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Clivus Composting Toilets Residential Planning Manual

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clivus The Natural Solution



15 Union Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
Fax: 978.557.9658 9/03
Overview 3
Process Description 3
Planning and Design
Composter Capacity 4
Sizing Composter 4
Ambient Temperature 4
Choice of Model 4
Building Design 4
Composter Enclosure 4
Access Requirements 4
Headroom 4
Storage Tanks 4
Air Supply 5
Toilet Room Floor Plan 5
Ventilation System 7
Plumbing 7
Liquid End-product 7
Electricity 7
Requirements 7
Maintenance 7
Regular 7
Periodic 7
Holding Tank Size Chart 8
Toilet Specifications 8
Dry Toilets 8
Foam-flush Toilet 9


For more than fifty years, Clivus Multrum com-
posting toilet systems have been used in homes,
parks and commercial buildings as the sole
method of treating toilet waste. The composting
process is reliable, convenient and safe. Its
results are both conservative and productive:
water is saved from use as a carriage medium
and the fertilizer content in excreta is made avail-
able for re-use.

The following pages outline planning for the Carbon Dioxide

inclusion of the composting toilet within residen- Waste, Air and
tial design projects. Although all general consid- Bulking Material
Water Vapor
erations are discussed in this manual, we recom-
mend that you contact your Clivus representative
to ensure that the particular characteristics of
your design properly accommodate the Clivus

Process Description Vent

The Clivus composter uses natural biological
decomposition to convert human wastes into
reusable end-products. The composter is the
containment vessel for a living ecosystem: a for-
est floor in a polyethylene tank.

This ecosystem needs nitrogen, carbon and oxy-

gen to thrive. The mixture of toilet waste (nitro- Composting
gen) and bulking material (carbon), exposed to a Waste
constant flow of air (oxygen), allows bacteria and
other beneficial organisms to convert the organic
material to safe, usable compost and liquid fertil-
izer. Nature’s way.

The compost end-product is rich in organic mat-

ter, with a bacterial composition similar to top
soil. The liquid end-product (which begins as
urine) becomes a concentrated fertilizer rich in
plant nutrients after passing through the compost
layers. The system releases two gases, carbon
dioxide and water vapor, the same gases humans

Planning and Design

Composter Capacity imum is 12" above the tank top when the fan is
mounted horizontally and 18" when mounted ver-
Access Requirements
Access should be directly to the outside. If a
Sizing the Composter tically.
standard doorway is not possible, a Bilco-type
To estimate usage levels, follow these guide- bulkhead door and stairway can be used, or an
lines: The rated capacity of the composters allows for
existing slope may allow a doorway to be creat-
temporary increases in usage caused by guests,
ed at the lowest grade. Access from the toilet
• Determine the expected number of full-time gatherings, etc. Also consider whether there will
room via a manway or trap door is not recom-
users of the system per day. be a permanent increase in the number of users
mended. See Figure 3.
• Multiply the number of users per day by an in the foreseeable future.
average of five uses-per-person-per-day. This same opening will allow access for service,
This gives the average daily usage. maintenance and the removal of finished end-
• Use health department occupancy rates of
Building Design products form the tank. Direct access from the
lower level to the outside of the structure allows
two persons per bedroom as the guide for Composter Enclosure for routine maintenance and removal of end-prod-
sizing. Sufficient space must be allotted directly under ucts without intruding on the living space.
the toilet room to house the composter. The lower
Ambient Temperature level floor must have a solid, stable surface, such
Composter usage ratings are based on an ambi- as concrete, and would ideally have direct walk-
out to the outdoors. The lower level should not be A minimum clearance of one foot is needed
ent temperature around the tank of at least 65°F. above the composter for horizontal mounting of
This may require that the heating system for the at risk of flooding due to high ground water or
entry of water from any outside source. Proper ventilation equipment (18" for vertical mounting)
bathroom supply the tank area as well, or that the and the installation of toilet chutes. This should
area be heated separately. Higher temperatures drainage or a sump should be provided.
be measured to the bottom of any joists or beams
will accelerate decomposition. If the composter supporting the floor above. Make sure that no
is to be subjected to temperatures below 65°F on One foot of clearance on each side of the tank is
needed for assembly. Once assembled, the tank other building systems (e.g. HVAC, plumbing,
more than an occasional basis and it is not possi- lighting) interfere with proper functioning and
ble to supply heat, the decomposition rate will can be positioned with its back against a wall and
with a minimum of one inch of side clearance. A maintenance of the composter.
slow. Call Clivus Multrum for assistance in sizing
the tank. minimum of four feet should be left clear in front
of the composter for general maintenance proce- Storage Tanks
dures to be carried out. Pipes, HVAC ducting, The Clivus system generates a liquid end-product
Choice of Model lights, etc. should not obstruct the maintenance that requires storage pending re-use or disposal.
You can now begin considering which model access door. Models M1, M2 and M3 have liquid storage built
Clivus composting toilet system is appropriate for into the composter base. For the M10 and M12,
your needs. The Model M1 is primarily a vaca- For new construction, plan to place the compost provision must be made for a separate storage
tion/seasonal use model; for full-time, family res- tank into the lower level before it is closed up. If tank. In temperate climates, twenty-five uses of
idences, Models M2, M3, M10 and M12 are this is not possible, it will be necessary to allow the system will generate about one gallon of liq-
appropriate (See Figure 2). Models M1 and M2 adequate access to the composter enclosure area uid; storage tank size will depend on how long
accomodate one waterless toilet, while the M3, for tank placement after the toilet room floor is in liquid will be held.
M10 and M12 are suitable for two. place.

