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Avramov & Chordia, 2006

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Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market

Doron Avramov
R. H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

Tarun Chordia
Goizueta Business School, Emory University

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This article develops a framework that applies to single securities to test whether asset
pricing models can explain the size, value, and momentum anomalies. Stock level beta
is allowed to vary with firm-level size and book-to-market as well as with macroeco-
nomic variables. With constant beta, none of the models examined capture any of the
market anomalies. When beta is allowed to vary, the size and value effects are often
explained, but the explanatory power of past return remains robust. The past return
effect is captured by model mispricing that varies with macroeconomic variables.

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) of Sharpe (1964) and Lintner
(1965) has long been a basic tenet of finance. However, subsequent work
by Basu (1977), Banz (1981), Jegadeesh (1990), and Fama and French
(FF) (1992) suggests that cross-sectional differences in average returns are
determined not only by the market risk, as prescribed by the CAPM, but
also by firm-level market capitalization, book-to-market, and prior
return. Some interpret the predictive ability of these variables as evidence
against market efficiency. Support for market efficiency has been pro-
vided by FamaFrench (1993, 1996) who show that, except for the
momentum effect, the impact of security characteristics on expected
returns can be explained within a risk-based multifactor model. However,
there is still an ongoing debate about whether expected returns are
explained by risk factors or by non-risk firm characteristics.
The failure of the CAPM has also been attributed to its static nature,
and, thus, to its incomplete description of asset prices. Indeed, both
theoretical and empirical work support the use of dynamic pricing mod-
els. For example, Hansen and Richard (1987) show that even if the static
CAPM fails, a dynamic version of the CAPM could be perfectly valid. In
addition, Gomes, Kogan, and Zhang (henceforth GKZ) (2003) develop a

We thank Yakov Amihud, Michael Brennan, Narasimhan Jegadeesh, Leonid Kogan, Jay Shanken, an
anonymous referee, and seminar participants at University of Florida, George Washington University, Tel
Aviv University, and Vanderbilt University for helpful comments. We are especially grateful to Cam Harvey
(editor) for numerous helpful suggestions. All errors are our own. Address correspondence to Doron
Avramov, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, or email:

 The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Society for Financial Studies. All rights
reserved. For permissions, please email:
doi:10.1093/rfs/hhj025 Advance Access publication February 20, 2006
The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

general equilibrium model in which the firm-level size and book-to-

market ratio are correlated with the market beta. Ball (1978) and Fama and
French (1992) also recognize the association between market evaluation
ratios and expected return. Ball argues that such ratios pick up expected
return variation, because prices move opposite to expected returns, and
Fama and French indicate that size and the book-to-market ratio extract
the information in prices about risk and expected return.
Motivated by that support for firm-level risk and expected return
variations, this article assesses the empirical performance of conditional
asset pricing models in a framework where factor loadings may vary with

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firm-specific market capitalization and the book-to-market ratio as well
as with business cycle-related variables. An open question is whether such
beta modeling in a risk-based framework applied to single securities can
explain the size, book-to-market, turnover, and momentum effects on
expected returns, all of which have been perceived to be financial market
To pursue this question, we develop and apply a framework extending
that of Brennan, Chordia, and Subrahmanyam (1998) (henceforth
BCS). In particular, we first run regressions of excess stock return on
asset pricing factors with loadings that may vary cross sectionally and
over time with stock-level size and the book-to-market ratio as well as
with macroeconomic variables. We then run cross-sectional regressions
of risk-adjusted returns, rather than gross returns, as dependent vari-
ables on the equity characteristics size, the book-to-market ratio, turn-
over, and variables related to past return. Under the null hypothesis of
exact pricing, all these characteristics should be insignificant in the
cross-sectional regressions. The use of risk-adjusted returns in asset
pricing tests also appears in Shanken (1992). It is intended to address
the error-in-variables bias in estimating the cross-section regression
coefficients in finite samples. To account for the bias in the standard
errors, we implement the corrections proposed by Shanken (1992) and
Jagannathan and Wang (1998).
The use of single securities in empirical tests of asset pricing models
guards against the data-snooping biases inherent in portfolio-based asset
pricing tests (Lo and MacKinlay 1990) and avoids the loss of information
that results when stocks are sorted into portfolios (Litzenberger and
Ramaswamy 1979). Relative to previous work, our framework allows
factor loadings in first-pass time series regressions to change with firm-
level size and book-to-market as well as with business conditions. In the
second-pass cross-sectional regressions, risk-adjusted returns are
regressed on size, book-to-market, turnover, and prior return variables.
If the predictive power of such firm attributes is explained by asset pricing
models, then firm attributes should be statistically insignificant. Support
for using firm characteristics in cross-sectional regressions to detect

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

model misspecification is provided by Jagannathan and Wang (1998).

They show that when the beta pricing model is misspecified, the t-statis-
tics for the coefficients on the firm characteristics generally converge to
infinity in probability.
Our asset pricing framework is the first to use single securities in cross-
sectional tests that allow risk and expected return to vary with condition-
ing information. Indeed, previous tests have not modeled factor loadings
as a function of size, book-to-market, and the business cycle in individual
stocks; these tests [Ferson and Harvey (1991, 1998, 1999)] have either
modeled the interaction between loadings and macroeconomic variables

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or they have modeled the interaction between loadings and firm charac-
teristics, but they have focused on portfolios, not individual stocks. In
addition, we examine a rich set of models, extending the tests in Fama and
French (1992, 1993), BCS (1998), and Ferson and Harvey (1999).
Here are the models we consider: (i) CAPM, (ii) Fama and French
(1993) three factor model, (iii) Fama and French model augmented by the
PastorStambaugh (2003) liquidity factor,1 (iv) Fama and French model
augmented by the winners-minus-losers (WML) portfolio to proxy for
momentum, (v) a version of Jagannathan and Wang (1996) that uses
excess market return and labor income growth as factors, (vi) a linear
version of the consumption CAPM (CCAPM) of Rubinstein (1976),
Lucas (1978), and Breeden (1979), and (vii) Fama and French model
augmented by the liquidity and momentum factors. The analysis uses a
total of 7875 NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks traded over the
period August 1964 through December 2001.
The evidence shows that conditional and unconditional versions of the
(C)CAPM do not capture any of the size, book-to-market, turnover, and
past return effects. All these variables are highly significant in cross-
sectional regressions, even when the market or consumption beta may
vary with (i) the default spread, (ii) firm-level size and book-to-market,
and (iii) firm-level size and book-to-market and default spread. Indeed,
Lettau and Ludvigson (2001) show that (C)CAPM scaled by the con-
sumption-wealth ratio, cay, do capture the size and book-to-market
effects. However, they use 25 size and book-to-market portfolios as test
assets. In unreported tests (available upon request), we confirm that the
C(CAPM) scaled by their consumption-wealth ratio do not capture
expected return and risk variations at the individual stock level.
Moving to multifactor models, the evidence suggests that the predictive
ability of size, book-to-market, turnover, and past returns is also unex-
plained by the FamaFrench (1993) three-factor model with constant risk

We do not use the PastorStambaugh non-traded liquidity factor (non-traded innovations in liquidity)
but we use a traded portfolio that is long on stocks with high sensitivities and short on stocks with low
sensitivities to the non-traded liquidity factor.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

and expected return. In contrast, a version of FamaFrench that allows

for time-varying risk in a fashion described earlier does capture the
impact of firm size and the book-to-market ratio. At the monthly fre-
quency, an unconditional version of the Jagannathan and Wang (1996)
model captures neither the size nor the value effect, and a conditional
version explains only the size effect. Indeed, the conditional FamaFrench
model provides the greatest improvement over the CAPM in its ability to
capture the size and book-to-market effects.
Focusing on the size and value effects, our results shed light on the
research controversy: What explains expected returns, risk factors, or

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equity characteristics? Daniel and Titman (1997) argue that the security
characteristics size and book-to-market, not the loadings on Small-Minus-
Big (SMB) and High-Minus-Low (HML), have an impact on the cross-
section of security returns. That the time-varying beta version of the Fama
French model captures the predictive ability of size and book-to-market
lends support to a risk-based story. In essence, the literature has recognized
the importance of modeling beta variation. For example, Ghysels (1998)
argues that if the dynamics of beta are appropriately captured, then a time-
varying beta model outperforms constant beta models. However, if beta is
inherently misspecified, serious pricing errors, potentially larger than with a
constant beta model, may result. Of course, one will never know the true
dynamics of beta. Even so, we show that economic theory that associates
size and book-to-market as well as the business cycle with factor loadings
could provide guidance about the empirical modeling of beta. In particular,
the type of modeling proposed here considerably improves the pricing
abilities of virtually all models tested. From a time series perspective, we
document intertemporal variation in the FamaFrench factor loadings and
show that the market and SMB betas are significantly correlated with a
recession variable formed using the business cycle dates obtained from the
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).
Even when beta variation improves pricing abilities, none of the models
examined are able to capture the impact of turnover or momentum on the
cross-section of stock returns, even when a liquidity factor, or the WML
portfolio, or both are included in the first-pass time series regression.
While we have shown that the PastorStambaugh liquidity factor does
not capture the impact of turnover on expected returns, there are some
caveats. With turnover as an explanatory variable in the second pass
cross-sectional regression, we have focused on the impact of the level of
liquidity on returns, whereas the PastorStambaugh measure is designed
to capture the impact of liquidity risk. Also, we have used the value-
weighted average return on stocks with high sensitivities to liquidity less
the value-weighted average return on stocks with low sensitivities to
liquidity as a proxy for the PastorStambaugh non-traded liquidity fac-
tor. A different proxy for the liquidity factor may capture the turnover

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

effect, though we note that the turnover effect is also robust when the
liquidity factor is formed as the return differential between high- and low-
turnover stocks.
Finally, we show that when model mispricing is allowed to vary
with business-cycle variables in the first-pass regression, then this
variation captures the impact of momentum on returns. Put differ-
ently, if in the cross-sectional regression the dependent variables is the
risk-adjusted return minus the time-varying component of alpha, then
past return variables become insignificant in this regression. This
suggests that there is indeed a business cycle pattern to the momen-

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tum payoffs. This finding is important because the momentum phe-
nomenon has defied rational explanations and has led to numerous
behavioral models based on the cognitive biases of investors. Our
evidence suggests that it may be premature to discard risk-based
models to explain momentum. We point to the possibility that there
may exist a yet undiscovered risk factor related to the business cycle
that may capture the impact of momentum on the cross-section of
individual stock returns. In contrast, the turnover effect is highly
significant in the cross-sectional regression even when the time-vary-
ing component of model mispricing is subtracted from risk-adjusted
returns. The impact of liquidity on average returns does not diminish
after controlling for business cycle effects. Indeed, liquidity may be
more of a trading phenomenon that is unrelated to the state of the
economy. Liquidity is likely to be a function of market design, com-
petition amongst liquidity suppliers, and the degree of information
asymmetry in financial markets.
The rest of the article proceeds as follows: the next section provides a
discussion of the various asset pricing models we examine; section 2
describes methodology; section 3 describes the data; section 4 presents
the empirical findings; and section 5 concludes.

