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Phillips Issst 2015

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A New Life Cycle Assessment Method to Incorporate

Urban Stormwater Pollution from Land Use Change

Robert Phillips1 ( | Dr. Defne Apul1 | Dr. Harish Jeswani2 | Dr. Adisa Azapagic2
1. The University of Toledo, Sustainability Engineering Lab | 2. The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, Sustainable Industrial Systems Lab

1. Abstract 3. Methods 4. Application

This study sought to identify the upstream urban stormwater runoff A Case Study of Annual US
pollution attributable to a product or system studied. We Electricity Generation Sources
developed a framework for the pollutants of concern in urban
stormwater to be classified into existing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Coal
impact categories.
A framework is proposed to develop the inventory and assess the 5.71x1012 MJ/yr.
impacts of pollutants of concern in urban stormwater pollution. The
methodology consists of four steps: (1) inventory of urban
stormwater pollutants of concern; (2) inventory of precipitation Natural Gas
data over a given time extent; (3) classification and
4.04x1012 MJ/yr.
characterization within existing midpoint impact categories for the
identified pollutants; and (4) inventory of urban land use change
throughout the lifecycle of the product or system, including
upstream impacts. Impacts are additive to existing LCIA methods, Hydro
resulting in a more comprehensive assessment of the environmental
impacts. 9.31x1011 MJ/yr.
Fig. 1 Framework for incorporating urban stormwater pollution into the LCA methodology.
Application of this framework is demonstrated with an analysis of
annual US electricity generation sources, including coal, natural gas, 4.1 Classification & Characterization 4.3 Impact Assessment
and hydropower. Impacts were evaluated from an absolute and

Stormwater Impacts
relative perspective, where only the stormwater pollution was Freshwater
Phosphorous kg P eq/kg
assessed and with these impacts added to the existing process Eutrophication
impacts, respectively

Nitrogen kg N eq/kg
When stormwater impacts are assessed relative to existing process Eutrophication
impacts, they may be negligible (<1%). However, when the Metals Human Toxicity
impacts are assessed independent of the unit operation, notable kg 1,4-DCB/kg
Hydrocarbons Marine, Terr., &
environmental flows are realized. The methodology provides a
Freshwater Ecotox.
first step towards more accurately modeling stormwater in LCAs by

and Process Impacts

Relative Stormwater
incorporating upstream land use effects and stormwater pollutant Impacts per m2 of Urban Surface Area Process Impacts
concentrations in existing LCA models.
2.9E-04 Freshwater EP/m2 3.4E-02 Human Tox/m2
2. Background and Objectives 2.5E-03 Marine EP/m2 6.3E-03 Marine Etox/m2
Upstream and Urban 8.5E-03 Freshwater Etox/m2 3.0E-07 Terrestrial Etox/m2
Life Cycle Impact Stormwater Impacts
Direct Land Use Stormwater
Change Pollution 4.2 Urban Land Use Change
LTTULUC - LTFULUC LTTULUC = To urban land use class (m2)
= ULUC LTFULUC = From urban land use class (m2) 5. Conclusions
+ + 1. Urban stormwater impacts can practically be incorporate into LCA
Transformation, from Transformation, to
methodologies and include upstream and direct land use transformations.
industrial area 3.25E-08 sqm industrial area 2.68E-05 sqm
2. Stormwater impacts relative to process impacts may be negligible, <1%.
1. Urban land use change leads to stormwater runoff that may cause Source Urban Land Use Change 3. Absolute stormwater impacts may be compelling and warrant controls to
impacts to various environmental receptors.
Coal 3.57E-05 sqm per MJ 2.04E+08 sqm mitigate environmental flows.
2. Urban land use change occurs throughout the lifecycle of a Natural Gas 1.75E-06 sqm per MJ 7.08E+06 sqm
product or system.
6. Acknowledgements
Hydro 2.77E-05 sqm per MJ 2.58E+07 sqm Funded by National Science Foundation Environmental Sustainability Program,
3. The objective of this study it to quantify these impacts in LCA.
# 1236660.

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