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Proceedings of a symposium held in Melbourne,
19-20 October, 1976

A Symposium on ARL work on Aircraft Structural Fatigue was held in October, 1976
in Melbourne. Nineteen technical papers were presented and these, together with questions
and answers, comprise the bulk of the report. The papers cover:
Australian experience and research in Aircraft Structural Fatigue
fundamentals of fatigue and of fracture mechanics
data acquisition and interpretation
structural life prediction
current research and development in structural and materials fatigue


POSTAL ADDRESS: Chief Superintendent, Aeronautical Research Laboratories,

Box 4331, P.O., Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia_
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A Symposium on ARL work on Aircraft Structural Fatigue was held on 19-20

October 1976 in Melbourne. It attracted an audience of 211 persons, comprised of
a large contingent of Service personnel, academics, research workers, aircraft
manufacturers and operators, air safety personnel, and many persons from the
general engineering area of industry. Forty-four persons from interstate attended.
Nineteen technical papers were presented and these, together with the questions
and answers, comprise the bulk of this report. As part of the Symposium a 28-board
display was mounted illustrating examples of ARL research into Aircraft Structural
Fatigue, the frontispiece shows a typical exhibit.

J. B. Dance (Convener)
F. P. Bullen
J. M. Finney (Secretary)

Australia has a very real interest in the problem of aircraft fatigue. The local civil airlines
amass flying hours at a high rate, and military aircraft are frequently operated beyond the life
guaranteed by the designers. It is a tribute to the air-worthiness authorities-the Air Transport
Group of the Department of Transport, the RAAF and the RAN-and the operators, that
Australia has an excellent safety record. Some of the credit for this record is also due, I believe,
to the Aeronautical Research Laboratories, whose research work on fatigue has been conducted
over a period of three decades. Indeed, ARL's international reputation probably owes more to
its contribution to an understanding of fatigue than to any other single subject.
The total effort on fatigue work in Australia is shared by the operator, the regulating
authorities, and the research workers. By international standards it is not large, but therein lies
one of its significant advantages; the people know each other and hence very real co-operation
is possible while the whole problem is maintained in proper perspective.
The symposium arose out of a suggestion by Mr. H. A. Wills-a former Superintendent of
,. Structures Division-that the unique knowledge available at ARL for dealing with fatigue
problems should be widely disseminated. The arrangements were in the care of a small ARL
committee chaired by Mr. J. B. Dance, the then Superintendent of Structures Division. The
fatigue work in that Division has been under his control for the last two decades; he retired a week
after the symposium.
The opening of the symposium was to have been carried out by the Chief Defence Scientist,
Dr. J. L. Farrands. Unfortunately, he was not able to be present, so his address was read: the
text appears in full in the proceedings. Particular note was taken of his penultimate paragraph
about codification of practice. The Laboratories are now paying close attention to the possibility
of meeting his challenge.

Chief Superintendent,
Aeronautical Research Laboratories

Page No.


Safety against fatigue in flight-a perspective of Australian experi- F. H. Hooke
ence and research. 5

Mechanisms of fatigue and fracture. S. P. Lynch 25
Fracture mechanics fundamentals with reference to aircraft struc- B. C. Hoskin
tural applications. 57


Flight load research at ARL. A. K. Patterson, and
C. K. Rider 93
Gust measurements and the N 0 problem. D. J. Sherman 103
"1" Development of a load sequence for a structural fatigue test. P. J. Howard 137
Fatigue S/N data in relation to variability in predicted life. J. M. Finney, and
J. Y. Mann 149
Structural fatigue testing. R. A. Bruton, and
C. A. Patching 179
Current developments in the life of aircraft structures. A. 0. Payne 205
Aircraft structural life monitoring and the problem of corrosion. L. M. Bland 227
NDI and the detection of fatigue. I. G. Scott 255
The development of the theory of structural fatigue. D. G. Ford 269
Aircraft structural reliability and risk theory-a review. F. H. Hooke 299


Load interaction effects in fatigue crack propagation. G. W. Revill,
Ningaiah, and
J. M. Finney 347
A model of crack-tip behaviour for fatigue life determination. F. P. Bullen,
J. A. Retchford,
C. B. Rogers, and
B. J. Wicks 373
Fatigue-crack growth and fracture in D6AC steel. N. E. Ryan 393
Fibre composite reinforcement of cracked aircraft structures. A. A. Baker, and
M. M. Hutchison 419
The influence of the water vapour content and the temperature of
an air environment on the fatigue behaviour of SAE 4340 steel. D. S. Kemsley 459
The use of adherent aluminium foils for fatigue metering. R. A. Coyle, and
M. E. Packer 479



Mr. Blight, colleagues and visitors, I must apologise for not being able to be present to open
this ARL Symposium on Aircraft Structural Fatigue. It is a subject which I find has a great deal
of interest for me persomilly. It is furthermore a topic in which science can be immediately seen
to have important social and economic implications.
Australia was one of the early leading countries in research on aircraft fatigue with
participation by ARL, DCA and the RAAF. It owed its start, I believe, to the considerable
insight of Mr. H. A. Wills when he was Superintendent of Structures.
The most important contribution in the early work was the repeated load tests on Mustang
wings which was used as a basis for the data sheets on fatigue of aircraft structures put out by
the Royal Aeronautical Society in UK.
After further civil work involving fatigue tests on Dove and Drover aircraft it was realised
that military aircraft would also suffer fatigue failures, particularly in Australia because of the
wish to obtain the longest possible life from this expensive equipment. Thus safe fatigue life
investigations were commenced on Canberra, Hercules, Neptune, Winjeel and Vampire, the latter
involving a full-scale fatigue test at ARL.
Full-scale tests were continued with Cessna and then Mirage which was completed over a
year ago. This is probably the last overseas designed aircraft to be tested in Australia because
there is now general recognition in other countries that a full-scale fatigue test is an essential part
of the development of an aircraft.
In spite of the very good research work that has been done over the years there still
remains a large number of unsolved problems. There are areas of contention in the interpretation
of statistical methods. There needs to be a clearer understanding of the meaning of the advice
that the scientists are giving.
In addition to these here-and-now problems there has to be attention to continual monitoring
of new materials and new production processes. The lessons of the ultra high strength steel in
the Flll, and the subtleties and surprises of the corrosion problems should not be readily
Fatigue and the associated problems of
(a) methods of calculating safe lives,
(b) fatigue properties of and crack propagation in aluminium alloys,
(c) methods of measuring flight loads in aircraft,
(d) statistical properties of fatigue fracture,
(e) non-destructive testing methods,
(f) the mechanism of damage in metals, and
(g) effect of environment on fatigue properties and safe life calculations
are all the subjects of continuing research.
The available resources clearly limit the effort which can be applied to these topics. It is a
heavy responsibility of the research managers to ensure that the effort is properly distributed,
reinforces success, and at the same time refrains from the merely interesting.
It has long been my belief that the knowledge within our community on this subject should
be assembled. We have something to say to the world. I also believe that we should codify current
practice, so that the basis for decision making should be explicit.
This symposium may be a good beginning for such a project. Certainly it will provide a
summary of present knowledge and perceived problems.
What about codification of practice? Can the symposium help you to agree on this, and
agree to do it.
If your symposium can go towards these two things it will have been worthwhile. I wish you





Metal fatigue in aircraft was not envisaged as a problem when the Aeronautical
Research Laboratory was about to be established: it was seen to be significant after an
aircraft accident in 1945, and this initiated a new and sustained thrust in the structures
research programme.
At an early stage plans and procedures-were formulated, and the Laboratory pro-
ceeded to carry out tests and acquire and interpret information, both on the endurance of
structures and materials, and on the loading actions on the structure-information which
was to be of great value to civil and military aviation in Australia and throughout the
whole world. In 30 years the total of catastrophic fatigue failures was to rise to five, and,
of these two resulted from the use of new high strength materials whose fatigue properties
had not been properly explored in the laboratory before they were adopted.
These failures intensified and sharpened the research effort, leading to improvements
in procedures and to better understanding of the way in which inspection can maintain
structural integrity. The dissemination of Australian research results, and the overseas
contact of Australian scientists, has produced a two-way flow of information which can
be said to have significantly improved aircraft fatigue performance and fatigue evaluation.

The problem of fatigue of metals, though by no means new in the field of engineering, was
not regarded as particularly significant to aircraft during the second world war or immediately
thereafter, when what was then the Structures and Materials Section of the CSIR Division of
Aeronautics was in its infancy.
There had, it is true, been fatigue failures in the primary structure of some military aero-
planes overseas during the war, but these were regarded as having resulted from poor design,
and therefore remediable by the use of adequate design and stress analysis procedures. Of the
many problems on which the advice of the Division of Aeronautics was sought during the war,
three only were concerned with fatigue; a failure of a Gipsy Major engine crankshaft, a failure
of a Jowett Javelin motor crankshaft, and a question whether the welding of steel tubes of similar
strength but of different composition caused a deterioration of the static and fatigue strengths.
In January 1945 there occurred an event which was to reshape the Laboratory's research
programme: it was the crash of the Stinson airliner VH-UYY at Spring Plains in Victoria with
the loss of ten lives. The weather conditions were fine and could in no way have contributed
directly to the accident. An examination of the wreckage 1 showed that fatigue failure had occurred
in a joint of the welded steel tube structure carrying tension loading between the port outer wing
and the centre section, and that another fatigue crack had grown to a less advanced stage at
another welded joint area.
It has only been recently learnt that, by 1945, Swiss aircraft designers had rejected the
"birdsmouth" type of welded joint used in the Stinson, in favour of butt-welded joints, because
of the relatively inferior fatigue performance of the former.
The significance of this accident to Australia was that it revealed that fatigue failure under
normal fluctuating flight loads was not a remote possibility as had been previously thought, but
was a serious risk: it drew attention to the disadvantages of welded steel structures from the
fatigue viewpoint, and it catalysed the study of all factors entering into the problem of aircraft
Following the Stinson accident a meeting was held between Division of Aeronautics and
Department of Civil Aviation personnel at the Laboratory to plan to obtain the information
required to elucidate the fatigue problem. The decisions, as recorded, were:
(a) DCA to contact overseas airworthiness authorities regarding steps being taken to
determine a safe working life of aeroplane structures.
(b) DCA to install flight load measuring instruments in civil aircraft.
(c) The Division of Aeronautics to contact overseas research institutions to obtain any
available data and proposals for future works in respect of-
(i) magnitudes and frequencies of applied loads,
(ii) methods of assessing the endurance life of various types of structure under these
(d) The Division to consider performing flight tests to obtain specific data on loads and
stresses in aircraft when flying in normal and adverse weather conditions.
(e) The Division to investigate endurance limits of typical structures and components.
Arising out of these recommendations approaches were made in person and by letter to overseas
authorities, and surveys of information were made which revealed that nowhere was it considered
possible to design for a specified life expectancy nor did methods of estimation of fatigue life
expectancy exist in a form suitable for adoption by an airworthiness authority. Some limited
information was obtained on the frequencies and magnitudes of applied flight loads; at Pam-
borough the effects of fluctuating loads on aircraft components were being explored in a general
way 2 and the basic idea of establishing life expectancy from the relevant load and fatigue data
had been put forward by Bland and Sandorff; 3 but a logical approach and concrete factual
data which could be regarded as relevant to Australian flying conditions or Australian operated
aircraft were completely lacking.

It is a tribute to the foresight of Mr. H. A. Wills, the first Head of the Structures and
Materials Section, that he saw this as a potentially growing problem demanding for its solutions
the development of specific procedures and the obtaining of specific data both on the fatigue
behaviour of structures and on the loading actions occurring.
This work proceeded enthusiastically. Within a few months the hydraulically controlled
wing test rig, being used at the time to investigate the static strength of Australian-built Mosquito
wings 4 was mechanised and a Mosquito wing was fatigue tested 5 with s'ome surprising results.
As far as is known no wing testing rig capable of this performance then existed elsewhere in the
world. In December 1946 the current state of knowledge was exposed in a Symposium on "The
Failure of Metals by Fatigue", organised at Melbourne University. The papers covered a very
wide field, and included several on aircraft fatigue by overseas specialists (little more definitive
than the results of the overseas inquiries of the previous year), and contributions from the
Division of Aeronautics by Johnstone and Hooton on "Methods of investigating the fatigue
properties of materials" and "The measurement of dynamic strain" respectively. In retrospect
the Symposium proved most valuable in bringing together expertise from the world over; it is
nevertheless not too harsh a criticism to say that it revealed more areas of ignorance than of
knowledge, since, for example, it became apparent that no means was available to design against
fatigue the simplest of machine parts, viz., a shaft in fluctuating torsion with a fillet radius
blending a smaller diameter to a larger one.
Meanwhile the research programme of the Structures and Materials Section began to get
under way. After surveying the meagre literature, studies were made of the fatigue strength of
machine parts, 6 methods for extrapolating fatigue data, 7 and for calculating the endurance
strength of aircraft. 8 Because it had become clear that fatigue loading on civil aircraft came
primarily from the fluctuating loads caused by atmospheric turbulence, particularly in adverse
weather conditions, theoretical studies were made of the response of aircraft to gusts. 9 1 Flight
load measurements were instituted on civil DC-3 aircraft 11 within Australia and on RAAF
Lincoln 12 and Dakota transports within Australia and overseas, while laboratory investigations
were made of the performance of measuring instruments.
By September 1947 the various aspects of the problem had been brought to a sufficiently
definitive stage for Wills to present to the Institution of Engineers, Australia a detailed statement
of the situation. 13 He showed that, because of a number of factors, including:
(a) the steady increase in working stresses,
(b) the increase in cruising speeds,
(c) the increase of dynamic effects with increasing aircraft size, and
(d) the introduction of new materials having higher static strength but unchanged fatigue
the likelihood of fatigue failures of the primary structure was increasing and would continue to
increase in the future.
In a sample calculation using hypothetical data, it was shown that gusts of a low order
(below the load factor 05 or a gust velocity of about 6 f.p.s.) could well be ignored when con-
sidering fatigue damage; and maximum damage occurred with gusts having a vertical velocity
of about 12 f.p.s. Using the by then familiar cumulative damage hypothesis, a life to failure of
about 9000 hours was calculated. When it is remembered that the utilisation of civil aircraft in
this country was particularly high, and not uncommonly aircraft used to accumulate between
3000 and 4000 flying hours per year on short stage operations, the significance to Australian
operators of the fatigue problem was clear.
This analysis reiterated the immediate need for further data and further research on such
topics as:
(a) fatigue behaviour of full scale aircraft structures under laboratory tests,
(b) fundamental fatigue properties of specimens of various aircraft materials under a wide
range of maximum and minimum loads,
(c) fluctuating flight loads experienced on Australian air routes (desirably to be recorded
with statistical recording instruments), and
(; (d) the dynamic behaviour of the structure under suddenly applied loads.
Investigations of fatigue behaviour of full scale structures proceeded with the testing of
fourteen aluminium alloy wings of Boomerang fighter aircraft-the wings being of single spar
type with compression skin stiffened internally with corrugated sheet. The wings (which were

made in Australia by Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation), were tested at a variety of fluctuat-
ing load amplitudes, and an S-N curve was established. When compared with the reputed
behaviour of riveted joints in the same material at low alternating stresses there was reasonable
agreement, but in tests at loads approximating 40% of ultimate design load the wing life was
only one-twentieth of the reputed life of riveted joints, and a little inferior to the life of Typhoon
tailplanes previously tested by Oaks and Townshend at the RAE, Farnborough. 14
In May 1949, at the invitation of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Wills presented a paper
on the same topic to the Second Anglo-American Aeronautical Conference held in New York. 1 5
Its message and its conclusions were the same as those of the earlier Institution of Engineers paper,
while the sample calculation of fatigue life was updated using the actual full scale fatigue data
from Boomerang wings, giving a safe lifetime of 14,900 hours. Two years later a safe lifetime of
one-fifth of that figure was to be applied to an aircraft type in service.


As far as the Structures Laboratory (now the Structures and Materials Division of the
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Department of Supply) was concerned, the 1950s were the
era of "Mustang Wing Tests".
After World War 2, a large number of Australian- and US-built Mustang aircraft became
surplus, and the wings were acquired, for the purpose of further investigating at full scale the
fatigue properties of aluminium alloy structures as then constructed, as had been recommended
following the Stinson accident.
Initially the endurance was to be investigated under constant amplitude loading and dif-
ferent specimens were tested with various mean and alternating loads.
By 1955 over 170 wings had been tested, deriving the A-M Diagram for Mustang Wings,
and providing a data base, the use of which, with a cumulative damage hypothesis, would permit
the calculation of endurance of these wings under any sequence of service loads, whether military
fighter, trainer, civil transport or whatever. 16 In addition the tests revealed the sorts of structural
details in Mustang wings where fatigue first became apparent: sharp cornered holes in evenly
stressed panels, concentrations of stress where load carrying members converge, etc. : they also
showed the way in which fatigue cracking developed, and that the predominant failure location
varied with the load amplitude. The endurance of various failure locations corresponded with
those of notched specimens of material with a KT* of 3 6 and 4 2. 2 3 Tests were carried out on
specimens preloaded to between 85% and 95% of mean ultimate failing load, and these revealed
what was shown by Heywood 1 7 on specimens, lugs, wing booms and tailplanes, viz. that high
preloads can considerably enhance the endurance.
The results of the constant amplitude tests. became well known and used throughout the
aeronautical design world, and were incorporated into Issue 2 of the Royal Aeronautical Society
(now ESDU) Data Sheet on "Endurance strength of complete wings and tailplanes (aluminium
alloy material)". 18 They were also combined by ARL with other overseas data to give the 24ST
Structures A-M diagram, and this was used for some years in Australia for life estimation, using
a large scatter factor, until the conviction had grown that a single test result from the structure in
question was preferable to several hundred test results from other sorts of structures.
There had been a growing feeling within ARL and elsewhere that the cumulative damage
hypotheses and procedures required verification, that fatigue airworthiness testing with one
fluctuating load amplitude was inadequate, and that the testing should be spread over at least
three load amplitudes. ARL therefore decided to represent the service load experience by a
multi-load-level test with loads applied in random sequence. Langford of DCA 19 enunciated a
proposed fatigue airworthiness requirement for aircraft wings, which specified programme
loading at these amplitudes-a simplification of the procedure initiated 16 years earlier by
Gassner, 20 but yet more complex than was then the current practice. Woodgate, 21 of Trans
Australia Airlines, questioned the validity of procedures for calculating the damaging effects of
the air-ground-air loading cycle, and pointed out that the proposed three-load-level programme
had not been designed to represent these loads.

*Theoretical stress concentration factor.

ARL therefore proceeded to further tests of Mustang wings under four different varying
load histories:
(a) A three-level programme of gust loads.
(b) A multi-load-level random gust load history derived from the same spectrum.
(c) The same multi-load-level random gust history with a periodic air-ground-air cycle.
(d) A multi-load-level random manoeuvre load history.
The results of these investigation were described in a series of reports by Johnstone, Payne,
Ford, Patching, Kepert, Rice, et al. 16 23 24 25 From these it was concluded that, having the
complete A-M diagram for the wings in question, the endurance to final failure could be well
predicted for each of the three gust load histories using the linear cumulative damage hypothesis,
provided that the largest positive load in the history was assumed paired with the largest negative
load, the second largest with its complement, and so on (denoted Hypothesis H 1 ). This procedure
had been current practice at ARL for the previous decade. Under the manoeuvre load history
the prediction method was found. to underestimate the endurance, but as this was conservative
it continued to be adopted.
It was also concluded that a full scale fatigue test was necessary to adequately estimate fatigue
life, so as to a void errors intrinsic in estimation based on pre-existing data for "similar structures".
Although Mustang wings were not "fail safe" in design nor strictly in practice, it was concluded
that in potentially fail safe structures full scale testing was necessary to determine fatigue critical
areas and the way fatigue failures develop. It was also concluded that a programme load test was
the most feasible method of representing service loads, and that a simplified three-load-level test
proposed by Langford gave close agreement with a random load sequence.
The constant amplitude data, when combined with overseas data from other structures
showed a total variability (variance) of s 2 = 032 2 , and the variance between makes was
s 2 = 025 2 while that within makes was s 2 = 020 2 This latter figure was about 3l times the
variance for Mustang wings alone (s 2 = 0116 2 ) and, appearing conservative, was used for a
number of years as a variance to provide a scatter factor for a desired probability of failure,
when variability data were not available for the structures in question.
While the Laboratories were testing wings which were not designed as fail-safe, the
Australian airlines operated aircraft which the manufacturers claimed to embody such features,
and the Department of Civil Aviation began to be concerned whether the claims of safety of such
structures could be substantiated. The requirements for such substantiation are knowledge of
all the critical points of the structure at which fatigue cracks may initiate, an assurance that
cracks will not initiate simultaneously in parallel redundant members, an evaluation of the
strength of redundant structure with a member cracked, an assurance that such a crack will be
found by inspection if such inspections are timed regularly, and an assurance of the adequacy
of the strength with one member cracked. The approach necessary to provide adequate assurance
of safety was very fully discussed by R. R. Shaw in a paper to the Aeronautical Journal. 22
Concurrently with the full scale fatigue test investigations, basic studies of the mechanism
of fatigue of metals were being made by Wood and Head 26 and by Davies and Mann, 27 and
on statistical properties of strength and endurance, 2 8 while a theoretical model for fatigue crack
propagation in metals was devised and studied by Head. 29 Fatigue testing techniques were devised
and improved for the testing of material specimens (again following the recommendations of
Wills) as early surveys showed that test results could be meaningless without adequate control
on metallurgical variables, manufacturing and testing procedures. Investigations covered the
effects of surface finish, 3 0 various methods and degrees of heat treatment 31 and of protection
coatings, 3 2 and various processes for forming fastener holes in sheet material, to name just a
In October 1951, complacency and a leisurely approach to fatigue was shaken by the crash
of a Dove aircraft, VH-AQO, at Kalgoorlie as a result of primary structural failure. This aircraft
had flown more than 9000 hours when the failure occurred, in an area having no obviously severe
stress raiser, and no apparent source of unusually high nominal stress. Members of DCA
accident investigation team were flown to the scene of the accident in another Dove, VH-AZY
(also with about 9000 hours). When the fatigue failure in the crashed aircraft was identified,
inspection ofVH-AZY revealed cracks on the right- and left-hand sides of the wing carry-through
structure, similarly located to the critical crack in VH-AQO. No aircraft elsewhere in the world
had exceeded 3000 hours service at that time.

The accident raised several urgent questions:
"Why should a failure occur in an aircraft carry-through component whose strength com-
plied with specification requirements, which had neither excessive nor avoidable stress
raisers, poor design, faulty manufacture nor any other obvious reason for rejection?";
"Did the increase of all-up weight from 8000 to 8500 lb have any significant effect?"; and
"Could such an early failure have been predicted from a knowledge of the flight loads and
the fatigue properties of the structure?".
In an endeavour to answer these questions an assessment of life was made at ARL. An
immediate difficulty was the lack of data specifically applicable to the problem. The frequencies
of gust loads were estimated, using data from V-g recorders functioning in DC-3 aircraft operat-
ing in Western Australia, supplemented by data on small gusts derived from the USA. No
fatigue data of any sort were available for the material DTD363 of which the failed part was made,
so data from the Boomerang and Mustang tests were used, after adjustment for the higher
strength material using comparisons between riveted joint performances of high strength 758
alloy and lower strength 24ST alloy.
This life assessment revealed 33 that:
(a) An early failure would have been predicted (scatter range 3200 hours to 15,000 hours).
(b) The scatter in lives of identical structures (deduced from fixed amplitude laboratory
tests) is greater than was generally realised. The service life figure must be chosen below
the minimum calculated figure.
(c) The increase in permitted all-up weight from 8000 lb for the prototype to 8500 lb for
production models would have had a negligible effect on life.
(d) If the part had been designed in 24ST to the same static design load factors, an increase
in the life of from three to five times would have resulted, with a negligible weight
The analysis accented the need for additional research on properties of DTD363 alloy, if
it was to continue to be used in aircraft construction, and for a rational service life test. A service
life test for this wing was proposed, but not implemented. A type of fluctuating load test had been
made by the manufacturer on a test wing, even though none was mandatory by the airworthi-
ness authority. It was the Australian view that this test was too mild to be representative of the
Australian operating conditions. It has subsequently appeared that the test specimen was a wing
(and centre section) which had already been subjected to a static test to design ultimate load, and
hindsight makes it clear that the test specimen's fatigue endurance would have been enhanced
thereby, in a way which did not occur on aircraft for service.
This accident confirmed, if confirmations were necessary, the fears regarding the deteriora-
tion of safe operating lives of newer aircraft, and the Department of Civil Aviation decided to
undertake a detailed fatigue analysis of every regular passenger transport aircraft type operating
in Australia. An immediate action was to extend the flight load data collection programme to
Dove, Bristol Freighter and Viscount aircraft and to prepare a generalised survey of materials
fatigue data in preparation for the proposed analyses.
In November 1953 there occurred the crash of a Bristol Freighter aircraft of the RAAF,
within sight of the MaHala aerodrome while undertaking "navigational training" duties, on the
day prior to an air display there.
Analysis of the wreckage revealed that the structure, though not old in flying hours, had
significant structural deterioration in the way of worked rivets, ill-fitting stressed-door bolts, and
a small unrepaired fatigue crack, sufficient to reduce its strength significantly below design
strength but not necessarily below limit strength, and it had failed in a high load and high speed
The mid 1950s saw a growing interest in experiments on the accumulation of fatigue damage
in irregular load sequences. Numerous ideas were current, including the inertia-loaded notched
specimens to be carried in an aircraft, designed to fall off when the aircraft was about to become
unsafe, or the specimen loaded by replay of a tape recording of the stress history recorded in
flight. An ingenious testing technique of fatigue testing under random noise history was
developed in 1955 by Head and Hooke. 34 A small notched specimen was loaded by amplified
electronic random noise; an absolutely random process in which all of the statistical properties
of the fluctuating wave form were completely specified by only three parameters, the mean

frequency, the r.m.s. value and the coefficient of damping. This technique has since been used
and further developed in the UK, USA and Europe.
The year 1956 saw the International Conference on Fatigue of Metal~, held in London and
New York jointly by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers. Australia was represented, in person, and by four papers, covering full
scale testing; small specimen random noise testing, and effects of fretting in fatigue. At the same
time a broad survey of the current state of the art of structural fatigue research, and of current
problems in fatigue life estimation, was made. 3 8
In 1957 there occurred in Brussels the Conference of the relatively young International
Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, with Australia participating as part of the British dele-
gation. The possibility of Australia's membership was raised and subsequently effected, so that
at the 1959 Conference in Amsterdam Australian membership was confirmed and papers on
fatigue of wing structure by Payne 36 and on the safety of fail-safe wing structures by Ferrari,
Milligan, Rice and Weston 37 were read.

Early in 1960 the need for research in relation to civil aircraft problems became sufficiently
acute that the Department of Civil Aviation made arrangements with the Department of Supply
to fund eleven additional research positions in the Structures and Materials Divisions, in order
to apply greater effort upon basic and applied projects for DCA. The additional staff, some
recruited from the UK, brought enhanced progress to a number of the studies of DCA interest,
particularly in relation to the studies of operating loads on transport 3 5 and agricultural
aircraft. 3 9
Airworthiness investigations on the Dove aircraft had led to fatigue tests by the manu-
facturer of a pair of mainplanes which had been in service for about 16,000 hours in Western
Australia. The manufacturer's test was carried out at constant amplitude, viz. at 1 g the load
of a 12 fps. EAS. vertical gust, and it endured until a total equivalent lifetime of 57,350 hours.
There was, however, considerable doubt in the Department of Civil Aviation and in the Aero-
nautical Research Laboratories concerning adequacy of single-load-level testing to represent a
" gustspectrum with ground to air cycles (when the only S-N data were results pooled from tests
on other wings), and doubt also on the significance of the life of 57,350 equivalent hours of service
and laboratory testing. It was therefore decided to carry out a laboratory test at ARL of a com-
plete wing and carry-through structure under a five-load-level block programme sequence, in
which one of the blocks was to represent the ground load effect. The wings had been modified
in a highly loaded area near their root by the splicing-in of a length of steel spar boom in the lower
part of the main spar, and the tests were intended to reveal the properties of the wing as a whole,
the life of the modified boom and splice, and that of the tension boom of the carry-through
structure. The tests continued for a period of nine years till the wings failed catastrophically
at a life of 135,000 equivalent hours. To reach this lifetime the carry-through tension booms
had to be replaced a number of times.
The tests showed firstly that the test endurance of wing carry-through tension booms of
the original design (having a nominal stress of 12,000 p.s.i. per g) was very close to the mean
service life of the boom causing the crash and of another found cracked in service. The dimen-
sions of booms varied from 3% under to 11% above nominal area, and surprisingly, the test
life of the smallest boom was the longest. A modified boom (having a nominal stress of 8200
p.s.i. per g) in the same material showed a fourfold increase in mean endurance, but a scatter
range of 4! to 1, thus confirming a conclusion concerning scatter. 33 Eventually these booms
were made in steel.
The wings generally suffered some 60 cracks of varying severity in the skin and round
cutouts: some were patched and some were untouched. An unanticipated catastrophic failure
occurred at 70,000 hours in the spar some nine feet from the wing root, where the tension spar
boom is spliced in manufacture, and the final collapse at 135,000 hours occurred at a fatigue
r crack just outboard of the splice of the modification steel insert into the wing.
The tests 40 41 were taken as confirming the validity of the laboratory representation of
the Western Australian service spectrum, and also the merits of a multi-load-level programme
as compared with a single-load-level programme test for getting realistic endurance data. They

showed also that a wing not designed as fail safe could suffer many nuisance and non-critical
cracks, and that the repair of these will provide no safety against catastrophic collapse at some
hidden area where cracking is out of reach of detection methods. The tests also conclusively
demonstrated that for an aircraft of this type and in this material, a working stress of 12,000
p.s.i. per g was too high to permit a useful life.
Crack initiation and propagation in the carry-through structure was so variable in location
and rate that, with inspection methods available then (and possibly now); it could not be treated
as safe-by-inspection; both the wing carry-through structure and the wings themselves had to be
treated as "safe life" and, with modifications designed by the manufacturers, reasonably eco-
nomic safe lives were achieved.
During the next two years the subject of fatigue was to become a matter of major concern
to the RAAF, first through the issuing in the UK of a safe life figure for Lincoln bombers, a
figure which had already been exceeded by the Australian fleet of Lincolns, and secondly, by the
adoption by the RAF and the RAAF of a new type of bombing manoeuvre for Canberras,
called "Loft Bombing", which involved the aircraft in severe manoeuvre loads applied just
before the bombs were released, 500 hours of which service was reputed to exhaust the available
fatigue life of the aircraft.
The conclusion had long been held that life evaluations for specific aircraft could not be
confidently based upon generalised loading action data. Accordingly, flight load investigations
were set in hand, using unattended recording instruments, in Canberra, Sabre, Vampire, and
Winjeel aircraft, while later, when Mirage aircraft were chosen as Australia's front-line aircraft,
every aircraft of the fleet was fitted with a flight load recorder on delivery to the RAAF, as a
precaution against the possible need for such data. Thus began a reverse defence technological
spin-off; fifteen years of basic and applied research, triggered by a civil aviation need, suddenly
found application in a defence area. Though these investigations carried the priorities accorded
to the Services, nevertheless the needs of DCA were not entirely submerged, and similar studies
were carried out on Douglas DC-6 and Viscount transport aircraft, and on Cessna, Beaver,
Prospector and Cropmaster agricultural aircraft.
The grounding of the Lincoln fleet could not be countermanded. Studies by ARL of the
Canberra problem of loft bombing, 42 43 revealed that, it being a long range aircraft, fuel was
a large part of the disposable load, and the original flight fuel usage procedure was to use fuel
from wing tanks first and fuselage tanks last. The proposal and adoption of a new procedure
of using fuselage fuel first optimised the inertia relief from wing-carried fuel, and markedly
reduced the manoeuvre stresses at fatigue critical regions. The fatigue damage analysis was
developed into a simple formula so that the calculated consumption of available safe fatigue life
could be updated regularly from operational and flight records. In consequence a fleet life-of-
type of over 20 years was achieved with confidence throughout that the fatigue risk was negligibly
Attention was then directed, both in the UK and Australia, to fatigue of Vampire jet trainers.
UK tests had revealed a most critical region in the lower part of the outer wing main spar at a
point where, merely to provide attachment for a piece of wing skin, four screw holes were drilled
into the spar boom. UK analyses prescribed a safe life of about 2000 hours, but the UK would
not support the same life for Australian-built Vampires because of a difference in the diameter
of these four screws, and evidence from a small specimen test series at the RAE, Farnborough,
suggesting that screws as used in Australian aircraft were inferior in fatigue performance to those
as used in the UK. A wing test programme was therefore commenced in Australia, using a
loading spectrum identical with that used in the UK tests, to establish the life of the Australian-
built wings. A suggestion had been made for "desensitising" the critical area by drilling out
the screw holes and replacing them with cylindrical pinned Chobert rivets, and a number of wings
were tested to evaluate this modification. The results of the tests 44 showed conclusively that
the life of Australian-built wings was superior to that of UK-built wings, that the proposed modi-
fication was ineffectual, and that fatigue cracking in a number of other "nuisance" areas occurred.
As the spar tension boom was the critical component, two tests were carried out on wings in
which a cracked tension spar boom was extracted and a new boom riveted in its place. It was
conclusively demonstrated that the life could be doublc:d by so doing. The Vampire wing has
several stress-carrying doors covering openings through which wing fuel tanks are inserted.
The tests also showed that fatigue life was enhanced by continuously maintaining a high standard

of tightness of the screws attaching these doors, but use could not be made of this result, as it
was only learnt after service aircraft had operated for long periods with a lesser standard of
tightness. Life evaluations for the Australian load spectrum based upon these tests, showed
:;J adequate life for the RAAF's purposes, and the expedient of replacing spar booms was not
During the early 1960s the RAAF also operated the Winjeel trainer, Sabre fighter, Hercules
transport and Neptune maritime reconnaisance aircraft. None of these aircraft had been the
subject of fatigue study in the design stage, though Sabre had subsequently been fatigue tested
by the manufacturer to investigate whether it could be regarded as fail safe. Because of RAAF
concern for the safety of all its aircraft, and because it was beyond the capacity of ARL to
investigate them all at the same time, it was decided to engage the services of the aircraft industry
initially in a training role under the supervision of ARL to investigate the life of each of these
types. The plan would relieve ARL of engineering work load and would build up industry's
expertise in the calculation phase and in the conduct of airworthiness tests leaving ARL freer to
press ahead with more basic work and newer developments. The plan was put into effect with
Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation co-operating most enthusiastically, and the scheme
operated to mutual benefit. During this period was developed the idea of determining fatigue
critical areas (sometimes known as "control points") from a survey of the regions of high
nominal stress and an estimation of the local stress concentration factors. Study of the Winjeel
aircraft, which had been designed by CAC, showed that in each of the fatigue critical areas
except one, the structure was inspectable and had "fail-safe" properties, so that safety could be,
and in fact was, achieved by inspection for cracks at regular intervals. The one non-fail-safe
area was in a continuous chordwise bolt-angle joint, and an adequate safe life at this point was
validated by a component test, under stress conditions very carefully established from compre-
hensive flight strain surveys.
Although it is true that military aircraft are employed for shorter lifetimes than civil air-
craft, it may be taken as a tribute to the co-operation between the Laboratories and industry that
there has never been a fatigue failure in service of any RAAF aircraft type validated in this way.
In September 1963 and again in July 1964, agricultural aviation was shocked by the crashes
of two Beaver aircraft, all the more disturbing because safe life estimates had already been promul-
gated for this type, 46 4 7 and these had been based upon component fatigue tests by the manu-
facturer. At the request of DCA further more detailed flight tests were undertaken 48 49 to support
a re-examination of the problem. 50 This work showed that although the pattern of operating
agricultural aircraft was fairly standard, there was an extraordinarily large variability in the
applied loads, as a result of variations in the severity of atmospheric turbulence conditions, and
variations in the severity of manoeuvring loads imposed by different pilots: it also revealed that
assembly alignment of the wing strut lug produced additional bending stresses not present in the
component fatigue test, thus giving further support to the now universal practice of validating
the safe life by a complete structural fatigue test. And when, soon after, a fatigue problem was
suspected in Cessna aircraft, used in both military and civil roles, a full scale test was set in hand
by ARL, using a test spectrum which was an agreed compromise between the military and civil
During this period concern grew in relation to the confidence which could be placed in
fatigue life estimates. Confidence is the antithesis of variability, and an intensive study was
made by Ford, Graff and Payne 5 1 and by Jost and Verinder 52 of statistical aspects of structural
endurance, and by Patterson 5 3 54 Of statistical aspects of applied loads. These studies were
eventually to convince the authorities that assessment of fatigue risk is notional rather than
precisely quantifiable: that estimates can only be estimates for the many based on tests on the
few: that the absolute in safety does not exist; and that inspectability engenders more confidence
than non-inspectability.
During this period also, materials fatigue testing was to investigate a number of relevant
effects in aircraft alloy behaviour, including fretting, 55 vapour and grit blasting, 56 aged
structure, 57 storage and cleaning and batch to batch variations. Particularly significant were
tests on an aluminium alloy containing 0 3% silver, Australian invented and patented, with the
aim of giving improved stress corrosion and fatigue properties. This alloy was later to be used in
the Swedish SAAB Viggen fighter.

'rhe materials fatigue laboratory being virtually the only competent fatigue testing laboratory
in Australia also found time to perform fatigue tests for non-aeronautics customers, the Snowy
Mountains Authority and others, on welded low alloy steel, on precipitation hardened stainless
steel, on welded normalised Mn. Si steel, on high tensile notch tough steel, and so on.
The nature and characteristics of the turbulent atmosphere continued to be an unsolved
problem, as it had been described by Wimperis in 1937 in recommending the establishment of
aeronautical research in Australia: "There is necessary the acquirement of knowledge of such
aspects of atmospheric structure as the size and intensity of vertical air currents, upward and
downward. Vertical currents having estimated speeds of as much as 30 feet per second are not
uncommon in Britain and America. Whether such conditions in Australia are more or less
severe than this is unknown, and in view of the rapidity with which conditions alter in this
country, it is possible that higher 'load factors' in construction may be found desirable." For
fatigue analysis purposes the choice had been made to acquire load history data specific to any
fleet of aircraft whose fatigue safety was in question. The data were used directly as an input to
a life calculation or a laboratory test programme; they were, however, often expressed in terms of
"effective gust velocity" by the use of a crude inverse transfer function. It was considered that,
if the transfer function of an aircraft could be accurately known, then the characteristics of the
atmosphere (the input) could be determined from a recorded response, and if the transfer func-
tions of two aircraft were accurately known, the response of the second, when passing through a
particular patch of turbulence could be calculated from the response data of the first.
Since the turbulent atmosphere is critical to the ultimate design strength of transport aircraft,
and, with respect to all aircraft, to their controllability, especially when servo controls or active
controls are used, and to their stability, as well as to their fatigue life in service, atmospheric
turbulence deserved study in its own right.
Little real progress occurred until instrumentation was developed capable of recording a
time history of the components of turbulent velocity along a line of flight, independently of the
response behaviour of the aircraft carrying the measuring instrument (a gust probe). It was in
1963 that this significant step forward was made in the study of the atmospheric environment in
Australia, through the implementation of a UK-Australian co-operative research programme
to measure high altitude atmospheric turbulence over Australia. This programme was managed
for Australia by Rider and for the UK by Anne Burns. The UK provided a Canberra measuring
aircraft with gust probe, while Australia provided ground, meteorological and flight record
analysis facilities. A significant number of mild to moderately severe turbulence events was
encountered, located; explored and measured, 58 5 9 contributing very significantly to the rather
meagre world knowledge, and providing data for ~nalysis for a decade or more.
In 1966 ARL were invited to participate in the USAF programme "HICAT" which extended
clear air turbulence measurements into the stratosphere wherein SST aircraft of the 1970s were
expected to operate. A specially instrumented V-2 aircraft operated from Christchurch, NZ,
during June 1966, and RAAF Base Laverton during July 1966. From data tapes for the Australian
flights ARL made a detailed examination of stratospheric turbulence in the Australian region. 60
With Concorde flights into Australia now a reality, it is interesting to recall that the Hicat experi-
ment recorded significantly higher frequency of CAT in Australia than any other region which
was sampled.
By 1967 concern was being felt for the fatigue safety of the RAAF Mirage and it was
apparent that gust loading, particularly on the fin, would have to be established for RAAF opera-
tions of this aircraft. Co-operative engineering by ARL, GAF and the Ordnance Factory,
Maribyrnong led to the design and manufacture of a sophisticated gust probe capable of measur-
ing the full vector gust velocity at speeds including supersonic flight.
During 1968-9, measurements of gust velocity and aircraft response were collected including
three flights of severe low level turbulence in the vicinity of Richmond, New South Wales, on
11 September 1969. Analysis of the data 61 62 63 64 confirmed the existence of significant
dynamic response to gusts of the Mirage IIIO.
These data were of particular value in deriving a test load spectrum when it later became
necessary to undertake a fatigue test in Australia.
During 1967 Mann published a monograph on Fatigue of Materials for engineers 65 through
Melbourne University Press.

The year 1967 was particularly significant for Australian fatigue research, for in that year
the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue had chosen Australia as host country
for its Conference and Symposium. A number of overseas papers was presented, some by their
authors in person, and the meeting of overseas and Australian scientists proved stimulating to
,, both. The Department of Supply sponsored the Symposium, to which the opening address was
given by Mr. Wills, by then Chief Scientist of the Department of Defence. Proceedings of the
Symposium were edited by Mann and Milligan. 66


Australia officially took delivery of the first of its order of 24 F-111 aircraft in Forth Worth
on Wednesday 4 September 1968, but the delivery was halted when the news became public
that eight days earlier the F-111 wing test article had failed almost at the commencement of its
fatigue test programme. This event assumed greater public significance than any other fatigue
failure in Australia's history. The RAAF immediately consulted the Aeronautical Research
Laboratories for assistance in interpreting the significance of the failure, in interpreting the
technical information as it became available from the USAF and the manufacturer, and in pro-
viding continued advice upon which the RAAF could make its decision that the remedies
proposed or implemented by the manufacturer rendered the aircraft suitable for acceptance.
The swing wings of this aircraft were pivoted upon a centre section or "wing carry-through-
box", shaped roughly like a large coffin with a bolted on lid with lugs at each end of the base and
lid, and made of ultra-high-strength D6ac steel-the first-ever use of a monolithic ultra-high-
strength steel structure of such size in aircraft. This first failure occurred in this box, in a region
remote from welding, commencing at a taper-lock bolt hole. Metallurgical study showed the
reamed surface to be different from others, and to incorporate a layer first described as "un-
b tempered martensite" and later described as "white etching constituent", and it was opined
that it could have resulted from drilling the glass-hard steel, after heat-treatment, with a blunt
drill. Subsequent experiments were never to demonstrate convincingly that the metallurgical
structure could be duplicated by blunt drilling, nevertheless disassembly and reworking of all
of the 270 bolt-holes in the 24 Australian aircraft and in all the USAF fleet was implemented.
Substantiation of the specified life was never to depend upon one single test, and the next test
specimen, denoted FW-1, although performing much better, did not achieve its test target life,
nor did a third test specimen, denoted FW-2, from which it could only be concluded that the
inadequacy was not merely metallurgical, but was an inadequacy in fatigue design capability,
resulting from the dearth of prior experience in constructing, designing and operating with this
In order to analyse and find a solution to this problem the US Government set up an
independent F-111 Scientific Advisory Board, under the chairmanship of Professor Holt Ashley,
and comprising experts on all branches of fatigue from all over the USA and this Board continued
to function until late 1971.
ARL's response to the RAAF's request for assistance was to make available scientists as
thought necessary to visit Fort Worth where the aircraft were designed and being manufactured,
to obtain at first hand information necessary in relation to determing F-111 's fatigue perfor-
mance in the Australian scene; to set up the ARL Scientific Advisory Panel, under the chairman-
ship of the Chief Superintendent, Dr. J. L. Farrands (now Chief Defence Scientist), to co-
ordinate every facet of Australia's fatigue expertise and provide the best possible advice to the
RAAF; and to second three ARL sCientists to the Australian Scientific Advisory Team, led by
Air Commodore D. R. Cuming, which, in June 1969 spent several months in the USA evaluating
the aircraft with all of the data available, finally recommending to the Secretary, Department of
Defence and the Chief of Air Staff, not to accept the aircraft until substantial redesign of the
carry-through-box and further work on other parts were performed. In retrospect it is impossible
to avoid the conviction that Australia's rejection of the aircraft convinced the USAF procurement
agency that the aircraft as delivered by the manufacturer was not good enough for the USAF,
and that no effort of scientific investigation or political persuasion should be spared to upgrade
the aircraft to a level above USAF criticism and the more open criticism of Australian appraisal.
In this era there was a lack of knowledge of the fatigue performance of ultra-high-strength
steels in aircraft primary structure, as there had been of the high strength aluminium alloy

DTD363 when the Dove accident had occurred eighteen years earlier. Most of what was known
had been determined by the manufacturer in tests of large components which duplicated the
rear lower edge of the wing carry-through-box. At Australia's request twelve additional of these
large components were provided by the USAF to Australia to explore gaps in knowledge,
particularly on the scatter of performance of this construction and on the performance under
the projected Australian usage spectrum. Testing of these specimens required the design and
construction by ARL of a 500,000 lb testing machine (which came to be known as the
Humphries* rig), under high priority and in a very short time scale.
Australian tests revealed a new problem; very rapid fatigue crack propagation in some
specimens. This was identified by scientists of ARL Materials Division to be due to corrosion
effects of various fluids used during the manufacturing operations. When one of the matching
halves of each suspectedly corrosion-affected specimen was returned to the manufacturer for
analysis the ARL conclusions were eventually agreed.
Meanwhile, late in 1969 one aircraft crashed as a result of a pre-existing crack which had
escaped production inspection-its location being in a wing pivot fitting of the same D6ac
material. After much scientific thought on both sides of the Pacific, the solution eventually
adopted to establish structural integrity, in the presence possibly of pre-existing cracks or of
residual fluids with corrodent properties, was to proof load every aeroplane before delivery, or
as soon as possible, for aircraft already delivered. The properties of steels are that their fracture
toughness is lower at low temperature than at high temperature; and, as the aircraft operating
envelope included flight at up to 55,000 ft, it was decided to adopt "cold proof testing" in a cold
chamber at -40C for all aircraft. The adoption of this procedure was vindicated by the fact
that two from among the first 330 airframes failed on test. The test, in demonstrating some
superabundance of strength for operation at ambient conditions, allowed for a limited amount
of fatigue crack growth before strength would fall to the proof load value, and a routine of re-
cold-proof-testing at recurring intervals was adopted to substantiate continued structural
During the two years of its existence before Australia accepted the aircraft the Scientific
Advisory Panel examined every relevant aspect of the problem including scatter in fatigue of
ultra-high-strength steels, 6 7 6 8 fatigue load monitoring in service, 6 9 surveys offatigue information
for ultra-high-strength steels, 70 fracture mechanics and fatigue crack propagation, 71 compari-
sons between the US "Composite Mission Analysis" and RAAF proposed g spectra, and so on.
In the final outcome, the decision to accept was taken in December 1971, with 240 modi-
fications to be incorporated before delivery, the major one being a teardown and replacement
with new-design heavier wing carry-through-boxes.
During the F-111 investigation the research work of the Structures and Materials Divisions
was surveyed, sharpened and redirected. The state of the art of fatigue life estimation was
reviewed. 72 Structural reliability theory was further developed, 73 74 75 76 providing local
estimates for permissible intervals between cold proof testing for Australia's F-111 fleet, and
later, a basis for determining inspection intervals for Macchi centre sections, 7 7 7 8 now being
operated on a "safe-by-inspection" basis. Fracture mechanics entered a new dimension, being
related to fatigue crack propagation, expanding to address the phenomenon of fatigue crack
retardation by high loads, using the technique of Wheeler's model.
By mid 1972 the fatigue spotlight turned to Mirage as the economic situation precluded
their replacement, and several aircraft had reached their permissible safe life. The latter was
based upon continuous load monitoring in flight, supported by shorter time flight strain tests,
and on a simplified fatigue test carried out by the manufacturer some 15 years earlier. Because
of the simplistic nature of that two-load-level programme test carried out upon the wing spar
alone, a larger scatter factor had been applied than would have been applied to a more represen-
tative fatigue test result, and in the prospect of benefitting by a lower scatter factor, and in the
sure knowledge that a more representative test would engender greater confidence, such a test
was commissioned by the RAAF and undertaken by ARL with assistance from the industry.
Flight load data were reviewed and the load sequence was made as representative as possible 80
and a computer controlled multi-jack test rig was built, to apply accurately controlled loads
upon a single test wing. 8 2

* Humphries was the General Dynamics engineer who conceived this test specimen.

The wing failed catastrophically and without warning after 35,000 simulated flights, at the
same location as in the French test and at the same equivalent lifetime. The complete wing was
not inferior in fatigue to the wing spar. The catastrophic failure, occurring in the wing spar, was
shown by a technique of backward-looking fracture analysis 81 to have been present for more
than half the lifetime. It was, however, preceded by a crack in the integral fuel-tank skin, com-
mencing at about one quarter of the final life, though this crack did not significantly weaken the
wing. Had the sequence been repeated in service leaking fuel would have given prior warning of
fatigue. After collapse the wing spar was found to have eight other cracks in bolt holes, some as
large as 5 mm long and 10 mm deep, and it may be concluded that, if no crack had initiated
at the collapse location, collapse would have occurred at some other location soon thereafter. It was
significant, however, that the wing did not crack in the lug at the root-the location calculated
to be the most critical. The result gave confidence in the adoption of a lower scatter, and therefore
an extended safe life. Close liaison is being maintained with Switzerland, where a complete air-
frame is to be fatigue tested, with a view to determining with greater confidence the safe life of
other regions.
Within this period of intense activity upon the more specific problems of fatigue life assess-
ment, much thought has also been given to the objectives, philosophies and procedures of
fatigue testing. 79 The Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council has requested
members to compare their methods of deriving safe lives for airframes (and engines) with a view
to standardisation of procedures, and as a follow up, the subject became a major topic for
discussion at the Eighth Symposium of the International Committee on Aircraft Fatigue held in
Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1975. 83 The last word on the subject has not yet been spoken, for the
topic of Aircraft Life Estimation is the major topic for the Ninth Symposium of ICAF in
Darmstadt in 1977. I do not doubt that Australia will have something to say.

1. Osborne, C. J. Examination of Failures in Stinson Model A Wing Structure.
CSIR Div. of Aero. Rep. SM134, 1945.
2. Marmion, L., and Repeated Load Tests of Modified Typhoon Semi-span Tailplanes.
Starkey, R. D. RAE Tech. Note No. SME279, October 1944.
3. Bland, R. B., and The Control of Life Expectancy in Aeroplane Structures.
Sandorff, P. E. Aero. Engineering Review, Vol. 2, no. 3, p. 7, August 1943.
4. Johnstone, W. W. Review of Current Methods for Strength Testing of Aircraft Wings.
ACA Report 28, 1946.
5. Johnstone, W. W. Repeated Load Tests on a Mosquito Wing.
CSIR Div. of Aero. Rep. SM59, 1946.
6. Patterson, M. S., and Strength of Machine Parts for Fluctuating Loads.
Wills, H. A. CSIR Div. of Aero. Rep. SM82, 1947.
7. Wills, H. A. A Method of Obtaining Fatigue Endurance Curves for any Load
Range Ratio.
CSIR Div. of Aero. Note S&M155, 1947.
8. Hooke, F. H., and A Procedure for Calculation of the Endurance Strength of Aircraft
Wills, H. A. Structures.
CSIR Div. of Aero. Note SM152, 1947
9. Radok, J. R. M. The Motion and Deformation of Aircraft in Atmospheric Distur-
CSIR Div. of Aero. Rep. SM89, 1947; also Rep. SM101, 1947;
Rep. SM105, 1947; Rep. SM133, 1949; and Rep. SM138, 1949.
10. Hooke, F. H. The Influence of Aeroplane Characteristics on the Response to
Gusts of Various Forms.
CSIR Div. of Aero. Rep. SM144, 1949; also SM170, 1951; and
Rep. ACA 54, 1954.
11. Hooke, F. H., and V-g Recorder Results from a DC-3 Aircraft Operating Between
Ferstat, Q. Perth and Darwin.
CSIR Div. of Aero. Rep. SM135, 1949
12. Hooke, F. H. Load Frequency Measurements on a Lincoln Aircraft.
CSIR Div. of Aero, Note SM150, 1947.
13. Wills, H. A. The Life of Aircraft Structures.
Journal of I.E. Aust., Vol. 20, No. 10, October 1948.
14. Oakes, J. K., and Fluctuating Load Tests on Typhoon Tailplanes.
Townshend, P. H. RAE Report No. SME 3354, 1945.
15. Wills, H. A. The Life of Aircraft Structures.
Proc. Second International Aeronautical Conference, New York,
1949; Institute of the Aeronatucial Sciences Inc., p. 361.
16. Johnstone, W. W., and Determination of Fatigue Characteristics of Mustang P51D Wings.
Payne, A. 0. ARL Rep. SM 207, January 1953.
17. Heywood, R. B. The Effect of High Loads on Fatigue.
IUTAM Colloquium on Fatigue, Stockholm, May 1955, ed.
Waloddi Weibull and Folhe K. G. Odquist, Springer Verlag, p. 92.
18. Royal Aeronautical Endurance of Complete Wings and Tailplanes.
Society (now ESDU) Data Sheet on Fatigue E.02.01, Issue 2, June 1958.
19. Langford, P. S. An Airworthiness Fatigue Requirement for Civil Aeroplane Wings.
AARC 35, CAARC Rep. 290, September 1955.
20. Gassner, E. Strength Investigations in Aircraft under Repeated Application of
the Load.
Luftwissen, Vol. 6, No. 2, February 1939; also RTP Trans. 1415
and NACA Tech. Memo 1087.

21. Woodgate, B. G. Some Notes on a Proposed Airworthiness Requirement for Wing
Structure Fatigue Life.
AARC 53 and CAARC Rep. CC323, October 1955.
22. Shaw, R. R. The Level of Safety Achieved by Periodic Inspection for Fatigue
J. Roy. Aero. Soc., Vol. 58, 720, 1954.
23. Fatigue Characteristics of a Riveted 24STAluminium Wing.
Part 1-"Testing techniques", J. L. Kepert and C. A. Patching,
ARL Rep. SM246;
Part II-"Stress analysis", M. K. Rice, Rep. SM247;
Part III-"Experimental results", J. L. Kepert, C. A. Patching,
J. G. Robertson, M. Rice;
Part IV-"Analysis of results", D. G. Ford and A. 0. Payne, Rep.
Part V-"Discussion of results and conclusions", J. Kepert, C. A.
Patching, D. G. Ford, W. W. Johnstone, A. 0. Payne, M. Rice.
Rep. SM268, 1956-59.
24. Kepert, J. L. Determination of Fatigue Prone Areas in Aircraft Wings Using a
Progressive Repair Technique.
ARL Rep. 246, 1958.
25. Payne, A. 0., and The Failing Stress of Mustang Wings Weakened by Fatigue Cracks.
Squire, N. L. ARL Note 257, 1959.
26. Wood, W. A., and Some New Observations on the Mechanism of Fatigue of Metals.
Head, A. K. ARL Rep. SM158, 1950.
27. Davies, R. B., and Structural Changes During Rotating Bending Cantilever Fatigue
Mann, J. Y. Tests on Annealed Copper.
ARL Rep. Met. 10, 1954.
28. Head, A. K. Statistical Properties of Fatigue Data on 24ST Aluminium Alloy.
ARL Note SM180, 1950.
29. Head, A. K. The Growth of Fatigue Cracks.
Phil. Mag., p. 925, 1953.
30. Mann, J. Y. The Effect of Surface Finish on the Fatigue Resistance of 24ST
Aluminium Alloy.
ARL Rep. SM147, 1950.
31. Mann, J. Y. The Effects of Re-heat-treatment and Overheating on the Fatigue
Properties of 24S Aluminium Alloy.
ARL Rep. SM185,1957.
32. Finney, J. M. The Effects of Pickling and Anodising on the Fatigue Properties of
2L40 and DTD683 Aluminium Alloys.
ARL Rep. SM255, 1957.
33. Hooke, F. H. Preliminary Note on the Fatigue Life of an Aeroplane Constructed
of High Strength Aluminium Alloy under Australian Operating
ARL Tech. Memo SM27, 1952.
34. Head, A. K., and Random Noise Fatigue Testing.
Hooke, F. H. International Conference on Fatigue of Metals, I. Mech. E. London,
p. 301, 1956.
35. Hooke, F. H. Operating Loads and Safe Life Evaluation of Aircraft.
J.I.E. Aust. 36, 1, 1964.
36. Payne, A. 0. The Determination of the Fatigue Resistance of Aircraft Wings by
Full Scale Testing; Full Scale Fatigue Testing of Aircraft Structures.
Proceedings of ICAF Symposium, Amsterdam 1959; Pergamon
Press, p. 76, 1961.
37. Ferrari, R. M., Some Considerations Relating to the Safety of Fail-Safe Wing
Milligan, I. S., Structure.
Rice, M. K., and Ibid., Ref. 36, p. 413.
Weston, M. R.

38. Hooke, F. H., and Australian Work on Aircraft Fatigue and Life Evaluation.
Langford, P. S. Aircraft Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 334, December 1956.
39. Foden, P. Agricultural Aircraft: Typical Load Spectra and some Observations
on Airworthiness.
ICAF Conference, Melbourne, 1967.
40. Ellis, R:, Dove Wing Fatigue Test.
Graff, D. G., and ARL Note SM408, 1974.
Mitchell, B. J.
41. Ellis, R., and Fatigue Testing of DH104 "Dove" Centre Section Tension Booms.
Graff, D. G. ARL Note SM409, 1974.
42. Hooke, F. H., and Formula for Assessment of Fatigue Life of Australian Canberra
Jost, G. S. Aircraft.
ARL Rep. SM285, 1961.
43. Hoskin, B. C. A Comparison of Two Investigations of Fatigue Life of Canberra
ARL Rep. SM293, 1964.
44. Bruton, R. A., and Fatigue Tests of Vampire Aircraft.
Patching, C. A. Report in preparation.
45. Barnard, M. H., and Safe Life Predictions for Vampire Wing Components.
Agar, E. ARL Note SM389, 1964.
46. Jost, G. S., and Safe Life Estimates of the de Havilland Beaver Wing Structure.
Lacey, G. C. ARL SM TM98, 1960.
47. Bruce, G. P. A Review of the Safe Life of the de Havilland Beaver Wing Strut
ARL SM. TM. 123, 1964.
48. Foden, P. Flight Load Spectra for Beaver Aircraft on Agricultural Operations.
ARL Note SM312, 1966.
49. Foden, P. Agricultural Aircraft Typical Load Spectra and some Observations
on Airworthiness.
ARL Note SM317, 1968.
50. Foden, P. Mean Life Estimates for Wing Strut of Beaver Aircraft in Asym-
metrical Operation.
ARL Note SM316, 1968.
51. Ford, D. G., Statistical Aspects of Fatigue Life Variation.
Graff, D. G., and ARL TM. SM105, 1961; Proceedings of ICAF Symposium, Paris
Payne, A. 0. 1961; Pergamon Press, p. 179, 1963
52. Jost, G. S., and A Survey of Fatigue Life Variability in Aluminium Alloy Aircraft
Verinder, F. E. Structures.
ARL Rep. SM329, 1971.
53. Patterson, A. K. Estimation of Response Parameters and Confidence Intervals in
Flight Testing, with Application to Experiments on Beaver Air-
ARL Rep. SM309, 1965.
54. Patterson, A. K. A Statistical Study of Flight Loads on a Cropmaster Agricultural
ARL Rep. SM 320, 1966.
55. Mann, J. Y. The Influence of Fretting on the Fatigue Strength of Materials and
ARL Rep. SM296, 1964.
56. Douglas, R., and Fatigue Tests on Vapour Blasted and Grit Blasted 2L65 Alloy.
Simpson, R. ARL Note SM295, 1964.
57. Finney, J. M. The Relationship Between Aged Structure and the Fatigue
Behaviour of Aluminium Alloys.
Part 1-ARL Rep. SM 324, 1969.
Part 2-ARL Rep. SM325, 1969.

58. Burns, Anne, and Project Topcat: Power Spectral Measurements of Clear Air Tur-
Rider, C. K. bulence Associated with Jet Streams.
RAE TR 65210, September 1965.
59. Rider, C. K. Project Topcat: A Study of the Gust Velocity Power Spectra for
Six Flights in Clear Air Turbulence.
ARL Rep. SM317, August 1967.
60. Rider, C. K., and Clear Air Turbulence in the Australian Stratosphere.
Thomson, M. R. ARL Note SM362, January 1971.
61. Rider, C. K., Measurement of Extreme Mechanical Turbulence During Low
Thomson, M. R., and Level Flights by Mirage A3-76.
Verinder, F. E. ARL Rep. SM333, May 1971.
62. Rider, C. K., Variation in Wing Strains Measured During Three Low Level
Sparrow, J. G., Flights by Mirage A3-76 in Severe Mechanical Turbulence.
Thomson, M. R., and ARL Note SM401, December 1973.
Verinder, F. E.
63. Rider, C. K., Fin Strains in Mirage A3-76 During Flights in Severe Turbulence.
Sparrow, J. G., and ARL Nofe SM407, 1974.
Thomson, M. R.
64. ARL Annual Report, p. 16, 1967.
65. Mann, J. Y. Fatigue of Materials.
MUP, 1967.
66. Mann, J. Y., and Aircraft Fatigue: Design, Operation and Economic Aspects.
Milligan, I. S. Pergamon Press, 1972.
67. Hoskin, B. C., and Scatter Factor in Aircraft Fatigue Life Estimation.
Ford, D. G. ARL Note 350, 1970.
68. Scientific Advisory Interpretation of the Scatter Factor by ARL.
Panel ARL Note SM373, 1972.
69. Patterson, A. K. Fatigue Monitoring in the USA-A Report of Overseas Visit,
January 1971.
ARL Memo SM200, 1971.
70. Simpson, R. Fatigue of Ultra High Strength Steels-A Survey of the Literature.
ARL Note 378, 1972.
71. Hoskin, B. C. Simple Theoretical Studies of Fatigue Crack Propagation Using a
Fracture Mechanics Approach.
ARL Note SM372, 1971.
72. Hooke, F. H. Fatigue Life of Safe-Life and Fail-Safe Structures-A State-of-
the-Art Review.
ARL Rep. SM334, 1971.
73. Diamond, P., and Reliability Analysis Applied to Structural Tests; Advanced
Payne, A. 0. Approaches to Fatigue Evaluation.
ICAF, NASA SP309, p. 275, 1971.
74. Hooke, F. H. A Comparison of Reliability and Conventional Estimation of
Safe Fatigue Life and Safe Inspection Intervals: Advanced
Approaches to Fatigue Evaluation.
ICAF, NASA SP309, p. 667, 1971.
75. Payne, A. 0. A Reliability Approach to Fatigue of Structures.
ASTM-STP511, 1974.
76. Hooke, F. H. Probabilistic Design and Structural Fatigue.
The Aeronautical Journal, p. 267, June 1975.
77. Howard, P. J., and Crack Propagation-Macchi Centre Section Lower Spar.
Woodbury, S. P. ARL Rep. SM TM213, 1972.
78. Diamond, P., and A Proposed Inspection Procedure for the Macchi Centre Section.
Grandage, J. ARL Note SM394, 1973.
79. Mann, J. Y. Fatigue Testing, Objectives, Philosophies and Procedures.
ARL Rep. SM336, 1972.
80. Howard, P. J. Development of a Load Sequence for a Structural Fatigue Test.
Symposium on Fatigue in Aircraft Structures, ARL, October 1976.

81. Goldsmith, N., and Unpublished note.
Anderson, B. E. ARL, 1975.
82. Howard, P. J., Life Estimation by Parametric Analysis.
Patching, C. A., and ICAF Symposium, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1975.
Payne, A. 0.
83. Hooke;F. H. Search for Unified Methods of Fatigue Life Estimation.
ICAF Symposium, Lausanne, Switzerland; !975.

R. B. Douglas (Department ofTransport)
I would like to comment on the historical aspects of Dr. Hooke's presentation. Firstly, in
the RAAF Bristol Freighter accident, fatigue was only a relatively minor contributory factor,
and the accident perhaps should not be classed as a fatigue accident.
Secondly, Dr. Hooke has made no direct mention, either in his written paper or in his
presentation, of the most tragic and spectacular of all Australian fatigue accidents, Viscount
aircraft VH-RMQ at Port Hedland in 1968. This accident had a significant effect on subsequent
fatigue work, and on the attitude of the Australian operator and the (then) Department of
Civil Aviation.
No mention has been made of the two Australian helicopter fatal fatigue accidents, nor of
the two fatal accidents following propeller fatigue failures. Indeed, it is disappointing to note
that the theme of this Symposium is limited mainly to structural fatigue of aeroplanes, heavily
laced with Mirage and F-Ill; and that rotorcraft and accessories like power plants, propellers,
and landing gears, have largely missed out.
Dr. F. H. Hooke
I think it appropriate to regard the RAAF Bristol Freighter accident as a fatigue accident,
in view of the findings of the team which investigated it. The wing had failed in a primarily
torsion mode, and the failure path proceeded right round the wing torsion box, starting from an
unrepaired fatigue crack in the skin. The wing had other aspects of structural deterioration also.
It will be appreciated that it is difficult to determine exactly the strength of such a cracked
structure; nevertheless the investigators concluded that the strength had fallen to a value below
ultimate design strength, but not below limit strength. In my opinion it would not have failed
under the applied loads if the structure had been intact.
I agree with Mr. Douglas that mention should have been made of the Viscount aircraft
VH-RMQ accident at Port Hedland in 1968. I do not know if it was more tragic or more spec-
tacular than other fatigue catastrophes, but it proved to be most significant, in that it caused the
then Department of Civil Aviation to ban further use of that type of aircraft in Australia-an
action which I believe it had not taken before or since.
Limitations of space have prevented me from detailing failures of propellers, power plants,
landing gears, etc., and although the Laboratories have been involved in accident investigations
of helicopters, we have done no research on the subject, apart from what might be regarded as a
mechanical engineering investigation on rotor gear boxes. I think Mr. Douglas is right, that there
is probably a large amount of information on non-structural fatigue investigations, but these
were beyond the scope of my paper.






This paper reviews mechanisms of fatigue and fracture with particular reference to
the author's research at ARL. Overload fracture, liquid-metal embrittlement, stress-
corrosion cracking, fatigue-crack initiation, fatigue-crack growth and corrosion-fatigue
are discussed and related. Observations suggest that crack growth in many metallic
materials generally occurs by plastic flow and that fracture characteristics are deter-
mined mainly by the distribution of slip around crack tips. This distribution governs
ductile versus brittle behaviour and is influenced by microstructure, stress intensity,
temperature and environment; the effects of environment are attributed mainly to chemi-
sorption at crack tips and are discussed in some detail. Changes in microstructure induced
by cyclic stress, and the association of such changes with initiation and growth offatigue
cracks, are also examined. Relationships between crack-growth rates and stress-intensity
factors, and the application of mechanistic understanding are then briefly discussed.

Design of components and predictions of crack-growth rates, even when based on linear-
elastic fracture mechanics, have limited accuracy since the effects of
(a) plasticity,
(b) microstructure, and
(c) environment
on crack initiation and growth are not adequately taken into account. Useful predictions of crack-
growth rates under complex conditions, however, should be possible by using fracture mechanics
in conjunction with analyses of plastic strain around cracks on the basis of an understanding of
mechanisms of fracture. The author's research at ARL has been mainly concerned with the
mechanistic aspect, particularly with respect to fatigue and corrosion-fatigue, since these p;o-
cesses are involved in the majority of service failures.
Corrosion-fatigue obviously cannot be considered without understanding
(a) fatigue in inert environments, and
(b) stress-corrosion cracking (SCC).
Likewise, fatigue and SCC cannot be understood without considering critical (overload) and
sub-critical crack growth under sustained stress in inert environments. A review of the
mechanisms of all these processes, with particular reference to the author's own work is presented
in this paper in the order indicated in Appendix I; particular attention is given to fracture
surfaces since studies of fracture-surface topography (after fracture under controlled conditions)
not only provide information regarding atomic mechanisms of fracture but also aid diagnosis
of service failures. Some common fractographic characteristics, general fracture trends, and
terms used in the present paper, are outlined in the Appendix. References 1-6 give comprehensive
reviews of the various subjects.


2.1 General Considerations

In general terms, the reduction of elastic strain energy provides the driving force for crack
growth. At the atomic level, fracture may occur by
(a) tensile separation of atoms at crack tips; or
(b) shear movement of atoms at crack tips.
Elastic strain energy may also be relaxed by plastic flow, producing blunting of (initially sharp)
crack tips. These processes are discussed in more detail below; factors determining ductile versus
brittle behaviour are then considered, followed by some examples from the author's studies on
tensile fracture in Al-Zn-Mg alloys.

2.2 Crack Growth by Tensile Rupture of Interatomic Bonds

The work required to propagate cracks by tensile rupture of bonds (Fig. 1), with only elastic
deformation around crack tips, is equal to the surface energy of the crack faces. (This energy
balance leads to the well-known Griffith's criterion.) To allow for the plastic flow which may
be associated with fracture by tensile rupture of bonds, a plastic-work term (corresponding to
the extra energy required to move dislocations in the stress field of cracks) is added to the true
surface energy.
Materials in which dislocation movement is extremely difficult, e.g. diamond at low tem-
peratures, or materials with abnormally weak atomic bonding across some plane, e.g. mica,
probably fracture by a bond-rupture process. Petch 7 and Beachem, ?a however, suggest that true
(absolute) brittleness is rarer than commonly supposed (a view shared by the present author
and discussed further in connection with liquid-metal embrittlement and corrosion-fatigue),
and that fracture in most materials occurs by plastic flow, i.e. shear movement of atoms.

2.3 Crack Growth by Shear Movement of Atoms
As summarised by Petch, 7 any injection of dislocations into, or emergence of dislocations
(of opposite sign) from, the solid at the crack tip will extend the crack-although the details
may be complex. Several workers 8 9 have proposed that crack growth may occur by alternate
shear on slip planes intersecting crack tips (Fig. 2a) to produce "flat", cleavage-like fracture
surfaces parallel to low-index crystallographic planes. For example, alternate shear on {111}
L slip planes tn f.c.c. materials could produce {100} fracture surfaces; in b.c.c. materials, {100}
fractures could occur by alternate shear on {112} or {110} planes and, in c.p.h. materials, alternate
shear on pyramidal planes could produce fracture surfaces parallel to basal planes.

2.4 Blunting of Crack Tips

In many materials, crack-opening displacements (CODs) are accommodated by (plastic)
blunting of crack tips as well as by crack growth. A dislocation/crack-tip interaction producing
blunting is shown in Figure 2b. In specimens below general yield, extensive blunting requires
large strains ahead of cracks; large strains in small volumes of material ahead of cracks generally
require the operation of at least five independent slip systems (von Mises-Taylor criterion)
and interpenetration of slip bands and cross-slip. 10
The large plastic strains during blunting often result in separation of second-phase particle/
matrix interfaces, or fracture of brittle particles ahead of cracks, so that voids (internal cracks)
are produced. Further crack-opening causes further plastic flow in the crack-tip region with
some crack advance and void growth; eventually, the ligament of material separating external
cracks and voids necks down and voids link up with external cracks (Fig. 3). The term microvoid
coalescence (MVC) is generally used for this mode of fracture and both fracture surfaces are
covered by "dimples". MVC is a very common fracture mode and dimples have been observed
after fracture by overload, sec, and fatigue.

2.5 Ductile Versus Brittle Behaviour

It is commonly suggested that ductile versus brittle behaviour depends on the a/-rratio, 11
where a is the tensile stress required to break atomic bonds at crack tips and -r is the shear stress
required to move dislocations near crack tips (Fig. 1). Decreasing a, or increasing -r, increases
the tendency for (true) brittle fracture. This criterion, however, only differentiates the relative
tendencies for fracture by tensile separation of atoms and fracture by shear movement of atoms.
In many common materials, however, it is proposed that ductile and brittle crack growth occurs
by plastic flow and that the balance between crack growth (by movement of dislocations on slip
planes intersecting crack tips) and crack-tip blunting (general dislocation movement around
cracks) provides a better explanation for ductile versus brittle behaviour. Thus, the greater
predominance of slip on planes intersecting crack tips over general slip favours brittle behaviour
(Fig. 4). Expressed in a different way, ductile-brittle behaviour depends on -rs and Eg, where -rs
is the stress required to produce rapid crack growth by extensive nucleation (and/or egress) of
dislocations at crack tips and Eg is the general strain in an element of material ahead of cracks
at a stress of -r 8 ; Eg will depend on the number of slip systems operating and the ease of slip on
each system, and on the ease of cross-slip and interpenetration of dislocations in this element
(Fig. 4).
According to a criterion based on Eg, if the stress required for dislocation nucleation/egress
at crack tips (-rs) was decreased without affecting the stress required for general slip, then crack
growth would occur at lower stresses and less general slip would be activated, i.e. Eg would
decrease and fractures would be associated with reduced ductility. (This situation is applicable
to LME and is discussed in detail later.) Likewise, if -rs was increased without changing the stress
required for general dislocation activity, then Eg would also increase. Generally, however, factors
which restrict dislocation activity (e.g. precipitation hardening) will increase both -rs and the stress
required for general slip; moreover, slip flexibility is probably hindered to a greater extent than
dislocation nucleation/egress at crack tips, so that hardening processes decrease Eg. This is
consistent with the observation that higher strength materials usually have lower fracture strains.
The transition from ductile to brittle fracture in b.c.c. and c.p.h. materials, with decreasing
temperature, could be explained along the above lines, since lhe number of slip systems opel ating
and slip flexibility (and, hence, Eg) decrease with decreasing temperature.

2.6 Tensile Fracture of Al-Zn-Mg
High purity Al-Zn-Mg alloys (on which the commercial 7000 series is based) have been
extensively studied since they are the strongest of the aluminium alloys and their high strength-
to-weight ratio makes them attractive for aircraft applications. These alloys have low fracture
toughness, and poor fatigue and stress-corrosion characteristics and, hence, studies have aimed
at understanding and improving these characteristics. Their high strengths are achieved by
precipitatio:fi-hardening (solution treatment at "'450C, then quench to 0-100C and age at
100-180C) and the resulting microstructures are characterized by fine dispersions of small
precipitates (MgZn 2 ) in grain interiors, coarser dispersions of larger precipitates along grain
boundaries, and precipitate-free zones (PFZs) adjacent to grain boundaries (Fig. 5 inset).
Tensile fractures of high-strength Al-Zn-Mg alloys (both high purity and commercial) are
intercrystalline and the microstructure of grain-boundary regions predominantly controls the
initiation and growth of cracks. 12 Since deformation of very thin soft layers is normally con-
strained by surrounding harder regions, yielding of precipitation-hardened grains usually
occurs, then slip concentrates in PFZs. (PFZs behave differently during fatigue (discussed later).)
The mechanism of tensile fracture involves preferential plastic deformation in "soft" PFZs,
nucleation of voids by separation of grain-boundary particle/matrix interfaces, and growth
to coalescence of voids resulting in dimpled fracture surfaces (Fig. 5). Fracture toughness is
usually low because the blunting accompanying crack growth is limited by the narrow PFZs
and large number of grain-boundary precipitates. Toughness, crack-blunting and the size and
depth of voids observed after fracture all decrease with
(a) increasing area fraction of grain-boundary precipitates, and
(b) decreasing PFZ width, if the area fractions of precipitates are small,
as illustrated in Figure 6.
Fracture surfaces of specimens with very narrow PFZs and/or large densities of grain-
boundary precipitates (very low fracture toughness) appear to be flat and dimples are not
observed in many areas (Fig. 5). However, since extremely small dimples (near the limit of
resolution of replicas) are observed in some areas, it seems quite probable that even smaller
dimples (below the limit of resolution of replica techniques) are present on apparently flat surfaces.
Alternatively, flat fractures would result if crack growth occurred by shear at crack tips with
insufficient strain ahead of cracks to nucleate voids. (It is less likely that flat intercrystalline
fractures are produced by "tensile separation of atoms" at crack tips, since it is known that
grain boundaries can act as dislocation sources and there are "soft" PFZs adjacent to
The behaviour of narrow ( "'0 1 t-tm) PFZs in the Al-Zn-Mg during tensile and fatigue
stressing (the latter is discussed later) was simulated on a larger scale by "model" specimens-
the larger scale facilitating observation of the deformation and fracture processes. Model speci-
mens consisted of a soft layer (e.g. of lead or tin), some hundreds of micrometers thick, sand-
wiched between (and bonded to) harder regions (e.g. ofPb-Sn-Sb alloy) (Fig. 7). Tensile fracture
of model specimens (as with Al-Zn-Mg specimens) involved deformation concentrated in soft
layers resulting in MVC. Fracture-surface dimples in model specimens were about 3-4 orders
of magnitude larger and deeper than those produced after fracture of Al-Zn-Mg (Fig. 8). Fracture
by MVC occurs in a wide variety of materials and circumstances, probably because the process
is able to operate over such widely different microstructural scales.


3.1 Inert Environments

Sub-critical crack growth under sustained stress in inert environments generally does not
occur in engineering/aircraft materials at ambient temperatures. At higher temperatures (normally
>05 melting point), thermally activated (creep) processes, such as diffusion, dislocation cross-
slip, climb, grain-boundary sliding, may result in crack growth. In high purity Al-Zn-Mg alloys,
however, slow crack growth (10- 7 m/sec) associated with creep does occur at room tempera-
ture/3 at higher temperatures ("' 160C), crack-growth rates in dry air or paraffin oil are quite
rapid ("' I0- 5 mfsec) at high stress intensities and crack growth occurs by MVC probably as a
result of thermally-activated dislocation glide.

3.2 Aggressive Environments (SCC, LME)

3.2.1 General Comments

Many mechanisms have been proposed. for SCC, 2 but there is no general agreement that
any of the proposed mechanisms is valid for any particular system. This situation has arisen
largely because of the variety and complexity of reactions that can occur between material and
environment. SCC theories fall into four main classes (Fig. 9) based on
(a) dissolution (e.g. of anodic precipitates),
(b) (oxide) film formation followed by fracture of the films,
(c) diffusion of embrittling species (such as hydrogen) ahead of cracks, and
(d) embrittlement due to chemisorption at crack tips.
(The theories have also been applied to corrosion-fatigue.)
All the above theories and combinations of them have been proposed to explain SCC in
aluminium alloys. In recent work, 14 15 the author has attempted to resolve some of the contro-
versies regarding mechanisms of SCC and corrosion-fatigue. Studies have been undertaken of
sub-critical crack growth under sustained and cyclic loads in Al-Zn-Mg alloys in various
environments, viz. liquid metals, aqueous solutions and water-vapour/air. Liquid-metal environ-
ments were studied since, in the cases selected, the environment-metal reaction could only involve
chemisorption of liquid-metal atoms at crack tips. Thus, an indication of the relevance of chemi-
sorption (compared to other processes) to sec and corrosion-fatigue should be obtained,
Liquid-metal embrittlement (LME) is also of practical importance in some circumstances, e.g.
transport of cadmium from surface plating to tips of cracks in steel can enhance crack growth;
this effect can occur below the melting point of cadmium due to surface diffusion.

3.2.2 Liquid-Metal Embrittlement

The very rapid crack growth and the negligible mutual solubilities of solid and liquid
metals in many systems indicate that neither diffusion of liquid-metal atoms into solids nor
dissolution of the solid metal is necessary for the growth of cracks. In the past, it has been
assumed 3 that chemisorption of liquid-metal atoms lowers the tensile strength, a, of atomic
bonds at crack tips without significantly affecting the shear stress, -r, required to move dislocations,
so that crack growth then occurs by repeated adsorption and breaking of bonds at low applied
stress. Fracture surfaces produced by such a "bond-rupture" process would be flat and little
deformation would be associated with fracture. It is implicit that, if some dislocations do move
in the stress fields of such cracks, they generally do not intersect crack tips or cause blunting.
In recent studies 14 15 of LME, slip densities and distributions indicated that dislocations
did intersect crack tips. Moreover, dimpled fracture surfaces, observed after LME, indicated
that microvoids nucleated and grew ahead of cracks and, hence, that some blunting did occur
at crack tips. Some examples are
(a) LME of Al-Zn-Mg alloys resulted in dimpled fracture surfaces; however, compared to
overload fracture the dimples were smaller, shallower, and more elongated, and defor-
mation in grains was not as extensive (Fig. 10).
(b) In the Sn/Pb-Sn-Sb "model" specimens (described earlier), where crack growth in air
produced very large, deep dimples, fracture in liquid gallium resulted in very shallow
dimples on intercrystalline facets (Fig. 11).
(c) Fracture of polycrystalline cadmium in liquid gallium occurred with near-zero reduction
of area, while specimens tested (in tension) in air elongated considerably and necked
down to a chisel edge (RA ,...., 100%) (Fig. 12). LME fractures showed cleavage-like and
brittle intercrystalline facets (Figs. 13, 14) which were covered by shallow, elongated
dimples (revealed by examination at high magnifications) (Fig. 15).
Thus, it is concluded that, although LME is associated with considerably less plastic defor-
mation (and much less crack-tip blunting) than fracture in air, crack growth in liquid-metal
environments occurs by plastic flow (shear movement of atoms) rather than by tensile separation
of atoms at crack tips.
LME could be explained on the basis that chemisorption of liquid-metal atoms facilitates
nucleation and movement of dislocations on slip planes intersecting crack tips. There is
evidence 16 that, since atoms at surfaces (in vacuum) have fewer neighbours than atoms in the
interior, the lattice-spacings in the first few atomic layers differ from those in the interior (Fig. 16).
It has been suggested 1 7 that such "surface-lattice distortion" should hinder the nucleation

I -
and egress of dislocations at surfaces. Since chemisorption of environmental species at surfaces
should reduce this "surface-lattice distortion" 18 (Fig. 16), nucleation and egress of disloca-
tions at surfaces (crack tips) could be facilitated by adsorption.
Adsorption-activated dislocation nucleation/movement on slip planes intersecting crack
tips would produce sub-critical crack growth (by shear) and would also result in fractures with
reduced ductility (less crack-tip blunting).* As discussed earlier, the balance between crack
growth and crack-tip blunting should be determined by the relative proportions of slip on planes
intersectingcrack tips compared to "general" slip ahead of cracks. Chemisorption can promote
the former (rs decreased) but cannot affect the stress required for general dislocation movement
ahead of cracks. t Thus, crack growth can occur at lower stresses and dislocations ahead of
cracks are then not activated to the same extent (Eg decreased) in liquid-metal environments.

3.2.3 Environmental Factors

The degree of embrittlement of solid metals by liquid metals varies widely and depends
on the metals involved, their composition, the microstructure of the solid, and temperature.
On the basis of the mechanism of LME outlined above, larger reductions in "surface-lattice
distortion" by adsorbed species should produce greater embrittlement. Increased coverage of
the surface by chemisorbed atomst should also increase embrittlement since longer (surface)
dislocation sources, which probably require lower activation stresses, may then be nucleated.
Thus, embrittlement should be promoted by high affinities of adsorbates for metals, accompanied
by high activation energies for any reaction-the latter determines the relative life of adsorbates
on metal surfaces before chemical reactions (dissolution, compound formation) occur. This
prediction is consistent with the general trends (from limited data) noted 3 for embrittlement
couples; embrittlement is unlikely if the two metals involved readily form high-melting-point
compounds or show significant mutual solubility, and large interaction energies betweeen solid
and liquid are conducive to embrittleinent. 19
There is no apparent reason why chemisorption. of species other than metal atoms should
not cause some embrittlement, although metal-metal interactions are likely to be much stronger
than metal/non-metal interactions. Evidence (discusse,d below) supports this contention and
suggests that adsorption-activated dislocation movement is probably the most important factor
in hydrogen embrittlement (HE), SCC and corrosion-fatigue.

3.2.4 Hydrogen-Embrittlement and Stress-Corrosion Cracking

The hydrogen (gas)-iron (solid) couple satisfies most criteria suggested as prerequisites for
LME and hydrogen-metal bonding is essentially metallic. The mechanism proposed above for
LME could therefore be applicable to HE, although HE is more complex than LME since
hydrogen can readily diffuse into materials. This proposal is consistent with many characteristics
of HE and, in particular, with observations of iron surfaces in the presence of hydrogen using
field-ion microscopy; this work 2 0 suggests that nucleation of dislocations is catalysed by adsorp-
tion of hydrogen.
Analogies between SCC and LME 21 suggest that similar mechanisms are involved in both
effects, e.g. cleavage-like fractures are observed for aluminium single crystals and polycrystalline
cadmium (Figs. 13, 14) 14 in liquid metals, austenitic stainless steels in boiling MgC1 2 , titanium
alloys in methanol and others. 2 Thus, a mechanism of adsorption-induced alternate shear, pro-
ducing cleavage-like fracture surfaces, could be applicable to many cases of SCC. Previous
objections 2 to an ''adsorption-induced-cleavage" mechanism of sec were mainly based on the
unlikely operation of a "bond-rupture" process during sec. (It was assumed that cleavage
occurred by "bond-rupture".)
The case for a common mechanism for LME and SCC, in Al-Zn-Mg for example, is sup-
ported by the following observations. Immersion of pre-cracked and loaded (to near Kc) DCB
specimens (of a partic,:ular heat treatment) in aqueous KI solution resulted in an increment of
* An effect of adsorption on flow behaviour of uncracked specimens, with small surface-to-
volume ratios, would not be expected and is not observed.
t The high density of conduction electrons in metals screens out effects of chemisorption
within a few atomic distances of the surface; non-metals behave differently.
t Preferential chemisorption along grain-boundary/surface intersections would favour
intercrystalline fracture.

very rapid sub-critical crack growth within 1 sec. of immersion. Such rapid rates (,...., 10 mm/sec)
of cracking in aqueous solutions (as in LME) strongly suggest that adsorption is responsible;
other proposed mechanisms of sec involving dissolution, diffusion of hydrogen ahead of cracks,
oxide film formation/fracture, are unlikely to have time to occur. In addition, fracture-surface
appearance ofLME and SCC fractures and the extent of deformation accompanying crack growth
are similar; for example, sub-critical crack growth of Al-Zn-Mg (for particular heat treatments)
in liquid-metals, aqueous solutions and water vapour/air produces dimpled fracture surfaces
(Figs. 10, H, 18) with dimples becoming smaller and shallower with decreasing stress intensity.
Dislocation nucleation/movement, activated by adsorbed water molecules, would explain these
observations of SCC; other explanations are less probable. (In the case of SCC in water-vapour/
air (20% RH), dissolution cannot be involved since there is no liquid electrolyte at crack tips
at this humidity. Hydrogen gas has no significant effect on (fatigue) crack growth in aluminium
alloys and "hydrogen-embrittlement" explanations for sec in aluminium alloys do not seem
likely. Results cited in favour of hydrogen-embrittlement of aluminium alloys can be explained
in other ways. For example, reduced ductility of aluminium alloys due to pre-exposure to water-
vapour/air during aging, suggested by some workers 22 to be associated with diffusion of
hydrogen into specimens, is probably the result of intercrystalline pitting. 15 )
In some instances, other mechanisms of SCC could occur in conjunction with, and contribute
to, crack growth by adsorption-induced slip. In fact, dissolution processes probably predominate
during initiation of sec and during crack growth at low stress intensities, especially in
"corrosive" environments. sec by adsorption-activated plastic flow at crack tips is consistent
with the general trend that alloys of higher fracture toughness are more resistant to SCC. Effects
of microstructure and environment on sub-critical crack growth can generally be understood
(qualitatively) in terms of the balance between crack-tip blunting and crack growth discussed
for overload fracture (2.5). A more quantitative analysis would require a more detailed under-
standing of adsorption and its effects on rs.


For convenience, the process of fatigue is generally sub-divided into various stages, viz.
crack initiation, stage I crack growth and stage II crack growth; the last can also be sub-divided
according to stress-intensity regimes (Figs. 19a, b).

4.1 Initiation of Fatigue Cracks

The initiation of fatigue cracks in a wide variety of materials is associated with the
intrusion/extrusion phenomena, whose main features are summarized in Figure 20. 23
Extrusions and intrusions generally occur along slip bands and grain boundaries (Figs. 21, 22)
and are asociated with localized fatigue-induced, or pre-existing, soft layers ( ,....,01 f.Lm thick).
In Al-Zn-Mg alloys, intrusion/extrusion occurs at PFZs adjacent to grain boundaries (Fig. 23)
and at transcrystalline slip bands in which re-solution of age-hardening precipitates has occured. *
In single-phase materials, fatigue can produce local softening along slip bands by recrystallisation
or possibly by formation of very fine sub-grain structures.
Numerous mechanisms proposed for intrusion/extrusion (reviewed in Reference 4) gave
no consideration to the associated microstructural changes and were generally unsatisfactory.
Improved understanding of fatigue crack initiation has been gained by comparing 2 3 the
behaviour of model specimens (soft layers ,...., 100 f.Lm thick sandwiched between harder regions
(Figs. 25, 7)) with those of soft PFZs and slip bands in Al-Zn-Mg. Deformation of model speci-
mens in compression (and under cyclic compressive loads) results in extrusions of thin ribbons
of soft material (Figs. 26, 27). Similarities between model extrusions and fatigue extrusions were
(i) the extrusions sometimes "curled over",
(ii) the extrusions were tapered,
* There has been some controversy whether precipitate-free slip bands in aluminium alloys
are induced by fatigue or are formed prior to fatigue by the quenching and aging processes.
However, it was shown 24 that fatigue initially produces narrow discrete bands of high dislocation
density in "quench-bands" which usually contain only a slightly lower-than-normal density of
precipitates. Re-solution of precipitates then occurs within these bands, probably by a dislocation-
enhanced diffusion process; dislocations then re-arrange into a fine sub-grain structure within
the precipitate-free bands.

(iii) the harder material adjacent to the extrusions deformed similarly,
(iv) extrusion markings (parallel to the extrusion direction) were found on the surfaces of
both types of extrusions, and
(v) striations occurred on the surfaces of extrusions at right-angles to the extrusion marks
(in model specimens, these were found only after repeated compressive loading).
Tensile tests on model specimens showed that soft zones were "sucked-in", thereby producing
intrusions (Fig. 28). Thus, it was concluded that the model specimens successfully simulated ....
the behaviour of very thin soft layers in "real specimens". Experimental observation of deforma-
tion occurring during intrusion/extrusion in model specimens demonstrated that intrusion/
extrusion involved preferential plastic deformation within soft layers and relative displacement
of hard and soft regions by shear close to their interfaces; this pattern of deformation is predicted
by slip-line-field theory. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that similar deformation occurs in
PFZs during fatigue-crack initiation (intrusion).
Some apparent discrepancies were found between the behaviour of model specimens (which
was generally consistent with the predictions of macroplasticity theory) and the behaviour of
PFZs in Al-Zn~Mg. In particular, intrusion/extrusion at pre-existing PFZs at grain boundaries
occurred at much lower stresses than predicted, but not until after a considerable number of
stress cycles; intrusions/extrusions then occurred only along short lengths of PFZs and
extrusions were much longer than predicted. Experimental observations showed that intrusion/
extrusion formation corresponded to the production of sub-grains within PFZs. It is concluded
that, although deformation of very thin soft layers surrounded by harder material is normally
highly constrained, the fine sub-grain structures formed in soft layers during fatigue permits
their extensive deformation at relatively low stresses. The precise role of sub-grains in relaxing
the constraint is not clear, although the presence of sub-grain boundaries at the interfaces of
the hard and soft regions, where intense shear occurs, is probably significant.
Since intrusions are the precursors of stage I fatigue cracks, the process of crack initiation
under cyclic stress can be summarized thus:
(i) cyclic stressing produces localised microstructural changes and the formation of thin
soft layers sandwiched between harder regions (although soft layers may already be
present in some materials),
(ii) fine sub-grain structures form in soft layers and enable intrusion (crack initiation) to
occur during (local) tensile half-cycles,
(iii) formation of slip steps (or oxide films) on intrusion surfaces or other factors prevent
reversal of interfacial shear associated with intrusion during unloading and/or reversal
of stress.

4.2 Fatigue-Crack Growth

Stage I crack growth occurs by the progre~sive development and linking-up of intrusions
along slip bands (Fig. 24 inset). Sub-grain formation often occurs initially along short lengths
of slip bands/PFZs, resulting in intrusion "tunnels" or "holes"; subsequent sub-grain formation
between tunnels enables their linking-up by intrusion. Similarities between intrusion/extrusion,
stage I and stage II crack growth, viz.
(i) the association of each with soft slip bands, PFZs and sub-grain structures,
(ii) the similar crack morphologies, Le. tunnels at surfaces or crack tips extending into
slip bands/PFZs,
(iii) the similar striations on intrusion/extrusion surfaces and stage I and stage II fracture
all suggest that stage II crack growth can also occur by an intrusion process, illustrated in
Figure 29. The change from stage I to stage II crack growth probably occurs when the stress
intensity (and amount of slip) at crack tips increases sufficiently to produce soft slip bands on
several planes in the plastic zone ahead of cracks. Crack growth then occurs on those soft slip
bands/PFZs for which the resolved normal stress is most favourable.
After a crack growth increment by intrusion, compressive deformation does not reverse
the process but brings the opposite crack faces closer together and deforms the fracture surfaces
immediately behind the crack tip (Fig. 30); the next tensile half-cycle re-opens the crack and
produces another increment of crack growth. This loading-unloading sequence may produce
striations with a roughly saw-tooth profile with peak matching peak on opposite fracture surfaces,
as is often observed (Fig. 31).

At low stress intensities, striation spacings are aften larger than expected from crack-
growth rates measured by other methods, and average crack-growth rates may be less than
atomic spacings; these observations suggest that crack growth does not occur along all the
crack front on every stress cycle. Crack growth probably does not always occur because, on some
cycles, there is no soft band/sub-grain structure ahead of cracks (cf. crack initiation). In the
absence of soft bands ahead of cracks, crack-opening displacements could be accommodated
by plastic blunting without significant crack growth (Fig. 32); the tensile strain ahead of cracks
is then reversed during the compressive half-cycle. The cyclic deformation ahead of cracks,
which is associated with their opening and closing, may produce soft layers and sub-grain
structures, such that crack growth can proceed by intrusion.
In many instances, fatigue-crack growth may occur in the absence of soft layers ahead of
cracks by the process of alternate shear (or alternate shear plus blunting) described earlier.
Several workers 59 25 26 have proposed mechanisms of fatigue-crack growth based on this
process. Factors such as microstructure, stress intensity, and environment, probably determine
if crack growth occurs by alternate shear or by intrusion of soft layers. Intrusion is probably
most common at low stress intensities (and, therefore, during initiation and stage I crack growth),
in inert environments, and in ductile materials. At high stress intensities, CODs are often accom-
modated by crack growth (alternate shear), crack-tip blunting and formation of microvoids
ahead of cracks; dimples and striations, or just dimples, are then observed. Fatigue-crack
growth by alternate shear (in "aggressive" environments) is discussed further in 4.3.2. Regardless
of the precise mechanism, fatigue occurs because CODs are accommodated by crack growth,
while crack-closing displacements are accommodated by deformation of the fracture surface
immediately behind the crack tip, i.e. the forward slip processes are not reversed when the stress
is reversed.

4.3 Effect of Environment on Fatigue

4.3.1 Crack Initiation

Surface-pitting produced by corrosion can sometimes facilitate crack initiation. For example,
prior corrosion of Al-Zn-Mg alloys, producing intercrystalline pitting (probably involving
dissolution of anodic grain-boundary precipitates), reduces the number of cycles required for
fatigue-crack initiation. 2 7 (Heat-treatment of pre-corroded specimens before fatigue-testing
improves their fatigue life, probably because grain~boundary migration/grain growth occurs;
corrosion pits are then not always located at grain boundary-PFZs and hence are not as
effective. 2 7 ) Crack initiation also occurs in fewer cycles when specimens are fatigued in aggres-
sive environments (compared to inert environments); this probably results from the effects
both of pitting and adsorption on the activation of surface sources of slip (described earlier).
In some cases, oxide films formed on surfaces by environmental reactions can increase
resistance to fatigue-crack initiation by suppressing subsurface plasticity and formation of
slip bands. 28

4.3.2 Crack Growth

In many materials, fatigue in aqueous environments generally results in quite large increases
in crack-growth rates, compared to those in air, and in fracture surfaces characterised by "brittle"
striations; "ductile" striations are generally produced in air. "Brittle" striations, often on {100}
facets, are particularly favoured by low cyclic frequencies and applied anodic potentials, 29 and
can be suppressed by cathodic potentials 2 9 and/or addition of inhibitors to aqueous solutions. 3 0
Both "ductile" and "brittle" striations are often observed on fracture surfaces (Figs. 33, 34),
probably because of local variations in microstructure and/or potential along the crack front;
brittle striations (Fig. 33) are probably associated with locally anodic regions, possibly arising
at positions where the crack front intersects voids nucleated ahead of cracks.
Fatigue of pure aluminium single-crystals in liquid-metal environments 2 7 produced "brittle"
striations, and increased rates of crack-growth, compared to "ductile" striations in air. Obser-
vations on the polished sides of specimens revealed the deformation associated with crack-
tt opening (Fig. 35) and crack-closing (Fig. 36) displacements. (In these specimens, crack fronts
were fairly straight and fracture surfaces appeared the same at the edges of specimens as at the
centre; hence slip at the surface is probablyreasonably representative of the deformation occur-
ring in the centre of specimens.) These results indicated that crack growth occurred by alternate

( r (,
shear at crack tips and that crack closure occurred by slip behind the crack tip. In these tests,
crack-growth increments were about three times the crack-tip opening displacements. (After
removing liquid metal from the crack, CODs in air were accommodated by blunting at the
crack tip (Fig. 32).) The mechanism of crack growth and formation of "brittle" striations, based
on these observations, is illustrated in Figure 37 and is similar to mechanisms proposed by
Schijve 31 and Neumann. 2 6
The change from "ductile" to "brittle" striations and the increased crack-growth rates
produced by "aggressive" environments are consistent with the general criterion for ductile
versus brittle behaviour described earlier, viz. that chemisorption of certain species facilitates
dislocation nucleation/movement on slip planes intersecting crack tips and favours crack growth
rather than crack-tip blunting. Such an effect may change the mechanism of fatigue-crack growth
from "intrusion of soft layers" to "alternate shear"; if crack growth in inert environments occurs
by alternate shear, then chemisorption may simply reduce the amount of blunting associated
with crack growth by alternate shear.
Oxide films can influence fatigue-crack growth through their effect 28 on dislocation move-
ment near surfaces at crack tips. Moreover, well-defined "ductile" striations, observed after
fatigue in air, are not commonly observed after fatigue in vacuum, 32 probably because compres-
sive deformation in vacuum produces slip over all the fracture surface formed during the tensile
loading, due to the easier egress of dislocations in the absence of an oxide film (Fig. 30b).
In most common environments and at cyclic frequencies normally encountered, there is
probably insufficient time for dissolution processes to contribute significantly to crack growth.
In aluminium alloys, diffusion of hydrogen ahead of crack tips does not seem to be involved
in corrosion-fatigue, since abrupt changes in electrochemical potentials result in sharp changes
in crack-growth rates and fracture-surface appearance; 29 results generally suggest that adsorp-
tion characteristics are the most important feature of environments.
Inert environments usually result in slower crack-growth rates than in air. Thus, for Al-Zn-
Mg, crack-growth rates in stage II (in fluctuating tension) are slower in inert liquids (dodecanol,
silicone oil) than in air. 33 In stage I (in reversed torsion), however, crack-growth rates in inert .~.

liquids were much faster than in air. This difference in the influence of environment could arise
because, in stage I, crack-opening and shearing displacements are restricted by fretting of
opposing fracture surfaces, whereas fretting does not usually occur in stage II. Inert (and non-
inert) liquids can lubricate rubbing fracture surfaces and also "pump" fretting product from
cracks, thus enabling larger crack-opening and shearing displacements (and hence greater crack-
growth rates) to occur. These effects illustrate the dangers involved in applying results to situa-
tions different from those under which the data was obtained.


The determination and prediction of the effects of different variables on fracture processes
have obvious practical significance and are intimately related to the understanding of basic
mechanisms and processes. Outlined below are some examples of the application of fundamental
studies to
(i) alloy development,
(ii) materials selection and testing methods,
(iii) inspection techniques (NDI), and
(iv) life prediction.
Research on fatigue and fracture of aluminium alloys has shown that the presence of large
(iron-silicon rich) second-phase particles facilitates nucleation of fatigue cracks and reduces
fracture toughness; 34 production of "cleaner" materials thus results in improved properties.
Understanding of the role of soft PFZs in crack initiation and growth suggests that further
improvements in properties may result if PFZs are either eliminated (preventing very localised
concentration of deformation) or increased in width (so that slip is more dispersed and more
crack-tip blunting can occur). Improved mechanistic understanding also suggests that the better
sec resistance of overaged alloys is associated with decreased area fractions of grain-boundary
precipitates-not with coarser matrix precipitates, as previously suggested by some workers. 2
Thus, further research aimed at improving SCC resistance should concentrate on modifying
grain-boundary precipitates rather than matrix precipitates.
An understanding of the effects of environment on fracture suggests that environmentally-
induced crack growth could be inhibited by alloying the solid metal with an element chosen to

react rapidly (e.g. to produce compounds) with the environment, so that effects of chemisorption
are reduced (see 3.2.3). Results 3 5 with LME demonstrate this approach. Inhibition of sub-critical
crack growth is also possible by modifying the environment (e.g. adding inhibitors, cathodic
protection, changing operating temperature). Since it is considered that chemisorption is the
most important aspect of environmental reactions, further research should be concentrated in
this area (rather than, for example, on dissolution processes) to give further improvements in
fracture resistance. In contrast, the ability of certain environments to facilitate fracture can be
used to advantage, e.g. in metal-cutting processes. 3 5
An appreciation of fracture mechanisms and knowledge of variables affecting fracture
processes provides a better basis for selection of existing materials when designing components
for particular applications and environments. Mechanistic understanding should also contribute
to resolving whether or not short-term tests under laboratory conditions can be applied to long-
term service conditions; improvements in, and standardisation of, test methods could also result.
Fundamental principles of fracture also show how various crack-growth processes (e.g., fatigue,
SCC, corrosion-fatigue) are interrelated. Hence, it should be possible to predict the resistance
of materials to corrosion-fatigue from data on sec and fatigue in inert environments, thus
reducing the amount of empirical testing. Some work 36 along these lines has been attempted,
but not with great success; however, this is not surprising since it was assumed that SCC and
fatigue occurred independently of each other during corrosion-fatigue. Better results should be
possible on the basis of mechanistic understanding.
Understanding should provide an input into inspection techniques (NDI). For example,
the knowledge that fatigue "damage" prior to crack initiation is associated with localised micro-
structural changes and formation of fine sub-grain structures may enable detection of such
"damage"; it could also provide a basis for determining if repair of such "damage", (e.g. by
heat treatment), is possible. A precursor of fatigue prior to cracking, has long been sought as a
means of assessing residual life. The identification of the microstructural change during pre-
cracking stages of fatigue is thus an important step.
<. Considerable research has been directed towards prediction of rates of fatigue-crack growth
and determination of residual life of components. Semi-empirical equations relating the rate
of crack growth to power functions of the stress-intensity factor, K, have been developed.
However, such equations lack a mechanistic rationale, and, therefore, often fail to predict
effects of material properties and environment. Considerations of the mechanisms of fatigue-
crack growth indicate that crack-growth increments per cycle, dafdN, should be related to
crack-tip-opening displacements (CTODs). For example, direct observations showed that
crack-growth increments in aluminium single-crystals in a liquid metal were three times the
CTODs (Fig. 35). In general, dafdN oc B. 11 CTODerr where 11 CTODerr is the range of CTOD
over which plastic deformation (alternate shear process) occurs at crack tips, and B is a crack-
tip-blunting factor. As discussed in earlier sections, B is related to the distribution of slip around
crack tips and will be determined by microstructure, environment (frequency), and stress
intensity. If crack growth involves the formation and intrusion of soft layers, then da/dN will
be controlled by 11 CTODeu and the rate of formation of, and dimensions of such soft layers.
Stress intensity, K, and da/dN, are related because K is related to the CTOD by the expres-
sion CTOD = 4K 2 j1TayE, where ay is the yield stress of the material and E is Young's modulus.
The sigmoidal shape of the fn da/dNv.fn 11 K curve (Fig. 19) probably arises because of dif-
ferent mechanisms of crack growth; at low K, growth is discontinuous and probably occurs by
intrusion of soft layers, while crack growth at high K involves alternate shear and MVC processes.
It is concluded that, at present, mechanistic understanding is sufficiently advanced to provide
qualitative explanations for most observed effects and is able to provide a basis for systematic
experiments to determine empirical "constants" in predictive crack-growth equations. However,
further work is required to improve basic understanding and, particularly, to apply such under-

1. Liebowitz, H. (ed.) Fracture: An advanced Treatise, Vol. 1, Microscopic and Macro-
scopic Fundamentals.
Academic Press, 1968.
2. Scully, J. C. (ed.) The Theory of Stress-Corrosion Cracking in Alloys.
NATO, Brussels, 1971.
3. Kamdar, M. H. Embrittlement by Liquid Metals.
Progress in Materials Science, 15, 289, 1973.
4. Laird, C., and Mechanisms of Fatigue Crack Nucleation.
Duquette, D. J. In Reference 6, p. 88.
5. Fatigue-Crack Propagation.
ASTM STP415, Philadelphia, Pa., 1967.
6. Devereux, 0. F., Corrosion Fatigue: Chemistry, Mechanics and Microstructure.
McEvily, A. J., and NACE, 1971.
Staehle, R. W. (eds)
7. Petch, N.J. Metallo graphic Aspects of Fracture.
In Reference 1, p. 351.
7a.Beachem, C. D. Microscopic Analyses of Cleavage Mechanisms.
2nd Int. Conf. on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Boston,
1976 (to be published).
8. Pelloux, R. M. N. Crack Extension by Alternating Shear.
Eng. Frac. Mech., 1, 697, 1970.
9. Garrett, G. G., and Crystallographic Fatigue Crack Growth in Aluminium Alloys.
Knott, J .F., Acta Met., 23, 841, 1975. (i
10. Kelly, A. Strong Solids.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1973.
11. Kelly, A., Ductile and Brittle Crystals.
Tyson, W. R. and Phil. Mag., 15, 567, 1967.
Cottrell, A. H.
12. Lynch, S. P. Tensile Deformation and Fracture in High-Strength Al-Zn-Mg
Met. Sci. J., 7, 93, 1973; and ARL Metallurgy Note 86, December
13. Speidel, M.D. Current Understanding of Stress Corrosion Crack Growth in
Aluminium Alloys.
In Reference 2, p. 289.
14. Lynch, S. P. Concerning the Mechanism of Liquid-Metal Embrittlement-Crack
Growth in Aluminium Single Crystals and Other Materials in
Liquid-Metal Environments.
ARL Report, No. 102, 1977.
15. Lynch, S. P. Mechanisms of Stress-Corrosion Cracking and Liquid-Metal
Embrittlement, Particularly in High Strength Al-Zn-Mg Alloys.
ARL Report, No. 101, 1977.
16. Latanision, R. M. Characterisation of Metal Surfaces.
In Reference 6, p. 185.
17. Fleischer, R. L. Effects of Non-Uniformities on the Hardening of Crystals.
Acta Met., 8, 598, 1960.
18. Uhlig, H. H. Metal Surface Phenomena.
In Metal Interfaces, p. 312, ASM, 1952.
19. Kelly, M. J., and A Bond Energy Approach to Liquid-Metal Embrittlement.
Stoloff, N. S. 6th Int. Conf. Metallic Corrosion, Sydney, 1975.

2.0. Clum, J. A. The Role of Hydrogen in Dislocation Generation in Iron Alloys.
Scripta Met., 9, 51, 1975.
() 21. Nichols, H., and Analogies between Stress Corrosion Cracking and Embrittlement
Rostoker, W. by Liquid Metals.
Trans. ASM, 56, 494, 1963.
22. Speidel, M. 0. Hydrogen Embrittlement of Aluminium Alloys?
In Hydrogen in.Metals (eds.l. M. Bernstein and A. W. Thompson),
p. 249, ASM, 1974.
23. Lynch, S. P. A New Model. for Initiation and Growth of Fatigue Cracks.
Met. Sci. J. 9, 401, 1975; ARL Metallurgy Report94, May 197.4,.
24. Lynch, S. P., and The Fatigue Behaviour of a Superpure and a Commercial Al-Zn~
Ryder, D. A. Mg Alloy.
Alumihii.Im, 49, 748, 1973.
25. Laird, C., and Crack Propagation in High Stress Fatigue.
Smith, G. C. Phil. Mag., 7, 847, 1962.
26, Neumann, P. New Experiments Concerning the Slip Processes at Propagating
Fatigue Cracks.
Acta Met., 22, 1155, 1974.
27. Lynch, S. P. Unpublished work.
28. Grosskreutz, J. C. The Effect of Surface Films on Fatigue-Crack Initiation.
In Reference 6, p. 201.
29. Stoltz, R. E., and Mechanisms of Corrosion Fatigue Crack Propagation in Al-Zn-
Pelloux, R. M. Mg Alloys.
Met. Trans., 3, 2433, 1972.
30. Stoltz, R. E., and Inhibition of Corrosion Fatigue in 7075 AluminiumAlloys.
Pelloux, R. M. Corrosion, 29, 13, 1973.
31. Schijve, J. In Reference 5, p. 533.
... 32. Meyn, D. A. The Nature of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Air and Vacuun1 for
2024 Aluminium.
Trans. ASM, 61, 42, 1968.
33. Lynch, S. P., and The Fatigue Behaviour of Two Al-Zn-Mg Alloys.
Ryder, D. 'A. Scripta Met., 6, 181, 1971.
34. Advanees in the Physical Metallurgy of Aluminium Alloys.
Met. Trans., 6A, 624, 1975.
35 .. Westwood, A. R. C. Control and Application of Environment Sensitive Fracture
In Effects of Chemical Environment on FractureProcesses (eds.
C. J. Osborn and R. C. Gifkins), p. 1, 3rd Tewksbury Symposium
on Fracture, 1974 ..
36. Gerberich, W. W., In Reference 6, p. 396.
Birat, J. P., imd
Zackay, V. F.

Order of Presentati.on of the Various Fracture Processes Considered in this Paper, their Gen-
eral Fracture-Surface Characteristics and Definitions of Some Fracture Terms as Used in the
Present Paper.
............BRITTLE (Shallow dimples, cleavage-like)
(l) OVERLOAD 1,...........
-........._DUCTILE (Macroscopic shear, deep dimples)
(3) STRESS-CORROSION CRACKING 3 Brittle intercrystalline

/ INITIATION 4 (Extrusions, intrusions)

'-.......CRACK GROWTH 5 (Ductile striations, dimples)

(5) CORROSION FATIGUE 6 (:ijrittle striations, cleavage-like, intercrystalline)

"Ductile"-Associated with "large" amounts of plasticity )

"Brittle"-Associated with "small" amounts of plastic deformation Mechanisms of
"Cleavage-like"-Brittle fractures with "flat" fracture surfaces parallel fracture are not II
to low-index crystallographic planes, often with "river lines"-see implied
"River lines", etc.-A feature of many fracture surfaces (overload, SCC, LME, fatigue) are
arrays of steps usually running approximately in the (local) direction of crack growth;
these steps generally arise because cracks in adjacent areas initiate (or re-initiate) and
grow on slightly different levels (due to inhomogenieties) and are then linked by fracture
of material between adjacent cracks. Steps are often confluent ("river" lines) since inter-
action of stress fields of adjacent cracks favours their coalescence. In other cases, cracks
may radiate from certain areas and fracture surfaces may have a "fan-like" or "feathery"
appearance. Certain patterns of steps do not necessarily indicate a particular mode of
"Dimples"-Depressions on both fracture surfaces produced by a microvoid-coalescence
"Striations"-Lines delineating positions of crack fronts, usually produced by fatigue; "brittle"
striations have much flatter profiles than "ductile" striations, thus
"brittle" "ductile"


Large arrows on micrographs indicate directions of crack growth.

EM- electron micrographs of secondary carbon replicas.
SEM -scanning el~ctron micrographs.

Tensile Slip plane
j st:ess

/ stress
/ r

Fig. 1. Diagram schematically illustrating crack growth by tensile
rupture of interatomic bonds at crack tips; shear along slip
plane does not occur.

Slip Plane

------------..... ' A
' ' .... ---------- .... ... ...

Crack )"' \

------------~"',. ./ r / ~ / \ ~ Crack


(a) .
Fig. 2. Diagrams schematically illustrating (a) crack growth by shear movement of
atoms at crack tips, i.e, crack-growth increment, {j, a, produced by movement
of dislocations on slip plane ( 1) then (2): (b) blunting at crack tips-
extensive blunting also requires large strains ahead of cracks. Arrows indicate
shear displacements on slip planes.

Void coalesence
_.. --- .... I
' ,. /_..
\; C ) \
".. .
"' . . . _----_.,.Void growth
I ........ - - . -
/y . -- . .
I /,......... '

~_..~ c7::>
- \"'"' '-... ___ / Void Initiation
' 1 (by Alternate shear) by separation of
Dimples and blunting particle/matrix

Fig. 3. Diagram schematically illustrating crack growth by micro-void coalescence;

dotted lines indicate effect of increasing COD.


Crack Deep
DUCTILE dimples

by Higher Strength
Shear I Fig. 27 (b) Lower Temp.
movement IL...-------1
of Greater effect
of chemisorption
atoms Shallow
Lower K dimples

e 9 small

~~- -- - - -- --

tensile -1
= Fig. 3. Flat
separation facets

probably )
( uncommon

Fig. 4 Diagram illustrating transition from ductile to brittle behaviour vvith decreasing amounts
of 'general' slip ahead of cracks.


Fig. 5. Fractograph (EM) after tensile fracture in Fig. 6. Diagrams illustrating variation in dimple
a high-strength AI-ZnMg alloy showing size (and amount of blunting at crack
dimples and flat areas on intercrystalline tips) with PFZ width and density of
facets; inset (TEM) shows microstructure grain-boundary precipitates in AIZn-Mg.
of grain-boundary regions in AI-Zn-Mg.

Fig. 7. Optical micrograph of 'model' specimen Fig. 8. Fractograph (SEM) after tensile fracture
consisting of a soft layer (of lead) of model specimen (Fig. 7) showing large ~
sandwiched between and bonded to deep dimples.
harder regions (of Pb-Sn-Sb alloy);
cf. Fig. 5, inset.

----- (a)
:J\ Fracture
(b) of film
Hydride H2 Gas
' / pressure---~
~.::::.@ Adsorbed 0
---~ 1 species
H Solute
lC) (d)
Fig. 9. Diagram illustrating proposed SCC
mechanisms based on (a) dissolution Fig. 10. Fractographs (EM) after fracture of
(b) oxide-film formation then fracture of AI-Zn-Mg in liquid metal and (inset) in
oxide film, (c) diffusion of hydrogen air showing change in dimple appearance
ahead of cracks, and (d) chemisorption associated with change in environment.
at crack tips.


