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RiceToday Vol. 6, No. 2

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ia lM
International Rice Research Institute April-June 2007, Vol. 6, No. 2

Rising to the water challenge

The beauty of blackened earth
Rice in volcanic strife

River of rice
Building success around the Mekong
ISSN 1655-5422
Vol. 6, No. 2

EDITORIAL ................................................................ 4
Rice and life along the Mekong River

NEWS ........................................................................ 5
Perpetual funding for IRRI genebank
Mekong branch office opens
Stocks falling, prices rising
Increased yields with elevated CO2?
More GM problems in U.S.
Human genes for pharmaceutical rice

PEOPLE ..................................................................... 8
Cambodia honors former IRRI leaders
Wolf Prize for Agriculture to IRRI Board member
Award winner to join IRRI
Lao Ministry recognized
Keeping up with IRRI staff

MORE CROP PER DROP ......................................... 10 BLACK SOIL, GREEN RICE ..................................... 26 BOOK REVIEW ........................................................ 36
Rice cultivation in the 21st century will need to feed An extraordinary type of soil from South America Innovations in rural extension
more people while reducing poverty and protecting has implications for both rice production and the
the environment. Success depends on how the rice environment in Asia
industry uses one of its most precious resources: RICE FACTS ............................................................. 37
water. A balancing act
THE RICE MAN OF AFRICA .................................... 28 How do we produce enough food to feed a growing
Growing up in Sierra Leone, rice researcher Monty population in the face of declining growth in cereal
RICE AND THE RIVER ............................................. 14 Jones was encouraged to become a priest. It’s lucky yields?
A new research and development initiative is set to for Africa he didn’t.
build on past successes and lay new foundations
for prosperity in the countries that depend on the GRAIN OF TRUTH ................................................... 38
Mekong River for their rice ACID WATER, HOT MUD, ....................................... 30 Rice revolutions in Latin America
Two volcanic disasters in Indonesia’s East Java Province
MAPS ...................................................................... 23 are destroying rice crops and making life tough, if
On the cover:
Poverty and elevation in the Greater Mekong not impossible, for thousands of people The Mekong River, the world’s
Subregion 13th longest (4,200 km) and 10th
largest by volume, winds through
NEW BOOKS ........................................................... 35 extreme northwestern Yunnan
LESS SALT, PLEASE ................................................ 24 Rice Genetics Collection CD Province, China, beginning its
Farmers hampered by salt-affected soils in Bangladesh Economic costs of drought and rice farmers’ 3,400-km journey to the South
are set for relief as researchers breed salinity coping mechanisms China Sea through the six countries
tolerance into locally popular rice varieties of the Greater Mekong Subregion.
Rice in Laos Learn about IRRI’s work here on
pages 14-22.

cover photo International Rice Research Institute

© 2007 Ken Driese, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines
publisher Duncan Macintosh Web (IRRI):
editor Adam Barclay Web (Library):
art director Juan Lazaro IV Web (Rice Knowledge Bank):
designer and production supervisor George Reyes
contributing editors Gene Hettel, Bill Hardy Rice Today editorial
Africa editor Savitri Mohapatra (Africa Rice Center – WARDA) telephone (+63-2) 580-5600 or (+63-2) 844-3351 to 53, ext 2725;
environment editor Greg Fanslow fax: (+63-2) 580-5699 or (+63-2) 845-0606; email:
photo editor Ariel Javellana
photo researcher Jose Raymond Panaligan
circulation Chrisanto Quintana
printer Primex Printers, Inc.

Rice Today is published by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the world’s should not be construed as expressing IRRI policy or opinion on the legal status of any
leading international rice research and training center. Based in the Philippines and with country, territory, city or area, or its authorities, or the delimitation of its frontiers or
offices in 13 other countries, IRRI is an autonomous, nonprofit institution focused on boundaries.
improving the well-being of present and future generations of rice farmers and consumers, Rice Today welcomes comments and suggestions from readers. Potential contributors
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Responsibility for this publication rests with IRRI. Designations used in this publication Copyright International Rice Research Institute 2007

Perpetual funding for IRRI genebank Mekong branch office opens

A n unprecedented new agreement

involving the annual dispersal,
in perpetuity, of US$600,000 was
genetics and conservation. He spent 30
years at IRRI collecting and storing rice
varieties from all over the world. From
unveiled on 12 March 2007 to help fund now on, the GRC will be known as the
the protection and management of the T.T. Chang Genetic Resources Center.
world’s thousands of rice varieties. The agreement, the first major
IRRI and the Global Crop Diversity conservation grant made by the Trust,
Trust announced the historic agreement reflects the long-term vision of both
at a special dedication ceremony at organizations. “Short-term thinking
DR. JAHN (left)

IRRI’s Genetic Resources Center (GRC), about funding has wreaked havoc participates in a
which houses more than 100,000 with effective conservation,” said Cary Lao Basi ceremony.
samples of rice, the biggest and most Fowler, the Trust’s executive secretary.
important collection in the world.
The agreement offers stable, long-
term support to a collection of genetic
“This agreement is probably unique
among funding contracts in having no
end date.”
T he Luang Prabang, Laos, Branch of
the IRRI-Greater Mekong Subregion
(GMS) Office was officially opened at a
diversity that is estimated to include Under the agreement, IRRI has ribbon-cutting ceremony on 7 February
at least 80,000 distinct rice varieties. pledged to generate $400,000 annually 2007. IRRI is expanding its activities in
The collection is kept in a special to be invested in the genebank, which the GMS, which comprises Cambodia,
earthquake- and fireproof facility that will unlock $200,000 from the Trust Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,
is maintained at temperatures as low each year. The agreement allows for and China’s southern provinces of
as –19 degrees Celsius. inflationary increases and will remain Yunnan and Guangxi (see Rice and the
On t he same day, IR R I a lso in force “indefinitely.” Uses for the river on pages 14-22).
dedicated the GRC to Te-Tzu Chang, money will include acquiring any rice Bounthong Bouahom, director
the founder of the International varieties not currently in the repository general of the National Agriculture
Rice Germplasm Center—one of the and making sure the storage systems and Forestry Research Institute and
predecessors of the GRC. Dr. Chang, for long-term conservation are up to Gary Jahn, IRRI representative and
who passed away last year in Taiwan, international standards. coordinator for the GMS, cut the
China, was a world authority on rice “The rice genebank is not just a ribbon in front of 40 guests, including
scientific exercise in seed genetics representatives of Lao organizations
DEAN CHANG, eldest son of but a major hedge against disaster that work with IRRI. The ribbon cutting
T.T. Chang, shows a genebank that ensures that farmers throughout was followed by a traditional Lao Basi
rice sample to his children,
Nathan and Erica, as his the world will always have the rice ceremony, in which the community
mother, Nancy, looks on. varieties they need to maintain food joins together to welcome and offer
security,” said IRRI’s Director General good wishes to new ventures.
Robert Zeigler. “Rice diversity, like The office is staffed by agronomist
all crop diversity, is at risk for the B e nj a m i n S a m s on , a c c ou nt a nt
want of relatively small amounts of Ounheuane Phouthachit, and driver


money. Given that we are talking Sommay Yasongkua. Randy Ritzema
about the biological base upon which and Hidetoshi Asai, Ph.D. students from
the global food supply is built, it is the University of California, Davis, and
extraordinary that the current situation Kyoto University, respectively, are also
is so precarious.” based in the new office.

Stocks falling, prices rising

T he international rice market is on a bull run, with a continuous up-
ward trend in prices since 2002. The price for medium-quality rice has
reached nearly US$300, the highest level since 1996, and 70% higher
Production and supply constraints, including typhoons, floods,
drought, diseases, and insect attacks, resulted in stagnating rice
production in Asia in 2006. As a result, little overall growth is currently
than in 2001, when it reached record lows. The production of rice has expected in the region. The production forecast for Asia has been
remained below its demand for most years since 1998. Supply has there- downgraded to 570 million tons—only half a million tons less than last
fore been matched with demand by depleting stocks, which have reached season’s level, but well below earlier expectations.
alarmingly low levels—close to those of the early-1970s oil crisis. The report warned that global stockpiles at the close of the 2007
The tight supply situation compared with demand, and consequent crop seasons are set to be cut to less than 105 million tons. This is
high and rising prices, is causing serious concern for low-income rice- slightly below their opening level, and counter to previous expectations
importing countries (such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and Bangladesh). of rebuilding. The change in outlook stems from deteriorating crop
According to the December 2006 Food Outlook report of the Food prospects in several major producing countries, many of which will be
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, cereal prices are at forced to further use their reserves to meet domestic consumption and,
their highest levels in a decade. for exporters, export demand (see Rice Facts on page 37).

Rice Today April-June 2007 5


Increased yields with elevated CO2? More GM problems in U.S. Human genes for pharmaceutical rice
grow th rates anticipated in high-
CO2 conditions—plants grown under
current CO2 conditions were more
A s Bayer CropScience continues
to face lawsuits from disgruntled
rice growers over contamination of
T he U.S. Department of Agriculture
has given preliminary approval
to the production of rice engineered
When Ventria Bioscience tried to
grow the crop in southeast Missouri,
Anheuser-Busch, maker of Budweiser
likely to lodge. However, under high commercial stocks by the company’s to contain human genes. California- beer and the largest domestic rice
CO2, part of the rice stem became LLRICE601 genetically modified (GM) based biotechnology company Ventria consumer in the U.S., threatened to
significantly shorter and thicker, rice, another contamination event has Bioscience wants to grow the rice in boycott all rice from the state if the
thereby protecting against lodging. unsettled the U.S. rice industry. Kansas, where officials have welcomed plan was allowed. However, because
In issue 100 of Field Crops Trace amounts of another Bayer the project. no commercial rice is grown in Kansas,



Research, Yang et al performed a GM rice, LLRICE62, were found in The rice would contain genes there is no threat of contaminating
FACE experiment to examine the Arkansas stocks of German company that produce human immune-system other rice crops.
effects of elevated CO2 on rice yields BASF’s Clearfield CL131 rice, which proteins—including antibacterial A Peruvian study, sponsored by
in Wuxi, China. The researchers found is not GM. The U.S. Department of compounds found in breast milk and Ventria Bioscience, concluded that

T wo recent studies on the effects

of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2)
on rice give some cause for optimism
that nitrogen uptake under high-CO2
conditions was generally enhanced,
leading to average yield increases of
Agriculture consequently ordered no
planting or distribution of CL131 seed.
The LLRICE601 contamination has
saliva—in its leaves. These would
be har vested and refined for use
in medicines to fight diarrhea and
children with severe diarrhea recovered
1.5 days earlier if the salty rehydration
fluids they were administered were
INTO AFRICA: With the imminent closing of IRRI’s
book storage facility at the Institute’s Philip-
pine headquarters, more than 17,000 IRRI books
about the impact of climate change 13%. The authors suggest that, under hit U.S. rice growers, who have since dehydration, which kill more than a supplemented with the rice-grown (with a retail value of more than US$180,000)
were sent via sea freight in February 2007 to
on rice production. In issue 118 of conditions of higher atmospheric CO2, faced export hurdles in GM-wary Japan million infants and toddlers each year proteins. IRRI’s new East and Southern Africa Region office
the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems nitrogen fertilizer recommendations will and Europe. Now, with two of the most in developing countries. Ventria Bioscience claims that in Mozambique. From there, Joe Rickman, IRRI
and Environment, Shimono et al need to be altered to take into account popular seed varieties banned (CL131 Environmentalists and food and plant-based production is far cheaper representative for the region, is redistributing the
books—seen above being boxed at headquarters
report the results of a “Free-Air CO2- the plants’ increased growth rate. and Cheniere, the only variety so far consumer advocacy groups are worried than other methods, and would help in preparation for shipping—to understocked
Enrichment” (FACE) experiment that A lt hou g h t he s e r e s u lt s a r e subject to LLRICE601 contamination), a that the genes could be transferred to make the medicine more affordable in libraries of local agricultural organizations. Glenn
examined the effect of atmospheric encouraging for rice production, significant proportion of the seed supply food crops and enter the food chain. the developing world. Gregorio, IRRI rice breeder based at the Africa
Rice Center’s office in Nigeria, is arranging a
CO2 enrichment on lodging (falling several studies have reported that is off the market. Industry analysts Although not inherently dangerous, The Department of Agriculture's similar shipment to West Africa. There will also be
over) in a Japanese variety grown in potential gains may be countered by are worried that, with spring U.S. rice there is potential for the proteins— draf t env ironmental assessment, smaller shipments to IRRI’s 11 country offices in
Iwate, Japan. As expected, under a declining yields caused by the warmer plantings already down an estimated especially if consumed in unregulated published on 28 Febr uar y 2007, Asia. New IRRI policies on publication press runs
and printing negate the future need for a book
high-nitrogen fertilizer regime—which temperatures predicted under higher 10–20%, U.S. rice supplies could be very doses—to cause allergic reactions, say concluded that the project posed no storage warehouse.
may be necessary for the increased CO2 conditions. tight in the coming crop year. critics. undue risks.

