
Note: Frequencies F1...F6 will be explained in the next section about measuring the crystal in transmission.
You might want to use a customized calibration standard that plugs straight into your test fixture for this purpose,
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2. Perform a transmission (S21) measurement of your crystal with one crystal terminal being input and the
other being output.
By doing so, you measure your resonator as 2-port device. Make sure, the crystal is connected as close as possible
to the calibration plane.
This is what the measurement result should look like for a 12 MHz crystal:
In transmission one can clearly see the serial resonance (marker) as well as the parallel antiresonance.
Make sure, to display 3-port memory space s_21 before moving to the next step. 3-port memory spaces s_11 and
s_21 will be used to store and allow to display the model simulation in reflection and transmission.
3. Start the "Crystal Analyzer" tool via the main tools menu and increase the width of the crystal analyzer window:
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4. Make sure that source = S21 and the correct test fixture impedance (must be identical on input and output) is
selected before auto-optimizing.The above is what you see a short moment after having pressed the auto optimize
button. The displayed equivalent circuit model is fitted to the measurement data.
Note that on the right hand side of the crystal tool, various frequencies are extracted from the simulation as well as
from the measurement data. f1/f4 amd f2/f5 are two different definitions of the parallel antiresonance frequency. f3/f6
is a definition of the serial resonance frequency differing slightly from f on the left hand side. This data is also
calculated for reflection measurement fits.
The simulated data is stored in s_21 (and s_11) for comparison. Note that there is a perfect match between
measurement and simulation:
Note, that after auto-optimization, the fitted model parameters are automatically stored in the Windows
cut-and-paste buffer and can be pasted into any text document like in the reflection example.
General Hints
You can also manually optimize by changing the data in the edit fields by keyboard or by mouse-wheel while
observing the changes of s_11 and s_21 on the VNWA main window..
Mouse-wheel increments can be set individually by right-clicking onto the edit fields.
The displayed figure of merit is a distance between simulation and measurement and should thus be as close to
zero as possible.
If you want to analyze a whole batch of more or less identical crystals, you can increase the size of the crystal
analyzer window downwards in order to access the batch table:
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On pressing the "single sweep" button, a measurement sweep will be started and at its end, the data will be
analyzed and the values will be entered into the table at the cursor position. You can remeasure a line, by selecting
it with the mouse prior to pressing measure. You can save the list into a csv-file, which can be read by Excel. You
can also erase the list.
The line numbering is assigned automatically, but you can manually change it if desired. The above picture shows
three consecutive measurements on the same crystal.
Hint: The fitted model parameters of the last sweep will also be automatically stored in the Windows
cut-and-paste buffer and can be pasted into any text document.
Hint: The "cont. sweep" function can be used to continuously monitor a single crystal over time. The crystal will
be swept continuously. After every completed sweep, a line will be added to the fit data table. Note, that the time
when the sweep was done (in seconds after having started continuous sweeping mode) is logged in the last
column of the table. This is useful to e.g. measure the crystal parameters vs. varying temperature.
Kurt Poulsen OZ7OU has come up with the idea of calibrating the VNWA+test fixture such that the hot RX pin serves
as a virtual ground for the reflection measurement. In the following this type of calibration is refered to as virtual
ground calibration. It is an SOLT calibration where the real ground is replaced by a virtual ground for reflection
measurements only. The advantage of this type of calibration is that you can measure your crystal in transmission
and in reflection without having to change connections in the test fixture. So, the crystal stays in the fixture in the
same way (between hot TX pin and hot RX pin) no matter if you measure it in reflection or in transmission.
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Remark: The parallel capacitance C0 that will be calculated from the measurement, will contain also the
capacitance of the test fixture from input to output. This test fixture capacitance can be effectively removed by
performing an isolation calibration with the empty test fixture in place.
Any correction scheme other than the one shown above will produce wrong transmission measurement
results! This is due to the fact that transmission and reflection do NOT share the same ground.
2. Perform a transmission (S21) and a reflection (S11) measurement of your crystal with one crystal terminal
being input and the other being output.
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This is what the measurement result should look like for a 12 MHz crystal:
In transmission one can clearly see the serial resonance (marker) as well as the parallel antiresonance.
Make sure, to display 3-port memory space s_21 and s_11 before moving to the next step. 3-port memory spaces
s_11 and s_21 will be used to store and allow to display the model simulation in reflection and transmission.
3. Start the "Crystal Analyzer" tool via the main tools menu, select source = S11 and press the auto-optimize
button. When the tool is finished you will see this simulation result:
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The model perfectly matches the reflection measurement S11. Model parameters can be read off the Crystal Tool
window. In transmission (S21) there is a mismatch visible for the parallel antiresonance. Note, that the
transmission simulation is mathematically derived from the reflection fit. The reason for this deviation in
transmission will be discussed below.
4. Make sure that now source = S21 and the correct test fixture impedance (must be identical on input and output)
is selected before auto-optimizing. Now, the model simulation looks like this:
Now, the parallel antiresonance of the transmission (S21) measurement is perfectly modeled, while that of the
reflection measurement is off (what you cannot really see in above Smith chart, though, since we missed to place a
marker onto the parallel antiresonance).
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Above, line #1 shows the model parameters for the transmission (S21) fit, while line #2 shows the reflection (S11)
fit parameters. The most apparent difference is that of the parallel capacitance C0. While in transmission
C0=3.04pF, in reflection C0=3.36pF, which is 0.32pF higher. The increased parallel capacitance shifts the parallel
antiresonance to lower frequencies. But what's the reason for this C0 increase? It lies in the fact that the model for a
real crystal is a bit more complex than assumed above:
As shown above, a real crystal consists of the crystal disk and a holder. The holder pins each have a capacitance to
ground (C_H). While in transmission the series circuit of the holder capacitances add to the crystal parallel
capacitance (C0_Xtal), C_H2 is effectively shorted in a reflection measurement and C_H1 alone adds to C0_XTal to
yield an effective C0. Assuming that C_H1 and C_H2 are approximately identical, C0 for a reflection measurement
should be 0.5*C_H larger than for a transmission measurement. We can thus interpret our above experiment such
that the holder capacitances are C_H=2*0.32pF=0.64pF and C0_Xtal=3.04pF-0.32pF=2.72pF.
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3-Port Analyzer: Analyzing balanced components
Three port RF devices like baluns or SAW-filters with e.g. balanced outputs confront the user with a complex
characterization task:
On the one hand, one would like to know e.g. the insertion attenuation from single ended input to differential outputs
and the complex differential output impedance (differential mode). On the other hand, the common mode
attenuation is of interest.
The 3-Port analyzer tool allows to perform both characterizations on a set of 3-port S-parameters.
The following is a step by step example of performing a 3-port analysis:
Note, that all signal paths from any DUT port to any other DUT port including all reflections must be characterized.
The above imported 3-port S-parameters of a GSM RF filter are courtesy of EPCOS. Filter port 1 is the single ended
input and ports 2 and 3 are the differential filter outputs. The above plot shows highly symmetric filter transmissions
from port 1 to 2 and from port 1 to 3 (s_12,s_13, note the underscore!).
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Select the desired mode of operation (1 = in, 2&3 = balanced out, differential mode) and press calculate. The result
of this simulation will be stored as 2-port S-parameters into the 2-port memory spaces S11,S21,S12 and S22 and
into the 2-port S-parameter buffer (useful for later matching analysis). This simulation is equivalent to combining the
two output signals with an ideal 1:1 balun and thus turning the 3-port into a 2-port.
Note that the simulated 2-port insertion attenuation S21 is almost 3dB lower than the 3-port one s_21, because the
signals of DUT ports 2 and 3 are being combined now.
Note, that the attenuation level improves dramatically, since the almost identical feedthrough signals 1-2 and 1-3
cancel each other at the balanced port.
Also note, that the differential output impedance (parallel equivalent circuit) of the filter is 200 Ohms (see bottom
status line with marker info).