Fracture in liquid gallium



stress t b)
Fig. 11. (a) Fractograph (SEM) of Pb-Sn-Sb/Sn 'model' specimen
partially cracked in air, producing large deep dimples, followed
by brittle intercrystalline fracture in liquid gallium; (inset)
fractograph (EM) of brittle intercrystalline areas showing very
shallow dimples, (b) schematic diagram of fractured specimen.
gallium Air
a a

A.A. ,..., 0% -100%
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Diagrams showing stress-strain curves Fig. 13. Fractograph (SEM) of cadmium after
and fracture appearance of tensile fracture in liquid gallium showing 'flat'
specimens of cadmium tested in cleavage-like and brittle-intercrystalline
(a) liquid gallium and (b) air. facets.

Fig. 14. Fractograph (optical) of cadmium Fig. 15. Fractograph (EM) of cadmium after
after fracture in liquid gallium showing fracture in liquid gallium showing .,._
'river lines' on a cleavage-like facet. shallow dimples on a facet similar to
those shown in figs. 13, 14.
' )

Fig. 16. Diagram schematically illustrating effect of

chemisorption on 'surface-lattice distortion'
(after Uhlig (1 s) ).

Fig. 18. Fractograph (optical) after SCC/

Fig. 17. Fractograph (optical) after SCC/
overload in AI-Zn-Mg showing
overload in AI-Zn-Mg showing
transition from SCC ( low K -
transition and change in dimple size
distilled water) to overload in air. Inset
from SCC (High K- distilled water)
(fractograph (EM) ) shows very
to overload in air. Top insert
shallow dimples produced by sec.
(fractograph (EM) ) shows dimples
produced by SCC; bottom insert
(fractograph (EM) ) shows dimples
produced by overload. Tensile
1dN Dimples


Extrusion Crystall-
I stress

ographic Dimples
: Striations;
Intrusion '
crack growth

Stage ,Unstable
II fracture
- Striations

(a) log. t, K ( b)
Fig. 19. Diagr~ms ill~strating stages of fatigue; (a) shows typical crack-growth rate versus
st~ess-m~ens1ty curve, (b) depicts typical features of fracture surface and its
Extrusions occur along short lengths 'Whisker' Coarse Fine surface
of slip bands (and grain boundaries) slip slip Other Featvres:-
Extrusions may be
tapered; extrusion
occurs in a few tens
of stress cycles and
/ then stops.
/////~~ 'Holes' extending
Extrusions are often '/' / ~ to different depths
an irregular shape / " ' / / '' into PSB

V {~;;:::/~Holes'
//. / /"-'/.
link up
(,,./ {,~,/
':.' ';
/ _ - - - Striations sometimes
/ /- / , observed on surfaces
f, . / / '~\ of 'holes'
' ....~~',,, / ,'

xtrusions often 11
curl over 11

// (stage-1 crack)
// //
// /~/
// // PSB's are bands of very
Persistent-slip bands /~/ // PS
/~ B small sub-grains; in age-
(PSB's) ~/
/ /
/ // hardened alloys, re-solution
/ / of precipitates may occur.
/ / High density
/ /
/ / _.-' of dislocations \
/ /
- \

Fig. 20. Diagrammatic summary of important features of slip-band extrusion and intrusion.
Specific details depend on material, stress, environment, etc.

'iiii ' iii!. 7 . ,1] tll_.,..

. . . ., ...
..... ~-

., - .. ---:-- ., ..

-~.= ~ 'T!'~:,
.. 1 .. < ...,
r __
..... .-
"' -:--: ~

).I ,_ --~--- . ...... "T' --

\~ _:t.;.;
,.,. ~- - r _.
' \1 \ t:$i_iif;!:@tU;!*!!~!;::
~-i ---==~ 3::~~- ............. ~- ,..,..

Fig. 21. Optical micrograph of surface of Fig. 22. Optical micrograph of surface of D6AC
AI-Zn-Mg after torsional fatigue steel (quenched and tempered) after

( . 4%0 twist, 2 x 103 cycles) shewing torsional fatigue ( . 4% twist, 8 x 1Q4

slip-band extrusions and intrusions. cycles) showing slip-band cracks
(intrusions) across martensite plates.

i .


Fig. 23. Optical micrograph of surface of Fig. 24. Electron micrograph of PSB in
AI-Zn-Mg after torsional fatigue AI-Zn-Mg after torsional fatigue
( 3 twist, 5 x 103 cycles) (4%0 twist, 2x 103 cycles).
showing extrusions (A) and Fatigue-induced re-solution of
intrusions (B) at grain boundaries. precipitates has occurred within
Extrusions project up to 12 J.Lm PSB; note sub-grains (A) and high
above specimen surface. Insert ( 1) dislocation density (B) in PSB.
shows circled region at higher Insert shows optical micrograph of
magnification; note double PSB's (C) and holes (D) extending
extrusions (C) and striations into PSB's.
(arrowed). Lower insert(2) (electron
micrograph) shows microstructure
at grain boundaries.

Hard zones gmm
-----V 7
I Stressaxis




f- 7 -:-!' r- 7 -Y Fig. 26. Photomacrograph of 'model' specimen

bl cl (Fig. 25(a) ) after repeated
compression (approximate specimen
Fig. 25. Diagrams showing configurations of model
configuration and axis of compression
specimens with respect to the applied stress. is indicated) showing extrusion of soft
layer. Note extrusion marks parallel to
extrusion direction (small arrows) and
striations at right angles to extrusion
Fig. 27. Optical micrograph of taper-section
through extrusion in brass/tin model
Fig. 28. Optical micrograph of longitudinal
specimen (Fig. 25(a) ). Note
section of Pb/Pb-Sn-Sb model
deformation of hard material adjacent
specimen after tensile deformation
to extrusion. Horizontal taper
(stress axis indicated by arrows)
magnification x- 6%.
showing intrusion of soft layer.

Crack tip Interfacial Hard region

(max. load) slip

---------",.......,'""'- .!.-~~-~----------- - - - - - - - - - - - -
----- -- -.- ~ v Y )' Weakly constrained soft
Crack top __J y region, e.g. ?SB or grain

___ _I:,~'-""''-'L-iT-'r-TT':flL-- ---- -H~rn~;~,':" ~'~ ----

Crack Preferential deformation
growth within soft region

Fig. 29. Diagram illustrating mechanism of fatigue-crack

growth by intrusion of weakly constrained soft

'Narrow' shear Y y
da/dN banz surface


Oxide Smooth
film surface

da/dN Rumpled

~ surface
(b) PSB


Max. stress Min. stress appearance

Fig. 30. Schematic diagrams showing deformation of

fracture surface close to crack tip during
unloading: (a) in air producing well-defined
striations; (b) in vacuum.
I 500)-lm I

Fig. 31. Fractograph (optical) after fatigue of Fig. 32. Optical micrograph of crack in a.n
AI-Zn-Mg in air showing well - aluminium single crystal specimen
defined striations. showing slip distribution associated
with crack-tip blunting; the initially
sharp crack tip blunts without
significant crack growth when COD
is increased in air.


Figs. 33, 34. Fractographs (EM) after fatigue of AI-Zn-Mg in NaCI solution showing ductile
(D) and brittle (B) striations.
. i ..

t~ a


250j.Jm 250,J..Im

Fig. 35. Optical micrograph of aluminium Fig. 36. Optical micrograph of aluminium
single crystal (same specimen as single crystal (same specimen as
Fig. 32) showing slip associated Fig. 32) showing slip associated
with crack-growth increment, fj, a, with crack-closing displacement
when COD is increased in a liquid- (in liquid-metal environment).
metal environment, after polishing
to remove surface slip due to
previous crack growth.

Max. Load

Min. Load


Max. Load

Fig. 37. Diagram illustrating mechanism of fatigue-crack growth (and brittle- striation
formation) by alternate shear.

(SEC, Victoria)
I was interested in the comments you made on ductile and brittle striations. You attempted
to differentiate between the two forms by using a model which explained their formation by two
different sets of dislocation movements. Both the forms of striation therefore apparently require
considerable dislocation movements to occur. It is difficult then to understand why one is
designated brittle and the other ductile. In the illustration of the fracture surface replica, the
ductile striations were indicated as those with the smaller spacing and the brittle with the larger
spacing. If the range of stress intensity was increased then the spacing of the ductile striations
would also increase. The key to the difference in the striations, if one actually exists, apparently
lies in what you also mentioned, that the ductile striations occur when crack tip blunting takes

(Tasmanian College of Advanced Education)
Both "brittle" and "ductile" striations result from ductile (slip) processes. There seems no
: .. advantage in thus subdividing striations.

QUESTION-Keith R. L. Thompson
(University of New South Wales)
Regarding the query raised by a previous questioner as to how one may distinguish between
"ductile" and "brittle" striations, I would like to offer the following suggestions and would
appreciate the speaker's comments on these suggestions.
I propose that the following criteria may be usefully applied to distinguish between the two
types of striations as opposed to only comparing the relative striation spacing of contiguous
striations; where the larger spacing is identified with brittle striation formation (Figures 33 and
34 in the paper).
(i) Does the fracture surface occupy, or lie close to, a low-index crystallographic plane?
(ii) Are cleavage steps or microscopic "river patterns" present which lie approximately
parallel to the localised direction of crack propagation and perpendicular to any
striations present?
(iii) Do these cleavage steps change their orientation upon crossing grain boundaries,
increase in number and/or are new steps created when crossing tilt or twist boundaries
in the material?
If the answers to the above questions are affirmative then I suggest that "brittle" striations
may be positively identified. As the author is no doubt aware {100} fracture surfaces have been
identified by Forsyth et al. Also the questioner has identified a {111} fracture surface in a type
2219 aluminium alloy which also fulfilled criteria (ii) and (iii) above.
In some recent fatigue crack growth studies conducted under laboratory air conditions on
Type 316 and high nickel austenitic stainless steels and Incoloy 825,1 havedetectedstriationswhich
lay approximately perpendicular to cleavage steps. The crystallographic orientation of the
fracture planes in these materials has not yet been identified.
As the occurrence of "brittle" striations is usually considered to be indicative of an environ-
mental accelerative influence on the crack growth process, I consider that it is important to
establish criteria for their identification, particularly in the diagnosis of the cause of service
.. failures .

Author's Reply
Taking questions and comments on ductile and brittle striations together: I agree with Dr.
Thompson that it is useful to distinguish between ductile and brittle striations with regard to the
diagnosis of service failures. The three criteria, suggested by Dr. Thompson, to identify brittle
{cleavage) striations are certainly more characteristic of brittle striations than ductile striations
but are not exclusive to brittle striations; for example, ductile striations (produced in inert
environments) have also been observed in association with river lines and lying as facets parallel
to low-index crystallographic planes. It is considered that an important difference between
ductile and brittle striations is their profile-particularly the relative widths of the two "sides" of
striations (see Figures 33, 34 and Appendix). This difference arises because, for a given flK, larger
crack-growth increments occur during crack-opening in aggressive environments than in "inert"
environments but the width of the "dark side" of the striation, produced by deformation of the
fracture surface during crack closure, is not as affected by environment. Striation profiles are also
determined by the material, flK and other factors as well as by environment and, hence, the
fractographic determination of the role of environment in service failures should be based on
comparison with fractures produced under controlled conditions.
The terms "ductile" and "brittle" (or "cleavage") are confusing to some extent in that the
term "brittle" (and "cleavage") is sometimes used to describe an atomic mechanism of fracture
by rupture of interatomic bonds. It is suggested that "brittle" and "cleavage" should be defined
as in the Appendix.

QUESTION-Dr. B. J. Wicks
The application of your model to fatigue relies on the development of localised regions of
intense strain within which softening occurs by the re-solution of precipitates. Yet you suggest
that the model would be particularly valid at low stress intensities. At high stress intensities
other mechanisms, such as alternate shear or plastic blunting, occur in the absence of a soft
layer at the crack tip. It is not clear why microstructural instability should be limited to low
stress intensities; in fact your model would seem more appropriate at high stress intensities where
dislocation/particle interactions would ensure larger precipitate-free zones. Could you say some- ,,
thing about the formation of the soft zones at high and low stress intensities.
One further question-Is there any reason to believe that material at a crack tip or along an
intense slip band should be softer than the surrounding material, particularly for a cyclic harden-
ing metal for which one would associate high cumulative plastic strains with an enhanced flow

Author's Reply
At low stress intensities, crack growth increments per cycle dafdN are very small compared
to plastic-zone sizes ry, the material ahead of crack tips undergoes a considerable number of
cycles of plastic strain and large accumulated strains arise. The ratio of dafdN to ry is larger
at higher stress intensities (crack growth usually occurs by microvoid-coalescence) and accumu-
lated strains are Jess. Re-solution of precipitates and other microstructural changes leading to
the formation of soft zones ahead of cracks are favoured by high dislocation densities associated
with large accumulated strains. Thus, crack growth (and crack initiation) by intrusion of soft
layers is more probable at lower stress intensities.
In age-hardening materials, precipitate-free zones at crack tips are obviously softer than
surrounding regions; in work-hardened material, recrystallisation (work-softening) has been
observed. In annealed materials where fatigue produces work-hardening, very small sub-grains
are observed ahead of crack tips. The "mechanical properties" of such very fine sub-grain
structures are not known and hence it is not clear whether crack growth occurs by intrusion or
by other slip processes. More research is required to define the circumstances under which a
particular mechanism of crack growth operates.

Is there any future for precipitation-hardening aluminium alloys, considering that these
alloys are not dislocation free-and hence weak, soft, precipitation-free zones may form in the

(Monash University)
A comment on the first question-Intensive slip is a feature of the fatigue crack growth
mechanism; intensive slip may be inhibited by the presence of larger second phase particles.
Could this p.ot give rise to an improvement in fatigue properties? Recent work at Monash has
shown that the static tensile failure I1lechanism of an Al-Zn-Mg alloy may be changed from inter-
crystalline to transcrystalline by the incorporation of sub-micron particles .

Author's Reply
The presence of larger (0 1 to 1 t-tm) "dispersoid" particles does inhibit the formation of
intense transcrystalline slip bands and the initiation and growth of transcrystalline cracks.
Nevertheless, intense slip bands and re-solution of precipitates still sometimes occur in such
microstructures. However, the main reason for the poor fatigue strength of aluminium alloys is
the presence of pre-existing PFZs at grain boundaries. Thermomechanical processing (e.g.
aging, deforming, aging) to produce more uniform precipitation gives some improvement.
Improvement in properties (fatigue, fracture-toughness) has also been achieved by removing
very large (10 t-tm) second-phase particles. These recent, modest, improvements and more careful
design of components to minimise fatigue problems should ensure. continued widespread use of
aluminium alloys.

COMMENT-B. Krishna Murthy

(Monash University)
There is controversy whether the transgranu1ar precipitate free zones observed in age-
hardened AI alloys are due to the inhomogenities present before fatigue testing, or caused by the
fatigue testing. Lynch1 has shown that at least in A1-Zn-Mg alloys, the transgranular PFZs
are due to both inhomogenities as well as the re-solution.
I would like to strike a note of agreement with this view, particularly in AI-4%Cu alloys.
Support for this is obtained from an extensive search of the literature. It is illustrated schem-
atically in Figures 38 and 39. The ill-defined PFZs of 0 5 t-tm width (Fig. 38) have transformed into
clearly defined PFZs of width 1 5 t-tm after fatigue testing (Fig. 39). Thus the fatigue deformation
may be initially concentrated in these ill-defined PFZs (containing less than the normal density
of the precipitates). Intense deformation, in these narrow regions may then cause the precipitates
to dissolve, leaving a clear PFZ, of increased width.
1. Lynch, S. P., and Ryder, D. A. The Fatigue Behaviour of Superpure and a Commercial
AI-Zn-Mg Alloy, Aluminium, 49, 749, 1973.
2. Laird, C., and Thomas, G. Inter. J. Fract. Mech., 3, No. 2, 81, 1967.
3. Clark, J. B., and McEvily, A. J., Acta Met., 12, 1359, 1964.

Figs., for comment by B Krishna Murthy

Width = 0.51l
(ill-defined, band)

Without ,fatigue testing




Would Dr. Lynch please say a little more about the possibility of the chemisorption
mechanism of environmental influence being effective in the case of aluminium alloys (and steels)
in an aquepus environment? May this mechanism, in such an environment, make a significant
contribution to cracking propensity and, if so, may the adsorbed species be the water molecule
or is it the hydrogen ion? (In the latter case it might be expected that the hydrogen would be
absorbed some distance into the metal rather than remaining adsorbed at the crack surface.)

Author's Reply
The many close similarities between LME (only chemisorption possible), HE (chemisorp-
tion, diffusion possible) and sec (chemisorption, diffusion, and other processes possible)
suggest that chemisorption is the most important factor in environmentally induced cracking
of aluminium alloys, steels and other materials. For example, fracture-surface appearance
(which gives more information regarding mechanisms of fracture than any other factor) for
steels in mercury, hydrogen, and water, and for aluminium alloys in liquid metals and water,
are generally very similar and sometimes indistinguishable. (Details and full discussion are
to be published in an ARL report on "SCC and LME in aluminium alloys" and in a paper on
"Hydrogen embrittlement in steels" to be published in the proceedings of the "Hydrogen in
Metals" conference, Paris, 1977.)
Aqueous environments facilitate crack growth in both steels and aluminium alloys while
hydrogen influences crack growth in steels but not aluminium alloys. Thus, for aluminium
alloys in aqueous environments, chemisorption of water molecules is probably involved in crack
growth; for steels, chemisorption of water molecules or hydrogen atoms (produced by electro-
chemical reactions), or both, could be important. Further understanding will require more infor-
mation on chemisorption and its effect on "surface-lattice distortion". It is considered that
dissolved hydrogen (diffused from the surface) is probably not a significant factor in crack growth.
However, the ease of diffusion of hydrogen from the surface could influence the extent of surface
covered by chemisorbed atoms and, hence, could affect crack growth.

(CSIRO, Division ofTribophysics)
Why is microvoid coalescence a good model of fatigue in that the void is expanding in a
reversible manner, or could be?

Author's Reply
Plastic deformation is not generally reversible on the atomic scale.



Fracture mechanics is being increasingly applied to problems associated with cracked,
or potentially cracked, aircraft structures. Such applications include assessment of the
residual strength of cracked components and also the prediction of fatigue crack growth.
However, fracture mechanics is still very much a developing subject even as regards its
fundamentals and, hence, in any application, it is important to bear in mind the limitations
associated with some of its results. In the present paper a survey is made of basic fracture
mechanics, with emphasis on those limitations likely to be of importance in aircraft
structural applications.

a Crack length (or half crack length)
r Distance from crack tip
ry length of yield zone
x,y,z Rectangular co-ordinates
B Plate thickness
E Young's modulus
G Strain energy release rate
Gc Strain energy release rate at fracture
J Rice's integral
K Stress intensity factor (subscripts I, II and III refer to "Modes")
Kc Fracture toughness
K1c Plane strain fracture toughness
N Number of load cycles in fatigue
Tti Stress components (i, j = x, y, z)
u Strain energy
8 Measure of crack opening displacement
8 Angular co-ordinate
Applied tensile stress
Uy Tensile yield stress
'T Applied shear stress
v Poisson's ratio

Fracture mechanics, which can perhaps best be defined as the study of structures containing
cracks or similar flaws, has found an ever-increasing application in the aeronautical field over
the past decade or so. 1 2 This has come about because of the fairly widespread acceptance of
the "damage-tolerant" and "fail-safe" philosophies in aircraft structural design. 3 4 These two
concepts are not necessarily equivalent 5 but each has as its central feature the requirement
that a structure must maintain an adequate degree of integrity despite having undergone some
limited amount of damage.
An aircraft structure may be damaged for a variety of reasons. It may contain defects which
have escaped detection during manufacture or it may have deteriorated in service due to fatigue
or stress corrosion processes. It may have sustained accidental mechanical damage or, in the
case of a military aircraft, battle damage. The commonest form in which such damage manifests
itself is in the development of a crack, i.e. in the development of two free surfaces in the material
separated by a very small but nevertheless distinct amount. This is virtually always the case for
fatigue and stress corrosion damage; undetected manufacturing defects also are commonly of
this form, partly because a crack is a type of defect that is not always easy to detect in a large
built-up structure, even given the very refined non-destructive inspection (NDD methods now
available. Battle damage, of course, can involve the loss of major areas of a structure but, in the
case of small arms fire, may consist of relatively small punctures from which cracks radiate. 6
If, from whatever cause, some crack-like defect be present in a structure, then it will generally
grow by fatigue under the service loads into a genuine crack.
In the rational treatment of cracked aircraft structures two main problems arise. The first
of these is concerned with the size of crack which can cause a catastrophic failure under a single
load application; this is often termed the "residual strength problem". The second is concerned
with the more or less gradual propagation of a crack from some initial size up to a critical size
under the influence of a fatigue load spectrum.
As already indicated, fracture mechanics is specifically concerned with the behaviour of
cracked structures so that its application here is certainly to be expected. The residual strength
problem coincides with the classic fracture problem whilst fatigue crack propagation comprises
part of what, in fracture mechanics, is usually called sub-critical crack growth. (The last named
also embraces, for example, stress corrosion cracking.) However, although fracture mechanics
has already established its usefulness in a variety of problems in the aero-space field, 7 8 9 it is
important to realise that it is still very much a developing subject, even in its fundamentals, and
to bear in mind the limitations associated with some of its results. In the present paper a survey
is made of fracture mechanics from this point of view and with special reference to those results
which have application to aircraft structures.
Fracture mechanics has a rapidly expanding literature. A fairly succinct account of the whole
field has been given by Knott 10 and a very extensive one is given in the treatise edited by
Liebowitz. 11 The symposia proceedings recorded in References 12-16 give detailed descriptions
of recent developments in fracture mechanics, especially in the USA, and References 17 and 18
contain additional information on applications to aircraft structures.


In any analytical treatment certain idealisations are necessary regarding the geometry of a
crack; those idealisations usually employed in fracture mechanics are now set down. First
consider two-dimensional crack problems where the geometry is the same in all planes perpen-
dicular to the thickness direction. A basic case here is that of a tension panel with a through-
the-thickness crack (Fig. 1). It is assumed that:
(i) in the absence of any applied load the opposite faces of the crack, although distinct, are
separated by an indefinitely small amount; and
(ii) the tip of the crack is sharp, as in a sharp edged notch, i.e. no radius of curvature is
associated with the crack tip.

lt is rather difficult to provide a satisfactory pictorial representation of such a crack (or slit),
but the above conditions always apply even if they appear to be at variance with any of the
The situation for three-dimensional crack problems is generally similar to that in two dimen-
sions. Here the crack-or perhaps, more descriptively, the flaw-is taken as a disc-shaped void
of infinitesimal thickness (Fig. 2). With the y-axis as shown (i.e., perpendicular to the crack
plane and passing through it), then in any plane containing they-axis the cross-section of the
crack has the properties (i) and (ii) above.
The above idealisations would seem reasonable for fatigue cracks which are commonly of
a "hairline" character. Further, any error associated with the idealisations should be of a
conservative nature in the sense that it is difficult to conceive of a crack sharper than the idealised
Fracture theories have, however, been proposed in which these idealisations are notadopted.
For example, in the two-dimensional case a crack has been considered as a long, narrow
ellipse. 19 Here the radius of curvature at the crack tip is non-zero (though very small) and,
generally, all results then become very sensitive to the value of this parameter. This approach
has not obtained widespread acceptance.


3.1 General
Elasticity theory solutions for cracked structures have an important part to play in current
fracture mechanics theory although taken by themselves they give only part of the story. In the
first instance, these solutions may be thought of as applying exactly to ideally brittle materials,
i.e. those which remain elastic up to the point of fracture. However, elastic solutions are also
applied, under appropriate conditions, to problems of fracture in normally ductile materials
such as the structural metals.
Following the pioneer work oflnglis 20-of which a more accessible account of the method
at least is given in Reference 21-exact analytical solutions for a limited number of two- and
three-dimensional crack problems have been obtained using classical elasticity theory pro-
cedures. 22 23 24 These solutions usually relate to fairly simple geometries, such as an infinite
plate with a straight crack or an infinite block with an elliptical (plan form) crack. For the present
purposes the main feature of these solutions is the fact that, at some small distance r from the
crack tip, certain of the stress components are found always to be proportional to lfr and
hence become infinite at the tip itself. In Appendix I a simple argument is given to show why
such a result might, in fact, be anticipated.
Following Irwin 2 5 it has become the practice to describe any crack problem as belonging
to one of three possible "Modes", according as to which of the stress components has the square
root singularity. Consider the situation in the vicinity of the crack front in a three-dimensional
problem and, in particular, consider the stresses on that plane in the material which represents
an extension of the plane of the crack (Fig. 3). With the axes as shown (x-axis perpendicular
to crack front, y-axis perpendicular to crack plane, z-axis tangential to crack front), then the
stresses acting on the plane under consideration (y = 0) are (as always) a normal stress Tyy and
two shear stresses Txy and Tyz. If, of these three, the only one having the singularity is:
(i) Tyy, then the problem is of "Mode I, the opening or tensile mode type";
(ii) Txy, then the problem is of "Mode II, the in-plane shearing mode type";
(iii) Tyz, then the problem is of "Mode Ill, the anti-plane or tearing mode type".
Prototypes for each case are shown in Figure 4 along with the associated deformations of the
crack surfaces. (At the moment, however, there is no question of crack extension, i.e. these
deformations are those occurring for cracks of constant length.) If more than one of Tyy, Txy
and Tyz has a singularity on the extension of the crack plane the problem is said to be of mixed-
mode type.

3.2 The Stress Intensity Factor

Here the nature of the elastic stress distribution near the tip of a crack will be considered in ,.
more detail and it will be convenient to deal with the different modes separately. However, in all
cases the results can be best described in terms of polar co-ordinates r, 8 with origin at the crack
tip (Fig. 5); it is assumed throughout that r is small compared with the crack length.

A study of the exact solutions referred to above !ihows that in all Mode I problems the
stresses in the vicinity of the crack tip can be written in the form
Txx = {KI/(27Tr)-!} cos 8/2 (1-sin 8/2 sin 38/2) + 0(1)
Tyy = {KI/(27Tr)-!} cos 8/2 (l+sin 8/2 sin 38/2) + 0(1) (3.2.1)
Txy = {KI/(27Tr)*} cos 8/2 sin 8/2 cos 38/2 + 0(1)
where 0(1) denotes terms which are finite at r = 0. A general proof of the above result can be
found in Reference 26.
The quantity K1 appearing in Equation (3.2.1) is termed the Mode I stress intensity factor
(SIF) and, for reasons to be stated later, is a key parameter in current fracture mechanics theory.
It can be seen that this single parameter completely categorises the stress state near the crack
tip. Its explicit form varies from one crack problem to the next but it is always linearly propor-
tional to the applied load (since the stresses in any elastic problem so vary) and contains a depen-
dence on crack length and general structural geometry. For the case of a crack of length 2a in
an infinite tension panel subjected to end stress, a (e.g. Fig. 4a, where the crack length is small
compared with the panel dimensions) it is found that
K1 = a(7Ta)t (3.2.2)
The general definition of K1 is conveniently given by
K1 = lim (27Tr)t Tyy (8 = O) (3.2.3)

It follows that the stress intensity factor has the units of "stress . lengtht". In the SI system the
common unit is MN/m 3' 2 or, equivale.ntly,; in the US system it is and in the
Continental system kg/mm 312 . (Conversion factors are 1 MPa.m-! = 0910! = 322
It might be observed that the inclusion of the 27T in Equations (3.2.1) and (3.2.3) is just a
matter of convention to which most, but not all, authors subscribe; hence some care is necessary
when consulting the literature on formulae for stress intensity factors. Also note that in Equation
(3.2.1), Txy = 0 on 8 = 0 as is required for a Mode I problem.
Similar results can be established for Mode II problems. As is shown in Reference 26,
the crack tip stress field is now given by the following expressions:
Txx = -{Kn/(27Tr)-!} sin 8/2 (2+cos 8/2 cos 38/2) + 0(1)
Tyy = {Kn/(27Tr)t} sin 8/2 cos 8/2 cos 38/2 + 0(1) (3.2.4)
Txy = {Kn/(27Tr)t} cos 8/2 (1-sin 8/2 sin 38/2) + 0(1)
The quantity Kn is termed the Mode II stress intensity factor and is quite analogous to KJ. For
the particular case of a crack of length 2a in an infinite panel subjected to a shear stress, r, it is
found that
The general definition of Kn is given by
Kn = lim (27Tr)-! Txy (8 = 0) (3.2.6)

Note that in Equation (3.2.4) Tyy = 0 on 8 = 0 as required in a Mode II problem.

Finally, for a Mode III problem, the following results_apply: 26
Tyz = {Km/(27Tr)-!} cos 8/2 + 0(1) (3.2.7)
Tzx = -{Km/(27Tr)t} sin 8f2 + 0(1)
where Km is the Mode III stress intensity factor and is quite analogous to K1 and Kn. For an
infinite block with a crack of length 2a (existing through the thickness of the block), which is
subjected to a longitudinal shear stress q,
Km = q(7Ta)-! (3.2.8)
The definition of Km is given by
Km = lim (27Tr)-! Tyz(8 = 0) (3.2.9)

As it happens, Mode III problems are the most tractable from the mathematical viewpointl 7
but are probably of the least physical interest.
Expressions for the displacement components in the vicinity of the crack tip can be similarly
established for all three modes; these turn out to be proportional to r-! (see Appendix I) and the
stress intensity factor is again the key parameter. 26
A great deal of effort has been devoted to determining stress intensity factors for numerous
crack problems using a variety of exact and approximate analytical techniques. General accounts

of these techniques, which are mainly restricted to two-dimensional problems, can be found
in References 26 and 28. Special attention has sometimes been paid to collocation procedures. 29
Several compendia of the results obtained by all methods are now available. 30 31 32
Recently, there has been a widespread development of finite element methods for determin-
ing stress intensity factors; see, for instance, References 33-41. Virtually all this work relates to
two-dimensional problems. Different shaped elements have been used but a convenient pro-
cedure41 seems to be to surround the crack tip by a regular polygon centred on the tip (Fig. 6).
The stiffness matrix for such a "crack-tip element" can be calculated by using terms from the
Williams 42 series expansion for the stress function in a cracked sheet. This approach enables
the crack-tip element to be incorporated easily into a general purpose finite element programme. 43
Other finite element methods have been based on the so-called J-integral defined in Section
6.5 91 or on a special property of certain isoparametric elements. 92
Thus it can be said that the determination of stress intensity factors for two-dimensional
problems is well in hand. However, the situation is far less satisfactory for three-dimensional
problems, and these are often encountered in practice. Important configurations here are the
surface flaw (Fig. 7), which is discussed at length in References 44 and 45, and the cracked bolt
hole (Fig. 8). The analytical difficulties are substantial for such problems and no convenient
numerical method is yet available. Before passing on, attention is called to the fact that in three-
dimensional problems, the stress intensity factor normally varies around the crack front.

3.3 Plane Stress and Plane Strain

When a thin elastic plate is loaded by forces in its own plane (the xy plane, say) it can be
assumed that the only stresses arising are the in-plane ones Txx, Tyy and Txy; this situation is
termed plane stress (more properly, generalised plane stress). 46 However, if a thick plate is
similarly loaded but now constraints are applied so that there is no displacement in the thickness
direction a condition of plane strain arises. In this last case it can be readily established from the
basic elasticity equations that, as well as the in-plane stresses, there is a normal stress in the
thickness direction given by46 :
Tzz = v(Txx+ Tyy) (3.3.1)
where v is Poisson's ratio. It is important to distinguish these cases in fracture mechanics because
as will be seen later, the out-of-plane stress has a very marked effect in inhibiting yielding, which
in turn leads to significant reductions in the failure stress. However, provided the plan form
geometry and the in-plane applied loading are the same in a plane stress and a plane strain crack
problem the stress intensity factor is the same for each. There are (relatively small) differences
in the displacements in each case.
When considering the crack tip stresses in a three-dimensional problem (at distances from
the tip so small that the curvature in plan form of the crack front can be ignored) the problem
can sometimes be usefully considered as approximately a plane strain one. 23 25


4.1 General
It has already been seen that a crack tip is an extremely severe stress concentrator, the
elastic solution predicting infinite stresses right at the tip. For materials possessing some ductility,
such as the metals used in aircraft structures, yielding must be anticipated around a crack tip,
even for small values of the applied load. Thus it becomes necessary to carry out elastic-plastic
analyses of cracked structures. These are very much more difficult than any purely elastic analysis.
In fact, no generally accepted solution seems to have been yet obtained for the basic case of a
small crack in a plane tension element (Fig. 1). One case for which a detailed elastic-plastic
solution has been obtained is the Mode III problem of Figure 4c: this is sometimes also called
the "anti-plane strain" or the "longitudinal shear" problem. Whilst of but limited interest for its
own sake, the existence of this exact solution is very valuable for comparative purposes. It has
been discussed at length by Rice. 26
The study of the elastic-plastic behaviour of cracked structures is probably the major area r;
of current basic fracture mechanics research. However, so far no conclusions of a comparable
generality to those established for the elastic case can be drawn. In the following, a rather brief
discussion is given of what seem to be the key results obtained to date.

4.2 Approximate Size of Plastic Zone at Crack Tip
The following procedure is commonly used for obtaining an "order-of-magnitude" estimate
of the length, ry, of the plastic zone measured along the line of prolongation of a crack. For
brevity the discussion will be limited to Mode I problems but the same procedure can be applied
to all modes. 4 7
Consider a point P which is on the prolongation of the crack and which is on the boundary
of the plastic zone (Fig. 9); such a point is common to both the elastic and plastic regions. The
shear stress Txy is zero at P so the stresses Txx and Tyy are principal stresses. Now the distinction
between plane stress and plane strain becomes important. As discussed in Section 3.3 above,
the out-of-plane stress Tzz is differe:pt in the two cases. For plane stress,
Tzz = 0 (4.2.1)
but for plane strain,
Tzz = v(Txx+ Tyy) (4.2.2)
It is now assumed, firstly, that the stresses acting at Pare as given by the purely elastic solution
and, secondly, that the plastic zone is sufficiently small for the crack tip formulae to apply.
(The first assumption is, at best, a rough approximation.) On setting B = 0 in Equation (3.2.1),
it follows that, at P,
(i) for plane stress,
Txx = Tyy = KI/(27Try)\ Tzz = 0 (4.2.3)
(ii) for plane strain
Since Pis also in the plastic zone, a yield condition must be satisfied there. According to Tresca's
condition, yielding occurs whenever
maximum of {IT 1 -T2 1, IT2 -T3 !, IT3 -T1 1} = ay (4.2.5)
where the Tt are principal stresses and ay denotes the tensile yield stress. As already remarked
Txx, Tyy and Tzz are principal stresses at P.
For plane stress substituting from Equation (4.2.3) into (4.2.5) immediately gives the result
ry = (l/27T) K1 2 /al (4.2.6)
whilst for plane strain use of Equation (4.2.4) with (4.2.5) gives
"' ry = (l-2v) 2 (l/27T) K1 2 /ay 2 (4.2.7)
For a Poisson ratio value of 0 3 it would follow from the above that the length of the plastic
zone in plane strain was only 0 16 times the length in plane stress, other things being equal.
It seems to have become the practice in fracture mechanics to assume that, for plane strain,
ry = (Ij61r) K1 2 /ay 2 (4.2.8)
Some discussion of this rather arbitrary assumption can be found on page 108 of Reference 47.
However, as the whole analysis can only be viewed as extremely approximate the matter is
hardly critical. (When the same procedure is applied to the Mode III case, where an exact answer
is available, it gives a value for ry which is precisely half the exact value. 4 7 )
The above analysis can be readily extended to give the approximate shape of the whole
plastic zone and not just its length. 4 7 48 One important feature of the above results is the indi-
cation that, for small scale yielding, the stress intensity factor remains a key parameter in the
problem, here governing the size of the plastic zone. These indications are borne out by more
complete analyses. 26

4.3 Stress and Strain Fields in Plastic Zone

A reasonably clear picture of the stress and strain fields in the plastic zone around a crack
tip is now starting to emerge. This has come partly from the exact solution to the anti-plane
strain (Mode III) problem already referred to and partly from approximate analyses. 26 The
main results are summarised in Figure 10.
For a purely elastic material, as already seen, the stress at a small distance r from the tip
varies as 1/r-t; since the strain is here directly proportional to the stress, it has the same variation.
It follows that the product "stress x strain" which is of the nature of "work per unit volume"
varies as 1/r.
Consider now an elastic-perfectly plastic material. In such a material the stress can never
exceed the yield stress. Hence the stress in the plastic zone is basically constant; for the purposes
of comparison this may be considered as a variation of the form l/r 0 On the other hand it now
transpires that the associated strain varies as 1/r. Thus the strain concentration has increased
in severity compared with the elastic result. It will be noted, though, that the stress-strain product
still varies as 1fr.
Finally consider a work-hardening material, which in a sense is intermediate between the
above two cases. Rice has indicated that here the stress and strain in the plastic zone vary as
1/rP and 1/rLP respectively where p lies in the range (0, 1/2) and can be related to the degree
of work-hardening. Again the stress-strain product has a 1/r variation.
Reference 49 gives experimental results on the strain concentrations around crack tips which
tend to confirm the above.
As already indicated in Section 4.2, the theoretical analyses also show that, as long as the
size of the plastic zone is small compared with other lengths-in the problem, and especially the
crack length itself, the stress intensity factor retains its key role. However, for more extensive
yielding it does not appear to be possible to establish a single parameter which characterises the
state of affairs in the plastic zone.

4.4 The Dugdale Model

Because of the difficulties associated with the use of the classical theory of plasticity in crack
problems, a simplified approach due to Dugdale 50 is sometimes adopted. Here an artifice is used
to reduce the problem to an associated purely elastic problem. The model will be briefly described
for the standard case of a crack of length 2a in a plane tension element subjected to an end
stress, a.
The key idea behind the model is shown in Figure 11. The actual crack is replaced by a fictitious
one which is longer at each end by an amount ry, the length of the yield zone. (This, of course,
is initially unknown.) Over the lengths ry, a stress equal to the tensile yield stress, ay, is applied.
This problem is now treated as a purely elastic one. At the ends, P, of the fictitious crack, there
will be a positive stress intensity factor caused by the applied stress, a, and a negative stress
intensity factor due to the crack surface stresses, ay. It is postulated that these two factors are of
equal magnitude so that the net stress at Pis finite. This condition serves to determine ry and on
carrying out the analysis in detail it is found that
ry = a{sec (7Taf2ay)- 1} (4.4.1)
Dugdale compared this theoretical result with experimental data for mild steel and found a good
If the applied stress, a, is small compared with the yield stress, ay, then on using the
sec x ~ 1+x 2 /2 (4.4.2)
it is found that Equation (4.4.1) reduces to
ry ~ a7T 2u 2 /8a/ (4.4.3)
In terms of the stress intensity factor K1-see Equation (3.2.2)-this can be written as
ry ~ (7T/8) K1 2 jay 2 (4.4.4)
This is the same sort of result that was obtained in Section, 4.2, though the numerical coefficient
is different. The Dugdale model is generally applied in plane stress situations so Equation (4.4.4)
should be compared with Equation (4.2.6).
It might be noted that whereas classical plasticity theory predicts a diffuse plastic zone around
a crack tip (much as in Fig. 9), the Dugdale model predicts a thin, narrow zone (Fig. 12). Actually,
in the Dugdale model the plastic zone consists only of the area between the two surfaces of the
fictitious crack in the region beyond the real crack tip. However, zones having roughly this shape
have been observed in mild steel. 51
As regards applications, the above theory has been mainly used in questions of fracture for
low and medium strength steels. There seems to be little evidence on its applicability to aircraft
materials such as high strength steels and aluminium alloys.


5.1 General
All the considerations to date have related to the stresses and deformations occurring in

cracked structures where the crack length was constant under application ofload. Now attention
is turned to the fundamental question of the conditions under which a crack will extend. For the
moment only the classic fracture problem, where the crack undergoes a more or less unlimited
extension under a single load application, is considered. It is convenient to commence by treat-
ing ideally brittle materials which, by definition, remain elastic up to the point of fracture. The
situation for the structural metals will be considered later but, to anticipate, it can be said that
results obtained here again find application.
One further restriction must be noted. Both here and in the next Section only Mode I (i.e.,
tensile) fracture is considered. The vast majority of fracture mechanics research has concentrated
on this case which certainly seems to be the most important in practice. Some comments on
other fracture modes are made in Section 7.

5.2 Griffith's Theory of Fracture

The original theory of fracture, and the one that from the theoretical viewpoint is still the
most complete, is that due to Griffith. 52 Griffith was primarily concerned with the ultimate
strength of a material containing microscopic cracks; present interest is in cracks of macro-
scopic size but this does not affect the physical argument.
Griffith set up an energy criterion for fracture involving, on the one hand, the elastic strain
energy, U, in the structure (the "source" for promoting crack extension) and, on the other hand
the work, W, that must be done in creating new crack surfaces (the "sink" for resisting crack
extension). Griffith identified this last with the work that must be done against surface tension
forces on the crack surface. For a two-dimensional crack problem Griffith's fracture criterion
can be written in the general form
dUfda = dW/da (5.2.1)
where a is a measure of the crack length.
Griffith then went on to evaluate explicitly the terms appearing in Equation (5.2.1) for the
particular case of a plane tension panel under end stress a and having a crack length 2a. Actually,
in his original paper he made an error in evaluating the left hand side of Equation (5.2.1) which
he subsequently corrected with little comment and this has sometimes been the subject of some
controversy. The easiest way of evaluating dUfda is to use the superposition result indicated in
Figure 13. It can be shown 53 that the strain energy in the original problem, Figure 13a, is the
sum of the strain energies for a panel with a crack under internal pressure, Figure 13b, and for
an uncracked tension panel, Figure 13c. Since the strain energy in the last case is independent
of crack length, it follows that dUfda has the same value in the first two cases, and, given the
elastic solution, it is an elementary calculation to obtain it for the case of Figure 13b. At any
rate, it is found that
(i) for plane stress,
(ii) for plane strain,
dUfda = 2(1-v 2)1Ta 2aBfE (5.2.3)
where E denotes Young's modulus and B the panel thickness.
Turning now to the right-hand side of Equation (5.2.1) Griffith wrote
dWfda = 4fB (5.2.4)
wherefis the surface tension and is considered as a material constant. (The factor 4 comes about
because there are two crack tips and two new surfaces at each tip.) Thus, on applying the criterion
(5.2.1), it follows that the critical stress to cause fracture is given by
(i) for plane stress,
a = (2/ Ej1ra)!: (5.2.5)
(ii) for plane strain,
a = (2/ Ef1ra(l-v 2 ))!: (5.2.6)
Griffith provided an experimental verification of his theory for glass, where he estimated f by
linearly extrapolating measurements of surface tension made at high temperatures (700C to
1100C) (a procedure which would seem to be open to some criticism).
In current fracture mechanics notation, it is usual to introduce the symbol G (in honour
of Griffith, and often written in script form to avoid confusion with the shear modulus) for the
strain energy release rate associated with crack extension from a single tip; since, in the above
problem, the crack extends symmetrically from each tip, there

2G = (1/B) dUfda (5.2.7)
With this notation it follows that Griffith's fracture criterion can be written in the general form
G = Gc (5.2.8)
where Gc is a material constant (in fact Gc = 2f).

5.3 Fracture Criterion in Terms of Stress Intensity Factor

Consider again the Griffith formula for the fracture stress and, for brevity, limit attention
to the plane stress case. Equation (5.2.5) can equally well be written as
a(rra)-!- = (2/ E)-!- (5.3.1)
The quantity on the left-hand side is simply the stress intensity factor, K, for the particular prob-
lem under consideration; see Equation (3.2.2). The term on the right-hand side is, .with the
present assumptions, a material constant. Thus the condition for fracture can just as well be
written as
K=Kc (5.3.2)
where Kc is a material constant. (Since only Mode I situations are being considered, the subscript
I is here omitted.) Application of the Griffith criterion to other crack problems 5 3 again leads to
results which can be written in the form (5.3.2) and Irwin 2 5 has established the general result.
The key point in Irwin's proof is the demonstration that the strain energy release rate, G, is
always related to the stress intensity factor, K, by
G = K 2 /E for plane stress (5.3.3)
G = K 2 (I-v 2 )/E for plane strain (5.3.4)
(Using Equation (5.2.7) it is immediately verified that Equations (5.2.2) and (5.2.3) represent
particular cases of these relations.) That Equation (5.3.2) represents a general alternative
formulation of the Griffith criterion follows by using the above relations in Equation (5.2.8).
Also it might be noted that sometimes the strain energy release rate can be obtained directly,
and then the above relations can be used to give the stress intensity factor.

5.4 Barenblatt's Theory of Fracture

Another approach to brittle fracture has been developed by Barenblatt. 54 Here, molecular
cohesive forces are postulated as acting between the opposite faces of a crack near the tip pro-
viding the resistance to crack extension. It can be shown that this approach again leads to a
fracture criterion of the form K = Kc. (Actually the formalism for this theory is very similar to
that associated with the Dugdale model of Section 4.4 which it predated.)


6.1 General
The establishment of a general criterion for the fracture of a structural metal is the central
problem of fracture mechanics and it can be said at the outset that only partial solutions have
been obtained so far. At first an attempt was made to apply Griffith's criterion unaltered but it
was soon established from metal physics considerations, 55 that any "surface tension" on a crack
in a metal was far too small to explain experimental results. Independently, Irwin and Orowan
in the 1940s proposed that Griffith's criterion be modified by replacing the "surface tension"
by "plastic work" as the mechanism now resisting crack extension.
An energy criterion of fracture of the form
G = Gc (6.1.1)
is still written where G is the elastic strain energy release rate (just as for a brittle material).
However, Gc is now the rate at which plastic work is done in crack extension.
In order to apply this criterion it is necessary to carry out an elastic-plastic analysis of the
structure and to evaluate the changes in elastic strain energy and plastic work done as the crack
extends. No generally accepted calculation seems to have yet been made: one reason for this lies
in the difficulty of obtaining elastic-plastic solutions in the first place. Some approximate analyses
have been performed, 56 but the results could not be used with confidence.

6.2 Elastic Fracture Mechanics
'The difficulties associated with the application of the "modified Griffith criterion" just
described led Irwin to investigate the simplifications that might ensue in cases where fracture
occurred with only very limited plastic flow. 1n the first place it was proposed that now the
elastic strain energy release rate could be computed from the purely elastic solution. Thus, the left-
hand side of Equation(6.1.1) will be exactly the same as in the corresponding problem for a brittle
material. As regards the plastic work term, no attempt was made to evaluate this explicitly.
Instead it was assumed, and the justification for this is not especially apparent, that this would
again be of the nature of a material constant.
Under these assumptions, the .argument of Section 5.3 can again be used to express the
fracture criterion (6.1.1) in the alternative form
K = Kc - (6.2.1)
where, again, K is the stress intensity factor and Kc is of the nature of a material constant, here
termed the "fracture toughness". This result is, of course, formally the same as for a brittle
material, but the following points of difference should be noted. For a brittle material, the
Griffith theory provided an expression for Kc in terms of other, more basic, material constants
as is implied in Equations(5.3.1)and (5.3.2). No corresponding relation has been obtained here.
Also, for a brittle material Kc depended on the elastic constants and the "surface tension";
here, Kc is assumed to depend on the constants characterising the elastic and plastic behaviour of
the material.
The criterion (6.2.1) is the one that has been almost universally used in predictions of the
residual strength of cracked aircraft structures. The fracture toughness is regarded as the key
material parameter and is normally determined by carrying out a fracture test on a standard
cracked specimen for which the stress intensity factor is known. The critical value of the stress
intensity factor is obtained by measuring the applied load and associated crack length at fracture;
by virtue of (6.2.1) this is just the fracture toughness (which, of course, has the same units as
the stress intensity factor). Once the fracture toughness is known Equation (6.2.1) can be used,
in principle, to predict the weakening effect of any crack configuration for which the stress
intensity factor is known. However, there are substantial difficulties in practice as discussed in
the following.

6.3 Fracture Toughness

In Section 6.2 above, the fracture toughness was described as being "of the nature of a
material constant". Unfortunately it is not a true material constant, tests on cracked plates show-
ing that it varies markedly with plate thickness. The general sort of variation is as indicated in
Figure 14. (For original test data see, for instance, References 4, 57 and 58.) The fracture toughness
has a maximum value for small thicknesses and, as the thickness increases it decreases, finally
becoming sensibly constant for some sufficiently large thickness. This constant value is termed
the "plane strain fracture toughness" and is generally denoted by the symbol Kic (This is a poor
notation since the subscript "I" has already been associated with "Mode I" problems and the
subscript "c" just denotes critical values; however, all th~ above discussion relates to "critical
Mode I" situations irrespective of thickness effects.)
The reason for the variation of fracture toughness with thickness is believed to lie in the
different way plastic zones develop in plates of different thickness. In thin plates it seems reason-
able to expect plane stress conditions to apply. For thicker plates, even though no direct stress
is applied in the thickness direction on the surface, it is considered that plane strain conditions
will apply over some interior region due to constraints imposed by surrounding material on
the material actually yielding. Now, it has been seen earlier that the length of the plastic zone
ahead of a crack tip can be expected to be substantially larger for plane stress than for plane
strain conditions. In general it is considered that the length of the plastic zone will vary through
the thickness in the fashion indicated in Figure 15, i.e. outer plane stress zones surrounding an
inner plane strain zone. When the length ry of the plane strain zone is very small compared with
the thickness of the plate it is considered that plane strain will prevail through most of the thick-
ness. This variation in the nature of the plastic zone is also reflected in the different shapes of
the fracture surfaces obtained in tests. 4 59
At this stage it should be recalled that the whole theory of elastic fracture mechanics has
been based on the stipulation that fracture occurs with only limited yielding. Although the theory

was originally developed using the type of argument given earlier now the theoretical justification
seems to be made along slightly different lines. As remarked in Section 4.2, if only limited yielding
occurs, it can be shown that the stress intensity factor remains the key parameter in determining
the state of affairs around a crack tip. Therefore, under such circumstances, "it is considered
reasonable" that a criterion such as (6.2.1) should apply.
However, just what constitutes an acceptably limited degree of plasticity is a matter of some
contention. At least until recently there was a general view that fracture toughness tests were
admissible only when carried out under essentially plane strain conditions. These conditions
are generally formulated as 60
B, a;;:::: 25Kic 2 /a/ (6.3.1)
where B is the thickness of the specimen under test and a is _the crack length. The implications
of (6.3.1) can be seen as follows. The size of the plastic zone in a plane strain fractur~ may be
approximately estimated by substituting K1c for K1 in Equation (4.2.8); this gives
ry = (1/67T) Kic 2 /a/ (6.3.2)
Using (6.3.1) in this last gives
B, a ;;:::: 157Try ~ 47ry (6.3.3)
Thus, when (6.3.1) holds, the plastic zone size at fracture should indeed be small compared
with the other dimensions.
Details of the procedures to be employed in fracture toughness testing are given in the
Standard 60 and some account of the more practical aspects can be found in References 61 and 62.
Handbooks giving typical values of the fracture toughness of aircraft materials are available. 63 64
However, it should be pointed out that the fracture toughness of a material can be very sensitive
to the exact nature of the heat treatment procedure employed in its manufacture. Cases have
been reported 6 5 where apparently minor changes in heat treatment, which left the yield and
ultimate strength and the elongation virtually unaltered, caused over 100% changes in fracture
toughness; see also Reference 66. This shows the care that must be exercised in using handbook
values of fracture toughness and also points up the difficulties in establishing a fracture theory
that is based solely on classical continuum concepts.
The above paragraph has referred entirely to plane strain fracture toughness where the
condition (6.3.1) has been implied. Regrettably this is a very restrictive condition in the sense
that it is generally only satisfied for relatively thick plates, e.g. around 11 mm (0 4 in.) for
7075-T6 aluminium alloy and over 30 mm (13 in.) for 2014-T6 aluminium alloy. The required
thickness is somewhat less for the ultra-high strength steels say, around 5 mm (0 2 in.). Much
of an aircraft structure, however, comprises sheet material with a thickness of the order of 1 6 mm
(0 064 in.) and, at the moment, there is no accepted method of fracture toughness testing for
this situation (which is basically plane stress). One can, of course, always carry out a fracture
test on a particular configuration and evaluate some nominal fracture toughness. The question,
so far basically unanswered, is to what extent r~sults so obtained can be applied to any other
configuration. However, attention should be called to a very detailed "engineering solution" of
fracture in aircraft-type built-up structures given by Broek. 4

6.4 The Crack Opening Displacement (COD) Criterion

The main present alternative to elastic fracture mechanics is the so-called "crack opening
displacement" (COD) approach. 67 68 Broadly, fracture is here considered to occur when the
separation between the opposite faces of a crack as measured at some appropriate point attains
a critical value. This criterion is often used in conjunction with the Dugdale model of a crack.
It will be recalled that there the real crack was replaced by a longer fictitious one loaded at its
ends. It follows that in the model there is a definite separation between points on the crack surface
at a location corresponding to the tip of the real crack. Using the notation of Section 4.4 it can
be established 5 6 that this separation, o, is given by, for the case of a small crack in a tension
o = (8ayaj1rE) In sec (1Taj2ay) (6.4.1)
The criterion for fracture is simply
where De is of the nature of a material constant. When the applied stress, a, is small compared
with the yield stress, ay, it can be readily established that (6.4.1) reduces to
o = K 2 /Eay (6.4.3)

It follows that, in this case, the COD criterion is essentially the same as the elastic fracture
mechanics one. However, at least in principle, the COD criterion can be applied in the presence
,, of large scale yielding, Equations (6.4.1) and (6.4.2) then providing the required relation between
applied stress and crack length at fracture for a tension panel. This approach is being widely
developed for application to fracture problems in low and medium strength steels (where the
Dugdale model appears to find its best application).
Some of the difficulties associated with the COD criterion have been outlined by Bluhm;
see page ll8 of reference 1. These centre around establishing a satisfactory test procedure for
measuring a critical COD.

6.5 The J-Integral Criterion

The so-called J-integral is a mathematical formalism developed by Rice 69 which, when
applied to problems of fracture occurring with little or no yielding, gives the same results as
elastic fracture mechanics but which is also capable of being applied in the more general case.
For two-dimensional crack problems, the following line integral is defined

J = fc(Wdy - T. ouf"?Jx ds) (6.5.1)

where the co-ordinate system is as shown in Figure 16. Here Cis a curve surrounding the crack
tip which starts on the lower crack surface and ends on the upper one, s denotes the arc length
along this curve, T denotes the stress vector and u the displacement vector. The quantity W is
the strain-energy density so that the stress-strain law for the material is given by
O'tJ = o WfoEtJ (6.5.2)
where ati and EtJ are corresponding stress and strain components. For a linearly elastic material
W is a quadratic function of the strains and (6.5.2) is quite equivalent to Hooke's law. However,
it is also possible to use (6.5.2) with other forms for W to give stress-strain laws appropriate
to the deformation theory of plasticity. (These last are really only non-linear elastic laws and
do not have a general validity but they can often be usefully employed for cases where the applied
load is monotonically increasing.)
The physical significance of the /-integral is not especially evident from Equation (6.5.1)
but it can be shown 26 that, for a linearly elastic material, J coincides with the strain energy
release rate G. Since the Griffith criterion for a brittle material could be written as G = Gc
and, since for this case, J = G, it seems reasonable to investigate whether a criterion of the form
J = Jc (6.5.3)
where Jc is of the nature of a material constant has a more general validity; in particular, whether
it can serve without any restrictions about limited plasticity. This is currently being very actively
studied, e.g. References 70-77, and results to date seem promising but the criterion could not
yet be said to have been definitively established ..


7.1 General
The discussion of fracture criteria in the preceding sections has been limited entirely to
Mode I situations, i.e. to fracture under tensile loads where Kr is the only non-zero stress intensity
factor. However, parts of an aircraft structure will commonly be subjected to shear stresses
(along with tensile stresses) and thus there is interest in the behaviour of cracked elements under
conditions where Kr and Ku are both non-zero. (Some attention has been paid in the literature
to the situation where Km is also non-zero 7 8 but this case will not be discussed here.)

7.2 Mode II Fracture

As indicated in Section 3.1, the basic case for Mode II fracture is a cracked plate under
uniform shear (Fig. 4b) where Ku is the only non-zero stress intensity factor. The elastic solution
indicates that points on the crack surfaces displace as shown in Figure 4b, a point on the top
surface moving to the right and the corresponding point on the bottom surface moving to the
left. It is frequently implied in the fracture mechanics literature that this type of deformation
carries directly over into the fracture mode, the crack extending along its length with the top half

shearing off from the bottom half. However, there seems to be little experimental evidence of
such a fracture mode in a metal plate. On the contrary, in some tests on aluminium alloy sheet,
where the shear was applied by a "picture-frame" arrangement, 7 9 fracture occurred by the
crack propagating at 45 to its original line (Fig. 17). No attempt was made to inhibit buckling {

in these tests, and this could have affected the results, but then in an actual aircraft buckling
would also be virtually unrestrained. Experiments on cracked tubes under torsion, so that Mode
II conditions approximately prevailed, have also been reported. 7 8 Once again the crack did
not propagate along its own length.
It is, of course, possible to define a critical stress intensity factor Kuc for the present case,
irrespective of the direction of crack extension; however, ifthe crack does not propagate along
its original line, this is only relevant to the first instant of extension since thereafter a different
geometrical situation prevails.

7.3 Mixed Mode 1-Mode II Fracture

Rather more attention has been paid to situations where both 1}1 and Ku are non-zero
than to the pure Mode II case; this is partly because a simple type of test specimen is available
here, namely, a tension panel with an oblique crack (Fig. 18). It can be seen from Figure 19
that the present problem can indeed be regarded as a combination of a Mode I and a Mode II
problem. (The direct stresses parallel to the crack in Fig. 19b have no effect.) For a small crack
of length 2a it can be easily established that the appropriate stress intensity factors are
Ku = a cos IX siniX (1ra)-i- (7.3.2)
where a denotes the applied stress and IX is the angle shown. Several theoretical and experimental
studies of this problem have been carried out. 4 78 80 81 82 The experiments have established
that the crack extension is essentially perpendicular to the direction of applied tension (Fig. 20).
On the theoretical side the aim has generally been to derive an "interaction formula" for fracture
such as
Broek has proposed taking c = d = 1 and m = n = 2 for aluminium alloy sheet (under plane

stress conditions). Shah 78 found that c = d = m = n = 1 gave good agreement with results
on thick plates of 4340 steel. At the moment, though, it does not appear possible to give any
reasonably general criterion for mixed mode fracture.


8.1 General
There is currently a great deal of interest in establishing laws for fatigue crack propagation
which are based on fracture mechanics concepts. The general functional form of these laws is
dajdN =f(D.K) (8.1.1)
where dajdN denotes the rate of increase of crack length, with the number of load cycles, N,
and tlK denotes the stress intensity range over a load cycle (i.e., the difference between the stress
intensity factors at the maximum and minimum loads for the cycle). Such laws are, at present,
largely empirical although fracture mechanics theory is used to provide guidance on general
forms. For reviews of the different laws proposed see, for example, References 4, 83, 84, 85 and
86. An introductory account of how such laws are used in considerations of the safe operating
periods for cracked, or potentially cracked structures has been given in Reference 86, and an
application to a specific aircraft is discussed in Reference 8. In the following a brief description
is given of what seem to be the most widely used laws at present.

8.2 Laws for Constant Amplitude Cycling

The first law of the form (8.1.1) proposed and one that is still widely used today for constant
amplitude cycling is that due to Paris. It is given by
dajdN = c(tlK)n (8.2.1)
where c and n are empirical constants. The exponent n is generally found to lie between 2 and 4

but higher values sometimes occur. 8 7 The parameter c, as well as varying with the material, may
also be markedly affected by the test conditions (e.g. the environment).
The main alternative to Paris's law is one due to Forman. This can be written in the form 4
da/dN = c(I::!.K)n/(1-R)(Kc-Kma.x) (8.2.2)
where c and n are (in general) different empirical constants. Here R is the stress ratio which is
the ratio of the minimum to the maximum stress in a load cycle, Kmax is the stress intensity
factor when the cyclic stress is at its maximum value and Kc is, as before, the fracture toughness.
It can be seen that as the crack approaches its critical size for fracture, the law predicts an
indefinitely large propagation rate.
Both the above laws have been shown to fit certain data quite well but the general applic-
ability of either of them remains a matter of some contention. 4 Of course the whole question of
fatigue is complicated by the relatively large scatter of experimental results commonly encountered.

8.3 Laws for Spectrum Loading

Both the previous laws can, in principle, be applied to the variable amplitude, or. spectrum,
loading normally experienced by an aircraft in service. However, neither takes account of what
seems to be an important experimental fact, namely, that an occasional high (tension) load can
markedly reduce the subsequent crack propagation rate. 4 Crack propagation laws which in-
corporate this effect have been constructed, 88 89 and shown to give agreement with limited amounts
of experimental data. However, their generality remains uncertain. Reference should also be
made to laws incorporating the so-called fatigue crack closure effects 90 which utilise fracture
mechanics concepts.


' In the present paper, a survey has been made of the current status of fracture mechanics
from the point of view of aircraft structural applications. It is not simple to draw clear-cut
conclusions since the subject is still very much a developing one. However, the following assess-
ment is made:
.. (i) The stress intensity factor is a very useful parameter for characterising both the residual
strength of, and the rate of crack propagation in, a structure. It can certainly be used
in a qualitative fashion. For example, if by the design of some modification it can be
established that the stress intensity factor is substantially reduced, then significant
improvements can be expected in both static and fatigue strength.
(ii) The plane strain fracture toughness is likewise a very useful parameter for ranking a
material as regards its resistance to fracture. However, it is a parameter which some-
times is very sensitive to the precise nature of the heat treatment process and care should
be taken when using "handbook" vahies. There is a need for a satisfactory extension
of the concept to the "sheet thickness" range.
(iii) The extent to which elastic fracture mechanics can be used for quantitative predictions
of the residual strength of cracked components is a rather more difficult question. It
can generally be used in the approximate calculations needed to assess the requisite
sensitivity of NDI methods in a given situation. As regards structural applications the
theory seems to have found its best applications for solid sections made in high-strength
materials such as the ultra-high strength steels, the 7000 series aluminium-zinc-
magnesium alloys and titanium alloys. The main difficulty likely to arise here is that of
determining an appropriate stress intensity factor for a complex geometry.
(iv) The question of an appropriate law for fatigue crack propagation, especially under
spectrum loadings remains very much an open one. Probably the best that can presently
be said is that if a given law has been found to give good agreement with test results on
a particular structure for a particular load spectrum, it is reasonable to employ the same
law for assessing the crack propagation characteristics of the same structure under
other related spectra. Generally, it would seem that comparative, rather than absolute,
calculations should be made.
(v) In summary, when it is required to apply fracture mechanics to a structural problem
in a predictive situation it would seem prudent, at present, to support the theoretical
results with a reasonably representative test programme.

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5. Wood, H. A. Application of Fracture Mechanics to Aircraft Structural Safety.
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Wing Structural Elements.
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7. Tiffany, C. F. Fracture Control of Metallic Pressure Vessels.
NASA SP-8040, 1970.
8. Buntin, W. D. Concept and Conduct of Proof Test of F-111 Production Aircraft.
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9. Wood, H. A. The Use of Fracture Mechanics Principles in the Design and
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Fatigue Life Prediction for Aircraft Structures and Materials, pp.
4-1 to 4-13; AGARD-LS-62, NATO Advisory Group for Aero-
space Research and Development, 1973.
10. Knott, J. F. Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics.
Butterworths, London, 1973.
11. Liebowitz, H. (ed.) Fracture: An Advanced Treatise (vols. I-VII).
Academic Press, New York, 1968-69.
12. Anon. Stress Analysis and Growth of Cracks.
ASTM STP 513, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1972.
13. Anon. Fracture Toughness.
ASTM STP 514, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1972.
14. Anon. Progress in Flaw G.rowth and Fracture Toughness Testing.
ASTM STP 536, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1973.
15. Anon. Fracture Toughness and Slow Stable Cracking.
ASTM STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1974.
16. Anon. Fracture Analysis. .
ASTM STP 560, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1974.
17. Wood, H. A., Proceedings of the Air Force Conference on Fatigue and Fracture
Bader, R. M., of Aircraft Structures and Materials.
Trapp, W. J., AFFDL TR 70-144, US Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory,
Hoener, R. F., and 1970.
Donat, R. C. (eds)
18. Withem, D.P. Fracture Mechanics Guidelines for Aircraft Structural Applications.
AFFDL TR 69-111, US Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory,
19. Kuhn, P. Residual Strength in the Presence of Fatigue Cracks.
AGARD Advisory Report 11, NATO Advisory Group for Aero-
space Research and Development, 1967.
20. Inglis, C. E. Stresses in a Plate Due to the Presence of Cracks and Sharp
Transactions of Institute of Naval Architects, London, vol. 55,
pp. 219-30, 1913.

2L Timoshenko, S. Theory of Elasticity (1st ed., p. 175).
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1934.
22. Sneddon, I. N., and Crack Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity.
Lowengrub, M. Wiley, New York, 1969.
23. Sih, G. C., and Mathematical Theories of Brittle Fracture.
Liebowitz, H. Fracture: An Advanced Treatise-Vol. II, Mathematical Funda-
mentals, pp. 67-190 (see Reference 11 above).
24. Sih, G: C. (ed.) Mechanics of Fracture. Voll-Methods of Analysis and Solutions
of Crack Problems.
Noordhoff, Leyden, 1973.
25. Irwin, G. R. Fracture.
Encyclopedia of Physics, vol. 6;pp. 551-90. Springer, Berlin, 1958.
26. Rice, J. R. Mathematical Analysis in the Mechanics of Fracture.
Fracture: An Advanced Treatise, vol. II, Mathematical Funda-
mentals, pp. 191-311 (see Reference 11 above).
27. Hoskin, B. C. Use in Fracture Mechanics of Coker and Filon's Approximate
Elastic Solutions for Finite Width Structures.
ARL Note SM 318, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aus-
tralia, 1967
28. Cartwright, D~ J., and Methods of Determining Stress Intensity Factors.
Rooke, D.P. RAE TR 73031, Royal Aircraft Establishment, UK, 1973.
29. Newman, J. C. An Improved Method of Collocation for the Stress Analysis of
Cracked Plates with Various Shaped Boundaries.
NASA TN D-6376, 1971.
30. Sih, G. C. Handbook of Stress Intensity Factors.
Institute of Fracture and Solid Mechanics, Lehigh University, 1973.
31. Tada, H. The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook.
Del Research Corporation, Hellertown, Pa., 1973.
32. Rooke, D. P., and A Compendium of Stress Intensity Factors.
Cartwright, D. J. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.
33. Chan, S. K., On the Finite Element Method in Linear Fracture Mechanics.
Tuba, I. S., and Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 2, pp. 1-17, 1970.
Wilson, W. K.
34. Byskov, E. The Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors Using the Finite
Element Method with Cracked Elements.
International Journal of Fracture Mechanics, vol. 6, pp. 159-67,
35. Walsh, P. F. The Computation of Stress Intensity Factors by a Special Finite
Element Technique.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 7, pp. 1333-42,
36. Blackburn, W. S. Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors at Crack Tips using Special
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The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications (ed. J. R.
Whiteman), pp. 327-336, Academic Press, London, 1973.
37. Robinson, J. Integrated Theory of Finite Element Methods.
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38. Papaioannou, S. G., A Finite Element Method for Calculating Stress Intensity Factors
Hilton, P. D., and and its Application to Composites.
Lucas, R. A. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 6, pp. 807-823, 1974.
39. Hilton, P. D., and Application of the Finite Element Method to the Calculations of
Sih, G. C. Stress Intensity Factors.
Mechanics of Fracture, vol. 1 (ed. G. C. Sih), pp. 426-83 (see
Reference 24 above).
40. Wilson, W. K. Finite Element Methods for Elastic Bodies Containing Cracks.
Mechanics of Fracture, vol 1 (ed. G. C. Sih), pp. 484--515 (see
Reference 24 above).
41. Jones, R., and A Finite Element Method for Calculating Stress Intensity Factors
Callinan, R. J. in Cracked Sheets.

ARL Report Struc. 360, Aeronautical Research Laboratories,
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42. Williams, M. L. On the Stress Distribution at the Base of a Stationery Crack.
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43. Callinan, R. J. Programs for Calculating Stress Intensity Factors in Structures
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44. Swedlow, J. L. (ed.) The Surface Crack: Physical Problems and Computational
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1972.
45. Keays, R. H. A Review of Stress Intensity Factors for Surface and -Internal
ARL Report SM 343, Aeronautical Research Laboratories,
Australia, 1973.
46. Sokolnikoff, I. S. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (2nd ed., pp. 249-57).
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1956.
47. McLintock, F. A., and Plasticity Aspects of Fracture Mechanics.
Irwin, G. R. ASTM STP 381, Fracture Toughness Testing and its Applications,
pp. 84-113, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1965.
48. Rooke, D. P. Elastic Yield Zones Around a Crack Tip.
RAE TN CPM 29, Royal Aircraft Establishment, UK, 1963.
49. Bateman, D. A., Some Observations on Surface Deformation Round Cracks in
Bradshaw, F. J., and Stressed Sheet.
Rooke, D.P. RAE TN CPM 63, Royal Aircraft Establishment, UK, 1964.
50. Dugdale, D. S. Yielding of Steel Sheets Containing Slits.
Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 8, pp. 100-104,
51. Rosenfield, A. R., Crack Extension and Propagation under Plane Stress.
Dai, P. K., and Proceedings of First International Conference on Fracture, vol. 1,
Hahn, G. T. pp. 223-58, Sendai, Japan, 1965. ;I

52. Griffith, A. A. The Phenomenon of Rupture and Flow in Solids.

Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society of London, ser. A,
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53. Hoskin, B. C. Applications of Elasticity Theory in Fracture Studies of Cracked
ARL Report SM 294, Aeronautical Research Laboratories,
Australia, 1963.
54. Barenblatt, G. I. The Mathematical Theory of Equilibrium Cracks in Brittle Fracture.
Advances in Applied Mechanics, vol. 7, pp. 55-129, 1962.
55. Greenwood, G. W. Concepts of Fracture Toughness.
Fracture Toughness, lSI Publication 121, pp. 1-12, The Iron and
Steel Institute, London, 1968.
56. Goodier, J. N., and Plastic Energy Dissipation in Crack Propagation.
Field, F. A. Fracture of Solids (ed. D. C. Drucker and J. J. Gilman), pp.
103-18, Interscience, New York, 1963.
57. Brothers, A. S., and Fracture Test Methods and their Application.
Yukawa, S. Application of Fracture Toughness Parameters to Structural
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vol. 31, pp. 35-68, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1966.
58. Srawley, J. E. Plane Strain Fracture Toughness.
Fracture: An Advanced Treatise, vol. IV, pp. 45-68, Engineering
Fracture Design (see Reference 11 above).
59. Brown, W. F., and Plane Strain Crack Toughness Testing of High Strength Metallic
Srawley, J. E. Materials.
ASTM STP 410, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1966.
60. Anon. Standard Method of Test for Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of
Metallic Materials.

ASTM Standard E 399-72. American Society for Testing and
Materials, 1972.
61. Anderson, B. E., The ARL Fracture Toughness Testing Facility.
Ellis, R., and ARL Note SM 405, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aus-
Ryan, N. E. tralia, 1974.
62. Ellis, R., and The Fracture Toughness of Large Structural Fa:tigue Specimens
Anderson, B. E. of D6ac Steel.
ARL Note SM 410, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aus-
tralia, 1974.
63. Anon. Damage Tolerant Design Handbook.
MCIC-HB-01, US Metals and Ceramics Information Center,
Battelle Institute, 1972.
64. Lewis, G. I., Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Data for British Airframe Alloys.
Gardiner, R. W., and RAE TR 72224, Royal Aircraft Establishment, UK, 1973.
Peel, C. J.
65. Feddersen, C. E., Crack Propagation in D6AC Steel (An Evaluation of Fracture
Moon, D. P., and Mechanics Data for the F-111 Aircraft).
Hyler, W. S. MCIC Report 72-04, US Metals and Ceramics Information Center,
Battelle Institute, 1972.
66. Ryan, N. E. Relationship between Microstructure and Fracture Toughness in
D6AC Steel.
ARL Note Met. 103, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aus-
tralia, 1974.
67. Burdekin, F. M., and The Crack Opening Displacement Approach to Fracture Mechanics
Stone, D. E. W. in Yielding Materials.
Journal of Strain Analysis, vol. 1, pp. 145-53, 1966.
68. Dobson, M. 0. (ed.) Practical Fracture Mechanics for Structural Steel
UK Atomic Energy Authority, 1969.
69. Rice, J. R. A Path Independent Integral and the Approximate Analysis of
Strain Concentration by Notches and Cracks.
Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 35, pp. 379-86, 1968.
70. Begley, J. A. and The J-Integral as a Fracture Criterion.
Landes, J. D. ASTM STP 514, pp. 1-20 (see Reference 13 above).
71. Bucci, R. J., J-Integral Estimation Procedures.
Paris, P. C., ASTM STP 514, pp. 40-69.
Landes, J. D., and
Rice, J. R.
72. Landes, J.D., and The Effect of Specimen Geometry on he.
Begley, J. A. ASTM STP 514, pp. 24-39.
73. Rice, J. R., Some Further Results of J-Integral Analysis and Estimates.
Paris, P. C., and ASTM STP 536, pp. 231-45 (see Reference 14 above).
Merkle, J. G.
74. Merkle, J. G. Analytical Applications of the J-Integral.
ASTM STP 536, pp. 264-80.
75. Begley, J. A., An Estimation Model for Application of the J-Integral.
Landes, J. D., and ASTM STP 560, pp. 155-169 (see Reference 16 above).
Wilson, W. K.
76. Landes, J. D., and Test Results from J-Integral Studies.
Begley, J. A. ASTM STP 560, pp. 170-86.
77. Underwood, J. H. he Results from Two Steels.
NEL Report 600, National Engineering Laboratory, UK, 1975.
78. Shah, R. C. Fracture under Combined Modes in 4340 Steel.
ASTM STP 560, pp. 29-52 (see Reference 16 above).
79. Ellis, R. Residual Strength of Cracked Panels under Shear.
ARL Note SM 393, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aus-
tralia, 1973.
80. Erdogan, F., and On the Crack Extension in Plates under Plane Loading and Trans-
Sih, G. C. verse Shear.

Journal of Basic Engineering, Transactions of ASME ser. D,
vol. 85, pp. 519-27, 1963.
81. Panasyuk, V. V., Propagation of an Arbitrarily Oriented Rectilinear Crack During
Berezhnitsky, L. T., and Extension of a Plate.
Kovchik, S. NASA TT-402, 1965.
82. Hoskin, B. C., Fracture of Tension Panels with Oblique Cracks.
Graff, D. G., and ARL Report SM 305, Aeronautical Research Laboratories,
Foden; P. J. Australia, 1965.
83. Pelloux, R. M. Review of Theories and Laws of Fatigue Crack Propagation.
AFFDL TR 70-144, pp. 409-16 (see Reference 17 above).
84. Bluhm, J. I. Crack.Propagation Laws.
AGARD-AG-176, pp. 95-109 (-see Reference 1 above).
85. Bradshaw, F. J., and The Application of Fracture Mechanics to Material Selection and
Rooke, D.P. Structure Design in Aircraft.
RAE TR _69122, Royal Aircraft Establishment, UK, 1969.
86. Hoskin, B. C. Simple Theoretical Studies of Fatigue Crack Propagation Using a
Fracture Mechanics Approach.
ARL Note SM 372, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aus-
tralia, 1971.
87. Ellis, R. Fracture Mechanics Studies of Fatigue Crack Propagation in 2024
Aluminium Alloy Panels Containing Transverse Slits.
ARL Note SM 379, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aus-
tralia, 1972.
88. Wheeler, 0. E. Spectrum Loading and Crack Growth.
Journal of Basic Engineering, Transactions of ASME, ser. D, vol.
94, pp. 181-86, 1972.
89. Keays, R. H. Numerical Evaluation of Wheeler's Model of Fatigue Crack
Propagation for Programmed Load Spectra.
ARL Note SM 376, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Aus-
tralia, 1972.
90. Elber, W. The Significance of Fatigue Crack Closure.
ASTM STP 486, pp. 230--42 (see Reference 3 above).
91. Sharples, J. K. Determination of Stress Intensity Factors for a Plate with Single
Edge Crack using Finite Element Methods.
NEL Report 615, National Engineering Laboratory, UK, 1976.
92. Henshell, R. D., and Crack Tip Finite Elements are Unnecessary.
Shaw, K. G. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol.
9, pp. 495-507, 1975.

Occurrence of Square Root Function in Elastic Crack Problems
Here a simple argument is presented to indicate why the occurrence of the square root func-
tion migh~ be anticipated in the elastic solutions to crack problems. Consider first the mathe-
matical properties of the square root function defined in an unbounded plane region which has
a slit extending from the origin to infinity along one of the co-ordinate axes (Fig. A1). This slit
has exactly the same properties as .those ascribed to an idealised crack in Section 2. It is con-
venient to work in~erms of the complex variable
z = x+iy (A1)
where x, y are the rectangular co-ordinates in the plane. Introducing polar co-ordinates (r, 8),
as in Figure A2, it follows that
z = r exp i8 (A2)
Consider now two points A and Bon opposite faces of the slit. Just as in the elastic problem a
crack represents a barrier as 'regards the transference of any tensile load (thinking of a Mode I
problem), so is the slit here regarded as a mathematical barrier. The only valid mathematical
paths linking A and Bare those in which a circuit is made around the origin 0; it is not permis-
sible to jump directly across the slit from A to B since this involves passing, albeit momentarily,
out of the defined region. One permissible path is via the circle shown. Thus, it seems reasonable
to characterise A by the value 8 = 0 and B by the value 8 = 21r. Note, however, that since
exp i 0 = exp i 21T = 1 (A3)
it still follows that
ZA = ZB (A4)
i.e., the actual co-ordinates of A and B are the same.
But consider the square root function. From Equation (A2)
yz = yr exp i 8/2 (A5)
Evaluating this at A and Bit follows that, despite Equation (A4),
yZA - yZB = 2yr (A6)
Further insight is provided by some elementary geometrical considerations. Every point in the
region of Figure A2 is characterised by a certain value of z. If, for each such point, the value of
the square root function as defined by Equation (A5) is plotted the resultant region is as shown
in Figure A3, i.e. the square root function conformally maps the infinite region with a slit (Fig.
A2) on to the upper half plane (Fig. A3). Note especially that the re-entrant angle of 21r formed
by the two faces of the slit at the origin has been "straightened out".
Now consider the physical situation for an elastic material with a crack. In the first place
it can be shown that there exists a close connection between the solution of an elastic problem
for a region of given shape and the function which conformally maps this region on to the upper
half plane. The two are by no means necessarily identical but there is a connection; the reason
for this lies buried rather deep in the theory of partial differential equations and will not be
pursued here. Secondly, consider again the pair of points A and B of Figure A2 now treated as
points of the material which are almost contiguous in the absence of any load. If a tensile load,
whose line of action is parallel to the y axis is applied, then the vertical displacements vA and
VB, say, of A and B will be oppositely directed as the crack opens up under load, i.e: there will be
a result of the form
VA-VB= a (A7)
where a denotes the separation. The displacement of a point in an elastic body is always some
function of the co-ordinates of that point in the undeformed condition; in the present case, then,
it is necessary to find a functional form for the displacement which assumes different values
depending on whether the point under consideration is on the top or bottom surface of the
crack (always bearing in mind that the position co-ordinates of such a pair of points are virtually
the same). By comparing Equations (A6) and (A7) it can be seen that the square root function
satisfies this requirement. If the displacement is proportional to yr then the stresses will be
proportional to 1/yr since in an elastic material the stress is proportional to the strain, which
last is a derivative of the displacement.


(b) Section containing crack

(a) Plan




// I /
/ I /
/ ----~----
J_ ___ _


Extension of crack plane

t. ___,!.xy
/ Tyz

Crack front
(a) Stresses on extension
of creek plane
(b) General notation
for stresses


a T q (outwards)
~~ ~
0 0 0 0

~ I
1- 2a ~I ~ I, 2a .I I 1 .. 2a~
~ ~~
q (inwards)
a T
Applied loads


Deformation of crack surface

(a) Mode I (b) Mode II (c) Mode Ill






(b) Cross section at crack

(a) Plan


(b) Cross section at crack

(a) Plan


Elastic .t.


Stress near Strain near Stress-strain
Material Stress-strain crack tip crack tip product
curve varies as varies as varies as


Elastic -1 -1 -
rl/2 rl/2 r

Elastic oy.

perfectly 1 -1 -1
plastic ro r r



Work hardening
. rP
r 1-P




a a

~ ---J

a a


plastic Elastic plastic

Lry+- 2a


a a

D + )t[U

(a) Cracked tension (b) Crack under (c) Uncracked tension
panel internal pressure panel


Thickness 'B'


Outer plane stress zone

Inner plane strain zone

- ----
,.,.......... , . . - -


// /B
Crack front /

___-- /




~~~ ~

~ I Crack extension thus : _____

~ ''
' I
~ ''
~ I
. !



a Sin 2 a a Cos a Sin a

(a) (b) (c l



Crack extension thus: - - - - -


'" I Slit
L ;Jo



8 0 A



QUESTION- Dr. A. K. Head (CSIRO, Division ofTribophysics)
The application of elastic fracture mechanics to static real fracture is often "justified" by
saying that the plastic zone is small.
In applying FM to fatigue it is seen that this justification could be taken in two ways; that
the size of the plastic zone is small or that the plastic deformation in the zone is small. The
former is probably true enough in fatigue but the latter is not (when the total plastic deformation
over the number of cycles is considered). Is there any indication as to the relative importance of
size of zone smallness or total plastic deformation smallness for the validity of fracture
Whilst some analyses of fatigue crack growth which start from a postulated dislocation
model have led to the typical fracture mechanics law of Equation (8.2.1)-see, for instance,
B. A. Bilby and P. T. Heald, Crack Growth in Notch Fatigue, Proc. Roy. Soc. (A), vol. 305,
pp. 429-39, 1968-the basis for all such laws is generally considered to be essentially empirical.
However, it might be expected that the stress intensity factor would be a key parameter in any
crack problem, either static or fatigue, where the geometric size of the plastic zone was small
compared with the crack length because, in that case, a study of elastic-plastic solutions shows
that, in the vicinity of the crack tip, all the apparent physical parameters of the problem (load,
crack size, general geometry) appear combined in the stress intensity factor. (This, however, is
not the case for large-s~ale yielding.)
QUESTION-!. C. Ritter (MRL)
I wish to add to Mr. Hoskin's observation that the commonly accepted formulae for
estimating the plastic zone size, particularly in plane strain, are arbitrary and give approximate
answers. These estimates apply only to the ideal case of homogeneous deformation at the crack tip.
Real structural materials show varying degrees of non-uniform deformation determined by the
presence of different phase particles in the microstructure. The resulting crack-tip deformation
may be fairly uniform, as with quenched and tempered steels, or it may be broken up into bands
of intense shear as with some age hardening aluminium alloys. The estimated plastic zone size
then has little meaning; for example, K 1c test specimen dimensions based on this estimate
become spurious.
My remarks on the approximate character of the formulae (4.2.6), (4.2.7) and (4.2.8) for
estimating the size of the plastic. zone were in the context of the classical continuum theory
of plasticity. This last, of course, does not concern itself with microstructure phenomena and I
could not comment on the added uncertainties associated with the type of effect raised by the
QUESTION-Mike Murray (CSIRO, Division ofTribophysics)
Mr Hoskin in his talk rightly, I think, implied that it was not possible to determine fracture
toughness for a material without first fracturing it. I have been interested in this fact, and wonder
whether one should be able to predict fracture toughness for a homogeneous, isotropic, elastic-
plastic solid. Although no real solid would be expected to approximate closely to this description,
the description itself represents an ideal limit from which we may gain some insight.
If we suppose our ideal solid to be
(a) capable of fracturing in the first place,
(b) capable of setting up a plastic zone around the crack tip, and
(c) that sufficient energy is dissipated during a stable propagation, so that we can ignore
surface energy,
then it is difficult to conceive of any dimensional parameters other than E (Young's modulus
for an opening mode crack) and ay (yield or appropriate flow stress) which could have a bearing
on this problem. For the simplest dimensional analysis we require in addition a length, L, so
that we might write

[G1c] = [ay] [L]

We take [ay]- 1 because usually toughness increases as ay decreases. We find that if we write
[G1c] =A- b (A is a dimensionless constant)
and obtain ay from hardness ( ~ 7% strain), set A ~ 1, and set L equal to about one atomic
distance (abandoning the continuum solid), the equation very roughly gives the observed answer.
Use of the normal linear elastic fracture mechanics equation for plane strain plastic zone size
ay = 67T. (1-v2) ay2 -
leads to a plastic zone size
ry = - 3 b
This equation then represents the automatic long range constraint that the ideal body places on
the crack tip plastic zone size.
I must emphasise that this reasoning is highly speculative and may turn out to be valueless.
Dr. Ritter in his previous question has alluded to the idea of a short range effect which can
overcome the long range one if particles of a second phase are present in a body. He suggests
that the plastic zone concept might become inapplicable, and indeed for some cases he may be
right. However, I have investigated one system (a WC-Co aggregate) which I regard as an extreme
case of the short range effect, and find that it can be adequately described using a modified form
of the normal LEFM approach. The limitation on plastic zone size in this case is simply the
interfacial separations of the particles.
Presumably if one could carry out a satisfactory elastic-plastic analysis of a cracked structure,
. and if one could then apply the Irwin-Orowan energy balance concept one would get a formula
for the critical stress in which some quantity analogous to the fracture toughness appeared as a
combination of the material constants of classical continuum analysis, such as Young's modulus
and the yield stress. This was the type of analysis carried out by Goodier and Field (Reference 56
of the paper); see alsoP. L. Key, The Effect of Local Yielding on the Strain Energy Release Rate,
Trans. of ASME, Journal of Basic Engineering, vol. 91, pp. 852-54, December 1969. However,
as indicated in the paper, the results of such analyses-which generally involve substantial
approximations-are not always easily interpreted. (Of course, whilst general energy considera-
tions would suggest the reasonableness of the Irwin-Orowan concept as a necessary condition
for fracture, it may not be a sufficient one and results derived from it may not be correct.) The
point raised in Section 6.3 of the paper about changes in heat treatment which leave the standard
elastic and plastic material constants unaltered but which may cause large changes in fracture
toughness also is relevant here; if this turns out to be the general situation it is difficult to see
how the fracture toughness would ever be reliably predicted by a classical continuum analysis.
The dimensional analysis presented by Dr. Murray is interesting but I do not have a clear
understanding of the significance of the length parameter which it is necessary to introduce.
I am not sufficiently familiar with the metal physics aspects of fracture to know whether fracture
toughness can be adequately correlated with some linear dimension characterising the micro-



Flight load research at ARL since 1947 has followed two distinct lines. One has been
related to the need to establish valid flight load statistics for fatigue life estimation. The
other has been the measurement of stress distribution using specially instrumented
research-flight aircraft. Progress in the two activities has not been uniform, with significant
advances being closely related to technological developments.

ARL Report SM87-A Programme of Flight Load Research-was published 1 in February
1947 by the CSIR Division of Aeronautics. It set out the purpose and methods for routine
monitoring of flight loads, but also argued the case for special research test flights to "study
the correlation between accelerometer readings at the e.g. with peak stresses at the critical
sections of the wings, particularly under dynamic loading conditions".
Nearly thirty years later, the same dichotomy of flight load research applies, albeit with a
change in emphasis from civil to military aircraft. In consequence, it should be instructive to
trace the development of flight load research at ARL and seek to identify factors which have led
to significant progress


The aim of routine monitoring is to obtain valid statistical load data. Normally this implies
the need for long-term sampling. To obtain good data it is essential that the instrumentation is
reliable and data collection and extra.~tion is simple and unambiguous. The NACA designed
V-g Recorder which traces out an envelope of speed and load on a smoked-glass slide by the
action of a stylus was used extensively by ARL from 1947 until 1952. 2 The instrument is a simple
mechanical device, it was fairly easy to install and it appears to have been very reliable. Donely
of NASA, in a paper to the Fifth ICAF Symposium in 1967, reported on a programme which
collected more than 20,000 hours of data with V.g. recorders, an impressive performance since
the data extraction is a tedious manual operation.
By its nature, the V-g recor?er provides useful data only on the largest positive and negative
loads occurring during the period for which each slide remains in the recorder. Frequent changes
of recording slides cause serious logistic problems for a programme of routine monitoring.
Infrequent changes lead to ambiguity in data interpretation, and reduction in the range of the
load spectrum defined by the programme.
For these reasons, in 1952, ARL switched 4 to the RAE designed Counting Accelerometer.
This instrument contained a large number of mechanical counters for recording the number of
exceedances of positive and negative thresholds of acceleration, together with airspeed and
altimeter indicators. An automatic camera, operated by a timing and relay system took photo-
graphs at ten-minute intervals. It is not surprising that, with such complexity, reliability was poor.
Data returns 5 of less than 50% of the recording period were normal. The solution was to simplify
the system by removing the automatic camera, and to read the counters when the aircraft was on
the ground. Naturally this also removed the need for the airspeed and altitude indicators.
Subsequently, ARL obtained nearly 18,000 hours of satisfactory recording 6 over a three year
period of operations by two DC-6 aircraft owned by ANA.
Further simplification led to the RAE Fatigue Meter with a standard set of six acceleration
threshold counters. With this instrument, a sample of 70,000 hours of flight load data 7 was
obtained from ten Viscount aircraft owned by TAA. These large samples provided solid statistical
data for flight load spectra applicable to aircraft operations similar to that for Viscount aircraft.
However, because speed and height had been deleted from the data, it was no longer possible to
determine either the altitude or location at which flight loads had been recorded, and it was not
practical to use the flight load spectra for new aircraft operating either at much higher or much
lower altitudes than the DC-6 or Viscount. Nor can the data be re-assessed to provide altitude-
classified power spectra for the definition of gust loads in Australia. This has created a problem
for assessing new aircraft designed against 8 the current MIL-SPEC.
More than 20 years after their first use in Australia, fatigue meters are monitoring the
safe lives of Mirage III o and F-1 I lc aircraft of the RAAF. For the F-lllC, the variable geometry
requires a need for more than one set of counters, thereby removing the simplicity and lack of
ambiguity which previously characterised the instrument. For the Mirage, the wide range of

speeds at which loads could be applied to the structure created a need to fit V-g-h recorders 9 to
five squadron aircraft in 1973. The V-g-h recorders were designed at ARU 0 to sample accelera-
tion (g) twenty times each second, and speed (V) and height (h) once each second. Data were
recorded in the form of frequency shift keying, using a ternary coding system, on a Philips
EL 3002 cassette unit.
'.:; These recorders proved to be more reliable than the fatigue meters installed in the same
aircraft. However the data extraction for the 650 hours of continuous recording proved to be a
most time-consuming operation. Nevertheless, a valuable statistical sample of flight loads for a
fighter aircraft was obtained and a useful check made on the load cycle counting accuracy of the
fatigue meter. This confirmed 11 an earlier ARL investigation 12 which had revealed an un-
certainty in the counting thresholds of fatigue meters. The V-g-h recorders also provided a
picture of the frequency at which linking manoeuvres were performed. These are manoeuvres in
which significant cycles of load occur about high mean levels of load and consequently are not
recorded by the fatigue meter.
It is our opinion that the complications in load monitoring on the Mirage IIIo and F-111C
aircraft are indicative that the fatigue meter's useful life may be limited. Currently we are working
with BAC (Australia) Pty. Ltd. to develop a "range pair counter" for monitoring fatigue at 12
locations in an aircraft structure. 13 Strain cycles in the form of range pairs between every pairing
of 15 different strain levels are counted and stored in the magnetic core memory of the unit.
Read-out of the fatigue history may be obtained, as required, by using a digital magnetic tape
cassette recorder.
The instrument, now called AFDAS (Aircraft Fatigue Data Analysis System) is based on
two principles: firstly, that the most direct measure of stress which is available should be the one
used; and secondly, that only data relevant to the fatigue calculation should be recorded. The
first principle is met by using electrical resistance strain gauges, and the second by recording
data as range pairs. It is considered that this approach by-passes the accuracy and computational
problems inherent in obtaining stress from mathematical models which require measurements
of aircraft state and motion. The data processing task is also greatly simplified in comparison
with continuous recording systems which of necessity require the reading and rejection of data
not required for fatigue analysis. The AFDAS equipment has the further advantage of poten-
tially high reliability due to its completely solid state electronics.
Following extensive bench testing of the prototype, the AFDAS principle was confirmed by
cross-reference to a continuous recorder simultaneously carried on four flights by a Mirage test
aircraft. Reliability evaluation is currently in progress.


A review of the last thirty years of test flight instrumentation reveals that progress has
occurred in jumps rather than at a uniform rate. Techniques used in 1954 for measuring flight
strains in a Dove,1 4 in 1962 on a Vampire Trainer 15 and in 1966 on a Prospector agricultural
aircraft 16 are quite similar to each other and indeed to the methods outlined in 1947 by ARL
Report SM87. However significant advances in both the scope of instrumentation and the
techniques for recording occurred between 1968-73 with the introduction of first analogue, 17
and then digital 1 8 magnetic tape recording of flight load data. The stimulus for these rapid
advances was provided by the need to measure both temperature and strains throughout the
structure of the RAAF Mirage IIIo aircraft.
The accuracy and detail in the -load data which was obtained with the new tape recording
system enabled us to establish with certainty such factors as the non-linearity of wing-spar
strainfg under manoeuvre loads, and dynamic amplification of strain/g under gust loading.
Table 1, extracted from SM Note 401 19 illustrates the weight of data which the tape recording
system enabled us to apply to our flight load analysis.
A typical configuration of the digital Data Acquisition System (Fig. 1) allows 50 channels
of data to be sampled 60 times per second for one hour. Submultiplexing has also been used to
sample variables such as airspeed, altitude, fuel weight at a slower rate. Each sample is converted
to a 12 bit digital word in "offset binary" code and these words are written as 2 bytes of 6 parallel
bits on the tape, the seventh track being used for a parity check character. Data is blocked into
records in a fully computer compatible format, using long records of 15,000 bytes so that inter-

record gaps take only 5% of tape length. During gap periods, incoming data is stored in a special
"first-in, first-out" buffer memory so that a continuous time history is recorded. Use of a
computer-compatible format eliminates the need for a special ground-replay station. Accuracy
of recording approaches 0 1% and 10 7 data points are recorded on a typical research flight.
This system has been the subject of continuing development, and now includes remote
multiplexing, analogue to digital conversion modules, and extended digital input facilities. To
facilitate preliminary in-field evaluation of flight data, a quick-look system centred on a mini-
computer has been developed.
In retrospect, the development of the present system can be closely related to the rapid
expansion in the use of digital computer installations during the 1960s. In fact, since a PDP-10
computer was installed at ARL in 1968, the analysis of tape-recorded flight data has taken a
major share of the core-time capacity of the installation.
It is interesting to compare the complexity of instrumentation for flight tests of the Vampire
MK35 Trainer Aircraft 15 (1962) where "all [instrumentation] wiring in the aircraft was installed
by the RAAF, in accordance with a simple wiring diagram supplied by ARL" with the flight test
requirements for the Mirage fatigue investigation 20 (1970) where 182 drawings are listed for
the wiring modifications to the test aircraft A3-76.
The new system has also changed drastically the staffing requirments for analysing the test
data. In the days of photographic trace recording the most time-consuming function was the
reading of traces, 21 and the Laboratories maintained a number of technical assistant positions
for that purpose. The requirement now is for electronic designers, programmers and data
analysts who can devise systems for ensuring the validity of the large samples of data. Such
people must make decisions upon which depends the accuracy of large scale tests. Consequently
they require the training and background which leads to professional qualifications.


We have seen that the techniques in use for flight load monitoring have not varied greatly
since 1955 because the necessity for reliability in long term monitoring programmes required a
simple electro-mechanical device such as the fatigue meter. The high reliability of modern solid
state circuitry now permits the development of equipment with considerable data processing
capacity for monitoring stress at a number of critical locations in an aircraft structure. At the
same time the modern computer provides means of handling a greatly increased quantity of
recorded data. In our opinion, the complexity and cost of the next generation of aircraft will
provide the stimulus required to perfect new systems for flight load monitoring.
The situation for research test flying is quite different, with significant developments in
recording techniques occurring in the last ten years. The data acquisition system now in use
requires only minor modifications to be representative of the best of current technology. Its
capacity is also compatible with modern data processing equipment.
The most likely changes in the next ten years will be the replacement of magnetic tape as
the storage medium by magnetic bubble memories or charge coupled device memories. The
present trend from analogue signal conditioning to digital processing will no doubt gather
momentum, with increased use of digital filtering and data compression techniques.
It is interesting to note that the quality of the basic load monitoring transducer, the
accelerometer, has improved steadily during the last fifteen years as a result of a quite different
stimulus-the development of inertial guidance for space research. The development in strain
gauge technology is also interesting. Ten years ago, semi-conductor strain gauges appeared to
offer a promising alternative to the traditional resistance gauges. However, problems of tempera-
ture sensitivity and unreliability became apparent while simultaneous development of solid
state amplifiers reduced the need for high gauge output. Additionally, the adoption of modern
manufacturing techniques has improved both the reliability and performance of resistance gauges
to a very high standard. The foil strain gauges (Baldwin Lima Hamilton FAB-12-12513) used 22
on Mirage A3-76 are clearly superior to the wire gauges (AB-11) used for Vampire flight tests in
1962. Consequently it appears unlikely that major changes in the flight load transducers will
occur in the next ten years.

This review of techniques for flight load research at ARL has indicated that progress in
flight load monitoring and research test flight instrumentation has been sequential, rather than
parallel. The time scale of significant developments has been in intervals of around 15 years,
similar to that for new aircraft type development, but significant influences have been exerted
by developments in electronics, particularly those related to digital co~puters. It is likely that
the trend towards miniaturisation of special purpose computers will result in the selection and
compression of flight load data before recording, particularly for routine flight load monitoring.
The increasing cost of aircraft replacement will provide the justification for this more. sophisti-
cated and expensive flight load monitoring equipment.

1. Hooke, F. H., and A Programme of Flight Load Research.
Wills, H. A. CSIR Division of Aeronautics Report SM87, February 1947.
2. Hooke, F. H., and Gust Research with V-g Recorders on Australian Routes.
Baum, Q. ARL/SM Rpt. 241, April 1956.
3. Donely, P., An Assessment of Repeated Loads on General Aviation and
Jewel, J. W., Jnr., and Transport Aircraft.
Hunter, P. A. 5th ICAF Symposium, May 1967.
4. Baum, Q., and Counting Accelerometer Results from a Bristol Freighter Aircraft
Hooke, F. H. Operating in South-Eastern Australia.
ARL/ S & M Note 207, August 1953.
5. Bacon, N. E. Interim Note on Counting Accelerometer Results Obtained from
Viscount Aircraft.
ARL/S & M Note 227, May 1956.
6. Higgs, M. G. J. Analysis of Flight Loads on DC-6 Aircraft Obtained with Counting
Accelerometers in Australia.
ARL/S & M Note 269, March 1961.
7. Bruce, G. P., and Flight Loads on Viscount Aircraft in Australia.
Hooke, F. H. ARL/S & M Report 284, November 1961.
8. Austin, W. H., Jnr. Development of Improved Gust Load Criteria for United States
Air Force Aircraft. ,.
WPAFB, ASD Tech. Report SEG-TR-67-28, September 1967.
9. Anderson, B. E., Preliminary Results from V-g-h Recorders in Five Mirage Aircraft.
Rider, C. K., ARL/Struc. Note 417 (Restricted), August 1975.
Sparrow, J. G., and
Thomson, M. R.
10. Patterson, A. K., and Two Low Cost Aircraft Data Acquisition Systems.
Adams, M. T. Institute of Instrumentation and Control Australia, 1975 Sym-
11. Anderson, B. E., Setting and Firing Levels of Two Mirage Fatigue Meters.
Howard, P. J., and ARL/Struc. Note 418 (Restricted), September 1975.
Sparrow, J. G.
12. Nilsson, S. I. An Examination of the Precision and Constancy of Fatigue Meters.
ARL/SM Note 315, December 1966.
13. Ford, D. G., and A Range Pair Counter for Monitoring Fatigue.
Patterson, A. K. ARL/SM Tech. Memo 195, January 1971.
14. Brown, R. P., Strain Measurements in Flight on a Dove Aircraft.
Forrester, C. L., and ARL/SM Tech. Memo 39, November 1954.
Hooke, F. H.
15. Barnard, J. M. H., and Flight Tests of Vampire MK35 Trainer Aircraft.
Gee, S. W. ARL/Sm Note 275, August 1962.
16. Visick, J. Loading Actions on an Agricultural "Prospector" Aircraft.
ARL/SM Note 309, August 1966.
17. Patterson, A. K., Mirage Stage 2 Fatigue Investigation Part 1-The Data Recording
Sherman, D. J., and and Storage System.
Thomson, M. R. ARL/SM Note 380, September 1972.
18. Anderson, B. E. Assessment of Some Aspects of the Aermacchi MB326H Fin
Fatigue Tests.
ARL/Struc. Note 421, 1976.
19. Rider, C. K., Variation in Wing Strains Measured During Three Low Level
Sparrow, J. G., Flights by Mirage A3-76 in Severe Mechanical Turbulence.

Thomson, M. R., and ARL/SM Note 401, December 1973.
Verinder, F. E.
20. Moody, E. S., and Mirage Stage 1 Fatigue Investigation Part III-Instrumentation of
Denehy, D. R. Aircraft.
ARL/SM Note 348, January 1970.
21. Trayford, R. S. Flight Load Spectra and Strain Prediction Equations for Ceres
ARL/Flight Note 41, March 1967.
22. Gee, S. W. Mirage Stage 1 Fatigue Investigation Part 2-Gauging Mirage
111-o Aircraft for Flight Testing.
ARL/SM Note 343, July 1969.

Mirage A3-76: Flight 2/135
Ratios ofRMS values of vertical acceleration (Z) and wing stresses for 100 second sample periods
of severe turbulence flight data
(Sample rate 60/sec)

RMS values Ratios of RMS values

Sample Flight Tas Fuel
no. direction (kts) (gals) sZ
(ksi) --

Fuel Status 1
1 w I
391 773 191 126 660 569 621 108
2 sw 436 734 207 142 686 565 601 102
3 sw 397 706 232 156 672 563 604 104
4 sw 410 675 309 205 663 571 618 106
5 sw 411 655 258 171 663 566 608 108
6 sw 416 636 295 201 681 570 613 104

Fuel Status 2
7 sw 426 597 317 210 6621 571 617 103
8 sw 415 578 289 187 646 563 608 106
9 NE 436 527 271 158 583 561 604 138
10 NE 452 508 345 205 594 571 622 126
11 NE 437 488 375 216 575 572 621 127
12 NE 444 468 307 181 590 567 608 129
13 NE 432 449 340 191 562 567 621 134
14 NE 417 430 254 147 579 561 603 127
15 sw 380 415 242 150 618 563 609 104
16 sw 390 395 326 201 617 568 612 106
17 sw 395 375 278 174 625 561 607 108
18 sw 405 357. 285 J 77 621 560 606 108

Fuel Status 3
19 NE 425 293 336 192 570 567 610 126
20 NE 424 273 375 207 553 566 612 131
21 NE 432 254 255 143 561 560 601 126
22 NE 395 200 220 121 551 556 601 123

Extract from SM Note 401 (Reference 19).

Note: 38T, IC, 2T are strain gauge positions on starboard wing; 18T is on port wing.



19 INCIDENCE r - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l CONTROL & POWER SUPPLIES LEACH H T R 3200 A







., ,.
QUESTION-H. A. Wills (Retired)
About 1946, as part of ARL's general attack on the investigation of flight loads, Radok
worked out some theory for the dynamic response of an aircraft, regarded as a resilient body, to
atmospheric disturbances. This he later followed up with flight measurements on an instrumented
Lincoln aircraft flown in turbulent conditions generated in winds over Mt. Elephant and Cape
Woolamai-and obtained a measure of agreement with the theory.
It seems to me that a knowledge of the dynamic response of aircraft to impulsive loads
would be valuable information for comparing the effects of different mission load spectra on a
given aeroplane.
Has anyone done any recent work on this aspect?
Author's Reply
The research to which Mr. Wills refers was aimed at developing an analytical theory for
predicting flexural and torsional deformations under gust loading, and some measure of agree-
ment was obtained with experimental results. 1 However, by 1953, it was clear that statistical
methods developed for the analysis of random time series were particularly suitable for the
prediction of aircraft response to atmospheric turbulence. 2 The P.S.D. or power spectral density
method establishes an invariant transfer function T 2 (f) between a specific aircraft response and
a random gust input of constant "scale-length" and intensity. The transfer function may be
calculated or experimentally determined. Once established, it is used to predict response
exceedance statistics for different missions or anticipated aircraft usage. 3
Since 1960 gust research at ARL has concentrated on the experimental determination of
the power spectra of atmospheric turbulence at different flight altitudes and of the response of
military aircraft to that turbulence. In 1963 we co-operated with the RAE to determine the scale-
length of high altitude clear air turbulence which is commonly associated with upper level jet-
streams. 4 In 1969 we measured the P.S.D. parameters of severe low level turbulence near
Katoomba, New South Wales, and the response of a specially instrumented Mirage Illo aircraft
of the RAAF. 5 These results were used by Sherman to estimate the gust loading of a typical
squadron aircraft. 6 More recently, measurements of gust input and response have been made for
the Macchi MB326H trainer aircraft of the RAAF, and ground resonance tests have been carried
out to provide accurate structural data for the development of a mathematical model of
response. 7

1. Radok, J. R. M., and The Motion and Deformation of Aircraft in Uniform and Non-
Stiles, L. F. uniform Atmospheric disturbances.
CSIR Aero. Research Report ACA-41, 1948.
2. Press, H., and A Study of the Application of Power-Spectral Methods of General-
Mazelsky, B. ised Harmonic Analysis to Gust Loads on Airplanes.
NACA Tech. Note 2853, 1953.
3. Hoblit, J., eta/. Development of a Power-Spectral Gust Design Procedure for Civil
FAA Tech. Rept. ADS-53, 1966
4. Rider, C. K. Project Topcat: A Study of the Gust Velocity Power Spectra for
Six Flights in Clear Air Turbulence.
ARL/SM Report 317, 1967.
5. Rider, C. K., Measurement of Extreme Mechanical Turbulence During Low
Thomson, M. R., and Level Flights by Mirage A3-76.
Verinder, F. E. ARL/SM Report 333, 1971.

6. Sherman, D. J. The Cumulative Exceedance Distribution for Accelerations Due to

Turbulence Encountered by a Mirage.
ARL/SM Tech. Memo 228, 1975.
7. Quinn, B., and Resonance Tests on a Macchi Aircraft.
Bailey, C. M. ARL/SM Tech. Memo 241, 1976.



The N 0 problem is the problem of interpreting level crossing counts of a process with
a large number of small fluctuations superimposed on a lesser number of large fluctuations.
It is shown that if fluctuations smaller than some specified amount are removed from a
time history, the number of level crossings is reduced. An empirical formula is given for
the amount of the reduction in a time series of atmospheric turbulence velocities.

Symbol Definition Equation
A A= Uz/uw 1.9
iR Aspect ratio
a Reference time 1.2
a Parameter 3.2
bl, b2 Parameters 1.11
C(w) Theodorsen function 2.4
CtJ Range pair exceedance matrix component
c Wing cho.rd ..
D Amplitude discriminant
F(w) Averaging factor to allow for span wise variations in gust strength 2.8
FtJ Matrix of range pair flags
ff{-- -} Fourier transform
f Frequency (Hz)
fc Cut-off frequency 2.1, 2.2
Hz( f) Transfer function 1.3
Hn( 2>(w) Hankel function of second kind 2.5
k Wave number 2.9
L Integral scale of turbulence 1.1
L(p, q) Level crossing function 3.4
Mt ith moment of Px(f) 2.1, 2.2 "
N(x) Frequency of up-crossing of level x 1.5
No Frequency of up-crossing of level x 1.6
Nn(x) x
Frequency of up-crossing of level when discriminant D has been
applied to time series
Noo Value of N 0 with zero discriminant 3.1
p Power spectrum
Px, Pw =Power spectrum of x, w, etc.
pto p2 Parameters 1.11
p(uw) Probability density of aw
S(w) Sears function 2.3
It Fraction of time spent in the ith altitude band 1.13
u Relative velocity between observer and turbulent patch of air
w(t) Gust velocity
x(t) Aircraft response. In particular x(t) is usually taken to be the vertical
acceleration at the aircraft centre of gravity
xn(t) The process obtained by smoothing x(t) with an amplitude dis-
criminant D
x Mean value of x
f3i Coefficients 3.2, 3.7
a Amplitude discriminant
u Standard deviation
ax, aw =standard deviation of x, w
w Non-dimensional frequency 2.6

In turbulence,. very small fluctuations in gust velocity occur very frequently and are respon-
sible for a large number of level crossings in a stress time-history of an aircraft structure. This
gives rise to the problem of defining the value of N 0 , the mean frequency of upcrossings of the
mean signal level. For a process with a von Karman power spectrum (e.g. idealised atmospheric
turbulence) the N 0 value is theoretically infinite, and for practical atmospheric turbulence the
N 0 value is exceedingly large and controlled largely by the dissipation of turbulence at wave
lengths of the order of millimetres.
For aircraft response, the smoothing out effect when upgusts and downgusts occur simul-
taneously across the aircraft spanmust be taken into account. Even so, a large number of small
load cycles are included in the response. It will be shown that if such small cycles are eliminated
from a stress time-history, the parameter N 0 is reduced. Further the conventional formula for
the gust-load exceedance curve must be modified.
The conventional method of counting or predicting numbers of load exceedances is in-
adequate because the inclusion or exclusion of small amplitude high frequency fluctuations can
make great differences to numbers of exceedances. What is needed is a probability distribution
of cycle amplitudes associated with the peaks occurring between each pair of levels at which
upcrossings are counted or predicted.


In this section we will introduce the notation and the main assumptions involved in the
power spectral density method of gust load analysis. The reader who is already acquainted with
these may proceed directly to Section 2.
Atmospheric turbulence causes a large number of loads of minor severity on an aircraft,
and a considerably smaller number of loads of greater severity. The expected number of loads
of any severity can be estimated by either the "discrete-gust" method, or the so-called "power
spectrum" method. Both methods have in common the fact that they can be divided into two
parts. One part is the calculation of the aircraft response, which is only dependent on aircraft
parameters (and, in the case of the power spectrum method, on the integral length scale of the
turbulence). The other part is the calculation of-the probability of occurrence of turbulence of
different severities. This is a function of the part of the atmosphere through which the aircraft
flies, but is independent of aircraft type.
Historically, the "discrete gust" method was developed first, and it is still satisfactory and
very convenient for a non-flexible aircraft. It is the basis of the method adopted by the Engineering
Sciences Data Unit (ESDU, May 1972) 1 but will not be further considered here. The "power
spectrum" method is of greater generality, in that it can handle the case of a flexible aircraft.
It is, however, of greater complexity because it requires the evaluation of two aircraft dependent
parameters, and the evaluation of one of these-the parameter N 0 -is, in some circumstances,
an uncertain procedure. In the next section we will examine a significant problem involved in
evaluating N 0
The derivation of the power spectrum method is given by Press and Steiner (1958) 2 and the
method has been adopted by the USAF (March, 1971). 3 Some recent determinations of the
parameters defining the probability of occurrence of turbulence have been summarised by
Garrison (1971). 4 Within a given patch of turbulence, the vertical velocity component, w(t), is
assumed to have a von Karman power spectrum,
2 2 1 +-i(a/)2
Pw(f) = aw U {1+(af)2}1lf6 (1.1)
and this asymptotes to anj- 5 ' 3 power law at high frequencies (af'P 1). In this equation, U is
the velocity of an observer relative to the turbulent patch of air, andfis an observed frequency.

Lis the integral scale of turbulence, aw 2 is the variance of the velocity component, w(t), and the
reference time, a, is given by
a= 1339x27TXL/U (1.2)
The reference tin:e, a, is of the order of 10 seconds in many applications. (For example, an
anemometer situated 10m above the ground, with L = 10m, and a speed of 8 4 mjs, or an
aircraft flying where L =200m at a velocity U = 168 m/s.) A graph of Pw(f) is given in
Figure 1.
If the process, w(t), is assumed to be a Gaussian process within the patch of turbulence
under consideration, then so too is any linear function of w(t). For example, the vertical accelera-
tion of the aircraft, or the stress at some point on the aircraft, is commonly assumed to be a
linear function of w(t). Consider such a parameter, which will, for generality, be denoted x(t).
The aircraft is assumed to behave as a linear system with a transfer function He(/), where
Hc(f) = ff{x(t)}/ff{w(t)} (1.3)
with ff{-- -} being an operator to denote a Fourier transform. We have
Px(f) = IHx(/)1 2 Pw(f) (1.4)
and because of the assumed Gaussian nature of the time series involved, Rice's formula applies
for the average frequency of upcrossings, N(x), of the level x,
N(x) = N 0 exp { -(x-x) 2 /2ax 2 } (1.5)

= N(x) =
(fooo /2 Px(f)
d/) 1t2

Px(f) df
{J oo0
Px(f) df
(1.7) r.

is the standard deviation of the process x(t). Equation 1.5 may be re-written in the form
N(x) = N 0 p(x)/p(x) (1.5a)
where p(x) is the probability distribution of the underlying time series x(t). This latter equation
holds more generally than for Gaussian processes. In fact it holds whenever the process x(t) and
its time derivative dx(t)/dt are statistically independent. However, the argument has been restric-
ted to the Gaussian case because it greatly simplifies considerations presented later (in Section 3).
It is convenient to re-write equation 1.5 in the form

N(x) = N 0 exp {-! ~: 2 ~:} (1.8)

A = ax/aw (1.9)
When an aircraft flies through patches of turbulence of different severity, the mean frequency of
upcrossings, N(x), of the composite case is a weighted average of equation 1.8, with the weighting
factors being the probability density, p(aw), of the occurrence of aw.

N(x) = N 0 f 00

p(aw)exp{-! (x~x):}daw
aw A

It is known (see e.g. Press and Steiner (1958) 2 ) that the probability distribution of vertical
acceleration obtained from counting accelerometers and VGH meters can for an aircraft operat-
ing at fixed speed and altitude, usually be fitted fairly well by the empirical formula
N(x) = N 0 {P 1 exp (-x/Ab 1 ) + P 2 exp (-x/Ab 2 )} (1.11)
where, in this case, x is the deviation of the acceleration from the 1 g steady flight value, and
so .X = 0. By use of the known definite integral

exp (-p 2 x 2 -
q:) dx =
VTT exp ( -2pq)
it may be shown that p(aw) can be expressed as the sum of two folded normal distributions

p(aw) = J 2{P 1 (-aw
; bt exp 2b/
) 2
+ Pb2 exp (-aw
)} (1.12)

if equation 1.10 is to reduce to 1.11 upon substitution of the expression for p(aw).
This expression will be used later, but for the present it is not necessary to use the
precise forl)l of the distribution of p(aw): it is sufficient to merely argue that if p(aw) is such that
equation 1.10 reduces to the equation 1.11 in the special case when xis the deviation from the
mean of the vertical acceleration of the aircraft, then it follows that 1.10 will also reduce to the
equation 1.11 (with an appropriate choice of the parameters A and N 0 ) in the general case when
x is the deviation from the mean of any other parameter which depends linearly on w(t). In the
special case x = w, A = 1, and the expression in braces in equation 1.11 is just the probability
of encountering turbulence of any given severity. The parameters P 1 , P 2 , b 1 , b 2 will be functions
of altitude, climatic region, terrain, etc., but in practice it is usual to take averages over different
geographic regions, depending on the relative amount of time that the average aircraft spends
in each region. In this case the four parameters are functions only of altitude. The values given
by Garrison are reproduced in Table 1 of this report. For a full evaluation of the average frequency
of load on an aircraft, it is necessary to know the average fraction of time which an aircraft
spends in each altitude band. Denoting the altitude bands by subscripts i = 1, 2, 3, ... with
corresponding fractions of time ft in each band, so that
~tt = 10 (1.13)
we have, on taking a weighted mean of equation 1.11,

N(x) = L: ft No {P 1 exp -~~x) + P 2 exp -~x~x)} (1.14)

The parameters A and N 0 depend on the integrals
Mo = J/c Px(f) df (2.1)
M2 = J/c / 2 Px(f) df (2.2)
and these will only be convergent if the respective integrands are of order j-1-e with > 0.
The second of these integrals does not fulfill this condition in the case of atmospheric turbulence
gust velocities when x = w and Px(f), being given by the von Karman equation, asymptotes
asJ- 5 ' 3 Thus a process with a von Karman spectrum has an infinite value of N 0 This is because
such a process has a large number of very small amplitude (ripple) cycles which give rise to
large numbers oflevel crossings, although they contribute very little to the variance of the signal.
Figure 1 shows how N 0 for a von Karman process increases without bound as the cut-off
frequency, fc, is raised. This example is an extreme case of the N 0 problem, which is how to
deal with a process having many small cycles superimposed on a lesser number of large cycles.
In aeronautical applications, interest is directed not at the gust velocity w(t) itself, but at
the aircraft response, x(t), which is obtained from w(t) by a filtering process which attenuates
the higher frequencies. In what follows, x(t) will be taken to be the vertical acceleration of the
aircraft centre of gravity. This case is traditionally considered to be the most important because
many stresses are highly correlated with the aircraft acceleration.
To obtain the characteristics of the response requires a knowledge of the transfer function
of an aircraft. In some applications it may be possible to measure the transfer function, in others
it is necessary to compute the function from a model of the aircraft behaviour. Such models range
from simple one degree of freedom models to very complex models allowing for several different
structural oscillation modes as well as all the rigid body degrees of freedom. However, a multi-
plicity of models leads to spurious variations which makes it hard to compare results from
different flight trials which have been computed in different ways. Houbolt (1970, 1971, 1975), 6 7 8 .
has written a "Design manual for vertical gusts based on power spectral techniques", in which
he recommends the use of a consistent method of evaluating A and N 0 , based on a simple one
degree of freedom model (vertical translation only) flying in a one-dimensional gust field. The
transfer function for such a model is the product of two factors, one of which takes account of
aircraft parameters, and asymptotes to a non-zero constant at high frequency, and the other is
the Sears function which takes account of the unsteady aerodynamic response to a gust load on
the wing. The Sears function 9 is given by
S(w) = {Jo(w)-iJ1(w)} C(w) + iJ1(w) (2.3)
C(w) = H-=(2:-c-l(_w_)+-iH--'--:<=2 w-)
>,.---( (2.4).
1 0
Hn< 2 >(w) = ln(w)-i Yn(w) (2.5)
Jn and Yn are Bessel functions of order n and w is the conventional non-dimensional frequency
based on the wing semi-chord, c/2,
w = 2TTj(cj2)/U (2.6)
. The high frequency behaviour of the integrand of equation 2.2 depends on IS(w) 1 which accord-
ing to the Leipmann approximation 10 is given by
iS(wW = l/(1+27Tw) (2.7)
f 2 P.(f) therefore behaves asj- 213 , so that for this model N 0 is still theoretically infinite.
Houbolt has proposed that this problem be overcome by choosing the cut-off frequency, fc, to
be the lowest cut-off frequency at which M 0 (equation 2.1) has practically attained its ultimate
limit. He proposes to ignore any contributions to M 2 by higher frequencies.
There is, however, a more realistic way of overcoming the problem through noting that high
frequency contributions to the isotropic turbulence gust structure cannot be adequately repre-
sented by a one-dimensional gust structure model. In this context, the term "high frequency"
means that the wavelength of the gust is not large compared with the wing span. For a given,
high wave-number contribution, the gust at one chordwise section will be upward whilst the gust
at a distant chordwise section will be downward, and the resultant cancellation will wash out the
high frequency effects. To formulate a simple quantitative model, consider a sinusoidal gust
which is symmetrical about the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, so that the local lift per unit
span varies as cos ky where y is the transverse co-ordinate. The average lift per unit span is the
lift per unit span at the centre section multiplied by

F(w) = -1- Jspan/2 COS ky dy (2.8)

span -span12
If the wave number, k, corresponds to the frequency,/, seen by the aircraft travelling at speed U,
so that
k = 2TTjjU (2.9)
then the expression 2.8 becomes
F(w) = sin(w~)/ (w~) (2.10)
Hence at high frequencies, the integrand of 2.2 behaves as
/ Pw(f) iS(wW. iF(wW = o(f- 813 ) (2.11)
which gives a convergent integral. Figure 2 shows some examples of how the derived values of
A and N 0 converge with increasing cut-off frequency. The ordinates of Figures 2a and 2b are
proportional to A and N 0 respectively. The convergence of N 0 is almost complete by a cut-off
non-dimensional frequency of w = 4/~. The corresponding cut-off value of afis obtained from
af= 1339(2L/c)w (2.12)
The values of A and N 0 for a one degree of freedom model flying in a two dimensional gust
field are functions of both the aspect ratio, ~. and of 2Ljc. Figures 3 and 4 show convenient
charts for obtaining the solution to such a model. These charts are similar to those given by
Houbolt (1970, 197i, 1975) but differ in that the two dimensional structure of the gusts (which
introduces a dependence on aspect ratio, whilst it allows a realistic evaluation of N 0 ) is taken
into account. Further details of the derivation of Figures 3 and 4 are given by Sherman (1976). 11


When data from flight trials are being analysed the input has already been subjected to some
form of filtering. However, it is often desired to perform further smoothing on the signal, for
* Section 3 has been amended subsequent to the presentation at the conference.
example, to eliminate high frequency noise from the signal, or because small amplitude cycles
are not considered significant.
With digital data, one way to do this is to use low pass digital filtering, but for purposes
such as level crossing counting it is more efficient computationally to use an "amplitude dis-
criminant" technique. The basic idea of the amplitude discriminant is to ignore any fluctuations
.in the time series where the difference in value between a peak and an adjacent trough is less
than a prescribed value called the discriminant. The effect of such amplitude discriminant count-
ing has been examined for a number of processes including actual turbulent measurements, but
we first make two observations concerning the general shape which level crossing curves are
expected to have when an amplitude discriminant is applied.
If the time series considered is Gaussian, then the level crossings (with zero discriminant)
are fitted by Rice's level crossing equation (1.5). Further, Rice has shown that if the level, x, is
sufficiently far from the mean, the number of extrema lying beyond x is approximately equal to
the number of upcrossings of the level x, or in other words relatively few wrong-sided extrema lie
far from the mean of a Gaussian process. Therefore the process of smoothing with an amplitude
discriminant will make relatively little difference to the number of level crossings of levels which
are far from the mean, although it will markedly reduce the number of crossings of levels near
the mean.
The effect of applying amplitude discriminant counting to three different processes was
studied. The processes chosen were:
(a) An ARMA model with a -5/3 slope of the power spectrum
x(t) =0 6x(t-1)+006x(t-2)+002x(t-3)+(t)+Ol5(t-1)+002(t-2) (3.1)
where the (t) are independent normally distributed random numbers with zero mean
and unit variance.
(b) A sample of available atmospheric wind data from a ground based anemometer with a
low noise (digital) measuring and recording system (see Section 2 of the Appendix)
(c) A simulated sequence of aircraft e.g. vertical acceleration measurements obtained by
applying a one degree of freedom model of a rigid aircraft response 11 to the wind data
in (b) above. The aircraft parameters chosen were:
p.= 20
M.= 7
U = 100m/s
For each of these processes Figure 5 shows a segment of the time history and Figure 6 shows a
set of upcrossing curves for counts made with different amplitude discriminants. Figure 7 shows
how, for two separate records of longitudinal wind velocity, N 0 decreases with increasing
amplitude discriminant. The close agreement between the curves for the two different sets of
data suggests that the relationship is fairly well established. The experimental points in Figure 7
may be fitted by the equation
No= Noo exp{f3 1(Dfa) + /3 2 (D/a) 2 + f3iD/a) 3 } (3.2)
with the coefficients shown in the following table:

I {31
I {32
I {33

Longitudinal wind speed -024 -0127 +000736

e.g. acceleration (or Ude) -011 -0078 -000592

The various curves in Figure 6 appear to be fairly well fitted by the formula

N= NoJ l;a (3.3)

ex +a
Because of the condition that all the curves must asymptote to
N = Noo e--tx2 (3.4)

at large x the parameter a is determined as
a= (Noo/N0 ) 2 -l (3.5)
so that 3.3 becomes
and this family of curves is shown in Figure 8. The variation of the parameter a with amplitude
discriminant for the three processes studied is shown in Figure 9, together with the best fit
parabola for each.set of data. The equation for the parabola is
a+l = (N00 /N0) 2 = exp {{3 1 (D/a) {3 2(Dfa) 2} (3.7)
with the coefficients shown in the following table:

I f3t
I {32

(a) ARMA process 0316 0224

(b) Longitudinal wind 0595 0164
(c) e.g. acceleration 0127 0229

Yamane et a/. (1975) 14 have carried out amplitude discriminant counting on two filtered
Gaussian noise processes, one with a low pass filter and one with a band pass filter. Equation
3.6 appears to fit both sets of data although no attempt was made to find the variation of a with
the amplitude discriminant.
The data of Figure 6 have been normalised so as to remove the effect of varying intensity
of turbulence. An estimation is therefore needed of the expected number of exceedance counts
which would be obtained if counts were made in many patches of turbulence of different inten-
sity but with a fixed value of the discriminant. Arguing by analogy with the development of
equation 1.10,
"' NooP(aw) daw
Nn(x) =
exp - - - - +a

where Nn(x) is the frequency of level crossings of level x, with discriminant D, and p(aw) is given
by equation 1.12. Thus
D x-x) + ( x-x)}
Nn(x) = Noo { pl L ( bl A' bl A p2 L
b2 A' b2 A (3.9)


The equation 3.10 differs from the usual equation L(O, q) = exp ( -q) by the introduction of the
polynomial in pfz. The function L(p, q) is graphed in Figure 10, and it may be seen that as the
discriminant, p, increases, the function becomes increasingly flat topped because the bulk of the
records have small standard deviations, and so have a greater proportion of their level crossings
removed by the application of a fixed discriminant rather than one with a fixed proportion of a.
Because the curves all asymptote to lines parallel to exp (-q), it is convenient to show the
deviations from exp ( -q) in the form L(p, q)fL(O, q). These graphs are shown in Figure 11.

In the conventional "Power Spectrum" method of gust load analysis, the value of N 0
which is obtained will vary depending on the procedure used in removing small load cycles
from the record. When using the amplitude discriminant method for normalised gust velocities
in low level atmospheric turbulence, the level crossings are given by equations 3.3 and 3.5.
However, when un-normalised data have a constant discriminant applied, the simple level crossing
formula given by equation 1.11 and carried through into equation 1.14 is not applicable unless
the filtering or amplitude discriminant is similar to that applied to the data from which equation

1.11 was evolved. For the general case equation 1.14 should be replaced by an equation based
on the level crossing curves given by equation 3.9, for which the variation of the level crossing
function with discriminant level is shown in Figure 10.
Logically, the procedure for choosing a discriminant level would depend on the relative
fatigue damage done by load cycles of different amplitude, and this in turn depends on the
particular S-N curve which is used.
One very big problem remains with the power spectral method, and that is the load to pair
with each of the level crossings actually counted. This problem is solved if the complete variation
of the number of level crossings with the size of the amplitude discriminant is known out to
amplitude discriminants equal to the largest load cycle occurring in the record. Until recently,
the only way to solve this problem in fatigue monitoring programs was to record a complete
turning point load history of individual aircraft. This involved a considerable data storing and
processing problem. A much better solution would appear to be the ARL range pair counter
currently undergoing prototype testing at these laboratories. In the meantime, and for prediction
work the continued use of the power spectral method of gust load prediction requires that a
standard degree of filtering and amplitude discrimination be established, and that a standard
variation of level crossing counts with amplitude discriminant be used in damage sums.
Obtaining this standard variation will necessitate obtaining (as a research task) the variation of
N 0 with amplitude discriminant for several records with different degrees of pre-filtering .

I. ESDU Average Gust Frequencies-Subsonic Transport Aircraft.
Item No. 69023 with amendments A and B, May 1972;
2. Press, H., and An Approach to the Problem of Estimating Severe and Repeated
Steiner, R. Gust Loads for Missile Operations.
NACA T.N. 4332, September 1958.
3. USAF Military Specification-Airplane Strength and Rigidity-Flight
MIL-A-008861A (USAF), March 1971.
4. Garrison, J. N. An Assessemnt of Atmospheric Turbulence Data for Aeronautical
Royal Aeronautical Society, London, Conference on Atmospheric
Turbulence, 18-21 May 1971.
5. Rice, S. 0. Mathematical Analysis of Random Noise.
Bell System Technical Journal: Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 282-332, July
1944; Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 46-156, January 1945.
6. Houbolt, J. C. Design Manual for Vertical Gusts Based on Power Spectral
Wright-Patterson AFB Technical Report AFFDL-TR-70-106,
December 1970.
7. Houbolt, J. C. Frequency Response Functions and Human Pilot Modelling.
AGARD Report No. 580, March 1971.
8. Houbolt, J. C. Recommended Procedures for Processing Acceleration Data
Obtained by Aircraft During Atmospheric Turbulence Encounter.
AGARD Report No. 631, July 1975.
9. Sears, W. R. Some Aspects of Non-Stationary Airfoil Theory and its Practical
Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 104-108,
January 1941.
10. Fung, Y. C. Statistical Aspects of Dynamic Loads.
Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 20, pp. 317-330, May
11. Sherman, D. J. . The Effect of Spanwise Gust Variations on the Transfer Function
of an Aircraft Model with One Degree of Freedom.
ARL Structures Note 431, 1976.
12. Patterson, A. K., Low Level Wind Study-Bald Hills Instrumentation System.
Sherman, D. J., ARL Structures Note 414, May 1975.
Thomson, M. R., and
Woodall, G.
13. Ford, D. G., and A Range-Pair Counter for Monitoring Fatigue.
Patterson, A. K. ARL Tech. Memo/Structures 195, January 1971.
14. Yamane, K., Comparative Study of Counting Methods by Digital Simulation
Takeuchi, K., (in Japanese).
Ono, K., and National Aerospace Laboratory, TR-408, February 1975.
Asada, H.


Amplitude ~scriminant counting, fatigue meter counting and range pair exceedances
A practical method of counting level crossings with an amplitude discriminant involves
having both a "counter" and a "previous minimum value" for the level crossings of each level
considered. Then there are three phases in the counting program.
Phase 1-Search consecutively through the time series until a value is em:;ountered which is
below the level for which counts are being made. Then:
Phase 2-Whilst the signal is below the level search for the lowest value and store this in
the "previous minimum value". When the time series assumes a value greater than the
level considered, proceed to phase 3.
Phase 3-Whilst the signal is above the level considered search to find a value which is
greater than the "previous minimum value" by at least D, the amplitude discriminant.
If such a value is found, increment the counter by 1, reset the previous minimum value
to be greater than the level considered, and revert to phase 1. If, however, the signal
drops below the level before such a count has been registered, revert to phase 2.
For realisation on a simple machine this procedure may be modified, though the modified
procedure will produce somewhat different results. The modified procedure involves having a
"counter" and a "flag" corresponding to each level, Xt, at which counts are to be recorded.
When the signal upcrosses a lower level, Xi- D, the flag is "set". When the signal upcrosses the
level Xt the count is recorded and the flag is "fired" or returned to the "not set" state. No further
counts will be recorded at that level until the time series falls again below the lower level. This
procedure will be called counting with a "modified discriminant", and is essentially the counting
procedure adopted by the fatigue meter. (In fact the fatigue meter differs from this description
only in that it counts on a later part of the cycle. It sets the flag on upcrossing the level Xt, and
increments the counter and fires the flag on downcrossing the level Xt-D.) This procedure is
called a "downwards applied" discriminant (cf. the difference between forward differences and
central differences in interpolation theory) because the oscillations which upcross both the lower
level and the upper level are called upcrossings of the upper level, of the process with a modified
discriminant applied. However, such a nomenclature leads to an asymmetry in the result. Con-
sider, for example, a time series with a uni-modal distribution. For convenience we may assume
the mode is also the mean value. If the level Xt is well above the mean then the level Xt-D is
closer to the mean, and is therefore crossed more frequently than Xt, whereas if Xi is below the
mean the converse is the case. Thus for a symmetrically distributed time series and two levels
Xi and XJ which are symmetrically placed about the mean there will be more upcrossings (with a
downwards applied modified discriminant) of level Xi (above the mean) than of XJ (below the
mean). It is therefore preferable to use a centrally applied discriminant whereby an oscillation
which upcrosses both Xt-D/2 and xt+D/2 is termed an upcrossing of the level Xt.
If we wish to study the effect of different size (modified) discriminants, we are led on
naturally from the fatigue meter method of counting to the range pair exceedance method of
counting. A discrete set of regularly spaced Ie~els, x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , etc., is chosen for counting, such that
Xt-Xj = (i-j) 3
For each level, Xi, there is a whole set of flags FtJ, and a whole set of counters Cti Every time
there is an upcrossing of level Xt the complete set of flags Ft1 for j = 1, 2, ... i, is "set". Then
when the signal falls back below the level x1 the flag Ft1 is "fired" (i.e. returned to the "not set"
state) and the counter Ct1 is incremented by 1. Thus the set of counters Cu on the leading diagonal
contains the set of level crossings (with zero discriminant) of the levels Xt; the sub leading
diagonal, Ct i -1 , contains the level crossings of Xt with modified, downwards applied discriminant
3; the next diagonal, Ct t- 2 , contains the level crossings of Xt with discriminant 23, and so on.
As with fatigue meter counting it is sometimes convenient to use a centrally applied discriminant
instead of a downwards applied discriminant. (This is particularly so when counting the time

series obtained from a strain gauge with an unknown mean level, as the conventional presen-
tation of fatigue meter counts is as exceedances of the level more remote from the mean or 1 g 'I

state.) In the sense of centrally applied modified discriminants the counter C11 is the number of
upcrossings of the level i(xi+XJ) with a discriminant D = Xi-XJ = (i-j)8.
Relation be~ween counting with an amplitude discriminant and counting with a modified amplitude
Consider the process xn(t) which arises after the process x(t) has been smoothed with an
amplitude discriminant D. The number of upcrossings Nn(Xi) of a level Xt is greater than the
number of upcrossings of the process with a modified discriminant applied (see Fig. 12). In the
case of a downwards applied modified discriminant, the number of upcrossings of level x1 is
(see Fig. 12a)
Nn(x) -{Number of minima of xn(t) between Xt and Xt-D}
In the case of a centrally applied modified discriminant, the number of upcrossings of level Xi
is (see Fig. 12b)
Number of minima ) ( Number of maxima)
Nn(x) - of xn(t) between - of xn(t) between
Xt, Xi-D/2 Xt, Xt+D/2
In the case of a Gaussian process with a large amplitude discriminant, D, applied, the
majority of the oscillations in the trace go between (approximately) -D/2 and +D/2. Thus
when counting with an amplitude discriminant at any level between these points, the number of
upcrossings is almost constant. Figure 6 shows this flat-top effect. On the other hand when
counting with a centrally applied modified amplitude discriminant, a nominal upcrossing of the
level x implies actual upcrossings of both x-D/2 and x+D/2. If x is greater than zero the
number of such pairs of events is governed by the number of upcrossings of x+ D/2 (and vice
versa if x is less than zero). Even a small increase in x above the zero (mean) level causes a
significant decrease in the actual number of upcrossings of the level x+D/2 and so the graph
at the number of upcrossings has a shape which is pointed at x = 0. This may be seen in
Figure 13 (which is based on the same data as Fig. 6b).

The anemometer data used in the range pair counting example
Figures 6b and 7 are based on anemometer data from nine miniature cup anemometer
and direction vane pairs which were mounted on 10m masts at Bald Hills, Queensland. The
anemometers used digital (light chopper) transducers, and the wind run was recorded each second
on a magnetic tape. (The Bald Hills experiment is described fully by Patterson et al. (1975). 12)
The record numbers C026 and C027 each refer to a two day file of data commencing on the
afternoons of 26 and 28 January 1975 respectively. From these files were extracted records of
longitudinal velocity component with durations of 512 seconds. Each record was divided into
four segments, and records were only accepted for analysis if they met the following conditions
(which were designed to ensure stationarity and the exclusion of non-turbulent or low wind
speed records):
(a) The standard deviation of each segment was greater than 0 45 m/s, and also greater
than 0 1 times the mean value of the segment.
(b) The kurtosis of each segment was less than 6.
(c) The mean value of each segment did not differ from the mean value of the entire record
by more than 2a 0 , where a 0 = aR/v'n, aR is the standard deviation of the entire record
and the duration of the segment is n = 128 samples.
(d) The kurtosis of each segment did not differ from the kurtosis of the entire record by
more than 2ak, where ak = y'24/n is the standard deviation ofthe kurtosis of a Gaussian
variable with sample size n = 128 points.
The resultant records accepted were as follows:
C026 C027
No. of records 99 119
Total wind run 2726 km 3350 km
Mean wind speed 54 mfs 55 mfs
and the spectrum ofthe observed longitudinal component of wind velocity is shown in Figure 14.
The various records accepted were normalized by subtracting their mean value and dividing
each by its standard deviation. They were then counted with a range pair exceedance program
and an amplitude discriminant counting program, and the results presented in Figures 6 and 7.
The data have a somewhat skewed distribution because of the nature of the dynamic response
of the anemometers. When a velocity change occurs the anemometer response depends on the
run of wind which has travelled past. When the wind speed decreases momentarily from a
moderate value to zero, the cups continue to rotate because of inertia, and this leads to a dis-
proportionately low number of zero (or near-zero) values, and a disproportionately higher
number of somewhat higher values. For higher wind speeds the necessary wind run goes past
much faster, and the response becomes more nearly instantaneous. (The distance constant for
the anemometers used was around 1 metre.) Thus at high speeds the anemometer record is
essentially unaffected by the response of the anemometer .

Turbulence Model Parameters
Quoted from Garrison (1971) 4

Gust pl bl Pz hz L (ft)
Mission segment Altitude component
(ft) direction Military\ Civil \Military\ Civil \Military\ Civil \Military\ Civil \Military! Civil

Low altitude contour 0--1000 Vertical 10 * 27 * w-s * 1065 * 500 *

Low altitude contour 0-1000 Lateral 10 * 31 * w-s * 1406 * 500 *
Climb, cruise, descent 0--1000 Vertical and lateral 10 251 I 3903 005 504 I 776 I 500 2500

Climb, cruise, descent 1000--2500 Vertical and lateral 42 302 I 364 0033 594 I 756 I 1750 2500

Climb, cruise, descent 2500--5000 Vertical and lateral 30 342 0020 817 2500

Climb, cruise, descent 5000--10,000 Vertical and lateral 15 359 00095 922 2500

Climb, cruise, descent I 0,000--20,000 Vertical and lateral 062 327 00028 1052 2500

Climb, cruise, descent 20,000--30,000 Vertical and lateral 025 3 15 OOOil 1188 2500

Climb, cruise, descent 30,000--40,000 Vertical and latocal 011 293 000095 984 2500

Climb, cruise, descent 40,000--50,000 Vertical and lateral 0046 328 000ll5 881 2500

Climb, cruise, descent 50,000--60,000 Vertical and lateral 002 382 000078 704 2500

Climb, cruise, descent 60,000--70,000 Vertical and lateral 00088 293 000057 433 2500

* Low altitude contour is not applicable to commercial civil aircraft.

1- V(f )
10 -r------


N -2


aN 0 (fc )

10 ~~~------------~----------------~----------------r-

01 10 100
a for a f c



AR = 111
p, 2L/C
2!21 2!ZI!ZI ""AR : ~6
lSI AR = 16

A=~ K?
cg f-L


1!21-3 1!ZI-2 Hr 1 1!210 1!Zil 11212
Fig. 2a Cut-off non dimensional frequency, w c

AR = 111

p 2L/C
2!21 2121!21

u k
N0 =--0

AR =1
AR = 2
AR =6
tSl AR = 16

Hr 3 1121- 2 1!21-1 1121 1!Zil 1!212
Fig. 2b Cut-off non dimensional frequency, we



10 2 5
10 1 2 5
102 2 5
...-I ...-I

RR = 1-.00
ijl ......
...-I ...-I

01 2 (w/s) ("\J
11 == pcg(dCL/da)
...-I ...-I

v ~
A ==-
r cg J1
t'l1 t'l1
...-I 2 5 2 5 2 5 ...-I

10 10 1 102 103
FIG. 3a Mass Parameter, 11

REF. RR = l!.00
11 2L/C

...-I 211JIII 211JI1J

Q) 2111 2111111
;:; 2111111 211J
Q) U1 2111 2111
2 2111111
2 2111


5 2 5 2 5
10 10 1
Fig. 3b Aspect ratio, AR


....--i ....--i

U1 RR = 4.00 U1

r-t 21 --1
0 ~~
~ I.Sl I.Sl
....--i ....--i

v k0
Nor =--

C"\J C"\J
I.Sl I.Sl
....--i 2 5 2 5 2 s ....--i

10 10 1 102 103
'Fig. 4a Mass parameter fJ.

""'0::II N
REF. RR = 4.00
0 I.Sl
Q) ....--i
~ 11 2L/C

0 U1
2 2111

