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Lead Alloys For Permanent Anodes in

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Overview Lead: Non-Battery Applications

Lead Alloys for Permanent Anodes in

the Nonferrous Metals Industry
Aaron Felder and R. David Prengaman

This paper reviews the common lead used in electrolytic solutions. During use, To prevent this type of creep failure, the
alloys associated with insoluble anodes the lead surface is oxidized to its highest lead is normally alloyed to increase the
in different metal deposition operations. valence state, coating the anode surface mechanical properties during operation.
Metallographic techniques were used to with a smooth, adherent layer of PbO2. A more rigid anode maintains the uni-
evaluate microstructures as they relate The layer inhibits further oxidation and form corrosion-resistant layer. Table I
to physical and mechanical properties. corrosion and remains highly conduc- shows typical alloys used throughout the
Alloy additions and manufacturing tive, thus passing the electrowinning industry and corresponding mechanical
processes are examined as appropriate current. properties.2
methods to meet the performance needs Oxygen evolved at the anode during
of a lead anode. operation is released at the surface as a
The Pb-Ca anodes gas. The oxygen can oxidize materials
were developed to in the electrolyte, corrode the anode, or
Electrowinning anodes continue to form peroxides at the anode surface. The
employ lead alloys as the major materials reduce corrosion and major consequence of oxygen evolution
suitable for use in electrometallurgical spalling rates of the is the corrosion of the lead anode. The
plant practice. Lead alloys are used as oxygen corrodes the anode directly by
permanent anodes for electrowinning PbO2 corrosion the formation of PbO, PbSO4, complex
and plating of metals such as copper, product compared sulfates, PbO2, and PbO2 on the sur-
zinc, nickel, cobalt, chromium, and face. The PbSO4 compound is especially
manganese. Different alloys are utilized with conventional undesirable because it acts as an insulator
throughout these nonferrous industries. Pb-Sb alloys, thus and passivating the anode surface. The
The desired properties of the anode can morphology of the PbO2 layer is impor-
help achieve less contamination of the reducing the lead tant in inhibiting the spalling effect which
cathode, longer anode life, lower anode contributes to cathode contamination.
potential, and consequently, reduced
contamination of Alloy additions and anode fabrication
oxygen overpotential. the cathode. techniques can promote a more continu-
The primary objective of an electro- ous, adherent layer. Once formed, the
winning or plating practice is to produce a Pure lead, however, is not strong PbO2 layer serves to evolve oxygen as a
high-purity cathode or metal deposit with enough to support its own weight. A pure gas instead of corroding the underlying
good physical appearance at the lowest lead anode will creep during use. As the lead surface.
possible consumption of energy.1 Lead lead elongates and deforms, the adherent
anodes are preferred because of their high PbO2 layer cracks and exposes fresh lead
resistance to corrosion in the sulfuric acid surface to oxidation and rapid corrosion. Rolled Pb-Ca-Sn alloys are the pre-
ferred anode materials in copper solvent
Table I. Mechanical Properties of Various Lead Alloy Anode Sheets* extraction-electrowinning (SX-EW)
Alloy UTS 0.2% YS Elongation Hardness facilities. The rolled anodes replaced
(wt.%) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (RR30) cast anodes, which have lower strength.
Pb-3Sb Cast 65.5 55.2 10 85 The Pb-Ca anodes were developed to
Pb-3Sb Rolled 24.6 16.3 40 64 reduce corrosion and spalling rates of
Pb-6Sb Cast 73.8 71.0 8 87 the PbO2 corrosion product compared
Pb-6Sb Rolled 30.6 19.5 35 65 with conventional Pb-Sb alloys, thus
Pb-0.07Ca-1.35Sn Cast 46.4 35.3 29 71
reducing the lead contamination of
Pb-0.07Ca-1.35Sn Rolled 71.0 65.3 14 85
Pb-0.07Ca-1.35Sn-0.05Ag Rolled 80.0 76.8 10 88 the cathode. The calcium strengthens
Pb-0.07Ca-0.35Ag Rolled 37.8 35.5 42 68 the lead via a precipitation-hardening
Pb-0.75Ag Rolled 18.8 9.0 54 26** process. The calcium particles are very
*UTS = ultimate tensile strength, YS = yield strength; **extrapolated value. small and are formed after solidification