By using the matching tool, the simulated 2-port transfer characteristic can be recalculated to what it would look like
if the filter was terminated with 200 Ohms instead of the 50 Ohms of the measurement system:
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For comparison, the original 50 Ohm terminated data has been stored to Mem1 and Mem2 respectively. Note, how
by proper termination the insertion attenuation can be further reduced.
Select the desired mode of operation (1 = in, 2&3 = balanced out, common mode) and press calculate. The result of
this simulation will again be stored as 2-port S-parameters into the 2-port memory spaces S11,S21,S12 and S22
and into the 2-port S-parameter buffer. The common mode analysis is equivalent to connecting the normally
differential outputs in parallel, thus turning the 3-port into a 2-port with the two output ports connected in parallel.
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Note, that the electrical feedthrough of the common mode (S21) is 3dB higher than the s_31 signal of the original
3-port, since s_31 and s_21 are being added.
Also note, that there is signal cancellation in the filter passband now, as in the passband region s_21 and s_31
exhibit a 180 phase offset to each other.
For comparison, Mem1 shows the differential mode signal.
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Characterizing a BALUN
A BALUN is generally a passive device with 3 hot terminals and a ground terminal, which transforms an unbalanced
signal relative to ground to a push-pull signal pair:
Once a BALUN is built, the question arises how to characterize it, e.g. what is its impedance transformation ratio,
insertion loss, balance and common mode suppression.
All these questions can be answered once the 3-port S-matrix of the BALUN is known. This can be measured with
the VNWA 3-port S-parameter acquisition menu. Before measuring the 3-port S-parameters of the BALUN, clearly
mark the BALUN ports with unique port numbers (e.g. 1,2,3):
Next, after proper calibration of your VNWA, you have to determine the electrical length of evey line from the
calibration plane to the BALUN terminal on the test board. To do so, switch on the port extensions:
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Next, measure the reflection coefficient of every port while generating a short circuit at the BALUN terminal and then
adjust the port extension = electrical delay such, that the short shows up as a short in the Smith chart (dot on the left
edge. Write down the values for all three ports as these will be needed for the 3-port measurement.
A popup window will ask for the delays you have just determined. Enter those...
... and close the window. Now you will be asked to connect your 3-port DUT to the VNWA in various ways, e.g.
The above window asks to connect the VNWA TX port to DUT port 3 and the RX port to DUT port 1.
The unused DUT port (here port 2) must always be terminated with a 50 Ohms load.
In the course of a 3-port measurement, you will have to measure from every port to every other port of your DUT
which involves a lot of reconnecting. The reconnecting effort can be reduced by means of an S-parameter test set.
Once the measurement is done, the DUT 3-port S-matrix resides in the 3-port memory spaces s_11, s_21,...,s_33:
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The S-matrix may be exported to an s3p file for later analysis.
In order to analyze the BALUN open the 3-port analyzer tool, select proper port topology (e.g. 1 in, 2+3 balanced out),
select differential mode ...
and press calculate. The tool will calculate the differential mode response and store in into memory spaces S11,
S21, S12,S22:
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It appears that the BALUN works with very low loss drom 0.1MHz to 1GHz (see S21 trace) and there is an almost
perfect match to 50 Ohms on both ports, the single ended input (S11 trace) and the balanced output (S22 trace).
Mem1 in above screenshot contains the S21 result when chosing common mode instead of differential mode. This
means our BALUN has a common mode suppression of around 20dB over the entire frequency span.
Now, does this mean our BALUN shows perfect BALUN action over the entire measured frequency span? No, we
haven't looked at the balance yet, i.e. we haven't looked if the port 2 and port 3 signals actually exhibit identical
amplitudes and a +-180 phase shift. We can investigate this by comparing s_21 and s_31 either by inspection or
by generating a custom trace with the function s_21/s_31 as is shown below for the two custom traces named bal.
For a perfect push-pull operation s_21/s_31 should be -1.
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Here we see that even though, the BALUN exhibits a very low total loss down to 0.1MHz, it is only usable down to
about 200MHz as below this frequency the amplitude and phase balance degrades rapidly.
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Error correction models
The VNWA software has implemented several error correction models, which can be selected in the Correction
Schemes tab of the calibration window.
Real Time Display Calibration Options determine the error correction model to be used for real time sweeps
continuously displayed in the main window.
S-Parameter Acquisition Calibration Options determine the error model used for the main menu command
"measure" "2-port S-parameters".
For two port measurements, the following error correction models are available:
IMPORTANT: In order to apply this error correction, all four S-parameters (S11,S21,S12,S22) must be
- If "allow full 5,6 or 12 term correction" is selected, it is only applied if the user decides to display and thus
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measure all 4 S-parameters. Note, that VNWA usually measures only those S-parameters which are displayed in
order to save measurement time.
- If "enforce full 5,6 or 12 term correction" is selected, VNWA will always measure all 4 S-parameters, even
though they might not be displayed.
Note: The term "if available" in above menu denotes the circumstance, that the error correction model might
not be available if the user hasn't performed all necessary calibration measurements or if not all necessary
S-parameters are measured. In such a case, the software will fall back onto the best availab le correction.
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S-parameter test set
The VNWA software supports usage of an S-parameter test set. The test set contains several switches, which
interchange output and input of the VNWA. This actually allows for automatic change of the signal flow direction,
which is useful for measuring S-parameters of two port devices. In order to measure S12 and S22, the DUT doesn't
need to be turned around manually any longer, but the test set simply exchanges input and output of the VNWA
In LPT mode, the test set is controlled via the parallel printer port terminal 1/"Strobe" of the Sub D-25 connector.
In USB mode, the control signal for the S-parameter test set is available on the USB_VNWA Interface at pin 3 / J26
or alternatively pin 7 / J5 (Sub-D9) provided the appropriate resistors are in place.
Regardless of operation mode or controlled VNWA type, the test set may also be controlled by a dll plug-in provided
by the user (VNWA36.2.zc or later). Details can be found on page "Controlling an S-parameter test set via dll
Test set support is activated in the instrument settings tab of the "options"-"setup" main menu.
If activated, two independent calibrations for the two measurement directions will be required. This is indicated in
the calibration menu window by the additional choice of "Forward" and "Reverse" measurement direction.
The two calibration directions are indicated by the colors blue (= forward) and yellow (= reverse). The calibration
indicator lamps can show four colors:
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green: calibration done in both directions
Using a test set will also allow convenient usage of a 12 term error correction model in realtime.
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Controlling an S-parameter test set via dll plug-in
From software version VNWA36.2.zc on, there is implemented a customizable way to control an S-parameter test
set via a dll plug-in provided by the user. Previously, the test set had to be connected to a specific LPT port pin or a
specific pin of the VNWA USB interface. Now, the user can implement his own switch control, e.g. via a separate
USB connection to the switch.
This is accomplished by copying a customized version of SwitchDLL.dll into the VNWA installation directory. The dll
will automatically be detected upon program start, and, if detected, will be loaded and called every time the
measurement direction changes.
library SwitchDLL;
$R *.res
procedure _Init; export; cdecl; // being called when the dll is loaded upon program start
AllocConsole; //open a console window for debugging
writeln('SwitchDLL function "Init" called.');
procedure _Close; export; cdecl; // being called when the dll is unloaded upon program termination
FreeConsole; //close debug console
//put your own cleanup code here
procedure _Process(Data: Integer); export; cdecl; //... is called every time the test set is operated
writeln('SwitchDLL function "Process" called.');
case Data of
//replace the following by your own switching code
0: ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', PChar('testset.exe'), PChar('FWD'), nil, SW_NORMAL);
1: ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', PChar('testset.exe'), PChar('REV'), nil, SW_NORMAL);
exports _Init;
exports _Close;
exports _Process;
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Immunity of Impedance Measurements to Interference
When measuring the impedance of an antenna, in many cases the antenna will pick up interfering signals from
other signal sources like radio broadcasting stations, which can become quite strong.
