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The document provides excerpts from a book titled 'Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year' which contains short reader's theater style plays for different times of the year that can be used in the classroom.

The book contains 25 short reader's theater style plays that teachers can use in the classroom for emergent readers. The plays cover different times of the year from fall to summer.

Some of the plays included in the excerpts are 'Fall Is Coming', 'The First Thanksgiving', 'Holiday Lights', 'Fireworks!', and 'I Swim, You Swim!'. The plays have roles and lines for students to read aloud.

25 Emergent Reader Plays

Around the Year

B Y C A R O L P U G L I A N O -M A R T I N



Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
To Dorothy and the students in Dorothy and Carols
First-Grade Class at Little Red School House
for endless inspiration and motivation.

Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the plays from this book for classroom use. No other part of this
publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For
information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Cover design by Norma Ortiz

Cover and interior artwork by Tammie Lyon
Interior design by Kathy Massaro

ISBN: 0-439-10564-1
Copyright 1999 by Carol Pugliano-Martin
All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Curriculum Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Back at School!..................................................................................................................................................................15
Fall Is Coming ..................................................................................................................................................................16
A Day in the Pumpkin Patch ....................................................................................................................................18
Spiders Surprise ................................................................................................................................................................21
The First Thanksgiving ................................................................................................................................................23
Old Friends, New Friends............................................................................................................................................24

Time to Hibernate ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Holiday Lights ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Roll, Roll, Roll the Snow! .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Watch That Groundhog! ............................................................................................................................................ 31
100 Days of School! ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
Valentine Love Bugs ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
If Dreams Were Wishes .............................................................................................................................................. 38

Signs of Spring ................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Spring Cleaning Time! ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Springtime on the Farm .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Why Cant Every Day Be Earth Day? .................................................................................................................. 46
Frog Watch ........................................................................................................................................................................ 49
The Stars and Stripes Speak Out ............................................................................................................................ 51

Summertime Is Almost Here!.................................................................................................................................... 54
Hello and Good-bye! .................................................................................................................................................... 56
Light Up the Night ........................................................................................................................................................ 57
The Seashell ...................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Fireworks! .......................................................................................................................................................................... 62
I Swim, You Swim! ........................................................................................................................................................ 63

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources

O ral reading is an important part of any reading program.

Providing children with frequent opportunities to read aloud to
their classmates helps them gain confidence and feel comfortable
speaking in front of others. It is also a way for teachers to observe students
reading ability and progress without having to read one on one with each
child. (This can be particularly difficult when one teacher is responsible for as
many as 30 students!)
However, there has been recent debate about a widely used oral reading
activity, known as round-robin reading, in which students sitting in a circle
take turns reading aloud to the rest of the group. Round-robin reading can
often inhibit, rather than encourage, childrens oral reading. They may compare
themselves to others in their group, often with negative consequences. Students
may also become more self-conscious because they may feel that the focus is on
their reading skills rather than on the content of the text.
The plays in this book provide early readers with an alternative to round-
robin reading. Children are more motivated to read aloud when they feel
they are contributing in a meaningful way, rather than just because they are
next in the circle. Each child can think, This is my part. Therefore, it is my
turn to read. They realize that their part adds to the plays plot and they feel
a sense of purpose. Children are often less inhibited when they are reading
parts in a play because they are working together. The focus is on the efforts
of the group rather than on the reading ability of individuals.
My first-grade reading group has greatly enjoyed reading plays. Although
the plays are designed for oral reading rather than for performance, they
work well for either purpose. For variety, I have tape-recorded the children
reading aloud and then played the tape back as they follow along in the text.
They become very excited at hearing their own voices on tape. I have also
played the tape while children make puppets of characters for a later
performance. The taped reading provides inspiration while students work on
the puppets and also reinforces the words in the play.
I hope that this book provides you with a valuable learning and assessment
tool. I also hope that these plays will allow your students to celebrate their
newfound reading talents and to read for the sheer enjoyment of letting their
voices be heard.

Carol Pugliano-Martin

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Back at School! Back at School!

Challenge your class to create new lines about being back at school. Follow Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D
Letter E
Letter F
Letter G
Letter H

the pattern of the play by starting each line with a letter of the alphabet (A is Letter A: A is apple for teacher.

for, B is for, and so on). Since the play ends with the letter H, you may Letter B: B is for...because were back.

Letter C: C is for...can you believe it?

wish to have students begin with the letter I. Can they make it all the way to Letter D: D is for...did you bring your backpack?

Z? Once the children are finished with their lines, invite them to make torso- Letter E: E is for...everyone is ready.

Letter F: F is for...finding friends is cool.

sized letter cards that they can wear around their necks while they perform Letter G: G is for...great to see you!

the play for themselves or for another class. You may also want to perform Letter H: H is for...happy to be back at school!

The End
the play at a back-to-school assembly or another special event. This group 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Back at School! 15

activity will help build a sense of community early in the year. Afterward,
display the alphabet cards for year-round reference.

Fall Is Coming Fall Is Coming

After reading the play, discuss the different signs of fall. Ask: In the fall, Characters
Narrator 1
Narrator 2

what changes do we see in nature? What special things do people do in the Trees

fall? (pick apples, drink cider, look at leaves, and so on) Write the following Narrator 1: Fall is coming.

categories on chart paper: Seeing, Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste. Ask Trees:
Look at the trees.

Our leaves are slowly changing color.

children to brainstorm the various ways we use each of our senses to enjoy Narrator 2: Fall is coming.
They will turn red, orange, and gold.

the fall. Write their ideas under each heading. Then divide the class into five Wind:
Feel the wind.

I am getting cooler every day.

small groups and assign each group a different sense. Invite each group to
write a poem or story about using one of the senses during the fall.
16 Fall Is Coming 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books

Encourage students to use the ideas written on the chart.

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
A Day in the
Pumpkin Patch
A Day in the Pumpkin Patch
This play touches on an important theme: that living creatures grow in
Sprout 1
Sprout 2
Sprout 3
different ways. To explore this theme with a fun activity, gather a bunch of
Pumpkin: Im a lonely little pumpkin.
small pumpkins or gourds of different sizes, shapes, colors, and textures.
Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!

Scarecrow: Why are you boo-hooing?

Divide the class into small groups and have them spread out from one
Crow: We really want to know.
another. Give each group a pumpkin, making sure that others cant see what it
Pumpkin: Because Im the only pumpkin here.
Im the only one to grow.
looks like. Have each group carefully observe the pumpkin and write down a
Scarecrow: Dont worry, you wont be lonely
for long.
detailed description of it. They can even weigh the pumpkin and measure its
18 A Day in the Pumpkin Patch 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books
height and circumference. When students are finished, collect the descriptions
and line up the pumpkins where everyone can see them. Label the pumpkins
with numbers or letters. Invite volunteers to read the descriptions aloud. Ask
students to listen carefully to each description and then write which pumpkin
they think is being described. Finally, have groups reveal the answers.

