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HACON - A Program For Temperature and Stress Simulation

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The report describes a computer program for simulating temperature and stress in hardening concrete.

It is for simulating temperature and stress in hardening concrete.

Properties like hydration, compressive strength, elastic strain, thermal strain, stress induced thermal strain, autogenous shrinkage, creep strain and fracturing strain of hardening concrete are discussed.





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Structural Mechanics

ISRN LUTVDG/TVSM--00/3057--SE (1-66)

ISSN 0281-6679



Copyright 2000 by Structural Mechanics, LTH, Sweden.

Printed by KFS i Lund AB, Lund, Sweden, May 2000.

For information, address:

Division of Structural Mechanics, LTH, Lund University, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden.
Detta r en tom sida!
The computer program described in the present report has been developed as a
joint project between the Division of Structural Mechanics at Lund University and
Vattenfall Utveckling AB. The project was initiated by Jan Alemo in 1987. During
the late 80s and early 90s Ola Dahlblom performed the program development and
wrote the description of theory which the computer code is based on. During recent
years a major revision of the computer program has been performed, including
development of a graphical user interface and also some development of the modelling
code. This revision was performed by Ola Dahlblom and Jonas Lindemann.
Lund in May 2000
Ola Dahlblom Jonas Lindemann


1.1 General remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Characteristics of computer program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Summary of the report contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Hydration of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Compressive strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Elastic strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Thermal strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 Stress induced thermal strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7 Autogeneous shrinkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.8 Creep strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.9 Fracturing strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.10 Stress-strain relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.11 Matrix formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Finite element formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 In nite element formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 Numerical solution procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.5 Cooling pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Finite element formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3 Numerical solution procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.4 De nition of equivalent length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5.1 General remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.2 Generation of input data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.3 Presentation of output data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
B.1 Heat development in curing box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
B.2 Determination of maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
B.3 Determination of degree of hydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
B.4 Computer code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Chapter 1

1.1 General remarks

The service life of concrete structures is to a great extent in uenced by crack devel-
Owing to chemical reactions, heat is developed in hardening concrete. This
normally yields a temperature increase and thermal expansion. Since displacement
is often prevented by an existing structure, e.g. when an old concrete structure
is repaired, tensile stress and crack development may occur when the temperature
decreases after the hardening. Another source of crack development is nonuniform
distribution of temperature and thermal strain in hardening concrete structures.
A crucial point in the design of massive concrete structures is to avoid crack
development during hardening. To do this, di erent methods are used, e.g. use of
low heat cement, limitation of casting stages, cooling of the concrete before casting,
cooling of the concrete structure with internal pipes, etc. In the absence of suitable
computer programs the e ect of this type of action has in the past been estimated
very roughly. To facilitate more accurate prediction of the e ect, a computer pro-
gram for simulation of temperature and stress in hardening concrete structures has
been developed. The present program is called HACON and is a further develop-
ment of the programs HACON-T [8], HACON-S [9] and HACON-H [10]. A brief
description of the program HACON is given below.

1.2 Characteristics of computer program

Some characteristics of the computer program are mentioned below.
 The nite element method is applied.
 Two-dimensional and axisymmetric problems can be handled.
 The heat development of the cement is described as a function of the temper-
ature and the degree of hydration.

 Heat exchange with an unbounded region of e.g. rock is considered, using
nite elements.
 The nite element model can be extended during the analysis to consider
casting stages performed at di erent points of time.
 Variations in the environmental temperature and the removal of formwork and
insulation can be considered.
 The temperature or generated heat can be prescribed at speci c points to take
into consideration the e ect of cooling pipes or heating cables.
 In the stress analysis the development of material properties during hardening
is considered.
 The constitutive equations take into account creep, stress induced thermal
strain, autogeneous shrinkage and crack developmet.
Input data to the program is de ned interactively and mesh generation is in-
Output data from the program is stored in a le, which is interpreted by a spe-
cial purpose post-processor. Distribution of temperature, degree of hydration and
equivalent maturity time are presented by colour or iso-lines. The history of the
temperature at a speci ed point and the mean, maximum and minimum temper-
ature, in a speci ed region are shown in diagrams. Displacements are illustrated
by showing a deformed nite element mesh. Magnitude and direction of principal
stresses are shown by arrows. Distribution of maximum principal stress, strength
and stress-strength ratio are presented by colour. The history of stress, strength
and stress-strength ratio is shown in diagrams.

1.3 Summary of the report contents

In Chapters 2-4 a description of the theory which the program is based on is given.
In Chapter 5 the computer program is described brie y.

1.4 Notations
The notations are explained in the text where they rst appear. They are also listed
in Appendix A.
References to literature are quoted in the text by numbers in square brackets,
[ ]. The references are given in alphabetical order in Appendix C.
Equations are, in general, written in component form and unless otherwise indi-
cated, the summation convention is applied, see e.g. Malvern [24].

A component of a vector is indicated by using indices, e.g. qi. To make a
distinction between the vector itself and its components, vectors are denoted by
boldface letters, e.g. q. The time derivative is denoted by a dot over the variable
considered, e.g. T_ .

Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction
Theoretical simulation of displacements and stresses in hardening concrete structures
require a proper material description. The material model, which will be described
below, aims to be general enough to re ect the phenomena of interest, without
being more complicated than necessary. In uence of hardening on the material
properties is taken into account. In the present work, the concrete is assumed not
to be a ected by drying. Therefore, in uence of drying on the material properties
is not considered. Since the tensile strength of concrete is much lower than the
compressive strength, a common situation is that the tensile strength is exceeded,
while the maximum compressive stress is well below the compressive strength. For
convenience, compression failure is therefore not included in the present model.
Heat development and development of material properties are dependent on the
hydration process. Therefore a description of this process is given below.

2.2 Hydration of concrete

After casting, the strength of the concrete develops during the hydration process,
which consists of several simultaneous chemical reactions. To obtain a measure of
how far the reactions have developed, the quantity degree of hydration is intro-
duced. Several de nitions of this quantity have been proposed, see Byfors [5].
In the present work, the degree of hydration is de ned as the quantity of heat
developed Wc, divided by the quantity of heat developed at complete hydration of
the cement Wc0, i.e.
= c (2.1)
Since the hydration process is dependent on temperature, it is reasonable to

introduce the quantity equivalent maturity time te, which facilitates the comparison
of hydration processes during di erent thermal conditions. The equivalent maturity
time te is de ned by the integral
f (T )
te = d (2.2)
f (Tr )
where f (T ) is a maturity function and Tr is a reference temperature, chosen as
Tr = 293K (20 C ). Several maturity functions have been proposed, see Byfors [5]
for a review. Freiesleben Hansen and Pedersen [14] proposed a maturity function
based on the Arrhenius equation for thermal activation, i.e.
f (T ) = ke T (2.3)

In Eq. (2.3) k is a proportionality constant and  is the activation energy divided

by the universal gas constant. Substitution of Eq. (2.3) into Eq. (2.2) yields
te = e( Tr T ) d (2.4)
1 1

Use of Eq. (2.4) with the assumption of temperature dependency of , has
shown a good correlation between the equivalent maturity time and the compressive
concrete strength, see Freiesleben Hansen and Pedersen [14] and Byfors [5]. In the
present work Eq. (2.4) is used, with the quantity  given by
 = 0 r a (2.5)
T Ta
as proposed by Jonasson [20]. In Eq. (2.5), 0 and 0 are material parameters
obtained experimentally, and Ta is a constant chosen as Ta = 263K ( 10C ).
The quantity of generated heat per mass unit of cement Wc is related to the
degree of hydration by Eq. (2.1). To obtain an expression for how the generated
heat is related to the equivalent maturity time te, a relation between and te is
required. In the present work the relation proposed by Jonasson [20] is adopted, i.e.
= e  (ln(1+ t ))
where 1 , t1 and 1 are material parameters obtained experimentally.
In Appendix B a description of a method for determination of the material
parameters in Eqs. (2.5) and (2.6) from measurements using an insulated curing
box is given.
In a concrete structure the generated heat per volume unit is of interest. There-
fore, the generated heat per mass unit of cement is multiplied by the cement content
C , i.e. the generated heat per volume unit of concrete W is given by
W = CWc (2.7)

Substitution of Eq. (2.1) into Eq. (2.7) yields
W = CWc0 (2.8)
In the nite element equations, the time derivative of W will be used. Di eren-
tiation of Eq. (2.8) yields
dW d dte
Q= = CWc0 (2.9)
dt dte dt
where, according to Eqs. (2.6) and (2.4)
   1 1
= t1+1t ln 1 + tte (2.10)
1 e 1
e( Tr T )
= 1 1