Now the question arises, how reliable a VNWA impedance measurement will be in the presence of such external
interference signals. In order to mimic such a situation in a controlled labexperiment, I have come up with the
following setup:
The interferer is simulated by a R&S SMLR signal generator capable of delivering up to 2W of RF power. The
interferer signal is being further attenuated by a 30dB pad. VNWA and interferer are being combined in a coax Tee
the open port of which serves as new TX test port with interference. This port can be calibrated the normal way. Now,
a test impedance can be measured at various interferer levels to study the impact of the interferer on the measured
impedance. A first experiment without the 30dB pad was unsuccessfull, because instead of measuring the impact
of different signal levels, the setup measured the changing port impedance of the SMLR at different attenuator
VSWR of the load standard at +3dBm interferer level @5MHz at the Test port.
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Reflection coefficient (amplitude and phase) of the open cal standard without interferer.
Reflection coefficient (amplitude and phase) of the open cal standard at +3dBm interferer level @5MHz at the Test
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Summarizing, the effect of interference is relatively small. In order to test impact of interference at higher levels, a
higher power signal source (e.g. 10W in order to measure at 10mW interferer level) would be required.
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Measuring Antenna Radiation Patterns
This extension to the VNWA measurement capabilities evolved from experiments Erik ON8DC, who also betatested
the described features. It allows to measure antenna radiation patterns and display and analyze them with the
VNWA software.
The VNWA TX output feeds the DUT antenna mounted on a rotor, while the RX input detects the radiation power in
some distance. DUT antenna and detector antenna may be swapped.
The VNWA is set to a fixed frequency (span = zero). The VNWA sweep and the rotor engine are started
simultaneously, such that the radiated power depending on turning angle is measured. The rotor start/stop signal is
implemented in LPT mode, for VNWA2 from firmware version v4.12 on and for VNWA3. The rotor may also be
started manually.
If the distance between DUT antenna and detector antenna becomes large (far field measurements), it is not
feasible to feed the DUT antenna from the VNWA TX because of excessive cable length and/or insufficient TX power.
In this case, a seperate highly frequency stable cw-transmitter may be used to feed the DUT antenna. As the
transmitter signal and the VNWA LO are not phase locked any longer, the measurements have to be performed in
Spectrum Analyzer mode in this case.
The following shows how to set up the VNWA software for this measurement:
3. Set the display range to the desired values by doubleclicking the the label with the handpointer below. The
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displayed values indicate a center level of -30dB and 10dB per radial unit.
Upon doubleclicking the above mentioned label, the following parameter entry window pops up:
With the above settings the sweep data is interpreted as streching from -90 to 90. Note, that the angle settings can
also be corrected after the measurement to account for angle shifts.
4. Perform your measurement by pressing single sweep and simultaneously starting the rotor engine. After the
sweep you may add RADAR markers, e.g. to determine the antenna 3dB opening angle as seen below.
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The above displayed data was provided by Erik ON8DC. It was measured on a 23cm band loop antenna at 1.25
- DUT Ant needs a stable freq source.(It could be a generator, QRP TX) or if enough gain the TX output from the
VNWA. Power is depending on distance and gain of antennas. (A far end test must be possible)
- At RX side use an antenna connected to RX VNWA. Again, depending on distance and power used at TX side, a
gain antenna may be needed.
- Verify with a sweep (S21) if you can receive the DUT. Lower the span to lowest value 0Hz. The RX is a receiver with
a narrow filter.
- Adjust the level offset in the sweep menu such that your RX receives 0dB at max position.
- Verify that in the min signal received you are above noise level of SA. (linearity verify with attenuators)
- Measure the time your antenna rotor needs for a full turn and adjust sweep-time until sweep time=rotor time.
- Start manually or automatically synchronic the rotor and the sweep. You will see now the signal variation with
changing angle at the screen.
For the antenna plot you can change the trace parameters start/stop angle divisions and center level.
- For automatic rotor start you can use the high signal on D7 Lpt (pin9) to drive a relay, it stays on until the sweep is
finished. (LPT mode was used here)
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Very Low Frequency Measurements
Special care must be taken, when the VNWA is used at audio frequencies below 20 kHz.
The reason is that the mixers used show some "RF" feed through from the RF input to the IF output and from the LO
input to the RF output. Thus, when measuring in the audio range the RF feedthrough signal will be superimposed
on the IF signal leading to signal distortion and ADC overloads as it falls inside the sound card bandwidth.
The following image shows the raw audio stream captured with a 16 bit audio card for a sweep from 1 kHz to 100
kHz. Note, that for a 16 bit card the maximum amplitude range is -32767...32768.
For frequencies outside the sound card bandwidth (>20 kHz, beyond 50 msecs in the plot) the amplitude of the
sound stream is about 50% of the allowed maximum amplitude. This will also be seen with the Test Audio function,
as it performs the test in the MHz range. At low frequencies the amplitude approximately doubles with the risk of
overloading the sound ADC. The mechanism leading to this amplitude increase can be seen when zooming into a
high frequency and a low frequency region for comparison:
The left image shows a clean IF signal corresponding to a 100 kHz input frequency, while the right image shows an
apparently "noisy" IF signal corresponding to an input frequency in the 1kHz range. Here, the superimposed "noise"
is actually a superposition of RF, LO and all kinds of mixing products.
Thus, with default settings, measurements in the audio range are not possible because of strong interference
inside the sound card bandwith!
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But there is a simple workaround. All sound cards I know of have a built-in anti-aliasing low pass filter, which adapts
according to the Shannon sampling theorem to the selected sample rate. Reducing the sampling rate from 48 kHz
to 900 Hz will reduce the upper cutoff frequency from about 20 kHz to about 400 Hz. The effect is shown in the
following image, which shows the audio stream for the same frequency range as above, but with a capture rate of
900 Samples per second. Note, that when lowering the sample rate also the number of samples per IF period
must be reduced and the IF in turn raised, otherwise the IF might fall out of the lower end of the sound card
The overall amplitude is a lot smaller, as the response at very low IFs is dropping. But note, that the amplitude is
now approximately constant with no overshoot over the whole frequency range.
Now, what's the practical lower frequency limit of the VNWA? This is best answered with a test measurement. The
following extreme low frequency sweep is performed with a sample rate of 300 samples per second and the
highest possible IF of 75 Hz:
As expected, the sound device anti-aliasing filter cleans the respone above 150 Hz. 200 Hz seems the practical
lower frequency limit of the instrument.
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be decreased.
- A wideband mastercalibration with standard settings should not extend below the sound card cutoff
frequency. Note, that changing the sample rate will invalidate any calibration including the master calibration.
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Interfacing ZPlots
Many thanks to Dan for having modified ZPlots such that it can be easily integrated into the VNWA software.
1. Copy the latest version of Zplots to any directory of your choice. The Zplots package consists of two files, namely
the application Zplots.xls and the interface ZplotsLink.xls. Both files need to reside in the same directory.
2. In VNWA open the "Tools"-"Configure Tools" menu, activate an external tool, give it a descriptive name e.g.
"AC6LA plotting tool" and select "autowrite measurement data..." in order to give Zplots access to the VNWA
measurement data. The "Argument" field should remain blank.
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3. Next browse for the Zplots application by pressing the "Path" button.
Note: You must select the interface file ZplotsLink.xls and open it.
4. Close the "Configure Tools" menu. Observe, that your new Zplots tool is now visible in the VNWA "Tools" menu
as "AC6LA plotting tool".
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Selecting the just generated new tool menu "AC6LA plotting tool" will open Zplots and transfer the current
measurement data to Zplots. If Zplots has previously been started already, only new data will be transfered:
For more information on Zplots, please consult the author's documentation, e.g. on
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Remote-controlling the VNWA
For automated measurements the VNWA software can be remote-controlled via Windows messages or via a script
file. Under normal conditions the remote control interface in VNWA is disabled. In order to enable it, the VNWA
software must be started with certain runtime arguments:
[...] is an optional argument, multiple arguments must be separated with blank characters.
VNWA will be started in remote control mode with the main window and debug window visible. The ownhandle and
ownmessage parameters must be generated at runtime by the calling program and might change from program
run to program run.