The waterless toilet must be located directly Figure 2

above the composter; if two toilets will be Usage Rating Headroom Opening
installed, they should be situated such that they
enter the composter as far to the rear as possible. Model Daily Persons Required Width
Toilets that will not be vertically aligned should
be serviced by separate composters that are M1 10 2 68-74" 34"
sized for the usage expected for each toilet. M2 15 3 78-84" 34"
M3 50 6 96-102" 34"
In addition to tank capacity, the height of the
composter may be a determining factor in the M10 60 6 72-78" 37"
choice process. Available headroom in the pro- M12 80 6 71-77" 38"
posed tank enclosure may limit options--the min-

In the absence of a pressurized water line, it will Toilet Room Floor Plan--Dry Toilet ment. Critical dimensions to consider during this
be necessary to have a tank located near the Floor joists or concrete floors should be carefully process are detailed in Figure 7. Measurements
composter to hold fresh water for compost pile planned to allow passage of toilet chutes (14" referring to the tank top are from the widest
moistening. See Appendix for tank sizes. diameter)) and vent ducting (4" diameter, run with points on the composter body or cradle.
as few bends as possible). Additional care
Air Supply should be taken that no other building systems, In general, tanks should be positioned relative to
The Clivus compost toilet requires no make-up air such as HVAC ducting, interfere with placement toilets such that the chutes enter the top of the
in addition to what is conventionally available or functioning of Clivus components. composter as far to the rear as possible (Figure
within the structure. It is important that there be 4), with chutes side-by-side across the width of
no other exhaust fan in the toilet room that During the design stage it is imperative that tank the tank (or length, in the case of the M3 and
would compete with the composter fan. placement and toilet position layout be done M10). With the exception of the M1 and M2,
together to ensure proper alignment of equip- two is the preferred maximum number of dry toi-
lets per tank. The toilet(s) may have to be locat-
ed away from the wall of the bathroom to allow
the chute to enter the composter within the
Figure 3 24" minimum dimensions of the top working area delineated in
the specification sheets for each tank.


dry toilet duct
fan Bilco-type
12-18" minimum

access to
composter outdoors

48" minimum

When determining layout, mutiple toilets on one the enclosure ceiling Toilet drain is 4” diameter and must be Schedule
tank can be oriented side-by-side or back-to-back • the thickness of the floor between the enclo 40 plastic to allow easy movement of waste to the
when on the same floor level. If on different lev- sure and toilet room composter. Additional care should be taken that no
els, the orientation of the toilets to each other is • the protrusion of the chute above the toilet other building systems, such as HVAC ducting,
constrained only by the placement of the chutes. room floor as shown in Figure 6. interfere with placement or functioning of Clivus
See Figure 5. components (See Figure 5).