~~~~ ~~~~~
21if 2130
~~ ~$0

5 2 5 2 5
10 10
Fig. 4b Aspect ratio, AR



~ w
(J 0...
~ <(
-~ a:
~ ~
I I l
liHJ 'C: lHJ r- lHJ'C:-
E ~
c:: 2
_.0 ~
.-> <(
_s;: z
~ :::>
(!) 0
:::::; ~ ...Jw
c::Z '
::;=;=- <((..)
~ E C::w
Or- ~>
0.- wO
~ .0
== or-
Iilla. [-
~ :;::oo-
1:"-- ...:;::
1:"-- :::?
::;:::; ..
< .....
~ I-
c (.)
~ a:
.5:> <(
~ oz
~ 'Oi=
a: a:
c:: ow
~ ::Iw
<::::::::::: wu
~ E :2:a:
1-- 1->
..c;:::: 0
<:::: (!)
-=::: :;
c::;:::::::: E
:;::;>' 0
0 1-
=:: - ~
lillil r-
10 000

D = 3a

1 000
D = 4a

D = 5a {)


10 ~~--------~--------~--------~------~--------~--------~
-3 -2 -1 0 2 3




1 000

D = 3a

D = 4a


100 D = 5a

-3 -2 -1 0 2 3


1 000

D = 3a

D = 4a


D = 5a


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3



0 1 2 3 4 5 o/a
Noo f<
Symbol Record no. ~
C026 :t
X C027 >t
~ ~

0-1 ~

"' Fitted curve is: ~

N0 = Noo exp p; ~i Xi]
i = 1 ~
with ~ 1 = 0.240235
~2 = 0.126823 )I(

~3 = 0.00736073
and X = D/a






a= 24

a= 99

a= 399

a= 2499


0-001 L,__L.__ _ _--l._ _ _ __J__ _ _ _-l,__ _ ____JL.__ _ ____L._ _ _ _- ' - -

-3 -2 -1 0 2 3



a+ 1 = (Noo/ No)2

x = ARMA model

t:. = Longitudinal wind component



0 1 2 3 4 5
. . .

BETACl) == . 1268~~
BETAC2l == .229~57
BETAC3l == .121~~121~~





0 n 0
. a...i;
-1Sl I




3.~1l1 Ei.~ll1 ~L~Il1 l2.1l1~ lS.Il1~




BETACll = - 126800
BETRC2l = .22912157
BETRC3l = .121121121!21121121

,, I

Y.ll10 EL!il0 12.01il 16.01il 20.01il



OF L(o,q) WHERE L(o,q) = EXP(-q)


x.-I D

(a) Downwards applied


Upcrossing counted by
both methods
o = Upcrossing not counted
by modified discriminant 0

1 2


1 2

(b) Centrally applied





-3 -2 -1 0 2 3




. X

. ..


, X


.. ~



... .
X Xo

::: .
X~ X
o)O( X
X X ~
X. X
x:~ X.
x~x>(< x
, 0 X~'x X X
X X XX:>< XI
x xxX
XX >(<

250 100 25 10
500m 50m 5m
Wave length, A.


QUESTION-Sqn. Ldr. B. Bryce,
RAAF (Air Eng. 5c. Defair)
In your talk you made the statement that a fatigue meter does not distinguish between a
large amplitude crossing of a trip level, and a small amplitude crossing of the same level (ignoring
cocking and firing for the moment). In practice, however, when a number of trip levels are used,
and data resulting from hundreds of flight hours are plotted, the number of crossings of any
"notional" trip level can be estimated by interpolation from the number of crossings of the
actual trip levels. Would you agree with this?
Author's Reply
A set of fatigue meter counters appears to distinguish small cycles from large cycles in that
two (or more) fatigue meter levels are crossed by a large cycle whereas only one level is crossed
by a small cycle. However, the following two situations would not be distinguished by a conven-
tional set of fatigue meter counters:

With a common firing level (e.g. I g) for all counters they would be distinguished, but at the cost
of not counting the potentially damaging cycles at X.

.. 135





A method for generating a load sequence for a structural fatigue test is described,
and is illustrated by reference to the Mirage wing fatigue test.
Flight sequence and load spectra for this test were defined by fatigue meter data, and
within-flight manoeuvre load sequences were derived from recorded time histories.



Normal load factor, the ratio of the current weight of an aircraft to its static
v Aircraft velocity, kts
H Aircraft altitude, ft
e Aircraft roll rate, deg/sec
T Type of flying
s Stores carried
F Fuel carried
Mission A combination ofT, S, and F
g Acceleration due to gravity

Given that a realistic load sequence is a desirable goal for a structural fatigue test, how can
this be achieved and how much approximation is inevitable?
These questions are examined by a narrative study of a case history, the Mirage wing fatigue
test, which represents the author's sole foray into the field.

The Mirage 1110 is a delta wing interceptor (Fig. 1) which has been adapted for ground
attack. Both roles involve rapid and severe manoeuvre loading accompanied by marked changes
in altitude, H, and airspeed, V (Figs 2a and 2b). Indeed, they are the most spectacular and
damaging of the ten or so types of flying (T) into which RAAF Mirage operations can be con-
veniently divided. The life history can be described by a succession of such flight types, of variable
severity, separated by landings.
Every Mirage carries a counting accelerometer (fatigue meter) which stores on electro-
mechanical counters the accumulated number of times that the aircraft acceleration normal to
the wing surface passes any of eight preset levels. Counters cock as the acceleration represented
is exceeded, but fire (register the count) only as the aircraft returns to within 0 25 g of the
,, 1 g level flight condition. These meters fail to record:
(I) load excursions which do not fire the counters (linking manoeuvres-shown A on
Fig. 2a);
(2) load peaks between-0 5 and 2 5 g;
(3) the order of events;
(4) the magnitude of the turning points; and
(5) the state of all other aircraft parameters.
The last defect is important for Mirage because the load distribution over the wing depends
strongly on current values of H, V, fuel (F): stores (S), and roll rate (0) as well as the load factor
The large store of fatigue meter data, about 200,000 flights, is of little help in establishing a
load sequence. It adequately defines theNzexceedance spectra for various missions (combinations
ofT, F and S), from counter readings, and mission sequence, from auxiliary records.
Other sources are needed to fill in the missing data. From a store of continuous time histories
of aircraft parameters and structural strain responses, obtained during trials in 1969, RAAF
fleet operators selected .a set of flights which were typical of proposed Mirage operations and
could therefore be used for defining load sequences.
This set of flights did not cover all possible missions which the Mirag~ is capable of perform-
ing: loads for these extra missions had to be estimated. Assistance in computing was provided
by CAC, 1 who constructed a mathematical model of the load distribution for the aircraft. This
model used current values of Nz, V, H, S, F and 0, and calculated loads distributed at the wing
nodes. Where flights had to be synthesised, using only the measured Nz to define the load
sequence, V and H had to be estimated from the type of flying, S and F from the initial state and
the elapsed time, and 0 from Nz.

r Besides the constraints imposed by limitations in data sources, additional constraints arose
from the short timescale, limited resources and from a number of decisions.
The decisions of consequence to the creation of the load sequence were:
(1) flight-by flight loading would be applied;
(2) Manoeuvre, gust, air-ground and fuel pressurisation loadings would be represented,
others would not;

(3) the loading system would allow for changes in distribution by using 14 independent
computer controlled servo-hydraulic jacks connected by whiffle-trees to the wing;
(4) the jack loads would be stored as information on a standard 2,400 ft computer tape;
(5) to meet the desired time scale, the average number of loads per flight had to be limited
to 100;
(6) only one control tape would be made. Decisions 3, 4 and 5 set the number of flights on
this tape at 500;
(7) the overall load spectrum would be based on the averaged fatigue meter data for 1971
and 1972 and the flight sequence would conform to 1972 data, these being regarded by
the RAAF as the best indicators of future usage.

In operations, the only constraint on the flight loads experienced by an aircraft is that the
highest load should leave the structure intact. The limits of 500 flights per tape and 100 loads
per flight fixed the maximum load to be automatically applied to the test at 7 8 g and the lowest
load level at 1 38 g (Fig. 3). The intervening spectrum was defined by fatigue meter data for
Nz ~ 2 5, and by calculated gust data below this load. Because of rig design negative loads
were truncated at -1 0 g instead of -1 8 g as required for one event in 500 hours. On our
best prediction the truncations corresponded to Schijve's suggestion 2 that the highest loads should
be that experienced 10 times in the service life, and to the fatigue limit of Heywood's curve
B3, the fatigue data used to predict the life at the root of the wing main spar.
Low loads were removed from the 16 sets of flight data to be used in defining the within-
flight load sequences. This was achieved by extracting turning points in Nz separated by at least
0 72 g, together with concurrent values of V, H, B, Fan4 strains at three span wise main spar
stations. This process compacted the data, pruned linking manoeuvres (perhaps over severely "
because of the high mean stresses sometimes involved) and eliminated all information on rate-
of-change of Nz. Gust and ground loads and sequences were generated synthetically and were
truncated on creation. The methods used for generating these loads are discussed later.
The highest naturally-occurring manoeuvre load in the sequence-generating flights was
7 2 g, so that the upper truncation load had to be artificially introduced. I

It was assumed that the flight sequence in squadron usage was non-random, and that if
the essence of order could be distilled it would be worth preserving.
The frequencies of different missions flown in 1972 were determined from fatigue meter
data. A mission with a frequency less than 1 in 1000 (rounding to less than 1 flight in 500) was
grouped with a similar mission of greater frequency. In case of doubt, the wing root bending
moment, calculated for the initial fuel and stores from the CAC model, was used as a guide to
mission similarity. Forty-four different missions remained and were given coded identification.
The 1972 sequence of flying, when re-lab~lled, showed strong pairwise ordering, in particular
there was a pronounced tendency for adjacent flights to be identical missions. These attributes
were quantified by producing, for each mission, two event frequency tables. The first showed
the frequency with which the subject mission was followed by a different mission (transition
probability). The second showed the frequency of occurrence of various run-lengths (number of
times the mission was flown before different missions occurred). The ordering observed (runs of
10 identical missions were common and one case of 39 was seen) could be explained by bunching
of training sorties, and a desire to minimise changes to aircraft configuration.
As analysed, the data related to 18,877 flights, and had to be compressed to 500 flights for
the test. This was accomplished by multiplying all values in the frequency tables by 500/18,877.
Fractional values in the transition probability matrix were eliminated by rounding. The run-
length required a slightly more complicated treatment. Flights representing fractional frequencies
of long runs were accumulated until an integral number of shorter runs could be formed.
Thus a frequency of 0 5 for a run of 12 and of 0 55 for a run of 11 (12 flights in all) became
one run of 11 with one flight carried to shorter run-lengths. Small adjustments were made to these
data to make the total of flights equal 500, and the total runs in both histograms the same (241).

The use of these tables is illus.trated in Figure 4. The flight sequence for the test was derived by
,, randomly selecting a mission (B), getting a run-length (2), deleting one from the run-length selected
(2-1 = 1), selecting an allowed following flight from the transition probability table (A),
deleting one from the box selected (4-1 = 3), and repeating the process until the data were used.
In the illustration the first three flights are B, B, A.
The resultant test sequence necessarily conformed to the statistics built into its construction.
Conceivably longer range order existed in the original data, but it was considered unrealistic
to go beyond adjacent flights.


Manoeuvre Load Spectra
Fatigue meter data were processed to give Nz spectra for each of the 44 missions, scaled in
the proportions used on the control tape. As this was being done, it was discovered that one type
of flying code (80) had been used for high and low altitude versions of a mission in the approxi-
mate ratio of 3 high to 2 low. These versions had to be considered separately because altitude
conditioned both the pressure distribution and the spectrum shape (high Nz is not easily achieved
at high altitude). Eleven new missions were required; the Nz spectra for the split missions were
generated by assigning all N z ;;::, 4 5 to low level and splitting the rest in proportion to the
number of flights.
As this step was completed, the original, in retrospect over ambitious, plan to generate load
distributions over the wing by putting current values of Nz, V, H, F and 8 into the CAC model
collapsed. It was considered impossible within the available time to construct a computer model
which would accept the distributed loads at 81 wing nodes, given by the CAC model, and compute
,, 10 jack loads. To enable this to be done by hand, the 55 ~issions were reduced to 9 groups by
combining missions having approximately similar flight profiles and loading histories. The Nz
spectra for these 9 groups, Table 1, served as target spectra for the control tape.

Manoeuvre Load Sequence

Each of the 500 flights on the control tape was matched to one of the 16 load sequences
obtained from the test flights by classifying the latter to current RAAF practice. A fatigue-meter
like count on the control tape at this stage showed a disagreement between service and achieved
It was assumed that the load sequence would be substantially unchanged between different
examples of a mission, but that the levels reached by individual turning points would be variable.
A host of quasi-flights was generated by scaling every turning point on all sequences by the
Nq = K(Nz-1)+1
where Khad values in the range 08 to 14. This set was further extended by slightly changing a
few turning point values so that they just crossed a counting level or the 1 g datum. Judicious
and tedious selection from this set of data resulted in the nine target spectra being matched
at the fatigue-meter counting levels, and the overall spectrum being matched at intervals of
0 5 g in the range 2 5 g ~ Nz ~ 6 5 g. Arrangements were made to apply a load of 8 5 g
manually every 5000 flights, but this was done irregularly, and for a load case which produced
main spar strains less severe than those occurring with the 7 8 g load regularly applied.

Gust Spectrum
The fatigue meter cannot be used as a source of gust loads on Mirage since these are generally
less than 2 5 g. Published data were used to generate a gust velocity spectrum which was trans-
formed to a Nz spectrum by a measured transfer function for Mirage, and a load distribution
was calculated based on a measured spar strain/Nz for gust. It was assumed that gusts were
experienced mainly in low level roles, that they would occur independently of manoeuvre loads,
that the random order of turning points was constrained so that troughs were the negatives of
the preceding peaks, that the mean load was 1 g and that the manoeuvre loads already used were
free of gust loads.
A gust Nz sequence, conforming to the spectrum and suitable for 500 hours, was generated

by random selection of loads quanti sed to 0 02 g in the range I 5-3 0 g. This was cut into 169
equal segments each of which was fed into a low level flight; ten typical flights are shown in
Figure 5.

Landing ~nd Pressurization Loads

Landing loads, important to the undercarriage and attachments, have only a minor influence
on the stress history of the main spar. A simplified load 1.equence consisting of a rotation, a land-
ing impact with springback, and a couple of bounces was inserted between each flight. These
loads were applied through an undercarriage. At the same time the fuel tank was depressurised
(on landing) and repressurised (on take-off) to the levels normally used.
The entire sequence of loads was transformed to a corresponding sequence of jack load
instructions by a process beyond the scope of this paper.

Having put in a considerable effort, it would be nice to confidently assert that the ultimate
in realism had been achieved, and that it was all absolutely necessary.
The process described can only be applied late in the life of an aircraft, or when a new
design is expected to perform precisely as its predecessor. The load sequence derived can apply
to, at most, one aircraft of the fleet, and probably is identical to none. It is realistic only in the
sense that if an RAAF pilot conformed exactly to the Nz, V and H pattern used, he would not
consider the flight to be atypical.
Gust loads accounted for 60% of the loads, and hence half the test time, and were generated
synthetically from data of dubious relevance to Mirage operation. Substantiation of the reality
of this component of the test is difficult.
The overall spectrum (level crossing exceedances) of manoeuvre loads agrees excellently
wi1h the measured spectrum. However, this forced agreement was based on an assumed firing level
of the fatigue meter of 10 g, whereas subsequent work has shown that it is nearer 125 g. The
applied spectrum was therefore about 10% too severe. The assumption, implied by the whole-
sale magnification of turning points values, that the sample of sixteen flights contains a proper
ratio between fatigue meter and linking manoeuvres (i.e. that it is correct on a range-pair-mean
counting basis) has yet to be tested.
The wing failed at a stress concentration slightly outboard of the control point used to
determine the test load spectrum. The SN data judged appropriate for the actual failure site
placed greater emphasis on the importance of low loads than did the data used to set up the test,
so that the lower truncation level is suspect. Finally the load sequence used contained no readily
identifiable blocks, and the problem of relating crack size to test duration by post-failure fracture
analysis proved immense. It was eventually solved, but at a great cost in effort and by the
exercise of considerable ingenuity.
So much for pessimistic comments, which surely apply in equal or greater measure to
most similar tests.
More optimistically, the load sequence used represents all of the events seen by Mirage,
and provides sufficient variety to allow recent advances in range-pair counting and sequence
accountable damage techniques to be assessed. Perhaps when these a~sessments are completed
the effect of sequence changes, e.g. application of high loads early in the life of the aircraft, will
be calculable. All we will need then is a reliable load monitoring device which stores sequence as
well as magnitude for each turning point.

A flight-by-flight sequence for a Mirage wing fatigue test was generated using:
(I) fatigue meter data to give flight order and manoeuvre load spectra;
(2) estimates of loads arising from atmospheric turbulence; and
(3) flight trial data to provide within-flight load sequences.
When combined with ground loading and pressurisation loads, the load sequences are believed
to represent squadron usage as accurately as the available data permitted.

1. Nankivell, J., and Mirage Wing Fatigue Test: Theoretical Wing Load Distributions.
Beckett, R. Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Report No. AA276, January
2. Schijve, J. The Endurance Under Programme Fatigue Testing. Full Scale
Testing of Aircraft Structures.
Proceedings of the Symposium held in Amsterdam 5-11 June 1959;
International Series of Mimeographs in Aeronautics and Astro-
nautics Division IX: Symposia Vol. 5, Pergamon Press, 1961.
3. Heywood, R. B. Correlated Fatigue Data for Aircraft Structural Joints.
Aeronautical Research Council Current Papers. C.P. No. 227,
H.M.S.O., June 1955.

Correspondence between desired and achieved spectra for
various missions in wing fatigue test per 500 flights

Mission Source F.M. level

-25 -15 -05 25 35 45 60 80

1 F.M. - - 28 28186 14442 6616 420 0

Tape - - - 2822 1426 659 45 0

2 F.M. 11 4008 1682 670 31

Tape - 400 169 67 4 0

3 F.M. 21 2964 952 255 11

Tape - 297 95 27 1 0

4 F.M. 36 4847 133 1

Tape - 485 133 0

5 F.M. 41 5206 2059 1009 96

Tape - 521 206 101 '9 0

6 F.M. 35 4931 2446 1228 229

Tape - 489 249 124 23 0

7 F.M. 26 1333.8 5885 2147 134

Tape - 1330 589 208 12 0

8 F.M. 98 4213 1567 507 54

Tape 28 420 162 56 6 0

9 F.M. 03 1247 761 534 61

Tape - 126 76 53 6 0

Total F.M. 025 2 339 68889 31042 12959 1058 05

Tape - - 28 6890 3105 1295 106 0

SEPR 844
Twin-bomb beam

NORD 5401 missile

~ ..-. ~ AS30

MATRA missile
R 530

(1300 L) 286 UK. Gal.or

( 1700 L) 374 UK. Gal. tank

JL 100 R combined
rocket -launcher/ fuel tank
(500 L) !10 UK. Gal .c-
su personi c tank

RPK fuel tank

( flpplicable for version/ fl)



. 0
<:! r,


v:':l!'------- (


- FIG.2A


<:i00 .


FIG.2B Z::i05


+-' 10
2 ,.



-3 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A B [ 0 E T 1 2 3 4 5

- 2 1 1 A /.1 2
~ ......

j(3 - 3 B 3 /.1 1 1

- 1 1 [ 1 1

7 - 0 2 2 1 1 1

5 - E 2 2 1

B,B,A,_ .,.....- -,-


2 (\


4 nz (g)
0 Time

... 5







Within the context of fatigue life prediction using SfN data, an investigation has
been made of the variability which may arise from either fitting a mean curve to a given
set of points or from sources affecting the data points themselves.
Given two sets of S/N data points, a number of people, including some experienced
and some inexperienced in fitting S/N curves, were invited each to fit his own curves.
From these, mean lives to failure were predicted for several multi-load-level spectra.
For the experienced group the range of values of predicted life, from the largest to the
smallest, and averaged over the several spectra, was 3:1 for one set of data points and
2 4:1 for the other set. The ranges of values for the inexperienced group were significantly
Five mathematical methods of curve fitting were applied to one set of data points,
with the resultant average range in predicted life being 14:1. This variability arises
mainly from the subjective choice of afunctional form for the S/N curve. The added
variability due to other arbitrarily-chosen constraints such as weighting, the non-
intersection of curves within a family, and the choice of a fatigue limit, is also discussed.
Many factors associated with the determination of fatigue data influence the
resultant SfN relationship and some of the more significant ones are considered. The
specific data presented for these various factors give variations in Sf N life, and hence
in predicted life, ranging from 15:1 up to 10:1. Those factors examined include the
loading accuracy of the testing machine, specimen manufacturing methods and the
number of specimens tested, the definition of fatigue failure, variability between batches.
The resulting differences in predicted lives demonstrate the need for considerable care in
selecting and using SfN data for the purpose of life prediction.


The acquisition of experimental information, whether to assess the validity of a hypothesis
or to provide specific data for engineering design purposes, involves the conduct of tests in which
studies are made of the response of samples to changes in a particular variable. Much of the
information is presented in graphical form so that any particular features in the relationship
can be more easily recognised and interpolations made between test points.
Experimentation involves uncertainties, and tests on nominally identical samples under
nominally identical testing conditions will almost invariably give a different measured response.
Observations are subject to experimental errors which can arise from a variety of sources which
may be difficult or not economically feasible to adequately control. Although on a laboratory
scale it may be possible to minimise the effects of errors associated with the testing process by
introducing randomization techniques, a relatively large variability may remain which is
inherent in the sample being investigated.
In the context of engineering materials, it must be recognised that standards and specifica-
tions allow relatively wide tolerances in chemical composition and that the strength require-
ments which are specified are usually minimum values. Providing the finished product meets the
requirements of the specification, the manufacturer of the material can employ a variety of
forming conditions and heat treatments in the various stages of manufacture: these may be
dictated by plant capability or specific operational practices. The tolerances and limits imposed
during production may differ significantly from one manufacturer to another in meeting an
identical specification, or may differ between batches from the same manufacturer.
The net result is that quite wide variations in the strength properties of a material can
occur both within a batch 1 and between batches and it is not unusual for the average ultimate t

tensile strength (UTS) of a batch to be 20% greater than the specification minimum value. 2 From
a metallurgical viewpoint, such variations reflect differences in both the macro- and micro-structure
of the material, although rarely is any attempt made to correlate these variations with resulting
mechanical properties. Thus, variability in the behaviour or response of a material to an imposed
loading condition must be accepted in engineering practice as the norm, rather than the
In the field of fatigue it is common to measure the response of a specimen (in terms of
cycles to failure) to an imposed alternating stress. Fatigue tests at different magnitudes of alter-
nating stress allow a relationship between fatigue stress and cycles to failure (S/N) to be deter-
mined. The total numbers of specimens used to establish this relationship (which includes
replicates at particular stress levels) have ranged from less than 10 to greater than 30. Among
such replicates a scatter in endurance of one order of magnitude at any stress level is not unusual.
It is common to adopt the average or median lives at the various alternating stress levels as the
basis for graphically expressing the S/N relation.
In 1964 Buckland 3 stated that "in practice, however, the lines purporting to depict the
relationship between S and N are frequently drawn by 'eye' and are usually intended to indicate
some average fatigue performance". It is the author's opinion that the majority of published
S/N curves-and most other graphs showing an experimental relationship between two variables
-are still sketched "by eye" rather than derived mathematically. Statistical methods are, how-
ever, currently available for determining estimates of the distributions of endurance from which
curves representing specific probabilities of failure may be established.
A major objective in much of the research associated with aircraft structural fatigue is to
provide information which will allow a prediction to be made of the life of aircraft structures
under a multi-load-level service history. S/N data are frequently used for this purpose. Such data
should be obtained using both specimens and loading conditions which closely represent the
particular structure or component of interest. The other major requirement for predicting
fatigue life is, of course, the relevant service load spectrum for the item in question and, usually,
this is also obtained experimentally. Two further steps, which are often based on somewhat
arbitrary decisions, are then necessary to transform these data into a prediction of the mean service
life. The first is to transpose the load spectrum into groups of cycles of constant amplitude. The

second is to define a "cumulative damage" rule which specifies how damaging is each of the
transposed constant load amplitude cycles relative to the SfN curve which, itself, defines the life
to failure for continuous cycling under such load amplitudes.
The aim of this paper is to consider the variations in predicted life which may occur as a
result of differences in the shapes and positions of various estimated "mean" S/N curves. Two
sets of data have been chosen for examination, both sets coming from comprehensive and well
.') documented fatigue testing programmes, and two sources of variation are examined; that which
comes from fitting a mean curve to a given set of S/N data points, and that which may arise
from sources affecting the data points themselves (for example, the cyclic frequency used in the
laboratory fatigue tests). To obtain data on the first source a canvass was conducted within the
Structures Division of the Aeronatucial Research Laboratories (ARL) which provided a number
of "best-fit-by-eye" mean S/N curves and also mathematically-defined mean S/N curves.

The basic fatigue test data supplied for the canvass were obtained during research investi-
gations at ARL and are fully reported in References 1 and 4. Figure 1 shows results, taken from
Reference 4, for axial load fatigue tests on circumferentially notched circular section specimens
(Kt = 1 6) of 2L.65 aluminium alloy which were tested at a mean stress of 66 MPa (9 5 ksi)
in two Amsler "Vibrophore" machines at a cyclic frequency of approximately 115 Hz.* The
information shown in Figure 2 was obtained from rotating cantilever tests on circular-section
notched specimens (Kt = 145) ofD.T.D. 683 aluminium alloy at a cyclic frequency of 200 Hz,t
but in this case data previously reported in Reference 1 for the stress level 172 MPa (25 ksi)
(mainly runouts) were omitted. These two particular sets of data were chosen because their mean
SfN curves were likely to be significantly different in shape.
Primary input S/N curves were obtained by providing technical and scientific staff within
the Structures Division of ARL with fatigue data and asking them to construct what, in their
opinion, was the best fit mean S/N curve: the fatigue data were the graphical plots shown in
Figures 1 and 2 and the numerical data given in Table 1(a).
A survey was made of the results provided by those co-operating (46 persons), including
persons whose interests and experience in fatigue ranged from virtually nothing to "very con-
siderable", so that it was possible to assess whether variations in the range of predicted lives
based on the S/N curves obtained, could be associated with the different fatigue experience.
S/N curves drawn "by eye" were sought because, firstly, such curves are prevalent in published
fatigue data and are generally used for current fatigue life estimations and, secondly, because
many of the staff included in the canvass would not be in a position to produce precise mathe-
matically defined curves. (Sufficient information (given in Table 1(b)) was, however, available
for the derivation of mathematical curves which describe the mean S/N behaviour of the data
shown in Figure 1.)


3.1 Method of Prediction

When using S/N data to predict fatigue lives under a varying-load sequence the requirements
an S/N relation;
a service load spectrum;
a method of transposing the load spectrum into cycles of constant amplitude; and
a cumulative damage rule.
This Section briefly describes the procedures relating to the last three of these requirements
which are relevant in the present context, while the following sections (3.2 and 3.3) present the
various S/N relations provided by the canvass and the predicted lives which resulted from com-
bining them with different spectra.
f. * The fatigue lives correspond to either complete fracture of the specimen or the develop-
ment of cracks to a size where complete fracture would be expected in an insignificant number of
additional load cycles.
t All specimens completely fractured.

Accumulation of service loads data over the years has enabled loading spectra to be
expressed in a general form. One such presentation, given by Ostermann, 5 is shown in Figure 3.
It is clear that spectrum D contains a larger proportion of low loads than do spectra A and B.
Spectrum D may be related to positive gust loading on an aircraft whereas spectra A and B can
typify positive manoeuvre loading. To give wide applicability to the SfN results, life calculations
for each curve have been made using the four spectra shown in Figure 3. Several different spectra
were used because, for a given cumulative damage rule, the proportion of calculable damage
at any stress level depends upon the spectrum shape. Figure 4 shows the damage distribution for
these various spectra when applied to one S/N curve.* (While the abscissa scale in Figure 3 is
important, when predicting actual lives, it is not important when considering the ratios of lives.)
Since the present analysis uses a single S/N curve only, rather than a family of curves corres-
ponding to various mean stresses, the spectrum shapes in Figure 3 have been taken, for con-
venience, as symmetrical about the mean stress level of the SfN data. Also, the stress axis in
Figure 3 has been matched to the range of alternating stresses used to obtain the SfN data. Thus,
the conversion of the load spectrum into constant amplitude cycles is unambiguous and is a
straightforward matter.
The cumulative damage rule used (Step 4) was the usual Miner linear summation of cycle
ratio (L nt/Nt = 1). The subsequent transformation of various S/N curves into predicted lives
used only those levels of stress employed in determining the S/N data points.

3.2 Eye-drawn Curves

Figures 5 and 6 are composites of all the "eye-drawn" curves for the data given in Figures
and 2 respectively. The scatter of predicted lives using such eye-drawn curves can be seen
readily in the histograms of Figure 7 which are based on the S/N curves of Figure 5 and cover
the four spectra A to D.
The standard deviation of predicted life has been estimated in each case, and by similarity
of the histograms to a normal distribution, about 68% of predicted lives lie within one standard
deviation from the average. Table 2 gives the average predicted life and its standard deviation ,,
for the four spectra and for both sets of SfN data. These statistics are given for the overall group
(46 curves) and for the classifications "experienced" (16 curves) and "inexperienced" (30 curves).t
The point of interest in such results is the scatter and not the particular values of predicted
life. Table 2 gives the scatter both in terms of the ratio highest/lowest predicted life, and in terms
of the coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by average life). The influence of the
curve-fitter's experience on the dispersion of predicted lives can be seen in Table 2. The various
curves of Figure 5 fitted by those of the experienced group led to a scatter of the predicted life
characterised by a coefficient of variation of (when averaged over the four spectra) 27%, while
fitted curves for the inexperienced group led to a corresponding figure of 38% (see Table 2(a)).
A practically identical result was obtained using the SfN curves shown in Figure 6 (see Table
2(b)). An F-test showed that, when the coefficients of variation were pooled for all spectra, the
experienced group gave less variability in predicted life than did the inexperienced group, at a
significance level of02%. This result did not apply to all individual spectra however. The F-test
for spectrum D combined with the relevant curves from Figure 5, and for spectrum B combined
with the relevant curves from Figure 6, showed the inexperienced group to have the smaller
scatter in predicted life, but only at significant levels of 10% and 5% respectively.
Despite the smaller overall scatter in predicted lives for the experienced group, it is important
to emphasise that their dispersions were 3 : 1 for the appropriate curves from Figure 5 and
24 : 1 for the appropriate curves from Figure 6.

3.3 Mathematically-defined Curves

It is clear from the results of the previous Section that personal bias influences the SfN
curves (resulting in large variations in predicted life), and it may appear a simple matter to
* The curve used here was that defined by a least squares fit of a second degree polynomial c
to the data points shown in Figure 1, the points at each stress level being weighted by the
reciprocal of the variance at that level. Since most curves are reasonably similar for the one set of
data points, the damage curves are also similar.
t The experienced/inexperienced subdivision was made on the basis of answers to a question
asked on "experience" in the canvass.

eliminate such bias by a mathematical approach. But mathematical analyses rely upon assump-
tions (which may involve subjective judgements) and it is the purpose of this Section to explore
several methods of analysis, examine their variability, compare this with the eye-drawn
variability, and discuss the assumptions inherent in such methods.
Five curve fitting methods were applied to the S/N data for the 2L.65 alloy (Figure 1). They
all rely upon a least-squares best fit and are briefly described as:
,, (1) A polynomial function with the application of a significance test to determine the least
degree giving a good fit.
(2) A simple power relation, N = A+SB (A and B constants). This method has as its basis
the knowledge that many fatigue data can be correlated by such a function (e.g., the
well-known Coffin/Manson relationship 6 7 ).
(3) The arbitrary fitting of consecutive straight lines (piecewise linear) on an S/log N plot,
if judged applicable to the data. This, however, is not a universal method.
(4) A weighted polynomial. It is evident from the base data (Fig. 1) that the scatter of test
lives (in terms of log life) varies from one stress level to another. It could thus be argued
that a "better" fit wiii be obtained by weighting the test results at each stress level in
the least squares analysis to favour those with less scatter; less scatter implying greater
confidence in the position of the mean at any stress level. An additional S/N curve was
provided by using a weighting factor of 1/variance of log life, appropriate to the stress
level (a factor used by others 8 9 ), in the fitting of a polynomial function.*
(5) A method of maximum likelihood with assumptions about the distribution of life at
each stress level and the functional form of the curve. To compare the results of this
method with those of the weighted polynomial, a polynomial functional form was used
with the assumption of log life being normally distributed at each stress level. In practice
this method follows an iterative procedure, with the first estimate of variance being that
of the data points, and subsequent estimates being based on the position of the curve
resulting from the previous estimate. In the present case, the method essentially is an
iteration of the values of the variance used as a weighting factor for the method described
Figure 8 lists the five equations obtained by these various curve fitting methods and com-
pares them graphically. It is clear that the weighted polynomial and the maximum likelihood
method also using a polynomial have given practically identical results. As with the eye-drawn
curves, Jives were calculated from the same spectra and stress levels and the results are given in
Table 3. Differences in predicted mean lives are again evident with an average coefficient of
variation of 15%.
Although mathematically-derived curves supposedly eliminate personal bias, it is instructive
to see whether or not this is so by comparing their resultant average and scatter in predicted
mean life with the same quantities obtained from the analysis of the experienced eye-drawn
group. Comparing Tables 2(a) and 3 it is clear that the average of the predicted lives of the
mathematical group is neither consistently higher nor lower than the corresponding values for
the experienced eye-drawn group over the range of spectra investigated. The mathematical
group shows marginally Jess scatter in predicted life (significant at a level of 20% only) compared
with that obtained from the experienced eye-drawn group. This is rather inconclusive because of
the small sample taken for the mathematical group.
The foregoing has essentially examined one of the necessary assumptions in deriving a mathe-
matical curve, namely, the assumption of the functional form of the curve. It is apparent that
different curves (and hence different predictions of mean life in the present context) result from
different functional forms. The power function is a rather rigid form, allowing little latitude,
and in fact does not adequately represent all S/N data. Table 3 shows that the lives predicted
using a power function for the SfN relation are somewhat different from those using other
functional forms. The greater flexibility of the polynomial function may be expected to result in
better fits, but this flexibility can lead to its rejection for either of two reasons. Firstly, most
people familiar with fatigue data would accept one inflexion in an S/N curve, or in extreme
cases two, but since polynomials of degree may have (n-2) inflexions, experience may limit the
degree of the polynomial to three, or four at the most. Secondly, even with low-degree poly-

* It is noted that although fitting a polynomial involves no assumption about the distribution
of the data points, the use of 1/variance as a weighting factor implies a normal distribution of
log life.

nomials, curve fitting problems may arise from the common practice of testing groups of
specimens at discrete stress levels. There is little constraint on polynomials between the data
levels and positive slopes may occur, a result which, intuitively, is unacceptable. Thus, one has
the option of using a rigid form which may not adequately suit all S/N data, or a more flexible
form which may run into difficulties and force the user into further subjective judgements.
A possible solution, for any set of data, is to investigate a number of functional forms, all
of which are considered acceptable (subjective judgement is required here), and to choose
between them on the basis of some objective test, such as selecting that curve which has the least
residual sum of squares.
Apart from the question of functional form, other assumptions may be inherent in deriving
a mathematical expression to fit data points. Some methods require the specification of the
distribution of lives at any stress level (e.g., the maximum likelihood method), and although
a normal distribution of log life is often chosen, other distributions have been proposed. 8 Since
scatter in S/N data is rarely independent of stress level, the use of a weighting factor may also
appear necessary when using a least-squares analysis, as mentioned above. But the question of
"what factor" may be open to judgement. Some idea of the effect of weighting on predicted life
may be gained by comparing the polynomial function results shown in Table 3. The predicted
mean life using a weighted curve decreased by an average of 10% when compared with that
predicted using an unweighted curve.
This discussion has considered so far the specification of the S/N curve between the
extremes of the data levels only. Often the impetus for a mathematical formulation lies in the need
to extrapolate the SJN curve, particularly to lower stress levels where calculations may indicate
that a significant proportion of the total damage could occur. Such extrapolations may indicate
an unacceptably short fatigue life at zero stress. To overcome this problem the formulation of
the curve may use not only the test data points, but the added constraint of infinite life at zero
stress or at some arbitrarily-chosen endurance limit. This procedure is just as subjective as eye-
drawn extrapolations.
The assumptions listed above all relate to the specification of a mean S/N curve through a
specific group of test data, e.g. data at constant mean stress. But, in practice, life calculations
often require a family of such curves, identified by some parameter such as mean stress or 0

R-ratio. If the methods above are applied piecemeal it is possible for individual curves of the
family to intersect. Such a possibility would be intuitively rejected. The only course then is to
consider the data as a whole, under the constraint that curves of the family must not intersect. 2 3
In concluding this Section it is emphasised that, irrespective of whether the SJN curves
adopted are eye-drawn or mathematically-based, it is necessary to make subjective decisions in
the treatment of the data. (A similar conclusion has been reached recently 10 in the fitting of
curves to characterise fatigue crack growth.) The purpose of this paper is not to indicate which
of candidate S/N curves is the best curve to adopt for a particular set of data, but rather to demon-
strate the variability in predicted mean life which may result from the choice of different curves.


The foregoing discussion has centred around the determination of mean (50% probability
of failure) best-fit SJN curves for particular sets of fatigue data. Apart from the use of weighting
factors derived from the variance of the life data at different stress levels, no attempt has been
made to assess the variability of the data or to determine SJN curves for lower probabilities of
failure. Such curves would, when based on a statistically defined fatigue life scatter factor, be
more appropriate to use in estimating safe lives. However, when S/N curves are published
without individual or average test points being shown and without any indication of the variability
in endurance, the reader cannot gauge the accuracy or reliability of the information presented.
In fact, most published fatigue data wiii, at best, only allow an estimate to be made of the central
tendency (average) behaviour and provide a statistically insignificant amount of information
relating to variability. The question of the form of the distribution of fatigue life (whether, for
example, log normal or extreme value) has not been emphasised in this paper as it is considered
to be of only secondary importance in the current context.
When faced with the requirement to estimate the life of a component or structure under a
multi-load-level spectrum, a basic problem is to choose the most appropriate fatigue data for the
detail of interest. Careful consideration must be given to the selection and interpretation of SJN
data for such a purpose, particularly when life estimates are required to a high degree of confidence

and the accuracy of the estimate could have serious ramifications in relation to safety and
Very rarely would the analyst find in the literature, adequate data for the exact alloy, joint,
notch geometry and Kt value, and mean stress, obtained on specimens of a size commensurate
with his component and fatigue tested at about the cyclic frequency of his component in service.
He is more likely to be faced with a rather inhomogeneous set of data embracing the results of
fatigue tests carried out over a period of many years, in different laboratories and by a variety
of experimenters, and he would probably overlook such matters as the testing method and type
of testing machine (e.g. constant load, constant displacement) used to obtain the data, and its
accuracy of alignment and load control, the definition of fatigue failure (e.g. a small fatigue crack
or complete fracture) adopted by the experimenter, the procedures used in making the specimens,
the number of specimens tested, and the influence of the fatigue test environment. These are all
variables which can influence the fatigue lives of both individual specimens and groups of
specimens, and hence the basic data from which S/N curves are derived.
Thus, in making the choice of one set of data compared with another for life estimation
purposes, one must recognise the limitations of the data in order to assess its relevance for each
situation. It is not intended to discuss each of the above variables individually as reference has
been made to some elsewhere, 11 but simply to highlight several of these variables and indicate
the magnitudes of the conseq~ent variations in predicted fatigue lives in some cases and to
emphasise that, in any practical situation, interpretation, extrapolation and subjective judgement
of the data are inevitable at different stages of the life prediction process.
Fatigue testing equipment-accuracy of load calibration, setting and control. Fatigue data
acquisition for aircraft structural design purposes has involved the use of many designs of testing
machine ranging in load capacity from about 1 kN to over 2 MN, with the forces on the specimen
being produced by mechanical, centrifugal, electro-magnetic, hydraulic or pneumatic actions.
In addition, a variety of dynamic load measurement and control systems have been developed
some of which are inherently more accurate than others. In a fatigue testing programme
systematic and random errors in load measuring systems, variations within control circuits and
differences between operators, can both increase the scatter in fatigue life and introduce un-
detected bias at particular load levels.
Little systematic research has been undertaken to compare the fatigue properties of
"identical" specimens tested in different laboratories, but that which has indicates 12 13 that
significant differences in the fatigue behaviour can occur.
The ISO Recommendation on Axial Load Fatigue Testing 14 states that "the mean load and
the load range as determined by a suitable method of dynamic calibration should be known to
within 3% of the maximum load of the cycle or 05% of the maximum load of the machine,
whichever is the greater". Thus, taking the data in Figure 1 as the datum and using the poly-
nomial unweighted S/N curve, a 3% difference in load (stress) at an average life of 10 7 cycles
would correspond to a variation in average life of from approximately 6 x 10 6 cycles to 16 x 10 6
cycles. Such a difference in average life would be quite possible from two identical fatigue
machines whose load calibrations conformed to the ISO Recommendation. Considering this
S/N curve to be displaced by 3% in stress over the nominal alternating stress range from 103
MPa to 207 MPa, the predicted lives for the four spectra are as follows:

Predicted mean life (cycles) x 10- 6

-3% S/N curve Datum S/N curve +3% S/N curve

A 01911 02649 03699

B 1833 2672 3891
c 1394 2029 3045
D 2882 4431 6722

Definition of fatigue failure. The fatigue life corresponding to fatigue "failure" can, at the
lower life extreme, represent the existence of a barely detectable crack whereas at the other
extreme it represents complete separation of the component or specimen into two pieces. Between

these extremes fatigue crack growth under cyclic loading occurs, usually at an increasing rate.
. . . life to crack initiation .
However, there IS no umque value for the ratio l'fi fi t: . as the actual ratio depends
I e to na1 a1 1ure
on the interaction of a number of quite independent variables including the severity of the stress
concentrator at which the crack initiated and the severity of the load history. In specimens
with moderately severe notches (Kt about 3), 50% of the fatigue life could be consumed by the
crack propagating from a size detectable by conventional NDI methods to that completely
fracturing the component. Again referring to Figure 1, if, for example, the basic fatigue data
chosen for the life prediction under a multi-load-level spectrum had represented the average
detectable-crack S/N curve, with lives half those of the average S/N curve to complete fracture,
the lives predicted under each spectrum would have been halved also. This emphasises the need
to know the criterion adopted for the end-point of fatigue tests when selecting data for life
prediction purposes.
Fatigue loading conditions. For structural design purposes it is usually necessary to consider
fatigue data covering a range of mean stresses. It has been common to use either plane bending
or axial load (direct stress) loading conditions to obtain such data. However, these two loading
conditions may indicate significant differences in fatigue performance because of the different
stress gradients in the specimens. The following table gives the results of axial load and bending
fatigue tests made on "identical" large butt-welded steel specimens 15-the average life in
bending is nearly nine times that in axial loading despite the nominal stress range being slightly
greater. Under axial loading most failures originated at internal defects and inclusions; whereas
under bending all failures originated at the surface where the maximum nominal stress occurs.
These results underline the importance of selecting data obtained under load conditions matching
those expected in service.

Comparison of Axial Load and Bending Fatigue Tests on Welded Steel Specimens

Endurance (cycles) Location of failure

Axial load (0 to 80% yield strength)

Failure in weld originating from internal weld
70,000 Failed from weld.
114,000 Originated from junction of weld and parent
Log. average life = 29,000 metal.
Standard deviation of log. life 0 488

Bending (0 to 100% axial yield stress)

223,600 All failures originated at junction of weld and
269,400 parent metal.
Log. average life = 258,000
Standard deviation of log. life 0145

Specimen manufacturing methods. Machining operations, in addition to producing a surface

finish whose roughness can be quantified by measurement, change the sub-surface structure of
the material and the internal stress distribution. The number of variables and accepted techniques
associated with machining and finishing are such that some variability in fatigue performance
might be expected from specimens manufactured in different batches and from specimens made
at different organisations.
Variability in the fatigue performance of aluminium alloys associated with differences in
the drilling and reaming of stress concentrator holes has been discussed by Forsyth; 16 while
some programme load fatigue tests on drilled and reamed notched specimens of D6AC steel

carried out at ARL have indicated a 30% to 50% difference in the mean life of specimens notched
(using nominally identical procedures) by two different manufacturers.
Further evidence of the variability in fatigue performance associated with notching pro-
cedures is illustrated in Figure 9 which shows the S/N curves for two groups of circular-section
circumferentially-notched specimens of DTD 683 aluminium alloy tested in rotating bending.
At the lower alternating stress levels there are significant differences in mean lives (up to 5 : 1)
for specimens notched using tool dwells at the notch root of zero and 200 revolutions.
Differences might also be expected between the fatigue performance of various batches of
machined components, joints and structures because of uncontrolled differences in manufacturing
and assembly techniques.
Frequency of cycling. A wide range of cyclic frequencies has been used to determine fatigue
data. Although cyclic frequencies of about 1 Hz are quite common for the fatigue testing of full-
scale aircraft structures and large components, most of the fatigue testing programmes to
determine the fatigue behaviour of aircraft materials, joints and components have involved
frequencies exceeding 10Hz, and more particularly, between about 25Hz and 150Hz. In
general, these frequencies greatly exceed those applicable to aircraft structures which, according
to Schijve,l 7 are 20-0 5Hz for taxi loadings, 10-01 Hz for gust loadings, and 0 17-0 005 Hz
for manoeuvre loadings.
Evidence has been presented 18 19 that both the fatigue life and fatigue fracture characteris-
tics are frequency dependent and that the fatigue endurance increases with increasing frequency.
Figure 10 illustrates two S/N curves for 2024 aluminium alloy, 20 obtained in rotating bending
at cyclic frequencies of 3 and 24 Hz, which clearly indicate about a 2 : 1 difference in average
life under these particular test conditions. Such a variation may be reflected in the prediction
of fatigue life under a multi-load sequence.
Number of specimens tested. All fatigue testing programmes involve the selection of a small
sample of specimens which are assumed to represent the population. A consequence, from the
fatigue viewpoint, is that the estimated average S/N curve (and hence predicted life) could
depend upon the number of specimens used to derive it. If, for example, the fatigue data in Figure
1 had been limited to the first two or the first four specimens, in order of testing, at each stress
level, giving a total of 12 or 24 specimens tested compared with an actual total of 46, the predicted
lives based on unweighted polynomial curve fits would have been as follows:

Number of Predicted mean life (cycles)x I0- 6

spectrum A spectrum B spectrum C spectrum D

12 0 1743 1846 1624 4111

24 01723 1739 1439 3473
46 02649 2672 2029 4431

In this example, the predicted mean life for any one spectrum using the S/N curve based on 12
specimens is reduced substantially from that based on 46 specimens; the average reduction over
the four spectra is about 25%.
Batch-to-Batch variations. The structural materials from which aircraft are built are avail-
able in a variety of product forms-sheet, plate, extrusions, forgings. These cover a wide range of
physical sizes and shapes and heat treatments. Such products are available from a number of
manufacturers and represent, in total, many casts of material. Acceptance of a batch of material
for building into an aircraft structure is based, essentially, on its conformity with static strength
properties, and rarely does it need to specifically meet a "fatigue performance" criterion.
Differences in static strength properties from batch-to-batch may also be reflected as dif-
ferences in fatigue strength and fatigue crack propagation characteristics. Because of the large
number of variables which affect fatigue life, rarely is it possible to isolate batch effects, as such,
when comparing published fatigue data. The S/N curves illustrated in Figure 11, however,
represent part of the results from a current ARL fatigue testing programme involving 13 different
batches of extruded round aluminium alloy bar in diameters ranging from 16 mm to 25 mm

which were fatigue tested in rotating bending under identical conditions. They clearly show the
effect on fatigue life to be quite sizeable.
Generalised data. This paper has been concerned primarily with the assessment and interpre-
tation of particular sets of nominally identical fatigue data and has not considered the wider
question of the use of generalised fatigue data obtained by combining information from dif-
ferent sources employing a variety of test articles and testing techniques. However, the recent
generalisation of fatigue data for full-scale aircraft structures reported by Hangartner 21 provides
some interesting information. Unlike less comprehensive generalisations of similar data of 10
to 15 years previously he has shown the need to separate aircraft structu'res of aluminium alloys
into two groups on the basis of their structural materials-Al-Zn-Mg alloys or Al-Cu-Mg
alloys-because the average lives of structures using the zinc-bearing alloys appeared to be
3 5 to 4 times less than those using the copper-bearing alloys.

It is clear that, for the same set of S/N data points, differences can occur in the estimated
mean curve, whether fitted by eye or mathematically, to the extent that predictions of mean service
life can vary by a factor of two or three. Furthermore, even larger variations in predicted life
can occur by selecting alternative fatigue test data, all of which might appear to be quite applicable
to the case in hand.
Two important consequences follow. First, when calculating a safe operating life from the
predicted mean life by the use of a fatigue scatter factor, it is unwarranted to specify such a
factor too precisely-for example, it may not be justified to specify the factor to better than a
whole number. Second, within the current techniques of data acquisition and manipulation,
predicted mean lives (and hence estimated safe lives) can be specified legitimately only as a
range-and this range can be quite wide. An illustration of this range for aircraft structural
elements is provided by Ford. 22
Thus there is little justification for any one life calculation based on a particular set of S/N
data to be accepted as precisely specifying the predicted mean life. The confidence which one 0

should place on such S/N data depends upon its applicability to the case under consideration,
and also upon the confidence with which a mean curve can be fitted to the S/N points. The
evidence in this paper suggests that, in some cases, service lives may not be predictable to better
than a range of about 10 : 1. *
When multiple sets offatigue data are available for the life calculation they should be weighted
according to their relevance to the particular problem under consideration; and in order to assess
the applicability of specific data it may be necessary to closely examine the original fatigue test
conditions which were employed in their determination. Thus, considerable care must be exer-
cised in the selection and manipulation of basic S/N data for life prediction under a complex
loading sequence.

(1) The location of mean S/N curves fitted by eye to a given set of data points depends
markedly on subjective judgement. Even among those experienced in drawing such
curves the variability can be such that, when using the curves for life prediction under
a multi-load-level sequence, the magnitude of predicted mean life may vary by a factor
of three.
(2) Mathematical methods of curve fitting may eliminate some of the personal bias but are
themselves open to subjective judgement. Arbitrary decisions about the functional
form, the use of weighting, the non-intersection of curves within a family, and the
likelihood of a fatigue limit, can contribute to variability in predicted mean life.
(3) In addition, the determination of fatigue data provides many other sources of un-
certainty whose relevance must be considered in the selection of such data for life
*In addition to those problems associated with data selection and interpretation are those
concerned with the subdivision of the load spectrum into cycles of constant amplitude and those '
concerned with the validity of any cumulative damage hypothesis which might be adopted.
The uncertainties involved in these areas further compound the problem of accurately estimating
a precise service life.

prediction purposes. These include the type of specimen, its method of manufacture
and the number tested, differences in fatigue behaviour between batches of material,
the loading accuracy of the testing equipment and the cyclic frequency of fatigue load-
ing. It has been shown that differences associated with these factors can produce signifi-
cant variations in S/N lives, and that predicted lives under a multi-load-level sequence
can differ by up to 10 : 1.

The authors wish to acknowledge the co-operation of those members of Structures Division,
ARL, who took part in the canvass of S/N curves and for their many helpful suggestions.
Particular thanks are extended to Dr. D. G. Ford for his advice on the statistical evaluation of
the data, to Mr. A. S. Machin who was responsible for much of the computer analysis of the
data, and to Mr. J. A. Lowes for his assistance with the basic data evaluation.


1. Finney, J. M. Abnormally High Fatigue Properties of DTD 683 Aluminium
Alloy Extruded Bar.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 287,
Department of Supply, February 1962.
2. Mann, J. Y. The Influence of Mean Stress and Stress Concentrators on the
Fatigue Properties of 7178-T6 Aluminium Alloy.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 327,
Department of Supply, November 1970.
3. Buckland, W. R. Statistical Assessment of the Life Characteristic.
(See Chapter 4: Analysis of Fatigue Tests, pp. 101-119.) Charles
Griffin and Co. Ltd., London, 1964.
4. Mann, J. Y., and The Influence of Mean Stress and Stress Concentrators on the
Machin, A. S. Fatigue Properties of Extruded 2L.65 Aluminium Alloy.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Department of Defence
(report in preparation).
5. Ostermann, H. Fatigue Life Estimation under Special Loading Spectra by Means
of Variable Amplitude Fatigue Strength Data Obtained with
Standard Spectra.
R. Aircr. Establ. Libr. Transl. no. 1357, May 1969.
6. Tavernelli, J. F., and A Compilation and Interpretation of Cyclic-Strain Fatigue Tests.
Coffin, L. F. Trans. Am. Soc. Met., Vol. 51, pp. 438-453, 1959.
7. Manson, S. S. Behaviour of Materials Under Conditions of Thermal Stress.
NACA Tech. Note 2933, July 1953.
8. Weibull, W. Fatigue Testing and Analysis of Results.
Pergamon Press, London, 1961.
9. Daniel, C., and Fitting Equations to Data.
Wood, F. S. Wiley-Interscience, 1971.
10. Pook, L. P. Basic Statistics of Fatigue Crack Growth.
Natl. Eng. Lab. Rep. No. 595, June 1975.
11. Mann, J. Y. Fatigue Design-Data Requirements and Determination.
SAE-Australasia, vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 219-224, November-
December 1967.
12. Grover, H. J., Axial-Load Fatigue Properties of 24S-T and 75S-T Aluminium
Hyler, W. S., Alloy as Determined in Several Laboratories.
Kuhn, P., and NACA Tech. Note No. 2938, May 1953.
Landers, B.
13. Dunsby, J. A. A Preliminary Analysis of the Results of Some Comparative
Fatigue Tests Conducted by Eight Canadian Laboratories.
Nat. Aero. Establ., Memo. ST-45, October 1962.
14. International Organisation of Standardization.
Axial load fatiguetes.ting. ISO Recommendation R 1099, July 1969.
15. Harris, F. G., Axial Load and Bending Fatigue Tests on Welded Normalised
Douglas, R. B., and Manganese-Silicon Steel.
Rowan, R. W. Aeronautical Research Laboratories Tech. Memo ARL/SM 187,
Department of Supply, June 1969.
16. Forsyth, P. J. E. Microstructural Changes that Drilling and Reaming can Cause in
the Bore Holes in DTD 5014 (RR58 Extrusions).
Aircr. Engng, vol. 44, No. 12, pp. 20-23, November 1972.
17. Schijve, J. Fatigue of Aircraft Structures. 'oJ

Israel J. Techno!., vol. 8, No. 1-2, pp. 1-20, 1970.

18. Finney, J. M. The Effects of Rate of Cycling on the Unusual Fatigue Behaviour
of Two High-Strength Aluminium Alloys.
J. lnst. Met., T.N. 118, vol. 92, pt. 11, pp. 380--82, July 1964.
19. Mann, J. Y. Some Phenomenological Aspects of Scatter in Fatigue.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 342,
Department of Supply, November 1972.
20. Mann, J. Y. The Effect of Rate of Cycling on the Fatigue Properties of 24S-T
Aluminium Alloy.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 188,
Department of Supply, August 1954.
21. Hangartner, R. Correlation of Fatigue Data for Aluminium Aircraft Wing and
Tail Structures.
Natl. Aeronaut Estab. Aero Report No. LR-582, December 1974.
22. Ford, D. G. A Review of CA-25 Winjeel Fatigue Lives.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Note ARL/SM 387, Depart-
ment of Supply, December 1972.
23. Ford, D. G., and Fitting Families of Polynomial S/N Curves to Fatigue Data.
Lewis, J. A. Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 296,
Department of Supply, April1964.

Canvass Numerical Data Provided for Fitting Mean S/N Curves
(a) Data for eye-drawn curves

Median life Log average life

Stress (Sa) I
(K.S.I.) Cycles Log cycles Cycles Log cycles (of log life)
(N) (log N) (N) (log N)

2L65 aluminium alloy

30 18,000 42553 20,900 43209 0015
25 50,000 46990 67,900 48317 0124
225 127,000 51038 151,600 5 1808 0092
20 1,738,000 62401 1,071,000 60298 0569
175 12,560,000 70990 6,215,600 67935 0375
15 56,051,000 77486 46,166,200 76643 0043
DTD 683 aluminium alloy
40 68,000 48325 65,900 48189 0015
II 0151
953,000 59791 1,024,900 60107 i 0013
325 I
30 2,400,000 63802 . 2,956,600 64708 0095
275 11,754,000 70702 10,235,600 70101 0282

TABLE 1-continued
(b) Data for mathematically-defined curves

Alternating Cycles Log cycles

stress (Sa) to failure to failure Averages, variance
(ksi) (N) (log N)

2L.65 aluminium alloy

30 16,000 42041 Median life (log cycles) = 4 2553
17,000 42304 Log average life = 4 3209
18,000 42553 Variance (of log life) = 0 0149
18,000 4.2553
22,000 43424
26,000 44150
35,000 45441

25 45,000 46532 Median life (log cycles) = 4 6990

46,000 46628 Log average life = 4 8317
46,000 46628 Variance (of log life) = 0 1243
50,000 46990
52,000 47160
64,000 48062
419,000 56222

225 88,000 49445 Median life (log cycles) = 5 1038

96,000 49823 Log average life = 5 1808
105,000 50212 Variance (of lo.g life)= 00921
127,000 5 1038
152,000 5 1818
158,000 51987
681,000 58331

20 44,000 46435 Median life (log cycles)= 62401

- 296,000 54713 Log average life= 60298
298,000 54742 Variance (of log life) = 0 5693
481,000 56821
1,738,000 62401
2,758,000 64406
5,066,000 67047
5,135,000 67105
7,966,000 69012

175 411,000 56138 Median life (log cycles) = 7 0990

1,073,000 60306 Log average life = 6 7935
2,952,000 64701 Variance (of log life) = 0 3746
10,077,000 70033
12,560,000 70990
14,071,000 7 1483
16,003,000 72042
,, 18,221,000 72606
20,483,000 73114


TABLE 1--continued

Alternating Cycles Log cycles

stress (Sa) to failure to failure Averages, variance
(ksi) (N) (log N)

15 21,524,000 73329 Median life (log cycles)= 77486

27,359,000 74371 Log average life= 76643
45,731,000 76602 Variance (of1og life)= 00425
56,051,000 77486
59,614,000 77753
61,823,000 77912
. 80,344,000 79050

Additional data
(i) Tensile pr~perties obtained from standard tension specimens (unnotched):
0 1% proof stress = 69 4 KSI
02% proof stress= 703 KSI
Ultimate Tensile Strength= 760 KSI
(ii) Ultimate Tensile Strength of notched specimens (Ke = 16)-identical to
specimens used in obtaining data tabulated above, equals 95 3 KSI.
(iii) All data points have been included; there were no runouts.

" "'

Averages and Scatter of Predicted Lives Using Eye-Drawn S/N Curves

Overall group Experienced Inexperienced Coefficient of variation (sf N) x 100% Maximum . .

. . for predicted life
fi s N s N s Overall I Experienced IInexperienced Overall Experienced Inexperienced
(a) Curves for 2L.65 Aluminium Alloy-Figure 5
A 0237 012 0243 008 0235 014 50 34 58 63 29 63
B 239 096 239 051 239 114 40 21 48 77 24 77
c 194 57 187 51 198 60 29 27 30 43 28 43
_. D 424 80 396 100 439 63 19 25 14 43 39 19
Average of the
4 spectra 27 38 30 51

(b) SfN Curves for DTD 683 Aluminium Alloy-Figure 6

A 133 087 126 023 137 11 66 18 80 115 19 115
B 402 083 407 11 399 063 21 28 16 28 26 20
c 861 21 841 21 873 20 24 25 23 31 25 30
D 102 29 991 29 104 29 28 29 28 40 27 40
Average of the
4 spectra 25 37 24 51

N = Arithmetic average of predicted mean life (cycles) x IQ- 6 .

s = Standard deviation of predicted mean life (cycles) x 10- 6 .
Averages and Scatter of Predicted Lives Using Mathematically-Defined S/N Curves for 2L.65 Aluminium Alloy (Fig. 8)

Predicted mean life (cycles) x I0- 6

Average Standard Coefficient Maximum
Spectrum Polynomial Consecutive Polynomial Maximum predicted deviation of variation Minimum
function- Power straight function- likelihood life s (sf./V)x 100% for predicted
unweighted function line weighted (using N life

A 02649 03964 02337 02379 02387 02743 007 25 17

B 2672 3448 2540 2372 2379 2682 045 17 15

c 2029 1790 2003 1816 1819 1891 11 6 11

Average of the
4431 I
2988 3918 4030 4030 3879 54 14 15

4 spectra 15 14
N =Arithmetic average of predicted mean life (cycles) x 10- 6
s = Standard deviation of predicted mean life (cycles) x I0- 6

,, J.
" 1!1
"' "1'

~30 b- -u-= -= (7)

200 - Figures in parentheses give the
number of test points at
each stress level.

-25 U/.J Ll Ll (7)

en M ~ b. !:A .!::. (7)
-:;- 150 .
~ (9)
~20 ..... Ll Ll Ll Ll Ll

,_ !::. !::. !::. 11 .!::..!::.!::.!::. ~ (9)
~ ~ MPa. ksi.
-..1 <(

I.._. ._. ....
1. . . . . . . . . . (7)-

Is ,...
...... .....
I. 2 5 t:; 2 I
- 2 7 8
10 10 10 Cycles to failure (N) 10 10

300 Figures in parentheses give the
number of test points at each stress

~40 ~
I....._._ (9)

/). ~ /). ~ (9)

250 ..
r-35 ................... !-" (9)
~ fl/). (7)
C) MPa. ksi.
00 Ctl
~30 ~
......_ ~ ~
( 9)
~ /). /). l::J. ~ L (9)'


4 2 5 5 2 5 6 2 5 7 2 5 8 2
10 10 10 10 10
Cycles to failure (N)

FIG. 2 FATIGUE DATA FROM ~E~~~~3~-~~~~~~~N~ ~~~OD~:G~TCHED (Kt = 1.45) SPECIMENS

.0 J.
" ,.,
Q) 08
~- 06


0 -6 -1 0
10 10 10
Relative frequency of exceedances


ca 275

-- 225
+"' 160


120 175

0 20 40 60 80 100



30 foJJl JA A A I I I I I I I I I I I I I
2L65 aluminium alloy, axial load test, notch Kt = 1.6,
mean stress = 9500 psi

I YI~...~
25 n, n

~ 150
"' ~20

-~.... MPa.l ksi. I I I I A


4 2 5 5 2 5 6 2 5 7 8
10 10 10 Cycles to failure (N) 10 10


,; <>
- <!>-


DTD 683 aluminium alloy, rotating cantilever test, notch K = 1.45

' t

4Q I A l,tAAW


<l.l 1-35


5 2 8 2
10 10
Cycles to failure (N)
1d 10

12 12

co 10 co 10
2: 2:
.e Spectrum A
8 -~ 8 Spectrum B
"+- "+-

6 c
.... 6
Q) Q)
..c ..c
4 E
z z
2 2

0 I' I I I I I I I I I I II I I 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Predicted life (cycles) x 10- Predicted life (cycles) x 10- 6
- .I
N 12 18

co 10 ~ 15
2: Q)
..... .....
Spectrum C c
8 ~ 12
Spectrum D
"+- "+-

.... 6 ....~ 9
..c ..c
2 3
0 0I I I I I I I I I I I I
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Predicted life (cycles) x 10- 6 Predicted life (cycles) x 10- 6


. "'
~ --
"' ~



~ A A ll A ll

ll A ll ll llllllllA
w ctl
Equations for mathematically-defined curves

~ 100 1-15 Polynomial- unweighted: log N = 16.73-0.7887 X 10- 3 s + 0.1248 X 10- 7 S2 fYA ll

2 Power function: log N = 49.35 - 10.17 log (S - 2000)

3 Consecutive straight line: log N = 7.386- 1.0216 x 10- 4 S
(30,000 ~ ~ 23,000)
log N = 12.565 - 3.279 X 1 4 S
iO s
(23,000 ~ ~ 15,000)
s + 0.13176 X s2

4 Polynomial- weighted: log N = 16.95- 0.8163 X 10- 3 10- 7
Maximum likelihood: log N = 16.94- 0.8153 x 10- 3 S + 0.13153 x 10- 7 S2
Units: N =cycles.
S =psi

4 2 5 5 2 5 6 2 5 7 8 2
10 10 10 Cycles to failure (N) 10 10


Almm~ingnre~(Sa~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- si. - 0 Zero dwell time
ks o I I I I X 200 rev. dwell time



. 250-
...35 200
rev. )
X )

- .1



4 105 6 7 8
10 2 5 2 5 10 2 5 10 2 5 10
Cycles to failure (N)

FIG. 9 EFFECT OF D~ELL TIME FOR 0.185" (4.7 mm) RADIUS NOTCH (Kt = 1.2)


' 1::
i 'J

" ..,.






~ c
-.1 ....
.Vl Q)


150 4 5 6 7
10 2 5 10 2 5 10 2 5 10 2 5
Cycles to failure (N)




co 250-


Cl X
c X X 0 0
- co
- .l
Batch BF o o o " p
UTS = 75,700 psi "-..

0 0

10 4 2 5 105 2 5 106 2 5 107 2 5 108
Cycles to failure (N)


'" ~


QUESTION-H. A. Wills (retired)

What prospects are there for arnvmg internationally at agreed standards of specimen
preparatio.n and fatigue testing procedures-and for the analysis and presentation of the data?

Author's Reply
In view of the sensitivity of fatigue life to sometimes slight variations in material processing,
test conditions and environment, the question of international standards on fatigue testing is
quite a fundamental issue iri fatigue. Some national and international standards in this field
have been produced. The latest edition of the German DIN 50100 was published in 1953; five
parts of the British Standard BS.3518 have been issued commencing in 1962; and various parts
of the International Standards Organisation Standards and Recommendations have been
available since 1964.
On the whole, these standards are more concerned with definitions, nomenclature and quite
general procedures for fatigue testing, and leave considerable scope for individual fatigue testing
programmes to be carried out under quite different environments, cyclic frequencies, etc. It is
the responsibility of the individual who specifies or plans a particular investigation to select the
testing conditions, etc., which are most appropriate to the end application of the test data.
In the past, fatigue test data have often been obtained simply by using any convenient
test conditions in any available test machine. There is now, however, an increasing awareness
of the effects of testing and environmental variables on fatigue life and of the need, in the
laboratory fatigue test, to more closely represent service conditions if accurate indications of
behaviour are to be obtained. One such example in the aircraft field, is the development of the
standardised fighter load spectrum/sequence-FALSTAFF-which will enable fatigue data
obtained in different laboratories to be directly interchangeable.
International standards on analysis and presentation of fatigue data have not yet been
agreed and it should be clear from the paper why this is so. There is simply a lack of awareness
of how sensitive are, say fatigue life estimates, to the interpretation of the basic test data.
Although we have shown that fatigue data analysis requires judgements which can be rather
subjective, it is hoped that papers such as the present one will focus attention on tnis area and
ultimately lead to standardised procedures.

QUESTION-Dr. L. H. Mitchell
Is there any justification for any of the types of mathematical curve fitting of S/N curves
other than convenience? If not, why not use straight lines between the mean life at each load
level tested? Because of the large standard deviation at each level more sophisticated approaches
are probably not justified. It would be interesting to see the predicted lives with this approach
for your comparative spectra. Also it would be interesting to see the standard deviations of
these predicted lives if the standard deviation were assumed to vary linearly between each load

Author's Reply
In general, there is no particular reason for choosing any specific functional form. But if
S/N curves are drawn in order to use interpolated values, there may be good reasons for rejecting
some forms. For example, a high-degree polynomial may give an excellent fit through the mean
points, but between the data levels the curve may deviate wildly from the general trend of the data
and therefore the form would be rejected.
A similar argument, about interpolations, applies to the fitting of straight lines between
average lives at adjacent stress levels. Interpolations are likely to be closer to reality by using
curves shaped according to the general trend of the data rather than by using straight lines. Also,
the use of a curve brings to bear the information from the data points at all levels in determining
the mean position, as defined by the curve, at any one level; and further, a curve accords with
the supposed physical relationship. Consecutive straight lines are weak on both of these points,
although we do recognise some argument in their favour.

The use of a weighting factor is simply a recognition of the variation in scatter between
stress levels. There is a tendency for scatter to increase with decreasing applied stress and a
linear relation may be a reasonable approximation. We used the actual scatter at each stress level
as a weighting factor, and for the data examined, the predicted mean life was reduced by an
average of 10% over that using the data unweighted.

You have presented a somewhat depressing picture of the very wide scatter in fatigue life
that can arise even where simple test specimens and uncomplicated test methods are used. It is
nevertheless obvious that these test procedures of themselves, contribute to the wide scatter.
Can you indeed identify those factors which invariably lead to wide scatter?

Author's Reply
The scatter of fatigue lives at any stress level is simply a response of the material micro-
structure to the imposed test conditions. If these conditions are not adequately controlled from
one test to the next, even larger scatter will ensue. For example, if the surface finish of the speci-
mens was not controlled, or the test frequency was allowed to vary, or perhaps wide differences
in the test atmosphere occurred, we may expect an increased scatter.
Our paper took the approach of examining the variation in mean life, for a limited number
of cases, where only one test parameter was varied-such as load control, test frequency, material
batch. The question of scatter about these mean lives was mentioned but not examined. The
paper emphasises the need to choose SfN data, for any application, which have been obtained
under conditions as close as possible to the case in hand, and it concludes that, in some cases,
mean service lives may not be predictable to better than a range of about 10 : 1. The factor on
mean predicted life to allow for scatter was not considered.



Fatigue testing of large assemblies and full-scale aircraft structures was for many
years done only as part of research investigations into the fatigue behaviour of materials
and methods of construction.
Difficulties in predicting fatigue behaviour of a structure from data obtained by
testing materials and components, coupled with the economic need to extend the service
life, have resulted in a steady increase in the number offull-scale tests.
Many aircraft designers do fatigue tests on components and assemblies for design
and development, and then carry out a comprehensive fatigue test on a complete structure
to demonstrate compliance with Airworthiness Requirements.
This paper discusses the various testing techniques available, selection of the test
article, data obtainable from fatigue testing of components, assemblies and complete
structures and the conclusions that have been reached based on experience from a large
number offatigue tests on aircraft wings at the Aeronautical Research Laboratories.

Possibly the first full-scale aircraft structural fatigue testing was done in Germany by Gassner 1
on wings, followed after World War 2 by various research programmes to determine fatigue charac-
teristics of aircraft structures, mainly at the Aeronautics Division of the Council for Scientific ,,
and Industrial Research, Melbourne, and to a lesser extent in English and American research
Although lives calculated from these investigations showed a marked difference from lives
obtained from tests on materials, components and assembles, full-scale testing was not univer-
sally accepted, mainly for cost reasons, until fatigue problems continued to occur unexpectedly in
service involving aircraft from a number of countries.
Full-scale structural fatigue tests are now done either early in the service life to justify the
airworthiness criteria, or towards the end of the predicted service life in order to obtain the
maximum economic utilization of the airframe.
Laboratory representation of service conditions for both airworthiness and research investi-
gations has resulted in the use of complex and expensive load control equipment: i.e. computer
controlled and monitored servo electro-hydraulic loading systems.

For many years two separate techniques were employed for loading structures, namely,
hydraulic jacks (actuators) activated by a common oil pressure, or forced vibration near reson-
ance of the structure; this latter technique was used for long endurance tests. There has been a
continuing development of the hydraulic method culminating in electro-hydraulic servo operated
actuators controlled and monitored by a computer, which has become the universal technique
for fatigue testing of all structures.

2.1 Vibration Testing Method

This technique is particularly useful when large numbers of cycles at relatively low percent-
ages of ultimate load are to be applied: it can be easily applied to the repeated loading of struc-
tures, especially wings and tailplanes. These structures can be subjected to a forced vibration in
the fundamental symmetric mode at a frequency just below resonance.
In a wing test, the specimen must be suspended in an inverted attitude to take advantage
of the structure weight, and to facilitate the application of mean loads. Mean load application
can be achieved by suspending masses on low rate springs (see Fig. 1). This method apart from
being cumbersome has a number of disadvantages. The major one is that the relatively heavy
attachment fittings cause an unfavourable mass distribution near the tip, necessitating extra
mass inboard, thus reducing the natural frequency and hence speed of testing.
Most of. the problems can be overcome by using hydraulic jacks loading the structure
through stiff springs: the jacks hold the fixed end of the springs essentially stationary.
The desired alternating load distribution can be obtained by modifying the mass distribu-
tion of the structure with the attachment of an appropriate array of added masses and springs,
together with the provision of a finite wing suspension stiffness.
Various methods of excitation are possible, including:
(a) mechanical (out of balance) dynamic oscillator;
(b) crank and slider driving through a slipping clutch; and
(c) crank and slider driving through a spring.
The magnitude of the driving force is adjusted by controlling the frequency of excitation
just below the resonant frequency of the structure to achieve the desired alternating load. Load
control can be maintained by monitoring the amplitude of vibration, e.g. wing tip deflection,
and the deflection indicator can form part of the frequency control loop.


Details of the design and application of this technique for the fatigue testing of aircraft
wings can be obtained from References 2 and 3. A general view of a Dove aircraft wing under
test is shown in Figure 2.

2.2 Hydraulic Loading Method

Until the advent of the closed loop servo electro-hydraulic loading systems, all previous
hydraulic systems were open loop or "bang-bang". In other words the pressure increased at a
rate depending on the output of the hydraulic power supply, until the desired load was reached
when a solenoid or mechanically operated valve opened the supply line back to the reservoir.
By careful design of the relief valve porting it was possible to produce a load cycle approximately
triangular in shape.
Various load sensing and pressure control systems were successfully developed, 2 4 and by
incorporating an electric resistance strain gauge cell which monitored the load on a large cathode
ray tube, extremely accurate load control was achieved. 5 An hydraulic loading rig used for testing
some 200 Mustang wings is shown in Figure 3.
The loading system utilized low friction hydraulic jacks of various areas connected to a
common oil supply.
Fortunately for those concerned with structural testing, the era of guided missiles produced
highly sensitive electro hydraulic servo valves which formed the major component of a load
control loop having the capability of precisely controlling the load applied by a hydraulic jack.
Furthermore, the control loop comprising either one jack or a combination of jacks can be
commanded by a signal which can, for example, be obtained from a continuously recorded load
parameter taken during actual flight. Since each jack can be individually controlled either
independently or synchronised with a number of other jacks, it is possible to reproduce the
variety of service load conditions in the testing laboratory.
The Aeronautical Research Laboratories (ARL) have equipped their structures fatigue
testing laboratory with a system controlled by a small digital computer which will carry out the
following functions:
(I) Provide independent control of a number of loading actuators (jacks).
(2) Store the load data for individual actuators for all turning points (peaks or troughs) in
a load sequence.
(3) Apply the loads in the required sequence, changing the actuator loads smoothly.
(4) Synchronise actuator load changes to give a smooth change in total applied load.
(5) Measure the applied loads and strains at selected locations in the structure, and keep a
permanent record of a number of these loads.
(6) Protect the test specimen from accidental damage.
The last function requires careful attention, since to maintain control of a closed loop
electro-hydraulic servo system the hydraulic power supply, i.e. pressure and flow, must match
the maximum demand. Hence there is an excess of power available and the specimen can be
easily broken.
A typical set of protection circuits for a wing test is contained in Table I. All of the
circuits are connected to a central latch unit which provides independent display and storage
of the condition of each circuit. The tripping of any circuit connected to the central latch causes
hydraulic locking of all actuators; and special controls together with an auxiliary power system,
are provided to permit removal of locked-in loads.
Further details of the ARL control system including the electronics are contained in
References 6 and 7 and a view of a Mirage wing in the testing rig is shown in Figure 4.
The capability of locking the actuators means that damage to the test specimen is minimised
at final failure, since it is virtually held in the deflected state, providing there are a number of
actuators applying load to the structure. The fatigue fracture faces are held apart allowing the
insertion of suitable material to preserve the markings for subsequent fractographic analysis.

In the early days of structural fatigue research for aircraft design and development pro-
grammes, constant amplitude loading was used. As test data accrued, it became obvious that the

mode of failure and fatigue strength of a riveted structure were dependent on both the maximum
load and the load range of the applied load cycle. This led to the development of the programmed
load sequence which can be used to represent a spectrum of service loads as proposed by
Langford 8 for civil aircraft wings.
ARL investigations had shown that a well designed six load level programme, i.e. three
load ranges, could produce the various modes of failure and fatigue lives predicted from a
series of constant amplitude tests.
However, doubts about load sequence effects on the accumulation of fatigue damage led
to tests where a small number of pre-selected load levels (representative of the loads experienced
in flight) were applied in random order. This sequence had a finite number of load selections far
in excess of that necessary to cause failure of the test specimen so no load sequence was repeated.
A variation of this type of load sequence is to randomise the order of blocks of constant ampli-
tude load cycles rather than individual load cycles. 9
The introduction of the computer using a magnetic control tape has made possible the
reproduction of actual flight-by-flight sequencing of loads. These load sequences are constructed
from short periods of recorded flight data edited to remove small fluctuations. A typical control
tape for a fighter type aircraft can be representative of various loading actions and service con-
ditions as follows:
(a) Manoeuvre loads applied in a sequence obtained from continuous recording during
actual squadron service.
(b) Gust loads applied in a random order but in selected flights. The number of gusts of a
given magnitude for each flight hour is derived from measurements made during exten-
sive flying in a wide variety of aircraft over a considerable range of geographic and
environmental conditions.
(c) Landing gear loads (including wheel spin-up) applied between each flight sequence,
representing significant load fluctuations recorded during take-off and landing trials.
(d) Pressurisation (by air) of the fuel tanks to normal working pressure during each flight.
(e) Variations in chordwise and spanwise loading resulting from movements in centre of
pressure and variations in drag of external stores.


Most aircraft designed in the past 20 years have been subjected to a full-scale fatigue test
to establish a safe service life under a sequence of loads representing either projected or measured
load history. There are two concepts currently accepted by airworthiness authorities throughout
the world, these are "safe life" for non-redundant structures and "fail-safe" for redundant

4.1 General Comments

Some airworthiness authorities rely upon the "safe life" concept when issuing a certificate
of airworthiness where the safe life is based on a theoretical calculation entirely or a calculation
supported by a full-scale fatigue test. This approach has proved to be wasteful, particularly with
military aircraft, because each aeroplane experiences differing degrees of service loads and
conditions, and hence has its own fatigue endurance.
The alternative approach is the "fail-safe" concept in which an aircraft is considered still
safe to operate even though a crack may be present in the primary structure. Essential require-
ments of this concept are firstly that the structure has been designed to be redundant in the
critical load carrying areas, and hence is well able to redistribute load; and secondly that a reason-
able and economic inspection routine exists that can guarantee discovery of any crack before it
has reached its critical length.
A recent development, not yet generally accepted by airworthiness authorities has been the
"safety-by-inspection" procedure which permits continued operation of an aircraft with a crack
in parts of critical structure that are non-redundant. This concept relies on Non-Destructive
Inspection (NDI) techniques combined with established and proven data of crack growth rates,
together with information on residual strength of the cracked structure. All this data is necessary .,
to ensure that the strength, i.e. load carrying ability, of the structure will remain safe until the

next scheduled inspection. ARL have conducted airworthiness fatigue tests covering various
approaches on the following aircraft: Dove, 3 Cessna, 10 Vampire 11 and Mirage. 12

4.2 Fatigue Test Article

Selection of the fatigue test specimen is of prime importance; firstly it must belong to the
same "family" as the aircraft in service, i.e. built on the general assembly line and all modifica-
tions incorporated. For economic reasons there is a strong desire to limit the specimen, e.g. by
not installing control surfaces on wings and truncating the fuselage. Experience has shown that
it is prudent to feed loads into the structure in the same manner as they would be in service, and
to fit all items of secondary structure which could induce fretting corrosion or local stress
Virtually all fatigue cracks leading to collapse of a structure originate through a detail
feature, and by the presence of secondary bending stresses produced by local offsets or sharp
changes in cross section.
In cases where the airworthiness fatigue test is done after the aircraft has been in service
it is advisable to withdraw the oldest airframe from service and use it as the fatigue test specimen.
This enables some of the effects of service environment to be taken into account, including major
factors influencing crack initiation such as corrosion and fretting (produced by small loads
which might not be applied in the test).

4.3 Pre-test Load Measurement

One of the major reasons for doing an airworthiness fatigue test is to reduce the number of
. uncertainties involved in the process of fatigue life estimation. The actual load distribution for
particular loading cases may be ascertained by making flight strain measurements, preferably
on the structure that will be used for the actual fatigue test. Such measurements are significant
especially in the case of strutted wings where the influence of engine nacelles and fuselage on
wing spanwise lift distribution is difficult to establish by other means.

4.4 Simulation of Service Load Spectrum

Prior to the introduction of load control by a computer using magnetic tape, it was necessary
to represent the continuous service load spectrum by a series of discrete load levels. Although,
as mentioned in Section 3, the number can be as small as six, for a symmetric spectrum (i.e.
three load ranges), results have indicated that 12 load levels are preferable to adequately re-
produce an asymmetric spectrum including a ground to air cycle as reported by Mann. 9
There are numerous factors to be considered when determining truncation at both the high
and low ends of the spectrum. At the high load end the infrequent positive loads should be
included because they will cause static failure when the fatigue crack has reached the critical
length for the applied load; however, in the case of work hardening materials they give a
strengthening effect in areas of stress concentration. Schivje 13 in 1963 suggested that the maximum
load imposed in a laboratory test on an aluminium alloy structure should be that load equalled
or exceeded 10 times in the anticipated service fatigue life. Unless service load measurements
indicate otherwise this load should not be closely followed by a large negative (compressive)
load, otherwise the beneficial effect of the positive load is lost. In the case of airworthiness
fatigue evaluation tests the various airworthiness authorities provide guidelines which will
result in a fatigue life on test which has not been influenced either way by the large load cycles.
Guidelines for small American airplanes are given in Reference 14.
At the low end of the spectrum it is regarded as essential that loads be included which
theoretically produce no fatigue damage, since they influence crack initiation by fretting and
loosening of joints. However, some compromise is necessary, as the rate of cycling of the test
rig will generally place a practical limitation on the number of small loads that may be applied
if the result is to be available in a reasonable time.
A comprehensive survey has been made by Mann 9 of the results of many investigations into
,, the various factors that should be considered when designing a test load spectrum.
There is no rigid procedure for determining the intermediate load levels. One of the two
following is usually adopted:

(a) each block ofload cycles producing an equal amount offatigue damage in the specimen;
(b) the peak load magnitude in each block differing by an equal amount to the preceding

4.5 Modification and Repair During Test

A full-scale structural fatigue test also provides data for the design of repair or modification
schemes, and the opportunity to develop and prove these for incorporation if required during the
service life of the aircraft. No changes should be made until the damage has reached a stage that
can be confidently detected in service or, in the case where structural integrity is not impaired,
until the normal overhaul period ..
In those cases where the structure would not be repaired in service for economic or other
reasons, e.g. a time consuming repair or the aircraft would have been in use for many years,
it is possible to effect a repair on the test specimen to stop a fatigue crack a known
area in order to obtain failure in another region. This repair need not withstand design ultimate
load as it will not be used in service. However, in all cases, care must be taken in the design of
the repair not to introduce stress concentrations higher than those existing in the original

4.6 Fail-Safe Substantiation

Fail-safe substantiation as mentioned in Section 4.1 is a concept adopted by airworthiness
authorities 15 16 to ensure that should a serious fatigue fracture or crack occur, the remaining
structure will withstand reasonable flight-loads, without excessive structural deformation, until
such fracture or crack is detected by inspection.
The requirements to ensure these objects are:
(I) The structure must be designed with multiple load paths so that the load can be shared
or shed when cracking occurs in a primary member, i.e. structural redundancy.
(2) The critical load carrying areas must be inspectable using techniques capable of finding
cracks before they reach their critical length. The techniques and frequency of inspection
should be such that if a crack that has already started is missed at one inspection, it is
safe to permit growth until the next, i.e. the strength of the structure will not fall below
a required minimum.
(3) The structure must be capable of tolerating damage, either by redistribution of load
around a failed area, or by selection of design stress levels and material, permitting a
relatively long critical crack length.
(4) In conjunction with structural redundancy there should be a combination of material
selection, design stress levels, and crack stoppers to produce a controlled slow rate of
crack propagation and hence provide a reasonable period between inspections.
With these requirements fulfilled a fatigue test can be carefully designed to reproduce
service loads and hence cause cracking to occur in predicted critical areas of the structure. In
such a test it is often difficult to know when to stop the investigation. Generally this stage is
reached when it becomes no longer a viable economic proposition to repair fatigue cracks and
proceed, or the factored test life has greatly exceeded that life which is required for the aircraft
type. In this latter case the test should continue until fatigue cracks have been found in all
critical areas.
When the test is halted it is often followed by further investigations into the ability of the
structures to withstand proof load and/or into the residual strength of the structure. Most of
these residual strength tests require further weakening of the structure by extending the crack
length until a prescribed percentage of the load carrying tension area remains. Lengthening of
the crack is usually done artificially by saw cutting from the crack tip. When this method is used
it is mandatory that the tip of the critical crack be sharpened by further fatigue cycling of the
The structure may then be statically tested to either failure or to a load just in excess of
that necessary for an acceptable standard of safety.
A test article that has been loaded beyond the maximum load in the fatigue test loading
spectrum for the purpose of residual strength investigation cannot be used any further as a
fatigue specimen, because of the preloading effect on both crack initiation and propagation.

Thus fail safe fatigue investigations require the provision of another test article to establish the
fail-safe characteristics of fatigue cracks as they occur in the test.

4.7 Safe-Life Testing

As previously mentioned in Section 4.1, when testing under a safe-life concept the criterion
used to establish the safe service life is the actual fatigue life to catastrophic collapse divided by
a factor of safety.
All aircraft with non-redundant structures automatically fall into the category of "safe-
life", e.g. strutted wings and single spar attachments to the fuselage. Depending upon the results
of the fatigue test it may be possible to extend the service life by monitoring crack growth, but
this approach is yet to be accepted by airworthiness authorities.
The object of the test when applied to this type of structure is to establish, for the first and
subsequent failures, the components involved and the corresponding fatigue lives using a load
spectrum representing the average for the fleet. Similarly the test specimen is selected as being
a normal average representative structure. Hence the safe life of type so obtained from the test
covers all the operating fleet and each aircraft is removed from service when this life is reached.
Extensive major repairs should not be made to the specimen during the test, because the
whole object is to obtain the life to catastrophic failure of the structure, from which a safe
operating life is derived. However, normal scheduled servicing and inspections are done to main-
tain the test validity.
Progress of a safe-life test can be faster than a fail-safe test, since the detection of a fatigue
crack may only require subsequent monitoring to determine rate of propagation. Similarly in
service the aircraft is only subjected to routine inspections and minor repairs.
The main disadvantage of the safe-life concept is that it restricts the true serviceable life of
better than average structures, and it allows "rogues" to exist undetected. Thus it is wasteful of
the good structures while also harbouring the risk of non-detection of the weaker ones.

4.8 Development of NDI Techniques

Many aircraft owe their long service life to the fact that it was possible to design and develop
non-destructive inspection (NDI) techniques during the full-scale fatigue test, e.g. Venoms
operated by the Swiss Air Force. 17
Some NDI techniques such as radiography rely almost entirely on prior knowledge gained
during testing to give the exact location and shape of a fatigue crack to enable its detection during
service. The application of other techniques using magnetic rubber, eddy current and ultra-
sonics has enabled crack propagation rates to be accurately determined during testing, such
that an extension of life is obtained while the crack is growing to a critical size. This is the basis
of the safety-by-inspection method of fatigue life monitoring.

The fatigue testing of large structural components or sub-assemblies is carried out using
techniques as for full-scale structures. Some aircraft designers for many reasons, of which cost
is a major one, have attempted to predict the fatigue behaviour of the complete structure from
tests on components.
It has been conclusively shown that there are severe limitations in applying the data so
obtained, and such tests are now confined to design and development of structural details and
comparison of relative fatigue performance. 18
Such tests can also provide other useful design data such as:
(i) scatter in fatigue life where new materials or fabrication techniques are introduced;
(ii) crack propagation data for reliability analyses; and
(iii) residual strength of structural elements.
The two main problems when testing structural elements to provide data for life estimation
(a) providing representative load distribution in the test specimen; and
(b) incorporating in the test specimen the manufacturing methods used in constructing the
full-scale structure.