2.3 Compressive strength

As mentioned above, compression failure is not included in the model. It is, however,
common to relate some material properties of hardening concrete to the compressive
strength. Therefore, a description of this is given below.
The compressive strength fc0, after hardening for a reference time tr = 672h
(28d), at a reference temperature Tr = 293K (200C ), is often used as a measure of
the quality of the concrete. The strength fc0 depends mainly on the water-cement
ratio w0=C .
For Swedish standard cement Ref. [4] gives a diagram showing the relation be-
tween water-cement ratio w0=C and compressive strength fc0. A fair representation
of the relation can be described by the expression
fc0 = fc1 + c2 (2.12)
(w0=C )
where the parameters have the values fc1 = 4:7MP a and fc2 = 27:5MP a.
During hardening the compressive strength fc is assumed to develop according
to a relation described by Byfors [5], i.e.
fc = c fc0 (2.13)
where  b c
a1c te 1
c =  (b1c b2c ) (2.14)
1+ a1c te
a2c tr
and the parameters a1c, b1c , a2c and b2c depend on the cement type and the concrete
composition. In absence of detailed experimental data on the concrete in question,
the parameters may, on the basis of experimental data presented by Byfors [5], be
chosen as a1c = 10(3:4 1:1W =C ) , b1c = 2:0; a2c = 1:0, and b2c = 0:14.

2.4 Elastic strain
During hardening, the elasticity properties change. It is, however, reasonable to
assume that the deformation of concrete which is subjected to load is maintained
during hardening. This is because chemical reactions cause development of the inter-
nal material structure, and the new connection produced can be expected to be free
from stress and not carry the previously applied load. However, these connections
yield an increased material sti ness. Unloading of the material will therefore show
an irreversible strain caused by hardening of loaded concrete. Assuming isotropy,
the elastic strain rate "_e is thus related to the stress rate _ by the generalized Hooke's
"_eij = Cijkm
e _
km (2.15)
where C e is the isotropic compliance tensor, given by
Cijkm = eij km + e (ik jm + im jk ) (2.16)
Here ij is Kronecker's delta and e and ke are elastic parameters, related to the
elastic modulus E and Poisson's ratio  by

e = (2.17)
e =
1+ (2.18)
The growth of the elastic modulus E during hardening may be described in the
same manner as the development of the compressive strength fc has been described
by Byfors [5], i.e.
E = E E0 (2.19)
where  b E
a1E te 1
=  (b b ) (2.20)
1+ a1E te 1E 2E
a2E tr
and E0 is the elastic modulus at time te = tr . The parameters a1E , b1E , a2E and
b2E depend on the cement type and the concrete composition. Eq. (2.19), with
parameters chosen as a1E = 10(8:0 2:0W =C ) , b1E = 4:0; a2E = 1:0, and b2E = 0:1,

is compared with experimental data by Byfors [5] in Fig. 2.1. In accordance with
the experimental data, the value of E0 has been chosen as 38:0GP a, 38:0GP a and
31:0GP a for the water-cement ratios 0:40, 0:58, and 1:00, respectively. To get an
estimation of the value of E0 in Eq. (2.19) one may use the relation
E0 = E1 (2.21)
where E1 = 6:0GP a and fr is a reference value, chosen as fr = 1:0MP a.

Figure 2.1: Comparison between Eq. (2.19) and experimental data according to
Byfors [5].
According to experimental data by Byfors [5] the value of Poisson's ratio de-
creases rapidly at a very early age, and then increases. This behaviour may be
described by the relation
 = 1 e  ( tr ) + 2 1 e  ( tr ) (2.22)
te 1

where 1 and 2 are the initial and nal values of  , respectively, and 1 and 2
( 1 > 2 ) are parameters which express the in uence of hardening. In Fig. 2.2
Eq. (2.22), with 1 = 0:5, 2 = 0:25, 1 = 150, and 2 = 40, is illustrated and
compared with experimental data according to Byfors [5].

2.5 Thermal strain

When the temperature of concrete is raised by the rate T_ , thermal strain develops
with the rate T ij T_ , where T is the coecient of thermal expansion. The value
of T is dependent on the concrete composition and is reducing during the rst few
hours after casting, see Byfors [5]. A typical value of T is 1010 6K 1:
According to experimental results by e.g. Lofquist [23] and Emborg [13], the
thermal strain is only partly recovered when the temperature is decreased. The
thermal strain rate "_T can thus be expressed as
"_Tij = T (rT + T (1 rT )) ij T_ (2.23)
where rT is a parameter indicating to what extent the thermal strain is recoverable
and T is a parameter with the value 1 when the temperature increases to a level
not previously attained, and 0 in other cases. According to the data by Lofquist [23]
and Emborg [13] the parameter rT has a value in the range 0.6 - 1.0, and a typical
value is rT = 0:8:

Figure 2.2: Comparison between Eq. (2.22) and experimental data according to
Byfors [5].
2.6 Stress induced thermal strain
When the temperature of a concrete specimen exposed to external load is raised,
the observed deformation di ers from the sum of the deformation of a loaded speci-
men at constant temperature and the thermal expansion of a non-loaded specimen.
The excess deformation is often called transitional thermal creep, and is sometimes
referred to as stress induced thermal stain. For temperatures below 1000C, the phe-
nomenon has been observed by e.g. Hansen and Eriksson [15], Illston and Sanders
[18], [19] and Parrott [28]. Khoury et al. [21] have made an excellent review of
experimental observations in this area. Important characteristics are that the strain
develops rapidly after increase of temperature to a level not previously attained and
that it is irrecoverable. The magnitude of the strain is proportional to the stress and
to the temperature change and may be regarded as una ected by maturity. The rate
of the stress induced strain "_T  , as proposed by Thelandersson [34], can be assumed
to be given by the relation
T   T_
"_Tij = T  Cijkm (2.24)
where C T  is a tensor which, assuming isotropy, can be expressed as
T  =  +  ( + )
Cijkm (2.25)
T  ij km T  ik jm im jk
In Eq. (2.24)  is the stress, T_ is the time derivative of temperature, and T  is a
parameter with the value 1 when the temperature increases to a level not previously
attained, and 0 in other cases. In Eq. (2.25), T  and T  are material parameters,
which in analogy with Eqs. (2.19) and (2.20) can be expressed as

T  = T  (2.26)

T  =
1 + T  (2.27)
According to the data given in Refs. [18], [28] and [21], ET  varies between 0:5
and 4:0T P aK and a typical value is 2:0T P aK . The value of T  cannot be obtained
from the data in these references, but data for concrete heated above 100C , given by
Thelandersson [34], yields T  = 0:29, i.e. about the same as the value of Poisson's
ratio  for hardened concrete. In absence of detailed experimental data, T  may
be assumed to have a value in the range 0:25 0:30.

2.7 Autogeneous shrinkage

In concrete with a low water-cement ratio the chemical reactions during hardening
result in a decrease in humidity, so-called self-desiccation. This decrease in humidity
yields strains commonly referred to as autogeneous shrinkage. The development of
autogeneous shrinkage starts when the capillary water has been consumed due to
the hydration. The autogeneous shrinkage "a is, as proposed by Auperin et al. [2],
assumed to be given by the expression
"aij = "a0 e ( t ) ij ;
te ta 
te  ta (2.28)
where "a0 is the nal autogeneous shrinkage, ta is the maturity at start of auto-
geneous shrinkage and t2 and 2 are development parameters for the autogeneous
Equation (2.28) with the parameters chosen as "a0 = 0:7  10 4, ta = 50h,
t2 = 400h and 2 = 1:1 is illustrated in Fig. (2.3).

2.8 Creep strain

Time dependent strain, often referred to as creep, may be assumed to be proportional
to the stress. For a constant uniaxial stress  the creep strain "c can be written
"c = C (2.29)
where C is the creep compliance, which is dependent on time t, loading time t0, and
concrete composition. The creep compliance may be expressed as
1 0 (2.30)
E 0 t t

in which E is the elastic modulus and 0 and t are parameters, whose values can be
obtained from diagrams given in Ref. [4]. The relations can, with good agreement,
be described by the expressions
0 = 01 0 02 (2.31)

x 10

autogeneous shrinkage

0 200 400 600 800 1000
maturity (h)

Figure 2.3: Illustration of Eq. (2.28).

