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Server Virtualization RFP Template

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The key takeaways are that the document provides a template for a Request for Proposal (RFP) for server virtualization services. It includes introduction, requirements, evaluation criteria, response format and various other sections.

The purpose of providing this RFP template is to help companies create an RFP to find the best IT services at competitive prices and find an IT partner that is the best fit for their needs.

The main sections included in the RFP template are an introduction, overview of current technical environment, service requirements, selection criteria, response format and contents, information requirements, communications, notifications, delivery instructions and various other sections.

{Insert Your Logo Above}

Request for Proposal Template

Server Virtualization Services



Why Are We Providing this Template?

Based on the years of experience weve gathered in receiving and successfully

answering IT Requests for Proposals (RFPs) we strongly believe they are not only
{Insert date} Insert Company Name

a great a tool for companies to fi nd the best IT services at competitive prices,

but also a fantastic evaluation method for fi nding that elusive "best fi t".

However, very often the RFP process is run by people who have never written or
experienced a RFP to select and outsourced IT service provider. This leaves them
with getting too few bids or bids that waste their time. Our goal with the
template below is to give you the basic questions to ask and measurements to
think about that you might need to create your own technology RFP. And more
importantly run the RFP process without too much frustration and with the end
result of an outsourced IT partner that can truly help drive your business.

This template (which is easy-to-use and ready to edit) is completely free to use with
no obligations and no string attached. However as you will have noticed from
this website, we are a Toronto based IT managed services fi rm. Should you be
interested in discussing what needs drove you into looking for and IT RFP
template we would be more than happy to discuss them with you. Simply
contact us or call us at 416-483-8332.

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

Table of Contents

1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)............................................................................................4

2 INTRODUCTION TO {COMPANY NAME}...............................................................................4
4 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................... 4
5 SELECTION CRITERIA.................................................................................................................. 5
6 RESPONSE CONTENTS AND FORMAT...................................................................................6
7 INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................6
7.1 Corporate Information 6
7.2 Technical Requirements 6
7.3 Proposed Approach and Solution 6
7.4 Sizing and Implementation 7
7.5 Support 7
7.6 Financials 8
8 COMMUNICATIONS AND RESPONSE.....................................................................................8
10 RESPONSE DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS..................................................................................9
11 VENDOR PRESENTATIONS........................................................................................................ 9
12 KEY DATES..................................................................................................................................... 9
13 NO OBLIGATION............................................................................................................................ 9
14 AGREEMENT OF NON-DISCLOSURE.......................................................................................9
15 NO GUARANTEE............................................................................................................................ 9
16 IT RFP EVALUATION SCORECARD......................................................................................... 10

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

1 Request for Proposal (RFP)

The {Company Name} invites you to respond to this Request for Proposal (RFP). The focus
of the RFP is to select a single organization to provide server virtualization services,
including planning, implementation and support, to {Company name} over a {# of years}
period, beginning on {Date} and ending no later than {Date}. Following the initial term,
there is a possibility to renew this contract for multiple {# of year} terms.

2 Introduction to {Company Name}

Products/Services Offered
Geographic region and satellite offices
Major drivers of server virtualization
How many users
Expected Growth
Objectives of the users who will use the system
What main goals you plan to achieve with this system

3 Overview of Current {Company Name} Technical Environment

Who is in charge of the environment
How many users
Is it a PC or MAC environment
What is the server situation
Where are those servers located
What is the network situation
What is the backup process
Who is currently providing technical support and guidance
Are there any ad hoc solutions that have been implemented that a vendor should
be aware of?
What applications do you use, who is it used by, what functions does it serve, is it
hosted/local/COTS and when are the applications available to be used (24x7 or
What is your technical standards reference model? How would you break down
your system into application layer, data layer, security layer and infrastructure?
What software are you running to manage your servers (vendor and version)
What year was your solution implemented?
What is your server availability (24x7 or 8x5)
What are the major functions of your server solution?
The system interfaces with [x] technology to locations with limited bandwidth
Whats the customization of your current system?
Our CPU utilization averages to
The [company name] technical staff is responsible for what duties?

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

4 Service Requirements
As part of this RFP, the following services are the current priority items for {Company

{Examples listed below}

Scalability {Company name} wants to virtualize at least half of the servers.
We want to ensure your solution will be effective for the management and
support of our servers.
Power Management We want to reduce our power usage. VMs should be
consolidated into as few hosts as possible. Please explain how this would be
Application Awareness We use {Microsoft Exchange 2010, Microsoft
Sharepoint 2007 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1}. Please explain how your
proposed solution with manage the I/O requirements for these applications.
High Availability Please explain how your solution will allow our critical
applications to run 24x7, how VMs will be priorities and how we can restart the
VM without a loss of {#} pings.