Spiders Surprise Spiders Surprise

Narrator 1
Narrator 2
Invite your class to create a mock newscast of the new way Spider acts in
Bee Ant

Narrator 1: The itsy, bitsy spider

this play. To prepare for this activity, ask students to watch a news program
was getting set for Halloween.

Ill surprise the other bugs this year!

at home, or have them watch an afternoon broadcast as a class. Students can
Narrator 2: The bugs asked . . . play different roles, such as news anchor(s), reporter(s), Spider, and the
Bugs: What do you mean?

Narrator 1: Spider turned to look at them.

insects who were freed from Spiders web. The news anchor(s) can start the
He scratched his spider head.

I wont play spider tricks on you.

activity by introducing the story. The reporter(s) can then interview the
Ill give you treats instead!
various characters. Have other students ask the characters questions as if
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Spiders Surprise 21
they are in a news conference.

The First Thanksgiving

(Sing to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb.)
The First Thanksgiving
Wampanoag (WAHM-puh-NOH-ahg) Indians
Pilgrims Find four or five pictures of scenes from the first Thanksgiving. Try to find
We are happy on this land,
on this land, pictures that show different aspects of the event, such as Native Americans,
on this land.
We are happy on this land.
Were glad it is our home. Pilgrims, meal preparation, feasting, game-playing, and so on. The First
Pilgrims: We are glad we found this land,
found this land,
found this land.
Thanksgiving by Jean Craighead George (Philomel, 1993) is an excellent
We are glad we found this land.
We will make it our home. source for illustrations. Divide your class into groups, and give each group
All: We are thankful for this land,
for this land,
for this land.
a picture. Have each group take turns freezing in the pose depicted in the
We are thankful for this land,
and for our brand-new friends! picture. On the count of three, encourage group members to bring their
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year
The End
Scholastic Professional Books The First Thanksgiving 23
picture to life. They can add dialogue to their scene or simply do
movements. If only one person is in a picture, each child in the group can
play the same part simultaneously.

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Old Friends, New Friends Old Friends, New Friends
Friends 1 to 8

The beginning of school is not only a time for seeing old friends but also a Friend 1:

Friend 2:
Do you like your old friends?

Shy friends, bold friends,

how we love our old friends!
time to meet new ones. A good way to break the ice is to have students Friend 3: Sweet friends, neat friends,
walking down the street friends.

conduct a classroom survey. In advance, prepare survey sheets with a list of Friend 4: Good friends, glad friends,
help you when youre sad friends.

questions such as Like pizza? Have a dog? Play soccer? Provide a long line Friend 5: How about some new friends?

Friend 6: New friends, true friends,

beside each question. Distribute survey sheets to students and ask them to lots of things to do friends.

Friend 7: Hey friends! Hello friends!

go around the room surveying their classmates. When a child answers yes Friend 8:
Its great to know you friends.

Near friends, far friends,

to a question, he or she then writes his or her name or initials on the line were so glad we have friends!

The End

beside the question. 24 Old Friends, New Friends 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books


Time to Hibernate Time to Hibernate

Have a class discussion about hibernation. Ask children to think of animals Squirrel

Squirrel: Hey, Chipmunk! Where are you going?

that hibernate, and list their responses on chart paper or on the chalkboard. Chipmunk: Im going into my burrow.
Im going to hibernate.
They will probably guess several mammals. Then find a book about Squirrel: Hibernate? Whats that?

hibernation and read it to the class. What Do Animals Do in Winter?: How Chipmunk: I will sleep all winter.
I will wake up in spring.

Animals Survive the Cold by Melvin and Gilda Berger (Chelsea House Squirrel: But you wont get to see the snow!

Chipmunk: You can tell me about it in spring, Squirrel.

Publishers, 1998) is a good choice. Children will discover that mammals, such Squirrel: But you wont feel the cold air!

as chipmunks, are not the only animals that hibernate; reptiles, amphibians, Chipmunk: You can tell me about it
in spring, Squirrel.

and even some insects hibernate as well. Invite each student to research a 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Time to Hibernate 25

hibernating animal, including the animals habitat, diet, and so on. Have
students then make shoe box dioramas to show what they have learned. For
example, a chipmunks diorama would include dried leaves, grass, and acorns.
A lizards habitat would include rocks. Display the dioramas in your school or
local library to encourage others to read about animals that hibernate.

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Holiday Lights
Holiday Lights
Christmas candle
Hanukkah candle
Las Posadas candle
Kwanzaa candle
Lights are an important part of winter celebrations. Ask students to name
Divali candle
other important aspects of their holidays, such as family, food, decorations,
All: We are all candles.
Look at our light.
Each of us helps
activities, and so on. Ask children to bring in magazines from home. Invite
to make holidays bright.

Christmas candle: I sit on a branch.

students to look through the magazines for images that remind them of their
I make Christmas trees shine.

Hanukkah candle: Im in a Hanukkah menorah.

holiday celebrations. (Magazines from November and December will have a
There are eight of us in a line.

lot.) Have students cut out all the images and then work together to make a
classroom mural by gluing the pictures onto a large sheet of craft paper. Then
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Holiday Lights 27
challenge children to think of categories for the different images (such as
family, food, and lights). List the categories on chart paper. Have students
count the images that fall under each category and write the results on the
chart paper. Which category had the most images? Which one had the least?
What did they learn about the holiday celebrations?

Roll, Roll, Roll Roll, Roll, Roll the Snow!

the Snow!
(Sing to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat.)

Explain to students that snow consists of tiny crystals. Here is a fun experiment
Snowball Roller 1
Snowball Roller 2
Snowball Roller 4
Snowball Roller 5
to make your own crystals and observe how they form. You will need:
Snowball Roller 3

Snowball Roller 1: Roll, roll, roll the snow.