28 JOM October 2006

increase strength and reduce creep rates. create more surface area to which the
Tin reacts with the calcium alloys to form corrosion layer can attach during forma-
Sn3Ca precipitates which strengthen the tion. In addition, sandblasting breaks
lead matrix. The energy impacted by the up the grain structure in the top anode
rolling process enhances the precipita- surface layer, increasing the surface
tion of the fine Sn3Ca particles in the area even further. An electrochemical
form of rods or needles in preferred KF pretreatment forms a thick, dense
orientations.5 During corrosion, the tin adherent layer of PbO2 but is labor-,
is not leached but oxidized to SnO2. The energy-, and cost-intensive. A potassium
SnO2 rod-like particles, remnants of the permanganate treatment chemically
a 200 m original precipitate, are semiconductors deposits a flaky, initial MnO2 corrosion
and are able to carry current through any layer with subsequent spalling generat-
insulating PbSO4 layer formed during ing elevated sludge volumes in the tank
current interruptions, thus preventing bottoms. Once in service, the MnO2 layer
passivation.6 A tin-to-calcium ratio of formed on top of the PbO2 is frequently
15:1 and a minimum tin content of 1.25 washed off between operation cycles.
wt.% is carefully maintained to assure Removal is easier from the smoother,
reduced rates of corrosion by full con- rolled surface.
version of calcium to Sn3Ca precipitate. The silver addition imparts negligible
The calcium content is kept below 0.08 strength to the lead alloy to reduce creep.
wt.% to prevent the formation of Pb3Ca The major effect of the silver is the
particles, which cause severe non-uni- formation of very thin layers of PbO2, a
b 200 m
form corrosion.7 reduction of oxygen over-potential, and
Figure 1. (a) A cast Pb-Ca-Sn alloy
exhibiting large grains, segregation, The wrought Pb-Ca-Sn alloys have reduced rates of anode corrosion.6 The
and porosity and (b) corrosion product proven to be a superior material for mechanism is believed to be the ability
penetrating into the lead along grain anodes over cast Pb-Ca or Pb-Sr. The of the small silver eutectic particles to
boundaries of a cast structure.
Pb-Ca-Sn is more rigid and ductile with effectively increase the evolution of
a mechanism to inhibit passivation. oxygen from the anode.8 An addition of
via a cellular precipitation mechanism.3,4 Service life is expected to be at least 7 calcium improves the mechanical and
During service the calcium reacts with years depending on tankhouse operating electrical properties. Typical silver and
the sulfuric acid to form CaSO4, which conditions such as current density and calcium contents of the alloy are 0.3
serves to reinforce the PbO2 layer and temperature. 0.4% and 0.030.08 wt.%, respectively.9
produce larger flakes instead of many
small flakes.
In Pb-Ca-Sn alloys, the calcium con- The standard anode in the zinc industry
tent produces large grains with minimal is cast Pb-Ag alloy, typically containing
alloy segregation, as seen in Figure 1a. 0.25 wt.% to 1.0 wt.% silver. Recently
However, even fine-grain cast structures a trend from cast to rolled Pb-Ag and
have exposed grain boundaries at the eventually Pb-Ag-Ca alloys has devel-
surface of the anode. During casting oped to increase mechanical properties
the highly reactive calcium oxidizes and and power efficiency. The Pb-Ag alloy
can become entrained throughout the is used in both cast and rolled form, as
structure as dross. As seen in Figure 1b, seen in Figure 3. Rolled Pb-Ag alloy
corrosion product penetrates along the remains weak (see Table I), so a calcium a 200 m
boundaries to internal dross and holes, addition is used to impart strength and
eventually cracking and failing. creep resistance.
The rolling process deforms the cast Due to the high corrosion resistance
grain structure to produce uniform, of the segregated silver particles, Pb-Ag
fine grains with less segregation while anodes, and in particular rolled sheets,
eliminating cracks, defects, and pores, require a relatively long time to form
as seen in Figure 2a. During re-crystal- a stable PbO2/MnO2 corrosion layer
lization, diffusion uniformly distributes once in service. The formation of the
calcium and tin throughout the sheet via adherent PbO2/MnO2 typically requires
secondary precipitation. The finer grains 3060 days. The time to fully condition
and laminar structure in rolled sheet the anode increases with silver content. b 200 m
impedes penetrating corrosion and the Four pre-treatment methods are used Figure 2. (a) The rolled Pb-Ca-Sn micro-
anodes corrode more uniformly, as seen to accelerate the formation of an MnO2 structure with small directional grains and
(b) corrosion product evenly distributed on
in Figure 2b. corrosion layer. Sandblasting and shot the surface of a rolled lead sheet.
The tin addition serves to further peening abrade the anode surface and

