Unit - III Labour Cost
Unit - III Labour Cost
Unit - III Labour Cost
Labour constitutes the second important major element of cost ,but equally
important is the cost of raw materials. As far as the material is concerned, right
policies of control can be laid down .At the same time, so much degree of
control cannot be exercised in labour , rather,it is not possible to expect it to be
controlled. Moreover materials can be easily stored to be used as and when
required but labour is a perishable commodity, which should be used .A person
may sell his labour and a buyer will purchase it. Such labour should be used
immediately and if not used, it is a waste and ultimately the cost of production
will be increased. Labour once appointed cannot easily be removed. Therefore
the right man at the job must be appointed. Labour cost may be more because of
inefficient labour , abnormal idle time, unwarranted overtime, increase of waste,
spoilage etc.
According to ICMA, Direct Labour cost is that cost which can be identified
with and allocated to cost centres or cost units. The labour spent in altering the
construction, composition or condition of product i.e, converting raw material
into finished product, is known as Direct Labour. The direct labour cost can
easily be identified and allocated to cost units. It varies directly with production,
thus creating a closeness to production.
On the other hand, indirect labour cannot be conveniently identified with cost
unit or cost centre. ICMA defines wages as cost other than direct wages cost
.Therefore indirect labour cost is the amount of wages paid to workmen who are
not engaged in production of goods or services, but at the same time, indirectly
help the direct labour. In short wages paid to such workers cannot be identified
with any particular work. Examples of indirect labour cost are wages paid to
supervisors, inspectors, foreman, watchmen, timekeepers, repairers, cleaners
etc. If a worker is employed to perform a job a day, the remuneration is treated
as direct wages, when his job is identical to the job assigned. If not it is indirect
wages. One distinction is that direct labour cost , charged to a job, forms part of
prime cost, whereas indirect cost becomes a part of overhead.
1. To estimate the correct labour cost of orders, jobs and processes to ascertain
the cost of each job, process or order.
4.To find out the correct amount of overheads by ascertaining the indirect
labour cost.
4.Labour Reports
Frequent labour reports are obtained from various departments concerned with
labour to judge the effectiveness of incentive schemes and utilisation of labour.
Effective cost accounting system is necessary to ascertain the direct and indirect
labour cost. It helps in accurate estimation of cost of orders, jobs and processes.
1.Personnnel Department
4.Pay-roll Department.
There are three methods of measuring labour turnover which are explained
Number of employees left from the organisation during a period
Number of employees replaced during a period
This method takes into account the number of employees who left the
organisation and those recruited by the organisation during a period.
Number of employees left +Number of employees recruited during a period
4.Additions Method:
The causes for labour turnover can be broadly classified under three heads;
1.Personal Causes
2. Unavoidable Causes
3.Avoidable Causes
a. Circumstances of family
The labour turnover ranges between 10% to 80% depending on nature of trade.
Being too low is also desirable as it offers few opportunities for youngsters for
promotion and they may look elsewhere for suitable positions. High labour
turnover results in high cost of production on account of the following reasons:
4.Inexprienced workers may cause more damage to tools and machinery which
results in frequent break down of machinery, hampering production.
Cost of Labour Turnover :As explained above the effect of labour turnover is
to push up the cost. The expression of : loss of output, damage to materials,
spares, depreciation of machinery and replacement cost of labour in terms of
money is called cost of labour turnover. The cost of labour turnover is broadly
classified under two main heads:
1.Preventive costs
2.Replacement costs.
1. Preventive costs: These costs are incurred to prevent labour turnover. They
are incurred to avoid the causes of labour turnover. They include the following.
c. Cost of welfare facilities like recreation, sports and games , subsidised food
and drinks, crches for workers children etc.
d. Cost of old age facilities: This includes pension, gratuity, leave encashment.
a.Recruitment cost
b.Training cost
d.Loss of output
The replacement costs are allocated to the department which is the cause for
labour turnover. If the labour turnover is a result of short sighted policies of
management, the replacement cost is treated as overhead and apportioned
between different departments on the basis of number of employees in each
Thus, labour turnover can be kept at reasonable levels only by creating suitable
environment for employees. Personnel department plays a vital role in this
Labour Turnover
Problem No.1
From the following data given by the Personnel Department,calculate the labour
turnover rate by applying:
During the month 10 workers left, 40 workers were discharged and 150 workers
were recruited. Of these, 25 workers are recruited in the vacancies of those
leaving while the rest were engaged for an expansion scheme.