1. Asset Pricing Models

We study the CAPM of Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965) and the
CCAPM of Rubinstein (1976), Lucas (1978), and Breeden (1979). The-
oretically, CCAPM appears preferable to the CAPM because it takes
into account the dynamic nature of portfolio decisions because it inte-
grates the many forms of wealth beyond financial asset wealth. Empiri-
cally, however, the unconditional version of the CCAPM has been
questioned. Hansen and Singleton (1982, 1983) reject the CCAPM
based on US data, finding that it cannot simultaneously explain the
time-variation of interest rates and the cross-sectional pattern of average
returns on stocks and bonds. Several other papers document that the
canonical consumption CAPM performs no better, and often even

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

worse, than the static CAPM.2 In contrast, as shown by Lettau and

Ludvigson (2001), the conditional version of the CCAPM performs
relatively well. While Lettau and Ludvigson run their analysis using 25
size and book-to-market portfolios as test assets, we focus on individual
stocks in a framework that is reasonably robust to various criticisms
about asset pricing tests, as noted in the introduction.
We then test multifactor models, starting with Fama and French (1993).
Fama and French (1993, 1996, 1998) have shown that the cross-sectional
variation in expected returns associated with most equity characteristics
(except momentum) can be captured within a three-factor model, the mar-

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ket, size (SMB), and value (HML) premiums, using US as well as interna-
tional data.3 Fama and French (1993) argue that SMB and HML are state
variables in an intertemporal asset pricing model. However, rational asset
pricing theories have been silent about how SMB and HML are related to
the underlying undiversifiable macroeconomic risks. The FamaFrench
model, though, has gained some support in recent work. Liew and Vassalou
(2000) show that SMB and HML predict future economic growth even in
the presence of traditional business cycle variables. Lettau and Ludvigson
(2001) document the sensitivity of HML to bad news at times of economic
distress. Vassalou (2002) shows that once news related to future GDP
growth is removed from SMB and HML, the FamaFrench model no
longer prices equities significantly better than the CAPM.
We also examine the pricing abilities of the FamaFrench model aug-
mented with a liquidity factor. With the extensive availability of transac-
tions data, there has been a recent surge in interest in pricing models that
account for the impact of liquidity on returns. Amihud and Mendelson
(1986) document the impact of the level of (il)liquidity, as measured by the
bid-ask spread, on the cross-section of returns. Subsequently, Chordia,
Roll, and Subrahmanyam (2000) document correlated movements in
liquidity. Drawing on the commonality in liquidity argument, Pastor and
Stambaugh (2003) form a liquidity factor that appears to have a significant
impact on returns. They show that the decile portfolio with the highest
sensitivity to their liquidity factor earns a return that exceeds the return on
the decile portfolio with the lowest sensitivity to liquidity risk by 7.5% per
year. As a proxy for the PastorStambaughs non-traded liquidity factor,
we have used the value-weighted average return on stocks with high

Mankiw and Shapiro (1986) regress the average returns of the 464 NYSE stocks on their market betas, on
consumption growth betas, and on both betas. They find that the market betas are more strongly and
robustly associated with the cross-section of average returns. They also find that market beta drives out
consumption beta in multiple regressions. Breeden, Gibbons, and Litzenberger (1989) find comparable
performance of the CAPM and a model that uses a mimicking portfolio for consumption growth as the
single factor.
The international framework (Fama and French 1998) focuses on the market and value premia.

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

sensitivities to the PastorStambaugh liquidity factor less the value-

weighted average return on stocks with low sensitivities to the same factor.
Next, we augment the FamaFrench model with the WML portfolio.
Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) show that past returns have a strong
ability to predict future returns; a strategy of buying past winners and
selling past losers results in abnormal returns of about 1% per month.
Fama and French (1996) show that their three-factor model is able to
capture most CAPM-related anomalies but is unable to capture the
momentum effect. Thus, even when WML is purely empirically moti-
vated and is devoid of economic content, it is natural to ask whether

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including WML explains the impact of momentum on the cross-section
of individual stock returns. This exercise allows us to examine whether it
is the firm-level past returns or the factor sensitivity to WML that
impacts the cross-section of average returns.
The models described so far assume that the market portfolio
captures return on financial wealth. Because the market portfolio may
not capture the return on human capital, we account for human capital,
as in Jagannathan and Wang (1996), which is a large fraction of an
individuals wealth. Specifically, we consider a pricing specification that
incorporates, along with financial wealth, human capital given by the
capitalized value of labor income. The additional factor is the growth
rate in labor income computed as Rlabor t Lt1 Lt2 =Lt2 Lt3 ,
where Lt is the difference between the NIPA measure of monthly total
personal income and total dividends, normalized by total US population.
In sum, we will examine conditional and unconditional versions of the
following models: (i) CAPM, (ii) CCAPM, (iii) Fama and French, (iv)
Fama and French augmented by the PastorStambaugh liquidity risk
factor, (v) Fama and French augmented by WML, (vi) Fama and French
augmented by the PastorStambaugh liquidity risk factor as well as by
WML, and (vii) a version of Jagannathan and Wang.

2. Methodology
Our asset pricing tests extend the approach of BCS (1998). BCS test
factor models by regressing risk-adjusted returns on firm-level attributes
such as size, book-to-market, and turnover. Under the null of exact
pricing, such attributes should be statistically insignificant in the cross-
section. The practice of using risk-adjusted returns, rather than gross or
excess returns, is also applied by Shanken (1992). It is intended to
address the finite sample bias attributable to errors in estimating factor
loadings in the first-pass time series regressions. As noted earlier, the
focus on single securities avoids the data-snooping biases that are
inherent in portfolio-based approaches, as noted by Lo and MacKinlay

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

(1990), and is robust to the sensitivity of asset pricing tests to the

portfolio grouping procedure.
To address the bias in the estimated standard errors, we implement
the corrections of Shanken (1992) and Jagannathan and Wang (1998).
Shanken assumes homoscedasticity in the variance of asset returns
conditional upon the realization of factors. Under this assumption, he
shows that the standard errors based on the FamaMacBeth procedure
overstate the precision of the estimated parameters. Jagannathan and
Wang (1998) relax the homoscedasticity assumption and show that the
FamaMacBeth-based standard errors need not overestimate the pre-

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cision of the estimates. Indeed, in our empirical examinations, we show
that t-ratios based on the Jagannathan and Wang correction are typi-
cally greater (in absolute value) than those based on the Shanken
We now develop our conditional framework for testing asset pricing
models. We assume that returns are generated by a conditional version of
a K-factor model

Rjt Et1 Rjt jkt1 f kt ejt , 1

where Et1 is the conditional expectations operator, Rjt is the return on

security j at time t; fkt is the unanticipated (with respect to information
available at t  1) time t return on the k th factor, and jkt1 is the
conditional beta corresponding to the k th factor. Et1 Rjt is modeled
using the exact pricing specification

Et1 Rjt  RFt kt1 jkt1 , 2

where RFt is the risk-free rate and kt is the risk premium for factor k at
time t. The estimated risk-adjusted return on each security for month t is
then calculated as
R*jt  Rjt  RFt  ^jkt1 F kt , 3

where Fkt  fkt kt1 is the sum of the factor innovation and its corre-
sponding risk premium and ^jkt is the conditional beta estimated by a
first-pass time-series regression over the entire sample period as per the
specification given below. Our risk adjustment procedure imposes the
assumptions that the conditional zero-beta return equals the conditional

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

risk-free rate, and that the factor premium is equal to the excess return on
the factor, as is the case when factors are portfolio based.
Next, we run the cross-sectional regression

R*jt c0t cmt Zmjt1 ejt , 4

where Zmjt1 is the value of characteristic m for security j at time t  1

and M is the total number of characteristics. Under exact pricing, equity
characteristics do not explain risk-adjusted return and are thus insignif-

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icant in the specification (4). To examine significance, we estimate the
vector of characteristics rewards each month as

^ct Zt1 Zt1 1 Zt1
R*t , 5

where Zt1 is a matrix including the M firm characteristics for Nt test

assets and R*t is the vector of risk-adjusted returns on all test assets. The
standard FamaMacBeth (1973) estimators are the time-series averages
of these coefficients, ^ct . The standard errors of the estimators are
traditionally obtained from the time series of monthly estimates. As
noted earlier, we correct the FamaMacBeth (1973) standard errors,
attributable to the error in the estimation of factor loadings in the first-
pass regression, using the approaches in Shanken (1992) as well as
Jagannathan and Wang (1998).
To formalize the conditional beta framework developed here let us
rewrite the specification in Equation (4) using the generic form

Rjt  RFt ; zt1 ; Xjt1 0 Ft  c0t ct Zjt1 ejt , 6

where Xjt1 and Zjt1 are vectors of firm characteristics, zt1 denotes a
vector of macroeconomic variables, and  represents the parameters that
capture the dependence of  on the macroeconomic variables and the
firm characteristics. Ultimately, the null to test is ct 0. While we have
checked the robustness of our results for the general case where
Xjt1 Zjt1 , we will focus on the case where the factor loadings depend
upon firm-level size, book-to-market, and business-cycle-related vari-
ables. That is, the vector Xjt1 stands for size and book-to-market and
the vector Zjt1 for size, book-to-market, turnover, and various lagged
return variables.
The dependence on size and book-to-market is motivated by the gen-
eral equilibrium model of GKZ (2003), which justifies separate roles for
size and book-to-market as determinants of beta. In particular, firm size
captures the component of a firms systematic risk attributable to its

