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DRP Lesson Plan 1

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Subject: English Topic: The Shrimp Ch 10

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the Students
end of the Starter: (40 min) will be
lesson Reference assessed on
students Students will be asked to recall each wild animal they have posted on Edmodo with Books of wild their ability
animals, flip
will have: pictures/descriptions as homework. to:
10 min charts, drafting
Ask students: 1- What was Ben Shrimpton collecting and finding information about?
Analysed 2- Why? 3- What did Colin do? Use
researched researched
facts about information
Whole class Activity
1. Students will be distributed in groups of 6. use writing
used 2. Students will be encouraged to recall as many details about the wild animal they for different
writing for have chosen and give details to their group about the animal. purposes e.g.
different 3. Each student in the group will describe their animal in turn. story telling
purposes 4. Groups of 3 will be formed in trio and flip charts will be given.
e.g. 5. Students will use all the wild animals in their group and formulate a story in
developing short paragraph about the wild animals of their group. (20 min)
a story
from Group work:
I will group students in trios and distribute the role slips of Scriber, time
keeper and illustrator. Roles will be explained to students.
Allocate time for students to write a short paragraph of story using their wild
animals details and traits and writing in drafting pads.
Final version of story will be written on flip charts along with a title of the
Illustrator will draw suitable figures.
10 min
Wrap up:
Gallery Walk with class to see the different stories that are formulated.
Whole class feedback on review of each others story.
Evaluation of Student Learning Evaluation of Teaching
What did the children learn in this lesson? 6. If you were to teach this lesson again,
what would you do differently?
(Comment on any ONE aspect of your
teaching or planning)

What did they actually do? Or what were they not able to do / understand?
Appendix: Group Roles Assigned

Scriber Time keeper Illustrator

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