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Learning Styles Quiz

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Learning Styles Quiz http://www.emtrain.


Learning styles quiz

This quiz is part of a resource View EMTRAIN's online

for biomedical professionals course catalogue for
developed by biomedical professionals


We all approach our learning differently;

as trainers, we need to take different
learning styles into account if we want to
get the most out of our trainees.
Take the short learning styles quiz - based
on Honey & Mumford 1982 [1] - to
identify your personal preference and
some learning methods especially suited
to this style. Importantly, we will also
direct you to learning methods that cater
for different styles to help you
incorporating a balanced combination of
learning methods into your training.

Look at the Quiz statements and tick the boxes for those that are usually true
for you. Leave the boxes empty if the statements are usually untrue for you.

Quiz statements

1. I find it easy to meet new people and make new friends

2. I am cautious and thoughtful
3. I get bored easily
4. I am a practical, "hands on" kind of person
5. I like to try things out for myself
6. My friends consider me to be a good listener
7. I have clear ideas about the best way to do things
8. I enjoy being the centre of attention
9. I am a bit of a daydreamer
10. I keep a list of things to do
11. I like to experiment to find the best way to do things
12. I prefer to think things out logically
13. I like to concentrate on one thing at a time
14. People sometimes think of me as shy and quiet

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Learning Styles Quiz

15. I am a bit of a perfectionist

16. I am enthusiastic about life
17. I would rather "get on with the job" than keep talking about it
18. I often notice things that other people miss
19. I act first then think about the consequences later
20. I like to have everything in its "proper place"
21. I ask lots of questions
22. I like to think things through before getting involved
23. I enjoy trying out new things
24. I like the challenge of having a problem to solve
The quiz statements are reproduced with kind permission of [2] from their 'learning styles lite' quiz.


Learning styles pie chart

Learning styles pie chart

Reflector style
9% Theorist style
Pragmatist style
Activist style


Matching learning styles

Learning style match %

Pragmatist style 0.316
Reflector style 0.316
Theorist style 0.250
Activist style 0.087

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Learning Styles Quiz

Learning methods that suit you

Your primary learning style. Match: 0.316

Pragmatist style
Pragmatists need to be able to see how to put the learning into practice in the real world.
Abstract concepts and games are of limited use unless they can see a way to put the
ideas into action. Pragmatists are likely to be experimenters, trying out new ideas,
theories and techniques to see if they work. They may act quickly and confidently on
ideas, getting straight to the point, and may lose patience with lengthy discussions.

Learning methods especially suited to pragmatists include:

Case studies
Problem setting

You might want to think about incorporating methods that are thought to be effective for
other learning styles.

Your secondary learning style. Match: 0.316

Reflector style
Reflectors prefer to stand back and observe. They tend to be cautious, preferring to take
a back seat. They like to collect and analyse information to help them reach their
conclusions, which they may take considerable time and effort to develop. Reflectors see
the big picture by using information gathered from previous experience as well as the
here and now.

Learning methods especially suited to reflectors include:

Paired discussions
Self analysis questionnaires
Time out [simply build in sufficient breaks to make space for the reflectors]
Showcase / Demonstrations
Feedback from others

You might want to think about incorporating methods that are thought to be effective for
other learning styles.

Your tertiary learning style. Match: 0.250

Theorist style
Theorists like to think through problems in a logical manner. They value rationality and
objectivity, and like to assimilate disparate facts into coherent theories. They are
disciplined, aiming to fit things into a rational order. They are often keen on basic

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Learning Styles Quiz

assumptions, principles, theories, models and systems thinking.

Learning methods especially suited to theorists include:

Classroom response systems (get one of the theorists in the classroom to be
responsible for the stats!)
Tutorials (these may then be coupled to practicals for applying the theory learned in
the tutorials)

You might want to think about incorporating methods that are thought to be effective for
other learning styles.

Your quaternary learning style. Match: 0.087

Activist style
Activists like to immerse themselves fully in new experiences. They enjoy the here and
now, and tend to be open minded, enthusiastic and flexible. They have a tendency to act
first and consider the consequences later, and they often seek to centre activities around

Learning methods especially suited to activists include:

Problem setting
Group discussions

You might want to think about incorporating methods that are thought to be effective for
other learning styles.

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Sources and useful links


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