Make a big snowball.
Make two more and stack them up
so that they wont fall. < black crayons < 2 cups Epsom salts
Snowball Roller 2: Roll, roll, roll the snow.
Each arm will be a stick.
One on the left, one on the right,
that will do the trick!
< dark construction paper < teaspoon
< hot plate < wooden spoon
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Roll, Roll, Roll the Snow! 29 < saucepan < small paper cups
< 1 2 cups water < paintbrushes or cotton swabs

< goggles < magnifying lenses

Distribute crayons and construction paper to students. Ask them to draw a

simple picture, and then put their drawings aside. Add 1 12 cups water to the
saucepan. Place the pan on the hot plate and bring the water to boil. Have
students put on goggles and take turns adding 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts to the
water. Encourage students to observe the change in the Epsom salts as they are
added. After each student has had a turn, add any remaining Epsom salts. Stir
carefully until the salts dissolve. Remove the pan from
the hot plate and allow it to cool. Pour a small
amount of the solution into paper cups.
Invite students to dip a paintbrush or
cotton swab into the solution and brush it
over their drawings. Have students use
magnifying glasses to carefully observe the
crystals forming as the solution dries.
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Watch That Groundhog! Watch That
Invite students to write and illustrate a newspaper article about Groundhog Characters

Day. First bring in a few newspapers so that they can look at the format. Groundhog

Discuss the purpose of headlines and have them come up with a headline for Groundhog: I am a Groundhog and Im here to say,

their article. Provide some suggestions such as Groundhog Sees Shadow! or Squirrel:
please watch me on Groundhog Day.

Why should we watch you?

Early Spring Ahead! As a group, brainstorm ideas for their articles. Explain What do you do?

Groundhog: Ill let you know when winter

that news articles tell what happened, where and when it happened, and who Bear:
will be through.

How can you do that?

was involved. Challenge children to answer these questions in their articles Please let us know.

and to be creative in coming up with details. They can then write and 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Watch That Groundhog! 31

illustrate their articles, working individually, in pairs, or in small groups.

When children are finished, you may wish to compile the articles into a class
newspaper. Invite children to come up with a name for their paper. You can
even choose a computer font that resembles one used in the local newspaper.

100 Days of School! 100 Days of School!


Hold a 100th day of school count-a-thon! Divide your class into small groups of Students (or Groups) 1 to 9

about four or five. Ask each group to decide upon an item that they can collect Student 1:

Student 2:
100 days of songs to sing.

100 days of bells that ring.

100 of, such as small stones, bottle caps, pennies, beads, or macaroni. Then have Student 3: 100 days of everything!

students determine how many items each group member will contribute so that Students 1, 2, 3: 100 days of school!

they are divided up equally (or as close as possible). Once children have brought
in the items, ask group members to take turns counting the objects. For
example, the first student counts from 1 to 20, the next student counts from 21
to 40, and so on. After they have counted by ones, have students count by twos, 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books 100 Days of School! 33

fives, and tens. When they are finished counting, invite groups to make a 100th
Day display by gluing their objects onto a piece of posterboard. Encourage them
to arrange the objects into groups of five or ten. Hang the displays in the
hallway to get the whole school in the 100th day spirit!

Valentine Love Bugs Valentine Love Bugs


Use this play as a springboard to study insects. Ask students if they know what Ant
Love Bug Group 1
Love Bug Group 2

makes an insect. (Insects bodies have three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. Ant: Sorry, Im late.

They also have six legs, and many species have wings.) Have students name as Bee: Thats okay.
I just got here, too.

many insects as they can and list their responses on the board. How do they Fly: Lets begin our
Bug Club meeting.

know they are insects? Find some books that have photographs of many Cricket: Wait! Look! Who are you?

Love Bug Group 1: We are the Love Bugs.

different insects so that students can determine whether the animals on their
list are insects. Encourage them to compare various insects in the books. How
are they alike? How are they different? You may want to discuss with your 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Valentine Love Bugs 35

class that many small creatures like spiders and ticks are not insects. They
belong to a different class of animals called arachnids.
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
If Dreams
Were Wishes
If Dreams Were Wishes
(a play to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

This play is based on first graders actual wishes for a better world. To inspire
Dreamers 1 to10 your students to think of their own wishes, read aloud Dr. Martin Luther
Dreamer 1: If dreams were wishes,
King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech. (You may also wish to show your
Dreamer 2:
we would dream of a better world.

A world where everyone

students a video of the speech.) Explain that Dr. King uses the word dream to
Dreamer 3:
is treated fairly.

A world where everyone

describe his wishes for a better world. Ask children to think of wishes that

Dreamer 4: A world that is safe.

would make our world a better place. Then explain to them that sometimes
Dreamer 5: A world that is clean. people carry signs to let others know their wishes. Invite students to write
38 If Dreams Were Wishes 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books
their wishes on signs. They can work individually, in pairs, or in small
groups. Organize a march around the school in honor of Martin Luther King
Jr.s birthday. Explain to students that Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged
peaceful ways, such as marches, to spread the word about civil rights.


Signs of Spring Signs of Spring

After reading the play, have a discussion about the various signs of spring.
Robin: I am a robin.
I am the first sign of spring.
Can children think of any other signs of spring, besides the ones in play?
Bud: I am a bud on a tree.
I am the first sign of spring.
Have each child make a Signs of Spring journal in which they can record
Tulip: You are both wrong.
I am a tulip.
the changes that take place during the transition from winter to spring.
I am the first sign of spring.

Grass: No, no, no!

Give students each two or three pieces of white paper and ask them to fold
I am a blade of grass
I am the first sign of spring. the paper in half. Then show them how to stack the pages so they look like
a book. You may wish to help students bind their books by stapling along
40 Signs of Spring 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books
the fold.
Invite children to write a title on the cover and decorate it with drawings.
Have them bring their journals outside on various occasions to record the
changes they observe. Ask them to draw what they see, write about it, and label
it with the date. When they finish their books, children will be able to look
back at the progression from cold, wet weather to bright, sunny springtime!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Spring Cleaning Time! Spring Cleaning
How about Spring Cleaning Time in your classroom? Having kids help
clean and organize their classroom helps to foster respect for the room and Spring Cleaners
1 to 9

its belongings. Together, brainstorm a list of spring cleaning tasks and write Spring Cleaner 1: Clean all the windows.

them on chart paper. These might include washing shelves, cleaning pet Spring Cleaner 2:
Make sure that they shine.

Wash all the curtains.

cages, organizing supplies, cleaning out cubbies, sharpening pencils, and Spring Cleaner 3:
Hang them on a line.

Dust off the shelves.

even changing wall displays. Have students collaborate to write new verses Dont they look just fine?

Spring Cleaners 1, 2, and 3: Its Spring Cleaning Time!

for the play based on the list. Divide the class into groups and invite each
group to choose a cleaning task. Before the cleaning begins, read the new 42 Spring Cleaning Time! 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books

verses together to build enthusiasm. When all the tasks are finished,
celebrate with a spring cleaning party!