Early Chinese farming number of precancerous adenomas in districts. The high-yielding (4–6 tons DNA on the cheap since late 2004 on the AFET, which previous year. The fall is largely due to
Analysis of charred plant remains the stomach and large intestine of mice per hectare) variety is resistant to To aid marker-assisted breeding would trade only 40,000–60,000 an extreme shortage of irrigation water
collected from the Yiluo valley , northern was cut by half, on average, compared waterlogging, is fertilizer-responsive, programs in developing-countr y tons of the government’s 3-million- and severe drought conditions during
China, has revealed that modern to mice on the control diet. The effect and can be grown year-round. It also research institutes, IRRI has identified ton stockpile. The move is designed the crop cycle.
rice (Oryza sativa) was introduced was dependent on the fiber content of has a short field duration (around 90 s i mple a nd c he ap me t ho d s for to boost trading on the commodity
around 3000 BC, but at the time the bran, about 29% in this case. The days) so it can be grown two to three extracting DNA from rice seedlings. futures exchange, which has fallen Rice for East Timor
was not an important local crop. The results were published in the journal’s times a year under irrigated conditions. Six methods were evaluated for yield, due to the declining prices of several The Timorese gover nment, w ith
study, reported in the 16 January 9 January 2007 online edition. More The grain size is similar to that of purity, time required, cost, and ability key commodities, especially rubber. assistance from the United Nations,
2007 Proceedings of the National research is planned. basmati rice and preliminary taste, of the extracted DNA to be amplified received a 300-ton rice shipment
Academy of Sciences of the USA, texture, and scent tests were positive. to diagnostically useful quantities. The No futures for Indian rice in February 2007, following a rice
used radiocarbon dating to determine GM rice for the Philippines? best results were achieved by the so- Meanwhile, India has banned futures shortage and rising prices. Provided
historical agricultural trends. Typical T he Ph i l ippi ne D e p a r t me nt of Chinese GM rice on hold called NaOH-Tris method and an IRRI- trading in rice and wheat in an attempt by the World Food Program, the rice
northern China agriculture, which Agriculture is reviewing an application T he c om mer c i a l pr o duc t ion of developed method, but NaOH-Tris was to curb the fastest inflation seen for 2 was distributed and was set to be sold
emphasized dry crops (millets, wheat, for commercial production of the genetically modified (GM) rice in almost one-third the IRRI method’s years. Trading was due to stop once at US$2 per 5-kilogram bag. This
legumes) with some rice, appears to first genetically modified rice to be China has been put on hold again. A price. The researchers, publishing the existing contracts expired on the contrasts with recent prices as high
have been established at the latest by the grown in the country. The Bureau report by the Xinhua News Agency results in the journal Plant Breeding, nation’s three exchanges. Spiraling as $1 per kilogram. The shortage was
Early Shang period (1600–1300 BC). of Plant Industry is investigating quoted Lu Baorong, a member of therefore recommended the NaOH-Tris wheat, rice, sugar, and pulse prices, thought to have been driven by a later-
the technology, developed by Bayer the State Committee for the Safety method for use in many applications which put pressure on the government, than-usual harvest in rice-exporting
Rice bran cuts cancer in mice CropScience, to check that it is safe for of Agricultural Transgenic Living of marker-assisted selection or high- prompted the move. Vietnam.
The British Journal of Cancer has humans and the environment. Things, as saying that the application resolution mapping.
reported preclinical evidence that rice for commercialization was rejected in Australian rice doldrums Africa Rice presentations
bran has a positive effect on intestinal Rice boost for Brunei November 2006 “because some safety- The future of Thai rice The U.S. Department of Agriculture Presentations from the first Africa Rice
cancer. The study, conducted at the A rice variety derived from a breeding related data were missing.” However, a Government rice stocks were scheduled Grain Quarterly Update 2007 has Congress, held in Tanzania from 31 July
University of Leicester’s Department line developed at IR R I is set to variety of pest-resistant GM rice was to be traded for the first time via the forecast Australia’s 2007-08 rice to 4 August 2006, are now available
of Cancer Studies and Molecular contribute to Brunei’s rice production. approved for experimental production, Agricultural Futures Exchange of production at 126 million tons—a online at
Medicine, demonstrated that, by Brunei Darussalam Rice One achieved the last step before commercialization Thailand (AFET) in March 2007. Rice dramatic decline of around 90% from africa-rice-congress/presentations.
consuming a daily dose of rice bran, the good results in farm tests in four can be granted. futures contracts have been traded the 1,048 million tons estimated for the html.

6 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 7

Cambodia honors former IRRI leaders Award winner to join IRRI Lao Ministry honored

F or their contributions
to the revival of rice
director general in 2000 when CARDI
officially opened, was instrumental in T he important role, and impact, of
women in rice research has been
A t the opening of IRRI’s new Greater Mekong Subregion
(GMS) Office on 12 January 2007, IRRI Director
General Robert Zeigler presented the current Lao Minister
research and development strengthening IRRI’s partnership with highlighted with the awarding of the
of Agriculture and Forestry Sitaheng
in Cambodia, Pr ime the fledgling institution. L’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science
Rasphone (pictured, left) with a plaque
Minister Hun Sen (photo, awards for 2007 (UNESCO is the
recognizing Laos for its conservation of
right) recognized former United Nations Educational, Scientific,
15,000 unique indigenous rice varieties
IRRI directors general and Cultural Organization). One of
that will benefit future generations of
M.S. Swaminathan the women recognized—Gisella Cruz
farmers from Laos and beyond (See Rice
a nd R on a ld C a nt r e l l García, 29 (pictured), a Peruvian
and the river on pages 14-22).
by bestow ing on them scientist studying at Wageningen


Gary Jahn, IRRI representative and
the Royal Government University in the Netherlands—will
coordinator for the GMS, said that the
of Cambodia’s Sahametrei Medal carry out her
collection is testament to a remarkable
(pictured, left). The prime minister made Ph.D. fieldwork Siene Saphanthong (left in photo), former IRRI Board of Trustees member
conservation effort that will serve as a valuable source of
the announcement during ceremonies in cooperation (1996-2001), was honored by IRRI in Vientiane, Laos, on 11 January 2007.
breeding materials and insurance against future disaster. IRRI Director General Robert Zeigler cited the retired Lao minister of agricul-
that inaugurated the new facilities of with IRRI. She
The seed samples are maintained by the Lao Agricultural ture and forestry for his vision, dedication, and commitment, which provided
the Cambodian Agricultural Research w ill join t he the foundation for establishing Lao rice research capacity and ultimately the
Research Center, with a duplicate collection stored at IRRI's
and Development Institute (CARDI) in Inst it ute at country’s rice self-sufficiency.
International Rice Genebank.
Phnom Penh on 9 January 2007 (see its Philippine
Research: Cambodia ushers in new headquarters
era on page 16). Dr. Swaminathan was in late 2007. Keeping up with IRRI staff National Research and Development competitiveness. He is also in charge

one of the driving forces in CARDI’s The award Conference on 15 March 2007. of collaborating with scientists from
inception when, back in 1987, he will enable Ms.
J erry Pat Crill, former IRRI plant Former IR R I Pr incipal Plant NARES and from developed countries

proposed establishing the project Cruz García pathologist, passed away on 17 Breeder and World Food Prize Laureate on drought-related research. Hector
design team to prepare a plan to set up to further her January 2007 at his home on his beloved Gurdev Khush has been appointed Hernandez has joined IRRI as director
CARDI. Dr. Cantrell, who was IRRI studies on how rice production in Little Manatee River, in Florida, USA. senior adviser at the biotechnology of human resources. Bhag irat h
the paddy fields of Kalasin Province, Dr. Crill headed IRRI’s plant pathology company Devgen. Announcing the Singh Chauhan, who will develop
Wolf Prize for Agriculture to IRRI Board member nor theastern Thailand, could be program for 4 years starting in 1978. appointment, Devgen Head of Research improved weed management options
improved, while protecting the value Mahabub Hossain, head of and Development Robert Ackerson for rice in rainfed and water-limited
prize jointly with Michel Georges of other associated plants used for food IRRI’s Social Sciences Division, has said, “We are honored to be able to environments, joined the Crop and
of the University of Liège, Belgium. and medicine by local residents. been recognized for his contribution to benefit from Dr. Khush’s guidance and Environmental Sciences Division. He
Both w inners, who w ill share an IRRI Director General Robert capacity enhancement in social science commitment.” Devgen is currently is also responsible for investigating
honorarium of US$100,000, were cited Zeigler said there were two ver y research at the Philippine Rice Research in the process of expanding its rice- the seed biology of important upland
for their “groundbreaking discoveries i mp or t a nt a sp e c t s to Ms. C r u z Institute (PhilRice). Dr. Hossain breeding activities. weeds. Joong-Hyuon Chin, who
in genetics and genomics, laying the García’s research. “She is one of the received a plaque of recognition from Arvind Kumar joins the Plant will work on developing breeding and
foundations for improvements in crop first researchers to try to quantify and Arthur Yap, secretary of the Philippine Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology genotyping systems as well as rice
and livestock breeding, and sparking model the plants—ranging from the Department of Agriculture, at PhilRice’s Division (PBGB), where he will develop tolerant of phosphorus-deficient soils,
important advances in plant and truly wild to the intensively managed— improved germplasm for drought- has joined PBGB. Ramil Mauleon,
animal sciences.” in any agroecosystem. This is despite prone rainfed lowland environments bioinformatics specialist, joins the
Dr. Phillips was the first person the fact that many of these resources and ef f icient screening systems Crop Research Informatics Laboratory
to generate whole maize plants from are common to agroecosystems not for drought tolerance and weed as a postdoctoral fellow.
cells grown in culture, which sparked only in Asia, but around the world.
the use of cell-culture methods to Second, her work will radically expand
genetically modify maize plants and
other cereals. Fundamental studies in
the modeling of agroecosystems and so
enhance what we can achieve with crop THE FLOWER
Did you know…

of Oryza
Dr. Phillips’s laboratory have identified modeling for rice as well.”

cells and plants with increased levels “Little research has been done on wild rice, hat the product commonly along with several wild species
of essential amino acids and led to the characterization of biodiversity but the same marketed as “wild rice” possessing traits that IRRI

genus as cul-
RRI Board of Trustees member the development of an efficient DNA in paddy rice agroecosystems,” Ms. tivated rice, is not the same as the wild researchers have bred into
Ronald Phillips (pictured) has sequence mapping system used by Cruz García explained at the award O. sativa. r ic e t hat IR R I scient ist s popular varieties, is of the
been awarded the 2006-07 Wolf Prize plant scientists in genomics research. ceremony. “Because of this, one of conserve and study? It’s an genus Oryza. Although they
for Agriculture. Dr. Phillips, of the Dr. Phillips is also world-renowned for the main benefits of the research aquatic cereal grain of the belong to the same part of

University of Minnesota, has served his leadership and service in the field will be more realistic modeling of genus Zi zania, which has the grass family, Zizania and

on the IRRI Board since 2004 and of plant science within international such agroecosystems, with particular been harvested and eaten by Oryza are not related closely

is currently chair of the Program agricultural research communities and emphasis on aspects critical to human indigenous North Americans enough to be what we consider

Committee and v ice-chair of the for his teaching and student training in welfare such as associated species used for centuries. Cultivated rice, “related genera.”
Executive Committee. He won the plant genetics. as foods and medicines.”

8 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 9

More crop per drop
by Sarah Carriger and Domitille Vallée
increasing the most rapidly in West
and Central Africa—by 6% each year.
So, where will the rice come
from to feed these additional rice
consumers? To avoid destruction of
natural ecosystems, increasing yields
What to do about water and rice?


ey findings for rice production from the comprehensive assessment of water management
in agriculture include the following:
Keeping rice prices low, while reducing production costs, is crucial for poverty reduction
in rice-growing and -consuming areas.
• Rice systems provide both food and ecosystem services—such as flood mitigation,
on existing crop lands are the best groundwater recharge, erosion control, and habitats for birds, fish, and other animals—
option. This includes both irrigated which need to be recognized and protected.
and rainfed land, although most • To keep up with the food needs of the world’s increasing population, rice cultivation will
of the additional production will have to adapt to water scarcity, drought, flooding, salinity, and climate change. Greater
come from irrigated lowlands, which investment in research and extension is needed to meet these challenges.
• Solutions need to be tailored to the specific physical and socioeconomic context and
already supply 75% of the world’s rice. evaluated in terms of impacts on the environment and on the health, income, and food
In some major rice-producing security of poor rice growers—both men and women.
countries, such as Bangladesh, the • Because of the hydrological connectedness of rice fields and because of the unique role rice
Philippines, and Thailand, there is cultivation plays in many cultures, solutions need to be developed with communities.
still a large gap between actual and
Rice cultivation in the 21st century potential yield. In these countries,
water and crop management On the other hand, low prices the transplanting, changing to direct
will need to feed more people while technologies hold the most immediate can hurt poor rice growers. Most of seeding can mean either an additional
promise. In other countries—namely, the world’s rice farming takes place burden or a source of employment
reducing poverty and protecting the China, Japan, and Korea—the yield on small family-owned farms, with for women, depending on whether
gap is already closing, and further average sizes varying by country or not they are paid for their labor.
environment. Success depends on yield increases are likely to come from 0.5 to 4 hectares. And, in many Purely technical approaches
from genetic improvement. This areas, rice farming is the main source will not work. Any solutions need
how the rice industry uses one of its


means more research and investment of employment. Increasing yields to take into account that, in many
in breeding programs. In irrigated and reducing production costs are
most precious resources: water. lowlands with ample water supply, the the first steps for many families to
development of hybrid rice has the escape poverty. Rice-related policies,
potential to increase yield by 5–15%. breeding programs, and water and

Many poor people spend 20–40% land management technologies and
he challenge for rice they will not be successful. by 0.6–0.9% worldwide until 2050. of their income on rice alone. The practices need to take into account
cultivation in the next 50 Rice is currently the staple While the bulk of the world’s rice reduction in the price of rice—from possible impacts—positive and
years is to feed more people food of around 3 billion people, and is grown and consumed in Asia, US$1,000 per metric ton in 1960 negative—on the poor who depend on
while keeping prices low demand is expected to continue to changing dietary preferences are also to an average of around $250 over rice as a source of food and income.
to benefit poor rice consumers grow as population increases—by affecting rice consumption in other the past 5 years—may have done Interventions affect men and
and reducing production costs to 1% annually until 2025 in Asia and parts of the world. Rice demand is more to benefit Asia’s poor than women differently because the
benefit poor growers. At the same any other single factor. Keeping division of labor in rice cultivation
time, water scarcity, drought, MAJOR RICE-GROWING areas and some
rice prices low remains in the best is, in most countries, along gender
flooding, and salinity increasingly threats to productivity. interests of poverty reduction in lines. This means, for example, that
threaten the productivity of rice- areas where rice is the staple food. in areas where women do most of
based systems (see map, right).
How can we meet this challenge?
Some solutions exist; others require At your service
more investment in research. No
single solution will fit all situations.
Solutions need to be evaluated

epending on the method of cultivation and the physical characteristics of the landscape,
ecosystem services provided by rice fields can include
providing a habitat for birds, fish, and other animals, thus conserving biodiversity and
based on impacts on the poor, on supplying additional food sources
the environment, and on the often • recharging groundwater
• mitigating floods
unrecognized ecosystem services • controlling erosion
that rice landscapes provide (see • flushing salts from the soil
At your service, opposite). • providing water filtration
Rice systems are also social • sequestering carbon
systems. In many cases, they are • regulating temperature and climate
But rice cultivation can also have negative impacts on the environment—polluting
based on hundreds, even thousands, groundwater and surface water with agro-chemicals, raising water tables in areas with saline-
of years of tradition. Unless solutions or arsenic-contaminated groundwater, and releasing greenhouse gases (such as methane and FOR AN ESTIMATED 2,000 years, the rice terraces of
are designed and implemented with nitrous oxide) into the atmosphere. the Philippine Cordilleras have provided communities
Decisions increasing production and/or decreasing water requirements need to weigh both with food and cultural and ecosystem services, but
the active participation and support now they are under threat. In 2001, they were added
of the rice-growing communities, Based on FAOSTAT data; prepared by Charlotte de Fraiture, October 2006. ecosystem services and negative environmental impacts.
to the UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites in danger.

