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STPM 2012/2013

Paper 1

Biological Molecules
Cells Structure
Plasma Membrane

Structured + Essay + Answers

1|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

1. The diagram below shows the light-independent reaction in photosynthesis.

(a) Name R and T. [2 marks]

R: ................................................................................................................................

T: ................................................................................................................................

(b) State the source of NADPH + H+ used in the light-independent reaction.

[1 mark]


(c) Explain the main stages of this cycle. [4 marks]




(d) State the differences between the light-dependent reaction and light-
independent reaction. [3 marks]




2|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

2. The diagram below shows the flow of electrons in non-cyclic and cyclic

(a) State the precise location of photophosphorylation in a chloroplast.

[1 mark]


(b) Describe the role of light in photophosphorylation. [2 marks]



(c) Explain how non-cyclic photophosphorylation differs from cyclic

photophosphorylation. [4 marks]





(d) State two ways in which oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria

resembles photophosphorylation in chloroplasts. [2 marks]



3|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

3. The diagram below shows a structure of an animal cell as seen under an electron

(a) Name the organelles labelled A, D and E. [3 marks]

A: ................................................................................................................................

D: ................................................................................................................................

E: ................................................................................................................................

(b) (i) Name the model which describes structure C. [1 mark]


(ii) State the main component that makes up structure C. [1 mark]


(c) Cholesterol is found in structure C. State two roles of cholesterol in the

structure. [2 marks]



(d) (i) Name organelle B. [1 mark]


(ii) Give two functions of organelle B. [2 marks]



4|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

4. The diagram below shows the main stages of aerobic respiration.

(a) (i) Name the reaction in stage A. [1 mark]


(ii) State precisely where the reactions in stages A, B and C occur in the
cell. [3 marks]

Stage A: .......................................................................................................................

Stage B: .......................................................................................................................

Stage C: .......................................................................................................................

(b) Name substance X and state the number of carbon. [2 marks]


(c) Oxygen is needed in certain stages involved in the breakdown of glucose.

(i) Name the stage in which oxygen is needed. [1 mark]


(ii) State the function of oxygen in the stage named in (c)(i). [1 mark]


5|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

(d) State how many molecules of ATP are formed at stage A and stage B when
a molecule of glucose is used in the aerobic respiration. [2 marks]

Stage A: .......................................................................................................................

Stage B: .......................................................................................................................

6|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

5. Cell is the basic unit of life. There are two types of cells namely prokaryotic cells
such as bacteria, and eukaryotic cells which include animal and plant cells.

(a) Give two characteristics of a prokaryotic cell that differentiate it from a

eukaryotic cell. [2 marks]


(b) Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate the fluid-mosaic model of a unit

membrane. [4 marks]

(c) Name two non-membranous organelles in a generalised animal cell.

[1 mark]


(d) By referring to a plant, give two examples for each of the following:
[3 marks]

Organelles : .....................................................................................................................

Tissue : .....................................................................................................................

Organ : .....................................................................................................................

7|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

6. A photosystem in the thylakoid membrane of a chloroplast is shown in the
diagram below.

(a) Explain briefly the photoactivation of chlorophyll. [2 marks]



(b) Describe briefly the function of the thylakoid membrane in

photophosphorylation. [3 marks]




(c) List three ways in which cyclic photophosphorylation differs from non-
cyclic photophosphorylation. [3 marks]




(d) List two ways in which oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria

resembles photophosphorylation in chloroplasts. [2 marks]



8|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

7. The diagram below shows the lock and key hypothesis for enzyme activity.

(a) Define the term enzyme. [1 mark]


(b) Briefly explain the lock and key hypothesis. [3 marks]




(c) Molecule A must attach permanently to the enzyme before the enzyme can
function as a catalyst. Identify molecule A. [1 mark]


(d) Molecule B is an organic molecule that must attach temporarily to the same
enzyme before the enzyme can function. Name molecule B. [1 mark]


(e) Name site X. [1 mark]


(f) Explain the effect of non-competitive inhibitor that attaches to site X.

[3 marks]




9|SMK Sultan Ibrahim Kulai, Johor

8. The diagrams below show the ultra structures of two types of cell.

Cell A:

Cell B:

(a) Label four organelles that are found in both cells. [2 marks]

(b) Label two organelles exclusively found in cell A and two exclusively found
in cell B. [2 marks]

(c) Name the cells specifically and give reasons for your answers. [4 marks]





(d) Give two differences between these cells and the prokaryotic cells.
[2 marks]



10 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
9. The diagram below shows the possible pathways taken by water across the root
of a plant.

(a) Name cell Q. [1 mark]


(b) Using only the information from the diagram, explain how cell Q is adapted
for its function. [1 mark]


(c) Name the process by which water enters cell Q from the soil. [1 mark]


(d) How could nitrate ions enter the root if the concentration of nitrate ions
outside the plant is less than the concentration inside cell Q? [1 mark]


(e) Pathway 1 is known as the vascular pathway, as the water passes into and
through the cell vacuole. Name pathway 2 and pathway 3. [2 marks]



(f) What makes up the Casparian strip in cell type S and what is its function in
water transport? [2 marks]



11 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
(g) Describe two ways in which xylem vessels are adapted for their function of
water transport. [2 marks]



12 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
10. Two adjacent cells and their values for s and p given in kPa are shown in the
diagram below.