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

growth option, and the book-to-market ratio serves as a proxy for risk of
existing projects. Incorporating business-cycle variables follows the exten-
sive evidence on time series predictability (Keim and Stambaugh 1986;
Fama and French 1989; and Chen 1991).
To describe the beta modeling in the time series regressions, let us focus
on the one factor CAPM, and let us assume that there is a single macro-
economic predictor zt1 . The conditional beta of security j is modeled as

jt1 j1 j2 zt1 j3 j4 zt1 Sizejt1

j5 j6 zt1 BM jt1 , 7

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where Sizejt1 and BMjt1 are the market capitalization and the book-to-
market ratio at time t  1. In the empirical examinations, beta is modeled
under four specifications. In the first, the unconditional one, all s except
for j1 are restricted to be zero. The next three are conditional versions:
(i) j2 j4 j6 0, (ii) j3 j4 j5 j6 0, (iii) all s are
allowed to depart from zero. To illustrate, the first pass time series
regression for the very last specification is

rjt j j1 rmt j2 zt1 rmt j3 Sizejt1 rmt j4 zt1 Sizejt1 rmt
j5 BM jt1 rmt j6 zt1 BM jt1 rmt ujt , 8

where rjt Rjt  RFt and rmt is excess return on the value-weighted
market index. Note that the firm characteristics size and book-to-market
ratio and the macroeconomic predictor are all lagged one period as
compared to the excess market and individual stock returns. Moreover,
not only do we condition betas on size and the book-to-market ratio, but
we also allow this conditioning to vary over time with zt1 .
Then, R*jt in Equation (4), the dependent variable in the cross-sec-
tion regression, is given by j ujt . The time series regression (8) is run
over the entire sample. While this entails the use of future data in
calculating the factor loadings, Fama and French (1992) have shown
that this forward looking does not impact any of the results. We can
confirm that this is indeed true for a handful of random cases we have
For perspective, it is useful to compare our approach to earlier studies
. Fama and French (1992) estimate beta by assigning the firm to one of
100 size-beta sorted portfolios. Firms beta (proxied by the portfo-
lios beta) is allowed to evolve over time when the firm changes its
portfolio classification.
. Fama and French (1993) focus on 25 size and book-to-market sorted
portfolios, which allow firms beta to change over time as they move
between portfolios.

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

. BCS (1998) estimate beta each year in a first-pass regression using 60

months of past returns. They do not explicitly model how beta
changes as a function of size and book-to-market, as we do, but
their rolling regressions do allow beta to evolve over time.
We should also distinguish our beta-scaling procedure from those
proposed by Shanken (1990) and Ferson and Harvey (1999) as well as
Lettau and Ludvigson (2001). Shanken and Ferson and Harvey use
predetermined variables to scale factor loadings in asset pricing tests.
Lettau and Ludvigson use information variables to scale the pricing

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kernel parameters. In both procedures, a one-factor conditional CAPM
can be interpreted as an unconditional multifactor model. Our condi-
tional beta factor model does not have that unconditional multifactor
interpretation since the firm-level Sizej and BMj are not common across
all test assets. Thus, the economic quantity obtained by multiplying these
firm-specific variables by the factors does not constitute an additional
risk factor in an unconditional representation.
We note that we are able to estimate risk-adjusted stock returns in
Equation (3) only if factors are portfolio based. Consequently, we construct
maximally correlated portfolios also known as factor-mimicking portfolios
for consumption growth and the growth in per capita labor income. The
notion of using factor-mimicking portfolios in place of factors in an exact
pricing relation is characterized by Breeden (1979) and Huberman, Kandel,
and Stambaugh (1987). Breeden, Gibbons, and Litzenberger (1989) esti-
mate a mimicking portfolio for consumption growth as the fitted value of
the regression of consumption growth on a set of base assets. Recently,
Lamont (2001) has proposed to extend this regression framework by
including variables that can forecast future returns on the test assets. This
approach has been implemented by Vassalou (2002) in creating mimicking
portfolios for GDP growth. Here, we build on Lamont in estimating
factor-mimicking portfolios when information variables are accounted for.
Specifically, a factor-mimicking portfolio in unconditional and condi-
tional asset pricing tests is obtained by running the time series regressions

ft a b0 Bt t 9

ft a b0 Bt c0 zt1 t , 10

respectively, where ft is the realized value of the nonportfolio-based factor

such as consumption growth or labor income growth, Bt denotes the time t
excess returns (zero cost) on a vector of base assets. Under unconditional
and conditional models, the factor-mimicking portfolio is the estimated
value of a b0 Bt . The fitted value based on Equation (9) has the maximum

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

unconditional correlation with ft , and the fitted value based on Equation

(10) has the maximum correlation with ft conditioned upon zt1 .
We use eight base assets to estimate factor-mimicking portfolios. Following
Lamont (2001) and Vassalou (2002), the base assets include the six value-
weighted FamaFrench portfolios constructed from the intersections of two
market value and three book-to-market portfolios. The remaining are the
default and term premia. The former is the return differential between BAA
and AAA rate bonds (by Moodys). The latter is the return differential
between Treasury bonds with more than 10 years to maturity and Treasury
bills that mature in three months. Of course, the true factor-mimicking

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portfolio is unknown. Hence, estimation errors could emerge. There is no
reason to expect, however, any systematic biases in our empirical examina-
tions. In addition, for robustness checks, we have created different portfolios
to examine whether the empirical findings are sensitive to the choice of base
assets from amongst the above eight assets along with industry portfolios.
The empirical evidence is found to be robust to the choice of base assets.
Before concluding this section, we note that the methodological con-
tribution of this article is two-fold. First, beta is allowed to change
in cross-sectional regressions applied to single stocks. Previous cross-
sectional tests have not explicitly modeled beta as a function of firm
characteristics; time-series tests have modeled this interaction, but they
have focused on portfolios. Second, it brings together several models,
extending the tests in Fama and French (1993), BCS (1998), and Ferson
and Harvey (1999). As noted earlier, our empirical tests are motivated by
empirical and theoretical work that points to time-varying beta. Under
fixed and time-varying beta models, we are able to examine the impact of
size, book-to-market, turnover, and prior returns when contemporaneous
returns are risk-adjusted by alternative factor specifications.

3. Data
The basic data consist of monthly returns, size, book-to-market, turn-
over, and lagged returns for a sample of common stocks of NYSE,
AMEX, and NASDAQ-listed companies. The sample spans the period
July 1964 through December 2001. NASDAQ stocks enter the sample
only from January 1983 since the NASDAQ trading volume, one of the
firm characteristics, is unavailable in Center for Research in Security
Prices (CRSP) before November 1982.
We run the analysis using monthly observations for the most part. We
test the CCAPM using quarterly data because data on consumption
growth is available only at the quarterly frequency. To be included in
the monthly analysis, a stock has to satisfy the following criteria. First, its
return in the current month, t, and over the past 36 months has to be
available from CRSP. Second, sufficient data has to be available to

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

calculate the size as measured by market capitalization and to calculate

the month t  2 trading volume as measured by turnover. Third, suffi-
cient data has to be available on the Compustat tapes to calculate the
book-to-market ratio as of December of the previous year. In quarterly
asset pricing tests, at least 36 observations of returns and firm-level
variables noted above are required. Otherwise, with a small number of
observations, the estimates of individual firm factor loadings can be
noisy.4 Following Fama and French (1992) and Kothari, Shanken, and
Sloan (1995) we control for the Compustat survival bias by dropping the
first two years of Compustat data for every firm. In any case, the results

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

are robust to dropping the first two years of Compustat data. This
screening process yields an average of 2871 stocks (1818 for a sample of
only the NYSE-AMEX stocks) per month. The total number of different
stocks over the 450-month sample period is 7875.
Table 1 presents the summary statistics. Panel A presents the results
for all stocks, whereas panel B limits the sample to NYSE-AMEX stocks
only. We report the time-series averages of the cross-sectional means,
medians, and standard deviations of the security characteristics. The
mean excess return of all (NYSE-AMEX) stocks is 0.85% (0.76%) per
month. The mean firm market capitalization of NYSE-AMEX and
NASDAQ stocks is $0.87 billion while that of NYSE-AMEX stocks is
higher at $1.38 billion. NASDAQ stocks generally have lower market
capitalization than the NYSE-AMEX stocks. The average monthly
turnover for NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) stocks is 4.40% (8.73%) while
the median is 2.94% (4.58%). As in Fama and French (1992), the value
of BM for July of year t to June of year t 1 was computed using
accounting data at the end of year t  1, and book-to-market ratio
values greater than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile
were set equal to the 0.995 and 0.005 fractile values, respectively. The
mean book-to-market ratio of all stocks is 1.43 and that of the NYSE-
AMEX stocks is 1.46.
The variables display considerable skewness. Therefore, in our cross-
sectional analysis, which applies to individual firms, we employ the
logarithmic transforms of all the variables except the lagged returns
(proxy for momentum). Thus, SIZE is the logarithm of the individual
firm market capitalization measured in billions of dollars; BM is the
logarithm of the book-to-market ratio; NYTURN (NASDTURN) is
the logarithm of the NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) share turnover. We
separate the NYSE-AMEX and the NASDAQ turnover because Atkins
and Dyl (1997) have argued that trading volume reported for NASDAQ

We have confirmed the robustness of our results to different minimum data requirements ranging from 20
through 72 months. The requirement of the full 72 data points is mostly important for the most general
specification in Equation (6).