N h
X t t0 i
t = n 1 e n (2.32)

where Eq. (2.32) is known as a Dirichlet series. The parameters may be chosen
as 01 = 3:2, 02 = 0:3; N = 5, 1 = 104s, 2 = 105s, 3 = 106s, 4 = 107s,
5 = 108 s, 1 = 0:06, 2 = 0:03, 3 = 0:20; 4 = 0:52 and 5 = 0:15. The parameter
t considers the in uence of the concrete age at loading. This in uence may be
described by the relation
t = tr
This expression, with 0t1 = 0:27, is illustrated in Fig. 2.4. In the gure data from
several experiments as compiled by Parrot [29] is also shown (from Byfors [5]). A
comparison with the curve given in Ref. [4] is also provided.
Adopting the principle of superposition, which means that the creep strain due
to a varying stress is equal to the sum of the creep strains due to stress increments
applied at di erent times t0, see e.g. Bazant [3], the creep strain may be written
"c = C 0 dt0 (2.34)
Assuming isotropy, the following generalization of Eq. (2.34), see e.g. Bazant

Figure 2.4: Comparison between theory and experimental data.
[3], can be used
N Zt h
X t t0 i dkm 0
"cij = cn
Cijkm 1 e n
dt (2.35)
n=1 0
where the creep compliance tensor Ccncan be expressed in a way similar to the
elastic compliance tensor in Eq. (2.18), i.e.
cn =  +  ( + )
Cijkm (2.36)
cn ij km cn ik jm im jk

in which cn and cn are creep compliance parameters which, analogously to Eqs.
(2.21) and (2.22) can be expressed as
cn = (2.37)

cn =
1 + cn (2.38)
where Ecn is given by the relations
Ecn = 0 E0t n ; n = 1
Ecn = 0E0t0n ; n  2 (2.39)
and cn are quantities analogous to Poisson's ratio  . To avoid great in uence at a
late stage, from stress variations at an early stage, Ecn has for n  2 been assumed

to be proportional to E0 instead of E . In absence of detailed experimental results
one may assume that cn =  , see e.g. Anderson [1].
The time derivative of the creep strain "cij , according to Eq. (2.35) is given by
"_ =
1 e tn n (2.40)
ij  ij
n=1 n
where the quantities ij express the history of the material and are given by
t0 dkm 0
ijn = cn e n
dt (2.41)
It may be observed that when the creep strain rate at time t + t is to be
computed, the integral of Eq. (2.41) has to be evaluated only from time t to time
t + t, if the value of the integral at time t is known. This means that the stress
history before time t need not be available when the creep strain rate at time t +t
is to be computed.

2.9 Fracturing strain

The ctitious crack model according to Hillerborg et al. [16], [17], [26] is based on
the fact that when a specimen is loaded in tension, fracture is localized to a thin
zone. The deformation caused by fracture in this zone is modelled by a ctitious
crack whose width represents the total fracturing deformation in the zone. The
material outside the fracture zone is assumed to be una ected by cracking.
A smeared crack approach based on the ctitious crack model has been proposed
by Ottosen and Dahlblom [27], [11], [7]. In the present model the concept is modi ed
to consider development of properties during hardening.
Crack development is assumed to start when the maximum principal stress
reaches the uniaxial tensile strength ft, which grows during hardening.
The development of the tensile strength ft may be described in analogy with the
growth of the elastic modulus as described above, i.e.
ft = t ft0 (2.42)
where  b t 1
a1t te
t =  (b1t b2t ) (2.43)
1+ a1t
and ft0 is the tensile strength at time te = tr . An estimation of the value of ft0 can
be obtained by the relation   2
ft0 = ft1 (2.44)

f r

Figure 2.5: Comparison between Eq. (2.42) and experimental data according to
Byfors [5].
where fr is a reference value chosen as fr = 1:0MP a. Eq. (2.42) is illustrated in
Fig. 2.5, with the parameters chosen as a1t = 10 (6: 0 2 : 00W
C , b1t = 3:0, a2t = 1:0,
b2t = 0:14, and ft1 = 0:3MP a. Experimental data representing the tensile strength
obtained by Byfors [5] in splitting tests is also shown in the gure.
The crack plane of the rst crack is assumed to be normal to the direction
of the maximum principal stress. A possible second crack is assumed to develop
perpendicular to the rst crack, if the normal stress in that direction also reaches
the tensile strength. Likewise a third crack may develop perpendicular to the existing
two cracks.
For convenience, a local coordinate system is introduced, where the x1-axis is
normal to the plane of the rst crack. If a second crack has occurred, the x2-axis is
normal to the plane of that crack. The unit vectors ii in the local coordinate system
are related to the unit vectors ik in the global coordinate system by the relation
ii = aik ik (2.45)
aik = cos (xi , xk ) (2.46)
in which xi and xk denote local and global coordinates respectively. It may be
noted that, in the present description of fracture, barred variables relate to the local
coordinate system.
The stress  normal to the plane of crack No. is assumed to decrease when
the crack width w increases. It should be noted that when or is used as tensor
index, in this description, a speci c component is assumed and that the summation
convention is not applied for a repeated index or .

Figure 2.6: Comparison between Eq. (2.48) and experimental data by Petersson
The energy GF necessary to produce one unit area of crack is given by the integral
GF =  dw (2.47)
where wc is the crack width when the normal stress has dropped to zero. According
to experimental results by Petersson [31], the fracture energy GF of hardening con-
crete develops in the same way as the elastic modulus E. Thus, the fracture energy
GF may be described as
GF = E GF 0 (2.48)
where GF 0 is the fracture energy at time te = tr . To get an estimation of the value
of GF 0 one may use the relation
GF 0 = GF 1 E0 (2.49)
where GF 1 = 2:5 mm gives good agreement with experimental data according to
Petersson [31], see Fig. 2.6.
The stress  is for the sake of simplicity assumed to be a linear function of w ,
 = ft + N w (2.50)

Figure 2.7: Relation of stress  and crack width w
where ft is the uniaxial tensile strength and N is a proportionality factor (N < 0).
The relation between stress  and crack width w is illustrated in Fig. 2.7.
Eq. (2.50) and the fact that the normal stress is zero when the crack width is
wc yield
wc = t (2.51)
Substitution of Eq. (2.50) into Eq. (2.47), evaluation of the integral and use of
Eq. (2.51) results in
N= (2.52)
A fracturing strain tensor "f is introduced which represents the mean fracturing
strain in a region which includes the discrete crack. The fracturing strain "f normal
to the plane of crack No. is de ned by
"f =
where L is an equivalent length associated with crack No. which is related to
the size of the nite element where the crack develops.
Substitution of Eq. (2.53) into Eq. (2.50) and di erentiation with respect to
time yields
"_f = J _ (2.54)
where 1
J = (2.55)
Eq. (2.55) is valid on condition that
w_ > 0 (2.56)

If this condition is not satis ed, i.e. unloading is taking place, the crack that has
developed is assumed to be irrecoverable and the fracturing strain rate is assumed
to be zero. This means that Eq. (2.54) is still valid, but now with J given by
J = 0 (2.57)
When a crack is fully developed, i.e. when w > wc, the stress  is assumed to
be zero. If Eq. (2.54) is applied in this situation the value of J is in nitely large.
As mentioned above, the fracture energy is given by Eq. (2.47), which means that
the remaining fracture energy of a developing crack is changed by the rate  w_
when the rate of change in the crack width is w_ . In hardening concrete it may be
assumed that new connections develop in undamaged regions of fracturing concrete.
The remaining fracture energy G is therefore assumed to increase by a fraction
G =GF of the increase of GF , as described by Eq. (2.49). These assumptions lead
to the following description of the rate of change of the remaining fracture energy
G_ :
G_ = GGF G_ F  w_ ; w_ > 0 (2.58)
If a crack, fully or partly developed, is exposed to compressive stress, the hardening
process may yield new connections even in damaged regions, since contact can be
expected between particles on di erent sides of the crack plane. The remaining
fracture energy G may therefore be assumed to increase by the same rate as the
fracture energy GF , i.e.
G_ = G_ F ;   0; w_ = 0 (2.59)
For tensile stresses below the current tensile strength f linear interpolation
between Eq. (2.58) and Eq. (2.59) may be applied, i.e. the rate of change of
fracture energy is given by
_G = 1 + f GGF 1 G_ F ; 0    f ; w_ = 0 (2.60)
where the tensile strength f is proportional to the square root of the remaining
portion of the fracture energy, i.e.
f = f (2.61)
GF t
Development of a crack will reduce the ability to transfer shear stresses across
the crack plane. In analysis of fracture it is important, in addition to modelling the
behaviour normal to a crack plane, to obtain a reasonable expression for the shear
behaviour. A common way of handling the reduction of shear sti ness is simply
to multiply the elastic shear modulus by a so-called shear retention factor, which
has a constant value in the interval from 0 to 1. It is, however, not satisfactory to
assume that the reduction of the shear sti ness is independent of the crack width.