10 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 11

resources are PDR, and Central and West Africa. Of the potential threats, water Water, food, and life
already used Salinity affects another 9–12 scarcity and increasing competition
Water for food,
“The world water crisis has caught us unawares, with a series of local hydrological pinch-

to irrigate rice. million hectares—mostly in India, for water in irrigated rice systems
points rapidly escalating into a global pandemic of empty rivers, dry boreholes, and wrecked
wetlands as profound as, and often linked to, climate change. The water crisis has badly
needed its equivalent of the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. And
for the two-thirds of the world’s water that is used for agriculture, the Comprehensive Assess-

water for life: a

ment provides just that. Timely, forensic, and unflinching in its analysis, forward thinking and
strategic in its search for practical solutions, this is a landmark.”
Fred Pearce

Pressure to but also in Bangladesh, Thailand, are perhaps the most pressing
Author of When The Rivers Run Dry and frequent contributor to NewScientist

“This assessment is critical. Not only because it concerns a critical life resource like water. But

because it involves an assessment that is comprehensive, analytical, and timely. The issue
must become the world’s obsession: growing and eating food that is water-prudent. I would
encourage, indeed urge, you to use this rich and rigorous assessment to make changes in
policy and practice.”

reallocate water Vietnam, Indonesia, and Myanmar. in terms of potential impact on

Sunita Narain, Stockholm Water Prize Winner 2005

assessment of water
Director, Centre for Science and Environment

“A wake-up call to policymakers, bringing attention, understanding, and ultimately hope to the
crucial need for better agricultural water management in all its forms to feed future generations
and sustain thriving rural communities and ecosystems.”
Peter Lee

management in
A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture

from irrigated Salinity is a threat in deltas where sea overall production levels.
President, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage

Managing water resources is one of the most pressing challenges of our

times—fundamental to how we feed 2 billion more people in coming decades,

agriculture (edited
eliminate poverty, and reverse ecosystem degradation. This Comprehensive

agriculture water intrudes inland and in some There are various strategies for
Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, involving more than 700 lead-
ing specialists, evaluates current thinking on water and its interplay with agricul-


ture to help chart the way forward. It offers actions for water management and
water policy—to ensure more equitable and effective use.

by David Molden;
This assessment describes key water-food-environment trends that influence

to cities and aerobic rice production systems. rice production—growing rice reducing the amount of water needed
our lives today and uses scenarios to explore the consequences of a range of
potential investments. It aims to inform investors and policymakers about water

published in 2007
and food choices in light of such crucial influences as poverty, ecosystems,
governance, and productivity. It covers rainfed agriculture, irrigation, ground-

A WOMAN in Pothala, Nepal, enjoys without a standing water layer—

water, marginal-quality water, fisheries, livestock, rice, land, and river basins.

industries is Some 11 million hectares of to grow rice, but all of these options
Ample tables, graphs, and references make this an invaluable work for practitio-
ners, academics, researchers, and policymakers in water management, agricul-

by Earthscan with
ture, conservation, and development.

the view of terraced rice fields, may come to predominate.

already affecting both irrigated and rainfed rice are have different impacts in terms of

the International
ISBN 978-1-84407-396-2

whose potential ecosystem services

include groundwater recharge and rice cultivation in prone to flooding. Even though rice environmental sustainability and Water Management

flood and erosion mitigation—and many parts of the is adapted to waterlogging, most production systems. For example, ecosystem services. Take alternate Institute; 688 pages).
perhaps scenic beauty, too. How do we manage finite water resources
world. This type varieties can survive complete in the North China Plain, water wetting and drying, for example.
to feed two billion extra people, eliminate
of transfer can be submergence for only 3 to 4 days. The tables are dropping by 1–3 meters Moderate regimes can reduce field poverty, and reverse ecosystem degradation?
communities, rice cultivation is at accomplished without a drop in rice recent development by researchers per year and in the northwest Indo- water application by 15–20% without This book brings together the work of over
the heart of social and religious life. productivity (see figure, below), but it at the International Rice Research Gangetic Plain they are dropping affecting yield, can reduce disease- 700 researchers in the most comprehensive
Over the coming decades, requires a combination of supportive Institute of submergence-tolerant by 0.5–0.7 meter per year. causing vectors, and produce less and authoritative assessment of water
resources ever written. Critically evaluating
farmers, policymakers, and policies and the introduction of rice, which can withstand 10–14 Declining water tables due to ammonia volatilization and fewer
current thinking on water and its interplay
researchers alike will need to adapt to improved practices and technologies. days of submergence with up to overpumping threaten not only methane emissions. But drawbacks with agriculture, the book charts the
several threats to rice productivity. Increasing water scarcity may three times the yield of nontolerant agricultural productivity but include fewer options for informal way forward with concrete actions from
In the next 25 years, 15–20 also force a shift in rice production varieties, offers hope to farmers also human health, since many reuse downstream; more weed management to policy across all countries
million hectares of irrigated rice to more water-abundant delta areas. in flood-prone areas (see From communities are dependent on growth and pests and a consequent and territories. After framing the main
issues and providing a comprehensive
are projected to suffer from some And, in water-short areas, aerobic genes to farmers’ fields on pages groundwater for their drinking need for more chemical applications
examination of trends and scenarios
degree of water scarcity—particularly rice production—growing rice 28-31 of Rice Today Vol. 5, No. 4). water. In Bangladesh and parts and/or labor; reduction in soil fertility in world water management, the book
wet-season irrigated rice in parts without a standing water layer—and In areas prone to drought, of India, falling water tables have over time and, eventually, greater critically examines the issues of water in
of China, India, and Pakistan. Even irrigation regimes of alternate salinity, and floods, the combination been linked to contamination need for fertilizer; higher nitrous poverty reduction, reforming institutions
in areas where water is abundant, wetting and drying may come to of improved varieties and specific of groundwater with naturally oxide emissions and nitrate leaching; for sustainable water management, avoiding
or mitigating ecosystem impacts, and
hotspots of water scarcity exist. predominate alongside a shift to management packages has the occurring arsenic and fluoride. and habitat loss for some species.
improving water productivity. Thematic
Economic water scarcity, where lack nonrice dryland crops such as maize. potential to increase on-farm yields Climate change may affect rice There is good scope to increase chapters follow, covering such key issues in
of financing prevents harnessing Droughts, flooding, and by 50–100% in the coming 10 years, productivity in several ways. It is water productivity by lessening water management as irrigation, groundwater
water resources for productive use, salinity are all current threats to provided that investment in research expected to increase the frequency necessary total water inputs per unit use, inland fisheries, rice cultivation, land
limits cultivation of the 22 million productivity, particularly in rainfed and extension is intensified. of droughts and flooding, and to of production—especially by reducing conservation, and river basin management
and development.
hectares of dry-season irrigated areas, and they may increase in Groundwater development— increase temperatures, which will seepage and percolation losses.
The Comprehensive assessment of water
rice in South and Southeast Asia. severity under climate change. most of it private and largely have a negative impact on yields. Currently, most breeding programs management in agriculture is a 5-year
Between a quarter and a third Frequent droughts afflict unregulated—has enabled small Simulations find that for every 1 focus on rice breeding under ponded initiative to analyze the benefits, costs,
of the world’s tapped freshwater approximately 25 million hectares rice growers in many areas to °C rise in mean temperature, there water conditions, but to address water and impacts of the past 50 years of water
of rainfed rice, primarily in eastern prosper, but unsustainable pumping is a corresponding 7% decline in scarcity and increasing competition development and management in agriculture,
to identify present and future challenges,
India, northeastern Thailand, Lao threatens the viability of these rice yield. Developing rice varieties for water, breeders need to start
and to evaluate possible solutions.
How thirsty is rice, really? that are less sensitive to higher looking at high-yielding varieties For purchasing information, visit
temperatures is the only way to under aerobic growing conditions and

P erhaps not as thirsty as you might think. Water for irrigation Rice production (thousands
(millions of cubic meters) of metric tons)
cope with rising temperatures. alternate wetting and drying regimes.
At the field level, rice receives up to 2–3 The biggest water savings at the options for reuse of water and
times more water per hectare than any other 1,400 Water supplied for irrigation 700
crop, but not all of this water is “consumed” (5-year moving average) FLOODED RICE FIELDS serve as a habitat for the field level come from reducing for conjunctive use of surface water
many species. The Ramsar Convention on Wet- seepage, percolation, and surface and groundwater offer the best way
(evaporated from the field or taken up by the 1,200 600
lands recognizes flooded rice fields as human-
plants and transpired as water vapor). made wetlands. If such fields are converted drainage flows, but these may not forward to improve total water-use
Under flooded conditions, water 1,000 500
to dryland crops or aerobic rice cultivation result in savings at the irrigation efficiency at the system scale.
productivity for rice is almost the same due to water scarcity, the impact on wetland system or basin scales. Water-
800 400
as that of wheat, when measured by the biodiversity needs to be considered.
amount of water actually consumed through saving measures at the field
Sarah Carriger is a science writer and
evapotranspiration per unit of grain. 600
Rice production
300 level include land leveling, farm communications consultant. Domitille
Nonproductive outflows of water by
(5-year moving average)
channels, and good puddling and Vallée is an assessment facilitator at the
runoff, seepage, and percolation are about bund maintenance. Minimizing International Water Management Institute.
25–50% of all water applied in heavy soils 200 100 turnaround time between wet land This article is based on Rice: Feeding
with shallow water tables, and 50–80%
in coarse soils with deep water tables. preparation and transplanting the Billions (authors BAM Bouman, R
0 0
can also save water by reducing Barker, E Humphreys, and TP Tuong),
Though runoff, seepage, and percolation 1965 1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001
which is Chapter 14 of the book Water
are losses at the field level, they are often the time when no crop is present,


for food, water for life: a comprehensive
captured and reused downstream and do not Source: Paddy and Water Environment 2004.
therefore minimizing water loss. assessment of water management in
necessarily lead to true water depletion at DECREASING IRRIGATION water supplied while increasing production in Zanghe In irrigated systems, integrated agriculture. For more information, visit
the irrigated area or basin scale. Irrigation System, China.
approaches that take into account

12 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 13


Rice and the river

by Gene Hettel and Meg Mondoñedo

A new research and development initiative is set to build on

past successes and lay new foundations for prosperity in the
countries that depend on the Mekong River for their rice

A BOAT LADEN with rice

sacks destined for a local
market makes its way down
ars ripped apart the the Mekong River in Cantho
Province, Vietnam.
social fabric of the
Mekong basin in the
1960s and 1970s,
bringing suffering and
uncertainty to millions
of Southeast Asians. However, several
nations of the Greater Mekong page 4 and Research: Cambodia “Poor rural families growing
Subregion (GMS), one of Asia’s most ushers in new era on page 16). rainfed rice in unfavorable
important rice bowls, have made The GMS includes Cambodia, environments have not yet reaped
incredible steps toward recovering Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, the benefits of rice research,” says
from those terrible times—thanks in and China’s southern provinces Dr. Jahn. “These include farmers while in Vietnam, farmers watched and extension systems (NARES; “is coordinating between and
no small part to rice research. The of Yunnan and Guangxi (see map, growing rice in drought- or flood- helplessly as insects destroyed rice the institutions and organizations among various rice research and
International Rice Research Institute above right). IRRI’s success here, prone areas, in saline or other poor- worth millions of dollars in one of responsible for developing and development initiatives in the
(IRRI), with the enduring support while impressive, is incomplete and quality soils, or in unsustainable the worst pest outbreaks in recent disseminating rice technologies Subregion. Since IRRI, donors,
of concerned donors such as the some dreams are yet to be fulfilled, slash-and-burn systems.” history. Because these climate-related in IRRI’s partner countries) have and the national governments
Australian Agency for International according to Gary Jahn, IRRI’s In 2006, some of these age- events are predicted to continue well initiated many activities to improve have invested considerable capital
Development, the Swiss Agency representative and coordinator old problems of Asian rice farmers into the future, IRRI researchers are rice production, especially in and resources in conducting
for Development and Cooperation for the Institute’s new office in the were accentuated with floods, accelerating their efforts to overcome unfavorable areas, aimed at producing studies and designing projects,
(SDC), and the Asian Development GMS. With 25% of the Subregion’s drought, and pests that hit the GMS these problems by tailoring the economic and environmental benefits it is crucial that these efforts
Bank, has helped the people of the inhabitants (some 75 million poor particularly hard. In Thailand, rice plant, or the way it is grown, (see table on page 17 and People: be complementary, rather than
GMS regain their food security in the rice growers and consumers) still thousands of farmers saw their crops for these harsh environments. providing help on pages 18-19). contradictory or competitive.”
aftermath of the conflicts (see Rice below the poverty line, much inundated by record flooding that For example, IRRI and the GMS’s “The main challenge, in the The mechanism to meet this
and life along the Mekong River on work remains to be done. also affected Cambodia and Laos, six national agricultural research immediate future,” says Dr. Jahn, challenge became a reality on