2006 October JOM 29

Cast Pb-Ag-Ca anodes contain a higher practices operate from 65C to 75C,
calcium content but less than 0.10% and nickel electrolyte temperatures are
above that at which calcium segregates around 60C. Despite these operating
to the dendrites as Pb3Ca. The silver is temperatures, a trend can be observed
segregated primarily to the interdendritic in the nickel winning toward Pb-Ca-Sn
region. Casting defects and holes con- alloys as the more and more employed
tribute to penetrating corrosion and anode material. Cobalt winning anodes
premature failure in the cast anodes. have seen an addition of silver to the
Rolled Pb-Ca-Ag anodes, processed usual Pb-Sb alloy predominantly to
at elevated temperature, generate a increase anode corrosion resistance.
recrystallized, uniform microstructure The antimony alloy also benefits the
100 m
with increased surface grain boundaries corrosion layer formation in the weak
Figure 4. The rolled Pb-Ca-Ag micrograph
to which a corrosion layer rapidly forms. sulfuric acid solutions seen in nickel and showing dispersed, dark silver constitu-
The silver remains segregated equally cobalt winning. Due to the low acid ents and recrystallized grains.
throughout the sheet. Figure 4 is a micro- concentration in the electrolyte, the
graph of the typical rolled Pb-Ca-Ag oxidation of PbO and Pb(OH)2 to PbO2
sheet microstructure. The calcium elec- is suppressed. The high amount of anti-
trochemically activates the anode and mony most likely catalyzes the formation
imparts much more strength for form of PbO2, significantly reducing the rate
stability. The rolled anodes offer a con- of corrosion. The morphology of the
trolled structure with lower calcium PbO2 corrosion layer on the Pb-Sb alloy
resulting in less corrosion and realistic is a stable, hard, dense, black PbO2. In
service life over 5 years. sulfuric acid solutions, this material does
not react to form PbSO4 as readily as
PbO2 or normal PbO2. Operations 200 m
Lead-antimony alloys have been the with frequent power interruptions use Figure 5. A typical microstructure of cast
primary anode material for both nickel the Pb-Sb to hinder passivation. Pb-6Sb (wt.%) alloy.
and cobalt winning. The Pb-Sb alloys Typical anodes are all cast lead alloyed
exhibit good temperature stability where with 610% antimony. The hypoeutectic
the Pb-Ca-Sn alloys begin recrystalliza- alloys are extremely strong in the as-cast
tion at and above 65C. Cobalt winning condition and are highly resistant to creep
and warping. The strength is imparted Hard chromium plating uses a Pb-
by the needle-like eutectic antimony 7Sn (wt.%) tin anode in a chromic
particles which serve as reinforcing rods acid electrolyte. Lead is used because
to hold the lead rigid.6 Figure 5 shows a the reoxidation of trivalent chromium
typical Pb-Sb microstructure with the occurs more readily on lead than on
eutectic antimony segregated between other available metals.10 The high tin
grains. These needle-like particles are content reduces the rate of corrosion and
broken up and destroyed during rolling improves conductivity. The same PbO2
of Pb-Sb alloys, which makes the alloys corrosion layer is formed on the anode
much weaker in the as-rolled form surface during operation and fosters
a 200 m (shown in Table I). the reoxidation reaction. For complex
Small amounts of sulfur or copper shapes, anodes can be used in wire form
may be added to refine the crystal struc- to conform to the shape of the cathode.
ture and prevent cracking of the large The tin content may vary from 6 wt.%
dendrites formed upon solidification. to 10 wt.%.
During service the antimony in its bound-
ary network can be rapidly oxidized. The
antimony is leached from the lead matrix A cast Pb-Ag anode is utilized in the
as antimony sulfate.6 Pieces of lead sur- sulfuric manganese winning cells. The
rounded by the leached antimony often silver in the anode increases corrosion
spall off and generate a great deal of resistance. Additions of arsenic may also
sludge in the bottom of the electrowin- be used in these cast anodes as a grain
b 200 m ning tanks. The fine lead-bearing par- refiner. The equiaxed grains show
Figure 3. (a) The cast microstructure of ticles are agitated by the oxygen evolu- improved corrosion resistance over long,
a Pb-Ag alloy with dendritic grains and
silver segregated between grains and (b) tion and end up contaminating the dendritic grains with segregation. Arse-
a rolled Pb-Ag alloy with dispersed, black cathode. Lead antimony alloys have lost nic significantly increases mechanical
silver constituent. favor when very low lead levels are properties and stabilizes the anode form.
required in the cathodic deposit. An addition of arsenic to the alloy instead