VM Management Describe the capabilities of the proposed solution in terms

of VM creation and templating, physical to virtual transitioning, and provisioning
of VMs across multiple physical servers.
Live Migration We must be able to move a VM from one host server to
another while the VM is running and without losing more than {X} pings. Explain
to us how your solution will achieve this.
Metering/Showback {Company name} wants to use a showback strategy by
department and/or user. Describe the capabilities of the proposed solution in
terms of showback. What reporting tools are available? What levels of granularity
be measured? What management capabilities are there to streamline showback
Automation/Scheduling {Company name} requires resources to automate
and schedule VM migration and activity and re-activating host servers. This is
required to improve application processing during high workloads, migrate or
consolidate VMs to fewer servers, and power down servers to conserve energy.
Self-Service {Company name} plans to enable self-service VM provisioning
and management in the next three years. Please either provide the capabilities of
self-service provisioning and management within the solution, or make a case for
an advanced solution with an implementation schedule.

5 Selection Criteria
{Company name} will use multiple criteria to select the most appropriate partner.
Respondents are encouraged to be as aggressive and creative as possible in their proposals.
The following list summarizes the major qualitative areas that will be evaluated, along with
their overall weighting.

Industry expertise and experience

Security and business risk
Requirement satisfaction
System administration

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

Expressed Interest
Vendor strength and stability
Reporting capabilities
Financial considerations

6 Response Contents and Format

Please complete all sections of the RFP. If additional material is required for one or more
questions, please label attachments clearly and reference them in your response. Your
response to this RFP will serve as the basis for the consideration of your potential as a

7 Information Requirements
For the purposes of understanding more about your company and your ability to successfully
fulfill this important {Company Name} requirement, please provide the information below as
part of your response, clearly referencing each specific question.

7.1 Corporate Information

1. Give a brief overview of your organizations involvement in providing IT value added
services in the marketplace.
2. How long has the organization been in this business and what is your current market
3. Provide your organizations annual sales volumes
4. In what Canadian cities do you maintain offices?
5. Indicate the number of employees in your organization. How many of those are
dedicated to account management and/or technical support?
6. How many are full-time vs. contract?
7. Please describe your relationships and experience with manufacturers and major
distribution partners in the Canadian technology marketplace.
8. What differentiates your organization from your competitors in the marketplace
and how will this be relevant to us?
9. Will you subcontract any components of the proposed solution to third party
organizations? If so, please describe the components to be subcontracted and
provide details of any agreement in place with the subcontracted firm/individuals
as well as a summary of past work that you have successfully completed
10. Please describe your organizations experience in transitioning clients to public or
private cloud technology from more traditional IT service models.
11. Please provide details of three current customer accounts that are similar in scope
and requirements to those of {Company Name}.

7.2 Technical Requirements

1. Architectural Map. Detailed map of the solution, technical requirements are
indicated and the server layer, transport layer and access device layer are
explicitly identified
2. Server Capacity Recommendation. Recommendation of the required server
capacity to host the solution: number of VMs per server/socket, amount of
memory per VM
3. Storage Capacity Recommendation. Recommendation of amount of storage
capacity is needed, total storage requirements per VM and for the solution

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

4. Network Capacity Recommendation. Total network capacity requirement per VM.

5. Integration with Existing Network Acceleration Technologies. Description of how
the solution with work with WAV acceleration technologies for improved remote
office connectivity and backup.

7.3 Proposed Approach and Solution

1. Please provide a proposed work plan for a migration to your organization as a
{Company name} preferred vendor. Specifically, provide the following information:
i. Key activities
ii. Timing
iii. Information/resource requirements from {Company name}
iv. Deliverables
v. Key milestones, checkpoints, and other decision points
2. If we elect to move forward with your organization, what {Company name} resources
would you require (e.g., information, data, staff resources, communication) during the
course of migration and on an ongoing basis?

3. Please identify the team that will be assigned to the account and describe how
you plan to interact with us and any third party providers that may provide
services to {Company name}.
4. Please describe your experience in providing server technology and service for your
customers, focusing on planning, implementation, and ongoing support.
5. Can you provide specific examples of how you have worked with customers that
began with significant technology limitations and helped to successfully transform
them into organizations with well planned and executed technology strategies? What
were the critical success factors in this transformation?
6. How can we be confident that hardware pricing levels will be aggressive and will
remain highly competitive over a multi-year period during which new models may be

7.4 Sizing and Implementation

1. 30 Day Utilization Analysis. The vendor will use a capacity analysis tool to provide
an analysis of the active server workloads. It will also include an analysis of the
current resource use of VM over a period of less than 30 days.
2. Model VM Requirements. The vendor will model the requirements for candidate
workloads to function in a virtualized environment. This will include modeling
functionality on new server hardware that the vendor may or may not also be
3. P2V Services. The vendor will manage the physical to virtual migration of
workloads. The vendor will also set a contingency plan for an unexpected failure
where a workload cannot perform in the virtualized environment, and will
document a repeatable process for future migrations.

