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Sizing and Specifying Pumps R2

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Topic 3

Sizing and Specifying Pumps

Contents : 27 pages

01/2017(TKH) 1
A. Pump Data Sheet
1 Equipment number P-333 A/B/C
2 Service Reformer Feed
3 General Type Centrifugal
5 Fluid type Hydrocarbon liquid
6 Rated pumping temp. degC 160
7 Sp. Gravity @ P.T. 0.62
8 Viscosity @ P.T. , cS 0.26
9 Vapor Pressure @ P.T. , kPaa 324
10 Avail. NPSH @ pump centreline, m 2.3
11 Rated capacity @ P.T. cu. m /h 700*
12 Discharge pressure, kPag 5510
13 Differential pressure , kPa 5275
14 Solids Nil
17 Driver type Electric Motor
18 Power : voltage/hertz/phase 415/50/3
19 Motive steam : kPag/degC Nil
20 Casing design temp. degC 190
21 Casing design pres. kPag 6350
22 Material class S-4
23 Suction Nozzle : size/rating/facing 150/300/RF
24 Discharge nozzle : size/rating/facing 100/400/RF
25 Seal type Mechanical Seal
26 Flushing system Self-flushing
*capacity per pump

01/2017(TKH) 2
B. Key Terms & Parameters
1. Service : describes role of the pump, e.g. Jet Fuel Loading , Diesel Circulation, etc.
2. Fluid : name of liquid handled by pump, e.g. diesel, kerosene or just hydrocarbon liquid
3. Pumping temperature (P/T) : operating temperature of liquid being pumped (deg. C).
4. Head or differential pressure : delta pressure between pump discharge and suction expressed in liquid
height (metres)or kPa.
5. Shutoff head : delta pressure in terms of liquid height at zero flow-rate, corresponds to highest pressure
generated by pump ( meters).
6. Capacity : design or rated flow-rate of the pump at P/T in cubic meters per hour of (cu.m / h ).
7. NPSHa : net positive suction head available is the absolute suction pressure at pump datum level less the
vapor pressure of the pumped liquid @ P/T and is expressed in liquid height. This is what the piping
system can provide (m).
8. NPSHr : net positive suction pressure required refers to the suction pressure less the vapor pressure of the
liquid that is required at the pump inlet flange so that liquid can continue to flow to impeller eye without
vaporizing to ensure smooth sustainable ops(m).

01/2017(TKH) 3
B. Key Terms & Parameters

9. Pump Shaft Power or Pump Brake Horsepower (BHP) : power required by the pump (at pump shaft) at rated
(design) conditions[set of operating conditions covering capacity, pressures, temperature, specific
gravity and viscosity]. This power requirement is in kw.
10. BEP : best efficiency point is operating flow-rate for a given rotating speed (rpm) at which the best efficiency is
attained. Centrifugal pumps are usually selected to place the design or rated flow-rate between 40 to 100% of

01/2017(TKH) 4
C: Procedure to Specify a Pump
1. Specify flow-rate required for process and then for each pump unit. Need to define the operation
that will ultimately size the pump. If more than 1 set of conditions that will affect sizing, then provide
these sets of conditions together with the specification document for vendor to assess.
2. Ensure that the pump flowrate (cu. m /h) as given is based on pumping temperature.
3. Pumping temperature (P/T) : normal operating temperature at which pump performance ratings
and guarantees are to be based.
4. Define the liquid properties (SG, viscosity, vapor pressure) corresponding to the P/T.
5. Calculate suction conditions available rated suction pressure , maximum suction pressure, NPSHa.
6. Determine selected control system on pump performance requirements.
7. Calculate the rated discharge pressure of the pump.
8. Calculate the service differential pressure and convert to head of liquid based on the SG at pumping
temperature , if necessary.
9. Determine the design ( mechanical) pressure and temperature for the pump discharge and suction
10. Select the pump and driver types; if electrical driven, specify the voltage , frequency and phase
11. Select materials of construction.

01/2017(TKH) 5
C3: Procedure to Specify a Pump

12. Determine sparing requirements

13. Determine installation requirements (control system needed, auto-start of standby pump, re-
acceleration needed following voltage dip, etc.
14. Select shaft seal type and determine whether external flushing needed.
15. Estimate utility requirements.
16. From the data specified in data sheet, a pump can normally be specified from manufacturers sales
book or catalog that gives head-capacity ranges and individual performance curves showing
efficiency and NPSHr.