(a) (i) Write down the formula to determine the water potential of a plant.
[1 mark]


(ii) Define osmosis in term of water potential. [2 marks]



(b) State the direction of water flow between the two cells and give a reason
for your answer. [3 marks]




(c) Calculate the values of the pressure potential p and the water potential
of cell A and cell B when equilibrium is reached. Assume that changes in solute
potential are negligible. [2 marks]

(d) State two differences between osmosis and the sodium-potassium pump
mechanism. [2 marks]



13 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
11. The diagram below shows the relationship between certain organelles in a
phagocytic cell.

(a) Name the structures labelled A to D. [4 marks]

A: ................................................................................................................................

B: ................................................................................................................................

C: ................................................................................................................................

D: ................................................................................................................................

(b) Explain what happens in stages I, II, III, IV, V and VI in the above diagram.
[6 marks]

I: ................................................................................................................................

II: ................................................................................................................................

III: ................................................................................................................................

IV: ................................................................................................................................

V: ................................................................................................................................

VI: ................................................................................................................................

14 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
12. The diagram below shows the ground tissues of a plant.

(a) Identify the types of tissues J, K and L. [3 marks]

J: ................................................................................................................................

K: ................................................................................................................................

L: ................................................................................................................................

(b) Give two main functions of tissues J, K and L. [6 marks]

Tissue Functions

(c) List all the cells found in xylem. [1 mark]


15 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
13. The figure below is a diagrammatic model of a section of cell surface membrane.

(a) (i) State the name usually given to this model. [1 mark]


(ii) Give two reasons why it is so called. [2 marks]



(b) Name the structures labelled A, B and C. [3 marks]

A: ................................................................................................................................

B: ................................................................................................................................

C: ................................................................................................................................

(c) What is the function of the channel labelled in the diagram? [1 mark]


(d) Many substances are said to be actively transported across membranes.

Explain what is meant by active transport. [2 marks]


(e) Suggest one possible function of the carbohydrate chains attach to the
surface of the membrane. [1 mark]


16 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
14. The diagram below shows a section through mitochondrion as seen using an
electron microscope.

(a) Name the parts labelled A, B and C. [3 marks]

A: ................................................................................................................................

B: ................................................................................................................................

C: ................................................................................................................................

(b) (i) Use the letter in the diagram to locate the part of mitochondrion,
where oxidative phosphorylation occurs. [1 mark]


(ii) Explain what is meant by oxidative phosphorylation. [3 marks]




(c) Calculate the actual length of the mitochondrion, if the magnification is

x70000. Show your working and give your answer in suitable unit. [3 marks]

17 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
15. The diagram shows cells taken from the stem of a plant. Cells A, B and C are
adjacent cells and the figures indicate the water potential of each cell.

(a) (i) Draw arrows on the diagram to show the overall direction of water
movement between these three cells. [1 mark]

(ii) Explain your answer in term of water potential. [2 marks]



(b) The diagram below shows two plant cells, X and Y as seen through a
microscope. The figures show the solute potential s and the pressure potential p for
both cells and the water potential for cell Y.

(i) Calculate the water potential, of cell X. [1 mark]

18 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
(ii) State the name of the condition shown by cell Y and explain how this
condition could have arisen. [3 marks]




(c) Cell X has the higher pressure potential p. Explain how this pressure
potential is built up in cell X. [3 marks]




19 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
16. The figure below outlines the anaerobic respiration in yeast cells.

(a) Complete the figure above by writing in the missing compounds.

[4 marks]

(b) Describe how anaerobic respiration in mammalian cells differs from

anaerobic respiration in yeast cells. [3 marks]




(c) Explain why anaerobic respiration results in small yield of ATP compared
to aerobic respiration. [3 marks]




20 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
17. The diagram below shows the structure of a lipid.

(a) Name this lipid. [1 mark]


(b) Name the components A, B and C. [3 marks]

A: ................................................................................................................................

B: ................................................................................................................................

C: ................................................................................................................................

(c) Name the type of bond labelled X. [1 mark]


(d) State one difference between A and B. [1 mark]


(e) Describe the main features of this lipid which are important in the formation
of plasma membrane. [2 marks]



(f) State two functions of this lipid in the cell membrane. [2 marks]



21 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
18. The diagram below shows a carbohydrate molecule formed from two sugar units.

(a) Name the carbohydrate. [1 mark]


(b) Name the type of chemical bond between the two sugar units. [1 mark]


(c) State the chemical reaction involved. [1 mark]


(d) State one function of this type of carbohydrate in living organism.