It is reasonable to assume that the shear sti ness is reduced gradually as the crack
width increases. Since the fracture is localized to a thin zone, the reduction of shear
sti ness is related to this zone and the shear sti ness in the region outside the zone
is una ected by cracking. When a smeared crack approach is used, an e ective shear
modulus, representative of a region which includes the crack, is applied. The e ective
shear modulus depends on the shear sti ness of the fracture zone and also on the
shear sti ness of the una ected region outside the zone, and is therefore dependent
on the size of the region considered. It is thus not acceptable to use a shear retention
factor which is not related to the size of the region of which it is assumed to be
representative. In experiments by Paulay and Loeber [30] relationships between
shear stress and shear displacement at constant crack widths have been obtained.
According to their results the shear displacement is more or less proportional to
the shear stress and to the crack width. Based on these observations the shear
displacement w s in crack No. in the direction x  is by Ottosen and Dahlblom
[27] assumed to be given by
w s =  ( 6= )
where w is the crack width, Gs is a material parameter, so-called slip modulus, and
 is the shear stress in the crack plane. To obtain a rate formulation Eq. (2.62)
is di erentiated with respect to time. This yields an expression where the rate of
shear displacement is dependent on the rate of the normal stress in addition to the
rate of shear stress. This yields, however, a nonsymmetric system of equations.
Since it is advantageous to have a symmetric system of equations, the rate of shear
displacement and the rate of normal stress may be assumed to be uncoupled. This
is obtained by replacing Eq. (2.62) by the relation
s = w (2.63)
G s
The value of Gs may be expected to increase during development of the elastic
modulus E . Thus, the slip modulus may be described as
Gs = E Gs0 (2.64)
where Gs0 is the slip modulus at time te = tr : To get an estimation of Gs0 one may
use the expression
Gs0 = Gs1 E0 (2.65)
where Gs1 = 1:0  10 4 may be chosen on the basis of Paulay and Loeber's data [30].
As in the case of fracture normal to the crack plane, a fracturing strain component
is de ned for shear displacement. The fracturing shear strain " is de ned by

w w
 s s 
" =
2 L + L ( 6= ) (2.66)

where L is the equivalent length corresponding to crack No. as introduced above
in Eq. (2.53). Di erentiation of Eq. (2.66) with respect to time and substitution of
Eqs. (2.53) and (2.63) into the result, and considering that _ = _ , yields
"_f = A _ ( 6= ) (2.67)
"f + "f
A = ( 6= ) (2.68)
Using Eqs. (2.55) and (2.67) a complete relation between fracturing strain rate
and stress rate can be obtained
"_fpq = Cpqrs
f  _ rs (2.69)
= J1 (2.70)
= J2 (2.71)
= J3 (2.72)
= C1221
= C2112
= C2121
= A12 2 (2.73)

= C2332
= C3223
= C3232
= A23 2 (2.74)

= C3113
= C1331
= C1313
= A31 2 (2.75)
All other components Cpqrs
f are zero.
The stress and fracturing strain rate tensors expressed in the local coordinate
system can be transformed to the global coordinate system by the usual relations.
_ rs = ark asm _ km (2.76)
"_fij = api aqj "_fpq (2.77)
where aik is given by Eq. (2.46), Eqs. (2.69), (2.76) and (2.77) can be combined to
form a relation between fracturing strain rate and stress rate in the global coordinate
"_fij = apiaqj Cpqrs
f a a _
rk sm km (2.78)

2.10 Stress-strain relation
The strain rate tensor "_ is assumed to consist of the sum of the strain rates as
described in the previous sections, i.e.
"_ij = "_eij + "_Tij + "_Tij + "_aij + "_cij + "_fij (2.79)
To obtain a relation between the stress rate _ and the total strain rate "_ the
previous expressions will be combined. Substitution of Eqs. (2.15) and (2.78) into
Eq. (2.79) yields
"_ij = Cijkm
e + apiaqj Cpqrs
f a a  _ 0
rk sm km + "_ij (2.80)
"_0ij = "_Tij + "_Tij + "_aij + "_cij (2.81)
Since the tensor C e is isotropic, its components do not change under rotation of
the coordinate axes, Eq. (2.80) can be written as
"_ij = api aqj Cpqrsark asm _ km + "_0ij (2.82)
Cpqrs = Cpqrs
e +C pqrs
f (2.83)
Eq. (2.82) can be used to determine the strain rate when the stress rate is given.
To obtain a nite element formulation, the inverse formulation is of interest.
Therefore, the sti ness tensor D is introduced and de ned as the inverse of the
compliance tensor C , i.e.
D tupq Cpqrs = (tr us + ts ur ) (2.84)
Multiplication of Eq. (2.82) by avn awoD vwtu ati auj , use of the relations aik ajk =
ij , aik aim = km , _ km = _ mk , and Eq. (2.84), and rearrangement yields the relation

_ km = Dkmij "_ij 0
km (2.85)
where the material sti ness D and the pseudo stress rate _ 0 are given by
Dkmij = ark asm D rspq api aqj (2.86)
0 = Dkmij "_0
_ km (2.87)

2.11 Matrix formulation
For computer programming, matrix formulation is in general most convenient. The
proposed constitutive equations are therefore summarized below, using matrix no-
Since the stress and strain tensors are symmetric, the previous equations can be
expressed by using six components instead of nine. The constitutive equations, in
the present work, are applied to two-dimensional problems, where two of the shear
components are zero, and therefore may be excluded. The tensors _ , "_ and "_0 are
therefore expressed by four-element column matrices, i.e.
_ = _ 11 _ 22 _ 12 _ 33 (2.88)
"_ = "_11 "_22 2"_12 "_33 (2.89)
"_0 = "_011 "_022 2"_012 "_033 (2.90)
It should be noted that the shear strain components have been multiplied by 2.
Using matrix notation, Eq. (2.82) can be written
"_ = G C G T _ + "_0 (2.91)
where 2 3
a11 a11 a21 a21 a11 a21 a31 a31
G = a12 a12 a22 a22 a12 a22 a32 a32
6 7
42a11 a12 2a21a22 a11 a22 + a21 a12 2a31 a32
5 (2.92)
a13 a13 a23 a23 a13 a23 a33 a33
2 1  3
E+ J1 
E 0 E
E + J2 0
 1  7
C = 6
0 0 2(1+E ) + 2A12 1 0 5
E 7 (2.93)
E E 0 E + J3
"_0 = "_T + "_T  + "_c (2.94)
"_T = T (rT + T (1 rT ))[1 1 0 1]T (2.95)
2 T 3 2
ET 0 ET 11
6 T 
"_T  = T  T 6
6 ET  E
1 0 T 7 6
E T 7 22 7 (2.96)
2(1+ T ) 76 7
4 0 0 ET 0 5 4 12 5
ET 0 1

"_c =
X 1e t
n n (2.97)

n=1 n

2 32
Ecn 0 cn

n =
e n 6
Ecn 0 cn 7 6 d
Ecn 7
7 0
7 dt (2.98)
0 0 2(1+cn ) 0 d
5 4 dt12
0 5
0 cn cn 0 1 d33
Ecn Ecn Ecn dt0
De ning G and D as
G = G 1 (2.99)
D = C 1 (2.100)
and premultiplying Eq. (2.91) by GT DG yields
_ = D"_ _ 0 (2.101)
where the material sti ness D and pseudo stress rate _ 0 are given by
D = GT DG (2.102)
_ 0 = D"_0 (2.103)
For axial symmetry, the matrices given by Eqs. (2.102) and (2.103) can be
directly used to establish the element matrices. For plane strain and plane stress,
the matrices have to be reduced to three components, using the conditions "_33 = 0
and _ 33 = 0, respectively, before establishing element matrices.

Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction
To facilitate simulation of thermal problems numerical methods are used. The nite
element method has proved to be an ecient tool in thermal analysis and is therefore
applied. In this chapter a nite element formulation of the heat conduction problem
is given. An in nite element formulation is also given. This concept is applied to
take into account unbounded regions of e.g. rock.