Problem No.2
During the year,40 workers left while 160 workers are discharged 600 workers
are recruited during the year, of these 150 workers are recruited to fill up
vacancies and rest are engaged on account of an expansion of an expansion
Problem No.3
Calculate the number of Separations during the year from the following
Problem No.1
Rajan, a worker in a manufacturing unit is paid at the rate of Rs.10 per hour.His
working hours constitute 42 hours over a 5 days week. Time allowed per day as
approved absence for personal needs etc is 24 minutes.
Rajans job cards for the week ended 30 th Sep 2010 show that his during the
week is chargeable as under:
You are required to show Rajans wages for their week and how they would be
dealt with in cost accounts.
Problem No.2
Calculate the normal and overtime wages payable to a workman from the
following data:
Calculate the normal and overtime wages payable to a workman from the
following data:
Monday 8
Tuesday 12
Wednesday 10
Thursday 10
Friday 9
Saturday 4
Overtime rate Upto 9 hours in a day at single rate and over 9 hours in a day at
double rate. Or upto 48 hours in a week at single rate and over 48 hours at
double rate, whichever is more beneficial to the workers
Problem No.3
From the following particulars find the amount required for cash payment of
wages in a factory for a particular month:
From the following data,prepare a statement showing the cost per day of 8 hours
of engaging a particular type of labour:
5.Pro rata expenditure on amenities to labour Rs.25 per head per month.
Based on causes or reasons for its occurrence, idle time can be divided into two
categories i.e
(a) Normal Idle Time- This is inherent in all kinds of employment and cannot
be avoided. The cost of this time is borne by the respective jobs or products or
departments. Examples of normal idle time are given below:
2.Time taken to pick up tools, change of dress and picking up instructions for
5.Waiting time when the machine is made ready for production work, called
Setting up Time.
Treatment of Normal Idle Time: Normal idle time is unavoidable and its cost
is charged to production. There are two ways of charging normal idle time to
(1)Normal idle time cost is taken as factory expensed and recovered as indirect
(2) The normal idle time cost is directly charged to production as direct wages.
(b)Abnormal Idle Time: The abnormal idle time is avoidable idle time which
occurs due to conditions which can be prevented. The reasons for abnormal idle
time are as follows:
The abnormal idle time can be controlled by effective planning. The reasons for
idle time are to be analysed and steps are to be taken to provide for all
contingencies like preventive maintenance of machinery, proper arrangement
for providing sufficient materials, preparation of job instructions in advance,
avoidance of strikes etc. Even normal idle time can be controlled by efficient
administrative planning and supervision.
The Indian Factories Act provides for payment of wages at double the normal
rates for overtime. If a worker works for more than 9 hours in a day or for more
than 48 hours in a week, he is treated to have worked overtime and is given
wages at double the normal rate for such time. The wages are calculated at
normal rate upto 9 hours and at double the normal rate for hours beyond 9 hrs
in a day or calculated at single rate upto 48 hours and a double the normal rate
beyond 48 hours.
2.Overtime is done after normal hours which are late hours, when fatigue sets in
and the efficiency of workers may not be at the required level.
3.In order to have sufficient work for overtime, the workers may not work to
their potential during normal time.
Each of the above will push up the cost and therefore overtime is not preferable
unless the demand for output is such that revenues justify the additional cost.
Control of Overtime
1.All usual work has to be completed in normal time to leave little scope for
overtime work.
3.The maximum limit of over time should be fixed for each worker.
III- Methods of Remuneration and Incentives
Introduction to Wages
5.The wage system should encourage higher productivity and reduce labour
6.The wage system should be as per the labour policy of the government and
follow the legislation applicable.
1.Payment made on the basis of time spent by the workers in the factory
irrespective of output produced.
3.Bonus System
(b)Group Bonus
1.Profit Sharing
Under this system the worker is paid on hourly daily, weekly or monthly basis.
The payment is made according to the time worked irrespective of the quantity
of the work done.
This system is similar to the previous one ,except that the time is high, higher
than the time rate at ordinary level, in order in order to have a higher standard of
performance. The high rate is equally effective as that of other incentive plans.
High wages increase labour cost rate is equally effective as that of other
incentive plans, High wages increase labour cost rate is equally effective as that
of other incentive plans. High wages increase labour cost unless it is
compensated by an increase in production. Overtime is not permitted.