Springtime on the Farm Springtime

on the Farm
Invite students to draw a picture of an animal that lives on a farm. Children Characters

can use the animals in the play or perhaps come up with an animal that is Farmer

not mentioned. Have them read about the animal and write a few Sheep

Kittens Piglets

I am so excited!

interesting facts about it. Then divide the class into small groups. Play Spring is really great.
So much is going to happen.
I can hardly wait!

charades by having each group take turns acting out the animal of their Hen: After sitting on my eggs,
I just hatched some chicks.

choice while others guess. If possible, arrange a trip to a local farm so that Chicks: Now were snug and cozy
in our nest of straw and sticks.

the class can see the farm animals up close. It may be the first time some of
the children have seen these animals. Children can then see for themselves if 44 Springtime on the Farm 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books

their charade depictions were close to how the animals actually behave.

Why Cant Every Day Be Earth Day? Why Cant Every

Day Be Earth Day?
As a class, brainstorm a list of things that children can do to help the earth Characters

every day, such as recycling, conserving water and energy, not littering, and so Skunk
Beaver 1
Beaver 2
Baby Beaver

on. Invite your class to imagine that they are the kids who are cleaning up the Skunk:

Beaver 1:
Hey, Beavers! Where are you going?

Were moving to another pond.

pond in the play. What would they tell the animals when they ask them, Beaver 2: Its too dirty here.

Why cant every day be Earth Day? Collaboratively write another ending to Baby Beaver:


What do you mean?

the play to tell how they would answer this question. Encourage children to
use the ideas that they brainstormed. How will the play end? Will the animals
be satisfied with their ideas? Or will children have to think of other solutions? 46 Why Cant Every Day Be Earth Day? 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Frog Watch
Frog Watch
Tadpole/Frog 1 Tadpole/Frog 3 Tadpole/Frog 5
Tadpole/Frog 2 Tadpole/Frog 4

Tadpole 1: Pssst!
Use this play to introduce a study of animal life cycles. Using the frogs as an
Hey, tadpoles!

Tadpole 2: Yes?
example, discuss the concept of life cycles. As a class, brainstorm a list of
Tadpole 3: What is it?
animals that includes reptiles, birds, and mammals. Divide the class into small
Tadpole 1: We are being watched.

Tadpole 4: Look at all the kids! groups and have each group choose an animal from the list and research its life
Tadpole 5: Why are they watching us?
cycle. Provide students with books and magazines about animals.
Tadpole 1: They want to see us turn into frogs.

Tadpole 2: How long have they been watching? Invite students to make life cycle wheels to show what they learned.
Tadpole 1:

Tadpole 3:
Since we were eggs, I guess.

Well, lets give them a good show!

Model for children how to make the wheels by following these directions.
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Frog Watch 49 Use a pencil to poke a hole through the center of two paper plates. Draw
lines to divide one plate into four equal sections. Illustrate one stage of the
animals life in each section. The sections can
show the animal growing, eating, being
nurtured by its parents, and so on. Place
the second plate on top of the first so
they nest together. Cut out a
window in the top plate so that
one complete section will show
through. Use a brass fastener
to connect the wheels,
placing the one with pictures
behind the other. As
children turn the top wheel,
they can review each stage
of their animals life cycle.

The Stars and

Stripes Speak Out
The Stars and Stripes Speak Out
Before reading the play, ask your class if they know what the stars and
Flag Child Stars Stripes
stripes on the American flag stand for. Write their ideas on chart paper, and
Flag: Hello, there!

Child: Who, me? then read the play. After reading, use an almanac or encyclopedia to examine
Flag: Yes, you.
flags from other nations. If there are children in your class from other
Child: Who is talking to me?

Flag: Im up here, on the wall.

countries, or if students have family members or friends from other
Child: The flag?
countries, it would be interesting to look at their nations flags. Open a
Flag: Yes, Im glad you finally noticed me.

Child: What do you mean?

discussion about what the different symbols on those flags might represent,
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books The Stars and Stripes Speak Out 51
and write childrens ideas on chart paper. Then divide the class into groups
and invite each group to research one flag. Challenge students to find out
the actual meaning of their flags symbols. Ask groups to share their
findings, and add the information to the chart. What message does each flag
communicate through its symbols? How are the flags alike and different?

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Summertime Is Almost Here! Summertime Is
Almost Here!
(Sing to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Farm.)

The games in the play are only a few activities that can be enjoyed during
the summer. After reading the play, ask children what else they like to do Groups of Friends 1, 2, and 3

when they are out of school. Show students how they can use these ideas to Group 1: Summertime is almost here!
We can hardly wait!

make up their own verses. As each child contributes an idea, add that verse We will roller-blade all day.
It will be so great!

to the song. Then sing all the verses together! Chorus: With a roll, roll here,
and a roll, roll there.
Here a roll, there a roll.
Everywhere well roll, roll.
Summertime is almost here!
We can hardly wait!

54 Summertime Is Almost Here! 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books

Hello and Good-bye! Hello and Good-bye!

Divide the class into two teams, the hello team and the good-bye team. Characters
Students 1 to 10

Ask the hello team to make up their own verses of things they are looking Student 1: Hello to the warm days of summer.

Student 2: Good-bye to the great days at school.

forward to during the summer. The good-bye team makes up verses about Student 3: Hello to playing in sunshine,
and jumping in pools to get cool.

what they will miss about school. Teams can work together, in small groups, Student 4: Good-bye to a favorite teacher,
and friends we would see every day.

or individually. When they are finished, have the teams sit together and take Student 5: Hello to days that are longer,
which will give us more time to play.

Student 6: Good-bye to working together,

turns sharing their verses. Later, they can illustrate their verses and compile Student 7:
and sharing things that were fun.

Hello to helping at home more.

them into a class book entitled Hello and Good-bye! Student 8:

Student 9:
Good-bye to classroom jobs well done.

Though we are saying good-bye now

to school and to our friends,

Student 10: soon we will be back here,

saying hello once again!

The End
56 Hello and Good-bye! 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books

Light Up the Night

For this play, you may wish to provide the firefly character with a flashlight. Light Up
The firefly can then flash the light while reading the lines Blink! Blink!, the Night
Twinkle! Twinkle! and Flash! Flash! At the end of the play, allow small Characters

groups of students to take turns performing a Dance of the Fireflies! Ask Narrator 1
Narrator 2

children if they have ever observed fireflies twinkling at night. Do all of the Narrator 1: One day the insects were talking.

Narrator 2: They were bragging about what they

fireflies flash their lights at the same time? Are the flashes staggered? Does could do.