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

Table 1
Summary statistics

Mean Median Standard deviation Regression coefficients

Panel A: NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks

Excess return (%) 0.85 0.14 5.61
Firm size ($ billions) 0.87 0.09 0.83 0.164 (3.51)
Book-to-market ratio 1.43 0.83 0.58 0.177 (3.35)
NYSE-AMEX turnover (%) 4.40 2.94 1.86 0.092 (1.82)
NASDAQ turnover (%) 8.73 4.58 3.49 0.111 (1.26)
RET2-3 (%) 2.64 1.12 8.62 0.526 (1.86)
RET46 (%) 4.06 1.94 11.33 0.705 (3.01)

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RET712 (%) 8.72 4.16 17.46 0.846 (6.07)
R (%) 5.18
Panel B: NYSE-AMEX stocks
Excess return (%) 0.76 0.00 5.45
Firm size ($ billions) 1.38 0.20 1.47 0.111 (2.47)
Book-to-market ratio 1.46 0.86 0.60 0.167 (3.27)
NYSE-AMEX turnover (%) 4.40 2.94 1.90 0.121 (2.36)
RET2-3 (%) 2.46 1.30 8.31 0.601 (1.92)
RET46 (%) 3.76 2.18 10.84 0.883 (3.40)
RET712 (%) 8.12 4.63 16.61 1.014 (6.63)
R 2(%) 5.59

This table presents the time-series averages of the cross-sectional means, medians, and standard devia-
tions for an average of 2871 NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks in Panel A and 1818 NYSE and
AMEX stocks in Panel B over 450 months from July 1964 through December 2001. The last column
represents the time-series averages of slope coefficients in cross-sectional OLS regressions of excess return
on various equity characteristics, t ratios (in parenthesis), and the adjusted R2 , denoted R  2 . Size
represents the market capitalization in billions of dollars. Turnover is the monthly share trading volume
divided by shares outstanding in percent. RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are the cumulative returns
over the second through third, fourth through sixth, and seventh through twelfth months before the
current quarter, respectively. To be included in the sample, each stock has to satisfy the following
criteria: (i) its return in the current month t and in the previous 36 months be available from Center for
Research in Security Prices (CRSP), (ii) sufficient data be available to calculate the size and turnover as
of the month t  2, and (iii) sufficient data be available on the Compustat tapes to calculate the book-to-
market ratio as of December of the previous year. The book-to-market ratio provides summary statistics
for this variable after book-to-market values greater than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile
are set to equal the 0.995 and 0.005 fractile values, respectively.

stocks may be overstated due to interdealer trading. In the cross-sectional

regressions, we use a dummy for NASDAQ stocks because Loughran
(1993) documents that returns on NASDAQ stocks are lower due to a
larger fraction of new issues that subsequently underperform. Also, fol-
lowing BCS, the firm characteristics are deviations from the cross-
sectional means and are lagged two months with respect to the excess
returns or the risk-adjusted returns that are the dependent variables in our
Table 1 also summarizes the FamaMacBeth coefficients from regres-
sing the excess returns on the firm characteristics. Consistent with prior
results in BCS and Chordia, Subrahmanyam, and Anshuman (2001),
small firms and value firms (those with high book-to-market ratio) have

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

higher excess returns.5 Also, higher liquidity as measured by turnover

leads to lower excess returns although the impact of turnover on NAS-
DAQ stocks is statistically insignificant. Finally, consistent with the
momentum phenomenon documented by Jegadeesh and Titman (1993),
prior returns are positively related to excess returns. The average adjusted
R2 for all (NYSE-AMEX) stocks is 5.18% (5.59%).
A remaining task is to specify zt1 in Equations (7), (8), and (10).
Several variables may help predict future economic conditions. None-
theless, attention must be restricted to a small number of such variables to
ensure some precision in the estimation procedure. We follow Jagan-

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

nathan and Wang (1996) and focus on the default spread as an indicator
of the state of the economy. The default spread is the yield differential
between low-graded and high-graded corporate bonds. The use of default
spread is motivated by the studies of Stock and Watson (1989) and
Bernanke (1990). Both run a horse race across a number of potential
candidates in predicting future business conditions. They find that a
variable similar to default spread does the best job. We should emphasize
that we have run the analysis using dividend yield, term spread, and
Treasury bill rate separately in the time series regressions. We report
that all our results are robust to the choice of predictors.
In unreported tests (results available upon request), we also run quar-
terly regressions using the Lettau and Ludvigson (2001) consumption-
wealth ratio (cay) as a conditioning variable. Scaling the market and
consumption beta by this variable has been shown to capture much of
the cross-section variation in expected returns when 25 size and book-to-
market portfolios serve as test assets.6 It is interesting to examine perfor-
mance of C(CAPM) scaled by cay when tests assets are individual stocks.
As in monthly regressions, firm characteristics in the quarterly regressions
are lagged two months from the beginning of the quarter in which the
excess returns or risk-adjusted returns are measured.

4. Results
Here, we empirically assess the pricing abilities of various time-varying
beta models. We also report evidence based on fixed beta models as a
benchmark for comparison. Here are the models examined: (i) CAPM, (ii)
FamaFrench three-factor model, (iii) FamaFrench augmented by the
liquidity factor of Pastor and Stambaugh (2003), (iv) FamaFrench

Note that the sign of the coefficient on firm size is different depending on whether dollar trading volume or
turnover is used as a measure of liquidity. See Chordia, Subrahmanyam, and Anshuman (2001) for details.
Avramov (2002) and Brennan and Xia (2005) show that the cay variable displays an impressive predictive
power only when the shares of asset wealth and labor income (in total wealth) are based on data realized
subsequent to the prediction period. However, it has poor predictive power when constructed using
quantities available at the time of prediction.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

augmented by a momentum factor, (v) Jagannathan and Wang (1996)

with excess market return and labor income growth as risk factors, (vi)
CCAPM, and (vii) FamaFrench augmented by a liquidity and a momen-
tum factors. The models are estimated at the monthly and quarterly
frequency for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks and at the monthly
frequency for the NYSE-AMEX stocks. The CCAPM tests are based on
quarterly observations only.
As suggested by Jagannathan and Wang (1998), the metric used to
assess model pricing abilities is the significance of coefficient estimates
in the cross-sectional regression of risk-adjusted returns on size, book-

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

to-market, turnover, and past returns. A significant coefficient implies
that the firm characteristic under consideration is related to the cross-
section of individual risk-adjusted returns. Insignificant coefficients
would point to the efficacy of the model. In addition, we use the cross-
sectional average-adjusted R2 , denoted R  2 , as an informal and intuitive
measure that shows the fraction of the variation in risk-adjusted returns
explained by the firm characteristics. A high R  2 suggests that the firm-
level predictors do affect risk-adjusted returns (bad news for model valid-
ity); if the examined model captures size, turnover, book-to-market,
and momentum effects, then the cross-sectional slope coefficients will be
insignificant and R 2 will be low. A high R
 2 and significant FamaMacBeth
coefficient estimates point to the failure of the particular model to ade-
quately explain the impact of firm characteristics on risk-adjusted returns.
We note that under all pricing models, the number of explanatory vari-
ables, that is, firm-level characteristics, in the cross-section regressions is
the same. This facilitates a fair comparison of models regardless of the
number of factors included in the first-pass time series regression. When
 2 0, the presence of time-invariant pricing errors is not ruled out. Thus,
 2 0 need not imply that the ultimate model has been found, but it does
imply the model under consideration explains the predictive ability of size,
book-to-market, turnover, and past return.
In the following subsections we discuss each asset pricing model in

4.1 CAPM
Table 2 summarizes the FamaMacBeth coefficient estimates for the
cross-sectional regressions with risk-adjusted returns as the dependent
variable and excess market return as the risk factor. In panel A, the
cross-sectional regressions are conducted at a monthly frequency. The
second column presents the fixed-beta results, in column three, we scale
betas by size and the book-to-market ratio, in column four, betas are
scaled by the default spread, and in the last column, the scaling is as
described in Equation (7).

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

Table 2
FamaMacBeth regression estimates with excess market return as the risk factor

Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

Panel A: NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocksmonthly frequency

Intercept 0.355 0.624 0.618 0.340
(2.80) (3.77) (3.49) (2.98)
[3.46] [4.21] [4.00] [3.27]
Nasd 0.106 0.126 0.072 0.092
(1.29) (1.33) (0.85) (0.95)
[1.10] [1.25] [0.71] [0.92]
SIZE 0.155 0.154 0.150 0.141

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

(3.29) (3.29) (3.19) (3.11)
[3.34] [3.38] [3.19] [3.14]
BM 0.183 0.170 0.184 0.136
(3.75) (3.56) (3.79) (2.91)
[3.80] [3.70] [3.98] [3.02]
NYTURN 0.124 0.118 0.118 0.113
(3.24) (3.24) (3.12) (3.13)
[3.31] (3.64) [3.18] [3.22]
NASDTURN 0.187 0.175 0.199 0.187
(2.37) (2.28) (2.60) (2.51)
[2.84] [2.37] [2.69] [2.60]
RET2-3 0.663 0.762 0.656 0.875
(2.45) (2.86) (2.46) (3.30)
[2.59] [3.03] [2.58] [3.47]
RET4-6 0.773 0.830 0.794 0.924
(3.75) (4.20) (3.89) (4.66)
[3.75] [4.33] [4.10] [4.83]
RET7-12 0.822 0.819 0.819 0.858
(6.32) (6.32) (6.29) (6.79)
[6.44] [6.78] [6.73] [7.25]
 2 (%)
R 4.42 4.31 4.37 4.26
Panel B: NYSE-AMEX stocksMonthly Frequency
Intercept 0.313 0.315 0.298 0.284
(2.62) (2.72) (2.53) (2.57)
[2.69] [2.79] [2.55] [2.63]
SIZE 0.097 0.095 0.095 0.091
(2.21) (2.19) (2.16) (2.13)
[2.25] [2.21] [2.21] [2.19]
BM 0.180 0.171 0.177 0.146
(3.79) (3.69) (3.75) (3.23)
[3.95] [3.81] [3.91] [3.34]
NYTURN 0.170 0.167 0.162 0.161
(4.56) (4.67) (4.42) (4.59)
[4.63] [4.74] [4.46] [4.67]
RET2-3 0.783 0.876 0.795 0.973
(2.71) (3.11) (2.79) (3.53)
[2.86] [3.29] [2.93] [3.67]
RET4-6 0.936 0.965 0.962 1.018
(3.96) (4.23) (4.12) (4.54)
[4.18] [4.44] [4.35] [4.73]

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

Table 2
Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

RET7-12 1.0162 1.066 1.067 1.090

(7.32) (7.56) (7.35) (7.84)
[7.46] [8.04] [7.84] [8.29]
 2 (%)
R 4.70 4.56 4.66 4.50

This table presents the time-series averages of individual stock cross-sectional OLS regression coefficient
estimates. Panel A (B) presents the monthly results for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ (NYSE-AMEX)
stocks over 450 months from July 1964 through December 2001. In the second column, the dependent
variable is the excess return risk-adjusted using the excess market return as the risk factor. In the third, the
dependent variable is the excess return risk-adjusted using the excess market return when the market beta

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

is scaled by size and book-to-market ratio. In the fourth, default spread (yield differential between BBB-
and AAA- rated bonds) is used as a scaling variable. In the last column, beta of stock j is modeled as

jt1 j1 j2 zt1 j3 j4 zt1 Sizejt1 j5 j6 zt1 BM jt1 ,

where z is the default spread. Size represents the logarithm of market capitalization in billions of dollars.
BM is the logarithm of the book-to-market ratio with the exception that book-to-market ratios greater
than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile are set equal to the 0.995 and the 0.005 fractile
values, respectively. NYTURN (NASDTURN) is turnover of NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) stocks.
RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are the cumulative returns over the second through third, fourth
through sixth, and seventh through twelfth months before the current month or quarter respectively.
 2 is the time-series average of the monthly adjusted R2 . The t-statistics in parenthesis use standard
errors as per Shanken (1990), and the t-statistics in the square brackets use standard errors as in
Jagannathan and Wang (1998). All coefficients are multiplied by 100.