01/2017(TKH) 6
D : Considerations for Specifying / Sizing Pump.
1. Viscosity : normally expressed in centistoke (cS),
= / SG where is in cP (centipoise) or c S = c P / SG
Centrifugal pumps can be specified up to viscosity of 100 cS at P/T. Beyond this, rotary type may be
more advantageous.

2. Newtonian flow characteristics: majority of fluids considered in refineries, chemical plants and
terminals are Newtonian, where:
the rate of shear (flow) is directly proportional to shear stress( force causing flow). Because of this,
absolute viscosity (in centipoise) is constant . Hence absolute viscosity of Newtonian fluids is constant
as flowrate changes. we consider only Newtonian fluids.

3. Pump centerline :suction pressure and NPSHa are normally calculated based on pump centerline at
600mm above grade. This is true for most process pumps of medium capacity 220 m^3/h.
For higher capacity pumps, physically larger, this assumption needs to be rechecked once pump has
been selected.

4. Suction vessel with dished convex head, the minimum level is assumed to be at the bottom tangent
line of the vessel, just above the dished head level.
To meet the NPSH requirements of commercial centrifugal pumps, the vessel containing liquid at
bubble point may be placed 4.5 to 6m above grade. For very high capacity pumps, higher elevations
may be needed.

01/2017(TKH) 7 7
D : Considerations for Specifying / Sizing a Pump
5. Max. suction pressure : this is obtained by adding the suction vessel SV set pressure plus the
max liquid level in the vessel. No flow condition is to be assumed.
6. Sub-atmospheric suction pressure : Except for pumps taking suction from vacuum
equipment, pump suction should not be designed for pressure much below atmospheric
pressure. At reduced pressure, air leakage and evolution of dissolved gases can cause trouble.
Recommended suction pressure is 85kPa a (12 psia) min. This is applicable for cases pulling in
from tankage through long suction lines.
7. Max. discharge pressure: This is used to determine design pressure (DP).
max disch. press. = max suction pressure + max differential pressure
max diff. pressure = 120 % rated differential pressure based on max. fluid SG at P/T.
8. Design pressure (DP) : This is used for mechanical design of the casing.
DP = max suction pressure + max shutoff head.
max shutoff head = 120% rated differential pressure. Hence for normal pumps,
DP = max suction pressure + 120% rated differential pressure
2 points to note :
a. If in final selection, pump is found to be capable of higher than 120 % rated differential,
then shutoff head value will have to be used instead. This can happen for high flow-rate multi-
stage pumps.
01/2017(TKH) 8
D : Considerations for Specifying / Sizing Pump
b. Also for variable speed pumps that can be driven continuously at 105 % rated speed,
shutoff head = 1.2 x 1.05^2 (= 133% )normal differential pressure
= 133% normal pump head

DP = max suction pressure + 133 % rated differential pressure

9. Design temperature (DT) : 30 deg.C above rated pumping temperature(P/T). If the pump can be
exposed to below 15 deg.C at ambient or process (cryogenic) conditions, CET would have to be
specified as such.
10. Flange ratings: From DT and DP, the flange rating class can be specified. Usually vendor selects the
suction flange rating to be same as the discharge flange.
For high head pumps, sometimes a lower flange rating is used for the suction flange. If implemented,
the suction pressure rating should not be lower than of maximum discharge pressure for paired or
multiple pumps .In situation where there is only 1 pump in a particular service( no spare pump), the
suction valve flange rating may be kept lower if desired, but this is done only after careful risk
11. Minimum Flow : This permissible minimum flowrate is at flow-rate 10 to 25 % of BEP. This minimum
flow is known after the pump selection is finalized. Hence if there is need for a minimum continuous
flowrate, this must be specified in the spec sheet. Where low flow-rate is absolutely necessary, low flow
recycle can be provided. The recycle should be back to suction vessel and not to suction line to prevent
pump overheating
01/2017(TKH) 9
D : Considerations for Specifying / Sizing Pump

12. Pump cooling : most pumps operating below 200 deg.C do not require
water cooling. When needed, water cooling is required for:
a. bearing oil cooling
b. stuffing box cooling for the mechanical seal
c. For cooling the seal flushing liquid.
13. Rotary pumps : centrifugal types are most commonly used in petroleum, petro-chemical industry.
Where the viscosity exceeds 100 cS, rotary type (gear or screw) can be used ,
although centrifugal types have routinely been used up to 600 cS.
Rotary pumps can handle :
Volumetric flow-rate = 1100 cu. m/h (5000 gpm) max.
Differential pressure = 200 bars ( 3000psi ) max.
NPSHr = 3 m (10 ft ) typical
Pumping temperature = 340deg. C (650 deg. F) max.
Viscosity range = 20 to 1000 + cS.
Below 20 cS rotary pumps may have excessive wear and internal leakage because the liquid pumped
provides inadequate lubrication. Rotary pumps are also not suitable for services with appreciable
amount of hard or abrasive solids.
01/2017(TKH) 10
D: Considerations when Specifying/Sizing Pumps