Bee: I can buzz very loudly!

the light stay on for long or is it a quick flash? Give each child in the group BUZZZZZZ!

Ant: Oh yeah? Well, I am very strong.

a flashlight. Make your room as dark as possible, and put on music that I can carry heavy leaves.

Ladybug: Thats nothing. I help farmers.

evokes fireflies, such as classical or New Age. Encourage children to move I eat bugs that can hurt their crops.

around the room, flashing their lights as they move. Note how the children 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books Light Up the Night 57

play off of each other. Do they take turns flashing the light? Do some
children flash repeatedly and others infrequently? Rotate groups until
everyone has had a turn. Enjoy your ready-made summer night!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Seashell The Seashell
Beachcombers 1 to 9
Whether your students have ever been to a beach or not, they will surely be
Beachcomber 1: I found a tiny seashell
sitting in the sand. fascinated by a collection of shells kept in the classroom. Try displaying
Beachcomber 2: I picked it up and brushed it off.
I held it in my hand. them at the beginning of the year, to ease children from summer to back-to-
Beachcomber 3: What creature lived inside of you?
What creature called you home? school time. Keep your shell collection in your science area near magnifying
Beachcomber 4: What creature carried you around
when it was time to roam? lenses, so that children can wander over and view the different shells up
close. For a more formal activity, invite children to view the shells under a
magnifying lens, draw what they see, and write what it looks like to them.
60 The Seashell 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books You can also use shells for sorting and classifying. How many different ways
can children sort and classify the shells? Draw several Venn diagrams on
large sheets of construction paper. Write categories on the diagram about the
shells size, shape, color, and texture. Then ask children to place shells in the
appropriate places on the diagram.

Fireworks! Fireworks!
Fireworks 1 to 10 Audience

Fireworks 1: Whoosh! Pop!

This play uses only the sounds of fireworks to portray this exciting event.
Fireworks 2:
Whoosh! Pop! After reading the play a few times, invite students to perform the play using
Fireworks 3:
Whoosh! Pop! Boom! sounds made from found objects. They can look around the classroom and

Fireworks 4:

Whoosh! Pop! Crackle, crackle, crackle! experiment with making different sounds, or they can look for items at
Audience: Wow!
Fireworks 4, 5, 6: Whoosh! Pop! Pop! Pop! home to recreate the sounds in the play. For example, students can pop
Fireworks 7, 8, 9: Whoosh! Pop! Pop! Pop!
Fireworks 10: Boom! Boom! Boom! balloons, squeeze empty plastic milk jugs, crumple brown paper bags, shake
All Fireworks: Whoosh! Pop! Pop! Crackle! BOOM!


sheets of oaktag, and so on. After they have performed the fireworks play
62 Fireworks!
The End
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books
using their sound objects, encourage students to come up with other ideas
for a sound play. Some examples might include a storm (dry rice in a shoe
box makes a good rain sound), the seashore, an amusement park, and so on.
Many of the objects used in the fireworks play may be adapted for the new
play; other sounds may require new objects.

I Swim, You Swim! I Swim, You Swim!

Swimmers 1 to 15
Invite your students to imagine that they are scuba diving deep in the sea.
Swimmer 1:

Swimmer 2:
I swim.

You swim.
Ask them what they think they might see. What kinds of creatures might
Swimmer 3: We all swim. they find? What might the plants look like? Provide students with books
Swimmer 4: We love to swim!

Swimmer 5: I swim at the beach.

that show pictures of underwater life. Make a list of sea creatures that
Swimmer 6: I swim in a pool.
students find in the books. Then spread a large sheet of craft paper on the
Swimmer 7: We all love to swim.
floor and pass out pencils, crayons, and watercolors. Encourage students to
draw and paint an underwater scene. They can include themselves, sea
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Scholastic Professional Books I Swim, You Swim! 63
creatures, plants, submarines, coral reefs, and even a lost underwater world!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Back at School!
Letter A Letter D Letter G
Letter B Letter E Letter H
Letter C Letter F

Letter A: A is apple for teacher.

Letter B: B is for...because were back.

Letter C: C is for...can you believe it?

Letter D: D is for...did you bring your backpack?

Letter E: E is for...everyone is ready.

Letter F: F is for...finding friends is cool.

Letter G: G is for...great to see you!

Letter H: H is for...happy to be back at school!

The End
Back at School! 15
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fall Is Coming
Narrator 1 Birds
Narrator 2 Sun
Trees Children

Narrator 1: Fall is coming.

Look at the trees.

Trees: Our leaves are slowly changing color.

They will turn red, orange, and gold.

Narrator 2: Fall is coming.

Feel the wind.

Wind: I am getting cooler every day.

16 Fall Is Coming
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Narrator 1: Fall is coming.
Look up in the sky.

Birds: We are flying to a warmer place.

Narrator 2: Fall is coming.

Look at the sun.

Sun: I wake up later in the morning.

I go to bed earlier at night.

Narrator 1: Fall is coming.

Look at the children.

Children: We are getting ready to go back to school.

All: Fall is coming!

The End

Fall Is Coming 17
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
A Day in the
Pumpkin Patch
Pumpkin Sprout 1
Scarecrow Sprout 2
Crow Sprout 3

Pumpkin: Im a lonely little pumpkin.

Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!

Scarecrow: Why are you boo-hooing?

Crow: We really want to know.

Pumpkin: Because Im the only pumpkin here.

Im the only one to grow.

Scarecrow: Dont worry, you wont be lonely

for long.

18 A Day in the Pumpkin Patch

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Crow: Soon, other pumpkin sprouts
will come along.

Sprout 1: Stretch! Hello!

Sprout 2: Pop! Good morning!

Sprout 3: Boing! How do you do?

Scarecrow: Hey! Look whos here!

Crow: Just like we told you.

Pumpkin: Im so glad that you are here.

I couldnt wait anymore.
What was all of that waiting for?

Sprout 1: Some pumpkins grow quickly.

Others take longer.

Sprout 2: Some pumpkins are weaker.

Others are stronger.

Sprout 3: Each pumpkin grows in its own way.

And each way of growing is okay.

A Day in the Pumpkin Patch 19

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Scarecrow: You will all keep changing
a bit every day.

Crow: You will all be ripe pumpkins

by Halloween day.

All: We will be the brightest pumpkin patch

that people have ever seen.
And we will wish them all

The End

20 A Day in the Pumpkin Patch

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Spiders Surprise
Narrator 1 Spider Grasshopper
Narrator 2 Bugs Beetle
Bee Ant

Narrator 1: The itsy, bitsy spider

was getting set for Halloween.