30 JOM October 2006

of the electrolyte may be beneficial in oxygen evolution at the anode. Electro- Electrowinning, The Electrorefining and Winning of
reducing the MnO2 formation on the winning tankhouses continue to trial Copper, ed. J.E. Hoffmann et al. (Warrendale, PA: The
Metallurgical Society, 1987), pp. 457467.
anode. A narrower, smaller anode is used these and atypical lead alloys to meet 6. R.D. Prengaman, The Metallurgy of Lead Alloys for
to foster higher current densities. The performance needs of a permanent lead Electrowinning Anodes, Anodes for Electrowinning,
anode collects an MnO2 layer during anode. ed. D.L. Robinson and S.E. James (Warrendale, PA:
TMS, 1984).
operation. During cleaning the soft Pb- 7. R.D. Prengaman, The Metallurgy and Performance
Ag material allows flexing in order to of Cast and Rolled Lead Alloys for Battery Grids,
loosen off the MnO2. The anodes are The authors would like to acknowledge Journal of Power Sources, 67 (1997), p. 267.
8. O. Hyvarinin, The Effect of Silver and Cobalt on the
re-flattened prior to service. the help, advice, and practical sugges- Oxygen Evolution of Lead Anodes (Thesis for Doctor
tions from Dr. Andreas Siegmund. Technology Degree, Helsinki University of Technology,
CONCLUSION Helsinki, Finland, 1972).
9. A. Siegmund and R.D. Prengaman, New Wrought
The ideal anode alloy should be resis- References Pb-Ag-Ca Anodes for Zinc Electrowinning to Produce
tant to corrosion, highly conductive, and a Protective Oxide Coating Rapidly, Lead-Zinc 2000,
1. J.G. Jenkins and M.A. Eamon, Plant Practices and ed. J.E. Dutrizac et al. (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 2000),
opposed to the formation of passivating Innovations at Magma Copper Companys San Miguel pp. 589597.
films. Also, it should be ductile, form SX-EW Plant, Electrometallurgical Plant Practices, 10. W. Blum and G. Hogaboom, Principles of
stable, and not become embrittled in ed. Claessens and Harris (New York: Pergamon Press, Electroplating and Electroforming (New York: McGraw-
1990), pp. 4445. Hill Book Company, 1958), pp. 343344.
service. New alloy additions and 2. J.A. Gonzalez, J. Rodrigues, and A. Siegmund, 11. M. Stelter, H. Bombach, and P. Saltykov, Use of
improvements on lead alloys continue Advances and Application of Lead Alloy Anodes for Lead Alloy Anodes in Electrowinning of Metals,
to create the ideal anode. The rolled Pb- Zinc Electrowinning, Lead & Zinc 05, Vol. 2, ed. T. Proceedings of European Metallurgical Conference,
Fujisawa (Tokyo: Mining and Materials Processing 2003, pp. 561571.
Ca-Ag alloy is being utilized to increase Institute of Japan, 2005), p. 1046.
life and conditioning time. A new Pb- 3. R.D. Prengaman, Structural Control of Non- Aaron Felder is a research engineer with and R.
Ca-Sn-Ag alloy promises increased life, Antimonial Lead Alloys via Alloy Additions, Heat David Prengaman is president of RSR Technolo-
Treatment, and Cold Work (Paper #Pb-80 presented gies, Inc. in Dallas, Texas.
reduced corrosion, and improved elec- at the 7th International Lead Conference, Madrid, May
trochemical properties.11 An alloy with 1980). For more information, contact R. David Prengaman,
the addition of cobalt, Pb-Ca-Sn-Co, 4. H. Borchers and H. Assmann, Effects of Tin RSR Technologies, Inc., 2777 Stemmons Freeway,
Additives on the Precipitation Behavior of Lead- Suite 1800, Dallas, TX 75207; (214) 242-0357;
may reduce or eliminate the use of cobalt Calcium Alloys, Z. Metallkunde, 69 (1978), p. 43. fax (214) 631-6092; e-mail rdprengaman@
in the copper electrolyte to improve 5. R.D. Prengaman, New Insoluble Anodes for Copper

October 26 Material(s) Issues in Intellectual Property:

Practical Considerations and Case Studies
November 15 Performance Considerations in Lead-Free
Solder Implementation
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