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The Taximeter System

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The taximeter system

Taximeter management deals with the states total financial framework for educational


The institutions revenue and

activity levels
The self-governing educational in-
stitutions have two sources of reve-
nue for financing their educational
programmes: state grants and their
own income from income-generat-
ing activities, participant fees and
fees paid for unemployed people in
activation programmes, etc.

State grants amount to ap-

proximately 80 per cent of the total
funding and are thus the primary
source of revenue for the institu-
tions. Of this amount, activity-
level determined grants (teaching,
building and maintenance, or
collective expenses taximeters) total
approximately 92 per cent, so that by
far the greatest part of state funding
consists of taximeter funding.

The taximeter system is thereby

the primary appropriation model objectives regarding, among other entails that within the states total
financial framework for educa-
for distributing state funding, things, the geographical availabil-
tional purposes, which is deter-
but it is also necessary to supple- ity of educational programmes and
mined by a range of overall political
ment the taximeter management the development of special areas of
expense priorities, activity-level
with a number of supplementary initiative, which requires a variety
dependent appropriations are dis-
management tools in the form of of management tools.
tributed to the individual educa-
basic grants, targeted research and
tional institutions based on:
development funds, multi-year The interplay between various
agreement models, etc. in order to management tools and financing objective goals for activity
ensure that the collective financial sources, including, in particular, levels
management is flexible enough to the relationship between activity-
meet various political, administra- level managed and framework man- and
tive and institutional needs. aged allocations has, at the same
time, significant importance for politically determined taxi-
meter rates per activity-level
The national financial manage- the activity-level dependence and
ment must therefore both meet the budget security of the institutions.
demand for the efficient distribu-
tion of funds and, at the same time, The taximeter system The appropriations are provided as
support the educational political Taximeter management basically block grants, which the institu-

The taximeter system, Undervisningsministeriet 1

tions are free to use as they see according to the taximeter rate. In more efficient.
fit within the frameworks of the a situation of stable activity levels
applicable appropriation precondi- the institutions (and the state), Secondly, the intention has been
tions and rules of disposal and in all else being equal, will therefore to ensure that funds are efficiently
accordance with the objectives that have a reasonable degree of budget transferred from educational pro-
have been determined for the in- security. grammes with decreasing amounts
dividual educational programmes of activity to programmes that
and institutions. Taximeter management has been are experiencing growth, partly
developed according to a range of to support free educational selec-
Both the taximeter and the block overriding considerations: tion and to provide institutions
grant principles are grounded allocation security through open
in the legislation regarding Firstly, the intention was to admissions or open access. Activity-
institutions, which similarly institute a system of financial level dependence entails that this
establishes the fact that state management that was, to a greater transfer happens automatically,
grants are to be provided in ac- degree, oriented towards results without elements of negotiation or
cordance with the taximeter rates and incentives. With the taximeter administrative redistributions.
that are determined in the annual system, the size of the grant is
Appropriations Acts. therefore linked with the direct Thirdly, the direct productivity
results of the institution, measured management through the taxime-
The coupling of activity levels and in terms of the annual number ter rates should prevent activity
politically determined taximeter of fulltime students or student level fluctuations from leading to
rates involves, therefore, at its fulltime equivalents. The institu- expense management standard
core that institutions have the tions thereby also have an incentive declines and increased unit
assurance that an increasing level to adjust the capacity to fit the expenses in situations of falling
of activity in existing education demand and to continually look activity levels.
programmes will be financed for ways to economise and become

Characteristics of the taximeter system

Demand management
The money follows the user and creates incentives for user-friendly behaviour. Financing of increased
educational activity levels is hereby ensured.

Flexibility in terms of institutional structure (mergers and split ups).

Productivity management
No inadvertent improvements or worsening of standards as a result of demography and changes in ap-
plication patterns.

Politically determined taximeter rates through the Appropriations Act

The determination of taximeter rates is independent of the individual institutions expenses. Limited op-
portunity for pressure from interested parties (institutions, organisations, local/regional forces).

No negotiations or administrative redistribution.

Transparency across educational programmes and educational fields.

Activity-level dependency and numbers principlesBudget security when the level of activity is stable, both
centralised and decentralised.

Staggering the timing of the grant foundation increases budget security.

Numbers principles are result oriented.

The activity-level dependency can be reduced, for example, through basic grants, research and develop-
ment funds, etc.