3.2 Finite element formulation

In order to arrive at an appropriate nite element formulation, the basic equations
of heat conduction will be brie y described.
The heat balance equation is given by
+ cT_ Q = 0 (3.1)
where q is the heat ow vector,  is the mass density, c is the speci c heat, T is
the temperature, Q is the generated heat according to Eq. (2.9) and xi denotes a
Cartesian coordinate system. Eq. (3.1) is multiplied by a set of weighting functions
vm and an integration over the studied body volume V is performed
vm dV + vm cT_ dV vm QdV = 0 (3.2)

It should be noted that the index m may normally assume values exceeding 3.

Use of the divergence theorem gives the relation
@vm _
qi dV + vm cT dV = vm qs dS + vm QdV (3.3)

where qs is the heat ow into the body studied, given by

qs = qi ni (3.4)
where n is the outward unit vector normal to the surface S.
The heat ow is related to the temperature gradient by the Fourier law for
thermal conduction, i.e.
qi = k (3.5)
where k is the thermal conductivity.
Substitution of Eq. (3.5) into Eq. (3.3) yields
@vm @T
k dV
@xi @xi
+ vmcT_ dV = vm qs dS + vm QdV (3.6)

In order to obtain nite element equations the temperature T is expressed as a

function of the nodal temperatures Tn as
T = Nn Tn (3.7)
where Nn are interpolation functions. The summation index n in Eq. (3.7) may
normally exceed 3.
According to the Galerkin method the interpolation functions are chosen as
weighting functions, i.e.
vm = Nm (3.8)
Substitution of Eqs. (3.7) and (3.8) into Eq. (3.6) yields
Kmn Tn + Cmn T_n = Pm (3.9)
where Z
@Nm @Nn
Kmn = k dV (3.10)
@x @x i i
Cmn = Nm cNn dV (3.11)
Pm = Nm qs dS + Nm QdV (3.12)

Figure 3.1: Geometry and degrees of freedom of eight-node isoparametric element

Figure 3.2: Parent element

The present work deals with plane and axisymmetric problems, using an eight-
node isoparametric element, see Fig. 3.1. The element is obtained by distorting the
rectangular parent element of Fig. 3.2.
The geometry of the element is given by the relations
x1 = Nn xn (3.13)
x2 = Nn yn (3.14)
where the interpolation functions, Nn may be found in e.g. Zienkiewicz and Taylor
[37] and are given by
N1 = 41 (1  )(1  )(   1) ; N2 = 21 (1  2) (1  ) ;
N3 = 4 (1 +  )(1  ) (  1) ;
1 N4 = 21 (1 +  )(1  2 ); (3.15)
N5 = 14 (1 +  )(1 +  )( +  1); N6 = 21 (1  2) (1 +  );
N7 = 14 (1  )(1 +  ) (  +  1); N8 = 21 (1  )(1  2 )
The interpolation functions Nn of Eq. (3.15) are used also for the temperature
in Eq. (3.7).
According to the chain rule, the derivatives of Nn with respect to  and  can
be expressed in the derivatives with respect to x1 and x2 as
 @Nn   @Nn 
@Nn = @x1
J @N n (3.16)
@ @x2

where J is the Jacobian matrix given by

" #
@x1 @x2
J= @
@x2 (3.17)
@ @

Substitution of Eqs. (3.13) and (3.14) into Eq. (3.17) yields

xn @N 
J = @Nn x @Nn y
@ @ n
@ n @ n

The derivatives of Nn with respect to x1 and x2 can be obtained from Eq. (3.16),
i.e.  @Nn   @Nn 
@Nn =J 1 @
@Nn (3.19)
@x2 @
where J 1 is the inverse of the Jacobian matrix J of Eq. (3.18). The derivatives of
Nn with respect to  and  are obtained by di erentiation of the expressions of Eq.

(3.15), i.e.
@ = 14 (1 ) (2 + ); @N =  (1  );

@ = 14 (1 ) (2 ); @N = 1 (1  2 ) ;
@ 2

@ = 14 (1 + )(2 + ) ; @N =  (1 +  );

@ = 14 (1 + )(2 ); @N = 1 (1  2 );
@ 2
@ = 14 (1  )(2 +  ); @N = 1 (1  2 ) ;
@ 2

@ = 14 (1 +  )(2  ); @N =  (1 +  );

@ = 14 (1 +  )(2 +  ); @N = 1 (1  2 ) ;
@ 2

@ = 14 (1  )(2  ); @N =  (1  )

The volume integrals of Eqs. (3.10)-(3.12) are transformed into integrals over
the area of the parent element by the substitution
dV = t det(J )dd (3.21)
for plane problems and
dV = 2x1 det(J )dd (3.22)
for axisymmetric problems, with x1 and x2 as radial and axial coordinate, respec-
tively. The integrals can be evaluated numerically by Gauss quadrature as
Z1 Z1 n X
X n
f (;  ) dd = Hi Hj f (i ; j ) (3.23)
1 1 j =1 i=1

where, for n = 2,
H1 = H2 = 1 (3.24)
1 = 1 = p1 (3.25)
2 = 2 = p (3.26)
For other values of n the Hi; i and i values may be found in e.g. Zienkiewicz
and Taylor [37].
The surface integral of Eq. (3.12) is transformed into an integral over the side
of a parent element by the substitution
dx 2
dS = t + d (3.27)
d d
for plane problems and
dx 2
dS = 2x1 + d (3.28)
d d

for axisymmetric problems.
The integral can be evaluated numerically by Gauss quadrature as
Z1 n
f ( )d = Hi f (i ) (3.29)
1 i=1
A prescribed heat ow into the body studied is represented by the quantity qs
in Eq. (3.12). To consider the in uence of a prescribed environmental temperature,
the heat ow qs is assumed to be given by the relation
qs = t (T0 T ) (3.30)
where t is the transfer coecient, T0 is the environmental temperature and T is
the surface temperature.
Substitution of Eq. (3.7) into Eq. (3.30) yields
qs = t T0 t Nn Tn (3.31)
Since the second term of Eq. (3.31) is a function of the nodal temperatures Tn,
the integral of this term should be moved to the left-hand side of Eq. (3.9).

3.3 In nite element formulation

Casting of concrete is often performed with an unbounded region of e.g. rock as
neighbouring material. A simple method of considering the heat exchange between
the concrete and the unbounded neighbouring material, is to include the unbounded
region in the nite element mesh and truncate the mesh at some great, but nite,
distance. This method is, however, expensive and sometimes inaccurate, owing to
diculties in positioning the nite boundary. A successful method of dealing with
unbounded regions is to couple mapped in nite elements, see Refs. [36], [12], [25],
to the nite element mesh.
In the present work, an in nite element is used, which may be regarded as a
modi cation of the eight-node isoparametric element described above. This means
that the interpolation functions Nn of Eq. (3.15) are still used for the temperature,
but for the geometry the functions Nn are replaced by mapping functions which
make the element extend to in nity. Two versions of in nite elements are used;
namely singly in nite elements, which extend to in nity in the -direction, and
doubly in nite elements, which extend to in nity in both the  -direction and the
 -direction. The singly in nite element has ve nite nodes, as shown in Fig. 3.3.
The mapping functions to be used instead of Eq. (3.15) in Eqs. (3.13) and (3.14)
are, according to Marques and Owen [25], given by
N2 = (1  ) ;
N1 = (1 )(1   1) ;

N3 = (1+)(1    1) ; N4 = (1+2(1)(1+ )
) ;
N8 = 2(1 ) )(1+)

Figure 3.3: Geometry and degrees of freedom of ve-node singly in nite element

Figure 3.4: Geometry and degrees of freedom of three-node doubly in nite element

Di erentation of the expressions in Eq. (3.20) yields
@N = 2 + ;
1 @N =2 4 ;
@ 12  @ 1 
@N =
; @N = 1+ ;
@ 1  @ 2(1 )
@N = 1+
2(1 ) ;

@N = 2+ + ;
@N = 2(1  ) ;
2 (3.33)
@ (1 )
2 @ (1 )2
@N = 2  + ;
2 @N = 1+ ;
@ (1 )
2 @ (1 ) 2
@N = 1 
@ (1 ) 2

which should be used in Eq. (3.18) instead of the expressions in Eq. (3.20).
The doubly in nite element has three nite nodes, as shown in Fig. 3.4.
The mapping functions to be used instead of Eq. (3.15) in Eqs. (3.13) and (3.14)
are, according to Marques and Owen [25], given by
N1 = (1+3()(1 )1) ; N2 = (1 2(1+ )
 )(1 ) ;
N8 = (1 2(1+ ) (3.34)
 )(1 )
Di erentation of Eqs. (3.34) yields
@N = 2(3+)
(1 ) (1 ) ;
@N =
(1 ) (1 ) ;
1 2 4
@ 2 @ 2
@N = 2(1+) ;

@N =
1 2(3+) ;
@ (1 ) (1 )
@N = 2(1+ ) ;
@ (1 )(1 )
2 @ (1 )(1 )
@N =8 4
@ (1 )(1 )

which should be used in Eq. (3.18) instead of the expressions in Eq. (3.20).
The nodes at in nity are assumed to have a constant temperature. Therefore,
the terms Kmn Tn in Eq. (3.9) which correspond to nodes at in nity are known and
can be moved to the right-hand side. Since the temperature at the in nite nodes is
constant, the time derivatives are zero. This means that a set of equations, expressed
in the nite nodes only, is obtained.