Upon successful launch VNWA will send a Windows message back to the handle of the calling program passed to
VNWA (ownhandle). This message contains the handle of the VNWA application, the message number VNWA
listens to, and, in case of errors, an optional error code.
For details on the remote control interface see page Controlling the VNWA by Windows Messages.
[...] is an optional argument, multiple arguments must be separated with blank characters.
filename.scr is the name of the script file to be processed. Note, that the file ending MUST be .scr.
-silent makes the VNWA main Window invisible. Note, that this will also hide the VNWA application from
the task bar and the task manager application tab.
-debug opens a debug (also in silent mode) Window, where all processed commands and error
messages are being listed.
VNWA.exe test.scr -debug opens the VNWA main window and the debug window and executes the script file
For details on the script file syntax see page Controlling the VNWA by a Script File.
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Controlling the VNWA by Windows Messages
Parameter description:
- hWnd is the window handle (or address) so the specific window can be reached.
- Msg is a unique message number upon which VNWA is prepared react.
- wParam and lParam are two 4 byte integer constants, that can be sent to VNWA:
wParam is interpreted as VNWA command.
lParam is interpreted as an optional parameter for the VNWA command.
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(*) For details on the script file syntax see page Controlling the VNWA by a Script File.
wfile is a write file name including path held inside the VNWA application while it is running. This is the file, where
measured S-parameters can be stored to. The filename can be modified via remote command 4.
rfile is a read file name including path held inside the VNWA application while it is running. This is the file, where a
calibration or mastercalibration is read from. The filename can be modified via remote command 5.
When VNWA is being launched for remote operation, it will send a Windows message back to the handle of the
calling program passed to VNWA (ownhandle). This message contains the handle of the VNWA application and the
message number VNWA listens to.
Also, every remote command sent to VNWA is acknowledged by a return message containing an error code.
- If higher 16 bits of WParam are zero, then the message contains the VNWA remote handle = LParam. VNWA
listens to message code = WParam in this case.
- If higher 16 bits of WParam are NOT zero, then the return message contains an error code. The error code = higher
16 bit of WParam.
Error codes:
1: No error
2: Script file error, non existent file error, non existent directory error
3: File access error (e.g. write-file blocked)
Software Implementation
The following Delphi/Pascal example code shows how to remotely start the VNWA software and remotely control it:
unit URemote;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, ShellAPI, Menus;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
BStartVNWA: TButton;
ListBox: TListBox;
EPath: TEdit;
ERuntimeArgument: TEdit;
BSendMessage: TButton;
ECommand: TEdit;
EParameter: TEdit;
Label1: TLabel;
Label2: TLabel;
PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
ClearScreen1: TMenuItem;
Edit5: TEdit;
BSendWName: TButton;
Label3: TLabel;
Label4: TLabel;
Edit6: TEdit;
BSendRName: TButton;
procedure BStartVNWAClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure BSendMessageClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure ClearScreen1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure BSendWNameClick(Sender: TObject);
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procedure BSendRNameClick(Sender: TObject);
Private declarations
Public declarations
remotehandle: hwnd;
procedure Receiver(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_USER;
Form1: TForm1;
$R *.dfm
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procedure TForm1.BSendWNameClick(Sender: TObject);
var s: string;
i: integer;
PostMessage(remotehandle, WM_REMOTE, 7, 0);
for i:=1 to length(s) do
PostMessage(remotehandle, WM_REMOTE, 7, byte(s[i]));
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Controlling the VNWA by a Script File
Note: VNWA is automatically terminated if an error occurs and the debug-option is not activated.
Starting VNWA with the command VNWA.exe test.scr -debug will open the VNWA window and the debug or script
control window:
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The script control window shows the progress of script execution and occuring errors.
Right-clicking onto the script control window will open the script control drop-down menu seen above. It allows to:
- Clear Screen = clear the white message box
- Open and run a script file
- Reload (the previously opened) script file and run it (useful if the file has changed)
- Exit the VNWA application.
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Binary S-parameter file format
In order to make data logging more efficient and to cut down on disk usage, a new efficient binary storage format for
S-parameters has been introduced with software version VNWA35.8.v. This format can be used alternatively to the
standard Touchstone format.
All numbers are stored according to Intel format with lowest significant byte first.
All floating point numbers are 4 byte, i.e. single precision if not otherwise stated.
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User Data Postprocessing
From VNWA version 35.9.7 onwards, the VNWA software offers a user programming interface which allows the
user to automatically process measured sweep data after completion of each full sweep cycle. The interface is
accomplished by a user definable Windows dynamic link library file (dll). VNWA creates a local copy of the just
measured sweep data, launches a lower priority parallel thread, inside which it passes the sweep data to a function
inside a user definable dynamic link library. While the user function processes the sweep data inside a thread,
VNWA may already measure the next sweep in parallel.
Important: In continuous sweep mode, care must be taken that the external data processing time inside the
user dll does NOT exceed the sweep time. Otherwise, unfinished data processing threads will accumulate and the
system will eventually crash when it runs out of memory. Also, make sure to design your dll thread-safe.
The user postprocessing feature is activated in the "Misc. Settings" tab of the VNWA Setup.
First, a user dll must be defined. This can conveniently be done by pressing the browse-button (see mouse pointer
in below screenshot).
After selecting a dll-file (*.dll), the file will be copied to the VNWA program directory and the file name will be
displayed in the edit field next to the browse-button.
Alternatively, the dll may be copied manually to the VNWA program directory and its name may be entered manually
into the edit field.
Note: Said edit field and browse-button will be disabled, as soon as postprocessing is being switched on.
Postprocessing is activated by selecting the data which is to be passed to the user dll:
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Above selection will load the user dll into VNWA. If loading is not successful (wrong or corrupted dll), then
postprocessing will immediately be switched off and the dll will be unloaded again.
Select another dll in this case.
Note: If settings are valid, the user dll will be reloaded automatically at every VNWA program start.
Interface Definition
The user dll must provide the following function interfaces shown in Pascal language:
Init is called automatically, right after VNWA has loaded the user dll. Allocate your resources here.
Close is called just before VNWA unloads the user dll. Make sure to release all allocated resources (files, memory)
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procedure Process(FData: TDoubleArray; SType: Integer; SData: TComplexArray;
Len: integer; Rec: integer; tm: TDateTime; temp: Double);
export; cdecl;
Process is called after every completed sweep cycle. Here you do your data processing.
FData: Array of frequency data (=pointer to double precision floating point values)
Depending on the VNWA sweep mode, the length and contents of this array varies:
Linear or Log Sweep: FData is of length 2 and contains the sweep start and stop frequency
Listed Sweep: The length of FData is equivalent to the number of frequency points. FData contains the
frequencies for every single frequency point.
SData: Array of sweep data (=pointer to double precision floating point values)
Starting at the first frequency point the array contains the sweep data in the following order:
Depending on postprocessing mode the length of SData varies:
- if only one record (e.g. S11) is being passed, then SData contains 2 x # data points real numbers.
- if all records (Sij) are being passed, then SData contains 4 x 2 x # data points real numbers.
Then the order of records is S21, S11, S12, S22.
tm: double precision floating point value indicating the system time at which the sweep was terminated,
measured in days that have passed since 12/30/1899 (=TDateTime format)
temp: double precision floating point value indicating the VNWA temperature at which the sweep was performed in
degrees Celsius.
Note: The interface has been defined using the C-language calling convention in order to simplify interfacing to
dlls writen in C language. Use calling convention cdecl when coding in Pascal. Also, the functions must be
declared with a leading underscore in Pascal-code for C-language compatibility, e.g. the function Init will show as
_Init in Pascal-code.
Programming Examples
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Pascal/Delphi UserDLL example
The following Pascal code defines a simple example dll with name userdll.dll:
library UserDLL;
TDoubleArray= array of double;
TComplex = Record
R : double;
I : double;
TComplexArray= array of TComplex;
$R *.res
exports _Init;
exports _Close;
exports _Process;
Note: The leading underscores in above procedure declarations (e.g. _Init instead of Init) are required for
C-language compatibility.