Some of the information that can be obtained from a fatigue test that is representative of
service conditions on a full-scale structure has already been covered. However, it and other
information available from such tests are included in the following summary:
(I) Detection of areas of the structure liable to exhibit fatigue cracking during the service
life of the structure, i.e. location and modes of failure.
(2) Life at which fatigue cracking may be expected to begin in each of these areas.
(3) A reliable value for the mean life to collapse or failure of the structure. A reliable mean
life can only come from a well designed and planned test of a full-scale representative
structure. Such a test also allows a reduction in the scatter factor used to determine the
safe service life. There is a further reduction in the factor on statistical grounds if more
than one specimen is tested.
(4) Rate of crack propagation in terms of service life. If not measured during the test, it is
sometimes possible using fracto graphic techniques to analyse crack growth on the fracture
faces at the completion of the test. This is done by relating the striations or markings on
the surfaces to the load history.
(5) Residual strength of the fatigue cracked structure which provides additional data on
the margin of safety of the structure.
(6) Design data on efficiency of repair and modification schemes, e.g. bonded fibre reinforced
plastic repair patches.
(7) Determination of the inspectability of the structure, coupled with design and develop-
ment of NDI techniques and equipment to be used during the service life of the aircraft.
(8) From tests on a number of identical structures, it is possible to produce data for
subsequent design of similar structures and fatigue life estimation. ARL have produced
such data from tests involving 20 Mosquito, 19 28 Boomerang/ 0 21 Vampire, 5 11 and
222 Mustang 4 21 22 23 24 semi-span wing specimens. Data from these tests together
with data from other investigations have been used in production of the aircraft design .,
data sheets of the Engineering Sciences Data Unit sponsored by the Royal Aeronautical
Society of UK. 2 5 The significant conclusions from full-scale fatigue tests done in ARL
are given in the Appendix.


The commitment of resources required to conduct a worthwhile full-scale fatigue test are
of such a magnitude that the cost effectiveness of such tests must be considered. The following
factors have to be considered before the most appropriate test can be formulated, and plans
made for its execution:
(a) Cost-money, materials, and manpower.
(b) Timing-whether early or late in the life of the aircraft type.
(c) Load representation-use of complete airframe, flight-by-flight or programmed load
(d) Time scale of test-cycling rate of loads, shift work (continuous running).
(e) Inspection-frequency and techniques to be employed.
(f) Environmental factors-service flight conditions.

7.1 Cost
The costing of a test in terms of money, materials and manpower is a reasonably straight-
forward engineering task. The cost effectiveness of a test to determine the safe operating life of
an aircraft is far broader, and involves some unknown factors, and evokes many more. In some
cases it is easier to gauge the cost if a test is not done. This was highlighted by the cost to the
United Kingdom of the fatigue failures in Comet and Viscount aircraft, which caused whole
fleets to be suddenly withdrawn from service; unlike an accident from a cause peculiar to one
aircraft, the presence of a fatigue failure affects equally the whole fleet.
Some years ago Harpur and Troughton 26 analysed costs and were able to show that fatigue ''
testing can be justified on economic grounds alone.

7.2 Timing
For commercial aircraft, it is as important to know before the start of service the period of
safe use as it is to know the scale and type of business that is predicted for the aircraft type.
Hence fatigue tests are usually started prior to entry of the aircraft into service with. the test
staying weU ahead of the service life.
The importance of knowing the safe operating life of a military aircraft is largely determined
by the nature of the current threat. Fatigue is not a major factor in wartime, but during low threat
or peacetime it affects training programmes, and the all important planning for and timing of
replacements to meet the ever changing demands of preparedness. In many cases, fatigue tests of
military aircraft are done towards the end of their theoretical predicted life in order to obtain a
possible extension for the life of type.

7.3 Load Representation

The major consideration is how much of the actual aircraft is available as the test specimen,
because the degree of load representation is directly related to both the aerodynamic complexity,
size and cost of the structure, and its prime service role, e.g. sub- or supersonic, fighter or ground
attack, aerobatic or non-aerobatic, etc.
The number of load cases required to encompass the various operational roles of the air-
craft type depend mainly on its aerodynamic configuration, including fixed or variable wing
sweep, flaps for STOL operation, tailless delta (which requires a large shift in centre of pressure
over the mainplane), etc. Short range and agricultural aircraft have wide weight changes between
the many landings which produce large and frequent ground to air cycles of load.
In general, if the whole airframe is to be tested, then the simulation of service conditions on
wings, undercarriage, tailplane, flaps, engine reaction, cabin, and fuel pressurisation loads, will
require many loading channels to ensure that the various fatigue critical areas are loaded correctly.
These channels will require a comprehensive control system to apply the loads in the correct
order and magnitude, and thus correctly represent the interaction experienced in flight-
A test involving this degree of service load representation must have in-flight load data
available for each channel in order to maintain a balance between the goal of the test and the
considerable cost. The flight data should be edited to remove some of the small but numerous
non-damaging loads, and to see that rare but known loads are included. The data are then arranged
in flight-by-flight blocks, usually in arbitrary order. Modern test rig control systems permit the
sequence of the load cycles within each block to be applied as recorded in service.

7.4 Time Scale of Test

The three main factors effecting the time to complete the test are the cycling rate of the
loading system, the number of loads included to represent the lower portion of the test load
spectrum, and the time taken to effect repairs to the test specimen.
Fatigue behaviour can be modified by variation in the rate of load cycling, but in the case
of full-scale structural testing it is difficult to test faster than the natural frequency of the structure,
e.g., about 12Hz for wings of small aircraft, a rate which is reached in service from gust loadings.
As previously mentioned fatigue tests on aircraft structures are long term programmes, for
example, testing of the Dove wing 3 which involved both airworthiness and research investiga-
tions spanned I 0 years, while in the case of the Mirage wing, 12 where the data were urgently
required for extension of life of type and the test was run continuously, it still took nine months
to simulate 33,000 flights.
Continuous test running is almost essential for full-scale fatigue tests and this will invariably
involve shift work since it is unwise for safety reasons to leave servo hydraulic systems running
unattended. Problems may arise in maintaining complex equipment outside normal working
hours; however, this can be minimised with the use of reliable computer controlled and monitored
It is most important that inspection periods for the specimen and testing equipment be
carefully planned to make optimum use of available skilled staff and serviceable equipment. In
this way the test proceeds as scheduled, and the test results are available sufficiently in advance

of service aeroplanes. However, a large amount of time can be consumed assessing the significance
of fatigue cracks and determining repair procedures before resumption of the test.
For planning purposes it is prudent to assume that actual running of the test rig will occupy
only 25% of the time allocated to conduct of the test, i.e. for an eight hour day the rig running
time will be two hours per day with the remaining six hours being used for inspection, repair and
unscheduled stoppages.

7.5 Inspection
One of the prime reasons for doing a fatigue test is to know when and where fatigue cracks
are likely to occur in the structure. Hence an important objective for inspections in every fatigue
test is to find all the cracks as soon as possible after initiation, and monitor their subsequent
growth. In cases where this is not possible, fractographic techniques have been developed
which enable growth data to be ascertained by an examination of the final fracture surface.
Techniques used and inspection periods chosen are mainly determined by the criteria
adopted by the airworthiness authority. In tests conducted under fail-safe or safety-by-inspection
criteria, the inspection and equipment used in these types of test to find cracks and monitor their
growth are extensive and exacting because of, for one thing, changes of load with redistribution
within the redundant structure.
The test is also used to develop the non-destructive inspection technique so that it can be
confidently used to monitor the airframe in service.
Another essential factor to be determined from the test is the critical crack length for those
areas of the structure liable to crack in service. Time must be spent on these inspections, and on
the assimilation of the knowledge which they are revealing on the fatigue performance of the
structure as the specimen advances toward final failure. Unless an adequate allowance of time
is made for this vital aspect of a fatigue test it is more difficult to meet target dates and obtain
the required data from the test.
Determination of both the timing of the inspections and the specialised equipment to be
used for the various parts of the structure require considerable experience, skill and responsibility,
because so much of the data cannot be obtained later-it must be recorded as it happens.

7.6 Environmental Factors

The effect of environment on fatigue behaviour has not been regarded as being significant
for the majority of subsonic aircraft. Some tests have been done in the open rather than in the
semi-protection of a laboratory, especially in the case of large aircraft where it is less costly and
more convenient. It would be difficult to reproduce the changing conditions of rain, hail, icing,
oil and fuel spillages, bird and lightning strikes, etc., that an aircraft experiences from flight-to-
flight, and almost impossible in the laboratory to simulate the effect of ageing that is experienced
by the structure during its service lifetime.
In the case of supersonic aircraft there are additional stresses imposed on the structure
that can equal in magnitude those arising from manoeuvres, gusts, etc. These stresses are generated
by the thermal gradient that the structure experiences when the aircraft accelerates to supersonic
speed, causing heat to be generated in the boundary layer by compression and frictional forces.
A reverse gradient occurs when the aircraft decelerates. In this latter case the internal structure
is hot after the flight at supersonic speed, and the outside (of relatively low thermal capacity)
is exposed to the cold atmosphere. The thermal stresses produced are proportional to the tem-
perature gradient through the structure, and hence reduce to zero as the structure approaches
uniform temperature. Structural temperatures of 120C can be reached during flight at mach 2 2
(60,000 ft) which can also expose light alloy materials to the effect of creep and other temperature
dependent phenomena.
In any fatigue life investigation on supersonic aircraft these thermal effects must be repro-
duced in the laboratory test even though their simulation adds tremendous cost to an already
costly task.

Despite the continuing hopes that full-scale fatigue testing can be replaced by calculation
and tests on components, experience has shown the continuing need for such tests.

Changes in materials of construction coupled with new or different manufacturing tech-
niques can produce drastic reductions in fatigue life of new aircraft, a recent example being the
General Dynamics Fill airframe. 2 7
The computer controlled electro-hydraulic loading systems should be able to cater for all
loading cases envisaged, although unfortunately the cost is high. However, the testing of super-
sonic aircraft structures still requires considerable research into the production of a laboratory
representation of the thermal cycles, in a reasonable period of test time.
Certain materials such as the ultra high strength steels 28 29 are significantly affected by
the atmospheric environment, and it may be necessary to control this aspect as well during
The variation in service load history for individual aircraft has led to the formulation of
fatigue life monitoring procedures in which fatigue damage for each aircraft is calculated using a
number of significant parameters recorded in service. 12 The essential characteristics of laboratory
tests in the future are that they will be conducted on a complete structure on which a flight-by-
flight sequence simulating the service load history is applied, with the load distribution and
environment varying according to the operating conditions pertaining to each flight.

The large and lengthy full-scale fatigue tests conducted at ARL have only been possible
through the efforts of many persons and organisations who gave their full support and en-
couragement, particularly to the research programmes.
The collaboration of the Department ofTransport (Air Transport Group), Australian airline
companies, and the Royal Australian Air Force is greatly appreciated.

I. Gassner, E. Festigkeitsversuche mit wiederholter Beanspruchung im Flug-
zeugbau (Strength Tests with Repeated Loads in the Construction
of Aircraft).
Luftwissen, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 61-64. February, 1939.
2. Kepert, J. L., Fatigue Characteristics of a Riveted 24 S.T. Aluminium Alloy
Patching, C. A., and Wing. Part 1-Testing Techniques.
Robertson, J. G. Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report SM 246, Department
of Supply, Melbourne, October 1956.
3. Ellis, R., Dove Wing Fatigue Test.
Graff, D. G., and Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Note ARL/SM 408, Depart-
Mitchell, B. J. ment of Supply, Melbourne, May 1974.
4. Mann, J. Y., and Fatigue Tests on "Mustang" Wings and Notched Aluminium
Patching, C. A. Alloy Specimens, With and Without Ground to Air Cycle of
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Note ARL/SM 268, Depart-
ment of Supply, Melbourne, March, 1961.
5. Patching, C. A., and Comparison of an Aluminium Alloy Structure with Notched
Mann, J. Y. Specimens under Programme and Random Fatigue Loading
Fatigue Design Procedures, pp. 395-432. Pergamon Press, Oxford,
6. Ludowyk,C.L,and
Moody, F. S.
Application of Electro-Hydraulic Control to Wing Fatigue Testing.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Note ARL/SM 412, Depart-
. ..

ment of Defence, Melbourne, November 1974. ('

7. Moody, E. S. A Computer Based Instrumentation System for Structural Fatigue
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Note Structures 420, Depart-
ment of Defence, Melbourne, January 1976.
8. Langford, P. S. An Airworthiness Fatigue Requirement for Civil Aeroplane Wings.
Australian Aeronautical Research Committee, AARC 35, Novem-
ber 1955.
9. Mann, J. Y. Fatigue Testing-Objectives, Philosophies and Procedures.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report No. ARL/SM 336,
Department of Supply, February 1972.
10. Benoy, M. B., Fatigue Tests on the Cessna 180 Wing and Strut.
Verinder, F. E., and Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 318.
Maddock, T. S. Department of Supply, Melbourne, October 1967.
11. Bruton, R. A., and Fatigue Testing of Twenty-Three Aircraft (Vampire) Wings.
Patching, C. A. Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Department of Defence,
Structures Report (unpublished).
12. Howard, P. J., Life Estimation by Parametric Analysis, Problems with Fatigue in
Patching, C. A., and Aircraft.
Payne, A. 0. Proceedings of the Eighth ICAF Symposium, ICAF Doc. No. 801,
Swiss Federal Aircraft Factory, Emmen, June 1975.
13. Schivje, J. Estimation of Fatigue Performance of Aircraft Structures.
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures, Cleveland, ASTM S.T.P. No. 338,
pp. 193-215.
14. Fatigue Evaluation of Wing and Associated Structure on Small
Report No. AFS-120-73-2, Department of Transportation, Federal
Aviation Administration, Washington, May 1973.

15. Design Requirements for Service Aircraft.
Av.P. 970, Vol. 1, Chapter 200.
16. British Civil Airworthiness Requirement, Section D, Chapter D 1.
17. Branger, J. Life Estimation and Prediction of Fighter Aircraft.
International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, April 1969.
18. Payne, A. 0. The Fatigue of Aircraft Structures.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 8, pp. 157-203, Pergamon
Press, 1976.
19. Johnstone, W. W. Static and Repeated Load Tests on "Mosquito" Wings.
Division of Aeronautics Report SM 104. Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research, Melbourne, September 1947.
20. Johnstone, W. W., An Experimental Determination of the Fatigue Strength of CA-12
Patching, C. A., and Boomerang Wings.
Payne, A. 0. Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report SM 268, Department
of Supply, Melbourne, 1959.
21. Payne, A. 0., et al. Fatigue Characteristics of a Riveted 24 S-T Aluminium Alloy
Wing: Part V-Discussion of Results and Conclusions.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report SM 268, Department
of Supply, Melbourne, 1959.
22. Jost, G. S. The Fatigue of 24 S-T Aluminium Alloy Wings under Asymmetric
Spectrum Loading.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report SM 295, Department
of Supply, February 1974.
23. Payne, A. 0. Random and Programmed Load Sequence Fatigue Tests on 24
S-T Aluminium Alloy Wings.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 244,
Department of Supply, Melbourne, September 1956.
24. Jost, G. S., and A Comparison of Experimental and Predicted Fatigue Lives of
Lewis, Jeanette A. Mustang Wings under Programmed and Random Loading.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 300, Depart-
ment of Supply, Melbourne, December 1964.
25. Data Sheets-Fatigue, Vol. 1, Sheet E.02.01.
Engineering Sciences Data Unit, London, June 1962.
26. Harpur, N. F., and The Value of Full-Scale Fatigue Testing.
Troughton, A. J. Fatigue Design Procedures, Pergamon Press, London, 1969.
27. Hinders, Urban A. F-111 Design Experience-Use of High Strength Steel.
AIAA Paper No. 70-884, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, New York, July 1970.
28. Kemsley, D. S. The Effects of Water Vapour Content and Temperature of an Air
Environment on the Fatigue Behaviour of an Ultra-High Strength
Metallurgica, Vol. 10, pp. 421-24, Pergamon Press, United States,
29. Jost, G. S. Fatigue Tests on Ultra High Strength Steel Structures (Humphries
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report ARL/SM 347, Depart-
ment of Supply, Melbourne, March 1974.
30. Payne, A. 0. Determination of the Fatigue Resistance of Aircraft Wings by
Full-Scale Testing.
Full Scale Testing of Aircraft Structures, pp. 76-132, Pergamon
Press, London 1960.
31. Parry-Jones, G. Fatigue Crack Propagation in Mustang Wings.
Report SM 289, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Department
of Supply, Melbourne, June 1962.

Conclusions from ARL Full Scale Fatigue Tests
From the numerous experimental investigations involving fatigue testing of full-scale
structures at ARL, it has been possible to arrive at a number of conclusions concerning tech-
niques and the fatigue behaviour of riveted aluminium alloy structures.
The following is a brief statement of the more significant findings, not in any order of
(I) The different methods of testing employed, viz. hydraulic and vibration, give appreci-
ably the same results, e.g. life to crack initiation and collapse, modes of failures, etc.,
under identical loading conditions. 2
(2) The types of failure which occur in separate areas of the structure under constant load
amplitude testing are dependent on the load range and the peak load of the cycle. In
the case of the Mustang wing, seven distinct types of failure were identified in four
areas. 21
(3) The continuous spectrum of service loads may, for testing convenience, be rationalised
into programme blocks comprising a relatively small number of load ranges (from 3
to 6), or into random sequences of turning points at a number of levels (from 12 to 22).
These sequences have proved adequate to establish the various locations of failure and
their sequence. 11 3 0 In a well designed test on an aircraft structure there will usually
be a number of failure regions. In the case of the Dove wing, 3 the structure cracked at
approximately 27 locations, while on the Vampire wing 24 there were 12 failure regions.
(4) Riveted structures of 24 S-T or similar alloy show very similar fatigue strengths when
compared on the basis of average stress in the critical areas. Such structures may be
represented by a common alternating stress-mean stress diagram using a standard
deviation in log life of S = 0 32, which includes the effect of variation between
structure types and the variation within structure types. 21 Such basic information is
required when the need arises to make a cumulative damage summation for structures
subjected to variable amplitude load histories. Such a diagram has proved useful for
making preliminary estimates of the safe life of 24 S-T structures.
(5) Fatigue failure in a riveted and bolted structure cannot be accurately predicted by
tests on simple fabricated or notched fatigue specimens. The value of theoretical stress
concentration factor required to give equivalent fatigue lives has ranged from 3 3 to
4 2. 5, 21

(6) The effect of a high preload, e.g. anything greater than 70% of the ultimate failing load
in the tension mode, is to prolong considerably the life of the structure. However, in
one experiment there was found an optimum value of approximately 85% of the
Ultimate Failing Load, producing a maximum increase in life of about 300%. 21
(7) The rate of crack propagation through a redundant 2024 aluminium alloy structure is
reasonably constant for a large part of the total life (40% to 70%), then the crack rate
progressively increases until failure occurs. 31
(8) The assumption of linear cumulative damage shows reasonable agreement with the
data for load levels of practical interest, provided a suitable procedure is adopted for
replacing a fluctuating load sequence by equivalent load cycles. 23
(9) The Laboratories have tested various ways of converting load histories to load cycles,
as far as fatigue damage is concerned. None of the conversions has led to completely
satisfactory predicted lives under random conditions, but they were fairly accurate for
programmed loading. 24 Hypothesis HI (load fluctuations determining fatigue damage
are obtained by combining maximum "peaks" and minimum "troughs", irrespective
of position in the sequence), known as the peak count method, gives, in general,
predicted lives closest to those actually obtained and it is usually conservative; all
other methods investigated produced optimistic lives. Hence for the purpose of con-


servatively estimating fatigue lives from basic S-N data the general use of Hypothesis
Hl is recommended.
Considerable care is necessary in scaling S-N data so as to match total calculated
fatigue damage to that observed in spectrum fatigue tests. In the case, for example,
where linking manoeuvres are in significant numbers, or where the spectrum resolves
itself into separate ground and air cycles, other methods, e.g. range pair counting, may
prove preferable to Hl for scaling the S-N data.
(10) The variation in the transfer of load between removable panels and primary structure,
i.e. panels such as fuel tank doors, attached with screws which may loosen, can greatly
influence both the life and mode of final fatigue failure.
(11) It is essential in any full-scale fatigue test to continue the test until fatigue cracking
occurs, i.e. until the fatigue critical component(s) or region(s) have been identified,
and the way in which the fatigue failures develop. This applies especially to the "fail
safe" type of structure. Progressive repairs to the fatigue cracked regions may be used
to prolong the test.
(12) The estimation of fatigue life of a structure using existing data relating to similar
structures or components is subject to a number of errors. Moreover the changing load
distribution particularly in a redundant structure is so complex that fatigue testing of
individual components does not in general well produce the actual loading conditions.
Hence a fatigue test on the complete structure is necessary.
(13) The introduction of a large negative load, e.g. the ground-to-air cycle of loading,
greatly reduces the fatigue endurance. In the case of the Mustang wing, specimens
tested under a load spectrum representing a four engined turbo prop transport aircraft,
,, gave a reduction in endurance of between 70% and 80% when the ground to air cycle
was included. 4
(14) The residual strength of a cracked structure is difficult to calculate since in the case of
a relatively ductile material such as 24 S-T aluminium alloy the general yielding at
failure is sufficient to redistribute the load across the cracked section.
( 15) In many specimens the fatigue cracking leading to final failure of the structure was not
detected until catastrophic collapse occurred, despite the application of a recom-
mended non-destructive inspection technique. Hence it is essential to identify cracks in
those full scale fatigue tests that are designed to allow for continued service of aircraft
using the "safety by inspection" method of operation.
(16) The costs involved in a fatigue test programme are quite large and the technical prob-
lems associated with simulation of actual service conditions difficult to solve; hence
the design of a fatigue test requires the application of considerable engineering judg-
ment in order to achieve a cost-effective yet realistic test.
(17) Screw fastener tightening techniques can produce large variations in stress in primary
structure, e.g. a range of 20% in the spar boom of a wing containing a number of large
removable panels. 1 1
(18) Radiographic inspection using X-rays was not found to be a reliable means for detec-
tion of cracks, even when the crack had been located visually. 1 0 11 12
(19) Wooden aircraft structures have fatigue lives greatly in excess of those fabricated
from aluminium alloy, 11 19 in the case of the Vampire tests two fuselages outlived 23


Circuits for Loading System

No. Name Function/Description "

Protection Monitors
1 Pump Room Status This circuit shows when hydraulic power is available, and will
inhibit starting the system if pumps are off-line. Will stop all
systems through main latch (lock-up systems) if hydraulic
power fails.
2 PDP-11 Status Shows computer is operating and on correct programme.
Circuit is set by the computer, and when not set inhibits
resetting the main latch. It shuts the system down through
the main latch and solenoid valve supply if the computer
3 Total Power The circuit monitors system power supplies and inhibits reset
of the main latch until all system electrical power is avail-
able at the specified voltage levels. It shuts the system down
through the main latch if a power supply fails.
4 Smoke Detectors All instrument racks are monitored for smoke. If smoke is
detected the system is shut down through the main latch
and a fire alarm is started.
5 Safety System Indicates all protection printed circuit cards are correctly
Security plugged into modules. Cards in the protection system carry "
shorting links which are all connected in series. If the loop
opens the system is shut down through the main latch.
6 Manual Stop Buttons Provides for emergency intervention by the operator. Buttons oj

exercise direct control over the mechanical contactor in the

electrical supply to the solenoid valves and as a secondary
action trip the main latch.
7 Inertia Switch Responds to violent motion of the wing, and will stop the
system through the main latch unless inhibited by the com-
puter. The switch is automatically reset whenever the
inhibit signal is removed.
8 Wing Limits Microswitches monitor travel of all actuators applying load
to the wing. These switches can shut the system down
through the main latch and through the mechanical con-
9 Undercarriage Limits As for circuit 8, but monitors the travel of the undercarriage
10 LVDT Limits Uses linear variable differential transformers to monitor the
position of the wing. The circuit will stop the system through
the main latch should the output voltage of the trans-
formers exceed preset limits.
11 Rig Oil Pressure When the rig oil pressure is zero prior to starting this circuit
must be cocked by the operator before the main latch can
be reset. Once the correct operating pressure is achieved the
cocking circuit is automatically disabled, thereafter a fall in
pressure below the set value will stop the system through
the main latch.
12 Excess Error Monitors error signal magnitudes in all servo-amplifiers, and
shuts the system down through the main latch if the error
exceeds a preset value on any servo-amplifier.
13 Excess Load Monitors the load signal magnitudes in all servo-amplifiers,
and shuts the system down through the main latch if the ...
load exceeds its preset value in any servo-amplifier.

TABLE 1-continued

No. Name F uncti onfDescri pti on

14 Slew Rate Limiting Limits the maximum flow rate through the servo-valve by
limiting the magnitude of the electrical signal which can be
applied to it.

Control Circuits
I Main Latch to Carries a signal from the output of the main latch to the
Computer computer, and initiates a programme branch to the "Fault"
2 Valve Supply to Indicates when electrical power is applied to the solenoid
Computer valve circuit, and in the READY and RUN states only, can
also switch the computer programme to the "Fault" routine.
In part this circuit duplicates the previous one.
3 Mechanical Contactor Supplies electrical power to the hydraulic solenoid valve
Control control circuits. It embraces emergency stop buttons, key
switch, and microswitch limit switches. Circuit can initiate
main latch action.
4 Key Switch Operator's key switch must be closed before the mechanical
contactor and thence the solenoid valves can be energised.
Closing this key is the first step in the application of power
to the test rig.
5 Servo-valve Isolator When the main latch is tripped the base circuits of the tran-
sistors driving the servo-valve coils are opened. This reduces
all servo-valve coil currents to zero and centres the valves.
6 Valve "V2" Switching "V2" is made up of the two solenoid valves which together
provide the main hydraulic control for the rig. The normal
control circuits of these valves are fully duplicated, but when
the main latch is tripped it de-energises only one of these
valves directly. The other valve is de-energised by a com-
bination of computer status and servo-amplifier status
signals. The objective of this arrangement was to provide
several possible paths for the shutdown signal.
7 Error Circuit Inhibit During the application of "spring-back" load to the under-
carriage this circuit inhibits all error signal monitors in the
servo-amplifiers, and the inertia switch signal, to avoid
spurious main latch shutdown. Without this inhibit signal
the large transient signal would trip the main latch.
8 Inertia Switch Auto- The inertia switch may be tripped during the application of
matic Reset spring-back load. This circuit ensures the inertia switch is
reset before the inhibit signal is removed.

Protection (Miscellaneous)
I Calibration Circuit Shunt calibration relays in the feedback amplifiers can only
Inhibit be energised when the key circuit is open. The application
of electrical power to the solenoid valve circuit places an
additional open circuit in the calibrate relay lines.
2 Barrier Condition A system of light beams monitors movement of personnel
into the inner test rig area. If the barrier circuit has been
tripped the system cannot be started until the area is checked.
If the barrier is tripped while the system is running a warn-
ing is sounded in the control room.
3 Voice Recording Voices on the inter-com system are automatically recorded on
a voice operated cassette magnetic tape recorder.




~ ~I I
! I ! I I

~ll-Q QQ I MASSES ~l


c <:. Q

~--------- --------- -------------

,.. '=

1. Port wing
2. Starboard wing
3. Dummy centre section
4. Centre section tension boom
5. Representative shear web
6. Support beams
7. Flexible steel links
8. Cross beam
9. Concrete column
10. Rubber buffer blocks
11 . Wing attachment points -3
12. Stroking machine
-...J 13. D.C. motor
14. Deflection indicator striker
plates (indicator not shown)
15. Mean load jacks
16. Attachment springs
17. Load attachment frames,
including added masses
18. Stroking machine
attachment frame

15 13 18 12 i5 17 5 3 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 15 2 16 14


u (l


QUESTION-T. M. McPherson
(Engineering Development Establishment)
You mentioned that consideration had been given to the possibility of pre loading a structure
with the view to increasing its fatigue life. Just how serious is the possibility? What are the
problems? Would you please expand on this matter?

Author's Reply
Pre loading of a 24 S-T AI. alloy riveted structure to beyond 70% UTS will prolong the life
under a much smaller fluctuating load. In experiments at ARL the optimum value of preload
was found to be 80% which increased the life to failure by 300%.
The main problem is to load a structure to this high value so that all critical areas are pre-
loaded, and other areas are not loaded beyond design limit stress. Large aircraft can have about
30% of wing area moveable, i.e. flaps, slats, spoilers, ailerons, etc., which influences the various
loading cases to cover all flying conditions. When a loading case is defined, a rig has to be
designed to apply and react the combination of these substantial loads.
If the structure were less complex and non-redundant, requiring say only one loading case
to cover the major part of the flight envelope, there may be a strong case to take advantage of
the pre-load effect.
During the early 1950s there was serious consideration given to subjecting new aircraft to
design limit load during the production test flight. However, the idea was dropped because of
the likelihood of exceeding the desired load and the fact that this could only apply 66% UTS
which would be of doubtful value.

QUESTION-J. G. Garlick
(Defence Science Administration)
Would you comment on the application of your techniques to the field of helicopter flight I'
loads and fatigue, as opposed to conventional airframe fatigue, which has been the principal
concern of your paper.

Author's Reply
The techniques developed at ARL for fatigue testing of aircraft structures have been simple
in concept; namely, to find means to simulate the "in-flight" loading conditions by distributing
loads into the specimen in such a way as to not interfere with the structural integrity of the
specimen. Before this can be done the magnitude, frequency, distribution and sequence of flight
loads must be known.
Computer controlled servo-hydraulic systems have made it possible to apply any combina-
tion and sequence of loads that can be determined by instrumented flight tests, or from prediction.
The only problem is time and money to design, construct, and commission these systems.
Considerable difficulty is met when these tried and proven techniques of fatigue testing
are required to test a flying machine like a helicopter in which the lifting surfaces serve also as
the propulsion device. This produces forces, i.e. "Tennis Racquet" moment, Coriolis force, etc.,
that can only be effectively produced by actually rotating the blades.
Other forces combine in forward flight to produce loads of small magnitude but high
frequency (i.e. at natural resonance of the blade), and hence accumulate large n values. These
forces must be included in the test because most current helicopter blades are made from
aluminium alloy which has no fatigue limit. In addition, to simulate the interaction of all these
blade loads on the drive gear would require a 6 degree-of-freedom servo hydraulic loading
The recording and analysis of helicopter flight load data are equally difficult because of the
many forces that act and interact and do so on differing planes. However helicopter fatigue testing

can be done to a very high degree of simulation using the techniques of current flight load
acquisition equipment and computer controlled servo hydraulic loading systems.

I query the appropriateness of maximum-peak minimum-trough type counting. The interpre-
tation of ARL structural test results was made before there was much research on counting
methods. For large excursions such as ground to air cycles the numbers of counts are almost
As well as being as good an explanation, the range pair counting has more theoretical
support which has been discussed by Japanese workers (Endo eta/.).

Author's Reply
The proving of various methods of accounting for load cycles in a varying sequence has,
to the authors' knowledge, not yet shown which method produces the most reliable estimate.
Certainly the interpretation of ARL test results used only the five methods proposed at that time,
and as yet the range pair counting has not been tested on that data.
However, any calculation of fatigue damage made for determination of safe life of an air-
craft structure must be either correct or conservative, and the maximum-peak to minimum-
trough type of counting was conservative in all cases checked.

(Vickers Research Pty. Ltd.)
I was an engineering apprentice at the RAE, Farnborough-1934-38. It would be late in
'35 or early '36 when some fatigue tests were conducted on a Fairey Ill F monoplane (if my
memory serves me correctly).
The machine was mounted on a suspension and an electrically driven oscillator mounted
on the wings. I assume these tests would have been reported in an RAE Tech. Memo presumably
available from the Librarian.

Author's Reply
The authors are interested to learn of the early fatigue tests on the Fairey aeroplane; however,
the reports of these tests, no doubt along with others, have not been released for publication.
Our reference for reports has been the bibliography on the fatigue of materials, components and
structures 1838-1950 compiled by J. Y. Mann and published by Pergamon Press, and the tests
referred to are not listed there.

QUESTION-R. B. Douglas
(Department of Transport)
The authors have described "safety-by-inspection" as not having been accepted by air-
worthiness authorities. Could they please explain how this differs from "fail safe based on partial
failure of non-redundant structures" which is accepted by some airworthiness authorities?

Author's Reply
The fail-safe concept envisages a redundant structure capable of experiencing a relatively
large fatigue crack or even failure of a component part, which could be easily found during a
routine inspection, while the structure still retains sufficient strength and stiffness for safe
operation. As far as the authors are aware this requirement is still applicable, and furthermore,
when such a crack is detected in a fail safe structure it may be either repaired or retired.
However, "safety-by-inspection" is being used to extend the service life of cracked non-
redundant structures by monitoring the growth of extremely small cracks, e.g. less than I mm
long. The detection of such small cracks in structures which are not easily inspected requires
the use of very costly and time consuming inspection procedures.
These inspections are made at intervals derived from calculations based on a thorough
knowledge of the crack propagation characteristics of the critical area. Currently at ARL
structural reliability theory is applied to the calculation of these intervals.

This approach has been used only in those situations where life of type cannot be obtained
by other proven means.

QUESTION-Air Vice Marshal R. Noble

(Department of Defence-Controller Service Labs. and Trials)
(1) Are there trends towards standardisation of flight load spectra throughout the world?
(2) Is there a trend to wider use of fatigue monitoring recorders and techniques in individual

Author's Reply
Standard fatigue loading proposals were made in 1973 1 when it was considered desirable
to test transport type aircraft using a common loading sequence.
In May 1975 proposals for a Fighter Aircraft Loading Standard for Fatigue (FALSTAFF) 2
based on the operation of four different aircraft types flown by European air forces were presented
for examination by the member countries of the International Committee on Aeronautical
Fatigue (ICAF).
Although there is considerable merit in using a standard loading spectrum, there is still
some uncertainty in effecting the transformation from test life into flying life for the particular
service load spectrum. Hence, airworthiness authorities are still inclined to require a test loading
which closely represents the conditions for the structure under consideration.
Peacetime economies dictate that aircraft are operated to the maximum possible service
life. Fatigue lives estimated on the basis of average operating conditions are of necessity conser-
vative. Furthermore, data collected from various countries has shown quite a range in the
severity of loads experienced by different aircraft of the one type both during flight and on the
Hence, there is an increasing use of fatigue monitoring equipment and many fleets carry
recorders in every aircraft.
The wider range of operating conditions for some aircraft, such as variable swept wing types
has led to the introduction of multi-channel recorders which obtain data on a number of opera-
tional parameters and these are being fitted to a significant percentage of the fleet.

1. de Jonge, J. B. A Standardised Load Sequence for Flight Simulation Tests on
Schutz, D., Transport Aircraft Wing Structures.
Lowak, H., and LBF-Bericht FB-106/NLR, TR 73029U, March 1973.
Schijve, J.
2. Description of a Fighter Aircraft Loading Standard for Fatigue
ICAF Document No. 839, March 1976.







Current procedures for fatigue design and fatigue life estimation, substantiation
and monitoring of aircraft structures are reviewed. Major gaps in the present state of
knowledge are identified and further research directed towards filling these gaps is
It is shown that the fatigue assessment of modern aircraft structures is a very complex
problem for which no general method of solution has yet been established despite the
extensive research programmes being conducted on various aspects of the subject.
There is, however, a well developed trend for basic studies of the various aspects of
fatigue behaviour to find increasing application and reference is made to the major fields
of structural fatigue research.


The fatigue of airframes became a serious problem of air safety in the 1950-1960 era; it
has since received not only a great deal of attention from aircraft designers and airworthiness
authorities, but it has also been the subject of extensive investigation by aeronautical research
establishments throughout the world. As a result, the safety aspect has been overcome but with
considerable economic and operational penalties. Because of these penalties and the continuing
trend towards high performance aircraft, fatigue is one of the most important design and
operational considerations for both military and civil aircraft, and there is a continuing effort
to develop more refined methods of fatigue design and analysis. Despite the large amount of
research there is still no final solution from the engineering point of view and none of the current
fatigue design and life monitoring procedures has become universally accepted. 1
This paper reviews the field of fatigue of aircraft structures with the objectives of:
(a) presenting a general picture of the state-of-the-art,
(b) assisting the formulation of a more unified approach to the problem,
(c) indicating areas where research is needed to achieve a satisfactory solution.

Throughout its service life the aircraft structure is subjected to a complex sequence of loads
ranging from very frequent fluctuating loads of small amplitude up to very large loads approach-
ing the ultimate strength. It may also be subjected to a considerable range of temperatures and
atmospheric conditions.

2.1 Loading Actions

The basic load environment consists of manoeuvres characteristic of the aircraft type and
its missions and of gusts characteristic of the atmosphere and the structural response. The
applied loading can be derived from a knowledge of the flight parameters and the aircraft con-
figuration (i.e. the details of each mission) and the member loads or stresses in the structure can
then be calculated.
In some aircraft the loads applied during landing, taxying and take-off are comparable in
severity to the flight loads and must be considered in estimating fatigue damage.
In the design stage, representative data must be relied on but during the life the load history
can be obtained from measurements within the fleet. This may be done either by sampling to
estimate the average spectrum or preferably by recording in each individual member of the fleet.

2.1.1 Manoeuvre Loads

Recording programmes have been carried out, particularly on military aircraft to obtain
data on manoeuvre accelerations. In the US the Vgh recorder has been extensively used and
although the continuous record from this instrument presents a formidable problem of data
analysis it allows the separation of manoeuvre loads from gusts loads. In (he UK, Europe and
Australia, the RAE fatigue meter has been widely used to record vertical acceleration and this
direct reading instrument has provided a great store of data. The gust counts are established
either from civil aircraft operation under corresponding conditions (where manoeuvre loads can
be neglected) or by consideration of the negative loads which are nearly all due to gusts.
Representative data on manoeuvre loads are presented in military specifications/ 3 and in
the general literature. 4 5

2.1.2 Turbulence
Investigation of flight loads at very low altitude over various types of terrain have given
detailed information on low level gusts. 6 7 A spectrum of gust velocities in clear air and in

thunderstorms has been obtained for various altitudes in an extensive programme by NASA. 8
Information on flight loads, primarily due to gusts, has been obtained on nearly all the
civil airline routes of the world. As a result of these investigations much information has been
obtained on atmospheric turbulence and is presented in various references. 9 10
Unlike a manoeuvre, a gust applies a dynamic load to the aircraft and the elastic response
of the structure has a major influence on the resulting load. This problem has been investigated
analytically and relationships between gust velocity and the consequent aircraft response have
been published. The techniques of power spectrum analysis have also been applied and while
they are more complex they can help relate the random load history of the structure to a random
applied load input.

2.1.3 Landing Load Cycles

In transport and bomber aircraft, the load cycles applied during landing, taxying and take-
off (referred to as landing load cycles) may do appreciable fatigue damage because the overhung
weight of the wings, particularly with full fuel tanks, produces a bending-moment comparable
with that under flight loads. This increases not only the effective amplitude of fatigue loads, but
produces the tensile stresses in the upper wing surface which may lead to fatigue failures there
Data have been collected on landing load cycles and some load spectra are available in the
literature. 2 5 11

2.1.4 Composite Mission Analysis

In the military field, there are many different mission categories for the various aircraft
types, and a Composite Mission Analysis is often the best or even the only realistic approach
to adopt. This is a basic approach which identifies "mission segments" or parts of the mission
for which the relevant flight parameters are substantially constant.
The characteristic environmental spectra of the mission segment given in terms of these
parameters, can be applied to give the corresponding spectra for any aircraft operating in the
mission segment. In this way the environmental spectra for a mission can be built up from its
components or mission segments.
This comparatively recent approach has been developed by the USAF 2 and with the com-
pilation of the appropriate data it should provide a powerful method for establishing environ-
mental spectra.

2.2 Other Factors

As aircraft become more complex, the effects of environment begin to assume more
importance. Thus the introduction of jet aircraft led to problems of sonic fatigue; super-
sonic aircraft introduced effects related to kinetic heating which combined with mechanical
load cycles presents a potential fatigue problem. Jet engines and aerodynamic buffeting at high
speed have introduced vibration problems. pevelopment of higher strength materials has
accentuated the effects of corrosion.

2.2.1 Sonic Effects

Sonic fatigue may arise where fluctuating air pressures (usually associated with jet noise
or turbulent boundary layer fluctuations) cause resonant vibrations of structural panels. The
stress and strain levels so induced may be sufficient to cause fatigue cracking. The input energy
is commonly broad-band random, and the resulting vibration has either a single mode or a small
number of modes. Therefore the structure behaves as a filter, responding only to the resonant
frequency components present in the exciting noise spectrum.

2.2.2 Temperature Effects

The greatly increased speeds of modern aircraft produce heat in the boundary layer due to
adiabatic compression and skin friction, and this presents potential problems. The increased
temperature of the structure may cause long term deterioration of the material properties; this

can be countered by the introduction of materials with good performance at elevated tempera-
tures such as titanium and stainless steel. Creep deformation at the higher operating temperature
does not appear to be a serious problem since the sustained mean stress is not large compared
to the ultimate strength. Thermal strains arising from non-uniform temperature distribution are
potentially serious in relation to static strength as well as fatigue. High temperature testing of
structures to meet the critical static strength condition is becoming more widely adopted, but
some investigation into the effect of repeated thermal cycling is required.

2.2.3 Vibration
The flexible structures in large aircraft may have pronounced dynamic effects under gust
loads and landing loads, and the resulting vibration of the structure may cause considerable
fatigue damage. Extensive research is in progress on aeroelastic effects such as occur when a
structure in flight is subjected to a rapidly applied gust load, but theoretical analysis is difficult
until ground resonance tests are done on a prototype structure. With the continuing trend towards
large aircraft in which these dynamic effects can be important, there is a need for further research
in this area.

2.2.4 Corrosion
Corrosion has proved to be a serious problem in some materials such as the zinc bearing
aluminium alloys and the low alloy ultra-high strength steels; it can cause a marked decrease
in fatigue strength and it is a factor subject to considerable variability. The intergranular
cracking characteristics of stress corrosion can be particularly serious in areas where there are
in-built assembly stresses or internal stresses due to interference fit connectors.
The development of modern inspection techniques has provided some measure of safety
against intergranular cracking but repair schemes are usually difficult and costly.

2.3 Further Research Needed

More accurate prediction of aircraft service loads under specified operating conditions is
required particularly in the design stage before flight measurements are available. For this
purpose, it is necessary to establish those parameters in the load history which affect the fatigue
life of the structure. These parameters must be related to any theory for accumulation of fatigue
damage discussed in the next section. However, it is relevant here since the factors significant
in fatigue are the essential data to be obtained in the flight recording programme.

2.3.1 Pool of Representative Flight Data

A co-operative programme is required for the collation and pooling of data by various
countries to obtain characteristic representations of operating conditions and load histories for
various aircraft.
Compilation of representative load spectra is being carried out by many establishments as
referred to in Section 2.1 but there is a dearth -of information on asymmetric loads. The major
requirement is to obtain data defining representative load histories for various aircraft types. 12

2.3.2 Aircraft Response

Further research is required into the elastic response of aircraft structures to a random load
input, 1 3 14 particularly as regards techniques for determining mode shapes and frequencies ..
Attention should also be given to the more accurate determination of the stresses induced by the
elastic response of large civil and military transport aircraft to both gust loads, and landing
and taxying loads.

2.3.3 Turbulence
Increasing attention is being given to the development of a model of atmospheric
turbulence. 15 In addition to providing a fuller understanding of the variability of turbulence,
this would meet the practical requirement of providing representative gust load spectra for
various altitudes and areas of operation.

2.3.4 Taxying Loads
Research into the prediction of taxying loads from the aircraft response characteristics is
required, particularly as regards the non-linear characteristics of the landing gear. 16

2.3.5 Load Alleviation

Various proposals have been made for both gust and manoeuvre loa~ alleviation, and this
subject has great potential value in combatting the fatigue problem. The usual method of gust
alleviation is to use accelerometers to sense the aircraft response, and fast acting servos to
operate the appropriate control surfaces which are used to apply "direct lift control" rather
than to produce changes in aircraft altitude. Proposals for manoeuvre load alleviation have
been made which use symmetrical movements of the elevons or ailerons to produce an inboard
movement of the centre of pressure on the wings. 17
Research is required into the application of load alleviation and gust alleviation techniques
in the fatigue design of aircraft structures.

2.3.6 The Effect of Temperature

Further work is required into the effect of temperature. There is a need for research
into heat transfer by conduction and convection on fabricated structures, and the stresses
arising from the resulting thermal gradients. For the present generation of supersonic aircraft
which operate below Mach 3, the effect of radiation is slight. The effect of convection is also
small at high altitude, except for integral fuel tanks which include a large part of the modern
aircraft structure.
Research into the effect of temperature and thermal fatigue of aircraft materials should be
continued, especially welded ultra-high strength steel and diffusion bonded titanium construction.


From the aircraft load history, the fatigue performance is calculated in the design stage,
then usually su_bstantiated by test and continuously monitored throughout the service life. Three
major design philosophies have been developed, designated safe life, fail safe and reliability
based procedure.

3.1 Safe Life Procedure

In this method the average life is estimated and divided by a safety factor or scatter factor
to give a safe life after which the structure or component is retired from service.

3.1.1 Fatigue Design

The fatigue performance of the design is estimated from the design stress analysis and from
fatigue data relating to the design. Since in general there is no prospect of obtaining fatigue
data for the particular service load history, fatigue life data under cyclic loading for various
mean load-alternating load combinations (the A-M diagram) is normally used. The
fatigue life under the service load history is then calculated according to some appropriate
cumulative damage hypothesis. An appropriate safety factor is then selected to give a safe life.
The steps in the procedure are as follows:
(i) Identify Critical Areas-The potentially fatigue critical areas must be identified from
the design stress analysis, design drawings and possibly wooden models showing the
structure in three dimensions.
(ii) Derive Relevant Fatigue Data-From the design analysis, establish the member or
component load in terms of flight loading and hence obtain the load spectrum for this
component or member. An A-M diagram relevant to the component or member is
then obtained from one of the following sources-
( a) Data on similar structures or components of the same or similar material such as
the ARL A-M Diagram for aluminium alloy structures, 18 or the data on notched
materials, structural components and complete structures published in the Royal
Aero. Society Data Sheets,. 19 The assumed equivalence between the particular

structure or component and that represented by the data is one major source of
possible error-the estimate of the corresponding stress or load is yet another.
(b) Fatigue tests on individual components of the structure. The actual component is
tested in this case but the fatigue performance in the structure may differ con-
siderably from that in a testing machine due mainly to difficulties in reproducing
the same loading conditions. This method is widely used in the design stage to give
the relative performance of different designs.
(c) Fatigue data from notched specimens of appropriate Kt value. The differences in
stress gradient, combined stresses and surface finish between the notched specimen
and the actual component may have a considerable effect. S-N curves for different
notch configurations of the same Kt value differ from each other and often differ
markedly from the S-N curve of the structure.
(d) Basic fatigue data on the component material. Investigations have been made into
the problem of defining some basic equation relating the local stresses and strains
of the stress concentrator 20 such as that due to Neuber:
Kt = (Ks . K.)-t
where Kt is the theoretical stress concentration factor for the notch and K 8 and K.
are the local stress and strain concentration factors respectively. This equation
together with the stress-strain curve for the material enables the local stress and
strain of the stress concentrator to be found and the corresponding life can be
obtained from the S-N curve of the material.
There are a number of difficulties with this method however: the local stress-
strain relationship is a function of the strain history and this is particularly so in
the small plastic zone ahead of the advancing crack during the crack propagation
phase; in a fabricated structure the effects of load redistribution, fretting, etc.,
further complicate the situation. The method is therefore still under development and
would seem to be most suited to the crack initiation phase in a monobloc structure.
(iii) Estimated Average Fatigue Life-From the basic data in (ii) and the known load
history for the part, the life to initiation of a macroscopic fatigue crack is calculated;
for a safe life structure, this is taken as the life to failure. Theories for calculating the
accumulation of fatigue damage have been put forward, and their accuracy investigated.
For the continuous load spectrum applying to aircraft structures, none of these theories
shows any advantage for general application over the simple linear cumulative damage
(iv) Selection of the Scatter Factor-The scatter factor is selected from consideration of
the structure and the loading conditions. It takes account of uncertainties in the life
estimate as well as the variability in fatigue performance, and is often greater in the
design stage than after fatigue substantiation of the structure. Since it is based on the
acceptable safety level, there is also an essential input from previous experience.
The factors contributing to the inherent variability in fatigue performance are
much more complex than those governing variability in ultimate strength, and no serious
attempt has been made to quantify these on theoretical grounds as yet. Present methods
usually rely on reference to relevant data on similar structures.
(v) Safe Life Estimate-A safe life is calculated by dividing the average fatigue life by the
scatter factor to obtain a safe life for each critical area. This information is used to
indicate the adequacy of the fatigue design and is a basis for any fatigue life substanti-
ation programme undertaken after the structure has been manufactured.

3.1.2 Fatigue Life Substantiation

Research on the fatigue performance of structures showed that, in a complex structure under
a wide ranging load spectrum, local yielding occurs causing stress redistribution and changing
material properties in the region of fatigue nuclei. 18 In a fabricated structure this process is even
further complicated by progressive "working" of the connectors causing galling and fretting
and progressive load redistribution between members. Mainly because of these factors, the
identification of critical areas is extremely difficult and there are many well-known cases where
unsuspected failure areas have appeared even under the well-defined conditions of a fatigue test.

(Valiant, DC9, Boeing 727, Caravelle, F-111, etc.) These factors complicate identification of
critical areas discussed in (i) of Section 3.1.1, the derivation of adequate fatigue data in (ii) and
the problem of calculating fatigue damage as described in (iii). These difficulties are all over-
come by a well-designed full-scale fatigue test which is now widely adopted, and is virtually
mandatory under US and UK military specifications/ 3 to confirm the investigations under (i),
(ii) and (iii) above. The final selection of the scatter factor is then made to give a safe life for the
various critical areas that have been established by the test.

3.2 Fail Safe Procedure

This procedure is applied to structures in which fatigue cracks or component failures can be
found before the strength falls to an unacceptable level. It basically consists in establishing an
adequate inspection procedure and demonstrating that a specified residual strength of the cracked
structure is maintained between inspections. The only relevant military specification at present
is Av.P 970 3 which essentially specifies that the inspection period shall be one third of the interval
between the life at which a crack can be detected with certainty and the life at which the residual
static strength has been reduced to 80% of the ultimate design load, as determined in a full-scale
fatigue test.

3.2.1 Fatigue Design

At the design stage in addition to predicting the initial life, a crack propagation curve and
a residual strength calculation are required.
The major steps are:
(i) Prediction of life to initial cracking (as in Section 3.1).
(ii) Calculation of the crack propagation curve. Comparison with previous designs provides
valuable information. Semi-empirical methods have been proposed using relevant
data in conjunction with stress analysis by matrix methods. An approach has been
developed recently to predict the crack propagation from the basic crack growth
properties of simple specimens of the same material using a stress intensity approach.
In a mono bloc structure where the effects of fretting and load redistribution are absent,
this method has some prospect of success. The conditions in the small plastic zone
ahead of the crack in the structure can be expected to be comparable with the corres-
ponding conditions in a simple specimen. However, factors such as differences in stress
gradient, and the effect of triaxial stress components have a major influence and attempts
to allow for the geometry of the part and shape of the crack front have not been
successful. A study of the crack propagation process may provide an insight into this
(iii) Calculation of residual strength in the cracked condition. Stress analysis by matrix
methods in conjunction with other representative data can be used in the design stage.

3.2.2 Fail Safe Substantiation

The difficulties in Section 3.1 apply in this case with the additional complication of the
requirement to establish reliable inspection procedures, and determine the crack propagation
rate and residual strength of the structure throughout the inspection interval.
It is essential to the fail safe approach that all potentially fatigue critical areas are identified
and inspected. The full scale fatigue test has now come to be universally accepted in the military
and civil transport field to identify critical areas and establish reliable inspection procedures.
The residual strength requirement and the crack propagation rate are then substantiated.
The role of the full-scale fatigue test in the fail safe philosophy is aptly described by Maxwell
-"the full-scale test is as important for fail safe structures as for the safe life type although the
emphasis is different".
An important advantage claimed for the fail safe procedure is that any evidence of
corrosion in the critical areas is likely to be detected during the inspection.

3.3 Reliability Based Procedure

As a fatigue crack progresses through the structure, the static strength of the structure
decreases and there is an increasing risk of failure under the applied service loads. If the risk of

failure is calculated as a function of life, the inspection intervals to limit the risk to a specified
value can be evaluated. 24 This is a quantitative approach, but it requires extensive data especially
on crack propagation, residual strength and on the probability of crack detection.

3.3.1 Fatigue Design

Because of the difficulty in obtaining basic data the probabilistic appr9ach is at present only
used in a comparative way in the design stage to assist in studying the influence of various design
parameters. It is finding most application in the fatigue life substantiation and monitoring stage.

3.3.2 Reliability Based Substantiation

The major steps in the reliability analysis approach are:
(i) determine all fatigue critical areas using full-scale fatigue test;
(ii) determine initial life and mean crack propagation curve using full-scale fatigue test;
(iii) determine residual static strength as a function of crack length by calculation from
representative data in conjunction with results from component tests and full-scale
fatigue test;
(iv) development of inspection procedures and estimation of probability of detection from a
full-scale fatigue test and component tests;
(v) determine variability in initial fatigue life and in crack propagation rate from represen-
tative data;
(vi) determine variability in residual static strength at various crack lengths from represen-
tative data;
(vii) determine any environmental effects, e.g. corrosion or temperature, from comparative
tests on components;
(viii) carry out a reliability analysis to calculate inspection intervals to maintain a specified
safety level.

3.4 Further Research Needed

There is a need to establish more uniform safety standards and improved design criteria; to
further these aims, there are several important aspects requiring investigation as follows.

3.4.1 Specification of Safety Standards

The methods of specifying the safety levels and the values to be adopted are basic questions,
and the long standing lack of uniformity should be overcome if possible. This would require
international agreement.

3.4.2 General Approach to Fatigue Design

It is suggested that the reliability approach could be developed to incorporate into one
design procedure, safe life, fail safe and reliability based inspection procedures. The appli-
cation of reliability theory to the problem has been dealt with by a number of research workers.
The essential requirement is to obtain the great amount of data needed and if possible develop
simplifying assumptions to reduce the data requirement.

3.4.3 Adoption of Standards of Crack Detection

There have been major advances in inspection techniques but their reliability is a vital
question; detection probabilities associated with different cracks should be established for each
of the various inspection procedures. This is an area in which collaboration between various
laboratories should be established.
3.4.4 Calculation of Fatigue Damage
There is a need for the study of the metal physics aspect of the accumulation of fatigue
damage in the monobloc construction for both crack initiation and crack propagation. This
could be done in conjunction with detailed stress analysis of the part using matrix methods.
Subsequently the influence of environmental effects on the crack propagation process should .'
be investigated and quantified if possible.

In monitoring according to safe life, fail safe or reliability based inspection procedures, the
accumulation of fatigue damage is calculated from the flight load history, to enable scheduling
of inspections or replacements.

4.1 Monitoring by Tail Number

In military aircraft particularly, substantial changes can occur in the load spectra for
different aircraft in the fleet and this, together with the increasing requirements for extensions to
the service life, has led to fatigue life monitoring by tail number, in which each aircraft is fitted
with its own recording instrument.

4.2 Repetition of Fatigue Calculations

Data accumulated on the loads environment, on stress versus load relationships and on any
fatigue problems observed during inspections are put into the original fatigue analysis and the
calculation of safe life or inspection intervals is continually reiterated. If necessary, adjustments
are made in the fatigue life monitoring procedure. This process enables uncertainties in the
calculations to be progressively eliminated, and allows changes in missions to be taken into

4.3 Further Research Needed

4.3.1 Development of the Fatigue Gauge
A reliable fatigue sensing device, if it could be developed, would be a great advance for both
safe life and fail safe structures. The most likely development would seem to be a sensor which
would relate the fatigue performance in service to that in a full-scale fatigue test under a closely
representative load history or would closely monitor lead the fleet aircraft. Extensive testing in a
variety of situations would be essential to prove such an instrument.
4.3.2 Development of Flight Recorders
There is a real need for a reliable compact and low cost instrument recording in several
channels and providing rapid data processing. Some current developments are the ARL Range
Pair Counter/ 5 the RAE Cycle Counter 26 and the NASA-ARDC Eight Channel Recorder. 27

1. Payne, A. 0. The Fatigue of Aircraft Structures.
Jl Eng. Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 8, pp. 157-203. Pergamon Press,
2. Airplane Strength and Rigidity, Reliability Requirements, Repeated
Loads and Fatigue.
MIL-A-8866, Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.
3. Av P. 970, Vol. 1, leaflet 200.
4. Mayer, J. P., and Applications of Power Spectral Analysis Methods to Manoeuvre
Hamer, H. A. Loads Obtained on Jet Fighter Airplanes During Service Operations.
NASA TN D-902, May 1961.
5. Taylor, J. Manual on Aircraft Loads (chapter 5).
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1965.
6. Saunders, K. D. B-66 Low Level Gust Study.
Technical Analysis WADD TR 60-305, Vol. 1, 1961.
7. Bullen, N. I. Gusts at Low Altitude in North Africa.
RAE Technical Note Structures 304, 1961.
8. Tolefson, H. B. Summary of Derived Gust Velocities Obtained from Measurements
within Thunderstorms.
NACA Report 1285, 1956. {'

9. British Civil Airworthiness Requirements.

Air Registration Board, Section D2.
10. Hooke, F. H. Operating Loads and Safe Life Estimation.
Jl I. E. Aust 36 (1-2), 1-8, 1964.
11. Weibel, J. P. Undercarriage Loading of Three Aircraft: Porter PC6, Venom
DH-112 and Mirage IllS.
ICAF Symposium, Melbourne, May 1967.
12. van Dijk, G. M. Introduction to a Fighter Aircraft Loading Standard for Fatigue
"Falstaff", 8th ICAF Symposium, Lausanne, 1975.
13. Cox, R. A. A Comparative Study of Aircraft Gust Analysis Procedures.
Aeronaut, J. Royal Aeronaut. Soc. 74, 807-813, 1970.
14. Rider, C. K., Fin Strains in Mirage A3-76 During Flights in Severe Turbulence.
Sparrow, J. G., and ARL Note SM407, 1974.
Thompson, M. R.
15. Sherman, D. J. The Cumulative Exceedence Distribution for Accelerations Due to
Turbulence Encountered by a Mirage.
ARL Tech. Memo. SM228, 1975.
16. Hall, A. W., Status on Research on Runway Roughness, Conference on NASA
Hunter, P. A., and Aircraft Safety and Operating Problems.
Morris, G. J. Vol. 1, NASA SP-270, pp. 127-142, 1971.
17. Long, G., and Use of Load Alleviation to Extend the Fatigue Life of Mirage.
Farrell, P. A. ARL Tech. Memo. SM223, 1974.
18. Payne, A. 0. Determination of the Fatigue Resistance of Aircraft Wings by Full-
Scale Testing.
ICAF Symposium, Amsterdam, 1959.
19. Royal Aero. Society ESDU Data Sheet E-02-01.
20. Impellizeri, L. F. Cumulative Damage Analysis in Structural Fatigues.
ASTM STP 462, 40-68, 1970.

21. Finney, J. M., and Fatigue Behaviour of Notched Aluminium Alloy Specimens under
Mann, J. Y. Simulated Random Gust Loading with and without Ground/Air
' Proc. of ICAF Symposium on Fatigue of Aircraft Structures,
pp. 151-77. Pergamon Press, London, 1963.
22. O'Neill, M. J. A Review of Some Cumulative Damage Theories
ARL Report SM326, June 1970.
23. Williams, J. K. The Airworthiness Approach to Structural Fatigue.
ICAF Symposium, Munich, June 1965.
24. Diamond, P., and Reliability Analysis Applied to Structural Tests.
Payne, A. 0. Proc. of Symposium on Advanced Approaches to Fatigue Evalua-
tion, Miami Beach, May 1971. NASA SP-309, pp. 275-332, 1972.
25. Ford, D. G., and A Range Pair Counter for Monitoring Fatigue.
Patterson, A. I. ARL Tech. Memo. SM195, January 1971.
26. Goodwillie, A. G. A Comparison of Flight Loads Counting Methods and their Effect
on Fatigue Life Estimation Using Data from Concorde.
ARC Current Paper CP1304, 1974.
27. Taylor, J. P. Structural Integrity Program for High Performance Aircraft.
Proc. Symposium Fatigue of Aircraft Structures. WADC, 1959.

Development of Reliability Approach to Fatigue of Aircraft Structures at ARL

Research has been carried out at ARL for some years 1 - 6 which has led to devefopments in
the fatigue life substantiation and monitoring of aircraft structures.
The evaluation of the risk function using data from a full-scale fatigue test on the structure
in conjunction with representative data from other sources has enabled a reliability based safety-
by-inspection procedure to be developed. 3 4
This led to the proposal suggested in Section 3.4.2 for a more general approach to the
fatigue safety of aircraft structures which includes both the fail safe and safe life approaches. 3 5
The method has been applied to provide a quantitative basis for establishing inspection
intervals for some aircraft fleets in service with the RAAF so as to extend their safe operating
life. 7 The computer program for calculation of inspection intervals to ensure a specified safety
level has been transferred to the RAAF to operate on the CYBER 76 computer in Canberra.
At the request of the Department of Transport (DOT), ARL is investigating the application
of these techniques to the problem of aircraft such as the Fokker F-27 and the Boeing 707 and
727 which are reaching very long service lives in the neighbourhood of the life they have been
tested to in the full-scale fatigue test.
Following this it was decided to hold a Symposium on structural reliability in Melbourne
under the auspices of DOT and ARL to consider all aspects of this important problem. There
were a total of 48 attendees including five senior representatives from the Boeing company and
leading engineers from the RAN, RAAF, ANA, QANTAS, TAA, Singapore Airlines and
National Airways of New Zealand.
The Boeing Co. "95/95 Concept" 8 for fatigue life monitoring of large fleets of civil trans-
port aircraft was presented and compared with the reliability based approach. 9 The proceedings
of the Conference are reviewed in Reference 10.
As stated in Reference 3 the ARL procedure involves an extensive body of data and a number
of assumptions which warrant some development and testing of the procedure in practice.
In a move to set up a data bank ARL has proposed within the Technical Co-operation
Programme a reliability questionnaire which would draw information from aeronautical estab-
lishments within the member countries (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand). A pilot
survey of the replies to a questionnaire has been carried out 11 to investigate the problem of proces-
sing and storing consolidated data from various sources.
A research programme is also current to investigate the significance of the major assump-
tions involved in the ARL reliability based safety-by-inspection procedure.
This is described below by reference to the derivation of the risk function and consideration
of assumptions involved.
The ARL Reliability Approach developed in References 4 and 7 considers a structure in
service subjected to repeatedly applied loads S from the service load spectrum Fs(S). There will
be a period during which the process leads to the formation of a macroscopic crack at a fatigue
critical area. This is called the life to initial failure Nt and it marks the beginning of the wear-out
process in the structure. As the life continues the fatigue crack extends with a progressive reduc-
tion in residual strength as shown in Figure 1.
During this period there is an increasing probability at each successive application of a
service load, that the structure will fail statically and this type of failure is termed here "static
fracture by fatigue". However, if the structure continues to survive this risk the crack will
eventually reach, at a life Np, some length ! 0 at which it will collapse under the steady mean
load and this is defined as "fatigue fracture".

(a) Static and fatigue strength are independent.
(b) The fatigue life N 1 at any crack length I has a logarithmic normal distribution Pz(z)
with variance independent of I.
It then follows that for any structure the life N 1 bears a constant ratio z to the
median life N1 at the same crack length I.
N 1 = z. N1
(c) The median crack propagation curve is known.
I= g (N1)
(d) The residual strength R(l) expressed as a ratio of the mean value fLR(I) by the variate
x(l) = R(l)ffLR(I) has a characteristic distribution p(x) for all values of I.
(e) The mean strength fLR(I) is a known function of the crack length I.
fLR(I) = fLo . tl>(l), where fLo = mean strength uncracked.
(f) For the small probabilities of failure considered the effect of losses from the population
on the probability distribution of residual static strength (x) and fatigue life (z) can be
Derivation of the Risk Function
It follows 3 4 from the assumptions that:

',(N,) ~ I:~~ r~: F,[x . "' <!>(/)] . p,(x) . p,(l) . dx . dl (A 1)

, , <N,) ~ J:~:r~: F.<x . "' . <l>[g(N,fzm . p,(xl . p,(z) . dx . c1z <A2)

rp (Ns) = 1/NF .pz(Ns/NF) (A3)
and the total risk of fatigue failure at N 8 ,
rFT(Ns) = rs(Ns) + rp(Ns) (A4)
and the probability of survival N
LFT(Ns) = e-fo rFT(N). dN (AS)
where r8 (Ns) and rp(Ns) are the risk of static fracture due to fatigue and the risk of fatigue
fracture respectively at any service life Ns.
The importance of some of the major assumptions is being investigated by studying the
influence of the following factors using static and fatigue strength data applicable to an actual
(i) Variance of Fatigue Life at Different Crack Lengths (related to Assumption (b))
The major assumption in (b) that the variance in fatigue life is constant is investigated by
studying the effect on the risk when a linear variation in variance of log life between initial and
final life is assumed.
cr 1 = b-a log N1
By a suitable choice of a and b this case can be made to approximate any prescribed relation-
ship of the crack propagation curves taking
log N1 - log N 1 = u . cr 1 = u(b - a log N1) (A6)
where u is the standardised normal deviate u"' N(O, 1)
1 fill
u =-log- (A7)
crt N1

N- 1 =anti.1og [u b +
log N 1] (AS)
ua 1 +
Transforming in equation (A1) from the variate I to the variate u with
u1 = Ns at/= 0
b- a log fiti

U2 = Ns at I = lo

r,(N,) ~ r: f~{x.~0 .4>(g(antilog

b- a log Np

["b: ':'\Ns ]))).p(u)

(ii) Form of the Distribution of Fatigue Life (related to Assumption (b))
,p(x). du. dx (A9)
The assumption that the distribution of fatigue life is log normal is investigated by com-
paring the corre'iponding risk functions with those calculated from the Weibull distribution

P(N1) = exp [ -( ::r J

~: = (AIO)
The Weibull distribution is applied using the assumption
dV1 =Constant Ce for all/.
P(N,) = exp [ -( N,iV~ ~6Ce YJ
and it follows that NdV1 is constant for constant Pat all crack lengths/. In particular for the
median structure taking VdN 1 = Cw

and with
z = NdN1
NdN1- dN1)k]
P(N1) = exp[ - ( V /N-
' 1-1

=ex{-( ~~-::rJ (All)

Hence the expression for r 8(N6 ) in equatoin A2 for the log normal distribution may also be
applied for the Weibull distribution with
p(z) = d(P(z))/dz

as above.
To simplify the comparison the two parameter Weibull distribution is used taking " = 0,
and the dispersion parameter k and characteristic value c, are calculated from the mean and
variance of the log normal distribution of life.
(iii) Effect of Variability in Residual Strength on rp (related to Assumption (d))
It is assumed in A3 that failure under the mean load will always occur at the same crack
length / 0 In fact because of the variation in structural resistance p(x) the crack length at static
fracture will vary with x.
rp(Ns) = Pr{R =} where =mean load

~ !/fir[~P{~-~=/x)) .p(x) . dx.

{oc/x) = <l>[g(Ns/z)]
= .fJ[Ns/z]
Nsfz = .p- 1{oc/x)
This can be calculated in comparison with rp(Ns) in A3.
(iv) Modification of Probability Distribution ofx and z by Losses from the Population (related
to Assumption {f))

As losses in the population due to failures increase, x and z are no longer independent
variates but have a joint distribution which varies with the life N s, Px,z(x,ziNs).
Considering structures in the element (dx, dz) at an initial life Nt = z. Nt, at any subsequent
life N s, the probability of survival in this element is

exp[- I:F,(x. "'. '"(g[N/z])}dN .]


p,,.(x, ziNs) ~ p,,,{x, zl N;) exp F,(x . "' . '"(g[ N/z ]))dN]

~ Po(X) .p,(z) exp [- I:F.{x. "'. '"(g[N/z])). dN r

where p 0 (x), p 0 (z) denote the probability distribution of x, z in the original population.
Hence to investigate the effect of losses in the population, both risk functions can be calcu-
lated using the distribution px,z(x, ziNs).

'F(N,) ~ lfN, [!(x, ;r~:/x)). dx


,,(N,) ~ r~~ I:;Fs{x. "'. '"(g[N,fz])}p.,,(x, ziN.) dz dx

(v) Accuracy of Numerical Integration

The success of the ARL safety-by-inspection procedure has been largely dependent on the
numerical evaluation of the multiple probability integrals. 12 A technique has been developed
in which the functional relationships are not required in analytical form but the basic data is
put directly into the computer.
The integration employs an adaptive routine using a Simpson or a Gaussian approximation
according to the accuracy required and constraints on computer time, and represents an advance
in the current techniques. The accuracy and performance of this procedure is being tested using
integrable functions including functions with a singularity representing the sharply peaked
integrands that usually occur in the reliability integrals.
A practical example of the application of the ARL safety-by-inspection procedure is shown
in Figure 2. Inspection intervals are established to extend the safe life of the structure while
maintaining a required safety level expressed as an acceptable risk of failure per hour.
When the risk per hour rises to the maximum allowable an inspection is carried out and the
risk is then reduced to the continuous inspection value (which is the risk of failure due to un-
detected cracks). Thus the risk of failure will vary between the continuous inspection value and
the specified maximum risk rmax as illustrated in Figure 2. The corresponding probability of
survival is shown in Figure 3.

* Strictly a normalising factor should be applied to allow for the total losses in the whole
population but for the small probabilities of failure considered this is a second order effect which
is omitted to reduce the computation.

1. Payne, A. 0., and A Probabilistic Approach to Structural Design.
Grandage, J. M. Paper presented at the International Conference on Application of
Statistics and Probability to Soil and Structural Engineering. Hong
Kong, September 1971. (Also published as ARL SM Report 337,
February 1972.)
2. Ford, D. G., and The Approximate Life Distribution of Cracked Structures with
Grandage, J. M. Random Risks.
ARL Structures Tech. Note SM 363, March 1971.
3. Payne, A. 0. A Reliability Approach to the Fatigue of Structures.
ASTM STP511, 1974.
4. Payne, A. 0., and Reliability Analysis Applied to Structural Tests.
Diamond, Patricia Paper presented at ICAF Symposium, Miami Beach, May 1971.
(NASA SP-309, 1972.)
-5. Hooke, F. H. A Comparison of Reliability and Conventional Estimation of Safe
Fatigue Use and Safe Inspection Intervals: Advanced Approaches
to Fatigue Evaluation.
ICAF, 1971. (NASA SP-309, 1972.)
6. Hooke, F. H. Probabilistic Design and Structural Fatigue.
The Aeronautical Journal, June 1975.
7. Grandage, J. M., and A Proposed Inspection Procedure for the Macchi Centre Section.
Diamond, Patricia ARL Note SM394, 1973.
8. Thompson, P. A. A Procedure for Estimating the Demonstrated Fatigue Life of
Airplane Structure from Fleet Service Experience.
Boeing Co. document No. D6-41246TN presented at DOT-ARL
Symposium, December 1975.
9. Payne, A. 0., and Structural Fatigue and Reliability. 0
Grandage, J. G. Presented at DOT-ARL Symposium, December 1975.
10. Payne, A. 0., and Review of Symposium on Structural Reliability held at ARL,
O'Brien, X. X. December 1975.
11. Gratzer, L. R. Pilot Survey of a Questionnaire for Obtaining Reliability Data.
Presented to Panel H3-TTCP.
12. Mallinson, G. D. Note on the Numerical Evaluation of the Risk Function.
ARL Structures Internal Report, 1970.
13. Mallinson G. D., and A Report on the Numerical Evaluation of Multiple Probability
Graham, A. D. Integrals.
ARL Structures Internal Report.


Before inspection, integration
given by region ABC

Median crack growth curve

M m1mum I
detectable _ _ _
crack I
-Nt NF Life N

After inspect (at Ns)

by region DEC


-6 -.:::-
/ 0

/ ..c
/ Q.

II (0-
I .::,;:
I "'
I ~
-7 I ~
..... I
Q. I ~
tv "'
;: I
,.... ...::: I
0 .:: I
....J ~
-8 I
I ""'
Data:AV life NF = 24,200 hr
I p (log10 Z) = N (0, a= 0.2)

I k x-ek-1 x-ek
y / P (x) =(e - Vl(V -e) exp [- (v -e) ]
k = 25.0
~I V= 0.995
I e = 0.747

-9 I
o I 4000 Hours 6000 8000 10000


.- <.

1.0000 I -

Data as for Fig. 2

Periodic inspections
at risk= 1 per hour
~ '\ ............ /

:::1 \
0 \
:!::: \

Ctl \ Safe life

0.9990 1-
0 2000 4000 Hours 6000 BOOO 10000


QUESTION-!. Visick
Ansett Airlines
Hooke, in his review (Tech. Memo. 253), on page 3 warns against unwittingly attributing
too much reliability to the precision of the mathematics in estimating fatigue lives.
Mann agrees with this quoting life factors of between 0 1 to 10 0. It appears that in spite
of these statements both speakers (Hooke and Payne) are producing more and more precise
mathematics in an attempt to deal with a highly random and unpredictable subject.
In practical aircraft operating environment, fatigue testing-no matter how carefully applied
-is not considered to provide meaningful data beyond about 30,000 hours flying time. This is
due to the influence of other factors-corrosion, manufacturing errors (e.g. Viscount VH-RMQ),
noise and small loads which are omitted from the fatigue test, etc. The only manner in which the
behaviour of an aircraft fleet can be predicted is by observing the behaviour of that fleet in
actual service. One procedure that has been put forward in this respect is the so-called 95/95
approach proposed by Boeing aircraft. This technique appears to have been almost totally
ignored at this Symposium. Is this due to the fact that the speakers consider the technique invalid
-if so what alternative do they offer for life prediction of a fleet in a real, as opposed to a
laboratory, environment?

Author's Reply
Regarding Mr. Visick's comments concerning fatigue life monitoring by inspection, he and
I are, in fact, in agreement on what should be done and why it should be done; we disagree on
the question of how it should be done.
There is agreement as to the inaccuracies that can arise in representing the service conditions
of an aircraft by a full-scale fatigue test, although I do not think there is any basis for assuming
that the relevant factors such as "corrosion, manufacturing errors, noise and small loads" only
become important beyond a life of 30,000 hours.
There is agreement on the difficulty in obtaining valid data and the need to develop simplify-
ing assumptions as stated in Section 4.3.2 of my paper.
There is agreement on the advantages of using an inspection procedure for fatigue life
monitoring wherever possible: in establishing the fatigue life by these procedures we both favour
a quantitative approach which it is hoped employs precise mathematics.
The area of disagreement is on the fatigue life monitoring-by-inspection procedure to be
adopted. At ARL we have studied various approaches to this problem including the 95/95
concept. As mentioned in the Appendix to my paper this was featured at a Joint Reliability
Symposium held by ARL and the Department of Transport at which representatives of the
Boeing Airplane Co. were invited to attend and they presented a detailed account of the 95/95
concept and its application to a number of their fleets.
From these investigations of the problem we have been led to develop a Reliability
Approach based on data from a full-scale fatigue test which are progressively updated by the
results of fleet inspections:
The advantages seen for this approach are:
(a) The inspection procedure (which is vital to the success of this type of approach) can
be established on the test specimen under controlled conditions.
(b) It provides a quantitative criterion for establishing the inspection intervals based on the
fundamental condition of the safety level.
(c) It enables a structure or part thereof, which it is not possible to inspect (such as many
safe life structures) to be also embraced by the philosophy: using the reliability analysis
such a structure can be operated to the prescribed safety level.
Its major disadvantage as stated in the paper is the extensive data required on the fatigue
and static strength characteristics of the structure.

The particular feature of the 95/95 concept is that although the probability distribution of
life is assumed as in the other approaches, the mean life is estimated with a specified degree of
. confidence (95% in fact) from the results of fleet inspections. It therefore has the advantage
that the mean is estimated from the performance of the structure under service conditions. (An
excellent feature of the Boeing policy is the complete "Tear Down Inspection" carried out on long
life aircraft from a large fleet but this feature could be included in any other fatigue life
monitoring-by-inspection procedure.)
The 95/95 concept has the disadvantages that:
(a) It is only applicable to fail safe structures-arbitrarily defined in the Airworthiness
Specifications as structures that have some specified strength capability with detectable
cracks present.
(b) There is no opportunity of developing and establishing an inspection procedure for
each failure before it is found in service.
(c) It assumes that the whole fleet is subjected to the same service load spectrum. While
this may be a reasonable assumption for some civil aircraft, it is quite untenable for
many military aricraft types.

Fatigue is now recognised as a major consideration in design of aircraft. It has been sug-
gested that there will therefore be no need for any Australian full-scale fatigue tests of imported
aircraft and that the recent full-scale test on the Mirage wing will be the last of its kind. Would
Dr. Payne please comment on this thesis?

Author's Reply
As Mr. Blight has pointed out aircraft designers have come to recognise the importance of
fatigue and as a result, the fatigue design of aircraft structures has improved considerably and
fatigue certification for a design service life, usually based on a full-scale fatigue test, is now
carried out by the manufacturer.
However, I believe a requirement for fatigue substantiation by full-scale testing in this
country will continue for the following reasons:
(a) As a result of the good flying conditions and the large area of the Australian continent
the utilisation rate of both civil and military aircraft types tends to be much greater than
in most overseas countries.
(b) In the military role, Australia often requires and achieves an economic life-of-type
greater than that guaranteed by overseas designers.
(c) Operations in Australia can produce problems not encountered and not catered for by
overseas designers, e.g. frequent operation from rough airfields.
Because of these factors I think there will continue to be occasions in which Australia will
find it cost effective or even essential to carry out a fatigue investigation which includes a full-
scale fatigue test of the structure or a major component.

I would like to follow up Mr. Blight's question concerning the possibility that the Mirage
may well have been the last full-scale fatigue test to be done in Australia at ARL since these
days most manufacturers are now doing their own full-scale fatigue testing. With regard to the
Nomad aircraft have such full-scale tests been done in Australia or are they intended to be
carried out, and if not, why not?
What is the design criteria for the Nomad-safe life,
fail safe, or
safety by inspection?

Author's Reply
GAF are carrying out a full-scale fatigue test on the Nomad wing, stub wing and wing to
fuselage assembly, to certificate the aircraft in both civil and military roles. The test has been

designed to establish the fatigue performance under these two types of load history using data
on flight and ground loads from an instrumented aircraft which was flown to simulate both
military and civil operations. The investigation is a collaborative programme involving GAF,
GAF have designed the Nomad on the safe life criterion.




The principles of fatigue design, and related structural maintenance, are briefly
described for two essentially different philosophies of structural fatigue life. In once case,
it is assumed that no crack is present in any structural component at the beginning of
service and that the components should remain crack-free throughout the service life.
In the other case, it is conservatively assumed that cracks are present in all components
when service begins but that these cracks, growing slowly, can be tolerated for the
required service life. The relevance of the chemical and physical environment in which the
structure exists is discussed for the two cases.
The role of structural service monitoring in ensuring safe and economic operation of
aircraft is considered and the place of environment and corrosion monitoring in the
general monitoring scheme is identified. The importance of non-destructive inspection in
corrosion monitoring is also considered, with an assessment of the applicability and
adequacy of various inspection methods in the monitoring task. Indications are given
of the limitations of these methods and of the requirements for improved planning of the
corrosion monitoring process.

A primary concern in the design of the structure of high performance aircraft is the achieve-
ment of the lowest structural weight consistent with adequate static strength and endurance.
Endurance, in the context where the possible effects of corrosion are disregarded, is the resist-
ance of a structural component to crack development by the mechanical process of fatigue.
This resistance, measured in terms of service time to failure, depends upon factors arising in, or
effective through, the design, manufacture, service and maintenance of the structure. Failure by
fatigue may be defined by either crack initiation or growth to critical-size.
If the processes of manufacture, including quality control and assurance, are assumed to .
be prescribed in the course of design, then adequate endurance will depend upon the design
being in accord with the service conditions which are experienced and the maintenance processes
which are applied. Variation of the service from that assumed in the design and in the mainten-
ance planning will change the endurance. Similarly variation of the maintenance from that
required by the design, for the given service conditions, will also affect the endurance.
As part of the design process, an estimate is made of the service fatigue life on endurance
which may be expected from the structure. 1 2 The initial analytical life estimate is verified by or
adjusted according to the results of full-scale component and airframe tests carried out subse-
quently. However, the assumptions made, and the data used, in the early estimates of fatigue
life may not correspond to what is eventually experienced in service, at least by some of the
total fleet. Where high levels of safety, and optimization of usage are to be achieved, flight tests
and service monitoring programmes must also be carried out to establish more accurately the
values of the parameters of service* which may affect the service life. 3 Using this information
the estimate of life (both total and residual) may be continually revised, either for the existing
circumstances, or to take account of a change in the mode of operation.
The possibilities of a detrimental influence of the service environment, directly or through
corrosion, on fatigue performance are considered in aircraft design and maintenance planning.
Preventative measures are accordingly taken, including the provision of corrosion protection
systems (see Section 4.2). Notwithstanding the protection provided, however, a corrosion factor
may be introduced into the fatigue life estimation process 2 to account for the detrimental effects
which the chemical environment may have on fatigue crack initiation or growth.
There is always a likelihood of discrepancies between the assumptions made regarding
corrosion in the fatigue design and the maintenance planning stages and the conditions and
effects actually encountered during service. The resulting inadequacy of the corrosion prevention
measures and/or the life factor is evidenced by the high proportion of fatigue cracks, which start
at regions affected by corrosion (Fig. I). 4 5 There is clearly a need for close monitoring of air-
craft structures during service, to detect corrosion which may affect the fatigue life. Ideally,
the environmental influences which are encountered in service should also be monitored. Where
discrepancies are found between what was assumed in the design and what exists in actual service
(and maintenance), adjustment of preventative measures should be made and the endurance
In this paper, the tasks of corrosion and environment monitoring are discussed, and their
place in the general scheme of service monitoring of aircraft structures is considered for two
essentially different philosophies of fatigue lifeing. These philosophies differ in their assumptions
about the pre-service condition of the structural components and the implied criteria of failure.
For one, the structural component (Type I, see Figure 2) is assumed to be crack-free at the
beginning of service, and failure is considered to have occurred when a detectable crack forms.
In normal circumstances the component remains crack-free throughout its service life. 1 2
Such components are considered as damage-resistant, and no inspection for cracks during their
* Since endurance is dependent upon maintenance, as well as on design and service, there is
a similar need for monitoring of the manintenance process. However, maintenance monitoring
is not considered further in this paper.

service life is prescribed. However, it is specified that they shall be replaced, or their condition
... exhaustively reviewed, after a substantial, predetermined period of service-their safe life. For
the second philosophy, the structural component (Type II, Figure 2) is conservatively assumed
to be cracked at the beginning of service; the defect size, which is assumed, depends upon the
effectiveness of the pre-service non-destructive inspection (NDI). 5 6 It is further assumed that
the crack starts to grow immediately upon the beginning of service and it is required that a life
substantially in excess of the specified service life should be achieved before the crack reaches
critical size: 7 Such components are considered as damage-tolerant but periodic inspection of them,
to detect developing cracks and determine their size, is prescribed; repair or replacement of the
component is then undertaken as necessary.
In the following sections, the essential elements of the process of design and maintenance
are described for these two philosophies of fatigue lifeing and certain basic parameters of concern
in the fatigue-monitoring of aircraft structures are discussed. Special reference is made to
environment and corrosion monitoring and to their place in service minitoring. The role of NDI
in corrosion monitoring is also discussed and the adequacy of the available NDI methods for
-this task is assessed.


2.1 Fatigue Design and Analysis

A preliminary activity of basic importance in fatigue design is the determination of the
spectrum of loads, i.e. the magnitude and frequency of load variations, to which each load-
carrying structural component will be subjected during service. 8 From the load spectra, estimates
are made of the sequence of maximum and minimum stresses which will occur at various locations
within the various components with their nominated sectional dimensions, their individual stress-
concentrating geometries and the associated critical areas.
Where an initial crack-free condition is assumed, the fatigue life of a structural com-
ponent is initially estimated using Palmgren-Miner's linear cumulative damage rule. 9 10
According to this rule, fatigue damage, which culminates in the initiation of a crack is equal to
the sum of njN, expressed as 'f,njN; here n is the number of cycles experienced of a given ampli-
tude of stress fluctuation and N is the number of cycles of that amplitude which cause failure
of the given material. Component failure, which marks the completion of component life, is
considered to have occurred when 'njN = 10. Values of N (fatigue data) are obtained from
fatigue tests on specimens representative of the given structural component or the critical area
of the component.
A distribution of values of N is obtained in a comprehensive test programme for determin-
ing SfN data (Fig. 3a). In the estimation of aircraft structural life, appropriately conservative
(low) values in the distribution of N are taken at each of the relevant levels of stress, S. 2
The physical and chemical environment in which structural materials exist may affect their
mechanical performance, including their endurance (Figs. 3a and b). 11 12 The spectra of varia-
tions in temperature and chemical composition of the environment should ideally be deter-
mined for each component and an estimate made of the contribution of cumulative corrosion
damage to fatigue crack initiation.
Some cognisance of component temperature is taken in the fatigue analysis of sub-sonic
aircraft. 5 13 However, although the chemical environment greatly influences the S/N charac-
teristics of unprotected test specimens, it seems often to be assumed that, because of the cor-
rosion protection systems applied to aircraft components, the environment will not have effective
access to the structural material. Nevertheless, as has been noted, part of the factor of safety
generally applied to the estimated life may be intended to allow for chance access of the chemical
environment to the structure where a probabilistic (rather than a deterministic) approach is
used in the fatigue analysis, a scatter factor corresponding to a certain percentile of the assumed
statistical distribution of values of fatigue life is used (rather than a simple factor of safety) and
no account is then taken of the possible influence of the corrosive environment on the fatigue
behaviour. 14 15 16

2.2 Ground and Flight Tests, and Service Monitoring

Substantiation of the design fatigue analysis (by full-scale testing) and verification of the

design assumptions (by close monitoring of actual service experience) are essential to the
assurance of structural integrity. 17 1 8

2.2.1 Ground (Laboratory) Tests

Full-scale static and fatigue testing in the laboratory allows verification of the stress analysis,
by measurement of local strains with strain gauges. Fatigue testing of the full aircraft structure
may also identify fatigue-critical areas not indicated by the stress analysis 19 and, of course, it
demonstrates the fatigue life of the structure under the test conditions. Usually no attempt
is made in such fatigue tests to simulate the thermal/chemical environmental spectra which
might be encountered in service-notwithstanding the significant effect the environment may
have on fatigue cracking. However, as for the analytical estimate of fatigue life, the factor of
safety may be sufficient to account for additional variability resulting from environmental
influence. Where a probabilistic scatter factor is used, no allowance is again made for the effect
of the environment.

2.2.2 Flight Tests

The utilization of various recording instruments on flight test vehicles, early in the develop-
ment phase of an aircraft, allows verification or more accurate establishment of the flight loads
for given operating conditions 8 13 and, in some areas, direct verification of the stress analysis
through the use of strain gauges. Flight testing also affords opportunity for accurate determination
of the thermal spectrum of the components during operation. Generally, in these tests when
Type I structures are involved, no attempt is made to collect detailed information regarding the
chemical environment in which the aircraft will operate.

2.2.3 Service Monitoring

The service usage of many high performance aircraft very often differs significantly from
that assumed in the fatigue design analysis, the associated maintenance planning, and in the early ,..
flight testing. Therefore, there is a general need to record, on a continuing basis, a representative
sample of those actual operating conditions which affect the fatigue life of the structure. 20 In
the traditional approach, these conditions are identified as those which determine the successive
variations in load; the process of recording them may be described as load monitoring. The
spectra of environmental influences (of a chemical kind) which the aircraft experiences in its
service are generally considered to be of secondary importance, even though a high propor-
tion of fatigue cracks in aircraft structural components initiate in areas affected by corrosion.
Using the recorded load information, the estimate of the total fatigue life may be continu-
ously revised (life monitoring). Similarly, there may be a continuous assessment of the accumula-
tion of fatigue damage for a group of aircraft undergoing identical service, or for individual
aircraft being used in a unique way (damage or usage monitoring). The service usage of the air-
craft may then be modified accordingly, and/or the maintenance schedules and procedures
adjusted, so as to attain the optimum or required life. Alternatively, with unchanged operation
and maintenance, the expectation of service life is changed. This process of service monitoring
is usually considered to be essential for Type I structural components. Here fatigue damage is
considered to comprise the cumulative effects of load variations only which result eventually in
the initiation of a crack.

2.3 Service Monitoring and Corrosion (Type I Components)

2.3.1 Possible Approaches

Reference has been made to the use of a safety factor to allow for variability in fatigue life.
The proportion of this factor intended, in the initial design analysis and subsequent full-scale
tests, to allow for the corrosive effects of the environment is usually not defined. Thus, in the
context of service monitoring, the operator and the airworthiness authority have to consider
whether or not that part of the factor meant to cover the effects of corrosion on fatigue life is
adequate for the environmental conditions actually encountered in service. Where it is not
there will be, of course, a corresponding inaccuracy in the estimate of fatigue damage on life.
There are several possible approaches to making accurate allowance for the effects of
corrosion on fatigue damage and life estimates for Type I structural components. Measurement

and recording of the physical and chemical environment spectra for nominated components
could conceivably be done by a test aircraft flying representative missions and undergoing
relevant experience on the ground over an adequate period, but at present considerable practical
difficulties remain to be overcome. This process of measurement and recording, which might
also eventually be carried out for aircraft in service, may be described as environment monitoring.
However, reliable estimation of the adjustment factor, that would more accurately account for
the effect o_f the environment on fatigue damage and life using such data, and the requisite
analytical methods are beyond existing competence. There are presently no cumulative cor-
rosion damage laws analogous to the Palmgren-Miner rule by which such recorded data might
be readily utilized. 21
On an empirical basis, if some simulation of the real environment could be made, laboratory
tests on simple notched and unnotched specimens would produce S/N data for comparison
with similar data from tests in ordinary laboratory air. This comparison would give some
indication of the adequacy of the factor being used.
Further insight into the likelihood and possible magnitude of corrosive effects detrimental
to endurance could be gained by systematic compilation of information on the incidence, loca-
tion, nature and extent of corrosion in the structures of the given aircraft-type during its service
life. Observation and recording of the deterioration of, and damage to, the structural corrosion
protection systems may also provide relevant information. The collection of such information
is properly part of the maintenance process. Utilized in an appropriate way, with resort to statis-
tical procedures, information of this kind (Fig. 4) could serve as the basis for estimating the
probable effect of corrosion on fatigue performance 21 and, thus, for deciding the adequacy of
the factor used to allow for this effect. However, because of the complexity of the processes of
corrosion and its influence on fatigue crack initiation 22 23 24 analytical determination of this
factor, even from a comprehensive data base cannot be made in the present state of under-
standing. An intuitive process-of judgment, informed by the empirical observations-may be
used to estimate the factor for both the deterministic and probabilistic approaches to fatigue
damage and life estimates.
The activities of
(i) inspecting for corrosion,
(ii) recording its occurrence, and
(iii) estimating the corrosion factor to be used in damage and life calculations on the basis
of these observations,
constitute the process of corrosion monitoring for Type I (and Type II-see Section 3.3)
Both corrosion monitoring and environment monitoring, ideally, are essential parts of
aircraft service monitoring.

2.3.2 Structural Maintenance, Inspection and Corrosion Structural Maintenance

In the general context, structural maintenance comprises
(i) the inspection of a component (possibly after some associated disassembly),
(ii) the assessment, measurement and recording of its condition with respect to damage or
incipient deterioration, and
(iii) its refurbishment,* repair or replacement as required.
Generally, the maintenance process 25 is undertaken on a precisely scheduled basis; unscheduled
maintenance is sometimes required as a result of unforseen events or circumstances.
Only limited maintenance is carried out on damage-resistant structural components of
aircraft, i.e. those components designed to remain in a crack-free condition for a specified
service life. Where maintenance is undertaken, its purpose is
(i) to ensure that no material deterioration has taken place, or
(ii) to repair any deterioration either at the component surface or internally,
which might affect the mechanical fatigue resistance under the given loading conditions. Similar
attention is given to the corrosion protection systems applied to accessible structural components.
* Refurbishment comprises cleaning and/or re-establishing of a specified surface-or other-
condition. Repair comprises removal and/or re-constituting and/or replacement of affected

Common forms of deterioration are mechanical damage, caused by accidental (abnormal)
forces unrelated to the flight operation, and corrosion, resulting from chemical/electrochemical
interaction of the structural material with the environment. When such deterioration is found,
it is remedied by refurbishment, repair or component replacement.
Normally, with Type I structural components, no inspection for fatigue cracks is made in
the course of scheduled structural maintenance. 20 26 Furthermore, structural disassembly is
generally limited and many component surfaces remain inaccessible during even the most
extensive scheduled servicing. However, inspection of some of these surfaces is often feasible,
even without disassembly, by non-destructive methods which may then be appropriately used
as part of the maintenance activity. Inspection and Corrosion

As noted earlier, inspection during maintenance of Type I structures, may provide valuable
information regarding corrosion of components during service and deterioration of corrosion
protection systems. Inspection of accessible (or partly accessible) regions, particularly those
suspected (through past experience or other reason) to be susceptible to corrosion, may be under-
taken at various times by all operators. Ideally, the designer/manufacturer would collect all the
information so obtained, 2 5 collate and analyse it as appropriate and then redistribute the consoli-
dated data, together with a clear statement of its practical implications back to the operators.
The various inspections which may be undertaken as part of the corrosion monitoring
process are:
(1) Systematic, scheduled inspection of all aircraft at the time of major overhauls (e.g.
RAFfRAAF "E" Servicings) for evidence of corrosion and/or deterioration of corrosion
protection systems, using specialised NDI methods and procedures (see Section 4.4).
(2) Systematic specially-scheduled inspection of a representative sample of aircraft, often
with limited special disassembly, in areas particularly suspect because of recent
(3) Limited inspection at random times, as opportunity occurs, e.g. when repair or modi-
fication work is required for reasons which may not be related to corrosion.
(4) Exhaustive, and eventually destructive, analytical inspection of aircraft specially selected
from the total fleet on the basis of their particular experience and at an appropriate
service life time (e.g. USAF Analytical Condition Inspection-ACI).


3.1 Fatigue Design and Analysis

In the fatigue design of damage-tolerant aircraft structural components, definition of the
planned aircraft missions, and the associated component load and stress spectra, is of the same
basic importance as for damage-resistant (crack-free) components. Similarly important are the
identification of fatigue critical regions (i.e. regions of maximum stress) and, for this type of
component, minimum critical crack size (in individual components).
When an initially cracked condition is assumed, the fatigue life of the component is taken as
the time for the crack to grow by slow, stable propagation to critical size (Fig. 2), 27 28 whereat
under a normal load, probably at the higher end of the spectrum, it would extend catastrophic-
ally through the remainder of the component section by the process of fast, unstable fracture.
Such components are operated on the basis of periodic, scheduled inspection of critical regions
for evidence of predicted and unpredicted crack development.
To estimate the fatigue life, it is first necessary to establish, or assume, the form, size and
orientation of the crack which is considered to be present at the beginning of service. These
characteristics are determined by complex interplay between
(i) the quality of the initial, stock material,
(ii) the control of the subsequent processes of fabrication, and
(iii) the sensitivity and reliability of the NDI methods (Fig. 5) 29 and procedures used on the
finished component.
For a given material and component geometry, the time taken for the growth of a crack to
critical size is a function of the physical and chemical environment in which the component is
operating, as well as the sequence of load variations. 30 31 32 The chemical environment is

generally expected to have its predominant influence on the fatigue life of Type II structural
components 3 3 by accelerating the rate of fatigue crack propagation (Fig. 6). Physically, however,
the environment determines the critical crack size (Fig. 7), for a given material and given
spectrum of service loads, through its influence on the temperature of the component. The
chemical environment may also have some influence on critical crack size, 7 but, in the usual
aircraft environments, this effect is probably of minor significance.
Corrosion protection systems are provided for Type II structural components, to prevent
general access of the environment to the components and the occurrence of corrosion which
might assist the initiation of fatigue cracks additional to those assumed to be present. However,
access of the environment to the cracks considered to exist at the beginning of service is assumed.
Because of the influence which the environment, in both its physical and chemical aspects,
may have on fatigue crack growth (and thus on the endurance of crack-tolerant structural
components), accurate definition of the spectra of component temperatures and environment
compositions is of basic importance to the adequate design and safe operation of Type II
structures. 5 Currently, however, a simple definition of the expected common chemical environ-
ment, based on past general experience, together with minimum expected component temperature
is all that is usually given to the designer. An example of the environmental exposure of a particu-
lar structural component, defined in this way is given in Table 1. Related fatigue crack propa-
gation rate data (da/dn V D.K, See Figure 6) are used accordingly in the crack propagation
Complex load sequence/environment interaction effects are neglected, or considered to be
accommodated by a general conservatism introduced into the calculations. Component tempera-
tures, determined largely by environment temperature in sub-sonic aircraft, are usually defined
simply as minimum values conservatively chosen with regard to fracture toughness and critical
crack size.
In the deterministic approach to the fatigue design of a crack-tolerant structural component,
the flight time (calculated on the above basis) for the growth of the assumed crack from its initial
size to the critical size for the given temperature, and under a specified high load, in the service
load spectrum is the estimated fatigue life of the component. If the overall degree of conservatism
in the calculations is high, this life may be taken as the appropriate safe operating period between
scheduled inspections undertaken to monitor possible crack development in nominated critical
regions. More usually, a period of operation equal to a half, or a quarter, of this time is taken
as the inspection interval. The factor of 2, or 4, is introduced to cover uncertainties in the life
estimation process. Possible unconsidered effects of the chemical environment on crack growth
are of particular relevance in this respect.
In the probabilistic approach to the determination of safe inspection intervals, 34 the
probability distribution of initial defect sizes, the variability of crack growth rates and the
probability distribution of service loads-and of critical crack size and residual strength-are all
considered. The need for inspection and, thus, the times of inspection or inspection intervals
are derived from the calculated risk of failure associated with the progressive increase in size of
the assumed crack and associated decrease in residual strength (i.e. the critical load for a crack
of given size). Possible effects of the environment on the fatigue life or inspection interval,
through enhanced crack growth and varied critical crack size (fracture toughness) or residual
strength, are included but, again, only in a general and approximate way.

3.2 Ground and Flight Tests and Service Monitoring

3.2.1 Ground (Laboratory) Tests

Full-scale and static fatigue tests are made for crack-tolerant, as for crack-resistant, structures
(1)substantiate the design analysis,
(2)complement the analytical process of identification of fatigue-critical areas,
(3)verify the crack growth and residual strength predictive procedures, and
(4)give a more comprehensive base for maintenance planning and prescription of inspec-
tion techniques and procedures.
Simulation in the fatigue test of the full service spectra of variations of the chemical and
physical environment would give a more realistic test result. However, both the exact determina-
tion of these spectra in actual service and their correspondingly precise simulation in the test

laboratory on a large scale are largely beyond existing economic technological competence.
Consequently, the result of the fatigue test will inevitably be somewhat inaccurate. 5 3 5
An attempt may be made to account for possible deleterious effects of the environment by
applying a safety factor to the fatigue test result, on the basis of the judged unrepresentativeness
of the test conditions. Some experimental indication of the appropriateness of the factor, or that
part of it which relates to environmental influence, may be obtained from tests on smaller com-
ponents in ordinary laboratory air and in an environment simulating, to some degree, that to be
encountered in service.

3.2.2 Flight Tests

Flight loads survey, with the actual aircraft-type operating in a representative sample of
realistic missions, are necessary for the verification of the component load and stress spectra
assumed in the initial design of damage-tolerant structures, as for damage-resistant components.
Also, the sensitivity of the fracture toughness of the structural material (and, thus, of its critical
crack size and residual strength) to component temperature requires for Type II structures,
accurate measurement of temperature-time profiles to be attempted in the flight test programme.
Furthermore, because of the marked deleterious effect which the chemical environment may
have on fatigue crack propagation in Type II structures, there is growing acknowledgement of
the need for detailed assessment of that environment in the test programme. 5 28 32 However,
as already noted, considerable technical difficulties remain to be overcome before environmental
monitoring can be adequately carried out, even in special flight test vehicles.

3.2.3 Service Monitoring

As for Type I structural components, a difference may exist between the aircraft service
assumed when designing Type II (damage-tolerant) components and the actual service
experienced by production aircraft of the given type. There is therefore a similar need to closely
monitor the load spectra to which Type II components are subjected in service and to confirm /'
or adjust the estimated safe inspection interval. 36 Alternatively, the aircraft usage may be
changed to give a more acceptable rate of growth for the assumed crack. Again, as for Type I
structures, this process may be performed for groups of aircraft undergoing common service or
they may be a continuous estimate of fatigue, i.e. crack growth, for components in individual
aircraft whose service experience is unique.
The same difficulties of accurately and comprehensively monitoring the chemical environ-
ment exist for aircraft in service as for flight test aircraft. However, the larger service fleet and
the longer period over which they are kept under observation affords valuable opportunity for
indirect monitoring of the environment by the observation and recording of its general corrosive

3.3 Service Monitoring and Corrosion (Type II Components)

The effect of chemical environment on fatigue crack propagation is more fully understood
than its effect on crack initiation. 3 7 - 41 However, as has been indicated, there is still a consider-
able lack of understanding of the effects on crack growth of the complex interactions between
the succession of variable component loads and the accompanying sequential variations in the
detailed constitution of the component environment. Thus, even if an accurate record of the
chemical environment of a structural component were obtained over a significant period of time,
reliably accurate estimates of crack growth in that time could not presently be made by a wholly
analytical procedure. (Testing of representative components in an environment simulating the
measured one, however, could give useful results-see Section 3.2.1.) Resort therefore, must be
made, for Type II (and Type I) structures to indications from the corrosion monitoring process
in order to assess the aggressiveness of the environment and so to judging the appropriate factor
for use in calculating safe inspection intervals for Type II components (see Section 3.1).
The processes of observation, recording, and assessment of corrosion in the course of
scheduled structural inspections, and upon other opportunities, thus have a twofold purpose
in the case of Type II structures (as for Type I). On the one hand, the need for refurbishment
or repair is established and, on the other, an indication is given of the appropriateness of the
factor used in the calculation of the intervals at which scheduled inspections are made (for
evidence of excessive crack growth).

Specification of the areas to be inspected in the corrosion monitoring of Type II structures
(100% inspection not being feasible), and the formulation of the methods of inspection are
functions of the maintenance planning process as for Type I structures.
Concern with deterioration of the corrosion protection systems in the inspection of Type II
structures, in so far as it might affect fatigue performance, is related to the initiation of fatigue
cracks, during service, additional to those assumed to exist when service began. As noted in Section
3.1; the protective systems are assumed to be ineffective in preventing the chemical environment
gaining access to the pre-existing cracks.


The inspection of structural components for evidence of corrosion; the determination of
the nature, extent, prevalence and precise locations of such corrosion as may exist; and the
recording and statistical assessment of the relevant data (i.e. the process of corrosion monitoring),
in the present state-of-the-art, have been identified as an essential part <>f the service monitoring
of both Type I and Type II aircraft structural components. Inspection and assessment of the
corrosion protection systems used for both types of components form part of the fatigue oriented
corrosion monitoring process only for Type I structures, where crack initiation denotes failure.

4.1 Relevant Characteristics of Corrosion

Corrosion 42 is a surface phenomenon in which the chemical composition of a material is
changed by chemical/electrochemical interaction and combination with one or more elements
of its environment. Physical effects of this process of relevance to the endurance of aircraft
structural components 42 43 44 are (Fig. 8):
(I) One-Dimensional, Local Irregularity
-Local pitting (pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion)
This effect predisposes the material to the initiation of cracks by the stress-dependent
., processes of fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking .
(2) Two-Dimensional Discontinuity
-General surface roughening (uniform corrosion, filiform corrosion, fretting
-Intergranular and transgranular cracking (corrosion cracking, stress-corrosion
Surface roughening also predisposes the material to the initiation of cracks by fatigue
(and stress-corrosion cracking).
Cracking of the listed kinds, which in severe form may in itself cause a significant
reduction in component strength, constitutes a nucleus for crack growth by fatigue and
thus comprises, in effect, the initiation of a fatigue crack.
(3) Three-Dimensional Bulk Reduction
-Larger scale transformation of metallic material (galvanic corrosion, exfoliation
Extensive reduction in bulk of the material comprising a structural component, with
associated decrease in material cross-section and consequent decrease in stiffness and
strength. (Corresponding increase in stress, for given load and in strain.)

4.2 Corrosion Protection Systems and Corrosion Monitoring

Measures taken by aircraft designers and manufacturers to prevent corrosion include the
selection of material of low susceptibility 44 in the given environment; avoidance of detrimental
galvanic combinations of material; and the avoidance of structural geometries conducive to the
entrapment and retainment of fluids. Generally, however, the application of appropriate cor-
rosion protection systems and procedures to the structural materials is of principal importance.
All of these measures, and particularly the last, are of relevance to the purposeful planning and
execution of the corrosion monitoring process.
Corrosion protection-the prevention of the interaction of a reactive environment with a
sensitive structural material-is achieved in aircraft, where water is of primary importance, by
(see also Figure 9)
(1) Exclusion of moisture by physical barriers, i.e. surface films (inorganic and organic),

electrodeposited coatings, chemically reacted coatings, jointing compounds, sealing
compounds, anti-fretting compounds, water-displacing compounds, etc.
(2) Preferential electrochemical (anodic) sacrifice of electrodeposited metallic films.
(3) Chemical passivation of surface layers of the base metal and chemical inhibition of the
corrosion process through the presence of coatings of inhibitor.
Gradual deterioration of corrosion protection systems occurs with time, under the effects
of the physical and chemical environment and of the normal stresses and strains of service.
Accidental mechanical and other, damage may also be a cause of deterioration. These processes,
together with inherent deficiencies and inadequacies in the protection systems corresponding to
the current state-of-the-art, may lead to at least the beginning of corrosion. In many instances
onset of corrosion is accompanied, and thus marked, by an acceleration or concentration of the
processes of deterioration of the protection system. The detection and assessment of such
effects, during scheduled, or unscheduled inspection or those carried out on an opportunity
basis, is part of the corrosion monitoring process. As already discussed, awareness of this kind
allows a more appropriate adjustment, to account for possible environmental influence, to be
made to the expected life for which a Type I component can be operated in the uncracked
The detection and assessment of evidence of corrosion protection system deterioration or
inadequacy is part also of the corrosion control process. Maintenance of the integrity and
adequacy of the protective coatings, films, etc., which are used to separate the susceptible
structural material from the corrosive environment, or to otherwise prevent or inhibit corrosive
reaction, is achieved by frequent inspection and assessment supplemented by washing, cleaning,
restoration and refinishing. These activities, and the inspection for, and removal of, any corrosion
which might have occurred, followed by repair (reinforcing) of the structural material and resto-
ration, perhaps with modification, of the protection systems is usually all that can be done to
prevent or minimize corrosion of the structure of an aircraft after it enters service. For a given
aircraft (i.e. one for which the materials of construction have been selected, the structural com-
ponents designed and the corrosion protection systems specified), the above procedure comprises
the essential process of corrosion control. It, in turn, is part of the general maintenance process.
This subject is not discussed further in this paper.

4.3 Inspection, and the Accessibility of Surfaces

Because corrosion is a surface phenomenon, its detection and assessment is most readily
and accurately carried out when the inspector has direct access to the surfaces of the component.
Similarly, because corrosion protection systems are applied to the surfaces of concern, their
inspection is greatly influenced by the accessibility of the component surfaces. 46
Potentially, corrosion may occur at any surface and the surfaces of the components of
aircraft structures have various degrees of accessibility. The accessibility of a given surface thus
largely determines the particular corrosion monitoring procedures which are followed. Four
classes of surface accessibility may be identified (Table 2) with respect to the in situ inspection of
structural components, viz:
(1) Direct Access which allows the inspector to examine the surface visually at close range,
to bring to the surface various inspection devices and materials, and to conduct at the
surface a variety of non-destructive inspection procedures.
(2) Indirect Access, Class I where inspection of the surface of interest can be made only
through the medium of the component material itself. Visual examination is not possible
and only a limited number of other NDI methods are applicable, with larger component
section thickness further limiting that number.
(3) Indirect Access, Class II, where the inspection must be carried out through the medium
of one intermediate material, which is solid but may or may not be metallic.
(4) Indirect Access, Class Ill, where the inspection must be carried out through the media
of two or more intermediate materials, one or more of which may not be metallic and
may even be gaseous (air). In the latter case, applicable inspection methods are severely
Direct Access and Indirect Access, Classes I and II may be achieved via specially-provided
access hatches for components which otherwise would be of Indirect Class III. Limited Direct
Access may also be available through fortuitously positioned openings of restricted size.

Where there is only indirect access, of one class or another, accurate identification of the
kind of corrosion which has occurred, and assessment of the extent and degree of damage, often
initially requires some destructive disassembly and examination for at least one structural unit.
On the basis of this investigation, the fleet maintenance procedures for corrosion damage
detection, removal or repair and protection system restoration are established. Subsequent fleet
inspection is done with minimum disassembly and destruction. Repair, restoration, and replace-
ment generally require, however, more extensive disassembly; sometimes, destruction (and hence
repair or replacement) of undamaged structural sections adjacent to the corrosion-damaged
region is necessary.

4.4 Inspection Methods used in Corrosion Monitoring

Corrosion monitoring has been defined as the process of component inspection conducted
to detect, identify and assess corrosion of the structural material and/or deterioration of cor-
rosion protection systems applied to such material. More specifically, the immediate purposes of
the monitoring inspection may be stated as:
(1) Detection of any surface-connected inhomogeneity or discontinuity, and/or surface
irregularity of significant dimension.
(2) Identification of the inhomogeneity, discontinuity or irregularity as corrosion of a
particular form and/or as the effects of deterioration of the corrosion protection system.
(3) Assessment of the degree (the extent and severity) of the corrosion damage and/or
protection system deterioration.
The non-destructive inspection methods appropriate to these tasks are determined by the
accessibility of the surfaces of interest and by the nature of the information required.
A classification of surfaces on the basis of accessibility for inspection has been given in
Section 4.3 and Table 2. NDT methods commonly used in corrosion monitoring of aircraft
structures, or which presently seem to be of significant promise46-50 are:
(1) Visual Examination-Direct
(2) Radiography-X-ray
(3) Penetrants-Liquid
Radioactive gas
(4) Magnetic Particle-Conventional
Magnetic rubber
(5) Ultrasonics
(6) Eddy Currents
(7) Thermography-Non-contact
(8) Acoustic Emission
Table 2 lists the applicability of these NDI methods for the given classifications of accessi-
bility of component surfaces of interest in aircraft structural corrosion monitoring. More than
one inspection method is applicable to each class of surface, but not all methods can be used in
each case. For example, magnetic particle inspection is applicable, of course, only to magnetic
materials; moreover, its use is limited to the detection, and assessment, of corrosion damage
in the form of cracking. Table 2 also lists the judged adequacy, in the present state of development,
of the non-destructive inspection methods nominated for each of the surface classifications with
asspect to the detection of corrosion, its identification, the assessment of its severity and the
resessment of its prevalence. The performance of an NDI method, may be affected by numerous
factors, some of random influence; comments on these are included in the table. However,
generally, the capabilities of the operator, which depend largely upon his experience, under-
standing and diligence, are considered to be most important.


Corrosion monitoring is one of several distinctive monitoring processes which may be identi-
fied in the general area of the service monitoring of aircraft structures.

These processes are: Flight Load Monitoring
Fatigue Life Monitoring
Fatigue Damage or Usage Monitoring
Environment Monitoring
Corrosion Monitoring
Maintenance Monitoring
Ideally, in estimating the fatigue life of aircraft structural components or the fatigue damage
they may have incurred, exhaustive reference should be made to the full record of environmental
conditions experienced in service. However, as has been stated, neither the means for economic
and precise acquisition of the basic information nor its subsequent analytical treatment are yet
available. Similarly, determination of the fatigue life by a programme of laboratory testing
suffers from the same lack of relevant basic information; even if it were available, the very con-
siderable cost in achieving an accurate simulation of the environment may limit its application.
Corrosion monitoring-that is, the detection, identification and assessment of the corrosion
(and deterioration of the corrosion protection systems) which occurs in an aircraft structure-
has a twofold purpose, one part of which, in the present circumstances, is directly relevant to the
estimation of fatigue life or damage. It is undertaken mainly, however, to reveal where and how
action should be taken to prevent further corrosion. In this way, corrosion monitoring con-
tributes to the process of corrosion control. At the same time, it may provide a data base (in the
form of statistical records of the incidence, nature and extent of corrosive effects, and of corrosion
protection system deterioration), from which an intuitive assessment of the aggressiveness of the
environment to the given materials and its probable influence on fatigue crack initiation and
growth may be derived. Using this assessment, an adjustment may be made, where necessary, to
the estimate of fatigue damage accumulated in a given period of service, or of the expected safe
life of a component, or of the period of service which may be safely performed between inspec-
tions. In both these ways, corrosion monitoring contributes to the maintenance of the airworthi-
ness of the structure and to the optimization of its usage.
Clearly, adequate monitoring of aircraft structural corrosion is highly dependent upon
effective inspection methods and procedures. The planning and execution of a satisfactory cor-
rosion inspection programme, however, may be a difficult and costly task. Aircraft structures
are generally complex, and the surfaces at which corrosion may occur are often highly inacces-
sible. Furthermore, corrosion often occurs at unexpected locations, usually as the result of some
factor not considered in the design or in the maintenance planning. Accidental damage to a
corrosion protection system during assembly of the structure is a common, random, causal event.
Presently, the achievement of satisfactorily effective, and acceptably economic, monitoring
of the corrosion of aircraft structures depends largely upon improvement of NDI capabilities.
In this respect, for example, the potential of the acoustic emission inspection method appears to
be very high. 51 There is also an important need for imaginative development, in the context of
maintenance planning, of general programmes and procedures of corrosion monitoring through
and in which the inspection techniques are applied. There appears to be a particular need in this
connection for a greater cognisance of the numerous and various factors which determine the
effectiveness of the environment in causing corrosion of structural components. Of special sig-
ficance in this regard are the inherent inadequacies, the instability and the vulnerability of the
measures taken by the designer/constructor to protect the structure from corrosive processes,
and the influence which the fabrication and assembly processes may have on their eventual


1. Advanced Approaches to Fatigue Evaluation.

NASA SP-309 (Proc. Sixth ICAF Symposium). Washington, DC,
2. Stone, M. Fatigue and Fail-Safe Design of a New Jet Transport Airplane.
Proc. Fourth ICAF Symposium, pp. 1-66, Pergamon Press,
London, 1969.
3. Howard, P. J., Life Estimation by Parametric Analysis.
Patching, C. A., and Proc. Eighth ICAF Symposium, Pre-print, 1975.
Payne, A. 0.
4. Cohen, B. Corrosion Fatigue in the Aerospace Industry.
Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 65-83, 1971.
5. Coffin, M. D. and New Air Force Requirements for Structural Safety, Durability and
Tiffany, C. F. Life Management.
J. Aircraft, vol. 13, no 2, pp. 93-98, February 1976.
6. Gibson, C. M. B-1: USAF Priority Number One.
Flight International, vol. 106, no. 3432, pp. 911-19, 26 December
7. Bland, L. M. Aircraft Structural Life Prediction and Considerations of Chemical
Proc. Third Tewksbury Symposium on Fracture, pp. 235-51,
University of Melbourne, 1974.
8. O'Brien, K. R. A., Fatigue Certification of General Aviation Aircraft in Australia.
Benoy, M., and Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper 720311, March 1972.
Douglas, R.
9. Edwards, P.R. Cumulative Damage in Fatigue with Particular Reference to the
Effects of Residual Stresses.
Royal Aircraft Establishment Technical Report 69237, November
10. Matolesy, M. Thoughts on Miner's Fatigue Damage Rule.
Royal Aircraft Establishment Library Translation 1609, October
11. Uhlig, H. H. The Role of a Critical Minimum Corrosion Rate on Fatigue Damage.
Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 270-78, 1971.
12. Lee, H. H., and Corrosion Fatigue of Type 4140 High Strength Steel.
Uhlig, H. H. Metallurgical Transactions, vol. 3, pp. 2949-57, November 1972.
13. Lowndes, H. B., Jnr., The US Air Force Weapons Systems Fatigue Certification Program.
and Proc. Fourth ICAF Symposium, pp. 139-60, Pergamon Press,
Miller, W. B. London, 1969.
14. Payne, A. 0. The Life Estimation Process for Aircraft Structures.
Unpublished Note, ARL, 1974.
15. Hoskin, B. C., and Scatter Factors in Aircraft Fatigue Life Estimation.
Ford, D. G. ARL Note SM350, April 1970.
16. Mann, J. Y. Some Phenomenonological Aspects of Scatter in Fatigue.
ARL Report SM342, November 1972.
17. Payne, A. 0. Discussion of Reference 2.
Proc. Fourth ICAF Symposium, pp. 61-65, Pergamon Press,
London 1969.