Spider: Ill surprise the other bugs this year!

Narrator 2: The bugs asked . . .

Bugs: What do you mean?

Narrator 1: Spider turned to look at them.

He scratched his spider head.

Spider: I wont play spider tricks on you.

Ill give you treats instead!

Spiders Surprise 21
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Narrator 1: A bee flew into Spiders web.

Bee: I think my days are done!

Narrator 2: But Spider let the bee go free and said ...

Spider: Hey, this is fun!

Narrator 1: Along came Grasshopper and Beetle.

Then came tiny little Ant.

Narrator 2: They all went into Spiders web.

Spider began to chant...

Spider: Ill set you all free today.

Enjoy it while it lasts.
Ill be back to my old ways
When Halloween has passed.

The End

22 Spiders Surprise
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The First Thanksgiving
(Sing to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb.)

Wampanoag (WAHM-puh-NOH-ahg) Indians

Wampanoag We are happy on this land,

Indians: on this land,
on this land.
We are happy on this land.
Were glad it is our home.

Pilgrims: We are glad we found this land,

found this land,
found this land.
We are glad we found this land.
We will make it our home.

All: We are thankful for this land,

for this land,
for this land.
We are thankful for this land,
and for our brand-new friends!

The End
The First Thanksgiving 23
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Old Friends, New Friends
Friends 1 to 8

Friend 1: Do you like your old friends?

Friend 2: Shy friends, bold friends,

how we love our old friends!

Friend 3: Sweet friends, neat friends,

walking down the street friends.

Friend 4: Good friends, glad friends,

help you when youre sad friends.

Friend 5: How about some new friends?

Friend 6: New friends, true friends,

lots of things to do friends.

Friend 7: Hey friends! Hello friends!

Its great to know you friends.

Friend 8: Near friends, far friends,

were so glad we have friends!

The End
24 Old Friends, New Friends
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Time to Hibernate

Squirrel: Hey, Chipmunk! Where are you going?

Chipmunk: Im going into my burrow.

Im going to hibernate.

Squirrel: Hibernate? Whats that?

Chipmunk: I will sleep all winter.

I will wake up in spring.

Squirrel: But you wont get to see the snow!

Chipmunk: You can tell me about it in spring, Squirrel.

Squirrel: But you wont feel the cold air!

Chipmunk: You can tell me about it

in spring, Squirrel.

Time to Hibernate 25
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Squirrel: But you wont slide around on the ice!

Chipmunk: You can tell me about it in spring, Squirrel.

Squirrel: Chipmunk?

Chipmunk: Yes, Squirrel?

Squirrel: What is it like to hibernate?

Chipmunk: Ill tell you about it in spring, Squirrel.

The End

26 Time to Hibernate
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Holiday Lights
Christmas candle
Hanukkah candle
Las Posadas candle
Kwanzaa candle
Divali candle

All: We are all candles.

Look at our light.
Each of us helps
to make holidays bright.

Christmas candle: I sit on a branch.

I make Christmas trees shine.

Hanukkah candle: Im in a Hanukkah menorah.

There are eight of us in a line.

Holiday Lights 27
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Las Posadas candle: I celebrate Las Posadas.
Children carry me at night.

Kwanzaa candle: Im in a Kwanzaa kinara.

Just look at my light!

Divali candle: On Divali, I sit

in a lamp made of clay.
Then Im placed in a window
to help light the way.

All: We are all used

on different holidays.
But even so,
each of us makes
our own holiday glow.

The End

28 Holiday Lights
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Roll, Roll, Roll
the Snow!
(Sing to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat.)

Snowball Roller 1 Snowball Roller 4
Snowball Roller 2 Snowball Roller 5
Snowball Roller 3

Snowball Roller 1: Roll, roll, roll the snow.

Make a big snowball.
Make two more and stack them up
so that they wont fall.

Snowball Roller 2: Roll, roll, roll the snow.

Each arm will be a stick.
One on the left, one on the right,
that will do the trick!

Roll, Roll, Roll the Snow! 29

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Snowball Roller 3: Roll, roll, roll the snow.
Add some button eyes.
Now hes looking right at me.
What a nice surprise!

Snowball Roller 4: Roll, roll, roll the snow,

a carrot for the nose.
Make a mouth out of some coal.
Now we need some clothes!

Snowball Roller 5: Roll, roll, roll the snow.

Add a scarf and hat.
We have made a great snowman,
And thats the end of that!

The End

30 Roll, Roll, Roll the Snow!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Watch That
Groundhog Raccoon
Squirrel Skunk

Groundhog: I am a Groundhog and Im here to say,

please watch me on Groundhog Day.

Squirrel: Why should we watch you?

What do you do?

Groundhog: Ill let you know when winter

will be through.

Bear: How can you do that?

Please let us know.

Watch That Groundhog! 31

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Groundhog: I come up from the ground to look
for my shadow.

Raccoon: What if you see it?

What happens then?

Groundhog: Well have six more weeks of winter,

my friend.

Skunk: And if you dont see it,

what will that bring?

Groundhog: That means well have an early spring!

Squirrel: Wow, Groundhog. We cant wait!

Bear: Will spring come early?

Will it be late?

Raccoon: Get back in your hole.

Then get ready to come out.

Skunk: Well be waiting without any doubt.

Groundhog: Good-bye for now. Im on my way.

Ill see you all on Groundhog Day!

The End

32 Watch That Groundhog!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
100 Days of School!
Students (or Groups) 1 to 9

Student 1: 100 days of songs to sing.

Student 2: 100 days of bells that ring.

Student 3: 100 days of everything!

Students 1, 2, 3: 100 days of school!

100 Days of School! 33

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Student 4: 100 days of stories told.

Student 5: 100 days of pets to hold.

Student 6: 100 days is pretty old!

Students 4, 5, 6: 100 days of school!

Student 7: 100 days of reading fun.

Student 8: 100 days of jobs well done.

Student 9: 100 days for everyone!

Students 7, 8, 9: 100 days of school!

The End

34 100 Days of School!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Valentine Love Bugs
Ant Cricket
Bee Love Bug Group 1
Fly Love Bug Group 2

Ant: Sorry, Im late.

Bee: Thats okay.

I just got here, too.

Fly: Lets begin our

Bug Club meeting.

Cricket: Wait! Look! Who are you?

Love Bug Group 1: We are the Love Bugs.

Valentine Love Bugs 35

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Ant: Love Bugs?

Bee: What are Love Bugs?

Love Bug Group 2: We are cute little bugs.

Love Bug Group 1: We look like hearts.