Panel A of Table 2 documents that with the unscaled excess market

return as a risk factor in monthly cross-sectional regressions, the coeffi-
cient on size is significantly negative; it is significantly positive on the
book-to-market ratio; significantly negative on NYSE-AMEX and NAS-
DAQ turnovers; and significantly positive on all lagged returns. More-
over, time-varying beta has virtually no impact on the significance of the
firm characteristics in the cross-sectional regressions. There is a marginal
decline in the average-adjusted R2 from 4.42 to 4.26% as conditioning
variables are added. Overall, conditional and unconditional versions of
the single-factor CAPM do not capture any of the size, book-to-market,
turnover, and momentum effects in individual stock returns. The failure
of the CAPM is further reinforced below.
Panel B of Table 2 summarizes the FamaMacBeth coefficient esti-
mates of the monthly cross-sectional regressions for the NYSE-AMEX
sample. As before, small, value firms with low-turnover and high past
returns earn higher risk-adjusted returns. Also, conditioning does not call
into question the significance of the above firm characteristics, although
there is a marginal reduction in R  2 from 4.70% in the unconditional
model to 4.50% when the conditioning is as described in Equation (7).
We conclude that the CAPM, both conditionally and unconditionally,

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

altogether fails to capture the impact of firm characteristics on risk-

adjusted returns.

4.2 FamaFrench three-factor model

Panel A of Table 3 summarizes that the FamaMacBeth coefficient
estimates, when using the unscaled FamaFrench risk factors, are quali-
tatively similar to those based on CAPM. Although the coefficient esti-
mates are lower in absolute value terms (0:10 as opposed to 0:16 for
size and 0.10 as opposed to 0.18 for book-to-market) all the coefficients
are significant as before. The big difference is that the average-adjusted

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

R2 is 2.43% as opposed to 4.42%, suggesting that the FamaFrench
model, although not perfect, is at least better than the CAPM in captur-
ing the predictive power of firm attributes.
When the FamaFrench factors are scaled by the firm-specific size and
book-to-market ratio, the coefficient on the firm characteristic book-to-
market is no longer significant. Moreover, when the relationship between
betas and size as well as book-to-market is allowed to vary over the
business cycle with the default spread in the last column of Table 3, the
characteristics firm size and the book-to-market ratio, both, are no longer
important in explaining the cross-section of returns under all scenarios.
The t-statistics on SIZE and BM are 1:93 and 0.31, respectively, when
the FamaMacBeth standard errors are corrected using the methodology
in Jagannathan and Wang (1998).7 R  2 also decreases from 2.43% for the
unscaled model to 2.23% for the scaled model with time-varying scaling.
Note that the unscaled model shows that the FamaFrench factors
related to size, SMB, and book-to-market, HML, do not capture the
impact of the firm characteristics size and book-to-market on the cross-
section of individual stock returns; it is only when the factor loadings are
conditioned on size, book-to-market, and the default spread that the
scaled FamaFrench model is able to capture the impact of the size
and book-to-market characteristics. Using default spread only does not
help explain any of the so-called financial market anomalies.
Panel B of Table 3 focuses on NYSE-AMEX firms only. There is no
impact of size and book-to-market on the cross-section of individual
stock returns when the factor loadings are conditioned on (i) size and
book-to-market or (ii) size, book-to-market, and the default spread. Also,
 2 declines from 2.62% in the case of the unconditional model to 2.26%
when factor loadings vary as described in Equation (7).
One may argue that it is not surprising that conditioning on size and
book-to-market captures the size and book-to-market effects. However,

We present the OLS, Shanken (1992) corrected and Jagannathan and Wang (1998) corrected t-statistics.
In general, the Jagannathan and Wang (1998) corrected t-statistics are higher than those using the
Shanken correction and are often higher than the OLS t-statistics.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

Table 3
FamaMacBeth regression estimates with excess market return, SMB, and HML as risk factors

Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

Panel A: NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocksmonthly frequency

Intercept 0.008 0.360 0.350 0.339
{0.65} {3.44} {3.33} {2.51}
(0.63) (3.34) (3.24) (2.44)
[0.15] [3.44] [3.15] [2.39]
Nasd 0.193 0.291 0.254 0.277

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{2.58} {3.40} {2.80} {3.55}
(2.51) (3.30) (2.72) (3.45)
[2.44] [3.93] [2.63] [3.56]
SIZE 0.099 0.065 0.086 0.047
{3.24} {2.36} {2.88} {1.85}
(3.15) (2.29) (2.80) (1.80)
[3.74] [2.44] [3.14] [1.93]
BM 0.096 0.052 0.069 0.008
{2.78} {1.70} {2.10} {0.28}
(2.70) (1.65) (2.04) (0.27)
[2.88] [1.76] [2.25] [0.31]
NYTURN 0.123 0.113 0.122 0.115
{3.49} {3.49} {3.51} {3.81}
(3.39) (3.39) (3.41) (3.70)
[3.62] [3.52] [3.60] [4.08]
NASDTURN 0.106 0.083 0.099 0.087
{2.06} {1.80} {1.98} {2.07}
(2.00) (1.75) (1.92) (2.01)
[2.39] [1.86] [2.04] [2.07]
RET2-3 0.639 0.834 0.557 0.859
{2.67} {3.71} {2.36} {3.74}
(2.59) (3.60) (2.29) (3.63)
[2.75] [3.76] [2.40] [3.78]
RET4-6 0.755 0.880 0.755 0.902
{4.21} {5.31} {4.34} {5.48}
(4.09) (5.16) (4.22) (5.32)
[4.45] [5.62] [4.75] [5.77]
RET7-12 0.742 0.796 0.716 0.768
{6.14} {7.26} {5.93} {7.37}
(5.97) (7.05) (5.76) (7.16)
[5.95] [7.17] [5.82] [7.38]
 2 (%)
R 2.43 2.25 2.38 2.23
Panel B: NYSE-AMEX stocksmonthly frequency
Intercept 0.038 0.041 0.051 0.024
{0.80} {1.10} {1.16} {0.74}
(0.78) (1.07) (1.13) (0.72)
[0.71] [0.90] [1.10] [0.82]
SIZE 0.041 0.018 0.036 0.012
{1.65} {0.81} {1.48} {0.57}
(1.60) (0.79) (1.44) (0.55)
[1.84] [0.87] [1.65] [0.63]
BM 0.100 0.018 0.065 0.003
{2.93} {0.63} {2.01} {0.11}
(2.85) (0.61) (1.95) (0.11)
[3.19] [0.66] [2.21] [0.12]

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

Table 3
Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

NYTURN 0.166 0.180 0.162 0.143

{4.89} {5.52} {4.85} {4.96}
(4.75) (5.36) (4.71) (4.82)
[5.02] [5.63] [5.01] [5.06]
RET2-3 0.769 0.991 0.678 0.969
{3.00} {4.11} {2.69} {4.05}
(2.92) (3.99) (2.61) (3.94)
[3.12] [4.21] [2.79] [4.12]
RET4-6 0.919 1.079 0.907 1.060

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{4.47} {5.50} {4.54} {5.82}
(4.34) (5.34) (4.41) (5.66)
[4.84] [5.75] [4.92] [6.05]
RET7-12 0.987 1.023 0.942 0.972
{7.37} {8.55} {7.05} {8.53}
(7.16) (8.31) (6.85) (8.29)
[7.46] [8.63] [7.06] [8.53]
 2 (%)
R 2.62 2.34 2.54 2.26

This table presents the time-series averages of individual stock cross-sectional OLS regression coefficient
estimates. Panel A (B) presents the monthly results for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ (NYSE-AMEX)
stocks over 450 months from July 1964 through December 2001. In the second column, the dependent
variable is the excess return risk-adjusted using the FamaFrench (1993) factors. In the third, the
dependent variable is the excess return risk-adjusted using the FamaFrench factors with loadings scaled
by size and book-to-market ratio. In the fourth, default spread (yield differential between BBB- and
AAA-rated bonds) is used as a scaling variable. In the last column, each of the factor loadings of stock j is
modeled as
jt1 j1 j2 zt1 j3 j4 zt1 Sizejt1 j5 j6 zt1 BM jt1 ;

where z is the default spread. Size represents the logarithm of market capitalization in billions of dollars.
BM is the logarithm of the book-to-market ratio with the exception that book-to-market ratios greater
than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile are set equal to the 0.995 and the 0.005 fractile
values, respectively. NYTURN (NASDTURN) is turnover of NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) stocks.
RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are the cumulative returns over the second through third, fourth
through sixth, and seventh through twelfth months before the current month or quarter, respectively.
 2 is the time-series average of the monthly adjusted R2 . The OLS t-statistics are presented under the
coefficient estimates, t-statistics in parenthesis use standard errors as per Shanken (1990), and the
t-statistics in the square brackets use standard errors as in Jagannathan and Wang (1998). T-statistics
in curly brackets are unadjusted by a potential error-in-variables bias. All coefficients are multiplied
by 100.

there is no mechanical reason for why such conditioning would capture

the impact of the characteristics, firm size and book-to-market ratio, on
the cross-section of returns. It can very well be the case that the value
effect and the size effect represent mispricing that is completely unrelated
to risk. Conditioning factor loadings on size and book-to-market simply
attempts to better characterize risk, as suggested by the theoretical model
of GKZ (2003). If risk is completely unrelated to the size and value
effects, then conditional versions of pricing models will not capture the
size and value effects.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

Also, observe from Table 2 that scaling the market beta by size and book-
to-market does not capture any of the size and book-to-market effects. It is
only when the excess market return is augmented by SMB and HML and
when the factor loadings on SMB and HML are scaled by macroeconomic
and firm-level variables, does the impact of size and book-to-market dis-
appear.8 Note also from the unconditional FamaFrench model that SMB
and HML do not capture the size and book-to-market effects in individual
stock returns, even when Fama and French (1996) show that SMB and
HML capture the size and book-to-market effects on portfolio returns.9
Why does the conditional FamaFrench model capture the impact of

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

size and book-to-market? It must be due to the time variation in factor
loadings. In Figure 1, we plot the cross-sectional averages of the factor

The Evolution of Fama-French Factor Loadings


MKT beta

SMB beta


HML beta

64:07 68:07 72:07 76:07 80:07 84:07 88:07 92:07 96:07 00:07

Figure 1
The figure plots the cross-sectional averages of the FamaFrench factor loadings over the sample period
when beta is scaled by firm-level size and book-to-market and by the default spread.