18. Harpur, N. F., and The Value of Full-Scale Fatigue Testing.
Troughton, A. J. Proc. Fourth ICAF Symposium, pp. 343-373, Pergamon Press,
London 1969.
19. Murnane, S. R. Northrop/United States Air Force F-5E Aircraft Fatigue Structural
Integrity Program.
Northrop Corporation, California, May 1975.
20. Payne, A. 0. The Fatigue of Aircraft Structures.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 8, pp. 157-203, 1976.
21. Clementson, A. Corrosion in Aircraft.
British Journal of NDT, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 40-45, March 1975.
22. Laird, C., and Mechanisms of Fatigue Crack Nucleation.
Duquette, D. J. Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 88-117, 1971.
23. Duquette, D. J., and Initial Process-Chemical Aspects, Critical Introduction.
Clarkin, P. A. Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 183-84. 1971.
24. Grosskrentz, J. C. The Effect of Surface Films on Fatigue Crack Initiation.
Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 201-10, 1971.
25. Langford, P. S. The Principles and Practice of Airworthiness Control.
Lawrence Hargrave Memorial Lecture, Royal Aeronautical Society,
26. Hooke, F. H. The Fatigue Life of Safe Life and Fail Safe Structures, a State-of-
the-Art Review.
ARL Report SM 334, June 1971.
27. Wood, H. A. The Use of Fracture Mechanics, Principles in the Design and
Analysis of Damage Tolerant Aircraft Structures.
AGARD Lecture Series No. 62, Fatigue Life Prediction for Air- ... j

craft Structures and Materials, Chapter 4, 1972.

28. Report of the Committee on the Application of Fracture Prevention
Principles to Aircraft.
National Materials Advisory Board, Washington, DC, February
29. Pettit, D. E., and The Influence of Non-Destructive Inspection Parameters on the
Hoeppner, D. W. Preproof and Postproof Fatigue Crack Detection Limits for
Fracture Mechanics Applications.
Proc. Ninth Symposium on NDE, pp. 434-41, San Antonio,
April 1973.
30. Knott, J. F. Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics.
Butterworths, London 1974.
31. Hardrath, H. F. Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics.
J. Aircraft, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 129-42, March 1971.
32. Buntin, W. D. Concept and Conduct of Proof Test of F-111 Production Aircraft.
Aeronautical Journal of Royal Aeronautical Society, vol. 3, no. 1,
pp. 45-57, July 1971.
33. Barsom,J. M. Effect of Cyclic Stress Form on Corrosion Fatigue Crack Propa-
gation below Kr.s.c.c. in High Yield Strength Steel.
Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 424-36, 1971.
34. Payne, A. 0. A Reliability Approach to the Fatigue of Structures.
ASTM STP511, Probabilistic Aspects of Fatigue, pp. 106-55, 1972.
35. Anderson, W. E. Corrosion Fatigue-or How to Replace the Full-Scale Fatigue Test.
AGARD Lecture Series No. 62, Fatigue Life Prediction for Air-
craft Structures and Materials, Chapter 5, 1972.
36. Design Against Fatigue.
AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 141, 1973.
37. Pelloux, R. M., and Fatigue Crack Propagation-Critical Introduction.
Latanision, R. M. Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 279-80, 1971.

38. McEvily, A. J., and Fracture Mechanics and Corrosion Fatigue.
Wei, R. P. Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 381-95, 1971.
39. Gallagher, J. P., and Corrosion Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour in Steels.
Wei, R. P. Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 409-23, 1971.
40. Kemsley, D. S., Environmental Effects on Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propaga-
Ryan, N. E., and tion in Ultra-High-Strength Steels.
Jost, G. S. Eighth ICAF Symposium, Pre-print, June 1975.
41. Crooker, T. W. Basic Concepts for Design Against Structural Failure by Fatigue
Crack Propagation.
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Report 7347, Washington,
DC, January 1972.
42. Uhlig, H. H. Corrosion and Corrosion Control: An Introduction to Corrosion
Science and Engineering.
Wiley, New York, 1971.
43. Payer, J. H., and Localized Attack on Metal Surfaces.
Staehle, R. W. Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 211-269, 1971.
44. Hoeppner, D. W. Corrosion Fatigue Consideration in Materials Selection and
Engineering Design.
Proc. NACE International Conference on Corrosion Fatigue,
pp. 3-11, 1971.
45. Corrosion.
Lockheed Field Service Digest, no. 49, December 1965.
46. Bond, A. R. Corrosion Detection and Evaluation by NDT.
British Journal ofNDT, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 46-52, March 1975.
47. Meister, R. P., Summary of Non-Destructive Testing and Practice.
Randall, M. D., NASA CR-2120, Washington, DC, 1972.
Mitchell, D. K.,
Williams, L. P., and
Pattee, H. E.
48. Gardner, C. G. (ed.) Non-Destructive Testing.
NASA SP-5113, Washington, DC, 1973.
49. Vary, A. Non-Destructive Evaluation Technique Guide.
NASA, SP-3079, Washington, DC, 1973.
50. O'Brien, K. R. A., Crack Detection Capability of Non-Destructive Inspection
Hollamby, D. C., Methods in Relation to the Airworthiness of Aircraft.
Bland, L. M., Eighth ICAF Symposium, Pre-print, June 1975.
Glanville, D. W., and
Scott, I. G.
51. Rodgers, J. The Use of Acoustic Emission for Detection of Active Corrosion
and Degraded Adhesive Bonding in Aircraft Structure.
Twenty-fourth US Defence Conference on Non-Destructive
Testing, Pre-print, 1975.

Environmental Exposure Data for Given Structural Component

Environment Flight time Ground time

% %
50-70% relative humidity - 352
75% relative humidity 458 -
75-100% relative humidity - 341
Condensation 37 197
Rain 07 110
Dry air 498 -

Reference 32.


Table 2. Surface Accessibility, Applicability, and Adequacy; of NDI Methods

ACCESSIBILITY (dimensional representation)

.,. .,. A good
Direct Access

* r-=----(Local) I

(: (Cracking) (Bulk) D
Noto.~tion for statement
of AUcquacy of inspect ion
mcthoU, corresponding, to
gtmera.l expert appl i.~..:at ion.

.\ \\~\\
1\_ . >- ADEQUACY .....
..... >- ADEQUACY
~ .~
5. i~ <( ~
e!n e
~ ~ ~;
g ~c.~ ij

~~ l

.~ ~
~~; ~
~-c 1
u .
-i -
.~ Q).
. E!
c ..

* :::; I~ ~ J~ ~ c ....
o.. ~ . ~~ ~c 0...
Ill.< ~ ~
.... ."!
.;; Ill
c Ill
! .... -~~ ~i~C
=Observer 0.. Q) v 0..
~ ~ ~~ ~c 0.. ~~ ~d:
__.. = Surface of interest <t
0.. cl: :o <t111:'0 <t ci:

<a <io
~ .. 0..
<( c :w <c <c
<( ::: <a~
Direct X AA B A X A A B A X B B c B X A A A A opt leal :.mU other o.~iUs, incluUint: Ucvhcs

Replica X B c c c X A B c c X c c _C_ c for accc%ihlc but more remote areas.

0 X-ray
~ PENETRANTS Krypton gas applicable only where evacuation

Liquid X c c c c X B B c B can be carried out and ruUio=.~ctivity

z Gas X A B B A X A B B A X A A B A
can be adcquo.~tcly m:.magcd.

..... Convent. X B B c B
So ln.
X A A c A
- Applicable only to m:.~gnctic rrr.ttcri:.tls.

-z X B c c
EDDY X A B c B Heat applied from observers ~ide. Performance
variable, so i!onfiUcncc level lower.
Adequacy assessmc~t assumes c.:orrosion actjve
ACOUSTIC X AD c B X A D c B X AD c B X A D c B nt time of inspection.
Table 2 ( contd )
~CCESSIBILITY (dimensional reDresentation )
.. , , ..
r<: r:
A good

r ~Bulk)
Indirect Access 8 satisfactory
Notution for statement
of Adequacy of inspection
........................ 0

Class I ....
c fair
method, corresponding to
general expert .:1pplication.
- through the medium of I
the material itself.
(Local) (Surface) (Cracking) D poor

- -J - - -
-ca . c >- iii<(-
~ . -'>-
. ..J ...J :::::i ...J
iii . c c ca c A c
~ ~.t ii~ iLt !~ <( .~ -~ G)~ ~ ~i ~~
u . - t E - ~1.. 5 !
<( G),'! <(
~ 1'- 5 s - u ~;In'

u ~
* -CL
...J tnc"~l
. . !J ~~ ...J ...J
. InXJJ ;,
CL ~
.n _I .n c
-~ m"' ma:
=Observer CL . "~~ c.. CL
CL ~ In CL
---- =Surface of interest <( ~ -5<o :to <( ~1: <o <io <( c: <c <o <( ~ J cio<~
-1::>. VISUAL
Applicable only jf sufficient uccessibllity to

0 X-ray X c c D c X c c c c X B B c X B B B B vicinity of remote side of section for placement

of recording film (or x-ray sourc'e). Reference
J: c c c c c c c x c c
X A A 8 A X R
A }-......_
standards useful .

~- No non-metal lies present.

z Gels
uw Rubber
CL So ln.

c c
c c
B c c
B -- For sections up to 10 mm, with phase-sensitive
low frequency system.

ACOUSTIC X A D c B X A D c B X A D c B X A D c B Adequacy of assessment assumes corrosion is
active at time of inspection.


Table 2 (contd)
ACCESSIBILITY _(_dimensional representation)

< r:
,. ,. A good

Indirect Access ,. ,.
Not:aion for statement
B satisfactory
Class li of Adequacy of inspect ion

~ through the medium of

one intcnnediatt' material
r-------(Local) I

c fair method. corresponU i ng to
general expert npplic=..tion.

(metallic or non-metallic). D poor


I. ...... ...... ......

~\ \\\\\
-_, .~
- . c_?
<( l
iJ~ as .~ c -~- a::l<(- .~~ c_.?
(I)~ ,-: <(
u ~ I~ ~ -~ ~ ! u .~ -~ ~-

~ ! i _, I~ "'E! ~ ~
(1). d --
<( ~ c.f ~~


-c.._, -c.._, ~. I~. ~J

~ ~
_, ~ :.
11 ~J

* =Observer
S!~ i!~ c.. ~d c..
c.. ~ ~J "'
~-= c..

1-. <cs <Ci

~ ~
__. = Surface of interest <(
c <cs<c <( c:::: <cs <ics <( c 1:! <c <'li <( ~
t; Direct
c RADIOGRAPHY Appli~o.:Jblc only if suffjcicnt u..:ccssibility to

0 X-ray X c c D c X c c c c X c B B c X B B B B
vicinity of remote si.Uc of section for pl:..ccmcnt
of recording film (or x-r:..y source). Reference
...... -ray X c c D c X c c c c X c B B c X B B B B standards useful.

w Neutron X A A B A :X A A B A X B A B A X A A _8_ A } ..............

No non-metal lies present.

z Gas
Q MAG. PARTICLE \'lhcre intC"MllCdiutc mutcriul b thin film - e.g. I
...... Convent. X c c D c I
u puint coating - n.nU underlying materi:1l is

Rubber X c c D c m:.agnetlc.

V) Soln.
---- With low frequency equipment anU goor.l coupling
IULTRASONJCS X c D D c X C D D c X c D D c X c D D c between layers.

EDDY X C D D c X C D D c X B c D c X B D D c - For sections up to 10 mm, with ph:.ase-scnsitive

l_ow frequency system.
CUR !tENTS With heating from remote side of section,
~ l.:~yers
THERMOC"...R APHY X C D c c X c D c c close contJ.ct between unU thin outer

X B D c B X B D c B X B c B X B D c B - layer.
Dependent on acoustic matching of materials
and thin contact or coupling.
Table 2 (contd)
~CCESSIBI LITY (dimensional representation) .

< r;
... A good
... ...

Indirect Access Notation for statement

Class m r::_ ......... I ...

of Adequ:~cy of inspect ion
mcthol.l, corresponding to
general expert application.
- r.hrough the media of two I
or mt:Jre inten11ediate I
materials (one of which may (Local) (Surface) (Cracking) D poor
hl nc'l-w! .til ic1


- -
_l__l_ 1- !::: 1-
-:a .~- -~ .....
ii5 -j
~,..; <( ~-~ -.~-
:a 1: ~1: -

~-1: .'! 1:
~< ~ ~-:
<( 1:
Q). (1). (1)-: <( "F;
ii I'" G)

-" \"\ \ \'j\ ~ u .~. f

-~ ~~~; i ~ j .....-~ ~ $ ~4 II)~ ~~..... ..g~
i E l: u
fi~ !iJ u.....- ~I:...,.
~r; ~ E!

* =Observer
= Surface of interest
<( ~;

-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~
. !<cs <cs <( c
ci1; <( ~j~
SIJ ~.t ~ -r. r. ~~ ~ ..

<cs <cs c :5<cs<~

~ i ln:d
" "' ~

Applicable only if sufficient accessibility to

0 X-ray X c D D c X c D D c X D D D D X C D D vicinity of remote side of section for placement

:::1: -ray X c D D c X c D D c X D D D D. X C D D c } ,
of recor,Jj ng film (or x-ray source). Reference
standards useful.
w Neutron ............ ll.,._tslli os alJDost certoi~ p.eoent

z Gas
i= Convent.
w Rubber
~ So ln.

~ JLTRASONICS Not more than 10 mm total section thickness,

EDDY X D D D D X c D D c X c D D D X c D D c all metallic. Phase - scnsitivc low frequency

CURRENTS equipment.

Tr' ..... "")('..R APHY


0 .,
TABLE 2-continued

Inspection method General comments

Visual Adequacy of method highly dependent upon knowledge and experience

of operator. For Indirect Access, Class II, where intermediate layer
is non-metallic, effectiveness of method may depend upon fortuitous
effect, such as blistering of paint film, caused by corrosion of under-
lying metal.

Radiography Ideally 2% variation in thickness can be detected with X-radiography

but generally the technique is limited to "coarse filter" type perfor-
mance. All radiographic methods are influenced by the presence of
such materials as paints, sealants, corrosion products and dirt.
Neutron radiography is particularly sensitive to hydrogeneous
materials, such as corrosion products-and paints, sealants, etc.

Penetrants Successful use of liquid penetrants for corrosion cracking, stress cor-
rosion cracking and corrosion fatigue cracking depends upon the
cracks being free from corrosion products and other filling.

Magnetic particle Sometimes a useful sensitivity can be achieved to corrosion cracks under-
lying paint films-particularly with the magnetic rubber technique.

Ultrasonics The adequacy of ultrasonics in corrosion monitoring and other fields, is

highly dependent upon the knowledge, experience and skill of the

Eddy currents Affected by a number of factors; therefore there is an important need

for the use of accurate reference standards, with constant careful
standardization of equipment.

Thermography Affected by a number of factors, with consequent need for careful

exploration of the actual suitability of the method in each case where
its application appears possible.

Acoustic emission Sensitive to the low-level energy release which accompanies the cor-
rosion process. The potential of the method is considered to be very
high, for numerous applications, and it is currently the subject of
much development effort.


- .'f,lt-
. .... ~

()8 OQ

,~~ <;;)

. <ey ~



Scanning electron microscope photograph of crack Metallographic section through

surface showing corrosion pit "A" and fatigue. corrosion pit showing associated
markings "B" fatigue crack.



Failure corresponds
to growth of crack
to critical size.

Critical crack
Crack size
Type II
(initial defect Type I
present) component
(no initial

Failure corresponds to crack initiation.

Load cycles, N.


MPa ksi

1168 170

Dry air
1099. 30Hz

Stress 1030 150


961 140

892 Low alloy U.H.S. steel

(ref. 12)

Cycles to failure, N


Crack size. --------


(Environment) (No environment)

Cycles. N.




__., Surface crack
Two dimensional . (e.g. Corrosion cracking)

Surface roughening
(e.g. uniform corrosion)

One dimensional
local irregularity
(e.g. p1ttmg corrosion)

Three dimensional
bulk reduction
(e.g. gross galvanic corrosion)



f//; Structural material

~~ Fastener material

Passive surface layer

C~rrosion.- i~hibiting
111111 pnmer pamt film.

XXX Impervious top paint-coat.

:;'.': :-: Moisture-excluding,

sealant layer.



Low alloy U.H.S. steel

(ref. 40)

90% RH
1.0 Hz

90% RH
Dry Argon
1.0 Hz
1.0 Hz

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

t, K MPa.m%



KIC or::. a
With ac
crack size
a = Applied
MPa. m%


Low alloy U.H.S. steel
(ref. 32)
-62 -40 -18 4.5 27 49 71
( -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160


Degree of corrosion
observed in inspection.

Service life (flight time & ground time).



p Max. acceptable probability of crack of
Igiven size being missed, i.e. being present
Iand able to grow to critical size within
required service life time.
1N D I methods A and B satisfactory,
method C unsatisfactory forthe given

Crack size a I



QUESTION-B. R. Jackson
(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
Has ARL done any research on the effects of corrosion preventative compounds (penetrants)
on the fatigue properties of riveted components?

Author's Reply
Work has not been done at ARL on the effects of corrosion preventative compounds of
the penetrant type on the fatigue properties of riveted components. However, a comprehensive
investigation is in progress at ARL on the fatigue behaviour of bolted joints of aluminium alloys,
titanium alloys and high strength steel alloys in the "dry" condition and with one of two water-
displacing corrosion-inhibiting liquids applied to the joint surfaces.
RAE, Farnborough, have done work on riveted aluminium alloy sheets to which similar
corrosion-inhibiting liquids have been applied. The reference to this work is:
O'Neill, P. H., and Smith, R. J. A Short Study of the Effects of Penetrant Oil on the Fatigue
Life of a Riveted Joint. RAE Technical Report 73174, 1974.

(Ansett Airlines of Australia)
In your viewgraph of aircraft monitoring, should not an item be included for production
We have had examples of: Incorrect bushing of holes,
Incorrect drilling or de-burring,
Incorrect plating process (non-baked), etc.

Author's Reply
The processes of quality control and quality assurance as applied during aircraft construc-
tion are monitoring functions which may be. denoted by the general term "production"
monitoring proposed by Mr. Young. This monitoring task would properly be included in a
comprehensive list of all the monitoring activities the performance of which is of relevance
to aircraft structural life. However, since this monitoring is undertaken before the service life
begins, it is not properly to be classed as part of the service monitoring. (Where such procedures,
e:g. the bushing of holes, are carried out as part of the maintenance function, during the service
life of the aircraft structure, then the monitoring of these procedures is part of the maintenance
monitoring process, which in turn is part of service monitoring considered in the broader






The problems of monitoring fatigue cracks by NDI are discussed and recent develop-
ments in the methods and techniques are reviewed. Three aspects of work at ARL are
considered in some detail, viz.
(i) the part played by the operator in NDI,
(ii) applications of acoustic emission to fatigue studies,
and (iii) future trends in NDI.
Some new philosophies infatigue testing are also considered.

A fatigue crack is usually tightly-closed, multi-branched and open to the surface; it may or
may not be associated with corrosion. Dangerous fatigue cracks can be very small and difficult
to find. Various NDI techniques are available which permit rapid scanning of a suspect area;
all use some form of crack enhancement.
Although direct methods of examination (e.g. hand lens or microscope) can be used to find
small defects, these methods are likely to be very time-consuming. As well, they are inapplic-
able to hidden surfaces. Consequently various indirect methods are used-these include
penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current and ultrasonic methods. In all cases, the presence of
a crack is enhanced by some means-in penetrants, by the concentration of fluorescent chemicals
in the region of the crack, in magnetic particle and eddy current techniques, by the distortion of
a magnetic field and in ultrasonics, by the amplified. echo of a sound wave reflected from the
Although a great deal of time in Materials Division, ARL, is spent in direct application of
NDI to specific problems, the importance of research in NDI has. not been overlooked. For
example, the development of fracture mechanics has increased the need to know more than just
the presence and location of cracks. Hence, an active research programme is maintained wherein
improvements to existing techniques and the developing of new techniques are being studied.
This paper first considers current methods of monitoring fatigue cracks and the significance
of the operator with regard to the reliability of crack detection. The development of acoustic
emission for detecting and monitoring cracks is then discussed, and future trends are reviewed.


The progress of comparatively large fatigue cracks can be monitored fairly easily. Most of
the common NDI techniques can be used, although simple radiography is fairly insensitive
unless shapes and directions of cracks are known. The extremities of cracks can be located with
reasonable accuracy and the sub-surface depth estimated by studying specimen shape and
conditions of loading. Cracks are sometimes opened by application of a suitable directed load
with consequent enhancement of detection capability. Cracks under the heads of fasteners are
harder to locate. Ultrasonic techniques in which the transducer is rotated round the bolt head
or in which phased transducer arrays are employed, have been used but they have not been par-
ticularly popular. If the fastener can be removed, then the magnetic rubber technique can be used
to obtain a replica of an internal defect-provided that the specimen material is magnetic.
A simple surface-wave technique can be applied to map accurately crack-front geometries
for a propagating crack. Ho et a/. 1 used a plastic wedge to generate surface waves from a
compression type PZT transducer, at the comparatively low ultrasonic frequency of about
0 5 MHz. Whittingham 2 describes an electronically switched linear scanner, comprising 39
piezo-electric elements of which four contiguous elements are in use at any instant. Reed relays,
activated by the initial ultrasonic pulse, are used to advance the four-element array, one element
at a time. The simultaneous use of four elements helps to smooth out variations in element
characteristics and provides a narrow ultrasonic beam. Griffiths et a/. 3 found that by moving
a transducer in discrete steps and suitably processing the read-out, a synthetic phased array could
be built, which was much cheaper than conventional phased arrays. Up to 60 elements could be
synthesised. Sugg and Kammerer 4 described an on-board ultrasonic structural surveillance
device used to monitor structural areas for fatigue-crack growth. The system sequentially pulsed
and interpreted echoes from 10 ~ransducers using a multiplexer. Transducers were bonded
permanently in carefully chosen locations on the test structure.
Although ARL has always made extensive use of electrical strain gauges little use has been
. made of these resistance gauges as fatigue monitors. Provided the gauge and crack front can be
suitably aligned, individual elements extend and are broken as the crack front passes beneath.
Special gauge shapes and hardened foils are often used in this application. Harting 5 used a

gauge made from a fully annealed constantan foil which progressively work-hardened when
subjected to cyclic strain and underwent a change in resistance. Large permanent changes in
resistance were noted, which related to the integrated load-frequency history of the gauge, but
difficulties were experienced in calibration. There were also problems in matching gauges to
chosen materials but Kowalski 6 claimed that use of a dual element gauge overcame many of
the matching difficulties. As well, Harting's gauge becomes unreliable once a crack starts either
nearby in the specimen or within the gauge itself. Blackburn 7 used these gauges in comparative
tests on a group of fighter aircraft. Dally and Panizza 8 have proposed the use of conducting
polymers (graphite particles in an epoxy matrix) to replace the foil, and claim that a greatly
. increased strain range results.
In situations where growing cracks are accurately located (e.g. in single-edge-notched
specimens), their progress can be monitored by means of electric potential methods. These
methods are readily applicable to laboratory specimens of regular shape, but not to large speci-
mens or those of irregular shape (e.g. aircraft components). Furthermore, the attachment of
electrodes (both current and potential) is made by a variety of surface-damaging means
(including welding) which would not be permitted on aircraft. Theoretical analyses of potential
methods are confined to specimens of regular and simple shape and have been confirmed experi-
mentally. Users prefer to adopt experimental calibration based on simulated cracks (e.g. saw
cuts). However, it is agreed that the method is sensitive largely to geometrical effects and is
independent of variations in material parameters such as chemical composition, heat treatment,
etc. Sensitivities are adequate and similar to those obtained by the best NDI methods. There
are obvious problems with crack branching, the formation of multiple cracks and non-linear
crack fronts. Scott 9 reviewed the method in 1969 and Clark and Knott 10 in 1975.


It is one thing to find fatigue cracks in critical areas in aircraft under field conditions or
quite small cracks in laboratory specimens undergoing testing. It is an entirely different matter
when NDI operators are called on to find defects of unknown size and location under normal
operating conditions. In such situations, the human operator becomes an element in a system
which includes the chosen technique, the available equipment, the size and location of the
crack and the working conditions.
The operator works under varied conditions-he may find the suspect surface is readily
accessible or it may be hidden under layers of grease, corroding plating or flaking paint. He may
be able to make measurements seated at a bench in an air-conditioned room or be called on to
work on the tarmac or the hangar floor, frequently in a confined space. Most in-service fatigue
cracks propagate from stress raisers, which usually occur in the most complicated parts of a
structure. The need to find defects under the heads of fasteners has already been mentioned. In
short, the operator may be given a difficult task and be expected to carry it out under difficult
conditions. It is not surprising that his performance is variable.
Techniques and equipment are sometimes chosen for some non-technical reason (e.g.
cost or availability of more suitable equipment) but, in most cases, suitable equipment is used.
Provided equipment and technique are correctly applied, crack detection capabilities are
probably adequate. However, some modern aircraft materials are quite intolerant of even small
defects, and, with increasing application of philosophies based on fracture mechanics, some
aircraft are permitted to fly with known propagating cracks. Consequently, it is no longer
permissible to be vague about crack detection capabilities.

3.1 The Diagnostic* Nature of NDI

The NDI operator is called on to use equipment selected by someone else and to follow
clearly defined instructions. He is required to undertake an important job but one which is
likely to be quite tedious. Operator training usually comprises a short high-pressure course on a

* The diagnostic method of measurement is foreign to those of us who are used to dealing
with measurements whose scatter can be described by a Gaussian or normal distribution.
Herein, by making a large number of measurements, all of which are assumed to carry equal
weight, it is possible to state not only the measured mean but also the measured spread and to
predict the likely spread in later measurements.

very restricted subject. Often test results will simply be handed on to a senior officer for analysis.
In the absence of feedback of results, the operator has no way of knowing whether he is doing
a good or a bad job. Operators rarely come from professional ranks; they are often drawn
from tradesmen who for some reason wish to change their field of work.
Partly as a consequence of this background and partly as a result of the nature of his work,
the NDI operator adopts an unusual approach. Instead of making equally weighted measurements,
excessive weight is given to the finding of a defect. A large number of unsuccessful attempts
may be made to find a defect in a suspect area. However, immediately an indication of the
presence of a defect is found, these earlier results are discarded and effort is concentrated on veri-
fying what is now assumed to be a discovered defect. In some cases this may be done by using
an entirely different method of NDI.

3.2 Crack Detection Capabilities

The effects on operator performance of nearby disturbances, an unhappy marital situation
or the degree of importance of the task are likely to be quite considerable, but these lie in the
realms of the psychologist or the human engineer. At ARL, other important factors have been
identified which influence performance and which can be measured.
A series of tests was conducted at ARL to determine the ability of an operator to detect a
defect in a laboratory specimen (Chin Quan and Scott 11 ). Plate specimens (50 x 50 x 13 mm)
were prepared, in each of which a fine slit was made about 13 mm from one corner. The ranges
of slit sizes were different for the eddy current and ultrasonic techniques but generally conformed
to "readily detectable" to "too small to detect". The probe and instrument setting remained
constant for a test series, in the course of which up to six operators each made over 100 attempts
to find the artificial defects; the operators were unable to see the defect which was covered in
tape. Twelve specimens were used, two of which were free of defects and were designated controls.
Specimens were presented to the operator in a random manner, until 10 readings had been
made on each specimen.
In retrospect, many of the results were not surprising. Most operators had no difficulty
in scoring 10/10 for large defects and 0/10 for small defects. For intermediate-sized defects,
the scores fluctuated. However, there were a few "false alarm errors", i.e. claims to finding a
defect in a control specimen. These seemed to come mainly from experienced operators. There
was also some evidence of learning during progress of a test. Differences between the two tech-
niques were mainly evident over the range of smaller defects. Using ultrasonics, the operators
were quite definite in their inability to find small defects, whereas with eddy currents there was
some doubt. Tests on the operator's ability to measure crack size, which is so important in
modern NDI applications, were partially inconclusive. Although most operators were able to
sort specimens into the correct order on a size basis, absolute size measurements were consis-
tently high. Various factors could be defined but no single factor could be used to quantify
completely operator performance.
Packman 12 conducted tests using specimens containing fatigue cracks and obtained similar
results. Individual operator characteristics were similar but magnitudes of factors differed.
However, his work was of major importance because it was extended and applied to real

3.3 The Use of Confidence Limits

By quantifying the performance of the operator, a statistically based detection capability
can be determined and used to ensure an increased reliability of NDI. Consequently, a fracture
mechanics approach can be developed and efficient aircraft usage can be maintained (O'Brien
et a/. 13 ). Klass 14 showed how these ideas could be applied to both construction and mainten-
ance of modern high performance American aircraft.
In operator testing, detection sensitivity is frequently defined as the number of defects
found expressed as a percentage of the number of defects known to be present, i.e. the probability
of detection of a defect (P). In a binomial experiment, where n is the sample size, the probability
of missing a maximum of r defects is the sum of the first (r+ 1) terms of the expansion of
(P+ Q)n, where Q is the probability of a failure. A confidence limit c can be introduced, where c
is the proportion of succeeding trials with which a probability of P or better can be associated.
It can be shown that to achieve a 90% probability at 95% confidence level, no misses are allowed
in thirty tests. Similarly, if 90% of defects are found, then if batches of the same size are tested, .-

the probability of finding defects is 79% with a confidence level of 95%. (False alarm errors
are sometimes simply treated as failures. Davidson 15 showed how these errors could be treated
separately using a Bayesian approach. The added complication is usually considered unnecessary.)
Consequently, it is now possible to licence a factory or an operator in a quantitative manner-
despite the use of a diagnostic approach to measurement. This represents one of the major
developments in modern NDI with which ARL has l1ad some associatio;).

Few new concepts in recent years have received practical application in NDI, but one has
been acoustic emission (AE). * The emphasis prevalent in other NDI techniques, on first finding
defects and then analysing their importance has shifted to the immediate identification of
malignant defects. AE is another modern technique of NDI which has been under study at ARL
for some time, and is currently being evaluated and used.
Early attempts elsewhere to apply AE to fatigue studies met with mixed success. Unnotched
titanium alloy specimens produced no significant AE until failure was imminent. Shinaishin
et a/. 16 claimed that this was a material characteristic, but were able to estimate the area of a
fatigue crack from AE measurements on individual notched specimens. Hutton 17 tested speci-
mens made from a high nickel alloy and a steel, and claimed that all three materials behaved in a
similar manner. Peaks in the AE count rates were explained in terms of micro~crack initiation,
the start of final failure, etc., and it was concluded that AE provided "a measure of remaining
fatigue life in a given test specimen or component".
Tests on boron-aluminium and boron-epoxy composite materials were conducted by
Williams and Reifsnider. 18 Confusion resulted in early tests because inadequate instrumentation
permitted fretting noises and AE to be measured together. Eventually, an excellent correlation
between damage and total AE counts was established. In contrast, Fuwa et a/. 19 used AE to
establish that true fatigue processes do not apply for carbon fibre reinforced plastics and that
fatigue deterioration is similar to that induced by tensile loading. In a typical low cycle test, no
AE were recorded until the stress level exceeded 10-20% of the tensile fracture strength and
further emissions only occurred when the load approached the maximum level reached in the
previous cycle. No AE appeared during the unloading portion of the cycle and eventually the
sample became silent. However, a fatigue limit was established below which no damage occurred;
this was not based on the size of a measured defect but only on specimen behaviour under pro-
longed cyclic loading.
It was not until the importance of certain instrumentation requirements was realised that
consistent results from AE testing were obtained. A gating technique was used to disable the AE
system during those parts of the load cycle where machine noises were prevalent (Egle et a/. 20 ).
Consequently, results were expressed as count rates per load cycle. In addition, testing-machine
noise could be reduced by inserting high impedance joints in the noise path and using flexures
rather than pins. Cross-correlation techniques are used either on the recorded results (Ono
eta/. 21 ) or are applied during testing. (Smith and Morton 22 multiplied electronically the outputs
from two transducers located equidistant from a growing crack. After further electronic con-
ditioning very good rejection of spurious signals was achieved.) Crack closure AE was also
identified. This type of emission reached a maximum for low maximum-to-minimum load
ratio (R); for high R ( > 0 5) crack surfaces tend to keep apart, signals are smaller and tend to
vary. Hence, crack closure AE can be identified by its dependence on R or its effects eliminated
by proper choice of gating times.
It has been shown already that different materials produce different AE under fatigue
loading. Morton eta/. 23 conducted tests on 2024-T851 aluminium alloy specimens and a single
magnesium alloy specimen. The AE from the latter specimen was much greater than that from
the aluminium alloy specimens. The primary deformation mechanism for magnesium alloys is
twinning, whereas that for aluminium alloys is slip. Twinning processes are generally far noisier
than slip processes. However, it was concluded that "the generic behaviour of AE of fatigue
cracking is insensitive to" loading frequency variation (over the range 1 to 16Hz and R ratio
variations from 01 to 0 5). Harris and Dunegan 24 tested 7075-T6 aluminium and 4140 steel,

* AE refers to the detection and analysis of the stress waves resulting from extremely small
energy redistributions within a specimen. These redistributions may arise from yielding, twin-
-. ning, corrosion, etc.

ftnding that "data obtained at various band passes and gain settings did not show any large
qualitative differences".* Hence, it was implied that the in-service testing of structures in hostile
environments should be practicable. The AE rate per cycle was variable, from which it was
deduced that crack growth was irregular. This result emphasises the need for continuous rather
than sampled collection of data.
It can be demonstrated that the AE count rate (dN/dn = AE counts per cycle) during
cracking is a function of the applied range of stress intensity b..K. This is given by
- = cl(b..K) c2
where C 1 and C 2 are constants which change somewhat with load frequency, R and markedly
from material to material. Attempted development of this simple approach generally fails.
Morton et al. propose the addition of two terms-a term dependent on R along with a term
dependent on both Kc (critical stress intensity factor) and Km (maximum stress intensity factor).
Harris and Dunegan prefer to introduce material specimen constants in the form of elastic
modulus and specimen thickness. Clearly, an entirely satisfactory model has not. yet been
developed. Nevertheless, it is still possible to get many cycles warning of impending failure
because the AE rate increases dramatically as failure approaches.
Developments in instrumentation are now permitting the application of AE to complex
structures. Bailey and Pless 25 have conducted preliminary tests confirming that fatigue cracks
growing from rivet fastener holes in an aircraft structure can be located and their progress moni-
tored. Pollock and Smith 26 have monitored a military bridge during proof loading, in the course
of which various noise paths were identified.
The concept of proof testing is relatively new, although it provides some of the earliest
applications of AE (see e.g. Schofield 27 on pressure vessels). Corle and Schliessmann 28 have
shown how AE, from specimens containing fatigue cracks of various sizes when loaded in tension,
was characteristic of the material on a counts basis and was found to increase with increasing
size of defect. Flaw-detection capabilities were claimed to be much in excess of those for conven-
tional techniques. Dunegan, 29 in an excellent review article, describes how periodic overload
testing can be conducted. Assume a structure containing a defect is loaded to a given magnitude
and the AE during loading is measured. After a period of service, a malignant defect can be
expected to grow and consequently on reloading the structure to the original magnitude, there
will be an increase in the stress intensity factor. Consequently AE, dependent on stress intensity
factor, will be observed. If no defect is present, or the crack has not grown, there will be no
measureable increase in AE. It is possible, by making a number of simplifying assumptions,
to determine the number of fatigue cycles at working load in terms of the AE observed during
periodic overload.
In summary, AE can be used in three ways:
(i) to locate and follow the progress of a crack without providing indisputable evidence
about crack size;
(ii) to follow the progress of a specimen or structure towards partial or complete failure
without necessarily providing very much information about defect size; and
(iii) to differentiate between flawed and unflawed structures subjected to proof loading.
Work at ARL has been confined so far to assessing the potentialities of AE in following
crack propagation in complicated structures. A load-operated gating technique has been used,
crack-closure effects have been observed and the increase in signal strength close to failure has
been compared with crack extensions measured by other techniques. A continuing programme
is planned.


It is highly likely that the plastic zone associated with even a very small fatigue crack emits
measurable AE; hence, the possibility of detecting fatigue cracks at a very early stage exists.
For the engineer, the existence of a measurable crack is probably sufficient; but for the metal-
lurgist, the idea of a fatigue crack precursor is attractive. Only a few modern NDI techniques
show much promise as pre-crack indicators, possibly because the fatigue process is not suf-
ficiently understood.
The behaviour of the breadth of the X-ray diffraction profile during fatigue has been
studied. By using a micro-beam technique, Taira 30 measured parametric changes in the plastic
* Analysis of their results suggests that this is an optimistic interpretation.

zone ahead of the crack, i.e. the area wherein a crack is expected to propagate, and this method
has been used to follow the progress of a fatigue crack. It appears to be best suited to study
of the fatigue process in the laboratory. However, with the present rapid developments in tech-
nology, along with the possible use of the computer for control of scanning and for handling
of results, field application does not seem to be an unrealistic prediction.
Photoelectron emission from freshly fractured surfaces has been observed but the process
is not yet fully understood. By measuring localised exoelectron emission, Baxter 31 claimed to
obtain repr"oducible results which provided very early indication of fatigue deformation and
showed a relationship between emission and number offatigue cycles. The specimen was mounted
in a vacuum chamber and was systematically scanned by a light spot formed from a 1 kW mercury
arc lamp. The electrons were detected by an electron multiplier, the input of which was held at
500 V DC with respect to the sample and a time rate was recorded. Tests showed that emission
rates normally remained constant for up to 50 minutes under laboratory conditions. Tests were
conducted on aluminium and steel specimens. Shortly after testing began, a point on the speci-
men showing a dominant peak count rate could be identified and this dominant peak was usually
followed through to failure. (On one occasion the first dominant peak was joined by a second
peak which eventually took over the dominant role.) It was found that emergence of a dominant
peak was a very early precursor to final failure. It was assumed that the emission was associated
with crack formation because it was extremely localised (beyond the 15 t-t resolution of the
equipment used). It was also assumed that the intensity of the localised emission provided a
measure of fatigue damage. Baxter postulated the continuous generation of fresh fracture
surfaces as the dominant source of the emission and emphasised its highly localised nature.
The technique seems to be a highly sensitive detector of malignant cracks without giving strong
indications of final failure. A more direct validation of fatigue-crack growth (say, metallo-
graphically) is awaited.
Specimens of 6061-T6 polycrystalline aluminium or cold rolled 1015 polycrystalline steel
exhibited large changes in the attenuation of ultrasound prior to failure (Joshi and Green 3 2 ).
Typically, measurements of ultrasonic attenuation gave a strong indication of the onset of failure
well before conventional measurements were able to detect a crack. Fifteen specimens of each
material were used and in all cases changes in attenuation > 0 4 dB were observed before a
crack was detected. It is postulated that, since dislocation motion is a prerequisite to fracture
and ultrasonic attenuation is a very sensitive measure of dislocation motion, attenuation changes
should be a good precursor of failure.
Bhattacharya and Schroder 33 found, for certain ferro-magnetic materials over a limited
range of hardness, that AE signals could be readily detected as specimens were fatigued. These
signals occur at the same time as Barkhausen type magnetic signals can be detected from an
initially magnetically saturated specimen. It was suggested that the .latter signals are a more
reliable indication of progress of a fatigue crack than AE, which is strongly dependent on
Under fatigue loading conditions, materials dissipate heat energy because of hysteresis
effects. The resulting temperature changes are small but can be detected using sophisticated
techniques, e.g. scanning infra-red devices. Consequently, areas likely to suffer fatigue damage
can be located and identified-frequently before the damage is visible as a crack. Charles et al. 34
claimed to be able to detect some fatigue cracks as early as 15% of fatigue life. Tests were
conducted on mild steel and fibre-glass epoxy specimens using equipme11t having sensitivity
better than 01C in the 8-14 t-t wavelength region. Analysis of a record using a densitometer
permitted isotherms to be plotted and these patterns were particularly useful in following the
propagation of a crack. Earlier, Attermo and Ostberg 3 5 had reported temperature rises as
high as 30C for PVC specimens, when heavy plastic deformation had occurred ahead of the
propagating crack. For 18/8 stainless steel specimens, smaller temperature rises (14C) were
found. Reifsnider and Williams 36 showed that heat produced during fatigue comes from two
sources-the first can be attributed to the phase difference between stress and strain brought
about by the viscous nature of the material, while the second usually arises from mechanical
damage. The most useful results were obtained from a 10-colour calibrated surface-temperature
picture of the specimen using commercial thermographic equipment. Not only were areas of
fatigue damage readily identified, but the coloured records lent themselves to further analysis.
The specimens were made from boron-epoxy and boron-aluminium composite material and
temperature changes of up to 36C were recorded. The major temperature change appears to
occur at the start of testing when other methods are particularly insensitive.

Microwaves have been used in various ways to find defects in poor conductors such as honey-
comb structures, etc. Sound waves generated at microwave frequencies have wavelengths which
are of the order of the wavelength of light and hence an acoustic microscope can be built
(Young 3 7 ) in which the contrast is acoustical rather than optical. Consequently, details may be
seen which would otherwise be missed altogether. Andrew 38 described an imaging technique
which is based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) but it is in the early stages of development.
Three alternating magnetic field gradients, of differing frequencies, are applied in orthogonal
directions across the specimen and the intersection of the orthogonal planes defines a unique
sensitive point at which the fields are constant. The signal from the sensitive point can be selected
and used in scanning through thin slices of the specimen to prepare a three-dimensional image
of the proton density in the specimen. Pullan 3 9 described X-ray imaging techniques which permit
cross-sectional pictures of any part of the human body to be produced. An X-ray tube and
scintillation detector scan across the body and measure X-ray transmission at frequent intervals.
The system is then rotated through a small angle and the process is repeated. A complex Fourier
transform analysis is used to produce a suitable image. Very small changes in density and atomic
number can be detected. The apparatus is very expensive.
There are various methods whereby ultrasonic waves can be used to produce images of the
interior of an optically opaque solid. In one commonly used technique, the received and ampli-
fied echoes from discontinuities in acoustic impedance are displayed as light spots on a CRO
screen to produce a cross-sectional representation of discontinuities as the probe is scanned over
the subject. The resolution of these ultrasonic devices is limited-below frequencies of about
10 MHz, the limitation is due to wavelength while at higher frequencies, attenuation and
absorption become excessive. There is an enormous literature on holography-Erf et a/. 40
provide a good starting point. An interferometric technique is described whereby very small
(half-wavelength) surface displacements can be detected by examining fringe patterns from
photographic pairs. In a fatigue situation, surface distortion is often observed. Both phase and
amplitude signals are accurately recorded before and after load application. Consequently,
using continuous wave excitation, only extremely stable structures can be examined. However,
Erf et a/. overcame this problem by using pulsed laser systems, the duration of individual pulses
being about 40 nanoseconds. Using a pulse separation greater than 20 microseconds, output
energies approaching 3 2 joule/pulse were realised. Detail of test techniques, along with some
case histories, is given. Archbold and Eanos 41 proposed the use of laser photography to measure
the deformation of weld cracks under load. Laser light was used to illuminate the crack area
and double exposure photographs were taken before and after loading. Movements of the
crack edges could be accurately measured from a speckle pattern. The method does not need
the high stability required for holography. At ARL theoretical studies have been made concern-
ing the use of Bragg diffraction imaging. The work on holography has not been done specifically
for NDI application.
Many NDI techniques are wasteful of the information contained in the signal, using only
a small portion and discarding the remainder. There is a host of techniques presently under
examination or development in which more use is made of this information. Analysis techniques
are used wherein flaw characteristics are determined on the basis of signal frequency content.
Yee et a/. 42 described how reflected ultrasonic signals were digitised before being transformed
from time to frequency domain using a Fourier transform technique. Spectra were obtained
for fatigue cracks, but these were very complicated and satisfactory interpretation has not yet
been made. Defects in adhesive and braze-bonded assemblies were readily identified and the
thickness of parallel-sided discontinuities was measured. Sachse 43 found spectra characterising
a cyclindrical fluid-filled cavity were different from those associated with a flat circular surface.
Hopefully, analysis will lead eventually not only to crack size determination but also perhaps
to the nature of the crack or defect-in our case, whether it is a fatigue crack or not.
Zuckerwar 44 has proposed, and shown the feasibility of, a system whereby a specialised
form of ultrasonic signal analysis is used to monitor defects in structures. Suitably chosen and
located ultrasonic transducers are permanently attached to several points in the structure and
one of the transducers acts as a transmitter. The cross-correlation function ("cross-correlogram")
between the demodulated transmitted and received signal is established on-line by means of a
fast-Fourier analyser. Random noise is largely eliminated by averaging a large number of cross-
correlograms and, by subtracting the initial or reference cross-correlogram, a differential cross-
correlogram is obtained having increased sensitivity. Tests were conducted on a plate containing
holes of different size, a simple specimen with fatigue-induced defects and a rivetted specimen.

Little difficulty was experienced in detecting the presence of a small hole or the early stages of
fatigue cracking. The detection of a crack under a rivet head was not truly tested because no
observable cracks were produced. The system has yet to be tested on a complex structure and
under field conditions on unknown defects. It serves to point the direction in which ultrasonic
testing may well proceed. Cole and Reed 45 describe a somewhat similar technique. A structural
signature based on the measurement of damping decrement of an excited structure is claimed
to be invariant after conditioning but is closely related to the development of defects. It is a highly
computerised technique which is at present very critical to measurement frequency, transducer
location, etc. No real claim is made for its use as a flaw detection method but it is believed to
constitute a feasible approach. In both of these techniques, it is implied that eventually a measure
of structural deterioration will be obtained. A simpler specialised technique for defects around
fastener holes was proposed by Schrooer. 46 The fastener under test was struck a sharp blow
and the nearby vibrations were analysed. A crude analogy of the changed frequency of a sound
and cracked bell was used. At the time, Schrooer found analysis of the waveforms too subjective
but this may now be less of a problem because of recent developments in computing.

It has been a primary objective of this paper to demonstrate that much work has been done
in the past, is being done at present and is planned for the future, in connection with NDI and
fatigue. The original idea of simply measuring crack lengths has been extended by studying
the performance of the operator, by improving the capabilities of established NDI techniques
and by an ever-increasing use of the computer not only to process and condition test results
but also to control the progress of the test. It now seems possible that, with the aid of fracture
mechanics concepts, measurement and prediction of crack growth rates will soon become
relatively commonplace.
In areas where crack growth measurement is either not possible or is unpopular, other
techniques for life prediction are being developed which involve entirely new philosophies.
Proof testing has been used to validate the capabilities of high performance aircraft and may
be used with or without the assistance of AE. The latter technique itself is developing as a viable
new method for life prediction.
Finally, there are numerous laboratory techniques where either studies of the overall process
can be made or the early stages (or precursors) of the fatigue process can be discovered. It is too
early to predict which of these techniques will be developed to the stage of field application but,
historically, many of them could be expected to reach this standard in the foreseeable future.
To a large extent, the speed with which this is done will depend on obtaining a better under-
standing of the physical basis of the fatigue process.


1. Ho, C. L. Ultrasonic Surface-wave Detection Techniques m Fracture
Marcus, H. L., and Mechanics.
Buck, 0. Proc. SESA, vol. XXXI, No. 1, pp. 42-48, 1974.
2. Whittingham, T. A. A Hand Held Electronically Switched Array for Rapid Ultrasonic
Ultrasonics, vol. 14, No. I, pp. 29-33, January 1976.
3. Griffiths, J. W. R., Synthetic Phased Array for Non-destructive Testing.
Szilard, J., and Ultrasonics, vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 246-47, November 1974.
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4. Sugg, F. E., and On-board Ultrasonic Structural Surveillance.
Kammerer, C. C. Matis. Eval., vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 157-62, August 1974.
5. Harting, D. R. The S/N-fatigue Life Gauge: Response to Random Inputs.
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6. Kowalski, H. C. Prospects of a New Method for Determining Cumulative Fatigue
ISA TRANS., vol. 11, No.4, pp. 358-68, 1972.
7. Blackburn, E. J. Direct Measurement of Fatigue Damage in Aircraft.
Strain, vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 25-30, January 1971.
8. Dally, J. W., and Conductive Polymers as Fatigue-damage Indicators.
Panizza, G. A. Proc. SESA, vol. XXIX, No. 1, pp. 124-29, 1972.
9. Scott, I. G. A Comparison of Eddy-current and Potential or Conduction
Techniques in Non-destructive Testing.
Dept. Supply, ADSS, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report
ARL/MET 73, March 1969.
10. Clark, G., and Measurement of Fatigue Cracks in Notched Specimens by Means of
Knott, J. F. Theoretical Electrical Potential Calibration.
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11. Chin Quan, H. R., and Operator Effects in NDT.
Scott, I. G. Non-destructive Tstg., vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 195-~04, August 1975.
12. Packman, P. F. Fracture Toughness and NDT Requirements for Aircraft Design.
Non-destructive Tstg., vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 314-24, December 1973.
13. O'Brien, K. R. A., Crack Detection Capability of Non-destructive Inspection Methods
Hollamby, D. C., in Relation to the Airworthiness of Aircraft.
Bland, L. M., Paper 7-2, presented on 2 June 1975, at the Eighth ICAF Sym-
Glanvill, D. W., and posium, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Scott, I. G.
14. Klass, P. J. Non-destructive Evaluation Effort Grows.
Aviat. Week & Space Techno!., vol. 104, No. 7, pp. 59-65, 16
February 1976. _,

15. Davidson, J. R. Reliability after Inspection.

NASA Tech. Memo TM-X-71969, 1973.

16. Shinaishin, 0. A., Acoustic Emission i Detection of Fatigue Crack Initiation and
Darlow, M. S., and Propagation in Notched and Unnotched Titanium Specimens.
Acquaviva, S. J. Paper presented at 35th National Fall Conference, ASNT, 13-16
October 1975.
17. Hutton, P. H. Monitoring High-temperature Fatigue using Acoustic Emission
BNWL-SA-3989, December 1971.
18. Williams, R. S., and Investigation of Acoustic Emission during Fatigue Loading of
Reifsnider, K. L. Composite Specimens.
J. Composite Matis., vol. 8, pp. 340--55, October 1974.
19. Fuwa, M., Acoustic Emission during Cyclic Loading of Carbon Fibre Re-
Harris, B., and inforced Plastics.
Bunsell, A. R. J. Phys. D: Appld. Phys., vol. 8, pp. 1460-71, 1975.
20. Egle, D. M., Acoustic Emission for Monitoring Fatigue Crack Growth.
Mitchell, J. R., ISA TRANS., vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 368-:74, 1973.
Bergey, K. H., and
Appl, F. J.
21. Ono, K., Application of Correlation Analysis to Acoustic Emission.
Stern, R., and ASTM, STP 505, pp. 152-63, 1972.
Lang, M.
22. Smith, S., and AE Detection Techniques for High Cycle Fatigue Testing.
Morton, T. M. Proc. SESA, vol. XXX, No. 1, pp. 193-98, 1973.
23. Morton, T. M., Effect of Loading Variables on the Acoustic Emissions of Fatigue-
Smith, S., and crack Growth.
Harrington, R. M. Expl. Mechs., vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 208-13, May 1974.
24. Harris, D. 0., and Continuous Monitoring of Fatigue-crack Growth by Acoustic
Dunegan, H. L. Emission Techniques.
Expl. Mechs. vol. 14, No.2, pp. 71-81, February 1974.
25. Bailey, C. D., and Acoustic Emissions used to Nondestructively Determine Crack
Pless, W. M. Locations in Aircraft Structural Fatigue Specimens.
Proc. 9th Symp. on NDE, San Antonio, pp. 224-32, April1973.
26. Pollock, A. A., and Stress-wave-emission Monitoring of a Military Bridge.
Smith, B. Non-destructive Tstg., vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 348-53. December 1972.
27. Schofield, B. H. A Study of the Applicability of Acoustic Emission to Pressure
Vessel Testing.
Technical Report AFML-TR-66-92, November 1966.
28. Corle, R. C., and Flaw Detection and Characterisation using AE.
Schliessman, J. A. Matis. Evaln., vol. XXXI, No. 6, pp. 115-20, 1973.
29. Dunegan, H. L. Using Acoustic Emission Technology to Predict Structural Failure.
Metals Engng. Quarterly, vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 8-16, February 1975.
30. Taira, S. X-ray Diffraction Approach for Studies on Fatigue and Creep.
Proc. SESA, vol. XXX, No. 2, pp. 449-63, 1973.
31. Baxter, W. J. The Detection of Fatigue Damage by Exoelectron Emission.
J. Appl. Phys., vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 608-14, February 1973.
32. Joshi, N. R., and Ultrasonic Detection of Fatigue Damage.
Green, R. E. Engng. Fracture Mechs., vol. 4, No.3, pp. 577-83, September 1972.
33. Bhattacharya, S., and A New Method of Detecting Fatigue Crack Propagation in Ferro-
Schroder, K. magnetic Specimens.
J. Testg. and Evaln., vol. 3, No.4, pp. 289-91, July 1975.

34. Charles, J. A., Using the Scanning Infrared Camera in Experimental Fatigue ..-
Appl, F. J., and Studies.
Francis, J. E. Proc. SESA, vol. XXXII, No. 1, pp. 133-38, 1975.
35. Attermo, R., and Measurements of the Temperature Rise Ahead of a Fatigue Crack.
Ostberg, G. Int. J. Fracture Mechs., vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 122-24, March 1971.
36. Reifsnider, K. L., and Determination of Fatigue Related Heat Emission in Composite
Williams, R. S. Materials.
Expl. Mechs., vol. 14, No. 12, pp. 479-85, December 1974.
37. Young, L. Microwaves.
Electronics & Power, vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 106-12, February 1976.
38. Andrew, E. R. Spin Mapping.
Phys. Bull., vol. 27, No. 1, p. 15, January 1976.
39. Pullan, B. R. Seeing Inside the Body: Medical Imaging.
Phys. Bull., vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 447-49, October 1975.
40. Erf, R. K., Holography: A New NDTTool Comes of Age.
Gagosz, R. M., and 6th National SAMPE Technical Conference, Materials on the
Waters, J. P. Move, pp. 97-109, October 1974.
41. Archbold, A., and The Use of Laser Photography to Measure the Deformation of
Eanos, A. E. Weld Cracks under Load.
Non-destructive Testg., vol. 8, No.4, pp. 181-84, August 1975.
42. Yee, B. G. W., Applications of Ultrasonic Interference Spectroscopy to Materials
Chang, F. H., and and Flaw Characterisation.
Couchman, J. C. Matis. Evaln., vol. XXXIII, No.8, pp. 193-9, 202, August 1975.
43. Sachse, W. Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of a Fluid-filled Cavity in an Elastic Solid.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 891-96, September 1974.
44. Zuckerwar, A. J. Application of Ultrasonic Signature Analysis for Fatigue Detection
in Complex Structures.
NASA-CR-138113, February 1974.
45. Cole, H. A., and A Method for Detecting Structural Deterioration in Bridges.
Reed, R. E. NASA-CR-137548, July 1974.
46. Schrooer, R. The Acoustic Impact Technique.
Non-destructive Testg., vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 194--96, June 1970.


QUESTION-Grp. Capt. I. Sutherland

Several years ago we were aware that the problem with flying acoustic emission equipment
was the range of extraneous noise and lack of discrimination. Can you enlarge on the application
of acoustic emission in flying aircraft?

Author's Reply
In recent years our understanding of AE has greatly improved. Consequently, AE experi-
ments are currently being conducted overseas (USA) in aircraft during flight. ARL believes it
has the expertise to undertake such experiments in Australia. It should be possible to make
equipment small enough to fit into aircraft and extraneous noise can be handled by choice of
suitable transducer frequency, adequate filtering and a logic-based signal acceptance approach.
Signal discrimination on an amplitude basis is likely to be sufficient but more sophisticated
methods are available if required.

QUESTION-Sqn. Ldr. L. Watts

As aircraft continue in service the structure "works", fasteners become relatively loose,
modifications and repairs are carried out. Will these factors require continual revision of the
structural noises which must be filtered out in order to make practical service use of acoustic

Author's Reply
Some experimental work has already been conducted in this area. Although much of the
structural noise can probably be eliminated by filtering, much useful information would thereby
be lost. Changes in structural noise may well be a useful indication of the presence of fatigue.

Is there any possibility of using changes in electrical properties with load as a means of
indicating the onset of fatigue?
Perhaps in a manner analogous with the electric resistance strain gauge.

Author's Reply
Measurements have been made, on laboratory specimens, of electrical ~onductivity. Changes
in conductivity have been noted as fatigue testing progresses, and before a crack has been
detected by conventional NDI. As described in the paper, strain gauges made from special foils
have been used to monitor fatigue but there are unsolved problems with calibration.






The relation of structural fatigue to other branches of fatigue is outlined by a brief
historical survey which includes the main ideas of the theory and ends with some of the
current problems and possible developments.
In the sections about cumulative damage and reliability, there are some minor
improvements over previous formulations.


Almost all the applications of fatigue are related to the probability distribution of life for
structural or mechanical components, mostly those not amenable to simple stress analysis. In
view of this fact, it is strange to tell newcomers to the field that no theory is used for the specific
estimation of the probability densities of fatigue lives. Instead there are two empirical recipes
for the separate estimation of mean fatigue lives and for their variance; the nature of the distri-
bution is scarcely considered, except for a largely subjective allocation of either of the classical
log-normal or Weibull densities. This allocation generally relies on results obtained from simpli-
fied small specimens, and, like the damage theories makes no allowance for the interaction of
different fatigue prone parts of a component or structure; the very process that is the basic sub-
stance of stress analysis and design.
Since World War II this methodology has become so entrenched that "lips can scarcely
frame the words" to properly pose the problems that arise from practical questions. What is
lost on this occasion is the ability to incorporate advances in fundamental knowledge or to unify
various branches of fatigue and the closely allied subject of fracture mechanics.
Nevertheless, several lines of theoretical development have contributed an essential part
to a valid framework that is capable of incorporating any describable type of stress or strain
analysis and almost all the suggested types of cumulative damage. Correct results of course
depend on the correct choice of these two components. Such a choice can only be made after a
comparison between theoretical and experimental results (in sufficient numbers) provided the
latter are analysed by the application of the general theory with several (stress analysis)-(damage
law) pairs. The pair of laws to be chosen is of course that which matches most closely the
probability distribution of the experimental results, and for different cases the most appropriate
pair may vary. Once the same pair of laws covers a wide range of cases we may safely mark an
advance in our understanding of fatigue. Before this stage is reached the application of a rational L

theory will in principle lead to the accurate delineation of complex fatigue from data accurate for
simple cases.
In this paper we avoid most proofs and briefly survey and outline a new discipline termed
structural fatigue. We shall use a historical approach to indicate its relation to other fatigue
studies including those where more knowledge is needed.

It is worthwhile here to restate some of the common or even trivial facts offatigue in language
appropriate to structural fatigue.
First of all one must start with a structure which we define as any object evincing a "stress"
when acted upon by a "load", and also of course capable of fatigue. This definition includes
anything from a simple tensile fatigue specimen to a large aircraft and the practical meaning is
simply the object or class of objects of one's attention. The aim of structural fatigue theory is
merely to relate the fatigue properties of simple structures to those more complicated but not to
explain fatigue itself.
The meaning of "stress' is usually plain but in our abstract setting it could refer to strain or
in general systems to entities such as voltage or pressure. 1 However, there is a difference in mean-
ing between the stresses which cause the static collapse of a structure and the alternating or mean
stresses which are important to fatigue. Structural fatigue theory incidentally allows a free
choice of such entities. ''
The term "load" may be given a similarly abstracted meaning and in fatigue there is here
some more definite controversy 2 3 which appears when it is necessary to count cycles from
fatigue meters etc. to form Kollektivs or "spectra".
The result of fatigue is eventually failure of the structure and this occurs in three stages:
precracking or damage followed by initiation and growth of cracks and finally by failure of the
weakened structure under one of the loads.

Let us examine each of these stages more closely. During what we here call the damage
stage, damage will be proceeding in a microscopic but finite volume of material. If this were
happening in just one spot the macroscopic local stress response would be constant. If there were
several critical regions the stress at a point suffering damage would be affected by the (macro-
scopic) cracks elsewhere but not by any damages elsewhere. However, the most general sup-
position is that damage is self-affected even when the nominal stress is constant.
We h~ve been forced to partially describe crack growth by contrast to damage. A "crack"
is a geometric parameter, not necessarily length, which can affect the stresses caused by loads at
any critical point. Its rate of growth depends on cyclic variations in "stress", normally expressed
as an intensity, which is affected by the crack itself, by any other cracks should they exist, but
not by any damages. Both cracking and damages are most generally described by including
historical effects but in the following these are summarised by the crack formulae and the
damage parameters. After-effects are more likely with damage, since, by definition, this continu-
ally proceeds at the original critical location.
To describe the two stages (which may approximate several) it has been necessary to postulate
critical regions or "control points" where the damage that eventually leads to cracking proceeds.
In structural fatigue as developed so far the number of critical points is taken as countable
and moreover finite but such simplification may not be enough to represent a plain specimen
or even a shallow stress concentrator. Some work has been done here by McClintock 4 but not in
the general setting of two-stage fatigue.
At the atomic level, all types and stages of fatigue proceed largely by the movements of
dislocations. Since this is basically a matter of kinematics except for extremely high speeds of
loading, fatigue, like plasticity, is not per se time dependent. Ultimately, plasticity also arises from
dislocations so that fatigue may be regarded as a type of plastic shakedown on a microscopic
scale. This simplified picture is of course complicated by the effect of chemical and electro-
chemical reactions which do depend on time, but quantitatively these may be regarded as pertur-
bations to a process basically independent of time but not sequence. For this reason the structural
theory subsumes such effects into the data.
From the mathematical point of view, fatigue-and doubtless other processes-may be
regarded as a set of interacting (random) processes, one at each critical point, which proceed
in two stages the second of which is capable of affecting either of the other stages proceeding
elsewhere. This is the abstract picture; at the physical level each of these stages is driven by a
sequence of generalised stresses modulated through a system or rule of counting. In further
detail, the cycles counted are also a random sequence but it is convenient to imagine that the
parameters measuring damage or cracking change so little in each cycle that two further
approximations are possible. 5 These are that the vectors of damage or crack length after each
cycle are points from continuous differentiable functions of a continuous number of cycles or
equivalently of some pseudo-time. To complement this it is postulated that the derivatives of
these depend only on averages of various functions of the random stress sequence. These assump-
tions allow one to set up differential equations for the growth of crack or damage vectors.
A practical prerequisite for these equations is that the damage rule at each single critical
point is known and that the stress at or near critical points is predictable enough to calculate
stresses and intensities in the presence of all the cracks with suitable accuracy. As described in
Section 3.3 the appropriate stress is true local stress with allowance for plasticity, etc.
The final stage in fatigue is static failure of the structure, generally weakened by the preced-
ing cracks, but not by definition, weakened by damage. This is merely an extension of the rule
that the crack rate is not affected by the damage vector and it should be regarded, not as a
restriction in generality, but as a test as to whether a given process belongs to the early or late
stage of fatigue, i.e. whether it should be classified as damage or as cracking in the terminology
used here. It is unfortunate that in the literature these terms are used interchangeably despite
this fundamental difference.
Incidentally the term "static" is somewhat tautologous as used here. It distinguishes the
load that fails the structure from all the preceding loads that allow its continued existence to
suffer more fatigue in the form of either damage or further cracking. There is no suggestion, for
example, that inertia loads need be absent. The distribution of the number of cycles to this final
failure is a branch of the wider discipline of reliability theory though it does have some difficulties
1- peculiar to fatigue. 6 7 8 9
We shall now discuss these three aspects in more detail in a loosely historical

The earliest common reference to a quantitative theory of damage is Palmgren 10 in 1924
who stated the well known Miner-Palmgren hypothesis and applied it to estimate the lives of ball
races, not merely simple specimens. In the time since then it has exerted a hypnotic attraction to
all who need to average the fatiguing effects of differing stresses. Its attraction lies in the some-
what misleading sobriquet "linear damage" with which it is normally taken to be synonymous.
It is a true .theory of damage in a sense to be described later, retaining its original virtue of
simplicity, and there is strong evidence that many of its failures are due more to misuse or the
absence of supporting concepts. The linearity of the rule makes it almost automatic as a choice
of damage for the fatigue monitoring of aircraft fleets and in fact the only serious competitor
in the future is likely to be canonical damage which may be regarded as a linearization of any
damage into probability.
The linear rule is normally written in the form
Ln(Si)/N(Si) = C (1)
where C is a constant adjusted by circumstances, but originally taken as unity (the limit for
constant amplitude loading). The notation presupposes only a countable choice of loads, and not
a continuous domain, and there is a similar vagueness in the choice of the strictly random fatigue
life N(S). For a fixed total number of applied loads (i.e. Ln fixed) the moments of this damage
have been found 11 when n(St) is the limit of a multinomial choice and N(S) is log-normal with
a given autocorrelation function. It was noted that independence of the lives N implied variance
of order 1/('f.n)(N(S 1)-N(S 2 )) where S 1 , S 2 are typical loads. This arises through a situation
basically similar to that holding for limit theorems in probability.
One of the obvious weaknesses of Palmgren damage was that with the vague definition of
damage as either crack growth and/or precracking the rate of fatigue failure did not seem
constant and the first allowance for this was made by B. F. Langer 12 in 1937 who postulated
two stages of damage, corresponding to our damage and cracking, each obeying a linear law
with different values N 1 (S) and N 2 (S) for the lives. Since only the current loads could do damage
in each phase the rule also implies a type of sequence effect. The other innovation in the rule
was that it was the first of many rules that required more testing for their parameters than would
be needed for the corresponding programme test.
After Langer's paper the next milestone in damage theory was the development of pro-
grammed loading in 1939 by Gassner. 13 This has no direct relation to damage but it is
important as the forerunner of wider experimental checks for damage theories and the full-scale
fatigue tests which are now accepted as the most realistic means 14 1 5 of assessing fatigue in
large structures.
After World War II, there was a proliferation of damage studies many being described in
the reviews of Kaechele 16 or O'Neill. 1 7 However, most rules were post hoc from small specimen
tests and had the disadvantage that the amount of testing required to establish parameters
exceeded that involved in a series of programme or random load tests. Also after the War, there
was renewed interest in the physics of fatigue but it is fair to say that none of this had much
effect on the development of damage theory.
Thus the volume of investigation in the post war period has forced us in this short paper to
confine attention to those events that the author finds important to the theory needed for struc-
tural fatigue. The first of these is the publication in 1945 of Miner's famous paper 18 in which
the linear rule advanced by Palmgren was justified by assuming a constant input of energy in
each cycle. This has proved to be wrong but the predictions of the rule were good enough to
become and remain the basis of most practical life estimation systems.
It is important to note that Miner did test the linear rule 20 experimentally, considered
statistical aspects of the tests and defined failure as the first appearance of a visible crack. The
last two aspects were due to be ignored in the widespread use of the rule and indeed in the modi-
fications to it that were introduced to overcome its deficiencies. The latter became apparent
quite soon and one of the earliest failures of the rule was when it was applied to random noise
data in 1956 by Head and Hooke. 19 However, the order of magnitude agreement and the
simplicity of the rule have conspired to ensure its survival in the crude form in which it is
generally used.
Bastenaire Damage ,,
To appreciate the shortcomings of present means of applying damage rules it is perhaps
quickest to develop Bastenaire damage which we now briefly do.

The concept of damage was first thought of by Kommers. ~ 2 After Palmgren, French 21
related it to the state of the material. The axiomatic form was discussed by Bastenaire 23 24 in
1955 though the version presented here differs in some details.
Firstly, the damage at some critical point is in general a vector which specifies the state
of the material there. Because the entire state is thus specified there is no question of sequence
or historical effects in any deductions from the axioms; they are subsumed into the components
of the vector state or damage. One way in which the state may be completely elucidated is through
discovery of the distribution of the residual life at some reference stress. The functionally inde-
pendent moments of the residual life distribution (to initial failure in our case) may then be
regarded as damage parameters and the existence of Bastenaire damage ensures a one-to-one
relationship between these moments and the damage vector. The state of the material then
constitutes an equivalence class of all one-to-one transformations of the original damage vector
or of the moments of the residual life distribution. Therefore there is no unique measure of
damage; the physical reason for this is that damage is the same for a given: specimen however
it is specified provided that the space of damage has a high enough dimension.
If damage is a state of the material then it is reasonable to follow some other authors
(e.g. Torbe 1 7 ") and say that the "state" of the material varies with the stress level during a
cycle. Most investigators tacitly ignore this possibility but it should be considered in an axio-
matic theory. Figure la represents a time history of load and "damages" during two possible
fatigue cycles of the same range but different wave forms.
Because fatigue is independent of time or frequency to a first approximation, all the
"damages" depend only on the current stress as indicated by the closed rectangle. In order to
set up differential equations for damage the temporary aberrations of "state" caused by current
stress must also be eliminated. In concept this is done by replacing such "states" by a differentiable
damage which interpolates points of the "state" at some reference stress. In Figure 1a the dashed
curve is such a function and we suppose that Bastenaire damage has this nature.
Note that the axioms framed in terms of a residual distribution of life presuppose a universe
or population of specimens to which the particular type of Bastenaire damage applies. Thus the
same individual specimen in the same physical state but which could be classified under two
populations say would give rise to two different equivalence classes to describe its damage, i.e.
the damage laws would differ according to the population being considered. One of the dangers
of this is that conditional distributions of life must be treated carefully. 1 The probabilistic
state of damage above must represent in the sense of mathematical expectation all paths or
sequences of damage stat~s leading to the damage in question in proportions appropriate to the
original population of virgin specimens. Otherwise the notional test of residual life distribution
is meaningless.
For a general abstract space of damage the existence of Bastenaire damage is assured by
the fact that there is always some reference stress whose repetition will eventually fatigue the
specimen. In the general case however the damage itself is equally abstract and has little practical
use. However, it is natural to suspect that the residual life distributions, including those from
zero time, depend largely upon just one or two parameters so that the damage may be similarly
described. Because it is now agreed that the change of physical state of the material is gradual
it is also natural to suppose some continuity of damage with respect to different load sequences.
Such a concept requires nearness of different sequences to be defined, i.e. a topology is needed.
Unfortunately for the sequences important to fatigue which are essentially discrete and time-
free the choice of open sets is still unresolved.
This difficulty, however, allows one to take advantage of time-continuous approximations
to load histories and their usual topology to set up differential equations for the growth of damage.
As discussed by Ford 5 the pseudo-time is assumed proportional to the number of turning points
and there is a possible ambiguity in mapping a discrete sequence of load cycles into a continuous
one since in the physically discrete sequence there may be several small cycles completed during
the passage of one large one. The axiomatic suppression of sequence effects reduces the error in
this to the order of
(/::,.T) (dD/dt) (Fig. !b)
where /::,.Tis the displacement of sequence order or pseudo-time caused by mapping the discrete
sequence onto the continuous one.
This does not mean that noticeably different sequences always lead to the same damage
merely because the Kollektivs or spectra are the same. Different sequence paths S(n) to the same

Kollektivs as in (3) below lead to generally different damages D(n) despite the ultimate equiv-
alence of spectra.
Having made the approximation of continuous cycles, suppose that damage at a critical
point is also differentiable so that
dD = A(D, S)dn+B(D, S)dS (2)
D = Damage vector,
S = Load or stress
A, B are vector functions.
This is simply the chain rule but the second term is an effect caused merely by a change of
load rather than its application. It was therefore ignored by Bastenaire to produce
dD/dn = A(D, S), (3)
an autonomous differential equation. This agrees with our viewpoint as depicted by Figure la.
Equation (3) appears abstract but it has been shown 17 that most of the proposed damage
rules can be cast into this Bastenaire form by eliminating constants, one of the normal means
of creating differential equations. This has been done by O'Nei11 1 7 and the supposed sequence
effects of many rules turn out to be just the complexities associated with the original formulation.
Figure 2 shows the rule of Marco and Starkey 2 5 in the present and original formulation, the
latter avoiding derivatives by the implicit use of D.
It has been stated that damage belongs to an equivalence class. Some members of this
class contain the probability of failure as one of the components of the damage vector. The fact
that damage applies only to a defined population allows this component to be unique so that this
subset of functional transformations must exist. Any component, F say, which is the probability
of failure shall be described as canonical. If one parameter suffices to represent the damage then
such a component will be called canonical damage. Equation (3), with D replaced by F, then
describes the life distribution for the given population of structures when the load history S(n)
is defined. In symbols r_

f(n) = dFfdn = Ap(F, S). (4)

When there are several components, (4) is replaced on the right by a scalar function (23) of some
equivalent damage vector. This amounts to a simple selection of the appropriate component
from the transformation to the damage containing the canonical component. Thus the
{ ... , F, .. .} -+ D
allows the multiparametric form
f(n) = Ap(D, S) (5)
of (4).
In (3) let the right hand side depend only on S and let the average life to failure be N(S)
under the constant amplitude loads. If we put D = 1 at n = N(S) then this recovers the linear
Miner-Palmgren rule but with the added interpretation that the life distribution under constant
F = F(D). (6)
Because this is a functional relationship the distribution may also be found under other load
sequences including random ones. Another consequence is that all the life distributions under
constant amplitude are affine transformations of one another. Thus lives under constant
amplitude have a single logarithmic variance. The result was first suggested by Yokobori in
1954, 26 before Bastenaire who did not consider it. For lives to final failure this is clearly contra-
dicted by experimental evidence which therefore refutes the Miner-Palmgren rule for final lives.
For initial failures there are too few results for any decisions as yet.
Ford 1 5 has used Equation (6) inversely to derive another rule from observed lives to
failure under the assumption that the constant amplitude lives are log-Normal. Again, there is
insufficient evidence relating to initial failures. One consequence of any Bastenaire rule is that
damage in the colloquial sense can be done by loads below the endurance limit 1 since the presence
of some failures there ensures the existence of canonical damage even though there may be
runouts. Canonical damage in turn ensures the existence of any equivalent kind, and the physical
mechanism of this cannot, by definition, be related to the presence of cracks but only to micro-
processes local to the initial failure.
It has been shown that the existence of Bastenaire damage implies that of canonical damage,
i.e. knowledge of the life distribution. Other components of vectors containing canonical damage

(not necessarily unique) can be interpreted in other physical ways. This has been briefly discussed
by Ford 1 but not applied. It seems possible that each component of damage corresponds to a
different physical mode of failure and this knowledge can be used to postulate multi-parametric
damages from suitable experiments.
The most important result of formulating Bastenaire damage was that it allowed the dis-
tribution of initial failures under random loads to be calculated, at least implicitly. The simple
fact that life to final failure was the sum of a random initial life and an approximately fixed
time of crack growth allowed the revival of Langer's two stage structural theory. This has still
been developed only for random loads, not necessarily "white", but this is by far the most
important case.
In (5) let
S "'F(S) (7)

using F generically to denote the distribution function of its argument. Then the average density
. stemming from a given damage D
f(n) = fAp(D, S) dF(S),
from (5),
= A(D), say. (8)

If D is the consequence of a random load history then (8) may be regarded as another equation

d/dn F(D) = A(D) (9)

for the growth of average damage in pseudo-time including canonical damage.

.. Log-Normal Damage
To illustrate the applications of (3), (8) and (9) consider log-Normal damage.l Under
constant amplitude let
F(Iog n) = <!>{(log n-fl-(S))/a(S)}G(S) (10)

where <I> is the unit Normal distribution function. The runout probability 1-G(S), which is
similar to a pro bit function, may be regarded as part of the specification of the constant ampli-
tude life distribution. Using F = G(S)<I> as canonical damage, cp to abbreviate the unit Normal
density and <I>- 1 as the inverse function or pro bit of <1>,

F = G(S) <!>{(log n-u(S))/a(S)}

a(S) dFfdn = G(S)cfo{<I>- 1(F/G(S))} exp {-a(S) <I>- 1(F/G(S))-fl-(S)} (11)
is the Bastenaire form for this type of canonical damage. It will be noted that (11) is almost in
the form of an equation for the unit Normal deviate <I>- 1(F/G(S)) so that this is equivalent to
the convenient pseudo-damage

du' = dF/Gcfo(u')
dn dn

= a(S)- 1 exp ( -u'a(S)-!1-(S)) (12)

This is a pseudo-damage since the inclusion of G(S) in the transformation means that the
interpretation depends on the current load cycle. However, it does hold if G = 1 when it follows
that the rule (12) resembles a Miner-Palmgren rule with linear damage weighted by a factor
1/(a(S) exp (ua(S)). The true deviate damage is actually

u = <I>-1(F)
for which

This reduces to (12) when G = 1 but otherwise the first factor approximates damage done
below the endurance limit, when G ~ 1. The terms <I>- 1 vanish when <l>(u) -7 G(S) and then
cease to be real. This represents a failure of the one parameter theory but the conservative approach

would be to make dufdn zero in such cases. From such a time onwards, if all the loads were small
enough there would be a probability
of runouts.
To illustrate (9), let the cycles be distributed F(S) so that (11) averages to ..
. _ JSuu G(S) dF(S) { _1 ( F )} { _1( F )} (14)
f(n) - 0 a(S) eJt!Sl . cp II> G(S) . exp -a(S) II> G(S)

The form of this distribution obviously depends on the Kollektiv as expressed in F(S).
Since this has followed from a simple type of Bastenaire rule it seems likely that the query
"what is a typical type of life distribution in random load fatigue?" is fatuous. Equation (14)
is effectively a first order differential equation for F(n) since the load Sis a dummy variable of
In structural fatigue, densities like (9) or (14) are not solved alone but have their ~::quations
coupled with crack growth equations including generally those for cracks elsewhere. Thus in
(14) Sand hence F(S) depend on the crack vector which in turn because of its randomness depends
onf(n). The exceptions to this are when there is only one critical point or when there is no inter-
action between cracks. Both of these cases are of course common and strictly the first is an
example of the second. Before leaving this illustration, consider the analogue of (14) based on
the equivalent damage u. This is merely a similar average of (13) and the same holds for any
equivalent damages since the transformations cannot depend upon the load.
The experimental inputs to (13) or (14) are a(S), 11-(S) and G(S) all of which should be
obtainable from suitable S-N tests to initial failure. Unfortunately there are no systematic test
results known to the author because of the added requirement that all failures be the cycles to
the first crack, suitably defined.
There is of course no reason why any of the Bastenaire rules cannot be applied to final
failure but this negates their conceptual importance in structural fatigue. Bastenaire (ca 1960)
has tested many steel specimens for IRSID in two step tests while Ford 2 7 has described some
results (Fig. 3) of applications to data of Webber and Levy. 28 The agreement in each case was
fair but it should be remembered that only final failures were considered. In Bastenaire's tests
the damage function was taken to be a power law which is strange when one recalls that the
canonical form of damage, which immediately suggests log-Normal damage, was first advanced
by Bastenaire in his original paper.
Another damage of possible interest could be based on the observation 29 that the scatter
of random or programme lives is similar to the scatter at the maximum amplitude.
Finally there is no reason why any canonical damage rule need only be applied to those
cases where the constant amplitude density is known. For example, in log-Normal damage (11)
becomes the axiom rather than (10) and afterwards the actual failure distribution is some
function of F. However, the choice of a rule does restrict the life distributions. Thus the Miner-
Palmgren rule can be applied to any data, initial or final, but it cannot be correct unless at least
the constant amplitude densities are affine.
Damage and Residual Stress
The enormous number of programmed and random tests which cannot be applied to
structural fatigue are mostly described in terms of the nominal stress and a stress concentration
factor Ke. Because of this, the actual stresses at the notch roots have not beeri known, and use-
less rules have been compared on the basis of fictitious stresses or strains. Fortunately this situation
has altered recently with the introduction of companion testing 30 31 and the spreading use of
Neuber's rule 32 for a closer approximation of notch root stresses.
This rule states that
where the right hand quantities denote stress and strain concentration factors and Kt is the
geometric factor. According to Topper et al. 3 5 K1 is prefereable to Ke and when Ku is related
toKe by the cyclic stress-strain curve or more correctly the one applicable at the time then (15)
with Kt leads to notch root stress or strain. Equation (15) can also include changes in mean ,,
stress or strain 34 and the latest ESDU method uses this approach.
From our viewpoint, this is necessary to structural fatigue but (15) should not be regarded

as relating to damage but as part of the detailed stress analysis of the structure. In the use of (14)
or similar equations, F(S) refers to the notch root stress. The sequence of nominal stresses there-
fore has a marked effect on F(S) and at present the only way to find the distribution of damage
stresses is through simulation of the notch root conditions. This needs to be done often during
a life distribution calculation and is likely to consume much computing time.
Fracture and Reliability
There is no need here to repeat the history of fracture mechanics except to state that the
earlier papers of Griffith, Orowan, Wells and Irwin 35 36 37 38 bring us to the early 1960s when
interest arose 39 40 in the application of reliability theory to the final fracture part of the fatigue
process. At first sight, the various forms of fracture prediction are ideal partners to reliability
theory and indeed they would be if they were accurate enough. Unfortunately, the life predictions
from reliability are sensitive both to the accuracy of strength estimates and the scatter of these
caused by variations of fracture toughness Kc. Because of this the practice at ARL has been to
use numerical methods based upon experimental crack lengths. 41 Structural fatigue theory is
outside this realm since its aim is to predict distributions of crack lengths which may then be
used for the risk or hazard in a reliability estimate.
For completeness, we shall briefly outline reliability theory as applied to the failure of un-
maintained structures. Other treatments 44 45 46 apply idealised assumptions to consider inspec-
tion intervals. There are also approximate analyses 45 46 of the case below.
Suppose that the length of cracks in the structure has the (possibly improper) density f(a In)
at n cycles and also that the strength for the crack vector a is distributed

.. R "'f(R Ia) .

Then the probability of failure during the nth cycle, the risk or hazard, is

h(n) = f~ f~ f~ dF(S) dF(Ria) dF(aln) (16)

It is convenient to split this integral into different parts according to the nature of the
failure, noting first that f(a In) is the solution of the standard problem of structural fatigue.
The cracks may first be divided into those that do not affect the strength and, among the others,
the runaway cracks for which R = 0. For simplicity the former will be equated with a = 0
with the finite probability dF(Oin) and the corresponding strength will be the fixed ultimate U.
For runaway cracks R = 0 without loss of generality and the integral (16) reduces in order.

au J"R(a 0 ) j'co
h(n) = dF(S) dF(Ria) dF(aln)
a0 0 U

+dF(Oin) I: dF(S)+dF( oo In), (17)

where the last term is the concentrated probability that there will be runaway cracks during the
nth cycle. The second term is due to static load failures on an uncracked structure. In the first
term, a 0 is an initial crack which may be O+E although the evidence indicates finiteness. It will
be important to discussions later.
Although (17) uses vector cracks, the loads there are scalar. The extension to several types
of load or modes of static failure has not been seen by the author. It seems most natural to
assume that each crack vector is associated with a random region in load space which is of course
associated with static failure. The simplest description of such a region would be a functionally
defined subset B(R) of some abstract random vector R, where
B(R) c Rs,
the load space. For example, if R were scalar then it could represent a general scaling factor of
all fracture toughness associated with the cracks. With this formulation the first integration of
(16) changes to the region B(R).
The dissection of ( 17) is now less obvious but if it is assumed that all of the crack lengths

and strength components of R are coupled, then the original strength should be associated
with a = 0, the absence of any initial failures. Similarly if any crack component becomes infinite
then, because we have assumed that all load components load every critical region, failure must
occur for any load that is applied except for cases of zero probability. The probability of runaway
cracks then becomes harder to define. The simplest notation for the event is probably
1-fat<co dF(aln)
in terms of. the complementary event. With these extensions
h(n) = fc fRs fn<Rl dF(S) dF(Ria) dF(aln)
+dF(Oin) fn<Ul dF(S)+{1- fc dF(aln)} (18)
C = {a : a 0 ::S; at ::S; au} c Rs with strict equality for at least one i,
B(R) c Rs, the region for static failure defined by abstract strengths R,
au is a length defining runaway cracking, and
U "-RR is the abstract ultimate when a = 0.
Now h(n) is a probability conditional upon the absence of prior failure whose probability
may be written 1-F(n). Hence, assuming continuous cycles,
Pr(Failure at nth cycle) = h(n INo prior failure) (1-F(n))
= dFfdn,
by definition, with F(O) = 0. The solution is
F(n) = 1-exp {-fo h(n) dn}. (19)
For the small probabilities of practical interest.f(n) ~ h(n) and there is also a noticeable burning-
in effect by which weaker structures are removed 4 7 more rapidly than others. This process also
affects the average crack growth rates if it is assumed that failures are removed from the set of
fatiguing structures. Reference 5 discusses this briefly but more investigation is still needed.
Crack Growth
After the almost unnoticed advent of the Bastenaire view of cumulative damage 23 24 the
next breakthrough in fatigue theory was the publication in 1959 of a paper by Paris, Gomez
and Anderson 48 which correlated constant amplitude growth rate with stress intensity. General
confirmation has continued up to the present in the sense that improvements must be framed in
the language of fracture mechanics. The empirical aspects of cracking have now shifted away
from the growth of particular cracks to the relation da/dn vs. !:lK and its shortcomings. For
most materials, this has the form shown in Figure 4 and the first suggestion of Paris 50 was that
dafdn = c!:lK4
which was still reasonable when /::,K was taken as the rms. value of random noise. 53 In the
study of non-dimensional growth data it was noticed by Ford 1 and independently by Roberts
and Erdogan 52 that
dafdn = c!:lKntKmaxn
= c(1-R)n t:,.Km+n (20)
formed a good approximation to constant amplitude results for aluminium alloys. When
m = n = 2 this may be interpreted as a model in which dafdn is proportional to the size of the
plastic enclave and to the zone of reversed plasticity. This lends some theoretical support to the
original fourth power law but it is too inaccurate in practice.
A frequently quoted growth relation is that first advanced by Forman, Kearney and Engle 53
which forces an infinite rate when Kmax = Kc. Although this is intuitively appealing the rates
indicated for high loads have little effect on averages and are actually overshadowed by retar-
dation effects. There is no general agreement that the empirical fit is good 54 (see Fig. 5) and apart
from this it has been noticed by Cheverton 55 that finite though rapid growth rates obtain even
up to the point of failure.
. .
T he non-dimensiOnal .
presentatiOn of data 1 Is
based on the vanab1es t:
dal ra,
= dn
1J = rmax!Po and for thickness -r = t/rmax, where ra and rmax are the nominal plastic zones
associated with the intensities !:lK and Kmax and Po is a characteristic length.

_,, Convenience dictated the choice of nominal zones but the essential idea is that of geometrical
ratios. In Figure 6 it may be seen that g varies between I0- 3 and 1, corresponding to rates near
the lattice spacing up to static failure which might be characterized by equality of the crack
step and /'max
,, The non-dimensional plotting highlights the now accepted fact that there are roughly three
main regimes which correspond to different growth mechanisms. One of these is a type of pause
above which the fatigue failure includes larger amounts of cleavage. This higher part also seems
to be associated with transition to the 45 mode of propagation. 56 57 There is also some
minimum fj,K needed for growth to start. Like the other parts of the crack rate relation this can
be critically affected by environment.

Initial Length a 0
Because of the testing time the slow growth parts of g vs. TJ or dafdn vs. fj,K relations tend
to be ill-defined but there is a clear suggestion that any crack must reach a minimum length to
be "self-propagating". Reinterpretation of results for non-propagating cracks supports this and
since Forsyth 60 it has been accepted that there are at least two types of crack growth in fatigue.
The lengths at transition and of non-propagating cracks tend to have the same order of magnitude
which in turn is similar to grain sizes and the range of surface residual stresses.
Thus with very small cracks there are many complications introduced among which is
their interpretation as cracks at all. When it is also remembered that dafdn cannot be integrated
from the singularity a = 0 of all known growth relations then the reasons for postulating a
minimum crack length become overwhelming for any fracture mechanics (i.e. realistic) formu-
lation of growth rate. However for the reasons above, the value of a 0 is extremely uncertain.
Each of the phenomena mentioned suggest their own version of a 0 which may be loosely
regarded as the diameter of the volume of material undergoing the damage before initial failure
(whose definition depends on a 0 ). For maximum accuracy, it appears that a 0 should be chosen
as that length above which fracture mechanics adequately predicts dafdn. Fortunately it can be
argued (see below) that the damage rule can be modified to allow for changes in a 0
In the fatigue of practical structures the sizes of notches, holes, etc., may also suggest an
a 0 based on a typical dimension of these. 1 5 This would avoid calculation of intensity for
awkward geometries but it retreats from the ideal of structural fatigue based on true phenomena
back towards the present practice of adjusted comparative estimates of mean lives.
In the future it is most likely that the choice of a 0 will be aided by further investigation of
transition form Type I to Type II cracking, testing the limits of applicability for stress intensity
and simple ad hoc adjustments to fit predictions to test results.
Crack Closure and Retardation
It was first suggested by Elber 61 that during the growth of cracks under constant amplitude
the faces of the crack start to touch before the minimum load is reached: this was supported by
an approximate finite element type of model. 62 It has since been confirmed 63 64 and there are
now methods of estimating the magnitude of the effect. The most plausible viewpoint is the
model of Reference 65, in which natural elastic closure is prevented by plastic extensions around
the lip of the crack. The faces are wedged apart by deformed material near the tips which means
that even when the structure is unloaded there remains a residual intensity at the tip.
Under constant amplitude loading the effective intensity thus varies between this residual
value and the nominal maximum so that the range is less and the mean greater, than one would
otherwise expect. It follows that the removal of the residual intensity may allow faster propaga-
tion. Removal can be effected by either a period of low amplitude cycling or else-by negative loads
and after such procedures it has been observed that growth rates do increase. 65 66
On the other hand, crack rates are dramatically decreased by preloading. This was first
noticed by Hardrath and quantitative models have been advanced by Wheeler and Willenborg
eta/., 67 68 which are both based on the relative sizes of the crack step and the current plastic
zone. These models are empirical but there is a chance that extensions of crack closure studies
will also elucidate retardation and acceleration.
In practice, it has generally been found for flight-by-flight sequences that the rate is fairly
well estimated by straight forward summation of individual steps, 51 69 i.e. the various effects
of randomness cancel. However, this rule of thumb is not absolute. 1
Random Loads and Structural Fatigue
Detailed knowledge of cracking concerns individual striations or at most the effect of short

sequences. In structural fatigue, the need is to estimate lengths over several hundred hours or tens
of thousands of cycles for many levels of average intensity. Thus the micro-steps above must
be averaged over some hundred or thousand cycles after which these averages will form the
derivatives in the partial differential equations for crack length densities. This implies the
existence of crack growth and stress intensity subroutines in the package for their solution.
Existing programmes for crack growth use cycle-by-cycle summation without regard for inter- ,,
actions. For the present this is adequate apart from the possible penalty in computing time but
more knowledge of small scale statistical structure of the growth striations would be useful.
At present the theory of structural fatigue can allow for small scale randomness in dafdn
but there is evidence 70 that each crack growth specimen has its own general crack rate as well
as the small variations between successive cycles. The type of allowance in structural fatigue
for such "random averages" is uncertain and the random or batch effects on dafdn need to be

By 1961, all the ingredients for a rational theory were available namely differential equations
for crack growth, cumulative damage for the distribution of initial failures and the given stress
analysis. In the present discussion we have minimised the role of stressing by relegating it to
the class of solved problems or, more accurately, those to be solved by others. The effect of
stressing errors, which can include neglect of notch root strains, plasticity, etc., is similar to that
of dimensional errors or of "random averages" for crack rates; outputs change but not the
In 1967 the author presented a thesis 1 in which the two streams of canonical damage and
crack growth were combined. The approach was to assume that da/dn was a deterministic
function of crack length (on the macroscopic scale) and consider the growth of a crack whose
randomness was entirely due to that of the initial failure, i.e. f(t) (t =initial lives) was the
derivative of canonical damage, and the crack vector at time n depended deterministically on
the multipoint initial failures t.
By analogy with the probability transformation in statistics it is useful to introduce the
concept of fatigue as the sequence of transformations or mappings:
F --+ t --+a In --+ h(n) --+ f(n), N cracks,
where reliability spaces for h(n) and f(n) have been added to the original list. The first three
terms are the damage hypercube {0 < Ft < 1}, initial lives in RN+ and crack lengths at n cycles,
also in RN+ If it is assumed that the density of canonical damage in the hypercube is uniform,
which amounts to independence between damages at critical points, then an almost immediate
consequence is the independence theorem which states that
The proof follows from the facts that the right hand side is merely the Jacobian of the trans-
formation F --+ f(t) and that f(F) = 1. Obviously it depends upon the differentiability of the
mapping and the number of cracks N but the truth of (21) is not changed. f(F) = 1 means
that each critical point is constructed from random batches of material.
Similar attempts by the author to construct a Jacobian for t --+a In have been unsuccessful.
Another approach is to choose many damage vectors F; = {FJt} say and integrate the damage
equations from F(O) = 0 until the components of damage reach Fii in turn. The time of each
occurrence is tit and subsequently this crack component, being non-zero may be "grown" so
that the set of cracks a1 thus produced at time n is a mapping
F; --+ t; --+ a1 In,
part of the fatigue of a particular specimen. The average over j of several a In s from such
calculations is a Monte-Carlo solution for the average crack length andftaln) is also estimated.
Although this approach is potentially useful at least to check other methods it has not been
In the section about crack growth, the importance was stressed of the initial crack a 0
However, there was some latitude in its choice since errors here could be compensated in the
canonical damage. Physically, the density of canonical damage is made to contain all the proba-
bility measure associated with cracks of length less than a 0 which lie on the same trajectory

(Fig. 7). In practice this depends on having some knowledge of the propagation of such micro-
cracks and the actual distribution of initial cracks, i.e. f(a 0 ). However, experience with life
prediction should enable direct adjustment of the damage rule and a 0 for best results. It is likely
that the construction in Figure 7 could be elevated into an existence proof for canonical damage.
,, Crack-Damage Equation
Because the statistics of loads are either stationary or else known with regard to time and
because c~ack rates are meant to be averaged over some hundreds of cycles, the differential
equations for cracking take the form
da/dn = R(a), a(n.) =a.,
where one component of a. is ao. Similarly for damages
dF/dn = A(a, F), F(O) = 0. (22)
But these apply to a particular case. In the crack-damage theory of Reference 1, (22) was general-
ised to apply to average cracks and damages. This couples the two equations into a combined
system of order 2N of the form
da/dn= R(a)+a 0 A(a, F), a(O) = 0,
dF/dn = A(a, F), F(O) = 0, (23)

the crack damage equations. It will be noted that the averaging has changed the original homo-
geneous equations into a single initial value problem with a forcing function coupling the two
parts and proportional to a 0 Unfortunately the solution of (23) depends in turn upon solutions
of 2N -1 similar sub-problems stemming from the presence or absence of cracks at various
critical points. This can be circumvented by approximation but the consequent algorithm is
complicated and still approximate. However, one result that follows from (23) is that all moments
of a(n) follow from linear differential equations which depend recursively upon the solutions for
,, lower moments. One important conclusion is that much of the scatter in a(n) is caused by the
presence or absence of the other cracks.

Markovian Formulation
After the crack-damage equations (23), the next breakthrough was the realisation that the
system (22), exact within the present context, specifies a Markov process with the state vector
{a, F} in R 2 N. For one crack, consider the probability density of a at times nand n+dn (Fig. 8),
confining ourselves for simplicity to deterministic growth. For such cases
Pr(a ~ Crack length ~ a+da) =f(ain) da
= /(a+da ln+dn) (1 +(dR/da)dn) da
Of + -dn
= { f(a)+R(a)-dn of }{ 1 + -dn
dR } da
()a oa da

which has for a limit the linear first order Chapman-Kolmogorov equation71
1 of R(a) of dR (24)
- - +f- -
Jon oa
= -da-
where dR/da is a known function of a, because the crack growth law is an input to (22). The
characteristics for (24) follow7 2 from
dn = da/R(a) = -df/f R'(a) (25)

and the initial conditions for (24) from Figure 8 are

/(a 0 in) = f(n)/R(ao).
The first equality in (25) indicates that the crack trajectories are base characteristics whilst the
second with the initial conditions included shows that
f(ain) =f(nt)/R(a), (26)

along the crack trajectory. In (26) f(nt) is the initial failure density (or canonical damage) at nt,
the beginning of the crack through a(n) = a.
When there are several cracks (24) becomes


where the left is the total derivative along the crack trajectory and the right hand side is a
divergence or dilatation term. The alternative form of (27) is ,,

D/ Dn logf = -div R
which is analogous to the linearised equation of continuity for compressible fluid flow.
The initial cop.ditions are complicated by the fact, that corresponding to the sub-problems
in crack-damage theory, there are several subspaces of the crack-space with successively fewer
cracks. During the fatigue process several of these are traversed in turn as more cracks begin
and for each new crack there is a set of new boundary conditions which must arise from the
solutions of canonical damage equations coupled with the growth of existing cracks.

Equation (26) can be applied immediately to reliability calculations,* and with change of
variable it also applies to other less realistic crack models in use now. To complement this, the
solution of (24) with various right hand sides has been programmed and a package for the more
general (27) is being developed for N = 3.
In structural fatigue and reliability, the concept of runaway cracks needs to be included
and generalised to cracks joining each other.
However, the most pressing need is for data that truly relates to the two stage fatigue
process and its details. It is 15 years since Forsyth categorized crack growth and 40 years since
Langer, on the evidence of his day, proposed that fatigue involved at least two stages. It is
therefore disappointing to know that there is virtually no useable engineering data about initial
failure for common alloys. Equally important, though less disappointing because this recent
problem is attracting attention, is the need for a reliable engineering theory of crack growth
under general load sequences.
Part of these deficiencies may be remedied by the inverse use of structural fatigue but pro-
vision of data is no more part of it than measurement of E or t-t is part of elasticity theory. Succes-
ful application of theory requires data gathered for the purpose, that are preferably compatible
with solid state physics; fatigue is now a large interdisciplinary subject whose further progress
implies that those who actually and rightly specilize develop some appreciation of all its branches
including structural fatigue.

* The addition of a reliability term to (24) has proved simpler and more significant.


1. Ford, D. G. The Analysis of Structural Fatigue.

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2. Schijve, J. Analysis of Random Load time Histories with Relation to Fatigue
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5. Ford, D. G. A Unified Theory of Structural Fatigue.
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f 6. Freudenthal, A.M., and The Structural Reliability of Airframes.
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7. Birnbaum, Z. W., and A Statistical Model for Life-length of Materials.
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8. Eggwertz, Sigge Inspection Periods Determined from Data on Crack Development
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9. Payne, A. 0., and Probabilistic Approach to Structural Design.
Grandage, J. M. Proceedings of First International Conf. on Application of Statis-
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10. Palmgren, A. Die Lebensdauer van Kugellagern (The Life of Ball Bearings).
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11. Ford, D. G., and The Probability Distribution of Linear Cumulative Damage in
Lacey, G. C. Fatigue.
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12. Langer, B. F. Fatigue Failure from Stress Cycles of Varying Amplitude.
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14. Payne, A. 0. Determination of the Fatigue Resistance of Aircraft Wings by Full
Scale Testing.
Proceedings of Symposium on Full Scale Testing of Aircraft
Structures, Amsterdam 1959; Pergamon Press, 1961.
15. Schutz, D., and The Application of the Standardised Program for the Fatigue Life
Loesk, H. Estimation of Fighter Wing Components.
Proceedings of 8th ICAF Symposium, Lausanne, June 1975.

16. Kaechele, t. Review and Analysis of Cumulative Damage Fatigue Theories.
Rand Corporation, Memo RM-3650-PR, August 1963.
17. O'Neill, M. J. A Review of Some Cumulative Damage Theories.
ARL Report SM 326, June 1970.
17a.Torbe I. A New Framework for the Calculation of Cumulative Damage in
Part !-Historical Theory, USAA Report 106, Southampton,
Part II-Historical Theory, USAA Report 111, Southampton,
18. Miner, M. A. Cumulative Damage in Fatigue.
Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 12, No. 3, Sept., 1945. pp.
A159-64; Discussion, Vol. 13, No.2, pp. A169-71, June 1946.
19. Head, A. K., and Random Load Fatigue Testing.
Hooke, F. H. Nature, Vol. 177, p. 1176, 1956.
20. Miner, M. A. Experimental Verification of Cumulative Fatigue Damage.
Automotive Industries, New York, Vol. 93, No. 11, pp. 20-22,
56-58, 1 December 1945.
21. French, H. J. Fatigue and the Hardening of Steels.
Transactions of the American Society of Steel Treatment, Vol. 21,
No. 10, pp. 899-946, October 1933,
22. Moore, H. F., and An Investigation of the Fatigue of Metals.
Kommers, J. B. University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin 124,
23. Bastenaire, F. A. Critical Discussion of the Nature of Cumulative Damage in
Fatigue. IUTAM Colloquium on Fatigue (eds. W. Weibull and
F. K. G. Odgvist).
Julius Springer, Stockholm 1955.
24. Hooke, F. H. Translation of Reference 23.
University of Nottingham, Department of Mechanical Engin-
eering Report, 1958.
25. Marco, S. M., and A Concept of Fatigue Damage.
Starkey, W. L. Trans. ASME Vol. 76, p. 627, 1954.
26. Yokobori, T. Fatigue Fracture from the Standpoint of the Stochastic Theory.
Journal of the Physical Society ofJapan, Vol. 8, No.2, pp. 265-68,
27. Ford, D. G. Letter to F. Bastenaire.
28. Webber, D., and Cumulative Damage in Fatigue with Reference to the Scatter of
Levy, J. C. Results.
United Kingdom Ministry of Supply S. and T. Memo 15/58, 1958.
29. Jacoby, G. H., and Comparison of Scatter under Program and Random Loading and
Nowack, H. Influencing Factors. Probabilistic Aspects of Fatigue.
ASTM STP Sll, pp .. 61-74, 1972.
30. Stadnick, S. J., and Techniques for Smooth Specimen Simulation of the Fatigue
Morrow, Jo Dean Behaviour of Notched Members. Testing for Prediction of Material
Performance in Structures and Components.
ASTM STP 515, American Society for Testing and Materials,
pp. 229-52, 1972 ..
31. Crews, John H., and Fatigue Crack Growth from a Circular Hole with and without
White, N.H. High Prior Loading.
NASA TN D-6899, September 1972.
32. Neuber, H. Theory of Stress Concentration for Shear Strained Prismatical
Bodies with Arbitrary Non-Linear Stress Strain Law.
Transactions American Society of Mechanical Engineering D.
TASMA, pp. 544-50, December 1961.
33. Topper, T. H., Laboratory Simulation of Structural Fatigue Behaviour.
Wetzel, R. M., and Journal of Materials, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 200-209; see also Effects
Morrow, Jo Dean of Environment and Complex Load History on Fatigue Life,
ASTM STP 462, 1970.

34. Kirkby, W. T., and Cumulative Fatigue Damage Studies of Pinned-log and Clamped-
Edwards, P. R. log Structural Elements in Aluminium Alloy.
RAE TR 69182, August 1969.
35. Griffith, A. A. The Phenomena of Rupture and Flow in Solids.
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, Vol. 221, pp. 163-98, 1920-21.
,, 36. Orowan, E. Energy Criterion of Fracture.
Welding Journal, Research Supplement, Vol. 34, p. 157; also Trans.
Inst. Engrs. Shipbuilders of Scotland, Vol. 89, p. 165, 1945.
37. Wells, A. A., and The Velocity of Brittle Fracture.
Roberts, D. K. Engineering, Vol. 178, pp. 820-21, 1954.
38. Irwin, G. R. Fracture Testing of High Strength Materials under Conditions
Appropriate for Stress Analysis.
US Naval Research Laboratory, Report NRL 5486, July 1960.
39. Freudenthal, A. M. Fatigue Sensitivity and Reliability of Mechanical Systems, especially
Aircraft Structures.
Wright Air Development Center, WADD Technical Report 61-53,
40. Payne, A. 0. The Fatigue Characteristics of Structures and Their Fatigue Life
Thesis for the Degree of Master of Engineering, University of
Melbourne, 1961.
41. Diamond, Patricia, and Reliability Analysis Applied to Structural Tests.
Payne, A. 0. Proceedings of Symposium on Advanced Approaches to Fatigue
Evaluation, Miami Beach, May 1971; NASA sp-309, 1972.
42. Ferrari, R. M., Some Considerations Relating to the Safety of Fail-safe Wing
Milligan, I. S., and Structures.
1'\ Weston, M. R. Proceedings of Symposium on Full Scale Testing of Aircraft
Structures, 1959; Pergamon Press, pp. 413-26, 1963.
43. Shaw, R. R. The Level of Safety Achieved by Periodical Inspection of Fatigue
Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Vol. 58, No. 526,
pp. 720-23, 1954.
44. von Sydow, Lennart Appendix A: A Statistical Method for Fail-Safe Design with
Repsect to Aircraft Fatigue. Bo K. 0. Lundberg and Sigge
2nd International Congress ICAS, Zurich, September 1960; also as
FFA Report.
45. Ford, D. G. Appendix to Reference 44.
46. Ford, D. G., and Approximate Life Distribution of Cracked Structures with Random
Grandage, J. G. Risks.
ARL Structures Tech. Note SM-363, March 1971.
47. Hooke, F. H. Probabilistic Design and Structural Fatigue.
Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 79, No. 774, June 1975.
48. Paris, P. C., A Rational Analytic Theory of Fatigue.
Gomez, M. P., and The Trend in Engineering, Vol. 13, No.9, 1959.
Anderson, W. E.
49.- The Cranfield Symposium on Fatigue Crack Propagation.
College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, 1961.
50. Paris, P. C. The Growth of Cracks due to Variations in Load.
Ph.D. Thesis, Lehigh University, September 1962.
51. Paris, P. C. The Fracture Mechanics Approach to Fatigue. Fatigue-An Inter-
disciplinary Approach.
Proc. of lOth Sagamore Army Materials Conf. (eds. Volker Weiss
et a/.), Syracuse University Press, 1964.
52. Roberts, R., and The Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Plates
Erdogan, F. under Extension and Bending.
Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 89D, December 1967; also
Trans. ASME Series D, pp. 885-92.

53. Forman, R. G., Numerical Analysis of Crack Propagation in Cyclic Loaded
Kearney, V. E., and Structures.
Engle, R. M. Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 89D, September 1967; also
Trans. ASME Series D, pp. 459-64.
54. Wanhill, R. J. H. Fatigue Crack Propagation Data for Titanium Sheet Alloys:
Interim Report No. 5 IMI 318. ,,
National Lucht en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium, NLR-TR-74048U,
April 1974.
55. Cheverton, K. E. Crack Propagation in Flat Tensile Specimens of Light Alloy Sheet
Materials Part I.
UK Ministry of Supply Contract No. 6/Aircraft/12468/C8.10(6),
June 1956.
56. Pook, L. P. Fatigue Crack Growth Data for Various Materials Deduced from
the Lives of Precracked Plates.
National Engineering Laboratory, NEL Report No. 484, July 1971.
57. Harrison, J. D. An Analysis of Non Propagating Fatigue Cracks on a Fracture
Mechanics Basis.
Metal Construction, Vol. 2, No. 6, p. 93, March 1970.
58. Greenan, A. F. Fatigue Tests on Edge-cracked Magnesium Alloy Plate Specimens.
National Engineering Laboratory, NEL Report No. 492, November
59. Paris, P. C., Various papers in "Stress Analysis and Growth of Cracks".
Bucci, R. J., et a/. ASTM STP 513. Proceedings of the 1971 National Symposium of
Fracture Mechanics, University of Illinois, 31 August-2 September
1971; published September 1972.
60. Forsyth, P. J. E. A Two Stage Process of Fatigue Crack Growth.
The Cranfield Symposium on Fatigue Crack Propagation, College
of Aeronautics, Cranfield 1961. ,..
61. Elber, W. The Significance of Fatigue Crack Closure.
Damage Tolerance in Aircraft Structures ASTM 486, pp. 230-42,
62. Elber, W. Some Effects of Crack Closure on the Mechanism of Fatigue Crack '
Propagation under Cyclic Tension Loading.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 1968.
63. Hanel, J. J. Rissfortschreitung in ein-und mehrstufig Schwingbelasteten Schei-
ben mit besonderer Beruchsichtigung des Partiellen Risschliessens
(Crack Growth in Sheets under Constant Amplitude and Pro-
grammed Loads with Regard to Partial Crack Closure).
Report of Institut fur Statik und Stahlbau. ISSB TH Darmstadt,
64. Schijve, J. Flight Simulation Tests on Notched Elements.
Jacobs, F. A., and NLR Technical Report TR 74033, 1974.
Tromp, P. J.
65. Schijve, J. Fatigue Crack Growth under Variable-Amplitude Loading.
Conference on the Prospects of Advanced Fracture Mechanics,
Delft, The Netherlands, 24--28 June 1974; Noordhoff, 1974.
Also Delft University of Technology, Department of Aeronautical
Engineering, Repor~ VTH-181, April1974.
66. Schijve, J. Prediction of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Aircraft Materials
under Variable-Amplitude Loading.
Delft University of Technology, Report VTH-193, March 1975;
also ASTM Meeting, Montreal, 23-24 June 1975.
67. Wheeler, 0. E. Spectrum Loading and Crack Growth.
Journal of Basic Engineering (Transaction of ASME, Series D),
Vol. 181D, 1972.
68. Willenborg, J. D., A Crack Growth Retardation Model using an Effective Stress
Engle; R. M., and Concept.
Wood, H. A. Report AFFDL-TM-FBR-71-l, 1971.
69. Goldsmith, N. Private communication. 1975.

70. Donaldson, D. R., and Crack Propagation Behaviour of Some Airframe Materials
Anderson, W. E. Proceedings of the Crack Propagation Symposium, Cranfield
College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, September 1961.
71. Bailey, N. T. J. The Elements of Stochastic Processes with Applications to the
Natural Sciences.
A Wiley Publication in Applied Statistics, Wiley, 1964.
72. Courant, R., and Methods of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 2, Interscience. A division
Hilbert,.D. of John Wiley, 1962.


Load histories



of Cycle

Cycles 1'\. + 1


~----------------------- ~t

5 cycles or fewer superimposed

on one cycle during (n-2, n + 3)


n. -2 n-1 'Tt

Times of peaks or troughs


n x(S2)
.. x(S) -1 D= N
~~ =log D.D x(S)
D = ...!l. x(S3)



0 nl +1\

The sum of the downward projections of the heavy lines

represents the cycles actually applied to the structure

0 Damage for load of
constant amplitude 5 3
=(n/N 3)x{S 3 ) (From above)
=log D. D(x (S3)-1 )/x (53)

for Marco and Starkey rule.



099 .

. ~I 0


Q) 090 ......::::i~I



060 I 4
050 3 X 10 .
I . .10~ ~c.? 8. Y. ..8?. . . VI
. 10 6 Life 107
\0 Q)
0 >

030 I I .
. :_g.Ll
. o0
'].fJ.'\ ~\'a
020 ~/ -~
cofl.stafl.'t a
I ryJ 0 ~
01 0 1+---- f___S>B t\(0 - - - - - - - : - ; : : : - : ~ I

050 --+----0
ll :Q

:--:"",_:-;;--I 0 345-276 MPa
a 345-241 MPa
o 276 MPa } constant
0 ...
002 o f' -- (c) Stepping down
241 MPa amplitude
I I o ~
001 ()0


.. ~
I og v 1 Total number of cycles applied v 1 + v2

X= log n

0 v1 100,000-
95 0 v1 200,000-
t I 8 v1 400,000-
90 ~
Log normal damage

.~ ~~
..... . /:5 requires agreement
'(ii -8} of slopes
80 -a
> . ~I
70 f
60 -

c. 10 2 10 3 Life
> 50
(0 I
:::::1 40
I 345 MPa
I "C
20 0 276 MPa
I _J

1 0 . ~~
~~ Cycles

05 ~ Stepping up
<? ()


, p 143 Ref. (59)
I CompletB
Microvoids and

o Microvoids and


Transition Large striations


Upper Scatter Band

Room Air !75Fl Base
Plate Data
R = 0, f = 10 cps



Beginning of striations
.. c

Structure sensitive
less plasticity


I0-7 ~

~~ 10-6
oa Typical slip distance

10-8 B



Threshold stress intensity

10--9 ~
5 10 15 20 30 40 50 80
l1K KSI fu


ASTM A533 B-1 steel- R = 0.10, ambient room air, 75F


o Spec No. 9
R = 0.10
o Spec No. 16
R = 0.30 0
v Spec No. 36 rP R=O.IO
R = 0.50
c Spec No. 3 Spec No. 4 I

R = 0. 70 Q f = 160 cp~
10-6 o f ~ 120 cp~
" Spec No. 13
R = 0.11!