Love Bug Group 2: We came to say hello

before our job starts.

Fly: What is your job?

Love Bug Group 1: Love Bugs come out once a year.

We help spread Valentines Day

Cricket: Do you bite?

Love Bug Group 2: No, we kiss.

36 Valentine Love Bugs

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Ant: Do you sting?

Love Bug Group 1: No, we hug.

That is how we spread love.

Bee: Sounds good to me.

Would you like to join our Bug Club?

Love Bug Group 2: Sure! But now we must be

on our way.

Love Bug Group 1: Its time to spread love

on this Valentines Day.

Fly: Good-bye, Love Bugs!

Cricket: Hey, you know what?

I love you guys!

Ant: Hey! Those Love Bugs

The End

Valentine Love Bugs 37

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
If Dreams
Were Wishes
(a play to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

Dreamers 1 to10

Dreamer 1: If dreams were wishes,

we would dream of a better world.

Dreamer 2: A world where everyone

is treated fairly.

Dreamer 3: A world where everyone


Dreamer 4: A world that is safe.

Dreamer 5: A world that is clean.

38 If Dreams Were Wishes

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Dreamer 6: A world where people respect
one another.

Dreamer 7: A world where people live in peace.

Dreamer 8: A world where people are kind

to animals.

Dreamer 9: A world without hate.

Dreamer 10: If dreams were wishes,

we would keep dreaming ...

All Dreamers: ... until all our dreams came true!

The End

If Dreams Were Wishes 39

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Signs of Spring
Robin Tulip Sun
Bud Grass

Robin: I am a robin.
I am the first sign of spring.

Bud: I am a bud on a tree.

I am the first sign of spring.

Tulip: You are both wrong.

I am a tulip.
I am the first sign of spring.

Grass: No, no, no!

I am a blade of grass
I am the first sign of spring.

40 Signs of Spring
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Robin: Lets ask the Sun.
The Sun will know which one of us
is the first sign of spring.

Bud: Sun, can you help us?

I say that I am the first sign of spring.

Tulip: And I say that I am.

Grass: No, no, no! I am!

Robin: I am!

Sun: Why are you fighting?

It doesnt matter who is first.
You are all important!
Now, lets make this the best spring ever!

All: Ready, set, spring!

The End

Signs of Spring 41
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaners
1 to 9

Spring Cleaner 1: Clean all the windows.

Make sure that they shine.

Spring Cleaner 2: Wash all the curtains.

Hang them on a line.

Spring Cleaner 3: Dust off the shelves.

Dont they look just fine?

Spring Cleaners 1, 2, and 3: Its Spring Cleaning Time!

42 Spring Cleaning Time!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Spring Cleaner 4: Mop all the floors.
Shake out all the rugs.

Spring Cleaner 5: Clean the kitchen cabinets.

Wash the plates and mugs.

Spring Cleaner 6: Throw away old food,

so there wont be bugs.

Spring Cleaners 4, 5, and 6: Its Spring Cleaning Time!

Spring Cleaner 7: Clean out all the closets.

Give away old clothes.

Spring Cleaner 8: Polish all your shoes,

so that each one glows.

Spring Cleaner 9: Throw out all your junk,

til the trash can

All: Its Spring Cleaning Time!

The End

Spring Cleaning Time! 43

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
on the Farm
Farmer Lamb Calf
Hen Cat Duck
Chicks Cow Ducklings
Sheep Kittens Piglets

Farmer: I am so excited!
Spring is really great.
So much is going to happen.
I can hardly wait!

Hen: After sitting on my eggs,

I just hatched some chicks.

Chicks: Now were snug and cozy

in our nest of straw and sticks.

44 Springtime on the Farm

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Sheep: Come and meet my little lamb.
Hes almost fast asleep.

Lamb: When I grow up I want to be

the biggest woolly sheep.

Cat: I just had some kittens.

Cow: And I just had a calf.

Kittens and Calf: And when we play together,

everyone has a laugh!

Duck: Look at all my ducklings.

Ducklings: All we do is quack.

Piglets: We piglets cannot wait until

our next yummy snack!

Farmer: Its great to be a farmer,

especially in spring.
Meeting lots of brand-new friends
is such a special thing!

The End

Springtime on the Farm 45

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Why Cant Every
Day Be Earth Day?
Skunk Beaver 2 Duck
Beaver 1 Baby Beaver Frog

Skunk: Hey, Beavers! Where are you going?

Beaver 1: Were moving to another pond.

Beaver 2: Its too dirty here.

Baby Beaver: Yuck!

Skunk: What do you mean?

46 Why Cant Every Day Be Earth Day?

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Beaver 1: There is too much trash in the water.

Beaver 2: We keep bumping into cans and boxes.

Baby Beaver: Ouch!

Duck: I know what you mean, Beavers.

But today is Earth Day.

Frog: Turn around. The kids from the school

are cleaning up our pond.

Beaver 1: So they are!

Beaver 2: It looks better already!

Baby Beaver: Yea!

Why Cant Every Day Be Earth Day? 47

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Beaver 1: But...

Skunk: But what?

Beaver 1: What about when Earth Day is over?

Beaver 2: Yes. What will happen then?

Baby Beaver: Uh-oh.

Duck: Lets go talk to the kids.

Frog: What will we say?

Duck: Well ask them, Why cant every day

be Earth Day?

All: Lets go!

The End

48 Why Cant Every Day Be Earth Day?

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Frog Watch
Tadpole/Frog 1 Tadpole/Frog 3 Tadpole/Frog 5
Tadpole/Frog 2 Tadpole/Frog 4

Tadpole 1: Pssst!
Hey, tadpoles!

Tadpole 2: Yes?

Tadpole 3: What is it?

Tadpole 1: We are being watched.

Tadpole 4: Look at all the kids!

Tadpole 5: Why are they watching us?

Tadpole 1: They want to see us turn into frogs.

Tadpole 2: How long have they been watching?

Tadpole 1: Since we were eggs, I guess.

Tadpole 3: Well, lets give them a good show!

Frog Watch 49
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Tadpole 4: Boys and girls! Step right up to Frog Watch!

Tadpole 5: Watch us tadpoles turn into frogs!

Tadpole 1: Some of us are starting

to grow legs.

Tadpole 2: In a few weeks, we will all have legs

and no tails!

All Tadpoles: We will be frogs!

A few weeks later...

Frog 3: Welcome back to Frog Watch!

Frog 4: As you can see, now we are all frogs!

Frog 5: We hope you enjoyed our show!

All Frogs: Ta-da!

The End

50 Frog Watch
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Stars and
Stripes Speak Out
Flag Child Stars Stripes

Flag: Hello, there!