Figure 6 shows the lengths of the polyethylene Toilet Room Floor Plan--Foam Flush Toilet The foam flush drain line should be direct as pos-
chutes which attach the toilet to the tank. Each The foam flush toilet fixture uses a small amount o sible. However, a slope of up to 45° is permissi-
toilet will have one flanged chute for connection soap and water to create a foam blanket in the ble. The drain should enter the top of the com-
to the top of the tank; extension chutes may also bowl that moves waste down a 4” drain line to the poster as far as possible to the rear of the tank in
be needed. Chutes are easily cut to custom composter. Since it is similar in look and function the area for toilet connections (see composter
length. to a conventional toilet, it ensures user acceptance specification sheets). The number of foam toilets
he total number of chutes needed is determined while retaining all the environmental benefits of that can be connected to a single composter is
by adding together the following measurements: the compost toilet. Each flush uses only three based upon overall usage. Consult with Clivus to
ounces of water. determine the number of fixtures possible.
• the distance from the composter top to

Figure 5 wall
2” min. corr. 2” min. Figure 7
distance distance
Inches above
Toilet Model floor

dry toilet foam flush AF208 (standard dry) 3

AF209 (HC height dry) 7

floor and joist

12.5” min.
Figure 4 CL

Figure 6


toilet room
floor and joists flanged 24" chute
chute extension
22 1/2 "

composter top
working surface 2"

Figure 7 Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum dis- Minimum
distance distance distance tance distance from
from chute from chute between chute between chute chute centerline
centerline centerline to side centerlines centerlines to finished toilet
Composter to rear edge edge across width across length room wall for
Model of tank of tank of tank of tank toilet placement

M1 15.5" 14.25" N/A N/A 12.5"

M2 15.5" 14.25" N/A N/A 12.5"
M3 12.25" 12" N/A 41.75" 12.5"
M10 19" 15.5" 15" 33" 12.5"
M12 16" 14" 33" 42.5" 12.5"