. ~
<I f = 60 cp~

dl "' Spec No. 5"

v : ~ f = 160 cps
A I= 120 cp~
a .a v ot9
AA Spec No. s
"~00.. "!,~ a I = 160 cp~
D 6'0 0 0
g 0

. gA?I>
8ft6 0 Q)
0 0
~ Distilled water at

{ ~0
00 0 Air at 560 K and 160 Hz
4.. ambient temp.

~ 7
dl\ .. 0 0
'5 \1. I0-
N = 0.(>
Fa o
0 0
<I """ oo :::;
~ f'IA .. 0 ~

. 'lp 0

o tP
AD 0
"Best Fit"
Data line ~
8 0
10-s~ 0
R = 0.10
0 Room Temp 175F I
00 0
"Be~t Fit" Data line
0 0
lO-s R = 0. I Room Temp Air
Sp.c Nos.


"Thin Coat or Clear Shellac
~ Applied to Specimen
STEEL ASTM A533B-1 Surlace. One Si!le Only
Self Arrest
J.No Grovdh Cadmiilm Plated. Thickne~~
6 Le~~ than 0. 002 lnche~
/'" 2 x 10 Cycles
on all Specimen Surface~
10-'1 I2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I No Growth I
- --
IO-Q l I ~~ Ia' "l5' 'io 1
u' do 1 io
ilK KSI ,rrn.
~~ = da/dn depends on
r y! p0 Thickness t/r
has lit~le effect

----o-+., Nominal plastic
Typical plastic zone zones

Crack size a


P0 --ll-- Average inhomogeneity
Plastic zone obtained if alternating
load was the maximum



From Donaldson and Anderson (Cranfield Symposium 1961)

including resulls of Me Evily and lllg. Liu, Marlin and
Sinclair. Weibull.
Decimal numbers for g.. lg.
gmfg. < 15 ------06-----
Whole- numbers for lesl
frequency in C.P. M.

17< gm/ga<22
36 < gm /ga < 55
gm /ga ~ 250
Thickness between 0102 - 002 0 inches.
(0.26- 0.05 mm)


log ry (ry = Plastic region in inches)


10 r - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - " " 1
' Fracture

0 ~----------------+-----------------

(Bristoi(BAC) 1959)

r: -10 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - -

log d ~a
dn Rooke et al
DTD 5070A

10800 p.s.i. 74.463 MPa

3600 p.s.i. 24.821 MPa

7,200 p.s.i. 49.642 MPa

-30 L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~--------------~--------------~

-30 -20 -10 0
log ry



Idealised density of initial lives ,,

f(t/a 0 ) dt

f Typical crack
~ trajectories

..0 f(a,t)
.... Actual joint .density
Idealised time of
initial failure.

t t+dt
Time or cycles



a+ da + R(a + da) dn

a+ R(a) dn
b, a+ da

~ a

t t + dt n n +dn



What precisely is required as to the nature of damage and crack propagation data in
order to make practical use of the unified theory?
What parameters are needed from the metallurgists to define crackless damage and crack

Author's Reply
Because canonical damage is the distribution of initial life, once this is defined, any set of
initial lives which allows estimation of the scatter at several load levels will allow the construc-
tion of a damage rule. If the data exists such rules may be extended to initial failure below the
fatigue limit. For Miner damage only the mean S-N curve is needed but this involves some
assumptions about the life distribution, as described in the paper. Naturally the more that is
known about the initiation phase the better the rule that can be constructed. Although I have
not investigated it in detail I also feel that the S-N data need not necessarily be couched in terms
of constant amplitude loads; independent programmes or randomised loadings may also suffice.
All these remarks apply to one-parameter damage. For higher dimensions, other dimensions of
data are also needed and one must be closely guided by the metallurgists. Further investigations
here should be interdisciplinary and include some statistical considerations.
Similarly, with crack growth simple dafdn data for various stress intensities is enough if
simply additive rates are assumed but the outstanding problem here has probably been recog-
nised as that of retardation and interaction generally. On the other hand the statistics of crack-
ing have been neglected even at the level of differences between average crack growth curves for
different specimens.
It is planned that the first implementation of the theory will use Miner damage for the
initial life distribution and straight-forward dafdn data with simply additive rates. The next
stage will then introduce retardation of crack growth and Neuber-Topper-Wetzel notch root
analysis for improvement of stress analysis for initial damage.
However, the initial failure data obviously depends on how this is defined, which is related
to the value of the initial crack length a 0 These are both the domain of the metallurgist but the
choice must also be influenced by engineering and the mathematical convenience, which is one
of the advantages of a two stage theory.
One approach to the idealized initial crack length is as a scale length for material or struc-
tural inhomogeneity. Another definition is that crack length above which fracture mechanics
provides a reasonable description of crack growth. From Figure 7 it can be seen that the damage
rule also depends on a 0 and it is possible that the primary choice will depend on metallurgists,
what they can discover about crack initiation or, as some would have it, on the distinction
between macro- and micro-cracking.

Mechanistically it is fairly clear that fatigue cracks both initiate and propagate by the local
irreversibility of plastic deformation. Thus, in a real, physical sense, fatigue cracks initiate in.
the first cycle and there is no such stage as initiation. A major problem of course lies in .quanti-
fying the early rates of crack propagation,. but the techniques of obtaining such data are not
part of your theory.
With this concept, is it possible to simplify your theory by deleting the "so-called" damage

Author's Reply
From a mathematical viewpoint, deletion of the damage stage is not a simplification. The
idea of having two stages is that they can be described by two simple laws better than a more
complicated one can treat the whole process.
Both of these stages certainly proceed by irreversible plasticity but this is not synonymous
with cracking, in the engineering sense at least, and in the real physical sense the early stages of
fatigue diff~r from the later ones. In crack growth itself there are several stages and it has been
shown that there is much more scatter in the times to reach small crack lengths than there is in
the subsequent growth times. The idealization of this situation is that there is a period to initial
failure which rand.omises the system followed by cracking which couples the fatigue sites in the
structure. It is mathematically convenient to dichotomise these and semantically useful to name
them differently as successive stages of "fatigue".
Within this terminology "initial failure" may include microcracks in which case their
quantification amounts to the derivation of equations governing "damage" as defined in the
paper. As mentioned in the introduction, the best division between these is still a matter of
research and experience. From Figure 7 it may be seen further that the damage law depends on
the definition of initial failure; conventional analysis now postulates a single stage of damage
with a 0 the size of the structure. Subdivision of this must be an improvement, but Dr. Finney's
remarks should remind us not to tie it to convention.

(Division of Tribophysics, CSIRO)
Most people think of damage as a one-dimensional measure by which the amount of
"damage" in several specimens can be put in order.
The literature, however, contains many instances where ordering is not possible so that
damage must at least be described as a vector. Is the set of damages you postulate simply the set
of one-dimensional damages at each critical point?

Author's Reply
Not necessarily. The Bastenaire damage of Section 3 is most generally a vector for each
critical point. Each damage vector leads to an initial failure probability which is a component
ofF later on. For simplicity however, this generality has not been maintained but it introduces
no further difficulty.
Incidentally, the instances of multidimensional damage in the literature probably refer to
final failures which combine our damage and cracking stages.
Dr. Head-Yes probably. Do you know of any work to establish the dimensionality of damage?
Dr. Head-Would you consider this to be one of the current problems of damage theory?







Evaluation of the structural reliability and probability of failure during the lifetime
is a statistical exercise based upon load history data and strength decay properties known
or attributed to the structures in question. Reliability theory avoids the need for arbitrary
decision regarding the level of strength deterioration assumed to render a structure
By defining failure to occur whenever a structure has imposed upon it a load larger
than current strength, it provides a mathematically exact evaluation of the instantaneous
risk of static ultimate failure and offatigue failure, and of the long term reliabilities with
respect to failure in either mode, on the basis of given data. The method dispenses with
arbitrary scatter factors, though equivalent scatter factors may be determined from the
relation between reliability and age if desired. The fatigue sensitivity of a structure is
characterised by the relationship of fatigue failure risk to static ultimate failure risk.
Structures initially ultimate-load-failure-sensitive tend to become fatigue-sensitive as
they get older.
Fatigue risk is reducible in fail-safe and inspectable structures, but only in so far
as cracking is within the range of in-service detectability. The variability of structural
strength (whether present initially or resulting from variation in the rates of strength
decay) causes a variation of the risk over the population, viz. a higher risk over weaker
members and vice versa, which leads to a more rapid depletion of weaker members of
the population. Risk averaging leads to over conservative estimates and to over
frequent inspection requirements. Confidence in the efficacy of inspection in preventing cata-
strophic failures is related to the length of time, and the distribution of that length of
time, during which a crack is inspectable and yet not unsafe. Time to first failure statistics
are directly related to the expectation of finding a crack when inspecting at a nominated
Reliability of reliability estimates is examined, and is shown to be usually limited
by sampling problems and arbitrary judgments concerning the attribution of properties
to the population in question. The estimates are compared with those derived by semi-
probabilistic or limit analysis methods.



A,B,C Constants
Subscript o Refers to virgin strength and constant strength, with the exception -of m 0
Superscripts A Refers to mean or median
Refers to time averages
P(V), P(V/Oo) Probability that a load in the sequence will exceed V or V/O.o
H Strength-decay-time parameter; time in which the member's virgin .strength,
U 0 , falls to an arbitrary fraction, say 2U 0 /3
Median value of H
Time taken for a crack to reach detectable size
Time in which a member's strength falls to zero; is related to H
Crack growth time for component removal
Time taken for the crack in a member to reach the threshold size for strength
m(V) Frequency per unit time of loads > V
mo Frequency of occurrence of loads greater than the load measuring threshold
n Number of applied loads
f(Uo).f(H) Density functions of U 0 , H, etc.
F(n), F(t) Probability of failure from zero to cycle n or time t
r(t) Risk rate, instantaneous average risk rate
f Time averaged risk rate over a period of time
ro(tiUo) Risk rate conditional on U 0 , with strength preserved; i.e., risk on an element
f(Uo)dUo, whose strength remains at Uo
ro(t) Instantaneous average risk rate with virgin strength preserved
r(tjUo, H) Conditional risk rate, given U and H; i.e. risk rate on an element initially of
sizef(U0 )/(H)dU0 dH whose strength is U at timet
re(t) Approximate or erroneous instantaneous risk rate
R(n), R(t) Total reliability at time n or t
R(tjUo, H) Conditional reliability given U 0 and H; i.e., reliability at timet of an element
p(Uo)p(H)dU0 dH
Conditional reliability, given U 0 constant; i.e., reliability at timet of an element
f( U o)d U o whose strength is preserved
Rr 1 (t) Reliability at time t after an inspection at time Y 1 , as a fraction of original
Reliability at timet after an inspection at time Y 1 , as a fraction of the survivors
of the inspection
Re(t) Approximate or erroneous reliability
U, Uo, 00 Strength, virgin strength, median virgin strength
IX.j Fraction of a population having a risk r1
II Product of similar terms
Crack growth function
Strength decay function (of crack length)
Strength decay function (of time)
Nt,Ni Crack initiation time, and median value
kt Ni/H, fraction of H concerned with crack initiation
ka H a/ H, fraction of H occupied by a crack reaching detectable size
kw HwfH, fraction of H occupied by a crack reaching the size at which weakening
Hr/H, fraction of H during which crack is below size for component removal
and replacement
Fo(TIUo) Probability of failure with virgin strength preserved
Fp(T) Ru /T)-R(T), probability of failure due to weakened structures

In common parlance "reliability" means "trustworthy" or "dependable": in a person it

implies that he may be counted on, 'that what he says is true, or what he says he will do will be
done, without doubt and without fail. The confident expectation placed in a reliable person
hopefully removes the outcome from chance, from luck or from risk. "Unreliable" describes one
in whom it is a matter of chance whether or not what he says is true and what he says he will do,
he does. Thus in the non-technical context reliability goes with expected certainty and un-
reliability goes with certain chance.
In engineering and structural contexts the shades of meaning are different. "Reliability" is
applied not to determinate processes but to those involving chance: the "reliability" of a device
is a quantified statement of the probability that it will perform its desired function for a desired
period 1 (and often this period is its "life"): "unreliability" is the probability that it will fail to do
so during the period: and "risk" is the probability that at one of the sequence of events compris-
ing its life experience, or during a short elementary interval dt of its life, it fails to perform its
function. "Reliability", "survivorship" and "probability of survival" are synonyms, and their
complement is "probability of failure". "Hazard rate", "mortality rate" are synonyms for
Reliability theory ("risk analysis") is concerned with the inter-relationship between risk at
each event or in each short interval in the life experience and probability of failure (and ipso facto
I' of reliability) during the extended life period. The analysis may proceed from risk to reliability
or vice versa, depending upon the purpose and data available. "Risk" may also be extended to
include the probability that, at the next occurring event, there will be found signs of impending
failure, though the member is not yet failed. If such a sign is observed, repair or replacement may
precede failure: in this circumstance unreliability is not incompatible with safety.
In some cases, such as, for example, the game of roulette, the probability of a player's
stake surviving over an evening's play can be calculated a priori, without any prior experiments,
from only a knowledge of physical and geometrical constants which describe the conditions
determining the risk, and the number of games he enters. More commonly future reliability is
estimated upon o~servations of past performance. The reliability (in the normal sense) of an
estimate is quite distinct from the numerical value of the estimate, and the use of the term
"reliability" does not itself confer precision upon an estimated reliability.
In the field of electronic engineering, in which reliability theory, by that name, was developed,
multitudes of actual components drawn directly from the production lines are regularly endurance
tested to provide data on the risk of failure, as it varies with exposure time, and the sampling
error of these data is small because of the largeness of the samples. By contrast, in engineering
structures, and particularly aeroplanes, it has never been possible to take from the production
line and test samples sufficiently numerous that the statistical properties of the total are well
established; in the case of aircraft structures, commonly, only a single sample from the produc-
tion line is tested; this provides a rather imprecise estimate of average performance while other
statistical parameters such as variabilities in strength or endurance must perforce be attributed
to the population on the basis of personal judgment, taking into account the results of tests on
other structures whose resemblances to those in question may be sometimes close and sometimes
"je ne sais quoi".
Much of electronic component endurance testing involves placing the component under
constant stress (on normal electrical supply voltage, or perhaps a higher voltage, to accelerate
the test) and observing the life to failure. Structural endurance testing is more complex, because
it aims to reproduce more properly the timewise variations in load or stress which are known to
occur in the service history. The service loads arise from a number of causes, but the most numerous
ones acting upon civil aircraft are gust loads and on military aircraft are pilot induced manoeuvre
loads. These loads have characteristics common to naturally occurring processes: they have no
precisely definable upper limit (as for example the mathematical flea which at each jump jumps

half the distance to his target). Their upper limits are more akin to the records of Olympic
athletes; although the majority of athletes cannot reach record performance, the achievements
of the extremes gradually increase with increasing time. It follows that whatever required
strength values are set for design purposes there will occasionally be failures through the applied
loads exceeding these values, and the service records of both civil and military aircraft confirm
this fact. Customarily the compliance of a particular design with strength requirements is
verified by a static virgin strength test programme, and its endurance is verified by a fatigue
test programme of varying loads, the largest of which is never as high as the load level expected
to occur once in the lifetime of a fleet-more often the largest load is at a level expected to be
exceeded on the average about ten times in the lifetime of each aeroplane. It is generally con-
sidered that an endurance test limited at this level will not, through residual stress or retardation
effects, favourably influence the life-to-failure result, so that it may be taken as a fair average
estimator of fleet endurance.
Thus, on the assumptions that the static test strength is the population mean virgin strength,
and that the probability distribution of strength and the load frequency distribution are known,
reliability theory may be used to calculate the reliability under loads greater than the virgin
strengths. Assuming also the strength decay properties of the set of structures, and assuming that
a failure occurs whenever a structure suffers a load greater than its current strength, the theory
may be used to calculate the total reliability allowing for above-virgin-strength failures and
failures under loads less than virgin strength, whether these loads are higher or lower than the
largest fatigue test load.
In the case of some electronic components the phenomenon of "burn-in" is exploited:
components after manufacture may be subjected to a period of operation at higher-than-normal
stress. Some may fail, but the survivors, when put into service at normal operating stress demon-
strate enhanced endurance and greater reliability than those not so treated.
Comparable phenomena are autofrettage in gun barrels and preloading in structures, though
engineers are wary of taking advantage of such an effect with structures in service because of the
uncertainty that every member of the population will enjoy the benefit. Test programmes need
to be most carefully examined to see that a test specimen is not thus benefited if the treatment
is not to be later applied to the total production, otherwise reliability predictions will be totally
The criterion for a "safe" operating period will depend upon what is regarded as an accept-
able probability of failure or an accepted reliability over that period. To accommodate widely
differing operating periods the criterion may be expressed as an acceptable average risk rate per
hour, and the criterion has sometimes been expressed in terms of acceptable instantaneous risk.
Over the years various authors have proposed various levels for the reliability or risk, and the
figures finally adopted usually involve some consensus of personal judgments.
Thus in any particular structural investigation, computed values of reliability or of risk,
and corresponding safe operating periods, are estimates, uncertain because of the presence of
sampling errors and of personal judgment. The field is one where it will never be possible to make
estimates without sampling errors and personal judgments. Nevertheless it is appropriate that
attention should be given to the reliability of these estimates, lest the user should unwittingly
attribute the precision of the mathematics to the calculated estimates.


In matters of mortality, the risk rate (r(t)) is the ratio of the number of deaths per unit time,
at time t, to the number of the population surviving at that instant. In matters of structural
failures it is the ratio of the number of members of the population failing per unit time at time t
to the number surviving unfailed to that instant, or, as in fatigue, where a specimen's age
and endurance are expressed in numbers n of cycles of applied load, the risk rate r(n) is the ratio
of the number failing per load cycle at cycle n to the survivors at cycle n. It is the proportion
of those surviving at cycle (n-1) which is expected to fail at the nth cycle: thus also it is the
probability of failure at the nth cycle of those then surviving.*
One may think of a biological population as it suffers the risk of death by contagious
*For a sequence of discrete cycles, the upper limit of the risk rate is obviously unity. For
continuous time, if there are m 0 cycles of load per unit time, the risk rate has an upper limiting
value of m 0

disease which attacks everyone regardless of age; in which case the population being studied
does not need to be characterised by the age of each individual; the risk is only a function of the
exposure time. Or, one may think of the risk of death from old age, in which the risk is associ-
ated with the age of each individual, i.e. both the risk rate and the proportion surviving are
functions of age.
In the case of material failure through fatigue the risk of failure at the next cycle to be applied
is a function of the load cycles endured since new. If, as in the case of aeroplanes, exposure to the
load history is logged in hours and the load history is recorded as occurrences per unit time,
the risk rate becomes a function of the individual's exposure time and its "endurance" or
"fatigue resistance".
For reliability the symbol R(t) or R(n) is used herein, and F(t) = 1-R(t), or similarly
F(n) is used for unreliability, viz. the probability of failure in the interval from time zero to
time tor cycle n.
Let us consider a population of equal and constant strength V subjected to a sequence of
random service loads V (i.e. the magnitude of loads in the sequence is a random variable) then
there will be a certain probability r that the load occurring next will exceed V, and therefore
will cause failure at that event. The probability of survival is (J:-----r) and the probability of survival
of n such events is (1-r)n, so
R(n) = (1-r)n (1)
and approximately
=exp(-rn) (2)
provided rn is small and n is large compared with unity.
If the risk is not constant but is a function of age n, i.e. at n = 1, 2, 3 ... risk is r(1), r(2),
r(3) ...
R(n) = {1-r(1)}{1-r(2)}{1-r(3)} ...
= IT {1-r(i)} (3)
where II signifies the product of terms like {1-r(i)}
and approximately
R(n) = exp -{}2 r(i)} (4)
where, as above, r(i) is small and n is large compared with unity.
Writingf(n) as the fraction of the original population failing at load n,
f(n) = R(n-1)-R(n)
=IT {1-r(i)}. r(n)
= R(n-1). r(n) (5)
And thus
r(n) =f(n)/R(n-1) =f(n)/{1-F(n-1)} (6)
In the limiting case of large n, and n = m 0 t, t being continuous, the RHS of (6) becomes the
derivative of In {1-F(t)}, whence
R(T) = exp {- J r(t)dt} (7)
It should .be noted that, in (6), f(n) is the probability density function of time to failure:
f(n)dn is the proportion of the original total which fails in the interval dn, while r(n)dn is the
proportion of survivors at cycle n failing in the interval dn. It will be appreciated that at early
times during which the population is not significantly depleted, i.e. if R(n) is sensibly equal to
unity, one may approximately equate f(n) and r(n).

2.1 Mixed Populations with Different Risks

Many problems in textbooks of reliability theory concern populations on which the risk
is uniform at any instant of time. In problems of reliability of structures, however, the strength
at any time is not in general uniform but is randomly distributed, so that the risk is also random.
Suppose that the population consists of fractions o: 1 , o: 2 , .o:;., o:q with risks rl> r 2 , .r,. rq,
where :L o:1 = 1.
j= 1
The proportion of o:1 surviving the first load is
1 Ro:; (1) = 1-r, (8)

The total survivorship of the first load applied is "
q q q
R(l) = L:c.:t{l-rt} = L:c.:t-L:c.:tri (9)
J=l }=l j=l
=1-L:c.:m (10)
L: c.:1r1 = f(l ), (11)
the average risk at load 1.
While, of course, the average risk conveys the idea of the fraction by which the whole population
is depleted at the first load application, each element c.:1 is acted on not by the average risk but
by its own risk r1. To assume that all members are acted on by the (instantaneous) average risk
would be to assume that all fractions c.:1 are equally depleted by the risk at the load cycle being
applied, so leaving the probability distribution shape of the c.:s unchanged. It is clear, however,
that the c.:1 subject to the greatest risk must be most depleted, and vice versa.
Similarly to (8), the proportion of the original element c.:1 surviving to immediat~ly before
the (n+I)th load is
Rc.: (n) = (1-r1)n
The total survivorship at the nth load is:
R(n) = L: c.:1(1-r1)n (12)
The average risk at the nth load is:
L: rtc.:t(l-rt)n
r(n) = ~i_=-=-
--- (13)
L: c.:t(l-rt)n
In the above expression Rc.:ln) is the measure by which the original fraction c.:1 has been depleted
by continued exposure to its risk; those members having the smallest risks will have been least
depleted. As before, members are acted upon not by the average risk r(n) but by their own risks.
If one had adopted risk averaging at each applied load in determining survivorship, the
(erroneous) survivorship at the nth load is
Re(n) = {1-f(l)}n (14)
If r and R are functions of continuous time then Equations (12) and (13) may be written
R(T) = L c.:1 exp {- frt(t)dt} (15)
L r1c.:i exp {- rt(t)dt}
r(T)= ~ (16)
L c.:1 exp {-J ri(t)dt}


Conventional semi-probabilistic analysis takes cognisance of ultimate load failure and of
fatigue failure; the ultimate load failure risk is calculated from the frequency with which the
estimated mean ultimate strength is exceeded, and the reliability and life are determined having
defined the structures to be unsafe when their strength has fallen to some arbitrary level, for
example, design limit strength 4 or some other fraction of limit strength. 5 6 Conventionally the
mean endurance and the dispersion or "scatter" of endurance are estimated on. the basis of
"tests, and it is the magnitudes of loads in the sequence defined for the test which determine to
what level the strength will have fallen at the test "life". It is not hard to estimate the test life
to any other reduced strength level.
By contrast, the reliability theory approach calculates reliability assuming failure to occur
whenever a structure encounters a load greater than its current strength, whatever it may be.
The risk of ultimate load failure is the risk offailure under a load greater than the virgin strength,
and it can be estimated throughout the lifetime assuming that members retain their virgin strength ,,
throughout. The actual fall of strength arising from fatigue increases the risk (and decreases the

reliability). In this report the fatigue risk 'is taken to be the excess of total risk over the risk of
failure with virgin strength preserved, and the unreliability due to fatigue is the excess of total
unreliability over the unreliability with virgin strength preserved.
The calculation of reliability requires an applied loads frequency model and a structural
model defining the distribution of virgin strength and its decay as crack growth occurs.
Aircraft load frequency information is usually available as "spectra" of frequency per unit
time m(V) with which load levels V are exceeded; a method of presentation which makes the
data independent of the class intervals of the observations. Experimentally there is a lower limit
to the size of loads measured and mo is the frequency with which this level is exceeded. Smaller
loads do occur, but their frequency can only be estimated by extrapolation. The data may be
expressed as cumulative relative frequencies P(V), where P(V) = m(V)Jm 0 Clearly P(V) is a
probability-the probability that an applied load will exceed V, and it is therefore the risk of
failure at one application of load upon a structure of strength V. Or, if the distribution of loads
is defined by its density functionf(V), and F(V) = f~f(V) d V, then
1-F(V) = fv=of(V) dV = P(V)
In service usage the aircraft may undertake a variety of missions, and these may be included
individually and representatively in the fatigue test history to determine structure mean
endurance. For reliability and risk estimating these data are compounded into a single sequence-
independent "spectrum".
In transport aircraft problems the wing load spectrum is usually available as an exponential
expression similar to
m(V/00 ) = exp (A-B V/Uo) (17)
where Oo is the average or median virgin strength (see for example, References 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10).
In combat aircraft the spectrum has sometimes been defined as exponential, 10 binomial 11 or by
an empirical curve. 9
A realistic model for the strength decay properties of a family of structures is less easy to
categorise. In an early reliability analysis Ford 2 assumed uniform virgin strength and a general
and constant decay rate of strength with time of the form dfdt(UJU 0 ) = -1/R, immediately
from time zero. Eggwertz 7 assumed uniform virgin strength and a log-normal crack initiation
time, after which the strength decay rate was general and constant. One may surmise that his
model was based on the research ofWeibull 12 who showed that with mildly notched specimens
scatter in initiation time far exceeded scatter in propagation time, while later work by Pook 19
and others has shown that in carefully made small laboratory specimens there was virtually no
scatter in crack propagation rate.
Hooke 10 assumed uniform virgin strength, and a log-normal distribution of test life to
failure (at an arbitrary test load) while Diamond and Payne 9 and Hooke 13 assumed that the
structures had distributed virgin and residual strengths and a log-normal distribution of the life-
time for the strength of structures of median virgin strength to decay to an arbitrary lower level,
as it would in laboratory test. This log-normal distribution of lifetime was taken to apply to
both initiation and propagation, and appeared to be more in accord with observations of crack
propagation in aircraft structures tested under multi-level programme load tests. 14 Several crack
propagation and strength-decay functions were investigated, representing ultra-high strength
steel structures to which linear elastic fracture mechanics theory is assumed to apply, and
aluminium alloy structures whose fracture and residual strength behaviour is nearer that of
ductile materials.
This study will be concerned with a single critical location, and the structural modelling
will be generally that of References 9, 10 and 13.
The assumptions are as follows:
(i) The virgin strength U 0 is distributed asf(U0 ), with a distribution which may be normal,
log normal or Weibull form. Normally a static strength test will provide an estimator
of the population median virgin strength but the distribution shape and standard
deviation will usually not be available for the structures in question: this lack may be
alleviated by the selection and adoption from other test series 15 20 21 22 23 24 of test
results from structures which are deemed to be the most similar to those in question.
The standard deviations of various test series vary more than five fold. For the purposes
of this report, the figure of 003 for the coefficient of variation of strength of metal
structures has been adopted (after Reference 15). The shape of the distribution is
" uncertain, because of sample smallness. With a small value of the coefficient of variation

such as 0 03, three of the commoner distributions mentioned above are not very
(ii) The decay of strength of an individual with time cannot be measured, for its strength
can only be measured once. The decay of strength of a population can be measured
in a statistical sense, and a series of endurance tests will determine the mean, variability
and distribution of the time for the strength to fall to the failing strength on test, which
is often the highest load in the test programme. A single endurance test, as of a new
str"uctural design, will give an estimator of its life (to this critical strength level) but
estimates of the scatter will need to be sought elsewhere. 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 3
Strength decay is a function of crack growth, and crack growth is often measured
by observation during the test or by fractographic examination afterwards. Although,
in general, a member's strength decay rate is not scaled to its crack initiation time, this
will be assumed in the analysis of this report.
Crack length as a function of time is expressed by the function
f/fcr = rp(t/H) (18)
as shown in Figure la, where H is the time during which the crack length grows to the
critical length, as defined above, viz. that at which the structure of median virgin strength
has its strength fall to, say, limit strength or to the highest load in the test programme.*
In accord with the results of tests on structures, His a random variable, and an often
adopted assumption is that it is log-normally distributed.
The decay of strength is a function of crack size, so we may write
U/Uo = cp(f/fcr) = cp{rp(t/H)} = 0/0o (19)
as shown in Figure lb.
Allowing for the variability of virgin strength about the median virgin strength 0 0
one may write
U/Oo = Uo/Oo [cp{rfo(t/H)}] (20)
U/Oo = Uo/Oo [~(t/H)] (21)
as shown in Figure lc. ,,
It will be seen that this model allows for any type of median crack growth, including
one with a crack initiation period; rp, r/>, ~. and the time fJ will be determined from test
results: it also allows for variability of virgin strength U o about the median 0 o: it does
not allow crack propagation curves to cross '(for a structure whose crack grows faster
than another at one point in time will always do so) and it makes the residual strength
of a structure at a variable time always to bear the same relationship to that of the
structure of median strength as it did originally.
(iii) The limit to which any crack could grow is tp, the length of a crack right through the
structure. The associated time is Hp. Because any structure with decreasing strength
would have failed earlier as a result of a high load, the probability of a crack reaching
t_r. is effectively zero.

3.1 Risk of Ultimate Failure

If the structure is assumed to have non-deteriorating strength (and ipso facto, it is assumed
that fatigue cracks do not initiate), then the risk of failure concerns only the distribution of virgin
For the load spectrum (17) the risk at timet on an elementf(Uo)dU0 of the population whose
virgin strengths are U 0 , is
ro(t!Uo) = m(Uo/00 ) = exp (A-B Uo/Oo) (22)
or in general,
ro(tjUo) = mo{l-F(Uo/Oo)}
From (7) the reliability, conditional on U 0 , i.e. of the elementf(U0 )dU0 , is:
Ro(t!Uo) = exp{-m(Uo/Oo)t} (23)
and, averaged over the whole population, is:
Ro(t) = f exp {-m(Uo/Oo). t} f(Uo)dUo (24)

* Mathematically, crack growth time may be characterised equally well by the crack initiation
time Nt. Experimentally Nt is difficult to determine and is often not determined.

The initial average risk is obtained by averaging over the whole range of U 0 , thus:
ro(o) = Jo m(Uo/Uo) .f(Uo)dU 0
Since the element, which initially comprised a fraction f(U 0 )dU0 of the population, comprises
at timet only f(U 0 )dUo. R(tiUo), the average risk at timet will be
ro(t) = Jo
m(Uo/Uo). Ro(tjUo) .f(U0 ) dU 0
Ro(tjUo) .f(Uo)dUo
J 0 m(U/Uo). exp [ -m(Uo/Oo). t]f(U0 )dU0
J exp [ -m(Uo/Oo)t]f(Uo)dUo
- -Ro(t) (28)
R 0 (t)
It will be seen that the density function for strength conditional at time t is:
f(Uolt) = f(Uo). Ro(tjUo)
fu ~o Ro(tiUo) .f(Uo)dUo

This must be contrasted with the assumption sometimes made that "the probability distri-
bution of structural resistance does not change throughout the life".
Had the load spectrum been expressed as probability of exceedance per cycle P(U0 j0 0 )
where dn = nt 0 dt, then
Ro(n) = J 0 exp [ -P(Uo/Uo). n]f(Uo)dUo (30)
and the average risk is:
ro(n) = J ~ P(Uo/Uo). exp [ -P(Uo(U0 )n]f(U0 )dU0
J 0exp [ -P(Uo/Uo)n]f(Uo)dUo

3.2 Risk of Failure with Deteriorating Strength
In this case the structures are considered doubly distributed m strength according to
assumptions (i) and (ii) above, i.e.
U 0 and H are independently random.
If we consider an element dU 0 dH, being a fraction p(U0 )dU0p(H)dH of the original popu-
lation, whose strength at time t is U = U 0 W/H), then its risk rate at time t is:
r(tiUo, H)= m{U/Uo} = m{Uo W/H)/Uo} (32)
and its reliability is, from Equations (7), (23), etc.
R(TjU0 , H)= exp [- m(U/Uo)dt] g (33)
The reliability of the whole is:
R(T) = J0 Jo exp [- JJ m{Uo W/H)/Uo} dt] .f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH (34)
and the average risk rate is
r(T) = Jo Jo m{U 0 W/H)/Uo}. R(TjUo, H) .f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH (35)
fo J0 R(TIUo, H) .f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH

Equation (34) also includes the result of Equation (24) for static ultimate failure, with non-
deteriorating strength. For, in Equation (34), the term m{Uo W/H)/Uo} becomes m{Uo/Uo} and
is no longer a function of H if the virgin strength is preserved, so that Equation (34) can be
Ro(T) = JO' exp [- Jij m{U0 /Uo} dt]f(Uo) dUo. JO' f(H) dH (36)
and as JO' f(H) dH is equal to unity, and as m{U0 /U 0 } is constant over all t, this degenerates
to Equation (24).
Ro(T1 and R(T) will thus change with time as shown in Figure 2. The ordinate of R(T)
indicates survival; the difference between it and Ro(T) indicates probability of failure by loads
less than virgin ultimate strength but larger than current strength, i.e. probability of failure in
weakened structures, and the defect of R 0 (T) from unity is the probability of failure of un-
weakened structures.
It is perhaps not trivial to note that the latter component P o(T) = 1-Ro(T) comprises the
probability of failure of uncracked structures and of cracked but unweakened structures

(whether cracks are detectable or not), and that cracked structures are those in which cracks
have initiated, i.e. Ni < T.
If the residual strength properties of the structure are, for example, of the "brittle type",
in which, for larger crack sizes the residual strength is described by linear elastic fracture
mechanics theory, whereas small cracks may exist up to a strength-degradation-threshold size
without the strength being reduced, then there may be a considerable time period between crack
initiation and the start of strength decay, so that, during this period any failures are ultimate
load failures even though fatigue cracks are present. The reliability integral can be broken
down into its components to analyse this: to do so requires that the population of structures
be classified according as they are uncracked, cracked but unweakened, or cracked and weakened
(i) Structures which are uncracked; failure is by loads exceeding virgin strength.
(ii) Structures which are cracked but to less than strength-degradation-threshold size;
failure is by loads exceeding virgin strength.
(iii) Structures which are cracked and weakened; failure is
(a) by loads above virgin strength,
(b) by loads less than virgin strength.
Every structure will pass successively through these stages and the time in each stage will
be as listed below:
(i) 0 < t < Ni = kiH where ki = Nt/H,
(ii) Ni < t < Hw =kwH where kw = Hw/H,
(iii) t > Hw,
where Ni is the time to crack initiation and Hw is the time to the strength-degradation-threshold
crack size.
The strength situation at time T for elements with various values of His shown in Figure 4.
The reliability of the element while in the first regime is given by Equation (23)
R 0 (TJUo, H)= exp [-m(Uo/Oo). T]* forT< Ni = kiH (37)
In the second regime it is, from Equation (33)
R(TJU0 ,H) = exp [-gm(U/Oo)dt]t
= exp [ -m(Uo/Oo)Ni-m(Uo/Oo). (T -Ni)]
for Ni < T < Hw = kwH (38)
and in the third regime it is
R(TJUo, H)= exp [ -m(Uo/Oo). Hw- f~ m(U/Oo) dt]
forT> Hw =kwH (39)
Now, forT> Hw, the reliability with virgin strength preserved (given U 0 and H) is
R 0 (TJUo, H)= exp [ -m(Uo/Oo). T] (40)
The probability of fatigue failure is obtained by subtracting R(TJU0 , H) of Equation (39), from
Ro(TJUo, H) of Equation (40),
Ft(TJUo, H)= Ro(TJUo, H)-R(TJUo, H)
= exp [ -m(Uo/Oo)T]- exp [ -{m(Uo/Oo). Hw- f~ m(U/Oo) dt]
= exp [-m(Uo/Oo)T] [1- expf~w {m(U/Oo)-m(Uo!Oo)} dt] (41)
Now the reliability of the whole population can be obtained by integrating over the whole,
allowing that those elements with Ni = ki . H > T only require to be expressed by Equation
(37), those with Ni = ki. H < Tbut Hw = kw. H > Trequire to be expressed by Equation (38)
and those with Hw = kw. H < T require to be expressed by Equations (40) and (41). This
splits the integration with respect to the H variable into the three regimes mentioned above,
viz., H > T/ki, T/ki > H > T/kw, and H < T/kw, and in the third regime the integral com-
prises the contributions from loads above and below the ultimate strength, thus
R(T) = f~/k, f~ exp [ -m(Uo/Oo). T]f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH
+ JHi~ f~ exp [-m(Uo/Oo). Ni]. exp [ -m(Uo/Oo). (T -Ni)]f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH
+ Hlkw f~ exp [-m(Uo/Oo). T]f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH
- Hlkw J~ exp [ -m(Uo/Oo). Hw] {exp [- f];w m(U/Oo) dt] -
exp [ -m(Uo/Oo). {T-Hw}]}f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH (42)
Now, the probability of failure F(T) = 1-R(T), may be obtained from the above, and com-
bining the first three terms within the limits 0 < H < oo:

* m(U0 /0 0 ) is constant.
r m(U/Uo) depends upon time.
F(T) = fo So {1-exp [ -m(Uo/Oo). T]}f(Uo) f(H) dUo dH
+ Jijlkw So exp [-m(Uo/Oo). Hw] {exp [- SJ;w m(U/Oo) dt] -
exp [-m(Uo/Oo). {T -Hw}]}f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH (43)
In this equation, clearly, the first term is the probability offailure by loads above the ultimate
strength, during the time (0, T), in the whole population, whether an element be uncracked,
cracked and unweakened or cracked and weakened. The second term is the probability of
failure by loads less than ultimate strength, before the time T, on members which weaken during
the period: "it is therefore the accumulated result of the excess risk due to fatigue weakening in
the period.
If all failures after initiation were accumulated as fatigue failures, the probability of failure
by fatigue, viz., the second term of Equation (43) would be augmented by ultimate load failure
contributions from the second and third terms of Equation (42) which would be:
6.F1(t) = S~tk, So exp [-m(Uo/Oo). T]f(Uo)f(H)dUo dH (44)
and when T/kt is large compared with H, the effect will be to escalate the "fatigue risk"* and to
decrease the probability of surviving the fatigue risk, over a period during which the total
reliability and risk are scarcely changed from that with the virgin strength preserved. It actually
takes the risk out of the ultimate strength failure category and puts it into the fatigue failure
category. This effect may be negligible for load spectra in which the probability of ultimate
load failure is negligible, and does not exist where weakening occurs contemporaneously with
crack initiation. It is significant in cases where there is a significant risk of ultimate load failure
or where there is a long period of relatively slow crack propagation without loss of strength.
In this report we thought it appropriate to link together all failures through loads greater
than the virgin strength as "ultimate load failures", and to treat all failures of structures weakened
through fatigue as "fatigue failures" or "failure of structures weakened by fatigue".
The "fatigue sensitivity" 17 of a structure is characterised by the ratio of the probability
of failure in weakened structures to that under loads greater than virgin strength, i.e., by the
,, ratio {F(t)-F 0 (t)}/F 0 (t). It is a function of both the frequency of loads exceeding ultimate
strength, the average rate of decay of strength, and the lifetime allowed. In 1967 18 it was reported
that in a period of 20 years, Australia had had, in an advanced military trainer type two ultimate
failures and no fatigue failure, in civil transport one catastrophic fatigue failure and one ultimate
load failure and in agricultural aircraft two fatigue failures and no ultimate failure.
From this one would assert that agricultural aircraft were most fatigue sensitive, civil
transports were partly fatigue sensitive, and advanced military trainers were not fatigue sensitive
within the lifetime allowed. In general fatigue sensitivity tends to increase as t increases, so that
it may be more factual to acknowledge that fatigue sensitivity for civil transports is controlled
by effective life limitations.
This was done less satisfactorily in agricultural aircraft, and it either was not necessary or
was most effective in the military advanced trainers in question.

3.3 Averaging of Instantaneous Risk

If the assumption were made that the probability distributions of strength and of H are
unaltered "as a result of the very few structures which have failed between the commencement
and time t",1 6 this would be an assertion that, in Equation (33), the element reliability
R(TiUo, H) is the same for every element dU0 dH of the population as it is originally, and as
it later becomes an element dU(t) dH of the same population with degraded properties.
Omission of the term R(TIUo, H) from numerator and denominator of Equation (35) leads to
an erroneous expression for risk:
re(t) =So So m{UoW/H)/Oo} .f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH (45)
This expression represents a simple averaging of the element risk r(Ti U o, H) of Equation (32),
ignoring the element reliabilities R(TI U 0 , H). The effect of the element reliability R(Ti U o, H)
in the numerator of the correct Equation (35) is to reduce an element's contribution to the
* References 9 and 16 use a terminology "static fracture due to fatigue" for fatigue failures
where the strength has not yet fallen to the mean or level flight load, and "fatigue failure" to
define (quoting Reference 16), "failure by the fatigue crack extending either completely through
the structure, or to the stage where final collapse is caused by the steady mean load".
The author does not favour the terminology unique to References 9 and 16, but uses "fatigue
failure" and "fatigue risk" when failure occurs at a fatigue crack, regardless of its size, except
when the load causing failure exceeds the virgin static strength.

instantaneous average risk r(T) according as its survival probability has been depleted by prior
exposure to the risk. "
As Equation (45) does not itself place any lower limit on the magnitude of the strengths
still present in the population at time T (in view of the degradation implicit in the expression
U = U oWlH)), it has been proposed 16 at least to limit the integration to cover only those
members of the population with crack size .e < .eF, where t = HF and U = 0 at .e = .f.p. This
may be expressed asH> T/kF where kF = HF/H. Or alternatively the limit has been proposed
to be that-crack length at which the strength falls to the steady mean or level flight load, and
HF is then attached to the time at which the crack reaches this length.
This makes the limits of integration of H to be oo and H = T/kF, so that re(T) becomes
IT/kFiffm{UoW/H)/Uo} .f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH
re(T) = J"'T /kF Iooo f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH (46)

The erroneous reliability is thus:

Re(T) = exp - Lf6 re(T)]
, [JT IT/kF Iff m{UoW/H)/Uo} .J(Uo)f(H) dUo dH ]
Re(T) = exp- o IT/kF Iff f(Uo) .f(H) dUo dH dt (47)
In some studies, 9 16 presumably in the interests of simplicity rather than accuracy, while the
integration over H in the numerator of Equations (46) and (47) is confined only to T/kF < H < oo,
that in the denominator still is over the range 0 < H < oo. This simplification reduces the
integration in the denominator to unity, as a result of which Re(t) becomes
Re(T) = exp- u~ IT/kp Iff m{Uo. W/H)/Uo} .f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH dt] (48)
and, of course,
re(T) = IT/kp I[f m{Uo W/H)/Uo} .f(Uo)f(H)dUo dH (49)
Equations (47, 48) and (46, 49) must be compared with the correct expressions in Equations (34)
and (35) respectively.


Users of structures have a deeply ingrained sense that structural integrity can be ascer-
tained by inspection. For this sense to be substantiated, and because metal fatigue is a localised
rather than an overall phenomenon, it must necessarily be ascertained where and how often to
inspect; whether the structure is safe when the signs of failure are first detectable and whether
incipient failure can be expected to progress sufficiently slowly that it can safely be found if
inspections are scheduled regularly. Inspection merely divides the survivors into two, those
having detectable cracks and those not. The former may safely be removed and are no longer
at risk; the latter are returned to service. In the statistical model used here, as in all of the models
described in Section 3, a member of the random bivariate population has its destiny determined
by its initial values U 0 and H, and knowing these one may determine whether this member will
be detectably cracked or not at a subsequent time t, and how many such members survive up
to time t, to be withdrawn if they fall into the detectably cracked class. So the dividing of the
population depends upon a member's initial U 0 and H; but strictly, upon its value of H.
The survivors at time t are given by R(t) in Equation (34), and inspection divides the popu-
lation as a member's crack growth time is shorter or longer than a critical value. The
"detectable crack size" is .Cet, and Bet is the time in which it is reached.
From Equation (18), = t/J(Het/H)
Het/H = ,P- 1 (-Cet/.Ccr)
Bet= H,P- 1(-Cet/
= ketH
where ket is the fraction of the lifetime at which the crack becomes detectable. All structures
having H < tfket have cracks which are detectable at time t; those having H > tfket have not.
Suppose that an inspection is scheduled to be made at time t = Y 1 . Then up to this time the
risk upon and the reliability of the population will be exactly as given in Section 3.2. At t = Y 1 ,
structures with H < Y 1 /ket are found cracked and removed; these are denoted F(Y 1), viz.
F(Y 1) = IJ;;!id Iuo=o exp -U I 1 m{U/Uo} dt]f(Uo) dUof(H) dH (50)

while the remainder, 1-F('f 1), will continue in service and be subjected to service risk. Their
reliability may be expressed either as the proportion of the original population remaining in
service, viz:
R(TIY 1) = Srt/kd SO" exp -[ s~ m{Uo W/H)/Uo} dt]f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH (51)
(note: this differs from R(t), Equation (34), only by the smaller range of integration,
1 1 /kct < H < oo instead ofO < H < oo)
or as the fraction of those returned to service after 1 1
. SY./kd SQ"exp- u~ m{Uo WJH)/Uo} dt]f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH
R 1(T\T 1) (52)
SYt/kd SO" exp - [J m{Uo WJH)/Uo} dt]f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH
The risk rate upon an element will remain as in Equation (32) for elements remaining in the
population after 1 1 , and so, following Equation (35), the average risk rate will be found by
limiting the range of integration of H to the range from H = 1 1 /kct to oo, thus
(T) = Srt/kd S:fm(Uo WJH)/Uo). R(T\Uo, H) .f(Uo)f(H)dUo dH ( )
ry, SYt/kd SQ" R(T\Uo, H) .f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH
There is, of course, no option as regards the denominator, as by definition it is the survivorship
at timet.
If inspection is continuous and the population is continually subject to withdrawal of
structures with detectable cracks, then this happens when t = ta, i.e., H = tfkct. Clearly the
reliability R('f 1 11 1) at (i.e., immediately after) an inspection at time 1 1 is generally true what-
ever the value of 1 1 , so we may say that the reliability Rc(t) with continuous inspection is, from
Equation (51),
Rc(T) = S;'Jkd SO" exp - u~ m{U, t/H} dt]f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH (54)
The average risk is, following Equation (53)
_ SnkdS<g m{U, tfH}. R(T\Uo, H) .f(Uo)f(H)dUodH
rc (T ) (55)
- S~/kd S;;' R(T\Uo,H)f(Uo)f(H) dUo dH
It is sometimes possible to distinguish by post mortem fractographic examination that
failure had occurred in the presence of fatigue cracks of less than in-service detectable size.
Whether the failure were one in service, or one occurring in a laboratory test, in which the failing
load was measured, there would be little confidence that fail-safe principles could be used to
achieve safety in this case.
The general effect of continuous inspections is (naturally) to deplete the population con-
tinuing in service more than it is depleted by the failure risks, so the reliability of the original
population will be related to time as shown in Figure 3. If inspection is not continuous, then at
each inspection the reliability falls by that fraction of the original population which is removed,
as shown in Figure 5, and immediately thereafter the risk is lowered, only to rise again later.
The more stringent are the inspections the more will fail to pass, and Figure 5 also shows how
the reliability after inspection varies with limiting permissible crack length. After an inspection
at any time r, the reliability will be the same as if there had been continuous inspection using the
same limiting crack length.

Illustrative computations have been made including several cases which cover military
and civil spectra, and structures with fatigue behaviour representative of materials with widely
differing characteristics, the one with the failure ductility of aluminium alloy structures and the
other with the "brittle" behaviour of high strength steel structures whose strength properties
approximately obey the laws of linear elastic fracture mechanics up to the ultimate failure stress.

5.1 Change of Probability Distribution of Strength with Time, in the Absence of a Failing Load
The first case considered (denoted A(2)) is representative of a structure of aluminium alloy,
acted on by a military manoeuvre type spectrum.
The parameter values applying in this case are given in column 2 of Table 1. The load
spectrum adopted is a manoeuvre load spectrum identical with that used in References 10 and
13, and being a straight line closely fitting the curve used in References 9 and 16 within the
range of loads above about 60% of the median virgin strength. The growth of crack length
with time and the decay of strength with crack length were assumed linear, as in References
., 10 and 13, being reasonably representative of aluminium structures .

The decay of strength of the population by virtue of the relationship U/Uo = W/H), (i.e.,
by virtue of the fatiguing process, but in the absence ofloads causing failure) is shown in fine line
and denoted "undepleted" in Figure 6, at times of zero and 500 hours and then every 1000
hours to 5000 hours. The population, assumed initially Weibull distributed about a median value
of U/0 0 = 1 with a coefficient of variation of 0 03, gradually and continuously falls in mean
strength, spreads out and becomes skewed in the opposite sense, as a result of the variability
in H (age at which strength falls to iU/Uo).
By contrast, the second case, A'(l), is representative of a structure of a "brittle" material,
e.g., an ultra-high strength steel, subject again to a military manoeuvre spectrum, being that
used in References 9 and 16. Parameter values applying in this case are also given in column 2
of Table 1. In this case the growth of crack length with time is assumed zero until initiation
at time H/4 4, it then rises with increasing acceleration as shown in Figure 1 of Reference 9. The
fitted analytical expression is f-/f-cr = 0 for t < H/44 and f-/f-cr = ((t/H) 9 0 -00000016) for
t > H/44, differing by 00000016 from the expression adopted in Reference 10 in order to allow
a crack initiation period as allowed in Reference 9.
The residual strength behaviour is assumed to be of "brittle type", in which general yield
and ultimate failure coincide, and in which cracks smaller than a strength-reduction-threshold
can exist without reducing the ultimate strength: above this threshold the laws of linear elastic
fracture mechanics apply, and the failing strength is equal to K 1 c/vt where K 1 c is the fracture
toughness (equal to the failing strength times square root of crack length at which strength
reduced with increasing crack size). Since, in this analysis, critical crack length f-er is defined
as the crack length at which the strength of a structure of median virgin strength is reduced to
limit strength, i.e., i of Uo, the strength relationship is U/Uo = 2Jtcr/f- /3 for t > 4'Lcr/9,
where 4tcr/9 = f-w.
The decay of strength of the population (in the absence of loads causing failure) is shown in
Figure 7. At 1000 hours there has been virtually no change in the population strength (even the
0 1 percentile of H is greater than 1000 hours). At successively later times the population does
not gradually fall in strength: rather, the distribution deflates rather like a balloon leaking
progressively more of its members to lower strength values, so that by 10,000 hours the strength
of members is seen to be converging towards zero. It will thus be observed that the significance
of crack initiation time has disappeared from the strength distribution; rather the time is signifi-
cant at which the "fracture mechanics" strength-degradation-threshold crack length f-w is
reached: only thereafter does the fatigue process increase the risk.

5.2 Reliability and Risk of Static Ultimate Failure with Strength Preserved
Calculation of the risk of ultimate failure (and of the reliability thereunder) for the case
A(2) follows Equation (24), and the results are plotted as Ru 0 (t) in Figure 10. Obviously the risk
is small, and the reliability falls to 50% only after 4 8 x 10 5 hours. The risk (i.e., the instan-
taneous average risk rate from Equation (26)), ru 0 (t) is initially ru 0 (0) = 4 61 x 10- 6 ; and its
change with time is illustrated in Figure 9.
The risk rate changes with time as members of the population fail and these are more
frequently those of lower strength; and thus by natural selection the survivors become stronger,
and the risk smaller. The change in the probability distribution of strength with time (allowing
only ultimate failure, and assuming strength preserved) is shown in Figure 8, the distributions
being plotted at t = 0, 10 4 , 10 5 , 10 6 and 10 7 hours. It should be noted that fort= 0 the graph
is of the density function p( Uf U o), while later graphs show how this distribution is eroded by the
risk (i.e., is factored by element reliability), leaving survivors whose average strength continues
to increase. Had the initial risk continued to operate unchanged the reliability at longer times
would have fallen significantly below Ru 0 (t), as is shown by the curve of Ru 0 e (t) in Figure 10.

5.3 Reliability and Risk of Failure for "Ductile" Material under Manoeuvre Spectrum
The total reliability, allowing ultimate and fatigue failure R(t) for case A(2), calculated from
Equation (34) is plotted also on Figure 10. For small t it coincides with Ru 0 (t) and diverges
perceptibly between 100 and 200 hours. The total usable fleet life, if every aircraft were used
until it suffered failure, is represented by the area under this curve. The figure, highly hypothetical .,
rather than practical, is in this case 3920 hours.
The instantaneous average risk rate (ultimate and fatigue) calculated from Equation (35)

is plotted as r(t) in Figure 9. The instantaneous average total risk r(t) at t = 100 hours is about
20% greater than the instantaneous average risk rate for ultimate failure ru 0 (t), and it grows
to twice ru 0(t) at about 350 hours, and to ten times the value at about 1200 hours. Crack initiation
time does not enter explicitly into this calculation.
If the fleet were to be operated as a "safe life" fleet, under the acceptable fatigue risk con-
ditions frequently adopted for military aircraft in Australia (viz. reliability not to fall below
0999 in the lifetime), then the acceptable fatigue life would be reached when Ru 0 (t) exceeds
R(t) by 0001, and this occurs for case A(2) at a little less than 500 hours (actually at t = 500
hours, fatigue probability of failure= 00015). This would correspond to a risk rate, if uniform
from timet= 0, of 30x 10- 6 which is about two thirds of the static ultimate failure risk in
this case. In fact, this safe lifetime is rather short. Had the structures achieved the same probability
of fatigue failure in, say, 5000 hours (reliability 09985), the risk rate, if uniform from t = 0,
would have been 3 0 x 10- 7 , one fifteenth of the initial risk rate for static ultimate failure alone.
The adoption of a limiting probability of failure during the lifetime as the criterion defining
safe life thus penalises structures with good fatigue performance, since, the longer the fatigue
lifetime achieved by the structure, the lower is the fatigue risk per hour demanded. More logical
is the proposal by Lundberg 28 that the fatigue safety criterion should be specified as a limiting
permissible average risk rate per hour, although the figure of 10- 9 per hour which he proposes
for civil aircraft is excessively severe for military combat aircraft.
The author considers that a more logical safe fatigue life criterion for military combat air-
craft is one which would make the probabilities of failure during the lifetime from static ultimate
and from fatigue failure equal. In Example A(2), this is seen in Figure 10 to occur at t = 650 hours
when FF(650) = F 0 (650) = 00029. As the population is assumed to have a median life to
failure on test of 5000 hours (failing at 2U 0 /3) the corresponding safety factor is 5000/650 = 7 7.

5.4 Change of Probability Distribution of Strength with Time, as Affected by Random

Failure Loads
The effect of exposure to the risk over successively longer times, upon the probability
distribution of strength of survivors, may be determined. Equation (33) determines the reliability
at time t of an element p(U 0 ) pH of the initial population, and its strength at time tis, of course,
UoWJH). These have been accumulated as a function of U/Oo for case A(2) in Figure 6, being
shown in heavy line, and denoted "depleted", for t = 1000 hours to t = 5000 hours. This plot
shows that as time passes and the population becomes more depleted it is most depleted in the
members oflower strength (as would be expected): the average strength decreases progressively,
but no members survive whose strengths are below approximately U/Oo = j. This study chal-
lenges the assumption frequently adopted that the probability distribution of strength (i.e.,
UJU 0 ) is unaltered with the passage of time. It also reflects upon the process of risk averaging
of Equations (45) and (46), in which the integration with respect to strength is in the first case
unbounded and in the second, extends to a lower bound which includes members whose strength
is on the brink of reaching zero value, because, quite obviously, the probability distribution of
strength is not limited at the level where member's strength falls to zero; it is limited by element
survivorship at a lower bound approximating to, in this example, the limit strength. In addition
it challenges the assumption sometimes used that the risk of fatigue failure consists of two
components, a risk of failure rs in structures whose strength has not yet fallen to the level flight
stress or "mean stress",* and a risk of failure rF in structures whose strength falls to the level
flight stress or mean stress.* In this example, and in all practical cases, the alternating loads
which are forcing the fatigue process are always sufficiently greater than zero that no structure
can survive to fail at the level flight or mean stress. There is in fact only the one component of
fatigue risk.

5.5 Reliability and Risk in "Safe-by-Inspection" Structures

"Fail-safe" or "safe-by-inspection" structures are inspectable, and cracks must be findable,
and found, when exceeding some "detectable crack length" ta. Structures found cracked may or
may not need to be withdrawn: the "crack size for component rejection" may be larger than
ta, depending on the risk associated with its further operation.
In Example A(2), several exploratory calculations were made. In series r, it was assumed
.. *See footnote on page 310 .

that inspections would be made at times Y 1 = 100 hours, Y 2 = 200 hours, Y 3 = 300 hours,
etc., and that cracks could be detected and withdrawal made if f/fcr > 002, i.e. U/Uo < 0994.
The reliability at a time t after an inspection at time Y is calculated from Equation (42), and the
risk rate from Equation (44). The results for R(t) and r(t) are plotted in Figure 9 and Figure 10
respectively. The curve labelled Inspection Schedule r in Figure 9 shows that during the first
300 hours the risk rate (on those surviving inspection) hardly exceeds 6 0 x 10- 6 per hour, but
the associated curve of Figure 10 shows a fall in reliability to 499% at 100 hours (i.e., 50% of
the population is rejected at the inspection), and a fall to 3 99% at 200 hours, i.e., another 46%
of the original population are lost at the second inspection. Thus 96% of the population has been
rejected at the first and second inspections, in the interests of keeping the fatigue risk rate low,
and at the same time a safe life of 500 hours without inspection would have been accepted.
tlearly, the rejection criterion of Aa =fa/fer= 002 is too severe: it is probably easily
achievable by modern techniques, but it throws away many cracked structures whose reliability
is as good as many uncracked ones.
To further explore this point, an inspection schedule denoted fl. was investigated, in which
one inspection was made at Y = safe life of 650 hours, and structures withdrawn if cracks were
found with f > Aafcr, with values of Aa = 005, 001, 020, 050. Reliabilities after time Y
were calculated, and plotted in Figure 10.
The calculations showed that, with Aa = 0 50, the largest value, the reliability was no
different from that without inspection, i.e., the cracks tolerated were so large that inspection
provided no safety. For successively smaller values of Aa, the proportion surviving the inspec-
tion grew successively smaller, while the risk rate on those surviving grew smaller. For example,
with Aa = 0 10, the proportion surviving inspection at Y = 650 was 24 9%, while the risk was
reduced to 8 9 x 10- 6 per hour (see Figures 9 and 10), a value which could well be regarded
as acceptable. If, however, there were no further inspections, the reliability will eventually fall
and become asymptotic to that resulting if there had been no inspection.
If it were desired to ensure that the instantaneous average risk of fatigue failure did not
exceed the static ultimate failure risk, then the first inspection would need to be scheduled
before the safe life. Calculations have been made for a third Inspection Schedule E, inspecting
first at Y 1 = 350 hours and then at every 50 hours to 1000 hours using Aa = 0 1. The results
for risk rate and reliability are also shown in Figures 9 and 10 respectively. It is interesting to
observe from Figure 9 that this schedule with regular 50 hour periods between inspections
keeps the average instantaneous risk to never more than 9 6 x 10- 6 per hour over the first 1000
hours, while allowing 50% of the fleet to achieve a life of 550 hours, 30% to achieve 650 hours,
11% to achieve 850 hours, and 4% to achieve 1000 hours. This particular case provides an
interesting example of the contrasts between operating the same structural fleet as safe life or as
fail safe structures. In the two cases the total utilisation got from the fleet is not markedly dif-
ferent. As a safe life fleet all aircraft are retired at 650 hours: the safety criterion was satisfied
(of a probability of failure by fatigue :t- 0003): the instantaneous average risk grew to a maximum
value of 162x 10- 6 per hour at the end of life. As a fail safe fleet some structures, 68% in fact,
were rejected before achieving the safe life, so as to keep the instantaneous average risk to a
level, but others were operated with equal safety to well beyond the safe life, even to 1000 hours.
Of course these remarks apply to the situation where load spectrum and fatigue properties are
precisely known. When this is not so, the fail-safe treatment may well engender greater confidence
in the user. It is also interesting to note from Figures 9 and 10, as might have been expected
intuitively, that both the reliability and the risk rate immediately after the inspection at 650
hours are the same, whether this inspection were the first to be carried out, or whether it had
been preceded by regular inspections at every 50 hours from Y = 350 hours or from the
Examination of the risk rate curve for Schedule E shows that from 650 hours to 1000 hours
the instantaneous average risk was tending to rise, slowly but steadily. This effect results from the
probability distribution of H; the risk will continue to rise (if there were any survivors) at least
to the median value of H. With the risk gradually rising when inspection intervals are constant
there is no justification for the practice sometimes adopted of increasing intervals between
inspections. As structures are withdrawn it may be chosen to replace them with new. If the risk
rate is calculated by averaging together the new and the old, and inspection intervals lengthened
to keep the average risk constant, eventually all of the risk will be concentrated upon the
oldest aeroplanes remainingin service. This is what might have been anticipated intuitively. It
is preferable to keep the inspection intervals constant or even to reduce them ..
if this is necessary to avoid excessive increase m the risk on survivors of the original

Every "life experience involves risk. The estimation of the risk in any experience, and its
weighing are highly subjective. Only in the courts of law does the fiction of "absolute safety"
exist, and those (we) who are responsible for other people's safety may be tempted to argue
"absolute safety" within those precincts, when in truth the chance of failure was "small" or
"negligibly small". The question of safety becomes "safe for whom?" and negligibly small
becomes "negligibly by whom?". A fighter pilot of a hypothetical service unit with one hundred
pilots and aeroplanes, of which three of each are lost per year, may well consider the risk of his
occupation acceptably small, and indeed his risk of death in any one year is no greater than that
of a public servant on his retirement at age 65. If in our hypothetical example the average hours
flown per year were 300, then the risk rate is I0- 4 per hour. Actually, structural accident rates
are much lower. Pugsley 30 has quoted 32xi0- 5 per hour as "a little above the average for
modern (fighter) aeroplanes". Similarly, ultimate failures of the advanced military trainers
referrred to in Section 3.2 above represent a risk rate of approximately 1 x I0- 5 per hour, while
calculation example A(2) above gives an initial ultimate failure risk rate of 4 6 x I0- 6 per hour.
Taken altogether, these values of risk rate of structural failure (viz. 32 x I0- 6 , 10 x IQ- 6 and
4 6 x IQ- 6 per hour) are regarded as acceptable because they are being accepted by the military
authorities as a whole and by the individual personnel at risk, without there being imposed
restraints on the operations or requirements enunciated for stronger structures.
In any activity in which the risk rate per hour monotonically increases with time, the risk
will eventually reach an unacceptable level, by whatever subjective criterion the level is set; e.g.,
Maxwell 31 states, in the fail-safe context, "any damage arising from errors inseparable from
normal operation is detected before the strength of the structure falls to an unacceptable level".
Lundberg 28 pioneered the concept that this limit of acceptability is or should be measured
by the accident rate. In considering the civil air transport field, where equally high risks would
not be accepted by the general public, he observed that fatigue is the least excusable cause of
accident, and "deemed it imperative to set the fatigue safety goal sufficiently high so that accidents
due to fatigue are in practice never-or very seldom-heard of". By his comparison with an
accident rate resulting from all causes of 300 x 10- 9 per hour, he proposed a fatigue accident rate
goal of IQ- 9 per hour, and observed that, assuming an average lifetime of 10 4 hours, this would
define an acceptable probability of failure of an aircraft during its lifetime of 1o- 5 The accident
rate from all causes of 3 x I0- 7 per hour seems to have been substantiated by some later studies
(e.g. Table 5a of Reference 32) but in general, civil aircraft fatigue failure rates, whether for safe
life or for fail-safe structures, have exceeded Lundberg's proposed target figures.
In ARL it has been the practice for many years to think of a figure of IQ- 3 as being an
acceptable probability of fatigue failure during the lifetime for military aircraft, whether fighter,
bomber, transport or maritime aircraft. In view of the differences in life of type of the aircraft
of different roles, and indeed, the differences of risk known to accompany the various roles, it
is now considered inappropriate to apply the same figure indiscriminately. A front line attack
aeroplane, if it were employed for a life of type of 5000 hours would demand an acceptable
fatigue risk of 2 x I0- 7 per hour, which is 1/160, 1/50 and 1/25 respectively of the ultimate
failure rates noted earlier as generally acceptable.
As the demanding of very low acceptable fatigue risks leads to retiring from service aero-
planes in which the risk of operation is no greater or only marginally greater than that of un-
fatigued structures, the fleet becomes rapidly depleted with only a marginal increase of safety,
if any.
It is the author's view that for military aeroplanes used in a fighter role or any role in which
the probability of ultimate failure is mensurable (e.g. say 5 x I0- 6 per hour or greater) an accept-
able average fatigue risk might well be chosen equal to the ultimate failure risk. On the other
hand a fatigue risk of the order of 2 x 10- 7 per hour seems not inappropriate for military trans-
port aircraft, and for civil transport aircraft carrying fare-paying passengers, the fatigue accident
rate goal of I0- 9 per hour enunciated by Lundberg has never been challenged on grounds of
being too low.

It was pointed out in the commencement that in aircraft structural contexts, reliability
and risk estimates must be based upon test data which are the product of sampling; the choice
of data appropriate in representing the structure is a matter of judgement, as is the question
of acceptable limiting values of reliability and risk. While personal judgement errors are
not amenable to statistical analysis, sampling errors are.
The effects of sampling errors may be investigated by determining confidence regions for
the parameters, and examining ihe range of reliabilities transformed from confidence regions.
Although this might be done by a calculation combining the effects of every parameter's confi-
dence range, this is considered inappropriate, and indicative methods are adopted here.

7.1 Confidence Intervals Related to the Sampling of H

Considering first the median endurance 11, this is usually determined from a single test,
and is taken as an estimator of the mean value of the logarithm of endurance, t-tfi. By normal
sampling theory it may be shown that a 50% confidence interval for log f1 is log H=F-0675
atogn/vn where log His the experimental test mean and n is the sample size. With a single test
result for log H, and a = 0 167 adopted for the calculations of this report, we calculate the
a= 50% confidence region for H, viz. (H/1296, 1296 H): (the factor 1296 is sometimes
called the probable error). A region of 95% confidence (i.e., size a = 95%) is (H/2 12, 2 12 H).
To many, even to those familiar with fatigue and fatigue variability, it may seem question-
able that a single test result is likely to be as much in excess of the population mean as 1 3 times
the latter. An example of such an event happening was the testing of the first fatigue specimen
of a Provost wing 32 in which port and starboard wings failed at 13,422 and 15,347 hours, which
became the two largest values in a test series which was subsequently to grow to 41 wings;
and these two values exceeded by factors of 1 42 and 1 62 respectively the mean life of the sample
of 41. (Significantly, the first two results could not in any sense be regarded as "outliers".)
In general the lifetime Tp corresponding to a chosen probability of failure {3 or reliability
1-{3 is scaled directly to the value of fl. We may write Tp = kpH. Thus the confidence region
for Tp becomes (kpH/a, kpH . a) where a = 1 296 for a 50% confidence region and a = 2 2
for a 95% confidence region.

7.2 Confidence Intervals Related to the Sampling of cr

Sampling errors in the standard deviation of log H should then be considered. An interval
of 50% confidence for the variance is given by
a~75 < a2 < a~s
a;= 'f.(x-x) /x~

Typically a test series such as Table V of Reference 24, with 44 specimens providing 34 degrees
of freedom, has confidence regions
(a, 75 , a.2s) = (0913s, 1100s), a= 05
= (085s, 121s), for a= 095.
The pooled result of Table V of Reference 24 represented wings of four different aircraft and a
built up panel. The largest unpooled standard deviation was 1 29s and the smallest 0 28s. It is
probably beyond the most intensive research to establish whether the four types of aircraft were
sufficiently similar in construction, etc., that the pooled dispersion is more appropriate to any
one than its own individual estimate (this being a criterion for valid pooling). It is probably even
more beyond research to decide whether such data are relevant to modern aircraft of the 1970s.
Assuming these data are relevant, the effects on life for a nominated level of reliability may
be examined. In Reference 10 it was observed that in general changes in a produce no change in
the life at which the reliability is 50%. It was shown in Reference 10 that the curve of reliability
against life is bounded at high reliabilities by the ultimate failure risk (which is unaffected by a)
and below this, generally, by a line representing the reliability of the population against failure
at the limit load, and Figure 10 of this report supports this view. The effect of changes in a is to
rotate this reliability curve about the point corresponding to T, R(T) = 0 5, i.e., the life for a
given probability of failure is altered the more that probability differs from 50%. Writing

r h = log 10 H, i.e. 1011 = H, J-1-n= log 10 H, etc., and a is the s.d. Let us consider a fractile of the
population given by
Pr. (h<JJ-n-k(f.a) =IX
Then a region of 50% confidence for h is
J-1-h- k(f.a1S < J-1-h- k(f.a < J-1-h- k(f.a. 25
So the 50% confidence region becomes
log 10 H- k(f.a. 15 < log 10 H- kaa < ...
or in terms of H,
H X IQ-kao15 < H X IQ-kao < , , ,
or = -k- X lOka (o-o.75) <-k- < ...
10 0
10 a0

or writing Ha = H X IO-kao =H. s

a 50% confidence region for H(f., the life to reliability IX is
Ha X 10ka(u-u.15) < Ha < Ha X 10ka(u-u.25)
i.e. = {Ha. lOka(u-u.?s), Ha. 10ka(u-u.2s)}
For example, if we are considering the lifetime for a reliability of 99 9%, viz. 0 999, we might
Pr. (h < J-1-h- k(f.a) = 0999, k(f. = 309,
and, using as before, a= 0167, with number of degrees of freedom= 34, the 50% confidence
region is

and the 95% confidence region is

(125 H(f.: 069 Ha).
Comparison of this region of 95% confidence for H(f., allowing for sampling error of a, with the
corresponding confidence region for Ha allowing for sampling error of H, when based upon a
single test, viz. (212H(f.: 047 H(f.), shows that the former is very considerably narrower than
the latter. The same results are shown in a comparison of the 50% confidence regions of H(f.,
allowing for sampling errors of a and H respectively. It is a fair deduction that if such a body of
representative data are available for the estimation of a, the uncertainty arising from sampling
error of a is very much less than the uncertainty arising from the sampling error of H.

7.3 Confidence Intervals Related to the Sampling of U 0

The mean static ultimate strength is normally estimated on the basis of a single test, and
confidence levels are similar to those for H. Adopting the log-normal assumption, and a = 0 03
the 50% confidence region becomes (1048 0 0 : 0 0 /1048) and the 95% confidence region
(1145 U0 : Uo/1145).
The load spectrum for wings is often determined in terms of aircraft acceleration and is
then defined in terms of ultimate strength. Confidence intervals for strength become confidence
intervals upon the strength exceeded with a particular frequency m, thus, for example the
manoeuvre spectrum log m = 6-12U/U 0 for A(2), becomes bounded by m = 106-l2U/O.xi.048
and m = l0 6- 12 Uxi.o 481 At a representative level 0 SUo, at which the depletion may be
assumed, on the average, to be congregated, the 50% confidence interval for frequency becomes
(275x251xl0- 4 : 035x251xi0- 4 ). The 95% confidence region for m becomes
(164x251 x IQ- 4 : 0041 x251 x 10- 4 ). One may assume as a first approximation that the
lives are inversely proportional, thus giving a 50% interval (035 H(f. < H(f. < 275 H(f.) and a
95% interval (0041 H(f. < H(f. < 164 H(f.). Thus errors in the relationship between the loads
at which the frequencies of loads are measured, and the ultimate static strength of the wing are
very critical, and considerable sampling error exists if the ultimate strength value is estimated
upon the results of a single test.

7.4 The Effect of Variability in Virgin and Residual Strengths

The effects of variability in ultimate strength have not been directly investigated in this
report, but may be deduced by comparison of the reliabilities calculated in this report, e.g.
Figure 9 (the variability being included), with those calculated without variability in the virgin
strength, as calculated in Figure 3 of Reference 10. This comparison shows that, at lifetimes
where fatigue risk is significantly greater than that of ultimate failure, there is virtually no
,, difference whether the population is assumed to vary in virgin strength or not. This might have
been expected intuitively.

7.5 Confidence in Relation to Extrapolation of the Spectrum
Load spectra are of two sorts, those measured, and those predicted. A regular review of
these two components is necessary as life proceeds. In fighter aircraft the predicted reliability
is sensitive to the upper end of the load spectrum and those used in calculations (AI) and (A2)
define approximately one exceedance of median ultimate strength per million hours. It is
unusual for fighter aircraft to be Iifed for more than 2000 hours and it is unusual for fleets to
consist of 500 aeroplanes: for Australia a fleet of 100 aeroplanes is more realistic. So any load
exceeding median ultimate strength is expected to occur less frequently than once in 100 lifetimes.
In fact, the load expected once in the lifetime of 100 planes is nearer 94% of the median strength
figure. It is therefore questionable whether such loads will occur. It will be noted that the initial
risk of ultimate failure in case A(2) in approximately 5 x I0- 6 which is once per fleet lifetime
as above. Clearly the magnitude of this risk, and indeed of the permissible fatigue risk, cannot
be precisely estimated: it is necessary to extrapolate the spectrum past the available data.
It should be remembered that habitual conservatism in the estimation of parameters when
those parameters are known imprecisely (underestimates of strength and of population mean
life to failure; overestimates of variability of endurance and of magnitudes of applied loads) will
result in the risk and the probability of failure being greatly overestimated by comparison with
the "best estimates", and thus the permissible life will be very much shorter than if estimated
according to the methods of "best estimates".
In a typical example, an estimate was made of the life for a probability of failure of 10- 3 ,
using the 975% confidence bounds for H, a and U/0 0 The resulting best estimate of the
probability offailure in the lifetime was approximately 1 56 x IQ- 8
The author considers it unreasonable to demand such a degree of safety, that, in aiming to
achieve a probability of failure of I0- 3 , a user actually adopts an ultra safe figure such that the
best estimate of the probability of failure is five orders of magnitude smaller.
It must be remembered, however, that the data on Hand Oo are obtained on a single test
of one structure which belongs to the fleet, whereas the data concerning the standard deviation
do not.
The above discussions render it clear that the safety of safe life structures is critically depen-
dent upon the assumptions concerning the structural and endurance properties.

7.6 Confidence Related to Safe-by-Inspection Structures

Studies of fail-safe behaviour, in particular the investigations of instantaneous average risk
after successive inspections, show them to be much less sensitive to the number of inspections
during the time for strength deterioration. This confirms what has been deduced intuitively,
that fail-safe structures can be continued in operation much longer and more safely than safe life
structures-provided locations of potential failure are all known. If this is so structures may be
continued in service with inspection for very much longer than their safe lives without the risk
being significantly higher.

Structural reliability in the presence of risks of ultimate failure and of fatigue failure is a
function of the applied load spectrum, and particularly the high loads, and of the strength distri-
bution and its rate of decay under the spectrum. We might describe these loads as "fatigue
forcing" loads since many loads which help to initiate and to propagate fatigue cracks are too
small in magnitude to be the final one which causes collapse. Crack propagation is an averaged
effect and is not related to each individual successive load of the spectrum: the effects of crack
retardation by single high loads, or crack acceleration by large loads of opposite sign or what-
ever, are not taken into account in current reliability approaches.
The structural behaviour of the material with time, when cracked, has a most marked
effect on the reliability or risk at any time. Materials with "brittle-type" failure properties, such
as ultra-high strength steels may support the initiation and growth of cracks for a considerable
period without loss of strength, so that the reliability is unaffected until the strength-reduction
threshold is reached, whereas with the more ductile behaviour of aluminium alloys strength
decay and increasing fatigue risk commence together, immediately when crack initiation occurs.
Where there is a significant probability of ultimate failure (failure by loads greater than the ,,
ultimate strength), there is also a significant probability that structures which are fatigue cracked

will fail by loads greater than their ultimate strength, i.e., the structures would have failed at the
particular time and applied load event whether they had been fatigue cracked or not. Reliability
theory, properly applied, separates these possibilities. In this report we define fatigue failures
as those where the failure load is less than the virgin ultimate strength. Ultimate strength failures
can only be reduced by increasing the ultimate strength or by truncating the top of the load
spectrum, perhaps by a placarded limit on the aircraft operation. Fatigue failures are capable
of reduction by replacement with new components, or, in the fail safe area, by inspection. For
structural problems the risk at an instant is not uniform over the population: it is greater on
weaker members. It may be averaged, to indicate the population depletion by the next load;
however, each structure, whether weaker or stronger, is acted upon not by the average but by
its own risk. The adoption of instantaneous risk averaging for determining future reliability
leads to underestimation of future reliability and over-estimation of future risk.
The distribution of strength of a population changes with time. With strength preserved,
the survivors evolve to become, on the average, stronger with time, and the risk rate decreases
with time. With a population deteriorating by the normal fatigue processes, the average strength
falls with time, but again, weaker members are eroded more rapidly, so that the distribution
becomes more and more positively skew, and no member survives to the point where its strength
is zero, or falls to say, the level flight load. In one example, no members survived till their
strengths had fallen below limit strength.
The safe life criterion of a probability of failure of 1o- 3 in the lifetime, when applied to fighter
aeroplanes, may produce a fatigue risk comparable to the static failure risk if the lifetime is short;
for a longer safe lifetime (say 5000 hours) the fatigue risk may well be an order of magnitude
lower. Consideration is directed towards the adoption of a safe life criterion expressed as a
time-average risk rate per hour, and to the adoption of a figure comparable with the static ultimate
failure risk. For civil transport aircraft carrying fare-paying passengers, the fatigue risk goal
proposed by Lundberg of 10- 9 per hour has never been upstaged.
If a structure is inspectable and capable of being treated as fail safe, withdrawal from
service when a crack is detected, however small, may be economically disastrous without
significantly reducing the risk. Where crack growth rate between inspections is small, and its
variability is confidently known, the intervals between inspections and the crack size for with-
drawal from service should be mutually chosen to optimise the utilisation of survivors, while
keeping the risk within bounds.
The estimation of reliability and of risk can be made with mathematical precision if the
input data are precise. In any practical case the input data are never precise, since they involve
sampling errors in the measurement of those parameters which are measured upon structures
of the type in question, and personal judgements about parameters which are attributed to the
structures in question but were measured on other structures: they involve estimations of the
load spectrum, including at high loads where the frequency may be less than once in the life-
time of an aeroplane and even as low as once in the lifetime of a fleet: and the withdrawal from
service of safe life or fail safe structures devolves upon the use of limiting acceptable values of
the reliability and risk, which also are matters of personal and generally corporate judgement.

The author desires gratefully to acknowledge the assistance of Miss B. I. Green in making
the computations.


1. Myers, R. H., Reliability Engineering in Electronic Systems.
Wong, K. L., and John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1964.
Gordy, H. M.
2. Ford, D. G. Appendix A to "Some Considerations Relating to the Safety of
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Pergamon Press, 1961.
3. Eggwertz, S. Investigation of Fatigue Life and Residual Strength of Wing Panel
for Reliability Purposes.
ASTM Special Technical Publication 511, 1972.
4. Anon. British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Parts D and K.
5. Anon. British Aviation Publication 970 (Av. P. 970).
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6. Anon. Federal Aviation Regulations of the USA, Parts 23 and 25.
7. Eggwertz, S. "Inspection Periods Determined from Data of Crack Development
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Analysis." Fatigue of Aircraft Structures (W. Barrois and
E. L. Ripley), p. 345.
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8. Schijve, J. "Endurance under Program Testing." Full Scale Testing of Air-
craft Structures (F. J. Plantema and J. Schijve), p. 45.
Pergamon Press, 1961.
9. Diamond, Patricia, and "Reliability Analysis Applied to Structural Tests." Advanced
Payne, A. 0. Approaches to Fatigue Evaluation, p. 275.
NASA SP-309, 1971.
10. Hooke, F. H. "A Comparison of Reliability and Conventional Estimation o
Safe Fatigue Life and Safe Inspection Intervals."
Joe. cit., Ref. 9, p. 667.
11. Gassner, E., and "The Significance of Constant Amplitude Tests for the Fatigue
Schiitz, W. Evaluation of Aircraft Structures."
Joe. cit., Ref. 8, p. 14.
12. Weibull, W. "Basic Aspects of Fatigue." Colloquium on Fatigue, p. 289.
IUTAM, Stockholm, May 1955.
13. Hooke, F. H. Probabilistic Design and Structural Fatigue.
The Aeronautical Journal, p. 267, June 1975.
14. Hooke, F. H., and Fracture Study as an Aid to Fatigue Evaluation.
Barnard, J. M. H. 37th Congress of AANZAS, Canberra, 1964; also ARL Tech.
Memo SM 123, 1963.
15. Atkinson, R. J. Permissible Design Values and Variability Test Factors.
ARC R&M 2877, 1955.
16. Grandage, J. M., and A Probabilistic Approach to Structural Design.
Payne, A. 0. ARL Report SM 337, 1972.
17. Freudenthal, A. M. Reliability Analysis Based on the Time to First Failure.
5th ICAF Symposium, 1967; Aircraft Fatigue, Design, Operational
and Economic Aspects. Pergamon, 1972.
18. Hooke, F. H. Discussion on "Reliability Analysis Based on the Time to First
Joe. cit., Ref. 17.
19. Pook, L. P. Basic Statistics of Fatigue Crack Growth.
NEL Report 595, June 1975.

20. Marmion, L., and Statistical Strength Tests of Typhoon Semi-span Tailplanes.
Starkey, R. D. ARC 8258, October 1944.
21. Starkey, R. D. Interim Note on the Results of Strength Tests on 60 Master Tail-
RAE Tech. Note SME 155, June 1943.
22. Johnstone, W. W., and Static Strength Tests on P.51D Mainplanes.
Patching, C. A. ARL SM Note 185.
23. Freudenthal, A. M., and The Structural Reliability of Airframes.
Payne, A. 0. Air Force Materials Laboratory Report, AFML-TR-64-401,
December, 1964.
24. Jost, G. S., and A Survey of Fatigue Life Variability in Aluminium Alloy Structures.
Verinder, F. E. ARL Report SM 329, 1971.
25. Stagg, A. M. Scatter in Fatigue: Elements and Sections from Aircraft Structures.
RAE Tech. Report 69155, July 1965.
26. Stagg, A. M. An Investigation of the Scatter in Constant Amplitude Fatigue
Test Results in Aluminium Alloys 2024 and 7075.
ARC CP 1093, 1970 (replacing RAE Tech Report 69075).
27. Bastenaire, F. Etude statistique et physique de la dispersion des resistances et des
endurances a la fatigue.
Thesis, University of Paris, 1960.
28. Lundberg, Bo K. D. "The Quantitative Statistical Approach to the Aircraft Fatigue
Problem." Full Scale Fatigue Testing of Aircraft Structures.
ICAF Symposium, 1959; Pergamon Press, 1961 (p. 393).
29. Ford, D. G., and Approximate Life Distribution of Cracked Structures with Random
Grandage, J. M. Risks.
ARL Note SM 363, 1971.
30. Pugsley, A. G. A Philosophy of Aeroplane Strength Factors.
ARC R&M 1906, 1942.
31. Maxwell, R. D. J. Fail Safe Philosophy, an Introduction to the Symposium.
Proceedings ofthe 7th ICAF Symposium, London; RAE TR 73183,
32. Parish, H. E. Fatigue Test Results and Analysis of 42 Piston Provost Wings.
M o A S&T Memo 1/65, 1965.


Constants Used in Reliability and Risk Calculations
Examples A(l), A(2) and A'(2) (military) and Examples B(l) and B(2) (civil transport) analyses

(I) (2) (3)

Parameter Example A Example B
(military fighter type) (civil transport) I

R = Median population test life 5000 hours 16,667 hours

u = Standard deviation of log H 0167 0167
bOo = Highest test load 067 Oo 05 Oo
Uo is Weibull distributed Weibull distributed

uuo 003 003

f)fcr = if;(t/H)
(i) Power fn. of t/H, with initiation at H/44 A(l): (t/H) 9 -16x I0- 6
w (ii) Linear fn. of t/H A(2): t/H B(2): t/H
N (iii) Piecewise linear fn. of t/H with initiation at B(3): 0 for t/H < 06
06H t/H-06 for 06 < t/H < 097
-20+21 t/H for tjH > 097

U/ Uo = c/>(f/fcr)
(i) Inverse root fn. of f/fcr A( I): 1 for f/fcr < 0 44
067vfcr/f for f/fcr > 044
(ii) Linear fn. of f/fcr A(2): 1-f/3fcr 1-f/3fcr

U/Uo = c/>{if;(t/H)} A(l): 1 for t/H < 0914 B(2): l-tj3H

=W/H) i[(t/H) 9 -16x I0- 6 ]-i- for t/H > 0914 B(3): 1 for t/H < 06
A(2): 1-t/3H 12-06t/H for 06 < t/H < 097
76-7t/Hfor t/H > 097

(i) Linear fn. of U/Oo . A(2): J06-12U/0 0 104.3-ISU/00

(ii) Polynomial fn. of U/0 0 matching Figure 2 of A'(2): IO(A+BU/0.+ ...

Reference 9 where A = 244
B = -1881
c = 5281
D = -7174
E = 4671
F= -1203

'- _, :>
1 1

1/1 (t/H)
-u c/> (1/1 cr)
1cr uo

k; r=
0 0
0 t/H 1 0 1/lcr 1
Fig. 1a Fig. 1b


~ (t/H)

0 t/H 1
Fig. 1c


FF(t) = F(t)- F 0 (t)
Failure of weakened
structures by loads
below virgin strength.

F Failures by loads
o(t) greater than the
virgin strength .


:.0 Survival




Removed at
.E' continuous
:.0 inspection

survival of
load risk
Survival of
both load risk
and inspection

0 t


(i) Ni Hw
1 .,
v ._
U/U 0
1.- T --. T/ki -- t ___..

Uncracked, Ni > T, H > T/ki

U/U 0
Ni Hw

..... _ -
T-. t--. T/ki --
Just cracked, N i = T, H = T /ki

( i i) Ni Hw
1 ~

" -- H

U/U 0
T-. t ---. T/ki ---
Cracked but unweakened, Ni < T, Hw > T

Ni Hw
1 .....
U/U 0 j---___
T/kw-+ t ----. T/ki

Cracked to strength reduction threshold, T = Hw

(iii ) Ni Hw
1 " -~
U/ Uo

T/kw-+ t--... T/ki --
Cracked and weakened - T > Hw

FF (t), Fatigue failures Fa (t), Ultimate load failures

Removals ld3 > ld2

at inspection
2 r------::::::::--=::::=-=::::......:.~~~-- ld 2 > ld,



t = 1000h
t = 2000h u
f(-::7Uo ) and
5 t = 3000h.
undepleted f( ITo) R (Uolt).
and depleted
c c fort= 500h
0 0
~ ~
ctl ctl
::J 4 ::J t = 4000h
0 0 undepleted
0. 0. f. (
"'C "'C
and depleted
Cl.l Cl.l
Cl.l +-' fort= 0.
Cl.l 3 0.
"'C "'C
c .... t = 5000h
::J 0
.... '+- undepleted
and depleted
w '+- 0::

- -
. 00

t-::f 2;
:::> :::>
'+- '+-

0 ! I
1 -====-=1 ------:::::;:
3 .4
===;:::= 4j'
wu .
6 7
/ -4B / 1
~~ ~I
10 1-1 12



<: ~

t= 0, 1.000

c: 3
w 0
N '+-




.. .


1...J/ ,---_/ ~ /3,000

0 V-====
, I
-- I I I I I
1 1~
.1 2 3 . I. .5 6 7 8 9 1-0 1-1 12




oI I I I I I I I I " < I ,., I <

I I ~

0 0-1 02 03 04 05 0-6 07 0-8 09 10 H 12




" "'
6 /
c. 0

.... ;;:-....'
;:: "r r(t) CaseA(l)
Ql ~
Cl cJ
Ql ~
ro ~
... c
en 2 Safe Iife case A2
I Risk rate after
inspection at T = 650 h
with A. d = 0.1
(schedule M

schedule r
(every 100 hrs, Inspection
ld > 0.02 lcr schedule E

10 ~------p---p-~~~~~~----~--~--~~,-~~

10 Time hrs.


CASE A(2), & A(1).

R(t) F(t)

~ 000001

F0 ( 650;) = .0029 00001

Ruo (t), Re!iability
under static
ultimate failure
R (t) 01
under static 08 ....
and fatigue 03 ~
failure 04 :
Cf< 05 0
> 06 -~ ;_

~ 07 ~
08 ~
0 ....
\ . - R(t). 09 0..
.~ \ Case A(1)
.0 095
e 098
\ 099

Inspection 09999


t, hours


CASES A(2) AND A(1).






every 10 3 hrs.

103 2 3 4 5 2 105
Time- Hours
CASE 8(2). 333

QUESTION-Wing CommanderS. Woodbury

I would like to comment on one of the concluding remarks of your presentation and that is
that for a fleet the maximum acceptable probability of failure due to fatigue should be about the
same as that due to static overload. From a fleet operator's point ofvie_w this may not be appro-
priate because of the different implications of each type of failure.
A static overload failure implies that the structure has experienced a rare and chance event
and hence all consequences of the failure are associated with that aircraft and this has little or
no consequences for the remainder of the fleet. Whereas a fatigue failure implies a weakness in
the fleet as a whole and can lead to grounding of the fleet. Operators should try to avoid this if
at all possible hence the probability of fatigue failure should be kept as low as possible.

Author's Reply
It should be remembered that it was in respect of fighter type aircraft that the author proposed
the adoption of an acceptable fatigue risk comparable with the ultimate static failure risk.
Normally the armed service in question, the crew and the general public accept higher risks in
fighter type aircraft than in passenger carrying vehicles.
The task of assuring fatigue safety in military aircraft was first addressed in Australia in /_'

respect of bomber, fighter and trainer aircraft (viz. Canberra, Vampire, etc.) and these were
treated as "safe life" structures because their integrity could not be established by inspection.
The criterion then adopted to determine the safe life was a probability of failure ofOOOl during
the lifetime. This criterion is still used, although it now appears less than satisfactory because it
penalises structures with long safe lives as compared with those with short safe lives. For the
average risk rate per hour (which is, after all, the significant measure of risk), being the ratio of
the probability of failure during the safe lifetime to that lifetime, will be smaller _the longer the
safe lifetime. Whether the structure of an aeroplane is "safe life". or "fail safe" or "safe-by-inspec-
tion" the author thinks that there is a need to examine critically the risk rate which is regarded
as acceptable.
The static structural failure rate of fighter-type aeroplanes is of the order of 1 x 10- 5 per
hour (Pugsley, 30 quotes 3 2 x 10- 5 per hour, Australian experience with the RAAF Sabre fleet
was 1 x 10- 5 , our Example A2, illustrated in Figures 9 and 10 gives 4 5 x I0- 6 per hour). If we
accept this failure rate, for aeroplanes with a life of type of 5000 hours, the probability of failure
of an aeroplane during its life is 5 x 10- 2 , and the expected number of failures in a fleet of 1000
aeroplanes is 50. If the life of type had been limited by the currently adopted Australian fatigue
probability of failure, viz. 0001, then the expected number of fatigue failures in the same fleet
in this time is one.
If one were to require another 1000 hours of service from this type, either by buying a new
fleet and pensioning off the old one, or by continuing to use the old fleet, the expected number of
ultimate failures would be 10, while the expected number of fatigue failures in the old fleet would
still be less than one.
This being the case it appears to the author ludicrous to pension off the fleet at 5000 hours,
and ludicrous to adopt a fatigue failure rate of 10- 3 in a fighter aircraft lifetime.
The time between the expected first fatigue failure in a fleet and the expected second failure is a
direct function of the real scatter. If the real scatter is small then the second failure will follow
hard on the heels of the first, or, as Wing Commander Woodbury has said, the expected first
failure is a forerunner of imminent failure of many more of the fleet. If the structure is classed
as "safe life" and the real scatter is small only a small scatter factor, applied to the mean life, will
ensure a nominated safety level. If the structure is used past this safe life, the risk rate of ultimate
failure will not change significantly, but the risk rate of fatigue failure will increase rapidly.

If the real scatter is large, the time between the expected first and the expected second
failure is large, and the event of one fatigue failure does not presage an immediate second
failure or imminent failure of many of the fleet. Continuing to use the fleet past the first failure
event does not make an immediate significant change in the risk of either ultimate failure or of
fatigue failure. If the real scatter is large, a large scatter is necessarily applied to the mean life to
ensure a nominated fatigue safety level.
If the real scatter is small, but a large scatter factor is being applied to the mean life because
the mean life is assumed highly uncertain, then the event of the first failure could be interpreted
as presaging the rapid and unexpected approach to the mean lifetime: it could be used as a better
guide to the mean value than the original estimate was. In these circumstances a first fatigue
failure would be a logical justification for grounding the fleet.
In the case of "safety-by-inspection" the author doubts the wisdom of aiming to "keep
the probability of fatigue failure as low as possible". In our example A(2), illustrated in Figures
9 and 10, the curves labelled Inspection Schedule r show the effect of removing structures with
very small cracks. Four per cent of the population remains after 200- hours and none are left
after the inspection at 300 hours. If the safe life had been declared to be that life at which the
survivorship of fatigue and ultimate failure was 0 1% less than the survivorship of ultimate
failure alone, the safe life so obtained is 440 hours, and in this lifetime the probability of ultimate
failure is 0 2%. If Inspection Schedule E were adopted (in which the total risk never exceeds
9 5 x IQ- 6 ), 50% of the population would survive past the inspection at 550 hours, and this
would be the average fleet life available. If one were to use the fleet until the probability of
fatigue failure became equal to the probability of static ultimate failure the life would be 650
hours, and the probabilities of failure in each mode would each be 0 0029 as shown. In this
case the peak risk rate near 650 hours would climb to about 1 6 x 1o- 5 Adopting this as a safe
life, for a fleet of 100 aeroplanes, would still lead to an expectation of less than one failure in the
fleet lifetime, and if such occurred, it would be equally likely to be an ultimate or fatigue failure.
However, the author would prefer to be able to work with the example fleet as "safe-by-inspec-
tion", using, say, Inspection Schedule E, because the risk in this case is very little affected by the
frequency of inspections, and it may be inferred that it is not greatly affected by the value of H,
i.e. the mean time for the strength to fall to the arbitrary level by which H is defined.

QUESTION-Sqn. Leader Bryce,

According to the current ARL theory of reliability, the survivorship function always reduces
throughout the aircraft's life. This approach may be appropriate for an artificial infinite fleet
where the results of inspections are purely the calculated rejection rates. In the RAAF, however,
the results of actual inspections may be used to modify the calculation of the survivorship
function for a real aircraft. If an inspection has been carried out on the critical component of an
aircraft, and no crack has been found, the operator may postulate that he now has as much
information about that aircraft as he would have had, had the aircraft been continuously
inspected throughout its entire life up to that point. Thus post facto the operator now knows
that the actual risk which he has been sustaining has been far less than he had calculated while
the possibility existed prior to the inspection that a crack had been growing in the critical
structure. The risk has in fact been merely that under the risk function curve for continuous
Thus, while before the inspection it is quite logical to calculate the value of the survivor-
ship function by integrating the entire area under the risk curve, and subtracting it from
one, after the inspection it is not logical to do so.
After the inspection the area under the risk function curve, for that period prior to the
inspection, which should be integrated is logically simply the area under the risk function for a
continuous inspection situation. This results in an increase in the survivorship function after
each inspection.
Calculation of the survivorship function in this manner is realistic from an operator's point
of view, whereas the current method is not. It appears to be the logical way of transposing the
infinite fleet situation to the individual aircraft situation. In fact this approach would enable, I
believe, survivorship function for the unrejected Macchi fleet to remain above 0 999.

Author's Reply

Usually "reliability" or "survivorship" is taken as the probability of the original population

surviving to a particular time t. After an inspection has been made, and some defectives have
been removed, the reliability is usually expressed still as the proportion of the original population
continuing to survive, as, for example, R(Tiy 1 ) in Equation (51) of the paper, although one may
evaluate it as the proportion of those which survived the inspection, as, for example, R'(Tiy 1 )
in Equation (52) of the paper. In his calculations and in Figure 10, the author has used the former
As far as the risk rate is concerned there is no option as to its interpretation, for it is, by
definition, the proportion failing per unit time at time t, or the probability of failure at time t of
survivors at time t. In the context of this problem the average instantaneous risk before an
inspection is given by r(T) of Equation (35), and after an inspection (when the population has
been depleted by the defectives removed thereat) it is given by Equation (53).
It should be note that ARL theory of reliability is in a process of continued development
and this paper is merely the most recent exposition of its current thought. Strictly, the survivor-
ship is not the defect from unity of the integral from zero to t of the risk function: it is the negative
exponential of the integral from zero to t of the risk function, provided the risk on all members
of the population is uniform. Where this is not so, the negative exponential is summed over every
element of the population, as in Equation (15) if the population consists of discrete fractions, or
is integrated over the population, as in Equations (24), (34) and (51) if the population is continu-
ously distributed.
In Equations (51), (53), etc., it is the limitation of the integration of H to the range
y 1 /ka < H < oo which, after an inspection, limits the survivorship and the risk functions to
only those of the population which have survived the inspection, and it will thus be clear that the
survivorship and risk immediately after an inspection at y 1 are the same whether it was an
isolated inspection or an instant in a period of continuous inspection. This is illustrated in
Figure 9 where the risk under Inspection Schedule E (with inspections at 50 hour intervals)
appears as a sawtooth curve at about r(T) = 9 x 10- 6 per hour, commencing where the inspections
commenced at T = 350 hours, and continuing toT= 1200 hours.
On this curve the risk after inspection at 650 hours is 8 5 x IQ- 6 per hour, and is identical
with the figure under Inspection Schedule l:l, where the first inspection is at 650 hours, and the
same crack size for component withdrawal is adopted.
On this diagram, Figure 9, curves have not been drawn for the risk under continuous
inspection; however, the latter risk is the lower envelope of the sawtooth curve. Two other curves
on this diagram are the risk under Inspection Schedule r, characterised by inspections every
100 hours and a more critical inspection procedure, with a crack size for component with-
drawal of 002-tcr; and also the risk rate function r(tiUo), i.e. the risk for non-deteriorating
It should be noted (and by example it can be seen from Figures 9 and 10) that inspection
schedules which detect smaller cracks and reject the structures containing them will cause a
more rapid depletion of structures left in service than inspections in which the detectable size,
or the crack size for rejection of the structure, is larger.
If the user is considering the question of risk upon a single member of his fleet which has
survived inspection with no detectable crack, then the user's fleet may be regarded as having
been sampled from the infinite population assumed in the calculations, and the individual air-
craft as one out of a fraction of that sample whose time for a crack to reach detectable size is
longer than the time to that inspection. If at this inspection time the calculations showed a high
probability that all structures are detectably cracked, while the individual structure was not,
then doubt would be cast upon the assumptions of the calculation. Similarly, if at that time most
structures were found cracked and the calculations showed a low probability of the structures
being cracked, the assumptions might similarly be doubted.
If at an inspection time y 1 a structure were found measurably cracked, and yet not cracked
to the degree requiring removal, then knowledge of the crack size and the time y 1 would permit
an evaluation of the structure's characteristic time H. This would remove the need for inte-
grating the reliability and risk functions over the variable H, and so the reliability and risk would
become, after Equations (51) and (53),
R(Tiy 1 ) = fo exp- [g m{Uo W/H)/Uo} dt]f(Uo) dUo

fo m{Uo W/H)/Uo}. R(TIUo, H)f(Uo) dUo
fo R(TIUo, H)f(Uo) dUo
where H has the characteristic value for the structure in question.
All of the above procedures are potentially applicable to the problem of the Macchi, men-
1, tioned by Sqn. Ldr. Bryce. However, as the author has pointed out in Sections 6 and 8, the
adoption of an acceptable probability of failure in the lifetime of IQ- 3 (survivorship 0 999)
equates to .a risk of the order of 2 X 10- 7 per hour which is so small in comparison with the
ultimate static failure risk of fighter and trainer aircraft as to be unrealistically small. Also the
author understands that the Macchi aircraft has a structure which is inspectable in parts and
not inspectable in others. The consideration of the overall risk requires a combined approach,
taking into account the risks in all relevant locations. The question of what is an acceptable
risk also deserves reconsideration.

QUESTION-Sqn. Leader A. J. Emmerson,

The problem we face is the practical application of this approach. Aside from its use in
general design or aircraft type evaluation, a primary application is in extension of an otherwise
inadequate safe life on a safety by inspection basis. This requires hard numbers from the theory,
and in particular hard numbers relating to the probability of survival of a nominated individual
aircraft. Given that an individual aircraft has its own unique crack growth curve and measured
flight load history, what are the prospects of expanding the theory to permit derivation of the
probability of failure before next inspection for an aircraft in which the correct maximum crack
size in the critical area is known?
The problem seems to lie in the assumptions lying behind your Figure Ia.

,., Author's Reply

It is the role of reliability theory as applied to the structural fatigue problem to provide
formulae to calculate the probability of failure between one inspection and the next, for aircraft
being treated as safe by inspection.
The survivorship (calculated on the basis of the size of the original population) immediately
after an inspection at y 1 , and immediately before the next inspection at y 2 may be described
as R( y 1 IY 1 ) and R( y 2 IY 1 ) respectively, and may be calculated by putting y 1 or y 2 in place ofT
as the upper limit of the integration of the variable tin Equation (51) of the paper.
Subtracting R(y 2 ly 1 ) from R(y 1 ly 1) gives the probability of failure within the time interval
from y 1 to y 2 Or writing {R(y 1 ly 1 ) - R(y 2 ly 1 )} ...;- R(y 1 ly 1 ) gives the probability of failure
of survivors of the first inspection. The above expressions are based on the assumption that at
an inspection structures are divided into those which have or do not have cracks of a size appro-
priate for withdrawal from the fleet.
If at an inspection an individual aircraft is found to have a crack which is measurable and
yet not as large as to require withdrawal of the aircraft from service, knowledge of its size and
the time y 1 permits evaluation of the structure's characteristic H value. It may then be treated
as an individual with known crack propagation behaviour, but unknown residual strength. A
question posed by Sqn. Ldr. Bryce amounted to the same thing, and expressions for risk rate and
reliability in this case are given in the answer to his question.

QUESTION-Sqn. Leader A. J. Emmerson,

Would you please comment on the acceptability of the concept of calculating the mathe-
matical expectation of a particular crack in a fleet for the purpose of predicting future aircraft
losses caused by that crack?

Author's Reply
It would appear to me that the mathematical expectation of a crack (at a particular location)
in a fleet is the defect from unity of the survivorship uncracked, i.e. the survivorship under
continuous inspection as given by Rc(T) in Equation (54) or under intermittent inspection as given

by R(TJy 1) of Equation (51) of the paper. When the instant Tconsidered coincides with an inspec-
tion time y 1 the expressions are identical.
If at some inspection time the actual survivorship uncracked of the fleet is found to be
reasonably in accord with the calculated expectation, one may have confidence that the assump-
tions for calculating the expectation have been, if not individually proved, at least collectively
supported, and confidence also that the assumption may be an adequate basis for the calculation
of the survivorship, or of the risk rate of catastrophic failure at some later time, as given by
R(TJy 1) of Equation (51) and r Y (T) of Equation (53) of the paper.

If there is no confirmation by inspection of the expectation of cracks (either because no

inspections were made, or no cracks were observed) the prediction of future losses by failure
can be no better than the prediction of present cracking. But of course, if the structures are "safe-
by-inspection", future concern is primarily with the fraction of the fleet surviving inspection to
some future life, and not with the expectation of catastrophic failures during the future life.
For a "safe-by-inspection" fleet, the size of the fleet surviving inspection at a particular time
depends upon the crack length above which a structure is withdrawn from service. If the
nominated crack size is very small the risk of catastrophic failure only grows slightly more than
the risk of ultimate failure with non-deteriorating strength, but the population dwindles rapidly.
If the crack length for withdrawal is larger the fleet will last much longer: the risk rate will in
consequence be higher, though the risk of fatigue failure may still be no more than the risk of
ultimate static failure.
Nevertheless it must be remembered that the occurrence or absence of cracking in members
of a fleet which has accumulated a total hours H is no evidence concerning the integrity of an
individual aeroplane when it shall have flown to a life of H hours.

QUESTION-Sqn. Leader A. J. Emmerson,

Conventional design procedures make some strength provision against the probability
of failure under a single high load, by requiring that the structure be designed so as not to fail
catastrophically under a load typically at least 1 5 times the highest load likely to occur in
service (i.e. 1 5 times limit load).
To what extent would the procedures described in your paper unnecessarily duplicate this

Author's Reply
It is true that the design strength requirements for aircraft require that they shall sustain
without collapse a load 1 5 times the "limit load", and the latter is described as the "largest load
likely to be encountered in service". Design strength requirements have to anticipate future
experience by some extrapolation of the past. Some aircraft never encounter an event of limit
load during their lives : others encounter more severe loads, albeit rarely. Some, more rarely still,
encounter a load greater than design ultimate strength, and join the statistics of structural failures.
The design strength requirements are set at a level which by past experience leads to a sufficiently
small count of catastrophes that it is acceptable to users, whether they are a military service or
the general public.
The procedures described in my paper permit calculation of the risk of ultimate static failure,
knowing the applied load spectrum and the structural properties. They are not couched in a form
particularly suitable as a design requirement, and the necessary data are usually not available
at the design stage. Where the data are available the designer may use the procedures to estimate
the risk of ultimate failure, and to upgrade his design if he thinks necessary.

QUESTION-Dr. L. H. Mitchell,
At first sight it would seem that reliability has to do with infrequent events and therefore
the tails of the distributions of the variables involved. Also I would have thought that the un-
certainties regarding the tails would be much greater than the uncertainties in mean values. ,
Could Dr. Hooke comment on the importance of the assumptions about the distributions

Author's Reply
The theory of aircraft structural reliability and risk has to do with both frequent and rare
events, the former when dealing with the expected life to failure (of which a laboratory fatigue
test life is an estimator), and the latter when dealing with a safe life or a safe interval between
,, inspections. A safety factor relates the expected life to the safe life, and therefore the frequent
J event to the rare event.
One would expect the uncertainty in determining mean values to be less than that in deter-
mining extremes, but it is shown in Section 7 of the paper that, for example, estimation of the
mean or median endurance His fraught with considerable uncertainty when only a single fatigue
test is carried out, and similarly the estimate of median virgin strength 0 0 is of dubious precision
when derived from a single static strength test.
Nevertheless it is true that the risk of fatigue failure results primarily from the interaction
of the upper tail of the applied loads distribution function with the lower tail of the distribution
of residual strength, which lower tail is also related to the lower tail of the distribution of the life
to critical crack size.
Of these three distributions it might be thought that the upper tail of the distribution function
of applied loads is the most significant as regards variability, since loads of about the median
virgin strength occur about once in the lifetime of a fleet, in fighter aircraft, and perhaps less
often with transport aircraft. However, Figure 6, showing the distributions of residual strength
at successive times reveals that structures whose strength is progressively decreasing, never
survive past the point where their strength is reduced to about design limit strength, so that if
every aircraft was used till it failed, the failing loads would be those lying between ultimate
design load and limit load. There is less uncertainty about these than about the extreme tail.
Similarly the shape of the distribution curve of virgin or residual strength has been investigated
and proves to be not highly critical, but the value of the mean or median strength is critical.
The lower tail of the strength-decay-time parameter is critical, and this is often determined
,-, by the application of a scatter factor to a laboratory-observed strength-decay-time, and here
again the uncertainty is compounded from the sampling error intrinsic in a test on one com-
ponent, and the uncertainty involved in applying a scatter factor derived from tests on other
structures (possibly under different load spectra) than the one in question.
The uncertainties intrinsic in aircraft structural reliability analysis are at present perhaps
the most important area of study.

QUESTION-P. J. Howard,
You say that aircraft remaining in an aged fleet have been selected for strength. Could they
not also be selected for luck, in that they may be weak members who have fortunately avoided
high loads?

Author's Reply
On the definition that "luck" is "that which happens by chance, fortune or lot", the sole
concern of reliability theory is "luck". As with people, so with structures, life is a trial of strength,
and the weaker are more likely to succumb to an event of stress than the stronger. In the spectrum
of loads occurring on a fleet of aircraft, higher loads occur less frequently than lower loads, so
that chance will cause the weaker, sooner than the stronger, to encounter and succumb to a load
greater than each one's current strength. Considering all at the same "age", i.e. after the same
number of hours or loads encountered, more of a particular strength will have survived (on the
average) than of any lower strength. In the "fighter" example of the paper, and with the assump-
tion that strength does not deteriorate with time, Figure 8 shows that, by "natural selection"
the population of survivors acquires enhanced average strength, while, on the assumption that
strength does deteriorate with age, Figure 6 shows that "natural selection" causes the survivors
to have higher average strength than if the weaker had not been eliminated, though, of course,
not as high as the average virgin strength. While an individual weak member may last longer than
an individual strong member, this will not be so on the average. The survivors are selected by
luck, rather thanfor luck.

Ansett Airlines
Hooke in his review (Tech. Memo 253), on page 3 warns against unwittingly attributing
too much reliability to the precision of the mathematics in estimating fatigue lives.
Mann agrees with this quoting life factors of between 0 1 to 10 0. It appears that in spite
of these statements both speakers (Hooke and Payne) are producing more and more precise
mathematics in an attempt to deal with a highly random and unpredictable subject.
In practical aircraft operating environment fatigue testing-no matter how carefully applied
-is not considered to provide meaningful data beyond about 30,000 hours flying time. This is
due to the influence of other factors-corrosion, manufacturing errors (e.g. Viscount VH-RMQ),
noise and small loads which are omitted from the fatigue test, etc. The only manner in which the
behaviour of an aircraft fleet can be predicted is by observing the behaviour of that fleet in actual
service. One procedure that has been put forward in this respect is the so-called 95/95 approach
proposed by Boeing aircraft. This technique appears to have been almost totally ignored at this
symposium. Is this due to the fact that the speakers consider the technique invalid-if so what
alternative do they offer for life prediction of a fleet in a real, as opposed to a laboratory,

Author's Reply
It is the forte of reliability theory, as applied to structural fatigue, that, unlike conventional
semi-probabilistic analysis, it does not regard a structure as unsafe when its strength has fallen
to some arbitrary level, but it assumes that failure will occur whenever a structure encounters
a load greater than its current strength. The theory applied to a structural and load frequency
model, in which all of the relevant parameters are identified and specified, and its application
leads to results which are, for the model, absolutely mathematically precise. It seemed to the
author worthwhile to explore this problem.
In the Introduction the author has pointed out that the mathematical model may fail to
represent accurately a particular real problem as a result of sampling errors arising from the
smallness of samples, and of the personal judgments made in attributing properties (including
such effects as environment) to the model, and also in deciding acceptable safety levels.
It is true that if the input data to calculation do not include the effects of corrosion which
occurs in service, or of manufacturing defects made on one but not all of the fleet, then the
result of calculation must be suspect. Where a structure is capable of being treated as "fail-safe"
or "safe by inspection" it is agreed that observation of its behaviour in service is a good guide
to establishing its safety.
Since inspection cannot be continuous, the application of reliability theory provides an
indication of the required inspection frequency and the expected fleet total lifetime allowing for
losses at inspections, as well as by attrition in service, and comparisons of service experience
with theoretical prediction permit updating of the input data to correct for earlier errors and
unrepresentative environments, etc. The author does not consider the 95/95 approach proposed
by Boeing invalid, though time and space limitations prevented its consideration in the paper.



QUESTION-A. 0. Payne
Dr. Hooke has made a detailed presentation of risk equations for the case of a single type
of failure in a population of structures. In this comment I would like to draw attention to certain
aspects of the analysis illustrating what are in my opinion the essential problems in the successful
adoption of the Reliability Approach in Structural Airworthiness.
The reliability approach to fatigue is a rather complex procedure involving multiple
probability integrals and requiring a very extensive body of data relating to the full scale structure
particularly as regards the fatigue characteristics and the residual strength properties.
It is not possible to obtain all of these extensive data in the general case: recourse is had to
using a physical model of the fatigue process to enable simplifying assumptions to be made, thus
reducing the data requirement and enabling representative data from other structures to be used.
Evaluation of the integrals is usually not possible by analytical means and this difficulty
is overcome either by making simplifying assumptions as regards the data functions in the
integrand, to make the integration tractible, or by using numerical methods which again intro-
duce difficulties with computing time and accuracy. It is important in my view to make realistic
simplifications in the risk analysis where possible so as to reduce the computational difficulties
and the data requirement rather than apply a more complex analysis which increases the basic
approximations involved and the uncertainties in the assumed data.
c. On this aspect I disagree with Dr. Hooke. Referring to Section 5 of his paper for example,
he has applied his analysis to the case of a fighter aircraft assuming linearity in residual strength
and in crack propagation following References 10 and 13 of his paper, where the effect of these
assumptions can be clearly seen.
In Reference 13 Dr. Hooke has calculated the risk of fatigue failure for a typical fighter
aircraft assuming a log normal distribution of life about a median value of 8,000 hours with
standard deviation s.d. = 0 2.
The risk function is calculated on the assumption of a linear reduction in strength from zero
life to final failure. While it considerably simplifies the integrals in his complex expression for
the risk function, this is an extremely conservative assumption for any aircraft structure. In
Reference 10 a calculation has been carried out using the same load spectrum for a very similar
case of a fighter aircraft (with a mean life of 8,000 hours and s.d. = 0 176y'2 = 0 24). However,
in this case the risk function was simplified since the variability in strength was not included
and a much more realistic assumption of a curvilinear crack propagation curve and correspond-
ing residual strength versus life curve was used.
The basic input data for the two cases was therefore very similar giving safe lives according
to current military airworthiness requirements 1 of 2,000 hours and 1,520 hours respectively
(based on 999% Probability of Survival) but the results calculated by the reliability analysis
for the two cases differ widely. The life to Reliability of 99 9% is 200 hours in the first case
and 1,200 hours in the second. The result in the first case is so much lower than the safe life
estimated by the currently accepted military airworthiness requirement as to indicate a com-
pletely overriding effect from the conservative assumption involved. This is in contrast to the
second case where the simpler reliability equation with a physically realistic model of the fatigue
process has given a realistic answer.
In the first case the advantage of the probabilistic approach as compared to the conven-
tional airworthiness procedure of specifying an arbitrary residual strength requirement has been
masked in my opinion, by the use of an unwieldy expression for the risk function associated with
unrealistic assumptions concerning the basic data.
The difficulties in applying the reliability analysis become much more apparent in the general
case of combined static and fatigue failure. In a complex structure static failure occurs by a
different mechanism (often by compression buckling) and usually in a different area to fatigue
failure and possibly under different loading actions (load spectrum).