H-Q curve

Fig. 1 : Theoretical curve of PD pump

As pressure resistance is increased there are some losses in volume delivered,

hence the short very inclined curve

H-Q curve

Fig. 2 : Actual curve of PD pump Flow-rate

01/2017(TKH) 11
D : Considerations when Specifying/Sizing Pumps


Because impeller dia and rpm are constant,, centrifugal pump can be considered
a constant head device.

Fig. 3 : Theoretical curve of centrifugal pump Flow-rate


However the pump loses some pressure/head as energy is channeled for

increasing flow-rate..hence the sloping curve .

Fig.4 : Actual curve of centrifugal pump Flow-rate

01/2017(TKH) 12
E : Head Capacity Curve of Centrifugal Pump (Fig. 5)

SG = 0.91 @ 30 degC P/T

01/2017(TKH) 13 13
E : Calculate Pump Head from Capacity-Head Curve
1. Pump Head : a centrifugal pump will provide the same head(H)as per
performance pump curve irrespective of the liquid it pumps.

2. However, delta pressure across pump, P, is dependent on liquid SG :

P = H x SG
where P = delta pressure, kPa
SG = specific gravity, dimensionless
H = head , m

3. Example 1 :
Given : Fig.5 shows H-Q curve for P-501 A/B in vacuum gas-oil service.
Determine : P across pump when pump is delivering vacuum gas-oil of SG =
0.91 @ 45 cu.m/h

Solution :
capacity = 45 cu. m/h = 45/60 = 0.75 cu/min
head = 27.5 m ( from Fig.5)
P = 27.5 x 0.91 = 245.3 kPa
0.102 14
E : Calculate Pump Head from Performance Curve

4. Example 2 :
Given : same pump in Example 1 , P-501 A/B
Determine : P when pumping water (SG of 0.994) at 45 cu. m/h.

Solution :
Capacity = 45 cu. m/h = 0.75 cu.m /min.
Head = 27.5 m

P = 27.5 x 0.994 = 268.0 kpa


01/2017(TKH) 15
F : Pump Shaft Power , Efficiency and Driver Sizing
1. Pump Shaft Power (Brake horsepower BHP) is measurement of power requirement by pump,
or power input from driver/motor.

2. Pump Shaft Power, kW = Hydraulic Power


= Q x P
3600 x E

= Q x H x SG
367.4 x E

where :
Q = flowrate, cu m/h
P = differential pressure, kPa
H = pump head ,m
E = pump efficiency, expressed in fraction.
(1 hp = 0.746 kW)
01/2017(TKH) 16
F : Pump Shaft Power , Efficiency and Driver Sizing
1. Efficiency : pump efficiency includes 2 categories of losses.
a. Mechanical losses due to bearing and mechanical seal friction very small
b. Hydraulic losses due to turbulence, friction, slip and internal losses back
to suction zone predominant losses.
c. Hence overall pump efficiency can be equated to hydraulic efficiency.

2. Induction motors normally provided as drivers for pumps.

Normally minimum power required of the motor is 10 % above pump shaft power
(10% as safety factor):
Min. Driver Power = pump shaft power x 1.1
mechanical efficiency of transmission
3. For directly coupled pump, mechanical efficiency of transmission is 1.0
4. Since motors come in fixed sizes, we would normally pick the next bigger motor size that can provide the
min. driver power.
5. Motors are rated by power that they can deliver to the machine( pump/compressor/mixer).
6. Standard sizes (kW) for induction squirrel cage TEFC motors in general use by process industry are:

01/2017(TKH) 3.7, 5.5, 7.5,11,15,18.5,22,30,37,45,55,75,90,110,132,150,185,220, etc.

F : Pump Shaft Power , Efficiency and Driver Sizing
5. Example 3
Given : same pump as before, P-501 A/B pumping same fluid as in Example 1.
Determine : pump shaft power, min. driver power rating and select motor when
flowrate is 45 cu. m /h
Solution :
E = 52 % or 0.52 @ 45 cu. m /h ( from Fig. 5)

Pump shaft power = Q x P = 45 x 245.3 = 5.90 kw (7.90 hp)

----------------- ----------------------
3600 x E 3600 x 0.52

Min driver power = 1.1 x PSP = 1.1 x 5.9 = 6.5 kw

Select driver 7.5 kw motor ( this is max. power that driver can deliver)

Standard Motor kW sizes 3.7, 5.5, 7.5,11,15,18.5,22,30,37,45,55,75,90,110,132,150,185,220, etc.