The procedure Init initializes a console window and writes a short message to it.
The procedure Process writes some of the passed data to the console.
The procedure Close releases the console again.
After loading the user dll into VNWA, the console window opens as defined in function init:
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Init only writes the first line. After each sweep an additional message from the function Process is being written to
the console as seen above.
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Borland C++ Builder UserDLL example
The following Borland C-code defines a simple example dll with name userdll.dll:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
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sprintf (sfloat, "%.*f", 10, FData[0]);
strcat(string, sfloat);
strcat(string, "");
WriteConsole(ho, string, lstrlen(string),&d, NULL);
strcpy(string, " Stop Frequency = ");
sprintf (sfloat, "%.*f", 10, FData[1]);
strcat(string, sfloat);
strcat(string, "");
WriteConsole(ho, string, lstrlen(string),&d, NULL);
The procedure Init initializes a console window and writes a short message to it.
The procedure Process writes some of the passed data to the console.
The procedure Close releases the console again.
After loading the user dll into VNWA, the console window opens as defined in function init:
Init only writes the first line. After each sweep an additional message from the function Process is being written to
the console as seen above.
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Page 565
MS Visual C++ UserDLL example
The following Microsoft Visual C++-code defines a simple example dll with name userdll.dll:
// DLL entry point - called when DLL is loaded and unloaded. Also when the system starts or terminates a process
or thread,
// it calls DllMain() for each loaded DLL using the first thread of the process.
// *** Warning *** Be careful what you do in this routine. Generally better to perform
// initialisation elsewhere.
// output string
WriteConsole(ho, string, lstrlen(string),&d, NULL);
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Page 566
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
void _Close (void)
// close console output handle
// release console
Note: In contrast to Borland C++, underscores in front of the function names are required here!
The procedure Init initializes a console window and writes a short message to it.
The procedure Process writes some of the passed data to the console.
The procedure Close releases the console again.
After loading the user dll into VNWA, the console window opens as defined in function init:
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Init only writes the first line. After each sweep an additional message from the function Process is being written to
the console as seen above.
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Optimizing USB Traffic for Modulator Use
Tutorial about how to use USBView.exe and Connection Optimization for VNWA.
by Kurt Poulsen OZ7OU
It has been discovered that certain VNWA functions (particularly the signal generator AM and FM modulator) can be
interfered, pending which USB port on the computer the VNWA is connected to, when other USB devices, like an
external Keyboard or e.g. an USB Mouse also is connected to another USB Port than the VNWA. It is in particular
important for VNWA3, which has added functions compared to VNWA2, but VNWA2 might also be interfered.
To find out, when such interference happen, the free USBView.exe is a very helpful application.
Search with Google for Microsoft USBView.exe or use the link provided here.
Use and then look for "Microsoft USBView - USB Connection Viewer" to
be download as a zip file.
When using USBView, remember to enable in "Options" the "Auto Refresh", otherwise you have to press F5 to
update the reading of the USB System.
A small 10 inch laptop has been used for the demonstration, provided with three USB ports, One on the left side
called USB A, and two on the right side called USB B and USB C.
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I will be shown that connecting e.g. the VNWA3 and an external USB device, like an external keyboard, to USB B
and C, the modulation for the Signal Generator is modulated by the scanning of the keyboard, such that the
modulation has a "stuttering" sound. Whereas, if the VNWA3 is connected to USB A, this "interference" is not
present. The conclusion drawn is that if the VNWA3 (and probably also VNWA2) when sharing a USB Universal Host
Controller (a RootHub,) with another USB device, performance is likely to be influenced, pending the intensity of the
"foreign device" data/traffic. To play it the safe way, test with USBView.exe how the VNWA can be solely serviced by a
USB Universal Host Controller not shared. For a PC with three USB ports it is possible to find which the USB Port
which never will share, but for a PC with e.g 4 USB Ports there is most likely two USB Universal Host Controller,
each with two ports, which is servicing the 4 USB Ports, and thus two combinations will cause trouble.
However it shall be demonstrated in the following, how an External HUB can solve the problem on old PC's not
having more than 2 USB ports and those USB ports serviced by the same USB Universal Host Controller.
It will in the following be shown that USB A is serviced by USB Host Controller 27C9 port1, and that USB B and C
both are serviced by USB Host Controller27C8, the USB B by port1 and USB C by port2. In the bottom status line is
indicated 3 Devices Connected, and the blue arrows indicates these devices are some Laptop build in USB
devices, thus 0 Hubs connected, as no external devices connected. Note that the USB2 Enhanced Host Controller
27CC has 8 ports. All other has two ports.
Below is shown the situation where VNWA3 is connected to USB A serviced by 27C9 USB Universal Host Controller,
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occupying port1, 2 and 3 of the associated RootHub on port1 where the VNWA USB-hub now is connected.
As said the 27C9 USB Universal Host Controller is servicing the three VNWA USB elements, the AVR USB Device
and the two USB Codecs. If you are using the VNWA2 or your VNWA3 is not having the option board then there will
be only one Audio Codec indicated connected.
Below is shown the situation where VNWA3 is connected to USB B serviced by 27C8 USB Universal Host
Controller, occupying port1, 2 and 3 of the associated RootHub on port1 where the VNWA USB-hub now is
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Likewise the 27C8 USB Universal Host Controller is now servicing the three VNWA USB elements, the AVR USB
Device and the two USB Codecs. If you are using the VNWA2 or your VNWA3 is not having the option board then
there will be only one Audio Codec indicated connected.
Below is shown the situation where VNWA3 is connected to USB C also serviced by 27C8 USB Universal Host
Controller, occupying port1, 2 and 3 of the associated RootHub on port2 where the VNWA USB-hub now is
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Likewise the 27C8 USB Universal Host Controller is now servicing the three VNWA USB elements, now via port2,
the AVR USB Device and the two USB Codecs. If you are using the VNWA2 or your VNWA3 is not having the option
board then there will be only one Audio Codec indicated connected.
Below is shown the situation where VNWA3 again is connected to USB A serviced by 27C9 USB Universal Host
Controller, occupying port1, 2 and 3 of the associated RootHub on port1, where the VNWA USB-hub now again is
connected. In addition an External USB keyboard is connected to USB B serviced by 27C8 USB Universal Host
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This situation is not causing any conflict between VNWA and other external USB devices, as VNWA is solely service
by 27C9 USB Universal Host Controller.
Below is shown the situation where VNWA3 is connected to USB C as described and serviced by 27C8 USB
Universal Host Controller port2, occupying port1, 2 and 3 of the associated RootHub on port2, where the VNWA
USB-hub now is connected. In addition the external USB Keyboard is connected to USB B and thus sharing USB
Universal Host Controller 27C8 with VNWA. This situation is causing problems with advanced features of the
VNWA3, e.g. the Signal generator modulation will have "stuttering" sound. It might also be the cause for other
observation like fragmented traces although not proven yet.
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However this situation can be resolved if the USB keyboard is connected via an external USB Hub connected to
USB B. See below...
Below is shown the situation where VNWA3 is connected to USB C and as described serviced by 27C8 USB
Universal Host Controller port2, and occupying port1, 2 and 3 of the associated RootHub on port2 where the VNWA
USB-hub now is connected. In addition an external USB Hub is connected to USB B, and the External USB Keyboard
connected to the External Hub's port 1:
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As seen the USB B is service by the 27CC USB2 Enhanced Host Controller and no longer sharing a RootHub with
the VNWA3 and the Signal Generator Modulation clean as "a whistle".
It is essential for "playing the safe way" that VNWA is not sharing the USB Universal Host Controller Host, from
which it is serviced, by any other External USB device. The USBView.exe is the tool to use for analyzing how YOUR
PC is configured internally.
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LPT Signal Conditioner
Note: I have observed extremely slow signal rise times on some new PCI LPT interface cards. This is a
problem when controlling the VNWA. Should you encounter unreliable communtication between PC and VNWA in
LPT mode, you might need the following signal conditioner, which sharpens the digital pulses.