14 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 15
Research: Cambodia ushers in new era 12 January 2007 in Vientiane,
Laos, when a Memorandum of
geographically the
central GMS nation,
Understanding (MOU), which sharing a common
established a new IRRI office border with all of the
for the GMS, was signed and a other five countries.
ribbon-cutting ceremony marked As such, Laos is
the official opening. In signing the close to the Mekong
historic document, IRRI Director River Commission
General Robert Zeigler and Lao and other bodies
Minister for Agriculture and Forestry dealing with the
Sitaheng Rasphone (left and right, GMS. Further, there
respectively, in photo) confirmed is high potential
that IRRI’s framework for regional for the country to
cooperation logically complements contribute to and gain from having concluded in December 2006, was
the Institute’s continued strong a pivotal role in the GMS rice the longest running bilateral project
relationship with Laos. research networks, and capacity in IRRI’s history (see Genuinely
“This MOU gives full cognizance building in Laos needs to continue. Lao on pages 22-27 of Rice Today
to the existing commitment of IRRI The Lao-IRRI Rice Research Vol. 5, No. 2). Through the IRRI-
A CROWD of more than 4,000 to rice research in the GMS,” said and Training Project (known simply GMS Office, technical support will
attended the dedication Dr. Zeigler during the ceremony. as the Lao-IRRI Project), which continue for the research programs
ceremonies at the Cambodian


Agricultural Research and “To this end, IRRI and the NARES
Development Institute in of the six nations will formulate an
Phnom Penh. agreed strategy for rice research IRRI activities in the GMS
collaboration and technology transfer Activity Laos Thailand Cambodia Vietnam China Myanmar
T he second week of January 2007 was truly a busy one in the Greater
Mekong Subregion with not only the opening of the IRRI-GMS Office
“Your presence today is testimony of great attention to agricultural
research, which is a vital foundation for contributing to poverty
to improve food security, reduce
in Vientiane on Friday but also the official inauguration of the new
facilities at the Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development
reduction and national development,” Dr. Sarun said.
Dr. Sarun also thanked CARDI’s donors and development partners
poverty, improve livelihoods, and
protect the environment of the
Aerobic rice
development    
Subregion. Coordinating our research
Institute (CARDI) in Phnom Penh on Tuesday. The CARDI festivities
only served to reinforce the view that significant progress is being
such as the Asian Development Bank (which provided the loan to
build the new infrastructure), the Australian Agency for International efforts here will increase the pace
Salt-tolerant rice
development  
made in the GMS. Development, the Australian Center for International Agricultural
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen presided over the early- Research, the Rockefeller Foundation, the McKnight Foundation,
and quality of development.”
Minister Sitaheng added: “This
Drought- and flood-
resistant rice     
morning event, which was attended by a large crowd of more than the Korea International Cooperation Agency, and the Canadian
4,000 diplomats and ambassadors; international visitors; teachers
and students; Buddhist monks; farmers; officials of the Ministry of
International Development Agency.
CARDI now has new research, training, administration, and
MOU is an important indication
of the way both IRRI and Laos are
Making upland rice
sustainable    
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries; and CARDI staff members.
The prime minister acknowledged IRRI’s overall help in establishing
dormitory buildings, plus the recently completed Plant Breeding
Center (below left). Contrast this with the research facilities destroyed
positioning themselves to respond to
regional challenges in rice research.
Intensifying favorable
rainfed rice    
CARDI through the very successful Cambodia-IRRI-Australia Project during the chaos of the 1970s such as the Toul Koktrap Station in
(CIAP). He also mentioned IRRI’s reintroduction of more than 750 Suay Rieng (below right). New main roads, fences, and irrigation and
The heart of that response is a
research partnership for the benefit
Site-specific nutrient
management     
Cambodian rice varieties to the country—varieties that were lost canal systems complete CARDI’s improvement agenda.
during the years of war and hunger when people resorted to eating
their seeds.
In addition to new infrastructure, CARDI is also entering into
exciting new collaborative projects, such as the PROVIDE (Poverty
of Laos and its neighbors. Laos is
proud to be selected as the hub for
Hybrid rice
development  
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Minister Chan Sarun reported Reduction Options Validated In Drought Environments) project, in rice research in the GMS. It is a Preserve national
on CARDI’s achievements, which include doubling Cambodian rice
production from 1.2 tons to 2.4 tons per hectare and more than
conjunction with IRRI and the nongovernmental organization Plan
International (see People: providing help on pages 18-19).
symbol of our progress in science and
genetic resources and
rice biodiversity      
doubling its scientific staff from 50 in 2000 to the current 121. our reputation as a good neighbor.” Interplanting rice
The Agriculture Minister
pointed out that the 16-year Lao-
varieties for disease
control  
IRRI collaboration has resulted in Insecticide reduction   
the conservation of 15,000 samples
of traditional rice varieties, the
Stem borer resistance  
establishment of a National Rice
Research Program, the release of 18
Weed management in
direct-seeded rice  
modern varieties, and a 70% increase
in rice production since 1990.
Postharvest handling
and storage     
Why locate the IRRI-GMS Office Improving research
in Laos? There are several good
and extension
linkages through ICT     
reasons. All rice ecosystems of the
GMS are represented in Laos, which Characterizing and
  

improving grain
has the greatest diversity of rice and quality
the largest collection of indigenous
rice accessions in the region. Laos is
Blast resistance   
16 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 17
initiated in the Lao-IRRI Project. of the Lao National Agricultural and km route north from Vientiane to donor funding because of the ongoing present were representatives
With generous support from SDC, Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI). Luang Prabang can immediately see need for capacity building and more from SDC, the Lao Ministries
the Lao-IRRI Project has also been For example, IRRI is currently the consequences of the destructive investment in infrastructure in Laos. of Agriculture and Forestry and
one of IRRI’s most successful efforts working with the program to develop practice (see centerfold, pages 20-21). A few hours after the MOU Foreign Affairs, and numerous
for building national research landscape management systems for With the closing of the Lao- signing, Drs. Zeigler and Jahn (right nongovernmental organizations and
capacity, improving rice production, the sustainable production of rice in IRRI Project, the consensus is and left, respectively, in photo) international development agencies.
and preserving the diversity of rice the uplands as part of a stable crop that establishing the GMS regional cut the ribbon to formally open the “We’re very grateful to the
germplasm (rice seeds and tissues). diversification program to replace office in Vientiane will enable IRRI IRRI-GMS Office, witnessed by Lao government for agreeing to
As the IRRI-GMS Office also slash-and-burn agriculture. It takes and NAFRI to build on the close representatives from the embassies host the office and providing such
serves as the IRRI Country Office for years for vegetation to return hillsides working relationship developed of the five surrounding countries excellent cooperation and support,”
Laos, it provides technical advice and that have been slashed and burned. over the past 16 years. The office as well as Japan, the United States, Dr. Zeigler told those assembled.
support to the rice research program Airline passengers flying the 400- in Vientiane is expected to attract the Philippines, and India. Also continued on page 22 

People: providing help

“T here’s not enough rice to feed my family,”
says Pong Leut, 45, a poor villager in
Cambodia’s Siem Reap Province as she and
of new development initiatives being made in
the GMS. During the second week of January
2007, Rice Today visited Siem Reap Province,
work on the farm at
the expense of their
schooling. To make
her neighbor, Khloem Neut, 41, make baskets about 50 minutes by plane northwest of the matters worse, the
along the roadside. Both women bemoan the capital, Phnom Penh, to see firsthand how target villages were
serious rice shortage in Tatrav village. the new effort—called PROVIDE (Poverty often hit by drought,
“Our harvest lasts for only 6 months; then, Reduction Options Validated In Drought so failed crops and
for the rest of the year, we have to buy rice for Environments)—is set to help this region’s food shortages
our children,” says Ms. Leut. “We make baskets poor rice farmers. were common. So,
to earn some of the money to buy our rice. PROVIDE is fully funded by Plan. The Plan asked IRRI if
We will be very happy if rice production here idea for this project began when Plan staff anything could be
can be increased.” members Sandy Fortua, Eleanor So, and John done to improve the
A collaborative project of the nongovernmental McDonough saw the need to address rice rice situation. CARDI
organization Plan International (Plan), problems in the villages where they were trying was brought in as a
the Cambodian Agricultural Research and to boost children’s education. It was clear that partner with local
Development Institute (CARDI), and IRRI is helping poor villagers to educate their children rice knowledge and
aiming to do just that—increase local rice would depend on being able to produce PROVIDE was born.
production. The project is a shining example enough rice without their children having to Along with CARDI
entomologist Preap
Visarto, we caught up WITH TATRAV VILLAGERS looking on,
with Plan community CARDI entomologist Preap Visarto (right) PAO LY, protector of some of the
development discusses the logistics of establishing the previous season’s rice crop, pre-
fa c i l i t a t o r Mo e u n PROVIDE project with Moeun Thearith, pares to distribute some of the
Thearith and Ek An, Plan International community develop- precious grain to her neighbors
leader of Tatrav, one ment facilitator (left), and Ek An, village in Tatrav village.
of P R O V I D E ’ s s i x leader.
target villages. Home
to around 220 very poor families, Tatrav is a have enough land to grow enough rice for their some cases enabling two crops a year. In March 2007, staff from IRRI, CARDI, and
typical village and, as such, provides a sharp family’s needs.” “We’d like to get some drought- and Plan met with extension workers and farmers
contrast to nearby Siem Reap—gateway to In some villages, the farmers are sending submergence-tolerant varieties into Siem Reap in Tatrav and other project sites to present
Cambodia’s number-one tourist attraction, the their children to schools built by Plan, but this where water shortages and floods are both the findings of earlier surveys. The figures
ruins of Angkor Wat and surrounding temples— is creating labor shortages back on the farm. perennial problems,” says Dr. Jahn. “Direct were grim: only a quarter of the farmers
where economic activity is booming. As a case in point, Ms. Leut has asked one of seeding in rows might be an option for some had enough rice for the whole year. Others
Plan works world-wide to achieve lasting her daughters to leave school and stay home farmers.” coped by selling assets, seeking food from
improvements for poor children in developing to help on the farm. After explaining the objectives of PROVIDE the forest, or simply tolerating their hunger.
countries. According to Mr. Thearith, teaming Dr. Jahn explains that the lack of water forces to Tatrav village leader Ek An and a group of Two activities were proposed: developing a
up with CARDI and IRRI is a natural step given farmers in this drought-prone region to use interested farmers, Dr. Visarto believes the local version of Rice Check (a system that
the influence of rice on families’ economic some highly labor-intensive crop management villagers are keen to be part of the project. helps farmers carry out key management steps
fortunes. strategies, such as late transplanting with old “They are interested in learning how to increase throughout the season, increasing yield and
Earlier in 2006, Gary Jahn, IRRI’s GMS plants, 100% hand weeding, and planting—and rice production by using new technologies,” he helping farmers to improve their management
coordinator based in the Lao capital of therefore harvesting—at the same time. This says, “and they are willing to participate if this practices), and testing of new varieties.
Vientiane, visited the region with IRRI and leads to a shortage of labor, since the villagers will help solve their rice shortage.” Initially, farmers will test CARDI-released
CARDI scientists to identify PROVIDE’s six must each harvest their own fields instead Local involvement will be crucial, and not varieties. Eventually, short-duration and newer
target villages in Siem Reap and Kong Cham of following the more traditional pattern just in terms of farmers receiving training. high-yielding varieties from both CARDI and
provinces and to assess their constraints to of everyone helping harvest each field as it Hong Hom, a 56-year-old father of five, has IRRI will be tested. Next, Plan and CARDI will

rice production. matures (something that is possible when been recruited to play a key role in PROVIDE’s select and brief farmer-participants; IRRI and
“It became very clear that there are strong diverse varieties are grown, and which are Tatrav activities. As a school teacher who also CARDI will draw up detailed protocols; and
links among education, labor, water, and food planted and harvested at different times). IRRI grows rice, he is an ideal candidate. Mr. Hom is CARDI will train Plan and extension staff,
PONG LEUT and Khloem Neut (left and right, respectively, in the foreground), along with other Tatrav villagers security,” says Dr. Jahn. “With an average farm and CARDI researchers think that they can help set to help with technology transfer, which will who will implement the project on-farm in
and their children, welcome efforts to increase local rice production. size of only 0.5 hectare, most farmers don’t by introducing faster maturing rice varieties—in involve teaching and training farmers. the coming season.