01/2017(TKH) 18
G : Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
1. Cavitation : this is synonymous to boiling. It will take place when static pressure falls to or below
liquid vapor pressure.
a. Vapor bubbles formed are subsequently imploded by the rising static pressure in the pump
causing a lot of rumbling marble noise.
b. Metal surface pitting and erosion take place on the impeller.
c. Head capability also falls off due to flow passage blockage by bubbles formed.
2. NPSH r : Net positive suction head required refers to the absolute suction pressure less the vapor
pressure of the liquid that is required at the pump inlet flange so that liquid can continue to flow to
impeller eye without vaporizing to ensure smooth sustainable operation.
3. To prevent cavitation, NPSH available (NPSHa) must be equal or greater than NPSH required (NPSHr)
by the pump.
In practice, margin between NPSHa and NPSHr is required to fully suppress cavitation. Usually a
600mm margin* or 10 % of NPSH r , whichever is greater should suffice.
( * Ludwigs Applied Process Design, Vol.1, 2007 edn., Section 5.9)
( ).
4. = , where

Ps = pressure at suction flange, kPa a
VP = vapor pressure of liquid at P/T, kPa a.)
SG = Specific gravity of pumped liquid @ P/T
NPSHa = net positive suction head available, m
01/2017(TKH) 19
G : Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH
5. NPSH a : If the calculated value exceeds 7.6m(25 ft), the convention is to specify just 7.6m. Reason
is that pump with NPSHr greater than 25 ft, effects of cavitation on performance and consequent
mechanical deterioration are severe.

6. NPSH r : values in pump curve are developed with use of water as a test fluid.
No correction for SG is needed in using this NPSHr curve values for the process fluid in the
specified pump service.

7. In event the diameter of impeller is changed, the original NPSHr curve is still applicable; no
correction is needed. Generally it is good for a family of impellers for a given casing size.

8. When NPSHa* is 0.3 2.10m ( 1 7 ft. ), pump generally limited to vertical pump type, derated
horizontal pumps operating lower than best efficiency speeds, or to inline pumps.

9. When NPSHa* is 2.1 3.7m (7 12 ft.) , choice can be limited, or though not a severe problem.

10. For NPSHa* > 3.7m (12ft), wide choice of centrifugal pumps is available.

11. When NPSHa* is less than 0.3 m (1 ft ), there is insufficient NPSH for any commercial pump
available. Also note that NPSH r increases with pump rpm speed.

Note: * assuming pump centerline is at 600mm above grade.

01/2017(TKH) 20
H : API 610 - Material Classes for Pump Parts

01/2017(TKH) 21
J : Centrifugal Pump Impeller Types

Semi-open Impeller
(can tolerate some solids/sediments)
Totally Enclosed Impeller
(for clean liquids)
01/2017(TKH) 22
J :Centrifugal Pump With Top Suction & Center-line Mounted

Vertical Discharge Nozzle

Vertical Horizontal Nozzle

01/2017(TKH) 23
J :Centrifugal Pump With End Suction & Frame Mounted

Vertical Discharge Nozzle

End Suction Nozzle (horizontal)

01/2017(TKH) 24
J : Isometric Configuration of Centrifugal Pump
(End Suction / Frame-mounted)

01/2017(TKH) 25
J : Rotary Pump Types

Double- Screw Pump

External Gear Pump
(Plan View)
(Side View)
1. Both types require a safety relief valve on the discharge piping to protect against
overpressure of the casing in event of high back-pressure or flow blockage.
2. Flow-rate from a rotary pump cannot be controlled as in a centrifugal pump; hence
never install a control valve on pump discharge to control flow-rate.
3. Rotary pump flow-rate can be controlled by use of a variable speed drive or motor.
01/2017(TKH) 26
K : References
1. Centrifugal Pumps : Design and Application, by Lobanoff & Ross,1992 Edition ,Gulf
2. Pump Characteristics and Applications, by Michael Volk, 2005 Edition, CRC Press.
3. Know and Understand Centrifugal pumps, by Bachus & Custodio, 2003 Edition,
Elsevier Ltd.
4. Hydraulic Institute Standards, Hydraulic Institute Engineering Data Book, USA,
1990 edition.
5. Pump Handbook, by Karassik, Messina et al, 2008 Edition, McGraw Hill.

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