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Dynamic Range Considerations
A question often posed, is what is the achievable dynamic range and accuracy of the VNWA on transmission
The following picture taken from one of my QEX publications may serve as a reference:
The blue and red traces show the transmission characteristics of the Thru Calibration Standard. The green trace
shows the measured noise floor with open RX input.
All measurements were done after a thru calibration (no crosstalk calibration was done!). The highest possible
sweep time of 100ms/frequency point was used. The VNWA was powered via USB, controled via LPT, the on board
switching power supply of the VNWA was active and the on-board 16 bit SoundMAX sound card of my IBM R52
notebook with line-in exposed by a docking station was used. I used auto-clock rate to access the frequency range
beyond 500 MHz.
If you can't reproduce the above displayed dynamic range, you may check the following items:
1. Have you selected proper clock multipliers to cover your frequency range? If you are not afraid of overclocking,
use auto.
2. Calibration measurements must be performed with the lowest sweep rate (=longest time per data point) you
ever want to use, otherwise the noise of the calibration measurement will dominate your later measurement and
you won't see any noise reduction when further increasing the sweep time.
3. To obtain the highest possible dynamic range use the slowest possible sweep time.
4. With average 16 bit sound cards the dynamic range is limited to about 90dB. Somebody has demonstrated
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>100dB dynamic range measurements on the Yahoo VNWA reflector using a decent 24bit sound card.
5. Your VNWA must be boxed and properly soldered to the box walls to achieve the highest possible dynamic
6. Poor solder joints on the VNWA board might degrade the dynamic range.
7. If you want to perform high attenuation level transmission measurements, you may consider adding a buffer
amplifier to the TX port. Of course, this will cause overload at low attenuation levels.
8. Audio crosstalk between left and right audio channel on your sound card my also degrade your dynamic range.
The reason is, that there is always the very strong reference signal on one channel, while the RX signal might well
be 90+dB down. If the sound card only offers 70dB interchannel isolation, you are stuck to 70dB dynamic range. You
can test the interchannel isolations and more with the RightMark Audio Analyzer software from and run a loopback test using the same audio cable as used on your VNWA. Also, the
software Spectrum is useful for analysis of the VNWA audio signals. Take a look at the audio spectrum from the
VNWA. Setup a L+R view side by side, startup the VNWA software and go into the audio test setup screen. Toggle
Thru/Reflect mode in the audio level tab and you will see the impact of the stereo seperation.
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Non-Transparent Markers
In some cases, the trace markers are not displayed in a transparent way, but rather with a white box around them
as can be seen below.
The root cause is not clear to me. One way to remedy this is to reduce the color depth of Windows via the control
panel to < 32bit:
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Note: You must terminate and restart the VNWA software after this change!
An alternative approach is to let VNWA automatically switch the color depth to 16 bit upon program start and
restore the original value upon program termination.
To enable this hidden setting, you must manually edit the file VNCommon.ini found in the program directory with a
text editor, e.g. with the Windows Notepad:
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Change the first line to
Positive values specify the desired color depth. With negative values, the command will be ignored.
Note: Some monitors require some time for syncing upon program start, if automalical switching is activated.
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Controls outside Window, Missing Controls
From Software version V32 on below issues should be fixed. V32 onwards allows for 96dpi fonts (standard) as
well as 120dpi fonts ( = big fonts).
Also, arbitrary Windows styles are supported.
For some display settings, software controls appear in odd positions or even not at all, as can be seen for the case
of the two trace select checkboxes in below example:
This is caused by the fact, that VNWA was designed for a certain Windows style and VNWA cannot adapt to dramatic
style changes like increased font size.
In order to display all VNWA windows in a proper way, it is recommended to choose the following display settings in
the Windows control panel:
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I do use the Windows - Classic, but I have verified proper appearance with the XP-Design as well.
An inportant setting is the Font Size setting above, left of the mouse arrow. You must set this to normal. If a bigger
font size is selected, all controls become bigger and won't properly fit onto the VNWA windows any longer. Todate,
VNWA cannot handle different font sizes.
There is another setting, that influences the font size. In order to access it, you must select the extended display
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In the general display settings, the DPI Settings must be set to 96 DPI!
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Audio Issues
Upon program start, VNWA is designed to enable the selected audio capture device and set the volume controls to
the previously stored values for Windows versions XP and older.
Depending on sound card drivers, this procedure sometimes fails, e.g. for some drivers, the capture device is
deactivated instead of activated upon program start.
The mute-logic can be inverted inside the VNWA software by pressing the key combination shift+ctrl+x while the
main VNWA window is in focus (VNWA version 36.2.b or newer).
An alternative way to achieve this is to edit the file VNWA.ini found in the program directory with an ASCII editor like
the Windows Notepad. Change the line "SelectIsMute=0" (see below) to "SelectIsMute=1" . The VNWA software
must not be running while doing this modification.
A different approach to solve the mute-problem is to disable the Windows sound mixer altogether.
This can also be performed from within the VNWA software by pressing the key combination ctrl+alt+x while the
main VNWA window is in focus (VNWA version 36.2.b or newer).
Alternatively, you must edit the file VNWA.ini found in the program directory with an ASCII editor like the Windows
By doing so, VNWA will not touch any sound settings any longer except for selection of the capture device. In this
case, you must activate the capture device manually and use the Windows sound mixer or an equivalent software of
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your sound card's manufacturer to adjust the recording volumes.
Note, that this switch will have no effect on Windows Vista, as the mixers are always disabled on Vista.
Some sound cards fade in the volume upon capture start. Clearly, this is poison for this accurate measurement
system, as the measurement results around the start frequency are questionable in this case.
The hidden Capture Delay software switch is a workaround to bypass this problem. In order to activate it, you must
edit the file VNWA.ini found in the program directory with an ASCII editor like the Windows Notepad:
Increase the number in the CaptureDelay line. A value of 100 means, that the acual measurement is delayed by
100 milliseconds after opening the capture device. Of course, this will slow down the sweep rate for continuous
sweeps by the specified value.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Verification of proper operation
Here is a systematic step by step guide to verify proper interaction of the VNWA and the corresponding software.
1. Start with a fresh installation of the latest VNWA software release to be found in the VNWA Yahoo forum at, section "Files", folder "DG8SAQ".
2. Start the software and perform the setup as described in section "Getting Started".
The tests assume, that nothing is connected to the VNWA test ports unless stated otherwise.
Also, all calibrations should be switched off unless stated otherwise.
The software is to be run in VNWA mode, NOT in spectrum analyzer mode.
Averaging must be switched off.
All of the above will automatically be fulfilled for a clean new installation.
A first simple functional test at the predefined test frequency of 5MHz can be performed in the setup - audio level tab
2.a) Press the test audio button and make sure you have selected reflect and nothing is connected to the VNWA TX
port. You should see two similar blue sine waves. One blue sine wave is the Reference signal, the other is the
Reflect signal, which is in phase to the reference signal for the open TX port:
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Note, that for VNWA3E you additionally see a faint red sine wave which is the reference signal (and a flat line for the
thru signal) sampled with the second built-in codec. These signals can be observed in greater detail in the Aux.
Audio Level tab. Note that the main and aux reference signals need not stay in perfect sync as the codecs may run
on slightly different sample rates.
Note, that the sine waves in above screen shot are sampled with the default setting of 10x4 samples per IF period,
which makes them look smooth and sine-like. If you reduce the number of samples per IF period to 1x4 as is
required for ultrafast sweeping ...
... the sine waves will rather look triangular or trapezoidal ...
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... which is perfectly ok! They are still sine waves which are approximated in the graph with 4 straight lines
connecting the 4 sampled data points per period. You may also proceed the tests with this setting.
2.b) Next, connect a short to the VNWA TX port. This will cause the blue Reflect signal to be phase shifted by 180 to
the blue Reference signal as can be seen below:
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2.c) Next, connect a 50 Ohms load to the TX port. As the load absorbs all incident power, the blue Reflect signal
becomes zero:
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With the above tests you have verified that the reflection bridge works properly. From the last image (load) you can
deduce, that indeed the left (=top) channel is the reference channel as is selected since it never changes.