18 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 19

Gene Hettel

Rice Today April-June 2007, Vol. 6, No. 2 Flying over northern Laos, airline passengers see smoldering, patchy hillsides—the result of slash-and-burn agriculture.
“To meet the needs of the growing
GMS population, 20 years from
Technology: small machine solves big problem Welcome to the first of what will be a regular Rice it. While technologies developed at IRRI help
Today Maps page. Each issue, the magazine will farmers on the ground, the information gained
now, average irrigated rice yields

feature a map generated by IRRI’s geographers, through satellite images and geographic modeling
must increase by 60% and rainfed
who use geographic information systems (GIS) and can help us see the big picture and ensure that
yields by 100%. Although this will
other computer tools to analyze spatial variation research, funding, and policies focus on appropriate
be a major challenge, it is possible,
in rice production and the factors that influence technologies and strategies in the right places.
and IRRI has done it before—in
the 1970s, the Green Revolution
raised rice yields in India by 30%
and bought India the vital time to
curb its population growth without
suffering a recurrence of the
devastating famines of the 1940s.”
Poverty and elevation in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Working with the national
research programs of the GMS, IRRI
has developed a research strategy
to reduce crop losses from floods,
drought, and pests, while improving
the yield potential and management
efficiency of the most popular rice
varieties. According to Dr. Zeigler,
IRRI’s most recent success in this
area is the discovery of a gene that
enables rice to survive complete
O bservers at a recent training and field demonstration on using a new small-scale combine
harvester (pictured) were excited about what they saw. The demo, which took place in
front of farmers, machine operators, extension workers, manufacturers, machine service
submergence for 2 weeks (see From providers, local consultants, and government officials in Prey Veng Province, Cambodia, on
genes to farmers’ fields on pages 31 January–4 February 2007, is another indication of advances being made in the Greater
Mekong Subregion (GMS).
28-31 of Rice Today Vol. 5, No. 4). The Postproduction Work Group of IRRI’s Irrigated Rice Research Consortium, through an
The gene is being incorporated Asian Development Bank-funded project, has teamed up with Nong Lam University in Ho
into several popular rice varieties, Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture in Prey Veng. They are
including a variety of Lao sticky rice. working to transfer the technology to farmers in Cambodia and neighboring Laos to help
“It’s estimated that such them minimize their rice harvest losses and costs.
According to Martin Gummert, IRRI postharvest development specialist, harvesting costs
innovations could save 20,000 to have increased recently in many provinces of Cambodia and Laos.
70,000 hectares of rice annually “Urbanization and attractive labor markets in neighboring Thailand are causing increasing
in Laos alone,” Dr. Zeigler added. labor shortages during the peak harvest season,” he says. “Farmers are competing with each
“Projects of this nature are in other for the same few available laborers from cutting and threshing to cleaning and hauling
the common interest of all GMS to their homes. The total cost for these activities is US$65–70 per hectare. The estimated
local operating cost for the mini combine is around $35 per hectare, leaving a good margin
nations, and by working together to provide profit to the operator and reduce the current high harvesting cost for farmers.”
we’ll achieve better results faster.” The demonstrations, conducted in three areas in Prey Veng, were met with positive
After the ribbon-cutting, the responses from Prey Veng Governor Ung Samy and officials from the Departments of Agricultural
guests joined a traditional Lao Engineering and Agricultural Extension, as well as potential operators and more than 150
ceremony called Basi, during villagers. Combine specialists from the Vietnamese manufacturer and Nong Lam University
provided training on maintenance and machine use, and helped the local Provincial Department
which white cotton strings are tied of Agriculture team demonstrate the combine. Data sources: Minot N, Baulch B. 2005. Spatial patterns of poverty in Vietnam and their implications for policy. Food Policy 30:461-475; Fujii T. 2004. Commune-level
to people’s wrists to symbolize In Vietnam and the Philippines—countries facing similar problems—mini combine estimation of poverty measures and its application in Cambodia. WIDER Research Paper 2004/48; van der Weide R. 2004. How poverty came on the map in Lao PDR.
World Bank; Healy AJ, Jitsuchon S, Vajaragupta Y. 2003. Spatially disaggregated estimates of poverty and inequality in Thailand. World Bank.
happiness and prosperity. harvesters are gaining popularity among farmers.

To further showcase the “The combine has a capacity of 1–1.5 hectares per day and costs less than $5,000,”
new IRRI-GMS Office in says Mr. Gummert. “It consists of a cutter-bar, a small axial-flow thresher, and a built-in o develop effective poverty is least poor, but its mountainous
cleaner that delivers threshed, pure grains straight into a sack. The machine, which needs
Vientiane, the Consortium for only three operators, is highly mobile, can be used in flooded fields, and can be serviced reduction strategies, we areas are poorer than its lowlands,
Unfavorable Rice Environments by local machine shops.” need to understand what the just like in Laos and Vietnam. It is
held its sixth annual meeting in “Farmers can benefit in two ways from the mini combine,” says Meas Pyseth, an IRRI geographic patterns of poverty remarkable how similar the situation
Vientiane on 21-22 February and consultant based in Cambodia. “First, they can get their crop harvested cheaper; second, they are, and what causes these patterns. is on each side of the Vietnam-Laos
the IRRI Board of Trustees is can sell more and better quality grain because they can reduce the shattering of overmature A first step is poverty mapping. border. In Cambodia, the situation
grain and maintain good quality through timely harvesting.”
planning to hold its September According to Mr. Gummert, this activity is an example of the integrated approach of IRRI’s Here, we show a detailed map of the is less clear, with poor areas in
2007 meeting there as well. postharvest group to provide rice farmers with options to maximize their profits. poverty ratio in four countries in some highlands but also in the large
A healthy rice industry is crucial “We work with the relevant international and national stakeholders from the private the Greater Mekong Subregion. The floodplain of the Tonlé Sap Lake.
to a prosperous GMS. Building on and public sectors to introduce appropriate technologies,” he explains. “We then arrange poverty ratio is the percentage of
the achievements that came before technology options and capacity building for farmer intermediaries. We also encourage support the population that has an income
for local small and medium enterprises that will ensure after-sales service to farmers. The
it, the IRRI-GMS Office is set to result is a sustainable improvement in farmers’ income.” (or level of consumption) below Text and map: Robert Hijmans,
help this vision become a reality. the national poverty line. Thailand IRRI Social Sciences Division.

22 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 23

Less salt,
the seedling stage is sufficient for the
crop grown in the monsoon season,
known as aman, from June or July

to October, provided that there is no
drought. This is the traditional season
for rice cultivation in Bangladesh, A FIELD SITE in Uttar Pradesh, India, offers a glimpse of the
highly saline soils that confound farmers. Use of salt-tolerant
but the spread of tube wells in varieties together with proper management—which includes ap-


recent years has allowed farmers plication of organic manure—allowed rice to be grown in these
to irrigate and grow a second crop soils for the first time ever (crop at back). A screening nursery
by Peter Fredenburg in many areas. For this expanded
at the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Regional Station
in Lucknow (inset) shows the stark difference in performance
boro (dry) season, farmers seed between salt-tolerant and regular varieties under salt stress.
rice in November and transplant
seedlings in December and January.
Farmers hampered by salt-affected “The seedlings initially grow for testing with newly developed including soil salinity,” observes
slowly due to the cold of winter, and molecular markers (easily detectable Dr. Seraj.
the rice is finally harvested in April stretches of DNA) for both Saltol Dr. Salam is the site coordinator
soils in Bangladesh are set for relief as DR. ISMAIL (right) shows former or May,” says Dr. Seraj. “Boro rice and the popular variety background. for a sister project led by Dr. Ismail
Bangladeshi Minister of Agriculture
needs to be slightly cold tolerant Based on the results of this marker- under the Challenge Program for
researchers breed salinity tolerance M.K. Anwar (center) and IRRI senior
economist Mahabub Hossain how and photoperiod insensitive”—that assisted selection, she will advise Dr. Water and Food (CPWF), which aims
researchers select for salt-tolerant is, bred to ignore the lengthening or Salam and the BRRI team on which to harness the productivity potential
into locally popular rice varieties rice plants in an IRRI greenhouse.
shortening of daylight hours, which plants to use in further crosses. of salt-affected areas of three river

plants use to stay synchronized with The aim is to develop improved basins, including the Ganges. In
their natural growing season. Short- varieties that are identical to popular that project, the partners use the

duration high-yielding varieties farmers’ varieties in every way except newly developed lines that have
alt makes its way into the soil, percolates into paddies from molecular evaluation and selection of are preferred because of the high that they have the Saltol gene and the Saltol locus and also search for
rice paddies of coastal the brackish ponds of neighboring rice lines bred by the Bangladesh Rice cost of pumping irrigation water. so are able to provide a reasonably additional sources of saline tolerance.
Bangladesh every which shrimp farmers, and, during Research Institute (BRRI) to insert As the boro season coincides good yield under conditions of “Saltol and other genes
way. During the dry season, drought, rises as in the dry season. into popular farmers’ cultivars the with high river water salinity, which moderate to high salinity in which conferring tolerance at the
when the flow of fresh water “Nearly 1 million hectares along gene Saltol, short for “salt tolerance.” begins to rise in February and peaks salt accounts for 0.4–0.5% of the soil. seedling stage could be sufficient
out to the mouth of the Ganges is the Bangladesh coast are affected by Using marker-assisted selection, in April and May, rice grown in Dr. Seraj notes that the various for the wet season,” Dr. Ismail
weakest, saltwater rides inland on varying degrees of salinity,” reports which allows rapid screening of large this season must tolerate not only coastal soils of Bangladesh display observes. “However, for the boro
the tide and saline groundwater Zeba Islam Seraj, a professor of numbers of plants, the International moderate salinity during the seedling a range of mineral deficiencies season, additional genes for
rises and spreads laterally across biochemistry and molecular biology Rice Research Institute (IRRI) stage but also much worse salinity and toxicities. “Some are high in higher tolerance during flowering
the delta. Salinity is less prevalent at the University of Dhaka. “Salinity and its collaborators in the GCP during the critical period from calcium and magnesium, or low in and pollination are needed.”
during the monsoon but can still gradually declines as you go from project have mapped Saltol—which panicle initiation to flowering. As zinc, potassium, and phosphorus, It is no coincidence that Dr.
poison rice crops as it lingers in the west to east, from Satkhira, which accounts for 40–65% of the salt food security and farmers’ well-being or have toxically high levels of Salam—who was the 2006 recipient
is highly saline, through Khulna, tolerance observed—to a small in Bangladesh depend increasingly boron and sulfur,” she says. “We’ll of IRRI’s Senadhira Rice Research
Barisal, and Noakhali, where segment of rice chromosome 1. on boro rice, rice varieties that yield need to develop many different rice Award—will handle, through
salinity is moderate but widespread. Importantly, Saltol and the other well under high salinity stress are varieties that tolerate these specific farmer participatory varietal
Continuing further to the southeast identified loci confer salinity needed more urgently than ever. local stresses if we are to cover selection, the final testing of the
along the Chittagong coast, there are tolerance at the seedling stage. The GCP project aims to breed the coastal region as a whole.” GCP’s Saltol varieties in 2008.
some pockets that are highly saline.” “This is essential in the Saltol into at least one aman variety Salinity and other soil problems “The two projects actually
Dr. Seraj is a co-principal monsoon season, when salinity and one boro variety already popular in coastal Bangladesh have severely work closely together to maximize
investigator of a project in the tolerance is mainly needed during with farmers. M. Abdus Salam, the limited the introduction of modern the benefits,” explains Dr. Ismail.
Generation Challenge Program seedling transplantation and for chief scientific officer and head of high-yielding rice varieties, as few “The molecular markers for Saltol
(GCP)—an initiative to use molecular a few weeks thereafter, until the BRRI’s Plant Breeding Division, has are adapted to the difficult growing developed through the GCP will
biology to help boost agricultural monsoon rains have washed the salt crossed a derivative of the traditional conditions there. Along the severely help speed the breeding progress
production and, consequently, from the soil,” explains Abdelbagi variety Pokkali called FL378, which salt-affected southwest coast, where of the CPWF project, and the
the quality of life in developing Ismail, the IRRI senior plant has the Saltol gene, with popular rice cultivation is largely restricted material will be further tested
countries—that aims to revitalize physiologist who is the principal aman varieties, and these will be to the rainy season for lack of fresh and scaled out through CPWF
FAIZABAD (India) farmer Bismillah Khan shows marginal rice lands by discovering investigator of the GCP project. grown out at BRRI’s research campus water in the dry season, 16 of the 20 activities, as well as other networks.
the rice he obtained from the salt-tolerant variety and breeding into popular rice Rice is susceptible to salinity at Gazipur in July 2007. Initial most popular varieties are landraces Neither of the two projects could
he grew in an on-farm trial. His regular, nontoler- varieties genes for tolerating soils that during two periods of its growth crosses of FL378 and boro varieties (traditional farmers’ varieties), achieve this without the other.”
ant crop is in the field in which he stands. The
combination of salt stress and drought meant he are saline or deficient in phosphorus cycle. The first is the seedling stage are under way, and seeds will be despite offering very low yields
had to harvest his crop early and feed it to his (see Opposites attract … attention and the second begins a few days available in April 2007. As Dr. Salam of only 2–2.5 tons per hectare. Adapted from GCP 2006 Partner
cattle. The good performance of the new varieties on pages 34-36 of Rice Today Vol. 5, before panicle initiation and ends makes the crosses and backcrosses “The popular landraces of this and Product Highlights, published by
encouraged him to invest in supplementary
irrigation, which allows a good crop even under No. 2). As the focal collaborator in with flowering and pollination. As to advance the breeding material, region are well adapted to the the Generation Challenge Program
the prevailing harsh conditions. Bangladesh, she is responsible for the Dr. Ismail explains, salt tolerance at Dr. Seraj will collect leaf samples prevailing growing conditions, (