1.Like the flat time rate, it is simple and easy for calculation.
Under this system the payment is at the time rates, but adjusted to the cost of
living. Merit awards for personal qualities, skill , ability, punctuality etc are also
considered. The employer is not losing, but compensates it by increasing the
price of the products. In any case it is difficult to determine the wage index,
though the scheme is acceptable to all.
This is also called Payment by results. The workers are paid in the basis of
output produced by them. The earnings of the workers depend on the number of
units of output produced and the wage rate per unit received by the worker. The
payment by results system is successful only if the work is of repetitive nature.
The effect of piece rate is that the remuneration is at constant rate and labour
cost per unit remains stable throughout the range of output.
6.Breakage of machinery will reduce output and wages. Hence, machines will
be handled with care.
2.It is suitable to learners and beginners. 2.It is not suitable to learners and beginners
7.Quality of work is more important than the 7. Quantity of work is more important than the
quantity of work quality of work.
Under straight piece rate system workers are paid according to the number of
units produced at a fixed rate per unit
b.Standard output is determined and standard time is fixed for the output based
on time and motion studies.
d.Two piece rates are to be applied for computation of earnings of each worker
For example if standard output per hour is 10 units and high piece rate is
Re.1.20 per unit and low piece rate Re.0.80 per unit workers producing 10 units
or more per hour are paid at Rs.1.20 per unit and those produce less than 10
units per hour are paid at Re.0.80 per unit.
Though no rates are specified high piece rate of 120 % of the straight piece rate
and low piece rate of 80 % of the straight rate are usually employed.
This method was not popular due to its harsh treatment of average workers and
trade unions were against it because it does not guarantee time wages.
This method is an improvement over Taylors method. This method has three
rates for different level of performance. Wages are paid at ordinary piece rate to
those workers whose performance is less than 83% of standard output,110% of
the ordinary piece rate is given to workers whose level of performance is
between 83% and 100% of the standard and 120% of the ordinary piece rate is
given to workers who produce more than 100% of the standard output.
Some authors have provided for 20% bonus over and above high piece rate for
above standard workers. But an overwhelming majority of authorities concur
with the rates given above and are used here.
Under the premium plans a standard time is fixed for a specific job or operation
and the worker is paid for the actual time taken by him at hourly rate plus wages
for a proportion of the time saved as bonus. A premium and bonus plan is called
Incentive plan because the worker is provided incentive to earn more wages by
completing the work in less time.
3.The standard time should be set on the basis of time and motion study and
should be realistic.
4.Standard time once fixed should remain for a long duration unless there are
changes in the method of work.
5.The system should increase production and lower the cost of production.
6.The workers should have scope for higher earnings with each improvements
in performance level.
2. Rowan system
=T X R + 50% (S T)R
2.Halsey Weir Scheme - Under this method the worker gets a bonus at 30%
of time saved unlike 50% under Halsey plan. Except for this change, Halsey and
Halsey weir plans are similar.
Hours worked xRate per hour + Time saved x Hours worked xRate per hour
= TxR+------------xTxR
4.Barths variable Sharing Plan- Under this scheme wages are not
guaranteed.The earnings is calculated by multiplying the rate per hour by the
geometric mean of standard hour and actual hours worked. Thus
Earnings= Rate per hour standard time x Actual time
Under this plan a standard time is fixed for every job or work. Workers output
is measured as a percentage of the standard fixed. When a workers efficiency
reaches 66 2/3 % of the standard, he becomes eligible to get bonus at given
rate.The rate of bonus increases gradually when efficiency percentage goes up
from 67% to 100% of the basic time rate. For every additional 1% efficiency
beyond 100% additional bonus is 1% of the time rate.
6.Bedeauxs point premium system-It is a combination of time and bonus
schemes. Standards time for a job is determined by time study. Standard
production per hour is fixed and the unit measurement is minute. An hour is
taken as sixty minutes. Each minute at standard time is called a point-Bedaux
point or B. The number of points has to be determined in respect of each job. If
actual time is more than the standard time, the worker is paid on hourly basis.
Excess production is counted in points, for which a bonus of 75% is allowed to
the worker and remaining 25% goes to the foreman which itself is a novel
Where B.S.= Number of points saved i.e number of points actually earned less
the standard number of points for the job.
Problem No.1
Mr.A a worker in a factory is paid on time basis. During the month of October
2010 he has worked for 200 hours. His hourly wage rate is Rs.10 per hour.