2.d) Connect TX port with RX port by means of a short coaxial cable. As the RX port is designed to have 50 Ohms
impedance, you should obtain the same result as in c) above, except that you should see two faint red sine waves
2.e) Next toggle the button showing reflect to Thru. On the top, a blue sine wave appears again, which is the Thru
signal transmitted through the coax cable from d). Thru and Reference signal happen to be out of phase which is of
no relevance for the proper function of the VNWA:
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2.f) Disconnect the coax cable between TX and RX port. You should see the upper blue and lower red thru signal
disappear, as no signal is fed into the RX port any longer:
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Tests d)-f) prove, that the RX signal chain works properly.
Note: Should you always see the same sine wave on both channels, then your operating system (Vista,
Windows7, Windows 8) assumes, that your sound device is mono. You must instruct Windows to open it as a
stereo device in this case.
IMORTANT: The following tests 3.a)...4.a) must be performed WITHOUT CALIBRATION or with calibration
switched off, otherwise test results will be nonsense!
3.a1) Go to Options-Setup-Misc Settings and tick "do not normalize to reference channel". Note, that the phase
information will be lost with this setting and thus Smith charts do not make sense.
Close the setup, remove all connectors from TX and RX ports, display S11 only in dB mode and perform a single
sweep with about 1ms per data point and 1000 data points. Using the default clock multipliers of 10/11, the result
should look like below:
Dips occur at integer multiples of the DDS clock frequencies, i.e. n*10*36MHz and n*11*36MHz, where the DDS
output power drops to zero. To overcome these signal dips, select auto clock multipliers.
Warning: You are using auto clock multipliers at your own risk. By doing so, you select to severely overclock
your DDSes from the allowed 400MHz to up to 750MHz.
3.a2) The same test as in a1), but using auto clock multipliers looks like this:
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The dips are gone and you see steps, where the clock multiplier values abe being switched.
All the following results are obtained by using auto clock multipliers.
Save the sweep in a2) to Mem1, display Mem1 as well and repeat the sweep several times to verify that the result is
stable and repeatable.
This plot directly shows the available signal amplitude in ADC readings. Note, that the plot shown is valid for a 16bit
sound card. If a 24bit sound card is used, amplidudes will be higher by a factor of 256. Also note, that the steps in
the trace prove proper operation of auto clock multiplier switching if selected.
3.b) Next, connect a 50 Ohms load to the TX port and repeat the sweep:
The trace should move down in amplitude. The difference between the previous trace (Open) and the current trace
(Load) is the directivity of the VNWA bridge. The above plot proves, that the bridge is operational. If you see no trace
change when sweeping the load, you might have missed to select the correct audio channel as reference channel
or you might have selected the wrong polarity setting for the S11/S21 switch.
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3.c) Next, connect VNWA TX port with the RX port by means of a coaxial cable. Select S21 and do a sweep:
The result should be similar to the S11 result with open TX port. The trace shows the available signal in
Save the sweep to Mem1, display Mem1 for comparison and repeat the sweep several times to verify stability and
3.d) Next completely remove the coaxial cable from TX to RX and sweep again:
This test shows the noise floor of the RX. The achievable dynamic range in transmission is the vertical distance
between the two traces. Note, that the test was performed at a high sweep rate and thus the noise floor is rather
high. This test proves that the RX is operational.
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4.a) Connect TX port with RX port and do an S21 sweep. Now the result should look similar to this:
The amplitude should be around 0dB and there should be phase information available.
This proves that the reference signal chain is operational. Repeat the sweep several times to verify that the result is
stable and repeatable.
4.b) Next, do a Thru-calibration (Thru only, no Crosstalk, no Thru Match Calibration!) and repeat the S21 sweep after
the Thru-calibration. You should get two straight lines for amplitude and phase then:
Repeat the sweep several times to verify that the result is stable and repeatable.
4.c) Next, disconnect the coaxial cable, display S11 and perform a sweep. Note, that you have not done a reflect
calibration yet. This is what you should approximately get, an amplitude around 0dB and a fairly constant phase:
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This proves that normalizing also works for the reflect signal. Repeat the sweep several times to verify that the result
is stable and repeatable.
4.d) Next perform an SOL calibration and repeat your sweep of the open TX port. You should get two straight
horizontal lines at 0dB and 0:
This proves that the reflect calibration is operational. You should also verify, that you can reproduce the reflection
coefficients of your other two cal standards (Short, Load).
Repeat the sweeps several times to verify that the results are stable and repeatable.
Note: For the Load, the phase information will be arbitrary, as the reflection coefficient of an ideal load is zero,
which has arbitrary phase. Or put in math: 0*exp(j*) = 0 for any angle .
So, all phase information you will get to see for the load is noise. Simply ignore it.
4.e) Next, connect a short coaxial cable (about 10cm) to the TX port and leave the other cable end open. Sweep and
observe, that you should still obtain a magnitude of 0dB but a linear phase increase which leads to a circular trace
in the Smith chart:
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4.f) Next connect the TX port with the RX port by means of the short coax cable and perform an S11 sweep. This way,
you measure the input reflection coefficient of the RX port:
If your tests fail at a certain step, please cite the exact step, at which the test procedure failed.
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USB Troubleshooting Guide
Using the Microsoft utility "USB View" it is possible to detect problems of USB devices. In case the DG8SAQ
USB_VNWA device is not properly detected by Windows, do the following diagnosis procedure.
Troubleshooting procedure
2. Start "USB View" and find the USB outlet in "USB View" where you want to plug in your USB_VNWA interface by
e.g. plugging in a known good USB device like a mouse or a memory stick. Make sure you activate the options "Auto
Refresh" and "Config Descriptors". In below example a USB_HID mouse is detected. The grey field on the right
gives more details about the highlighted USB device. This is proof that your USB PC interface works.
3. Plug in your USB_VNWA interface into the very same USB outlet and observe the change in "USB View". As seen
below, the following devices should be detected:
- a standard USB hub
- an AVR USB device (the VNWA controller)
- a USB audio codec
Make sure, the display of "USB View" is refreshed after replugging.
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Should at least one of the above devices fail to show operational, then you likely have a hardware problem on
your USB_VNWA interface or, if the AVR device fails to show, you may be confronted with a corrupted flash
memory. See the next page on how to deal with corrupted flash.
If the above tests perform positive and yet Windows refuses to detect a new device, then you might be
confronted with a Windows driver problem. You could try to install the driver manually from the Windows
control panel.
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Recovering Corrupted Flash Memory
If a power failure or a PC crash is encountered during flashing a new VNWA firmware, the firmware will become
corrupted and non-functional. Since the USB core of the firmware is to some extent protected, there is still a chance
that the firmware can be restored via USB. If the USB core is still fully functional, the AVR-device will show up in
usbview, as shown in the previous section.
Since the firmware is corrupted, VNWA will issue multiple errors upon program start. To avoid these error
messages, open the file VNWA.ini with a text editor (e.g. notepad.exe) and add the line "BlockUSB=1":
Save and close VNWA.ini and restart the VNWA software. A message telling that the firmware is not functional will
be shown:
Confirm and VNWA will start. Since all USB functions except reflashing and rescanning the bus are blocked now,
VNWA will issue no more error messages. Go straight to "Setup"-"USB Settings" and try to reflash the firmware with
the version that failed to flash previously.
If you are lucky, your VNWA will behave normally after closing and restarting the VNWA application then. This
procedure has proved successful in one case already!
Case 2: VNWA3, AVR device no longer shows up in usbview, but USB core routines are still intact:
Since the core routines are write-protected to some extent, there is a chance that they are still intact even though the
AVR device no longer shows up on the USB bus.
From firmware 5.12 (five dot twelve!) onwards you can force the USB core to skip the likely corrupted initialization
code by pulling the following test point to ground during power-up:
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It is recommended to use a test cable with a crocodile clip on one end and a pointed test tip on the other.