24 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 25

Black soil, green rice
of terra preta contains more than by heat in the absence of oxygen—of
three times as much carbon from biomass for energy production
biochar—an average 25 tons per where biochar is a by-product.
hectare. Assuming a biomass carbon These examples also show that
concentration of 36% (typical for biochar from rice residues is already
rice straw) and carbon loss during used in many Asian countries. In
by Stephan M. Haefele Wim Sombroek, a renowned benefit greatly charring of 50%, to obtain even the Japan, biochar from rice husks (called
Dutch soil scientist, sparked from the 8-ton level, 44 tons of dry biomass kuntan) has been used in agriculture

international interest by including incorporation of (plant matter) per hectare would for a long time (mainly for seedbeds
n the 1870s, scientists exploring several pages on the “terra preta” organic matter need to be converted into biochar. and as a soil amendment for upland
Amazonia in South America (black soil) and “terra mulata” but its rapid To reach the 25-ton terra preta level, crops and orchards). Use of biochar
made an unusual discovery. (brown soil) in his influential decomposition in 138 tons of dry biomass is required. from rice husks as an additive to the
Working independently, James 1966 book on Amazon soils. the humid tropics In most Asian rice lands, culture medium of ornamental plants
Orton, Charles Hartt, and Herbert Several studies have since makes this a very the only feasible source for such and in vegetable gardens is common
Smith described patches of black confirmed that the dark color of terra labor-intensive large quantities of biomass is rice and several nongovernmental
or dark brown soils, varying in size preta and terra mulata is caused by and short-lived residue left over after harvest and organizations promote the use
from 5 to more than 300 hectares, the incorporation, by humans, of solution. milling. The total amount of rice of it in organic farming.
within a landscape otherwise black carbon (also called biochar)— Addition residue produced each year in Asia It appears that biochar can
typified by highly weathered incompletely burned organic matter of biochar to is estimated at 549 million tons of increase the “greenness” of rice-based
reddish or bleached soils. such as charcoal. The soils were soils has similar An extraordinary rice straw and 110 million tons of systems and that it can be integrated
A detailed report from Smith, a created by Amerindian populations positive effects—it rice husks. Rice residue is used for into existing rice production.
type of soil from
geologist, characterized these “dark 500–2,500 years ago and some increases nutrient several purposes (such as organic Especially on bad soils, it offers
earths in Amazonia” as having a of the carbon in terra preta soils availability, South America fertilizer, fuel, fodder, and building new opportunities to sustainably
top-layer of a fine, dark loam, up dates back to 450 B.C. Their high boosts nutrient- material), but its use is dwindling. improve system productivity and
to 60 centimeters thick. He also fertility compared to surrounding and moisture- has implications Today, it is often perceived as more of farmer livelihoods. Applied on a
described them as the best soils soils is attributed to the high holding capacity, a problem than a valuable resource. larger scale and beyond unfavorable
of the Amazon, producing much levels of soil organic matter (which and contributes for both rice Worse, the most convenient way to environments, it could also reduce
higher crop yields than surrounding includes biochar), higher nutrient plant-available eliminate rice residue, field burning, the negative effect of rice-based
soils, and speculated that they concentrations, high nutrient- and nutrients—and is production and is a waste of resources and causes systems on the global climate. And, if
owed their fertility “to the refuse moisture-holding capacity, and lower reported to last severe air pollution in some regions. the use of rice residues for energy and
of a thousand kitchens for maybe acidity. Amazingly, the soils have for centuries. the environment This leads to another question. biochar production is combined, rice
a thousand years.” That they were generally sustained this fertility If researchers Usually, biochar is the product producers, rice consumers, and the
in Asia
human-made was indicated by the to the present despite the tropical can confirm this of burning at low temperatures environment could all profit. Much re
abundance of fragments of Indian climate (in which soil organic much-delayed (280–500 °C) and restricted search remains to be done, but the
pottery that “cover the ground ... matter tends to rapidly degrade) and decomposition oxygen supply. Consequently, local possible prize seems worth the effort.
like shells on a surf-washed beach.” frequent or periodic cultivation. in modern biochar production by farmers in
Despite the unusual nature But what has all this to do with agricultural simple earthen mounds or pits Dr. Haefele is a senior agronomist


of these findings, they initially rice in Asia? Terra preta and terra systems, biochar could also cause considerable air in IRRI’s Crop and Environmental
failed to excite many scientists. mulata are limited to Amazonia, could contribute STEPHAN HAEFELE holds a pile of pollution. However, relatively clean Sciences Division.
Almost a century later, however, they are not used to grow rice, to sustainable biochar—essentially charcoal—that biochar production from rice husks
and they represent a production has been produced from rice husks. can already be achieved with, for
FIELD WORKERS incorporate biochar into an experimental technology predating increases in example, an improved rice husk
plot at the IRRI farm in Los Baños, Philippines. modern agriculture. some of the furnace like the one pictured (right).
through decomposition, the buildup
The answer is that most disadvantaged agricultural Developed at the International
of carbon in the atmosphere could
people started to wonder environments, which are frequently Rice Research Institute (IRRI), this
be slowed. And, in flooded rice
whether this ancient characterized by very low yields type of furnace produces carbonized
soils, where the decomposition
indigenous technology and widespread extreme poverty. rice husks as a by-product of the
of organic matter produces
could offer solutions to The delayed decomposition of paddy drying process. Some large
methane—30 times more potent as
some of the problems of biochar could also help with another, rice mills in Thailand have already
a greenhouse gas than CO2—this
modern agriculture. more recent problem. It is widely perfected this approach. Using
effect would be even greater.
Poor soils comparable agreed that global climate change is rice husks to produce energy and
This sounds very exciting—but
with soils in Amazonia related to an increase in atmospheric biochar simultaneously, these
can it be done? To start with, the
can be found in tropical carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. mills reduce their fossil fuel bill
amounts of biochar needed are
regions around the globe, If some of the atmospheric carbon and carbon emissions, and sell the
enormous. Agronomic trials have THIS MODIFIED rice husk
including Asia, where fixed by plants could be locked biochar by-product to producers of furnace, developed at

achieved good results with biochar

they are—unfortunately up in soils (a process known as bio-fertilizers. A similar solution IRRI, produces biochar
applications equivalent to 8 tons of as a by-product of the
for farmers—depressingly carbon sequestration) instead of under development is the use of
carbon per hectare. The top 30 cm paddy drying process.
abundant. Such soils being returned to the atmosphere pyrolysis—decomposition caused

26 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 27

The rice man of Africa
in Africa who were by-passed and a doctorate in plant biology
by the Green Revolution.” (1983). In 2005, in recognition of his
In addition to the World Food work, the university conferred upon
Prize, Dr. Jones has had many him the honorary title of Doctor of
“firsts” to his credit. He was among Science. He said that the 1985 “rice
the first agricultural scientists to riots” in Sierra Leone, catalyzed by
by Savitri Mohapatra understand that Africa needed to a shortage of rice, strengthened his
DR. JONES with Af-
do its own research and develop resolve to become a rice researcher. rica Rice Center Di-
technologies adapted to its specific Before joining WARDA in 1991, rector General Papa
MONTY JONES Seck at the first
with the plaque
conditions rather than importing Dr. Jones worked on mangrove
annual “Dr. Monty
presented to him wholesale solutions from outside. rice in the Rice Research Project Jones Lecture.”
at the Africa Rice He was also among the first in Rokupr in his home country.
Center’s inaugural
lecture in his
to realize the value of Africa’s There, he first saw farmers growing
honor. indigenous rice species as a rich African rice and he became in producing callus—a mass of
reservoir of genes for resistance fascinated with its hardiness—a undifferentiated cells that can be
Growing up in Sierra Leone, rice to several local stresses and to fascination that sowed the seeds used to grow genetically identical
develop and apply new tools to for the NERICA development. copies of plants with desirable
increase the efficiency of the rice Dr. Jones recalls that when he characteristics—by experimenting
researcher Monty Jones was breeding program in Africa. proposed a program to the WARDA with coconut milk as a medium.
At a time when participatory board to cross the African and After the excitement of
approaches were relatively unknown Asian rice varieties in 1991, some research, is Dr. Jones happy with his
encouraged to become a priest. in Africa, Dr. members thought it present work as FARA secretary?
Jones introduced He had several was “too ambitious.” “I must confess I miss research,”
and promoted However, he eventually he says. “But I don’t regret the

“eureka” moments received the go ahead

It’s lucky for Africa he didn’t. participatory
varietal selection and the rest is history.
decision I took, because now I am
continuing to do what I like very
and community-based seed Dr. Jones said that even now much—facilitating agricultural
systems to accelerate NERICA he remembers very vividly the research at the continental level.”

varieties’ dissemination. excitement he felt when he first saw He was happy that his legacy
ith his gentle smile Thanks to this remarkable Jones succeeded where all others During a recent ceremony that seven out of the 48 crosses continues to live on at WARDA,
and calm demeanor, achievement, Africa was catapulted before him had failed,” stated the organized by WARDA to honor he had made had produced a few where Dr. Moussa Sié, in close
Monty Jones doesn’t almost overnight from relative World Food Prize Committee. him, Dr. Jones spoke of some fertile plants. “Some even had partnership with national program
look like the proverbial obscurity among the international In his supporting letter to the turning points and memorable 98–100% fertility,” he recalls. scientists, has recently developed
wild-haired scientist. rice research and development World Food Prize Committee, Sir moments in his life, offering a From that time onward, Dr. NERICA varieties for lowlands.
But there is no community into the limelight. Gordon Conway, chief scientific glimpse of the man at work. Jones said he had several such To honor Dr. Jones, WARDA
doubt that the New Rice for Africa Dr. Jones made the NERICA adviser for the United Kingdom’s Reminiscing about his childhood “eureka” moments, as he noticed recently launched an annual “Dr.
(NERICA) breakthrough made by breakthrough during his tenure Department for International and his very religious upbringing in one by one the desirable characters Monty Jones Lecture” and presented
him, in partnership with national and as a senior scientist at the Africa Development, wrote, “Dr. Jones’ Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, of the two parents that had been him with a plaque recognizing
international scientists, has changed Rice Center (WARDA) from ability to combine cutting-edge with parents who had “white-collar transferred to the progenies. Several his “outstanding achievement
forever the way the world looks at 1991 to 2002. He is currently the science with on-farm work has jobs,” Dr. Jones said he had no contact international rice scientists could in rice research and exemplary
African rice and rice research. executive secretary of the Forum yielded significant benefits for with agriculture. But he dreamed of not believe it when he told them that dedicated service to Africa.”
Going boldly where few scientists for Agricultural Research in the many poor rice farmers helping to produce food that would a few NERICA lines had more than Paying homage to him,
had gone before, Dr. Jones and his Africa (FARA), based in Ghana. help feed the world. His 300 grains per panicle, compared WARDA Director General Papa
team succeeded for the first time For its NERICA achievement, FARMERS in Benin celebrate a bumper crop
mind made up, he decided with the Asian rice varieties that Abdoulaye Seck observes, “Dr.
in producing fertile progenies— WARDA received several awards, of NERICA rice. to pursue his studies have on average 100 grains. Monty Jones has demonstrated
later dubbed NERICA—from the including the Consultative Group in agricultural science Dr. Jones and his team continued by his remarkable contribution
crossing of Asian (Oryza sativa) on International Agricultural against the wishes of Irish to break new ground, as they learned that it is possible to reshape the
and African (O. glaberrima) Research (CGIAR) King Baudouin Fathers who urged him to use anther culture—a technique agricultural map of our continent
rice species. Crossing different Award in 2000 and the United to enter the priesthood. that allows breeders to obtain through the African creative genius.”
species is notoriously difficult Nations Award for South-South In the 1970s, Dr. Jones pure breeding lines without the Dr. Jones may not look like a
because of the high probability Triangular Partnership in 2006. received a fellowship from numerous cycles of inbreeding or stereotypical scientist, but perhaps
of sterility in the offspring. The NERICA breakthrough the Food and Agriculture “backcrossing” usually needed—to he possesses some of the eccentricity
The popular NERICA also earned Dr. Jones the World Organization of the United produce highly fertile lines in that seems to go hand in hand with
varieties outperform their parents, Food Prize in 2004—the first ever Nations, allowing him to around 2 years, one-third the time scientific greatness. At the WARDA
inheriting high yields from the won by an African. “Working move to the U.K. to study required for conventional selection. ceremony, he confessed that he
Asian parent and the ability to closely with colleagues at WARDA at Birmingham University. “There was often an element of used to speak to his NERICA plants,
thrive in harsh environments and the CGIAR system, through There, he received a luck in our research,” he says, praising them for their performance.
from the African parent. sheer personal tenacity, Monty master’s degree (1979) modestly referring to their success Whatever he did, it worked.

