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Chapter16 Discussionquestions

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Lauren Davis

Chapter 16 - Administrative Professional

Discussion Questions

1. If you had to write a summary of this chapter, what would be your topic
sentence? Use your own words.
There are many skills and techniques in order to become an effective leader.

2. What is the difference between leadership and management?

Leadership within an the workplace is the act of inspiring and motivating fellow co
workers to achieve goals and to do more than they thought they could.
Management is giving direction and a set of goals for employees to complete for the

3. Compare and contrast the ideas of two writers from the Leadership and
Management theories section of the chapter. Use only the information in the
chapter, not outside resources.
The first writer, Robert Greenleaf talks about becoming a servant leader which leads out
of the desire to serve and help others. He believes that companies should give their time
to making their company better by educating the employees and making sure theyre
learning in order to help them grow and succeed.
The second writer, Peter Senge also speaks to leadership. Hes encouraging learning
organizations, which are split into three sections; Designer, teacher, steward. He
believes that having these three roles for leaders will help to progress the organizations
and complete set goals.
Both men share some similarities in the sense that they believe in setting goals in order
to help the employees success and promote the business. They differ in the sense that
Senge creates groups, and Greenleaf wants general leadership in which people inspire
for their own goodwill.

4. Name three things you learned from the Leadership Traits section of the
I learned that there are three large traits that every good leader should have. The first
being Integrity. Its considered to be the most important part of being a good leader
because it shows your focus and determination. Having integrity will help you earn the
trust of others around you. The leaders in the organization in which have integrity will be
the ones who set standards and goals.
The second trait I learned about was Emotional Maturity. This section speaks to
controlling emotion in the workplace and thinking about a situation in the big picture and
how your emotions could positively or negatively affect others in the workplace.
5. Pick one leadership style and write a very short dialog (three or four verbal
or email exchanges) between an employee and his or her leader who uses that

6. This chapter describes eight skills and strategies for leading people. For
each one (e.g., leading by example), write a one-sentence summary.
Leaders Have Vision- Successful leaders will look at the bigger picture within an
Leading By Example- Good leaders will set an example for other employees to strive to
Investing In Relationships- A leader in which creates healthy relationships with others
will become more successful, happy, and outgoing on the job.
Motivating Others- Someone whos a good leader will learn what motivates people and
use this knowledge to help them achieve goals and get the job done well.
Being Responsible For Others- Being a responsible leader will help not only yourself
but other employees gain the education, skills, and supplies necessary in order to be
successful on the job.
Communicating- Communicating effectively with others will be vital to becoming a good
Delegating- Delegating may not always be something you enjoy doing but it will
increase production and motivate others to be better.
Evaluating- Giving formal and informal feedback to employees will create a successful
workplace among colleagues.

7. What are some ways that leaders can demonstrate their investment in
Some ways you can show investment in people is to ask questions, produce a problem
and ask for solutions. Another way is to create relationships and start conversation.

8. Why are good written communication skills important for a leader? Are
good listening skills more important or less important for a leader? Why?
Good written skills are important for a leader for multiple reasons. It shows
professionalism, attention to detail and also presents good listening and professional
writing skills to people. Listening skills are just as important because when you show that
youre truly interested and actively listening to what someones saying theyll have more
trust in you.

9. What are some benefits and drawbacks of delegating.

Some benefits to delegating is that the leader whos delegating is more likely to get more
done. Also, itll allow the manager to use their time more wisely and effectively, its
motivational, and lets other step up. Some drawbacks of delegating is that some of the
time not all information is given in a situation, therefore a task could get done incorrectly.

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