Disconnect the VNWA from the computer. Then clip the croc to the brass chassis while pressing the test tip to above
marked test point. While do, reconnect the VNWA to the computer. Now, you may remove the test cable. Use
usbview to check if this measure has restored USB connectivity of the AVR USB device. If this measure was
successful, do not start the VNWA software immediately, but proceed as described above in case 1.
If this procedure does not solve the problem, proceed as described in case 4.
Case 3: VNWA2, AVR device no longer shows up in usbview, device must be reprogrammed using an in
circuit programmer (ISP):
The simplest way to fix this problem is to obtain a new AVR chip from SDRKits and replace the corrupted one, see
image below. When inserting the new chip, make sure that none of the pins get bent!
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If you have a programmer to flash Atmel AVR microcontrollers, you can reprogramthe chip yourself.
IMPORTANT: Before reflashing the AVR, make sure to read out the EEPROM so you can restore it after
reflashing. The EEPROM contains your license key. Flash the latest v4.* firmware. Note, that firmware v4.15 (four dot
fifteen) is newer than v4.9 (four dot nine). After flashing, restore your EEPROM with the data previously saved.
Case 4: VNWA3, AVR device no longer shows up in usbview, device must be reprogrammed using an in
circuit programmer (ISP):
Generally, you have to return your VNWA3 to SDRKits to get it reprogrammed in this case.
If you have an ISP programmer to flash Atmel AVR microcontrollers, you can reprogram your VNWA yourself, though.
This is achieved by connecting the programmer to the VNWA3 ISP interface J32:
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J32 ISP interface pinning:
Pin 1: Ground
Pin 2: Reset
Pin 3: SCK
Pin 4: MOSI
Pin 5: MISO
IMPORTANT: Before reflashing the AVR, make sure to read out the EEPROM so you can restore it after
reflashing. The EEPROM contains your license key. Select device Atmega328P in your programming software.
Flash the latest v5.* firmware. Note, that firmware v5.16 (five dot sixteen) is newer than v5.9 (five dot nine). After
flashing, restore your EEPROM with the data previously saved.
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Hardware Troubleshooting
This section describes how to diagnose specific VNWA hardware failures without using additional test equipment
1. Check Connectivity
Use usbview or a similar software as described in chapter "USB Troubleshooting Guide" to detect if the VNWA
hardware connects to your computer.
You should see the VNWA (AVR USB Device) and one (VNWA2, VNWA3) or two (VNWA3E) sound chips being
connected to the same USB hub:
Note, that the above test does NOT require any VNWA software or driver software being installed.
Open the Windows device manager and check if both the VNWA device and the VNWA USB sound device(s) are
shown as operational:
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If successful, you may...
Launch the VNWA software and go to Options-Setup-USB Settings. Make sure, that your license code is entered
Press "Rescan USB Bus. You should observe your VNWA being detected:
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Next, press "Test USB Interface". You should see a blue progress bar indicating the progress of the test and upon
completion information about your firmware and test result in the bottom status line:
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If successful, you may ...
Go to the Audio Settings tab and press the button Auto-Setup Audio Devices:
This automatic setup procedure also serves as a sensitive hardware test. Follow the on screen instructions. If the
setup passes, your VNWA hardware is very likely ok.
a) You might have forgotten to disconnect all VNWA RF ports prior to the test.
b) You might have failed to set your VNWA sound devices to 48 kHz / Stereo.
c) You are encountering a hardware problem.
The following tests deal with diagnosing hardware problems more specifically:
Go to Options-Setup-USB Settings and toggle the Software Energy Settings between OFF and ON:
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While doing so, observe the LED on the back side of your VNWA, which should toggle between OFF and ON in turn:
When done with the test, make sure that your energy settings are "ON if software started".
Make sure, that the VNWA is connected to your PC, but the VNWA software is NOT running and the VNWA power
LED on the back side is OFF (see previous test).
Also, use a coaxial cable to connect your VNWA TX port with the RX port!
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For this test you need the DG8SAQ AudioMeter3 software, which can be downloaded from .
Launch it and select settings as described in the following.
Select "Left + Right Channel" and make sure the sliders on the bottom are set as shown:
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Press main menu "Run" and change to the Scope tab.
Use the sliders there to adjust the time axis and the amplitude axis. You should see low level noise coming from
the sound device:
If you have a VNWA3E, repeat this test with the second VNWA sound device.
Make sure that the VNWA RX port is still connected to the VNWA TX port.
With AudioMeter3 running as in the previous test, launch the VNWA software in "Signal Generator Mode" and set it
up to produce a continuous 5kHz signal at maximum output level:
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Now, you should see a strong signal in AudioMeter:
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Check the Spectrum tab to observe that the signal you are seeing is indeed located at 5kHz:
If you have a VNWA3E, repeat this test with the second VNWA sound device.
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Make sure that the VNWA RX port is still connected to the VNWA TX port.
Return to normal VNWA operation mode by closing the signal generator (right-click onto the signal generator panel).
Next, open the level control window by pressing the "L" key or via main menu "Settings-Power Levels-Set Levels":
Make sure, both sliders are on maximum. Return to the VNWA main window and open "Options-Setup-Misc.
There, set RF Frequency to zero and Frequency Offset to 5kHz:
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If you have a VNWA3E, repeat this test with the second VNWA sound device.
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Make sure that the VNWA RX port is still connected to the VNWA TX port.
In Setup / Misc. Settings set RF Frequency to 10kHz and Frequency Offset to 1kHz:
In AudioMeter you should see a strong 1kHz and 21kHz signal superposition:
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10. Checking the S11/S21 switch performance
For this test you must DISCONNECT both TX and TX ports. Also, your VNWA must be properly set up.
If you have a VNWA3E, you must disable the auxillary audio codec for this test.
Measure the uncalibrated S21 response of the open VNWA ports. The S21 response should be well below -60dB
and rising with increasing frequency:
If your open S21 response shows a considerably higher level and is DECREASING with increasing frequency like in
below example, the S11/S21 switch is likely broken.
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How to reduce CPU load
If your CPU load is 100% during the sweep, the collected data will be corrupt!
Here are a few things, you can do, if your PC is too slow:
As the VNWA itself does not own any intelligence, all data capturing and analysis as well as the graphics have to be
handled by the PC at the same time! The added intelligence in the DG8SAQ USB_VNWA interface relaxes the host
PC CPU load considerably.
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Generating Debug Output
The VNWA software lets you generate a debug file which gives information about your Windows version, your VNWA
hardware and its status.
> The simplest way to report a software problem is to let the VNWA software automatically compile a debug info
email. This can be done via the "Help/About-System Info-Tab".
> The debug output is activated manually by simply creating an empty textfile with name Debug.txt in the VNWA
program directory while the VNWA software is NOT RUNNING.
> Alternatively, you can press ctrl-d while the VNWA software is running and the VNWA main window is in focus. If
no debug file exists yet, it will be created and an according message will be shown:
Note, that the debug mode is not activated yet. To activate it, terminate the VNWA software as instructed in the
Next, start VNWA and observe the red label indicating that VNWA is running in debug mode:
Note that VNWA runs very slow in debug mode, thus debug mode should generally be avoided. Debug mode can be
deactivated either by right-clicking the debug label and selecting to exit debug mode or by manually deleting the
debug file.
Once, VNWA is running in debug mode, immediately terminate VNWA again and observe the now modified file
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For extended debug information, edit the file Debug.txt with a text editor (e.g. notepad) and change the first line from
Debuglevel=1 to Debuglevel=5 (not necessary when entering debug mode via pressing ctrl-d). Close the file and
start and stop the VNWA software again. The debug file has grown considerably now. Besides your system and
software version info it contains your firmware and a log of all USB communication:
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This extended debug info is very valuable for troubleshooting.
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The T-check is a quick test invented by R&S to give an indication whether a calibrated VNA is yielding reasonable
See here for more details: Rohde & Schwarz T-Check
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