7.5 Support
1. Describe fully your customer support options including the assistance request
process, escalation process, support hours, response times, staffing levels, staff
expertise, and physical location of the help desk.
2. Describe fully your implementation support options, with turnkey on-site
implementation and project management support.
3. Please provide details on your standard reporting capabilities.

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

4. Describe any documentation and support (e.g., technical documentation, user

manuals, online help, interactive demos, web-based seminars, and online knowledge
base) that will be available, both from the technical perspective and the end user
5. How do you monitor customer satisfaction and quality assurance on an ongoing
basis and how might we benefit from this process?
6. Describe any support for future software releases and updates to all applications
as part of regular maintenance.

7.6 Financials
{Company name} has a total budget of {$$$} {currency type} for this project. Please fill
out the following cost breakdown for the implementation of the proposed server
virtualization solution. The vendor must agree to keep these prices valid for {# of days} as
of {date, time, time zone}.

Five Year Total Cost Summary

Five Year Total Cost Summary

Costs Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Hardware (eg.
Server OS
Other Server
Licensing (if
n & Training
Other (Please

8 Communications and Response

{Your name} is the designated {Company name} representative for this initiative. For any
information relative to this RFP, please direct all inquiries to {his/her} contact information is
as follows:
{Full Name}
{Company Name}

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

9 Notification of Intent to Respond and Clarification Questions

Please indicate your intention to respond, by email, to the above email address by the Intent
to Respond and Questions Due date outlined in the Key Dates table below. In addition,
please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for coordinating your RFP
response. At the same time, we ask that you submit any clarification questions regarding
the RFP. Answers will be provided to all respondents by the Answers Provided date.

10 Response Delivery Instructions

Please submit an electronic copy of your proposal to the email address indicated in the
Communications and Response section above. All responses must be received on or before
close of business {5:00 pm ET} on the Proposals Due date indicated in the Key Dates table

11 Vendor Presentations
Our intention is to hold presentations/demonstrations with one or more firms on the
Presentations dates indicated in the Key Dates table below. The presentations will be held
at {Company Name} at {Address} and we will endeavour to provide the successful firms
with as much advance notice as possible.

12 Key Dates
RFP Intent to Respond Answers Proposals Presentation
Issued and Provided Due s
Event Questions Due

13 No Obligation
The submission of a proposal shall not in any manner oblige {Company name} to enter
into a contract or to be responsible for the costs incurred by your organization in
responding to this request.

14 Agreement of Non-Disclosure
This document is considered to be proprietary and shall not be disclosed to any other
party. It is designed, developed and submitted to potential partners of {Company
Name} solely for the benefit of {Company Name}.

15 No Guarantee
{Company name} makes no guarantee of future volumes and offers volume information for
directional purposes only, to assist vendors with proposal preparation.

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

16 IT RFP Evaluation Scorecard

Before giving to reviewers the Procurement Team Leader should enter each evaluation criteria to be
scored in first column and indicate the priority level under the multiplier column. The evaluation
criteria with the highest priority will have the highest multiplier, e.g., x 10 and the lowest priority
criteria will have the lowest multiplier, e.g., x 1. Multiply the multiplier by 5 to obtain the highest
number of points for each criteria (since 5 is the highest score).

Reviewers must check one score (0-5) for each criteria. Multiplying the marked score by
the multiplier will result in the total points awarded for that criterion

NAME OF BIDDER: Score Score Scor Scor Score Score Points Maximum
Unsatisfactor Satisfactor e e Excellen Outstandin Multiplier Awarded Points
RFP TITLE: y y Good Very t g (mark Available
Good score (5 x
NAME OF REVIEWER: from (0-5 multiplier)
0 pts 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts and
EXAMPLE - 1 XX (x 5) 25 25
EXAMPLE - 2 XX (x 2)) 6 10
EXAMPLE - 3 XX (x 1) 2 5
1. Industry (x __)
expertise and

2. Security and (x __)

business risk

3. Architecture (x __)

4. Requirement

5. System (x __)

6. Vendor (x __)
strength and

7. Account (x __)

8. Reporting (x __)

9. Financial (x __)

{Insert date} Insert Company Name

10. Capability (x __)

11. Expressed (x __)

Comments on individual score selections or general comments during review of response:


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