We have also conditioned the excess market return and the FamaFrench factors by turnover and the
past twelve-month returns to find that the strong impact of turnover and momentum on the cross-section
of individual stock returns remains undiminished.
Even Fama and French (1993) use the Gibbons, Ross, and Shanken test statistic to show that their three-
factor model rejects the null of (joint) zero intercepts for their test portfolios (see page 41 in their paper).
However, they do argue that the rejection is marginal and suggest that the model can be useful in practical

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

loadings for the FamaFrench factors over the sample period. We

demonstrate that there is substantial intertemporal variation in the factor
loadings of SMB and HML. Moreover, the time variation in the market
beta and the SMB beta appears to be related to the business cycle. To see
this, we form a time series variable, denoted Recession, that is set to one
during recessions and zero otherwise.10 The correlation between Reces-
sion and the factor loading on the excess market return (SMB) is a
statistical significant 0.19 (0.30) suggesting that the betas on the excess
market return and the SMB increase during recessions.
The evidence is important, among other things, because there is a

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

research controversy about what explains expected returns, risk factors,
or equity characteristics. Daniel and Titman (1997) question the risk-
based FamaFrench model, arguing that it is the security characteristics,
size and book-to-market, and not the loadings on SMB and HML that
have an impact on the cross-section of security returns. Here, we docu-
ment that a conditional FamaFrench model captures the impact of size
and book-to-market on expected returns, providing support to a risk-
based story.
Let us point out that given the strong persistence in firm-level debt and
shares outstanding, one may argue that firm size and the book-to-market
ratio fluctuate mainly with recent past stock returns. Thus, one may con-
jecture that factor loadings should be conditioned on past returns, not on
size and book-to-market. Indeed, we have estimated a model where the
FamaFrench factor loadings are conditioned by past twelve-month
returns. We have found that such a specification does not capture the
impact of size and book-to-market on the cross-section of expected returns.

4.3 FamaFrench model plus a liquidity factor

Conditional and unconditional versions of the CAPM and the Fama
French model are unable to capture the impact on expected returns, of the
firm predictor related to liquidity, the monthly trading volume as mea-
sured by the share turnover. Thus, it is natural to ask whether the
introduction of a factor related to liquidity would be able to eliminate
the impact of turnover. Here, we augment the FamaFrench model with a
proxy for the PastorStambaugh (2003) liquidity factor. Pastor and
Stambaugh show that the average return on stocks with high sensitivities
to liquidity exceeds that for stocks with low sensitivities by 7.5% annually.
Our liquidity factor is the difference between value-weighted average
return on stocks with high sensitivities to liquidity less the value-weighted
average return on stocks with low sensitivities to liquidity.11

The business cycle expansions and contractions are dated by the NBER and can be obtained from http://
We thank Lubos Pastor for providing this factor.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

The monthly results for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks are in

panel A of Table 4. The unscaled model has the same average R  2 as the
FamaFrench model, suggesting that the inclusion of the liquidity factor
does not improve the model ability to explain the predictive power of
equity characteristics. Also, the coefficient estimates for NYTURN and
NASDTURN are in general larger in absolute value and more significant
than if the liquidity factor were not included. This continues to hold even
when the conditional versions of the model are used. Thus, the liquidity
factor does not capture the impact of turnover on the cross-section of
individual stock returns.

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

Panel B of Table 4 summarizes that for the NYSE-AMEX sample,
conditioning beta on size and book-to-market captures the impact of the
firm characteristics size and book-to-market. In fact, when conditioning
is allowed to vary over time with the default spread, the average R 2 is the
lowest across all models and frequencies; it should be noted, however,

Table 4
FamaMacBeth regression estimates with excess market return, SMB, HML, and liquidity as risk factors

Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

Panel A: NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocksMonthly frequency

Intercept 0.045 0.312 0.397 0.243
(3.79) (2.75) (2.69) (1.51)
[3.82] [2.77] [2.70] [1.45]
Nasd 0.209 0.242 0.192 0.209
(1.84) (2.52) (1.78) (2.35)
[2.57] [2.72] [2.53] [3.07]
SIZE 0.094 0.056 0.082 0.031
(3.07) (2.09) (2.76) (1.31)
[3.38] [2.32] [3.05] [1.47]
BM 0.099 0.050 0.065 0.003
(2.66) (1.61) (1.87) (0.10)
[3.00] [1.75] [2.08] [0.12]
NYTURN 0.127 0.114 0.122 0.109
(3.64) (3.77) (3.58) (3.93)
[4.08] [4.20] [4.02] [4.38]
NASDTURN 0.117 0.106 0.098 0.119
(2.51) (2.64) (2.20) (3.46)
[2.85] [2.90] [2.39] [3.76]
RET2-3 0.686 0.846 0.543 0.783
(2.75) (3.53) (2.17) (3.18)
[3.03] [3.87] [2.39] [3.40]
RET4-6 0.855 1.021 0.840 0.983
(4.38) (5.79) (4.46) (5.72)
[5.08] [6.49] [5.15] [6.42]
RET7-12 0.765 0.810 0.696 0.776
(5.89) (7.03) (5.38) (7.20)
[6.78] [7.87] [6.21] [8.20]
 2 (%)
R 2.43 2.03 2.21 2.03

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

Table 4
Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

Panel B: NYSE-AMEX stocks Monthly Frequency

Intercept 0.016 0.024 0.026 0.027
(0.38) (0.68) (0.67) (0.92)
[0.40] [0.63] [0.79] [1.21]
SIZE 0.042 0.008 0.038 0.005
(1.61) (0.36) (1.47) (0.23)
[1.77] [0.40] [1.66] [0.27]
BM 0.102 0.020 0.067 0.039
(2.74) (0.68) (1.90) (1.43)

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

[3.09] [0.73] [2.14] [1.54]
NYTURN 0.171 0.195 0.159 0.149
(4.98) (5.88) (4.77) (5.26)
[5.57] [6.49] [5.32] [5.86]
RET2-3 0.837 0.982 0.682 1.007
(3.06) (3.76) (2.54) (3.86)
[3.36] [4.18] [2.78] [4.23]
RET4-6 1.018 1.167 1.004 1.183
(4.51) (5.56) (4.61) (6.14)
[5.09] [6.13] [5.26] [6.91]
RET7-12 1.032 0.978 0.957 0.926
(7.11) (7.68) (6.69) (7.82)
[8.12] [8.59] [7.69] [8.77]
 2 (%)
R 2.51 2.07 2.40 1.99

This table presents the time-series averages of individual stock cross-sectional OLS regression coefficient
estimates. Panel A (B) presents the monthly results for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ (NYSE-AMEX)
stocks over 450 months from July 1964 through December 2001. The dependent variable in the second
column (unscaled) is the excess return risk-adjusted using the FamaFrench (1993) factors augmented by
the PastorStambaugh (2003) liquidity factor. In the third, the dependent variable is the excess return
risk-adjusted using the above factors with loadings scaled by size and book-to-market ratio. In the fourth,
default spread (yield differential between BBB- and AAA-rated bonds) is used as a scaling variable. In the
last column, each of the factor loadings of stock j is modeled as

jt1 j1 j2 zt1 j3 j4 zt1 Sizejt1 j5 j6 zt1 BM jt1 ;

where z is the default spread. Size represents the logarithm of market capitalization in billions of dollars.
BM is the logarithm of the book-to-market ratio with the exception that book-to-market ratios greater
than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile are set equal to the 0.995 and the 0.005 fractile
values, respectively. NYTURN (NASDTURN) is turnover of NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) stocks.
RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are the cumulative returns over the second through third, fourth
through sixth, and seventh through twelfth months before the current month or quarter, respectively.
 2 is the time-series average of the monthly adjusted R2 . The t-statistics in parenthesis use standard
errors as per Shanken (1990), and the t-statistics in the square brackets use standard errors as in
Jagannathan and Wang (1998). All coefficients are multiplied by 100.

that the improvement in capturing the impact of the firm characteristics

may be marginal when the liquidity factor is included in the asset pricing
specification. Most of the improvement in explaining the impact of size
and book-to-market is already captured by the FamaFrench three-
factor model. Ultimately, including liquidity factor does not capture the
impact of turnover and past returns in the cross-section of individual
stock returns.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

While we have shown that the liquidity factor does not capture the
impact of turnover on expected returns, we would like to issue some
caveats. With turnover as an explanatory variable in the second
stage regression, we have focused on the impact of the level of
liquidity on returns, whereas the PastorStambaugh measure is
designed to capture the impact of liquidity risk.12 We have used the
value-weighted average return on stocks with high sensitivities to
liquidity less the value-weighted average return on stocks with low
sensitivities to liquidity as a proxy for the PastorStambaughs non-
traded liquidity factor. We do not rule out a case where a different

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

choice of a liquidity factor may capture the impact of turnover on
expected returns.