Mr.B another employee of the company is paid in the basis of piece wages.
During the month of October 2010 his output was 1,000 units. Rate of wages
per piece is Rs.3.
Problem No.2
In a factory workers are paid at Rs.50 per hour. During the month of April
2010,there were 25 working days of 8 hours each.
There is also a piece work plan where in Rs.10 is to be per piece produced.
During the month worker X produced on average 48 pieces per working day.
(b)Piece Wages
Problem No.3
With the help of the following information, ascertain the wages paid to workers
Ram and Shyam under Taylors differential piece rate system.
Differential to be applied:
Problem No.4
Calculate the earnings of workers A and B under Taylors differential piece rate
system and straight piece rate system from the following particulars:
Worker A produces 1,400 units per day and worker B produces,1500 units 0per
day of 8 Hours.
Problem No.5
In an 8 hour day
Calculate the wages of these workers under Merricks Multiple Piece rate
A 35 units B 40 units
C 41 units D 52 units
Calculate the wages of the workers under Gnatts task bonus plan.
A worker is paid at 25 paise per hour for completing a work within 8 hour. If he
complete the work within 6 hours. Calculate his wages under Halsey plan when
the rate of premium is 50%.Also ascertain the effective hourly rate of earning
by the worker.
Calculate the total earnings from the following data under Halsey plan and
Halsey weir plan.
Calculate the earnings of a worker (A)Halsey premium plan and (B) Rowan
Definition of Overhead
Classification of overheads
Indirect Materials: Indirect materials are those materials which do not form a
part of the finished product. Cost of indirect materials cannot be identified with
and allocated but can be apportioned to a particular product, process or jobs.
E.g. Cotton waste, Lubricant , Grease, Small tools etc.
Indirect Labour: Indirect labour is that labour which is not directly engaged in
production of goods or services. It indirectly helps the direct labour engaged in
production. The wages paid for indirect labour is known as indirect wages.
Indirect wages are those which cannot be identified with and allocated but can
be apportioned to a particular product, process or job. E.g. Wages of mechanics,
supervisors, watchman, sweepers, time keeper etc.
Indirect Expenses : Expenses (other than indirect material and indirect labour)
that are not directly charged to production are indirect expenses. E.g. Office
expenses ,selling and distribution expenses.
Selling overheads : These are expenses incurred for actual sales and
promotion of sales. E.g. Salaries of sales manager, commission , travelling
expenses of salesman and promotion expenses like advertisement and publicity,
after sales service etc.
Fixed overheads: Expenses that do not vary with volume of production are
known as fixed overheads. E.g Salary, rent , insurance etc.
Variable overheads: Expenses that vary with the volume of production are
known an variable overheads. These are direct costs. E.g. material , wages ,
selling commission, electricity charges etc.
Semi- variable overheads : Expenses that are partly fixed and partly variable
are called semi- variable overheads. These expenses do not vary in the same
ratio in which the output changes.
Cost Classification
Cost Allocation
Cost Apportionment
E.g. Factory rent is an expense which cannot be allocated to any one department
but is to be shared by all production departments on the basis of floor area.
Cost Absorption
Distribution of Overhead
2.Secondary Distribution
Bases of Apportionment
In order to ascertain the correct cost of cost centre and cost units, suitable bases
have to be adopted for allocation and apportionment of manufacturing
This is done as output or jobs pass through one or more production cost centres
only. This kind of distribution is called secondary apportionment. Suitable bases
have to be adopted for redistribution of service department cost to production
I. Bases of Apportionment
Problem No.1
Indicate the basis you would adopt for apportionment of the following items of
overhead expenses to different departments.
Problem No.2
Jai Ltd has three production departments A, B and C and two service
departments D and E. The following figures are extracted from the records of
the company:
Power 1,500
Sundries 10,000
Floor space in square feet 10,000 2,000 2,500 3,000 2,000 500
Light Points 60 10 15 20 10 5
Problem No. 3
Rent 10,000
Power 9,000
Number of lights 75 11 9 5
Apportion the cost to the various departments on the most equipment method.
Problem No.4
Strongman Ltd has three production departments A,B and C and two service
departments X and Y.
The following particulars are available for the month of March 2010,concerning
the organisation.
Rent 15,000
Electricity 2,400
Power 6,000
Total A B C X Y
You are requested to calculate the total overhead of the three production