2 The taximeter system, Undervisningsministeriet

The building and maintenance taxi- and organisational formations.
meter, which is a grant designated
The development of the taximeter for capital costs, including building Numbers principles
system has taken place with rental, interest and payments Within the framework of the taxi-
consideration for the fact that the on mortgage debt, and expenses meter system there are a range of
institutional area of the Ministry related to the maintenance of the area-specific adjustments based on
of Education is extremely broad, buildings. the particular conditions of specific
including both very large and institutions and educational areas.
organisationally complex institu- The collective expenses taximeter,
tions that offer a wide range of which is designed to cover types of One example of this is the use of
educational choices as well as expenses that cannot appropriately differentiated numbers principles,
smaller institutions often offering be linked to individual educational i.e., in what way the activity levels
very few programmes. programmes, such as administra- are related to resource allocation.
tion and management costs, Here a distinction is primarily
The flexibility within the frame- running costs and supplies. made between the method used
work of the taximeter system is within the higher education
particularly tied to the rate struc- There are, however, certain dif- system, where it is the level of
ture and numbers principles, while ferences in what the taximeters completed activity that applies
the flexibility in the allocation are designated to cover in the (ST), while with the post-compul-
distribution is generally achieved individual institutional areas. sory education programmes, the
through the use of activity-level foundation is primarily based on
independent grants. The rates are a result of political the number of students that begin
prioritisation in the sense that they an education and are continuing
A premise of the system is that, al- are determined with the adoption the programme on specific days
ready at the beginning of the year of the annual Appropriations Acts, designated for counting the
the institutions are aware of the and the determination of the rates students (full time equivalent
financial foundation for the com- is thereby independent of the students).
ing year. At the same time, this expenses and overhead conditions
means that the possibility exists related to the individual institu- The background for this distinc-
for taking particular issues into tions. Continuous or systematic tion is that the higher education
consideration during the allocation imbalances between the rates and programmes are typically
distribution process, as there is no the expenditures can, however, lead characterised by longer subjects,
possibility for individual negotia- to a regulation of the rates. lasting one to two semesters,
tions between specific institutions where the number system supports
and the Ministry of Education. The types of rates and the number the incentive of the institutions
of rates fundamentally reflect a towards progression by the number
However, there are situations and choice between a rough-meshed or of students being a source of
conditions that need to be taken a fine-meshed rate structure. The financing when a subject is passed/
into account financially, which rate structure must be adequately approved.
occurs outside of the framework fine-meshed such that the institu-
of the taximeter system in the tions are guaranteed fair coverage At the post-compulsory level
form of basic grants, research of their expenses, but, on the other the course of education (school
and development funds, etc. For hand, the number of rates ought to periods) is generally shorter, where
example, small institutions are be limited in order to prevent the access to the next school period is
given special attention through taximeter system from becoming conditional on completion of the
a relatively larger activity-level ambiguous or unclear previous course. A strict system of
independent basic grant. counting promotes the institutions
The majority of the educational thinking in terms of efficiency and
The rate system programmes are, therefore, dis- reduces the risk of arbitrary devia-
The rate system that is applied at tributed and placed in rate groups tions in the financial foundation of
medium-cycle higher education with common rates, which makes the institutions as a consequence
institutions and is based on three it, among other things, possible to of, for example, a high target-group
basic rates: compare the different programmes defined dropout rate.
financial situations. The placement
The teaching taximeter, which in these groupings should, in Supplemental financial manage-
is designated to cover direct principle, be able to be justified on ment tools
teaching-related expenses such as actual and fundamental differ- In addition to the taximeter sys-
salaries, teaching equipment and ences in the demands placed on the tem, a number of possibilities exist
materials. programmes and in the teaching for supplementing the activity-