4.4 FamaFrench model plus a Momentum factor

No model examined thus far has been able to explain the impact of past
returns on the cross-section of individual stock returns. Here, we ask
whether a commonly used factor created on the basis of past returns
can capture the impact of past returns. More specifically, we use a factor
for momentum obtained from Ken Frenchs website.13 This factor will be
denoted WML for winners minus losers on the basis of the momentum
strategy of buying winners and selling losers as depicted by Jegadeesh and
Titman (1993). Note that there is no theoretical basis for using WML as a
risk factor. Even so, it is instructive to ask whether the extensively used
momentum factor can capture the impact of past returns on the cross-
section of returns.
The results are summarized in Table 5. It is immediately clear from
both panels that past returns continue to have an impact on expected
returns, even when WML is included in the first-pass time series regres-
sions. Thus, for the sample of NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks as
well as for the sample of NYSE-AMEX stocks, WML does not capture
the impact of past three-, six-, and twelve-month returns on the cross-
section of returns. Similarly, conditioning beta on size, book-to-market,
and default spread does not explain the predictive power of past returns.
The only benefit from using WML in an asset pricing context is that it
seems to capture the impact of NASDAQ turnover on returns. The
coefficient on NASDTURN is no longer significantly different from
zero even under the unscaled specification. The average R  2 , although
an improvement upon the FamaFrench model, is slightly higher than
that of Table 4 when the FamaFrench model is augmented by the

We have also experimented with a value-weighted portfolio that is long on high turnover decile stocks
and is short on low turnover decile stocks. This liquidity factor performed worse than the Pastor
Stambaugh factor in terms of capturing the impact of characteristics on the cross-section of returns.

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

liquidity factor. Ultimately, a factor based on momentum, WML, does

not capture the impact of past returns on the cross-section of individual
stock returns.

Table 5
FamaMacBeth regression estimates with excess market return, SMB, HML, and momentum as risk

Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

Panel A: NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocksmonthly frequency
Intercept 0.158 0.105 0.125 0.070
(2.64) (2.14) (2.22) (1.63)
[2.53] [2.06] [2.15] [1.59]
Nasd 0.231 0.312 0.259 0.279
(2.60) (3.91) (3.02) (3.82)
[2.66] [4.07] [3.18] [4.09]
SIZE 0.101 0.050 0.077 0.015
(3.14) (1.77) (2.47) (0.59)
[3.24] [1.98] [2.54] [0.67]
BM 0.099 0.021 0.082 0.000
(2.68) (0.68) (2.37) (0.01)
[2.99] [0.74] [2.56] [0.01]
NYTURN 0.098 0.113 0.097 0.108
(2.65) (3.41) (2.69) (3.60)
[2.69] [3.68] [2.75] [3.96]
NASDTURN 0.048 0.169 0.033 0.040
(0.91) (0.37) (0.65) (0.98)
[1.02] [1.07] [0.71] [1.13]
RET2-3 0.606 0.714 0.474 0.754
(2.46) (3.11) (1.98) (3.24)
[2.22] [2.98] [1.78] [3.21]
RET4-6 0.743 0.765 0.691 0.717
(4.11) (4.72) (3.98) (4.56)
[4.73] [5.53] [4.51] [5.31]
RET712 0.720 0.701 0.670 0.666
(5.80) (6.54) (5.47) (6.74)
[5.54] [6.52] [5.15] [6.72]
 2 (%)
R 2.41 2.09 2.31 2.06

Panel B: NYSEAMEX stocksmonthly frequency

Intercept 0.078 0.064 0.061 0.107
(1.75) (1.89) (1.49) (1.44)
[2.05] [2.01] [1.68] [1.03]
SIZE 0.044 0.013 0.028 0.024
(1.68) (0.56) (1.11) (0.87)
[1.94] [0.69] [1.26] [1.36]
BM 0.107 0.015 0.086 0.118
(2.95) (0.50) (2.48) (1.27)
[3.32] [0.56] [2.87] [1.47]
NYTURN 0.138 0.137 0.132 0.117
(3.84) (4.27) (3.77) (2.58)
[4.06] [4.73] [4.01] [4.41]
RET2-3 0.700 0.820 0.558 1.033
(2.63) (3.37) (2.16) (1.84)
[2.45] [3.34] [2.03] [3.50]

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

Table 5
Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

RET4-6 0.881 0.903 0.803 0.699

(4.17) (4.97) (3.95) (2.54)
[4.62] [5.87] [4.36] [4.66]
RET7-12 0.958 0.925 0.890 0.795
(6.88) (7.86) (6.54) (4.14)
[6.82] [8.22] [6.28] [7.26]
 2 (%)
R 2.58 2.20 2.46 2.03

This table presents the timeseries averages of individual stock crosssectional OLS regression coefficient

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

estimates. Panel A (B) presents the monthly results for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ (NYSE-AMEX)
stocks over 450 months from July 1964 through December 2001. The dependent variable in the second
column (unscaled) is the excess return risk-adjusted using the FamaFrench (1993) factors augmented by
a momentum factor obtained from Ken Frenchs web page. In the third, the dependent variable is the
excess return risk-adjusted using the above factors with loadings scaled by size and book-to-market ratio.
In the fourth, default spread (yield differential between BBB- and AAA-rated bonds) is used as a scaling
variable. In the last column, each factor loading of stock j is modeled as

jt1 j1 j2 zt1 j3 j4 zt1 Sizejt1 j5 j6 zt1 BM jt1 ;

where z is the default spread. Size represents the logarithm of market capitalization in billions of dollars.
BM is the logarithm of the book-to-market ratio with the exception that book-to-market ratios greater
than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile are set equal to the 0.995 and the 0.005 fractile
values, respectively. NYTURN (NASDTURN) is turnover of NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) stocks.
RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are the cumulative returns over the second through third, fourth
through sixth, and seventh through twelfth months before the current month or quarter, respectively.
 2 is the time-series average of the monthly adjusted R2 . The t-statistics in parenthesis use standard
errors as per Shanken (1990), and the t-statistics in the square brackets use standard errors as in
Jagannathan and Wang (1998). All coefficients are multiplied by 100.

4.5 Jagannathan and Wang Model

Here, the time series regressions use the excess return on the market
portfolio and return on a zero cost portfolio that is maximally correlated
with growth in per capita labor income as risk factors. The results are
summarized in Table 6.
Starting with panel A, at the monthly frequency when all stocks are
included, we find that firm characteristics are all important in explaining
the cross-section of stock returns. Moving to panel B, when the monthly
sample is limited to NYSE-AMEX stocks, the evidence based on the
unscaled version is similar to that based on the entire sample; all char-
acteristics are important in explaining the cross-section of returns. When
betas vary with size and book-to-market, the size effect in stock returns is
explained, but the value effect is still prominent. The average-adjusted R2
is lower than when only the excess market return is used as a risk factor.
However, the FamaFrench factor with or without the liquidity risk
factor or WML does have better explanatory power for the firm char-
acteristics under consideration, generating a lower adjusted R2 . Overall,
including human capital in the overall market wealth could improve the

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

Table 6
FamaMacBeth regression estimates with the market portfolio and the maximally correlated portfolio with
labor income as risk factors

Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

Panel A: NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocksmonthly frequency

Intercept 0.343 0.325 0.302 0.264
(2.71) (2.66) (2.45) (2.31)
[2.46] [2.48] [2.54] [2.67]
Nasd 0.182 0.139 0.059 0.097
(1.47) (1.44) (0.82) (1.08)
[1.92] [1.03] [1.03] [1.13]

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

SIZE 0.149 0.130 0.132 0.106
(3.29) (2.96) (2.96) (2.56)
[3.44] [3.04] [3.14] [2.65]
BM 0.168 0.159 0.176 0.137
(3.49) (3.48) (3.74) (3.15)
[3.70] [3.59] [4.12] [3.33]
NYTURN 0.139 0.143 0.140 0.141
(3.79) (4.11) (3.90) (4.19)
[3.87] [4.06] [4.13] [4.35]
NASDTURN 0.168 0.163 0.194 0.187
(2.32) (2.38) (2.91) (3.10)
[2.47] [2.59] [3.00] [3.25]
RET2-3 0.627 0.715 0.633 0.817
(2.34) (2.69) (2.38) (3.04)
[2.53] [2.88] [2.55] [3.23]
RET4-6 0.757 0.787 0.736 0.788
(3.73) (4.01) (3.68) (4.07)
[4.03] [4.23] [3.97] [4.30]
RET7-12 0.720 0.704 0.714 0.686
(5.56) (5.69) (5.53) (5.68)
[5.99] [5.89] [6.15] [6.05]
 2 (%)
R 4.20 4.06 4.13 3.99

Panel B: NYSE-AMEX stocksmonthly frequency

Intercept 0.283 0.254 0.244 0.209
(2.42) (2.29) (2.13) (2.01)
[2.54] [2.31] [2.30] [2.09]
SIZE 0.090 0.066 0.077 0.059
(2.11) (1.60) (1.85) (1.51)
[2.20] [1.64] [1.94] [1.55]
BM 0.173 0.185 0.174 0.147
(3.63) (4.14) (3.72) (3.42)
[3.86] [4.21] [3.83] [3.61]
NYTURN 0.185 0.185 0.184 0.184
(5.17) (5.45) (5.26) (5.67)
[5.28] [5.38] [5.55] [5.82]
RET2-3 0.768 0.918 0.798 0.974
(2.69) (3.29) (2.82) (3.56)
[2.89] [3.47] [3.07] [3.77]
RET4-6 0.919 0.965 0.908 0.929
(3.93) (4.27) (3.94) (4.23)
[3.79] [4.50] [4.26] [4.48]

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

Table 6
Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

RET7-12 0.956 0.921 0.952 0.913

(6.63) (6.69) (6.61) (6.76)
[7.13] [6.89] [7.35] [7.19]
 2 (%)
R 4.47 4.31 4.45 4.26

This table presents the time-series averages of individual stock cross-sectional OLS regression coefficient
estimates. Panel A (B) presents the monthly results for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ (NYSE-AMEX)
stocks over 450 months from July 1964 through December 2001. In the second column, the dependent
variable is the excess return risk-adjusted using the excess market return as well as a factor that is
maximally correlated with labor income growth. In the third, the dependent variable is the excess return

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

risk-adjusted using the above factors with loadings scaled by size and book-to-market ratio. In the fourth,
default spread (yield differential between BBB- and AAA-rated bonds) is used as a scaling variable. In the
last column, beta of stock j is modeled as

jt1 j1 j2 zt1 j3 j4 zt1 Sizejt1 j5 j6 zt1 BM jt1 ;

where z is the default spread. Size represents the logarithm of market capitalization in billions of dollars,
BM is the logarithm of the book-to-market ratio with the exception that book-to-market ratios greater
than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile are set equal to the 0.995 and the 0.005 fractile
values, respectively. NYTURN (NASDTURN) is turnover of NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) stocks.
RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are the cumulative returns over the second through third, fourth
through sixth, and seventh through twelfth months before the current month or quarter, respectively.
 2 is the time-series average of the monthly adjusted R2 . The t-statistics in parenthesis use standard
errors as per Shanken (1990), and the t-statistics in the square brackets use standard errors as in
Jagannathan and Wang (1998). All coefficients are multiplied by 100.

pricing ability of a model to explain the impact of firm size if one

considers the time-varying beta version of the model.