These difficulties have been shown by recent work in the U.S.A., in particular in the compre-
hensive analysis by Bouton et a!. 2 The reliability under static loading within placard limits and
under conditions of high overload are both considered. The reliability in fatigue is included,
based on the philosophy that the fatigue life can be estimated on the basis of an increasing
risk of static failure with decreasing residual strength in the critical area. There are some simi-
larities with the conventional procedure but the method considers failure in a probabilist!~ sense
and allows for the variability in material properties and in the fabrication process: an allowance
is also introduced for variation in the mean strength property due to inaccuracies in the design
The procedure has been investigated by application to the Cl41 transport aircraft. 3 The
principal conclusion from that study was that the implementation of the complete system for
static and fatigue strength would be premature at this stage since there is insufficient data avail-
able to establish the risk of failure in a complex structure under the various loading conditions
that apply. However, it was considered that partial application to design could be done for
testing and evaluation of the method.
I therefore suggest that the successful adoption of the reliability approach in structural
airworthiness depends on developing a physical model of the structural failure modes which
will reduce the data required and simplify the risk analysis as much as possible, paying due
regard to the accuracy of the assumptions and approximations involved in evaluating the risk
1. British Airworthiness Requirements.
Av. P. 970, vol. 1, Leaflet 200.
2. Bouton, 1., Quantitative Structural Design Criteria by Statistical Methods,
Trent, D. J., Vols. I-IV. 1-
Fisk, N., and AFFDL-TR-67-107, June 1968.
McHugh, A. K.
3. Campion, N. C., Implementation Studies for a Reliability Based Static Strength
Hanson, L. C., and Criteria System.
Morrock, D. S., eta!. Technical Report AAFDL-TR-71-178, vol. 1, February 1972.

Author's Reply
The author is completely in agreement with Dr. Payne that the reliability approach to
fatigue of structures is a rather complex procedure, involving multiple probability integrals
and requiring an extensive body of data. The author also agrees with Dr. Payne that the success-
ful adoption of the reliability approach in structural airworthiness depends on developing a
realistic physical model of the structural failure modes. On the other hand the author disagrees
with Dr. Payne on two points, in that he (the author) contends that:
(1) a rigorous mathematical treatment of the problem does not present insuperable diffi-
culty-it does not necessitate the use of simplifying assumptions either of the equations
or of the functions or parameters; and _
(2) "risk averaging" used by Dr. Payne is a significant departure from a realistic physical
model of the problem.
In order to address the problem mathematically the population's structural properties
must be expressed in mathematical or functional form, such as the parameters H, a, Oo, au 0
rp(lflcr), W/H), m(U/00 ), listed in the author's Table 1. The constants and parameters are
chosen to be those best fitting to the data available, and, where precise data are deficient, such
data are attributed to the population. Thus is defined a structural model with properties which
are the best descriptors of the real population which the model represents. In Section 7 of the
paper is discussed the reliability of the results when the parameters cannot be defined precisely
because of sampling error.
Once the properties of the structural model under study have been thus "optimised", the
author treats it mathematically as having precisely defined properties, and the behaviour of this
model (population) when exposed to the load spectrum can be determined with rigorous precision.
The solution of the exact equations, e.g. Equations 35 and 34, 55 and 54, even though involving
multiple probability integrals, is not of insuperable difficulty. In these Laboratories two approaches
are used; in one case the functions are expressed as conjugate pairs of values of the function and its
argument fitting the experimental data, and adaptive and interpolative integration routines are
used, while the other approach is to fit the data plots with suitable analytical expressions (in the

author's paper, polynomials, piecewise linear and piecewise non-linear expressions) and use
standard computer integration routines. In either method the accuracy of calculation has been
demonstrated to be impeccable.
Regarding the second point, about risk averaging, the author sees it as basic to the struc-
tural reliability analysis that structures of differing strengths will fail at differing rates, suffer
different risks and therefore have different survivorships. The mathematical equations must
therefore permit the members of the population this liberty. When determining future reliability
it is not valid to treat all members as though they suffered the average risk. The author therefore
does not adopt the procedure of risk averaging, viz. writing the risk equation as
F(t) = fHfu r(H, Uolt)dUodH
and the reliability equation as
R(t) = exp - J~ F(t) dt,
approximations which are strictly correct only for R(t) = 1. Without solving the rigorous
equations it is impossible to be confident concerning how far R(t) may differ from unity and the
approximation still remain acceptable, whereas the rigorous equations remain so down to any
low level of survivorship. This may be needed if one is evaluating the risk on survivors of an
original population after many have been removed at inspection, and replaced with new ones.
It is intellectually satisfying that use of the rigorous equations leads to results which match
some of the subtle behaviours expected intuitively. One such is the "survival of the fittest" dealt
with in Section 5.2 of the paper. Another is the observation that under the fighter-type load
spectrum used to obtain the results in Figures 6 and 10, no member of the population can survive
beyond the point where its strength has fallen to approximately limit load. These results do not
follow if the instantaneous risk rate is averaged to derive population reliability, and the proba-
bility distribution of strength is assumed invariate with time.
Other subtleties are of interpretation, as, for example, the question dealt with at some
length in Section 3.2, whether failure of a cracked but unweakened structure, under an applied
load greater than its virgin strength, should be classed as a static ultimate or a fatigue failure.
The question is not trivial, especially with structures of ultra-high strength steel, where the un-
weakened period may be as much as 95% of the life. In some treatments (not the author's) the
fatigue failure probability is calculated not by differencing the total failure probability and the
static failure probability, but by integrating equations for averaged total risk over all members
of the population of H except those uncracked. The inclusion, in this integration, of static
failure risk on all structures from those just cracked to those just beginning to be weakened
produces a much larger answer (although the absolute values may be small), and leads to sig-
ficant underestimation of the life at which the probability of fatigue failure reaches its limiting
acceptable value. Where static failure risk is negligible (the civil aircraft situation) this error
does not arise, but, on the other hand, limitation of the range of integration to only part of the
population of His then unnecessary. Similarly in some treatments the integration is limited to
exclude members of the population of H whose crack length has reached or surpassed right
through the structure. This is unnecessary where risk averaging is avoided, as the rigorous
equations allow that none of such members will have survived so long-their individual relia-
bilities will have reached zero long before.
These subtleties have been exposed and others are being exposed by continuing research
at ARL.
The two examples quoted by Dr. Payne from the author's previous work, though super-
ficially similar, were chosen as illustrations with different structural properties. The earlier
paper sought to investigate whether a reliability treatment gave results different from the conven-
tional approach, and concluded that the differences in reliability resulted primarily from the
former treatment's inclusion and the latter treatment's exclusion of static failure risk at the
primary fatigue failure location. The example in the earlier paper was chosen to represent ultra-
high-strength steel behaviour, with uniform virgin strength and a late fall-off in strength, while
that in the later paper was chosen to represent a more. ductile material's behaviour, with dis-
tributed virgin strength and an early and prolonged fall-off in strength. The results are not
directly comparable with conventionally deduced safe fatigue lives unless the probabilities of
static failure are subtracted. The earlier fall-off in reliability found in the later paper's example
arises from its strength properties being more unfavourable than in the earlier paper's example.
If, as is sometimes, but not always, the case, static ultimate failure can occur earlier at
another location than at the principal location for fatigue failure, the single-failure-location
model is inadequate, and the risk of failure at the other location(s) must be computed and added

to the total risk at the first location, so that the survivorship of the population may be correctly
There has been, as Dr. Payne observed, an upsurge of interest in applications of structural
reliability theory to aircraft problems in the USA, the UK and Sweden, and the work in
Australia has not been slight. The spread of understanding of and expertise in the method is
encouraging, and as far as Australia is concerned, applications are currently being implemented
here which would have been regarded as premature five years ago. No doubt, as more experience
is gained with, and a deeper understanding acquired of, the reliability approach to structural
airworthiness, and predictions of the method are tested against experimental evidence of the
life of aircraft structures, the differing views currently held among practitioners of the art will
be progressively resolved,






A number of test parameters, includ(ng the relative magnitudes of loads, their
precise sequence, cycle hold times, environment, and material thickness, influence the
effect of load interactions on fatigue crack propagation in metals. Some experiments on the
influence of material thickness are described. For 2024-T3 aluminium alloy specimens
the delay in crack growth caused by a single overload was greater by a factor of about
8.5 for 1.6 mm thick specimens than for 6.4 mm thick specimens. The practical impor-
tance of this effect is emphasised.
Various proposed mechanisms of load interaction are described as well as models
for quantitative predictions. The models all incorporate the extent of crack tip plasticity
into the Paris formulation of fatigue crack growth. They do not accurately detail the
course of crack growth through the interaction period.
It is concluded that satisfactory prediction of interaction effects will require some
materials information, obtainable only by test. How close the generation of this infor-
mation comes to replacing prediction by test remains to be seen.

*Now at the National Aeronautical Laboratory, Bangalore, India.



I, 2 Subscripts denoting first load applied, second load applied.

a Current semi-length of crack
ad Increment of crack growth during retardation
ap Distance from crack origin to the elastic/plastic interface ahead of the crack tip
B,D Constants
c Paris equation constant
Cp Wheeler retardation parameter
COD Crack opening displacement
E Modulus of elasticity
G Shear modulus
K Stress intensity factor
!:J.K Cyclic range of K
Kc Value of Kat fracture (fracture toughness)
K1c Plane strain fracture toughness
Kerr Effective value of K
Kma.x Maximum value of K
Kth Threshold value of K required to propagate an existing crack
Kth(b> Basic (constant part of) Kth
m Paris equation exponent
n Wheeler retardation exponent
N Number of load cycles
Nd Value of N involved in crack growth delay
p,q Constant exponents
R Cyclic stress ratio (equals minimum/maximum stress)
Ry Length of plastic zone associated with cyclic load
r Distance from crack tip
Constant exponent
f3 Work hardening coefficient
y Plastic work term
Plastic strain amplitude
Yield strain
Fracture strain
Cyclic stress
Yield stress
Static ultimate stress
Mean of cyclic stress range
p McClintock process zone size

The last 15 years of fatigue research has seen a marked shift in emphasis from earlier decades.
The reasons are twofold. Solution of the elastic stress field around the tip of a crack 1 2 has led
to the application of fracture mechanics to fatigue crack propagation 3 with some success. In
addition, it has been more clearly recognised that the propagation of a crack to final failure
could account for a major part of the total fatigue life, and that much useful service life could
be obtained from cracked structures-including aircraft structures. A heavy emphasis on crack
propagation research has followed.
The natural aim of much of this research is to generalize analytical expressions for crack
propagation incorporating a minimum of test data, or at least incorporating data which are easy
to obtain. Many expressions have been formulated which enable "reasonable" predictions of
crack propagation rates under constant-amplitude cycling, but when such expressions are applied
to a non-uniform loading sequence their predictive accuracy often suffers badly.
Load interaction effects in multi-level sequences are evident when the crack propagation
rate during a cycle is different from that under constant-amplitude cycling. These effects occur
in both block programmes and random load tests. Considered relative to the rate of crack
propagation under constant-amplitude conditions, both accelerations and retardations in growth
rates have been observed. 4 5 In a block programme accelerations normally occur when the
preceding cycles are of smaller magnitude, and retardations occur when they are of larger
magnitude. Accelerations are normally of shorter duration than retardations which can be so
,, pronounced that, to all intents and purposes,, a delay occurs in the growth of a crack despite
the continued application of cyclic loads. Such a delay is illustrated and its magnitude defined
in Figure 1a. Other patterns of retardation have also been observed and these are also illus-
trated in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the acceleration phenomenon, and Figure 3 illustrates the
symbols used in single peak overloading tests.
This paper describes methods currently available for coping with load interaction effects
in predicting crack propagation rates, gives the results of an experimental programme to deter-
mine the effect of material thickness on delay period, examines other factors known to affect
the delay, describes the various ideas already advanced to explain the effects, and finally
examines the possibility of generalization.


2.1 Propagation Under Constant-Amplitude Loading

To understand why load interactions occur, and why certain formulations have been
proposed to account for their effects, it is necessary to appreciate the l;>ackground of the variously-
proposed constant-amplitude growth laws. It is intended simply to outline the bases of such laws
with selected examples.
Strain hardening and fatigue damage models.
The first theoretical expression for fatigue crack propagation was derived by Head 6 who
considered a model of rigid work-hardening elements representing the plastic zone at the tip of
the crack. The fracture criterion is the fracture stress of each element and the following expression
was obtained:
f3 a3 a312
dafdN = - 2 ---m. (1)
12 (au-ay)(ay-a) l
where f3 is the work-hardening coefficient of the elements of original length !. Extensions of this
type of model have used:
(i) an expression for the plastic strain amplitude "P at a distance r from the crack tip
within the plastic zone of size Ry; and
(ii) a fatigue fracture criterion.
McClintock 7 applied the formula for the plastic strain distribution in mode III to mode I,

namely "" = ~: 11 (R 11/r-1), and used the Coffin/Manson law for low cycle fatigue as a fracture
criterion. This yielded (using a Coffin/Manson exponent of m = 2)
da/dN = 75P (~: 11f~:p) 2 (R/p) 2 (2)
where p is a "process" zone size at the tip of the crack. The physical meaning of such a process
zone leads to questions about the validity of this model.
A recent variant of this approach 8 applies the cyclic stress/strain properties determined on
uncracked bulk samples to the material approaching the crack tip.
Theories using dimensional analysis
Using dimensional analysis and assuming that the factors controlling crack propagation
are similar no matter what the crack length, Frost and Dugdale 9 showed that:
da/dN =f(a). a (3)
By experiment Frost determined/(a) = Ba 3 Using the notion that failure occurs at a critical

value of plastic work, Liu 11 determined/(a) = Da 2

Models using crack tip geometries
A number of models are based on the idea that fatigue cracks extend because cyclic plastic
flow enlarges the surface area of the crack tip, and the enlarged surface becomes the crack
extension surface. The formulations of the various models depend upon the scale at which the
details are considered .
.Using a dislocation model, and suggesting that fatigue crack extension occurs at a critical
crack tip displacement, Weertman 12 derived the equation:
da/dN = (~a v'a)
where y is a plastic work term.
Neumann 13 has shown that for a crack propagating by duplex slip, the average strains on
both sides of the crack tip are dependent on the angle between the slip planes and also on material
parameters which characterize slip inhomogeneity. For crack propagation to proceed under such
a model the applied stress must produce crack tip strains of the order of one.
On a coarser scale, Tomkins 14 calculated the amount of crack tip "decohesion" using the
known plastic cyclic behaviour of bulk samples, and equated this to dafdN. He obtained the \-

and demonstrated that this was similar to the Paris formulation (see following) at a particular
mean stress.
Semi-empirical formulations
In the early 1960s Paris 3 15 applied the newly developed fracture mechanics formulations
to fatigue crack growth and obtained the relation:
da/dN = C (~K)m (6)
This formula has been the basis of most subsequent developments in fatigue crack growth
relations and considerable theoretical and experimental effort has been devoted to establishing
. the constancy of the parameters C and m. Paris initially proposed m = 4 which results from the
idea that the work absorbed per unit increase in crack length is constant. Assuming that all the
plastic work is absorbed at the crack tip, the amount absorbed is proportional to the area of
the plastic zone which is proportional to K 4 .
All energy-based considerations give m = 4. However, Miller and Throop 16 found that
m = 3 5 with a standard deviation of 0 65 over 69 values. In recent years it has been recognised
that a constant value for m does not apply over the whole range of growth rates that may be
developed in a test. Crack propagation will not occur at ~K values below a threshold value and
there is a gradual transition to the Paris relation as ~K is increased. Similarly, a progressive
deviation from the Paris relation occurs as K approaches Kc. It has been suggested 17 that the
wide variations which have been reported for the values of C and m are caused by deviations
from the striation mode of fatigue crack growth.

2.2 Effect of Mean Stress

Except for the Tomkins model, the foregoing expressions for crack growth rates relate to
the cyclic loading in terms of its amplitude only. A non-uniform stress sequence, however, will
include "cycles" at varying mean stress levels, and since such variations affect the crack growth .
rate, 18 it is necessary to modify the expressions accordingly. A number of modifications to the
crack growth equations have been proposed. Most are semi-empirical developments of the Paris

.1' equation, empirical in the sense that they have been composed to fit certain crack growth data,
although their credence lies in the use of fundamental materials parameters. Some formulations
have been derived theoretically however, usually by considering the details of the plastic zone
at the crack tip.
It is appropriate to examine several of these modifications because they demonstrate the
approaches taken when formulations are extended beyond the simple zero mean stress constant
amplitude case.
Forman et a/. 19 modified the Paris equation to include the criterion; as Kmax -+ Kc,
dafdN-+ oo, and in the process accounted for the effect of mean stress since ().K = Kmax(l-R).
They suggested the relation:
C(().K)m ,
dafdN = (1-R)Kc-().K (7)

This equation has achieved only partial success in correlating experimental data. 18 20 It also
has the limitation that Kc is not a material constant but is geometry and environment dependent.
Pearson 21 22 found that the Forman equation correlated the experimental data for high-
toughness alloys only, but not at high ().K values. He successfully correlated a large body of data
by modifying the Forman equation to:
dafdN = {(1-R)Ktc-().K}t (8)
A further extension of the Forman equation has been given by Erdogan and Ratwani to account
for the threshold value of ().K, They simply assumed that only part of the stress intensity range is
effective in propagating a crack, and replaced ().K by (().K-Kth). Their resultant equation
described their test data on 6061-T4 aluminium alloy obtained at a variety of mean stresses.
Erdogan and Roberts 24 25 proposed that the rate of propagation is related to the size of
the plastic zone ahead of and in the plane of the fatigue crack, and this proposal led to:
dajdN = C(Kmax)P (().K)q (9)
Roberts and Kibler compared this equation with the Forman equation and found that both
adequately represented the effect of mean stress. They argued that, if the fracture modes in
tension and bending are the same, and if the plastic zone size determines the growth rate, then
,. rates of crack propagation due to bending could be calculated from data obtained in tension.
These ideas led to a further modification of the Forman equation:
dafdN = C(1+7])(().KE) (10)
where 'I = Kmeanf().K, and, using KT and Kn as the stress intensity factors for tension and bending
respectively, KE is defined as:
KE = KT for plane extension,
KE = Kn/2 for bending,
KE = KT+ Kn/2 for combined loading.
_Equation (10) gave a good fit to their crack growth data on 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 aluminium
Raju 2 7 has also related the rate of crack propagation to the size of the plastic zone within
the framework of fracture mechanics by using an energy balance model and considering two
sizes of plastic zone at the crack tip, an inner alternating plastic zone based upon ().K and an
outer pulsating plastic zone based upon Kmax. From this model he deduced:
_ C(l-R) 4 - mK4 max
d a/d N- 2 2 (11)
K c-K max
Elber 28 took a different approach, demonstrating by experiment that a fatigue crack may
be closed while the stress is still tensile. For 2024-T3 aluminium alloy he found by test that
().Kerr= 05+04R.
Three conclusions arise from considering the developments of fatigue crack growth laws
to include loading conditions other than that of constant amplitude at zero mean stress.
(i) Formulations in the context of fracture mechanics now predominate for the good and
practical reason that they have achieved some success in correlating test data.
... (ii) The test data which have been correlated (often only to within an order of magnitude,
however) are mostly constant amplitude data.
(iii) Extensions to the Paris equation (to cope with mean stress effects) are empirically


Although it is known that load interactions can drastically alter crack propagation rates,
to quantify such effects for predictive purposes it becomes necessary to determine the dependence
of their magnitude on the test conditions. For example, does the magnitude of any effect depend
on specimen size and shape, frequency of cycling, environment, or testing mode? If so, we are
approaching the position of actually doing the test under given conditions in order to obtain
the data necessary for prediction under those conditions! It is necessary to investigate all factors
which may affect crack propagation rates and then, hopefully, to generalize-a matter which
is discussed later.

3.1 Effect of Material Thickness on Delay

The effect of specimen thickness on the magnitude of the delay in crack propagation which
occurs after the application of a single high load has been determined as follows:

3.1.1 Test Requirements

Three requirements were considered important.
(i) For specimens of different thickness the nominal cyclic stresses should be identical and
the high loads should be applied at specified crack lengths.
(ii) The range of material thickness should be sufficiently large to cover different stress
states at the crack front. This requirement is counterbalanced by the need to use the
one testing machine at a constant frequency to eliminate the possibility of variations
in fatigue behaviour from this source. Load setting in fatigue testing equipment often
becomes inaccurate in the lowest fifth of the load range thus limiting the range of thick-
ness of specimens which may be tested at identical nominal stress levels. A thickness
ratio of 4 : 1 was chosen, the actual thicknesses being nominally 6 4 mm and I 6 mm.
(iii) Specimens of different thickness should have the same metallurgical structure, preferably
homogeneous across the thickness, and come from the same batch of material.

3.1.2 Materi:tl and Specimens

2024-T4 aluminium alloy extruded bars of rectangular cross-section (108 mm x 11 mm)
were rolled to either 6 4 mm or I 6 mm thickness and heat treated to the T3 condition by
solution treating, cold water quenching, stretching 5%, and precipitation hardening at room
temperature. After this treatment average static tensile properties were:

01 %proof 02%proof Ultimate

Thickness stress stress tensile Elongation
(mm) (MPa) (MPa) stress (%)

16 391 399 492 158

64 421 426 503 172

Plate specimens were made from this material to the dimensions shown in Figure 4. Photo-
graphic grids were reproduced on both polished faces of the specimens, one grid being used for
recording crack propagation, the other for monitoring the length of the crack at which high loads
were applied.

3.1.3 Test Procedure

All fatigue tests used a 600 kN hydraulic machine modified for cyclic loading, and a cyclic 'I

frequency of about 1 Hz. Specimens were cycled under the gross-area stress conditions shown in
Figure 3 and the single high load was applied at total crack lengths (2a) of either I 65 em,
2 41 em, or 3 18 em. These crack lengths represent three different stressing levels although the
ratio of high stress to alternating stress remained constant.

Table 1 shows the nominal stressing conditions (in terms of K values) at each of the three
crack lengths. Automatic recording of the crack propagation was achieved by photographing
on 35 mm film, each frame showing the cracks and reference grid and the cycle count.

3.1.4 Results and Discussion

Figure 5 shows the basic crack growth rates for the two thicknesses of specimen tested with
and without high loads. Table 2 gives the delay periods for the two thicknesses and includes
also the crack lengths over which the retardation was observed (see Figure 1 for definitions).
There is a large effect of specimen thickness on delay, the thinner specimens giving an average
delay about 8 5 times greater than the thicker specimens. Similar trends have been noted recently
by other workers. Shih and Wei 29 found a two-fold change in delay with 7075-T6 aluminium
alloy specimens for a similar range of thickness to that covered by the present results. Mills and
Hertzberg 30 covered a thickness range of 16 mm to 26 mm in 2024-T3 aluminium alloy and
also noted larger delays with thinner specimens. A criticism of this work, however, is the use of
different batches of material to obtain the thickness range. Shih and Wei do not report on this
aspect of their work.
Table 2 shows the trend towards longer delays with larger crack lengths and also indicates
the increasing proportion of the thickness taken up by plane stress fracture as crack length
is increased. Since there was always some plane stress fracture at the surfaces, calculated plastic
zone sizes (on the specimen surface) upon application of the high load were made using

Ry = , where ay was taken as the appropriate 0 1% proof stress. These values are
roughly comparable to the increment of crack growth (aa) during the period of retardation (Na) as
shown in Table 2. This correlation was also noted by Mills and Hertzberg and indicates that the
delay is the number of cycles needed for the crack to propagate through the plastic zone formed
by the high load. The retardation models presented in Section 4 all use this correlation as a
basis. Unfortunately, the correlation lacks sufficient precision to predict the effect of thickness
on delay. This imprecision comes from uncertainty in the correct formula for Ry, as well as in
the appropriate value foray. Moreover, precise values of aa are difficult to determine because of
the shapes of the growth rate curves.
Figure 5 shows that, in some cases, crack growth does not cease immediately after the
application of the high load, but the growth rate gradually decreases before accelerating to the
original value. This effect has been termed "delayed retardation" and has been observed by
others, 31 - 34 for example Figure 6 taken from Reference 34 shows the effect quite clearly. Delayed
retardation is more evident in cases of higher overload stress intensity and occurs after the
application of both single and multiple overloads. 3 1 It has been suggested 3 2 that the effect is
caused by the crack gradually penetrating the plastie zone of the high load and becoming
progressively influenced by the compressive stress which the surrounding material exerts on
the plastic zone. However, it is not clear why the "clamp" should become stronger as the
crack grows through the plastic zone; alternatively, it may be suggested that the effect is a result
of changes in the shape of the crack front through the thickness. Since the retardation effect
is likely to be greatest at mid-thickness, the crack growth observed on the surface may
continue initially until a balance in degree of retardation is achieved across the section. It is
interesting to note that in the work cited above, and in the present tests, all crack lengths were
measured on the specimen surface only.
The results of the present investigation given above apply to specimens cycled at constant-
load amplitude up to the predetermined crack length at which the single high load was applied.
Many of the specimens then had further high loads applied at larger crack lengths. Each high
load produced retardation and in some cases the retardations overlapped so that the unretarded
growth rate was never again established. In these cases the plastic zones of the high loads also
Early in the testing programme it was noticed that if the testing machine was stopped
during a period of retarded growth and the load reduced to zero, the delay was shortened. For
example, a 6 4 mm thick specimen, given a high load. at a total crack length of 1 65 em, and
after a further 500 low-load cycles given a single excursion to zero load, the total delay was 5000
cycles compared with an average of 11,000 cycles for tests without the zero load excursion. This
effect was shown to be predominantly dependent on the load history. Because of the influence
of excursions to zero load, all results shown in Table 2 were obtained from uninterrupted tests.

Sharpe eta/. 3 5 have reported recently on the effect of rest time at zero load on the magnitude
of the delay. 2024-T581 aluminium alloy compact specimens, ranging in thickness from 6 4 mm
to 25 4 mm, were tested for this purpose, using rest times of three minutes, one hour, and one
day. There was virtually no change in Na with rest time for a given thickness, and no effect of
thickness on Na under these test conditions. Unfortunately, no measurements of delay were
reported without reducing the load to zero and their general results are therefore not irrecon-
cilable with those given above.
Examination of replicas taken from the regions of high load failure of 6 4 mm thick
specimens permits the sequence of failure to be described as follows (see Fig. 8). Briefly, upon
application of the high load there is enlargement or stretching of the crack tip radius before the
onset of tensile fracture as evi.denced by the formation of dimples. In some replicas, though
not all, quasi-cleavage, due to the subsequent lower magnitude cycling, followed the tensile
fracture. Eventually fatigue striations were again formed although initially they occurred along
a very irregular crack front and sometimes were much wider than normal. These features are
similar to those observed by others. 30 34
Although it appears, from the present results and those of others, that the mechanism of
delay is gradually being understood (the present results are compatible with a number of
mechanisms outlined in Section 4), two warnings must be noted in view of the large thickness
effect. First, delay appears to be a three-dimensional problem, and the dependence of Na on
the degree of through-thickness constraint must be accounted for in any model. Second, and
more practically, great caution should be exercised in extrapolating existing crack growth data
to various design situations.

3.2 Other Observations

The effects of a broad range of loading variables on retardation have been investigated by
other workers using a variety of materials and specimen configurations, 34 3 6 - 3 9 and those effects
which appear general are listed below. These effects are for the case of a single overload followed
by constant amplitude loading, except where noted.
(1) For a fixed value of 6.K2 , Na increases rapidly with 6.K1 . There appears to be a limiting
value 6.Kd6.K2 = 17 below which no delay occurs.
(2) Delay is a function of R 1 , R 2 Increasing R 2 decreases Na, but the effect of changes in
R 1 appears variable.
(3) Delay is decreased, and may be zero, when compression loading is applied immediately
after a high tensile load. (This finding is consistent with that given in the previous
section on thickness effects, namely, that crack growth occurred immediately after the
load was reduced to zero.)
(4) Delay increases with the number of consecutive high load excursions and is also
increased when a further high load is applied during the delay period.
(5) Hold time at the minimum load decreases Na.
(6) Increased holding time at the high load increases Na.
(7) The effect of negative peak loads depends upon the subsequent cycling. If the R-value
of the subsequent cycling is greater than zero, there is little effect on growth rate; but
if R = -1, acceleration may occur.
(8) Low-high sequences have little effect on propagation rates at the higher load level;
crack growth may be initially accelerated at the higher load level, but if so, it rapidly
The effects of environment, temperature, and frequency have received sparse attention.
Irving et a/. 40 attempted to measure crack tip closures in titanium alloys and suggested that
closure occurred in air but not in vacuum. Cyclic frequency had little effect on this result.
Chanani 38 found the amount of retardation to be similar, with respect to the appropriate base-
line dafdN, for 7075-T6 aluminium alloy tested in air and salt water. However, for a given size
of overload plastic zone, fewer cycles were required to grow the crack through this distance in
salt water than in air. It was thus concluded that crack blunting did not govern the retardation.
Raju et a/. 41 have annealed cracked aluminium alloy specimens for various times at various
temperatures after the application of a high load. Progressive annealing continually reduced the
subsequent delay. Crack blunting as such cannot therefore be a major factor in causing delay.
Relief of residual stress is the most likely explanation of these results.


4.1 Mechanisms
A number of concepts, listed below, have been proposed 2 8 34 4 L 44 as mechanisms control-
ling retardation:
(a) residual compressive stresses in the crack tip zone only;
(b) shape of crack tip-overloads enlarge the radius, requiring further cycles to sharpen
it for additional growth.
(c) crack closure-if the crack closes on unloading from a tensile stress, the stress excursion
felt at the crack tip is reduced;
(d) strain hardening in the plastic zone at the crack tip-making subsequent propagation
more difficult;
(e) incompatible crack front orientations-the fracture mode can vary with stress and the
overload may create a crack front orientation which is unfavourable for the lower
stress cycling, thus suppressing propagation.
Some experimenters have claimed to demonstrate crack closure either by consistency with
their experimental results, 34 by measurement of unloading/COD slopes, 45 or by the potential
drop technique of measuring crack areas. 40 However, Lindley and Richards 46 demonstrated
that closure does not occur under plane strain conditions, although it may occur in regions
of plane stress in both thin and thick specimens. They suggest, furthermore, that closure cannot
explain the increase in crack growth rate with increase in mean stress observed at low alternating
stress intensities in steels.
Other experimenters have claimed to demonstrate the insignificant contribution of
blunting 38 41 or of strain hardening. 38
Some of the proposals are not mutually exclusive although they have often been treated as
such. For example, if the residual stress field produced by the overload is considered as a whole,
and attention is not simply focussed on the plastic zone, closure can be envisaged. Which, if
any, of the proposals has overriding importance is, at present, uncertain.

4.2 Models
It has been amply demonstrated that to achieve any degree of accuracy in predicting crack
growth rates under random loading by using known constant-amplitude growth rates, it is vital
to account for load interactions, and in particular for retardation. Three models have been pro-
posed to specifically account for load interactions and, not surprisingly, all are based on the
Paris law and all are empirically based. They commonly calculate crack growth increments
cycle-by-cycle, the increment in each cycle being related to that which would have been obtained
in a constant amplitude test at the same crack length.
The first retardation model was proposed by Wheeler 4 7 who multiplied the Paris constant
C by a term Cp which was chosen to represent the interactions between the plastic zone due to
the overload and that due to the lower stress level. Thus:
- (- -)n

where Ry is the extent of the current yield zone at the lower stress level, (ap-a) is the current
distance from the crack tip to the elastic-plastic interface caused by the peak overload, and n is
a shaping exponent. The model therefore proposes the relation:

dafdN = (~)n
C(t:.K)m (13)

The retardation is proportional to the distance the crack has progressed through the initial
plastic zone, the retardation parameter Cp being bounded by zero and unity. The model requires
the shaping exponent, n, to be determined experimentally.
As an alternative, Willenborg et al. 48 have operated directly on the crack growth driving
function t:.K by computing a t:.Kerf from an assumed state of residual stress. Through the expres-
sion for the yield zone radius, Ry = K 2 /27Tay 2 , a reduction in stress is calculated from the
distance between the extent of yield zones for the overload and subsequent cycles. The effective
t:.K is then calculated for the subsequent cycles from
Ueff = aapplied - areduction
If aerr is less than zero it is set equal to zero. Along with t:.KeH, an effective value of R is calcu-
lated and normal constant growth rate data are then applied.

Lukas and Klesnil 4 have experimentally determined a variety of transient growth rate
effects and have satisfactorily correlated their test data by an alternative /}.Kerr approach. In
the essence, their method uses the notion:
dafdN = (Km-K:h) (14)
where the threshold value, Kth, describes the condition of non-propagation and depends on a
number of material constants. This equation incorporates a driving term for crack propagation
(Km) and a resistance term (K:h) which quantitatively describes the residual stress field. The
crucial part of this formulation lies in the procedure for determining Kili which is not a constant
but depends on the immediate value of K. Lukas and Klesnil suggest:
Kth = K\~cbl Ka (15)
where a is a material constant (as they show for carbon steels by test 49 ), and Kthcbl is a basic
threshold value, also a materiai constant, and equated to the fatigue limit of a cracked sample
which must be determined by test.
Suppose there is a sudden change in load level, from level (I) down to level (2). The driving
term will change from Kll\ to K{~, but the immediate resistance term will remain unchanged
at Kthnl The initial transient growth rate is then given by:
dafdN (transient) = C(K{~, - K~cu) (16)
The duration of this transient rate, in terms of the crack length, is calculated from the cyclic
plastic zone size for the appropriate stress state and using the cyclic yield stress.
Lukas and Klesnil suggested the simple procedure of assuming that the transient rate
remains constant for the calculated crack increment, whereupon there is a sudden change in
rate to the steady state level. Figure 7 shows the relation between their calculated and experi-
mentally determined growth rates in a test which applied single overloads.
The three models should be recognised as first attempts to solve a practical problerri. But
since crack tip plasticity as such is considered as the sole cause of retardation, serious limitations
arise. Briefly, these limitations are listed below.
(1) Most of the other possible mechanisms of retardation are not accounted for, yet there is
experimental evidence that some of them, at least in particular cases, 34 44 are
(2) Consecutively-applied overloads increase Nrt compared with that after the application
of a single overload; yet all the models would predict no change in Nrt. The experimental
result appears to confirm the effect of cyclic hardening.
(3) The models do not account for effects such as delayed retardation.
But perhaps the major criticism of these models is that they make no attempt to predict
the detailed course of crack propagation through the retardation period; they simply aim at
giving a reasonable value for Nrt. For example, within the detectability of measurement tech-
niques, sometimes a crack will be completely stopped after a high load, and if the constants in
the models are arranged to describe this behaviour, they cannot then predict any further crack
growth which, in practice, may still occur. This being the case, and considering the fact that not
all possible variables associated with retardation have been investigated let alone generalized,
it is extremely unlikely that any of these models will be found universally applicable.
The Willenborg et al. model requires no information beyond the stressing history, the yield
stress, and the steady-state crack propagation rates. The other two models require further
experimental information (the Wheeler shaping exponent n, and the LukasfKlesnil threshold
values of K) which is obtained by test under one set of conditions and then applied to the stress
conditions at the crack tip. When the various mechanisms of retardation are considered it is
clear that some materials information, obtainable only by test, will be a required input.
A further, more practical, problem arises when applying any of these models to the prediction
of crack growth under random sequences. They all require cycle-by-cycle calculation of crack
growth increments and this procedure has been found to be both cumbersome and to require
the use of an extensive computer facility. 50 51
Based upon the concept of crack-closure, Elber 50 has recently attempted to overcome
this problem by modelling random load crack growth with an "equivalent constant-amplitude
concept". This concept replaces the random sequence with a number of much shorter constant-
amplitude sequences, each of which is selected to have the same total crack growth, crack-growth
mode, and critical crack length as the corresponding part of the random sequence. The procedure
hinges on choosing a crack-opening stress for the constant amplitude sequence which is the same
as that for the equivalent random sequence (Elber had previously demonstrated that the crack-
opening load remained essentially constant during crack growth under a random sequence

containing several thousand peaks). At present, crack-opening loads must be determined by test.
The procedure is then to use constant-amplitude growth data with the modified Paris equation:
dafdN = C(t.Kerr)m (17)
using data on the crack-opening loads to generate t.Kerr. Elber claims reasonable prediction by
this method.
No doubt various perturbations of the fundamental approaches to retardation will be
tried. For example, Gallagher and Hughes 52 have generalized the Willenborg eta!. t.Kerr term
to cope with the total arrest in crack growth observed at large values of t.Ktft.K2 Such general-
izations of course require further test data. Whether generalized information will ever be adequate
remains to be seen.

The basic description of crack geometry and mode of propagation appears clear from
experimental evidence and theoretical argument; namely, that application of a tensile load of
sufficient magnitude to a cracked sample induces preferential plastic flow at the tip ofthe crack,
and this flow can have three consequences. First, it enlarges the crack tip profile; second, it can
alter the properties of the material so affected (cyclic hardening/softening); and third, it induces
a state of residual stress upon unloading. Tlie magnitudes of some of these effects will obviously
depend upon the general stress state. The state of stress, in conjunction with the metallurgical
structure, will also be important in determining the macroscopic shape of the crack front.
From this description it is evident that parameters describing the cyclic behaviour of materials
are necessary inputs to formulations which aspire to describe fatigue crack growth under non-
uniform load sequences. The Wheeler exponent n is an attempt in this direction although it is
not a material constant. The Lukas and Klesnil Kth and ex are claimed to be material constants
but their universality has yet to be demonstrated. Other investigators 8 are attempting to apply
the cyclic parameters obtained from tests on bulk uncracked specimens to crack propagation,
but with only partial success.
These are steps in the right direction, but they are first steps only. A missing component
is a realistic cycle-by-cycle description of the state of stress around the crack tip.
The effect of thickness on delay, as shown in Section 3.1, highlights the need for this information.
Although adequate descriptions should yield to both theoretical and experimental attack for
reasonably homogeneous solids, it is not at all clear that this will be so for commercial alloys.
Crack growth planes and crack front shapes in commercial alloys under fatigue loading are not
yet predictable. 53 5 4
Under fatigue loading the localized nature of plastic strain within the crack tip region
presents a further problem. Since it is believed that fatigue cracks both initiate and propagate
as a result of irreversibilities in the plastic strains induced by cycling, 55 a description of the
localized degree of irreversibility would appear necessary. In addition, any crack growth model
which describes the delays in growth observed under test, must also describe, during the delay,
those micro-scale plastic movements which condition the crack for further propagation. A
description of this conditioning requires knowledge of the localized plastic strain irreversibilities
at the crack tip.
Future formulations of universal fatigue crack propagation laws wiii no doubt quantify
many of the effects which can only be qualitatively described at present. Since satisfactory solu-
tions using the approach wiii require many years of investigation, what can be recommended
for the present and the immediate future? The recommendations depend upon the importance
attached to accuracy. Fatigue crack growth rates under multi-level loading can be predicted
currently within an order of magnitude using constant amplitude data and an interaction model.
Where more accurate knowledge is required, actual tests under the desired load sequence are
recommended. Such tests are now quite feasibile on a routine basis with the advent of computer-
controlled electro-hydraulic fatigue machines.

(1) The quantitative effect of load interactions in fatigue crack propagation depends on a
large number of test parameters, including the relative magnitudes of loads, their precise
sequence, cycle hold times, environment, and material thickness.

(2) For 2024-T3 aluminium alloy specimens the delay in crack growth caused by a single
overload was greater by a factor of about 8 5 for 1 6 mm thick specimens than for
64 mm thick specimens.
(3) Delay is thus a three-dimensional problem and the through-thickness constraint must
be accounted for in any model. The large effect of thickness on delay also emphasises
the need for caution in extrapolating existing growth data to various design situations.
(4) A variety of mechanisms of load interaction have been proposed but, so far, the models
for quantitative prediction use the extent of crack tip plasticity only (as determined by
fracture mechanics) as a factor on the Paris equation. The models also make no attempt
to predict the detailed course of crack propagation through the interaction period.
(5) A satisfactory prediction of interaction effects will require some materials information,
obtainable only by test. How close the generation of this information comes to replacing
prediction by test remains to be seen.
(6) To obtain an accurate assessment of fatigue crack propagation under multi-load
sequences, actual tests under such sequences are currently recommended.


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J. Basic Eng., Trans. ASME, vol. 94, No. 1, pp. 181-186, March
48. Willenborg, J., A Crack Growth Retardation Model using an Effective Stress
Engle, R. M., and Concept.
Wood, H. A. AFFDL, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, TM-71-1-FBR,
January 1971.
49. Klesnil, M., and Effect of Stress Cycle Asymmetry on Fatigue Crack Growth.
Lukas, P. Mat. Sci. Eng., vol. 9, pp. 231-240, 1972.
50. Elber, W. An Equivalent Constant-Amplitude Concept for Crack Growth
under Spectrum Loading.
ASTM Symposium on Fatigue Crack Growth under Spectrum
Loads, Montreal, June 1975.
51. Mann, J. Y. Report on Overseas Visit to Europe and North America, May/
June 1975, Embracing the 14th ICAF Meetings at Lausanne,
Switzerland and Discussions Relating to the Fatigue of Materials.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Tech. Memo. ARL/Struc.
234, Department of Defence, September 1975.
. 52. Gallagher, J.P., and Influence of Yield Strength on Overload Affected Fatigue Crack
Hughes, T. F. Growth Behaviour in 4340 Steel.
AFFDL-TR-74-27, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, July
53. Finney, J. M. Stress Level at the Crack Front in Unnotched Rotating Canti-
lever Fatigue Specimens.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Note ARL/SM 283, Depart-
ment of Supply, September 1963.
54. Anson, P. G., and Directionality Effects in the Fatigue and Fracture of Extruded
Mann, J. Y. 2024-T4 Aluminium Alloy.
International Institute of Welding and Metals Technology Con-
ference, Sydney, pp. 15-1-1 to 15-1-5, August, 1976.
55. Finney, J. M., and Strain Localization in Cyclic Deformation of Copper Single
Laird, C. Crystals.
Phil. Mag., vol. 31, No.2, pp. 339-366, February 1975.


Cyclic Stressing Conditions

Stress intensity* K (MPaym)

Crack length
2a Minimum of Maximum of ('

(em) alternating alternating High load

load load

165 992 2482 4268

241 1220 3053 5250
3' 18 1436 3594 61 80

*Correction factor for finite width is y(Sec "/2. 2afw), where

w is width of specimen.


~ ~

Effect of Specimen Thickness and Crack Length on Delay Period

Crack length Delay Average Na(l6 thick) Crack growth Average High load Proportiont of thickness
2a Thickness Na Na during Na aa plastic zone with plane stress fracture
(em) (mm) (Cycles) (Cycles) Na(64 thick) aa (mm) size* Rv just prior to high load
(mm) (mm) (%)
11,000 20
64 10,500 11,000 17 18 164 10
12,000 17
165 86
190,000 51
16 54,000 96,000 38 37 189 60
43,000 23
(.;..) 12,000 18
64 11,000 13,000 24 21 247 50 I

15,000 20
241 85 I
115,000 62
16 109,000 108,000 - 62 287 100
99,000 62

24,000 -
3 18 64 45,000 34,000 - 33 33 343 70
32,000 -
-- --- - - I

* Calculated using the plane stress formula Ry

1(b.K) .
=- -

t Proportions only roughly determined.

(a) Retardation

Tangent to curve at point

of high load application

Number of cycles

I (b) Delayed retardation

.s::::. I
!5, I
cQ) I
.::,t. I
0 '----------------------------~

Number of cycles

I (c) Initial acceleration

.s::::. I
I ..
!5, I
cQ) I
.::,t. I 1.:

Number of cycles

(d) Loading pattern



. .

,, Actual crack
f.~ I I
Growth at
load 2 ~~ I
Cl I I
c: I I
~ I I /
.::,t. I I
(J I
u / I /
Growth at
/ /
/ I, load 1
/ I,
/ /""
/ /ttl'

, /


\ Load 2

,. 0




Stress intensity Gross area stress
261 MPa

152 MPa

60.7 MPa



- - - Thickness 1.6 m.m or 6.4 mm ..

Saw-cuts 0.15 mm wide
6.4 mm dia
drilled hole

Fatigue crack growth

-o- 45cm

Detail of notch
for crack starter



,. ;;
,._, 0 .. "

I '
Specimen with no high load
1.9 - ~ applied (both thicknesses)
~ 6.4 mm thick specimen




1.3 I J

'+- 1.2
High load applied here





0.6 I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 100 110 120 130
Number of low-load cycles ( x 10- 3 )


Point of application of the overload
/ -


~ 10- t - - - - - i - - - r 1 - - - - - - - - - - - l


_g. 5


0 .1 .2 .3 .4
a -distance from peak load (em)



Overload Overload
K(8.2 MPa m ~ K~ 19.9 MPa m"

-5 I I
10 I

Q) l .Lfi ~ "~Experimental

ij 10


I I Basic level
rojZ -7
"'C "'C 10 I I K = 9.12 MPa my,
-6 I I
10 ~-ll-L~~~~~-L~~~~----
16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5
a (em)


Normal low
load striations

Band of small
dimples Large initial

Irregular crack
Low load
Quasi cleavage

Direction of Dimples with

-crack propagation considerable stetching

(a) Schematic of crack propagation sequence

X 5000 X 5000 x8500

(i) Transition from low- (ii) Dimples with stretch (iii) Quasi-cleavage followed
load striations to marks as high load is by striations upon
stretching to dimples as applied subsequent low-load
high load is applied cycling

(b) Electron fractographs of failure sequence

(arrows indicate direction of crack propagation)





(SEC, Victoria)
The experiments conducted on the centre cracked specimen indicated that the application
of a highload delayed crack growth when the original load regime was resumed. It was further
shown that increasing the specimen thickness reduced the extent of the delay after the high
load application. I am not sure if the "high loads" applied were the same in proportion to gross
specimen dimensions. However, by increasing the specimen thickness the situation at the crack
tip is changed, by increasing the thickness the tendency is towards a plane strain condition.
Therefore it would appear that the experimental conditions for the two specimens were not
the same, rendering direct comparison of the results impossible.

Author's Reply
The high loads were applied at the same crack lengths and they gave the same nominal
stress intensities in the two thicknesses. Even so, it is true that the three-dimensional stress
conditions locally at the crack tip are different in the two cases because of different through-
thickness constraint; but herein lies the explanation of the thickness effect on retardation. In ,,
this sense it is agreed that the experimental conditions are not the same for the two thicknesses;
if they were, we are left with no variable at all to examine. It is legitimate to determine the effect
of thickness on retardation, as we have done, and it is also legitimate to interpret the results as
indicating the effect of changing through-thickness constraint, but we contest the notion that
the results cannot be compared.

QUESTION-P. D. Stewart
(Swinburne College of Technology)
Could you comment on the effect of the hydrostatic component of the fatigue stress?

Author's Reply
Undoubtedly, as indicated in the reply to J.D. Newton, the effect of thickness on retardation
is determined by the different three-dimensional stress states in the local crack tip region. These
different stress states, upon application of an overload with attendant local yielding, will result
in different local residual stress systems upon unloading, and subsequent lower-load crack
growth rates will be affected accordingly. But at this stage even the initial stress states cannot be
quantified adequately-the concepts of plane stress and plane strain are limiting cases only, and
in addition there is the complexity of handling local yielding.

Do any of the models described include the effect of offset of mean stress caused by
local plastic yielding?

Author's Reply
No. The three models described all use the fracture mechanics formula for calculating the
extent of the yield zones resulting from the overload and from the lower-load cycles, and
manipulate these values to alter either the constant C, the effective value of tl.K, or the exponent

m in the paris equation. The use of this formula is based on a particular stress distribution
around the crack tip which depends on applied stress amplitude but is taken to be independent
of cyclic history. Thus, effects such as cycle-dependent stress relaxation or creep are unaccounted

QUESTION-Dr. Keith R. L. Thompson


(University of New South Wales)

Regarding the mechanism involved in the observed delay in crack growth following the
imposition of single peak overload cycles, has the speaker observed any indication of a variation
in the magnitude of this delay across the specimen thickness of the aluminium alloys investigated?
Such indications have been observed by the questioner whilst investigating the effects of
single peak load impositions on sheet specimens (2 5 mm thick) of high strength A~SI 4340
steels.* Following the imposition of single peak load cycles, continued crack growth under
constant amplitude loading occurred initially at the crack front region adjacent to where stress
relaxation during peak loading had occurred by through-thickness shear displacement. On the
contrary at the interior of the specimen, stress relaxation at the crack front during peak loading
had been achieved by microvoid coalescence which necessitated a re-initiation of the crack prior
to its subsequent growth. On the basis of these fractographic observations it was concluded
that the magnitude of the delay effect was dependent upon the prevalent stress state (i.e. plane
stress or plane strain) across the crack front during peak load imposition. When the thickness
of the specimen and the loading conditions are such that both stress states are operative across
the crack front then the magnitude of residual crack tip opening displacement produced by the
peak load cycle varies across the specimen thickness and as a result the magnitude of the observed
delay effect.

Author's Reply
Our paper, Section 3.1.4, discusses the phenomenon of "delayed retardation" observed
both by others and ourselves, and suggests that it may result from a dependence of the magnitude
of the parameter causing retardation on distance from the surface. Moreover, the very result of
our thickness experiments indicates a dependence of the degree of retardation on distance from
the surface.
But these observations only indirectly bear upon your question of variation in the magni-
tude of the delay across the specimen thickness. We suggest also that the evidence given in your
description, and in your references, is likewise insufficient to answer the question. The observa-
tion of different modes of plastic strain accommodation through the thickness, of itself, is not
hard evidence of different degrees of delay.

It seems to me that there might be some advantage gained in "conditioning" all new
structures by applying a high load of say 80% design ultimate (perhaps several times). This
would ensure that most of the locally high elastic stress concentrations are reduced by local
plastic deformation with a consequential improvement of endurance.
Even if it is established that large negative loads might have a detrimental effect on life,
the "preJoaded" structure would be commencing service with residual stresses such as to minimise
to adverse effect of the negative load.

Dr. Finney, your paper on load interaction effects and resultant retardation in fatigue-
crack growth again highlights the advantages that might be obtained from periodic proof
loading of large scale structures. Dr. Hooke indirectly alluded to such improvements in his
introductory paper and Mr. Patching further amplified the potential benefits that could be
obtained, for increasing fatigue life, in his account of fatigue testing of aircraft wing structures.

* K. R. L. Thompson. Ph.D. Thesis, University of New South Wales, 1972 (also Proceedings
of International Institute of Welding and Metals Technology, Sydney, 1976).

The one factor which seems likely to negate the potential benefits to fatigue life from periodic
high load levels are the compressive cycles introduced during air to ground (landing) or ground
to air (take-off) procedures. Notwithstanding, should we not be giving greater consideration to
applying the potential benefits from periodic high loads for the obvious practical advantage of
increasing the fatigue life of aircraft structures?

(Ansett Airlines of Australia)
I presume the discussion is based on tests on individual specimens. Could you please com-
ment on additional effects when testing full-size structures?

Author's Reply
Two questions should be considered:
(i) What effect does an overload have on the rate of crack propagation in a full-scale
(ii) Why are overloads not applied to aircraft structures to improve their fatigue life?
The first question is not easily answered because there appears to be a lack of data, but there
are indications of a substantial decrease in growth rate. These indications come from the following:
(a) The marked increase in total life achieved in structures, as well as in joints and simple
specimens, by applying an overload prior to testing.
Examples-The Mustang wings referred to in the paper by R. A. Bruton and C. A.
A variety of specimens, joints and structures detailed by Heywood.*
The inflated test fatigue life obtained for the Comet aircraft by using the ,.
static test article for fatigue substantiation.
(b) The decrease in crack growth rate observed in structural assemblies as well as in speci-
mens when a programmed load sequence is applied. For example, it has been found
in these Laboratories that the crack growth rate in a large D6AC steel structural
assembly was substantially slower in the descending phase of a programmed load
sequence than in the symmetrical ascending phase.
(c) Following on the Comet experience, the fail-safe character of the Concorde structure,
when cracks develop during the fatigue test, is being demonstrated by a static test on a
separate article as mentioned by Mr. C. A. Patching in his talk.
The question of why overloads are not deliberately applied to aircraft structures is, also,
somewhat difficult to answer from a research worker's point of view, but three reasons can be
(a) The magnitude of the benefit may be smaller in full-scale structures and in random load
tests compared with simple specimens tested under constant load amplitude.
(b) The cost of applying periodic overloads to all aircraft in a fleet may outweigh the
benefit margin.
(c) Operators.apparently cope by using a patch and replacement scheme.
These answers are not entirely convincing. For example, overloads applied to Mustang wings
gave a three-fold increase in fatigue life-a substantial benefit. Moreover, the periodic cold-proof
test for flaws in F-111 aircraft is obviously a cost-effective measure. The whole question of improv-
ing service fatigue life by deliberate overloads merits further investigation by operators, and
perhaps further research.

* R. B. Heywood, Designing Against Fatigue. Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, 1962.





Aircraft fatigue life estimation usually involves large-scale tests of complex
structures, combined with fatigue data derived from standard tests on small specimens.
Since the number of large-scale tests which can be performed is limited and the results
from small specimens may not be directly applicable to the fatigue behaviour of structures,
these estimates are necessarily subject to considerable uncertainty. The approach
described here is directed at providing data which would improve the evaluation offatigue
life by simulating the performance of critically stressed areas of a structure using individual
tests on small specimens.
The experiments which are presented in support of this approach have been carried out
on polycrystalline copper, since the physical basis of crack-tip behaviour in this simple
metal is also applicable to conventional aircraft materials. It is shown that, in these
materials, cracks propagate under cyclic loading as a result of irreversible plastic strain,
and a parameter describing the plastic strain at the crack tip is defined which is shown
to be directly related to the rate of crack propagation.
A simple model of crack-tip behaviour is proposed using this concept, in which the
elastic and plastic contributions from material around the crack tip can be isolated and
recombined in varying proportions. This could allow the behaviour of a cracked com-
ponent in a structure to be replicated on small cracked specimens, by superimposing on
the specimen load spectrum a stress variation representing the effect at the crack tip,
of the elastically deforming structure.
The model is validated under a wide range of load histories and the implications for
practical aircraft materials are discussed.


Fracture mechanics has provided a useful relationship 1 between the rate of crack
propagation and tl).e range of local stress intensity at the crack-tip during fatigue at constant
amplitude. However, no satisfactory treatment of fatigue at variable amplitudes of loading has
yet been developed. Much equipment is subject to repeated stresses of varying amplitude and
assessment of its consequent rate of deterioration is required for estimation of economic life and
to ensure reliability in service. Earlier papers in this Symposium dealt with the sophisticated
analyses developed to predict deterioration in aircraft structures, where failure in service
could be catastrophic. Such analyses are necessarily based on large-scale structural fatigue tests
under selected load spectra. However, few such tests can be conducted, because of their cost
and complexity, and hence the resulting predictions are subject to considerable uncertainty.
Consequently, increased factors of safety are used in the design, maintenance and life-estimation
procedures, with a resulting economic penalty. The penalty can be particularly severe in the
case of aircraft.
If the scatter in fatigue characteristics typical of the airframe material and the conversion
of characteristics from one load spectrum to another could be assessed with increased certainty
from supplementary laboratory tests on small specimens, then much of the uncertainty in life
prediction could be reduced. However, for reasons not yet established, the fatigue characteristics
of small specimens under variable-amplitude loading cannot at present be directly related to those
of structural components fabricated from similar material and subjected to the same stressing.
This paper describes materials research directed towards establishing a method for relating 11

the rates of propagation of fatigue cracks in small specimens and in structural components.
Modern reliability analyses recognize that even the best NDI methods have finite limits of
resolution and, hence, that the schedule of inspection intervals should be based on the time taken
for a crack of near-critical dimensions to develop from a microscopic defect. Accurate prediction
of the time required for such crack growth can minimize the number of costly inspections which
have to be undertaken. These considerations were the basis for choosing crack propagation in
the present study.

At constant amplitude, the rate of propagation of fatigue cracks correlates well with the
cyclic range of stress intensity. 1 However, there. is strong evidence 2 that crack growth during
fatigue results directly from the reversal of plastic flow near the crack tip. This apparent anomaly
may not be significant in fatigue at constant amplitude, where the relationship between local
stress and local strain is probably fixed. However, at variable amplitudes, the local stress/strain
relationship varies with load history. 3 The first stage of the present study was, therefore, to deter-
mine whether local stress or local strain controlled the propagation of fatigue cracks.
The next stage of the study was to develop increased understanding of the relationship
(hysteresis loop) between crack-opening displacement (COD) and applied load during fatigue.
It is apparent that, as load is first applied to a cracked specimen, the crack begins to open by
elastic distortion of the surrounding material. In deformable materials, yielding then begins
near the crack tip. On further increases in load, the crack opens further by increasing plastic
flow in the growing plastic zone near the crack-tip and further elastic distortion of the sur-
rounding unyielding material. As the load decreases (beyond peak load in the fatigue cycle),
relaxation of the elastic distortion is resisted by the stretched material in the plastic zone (Fig. 1)
and, when unloading is complete, the crack-tip region remains under compressive residual stress.
The role of the residual stress in opposing crack-opening on subsequent load applications
warrants consideration, since it provides a means by which the crack can 'remember' its
previous load history during variable-amplitude fatigue. The degree to which the residual stress
is relaxed during unloading depends upon a balance between the elastic constraint and the stress
required for reverse plastic flow of the stretched material. In particular, the degree of relaxation
depends on:

(i) the relative proportions of elastic and plastic material in the specimen;
(ii) the geometrical configurations of the elastic and plastic material; and
(iii) the resistance of the deformed material to reverse plastic flow.
It follows from the above that a physical model of the load/COD relationship could be
. based on a summation of two component relationships, viz .
(i) an elastic component, dependent on the stiffness of the unyielded material, and
(ii) a plastic component, based on the stress/strain characteristics of the (uncracked)
The proposed model is illustrated schematically in Figure 2. Here, it is assumed that the elastic
load/deflection relationship is linear and that the yielded zone does not increase significantly
in size with increasing load. Both assumptions are only likely to be reasonable at small crack-
openings. Experimental study of how well this model is followed in practice forms the second
stage of the present investigation.


3.1 Specimens
Centre-notched fatigue specimens (Fig. 3) were machined from extruded bars of electrolytic
tough-pitch copper. The short gauge length was of double concave section, in order to keep the
plane of fracture normal to the load axis and to minimise crack-opening by hinging at the
crack-tip. Thus, crack-openings measured in the central hole were reasonably representative of
values near the crack-tip. Uncracked specimens of the same geometry, but without the crack-
starting notches (Fig. 3) were used to determine the cyclic load/elongation characteristics of
the copper. Identical central holes were used in both types of specimen to mount a clip-on
strain-gauge extensometer.
After machining, the gauge lengths were electropolished with 'Opalu B' using the 'Ellopol
System'. The specimens were then annealed in vacuo for three hours at 500C and slowly cooled.

3.2 Test Procedures

Most tests were conducted in a servo-hydraulic machine at constant frequencies between
0 1 and 1 Hz using a sinusoidal waveform. Comparable results were obtained in some tests
using an Instron screw-driven machine. Rates of crack propagation were determined from fatigue
tests conducted by cycling between zero and given values of either COD or tensile load. In the
former case, compressive loads closed the crack completely at the end of each cycle; due to
'stretching' of the material ahead of the crack-tip before fracture, occasional small adjust-
ments of the COD zero were necessary to prevent excessive compressive loads being applied
after meeting of the crack faces.
Tests at 'constant COD' showed fairly constant rates of crack growth throughout, apart
from the very early and the late stages of propagation; this behaviour indicates a fairly constant
amplitude of stress intensity. Tests at 'constant load' showed progressively increasing rates of
crack growth corresponding to an increasing amplitude of stress intensity as the crack length
increased and the area of uncracked section decreased. Rates of crack propagation were deter-
mined from measurements of crack length, made on the side surfaces of the specimens using a
travelling microscope. Load/COD relationships were plotted autographically on an X-Y recorder.
All tests were conducted in an air-conditioned laboratory. Specimens for tests at constant load
amplitude were pre-cracked at constant strain amplitude.


.. 4.1 Determination of the Parameter Controlling Crack Growth

Tests were conducted to determine whether local stress or local strain near the crack tip
controls the growth of fatigue cracks. The effects of simple variations in amplitude were obtained
by contrasting the rates of crack growth, under various test conditions, in cyclic tests at constant
" load amplitude and constant COD amplitude (Section 3.2). The effect of stress intensity on crack
growth was assessed from the relationships between applied load and rate of crack growth at a
given crack length; stress intensity is directly proportional to applied load at constant crack

Large amplitude changes commonly produced hysteresis loops which were not completely
closed. The reason appears to be that the microstructural changes during each cycle are suf-
ficient to ensure detectable changes in the pattern of residual stress around the crack tip. ,

The observations described here show that the plastic contribution to crack-opening
controls the incremental growth of fatigue cracks. Evidence presented here also suggests that the
model proposed for the load/COD relationships of cracked specimens could provide a basis
for predicting the plastic contribution to the COD for various load histories. A most significant
aspect of the model is that the plastic characteristics of the material in the plastic zone near the
crack-tip can be evaluated independently of the degree of elastic constraint (subject to certain
experimental requirements being met). This aspect appears particularly relevant to the important
practical requirement (Section 1) of using the fatigue characteristics of small laboratory specimens
to predict those of structural components.
Consideration of the problem above (in terms of the present model) indicates that, provided
the crack-front and its plastic zone are entirely reproduced within the small specimen, the 'extra'
material in the component will all be elastic and, thus, can only increase the elastic constraint
on the plastic zone. Thus, it would seem to be feasible to predict the load/COD relationship of
the component by summation of that determined for the small specimen and the stiffness relation-
ship for the 'extra' material in the component. The plastic contributions to crack-opening,
and hence the incremental growth of the crack, could then be determined for the component.
An alternative means of accomplishing this end could be to use the capabilities of modern servo-
hydraulic machines to add the elastic constraint of the 'extra' material to the load spectrum
being used to test the small specimen.
The model also appears to provide the means to predict rates of crack-growth in different
materials from a knowledge of their characteristics for reversed plastic flow. However, present
studies have not progressed sufficiently to indicate how widely the model is applicable. The major .
limitation encountered in the present work was the failure of the model at large amplitudes.
However, the limiting amplitude was relatively large, from the viewpoint of structural materials;
the limited toughness of such materials usually results in unstable crack propagation at such
CODs. Presently, the experimental difficulties of determining load/COD relationships accurately
at very low amplitudes of COD have prevented direct assessment of the model on real materials
at amplitudes typical of service conditions.

Tests on copper have shown that the plastic contribution to crack-opening controls the
incremental growth of fatigue cracks. The behaviour of this plastic contribution during tests at
variable amplitude cannot readily be predicted and would be difficult to monitor in service. A
series of tests, under a variety of amplitude-sequences, has shown that the load/COD relation-
ship for cycles of low amplitudes can be modelled from the characteristics of the material under
reversed plastic flow and the stiffness of the unyielded material surrounding the crack. The
additive nature of the model opens up the possibility of
(i) relating the fatigue characteristics of small laboratory specimens and structural com-
ponents, and
(ii) relating the growth of fatigue cracks in different materials.
The approach proposed herein contrasts with the traditional mathematical approach to
crack propagation. Traditionally, the plastic characteristics of the material are idealized to
facilitate elastic/plastic analyses of the stress distribution, etc., around crack tips. However, the
present study indicates that the 'width' of the load/COD hysteresis loop determines the incre-
ment of crack growth, at least in copper. This width depends primarily on the reversed plasticity
characteristics of the material and, to a much lesser extent, on the elastic constraint from the
unyielded material. Thus, it can be claimed that, when considering fatigue at variable amplitude,
the reversed plastic characteristics should be incorporated precisely in any treatment, even if
the elastic constraint then has to be idealized. Presently, the reversed plasticity characteristics
under complex loading sequences can only be obtained empirically. Hence, experimental model-
ling of crack propagation (as proposed herein) may be preferable to the traditional elastic/plastic
analyses when considering crack gr9wth during fatigue at variable amplitude.



1. Richards, C. E. and The Influence of Stress Intensity and Microstructure on Fatigue

Lindley, I. C. Crack Propagation in Ferritic Materials.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 4, pp. 951-78, 1972.
2. Laird, C. and Crack Propagation in High Stress Fatigue.
Smith, G. C. Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 7, pp. 847-57, 1962.
3. Elber, W. The Significance of Fatigue Crack Closure.
American Society for Testing and Materials STP 486, pp. 230-42,
4. Ryan, N. E. The Influence of Stress Intensity History on Fatigue Crack Growth.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Metallurgy Report 92, 1973.
5. Feltner, C. E. and Cyclic Stress-Strain Response of FCC Metals and Alloys.
Laird, C. Acta Metallurgica, Vol. 15, pp. 1621-53, 1967.
6. Czoboly, E. and Cycle Dependent Softening in Notched Steel Specimens.
Sandor, B. I. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 3, pp. 343-47, 1975.


Relative Saturation Cycles following a step change to 25 JLID COD Saturation

Cyclic at at
History 76 p.m COD I 2 6 10 30 150 25 JLID COD

stiffness 140x 10 6 53xl0 8 44x 10 8 42x 10 8 39xl0 8 32xl0 8 28xl0 8 26x 10 8
I -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

.;. c-.
('. ~
Applied tensile stress


Plastically strained

Internal elastic


Plastic component
zone Elastic



' +
Load/displacement Load/displacement Stiffness of elastic
(cracked specimen) (Plastic specimen) constraint


,. ,, ... "j ~



r "'\ I 1'\ . 38
\.. .I \.. ~

I ~
_, I
. _______
~l.. t - -_ _ _ 6_r 76

6r _j_
:I: ~

(a )





(Dimensions in millimetres)

(a) Test specimen geometry

(b) Dimensions of the spark-machined centre notch





Constant load, annealed

o Constant C.O.D., annealed

-0.4 o Constant C.O.D., extruded

.a. Constant C.O.D., annealed

-0.6 - Different profile

1.6 1.7 1.8

Log Aan


r .. .... -!1 ..,

.. .... ...,. ":> "" ... ~ ,_- .


0.2_ --- 0
I /
_I I -~ 0

I ~
Constant load, annealed

o Constant C.O.D., annealed

-0.41- /' o Constant C.O.D., extruded

Constant C.O.D., annealed

-o.6J- / - Different profile

0.6 O.B 1.0 1.2 1.4

Log ep









.... .,. "> "'" .. ~ "'


-- ~----..a
' - ---o-- -- --
0 __a -1



a: 20

- ~- - G - - -G-

' 8 9 1o ;, h 1J ,4 1s 16 17 fa 19
Crack length (mm)

Stress (MPa)


---- 1

0 25
r.:----------- 75
Displacement, 11 m




. (a) (b)

I /
25pm 12pm

(c) (d)


37pm 12pm

(e) (f)

--- L-----
50pm 50pm


(9) (h)


25pm 75,um


12pm r 25pm

(k) (I)

25pm 25pm

Fig. 9 Continued.


QUESTION-P. J.. Howard

Has any consideration been given to simplifying the experimental model, e.g. by observing
the variation with number of cycles of plastic strain range in a plain test piece cycled between
fixed length limits?

Tests of this type, but using the specimen described in the paper, were performed to estab-
lish the relationship between crack growth rate and the plastic component of strain. The reasons
for adopting the double concave specimen are given in Section 3.1.
Validation of the elastic-plastic model requires the comparison of data from cracked and
uncracked specimens. The data from uncracked specimens provides the plasticity characteristics
of the material undergoing reversed plastic deformation.

QUESTION-!. C. Ritter
It is reported in Section 4.1 that the radius of curvature of the double concave profile
specimen gave a variation of plastic constraint at the crack tip. An increase in constraint means
that the central region, i.e. interior of the specimen, will experience conditions closer to plane
strain while the surface regions remain in plane stress. Besides reducing the amount of plastic
strain at the crack tip, this shift toward plane strain might be expected to affect the processes of
fatigue crack growth, leading to a deviation from the log(d/fdN) versus log(Ep) shown in Figure 5.
Have the authors found any evidence for such an effect?

Data from specimens with both the profiles seem to fit the same log(d//dN) versus log(Ep)
relationship. Thus, any effect could only be slight.
There is evidence, however, that the crack front is not straight (being more advanced at the
centre), probably as a result of the variation from plane stress towards plane strain mentioned
by Dr Ritter. We do not have any detailed comparison between the shapes of crack fronts in
the two types of specimen. However, there appears to be no discontinuity in behaviour with
increasing amplitude of plastic strain. Thus, to a first order, the predominance of plane stress or
plane strain does not appear particularly significant in the types of test undertaken.






Work at ARL on fatigue-crack growth and fracture in D6AC steel having differing
tensile properties and fracture toughness values is reviewed. No simple correlation exists
between tensile strength and toughness and, basically, fatigue crack-growth rates were
independent of both these properties. The observations are interpreted in terms of the
effects of variations of microstructure on deformation and fracture mechanisms. Some
work using variable-amplitude loading showed transient effects after load changes.
Environmental factors were also studied and it was concluded that simple additivity
of fatigue and stress-corrosion could not be used to account for crack-growth rates under
corrosive environments. Various laws, developed from fracture mechanics concepts to
express crack-growth rates on a function of stress-intensity amplitudes, are discussed.

The design of high performance aircraft has led to an increasing need for materials with
high specific strength, to minimize weight, and high elastic modulus, to provide the structural
stiffness set by aeroelastic considerations. These requirements have led to an increased use of
high strength steel in aircraft construction. With the development of high strength steels, the
problem of their limited tolerance to cracks, i.e. their toughness, has arisen.
Fracture mechanics, based on linear elastic theory, has provided a quantitative measure of
the toughness of materials through the concept of the stress intensity factor, K, which defines
the state of stress at the tip of a crack in terms of the applied stress, a, the crack length or depth,
a, and the geometry of the structure: thus
K= Maa-i- (1)
where M is a stress-distribution function involving the geometry of the structure and crack
shape. The critical stress intensity (denoted by K 1 c for tensile loading) at which unstable crack
extension or fracture occurs under plane strain conditions is defined as the fracture toughness
of a material.
The fracture toughness, K 1 c, is a basic material property, substitution in Equation (1), the
Ocrit = M(Ktcfa) 2 (2)
is obtained, which gives the critical crack size, acrit, at which unstable crack extension will occur
at a given load.
Crack extension can occur at stress intensities below K 1 c (sub-critical crack growth) particu-
larly under the cyclic loading experienced by aircraft, i.e. the process of fatigue. The stress inten-
sity has been identified as the driving force for crack extension and the problem has been to
define the rate of fatigue-crack growth as a function of the alternating stress intensity,
tlK = (Kmax-Kmin) and to determine how the rate is influenced by material properties.
Fracture mechanics considers the crack tip as a singularity in an otherwise homogeneous
continuum; however, in metals there is a zone of plasticity ahead of a loaded crack, illustrated
in Figure 1. Provided that a condition of plane strain exists at the crack tip, the parameter K
still adequately defines the state of stress. However, the nature and behaviour of this plastic zone
determines the cracking behaviour and these characteristics are strongly influenced by micro-
D6AC steel can be heat-treated to give different microstructures with differing yield
strengths and levels of fracture toughness. This paper presents ARL work on D6AC steel with
particular consideration of:
(i) the relationship between microstructure, fracture mechanisms and fracture toughness;
(ii) the rate of fatigue-crack growth and various growth laws developed;
(iii) the influence of variable amplitude loading in fatigue-crack growth; and
(iv) the influence of environmental factors on fatigue-crack growth.
The composition of the D6AC, the heat-treatment schedules and the corresponding mech-
anical properties, are shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3, respectively.


As the determination of fracture toughness, K 1 c, requires a far more complex procedure
than methods used for obtaining tensile properties, various attempts have been made 1 2 3 to
relate fracture toughness with other, more easily determined, mechanical properties. These
efforts have met with little success. The difficulties involved in such attempts have been demon-
strated for D6AC steel, where different heat treatment procedures can lead to wide changes in
fracture toughness without substantially changing the tensile properties. 4 5 6 In investigations
at ARL, heat treatments A to D of Table 2 produce almost identical tensile properties but
wide variations in fracture toughness (Table 3). Feddersson et al. 6 reported similar results;

their fracture toughness values in D6AC steel varied by a factor of 3 without any corresponding
change in tensile strength properties.
Fractographic examination 4 shows that decreasing fracture toughness is associated with
a progressive change in fracture mode, from micro-void coalescence at high toughness to pre-
dominantly quasi-cleavage with negligible shear lips, at low toughness values (Figs. 2 and 3).
These decreasing values of fracture toughness, for the same tempering temperatures, correlate
with decrea~ing quenching rates; high values of K 1 c are obtained with oil-quenching and low
values with air-cooling.
Microstructural changes, associated with differences in fracture toughness and in quenching
rates, have been traced to the nature of the martensite formed during quenching. In oil-quenced
material (heat treatment A, Table 2), which has the highest fracture toughness, a micro-twinned
martensite is formed during the initial quenching. Subsequent tempering of this structure at 550C
introduces a fine, homogeneous distribution of carbide precipitate (Fig. 4).
Air-cooling from the intermediate quench, "Ausbay" at 520C (heat treatment D, Table 2),
produces a lath-type martensite with some evidence of bainitic carbide separation. Subsequent
tempering of this structure at 550C results in a heterogeneous distribution of carbide precipitate
(Fig. 5) with an almost continuous distribution of carbide along the interfaces between the
former martensite laths.
Quenching rates intermediate between air-cooling and oil-quenching (heat treatments B
and C, Table 2), result in transitional microstructures, in which no large inter-lath carbide precipi-
tates are present after tempering.
The wide variation in fracture toughness, independent of the tensile properties of the D6AC
steel, has been attributed to the different responses of these microstructures to stress in the dif-
ferent testing procedures. 4
In a tensile test, the tensile properties reflect the average response of the microstructure to
increasing stress in a large volume of material. However, fracture toughness is determined by
the response of the local microstructure in a minute volume of material-the plastic zone, to
the complex stresses ahead of a loaded crack. Any difference in this response which leads to a
change in the prevailing mechanism of fracture, e.g. from void formation and coalescence to
,. particle-initiated cleavage, has a particularly significant effect on the fracture characteristics.
Thus, highly localized strain in a very small volume of material containing a heterogeneous
distribution of particles favours low-energy cleavage fracture, and hence low K 1 c, while uniform
strain around a homogeneous distribution of fine carbide particles leads to high-energy ductile
tearing by void-coalescence and, thus, to high K 1 c values.
In D6AC steel, slow rates of quenching (e.g. air-cooling) promote a non-uniform distribution
of carbide precipitates (Fig. 5) which favours cleavage fracture (Fig. 3) and leads to low K 1 c
values. Fast quenching rates (e.g. oil-quenching) promote a fine, homogeneous distribution of
carbide precipitates (Fig. 4) leading to fracture by void formation and coalescence (Fig. 2) and
high K 1 c values.


Early attempts to relate fatigue-crack growth to stress-intensity factors were made by
Paris and co-workers, 7 who developed the relation
dafdN = C f1Km (3)
where da/dN is crack growth per cycle, C, a materials constant, 11Kthe range of stress intensity
and m an exponent generally found to be about 4. However, it is now recognized that the relation
between dafdN and 11K is more complex, taking the sigmoidal form illustrated in Figure 6. In
the centre, region II, log dafdN is proportional to log 11K. In region I, as 11K decreases, a thresh-
old value (11Kth) is approached below which the rate of crack growth is negligible. In region III,
at high values of 11K, the growth rate accelerates at an increasing rate as Kmax approaches K 1 c.
Figure 7 shows the da/dN-11K data for D6AC steel with heat-treatments A, C, D and E
(Table 2). The first three treatments produced similar yield stresses but different fracture tough-
nesses; the fourth gave a higher yield stress with an intermediate fracture toughness. The rates
of cracking in the central linear section (region II) were the same for the four treatments. Below
11K = 18 MPa m (region I), different values of 11Kth were approached for the different heat-
treatments. Positive deviations from the linear relation (region III) occurred at values of
Kmax > 07 K1c

Fractographic examination showed that the three regions of the da/dN -().K relationship
could be identified with different fracture modes. In region I, a "specular or faceted" fracture
surface predominated (Fig. 8); it has been suggested that the rate of crack-growth in this region
is sensitive to microstructure. 8 9 In region II, between 18 MPam-i- and Kmax<07 K 1 c, crack
growth occurred by the mechanism which gives rise to the familiar "striation" markings on the
fracture surface (Fig. 9). In region III, the mode of cracking changed to either void coalescence
or micro-c~eavage (Figs. 10 and 11), depending on whether the fracture toughness was high or
low, respectively. Similar fractographic observations have been made by Richards and Lindley, 10
Clark 11 and Ritchie and Knott. 12
The mechanism giving rise to the striation markings is obviously unique to fatigue cycling
and is apparently not closely dependent on bulk tensile properties and fracture toughness. While
the precise details of fatigue crack extension by this mechanism are not fully understood, it is
recognized that growth occurs by repeated cyclic strain at the crack tip. Theoretical considera-
tions of Liu 13 and Lehr and Liu 14 indicate that the slope of the log dafdN -log ().K relation
in region II should equal 2. Richards and Lindley 10 found that, when growth occurred by the
"striation" mechanism, the slope (for a large number of steels) varied between 25 and 29.
In the present work with D6AC steel, a slope of 2 4 was obtained. The reason for values higher
than the value of 2 predicted by Liu and Lehr is attributed to the occurrence of tensile fracture
modes, even though the "striation" mechanism predominates.
The changes in fracture mode at low and high amplitudes of stress-intensity introduce diffi-
culties in developing expressions to account for the relation between crack-growth rate and stress-
intensity amplitude. Priddle 1 5 has shown that crack propagation at low values of ().K is adequately
described by introducing the threshold stress intensity amplitude, ().Kth, in Equation (3), thus
dafdN = C 1 (().K-().Kth)m (4)
Heald et al. proposed the following modification of Equation (3) to describe crack growth at
high ().K values

dafdN = A{ 2
ay K1c -
/),.; J(,
max 2
}n (5)

This equation predicts the effect of Kmax as Kmax approaches K 1 c (region III), and further
describes the effect of microstructure, principally through the parameter K 1 c.
Richards and Lindley 1 0 proposed a combination of Equations (4) and (5)
dafdN = A1{ 2(().K-2().Kth)4 2 }n (6)
ay (K!C -Kmax )
for predicting fatigue-crack propagation, from very small values of ().K to impending unstable
Although Equation (6) is not accurate in detail (e.g. it does not reflect the independence
of dafdN from K 1 c and ay in region II), equations of this type show promise of predicting the
fatigue-crack propagation rates to extreme stress-intensity regimes of a large number of materials,
particularly steels.
Since the lowest rates of fatigue-crack propagation at ().K values above region I were
associated with the "striation" mechanism, and the rates were independent of tensile properties
and fracture toughness, there does not appear to be much prospect of developing a steel which
resists crack propagation under constant-amplitude cyclic loading. However, improved service
life could be obtained by
(i) avoiding design conditions which would cause growth of cracks by mechanisms other
than striations, and
(ii) developing high fracture-toughness values which extend the range of cyclic stress-
intensity amplitudes over which the striation mechanism is maintained.


In service, aircraft structures experience a widely varying spectrum of fatigue loads, and
this complicates the problem of predicting the rate of fatigue-crack growth. The simplest approach,
based on fracture mechanics concepts, is to sum each increment of crack growth, determined
from the dafdN versus ().K relation, for each load cycle. Then, after Ni cycles, a crack of initial
length a 0 has a length Oi given by
Oi = a 0 + L,j(().Ki) (7)

Numerous experimental studies-e.g. Reference 17-have shown transient increases in
cracking rate on increasing 6.K, and decreases on lowering 6.K. The effects of step increases and
decreases in load on the rate of fatigue-crack growth in D6AC steel given heat treatment A
have been studied by the author 18 and are illustrated in Figures 12 and 13. For the test results
shown in Figure 12, a two-level spectrum was used. Before each sequential repetition of the
load programme, 10,000 cycles of 4 5 kN load at 30 Hz were applied to provide fracto graphic
markers (tide markings) for the initial positions of the crack front and to produce steady-state
crack growth at the commencement of each succeeding programme. Figure 12 shows that, com-
pared with "steady-state" constant-amplitude growth rates, step increases in load level
abnormally increase the growth rate; descending changes in load abnormally retard growth.
A detailed study of the effects (Fig. 13) illustrates their transient nature. After a step-increase in
load, transient rates up to 7 times the steady-state rates were obtained; these decayed to the
steady-state value after about 200 cycles. Following a step-decrease in load, crack growth
stopped for about 2000 cycles and then rose to the equilibrium value after about 5000 cycles.
Elber 19 interpreted retardation and acceleration effects on rate of crack growth in terms of
the effective stress range, 6.aerr at the crack tip, defined as the difference between the maximum
applied stress, amax and the stress required to open the crack, a 0 p,
6.aerr = amax - aop

The stress required to open the crack is a result of the c<;mstraint against crack-opening due to
the plastic zone. The maximum radius of the plastic zone r P as given by Rice, 2 is (8)
rp = _!_(Kmax) (9)
37T ay

The transient high rate of crack growth after an increase in cyclic load was attributed to the
initially low constraint associated with the smaller plastic zone size produced at the lower load.
The increase in constraint as the plastic zone size increased to the equilibrium value with
continued cycling at the increased load was responsible for the decay of the transient acceleration.
Conversely, crack retardation after decreasing the load was attributed to the high constraint
of the large plastic zone produced at the high load level. Crack growth was arrested until the
constraint was reduced by plastic relaxation due to cyclic softening in the plastic zone. The rate
of crack growth then increased to the equilibrium value as the crack grew through the region of
high constraint.
To date, no attempt has been made to incorporate stress-history acceleration effects into
fatigue-crack growth laws. The neglect of the acceleration effect is probably not serious in view
of the very rapid attenuation occurring over 200 cycles after a load increase. The retardation
effect after a peak load, which persists for thousands of cycles, is of more practical importance.
Wheeler/ 1 using concepts similar to those of Elber, 19 introduced a retardation parameter, Cp,
into Equation (7), so that
. Nt
at = a0 +I: C ptf(6.Kt) (10)

The parameter Cp takes account of the strain state in the material at the crack tip and is related
to the magnitude of the sequential plastic-zone sizes associated with the load changes. Wheeler's
retardation parameter has the form


where Rv is the plastic zone size associated with the lower stress amplitude and (ap-a) is the
distance from the tip of the crack, of length a, to the boundary of the plastic zone produced by
the higher stress. The exponent n is experimentally determined and is characteristic of a given
material and specified load spectrum; it is usually between 1 and 3.
A difficulty with interpretations based on plastic zone sizes is that, in the present work and
in that of Amateau and Kendall 22 on D6AC steel, retardation persists over crack extensions
that are three times the length of the maximum size of the plastic zone produced at the peak
While it is not possible, at present, to account properly for retardation effects in fatigue-
crack growth laws, their neglect does lead to conservative estimates of fatigue lives of structures;
however, the benefits of the retardation effect after peak loads should be exploited in the future.


Although the influence of environment upon fatigue life has been recognized for over 40
years, 23 24 the practical significance of environmental factors has only been investigated as a
serious problem over the last decade. 2 s_ 2 7 Environmentally enhanced (corrosion) fatigue
cracking occurs as a consequence of the simultaneous influence of a cyclic stress and an aggres-
sive environment. It can occur in environments which may not exhibit any corrosive action in
the absence of the cyclic stress; the aggressive nature of the environment may not, therefore, be
obvious. For instance, the absence of striation markings on fatigue-fracture surfaces, after
testing in vacuum, suggests that atmospheric air makes an important contribution to the fatigue
fracture mechanism.
The danger of neglecting corrosion-fatigue when assessing the service performance of
structures is emphasised by the fact that water, which is almost always present in service environ-
ments, constitutes an aggressive environment under conditions of cyclic loading. Figure 14
illustrates the effects of moisture on the fatigue-crack growth rate in D6AC steel. At a cyclic
frequency of 10 Hz, the rate of crack growth was not influenced by the presence of water or
water vapour. However, when the frequency was reduced to 1 Hz, there was an effect, viz.
increase in the rate of crack growth. The increase in rate was the same for distilled water as for
argon-90% R.H. water-vapour atmosphere but was less in air with 90% R.H. water
vapour. The significant effect of a decrease in cyclic frequency on the increase in rate in the presence
of water was associated with a change in fracture mode. As shown in Figure 15, the crack path
changed from transcrystalline (top) to intergranular (lower) on reducing the frequency.
One attempt to derive relations to predict fatigue-crack growth rates in aggressive environ-
ments has been that of Wei and Landes. 2 8 They considered the rate of crack growth by corrosion-
fatigue as the algebraic sum of two components; one represents the rate of fatigue-crack growth
in an inert reference environment, da/dNcRb and the other represents a time (or frequency)
dependent (stress-corrosion) component. An attempt was made to compute the latter component
by integration of the empirical relationship describing crack velocity under sustained loads,
dafdt, for stresses and times corresponding to the load profile, Kt, over each cycle. Then, provided
that these two contributing processes proceed independently without any synergistic interaction,
dafdN = dafdNcRl +
J Kmin
dafdt [Kt] . dt

A model of this type has the merit that, if it is applicable, the available stress-corrosion

cracking data could be simply combined with fatigue data in inert atmospheres to predict crack-
growth rates in various aggressive environments.
The Wei and Landes model was used to calculate crack growth rates for D6AC steel in
distilled water, using the stress-corrosion data obtained by Pollock 29 for the same steel in dis-
tilled water. Pollock's data (Fig. 16), shows that the sustained-load cracking rate reaches a
constant value of 0 05 to 0 1 p.m per second over the stress intensity range of 20 to 50 MPa m-t.
Calculations using Equation (12) gave values too low to account for the observed cracking rates
(Fig. 14) by a factor of about 3.
A further difficulty with the Wei and Landes model is that increased fatigue-crack growth
rates are obtained at Kmax values below Kr.s.c.c. (stress intensity below which stress corrosion is
negligible). To overcome this problem, McEvily and Wei 30 substituted a new threshold stress-
intensity amplitude ~Kth<fl> appropriate to corrosion fatigue, in Equation (4), to give the
empirical relation
While this equation may adequately describe the behaviour of a particular material in one
environment, the appropriate value of Kcth) has to be determined experimentally for other
materials in different environments.
Figure 17 illustrates the effect of hydrogen gas on the rate of fatigue-crack growth in D6AC
steel. Two different loading wave forms were used, positive and negative sawtooth; the ratios
of load-rise time to load-drop time were 9 : 1 and 1 : 9, respectively. Two cyclic frequencies
were used, 1 and 01 Hz, so that the load-rise time for the positive sawtooth profile at 1Hz
was approximately the same as that for the negative sawtooth profile at 0 1 Hz.
With a sawtooth load profile, the Wei and Landes "addition" model predicts that the rate
of corrosion-fatigue, crack growth at constant frequency should be independent of the ratio of

load-rise to load-drop time. Figure 17 shows that, at both 0 1 Hz and 1 Hz, dajdN is actually
considerably greater with the positive sawtooth than with the negative. Furthermore, the rates
are about the same for the positive sawtooth at 1 Hz and the negative sawtooth at 0 1 Hz. This
latter result suggests that the environmental contribution of hydrogen in assisting crack growth
occurs predominately during the loading portion of the cycle.
This sensitivity of crack-growth rate to load profile, the failure of the simple "addition"
model to account for the rate of corrosion fatigue, and the change from a transcrystalline fracture
path to a characteristic intergranular fracture mode associated with corrosion fatigue, suggests
that corrosion fatigue should not be interpreted in terms of a simple super-position of environ-
mental effects on the fatigue process in an environment. Thus, it should be analysed as a distinct
fracture process that occurs as a result of complex interactions between the effects of the aggres-
sive environment and the deformation resulting from the cyclic loading.

The present study of fatigue crack propagation in D6AC steel illustrates the complex
nature of the process of fatigue in metals. It is shown that fatigue performance cannot be predicted
solely from mechanical properties; microstructural effects on deformation and fracture processes
play an important role, e.g. through their influence on the mode of fracture and, thus, on the
fatigue behaviour.
Fracture mechanics, particularly through the concept of the stress intensity factor, provides
the design engineer with a means of quantifying the tolerance of materials to cracks. The analysis
of fatigue-crack growth data in terms of fracture mechanics concepts also provides quantitative
measures of the complex effects of frequency, load profile, stress history and environment.
While these data lend themselves to mathematical treatments which will ultimately be a basis
for making predictions of fatigue performance, their principal role, at the present early stage of
development, is, as an aid to the application of current conventional methods of lifing structures.


1. Hahn; G. T., and Experimental Determination of Plastic Constraint Under Plane
Rosenfield, A. R. Strain Conditions.
Trans. ASM 59, 909, 1966; also ASTM STP 432, 5, 1965.
2. Kraft, J. M. Correlation of Plane Strain Crack Toughness with Strain Hardening
Appl. Mat. Res. 3, 88, 1964.
3. Maklin, J., and Relation Between K 1 c and Microscopic Strength.
Tetelman, A. S. US Army Research Office Rept. No. 69-58, 1969.
4. Ryan, N. E. Relationship Between Microstructure and Fracture Toughness in
D6AC Steel
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Met. Note 103, Aust. Depart-
ment of Supply, 1974.
5. Peterman, G. L., and Effect of Quenching Variables on the Fracture Toughness of
Jones, R. L. D6AC Steel Aerospace Structures.
Metals Eng. Q'ly, 15, 59, 1975.
6. Fedderson, G. E., Crack Behaviour on D6AC Steel.
Moon, D. P., and Metals and Ceramics Information Centre, Battelle Memorial
Hyler, W. S. Institute. MCIC 72-04, 1974.
7. Paris, P. C., and A Critical Analysis of Crack Propagation Laws.
Erdogan, F. Trans. ASME 85, 528, 1963.
8. Cooke, R. J., Slow Fatigue-Crack Growth and Threshold Behaviour of a
Irving, P. E. Medium-Carbon Alloy Steel in Air and in Vacuum.
Booth, G. S., and Eng. Fracture Mech., 7, 69, 1975.
Beavers, C. J.
9. Cooke, R. J., and Slow Fatigue-Crack Growth in Pearlitic Steels.
Beavers, C. J. Mat. Sci. and Eng., 13, 201, 1974.
10. Richards, C. E., and The Influence of Stress Intensity and Micro-Structure on Fatigue
Lindley, T. C. Crack Prorasation in Ferritic Materials.
Eng. Fracture Mech., 4, 951, 1972.
11. Clark, W. G. Effect of Temperature and Section Size on Fatigue-Crack Growth
in Pressure Vessel of Steel.
J. of Materials, 6,.134, 1971.
12. Ritchie, R. D., and Micro-Cleavage Cracking During Fatigue-Crack Propagation in
Knott, J. F. Low Strength Steel.
Mat. Sci. and Eng., 14, 7, 1974; see also Acta Met. 21, 639, 1973.
13. Liu, H. W. Fatigue-An Inter-disciplinary Approach.
Syracuse University Press, 1964; also Appl. Mat'l. Res., 3, 229,
14. Lehr, K. R., and Fatigue Crack Propagation and Strain Cycling Properties.
Liu, H. W. Int'l. J. Fracture Mech., 5, 45, 1969.
15. Priddle, K. CEGB Rept. RDJBJN. 2233, 1972.
16. Heald, P. T., The Influence of Stress Intensity and Microstructure on Fatigue
Lindley, T. C., and Crack Propagation in a 1% Carbon Steel.
Richards, C. E. Mat. Sci. Eng. 10, 235, 1972.
17. Corbly, D. M., and On the Influence of Single and Multiple Peak Over-loads on
Packman, P. F. Fatigue Crack Propagation.
Eng. Fracture Mech. 5, 479, 1973.
18. Ryan, N. E. The Influence of Stress Intensity History on Fatigue-Crack Growth.
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Met. Rept. 92, Aust. Depart-
ment of Supply, 1973.
19. Elber, W. Fatigue Crack Closure Under Cyclic Tension.
Eng. Fracture Mech., 2, 37, 1970.

20. Rice, J. R. Mechanics of Crack Tip Deformation and Extension by Fatigue.
ASTM, STP 415, 247, 1966.
21. Wheeler, 0. E. Spectrum Loading and Crack Growth.
J. Basic Eng. ASME, 94, 181, 1970.
22. Amateau, M. F., and Fatigue-Crack Growth Behaviour of a High Strength Steel.
Kendall, E. G. Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles, TR-0172 (2250-10)1, 1971.
23. Haigh, B. P. Chemical Action in Relation to Fatigue in Metals.
Trans. Inst'n Chern. Engs. 7, 29, 1929.
24. Gough, H. G., and Atmospheric Action as a Factor in Fatigue of Metals.
Sopwith, D. G. J. Inst. Metals 49, 93, 1932; 72, 415, 1946.
25. Bradshaw, F. J., and The Effect of Environment on Fatigue-Crack Growth in Aluminium
Wheeler, C. Alloys.
Applied Mat. Research 5, 112, 1966.
26. Williams, D. N. Environmental Corrosion-Fatigue Behaviour of Aluminium Alloys.
Defence Metals Information Centre, Battelle Memorial Institute,
DMIC Memo, 249, 1970.
27. Wei, R. P. Some Aspects of Environment Enhanced Fatigue Crack Growth.
Eng. Fracture Mech. I, 633, 1970.
28. Wei, R. P., and Correlation between Sustained Load and Fatigue-Crack Growth in
Landes, J. D. High Strength Steels.
Mat. Res. and Standards, ASTM 9, 25, 1969.
29. Pollock, W. J. Aeronautical Research Laboratories, unpublished work.
30. McEvily, A. J., and Fracture Mechanics and Corrosion Fatigue.
Wei,R.P. Proc. Int'l Conf. on Corrosion Fatigue, NACE, Connecticut, 381,


D6AC Steel-Chemical Composition
(AMS 6438)

c Mn Si p s Cr Ni Mo v Fe

Wt% 046 078 02 0003 0002 11 06 12 01 Rem

Heat Treatment Schedules Applied to D6AC Steel

Austenitizing Intermediate Quenching Tempering

Temperature "Ausbay" Quench Media Temperature
oc oc oc
A 930 520 Hot oil-60C 550

B 930 520 Salt-185C 550

c 930 520 Salt-210C 550

D 930 520 Air-cool 550

E 930 520 Hot oil-60C 290

D6AC Steel Mechanical Properties

Yield Ultimate Deduction Fracture

Heat strength tensile Elongation in area toughness
treatment MPa strength % % K 1 c; MPa.m-t

A 1454 1620 164 502 105

B 1452 1618 152 490 95

c 1444 1622 15 I 498 85

D 1449 1644 144 475 46

E 1506 1900 105 396 60


_K_..kcos ~(I+ sin _a_ son ~) -----

(2JTr/' 2 _ 2 2

o- = _K_ cos .!.(1-son .....son ~) -----

(2T!r)t 2 2 2

1 = _K_cos L son ~cos~------

xy ( 2 J'Ir)t 2 2 2

K = o;<-rral% .... ,----------

.... ....
:l. ,.,. ........


Fig. 1 Shows the characteristic plastic zone at the tip of a loaded crack and the identity of the
stress intensity factor, K, as the coefficient of equations describing the state of stress in the
region of the crack front.

Fig. 2 Ductile, micro-void coalescence on the fracture surface of a high toughness,
(K 1c = 100 MPa m'h) test specimen.

Fig. 3 Quasi-cleavage type of fracture surface of a low toughness ( K,c = 46 MPa m'h) test specimen.
Inset: The same surface at higher magnification using a shadowed carbon replica. TEM

Fig. 4 Transmission-electron micrograph of the homogeneous distribution of fine carbides formed
in the oil-quenched D6AC steel after tempering at 55QOC. Inset shows the carbide
distribution obtained using an extraction rep I ica.

Fig. 5 Transmission electron-micrograph of the heterogeneous distribution of carbide formed in

air-cooled D6AC steel after tempering at 55QOC. Inset shows the carbide distribution using
an extraction replica.


Region 11
'Striation' mechanism

da = C (AK)m
.l: dN Region W
...Cl Slow crack
...co0 Structure
I R<0.1 Q)
Q) Cl
:::::1 co
Cl >
.;::; Q)
co 0
Q) ...
-c.~ lit

Region 1
o E
- Q)

R = Kmin Q)o
c;; "C
Kth Kmax C-

Stress intensity amplitude A K


Fig. 6. A schematic illustration of the sigmoidal or three-stage relationship between the rate of
fatigue-crack growth per cycle, da/dN' and the cyclic amplitude of stress intensity, A K


25 30 ~0 50 60 70 80 90

06 AC
Oil Quench
1600-1630 MPa U.tS.
K 1c 100 MPa.m
~ o
{l I
~ I
o Salt Quench K 1c 85 MPa. m~ I
<> Air Cooled K 1c 46 MPa. m ~ I
1850-1900 MPa U.tS. I
Oil Quench K1c 56 MPa.m,._ I I
I I.
I w
I ...J
I 'Y
...J cJ ~
u u
u a:
a: a..

K .
--...!!l!D =R< 0.1 .

Fig. 7 The relationship between rate of fatigue-crack growth, dafdN and stress intensity amplitude,
L'.K, for D6AC steel heat-treated to different levels of fracture toughness, K,c, and strength.

X 1000 X 5000

Fig. 8 (a, b). Characteristic features on the fatigue-fracture surfaces of high toughness
(100 MPa m*) D6AC steel in region I, (low growth rate) of the da;dN- .t-.K relationship.
In region I the fracture surfaces of low toughness (46 MPa m*) and high toughness steel is


9(a) SEM 9(b) TEM

X 1000 X 10,000

Fig. 9 (a, b). Fatigue-fracture surfaces of high-toughness (100 MPA m*) D6AC steel, from region
II of the da;dN - .t-.K relationship (where da;dN a .t-.Km ). Cracking in region II is
characterised by the formation of striation markings.


10(a) SEM 10(b) TEM

X 1000 X 10,000

Fig. 10 (a, b). Fatigue-fracture surface of high-toughness (100 MPa mY.) D6AC steel from region Ill
of the dafdN- 6K relationship, where 6K is greater than 0.7 K 1c Void formation and
coalescence is noted.

11 (a) SEi\11 11(b) TEM

X 1000 X 10,000

Fig. 11 (a, b). Fatigue-fracture surface in low-toughness (46 MPa mY.) D6AC steel from region Ill
of the da;dN - 6K relationship. A micro-cleavage mode of fracture is noted.

flK ksi.inh
10-2 10 15 20 25 30 L.O 50 60 70 80 90 .,
17.8 MN 17.8M I
200 200 I
Cycles Cycles
I 10-4
' I

10.7 MN I
5000 1000
Cycleos CyclE'S
Mean fatigue-crack growth rate
' durmg high load amplitude.
u Mean fatigue -crack growth rate w
> ...J
u after each marker: u
v Mean u
c:: fatrgue-crack growth rate
w after thE' application of high a:
a.. w
E I oad amplitude. 'iJ
E 10-sc'

z 'iJ z
cs\::0 'iJ ~
"0 v "0

10-4 v

I D6AC 1600-1630 M Po U.T.S.
I K1 c -;:: 100 MPa.m!/.2

Fig. 12 Fatigue-crack growth rates per cycle dafdN versus stress-intensity amplitude, L'>K, for the
two-load level spectrum used in a detailed analysis of acceleration and retardation of fatigue-
crack growth. Data points represent average rates of propagation for each succeeding load
level for comparison with the continuous curve for constant-amplitude fatigue-crack growth.




ll K46 MPa m~
~10 ~K 26.4 MPa.m a.

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 1 2 3 4

' w
w -4 ....J
10 u
> >
u u


" Q.

8K 36.4 MPa.m

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 I 2 3 L. 5 X 10
NUMBER of eve LE s

Fig. 13 Representative details of fatigue-crack growth rates in relation to numbers of cycles

following step changes in cyclic load, according to the spectrum applied in Fig. 12. The
acceleration or retardation in rate of crack growth, due to either an upward or downward
change in cyclic load respectively, is shown relative to the growth rates (horizontal lines)
normally expected for constant amplitude cycling, at equivalent amplitudes of stress

.. y2
AK k s1.1n
50 60 70 80 90

o Dry Air. 1.0 Hz

Dry A1r 10 Hz

c Dry Argon 1.0 Hz

Dry Argon 10 Hz I
0 I
A JArgon+ 90~ R H 1. 0 Hz I
t Water Vapour at 10 Hz I
o Disti lied Water 1.0 Hz
Distilled Water 10 Hz

d~ d~ ::0
i::IN dN

Kmin = R < 0.1

o I
I ~
D6AC K 1c= 100 MPa.m
1600-1630MPa 10-6

Fig. 14 Fatigue-crack growth per cycle, da;dN, versus the amplitude of stress intensity, L'.K, for
fatigue cracking, in D6AC steel, in various environments containing distilled water or water
vapour. The solid curve shows the rate of fatigue-crack growth in dry air or argon while the
various data points relate to cracking in water-containing environments (listed) at either 10
or 1 Hz.
412 .


Fig. 15 Fracture surface of D6AC steel after cycling at 25 MPa m'h in argon/water vapour. The
transition from a trans crystalline (top) to an inter crystalline mode of cracking (lower) is
induced by a change in cyclic frequency from 10 to 1 Hz. SEM x 760




1600-1650 MPa.UTS
0 100 MPa.m
xK c

10 30 40 50 GO
MPa m 2

Fig. 16 Rate of stress corrosion cracking, da;dt, as a function of applied stress intensity K1 for
D6AC steel in distilled water.





0.1 Hz

0.1 Hz


50 60 70 80

Fig. 17 Fatigue-crack growth in 06AC steel in low pressure (13.3 kPa, 100 Torr) hydrogen under
. positive and negative sawtooth cyclic load, wave forms. Rate of crack growth under a
negative sawtooth wave form at 0.1 Hz is almost coincident with the growth rate under a
positive sawtooth wave form at 1 Hz,


QUESTION-Keith R. L. Thompson
(University of New South Wales)
Has the speaker examined the effect of stress ratio R on the overall shape and the location
of the inflexion points in the sigmoidal relationship shown in Figure 7?
The questioner has observed in high strength AISI 4340 steels that the first inflexion point
in this relationship occurred at an essentially constant value of Kmax(K/1-R) and growth rate
irrespective of R or material strength. Furthermore, the transition appeared to be related to both
the commencement of shear lip development and a change in fracture mode from structure-
sensitive to structure-insensitive. The second inflexion point in .the highest strength level material
used occured when Kmax approached the plane strain fracture toughness of the material and was
mar ked by the occurrence of elements of tensile crack growth on the normal fatigue crack growth
mode. In the lower strength level material, the second inflexion point did not occur at a constant
value of Kmax, but it did appear to occur when crack growth occurred under essentially fully
plane stress conditions.
Would the speaker like to comment on these observations?

Author's Reply
Your observations of fatigue-crack growth in 4340 steel are most interesting.
Our studies on fatigue-crack growth in D6AC steel have not included examination of the
effects of mean stress or R. Your observations of the constancy of the lower inflexion in the !..
dafdN-K relationship is intriguing. However, I am not able to offer any explanation. An
apparent change in fracture mode-or crack extension mechanism-is consistent with other
observations which relate to this region of low growth rate.
Regarding the upper inflexion, it is well to recognise that change in growth rate can occur
(i) as a consequence of the intrusion of the tensile cracking mode, or
(ii) due to the transition from plane-strain to plane-stress conditions.
These processes are independent. The latter is unlikely to arise, even in low strength material,
provided specimen thickness is adequate.


I wish to make two comments:

Firstly, Dr. Ryan is correct in saying that the relationship (Fig. 7) between fatigue crack
growth rate and stress intensity amplitude should apply to cases other than D6AC steel. Work
at MRL, on high-strength gun steels of the 3!% NiCrMoV type, quenched and tempered to
around 1300 MPa UTS has produced data which coincide exactly with those of the lower
strength material shown in Figure 7. The common factor is the microstructure: a clean steel,
rapidly quenched martensite, followed by tempering to give a uniform dispersion of fine carbide
Secondly, the striation mechanism of crack growth (shown as Region II in Figure 6) is
independent of microstructure only in the first approximation. Even when the contribution
from tensile fracture modes, arising largely from the presence of non-metallic inclusions in the
microstructure, is accounted for, there remains an effect of homogeneity of microstructure.
This effect is seen when a very homogeneous steel achieved by electroslag remelting (ESR) is
compared with a conventional molten ingot steel having the same, or everi lower, inclusion
content: the slope of the curve in Region II is lower for the ESR. This reduction is believed to ..
result from the more uniform microstructure, down to a very fine scale, in the ESR.

Author's Reply
. - .
Your comment regarding the coincidence of fatigue crack growth rates in martensitic
steels, independent of tensile properties, again emphasises the fact that no great improvements
in resistance to fatigue cracking for tests at constant amplitude are likely to result from changes
in alloy chemistry or heat-treatment.
The influence of alloy purity and non-metallic inclusions on fatigue-crack growth can be
interpreted .if we consider the mechanism of growth giving rise to "striations" as due to irrevers-
ible cycle strain, in which case theoretical predictions (References 13 and 14 of the paper) suggest
that dafdN oc K 2 Interfacial separation betWeen hard precipitate, or inclusion particles, and the
matrix introduces a perturbation in the crack growth process, leading to increased rates of
growth. The slope of log da/dN-log K is then almost always greater than 2 and increases with
increasing particle size and impurity content.

QUESTION-Sqn. Ldr. C. Giles

Tables 2 and 3 of your paper illustrate the effect of several high temperature heat-treatment
schedules on the fracture toughness of D6AC.
What effect, if any, would you expect a simple bake cycle to have on fracture toughness?
For example, a bake at 250C followed by air cooling.
(This bake cycle is regularly used to relieve hydrogen embrittlement after stripping paint
from D6AC components using paint stripper.)

Author's Reply
Changes in fracture toughness in D6AC steel are attributed to differences in quenching rate
and their effect upon the initial, "as-quenched" martensite. The steel is subsequently tempered
up to 550 to provide the desired tensile properties. Subsequent reheating for the purpose, say
of removing hydrogen after cadmium-plating or paint stripping during maintenance, is unlikely
to introduce any changes in fracture toughness, provided that the re-heating (or baking) tem-
perature does not exceed the tempering temperature.

QUESTION-N. T. Goldsmith
The "intergranular" mode of cracking is presumably along prior austenite boundaries in
the steel.
What then is the true path of the "structuni-sensitive" fracture?
Could this be truly intergranular?

Author's Reply
Intergranular cracking resulting from environment-assisted (corrosion) fatigue cracking
is clearly related to an almost continuous intergranu1ar crack path, i.e. along prior austenite
grain boundaries. However, faceted fatigue-crack paths in inert environments, in the slow
crack growth region I (below 5 X 10- 5 mm per cycle), also appear sometimes to follow across
grain boundary faces. This, I believe, is largely due to the fortuitous incidence of grain boundaries
ori~nted parallel to the direction of crack growth. The term "structure-sensitive" growth has
loosely been applied to region I fatigue cracking where there is clearly some association between
the rate of crack growth and microstructure; nevertheless, no unambiguous direct relationship
has been demonstrated.

I think that what you have termed "acceleration" of crack growth is really retardation,
and the observed decay in crack growth rate is due to the need for several stress cycles to set

up a steady state crack tip environment. This would also explain the effect, earlier described by
Finney, that the retardation increases as the number of high loads increase.
Can "acceleration" be produced by treatments, e.g. annealing, other than pre-cycling at a '"
lower stress?

Author's Reply
An initial (five-old) increase in rate of fatigue-crack growth, relative to the rate at constant
amplitude for the same stress intensity range, is a consequence of a substantial step-increase
in stress intensity range. The gradual decrease in rate of growth consequent upon further cycling
at the new (higher stress) intensity range, is termed a growth rate decay or attenuation simply to
distinguish it from the more commonly recognised "retardation" effect (described by Dr.
Finney) following a marked step-decrease in stress intensity range. It is likely that the magnitude
of the acceleration effect (relative to constant amplitude) would be greater the sharper the pre-
crack, e.g. one introduced at a very low stress intensity. Further sensitizing of a sharp crack by
annealing out the cyclic strain at the crack tip has been assessed in regard to the retardation
effect, described in Dr. Finney's paper, but not in relation to the acceleration phenomena.
The terms :'acceleration" and "retardation" are used to describe the transient changes
observed in crack growth rates, relative to constant amplitude cycling at equivalent values of
stress intensity range. It is true that the observed "attenuation" in an initially accelerated rate
is also a progressive retardation. Nevertheless, changes in terminology could result in further
confusion when discussing these phenomena. Both effects probably result from changes in the
elastic and plastic constraints (residual stresses) developed around the crack tip. In the case of
the decay following initial acceleration the constraint varied from a lower to a higher de;:gree;
in the case of "retardation", a change from a higher to a lower level of constraint is involved.
However, extensive low level cycling, sufficient to induce the appropriate amount of plastic
relaxation, can be required before further extension of the crack occurs after decreases in .





The fatigue performance of a range of commercially available adhesive materials

has been examined to enable the selection of an adhesive system suitable for bonding of
fibre composite reinforcements to cracked aircraft structures. Small constant stress
cantilever 7075-T6 aluminium alloy fatigue specimens were used to evaluate the charac-
teristics of the adhesives cmd a/so to examine the feasibility of using .fibre composites
to control crack propagation,
The adhesive selected for the repair application required curing at 130C which,
due to the low thermal expansion of the composite, induced residual tensile stresses in
the aluminium at room temperature. Wedge-loaded, pre-cracked stress-corrosion specimens
were used to show that these internal stresses do not significantly limit the practical
usefulness of the proposed repair schemes.
Finally, two practical aircraft repairs are described which are currently being
evaluated under operating conditions.

Cracks initiate and propagate in many aircraft components due to factors which may include
poor design, inappropriate choice of materials and/or unexpec~edly demanding operating
Reinforcement of under-designed components before crack initiation is one solution (e.g.
the bonded fibre composite doublers used on the wing pivot fitting of the F-111 1) but, usually,
components are reinforced after the discovery of cracks of sub-critical size. Repairs of this type
are more often applied to light alloy components than to high strength steels since critical crack
lengths are normally far larger in light alloys. Not all components can be strengthened or repaired
but, where it is possible, a very cost-effective extension of the safe life of an aircraft can often be
Standard repair schemes to date have normally involved bolting or riveting strengthening
members, made from the same type of material as the original component, to reinforce the
cracked area. This procedure, although it introduces no electrochemical compatibility problems,
can create undesirable stress concentrations at the point of attachment and also, by over-
compensation of strength, can introduce fatigue problems at the ends of the reinforcement.
Recent technological advances in adhesive bonding and in fibre composite materials suggest
the possibility of developing efficient repair schemes in which,
(i) the load is transferred from the component to the reinforcement without serious stress
concentration, and
(ii) the properties of the reinforcement can be tailored to suit the particular application.
Table I lists the advantages and disadvantages of boron and carbon fibre reinforced plastics,
compared to metals, for reinforcement (patch) material; these fibre composites probably have
greatest potential value for this patching application, although other fibre composites based on
steel wires, Kevlar fibres and glass fibres could also be important in particular applications.
This paper considers some aspecis of work undertaken to evaluate various parameters
associated with reinforcement of light alloys by fibre composites. Experience with two practical
examples of this technique, for reinforcement of cracked aircraft components, is also considered.

Successful reinforcement of metal components with fibre composites depends largely on
efficient transfer of stress from the defective components into the composite material. Thus, the
present background studies centered around the properties of adhesives and the adhesive bond
achieved between 7075-T6 aluminium alloy and the chosen fibre composite. The three types of
advanced fibre composites which were used (Table 2) all have advantages for the reinforcement
of aluminium alloys:
(I) Carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) is comparatively inexpensive but can induce
corrosion of metal in electrical contact with it because of its electrical conductivity and
cathodic nature.
(2) Boron fibre reinforced plastic (BFRP) is more costly than CFRP but, since it is electric-
ally non-conducting, presents no corrosion problems; in addition, thermal stresses are
of less significance because boron fibres have a higher coefficient of thermal expansion
than carbon fibres (see later).
(3) Boron fibre reinforced aluminium (BFRA) is the most expensive of the three; it was o'

considered here mainly because its surface treatment for optimum bonding should be
identical to that of the aluminium alloy to be reinforced.
Background studies were also undertaken to establish the feasibility of using bonded com-
posites to prevent fatigue cracks from growing and to determine the influence of stresses intro-
duced during bonding on the subsequent behaviour of the system.

2.1 Static Strength of Adhesives
A necessary pre-requisite to the study was a knowledge of the shear strengths of available
adhesive materials; values of maximum shear strength were required, rather than the average
values usually determined.
The development 2 of a step-lap sandwich specimen and calculation ofthe stress distribution
within its adhesive layers enabled the determination of the maximum values of shear stress for
several adhesives. 3 This specimen design (Fig. 1) virtually eliminates the two major causes of
undesirable bending of the adherends which are common to most other test methods, viz.
(i) bending due to misalignment of applied loads, and
(ii) bending resulting from the differing mechanical properties of the adherends.
Other advantages over existing test methods include:
(a) close control of adhesive thickness,
(b) ability to measure adhesive thickness after testing, and
(c) reduced amount required of one adherend (the sandwiched material), which can lead to
considerable economies of expensive materials.
Knowledge of the static strength, although useful as an initial guide, is not a sufficient basis
in itself to allow the selection of adhesive materials for the present application. The behaviour
under operational conditions, of cyclic stressing and environment in particular, is of paramount
importance here.

2.2 Adhesive Behaviour under Cyclic Stressing

A comprehensive study was undertaken concerning the behaviour of selected adhesives
under fatigue loading. This work is reported elsewhere in detail; 4 the most important features
are outlined below.

2.2.1 Adhesives
The adhesive systems of greatest interest here are those which develop high fatigue strengths
without requiring high curing temperatures, elaborate surface pre-treatment of adherends or
high bonding pressures. Some capacity for stress relaxation could be advantageous as a means
of reducing internal stresses, providing the rate of relaxation was low compared to the rate of
cyclic stressing in applications involving fatigue. These requirements are very stringent and can-
not be met by any currently available adhesive. The following range of adhesives (detailed in
Table 3) was examined to enable the best compromise to be selected.
Ethyl cyanoacrylate was chosen because it is a solvent-free, one-component adhesive
curing at ambient temperature without pressure; it is reported to be relatively rigid and to give
high bond strengths with a very wide range of materials.
The flexible epoxies chosen are typical of the commercial low-pressure, twin-pack type
which cure at ambient temperature; they are reported to bond a wide range of materials and to
be resistant to fatigue.
The rigid epoxy cures at a relatively high temperature but little pressure is needed; it is
reported to have given very high bond strengths.
Finally, the epoxy-nitrile film selected is typical of the advanced adhesives used to bond
aircraft structures. It requires both a rather high temperature (however, lower than most com-
parable systems) and a high pressure; very high bond strengths are reported.

2.2.2 Method
Evaluation of the adhesive performance was based on measurements of the efficiency of
strain transfer from the substrate to the adhesively bonded reinforcement; because of the
analogous physical situations, strain-gauge theory was used for analyses of stress and strain.
The efficiency of strain transfer depends on:
.. (a) the thickness and shear modulus of the adhesive,
(b) the substrate modulus, and
(c) the length, thickness and modulus of the reinforcing strip.
In a given system, the above parameters remain constant, except that
(i) the effective strip length changes if a fatigue crack grows in the adhesive layer, and
(ii) the effective modulus of the adhesive is reduced by any relaxation.
Consequently, the efficiency of strain transfer can be used to monitor changes from these causes.