28 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 29

of numerous minerals. It’s about In 1921, the Dutch
200 meters deep and the water built a sluice
Two volcanic disasters in temperature varies between 20 near the outfall.
and 40 degrees Celsius. Although When the lake
Indonesia’s East Java Province regularly replenished by rain, the was full, the gate
waters are not diluted. Gasses was lowered and
are destroying rice crops and burping from the bowels of the excess water
earth through the water continually flushed out to sea
making life tough, if not impossible, create extreme pollution. after downstream DENTAL FLUOROSIS blackens the teeth of children living
in an area where drinking water has been contaminated
About 50 liters of water per farmers were
for thousands second leak from the lake into the alerted.
by runoff from Kawah Ijen. The condition is a symptom
of exposure to high fluoride levels.
Banyupahit-Banyuputih (bitter “The crater
of people THE SPECTACULAR view of Kawah Ijen
volcano’s crater lake is tempered by the and white) River. This flows down lake last over-
drudgery and danger of sulfur miners’
work and the extraordinary acidity of
to Asembagus on the Straits of flowed in 1976,” says Dr. Sumarti. (in 1945), the Dutch were
the waters. Runoff from the lake creates Madura. There, more than 3,500 “The sluice has been renovated unwelcome for a while, but the
hardships for downstream communities hectares of rich land are irrigated since then and could be used records of volcanic activity were
as it contaminates drinking and irriga-
tion water.
from the dammed river. The but that solution is no longer preserved in Holland,” says Dr. van
favored crop is rice—but this is appropriate. We don’t know why Bergen. “Long-term information
acid-sensitive. Around 70% of the lake levels are decreasing but is critical in forecasting events.”
plantings fail. Sugar cane is more its probably seepage through the Now that international
tolerant but less profitable. porous ground. The level is now 15 relationships have improved, the
The water fails all standards for to 20 meters below the sluice.” old statistics are available and

irrigation and drinking. No fish skim Vulcanologist Manfren van nearly US$800,000 has been
the waterways, no reeds whisper in Bergen from Utrecht University in the allocated to research on Kawah
the breeze. This is toxicity on a grand Netherlands says the Dutch started Ijen. Researchers sought solutions
scale. The long-term effects on the watching volcanoes seriously and at a workshop in the East Java

Acid water, hot mud,

50,000 people who live in the area keeping records
are not known, but in some districts of activity after
up to 90% have black teeth. This Kelut Volcano NEAR THE VILLAGE of Kapuran-
Blawan, neutral spring water
condition is caused by an excess of erupted in 1919, becomes cloudy as it enters
fluoride, a compound added in tiny killing about

and damaged rice

the acid waters of the Banyu-
doses to the water supplies of many 5,000 people pahit stream, which is fed by
runoff from the Ijen crater.
nations to reduce tooth decay. near Kediri in The spring water flows through
Skin and eye problems are also central East Java. a small building that serves as
easily visible. But what’s happening Kelut also had a a bathhouse for villagers.
to people’s bones and brains? Are crater lake, and
any of the minerals retained in the fountain of
by Duncan Graham the body? More study is needed hot mud and
to determine the other effects. rock devastated

According to Indonesian 15,000 hectares
olcanoes are a double- continuous leaching of acid water from the land. The most important government vulcanologist and of good land.
edged sword for the rice from the Kawah Ijen volcanic cash crops are rice, sugar, and geochemist Sri Sumarti, the problem “After
farmers of East Java. In lake at the east end of Java. The tobacco, with fruits and vegetables was identified almost a century ago. Independence
many areas, volcanic ash pollution of downstream rivers grown on the cooler uplands.
helps create rich, fertile and wetlands has been known A chain of six volcanic ranges
DUTCH RESEARCHERS inspect a rice field
soils that allow farmers to plant for many decades but only now runs east to west, with some damaged by acid runoff from Kawah Ijen.
three crops per year. But just as has the impact been measured. peaks regularly belching smoke
easily as they can provide, so can The second crisis is more and ash. Along with the rich
volcanoes damage and destroy. recent, with the repercussions volcanic soils, heavy rains between
Two volcanic calamities in the yet to be fully understood. The October and May also make
Indonesian province of East Java eruption of subterranean hot mud East Java a farmer’s paradise.
are getting worse, with no speedy around an exploration gas rig is Paradise becomes lost, however,
solutions in sight. Together, the alleged to have been caused by in the land surrounding one of
disasters have dramatically affected flawed drilling procedures. the volcanoes, Kawah Ijen. The
the lives of thousands and destroyed East Java, just south of the volcano’s crater lake, one of the
large areas of productive land. equator, is home to around 38 million biggest in the world, holds about 36
It’s not possible to blame human people, with about 70% earning million cubic meters of hyper-acidic
error for the first problem—the their living directly and indirectly water saturated with a potent mix

30 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 31

mud eruption, this tree University geoscientist Thom Sidoarjo, motorists on a toll road November, an underground natural
was surrounded by rice Bogaard thought gypsum could be 30 kilometers south of Surabaya gas pipeline ruptured under the
fields. A recent study recovered, but, again, the cost might City were surprised to find their vast weight of mud on the land
claims that the volcanic
mud eruption (centered at exceed the value of the mineral. travel impeded by mud oozing out surface above it, causing a huge
the plume of steam on the “More research is required,” of rice fields and onto the road. explosion that killed 13 people.
left) was caused by the oil says Dr. Bogaard. “This isn’t just A few hundred meters to the In January 2007, some
drilling rig a few hundred
meters away (right). important for Kawah Ijen but for west, a plume of smoke, gas, or nine months after the eruption
all volcanoes in Indonesia. About steam could be seen above the paddy began, a study led by the U.K.’s
10% have acid lakes. People are where the green seedlings were being Durham University1 put a great
moving higher and higher to drowned by the rising black water. deal of speculation to rest, when
make a living from the land. The The first explanation, offered a team of experts reported that
danger is that one solution could by a company drilling for gas a the eruption was almost certainly
create another problem. Any few hundred meters away, seemed caused by faulty drilling practices
answer has to be sustainable.” plausible. A major earthquake in the gas exploration borehole
But there’s another scenario centered near Yogyakarta in a few hundred meters away.
that’s beyond all the planning southern Central Java two days The Durham group estimated
and report writing. Kawah Ijen is earlier had caused widespread that the outpouring has continued at
dormant—not dead. If it explodes destruction. Although this occurred rates of 7,000–150,000 cubic meters
again, any attempt by humans to 300 kilometers away, it was said a day. As of February 2007, mud
control nature will vanish in a hail of that the subterranean jolt had been had covered around 400 hectares,
volcanic ash and storms of acid water. sufficiently powerful to fracture an wiping out large areas of rice paddy
exploration well being drilled by a and displacing more than 13,000
Mud on your rice mining company, Lapindo. The result villagers from their homes. At the
Meanwhile, around 200 kilometers to was an eruption of mud and fumes. time of writing, 25 factories had
the northwest of Kawah Ijen, another An anxious public was reassured been inundated and many mosques
part of East Java is suffering from that there were really no worries. closed. The Durham University
volcanic pollution. There is mounting The outflow was already lessening researchers also predicted that an
evidence, however, that this disaster and would soon cease.
has human fingerprints on it. But it didn’t. 1
Davies RJ, Swarbrick RE, Evans RJ, Huuse M.
GREG FANSLOW On 29 May 2006, at the start The mudflow continued 2007. Birth of a mud volcano: East Java, 29
of the dry season in the district of unabated through 2006. In late May 2006. GSA Today (February 2007).

capital of Surabaya in August 2006. was not distasteful—maybe because term answer simultaneously,” says
The meeting was also attended by it’s the only water the locals have Dr. Budi. “Access to safe water is THE STEAMING SITE
of the Sidoarjo mud
affected farmers and government ever known. Even families who critical. Any new wells must be eruption.
officials, many of whom offered bought drinking water or who free from future contamination.
obvious and imaginative proposals had an uncontaminated well Solutions for agriculture are more
to solve the acid-water problem. were still affected by swallowing complicated. The pollution is
A proposed big engineering water while bathing. causing more and more problems,
project never started. It would take “There are many unanswered economically, socially, and in people’s
at least 55 kilometers of piping to questions because there’s been little physical and mental health.”
drain the lake and send the water research,” says Dr. Lohr. “Cattle Dr. Budi forecast that in the
to the sea. The pipes would have to graze the area, so will bakso (a long run government subsidies
be made of acid-proof materials and meat ball soup) made from the would have to be paid if people
would be prohibitively expensive. beef be contaminated? And what were to stay in the area. These
Diluting the acid is also about vegetables and cereals could make up the difference
impossible. This would take grown with the acid water? We between profit from a rice crop and
mountains of limestone, and, don’t know. Most farmers depend a cane harvest so farmers would
according to environmental scientist on irrigated water. They want to concentrate on producing sugar.
Ansje Lohr from the Netherlands grow rice, but most of it dies. The But should the people remain?
Open University, even then the people are getting really poor.” If the risks to their well-being are
gasses would continue to percolate. The priority, according to soil acute, the impact on health unknown,
Dr. Lohr has worked on a survey technologist Budi Widianarko from and the chances of making a good

of 23 villages in the area. This Soegijapranata Catholic University living remote, then maybe the
found only a “partial awareness” in Semarang, Central Java, is to get long-term solution is to relocate the
of the problem, despite the black clean drinking water to the villagers. farmers and abandon the land.
teeth and the sulfur-yellow water. “We can’t handle the two issues Could the water’s minerals
Surprisingly, many said the water of public health and finding a long- be extracted and sold? Utrecht

32 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 33


Rice Genetics Collection CD

he Rice Genetics Collection CD features the Also included are
proceedings of past symposia and other selected 22 issues of the Rice
literature containing nearly 4,400 pages of Genetics Newsletter,
searchable information on rice genetics and cytogenetics published in 1984-2005
published by IRRI and its partners since 1964. In by the Rice Genetics
addition to the five rice genetics symposia held at 5-year Cooperative, and a 642-page
intervals since 1985 (Rice Genetics I-V), the Collection supplement to Rice Genetics
includes classic publications that truly kicked off IV, Advances in Rice Genetics.
significant reporting on these subjects in the early 1960s: The most recent information contained on the CD is
HOUSES FLOODED by volcanic mud near
the Sidoarjo eruption (both photos). • The Symposium on Rice Genetics and the proceedings of the Fifth International Rice Genetics
Cytogenetics, held at IRRI on 4-8 February Symposium, where distinguished geneticists delivered
1963, was the first-ever international conference plenary lectures covering topics from classical genetics
solely devoted to rice genetics, cytogenetics, and to the most advanced research on the sequencing of
area of at least 10 square kilometers ooze poisoning their paddy. They’ve dismay by environmentalists and
taxonomy. The proceedings were published in the rice genome and functional genomics. Symposium
will collapse to form a crater. been offered compensation of prawn farmers downstream who
1964 by the Elsevier Publishing Company. sessions reviewed the latest advances in rice research
Schools, public buildings, and around 5 million rupiah a hectare fear that toxins in the discharge
• The technical bulletin on the Present Knowledge of and stimulated in-depth discussion on key issues,
homes have been drowned. The toll ($550) for Lapindo to lease the will cause a marine disaster.
Rice Genetics and Cytogenetics, written in August 1964 including classical genetics, genome organization,
road and railway—both vital north- land for two years. But the funds In February 2007, three
by renowned geneticist T.T. Chang, provided the first genetic diversity, applied genetics, genetic modification,
south corridors—have been frequently are allegedly being distributed geophysicists at the Bandung
effort to bring together in one medium the voluminous regulation of gene expression, functional genomics,
closed as embankments, rapidly built slowly, with many victims claiming Institute of Technology, Bagus
multilanguage literature on these important subjects. and molecular mapping for biotic and abiotic stresses.
to check the mud flood, have failed. the money is insufficient. Nurhandoko, Satria Bijaksana, and
Sometimes, embankments Where’s it all coming from, and Umar Fauzi, announced a plan to
have collapsed under the pressure
of the mud. At other times, angry
for how long? These are the questions
the bystanders ask as they fidget on
stem the mudflow. Beginning in late
February, authorities began dropping Economic costs of drought and implications for drought-mitigating
interventions are presented.
villagers have smashed the levees
to prevent their farms from being
the footbridge. Obviously, the bowels
of the earth, but surely these are
concrete balls attached to 1.5-meter-
long metal chains into the neck of
rice farmers’ coping mechanisms The authors conclude that
scientific progress—on understanding
sacrificed to ponds being built limited? Geological experts differ, but the crater. The plan is to start slowly how rice plants respond to drought
Edited by S. Pandey, H. Bhandari, The main objective of the
in a bid to contain the flood. The the answer so far is, apparently not. with 5–10 chains per day, eventually and in developing biotechnology
and B. Hardy; published by IRRI; study described in this book was
government expects that a further This is the stuff of science fiction increasing the rate to 50 per day, until tools—has opened up promising
203 pages; developed countries to estimate the economic costs of
300 hectares of agricultural land films. In the movie, the army would about 1,000 have been deposited. opportunities for drought mitigation
US$18, developing countries $6. drought in three major rice-growing
will be needed to hold the mud. now be shelling the mud flow, the Dr. Umar believes that the through improved technology.
countries of Asia (China, India,

Though the wound in the air force dropping bombs. For a contraptions will force the mud However, agricultural research
rought is a major constraint and Thailand), document farmers’
earth is invisible, the location long time, the reality was nothing to flow around the chain-balls in general remains grossly
affecting rice production, risk-coping mechanisms in drought-
is obvious. It’s in the center of so dramatic, just long lines of and slow its flow. The scheme was underinvested in the developing
especially in rainfed areas prone rice-growing areas of Asia, and
the boiling black lake, where the trucks dumping dirt to form tens criticized by other engineers who countries of Asia. This is cause
across Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. recommend suitable interventions,
bubbling mass is most dense and of kilometers of banks while 1,400 point out that the process could for concern, not only for drought
At least 23 million hectares of both technical and policy, for
the gray gas cloud is thickest. soldiers guarded against vandals. increase the subterranean pressure mitigation but also for promoting
rainfed rice area (20% of total rice effective drought management.
According to Sardiyoko, executive In mid-September, Indonesian and force the mud to find another overall agricultural development.
area) in Asia are estimated to be The book provides a general
director of the Indonesian Forum for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono path to the surface. However, in the
drought-prone. Even in traditionally discussion of the drought problem in
the Environment, the mud contains announced that a special team would absence of other quick, affordable
irrigated areas, which the rainfed rice production Rice in Laos
heavy metals and phenols that be employed to try and stop the ideas—this method, to be paid for by
account for almost 75% system in South and
will make the land unfit for future mudflow, but the word elsewhere Lapindo, costs only 4 billion rupiah Edited by J.M. Schiller, M.B.
of total rice production, Southeast Asia; presents a Chanphengxay, B. Linquist,
farming should the mud flow cease. is that the mud could keep flowing ($440,000)—the consensus seems
drought is becoming an literature review about the and S. Appa Rao; 457 pages;
Lapindo has tried to put a for years. The problem is being to be that the plan is worth a try.
increasing problem because definition, economic costs, developed countries US$33,
positive public relations spin on bounced between the national As uncertainties about the future developing countries $11.
of water scarcity resulting and coping mechanisms for
the tragedy. First, it claimed the government, which doesn’t want of the Sidoarjo eruption increase,
from rising demand for drought; and describes the
mud could be used for house bricks.
Then, it reportedly commissioned
to use taxpayers’ money, and the
company, which says it has budgeted
so do the ever-increasing piles of
mud. Meanwhile, as more and more
water for competing uses.
Drought imposes a serious
analytical methods used
for characterizing drought,
T his book documents the
long association of Laos
and its people with rice.
a TV soap opera showing how only $70 million to contain the mud buildings, streets, and rice fields are
economic burden on society estimating the aggregate Drawing on historical, cultural, and agricultural
people overcame their difficulties and compensate affected farmers. swallowed, the lives of Sidoarjo’s contexts, the book details some of the key
and has been historically and household-level impacts
when confronted by the mud. Two attempts to drill holes residents have been changed forever. advances in rice-related research since 1990.
associated with food shortages of of drought, and examining farmers’
But, in the real world, the and plug the damaged well have It is the result of a collaborative effort among
varying intensities, including those drought-coping mechanisms. international and Lao researchers, with the
farmers watch in horror and dismay failed. Plans to treat the effluent Duncan Graham is an Indonesia-
that have resulted in major famines Results of the three country studies support of Australian Centre for International
as their fields, crops, and livelihoods and pipe it 20 kilometers to based writer specializing in
in different parts of Asia and Africa. and a synthesis of findings and Agricultural Research and IRRI.
are smothered by the unstoppable the ocean have been met with multicultural issues in Indonesia.