Child: Who, me?

Flag: Yes, you.

Child: Who is talking to me?

Flag: Im up here, on the wall.

Child: The flag?

Flag: Yes, Im glad you finally noticed me.

Child: What do you mean?

The Stars and Stripes Speak Out 51

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Flag: Well, every day you come to school.
Here I am on the wall.
But you never notice me.

Child: Youre right. Im sorry.

Flag: Do you know about me?

Do you know why I have stripes?

Child: Umm ... no.

Flag: Stripes, please tell about yourself.

Stripes: Before there were states in this country,

there were 13 colonies.
Each of us stands for a colony.

Child: Oh, I see.

52 The Stars and Stripes Speak Out

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Flag: How about the stars?
What do you know about them?

Child: Hmm ... well ...

Flag: Never mind.

Stars, please tell about yourself.

Stars: There are 50 stars on the American flag.

Each of us stands for a state.

Child: Oh, I see! Hey, flag?

Flag: Yes?

Child: Youre pretty cool.

Flag: Thank you for noticing!

The End

The Stars and Stripes Speak Out 53

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Summertime Is
Almost Here!
(Sing to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Farm.)

Groups of Friends 1, 2, and 3

Group 1: Summertime is almost here!

We can hardly wait!
We will roller-blade all day.
It will be so great!

Chorus: With a roll, roll here,

and a roll, roll there.
Here a roll, there a roll.
Everywhere well roll, roll.
Summertime is almost here!
We can hardly wait!

54 Summertime Is Almost Here!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Group 2: Summertime is almost here!
We can hardly wait!
We will play hopscotch all day.
Lets all celebrate!

Chorus: With a hop, hop here,

and a hop, hop there.
Here a hop, there a hop.
Everywhere well hop, hop.
Summertime is almost here!
We can hardly wait!

Group 3: Summertime is almost here!

We can hardly wait!
We will play leap frog all day.
Hurry, dont be late!

Chorus: With a leap, leap here,

and a leap, leap there.
Here a leap, there a leap.
Everywhere well leap, leap.
Summertime is almost here!
We can hardly wait!

The End

Summertime Is Almost Here! 55

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Hello and Good-bye!
Students 1 to 10

Student 1: Hello to the warm days of summer.

Student 2: Good-bye to the great days at school.

Student 3: Hello to playing in sunshine,

and jumping in pools to get cool.

Student 4: Good-bye to a favorite teacher,

and friends we would see every day.

Student 5: Hello to days that are longer,

which will give us more time to play.

Student 6: Good-bye to working together,

and sharing things that were fun.

Student 7: Hello to helping at home more.

Student 8: Good-bye to classroom jobs well done.

Student 9: Though we are saying good-bye now

to school and to our friends,

Student 10: soon we will be back here,

saying hello once again!

The End
56 Hello and Good-bye!
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Light Up
the Night
Narrator 1 Bee Ladybug Firefly
Narrator 2 Ant Grasshopper

Narrator 1: One day the insects were talking.

Narrator 2: They were bragging about what they

could do.

Bee: I can buzz very loudly!


Ant: Oh yeah? Well, I am very strong.

I can carry heavy leaves.

Ladybug: Thats nothing. I help farmers.

I eat bugs that can hurt their crops.

Light Up the Night 57

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Grasshopper: I can play music.
I rub my wings together to make songs.

Bee: Hey, Firefly! What can you do?

Ant: Firefly? He cant do anything.

Ladybug: Yeah. Just look at him. Hes

nothing special.

Narrator 1: Firefly said nothing.

He thought for a moment.

Firefly: I can light up the night.

Grasshopper: What? No, you cant!

Firefly: Meet me in the field after dark.

I will show you.

58 Light Up the Night

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Narrator 2: So the insects met in the field after dark.

Bee: Where is Firefly?

Ant: Maybe he tricked us into coming.

Firefly: Blink! Blink!

Ladybug: Hey look at that!

Firefly: Twinkle! Twinkle!

Grasshopper: Its Firefly!

Firefly: Flash! Flash!

Bee: How beautiful!

Ant: Firefly, we are sorry.

Ladybug: You were right.

Bee, Ant, Ladybug

and Grasshopper: You really do light up the night!

The End

Light Up the Night 59

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Seashell
Beachcombers 1 to 9

Beachcomber 1: I found a tiny seashell

sitting in the sand.

Beachcomber 2: I picked it up and brushed it off.

I held it in my hand.

Beachcomber 3: What creature lived inside of you?

What creature called you home?

Beachcomber 4: What creature carried you around

when it was time to roam?

60 The Seashell
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Beachcomber 5: A seagull looks inside you when
it wants something to eat.

Seagull: I hope that inside this shell

Ill find a tasty treat!

Beachcomber 6: Sorry, Mr. Seagull.

Youre not in luck today.

Beachcomber 7: Whatever lived inside this shell

has left and gone away.

Beachcomber 8: I will not keep you, little shell.

Ill put you back and then,

Beachcomber 9: whatever lived inside of you

might come back home again!

The End

The Seashell 61
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fireworks 1 to 10 Audience

Fireworks 1: Whoosh! Pop!

Audience: Oooooo!

Fireworks 2: Whoosh! Pop!

Audience: Ahhhhh!

Fireworks 3: Whoosh! Pop! Boom!

Audience: Yea!

Fireworks 4: Whoosh! Pop! Crackle, crackle, crackle!

Audience: Wow!

Fireworks 4, 5, 6: Whoosh! Pop! Pop! Pop!

Fireworks 7, 8, 9: Whoosh! Pop! Pop! Pop!

Fireworks 10: Boom! Boom! Boom!

All Fireworks: Whoosh! Pop! Pop! Crackle! BOOM!


Audience: HOORAY!!!!

The End
62 Fireworks!
Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
I Swim, You Swim!
Swimmers 1 to 15

Swimmer 1: I swim.

Swimmer 2: You swim.

Swimmer 3: We all swim.

Swimmer 4: We love to swim!

Swimmer 5: I swim at the beach.

Swimmer 6: I swim in a pool.

Swimmer 7: We all love to swim.

I Swim, You Swim! 63

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Swimmer 8: When we swim we stay cool!

Swimmer 9: I swim like a frog.

Swimmer 10: I swim like a fish.

Swimmer 11: We would choose to swim

Swimmer 12: if we had only one wish.

Swimmer 13: I swim.

Swimmer 14: You swim.

Swimmer 15: We all swim.

All: We love to swim!

The End

64 I Swim, You Swim!

Just-Right Plays: 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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