3.4 Numerical solution procedure

In Section 3.2 nite element equations have been established, cf. Eq. (3.9). To
determine the nodal temperatures Tn at time t, these equations are integrated with
respect to time using a recurrence relation, see e.g. Zienkiewicz and Taylor [38]. A
recurrence relation obtained from Eq. (3.9) can be written as
Kmn + Cmn Tn (t) = Pm (1 ) Kmn
t t Cmn Tn (t t) (3.36)
where t is the time step, Tn (t) is the nodal temperature at time t, and Tn (t t)
is the nodal temperature at time t t, which is assumed to be known. The

T7 T6 T5 T7 T6 T5

T8 T4 T8 T4
2 (T2 + T8)

T2 T3 T2 T3

Figure 3.5: Geometry and degrees of freedom for element for pipe modelling
parameter  is in the present work chosen as  = 1. With this choice Eq. (3.31) can
be written as
K mn Tn (t) = Pm (3.37)
where 1
K mn = Kmn + Cmn (3.38)
Pm = Pm + Cmn Tn (t t) (3.39)
This procedure is known as a backward di erence method and is unconditionally

3.5 Cooling pipes

In order to prevent the temperature from increasing too much during the hardening
process cooling pipes may be cast into the concrete. One way to consider cooling
pipes in the analysis is to simply prescribe the temperature at the nodes where the
pipes are positioned. When the diameter of the cooling pipes is considerable this
procedure may be inaccurate. In the present program it is possible to model the
in uence from cooling pipes in an alternative manner. To consider the in uence
from the pipe dimension a special purpose element is used for modelling of the
concrete neighbouring a pipe, see Fig. 3.5. This element is obtained by combining
two eight-node elements and assuming the ve nodes at the pipe surface to have the
same temperature. The mid-side node connecting the two elements is positioned at
a distance from the pipe centre corresponding to the average distance to the pipe
centre for the nodes 2 and 8 in the gure and is eliminated assuming the temperature
to be the average of the temperatures of these nodes. In this manner an element
is obtained which can be handled as the ordinary elements but considers the pipe

In addition to pipe diameter, the transfer coecient of the pipe wall and the
temperature inside the pipe are used in the computation. For determination of the
pipe temperature it is considered that a pipe arrangement may consist of several
pipe parts connected to each other. Each pipe part is assumed to have the length
lp perpendicular to the plane of computation. To each arrangement the input tem-
perature Tin and either output temperature Tout or pipe ow qp has to be speci ed.
An approximative value of the heat Qp to be removed from the concrete by the pipe
arrangement can be obtained from the results of the previous time step as
Qp = qip lp (3.40)
ip =1

where qip is the heat transport from pipe part ip.

If output temperature has been speci ed, the ow qp required in the pipe ar-
rangement can be determined by
qp = (3.41)
cw (Tout Tin )
where cw is the speci c heat of the cooling medium, for water cw = 4:2kJ=kgK . If
instead the pipe ow has been speci ed the output temperature is given by
Tout = Tin + (3.42)
cw qp
The temperature to be prescribed in the node corresponding the rst pipe part can
be assumed to be the input temperature Tin plus the temperature increase obtained
in the rst half of the pipe part, i.e.
T1 = Tin + (3.43)
cw qp
where ql
Q1 = 1 p (3.44)
is the heat removed from the concrete by one half of the pipe part. The temperature
to be prescribed in a following node i can then be determined by
T =T + i 1
(Q + Qi) (3.45)
i i 1 cw qp

Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter the theory for computation of temperatures was described.
The temperature distributions obtained are used as input for the computation of
displacements and stresses. The theory for this computation will be described in
this chapter. Just as for computation of temperatures, the nite element method is
used for computation of displacements and stresses. This chapter presents a nite
element formulation of the displacement and stress problem.

4.2 Finite element formulation

The basic equations of nonlinear structural analysis will be brie y described and a
nite element formulation will be established.
The equations of equilibrium are
+ fj = 0 (4.1)
where  is the stress tensor, f is the vector representing body force per unit volume
and xj denotes a Cartesian coordinate system. Eq. (4.1) is multiplied by a set of
weighting functions vim and an integration is performed over the studied volume V ,
which yields Z Z
vim dV + vim fi dV = 0 (4.2)

The index m may normally exceed 3. Using the divergence theorem yields
@xj ji
= vim ti dS + vim fi dV (4.3)
where t is the traction vector de ned by
ti = ji nj (4.4)
where n is the outward unit vector normal to the surface S of the body studied.
Since vim is assumed to be constant with respect to time, Eq. (4.3) yields
_ ji dV = vim t_i dS + vim f_i dV (4.5)
In Chapter 2 the relation between stress rate _ and strain rate "_ was expressed
as (cf. Eq. 2.85)
_ ij = Djipq "_pq _ ji0 (4.6)
where D is the material sti ness and _ 0 is the rate of pseudo stress. The strain rate
"_ is assumed to be given by the kinematic relation
"_pq =
1 @up @uq
2 @xq + @xp (4.7)
where u is the displacement vector.
Eqs. (4.5), (4.6) and (4.7) are combined to form the relation
Z   Z Z Z
1 @ u_ p @ u_ q
+ dV = vim t_i dS + vim fi dV + _ @vim 0
_ dV (4.8)
@xj 2 @xq @xp
@xj ji

Since the stress rate and strain rate tensors _ and "_ are symmetric, the material
sti ness tensor D has the symmetry properties
Dijpq = Djipq (4.9)
Dijpq = Dijqp (4.10)
Due to these symmetry properties, Eq. (4.8) can be written as
@vim @ u_ p _ _ @vim 0
Dijpq dV = vim ti dS + vim fi dV + _ ji dV (4.11)
@xj @xq @xj
To obtain nite element equations, the displacements u are expressed as a func-
tion of the nodal displacements un as
up = Npn un (4.12)

Figure 4.1: Geometry and degrees of freedom of eight-node isoparametric element
where Npm are interpolation functions. The summation index in Eq. (4.12) may
normally exceed 3. Since the interpolation functions Npn are assumed to be constant
with respect to time, di erentiation of Eq. (4.12) yields
u_ p = Npn u_ n (4.13)
The interpolation functions are chosen as weighting functions, according to the
Galerkin method, i.e.
vim = Nim (4.14)
Substitution of Eqs. (4.13) and (4.14) into Eq. (4.11) yields
Kmn u_ n = P_m + P_m0 (4.15)
@ Nim @ N
Kmn = Dijpq pn dV (4.16)
@x j @x q
P_m = Nim t_i dS + Nim f_i dV (4.17)
@ Nim
P_m0 = _ ij0 dV (4.18)
The present work deals with plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric problems
and, just as for temperatures described in Chapter 3, an eight-node isoparametric
element is used, see Fig. 4.1.
The element is obtained by distorting the rectangular parent element shown in
Fig. 4.2. The geometry of the element is given by the relations
x1 = Nn xn (4.19)

Figure 4.2: Parent element
x2 = Nn yn (4.20)
where the interpolation functions Nn are given by Eq. (3.15).
The interpolation functions Npn for displacements, introduced in Eq. (4.12), are
given by the relations
N1 2n 1 = Nn ; N1 2n = 0; (4.21)
N2 2n 1 = 0; N2 2n = Nn
To obtain a formulation suitable for computer programming, the symmetry prop-
erties of the tensors D and _ 0, and the fact that some terms are zero for plane and
axisymmetric problems, can be utilized. Eqs. (4.16) - (4.18) can thus be expressed
as Z
Kmn = BmT DBndV (4.22)
P_m = NmT tdS + NmT fdV (4.23)
P_ m0 = BmT _ 0 dV (4.24)
where D and _ 0 are de ned by Eqs. (2.102) and (2.103) and the matrices t_, f_, and
NnT are given by
t_ = t_1 t_2 T
f = [f1 f2 ]T (4.26)

Nn = N1 n N2
n (4.27)
The matrix Bn is for plane stress and plane strain given by
h iT
Bn = @ N1 n @ N2 n @ N1 n + @@xN n 2
@x1 @x2 @x2 1

and for axisymmetric analysis de ned as

h iT
Bn = @ N1 n @ N2 n @ N1 n + @@xN n 2 N1 n (4.29)
@x1 @x2 @x2 1 x1

The derivatives of the shape functions are given by Eq. (3.19) and the integrals
in Eqs. (4.22) - (4.24) are evaluated by Gauss quadrature according to Eqs. (3.23)
and (3.29).