Ventilation System bring a 3/4" line to the composter area for con-
The ventilation system is designed to oxygenate nection to the moistening components. A timer
the compost pile and to keep the toilet room odor and solenoid valve control the flow of water. In Requirements
free. Air is drawn down the toilet chute, carrying non-pressurized situations, a storage tank can Electricity is required for the fan, moistening sys-
away odor, carbon dioxide and water vapor. The hold the necessary fresh water for moistening tem and liquid removal pump and should be
composter fan will carry out the function of a and a timer and pump will control the flow. See brought to the vicinity of the compost tank. The
conventional bathroom exhaust fan; there must Appendix for storage tank sizes and volumes. source of the electricity and the components
be no other bathroom exhaust fan or other com- requiring it can be either AC or DC; Clivus can
peting air flow. Consult an HVAC engineer for Liquid End-Product supply solar or other power-producing equipment.
more detailed assistance. The liquid fertilizer that results from the com- Consult model specification sheets for electrical
posting process is stable, odorless and can be component power requirements.
A separate vent run and roof exit is assumed for stored indefinitely by the time it reaches the col-
each tank, utilizing 4" rigid ducting. The vent
should be as straight as possible to eliminate
lection area. It has a useful nutrient content and
should, where allowed, be used on ornamental
condensation collection points and should extend plantings, trees, shrubs and lawns. Consult local Regular
at least 2 feet above the roof peak. The vent codes for allowable disposition of this material. Regular maintenance consists of the addition of
should attach to the composter top as far to the bulking material, compost pile raking and, in the
front of the tank and as far from the toilet chutes A liquid removal system is standard with Clivus absence of automatic devices, compost pile
as possible. composters and is contained within the device moistening and the removal of liquid end-product.
itself. It can be an electric (AC or DC) pump, man- Space must be allocated to store bulking materi-
Each system comes with its own AC or DC fan. ual pump or simple gravity drain that directs the liq- al. Wherever possible, a sink should be installed
This fan will be adequate to ventilate the compost uid fertilizer to a secondary storage tank using stan- for cleaning tools and floors.
chamber in most situations. The fan is mounted dard plumbing hardware. The storage tank will
in-line and should be kept easily accessible. hold the liquid fertilizer until it is to be used accord- Periodic
ing to local codes and should be sized according to Periodic maintenance includes cleaning the fan
Plumbing toilet use, emptying interval and floor space avail-
able. See Appendix for tank descriptions.
and ventilation ductwork and the occasional
removal of solid compost. A clear, wide, direct
Fresh Water path from the compost tank to the outdoors is
A small amount of fresh water is needed in the The electric liquid removal systems for the M10 preferable.
composter to create the optimal environment for and M12 are made up of a Pump Isolation Chamber
the proliferation of the organisms responsible for inside the compost tank, a submersible pump and
decomposition. In most circumstances, this liquid-level activated float switch inside the PIC,
amount of water is no more than one to three and a check valve to prevent backflow into the
gallons per day. The water is delivered through a pump. The AC pump uses a 1" rigid drain line (sup-
misting manifold installed across the inside of plied by purchaser), the DC pump uses 3/4" vinyl
the tank top near the front. tubing (10' supplied). The M1, M2 and M3 do not
Where a pressurized water supply is available, require the PIC.

Auxillary Polyethylene Liquid Storage Tanks

(gallons) (dia. X ht. in inches) (diameter in inches)
110 35 X 35 8 TC3535IC
130 23 X 76 8 TC2376IC
165 31 X 58 8 TC3158IC
220 35 X 63 8 TC3563IC
300 35 X 78 16 TN3678IC
300 35 X 81 16 TC3581IC
300 42 X 59 8 TC4259IC
300 45 X 60 16 TC4560IC
305 46 X 48 16 TN4648IC
500 46 X 76 16 TC4676IC
500 48 X 71 16 TN4871IC
500 52 X 66 16 TC5266IC
500 64 X 42 16 TC6442IC
550 45 X 94 16 TC4594IC
550 67 X 42 16 TN6742IC

Waterless Toilets
All waterless toilets include: fiberglass stool with sanitary white gel finish for ease of cleaning, white plastic seat and cover, toilet liner.

Specifications and materials

AF208 AF209
Liner: polyethylene Liner: polyethylene
Chute opening: 14" Chute opening: 14"
Front to back: 233/4" Front to back: 233/4"
Width: 181/2" Width: 181/2"
Height of seat: 14" Height of seat: 18"
Weight: 23 pounds Weight: 26 pounds

AF 209
AF 208

CL 14" 181/2" 14" 18"


back back
wall 121/2" 233/4" wall 121/2"
plane minimum plane minimum

Foam-flush Toilet

Specifications and Materials

Toilet body material: vitreous ceramic
17-1/2" handicapped/ Water tank material: vitreous ceramic
CL 16” standard Water tank capacity: 9.5 quarts
Toilet seat/lid material: ABS
back Front to back: 29"
wall 22" Width: 15"
plane minimum Height of seat: 16"; 17-1/2” handicapped
Drain: 4” PVC only
Center line to rear wall: 12 with tank mounted in
service corridor, or 22” minimum wtih tank
mounted on fixture
Center line to side wall: 15” minimum
Weight: 88 pounds
Power: 120V AC
Consupmption: Continuous--4 watts; flushing--
29" 8 watts for 45 seconds
Water consumption: approx. 3oz./flush

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