The taximeter system, Undervisningsministeriet 3

level dependent taximeter grants
with activity-independent grants, for these institutions and assist in institution a requirement of provid-
which, seen as a whole, contribute ensuring their continued activities. ing funds for needy institutions.
to creating the necessary flexibility The basic grants thus also have
in allocation distribution in rela- a regional, political dimension The Ministry follows up on making
tion to various needs. because many smaller institutions sure that the institution realises
are situated in geographical the financial and administrative
Firstly, the allocation system must outlying areas, and the basic grant perspectives that were the basis of
be able to support the regional is thus a flexible way of supporting Ministerial approval of the merger.
distribution of educational op- the regional spread of educational
portunities and the existence of opportunities. Non-activity level dependent
institutions that only offer a few grants
programmes which are especially Funds for needy institutions Apart from the basic grants, a
vulnerable to activity-level varia- In the relevant legislation there number of objective-defined, or
tion. However, the taximeter does is a legal basis for awarding loans earmarked grants are also pro-
not allow for the possibility of tak- or grants to self-governing insti- vided such as, for example, multi-
ing such instances into considera- tutions that are in a particularly year agreement models and pool
tion in the allocation distribution difficult situation and funding for allocations in the form of, among
process, and therefore a basic grant such situations is provided for in other things, research and develop-
the annual Appropriations Acts. ment funds.
programme has been established
that makes particular financial
allowances for small institutions. The primary rule is that Ministry These types of grants reflect the fact
of Education provides aid in the that the taximeter system prima-
Secondly, a need can arise to form of interest earning loans that rily supports existing educational
promote specific educational are to be repaid in instalments programmes. Therefore, a number
political objectives within a limited over a period of no longer than of funding models have been devel-
time horizon that cannot be met five years to institutions that oped to supplement the taximeter
through the taximeter system. are experiencing acute liquidity system. These models are designed
Therefore, a number of grants difficulties. Providing these loans to provide support for the quality
are given which are not activity- is conditional on the institution development of the programmes
level dependent, but earmarked for following the Ministrys require- and to take into consideration the
special purposes. These could take ments for restructuring activities need to be able to promote politi-
the form of, among other things, with the aim of re-establishing a cally prioritised initiative areas.
pool allocations and agreement- sound financial foundation. The
based allocation models. institution is placed under strict The multi-year agreement concept
economic supervision and must generally entails the institutions
Basic grants normally send quarterly reports on being allocated grants based on
In all areas, the taximeter system development to the Ministry. objective criteria in return for
is combined with a basic grant de- meeting requirements regarding
signed to finance the basic expens- Mergers as a management tool quality development within a
es of the institution. At present A select few educational institu- range of politically defined areas of
there are two different basic grant tions are so small that, according initiative. It is, at the same time, a
models: to the Ministry of Education, they requirement that the institutions
will have a difficult time maintain- document the results achieved and
An activity-level independent basic ing a sustainable financial situa- the use of the funds. Multi-year
grant, which is budgeted as a unit tion. agreements allow for the possibil-
grant. ity of promoting qualitative areas
These institutions usually only of initiative and making the results
An activity-dependent basic grant, offer one type of educational of development work visible. On
which is intended to provide sup- programme and are, therefore, the other hand, the model also
port for the institutional structure. vulnerable to even the slightest de- bears the risk of over management
viation in the number of students. because the concept involves the
The basic grant, particularly in the In such situations, the Ministry extremely detailed administration
activity-level independent form, of Education can recommend that of a relatively small amount of
causes a redistribution to take place these institution look for pos- funds.
to the benefit of smaller institu- sibilities for merging with another
tions as compensation for their and financially more sustainable Research and development funds
relatively higher unit costs. The institution. In certain instances (pool allocations) are similarly
grant can therefore have a rela- the Ministry has even made such used to promote specific, politi-
tively large financial importance a merger with a better-grounded cally prioritised objectives that

4 The taximeter system, Undervisningsministeriet

lie outside the normal aims of the The institutions are subject to and services that are provided as
institutions and cannot be accom- conditions for carrying out income- income-generating activities.
modated within the framework generating activities, which means
of the taximeter system. These that: As a general rule, the pricing must
include research and development be such that it does not compromise
work in connection with, among The income-generating activities the competitiveness of private or
other things, the development of must be a natural extension of the public competitors and such that
new education programmes. regular activities of the institution. the long-term average costs are
covered. In accordance with the
Income-generating activities The institution must be able to legislation applicable to institu-
The legislation concerning insti- separate the production of goods tions, it is made additionally clear
tutions allows for the possibility and services that are intended to that institutions that practice
of the institutions performing generate income from the institu- income-generating activities must
income-generating activities in tions other tasks. follow good marketing practices
open competition with private and must not impose unfair price
sector enterprises. The intention The surplus or loss in one financial competition on others.
is partly to ensure flexible and year can be carried over to a later
efficient utilisation of capacities financial year. The Ministry of Education is
and resources and partly to take
responsible for supervising institu-
advantage of the academic synergy-
The accumulative result of the tions with income-generating
effects and opportunities for com-
income-generating activities may. activities.
petency development. The surplus
not be negative for four years in a
from these income-generating
activities can be used for financing
new needs, for example in relation
Apart from this, there are rules
to the development of new educa-
tional programmes. governing the pricing of goods

The taximeter system, Undervisningsministeriet 5

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