4.3 Numerical solution procedure

To determine the nodal displacements un at time t, Eq. (4.15) is integrated with
respect to time, using a numerical procedure. The numerical solution procedure
includes approximations, which may result in that the equations of equilibrium are
not satis ed exactly. The so-called out-of-balance forces Pm are de ned as the
di erence between the right and left-hand sides of Eq. (4.3), i.e.
m = vim ti dS + vim fi dV  dV
@xj ji

The matrices t and f , de ned by

t = [t1 t2 ]T (4.31)
= [f1 f2 ]T
f (4.32)
and , which for plane stress and plane strain is given by
 = [11 22 12 ]T (4.33)
and for axial symmetri given by
 = [11 22 12 33 ]T (4.34)
and Eqs. (4.14), (4.27) and (4.28) or (4.29) can be combined with Eq. (4.30) to
form the expression Z
Pm = Pm
 BmT dV (4.35)

where the total external loads Pm are given by
Pm = NmT tdS + NmT fdV (4.36)
The last term in Eq. (4.35) represents the internal forces, corresponding to the
stress obtained , as computed according to the constitutive equations. Di erentia-
tion of Eq. (4.35) with respect to time yields the rate of change of the out-of-balances
forces Pm , i.e. Z
_Pm = P_m BmT _ dV (4.37)
Substitution of Eq. (2.101) and the relation
"_ = Bn u_ n (4.38)
into Eq. (4.37) yields the expression
Kmn u_ n = P_m + P_m0 P_m (4.39)
where Kmn and P_m0 are de ned by Eqs. (4.22) and (4.23), respectively.
Evaluation of Eq. (4.39) can be performed by an Euler forward expression,
assuming a linear relation from time t to time t + t, i.e.
Kmn (t)un = Pm + tP_m0 (t) tP_m (4.40)
where Kmn (t) is the tangential sti ness at time t, un the change of nodal displace-
ments from time t to time t +t, P_m0 (t) the rate of pseudo load at time t, and Pm
incremental load, given by
Pm = P_m dt (4.41)
The rate of change of the out-of-balance forces P_m is assumed to be given by
P_m =
1 P  (t) (4.42)
t m
to make the out-of-balance forces reduce to zero, during the time increment, and
guide the solution towards the true one. Substitution of Eq. (4.42) into Eq. (4.40)
Kmn (t)un = Pm + tP_m0 (t) + Pm (t) (4.43)
This procedure is described by Stricklin et al. [33], and is called a self-correcting
form, since the solution is guided towards the true one. Making P_m = 0 in Eq.
(4.40) yields a purely incremental sti ness method, which yields solutions with a
tendency to drift away from the true solution, because of increasing out-of-balance

Figure 4.3: Illustration of equivalent length in eight-node element with four integra-
tion points.
4.4 De nition of equivalent length
In Eqs. (2.54) and (2.66), when the fracturing strain was de ned, an equivalent
length L was introduced. This length is related to the size of the nite element
where the crack develops. In the present work the equivalent length is chosen ac-
cording to the de nition proposed by Ottosen and Dahlblom [27]. The equivalent
length is thus de ned as the maximum length of the element region of interest, in the
direction normal to the crack plane. For an eight-node element, the region bounded
by the nodal points closest to the integration point in question and the element
mid-point is considered. This de nition is illustrated in Fig. 4.3.

Chapter 5

5.1 General remarks

In this chapter a brief description of the computer program, which is based on the
theory presented in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 will be given.
The program can be used for simulation of the temperature and stress in two
dimensional and axisymmetric concrete structures during hardening. When compu-
tation of stress is performed it is possible to choose whether to compute temperature
and maturity or not. If maturity and temperature are not to be computed, it is pos-
sible to provide these data as input to a stress computation. The computer program
includes an algorithm for providing such an input le on the basis of determination
of mean values of temperature and maturity obtained from a simulation in a plane
perpendicular to the one where stresses are to be simulated. The program also
includes code for determination of heat development parameters, according to the
description in Appendix B.
The program has a graphical user interface, see Fig. 5.1. To de ne the computa-
tional model the program user speci es geometry, material properties, and boundary
conditions. On the basis of the data speci ed a nite element mesh is generated.
When the computation has been performed, output data can be presented graphi-
cally and numerically. The program includes facilities for transfer of output data to
e.g. word processing programs or spreadsheet programs, to facilitate further data
processing or report production.
The manner of generation of input data and presentation of output data are
described in the following sections.

5.2 Generation of input data

As input data the program user speci es geometry, material properties, and bound-
ary conditions. Based on the speci ed data, the program generates a nite element

Figure 5.1: Graphical user interface to HACON

The signi cance of most of the data to be input is obvious. The manner of
specifying the geometry may, however, need an explanation. The nite element
mesh is established by a mesh generator which is based on the technique used by
Liu and Chen [7]. According to this technique, the region studied is divided into a
number of superelements, which are re ned to nite elements by the mesh generation
algorithm. The superelement mesh is established by dividing the region studied into
four-sided sub-regions. A superelement where all the sides are straight is de ned by
the four superelement nodes at the corners.
If any of the sides of a superelement are curved, the superelement is de ned by
midside superelement nodes, in addition to the corner superelement nodes. The
superelement node numbers have to be given counter-clockwise, starting with a
corner node. In Fig. 5.2 an example of a subdivision of a region into superelements is
shown. In Tab. 5.1 the corresponding data is given. In addition to the superelement
node numbers, the table also shows the number of element rows and element columns
the superelements are to be subdivided into. The resulting mesh is shown in Fig. 5.3.
It should be noted that the numbers of rows and columns refer to a local coordinate
system in a superelement and that the corner node which is given rst is situated
at the lower-left corner according to this local system. If a region is subdivided
into rectangular superelements, it is therefore recommended that the superelement

Figure 5.2: Subdivision of region into superelements.
Super- Superelement nodes Number of Number of
element rows columns
1 1264 3 3
2 2376 3 4
3 4 5 6 9 12 11 10 8 4 3
4 6 7 13 12 4 4
5 16 14 10 11 12 15 18 17 3 4
Table 5.1: Superelement data for region in Fig. 5.2.
node positioned at the lower-left corner is given as the rst of the nodes de ning the
superelement. It should also be observed that the subdivision of two neighbouring
superelements has to be the same at the common boundary.
The nite element solutions of the temperature and displacement elds will con-
verge towards the exact solutions, as the element size is decreased. As the time
step is decreased, the numerical solution procedure gives a solution which converges
towards the correct one. The element size and the time step suitable for a compu-
tation depends on the problem studied and the requirements of accuracy. To nd
out what is suitable to use in a speci c situation, one may perform computations
with di erent element sizes, or di erent time steps, and study the in uence on the
When the object studied includes an unbounded region of rock or old concrete
which will be considered in the temperature modelling, superelement nodes are not
positioned at the corners at in nity. Instead, superelement nodes are positioned

Figure 5.3: Finite element mesh resulting from the geometry in Fig. 5.2 and the
data in Tab. 5.1.
where nite nodes are to be localized. The region will extend to in nity beyond
these superelement nodes.