[1 mark]


(e) Name the storage carbohydrate in human. [1 mark]


(f) Explain why the substance named in (e) is suitable for storage in human.
[3 marks]




(g) Another type of carbohydrate which is found in plant cell wall is cellulose.
Explain why cellulose cannot be digested in human. [2 marks]



22 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
Chapter 1: Biological Molecules

1. (a) Polysaccharides play an important role as structural and storage compounds

in plants. By giving one example of each of these compounds, explain how their
molecular structures are related to their functions. [8 marks]

(b) (i) With the aid of diagram, show how a triglyceride is formed through
the esterification process. [3 marks]
(ii) Describe the structure of lecithin and its importance in cell membrane
structure. [4 marks]
Johor 2009

2. With reference to cellulose, explain briefly the term polymerisation. State briefly
the differences between the formation of polysaccharides and polypeptides.
[7 marks]
Pahang 2009

3. Protein can be divided into two groups., namely fibrous proteins and globular
proteins, based on the shape of the molecules. Describe the differences between
the two types of proteins. [7 marks]
Terengganu 2009

23 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
Chapter 2: Cell Structure

1. (a) Describe the structure of each of the following tissue in relation to its
functions. [12 marks]
(i) Collenchyma
(ii) Xylem vessels
(iii) Erythrocyte

(b) State the disadvantages of using the light electron microscope to study
biological specimens. [3 marks]

2. (a) Differentiate prokaryotic cells from eukaryotic cells. [7 marks]

(b) Describe in details the structure in relation to the functions of the following
organelles. [8 marks]
(i) Lysosome
(ii) Ribosome

3. Describe a technique to isolate the organelles in a cell. [7 marks]

24 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
Chapter 3: Plasma Membrane

1. (i) Distinguish between diffusion and osmosis. [2 marks]

(ii) Distinguish between phagocytosis and pinocytosis. [3 marks]

(iii) State three features of a substance, which influence its ability to pass
through a cell membrane. [3 marks]
Terengganu 2009

2. (a) Draw and label the structure of a cell membrane based on the Singers
model. [2 marks]

(b) Explain the roles of the structures of the cell membrane in the
transportation of substances into a cell. [13 marks]
Terengganu 2009

3. Describe the structure of the cell membrane and state the functions of the
component parts. [9 marks]
Pahang 2011

25 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
Chapter 4: Enzymes

1. Describe the mechanism of action of an enzyme based on the induced fit model.
[8 marks]
Pahang 2009

2. (a) What is meant by enzyme immobilisation? State three methods of

immobilising enzymes. [4 marks]

(b) What are the advantages of immobilised enzymes? [4 marks]

(c) Explain the industrial production of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
[7 marks]
Sam Tet Ipoh

3. (a) Explain the mechanism of action of enzymes. [8 marks]

(b) Explain the effect of competitive inhibitors on enzyme activity. [7 marks]

Pahang 2010

26 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
Chapter 5: Respiration

1. (a) By using a labelled diagram, describe how mitochondrion acts as the source
of energy in a cell. [7 marks]

(b) Compare what happens to the pyruvate in plant cells and animal cells if
oxygen is absent. [8 marks]

2. (a) Describe the main stages of glycolysis, explain the formation of ATP along
the way. [8 marks]

(b) Oxidative phosphorylation is an important stage in aerobic respiration.

Explain the role of NAD+ and oxygen in this process. [7 marks]

3. State briefly the differences between anaerobic respiration occurs in plants and
animals. [6 marks]
Pahang 2009

27 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
Chapter 6: Photosynthesis

1. Light is an important factor in the process of photosynthesis in plants.

(a) During light reaction, ATP and NADPH are produced. Describe how ATP
and NADPH molecules are formed. [10 marks]

(b) Explain the effect of light intensity on reactions which occur in

photosynthesis. [5 marks]
Kelantan 2008

2. The leaves of plants are adapted to absorb light for photosynthesis.

(a) Draw a labelled diagram to show the arrangement of tissues in a leaf.
[6 marks]

(b) Explain the reaction involving the use of light energy that occurs in the
thylakoids of the chloroplast. [9 marks]
Pahang 2012

3. (a) Describe the Krantz anatomy. [3 marks]

(b) Explain how carbon dioxide is fixed in a CAM plant. [7 marks]

(c) Differentiate the dark reaction in C3 and C4 plants. [5 marks]

4. NAD and NADP are important molecules in plant cells. Describe in detail, the
role of these molecules within the palisade mesophyll cells. [9 marks]
Pahang 2009

5. (a) Besides light intensity, explain how other environmental factors may affect
the rate of photosynthesis. [10 marks]

(b) State five differences between photosynthesis and aerobic respiration.

[5 marks]
NS 2010

6. (a) Explain the Hatch-Slack pathway in C4 plants. [13 marks]

(b) Explain briefly the significance of the Hatch-Slack pathway in C4 plants.

[2 marks]
Pahang 2010

28 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r
7. Write an account outlining the similarities and differences in the way that
mitochondria and chloroplasts generate a proton gradient and synthesis ATP.
[6 marks]
Pahang 2011

8. (a) Describe the Calvin cycle. [9 marks]

(b) Explain how photorespiration reduces photosynthetic efficiency. [6 marks]

Johor 2012

9. Describe the process that occurs at the granum of chloroplasts. [15 marks]
Kelantan 2012

29 | S M K S u l t a n I b r a h i m K u l a i , J o h o r

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