34 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 35

BOOK REVIEW RICE FACTS ������������������� ��������������������
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Innovations in rural extension

Review by Robert Chambers
A balancing act
by Mahabub Hossain ���

Van Mele P, Salahuddin A, and Magor NP, eds. 2005. Innovations in Rural Extension: case studies from Bangladesh. Head, IRRI Social Sciences Division
CABI Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford, UK, and Cambridge, Mass., USA.
��� ��

his learning, negotiating, and facilitating, out. Among these, one that
How do we produce enough food to feed a growing
inspiring as well as training of facilitators. stands out is the incompatibility
book We have here accounts of of logframe approaches with
population in the face of declining growth in cereal yields?
��� ��
shows how experiences and comparisons conditions of uncertainty and the
���� ���� ���� ���� ����
far some have among a rich variety of extension fostering of creativity. This book

come from approaches. Innovations should be required reading opulation growth is the domi- that increase crop ����
the early days include integrated Required for all who fund agricultural nant determinant of the demand yield (productiv- Trends in international rice prices and stocks (end-period), 1985–2006.
of technology rice-duck farming and research and extension. for staple food. World popula- ity per unit of land Sources: Stocks data: Papanos RS. 2007. The Rice Report (28 February 2007 issue). The Rice
transfer. various aspects of seed reading for Paradigmatically, tion has more than doubled since the per season) and the Trader LLC. Houston, TX, USA. Price data: Development Policy Group. World Bank online.

all who fund Innovations in Rural Extension


For here systems—building a 1950s and has already surpassed 6.5 expansion of irriga-
are presented illustration after rice seed network, a agricultural has opened up as never before billion. It may increase another 3 bil- tion infrastructure
illustration of a participatory and value-chain approach the need and potential for lion before stabilizing in 2100. Over have been the dominant factors been growing at a slower rate than
pluralist paradigm so different for aromatic rice, and
research and methodological pluralism. the next quarter century, the world behind the increase in the supply of consumption, leading to depletion of
that it seems odd to apply the much more. These are extension It shows such a wide range population is projected to increase by staple food over the past 4 decades. stocks and an upward trend in rice
same label—extension—to both but some manifestations of complementary choices 1.95 billion, mostly in the developing However, the potential for in- prices in the world market (see figure,
the earlier monolithic mindsets of the diversity and originality of what to do, and it compares countries and in regions where pover- creased land productivity, like that above). In early 2007, the price of
and monocultures of methodology, that flowered with this project. their costs and effectiveness. For ty and hunger are widespread, such as initiated in the irrigated and favor- medium-quality rice was 75% higher
and the contrasting rich panoply PETRRA was pathbreaking. For too long, agricultural extension sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. able rainfed environments by the than in 2001. The rapidly growing
of approaches described here. many, it will be the final synthesis has been in the doldrums, Developed countries may not Green Revolution in the late 1960s, rice prices now pose a threat to food
Poverty Elimination Through that is most striking. There, the and agriculture a diminished need to increase cereal production has almost been exhausted. Since the security for poor consumers in many
Rice Research Assistance (PETRRA) editors confront and discuss the priority among aid agencies. any further as most now have a sta- late 1980s, there has been a drastic low-income countries in Asia, such as
was a 5-year (1999-2004) project issues of extension, complexity, The big practical question now is tionary population, with some experi- slowing of yield growth for all cereal Indonesia, Bangladesh, and India.
funded by the U.K. Department and poverty; of creativity and whether normal extension services, encing an absolute decline—although crops (see table, below). The growth These developments raise con-
for International Development. flexibility; and of motivation. They without special project support, can this situation may change if petro- in yield has decelerated from 2.4% to cern about the developing world’s
The project was managed by the point to the professional pride and adopt or adapt some of PETRRA’s leum prices continue to increase. 0.9% per year for rice, from 3.8% to ability to achieve and sustain food se-
International Rice Research Institute personal satisfaction of having rich repertoire of approaches. At least The demand for maize and cassava, 1.3% for wheat, and from 2.7% to 1.6% curity in the future. The Green Revo-
(IRRI) in close collaboration with the worked through a problem with those aid agencies that wish to help for example, may increase rapidly as for maize. For rice, yield growth has lution helped buy time in the continu-
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute farmers as a major motivation for poor farmers will now know that so they are used as raw materials in the decelerated substantially since 1990 ous struggle to provide food for grow-
(BRRI). Its philosophy and practice researchers and extensionists. much can be achieved with vision and fast-growing bio-fuel industry for in China, India, and Indonesia, which ing populations. But time is running
were learning by doing. During Perhaps the most important appropriate continuity of support, the production of the petroleum-sub- together account for nearly 60% of out. The most promising strategy
its life, it approved, managed, and section, which could have the facilitation, leadership, and staff. May stitute ethanol (see Food or fuel? on global rice production and consump- for sustaining food security in the
supported 45 subprojects—on pro- biggest impact, concerns donors PETRRA and this book inspire many page 42 of Rice Today Vol. 6, No. 1). tion. This slowing of yield growth is face of growing population pres-
poor policy (6), technologies (19), and and flexibility, projects, service others to follow and do likewise. Developing countries, on the due to technological progress reach- sure is increasing the productivity of
uptake and extension (20). It is these providers, and potential champions. And, if any donor agency other hand, continue to struggle to ing a plateau in the irrigated ecosys- increasingly scarce land and water.
latter that provide the experience Lessons and warnings are laid is looking for a cost-effective achieve and maintain food-popu- tem, limited expansion of irrigated For rice, research must deal with
and material for the book. This was investment, it would be hard to do lation balance. The potential for area due to the growing scarcity of several difficult problems: raising the
an exercise that set out to learn by better than to provide the means increasing the supply of food by water, and continuing low yields in yield ceilings of the current avail-
conducting research on a variety to make this book cheap and expanding the land frontier has long rainfed ecosystems due to the non- able rice varieties, protecting past
of approaches to extension itself. accessible, and to send a great many been exhausted, particularly in Asia, availability of technologies suitable yield gains in the irrigated ecosys-
This is a far cry from older copies with a covering letter to where 60% of the world’s population for unfavorable environments. tem, and—using recent advance-
orientations. The first major section, those concerned with agricultural lives. Land-saving technical advances Since 2000, rice production has ments made in genomics, genetics,
on gender, gives long overdue research and extension policy and biotechnology—developing
prominence to women in South and practice around the world. Growth (%) of cereal yield, area, and production, developing countries: 1970–90 and 1990–2005.
high-yielding varieties for rainfed
Asian agriculture. The book stands systems that are tolerant of drought,
1970–90 1990–2005
on its head the old linear or pipeline Robert Chambers is a research associate Cereals submergence, and problem soils.
Yield Area Production Yield Area Production
paradigm in which research innovates at the Institute of Development The speed and extent to which
and passes on innovations to Studies, Sussex, UK. He is a co-editor Rice 2.35 0.49 2.84 0.92 0.31 1.23 the rice research community can
extension for promotion and spread. of Farmer First (1989), which makes Wheat 3.75 0.88 4.62 1.27 –0.35 0.91 meet these challenges will depend
In the place of such old mindsets the case for a farmer-first mode to Maize 2.65 0.97 3.61 1.64 0.66 2.3 on the level of resources that can be
and methods are a range of practices complement conventional procedures All cereals 2.68 0.73 3.41 1.2 0.21 1.41 mobilized to support crop improve-
and approaches that stress listening, for research and transfer of technology. Source: Analysis of trend with FAO time series data. ment research in the public sector.

36 Rice Today April-June 2007 Rice Today April-June 2007 37

grain of truth

Rice revolutions
in Latin America
n 1962, scientists at the International Rice Research Institute Pulver. This began the identification of six regional agronomic
(IRRI) debated the cause of low and stagnant rice yields deficiencies: inappropriate seeding dates missing peaks of solar
in the tropics: was it variety or crop management? This radiation after panicle initiation; extremely heavy seeding
debate ended with the release of the semidwarf IR8 in 1966, densities causing lodging, disease, and pest attacks; repeated
initiating the Green Revolution. The same variety, in the same aerial spraying rather than seed treatment to control insects;
year, extended this revolution to Latin America, beginning in deficient weed control; poor fertilization practices including
Colombia and spreading rapidly through the tropics and later the application of urea into water; and late establishment of
to the temperate areas. permanent irrigation.
The Green Revolution in the Americas was genetic with little Solutions for each deficiency were packaged together
contribution from agronomy. Its impact was approximately two for on-farm demonstrations. After three years, results from
additional tons per hectare. On a national basis, this spectacular several hundred thousand hectares in several counties confirm
advance terminated within a few years when essentially all of the that an Agronomic Revolution is now in progress. This second
irrigated and favored upland ecologies converted to semidwarf revolution, devoid of any genetic contribution, has so far had an
varieties. From then on, yields did not increase. On individual impact equal to that of the Green Revolution, increasing farm
farms, the revolution ended after the first harvest. Replanting yield by roughly two tons on average.
with IR8, or any other semidwarf, did not result in higher yield. Well-managed farms, now yielding 8-11 tons per hectare,
It was a momentous, one-time contribution confirm that the yield constraint since the
followed by a persistent yield barrier lasting On individual farms, the introduction of modern varieties in the 1960s
some 30 years. has been poor crop management. The key to
During this period of stagnancy, national
Green Revolution ended Dr. Pulver’s approach lies in the simultaneous
yield averages in a few Latin American after the first harvest reduction of multiple farm constraints as
countries increased modestly, reflecting a contrasted with typical agronomy directed
shift from favored upland to irrigated cultivation. Neither higher toward individual problems.
yielding varieties nor improved crop management played a role. FLAR believes that once the Agronomic Revolution is
In tropical Asia, national averages slowly and steadily moved widely adopted, productivity will again become stagnant. We
upward after the Green Revolution. I suspect this reflects better contend that the new productivity constraint will revert to
water management and conversion from rainfed and other less varietal yield capacity, as it was pre-Green Revolution. Thus, the
productive ecologies to irrigated rice. present problem of poor crop management, now being resolved,
An inability to further increase yields engendered another will be succeeded by the need for more productive varieties.
round of debate. The majority view, contending that more FLAR has combined two underappreciated traits—delayed leaf
productive varieties were needed, led to massive investment senescence (ageing), or “stay-green,” and huge panicles—while
during the past 25 years in biotechnology and genetics and under- maintaining heavy tillering capacity. We expect the enhanced
investment in crop management. The implicit thought is that yield capacity of this new plant type will catalyze a second
greater yield capacity is required for higher farm productivity. genetic Green Revolution.
At the Latin American Fund for Irrigated Rice (FLAR), we hold Thus, we observe alternating yield constraints: firstly genetic
the minority view that the constraint today is agronomic, not (pre-Green Revolution), then agronomic (post-Green Revolution)
genetic. Our contention is based on two observations. followed by the need for a second genetic Green Revolution.
First, the release of nearly 400 semidwarf varieties over Many years separate these quantum leaps in productivity and
three decades did not increase farm yield. Further, we contend each advance is achieved with little contribution from the other
that none of the newer semidwarfs surpasses IR8, Jaya, or Bg- discipline. In part, this results from the failure of breeders and
90, the first modern varieties, in yield capacity. Second, every agronomists to develop strategy jointly. Further, the decades of
year, a few farms scattered around the hemisphere yield 9-11 tons little progress following the adoption of semidwarfs indicate a
per hectare or more—roughly double national averages and an misidentification of the yield constraint as institutions directed
indication that existing varieties have considerable unexploited resources inappropriately. Researchers, like generals, often fight
yield capacity. Thus, the problem is not yielding ability. new battles with strategies and tactics of previous wars.
To narrow this yield gap, FLAR, with support from the
Common Fund for Commodities, initiated a crop management Dr. Jennings, a principal scientist with FLAR, founded the breeding program at IRRI
program in 2003 under the leadership of agronomist Edward (1961-67), where he discovered the semidwarf gene and led the breeding of IR8.

38 Rice Today April-June 2007

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