5.3 Presentation of output data

Output data is presented graphically or numerically. The program user speci es the
data to be output.
The distribution of temperature at a speci ed time can be illustrated by colour,
or by iso-lines. These images are obtained by interpolation of the nodal temperatures
according to the interpolation functions in Chapter 2.
The distribution of equivalent maturity time, degree of hydration, maximum
principal stress, strength and stress-strength ratio at a speci ed time, can be il-
lustrated by colour. To produce these images, the value of an integration point is
assumed to be representative for one quarter of a nite element, i.e. no interpolation
is performed.
Principal stresses can be illustrated by arrows whose lengths are proportional
to the magnitude of the stress. Displacements can be illustrated by displaying the
nite element mesh with displacements multiplied by a scale factor.
The history of the temperature at a speci ed point and the mean, maximum,
and minimum temperature in a speci ed region, is presented in diagrams or tables.
The history of heat loss at a speci ed point and in a speci ed region is also

presented in diagrams or tables.
The history of maximum principal stress, strength and stress-strength ratio at a
speci ed point or in a speci ed region, can be presented in diagrams or tables.

Appendix A
Notations are explained in the text where they rst occur. Most of them are also
given in this appendix.
a1c development parameter for compressive strength
a1E development parameter for elastic modulus
a1t development parameter for tensile strength
a2c development parameter for compressive strength
a2E development parameter for elastic modulus
a2t development parameter for tensile strength
b1c development parameter for compressive strength
b1E development parameter for elastic modulus
b1t development parameter for tensile strength
b2c development parameter for compressive strength
b2E development parameter for elastic modulus
b2t development parameter for tensile strength
C heat capacity matrix, cement content
c speci c heat
D material sti ness
E elastic modulus
E0 elastic modulus at te = tr
Ecn creep parameter
ET  parameter for stress induced thermal strain
f body force
fc0 compressive strength at te = tr
ft tensile strength
ft0 tensile strength at te = tr
GF fracture energy
GF 0 fracture energy at te = tr
Gs slip modulus
Gs0 slip modulus at te = tr
J Jacobian matrix

K conductivity, sti ness matrix
k thermal conductivity
N interpolation function
n unit vector
P heat ow matrix, load matrix
P0 pseudo load matrix
Q generated heat
q heat ow vector
qs heat ow into body
rT recoverability of thermal strain
T temperature
T nodal temperature matrix
T0 environmental temperature
Tr reference temperature (293 K = 200C)
t time
t traction
t1 material parameter for cement
te equivalent maturity time
tr reference time (672 h = 28 d)
u displacement
u nodal displacement matrix
v weighting function
wC quantity of heat developed
Wc0 quantity of heat developed at complete hydration
w crack width
ws shear displacement in crack
xi coordinate
degree of hydration
1 development parameter for Poisson's ratio
2 development parameter for Poisson's ratio
T coecient of thermal expansion
t transfer coecient
ij Kronecker's delta
" strain
"a autogeneous shrinkage strain
"c creep strain
"e elastic strain
"f fracturing strain
"T thermal strain
"T  stress induced thermal strain
E development function for elastic modulus
t development function for tensile strength
 parameter used in time stepping procedure,

activation energy divided by universal gas constant
0 material parameter for cement
k0 material parameter for cement
k1 material parameter for cement
1 material parameter for cement
 Poisson's ratio
1 initial value of Poisson's ratio
2 nal value of Poisson's ratio
cn creep parameter
T  parameter for stress induced thermal strain
 mass density
_ 0 pseudo stress rate
n creep parameter
0 creep parameter
n creep parameter
t creep parameter
0t creep parameter

Appendix B

B.1 Heat development in curing box

The heat developed by the concrete in an insulated curing box is partly transmitted
through the wall of the box to the environment. Thus, the heat developed per
volume unit and time unit Q may be expressed as the sum of the heat content in
the concrete Qi and the heat transmitted through the wall Qe as described by e.g.
Smeplass [32], i.e.
Q = Qi + Qe (B.1)
where Qi is given by

Qi = cT (B.2)
and Qe depends on the properties of the curing box in question and may be assumed
to be proportional to the di erence between the concrete temperature T and the
environmental temperatures Te, i.e.
Qe = k1 (T Te ) (B.3)
To obtain a value of the coecient k1 for the curing box used the temperature
of hardened concrete may be studied. In this case the temperature is initially raised
using a heat source. After this no heat is developed, i.e. Q = 0. This condition and
Eqs. (B.1)-(B.3) yields
k1 = kc (B.4)
1 T_ (B.5)
T T e

The data obtained from the experiment is the concrete temperature and the
environmental temperature at di erent times. During the time from ti 1 to ti the
mean value of the concrete temperature, the mean value of the environmental tem-
perature, and the time derivative of the concrete temperature are assumed to be
T = (T (ti 1 ) + T (ti )) (B.6)
Te = (Te (ti 1 ) + Te (ti )) (B.7)
T (t ) T (ti 1 )
T_ = i (B.8)
ti ti 1
respectively. A value of the coecient k may be obtained by substituting these
values into Eq. (B.5), i.e.
k(ti ) =   T_ (B.9)
T Te
When k is to be determined the mean value of the values k(ti ) obtained at
di erent times may be computed, i.e.
1X n
k(t ) (B.10)
n i=1

Assuming the value of k has been determined, the mean value of the heat devel-
opment Q (ti) during the time from ti 1 to ti may be obtained from Eqs. (B.1)-(B.3)
with the temperature and its time derivative given by Eqs. (B.6)-(B.8).
According to Eq.(2.9) the total heat developed W is given by
W = Qd (B.11)
Since the mean value of Q during each time interval is obtained as described
above, the integral in Eq. (B.11) may be evaluated as
W = Q (ti )(ti ti 1 ) (B.12)

The generated heat per mass unit of cement We is related to W by Eq. (2.7).
Wc = (B.13)
where C is the cement content.

B.2 Determination of maturity
The equivalent maturity time is assumed to be given by Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5). Since
the temperature is obtained at speci c time intervals the integral of Eq. (2.4) may
be evaluated as n
te = e[ Tr T ] (ti ti 1 )
X 1 1
with  0
 = 0 r a (B.15)
T Ta
where T is the mean value of the concrete temperature during the time interval,
according to Eq. (B.6).
If temperature data from experiments with a certain concrete mix at di erent
casting temperatures are available, the same maturity should be obtained by Eq.
(B.14) for the di erent data sets at each speci c value of generated heat Wc. This
means that the same te - Wc -curve should be obtained for the di erent data sets.
The values of 0 and k0 may be optimized to minimize the di erence between the

B.3 Determination of degree of hydration

The degree of hydration is de ned by Eq. (2.1), in which Wc is the heat developed
as described by Eq. (B.13). The degree of hydration is related to the maturity te
according to Eq. (B.14) by Eq. (2.6). The parameters 1, t1 and 1 in Eq. (2.6) are
to be determined from the experimental data. The parameter Wc0 in Eq. (2.1) is the
heat developed at complete hydration and may be determined on the basis of the
heat development of the di erent clinker components of the cement type in question.
In the absence of a proper value of Wc0 or if complete hydration is prevented due to
lack of water the value Wc0 may be determined in order to minimize the di erence
between the experimentally obtained te - Wc -relation and Eq. (2.6). To determine
the parameters 1 , t1 and 1 Eq. (2.6) may be written
ln( ln ) = ln 1 1 ln ln 1 + tte (B.16)
which is a linear relation between ln( ln( )) and ln(ln(1 + tte )). If a value of t1 is
assumed the values of ln(1) and 1 may be determined from the experimental data

using the method of least squares. The values of t1 may be optimized to minimize
the deviation between the experimental data and the theoretical expression given
by Eq. (2.6).
The in uence of the values of Wc0 and t1 on the deviation between experimental
data and the theoretical expression is not very strong. The heat development of one

type of cement may therefore with good agreement be described by several di erent
combinations of Wc0, 1 , t1 and 1 .

B.4 Computer code

Computer code for determination of the parameters according to the description
above has been developed. The parameters 1, t1 , k1 and Wc0 may be determined
from time-temperature data obtained from an insulated curing box. If in addi-
tion the parameters 0 and 0 are to be determined at least two data sets are
required. The heat loss coecient for a curing box may also be determined from
time-temperature data. The parameters 1 , t1 , k1 and Wc0 may also be determined
from maturity-heat data.
Determination of heat development parameters from time-temperature data re-
quires input of mass density and speci c heat of the concrete as well as cement
content. In addition to this the heat loss coecient of the curing box has to be
speci ed. The time-temperature data has to be available on a data le where each
line contains the time (s), the concrete temperature (C ) and the environmental
temperature ( C ).
Determination of the heat loss coecient of the curing box requires input of
mass density and speci c heat of the concrete. The time-temperature data has to
be available on a le as described above.
Determination of heat development parameters from maturity-heat data requires
a data le where each line contains the maturity (s) and the heat developed (J=kg).

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