Tests were carried out in bending using specimens (Fig. 2) consisting of 7075-T6 aluminium
alloy constant-stress cantilevers (CSC) to which the reinforcing strips were adhesively bonded
on one side; 7075-T6 reinforcing strips were used in some experiments instead of the composite.
With the CSC specimen, the stress distribution in the adhesive layer closely approximates that
produced by axially straining the substrate.
Various surface treatments were employed to prepare the CSC for bonding (Table 4). The
BFRA and 7075 strips were given the same treatment as the CSC but alumina grit-blasting
(with MEK degreasing before and after) was the only treatment found effective for CFRP and
Changes in efficiency of strain transfer to the strip were determined by comparing the strain
readings obtained during the test (e 8 ) with that observed at the beginning (e 8 ). Usually,
instantaneous static strain measurements were made after loading the esc specimens at their
apex (Fig. 2); from these results the experimental parameter e 8fe 8 could be evaluated. An im-
portant advantage of the bending method is that loading is fairly rapid so that errors due to
strain relaxation in the adhesive layer are minimised; the 95% confidence limit on the mean of
e 8 fe 8 measurements was estimated to be 0008.
Relaxation measurements were made by loading the CSC specimen for five minutes, unload-
ing, and then determining the compressive strain, eu, which resulted.
Cyclic stressing of the adhesive layer was achieved by subjecting the CSC to reversed
bending at 50 Hz in a laboratory environment at ambient temperature, the CSC being held at
its fixed end in a strain-gauged dynamometer. The peak cyclic load was held constant during each
test, giving approximately "constant-strain" conditions in the CSC. During the fatigue tests,
readings of strain amplitude were taken from both the dynamometer and the strain gauge bonded
to the strip. Measurements of changes in e 8 during fatigue were usually made by periodically
removing the esc from the fatigue machine and carrying out a static 111easurement as described
The static method gives a precision much higher than could be obtained during fatigue
because of errors introduced by slight movements in the gripping position. However, fatigue
strain measurements were used for adhesives which showed a high degree of relaxation; since
static measurements were then subject to large errors. In tests at high strain levels (""' 1 8 x 10-3),
gauge failures occurred which necessitated gauge replacement: the maximum error in esfes 0
introduced by changing the gauge was estimated to be ""'0 03. After testing, all specimens were
taper-sectioned along the strip length and metallographically polished to enable measurement
of the thickness of the adhesive layer and to observe the nature and extent of fatigue-cracking.

2.2.3 Results
Relaxation measurements were used to estimate the effective shear modulus, G L, of the
adhesives after loading for five minutes. The results, normalised to an initial value for G L of
11 GPa, are given in Table 5 together with the measured eufe 8 ratio and the values of effective
adhesive thickness, t L
Adhesives C and D relaxed comparatively slightly-the extent was acceptable for the
present application. Adhesive A was also fairly resistant to relaxation; since A is cured at about
room temperature, this resistance could have practical importance. In contrast, adhesives B
and B' suffered considerable reductions in their effective shear moduli, even though cured at
""'90C. The extent of these reductions indicates that these adhesives would not be of practical
value for reinforcing applications.
When subjected to fatigue loading above a critical cyclic strain in the CSC; the strains in
the strips decreased with increasing number of cycles (Fig. 3).* This fatigue damage in the
adhesive layers was interpreted in terms of crack growth. 4 Adhesives C and D were the most
resistant to fatigue damage. Adhesive C may be capable of even better performance than shown
since the failures were mainly at the interface with the aluminium, despite the elaborate pre-
treatment of the aluminium surface. Failures in adhesives A, B and D were usually "cohesive"
(Figs. 4, 5 and 6), suggesting that maximum strength levels were achieved in these adhesives. '
The favourable influence of the "Dacron" carrier fibres in adhesive D in inhibiting fatigue crack
propagation is apparent in Figure 6. Adhesive A gave reasonably good fatigue behaviour when

*The terms "adhesive" and "cohesive" failures are used to denote failures at the adhesive/
adherend interface and within the adhesive layers respectively.

used to bond BFRA to the CSC; in view of its low curing temperature and comparatively good
relaxation properties, this adhesive may be of value for repairs where high temperature curing
adhesives are unsuitable.
Since chemical surface pre-treatments of the aluminium: are undesirable in many applica-
tions, simplified surface treatments were investigated for the most promising adhesives (A and D).
Excellent fatigue results were obtained with adhesive D using the alumina grit-blast technique
for the surface preparation of the aluminium; the failure was then cohesive (Fig. 3) and the
cracking mode was similar to that in Figure 6. The trials using adhesive A with BFRA were
disappointing. Poor results were obtained with both the grit-blast surface preparation and with
a proprietary etching procedure used for moun~ing strain gauges with this adhesive.
The main conclusion resulting from this stage of the investigation was that adhesive D
was suitable for practical repair applications using the simple alumina grit-blasting technique
for surface preparation. The main disadvantage with this adhesive was the need for an elevated
temperature cure.
During the above work, an interesting observation was made which could be of practical
importance. Fatigue tests when !es > 1 8 x I0- 3 often resulted in failure of the strain gauges (by
cracking of the grid). It was found that, on replacing the strain gauge using adhesive A, the
initial strain reading was often much higher than the last reading of the old gauge. This effect
naturally caused concern as to the significance of the results, even though, during subsequent
continuation of the fatigue tests, es fell fairly rapidly to the expected value and then decreased
at the normal rate. The behaviour appeared to be consistent with penetration and healing of
fatigue cracks in the adhesive layer by adhesive A, which has an excellent wetting capability.
In Figure 7 results confirming this view are shown; a BFRP/D specimen was fatigued to obtain
a fall in e8 , plotted as e8 /es 0 , and adhesive A was then flooded over the ends of the strip. The
extent of recovery is shown by the vertical arrows (from crosses repre~enting the fatigued state
to full circles representing conditions after application of adhesive A). In the final part of the
plot in Figure 7 the rate of decrease of esfes 0 with N corresponds approximately with that
expected if adhesive A alone had been used.
The above observations suggest that the technique could be important for field repairs of
damaged bonded structures and of delaminated composite structures.

2.3 Crack Repair

Although both BFRP and CFRP bonded with adhesive D appeared promising for practical
repairs, it was decided to concentrate, initially at least, on the use of BFRP simply because
there is no danger of enhanced corrosion of the metal substrate. CFRP can be used for such
applications providing simple precautions are taken, e.g. the inclusion of a glass cloth layer
between the carbon fibres and the aluminium to act as an electrically insulating layer. 5
A brief study was undertaken to demonstrate that the BFRP/D system could be efficiently
used to inhibit fatigue crack propagation.
In principle, the problem of predicting the reduction in rate of fatigue crack propagation
by patching reduces to that of finding the decrease in the cyclic range of stress intensity I:!.K
induced by the patch and then using the experimentally determined relationships between I:!.K
and the rate of crack propagation in the aluminium alloy, dafdN, to obtain the desired infor-
mation. Typically, for metals under sinusoidal loading, da/dN = Af:!.Kn, where A and n are
constants (n ,...., 4 in many cases). Thus, small changes in I:!.K strongly influence dafdN.
Detailed consideration of the theoretical aspects of patching have been given elsewhere; 6 7
a brief description of the salient parameters is presented here to aid further discussion. An
analysis of the reduction in stress intensity by patching a centrally cracked infinite plate has been
given by Takeshi Kanazawa et a/.; 6 the assumed model is shown in Figure 8-the patches are
assumed to be bonded only along the edges parallel to the crack. When the plate is subjected to
tensile stress a reactive load P develops in the patches, producing an opposing stress intensity
.. Kp in the plate. Since stress intensities can be algebraically summed, the effective stress intensity
Ke is given by Ke = Ku-KP where Ku is the stress intensity that would have resulted in the
unpatched plate. Typical results of the analysis, Figure 8, show that the compliance of the
patch (revealed in this case by changes in L) and its position with respect to the crack determine
the value of Ke; in general the patch should be close to the crack tip and be as stiff as possible.
As opposed to the end-bonded situation, for a patch of a given geometry maximum stiff-
ness in the region of the crack can be obtained by

(a) bonding the patch over all its surface in contact with the plate, and.
(b) using an adhesive with a high GL, low relaxation characteristics and low tL;
the theory proposed in Reference 6 has been extended to cover this case (Ref. 8). However,
method (b) of increasing the effective stiffness of the patch also increases the local stress in the
adhesive layer close to the crack, so that a compromise must be reached for fatigue crack-
patching depending on the fatigue strength of the adhesive layer.
The influence of adhesively bonded patches on the rate of propagation of fatigue cracks
in 7075-T6 aluminium alloy was studied using modified CSC specimens tested at 50 Hz in the
laboratory environment at room temperature. A notch was cut in the edge of each CSC such
that a fatigue crack would initiate and then propagate across the specimen at a level correspond-
ing to the normal strain gauge position on the patch (Fig. 2). Fatigue cracks were then grown
to a total crack length, from the specimen edge, of ,..., 5 mm prior to patching. BFRP patches
(0 15 mm thick) were bonded in corresponding positions on both specimen faces. Alumina
grit-blasting was used to prepare the composite and metal surfaces for bonding in all cases
except one. Here, for comparison, the aluminium was etched as listed in Table 3 (care being taken
to prevent etchant from entering the crack).
Fatigue was carried out at constant applied bending moment and the crack length periodic-
ally measured microscopically after removing the specimen from the fatigue machine. In bending,
there is a tendency for a crack on one surface to grow more rapidly than that on the other. This
problem was avoided, at least in the stages of growth before the patch was reached, by setting a
slight tensile bias in the fatigue machine and placing the esc with the side initially having the
shortest crack length under the tensile bias. Measurements of crack length could not be made
when the crack front tunnelled under the patch, but the cycles to emergence were measured.
The rate of crack growth was much greater for unpatched specimens than for patched
specimens, which was attributed to the general stiffening effect of the patches. Thus the efficiency
of the patches in retarding crack growth cannot be obtained by. direct comparison with the
results of the unpatched specimen. This problem was overcome by comparing the rate of growth
after the patched region with the expected rate in the same specimen. The expected rate was
obtained by extrapolating the exponential regions of growth, as shown by the dashed curves
in Figure 9.
A marked reduction in the rate of crack propagation occurred in all patched CSC specimens
when the crack reached the patch position, Figure 9. Within the limits of experimental observa-
tion, the exponential form of the propagation curve appeared to be maintained until the crack
actually tunnelled under the patch; this observation agrees qualitatively with the theory which
suggests that the effect of a patch on Ke is fairly short in range. An unexpected result was the
gradual progressive reduction in the rate of propagation of the emerging crack. In the absence
of the patch, the rate of propagation progressively increases, as shown by the dashed lines in
Figure 9; the reason for this difference is not clear.
A measurement of the influence of the patch on crack propagation was made by calculating
the effective range of stress intensity fj.K using the empirical relationship:
fj.K = 275 (da/dN) 1 ' 4 MNm-312
where dafdN is the measured rate (m s- 1) and ~he constants are taken from data on 7075-T6
valid for the rates observed. 9 Results for BFRP/D (Fig. 10) show a linear initial and extrapolated
region (curves for unpatched specimens suggest that a linear extrapolation may be conservative)
with a reduction in fj.K of up to 40%. Although the curves in Figure 10 initially show a qualitative
similarity to the theoretical curves (Fig. 8), the region of negative slope after the patch is not
predicted; of course the differences between the theoretical model and the experimental specimen
are very large, making detailed comparison difficult.
In general, the apparent decrease in fj.K is not as large as may have been expected, considering
that the patches were in the outer highly stressed regions. Unfortunately the specimens are com-
plex so that no simple theoretical comparison is possible. However, the same method of effective
fj.K measurement (e.g. from dafdN measurements) with specimens more amenable to analysis,
such as that considered in Figure 8, may prove useful.

2.4 Influence of Residual Stresses from Patching on Stress-Corrosion Behaviour

Tensile residual stresses at room temperature can arise in a metal component on cooling
after bonding fibre composite patches at elevated temperature. For a given geometry and bonding "
temperature, the magnitude of tensile stress depends directly on the difference in coefficients of

thermal expansion of composite and metal. This difference, based on data from the literature,
is ~ 18 x 10- 6 C- 1 for BFRP and aluminium, while a value of~ 14 x 10- 6 C- 1 was obtained
from measurements of curvature of an aluminium strip at room temperature after bonding
BFRP to one side at elevated temperature; these values are in reasonable agreement, consider-
ing the possible errors involved. For a composite/metal thickness ratio of 1 : 3, typical of much
of the present experimental and practical work, an internal stress of~ 60 MPa would be expected.
Tensile stresses of this magnitude in the aluminium alloy could adversely affect its fatigue
behaviour and induce stress-corrosion cracking.
Work on reverse-bending fatigue of unnotched fibre composite reinforced aluminium
beams 10 indicated that the stresses introduced by bonding with AF126 did slightly reduce the
fatigue performance of the metallic component. The extent of this reduction was not of practical
significance. Nevertheless, it was possible that the internal stresses could adversely influence the
stress-corrosion behaviour of the aluminium (and, thus, possibly contribute to crack growth by
The approach taken to study the above stress-corrosion aspects was to select a system known
to be prone to stress-corrosion, create a situation where stress-corrosion crack-growth was
taking place, and then to monitor the influence of bonded reinforcing patches on subsequent
growth of the cracks. It was assumed that, if patching prevented growth of the stress-corrosion
cracks, then it was unlikely to initiate cracks in virgin specimens.

2.4.1 Materials
One of the practical reinforcements undertaken (c.f. Section 3.1) concerned cracks in ribs
of an aircraft wing plank manufactured from 7075-T6 aluminium alloy, which is susceptible
to stress corrosion. Due to the method of manufacture, the alignment of grain boundaries in
the component favoured crack propagation parallel to the edge of the ribs. Ribs were cut from
a discarded wing plank to make specimens (Fig. 11).
/ BFRP patches of dimensions 45 mm x 25 mm x ~045 mm thick were made from four
layers of pre-preg (100 ttm diameter fibres in epoxy matrix) laid up with each layer of the boron
fibres aligned in the same (25 mm) direction. After surface preparation using the alumina grit-
blasting technique, the patches were bonded to the aluminium, with the fibre orientation at
right angles to the cracks, using AF126 adhesive cured at 130C.
Specimens were immersed at room temperature in an aqueous solution containing Cr0 3
(36 gfl), NaCl (3 gfl) and K 2 Cr 2 0 7 (30 gfl); this solution is known to encourage stress corrosion
in 7075-T6. 11

2.4.2 Procedure and Results

A fine hacksaw cut (20 mm long) was made in the end of each specimen, into which was
driven an aluminium wedge (7075-T6) to produce an overload crack extending for about another
30 mm. With the wedges still in place, the specimens were immersed in the aqueous solution and
crack-growth was monitored visually. All specimens, except those used to establish crack-
growth behaviour, were removed from the solution after crack-growth was well established
(usually several days). This procedure avoided possible ambiguity due to the inclusion of the
highly variable period for initiation of stress-corrosion cracking in the results. The desired
patching or other treatment was then carried out before returning the specimens to the solution.
The position of the crack tips under the BFRP patches was monitored to 1 mm using an
eddy-current technique.
Unpatched Specimens
The length of the overload cracks in the specimens varied considerably ( ~ 45-65 mm).
Thus, although the starting stress intensities at the various crack tips should all have been
similar (K 1 c), the simple specimen design would cause the stress intensity to change at different
rates with subsequent increments of crack growth in different specimens. This effect, supplemented
by variations due to slight material differences, accounts for the observed range of crack-growth
rates in the reference specimens (Fig. 12); differences in incubation period have been omitted
from the results. The general trend shown by these results is the same, viz. the rate of crack
growth is initially high but decreases with time. Figure 12 also includes an "average" curve,
representing the centre of the scatter band of the results for comparison with the behaviour of
the other specimens.

The next step was to determine whether or not the thermal curing treatments had any
influence on the crack-propagation rates. Specimens, in which active stress corrosion had been
established, were subjected to the thermal treatments and returned (still wedge-loaded) to the
aqueous solution. No significant change in cracking rate resulted (Fig. 13).
Patched Specimens
The location of the patches with respect to the crack tips could have significantly influenced
subsequent crack propagation. The results of tests on specimens patched at three typical loca-
tions (Fig. 11) can be summarised as follows:
(a) When the edges of the patches were located 4 mm ahead of crack tips, the cracks grew _. ..,
until their tips were well under (up to 12 mm) the patches before crack-growth ceased
(Fig. 14).
(b) When patches were located centrally over the crack tips; crack growth was prevented
in all but a few instances, where a small amount of growth occurred (Fig. 15).
(c) When patches were located over the cracks with the cracks extending 4 mm beyond the
patches, there was about the same amount of crack-growth as for case (a) before crack-
growth ceased (Fig. 16).

2.4.3 Discussion
The above series of simple tests was designed to show whether or not the level of internal
stress introduced into the aluminium by the chosen reinforcement scheme was sufficient to cause
significant stress-corrosion cracking in practical applications. The results show that no problem
is likely to be encountered in practice, providing the patches are located over the crack tips.
The use of wedge-loaded specimens may be considered to be a rather demanding situation,
since the stress encouraging crack-growth would be greater than that solely arising from the
internal stress. However, this pre-loaded condition corresponds reasonably well to the practical
situation where the reinforced components will be expected to sustain both the internal stresses
and their normal operating loads.
For patches located ahead of the tip, crack-growth would be expected until the tip came
~~ -
close to, or reached, the edge of the patch. The observed crack-growth continued further, i.e.
until the tip penetrated under the patch, possibly due to the influence of the internal stresses.
Similarly, internal stresses could have contributed to the observed crack-growth in the specimens
where the crack extended beyond the patches.
The most practically significant observation was that virtually no growth occurred when the
patches were bonded over the crack tip and, even for the other patch locations, crack-growth
eventually ceased.
Penetration of adhesive into the crack could occur during application of the patches over the
cracks, thus isolating the crack tip from the corrosive environment. However, the action of
the patches in stopping crack-growth was clearly demonstrated by those examples where patches
were located ahead of the crack tips.


In the preceding sections, it was demonstrated that bonding of fibre reinforced plastics
to metallic components could be a practical method of repair or reinforcement. The next step
was to apply this technique to actual components and to evaluate their subsequent performance.
The choice of suitable components is restricted because they must comply with the following
(a) the component must be amenable to repair;
(b) a conventional repair procedure must be either unavailable or less satisfactory for some
(c) the aircraft operator has to be sufficiently interested to permit the subsequent evaluation
inspections to be undertaken; and
(d) "fail safe" or closely monitored situations are necessary for initial evaluations, particu-
larly in cases where no repair scheme has been developed previously.
This section describes the experimental schemes developed for the repair of two com-
ponents which satisfied the above requirements.
Ideally, design expertise in repair schemes would enable the immediate selection of the
optimum patch parameters (size, thickness, fibre orientation, patch taper, etc.) for each particular

problem. However, although work is currently under way to achieve this objective, such exper-
tise was not available when considering the examples described herein. Thus, these repairs were
developed on a basis which depended largely upon experimental verification of the choices made.

3.1 Hercules Wing Planks

The wing planks are machined from solid blanks to give wing skins with integral reinforcing
ribs (Fig. 17). Internal wing structures, at a separation of about 450 mm, are riveted to the wing
plank ribs. Stress-corrosion cracks commonly initiate in the ribs at the rivet holes and propagate .
along the ribs (parallel to the wing surace); the length of these cracks is regularly monitored.
Various repair schemes involving metal reinforcement brackets riveted to the ribs and wing
surface have been evolved but their application is very time-consuming and results in further
regions of stress concentration (around the loaded rivet holes and at the ends of the brackets
at the sudden change in section). Since essentially plane surfaces are involved, adhesive bonding
of the metal reinforcement would he superior to riveting. Ho.wever, even for these simple repairs
it was economical to use BFRP, because of the small quantities required. Moreover, it was
considered that the experience gained would be of considerable advantage for more complex
future applications, where the abilities to mould BFRP into complex shapes and to tailor its
mechanical properties (by variation of fibre orientation), combined with its low density, could
be of paramount importance.
The patch thickness was chosen on the basis of restoration of tensile strength across the
crack; the patch thickness chosen exceeded the minimum requirements by about 30%. The
patches, 45 mm long x 25 mm wide x "'045 mm thick, were moulded from four layers of
pre-preg; the length in the fibre direction (25 mm) was governed by the height of the wing plank
ribs. Patches were bonded to both sides of the cracked ribs such that each crack tip was no more
than halfway under a pair of patches; further pairs of patches (reduced in length where necessary)
were bonded to cover the cracked regions, where possible.
The assumption of pure tensile stress across the cracks is obviously an over-simplification.
In practice, the loading cycle likely to cause further crack propagation involves compression
along the length of the ribs, with a consequent tendency for buckling. This type of loading
would lead to a peeling stress being applied to the bonded reinforcement in the fibre direction.
The low stiffness of the patches transverse to the fibre direction could be an advantage with this
type of distortion; since the longitudinal peeling stress and the danger of local stress concen-
trations in the metal at the patch ends should both be reduced.
Compression tests were carried out to gain an indication of the ability of the composite-
patching technique to restore the original strength of cracked wing panels. Three specimens
( "'465 mm long and incorporating three ribs) were cut from a discarded wing plank (after ensur-
ing that these areas were free from cracks). Two of these specimens then had simulated cracks
introduced by spark-maching slots ("' 0 35 mm .wide and 140 mm long) in all of the ribs. The
slots were located mid-way on the width of the ribs (corresponding to the normal position of
the cracks in the wing planks) and were centrally placed with respect to the specimen length.
Overload cracks were then introduced at the ends of all the slots to give total crack lengths
of "'150 mm. The length of the cracks and their location at the most critical region of the
compression specimens (the antinodal position) were chosen to simulate the worst case which
one would expect to encounter. BFRP patches were then bonded over the cracks in one specimen
(Fig. 18c); the end pairs of patches were located so that the crack-tips were half way under the
patches, and the space in between the end patches was then filled in with other pairs of patches.
Woods-metal ends were cast on all the specimens and, finally, machining reduced the specimen
lengths to 455 mm.
Dial gauges were used to measure deflections at twelve locations during the compression
tests; the specimens, after testing, are shown in Figure 18. The relative behaviour of these panels
is typified by the sideways deflection of an outer edge of a rib above the centre of the crack (Fig.
19). The cracks seriously degrade the properties of the panel; the maximum load sustained is
reduced by "'30% but very significant decrease in panel stiffness, with initial distortion occurring
at about 20% of that for an uncracked panel, is perhaps of even greater significance. However,
in similar tests, the behaviour of patched panels was essentially identical to that of uncracked
panels, within the accuracy of the test, the stiffness was the same, while the maximum load
was only 2 5% lower. In addition, the patches did not de bond during the test and, because there
is little strengthening from the patches at right angles to the fibre direction (i.e., along the length

of the ribs), the general buckling behaviour of the ribs of the patched panel was very similar to
that of the uncracked panel, with no evidence of stress concentration at the ends of the patches
(Fig. 18).
Simple techniques had to be developed to allow the patches to be applied in the confined
space within the Hercules wing. These included
(a) the use of a vacuum attachment to remove the abrasive during grit-blasting of the ribs,
(b) the application of the required pressure using hand-closed toggle clamps, and
(c) the use of silicone rubber heating tapes both to supply the required heating and to act
as a compressible layer to help maintain the pressure during curing of the adhesive.
Using this procedure patches have been applied to reinforce many ribs containing small cracks
(up to 25 mm from rivet holes) in one aircraft (Fig. 17) and, since then, NDI inspection has shown
no further crack-growth during one year of normal operation.
Quite recently, examples of long cracks were discovered in another aircraft; these cracks
were both about 280 mm long (extending "'140 mm either side of the rivet holes) and situated
in corresponding positions in each wing. One crack was repaired using the standard procedure
(Fig. 20) and the other using the fibre composite technique (Fig. 21). The former required
about 5 man-days and the latter only 1 man-day. The repair of these two, essentially identical,
cracks has given an ideal opportunity to compare subsequent performance of the two repair
schemes, particularly in those regions at the ends of the two repairs where far greater ~tress
concentration could occur with the standard repairs.

3.2 Macchi Landing Wheels

Problems have been encountered with cracking in service of magnesium alloy landing
wheels-a typical example being those of the Macchi trainer. This is another situation where
crack-length is carefully monitored; wheels are normally discarded when the crack approaches
25 mm in length; although wheels containing cracks many times this length have not failed
The thickness of the material in the cracked region is ~ 15 mm. At the present stage of the
reinforcing art, reinforcement of such thick material would not normally have been contem-
plated since the area available for bonding, and thus stress transfer into the patch, was rather
limited. However, examination of the fracture surfaces showed that the cracks initiated at, or
close to, the outer surface of the wheel and then propagated far more rapidly along the surface
than through the thickness; even a crack of "' 170 mm surface length had not fully penetrated
the thickness of the wheel. Thus, the stressing situation was comparatively unusual in that the
tendency for the crack to open obviously decreased rapidly with depth of penetration. Under these
circumstances, the patching scheme was considered a feasible means of alleviating the problem.
Since the number of fatigue striations on the fr;lcture surfaces was only of the order of a few
hundred, the failures were considered to result from high stress-low cycle fatigue with probably
no more than one cycle per landing.
The experimental approach taken was to machine specimens (approximately 120 mm X
25 mm X 17 mm) from blocks of magnesium alloy supplied by the wheel manufacturer. Vee-
notches of depth 2 5 mm were machined across the 25 x 120 mm faces and the specimens
fatigued in four-point bending until cracks "'2 5 mm long were produced from the notches.
The specimens were then machined to 145 mm thickness, to remove the Vee notches and to
leave flat surfaces containing a sharp crack. A series of these specimens were then fatigue-
loaded (again in four-point bending) at 6 cycles/min. to establish the loading conditions which
would cause failure in about 400 cycles.
BFRP patches, 25 x 25 mm, were bonded onto the surfaces of two pre-cracked specimens
with the boron fibres transverse to the cracks. The first patch was made from three layers of
BFRP pre-preg. This specimen, when fatigue-loaded under the standard conditions for 1200
cycles showed no crack-growth. The load was then increased by 11% and a further 1000 load
cycles applied, after which only 01 mm crack-growth had occurred. The second specimen '
was reinforced using a patch made from two layers of BFRP pre-preg. Here, the standard
fatigue-loading conditions were applied for 3000 cycles, during which no crack-growth was
observed. Although, from these results, the thinner patch appeared adequate, the safety factor
was increased by using the thicker (3layer) BFRP patches for reinforcing the wheels; the additional
cost per wheel is less than $1.

Matched dies of mild steel were manufactured for production of patches with the three-
dimensionally curved surface required to match the surface contour of the wheels. Such steel
dies can be quickly and accurately made, particularly when numerically controlled machining
facilities are available, and are cost-effective when large numbers of identical patches are
required. However, cheaper means of making suitable dies are being investigated for applications
,, requiring more complex shapes or a limited production of patches. Recently a method of mould-
ing the patch directly from the surface of a similar component was developed; this technique
will provide great cost savings in future applications.
The pre-formed patches were bonded to the wheels so that the ends of the cracks were
covered (Fig. 22). The composite and metal surfaces were prepared by alumina grit-blasting
and degreased with MEK. When curing the AF126 adhesive, pressure was applied by clamping
a rubber-faced pad (contoured to the required shape); the bonding temperature was achieved
by heating the whole assembly in a small oven.
One cracked wheel reinforced using this technique has been in service for several months,
during which time the aircraft has landed ~ 500 times without further detectable crack-growth;
without the reinforcement, sufficient crack-growth would have occurred for the wheel to be no
longer serviceable.

This paper has reviewed a large part of the work directed towards using high performance
fibre composites for the reinforcement of cracked aircraft structures.
The two practical repair schemes which have been attempted, one being an alternative to
an existing procedure and the other a repair which could probably only be achieved using the
fibre composite method, have been very successful, from the points of view of both cost-
effectiveness and mechanical efficiency.
The undesirable residual tensile stresses introduced into the light alloy substrate during
the patching procedure, due to the mismatch of thermal expansion, do not appear to have a
major practical effect on the subsequent fatigue or stress-corrosion behaviour of the metal.
The problem of internal stress could be avoided if a suitable adhesive curing at room temperature
were available. However, of the adhesives examined, only those curing at high temperature
had the properties required for the repair application. The requirement of a simple surface
preparation for bonding, which is unlikely to encourage other problems such as stress-corrosion,
restricts the choice of adhesive even further and, of those examined, the most suitable is AF126.
Further work is needed to obtain maximum benefits from composite reinforcements. Areas
of such work include design, behaviour of adhesive systems under various environmental
conditions and evaluation of new adhesives with particular emphasis on those with lower curing

The authors wish to thank Mr. J. D. Roberts for assistance with the experimental work
and the patching of Hercules wing planks, Mr. M. J. Davis for carrying out the evaluation
tests and patching of Macchi wheels and Mr. R. Ellis for carrying out the compression tests on
Hercules wing plank specimens.


I. Dial, D. D., and Advanced Composite Cost Comparison.
Howeth, M. S. SAMPE, vol. 16, pp. 302-14, 1971.
2. Davis, M. J., and Adhesive Strength Tests of Bonded Dissimilar Materials using a
Baker, A. A. Step~Lap Sandwich Specimen.
ARL Mat. Note 113, February 1976.
3. Davis, M. J. Shear Stresses in Adhesive Layers of Bonded Step-Lap Sandwich
ARL Mat. Note 109, May 1975.
4. Baker, A. A. Evaluation of Adhesives for Fibre Composite Reinforcement of
Fatigue-Cracked Aluminium Alloys.
ARL Mat. Report 97, July 1975.
5. Lumley, E. J. Corrosion of Aluminium Alloys in Contact with Carbon Fibre
Reinforced Plastic and with other Materials.
ARL Mat. Note 108, February 1975.
6. Takeshi Kanazawa Some Basic Considerations of Crack Arresters, Parts I-V.
eta/. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, RAE Library
Translation 1648, March 1972.
7. Mitchell, R. A., Analysis of Composite-Reinforced Cutouts and Cracks.
Wooly, R. M., and Journal American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol.
Chwirut, D. J. 13, No. 6, pp. 744-49, June 1975.
8. Coyle, R. A., and Analytical and Experimental Investigation of the Influence of
Baker, A. A. Bonded Patches on a Centre Cracked Panel.
ARL Mat. Report (to be published).
9. Paris, P., and A Critical Analysis of Crack Propagation Laws.
Erdogan, F. Journal of Basic Engineering, vol. 85, pp. 528-32, 1963.
10. Baker, A. A. Fatigue of Fibre-Composite Reinforced Metals.
ARL Mat. Report (to be published).
11. Sager, G. E., Tests for Determining Susceptibility to Stress-Corrosion Cracking.
Brown, R. H., and Proceedings of Symposium on Stress-Corrosion Cracking of
Mears, R. B. Metals, pp. 255-72, Symposium held December 1944-proceedings
published by ASTM and AIMME, August 1945.

Advantage and Disadvantage of the Use of Carbon and Boron Fibre Reinforced Plastics Compared
to Metals for Patch or Reinforcement Materials

Property Advantage

High stiffness and fatigue strength Minimum patch thickness

Environmental stability No need to coat patch

Non-conducting (boron fibres) No danger of electrochemically induced corrosion

of metallic component

Low density Minimum weight patch and minimum balance

disturbance on rotating components
Formability and tailorability of properties Patches with complex curves and suitably orien-
tated properties can be produced by a simple
fabrication technology


High material cost Limits use in large amounts-not usually a prob-

!em with patches

Low expansion coefficient Can lead to undesirable tensile stresses in the

metallic component

Limited storage life of raw material May require refrigeration unless patches are pre-

Conducting (carbon fibres) Can cause electrochemical corrosion of metallic

component unless suitably insulated

Materials Used for Fibre Composite Strips


Composite Expansion Matrix Comments

Diameter Modulus Coefficient
t-tm GPa x 10- 6 per
CFRP 8 190 05 Epoxy Supplied as a sited warp
Shell 828/DDS sheet by Hyfil Ltd.,

BFRP 100 390 5 Epoxy Supplied as pre-p reg

Bloomingdale tape with the fibres
BP907 held on 25 t-tm glass
cloth by Hamilton
Standard, USA

BFRA 140 390 5 Aluminium Supplied as a mono-

Alloy 6061 layer sheet by A VCO
annealed Systems Division,

Adhesives Used and their Curing Conditions

Code Type Trade Name and- Supplier Curing conditions

and composition

A Ethyl-Cyanoacrylate White Label Ambient temperature set

Pearl Chemical Co., Japan (+12 hours at 40C optional)
(one component)

B' Flexibilized Epoxy A Y 106/HV953U 19 hours at 90C

(Polyamide cure) CIBA Ltd., U.K. (100 pbw 106 to 80 pbw 953)

B Flexibilized Epoxy EC 2216 B/A 19 hours at 90C

(Polyamide cure) 3M Company, U.S.A. (100 pbw base to 140 pbw hardener)

c Rigid Epoxy A Y105/HY956 15 hours at 100C

(amine cure) CIBA Ltd., U.K. (100 pbw 105 to 23 pbw 956)

D Epoxy-Nitrile film AF 126 4 hours at 125C under a pressure

(supported with a 3M Company, U.S.A. of 035 MPa
Dacron fibre mat) (one component)

.. TABLE 4
Details of Surface Treatments

Surface Adhesive Details


Chromic Etch A,B' (a) Freon TF spray degrease.

(b) Alkaline clean in TURCO 4215, 10 minutes at 60--70C
(c) Tap water rinse 5 minutes.
(d) Deoxidise in sodium dichromate (33 gm//) sulphuric acid
(310 gfl) 15 minutes at 65C.
(e) Tap water rinse 10 min.
(f) Dry 50C.

Chromic Etch/ B,C,D As above to stage (e) plus-

Phosphoric (a) Anodic treatment in phosphoric acid solution (90 gmfl) at
Anodise 10V for 25 minutes.
(b) Tap water rinse 15 minutes.
(c) Dry 50C.
Grit blast c (a) MEK degrease.
(b) Alumina grit blast (50 ~-tm grit).
(c) MEK degrease

Strain Measurements and Estimated Effective Shear Moduli after Five
Minute Relaxation for a Number of Specimens

Adhesive Strip tLmm eufes 0 GL GPa

A 7075 009 0016 08

CFRP 007 0022 07
BFRP 009 0036 07
BFRA 009 0040 08

B' 7075 005 0056 03

B CFRP 011 0400 02

BFRA 009 0140 05

c 7075 009 0012 08

CFRP 005 0000 1 1
BFRP 011 0019 10
BFRA 011 0023 09

D 7075 007 0010 09

CFRP 009 0007 10
BFRP 011 0017 09
BFRA 011 0022 09


1 I
,. l
3 r?zzv/ZZZ772ZZZZ ZZ ~l j
- -2 _I
X - --t- r--
3 ll'Z//ZZZZZZ/ZZ Z//ZZ~
4 I

Regions 1 and 4 - Adherend A

Region 2 - Adherend B
Regions 3 -Adhesive

Fig, 1. Step-lap shear strength test specimen.

a. general view.
b. section of bonded region, cuts are made
along the lines A B after bonding.
Strip width
2mm Strip
Resistance (0.15 to 0.3 mm thick)
strain gauge

42mm Strip length
15 mm
Adhesive layer
(0.05- 0.11 mm)

. 7075 T6 Glass fibre stops
Loading aluminium (0.07 mm dia.)
position (1.5 mm thick) (a)

Rubber pads



Fig. 2a. Schematic illustration of CSC specimens showing

adhesive layer configuration
Fig. 2b. A CSC with a CFRP patch after fatigue.
3 8 c D
Mainly cohesive Cohesive Adhesive Cohesive

1 8

1 f. 30 ~+-....t.._+27 43
+ 36

26 Adhesive Cohesive Adhesive ;. Cohesive I Cohesive

% es 22
t (x 10"3 ) -+

1 8 43
1 f.
_+ ___+19

Mainly cohesive Cohesive Adhesive I Cohesive I

1 B
40 -
-+ 34

1 f. +35 -+-+~
42 +-+ N (x 105 )
0 4 B 12 16 0 4 B 12 16 0 4 B 12 16 0 40 B4 8 12 1216
Fig. 3. Plots of semi-cyclic strain range in the strip (1: )
versus number of cycles (N) . for the various strip/adhesive combinations .. The numbers refer to the
theoretica_l shear stress in the adhesive inMPa.The nature of the fatigue cracking observed is noted.

I :, ,, _.,.
------------ ---- -----

Fig. 4.
Micrograph of a 7075/A specimen fatigued at a nominal shear stress of 33 MPa,
. showing pronounced 45 fatigue cracking close to edge of strip, tL = 0.05 mm

taper magnification x 3
i~--- ..
::t i\,r . :. )~: : ~ ~: ~: ., .-. :,; :~~7; :-~'"i <:~~-:-;,::~~
:~~ :.:~' .

Fig. 5. Micrograph of a BFRA/B specimen,fatigued at a nominal shear stress of

36 MPa, showing cohesive failure by fatigue crack propagation on
approximately 45 planes. tL = 0.08 mm.
taper magnification x 3

:."" ~

# ;:, -

'I :' '""

~ :, ...

Da.cron reinforcing
fibre ~-~'
~ ~ :~~L,':;~~:

Fig . 6. Micrograph of a BF RP/D specimen fatigued at a nominal shear stress

of 40 MPa, showing that cohesive fatigue cracking is strongly influenced
by the presence of polymer reinforcing fibres, tL = 0.1 mm
taper magnification x 3

.J '-J-,-..

s s

"' ~..........
r---: F-- fo

t "'I .'
0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Fig. 7. Plot of l'sfe5versus N for a B F R P/D

specimen showing the effect of "repairs", at
stages indicated by vertical arrows, effected
by applying adhesive A to the patch area .

. 440
c: ~ ~
4'-f ~

Patch position
b = 100 mm


Ka=aa ya KP


.p.. Ke L'= 100 mm



0 ~ 100 1~ 200 2~ ~0 3~ 400
a (mm) and x (mm) Fig. 8. Plot of theore,tical effective stress intensity Ke versus crack length for a patched
centre notched plate (shown schematically inset) with patches of various
compliances at the position indicated.
16 I
72 MPa I I 109MPa
14 t I
12 /+'


8 /

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a (mm)
_,.. 16 T 111 MPa

14 t I

91 MPa
/ Etched .



/ /
/i / / / / / /
1/ / J
6-l- ~/T I
0 1
3 4
7 8

I 10 , I

N(x 105 }
r /




Fig. 9 Plots of crack length a versus N for BFRP patched specimens.

Specimen for which results are plotted in (d) was given full etching
treatment whilst the others were only grit blasted. Nominal stress
levels are indicated on each plot. Dashed lines indicate the expected
rate of crack growth in the absence of the patch.

t' ;. ~ ~ q
(a) (b) 72 MPa
,. 40

- ..


34 /
3-0 ,/

v/ _.



2v + I\.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


,V _91 MPa
(c) (d) 111 MPa
.. 40 50
I Patch-
~ /
38 i.' /
/ 45


L - L
3-2 40
) /

v - -
2-8 35

26 + +

24 3D

... + \
20 25
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

a (mm)
Fig. 10... Plots of stress intensity range AK (calculated from crack propagation
rates) versus crack length,a, for (a) unpatched specimens and (b),
(c), and (d) BF RP/D patched specimens. Nominal stress levels are
indicated on each plot. Dashed lines indicate the expected
relationships in the absence of the patch.
1 Crack- tip 4 mm before patch

~ Crack- tip under centre of patch ,.,.

~ Crack- tip 4 mm beyond patch


Fig. 11. Schematic illustration of specimen used for

stress- corrosion studies showing the three
patch locations.

~ J.o
!: <t

70 I I I I i I 5> ~y I


cQ.l 40

l ///~/

- 30

/ Average crack -
growth curve



0 0~-------L------_.------~------~------~------~~------~----~
4 8 12 1& 20 24 28 32
Time, days.

Fig. 12. Plots of crack growth versus time for

wedge loaded stress-corrosion specimens.


E 20

//r Equivalent crack-growth for normal unpatched

""" ..c
.... 12

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time after heat treatment, days.
Fig. 13. Plots of crack-growth versus time for wedge
loaded stress-corrosion specimens subjected to
the thermal treatment used for patching.

c ) ,, :. :t
. ., .,_
" ~

20 1-
/ ' Average crack-growth curve for unpatched
I specimens.

16 .

~ 8

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time after patching, days

Fig. 14. Plots of crack-growth versus time for

wedge loaded stress-corrosion specimens
patched 4 mm ahead of the crack tip.
24 . I ~
20 1- / .
c) 16
/ Average crack-growth curve for unpatched
c / specimens.
.... /

12 / .
....C'IJ 8 / -
I No detectable growth in 5 specimens.
4 ~ .
0 4


20 24 2!> 32
Time after patching, days

Fig.15 Plots of crack-growth versus time for

wedge loaded stress-corrosion specimens
reinforced with the crack tip centrally under
the patches.

. 1!, ~ ,'\'

24 I
I ,...,...
Average crack-growth curves ..........
I for unpatched specimens /

20 1-

Corresponding to

Corresponding to curve 3
E (K curves 1 and 2 /
I /
I /
co 12 I / _/' 2
I /
~ (.)
~ 8 t- I / / / 3
"' u

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time after patching, days.

Fig. 16. Plots of crack-growth versus time for

wedge loaded stress-corrosion specimens
reinforced with the crack tip extending
4 mm beyond the patches.
Fig. 17. General view of underside of an upper Hercules wing plank showing examples of
BF RP patches bonded over cracks. The repair, second from left, shows the coating
of sealant (SR 1422A) which is applied after bonding.

(a) (b) (C)

Fig. 18. Three test panels constructed from Hercules wing plank material after testing
under compression.
a. uncracked
b. cracked
c. cracked then reinforced with BF RP patches.



cracked and patched

.j::.. co
Vl 0
N _.J


0 2 4 6 8
Deflection, mm
10 12 14 16
Fig. 19 Load/deflection curves for wing plank compression test specimens; measurement
positions are indiccrted in schematic diagram.

<. ..,. ' ~





0 ~


(a l



Fig. 22 Macchi landing wheel.
a. general view showing location of typical crack.
b. BFRP composite patches bonded over ends of crack.
QUESTION-Grp. Capt. I. Sutherland
Concerning the practical application of these patches, since simple aircraft repairs are
normally not "designed" as such but rely on replacement of lost material, would it not be
possible to produce standardized repair patches on a material gauge size basis?

Authors' Reply
Design of the repair based only on the replacement of lost strength or stiffness in a cracked
component may not be adequate, particularly if there is danger of serious failure should the
crack propagate out of the repaired region. In general, some verification of the patching scheme
would be necessary either experimentally, as for the two examples given in the paper, or
theoretically based on the effective stress intensity in the component and shear stresses in the
adhesive layer.
In a worn or corroded component, however, repair based on the replacement of lost material,
on an effective gauge-size basis, should be satisfactory. The fibre composite material is most
efficiently used for this purpose when replacing strength or stiffness in only one direction;
however, biaxial reinforcement can be obtained by arranging the fibres, in the repair patch, at
various angles. The need to tailor the form and mechanical properties of the composite patch
for each type of repair may make the production of useful standard patches for a wide range of
repairs difficult.

(Monash University)
Bearing in mind what you said about the ease of application of patches by unskilled personnel,
are there any difficulties in ensuring the quality of the adhesive bond (i.e. control of regularity
and thickness of the adhesive film)?

Authors' Reply
It is most important that a very high level of cleanliness is maintained during the bonding
procedure and the correct materials are used. However, we feel that the standards required for
bonding the patches could be attained by any reliable operator after limited instruction.
With a supported film and low-flow adhesive, such as AF126, there is little danger of locally
squeezing the adhesive out of any area, which would have regions with no bond. However, some
variations in the thickness of the adhesive layer probably do occur when pressurising with
Toggle clamps, as in the Hercules repair. These thickness variations, while not desirable, are not
considered serious and must be accepted to maintain the simplicity of the repair technique.

QUESTION-Grp. Capt. W. E. Sansum

Most of the patches displayed were of simple shape or large radius of curvature. What is
the ability to mould boron fibre patches to complex shapes and small radius fillets?

Authors' Reply
Boron fibres cannot be moulded to radii less than about 40 mm; however, carbon-fibre
composite patches can be moulded to radii of less than 5 mm and would therefore be a better

alternative where patches with severe curvatures are required. Carbon-fibre patches would have
to be insulated from the surface of the metal, in most cases, to avoid the danger of corrosion.
A thin layer of glass-fibre reinforced plastic can be satisfactorily used as an insulating layer.
Patches with complex curvatures can easily be produced, provided the curvatures fall within
the limits stated. However, reinforcement of regions with fillets of very small radius would be
very difficult.

What procedures do you recommend for establishing the quality of the bond:
(a) when the patch is applied, and
(b) later when the repaired component undergoes scheduled or unscheduled maintenance?

Authors' Reply
At this time, for both initial and subsequent inspections of the adhesive bond, a high
frequency eddy-current device has proved very successful. This technique, which was developed
by Mr. Glanvill of these Laboratories, gives a go or no-go indication of the condition of the
bond. Readings on the device are affected both by variations in adhesive thickness and by the
presence of debonds; however, an experienced operator can distinguish between the readings
from each source. The method used for the Hercules and Macchi patches is to be written up by
Mr. Glanvill as an inspection procedure for the RAAF.







Total fatigue lives, fatigue crack initiation and propagation lives, and fatigue crack
propagation rates of notched (Kt = 3 15) SAE 4340 steel specimens under program
loading have been determined in air environments having 45 different water vapour content/
temperature combinations. Forty-three of these involved unsaturated (less than 100% RH)
The maxima in total life and initiation and propagation lives, and the minimum
crack propagation rate, did not occur in very dry air, but at 3% to 50% RH at 100C
to 40C respectively (i.e. from 40C to 100C and water vapour contents of 20 to 30 g
per kg of dry air). These results are not in conflict with previous work.
As the temperature of air of constant water vapour content is lowered, and the con-
ditions change from an unsaturated to a saturated (100% RH, "fog") environment, a
marked reduction in fatigue life occurs. This is due to the combination of a decrease in
crack initiation life and a large increase in the rate of crack propagation.
These effects may be interpreted as being due to the production of various hydrogen
contents in the specimens because of the various environments, and consequently as
differences in the fatigue behaviour of various SAE 4340/hydrogen "alloys". The bearing
of the results on the common concepts of "corrosion fatigue" and "atmospheric
corrosion fatigue" is discussed.

An environment of air saturated with water vapour results in a marked increase in fatigue
crack propagation rate and a decreased fatigue life of ultra-high strength steels compared with
the corresponding values in an unsaturated air environment at the same nominal temperature. 1 - 3
However, the effects of variations in the humidity and temperature of unsaturated air on
fatigue behaviour are not at all clear. On the one hand, higher water vapour content has been
associated by some workers with a faster fatigue crack propagation rate 4 - 6 or shorter total
fatigue life, L 11 while in the case of other workers, no effect has been observed, or was only
sometimes present. 1 2- 14 Only one of these studies 11 concerns high strength steel in an air
environment of more than two water vapour contents, but it was limited to a single measured
temperature of 25C.
Again, the possible effects of humidity on fatigue crack initiation have apparently been
neglected to date. Published experimental evidence is therefore insufficient to conclude that
increasing water vapour content of air is always detrimental to fatigue life; in particular, the
possible effects of such environmental variations on the fatigue behaviour of ultra-high strength
steels are virtually unknown. The work to be described, involving 45 different water vapour
content/temperature combinations, provides some information in this field. '~


2.1 Materials and Specimens

Keyhole-notched (Kt = 3 15) fatigue test specimens of the form shown in Figure 1 were
manufactured from SAE 4340 nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel of the following average
composition: 04% C, 175% Ni, 084% Cr, 023% Mo. The specimens were rough machined
to approximately I 25 mm oversize and then heat-treated to the following schedule: austenitize
at 81614C, quench into warm circulating oil at 38 to 60C, and temper twice at 3555C for
one hour. Specimens were then finished machined. The curved plane surfaces of the test section
were polished longitudinally to a 600- grit finish, following which the two holes for the stress
concentrator were drilled and reamed using high-speed steel drills and solid carbide reamers,
and the connecting slot spark machined. Finally, a light 600 grit longitudinal polish was
employed to remove any burrs developed during the machining of the keyhole notch.
The heat-treatment resulted in the following average static tensile properties: ultimate
tensile strength, 1570 MPa; 0 1% proof stress, 1425 MPa; elongation, 8 4%.

2.2 Load Conditions

Each specimen was tested under repeated tension in a Losenhausen UHS 20 hydraulic
pulsator using the four-stage program loading sequence illustrated in Figure 2, commencing
with the lowest load range of the program. Most specimens were tested at a rate of 1 25
programs per hour, the remainder being tested at 0 8 programs per hour.
Under the particular machine control conditions used, the cyclic wave form was triangular
(saw-tooth), with a faster rate of unloading per cycle than of loading. In a given test, the rates
of loading and of unloading were constant during cycling at each of the four load levels in the
program. Consequently, the cyclic frequency depended on the load level within a program,
and on the rate of program load application, as shown in Table I.

Cyclic Frequencies and Rates of Loading During Tests

Rates of loading
Rate of program and unloading in Cyclic frequency in each load level (Hz)
load application each cycle
(programs/hour) (MPafsec) Level Level Level Level
1 2 3 4
loading unloading

08 290 1580 07 05 04 03
125 495 1580 1 1 07 06 05

Average cyclic frequencies at 08 and 125 programs per hour were 06 and 09 Hz
respectively (2,594 cycles, i.e. 1 program, in 75 and 48 minutes respectively).

2.3 Environments
Air at constant pressure can contain water as vapour in amounts up to a saturation value
which depends markedly on temperature. This dependence is shown by the saturation (100%
relative humidity (RH)) line on the psychrometric diagram 15 for standard pressure (Fig. 3), in
which all environments to the right of this line are unsaturated, and those to the left represent
saturated ("fog") conditions. Curves representing any desired RH of unsaturated air may be
constructed, those for 40, 10 and 1% RH being also shown on Figure 3.
At constant pressure, it is apparent that any two of the three variables, viz. water vapour
content, RH or temperature, must be known if a particular environment is to be accurately
defined and located on the psychrometric diagram. The specification of one or more RHs without
the corresponding temperature or water vapour content does not permit meaningful compari-
sons between environments to be made.
In the present work, both the RH and the temperature of the air inside an environmental
chamber which surrounded the specimen were monitored and controlled during each test. The
test environments, including two in saturated air, are shown in Figure 3.
Specimen temperature was maintained to within 1 C throughout each test in unsaturated
air by means of a small electrical heating coil around the specimen test section. The coil had
widely spaced windings to allow free access of the environment to the stress concentrator. The
relative humidity of the air in tests involving unsaturated air was maintained by means of a
heated water bath through which initially dry air was continually bubbled at constant rate;
RH (or water vapour content) was controlled, within the limits indicated by the length of the
vertical line at each environmental point in Figure 3, from a humidity sensor by feedback control
to the heater in the water bath.
The saturated air environments were produced by increasing the water bath temperature
and rate of airflow sufficiently to provide condensing conditions at the specimen at the required
specimen temperature. The heating coil, although present, was not electrically connected in
these environments.
The dry air used in all tests was commercial "medical dry breathing air" containing less
than 25 parts of water vapour per million parts of air (less than 1 g water vapour per kg of dry
air). This was supplied in standard compressed air cylinders which were connected to the environ-
mental chamber by flexible hose through pressure-reducing valves and a flow-meter.

2.4 Observations
One specimen was tested under each of the environmental conditions in unsaturated air,
and three under each of the two saturated conditions. Each fatigue test was terminated by
complete fracture of the particular specimen, and the total life in programs was recorded.
The fracture surfaces of all specimens tested in unsaturated air exhibited well-defined
program markings (Fig. 4a). The fatigue crack propagation lives in such tests were determined
by counting these markings on enlarged ( x 20) photographs of the fracture surfaces from the

final markings of the most extensive crack backwards to within a standard actual distance of
0 I mm from its origin. (Markings in the immediate vicinity of the origin were insufficiently ,-:.
delineated on the fracture surfaces to permit an accurate count-back to smaller crack lengths.)
The fatigue crack initiation life was then obtained as the difference between the complete fatigue
life and the number of programs counted on the fracture surface.
Measurements were made of the crack depth corresponding to each program marking
of the longest crack in those thirteen specimens (I 25 programs per hour) in which the fatigue
crack front had extended to the full width of the test section ("through" cracks). From these,
the crack propagation rate per program, da/dN, was obtained. The corresponding stress
intensity factors, K, were calculated using Newman's stress analysis for radial "through" cracks
emanating from a circular hole in a rectangular plate. 16 Curves of dafdN against l:lK were then
plotted using linear regression analysis, from which the crack propagation rates at a stress
intensity range of 50 MPa m!: were determined.
The nominal failing stresses of each of these specimens was calculated from measurement
of the area of final failure and the record of the particular load stage at which that specimen
had failed (assuming that failure occurred in each case at the maximum load of the stage
concerned, and not while the load was increasing to that maximum).
The fracture surfaces of specimens tested in saturated air (Fig. 4b) showed no program
markings, and were generally much rougher than failures in unsaturated air. Nevertheless, a
region of fatigue crack propagation could be clearly distinguished from that of final sudden
failure, and in some cases faint markings were also present.
Hydrogen determinations by hot extraction under vacuum were made on twelve unsaturated
air (I 25 programmes per hour) specimens selected to cover the range of environments studied.
Scanning electron microscopy was employed on I7 specimens, as indicated in Figures 5a and 5b,
to ascertain to what extent, if any, intercrystalline failure was present.


3.1 Unsaturated Air

3.1.1 Total Fatigue Lives

The total fatigue life of each specimen is indicated in Figures 5a and 5b for I 25 and 0 8
programs per hour respectively by the numerals against the corresponding environmental
A grouping of the unsaturated air results at I 25 programs per hour into three tempera-
ture and three water vapour content ranges was made. A statistical analysis of the resulting nine
groups of data indicated that fatigue lives as a function of both temperature and water vapour
content are significantly different at the 2 5% level between corresponding groups and that there
is no interaction between temperature and water vapour content over the ranges examined. The
effects of these two variables therefore appear to be independent of each other.
Hence, the total fatigue lives in unsaturated air are dependent on both water vapour content
and temperature. The general correlation may be described by contour lines of constant fatigue
life, for example those at 20-program intervals which have been superimposed on Figures
5a and 5b. Although these contour lines must be regarded as indicative rather than exact with
the currently available results, and although the maximum attainable total fatigue lives are not
known, it can be seen that similar regions of relatively high total fatigue life exist at each rate of
program load application. (This general similarity may extend to the more detailed shapes of
corresponding contours, which have therefore been matched purposely despite the absence of
experimental data in some areas). The regions of high total life involve relatively high water
vapour contents (20 to 30 g water vapour per kg of dry air), and temperatures in the range
40C to 100C. It should be noted that, at both rates of program load application, the total
fatigue lives in the driest environments (less than 1 g per kg) were only approximately 50% of
the maximum total lives observed.
Total fatigue lives at 0 8 programs per hour may be somewhat less than at I 25 pro-
grams per hour under identical environmental conditions. However, the relative paucity of
results at the slower rate precludes a definitive conclusion.

3.1.2 Life to Crack Initiation
Figures 6a and 6b show these results, and contours of equal crack initiation life, for 1 25
and 0 8 programs per hour respectively. It will be seen that the life/environment relationship
for crack initiation is similar to that for total life, i.e. crack initiation life is significantly greater
in an environmental region of relatively high water vapour contents and temperatures than in
very dry or much "wetter" air.
Calculation of the ratio of crack initiation life to total life in the various unsaturated air
environments at the two rates of program loading shows that this ratio is more or less constant,
averaging 0 64 at each loading rate, with standard deviations of 0 08 and 0 11 at 1 25 and 0 8
programs per hour respectively.

3.1.3 Fatigue Crack Propagation Lives

Fatigue crack propagation lives are plotted in Figures ?a and 7b, together with contours of
equal life. Note that in this instance the contours are at 10-program intervals.
Although a somewhat similar dependence on environment to that for total and crack
initiation lives seems to exist, the absolute differences in crack propagation life are less marked
than those in total life or crack initiation life.

3.1.4 Fatigue Crack Propagation Rates

Crack propagation rates ( per program) at a stress intensity range (flK) of 50 MPa mt
are plotted in Figure 8 for those specimens in which the cracks extended the full width of the
test section. Although a relevant stress analysis method was available for only this crack front
shape, it is nevertheless apparent that the rate of fatigue crack propagation is least in the same
environmental area in which total life and crack initiation and propagation lives are greatest,
and that it is greatest in both the very dry and the highest water vapour content environments.

3.1.5 Failing Stresses

The nominal failing stresses of those specimens for which fatigue crack propagation rates
were obtained are shown in Figure 9. It appears that failing stress may be dependent on both
water vapour content and temperature, although not in the same way as other properties. In
general, the failing stress appears to increase with increasing water vapour content.

3.1.6 Hydrogen Determinations

The hydrogen contents of all samples analysed were not statistically different from each
other, and lay within the range 0 25 to 0 50 ppm. The analyses were not undertaken for some
months after testing, and no special precautions were taken in storing the fractured specimens
during this period. Since hydrogen is known to diffuse through steel at room temperature at an
appreciable rate, 17 it cannot be discounted that the hydrogen contents of the various specimens
may have differed at the time of fracture.

3.1.7 Scanning Electron Microscopy

All except three of the specimens examined (see Figures Sa and Sb) showed only trans-
crystalline fracture in the fatigue-cracked region. However, one specimen tested at 1 25 and
two at 0. 8 programs per hour also exhibited well-defined (30% to 50%) intercrystalline
cracking in the high-load bands, the remainder of each fracture being transcrystalline. These
three specimens are identified in Figures Sa and 5b by circles around the asterisks.

3.2 Saturated Air

The total fatigue lives for the six specimens tested under saturated air conditions were 9,
10 and 12 programs at 25C and 7, 9 and 11 programs at 30C. The corresponding mean
total lives are 10 and 9 programs respectively, and are not significantly different. Taking the
total life in very dry air (46 programs, Figure Sa) as unity, the presence of droplets of water
on the test specimen surfaces has therefore reduced the total life to 02 of that in very dry air.

3.2.2 Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation
Assuming that the faint markings present on the fractured surfaces represent changes in
load level within one program, it appears that the fatigue crack in each of these specimens
has propagated completely in less than one program. This should be compared with the crack
propagation life of 11 programs in very dry air (Fig. 7a).
The crack initiation life is therefore some 90% of the total life. Although this is a much
higher ratio than the corresponding value in very dry air (76%), the absolute value of approxi-
mately nine programs is significantly lower than in any of the unsaturated air environments
(Fig. 6a).


4.1 Saturated and Unsaturated Air Environments

Higher fatigue crack propagation rates and decreased total fatigue lives of ultra-high
strength steels in a saturated compared with an unsaturated air environment at nominally constant
temperature have been observed by others. 1 - 3 The present work extends these observations to
two environments of constant water vapour content at various temperatures. In particular, at
1 25 programs per hour (see Figures 5a, 6a, 7a), the approximate ratios of average total,
initiation and propagation lives in saturated air to the corresponding maximum observed values
at the same water vapour content in unsaturated air are in the vicinity of 0 05 to 0 2. Fatigue
crack propagation rates are consequently approximately 5 to 20 times greater in saturated than
in unsaturated air of the same water vapour content.
These ratios demonstrate the marked detrimental effect of water in air when present as
droplets, particularly on fatigue crack propagation behaviour, compared with an air environ-
ment containing the same concentration of water but entirely as vapour.

4.2 Water Vapour Content and Temperature of Unsaturated Air

The water vapour content and the temperature of an unsaturated air environment each
influence the fatigue behaviour of SAE 4340 steel independently under the testing conditions
employed. A region of water vapour content and temperature exists in which the total fatigue
life and its components (crack initiation life and crack propagation life) each exhibit a maximum
and the crack propagation rate (at constant stress intensity range, 6.K) reaches a minimum.
That is, the fatigue lives are shorter and the actual crack propagation rate is faster in very dry
and in relatively "wet" unsaturated air than in air of intermediate water vapour content (at least
at 1 25 programmes per hour).
Dahlberg 6 and Neu and Fletcher 4 found that at "room" temperature, the fatigue crack
propagation rate of SAE 4340 steel increased as the RH of a nominally constant temperature
air environment changed from "dry" to approximately 10% and then to approximately 80%.
A similar result was obtained at 25C for SAE 4140 steel. 11 The present results are not in conflict
with these earlier findings, however, since the present experiments did not specifically include
the environmental conditions used by these other investigators.
It is highly unlikely that the observed dependence of fatigue crack propagation on environ-
mental conditions in unsaturated air is associated with capillary condensation of liquid water
(as has been suggested elsewhere for crack propagation under static loading at 27C and above
approximately 60% RH 1 7 ). The direction of the effect up to the water vapour content which
gives maximum life is the opposite to that which would be expected, and also the rate of crack
propagation and the fracture appearance in saturated air (when liquid water is known to be
present) are entirely distinct from those in unsaturated air, even at water vapour contents greater
than the optimum.

4.3 Possible Mechanism of Observed Effects

Atomic hydrogen is produced when iron is in contact with liquid water, and it can diffuse
interstitially through iron and steel at room temperature. 1 8 The rates of production and dif-
fusion depend greatly on deformation of the metal by abrasion or cold work before and during
such contact. 19 - 2 3 . Hydrogen so produced may lead to hydrogen embrittlement, to which
SAE 4340 steel is highly susceptible. 14 - 29 Hydrogen embrittlement is more marked the lower

the strain rate. 3 0 In addition, the fatigue life of this material is significantly reduced and the
fatigue crack propagation rate increased by contact with water as liquid or as water vapour in
air at relatively high RHs, and by processes which also produce hydrogen embrittlement (e.g.
electrolytic charging and cadmium plating). Hence all of these effects on fatigue have been
attributed to the presence of hydrogen in the material. 31 - 3 3
,, In the present experiments, all variations in fatigue life and fracture characteristics are
directly associated with variations in water vapour content and temperature, and similarly
may be attributed to the presence of hydrogen in the specimens, derived from chemical reaction
between the steel and water present as vapour only (unsaturated air) or as vapour and liquid
(saturated air). The actual hydrogen content of a particular specimen during a test would thus
be determined by the particular constant environment in which it was being tested, each resulting
steel-hydrogen "alloy" then exhibiting its own particular response to fatigue. In the present
experiments, the basic fatigue properties of hydrogen-free SAE 4340 steel in air at a particular
temperature would be most closely approximated in the lowest water vapour content environ-
ment at that temperature. The maxima in fatigue properties probably reflect an environmental
region in which the hydrogen content is an optimum (cf. similar optima of other interstitial
alloying elements such as carbon and nitrogen in their effects on mechanical properties).
Although the common mode of fatigue failure in steels tested in either hydrogen or air is
transcrystalline, a significant proportion of intercrystalline fracture is also sometimes present.
The current explanation for this phenomenon is that intercrystalline fracture appears in signifi-
cant amounts when the calculated diameter of the reverse yield plastic zone is equal to the prior
austenitic grain size. 34 , 35 If this were the case, and assuming that the various environments in
the present experiments give rise to various hydrogen contents in specimens during testing,
then the observations of significant intercrystalline fracture reported here suggest that the size
of this zone may depend on the hydrogen content of the steel and on the strain rate (cf. Ref. 36
r. for copper-beryllium alloys), being smaller at greater hydrogen contents and faster strain rates.
It should be noted that in the present work intercrystalline failure is not associated with reduced
fatigue performance, and that to interpret its presence as evidence of a detrimental environment
would be incorrect.

4.4 Present Results and "Corrosion Fatigue"

It is commonly accepted that "corrosion and fatigue are mutually associated, and that
fatigue is accelerated, and occurs under lower stresses, when the conditions tend to promote
corrosion", and also that "the atmosphere, as well as fluid reagents, may act chemically upon
the metal". 37
The present results do not fit these generalisations readily. Conditions which would "tend
to promote corrosion" in unsaturated air are increases in the water vapour content and/or the
temperature, and one would therefore expect that the fatigue life would decrease with increasing
water vapour content and temperature. In fact, however, increases in these variables (at least
up to the optimum values) are associated with increases in fatigue life.
It is therefore of some interest to re-examine the origins of the accepted views on "corrosion
fatigue", and "atmospheric corrosion fatigue" in particular. Haigh's original paper 37 was
concerned with the effects of various corrosive media on the fatigue of brasses. He found that in
several cases, corrosive environments reduced the fatigue lives of the different brasses to less
than that in air at corresponding stress levels, but that the lives were unchanged in other cases,
and in one circumstance (dilute hydrochloric acid on naval brass) they were actually increased
compared with those in air. Since in this last case there would have been very little corrosion,
Haigh reached the generalization reported above by arguing that in this instance, air must have
been a more corrosive environment that dilute hydrochloric acid. This is the origin of the concept
of "atmospheric corrosion fatigue".
Subsequently, many more examples of various metal/corrosive combinations in which the
fatigue life is greater than that in air have been reported, and all have been taken as further
evidence for the more corrosive nature of air. 38 39 They include 033% C steel in a sodium
chloride solution at 96C (6% increase in fatigue limit), 40 and lead in acetic acid (an increase of
at least 75%). 41 . In the latter case, the specimen surfaces were described as "deeply corroded".
As early as 1929, Haigh noted that "using chemicals which might be expected to provoke
chemical action, the author has often been surprised to find that a beneficial rather than a harm-
ful result would follow". He therefore modified his original statement on the mutual influence of

corrosion and fatigue reported above to the following: "the conjoint action of a chemical reagent
and an alternating stress may be much more dangerous than either alone". He went on to
deplore the use of the term "corrosi9nfatigue" (which had recently been introduced by McAdam 42 )
as "ill-chosen and quite misleading". 43
Unfortunately, however, neither Haigh nor others such as Gough and Sopwith 38 appear
to have considered the possibility that the reported increases in fatigue life over that in air on
which the whole concept of "atmospheric corrosion fatigue" is based need.not be interpreted
as indicating that air is more detrimental than those other environments. They may equally
well be taken as evidence that those environments are beneficial compared with air. The latter
interpretation is more readily applicable to the present results.
The fact that although many environments are detrimental, some are beneficial to fatigue
life when compared with air-in the present case, very dry air-should stimulate the search for
other beneficial environments, and for strengthening and weakening mechanisms.

(i) Both the water vapour content and the temperature of an air environment influence
the fatigue lives of SAE 4340 steel specimens.
(ii) Within the environment!!! limits investigated, the total fatigue lives in unsaturated
(less than 100% RH) air were approximately twice as long in an intermediate region
as in very dry air or air of the highest RH. This intermediate region is approximately
40C to 100C, and 20 to 30 g water vapour per kg of dry air. These enhanced total
lives involved crack initiation lives approximately twice, and crack propagation rates
approximately half, those in the driest or "wettest" unsaturated air environments.
(iii) Total fatigue lives may be 20 to 25% lower at 0 8 than at 1 25 programs per hour
under essentially identical environmental conditions.
(iv) A marked reduction in total life to only 10% of the maximum life occurs in air of
constant water vapour content as conditions change from an unsaturated to a saturated
state due to lowering of the temperature. This reduction is associated with a decreased
crack initiation life (20% of the maximum in unsaturated air) and an increased crack
propagation rate (estimated at approximately 30 times the unsaturated air minimum).
(v) The present results may be explained in terms of a hydrogen-"alloying" phenomenon,
in which the hydrogen content of an individual specimen would be determined by the
water vapour content and temperature of the particular environment in which it was
being tested. The observed maximum fatigue lives and minimum fatigue crack
propagation rates may occur at an optimum hydrogen content.

Thanks are due to J. F. Nankivell and L. Wilson, both of Materials Division, ARL, for
carrying out the scanning electron microscopy and the hydrogen determinations respectively.

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16. Newman, J. C. An Improved Method of Collocation for the Stress Analysis of
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17. Johnson, H. H., and Moisture and Stable Crack Growth in a High Strength Steel.
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18. Norton, F. J. Diffusion of Hydrogen from Water through Steel.
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20. Swets, D. E., Environmental Effects on Hydrogen Permeation Through Steel
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22. Oriani, R. A. The Diffusion and Trapping of Hydrogen in Steel.
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ture and Dissolved Hydrogen Concentration.
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24. Johnson, H. H., et a/. Hydrogen, Crack Initiation and Delayed Failure in Steel.
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25. Steigerwald, E. A. The Role of Stress in Hydrogen-Induced Delayed Failure.
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29. Morlet, J. G., et a/. A New Concept of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Steel.
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31. Scheven, G., eta/. Effects of Hydrogen on Low Cycle Fatigue of High Strength Steel.
Proc. ASTM, vol. 57, pp. 682-97, 1957.
32. Beck, W., eta/. Hydrogen Stress Cracking of High Strength Steels.
US Naval Air Development Center, Rpt. NADC-MA-7140,
pp. 213, 1971.
33. Beck, W. Hydrogen and Fatigue.
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34. Cooke, R. J., et a/. The Slow Fatigue Crack Growth and Threshold Behaviour of a
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Engng. Fract. Mech., vol. 7, pp. 69-77, 1975.
35. Frandsen, J. D., and The Correlation Between Grain Size and Plastic Zone Size for
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37. Haigh, B. P. Experiments on the Fatigue of Brasses.
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38. Gough, H. J., and Atmospheric Action as a Factor in Fatigue of Metals.
Sopwith, D. G. J. Inst. Metals, vol. 49, pp. 93-122, 1932.

39. Duquette, D. J. A Review of Aqueous Corrosion Fatigue. Corrosion Fatigue (ed.
Natl. Asscn. Corr. Eng.).
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40. Lehmann, G. D. The Variation in the Fatigue Strength of Metals when Tested in
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... Aeronaut. Res. Cttee R. and M. No. 1054, pp. 13 plus figs., 1926 .
41. Haigh, B. P., and Atmospheric Action in Relation to Fatigue in Lead.
Jones, B. J. Inst. Metals, vol. 43, pp. 271-81, 1930.
42. McAdam, D. J., Jr. Stress-Strain Cycle Relationships and Corrosion-Fatigue of Metals.
Proc. Amer. Soc. Test Mat., vol. 26, pp. 224--54, 1926.
43. Haigh, B. P. Chemical Action in Relation to Fatigue in Metals.
Trans. Instn. Chern. Engrs., vol. 7, pp. 29-48, 1929.

,- I

- ~ -
"--- II
2 holes, 2.2 dia.
J' -4.8
l 16 xI thread
14 dia-

JOined by slot
All DIMENSIONS IN mm Kt = 315 NETT AREA 56 mm2

Fig. 1. Keyhole-notched ( Kt = 3.15) Fatigue Test Specimen

645 .....-----

690~--- ---
-, Smax 3

~ 520

1232 64
---- 2
1298 64
13&2 562
1924 670
2 594 Cycles= 1program

Fig. 2. Four-Stage Program Loading Sequence






E 15
... +-'

0 10

Temperature oc

Fig. 3. Psychrometric Chart for Air at Standard Pressure (15)

Showing Environments Used for Tests at
1.25 (+) and 0.8 (.) Programs per Hour.

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. Typical Fracture Surfaces of Fatigue Specimens

Tested in (a) Unsaturated Air, and (b) Saturated
(100% RH) Air. x8.

"' ~

40~--,---~---n---..----n~-.----rr 40 I I I J I i I I I I I I

351 I I I I' .J I J1 , I ...-;:;t---1 35

-;::- -
,_ I I I I I I /-1'

2:' 30 2:' 3 0


~ ~
,_ ,_
::::l ::::l
0 25 g_ 25
0. Cll
> >
..... .....

Cll 20 ~ 20



::J ~ 15 ~ 15
'+' E E
::::l ::::l
Cll .....
-=0 10 2 10
en .n
.n <(

5 5
I A /1 / I I ~ I [
I I I I I I o[--~ I !!I!I I j I I
Ql ;;:Iii; I .._..T

-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -20 0 20 40 60 so 100 120

Temperature oc Temperature o C
(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Total Fatigue Lives in Air at Water Vapour Contents and Temperatures Indicated.
(a) 1.25, and (b) 0.8 Programs per Hour. Contour Lines at 20- Program Intervals
of Constant Fatigue Life Superimposed.
*Specimens Examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Extensive lntercrystalline Fracture Present
40 401 I t I I I I II I I I

35 35

""2 ""2
ca "(ti
.... 30 > 30
"'C "'C

C'l C'l
~ ~
g 25 :; 25
Q. Q.
ca ca

~ IJ.Jf"=F31 ~9/ l .f6

'Ia 20 'Ia 20
~ ~
C'l C'l

> >
~ 15 ~ 15

*"' Q.)
$::J 10 ; 10
0 0(I)

<( <(
5 5 I 1/ A :% I I / I I l
o t:-- "J....::""'" I ---t:= I 3s! I I I I I I ~1
-20 0 20 40 so 80 100 120 80 100 120
Temperature C Temperature C
(a) (b)

.Fig. 6. Lives to Fatigue Crack Initiation in Air at Water Vapour Contents and
Temperatures Indicated. (a) 1.25, and (b) 0.8 Programs per Hour.
Contour Lines at 20- Program Intervals of Constant Fatigue Crack
Initiation Life Superimposed.

., t ~
, :jlo
i "<$
~ ..,


351 I I ! I I I W I I I

ro 301 I I I I I I
.... >
""0 ""0

- ~ ~1
.... ~
251 I I fI I
I ,... I
0 0
a. a.
ro ro
> >
Q) ~ 201 1 II I'
ro ~
s: s:
Cl Cl

.'!:::: -~ 15
E .E
::l ::l
Q) $ 10--1
+-' ::l
0 0 (/)
.0 .0
sl 1/ A I I /I I I
sl II A' ,.v 1 1 7, 1 1 1

-20 I ---=:r I I I 11
0 20 40 60 80 100 1'20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature oC Temperature oC
(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Fatigue Crack Propagation Lives in Air at Water Vapour Contents and
Temperatures Indicated. (a) 1.25, and (b) 0.8 Programs per Hour.
Contour Lines at 10- Program Intervals of Constant Fatigue Crack
Propagation Life Superimposed.

.; ;

401 1 I II r I II I I I

I I+ ~-j f -;::

Cii >
.t +380


) 30J
t260 +.


0 c..
g. 25 I ctJ
l ....
.... + Q)
..... t +350 + ctJ
ctJ + ~
~ 20 r""'

-+- '-t -.....>

..... :2
1Sr-- -:c ~:c
~ 1- - :c

""' :c
~ ~t- .....~~
-...I Q)
0\ ..... ::::::1

;? 'fl:1- .....~ 0
10r- .0
.0 t- I I I <(

o~d=:::: I -4:": I . --. I I I I 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature C
Temperature C
(a) (b)

Fig. 9. Failing stresses, MPa, at water vapour cont~nts and

Fig. 8. Fatigue crack propagation rates,. (da/dN) .urn/program, at a stress temperatures indicated. Rate of program load application,
intensity range (L>K) of 50 MPa.m%, in the various environments indicated.
1.25 prog./hr.
Rate of program load application, 1.25 prog./hr. (Results presented for only those specimens for which fatigue crack
(Where no result is given, the fatigue crack front shape was not amenable propagation rates were calculated. See Fig. 8.)
to analysis).

(', .;
t , fl. ~

For a given set of testing conditions, what is the reproducibility of your results?

Author's Reply
In saturated air, the total fatigue life has been found to vary by not more than two pro-
grammes either side of the mean in three tests under each of two separate environmental
conditions (see Figure 5a). In later tests on D6AC steel specimens at 35C in both saturated
and very dry air, in which five specimens were tested in each of these two environments, the
standard deviations were 0 05 and 004 for log mean lives of 19 and 59 programmes respectively.
The effects reported in the paper may therefore be taken to be far in excess of overlap in scatter.

QUESTION-N. T. Goldsmith
In referring to fracture modes the term "intergranular" has been used. I take it that this
refers to the prior austenite grain boundaries in the steel.
This then raises the question as to why the crack chooses this "intergranular" path, and
conversely, what the. actual path is when the crack follows a "transgranular" path.
Secondly, do the "grain" facets appear absolutely smooth, or do they show evidence of
microscopic ductility being present as the crack grows through the metal?

Author's Reply
In the paper (Section 4.3, paragraph 3), I noted that intercrystalline fracture is believed to
appear in significant amounts when the calculated diameter of the reverse yield plastic zone is
equal to the prior austenitic grain size, and I then attempted to associate this with the present
observations. No specific features of the transgranular paths, or evidence of microscopic ductility
on the intergranular facets, were evident.

Dr. Kemsley, your presentation of the way a number of interdependent environmental
factors influence fatigue life, particularly the interrelation between temperature and water vapour
(or pressure) is indeed most challenging and thought provoking. Analysis of such data is, however,
open to a multitude of speculative interpretations. To add to this speculation, I would venture
to suggest that we could possibly start with the proposal put forward, at this symposium, by
Dr. Lynch: namely, that crack growth processes are accelerated by the adsorption of various
environmental species. Thus, in the case of liquid water we have only to contend with the
adsorption of liquid water and its temperature dependence. While in the case of gaseous water-
air mixtures, we have the competing processes for oxygen or gaseous-water adsorption, without
any need to consider possible surface reactions leading to the formation of atomic hydrogen.
Then, if gaseous water behaves in a manner analogous to that exhibited by hydrogen we are
faced with interdependent and synergistic temperature and pressure dependencies, again without
even having to consider the complications arising from competition with oxygen adsorption.
With such a wide number of interdependent variables, the task of systematically determining
the way in which environmental factors either increase or decrease fatigue life is indeed formidable.




Aluminium foils attached to fatigue specimens show an increase of intensity of the
511,333 X-ray diffraction line as a result of cycling and the increase is shown to arise
from changes in texture. It is confirmed that this phenomenon can be used as the basis
of a fatigue meter in certain situations. However, it is unlikely to be of general use in
the aeronautical field because of its insensitivity to repeated-tension cycles.


Miyata, Horisa wa and Tashiro 1 bonded aluminium foils to fatigue specimens and showed
that the integrated intensity of the 511,333 X-ray diffraction line from the aluminium foil had
increased after fatigue testing. It was found that the intensity of this diffraction line depended
on the number of cycles and the stress amplitude. They also used resistance-type fatigue gauges,
and concluded that the integrated intensity could give a more sensitive measure of fatigue
damage in the specimen.
Miyata eta/. used test data to construct curves of constant integrated intensity for various
load amplitudes and numbers of cycles for a particular set of test conditions (material, component
geometry, test parameters, etc.). These curves were found to be closely parallel to the S/N curve
(Fig. 1) and it was proposed that the integrated intensity from the foil could serve as a measure
of the approach of the specimen to its S/N curve, i.e. to failure. In the practical situation, a
component, with foil attached, was subjected to fatigue loading and when assessment was
required the foil was removed and the integrated intensity of the diffraction line measured. The
calibration curve for this particular integrated intensity was then prepared by interpolation.
The number of cycles which could still be sustained by the component at some particular load
level was then determined by plotting the horizontal line corresponding to this load level and
reading off the number of cycles between the points of intersection of this line with the calibra-
tion curve and the S/N curve. Such a calculation can be made for any load level, regardless of
the previous load history. For a variable load spectrum, they estimated upper and lower limits
for the remaining life, corresponding to the maximum and minimum stress levels, respectively.
This procedure implies that the foil can record damage for a variable load spectrum. In the
service example they quote, for a rear axle shaft assessed after 5000 km under rough road con-
ditions, they predicted a total life of 11 000-13 000 km for the left axle and 20 000-24 000 km
for the right axle. These figures compared with an estimate of 45 000 km using Miner's rule.
The actual lives of the axles are not clear from the paper but are simply reported as being in
the range 10 000-20 000 km.
The investigations at ARL had two objectives: (a) to determine the reasons for the change
in integrated intensity and (b) to assess the technique as a monitor of fatigue damage, particular-
ly as applied to aircraft. The increase in integrated intensity seemed most likely to be caused
by changes in preferred orientation or texture, although grain size and line-broadening effects
were also considered. Details of the texture investigations are described only briefly here and
will be fully reported elsewhere.
Another fatigue gauge has been recently described by Dally and Panizza 2 3 This gauge,
which consists of a thin film of polymer loaded with graphite flakes, measures fatigue damage
as a decrease in electrical resistance. The gauge appears to be more sensitive than other fatigue
gauges considered in this paper, but a detailed comparison has not yet been made.

The Japanese workers used mild-steel fatigue specimens and in our earlier experiments
mild-steel carrier specimens were also used. In most of our experiments, however, an aluminium
alloy, 7075-T6, was used as the carrier specimen since this is more relevant to aeronautical
applications. Qualitatively, the integrated intensity changes in the aluminium foil were the
same for mild-steel and aluminium-alloy carriers.
The aluminium-alloy fatigue specimens were prepared by polishing on 600 grade wet-
and-dry paper and deoxidising for 15 minutes at 65C in a solution consisting of 328 g sodium

dichromate, 164 ml sulphuric acid and 1000 ml water. This treatment was found to improve
the adhesion during fatigue tests.
The aluminium foil used is a commercial product 10 p.m thick and is manufactured by a
combined rolling and annealing process, full details of which are not available; the foil, although
I) soft, is not fully annealed. One surface of the foil is much smoother than the other, apparently
as a result of a pack-rolling process during manufacture. The rolling direction (RD), to which
we refer at various points in the text, is apparent from roll marks on the surface of the foil.
Most of the experimental results were obtained from foil kindly supplied by the Mitsubishi
Company of Japan (foil A). This foil meets the Japanese standard JIS H4191-1954 and the results
should therefore be comparable with those of Miyata et al. Early results were obtained from foil
of unknown origin (foil B) and some isolated results were obtained from foil kindly provided
by Alcoa of Australia. The latter foils did not meet the Japanese Standard as regards purity, as
their (Fe+Si) content exceeded 07%, but the three foils gave similar results and the choice of
foil did not seem to be critical.
Foil specimens in the form of 10 x 20 mm rectangles were cut using a guillotine and were
then deoxidised for five minutes in the dichromate solution. Early tests performed with smaller
foils gave too much scatter in the integrated intensities.
To apply the foils, a drop of cyanoacrylate adhesive (Permabond Nl02-Pear1 Chemical
Company, Japan) was placed on the fatigue specimen. A foil was floated on the adhesive, located
in position, and then pressed down with a glass plate covered with thin Mylar. Metallographic
sections showed the resulting adhesive layer to be one third of the foil thickness, i.e. about 3 fkm.
The foils could be stripped off after soaking for 12 hours in dimethylformamide.
The integrated intensity measurements were made with a Philips PW1050 diffractometer
using a proportional counter detector, a 2 incident beam and a 1 mm receiving slit. The foils
were supported on a taut sheet of 5 p.m Mylar stretched over the bore of the specimen spinner
and a beam trap was used to eliminate extraneous back-scattered radiation. The 511,333 diffrac-
tion line from copper Ka radiation was measured with the detector fixed at 162 and with the
specimen held perpendicular to the incident beam.
To check the effect of accidental damage to foils during preparation, mounting and removal,
a foil was wrapped around a pencil and then flattened; the diffraction line profile and the inte-
grated intensity were unaffected.
A pole figure displays the distribution of normals (or "poles") of a particular set of crystal
lattice planes relative to specimen-based co-ordinates, using stereographic projection, and
offers an experimentally convenient way of presenting information about preferred orientation
in a specimen. For our texture studies, pole figures were prepared using the Schulz technique 4
with copper radiation. The pole figures were recorded out to 70 from the normal to the surface.
No corrections were applied for absorption or defocusing because these are the same for all
foils and are small for angles less than 40.
Transmission electron microscopy was also used to study the aluminium foil. The foils
were thinned by polishing in a solution consisting of 20% perchloric acid, 70% ethanol and 10%
glycerol, the polishing cell being operated at 15 V and about -20C. The window method was
used but, in order to obtain uniform thinning over reasonable areas, it was found advantageous
to mask the smooth face completely until the foil first perforated. The masking lacquer was
then removed, a narrow strip reapplied around the edge, and thinning continued in the usual
way. As a result, the foils examined in the electron microscope always came from very close to
one surface of the original foil.


3.1 Reversed-Cycle Fatigue

Foils were applied to constant-stress fatigue specimens of the 7075-T6 alloy, shaped as in
Figure 2. These specimens were loaded in an electromagnetic reversed-bending fatigue machine
which operated at 50 Hz. Two foils were mounted on each specimen, one with the rolling direc-
tion of the foil parallel to the direction of the applied fatigue stress and the other, perpendicular.

3.1.1 Diffraction Line Intensities

Integrated intensities of the type A foils were measured after cycling carriers at three levels
of strain amplitude (Fig. 3). The intensity increased monotonically with the number of cycles

and reached a constant level after approximately 10 5 cycles for a strain amplitude of 0 002;
this saturation has not been observed in the tests so far performed at the lower strain amplitudes.

3.1.2 Preferred Orientation

Transmission photographs were taken of the 111 and 200 X-ray diffraction rings from all
the foils used to plot the 0 002 strain amplitude curves in Figure 3. Copper radiation from a
0 4 x 8 mm focal spot was used with a 1 mm collimator and a 30 mm film-to-specimen distance.
The rings f'rom the unstrained foil (Fig. 4a) show well-developed preferred-orientation arcs. As
cycling proceeds, the density of these arcs decreases and new arcs are formed. The density of the
new arcs increases with the number of fatigue cycles up to 1 2 x 10 5 cycles, beyond which there
is no further significant increase. The positions of the new arcs depend not on the number of
cycles, but only on the direction of loading relative to the rolling direction.

3.1.3 Grain Size

The rings in Figure 4a have the sharp spots indicative of annealed material. After cyclic
loading to 10 4 cycles, the diffraction spots are small, but still sharp, and little further change
occurs up to 9 x 10 5 cycles.
A microfocus tube with a 10 fLm focal spot was used under similar experimental conditions
to examine the diffraction spots more closely. Figure 5 shows portions of the rings which have
been optically enlarged by a factor of 2. The unloaded foil (Fig. 5a) shows large, sharp spots;
after 10 4 cycles most of the large spots have broken up into smaller sharp spots. After 9 x 10 5
cycles there is a range of spot sizes and it appears that the arcs in the original positions have a
finer spot size th~n those in the newly-formed positions.

3.1.4 Line Profiles

Diffractometer traces were taken of the 511,333 line with copper radiation; no change in
broadening was detected in foils after 9x10 5 cycles at a strain amplitude of0002.

3.1.5 Pole Figures

In order to study the effect of fatigue cycling on texture, Ill, 200 and 311 pole figures were
prepared from all the foils used to plot the 0 002 strain amplitude curves in Figure 3. Figure 6a
shows the 200 pole figure of an unstrained foil and the texture can be identified from the pole
figure as the standard "R~' type texture 5 After 2 x 10 4 cycles, the peaks nearest the centre show
a distinct move towards the equator. When the rolling direction is parallel to the direction of
cyclic stress, this change is seen as a coalescence of the peaks (Fig. 6b) and when it is perpen-
dicular, it can be seen as a positional shift (Fig. 6e). Thereafter, there is no further movement
of the peaks, but a redistribution of intensity from these peaks into a broad central band
(Figs 6c and 6/).
Pole figures were also prepared of the carrier material before and after fatigue. The alloy
was not strongly textured in the initial condition and while there were definite changes in the
pole figure after fatigue, no systematic change could be measured.

3.2 Repeated-Tension Fatigue

Two tests were made in repeated tension using a flat mild-steel specimen as the carrier.
The tests were performed on a Schenk machine between stress limits of approximately zero and
270 MPa. These limits were calculated to give a strain range of about 0 0013. The first specimen
received 2 7 x 10 5 cycles and the second 7 5 x 10 5 cycles.
Transmission X-ray diffraction films of the foils showed that the diffraction spots had
broken up into smaller sharp spots; neither these films nor pole figures showed any significant
change in the texture. Diffractometer traces also revealed no change of profile or integrated

3.3 Simple Tension

A foil was mounted on a mild-steel specimen which was then deformed in tension up to a
strain of 0 18. No change in the texture of the foil was detected (as expected for such a strain),
but now both the X-ray diffraction transmission and diffractometer techniques showed the con-
siderable broadening that would be expected from a uniaxially strained bulk specimen.


4.1 Optical Microscopy

The proposition that an aluminium foil records a change in the carrier or substrate material
proportional to fatigue damage, suggested that the foil under these experimental conditions
was losing its identity and acting simply as an extension of the substrate. In particular, it seemed
possible that slip activity in the foil might be severely modified to conform with slip activity in the
A careful attempt was made, therefore, to compare slip markings on the foils with those
on the substrate. For these experiments, a mild-steel substrate was deformed by reversed
bending. A typical pair of micrographs is shown in Figure 7; the two fields coincide to within
20 p.m. The most heavily deformed areas on the aluminium foil correspond in general with the
most heavily deformed areas on the substrate, but there is no correlation in detail, and there
is no evidence that slip activity in the steel has forced any abnormal slip activity in the adjacent
grain of aluminium.
In geaeral, the surface markings on the aluminium foil were much more severe than those on
the substrate. This was particularly apparent for one specimen tested at a low amplitude; there
was virtually no damage on the substrate visible by optical microscopy, yet there was a substantial
change in the appearance of the aluminium foil. It must be remembered, though, that any slip
at the surface of the aluminium is rendered more obvious by the presence of oxide debris. This
effect is particularly marked in the case of fatigue deformation.
Similar results were obtained from specimens tested in repeated tension (stress ratio R = 0).
In the simple tension test, slip was not concentrated into bands and there was even less correla-
tion between regions of slip activity on the substrate and on the foil. In this case though, there
was very little difference in the severity of damage on the foil and on the substrate.

4.2 Transmission Electron Microscopy

The structure of the aluminium foil in the reference condition is shown in Figure 8-the
as-received foil has been cemented to a substrate and removed, but there has been no fatigue
cycling. This particular area shows substantial numbers of dislocations. In other parts of the
foil, there were regions which were substantially free of dislocations. Precipitate particles are
fairly common, both within the grains and at grain boundaries, but it has not been possible to
identify them from diffraction patterns. In general, the grain boundaries in the initial material
were steeply inclined to the plane of the foil so that they appeared on the viewing screen as sharp
lines unless the foils were tilted at a steep angle to the beam.
Figures 9a-c show the structure of a foil which has been tested with the rolling direction
perpendicular to the stress axis. The material is divided into sharply defined cells, the boundaries,
in the main, consisting ofpolygonised dislocation walls. In this specimen, there were many regions
of a hundred or more such cells, only slightly misoriented with respect to one another. There
appeared to be no systematic trend in the orientation differences between the subgrains in a
particular region, although dark-field images revealed regions in which clusters of subgrains
could be imaged with a particular diffraction spot (Fig. 9c).
Dislocations were mostly confined to subgrain boundaries and there were few isolated dis-
locations within the cells. Precipitate particles were still present, but these did not appear to have
interacted very markedly with the dislocation structure.
Figure 10 shows a foil tested with the rolling direction parallel to the stress axis. Once again
the structure consists of heavily polygonised dislocation walls although there are more dis-
locations within the cells and a large number of dislocations loops are present. Grain boundaries
in this specimen no longer tend to lie perpendicular to the foil.
Figure 11 shows a foil deformed by repeated tension. A few polygonised dislocation walls
can again be seen, but many of the more ragged-looking boundaries are also polygonised (as
could be seen by tilting) and it seems typical of this testing mode that the cell boundaries are
more nearly perpendicular to the foil surface. There are many dislocations within the cells but
the images are very short, indicating that few of these dislocations lie in planes close to the plane
of the foil.


Our results show that a soft aluminium foil cemented to a carrier specimen undergoes
changes in texture during reversed-cycle fatigue loading. The changes in integrated intensity
seem to be due only to this variation in texture and the changes in grain size and shape, inferred
from the diffraction spot studies, appear to have little direct effect. It seems unlikely that such a
texture change occurs only in this pick-a-back experimental situation, although there are no
known reports in the literature describing the effect of cyclic deformation on texture. Okubo 6
observed grain growth in copper electrodeposited on fatigue specimens and used the phenom-
enon to identify fatigue-critical areas. No attention was paid to possible changes in texture and
the diffraction patterns he reproduces do not permit any conclusion to be drawn on this point.
The substantial grain growth Okubo observed would, however, be unlikely to occur without
changes in preferred orientation.
Our limited experiments were unable to detect texture changes in the substrate material.
Since 7075-T6 is a precipitation-hardened alloy and the particular material we used had a poorly
defined texture in the initial condition, this result is probably not significant.
The electron micrographs (Figs 9-11) show the very fine subgrains in the fatigued foils. The
structures bear little similarity to the fatigue structures described by Segall and Partridge 7 in
bulk specimens of polycrystalline, high-purity aluminium. In particular, Segall and Partridge
did not observe the dislocation networks which are so characteristic of our foil specimens. The
structures we observed were more like those observed by Weissmann, Shrier and Greenhut 8 in
aluminium which had been fatigue-hardened to a saturation condition. Our networks are even
more clearly defined than the ones they describe and it is inferred that our specimens, because
they are supported by the substrate, have experienced a greater amount of fatigue deformation
than they normally could before failure by cracking. That the aluminium foil has reached a
saturation condition is consistent with the integrated intensity measurements.
The integrated intensity of the 511,333 diffraction line increases with the number of cycles
over a range of strain amplitudes (Fig. 3). At all three amplitudes examined, the plot of inte-
grated intensity against log (number of cycles) is approximately linear. At the highest ampli-
tude, there is a saturation of the integrated intensity after about 10 5 cycles. It is presumed that
saturation also occurs at lower amplitudes, but our tests have not been extensive enough to
confirm this.
In Miyata's experiments (considering his Figure 3 for aluminium foil on a steel substrate),
the maximum stress amplitude used corresponds to a strain amplitude of about 00015, at which
amplitude lifetimes are less than 10 5 cycles. Comparing these test conditions with our own, we
conclude that saturation would not have been reached in his foils. In our case, with aluminium
foil on an aluminium alloy substrate, saturation has occurred well before final failure so that
sensitivity is lost in the final stages. If the foil technique is to be used for predicting residual
fatigue lives in aluminium alloys, a foil with a higher life will be required. It was perhaps a
fortunate coincidence that the steel/aluminium combination used in the Japanese work gave
satisfactory results. In general, the foil used on an arbitrary component will need to be chosen to
match the properties of that component.
Considering that our main concern is to assess the aluminium foil technique for use in aero-
nautical applications, perhaps the most critical result is the apparent insensitivity to repeated-
tension cycles. The implication is that the technique would be reliable only for fully-reversed
stress cycles which would seldom occur in aircraft components. The conductive polymer gauge 2 3
may be more appropriate in these circumstances; it is certainly sensitive to repeated-tension cycles,
but has not been assessed for fully-reversed cycles.
Although the aluminium foil gauge is insensitive to repeated-tension cycles, there may be
some value in a technique which is able to distinguish between fully-reversed fatigue cycles and
repeated-tension cycles. It is believed that fatigue crack propagation is dependent mainly on the
stress-intensity amplitude, although the stress ratio R is also regarded as an important parameter
in some quarters 9 10 . The significance of R in the initiation phase of fatigue is not known.
Miyata et a!. 1 made certain claims regarding the suitability of the foil technique under
variable amplitude conditions. We do not consider that their reported tests were extensive enough
to substantiate these claims fully. Our own experiments were not designed to test this aspect
and further experiments would be required to establish the relationship between cumulative
damage and integrated intensity. '
Certainly this foil technique should find application in cases where R = -1, but a better

understanding of the scatter characteristics would be required. In particular, it will be necessary
to determine if the integrated intensity reading of a foil indicates the fraction of fatigue life
expended in a particular specimen or the fraction expended in relation to the average S/N curve
for the material.
The present procedures for application and removal of foils would present some difficulties
in practical situations. Alternative methods of bonding and removing the foils have not been
investigated and more convenient procedures may be possible.

(1) A soft aluminium foil cemented to a fatigue specimen undergoes changes in texture
as a result of fully-reversed fatigue cycling.
(2) The texture change causes an increase in the integrated intensity of the 511,333 X-ray
diffraction line.
(3) The integrated intensity increases almost linearly with the logarithm of the number of
cycles in the initial stages, but eventually saturates.
(4) The technique can be used to provide a record of cyclic deformation received by a
component only under certain conditions (e.g. R = -1).
(5) The technique has little prospective value in general aeronautical applications.

The authors greatefully acknowledge the assistance of M. D. Engellenner with the experi-
mental work.


1. Miyata, T., Measurement of the Fatigue Life of Motor Parts by AL-Foil.
Horisawa, H., and X-ray Study on Strength and Deformation of Metals, Supplement,
Tashiro, T. Society of Materials Science, Japan, pp. 13-18, 1971.
2. Dally, J. W., and Conductive Polymers as Fatigue-Damage Indicators.
Panizza, G. A. Exp. Mech., vol. 12, pp. 124--29, 1972.
3. Panizza, G. A., and Predicting Failures with Conductive-Polymer Fatigue-Damage
Dally, J. W. Indicators.
Exp. Mech., vol. 13, pp. 7-13, 1973.
4. Schulz, L. G. A Direct Method of Determining Preferred Orientation of a Flat
Reflection Sample Using a Geiger Counter X-ray Spectrometer.
J. Appl. Phys., vol. 20, pp. 1020-36, 1949.
5. Stiiwe, H. P. Texturbildung bei der Primarrekristallisation (Texture Develop-
ment During Primary Recrystallisation).
Z. Metallkd., vol. 52, pp. 34--44, 1961.
6. Okubo, H. Electroplating Method of Stress Analysis.
Nagoya Univ., Fac. Eng. Mem., vol. 20, pp. 1-143, 1968.
7. Segall, R. L., and Dislocation Arrangements in Aluminium Deformed in Tension or by
Partridge, P. G. Fatigue.
Philos. Mag., vol. 4, pp. 912-19, 1959.
8. Weissmann, S., Dislocation Substructure and Extension of Fatigue Life in Metal
Shrier, A., and Crystals.
Greenhut, V. Trans. ASM, vol. 59, pp. 709-42, 1966.
9. Cooke, R. J., and The Effect of Load Ratio on the Threshold Stresses for Fatigue
Beevers, C. J. Crack Growth in Medium Carbon Steels.
Eng. Fract. Mech., vol. 5, pp. 1061-71, 1973.
10. Maddox, S. J. The Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue Crack Propagation.
Int. J. Fract., vol. 11, pp. 389-408, 1975.

' 300
S-N curve of rear axle shaft ,----

A= Integrated intensity 1-----
, ..... (arbitrary units)
E 200 '-' r--...." ~
............. !'...... . . . ~~
-- r----
.:.t. ['......" r'-.. ~~
' ........
r...... '['-..... r'-.. 1'-L'-..... . . . . ~

t--. '~'-- ~ ~ ~ ~

....C" " ~ ~ I' -~

I- 100 --
t-... ............

.......... ........
r--.... ......
..... -
:-.::: - A=60
A= 5o

........ .......... ~

Number of cycles N

Fig. 1. S/N curve and curves of constant integrated intensity (after Miyata et al. [1]).

Fig. 2. Constant-stress fatigue specimen used as carrier specimens in most tests.


...... 30 A

Cl A
~ ~ I Angle between .R.D .
c ')("\
I and stress ax 1s

goo oo

00 r~~ i 0.002

...... I 0.0011 Cl

.01 2 3 4
Cycles x 104

Fig. 3. Variation of integrated intensity with number of cycles for three strain amplitudes
and for two orientations of the foil.

~. ;, t' ... < ,.


___,.,_ R. D. of Foi I

l' .,
\ .
/- \

t' } t '
' t '
\ ./
\ _,; / \ ./c:-
a b,

- .J .- (
i \ ' -
.. / .........
......- e

Fig. 4. Transmission X-ray diffraction photographs of aluminium foil (111 and 200 rings); type A foil.
a) as-received condition.
b) 1 x 104 cycles, R.D. perpendicular to stress axis.
c) 1 x 104 cycles, R.D. parallel to stress axis.
d) 4 x 104 cycles, R.D. perpendicular to stress axis.
ot e) 1.2 x 10 5 cycles, R.D. perpendicular to stress axis.
f) 9 x 105 cycles, R.D. perpendicular to stress axis.
g) 4 x 104 cycles, R.D. parallel to stress axis.
h) 1.2 x 10 5 cycles, R.D. parallel to stress axis.
i) 9 x 105 cycles, R.D. parallel to stress axis.


(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5. Microfocus X-ray photographs showing variation

in spot size with fatigue (single-sided film).
a) as-received condition.
b) 1 x 10 4 cycles, A.D. parallel to stress axis.
c) 9 x 10 5 cycles, A.D. parallel to stress axis.

"" ... ~ .,.
'" '!t

R.D .
! 7Slil l 752: l 753
Stress 2 !522: 2 l5ZZ 2 l5ZZ
3 .2252: ::1 2Z53 3 l252!
!.! 32!32: !.J -332!Z :.j 3i!!llZ
5 3752! 5 3753 5 375~
n !.!SZI? Ei !.!52:3 6 '-!533
7 5252!
~ ~
7 5Z5Z 7 5252:
f.' ~I!: a::!' e nli!Zll e ~2:32:


(a) As received (b) 2 x 104 cycles (c) 9 x 105 cycles

Fig. 6.(a-c) 200 pole figures of aluminium foils, showing the changes in the pole figure for
foils oriented with the rolling direction parallel to the stress axis. The contours
represent equal counting rates.
l 7512:
2 JS31!
J .2251!1
i..J 33Z2
5 3753
l 751!
2 l51!12:
3 2253
l! ]12:1!111
5 37511!

" .:nsa
Ei !.!S0Z !5 4532: 5 :.JSI!Z

~ ~
7 5251!1 7 :i2512! 7 52512:
E! f0!131! e l!leae f! 1,';322!


(d) As received (e) 2 x 10 4 cycles (f) 9 x 105 cycles

Fig. 6.(d-f) 200 pole figures of aluminium foil, showing the changes for foils with the
rolling direction perpendicular to the stress axis. Note that Figs 6(a) and 6(d)
are of nominally identical samples in the as-received condition. Allowing for
the 90 rotation, they typify the specimen-to-specimen scatter.

~ ... ... ~ ~

' ,_... ")
~ ..
,.. .11-
-,, -.....#-
.. -
.1"; '

.f.J "lii
.-f .. '.L
t: E
-.:-_ h~:"
..,.. j (/) :o:::t.
~ -o
() -'N
> '(5 c:
,.... E .~
r-.. .:! 3:
.E ....0
8+1 ::s "0
ctl 0
N - 0.
,_c: ,_
0 0
If) (.)
ctl ....
g. 'tl

Fig. 8. Structure of aluminium foil (type A) in reference condition (no fatigue deformation).

" ~ <If'
C' .



(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 9. Structure of aluminium foil tested with rolling direction perpendicular to

stress axis, 10 cycles. (a) Low magnification, showing cellular structure of
subgrain boundaries. (b) Detail of subgrains showing polygonal structure of
the subgrain boundaries. A is a high-angle boundary. (c) Same area as (b),
imaged with 220 reflection, dark field.



Fig. 10. Structure of aluminium foil (type B) Fig. 1'1. Structure of aluminium foil (type A)
tested with rolling direction parallel to stress axis. tested in repeated tension.

-:. .., (!,. '1


QUESTION-!. D. Newton
(SEC, Victoria)
Have you thought of developing the aluminium foils for the assessment of cumulative

Authors' Reply
Our results show that the aluminium foils are sensitive to fatigue cycling at various ampli-
tudes. Miyata et al. report that the aluminium-foil technique gives a more accurate assessment
of the cumulative damage than does Miner's law. Certainly the aluminium foils can record
cumulative damage, but we believe the Japanese claims in this regard to be somewhat premature.
Our own experiments were not designed to test this aspect.

It seems that the existence of some structural changes due to varying stress has been demon-
strated, and that this gives some support to the concept of pre-crack damage.

Authors' Reply
The texture changes we observed in the aluminium foils happen to correlate reasonably
well with the progress of fatigue in the substrate, but we do not believe that the texture changes
could be related in any direct way with the ultimate development of a fatigue crack.


Retired-Chief Defence Scientist
(formerly Superintendent, Structures and Materials Division, ARL)

The papers in this Symposium combine to give both a synoptic view of the aircraft struc-
tural fatigue problem and its solution, as they have developed within the Aeronautical Research
Laboratories during a period of 30 years, and also a summary of the current state of knowledge
in relevant fields, for example, of fracture mechanics, the micro-mechanisms of fatigue, life
monitoring and non-destructive inspection.
In the field of load acquisition and analysis, the nature of atmospheric turbulence and of
loads arising from manoeuvres and ground effects are sufficiently well established for prelimin-
ary design purposes, as are the methods for translating these effects to stress fluctuations at
critical points. For more detailed investigations, fatigue load data acquisition systems such as
AFDAS are now available to monitor fluctuating loads and stress on individual aircraft with any
desired degree of precision, and also to contribute substantially to the general pool of flight load
Several papers have dealt with current developments in the estimation of fatigue life and of
safe inspection intervals in safe life or fail safe structures. Although the procedures for achieving
a fatigue resistant structure ab initio are in theory well known, their achievement in practice is
difficult, and the assessment of safety is dependent upon the interpretation of test results on the
actual structure in question.
The adoption of risk and reliability theory methods permits the estimates of safe operating
limits to be made without adopting some arbitrary specification of the reduced strength level
at which the structure becomes unairworthy as a result of fatigue crack growth. (In "conven-
tional" analysis this is usually assumed to be when a crack has grown so that the strength is
reduced to around limit strength.) The crux of the problem is the formulation of a realistic
model reflecting the properties of crack initiation, crack growth, and strength decay of the
family of structures. The crack propagation and strength decay functions vary widely between
the different materials and forms of construction. Criteria for flight safety for aircraft of different
types may be expressed in terms of either a "limiting permissible average risk rate per hour"
or a "limiting permissible probability of failure during the lifetime".
The theory of structural fatigue endeavours to formulate a complete set of equations
describing the behaviour of a family of structures having variability of properties and with a
variety of critical locations, in which crack growth is preceded by a random damage phase, and
in which the macroscopic strains arising only after the commencement' of crack growth cause
interaction between the stresses at such a crack and at any other critical point. The equations,
which may be computer-programmed, are thus potentially useful for pre:diction purposes and
also for analysis of observed behaviour in structural testing, but useful results will depend on the
availability of more precise knowledge of the nature of damage and crack initiation and of a
realistic mechanism of crack growth from appropriately designed experiments on the actual
materials of construction.
Development of the theory of fracture mechanics has thrown new light on estimation of
the static (residual) strength of structures containing cracks, and on the propagation of cracks
under fatigue loading. In fracture mechanics theory the parameter of significance is the stress
intensity factor, and it is seen to be of relevance to the final failure of a cracked structure
(unstable crack growth), and to (stable) crack propagation under slow loading or under fatigue
conditions. Fracture toughness is a useful basis for comparing high strength materials for a
particular application. The sensitivity of fracture toughness to metallurgical structure is both a
hazard and a potential advantage to users.

Attention has been drawn in several papers to the great variability in fatigue data-even in ,.,
those which are obtained from carefully controlled experiments made under carefully controlled
laboratory conditions. And further, that the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the
data is often a rather subjective process, even when statistically sound and mathematically
justifiable techniques are used to present the results in useful form. In a discussion of the subjective
quality of S-N curves even when fitted to a single set of S-N data by experienced researchers, it
was revealed that, in a cumulative damage situation, these differing S-N curves could lead to
estimated lives differing by a factor of 3. There are obviously many more uncertainties involved
when data are pooled from different sources.
The paper dealing with load sequence interactions discussed the retardation and acceleration
effects on crack growth resulting from the injection of single high loads or single low or negative
loads in an otherwise constant amplitude sequence. These effects are qualitatively understood in
terms of conditions in the plastic zone at the crack tip, but theoretical formulations have not
yet been able to describe the phenomenan adequately. The effects of occasional high loads in
inhibiting crack formation and retardation of crack growth have been known for a very long time.
It has been proposed before, and it might be worth proposing again, that an initial "proof load"
be given as a means of "conditioning" a new structure before it goes into service.
In a detailed discussion of the micro-mechanisms of crack initiation and of crack growth
an explanation is offered for the low fracture toughness, and the poor fatigue and stress corrosion
properties of the Al-Zn-Mg alloys. It is concluded that the fracture toughness could be improved
and the nucleation offatigue cracks delayed by producing clean alloys, i.e. free from second phase
particles rich in Fe and Si-and further improvements in retarding crack growth might result
from either increasing the width of precipitation-free zones or preferably by eliminating them
The paper on D6ac steel investigates the effect for a number of heat treatments which
gave approximately the same yield stress but widely different fracture toughnesses. Explanations
of these variations were sought in the different micro-structures and failure mechanisms which
also affected crack propagation under fluctuating load. The transient effects of step increases
and step reductions in alternating load were examined; also the relation between the rate of
crack growth and the stress intensity factor. It was concluded that stress intensity factor offers
a means of comparing these materials quantitatively as to their crack tolerance and thus provides
a basis for estimating crack growth and hence residual strength.
As a means of studying crack propagation involving the behaviour of the plastic zone in
the region of the crack tip, a two-component model of elastic and plastic elements in parallel
has been proposed, to represent the macro-features of crack behaviour, and to simulate the
damaged area of a structure. To substantiate this concept, tests were conducted on test pieces
of annealed copper incorporating a key-hole type of stress concentrator, especially designed to
permit measurement of crack-opening displacement at the crack tip. Crack growth was found
to result from irreversible plastic strain, and the plastic contribution to crack opening controlled
the incremental growth of the crack. Just how well this model represents the behaviour of the
real materials of construction-and whether it will enable the fatigue behaviour of a structural
component to be directly related to a small laboratory test piece-has yet to be demonstrated.
A paper on the endurance testing of aircraft structures at ARL over three decades has
supported the contention that full-scale endurance tests are an essential part of airworthiness
certification. In addition, associated research investigations have resulted in a number of broad
conclusions. Aspects of particular relevance to life prediction were:
(i) the total fatigue behaviour of a new structure cannot be accurately predicted from
supposedly representative laboratory specimens, because of the lack of equivalence
of the stress redistribution which takes place either from loose fasteners or from crack
propagation during the test, nor can it be accurately deduced from the behaviour
of vaguely similar structures;
(ii) the effect of a high preload (limit load or above) considerably extends the life for load
fluctuations of lower magnitude;
(iii) the introduction of a large negative load, as might occur in a ground-to-air cycle,
greatly decreases the fatigue endurance.
It has always been a hope that means would be found to measure directly the deterioration
in strength of a structure while in service. ARL tried early on to adapt resistance strain gauges to
act as crack detectors, and over the year various attempts have been made to use some sort of
strain-sensitive coupon attached to critical areas of the structure to act as fatigue or damage

monitors. The use of aluminium foil has again been investigated by ARL, but the prospects of
success of this method appear small.
The physical techniques for detecting cracks and monitoring their growth by non-
destructive inspection have made marked progress in recent years, so that no significant manu-
facturing defect should escape factory inspection. There is also a high degree of confidence that
sub-critical cracks will be detected during routine maintenance. The efficiency and limitations of
current techniques have been reviewed, and the need stressed for careful selection and training of
field operators, and of appropriately designed tests to evaluate their performance. The prospects
of newer techniques have been discussed, including acoustic emission, ultra-sound transmission
and photo-electron emission which are still in the laboratory stage.
Another paper rightly draws attention to the fact that although environmental agencies,
particularly corrosive ones, interact with the fluctuating stress conditions in the initiation and
propagation of fatigue cracks, they are generally not given the same detailed attention as other
factors affecting the fatigue life. Excuses for this neglect are that corrosion often occurs at hidden
places not readily accessible to inspection, that the nature and extent of corrosion is difficult to
assess, and that its effect on structural safety is almost impossible to evaluate. The need is
expressed for corrosion monitoring using techniques appropriate to the circumstances. Such
techniques are now available and should be used on a routine basis. Similarly there is a need for
the use by manufacturers of more effective corrosion protection in structurally important areas.
An experimental programme on ultra-high strength steel specimens in unprotected condition
showed that the fatigue life was affected both by temperature and humidity (absolute or relative).
For relative humidities ofless than 100%, it was found that a maximum fatigue life was achieved
with a temperature of about 80C and relative humidity somewhat less than 100%, and this
maximum was about double the life obtained at values of temperature and humidity well away
from the optimum values. In 100% humidity conditions, with liquid water present on the speci-
men surface, total lives of about one-tenth of the optimum resulted: both crack initiation and
crack propagation were expedited. A possible explanation of the results in terms of a "hydrogen-
alloying" phenomenon was proposed. Although some environments are detrimental, the fact
that others are beneficial to fatigue life when compared with air should be a stimulant for the
search for other beneficial environments, and for strengthening mechanisms in the fatigue
The papers of this conference have indicated the great strides that have been made in recent
years in applying new theoretical and physical concepts to "life" estimation. But the subject is
so diverse and the interacting factors so numerous-each involving a great deal of variability
and uncertainty-that continued intensive effort is required to extend the theoretical bases and
to provide the essential experimental confirmations. Some of these areas have at least been
identified and leads given as to how progress might be made.
It should be remembered that technical innovation sometimes outstrips the scientific base
on which it should have been built-on occasions with disastrous results-so it is important to
try to anticipate in which direction technology will evolve, and to align research programs to
meet the challenge it will provide.
It should also be noted that no other type of terrestrial vehicle, machine or structure needs
to be designed, constructed, inspected and proved by test to the same high level of technical
efficiency and predictable reliability as an aircraft. As far as human need is concerned the only
quality that air transport has to offer is speed-and it is the n.sponsibility of aeronautical scientists
and technologists to ensure that speed is achieved with the maximum of efficiency, economy
and safety.


Security classification of this page: Unclassified

1. Document Numbers 2. Security Classification

(a) AR Number: AR-000-724 (a) Complete document:
(b) Document Series and Number: Unclassified
Structures Report 363 (b) Title in isolation:
Materials Report 104- Unclassified
(c) Report Number: (c) Summary in isolation:
ARL/Struc-Report-363 Unclassified


4. Personal Author(s): 5. Document Date: April, 1977

6. Type of Report and Period Covered:

7. Corporate Author(s): 8. Reference Numbers

Aeronautical Research Laboratories (a) Task:

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Approved for public release

12-0. Overseas:

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14. Descriptors:
Aircraft Life (Durability) Steels Aluminium alloys
Fatigue (Materials) Corrosion Crack propagation Reviews
Structures Non-destructive tests Aerodynamic loads Aircraft structures
Aviation safety Detection Gusts Aircraft design
Tests Reliability Measurement Fracture mechanics
Loads (Forces) Risk Fibre composites Histories
Flight Cracking (Fracturing)

15. Cosati Codes: 1113 2012

A Symposium on ARL work on Aircraft Structural Fatigue was held in October, 1976
in Melbourne. Nineteen technical papers were presented and these, together with questions
and answers, comprise the bulk of the report. The papers cover:
Australian experience and research in Aircraft Structural Fatigue
Fundamentals of fatigue and of fracture mechanics
Data acquisition and interpretation
Structural life prediction
Current research and development in structural and materials fatigue


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