4.6 Consumption-based CAPM

The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM) is theoretically
appealing because it accounts for intertemporal consumption portfolio
decisions, and unlike the CAPM, it integrates other forms of wealth
beyond financial wealth. The consumption data is available at a quarterly
frequency, and we use a factor-mimicking portfolio that is maximally
correlated with consumption growth in the time series regressions.
Table 7 summarizes the results. All of the coefficients are highly sig-
nificant and, moreover, the size effect is reversed. Large firms earn higher
returns. The value effect, the liquidity effect, and the momentum effect
are all strongly present in the data. The average-adjusted R2 is over 14%
compared to 2.5% for the FamaFrench three-factor model. The evi-
dence thus suggests that the linear version of the CCAPM fails to explain
the impact of size, book-to-market, turnover, and past return, even when
the consumption beta varies with the default spread. In unreported tests,
we have also checked for robustness by conditioning beta on the con-
sumption-wealth ratio of Lettau and Ludvigson (2001). This does not
alter the evidence against the CCAPM.

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

Table 7
FamaMacBeth regression estimates with the maximally correlated portfolio with consumption growth as
the risk factor

Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

Intercept 0.332 0.545 0.332 0.539

(37.43) (71.13) (39.10) (79.98)
[38.42] [73.10] [40.14] [82.21]
Nasd 0.046 0.002 0.046 0.007
(5.89) (0.30) (6.44) (0.91)
[6.00] [0.30] [6.56] [0.92]
SIZE 3.319 4.276 3.519 4.447

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

(18.20) (23.32) (20.48) (26.18)
[18.72] [23.98] [21.06] [26.90]
BM 3.060 4.503 1.860 3.054
(10.62) (13.41) (7.07) (9.87)
[10.84] [13.69] [7.22] [10.06]
NYTURN 1.757 3.976 1.774 3.931
(7.80) (17.90) (8.51) (20.17)
[8.00] [18.34] [8.73] [20.65]
NASDTURN 3.004 7.268 2.583 7.337
(7.65) (15.09) (7.14) (15.99)
[7.87] [15.41] [7.35] [16.30]
RET2-3 8.494 10.232 8.848 10.553
(5.04) (4.19) (5.34) (4.49)
[5.13] [4.27] [5.45] [4.57]
RET4-6 4.987 5.633 5.685 6.412
(3.28) (2.73) (3.77) (3.15)
[3.34] [2.78] [3.84] [3.21]
RET7-12 3.107 3.478 4.060 4.427
(3.13) (2.79) (4.24) (3.72)
[3.20] [2.84] [4.33] [3.79]
 2 (%)
R 18.12 18.98 14.90 17.40

This table presents the time-series averages of individual stock cross-sectional OLS regression coefficient
estimates. The sample contains 150 quarterly observations from the third quarter of 1964 through the
fourth quarter of 2001. In the second column, the dependent variable is the excess return risk-adjusted
using a factor that is maximally correlated with consumption growth. In the third, the dependent variable
is the excess return risk-adjusted using the above factor with loadings scaled by size and book-to-market
ratio. In the fourth, default spread (yield differential between BBB- and AAA-rated bonds) is used as a
scaling variable. In the last column, each of the factor loadings of stock j is modeled as

jt1 j1 j2 zt1 j3 j4 zt1 Sizejt1 j5 j6 zt1 BM jt1 ;

where z is the default spread, def. Size represents the logarithm of market capitalization in billions of
dollars, BM is the logarithm of the book-to-market ratio with the exception that book-to-market ratios
greater than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile are set equal to the 0.995 and the 0.005
fractile values, respectively. NYTURN (NASDTURN) is turnover of NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ)
stocks. RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are the cumulative returns over the second through third, fourth
through sixth, and seventh through twelfth months before the current month or quarter, respectively. R 2
is the time-series average of the monthly adjusted R2 . The t-statistics in parenthesis use standard errors as
per Shanken (1990), and the t-statistics in the square brackets use standard errors as in Jagannathan and
Wang (1998). All coefficients are multiplied by 100.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

4.7 FamaFrench model plus a liquidity and a momentum factor

In this section, we ask the question whether the conditional version of the
FamaFrench three-factor model augmented by the PastorStambaugh
liquidity factor as well as the momentum factor can capture the impact of
the turnover and past returns on stock returns. As conditioning variables,
we include size, book-to-market ratio as well as turnover and past twelve-
month returns and we allow the scaling to vary over time with the default
spread. The results are summarized in Table 8.14
The adjusted R2 for the unconditional and conditional versions of
the above-described specification are the lowest amongst all the mod-

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els considered. Specifically, the R  2 for the fully conditional model at
1.55% is the lowest recorded here, suggesting that the most general
specification of the model in Equation (6) performs the best in terms
of explaining the impact of characteristics on the cross-section of
returns. However, the coefficient estimates for turnover of NYSE-
AMEX stocks as well as the past returns are all highly significant.
Ultimately, the impacts of liquidity as measured by turnover and of
momentum as measured by past returns on the cross-section of returns
remain robust.
In unreported tests (available upon request), we have also considered
the most general specification described in Equation (6), setting
Xjt1 Zjt1 , that is, we use all the right-hand side firm characteristics
as conditioning variables as well. Past returns and turnover continue to
be highly significant, suggesting that the impact of momentum and
liquidity on the cross-section of individual stock returns remains robust.

4.8 Time-varying alphas

The documented inability of well-known risk-based asset pricing models
to explain the momentum effect at the stock level is consistent with the
evidence in Chordia and Shivakumar (2002). Using a linear time series
predictive regression framework, they show that profits to momentum
strategies can be explained by macroeconomic predictive variables. In
their framework, predictability could be traced to either time-varying
risk premia or time-varying asset pricing misspecification, or both [see
equation (10) in Avramov (2004)]. Thus, asset pricing misspecification
(alpha) could vary with the business cycle in a fashion consistent with
profitable momentum strategies. This is precisely what we document in
this subsection.
We modify the first-pass regression (8) to account for time-varying

We present results for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks. We have checked the results for NYSE-
AMEX stocks alone, and the results are qualitatively identical.

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

Table 8
FamaMacBeth regression estimates with excess market return, SMB, HML, liquidity, and momentum as
risk factors

Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks - Monthly frequency

Intercept 0.142 0.123 0.119 0.080
(2.62) (3.02) (2.32) (2.48)
[3.01] [3.29] [2.68] [2.79]
Nasd 0.146 0.221 0.151 0.222
(1.58) (2.91) (1.71) (3.61)

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

[1.69] [3.13] [1.91] [4.04]
SIZE 0.093 0.051 0.075 0.008
(3.00) (2.10) (2.50) (0.43)
[3.51] [2.49] [2.93] [0.50]
BM 0.106 0.075 0.075 0.026
(2.78) (0.03) (2.13) (1.12)
[3.16] [0.03] [2.40] [1.27]
NYTURN 0.115 0.093 0.114 0.079
(3.24) (3.43) (3.29) (3.41)
[3.62] [3.96] [3.73] [3.98]
NASDTURN 0.102 0.045 0.084 0.043
(2.21) (1.27) (1.92) (1.59)
[2.51] [1.47] [2.18] [1.89]
RET2-3 0.643 0.761 0.486 0.772
(2.57) (3.47) (1.96) (3.63)
[3.04] [4.10] [2.30] [4.15]
RET4-6 0.841 0.752 0.772 0.669
(4.35) (5.21) (4.13) (5.00)
[5.37] [6.40] [4.95] [6.04]
RET7-12 0.749 0.554 0.677 0.542
(5.71) (5.99) (5.24) (6.75)
[6.18] [6.47] [5.44] [7.34]
 2 (%)
R 2.23 1.63 2.14 1.55

This table presents the time-series averages of individual stock cross-sectional OLS regression coefficient
estimates. The sample includes NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks over 450 months from July 1964
through December 2001. The dependent variable in the second column (unscaled) is the excess return risk-
adjusted using the FamaFrench (1993) factors augmented by the PastorStambaugh liquidity factor and
a momentum factor obtained from Ken Frenchs web page. In the third, the dependent variable is the
excess return risk-adjusted using the above factors with loadings scaled by firm-level size, book-to-market
ratio, turnover, and the past twelve month returns. In the fourth, default spread (yield differential
between BBB- and AAA-rated bonds) is used as a scaling variable. In the last column, each factor
loading of stock j is modeled as

jt1 j1 j2 zt1 j3 j4 zt1 Sizejt1 j5 j6 zt1 BM jt1
j7 j8 zt1 Turnjt1 j9 j10 zt1 Momjt1 ;

where z is the default spread. Size represents the logarithm of market capitalization in billions of dollars.
BM is the logarithm of the book-to-market ratio with the exception that book-to-market ratios greater
than the 0.995 fractile or less than the 0.005 fractile are set equal to the 0.995 and the 0.005 fractile values,
respectively. Turn is turnover, and Mom is past twelve-month return. NYTURN (NASDTURN) is
turnover of NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) stocks. RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are the cumulative
returns over the second through third, fourth through sixth, and seventh through twelfth months before
the current month or quarter, respectively. R  2 is the time-series average of the monthly adjusted R2 . The
t-statistics in parenthesis use standard errors as per Shanken (1990) and, the t-statistics in the square
brackets use standard errors as in Jagannathan and Wang (1998). All coefficients are multiplied by 100.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

rjt j0 j1 BCt1 j1 FFt j2 zt1 FFt j3 Sizejt1 FFt
j4 zt1 Sizejt1 FFt j5 BM jt1 FFt j6 zt1 BM jt1 FFt ujt ; 11

where FF is a vector representing the three FamaFrench factors, BC is

vector of business cycle variables, including dividend yield, default
spread, term spread, and the three month Treasury-bill yield. The betas
are all row vectors. Then, R*jt in Equation (3), the dependent variable in
the cross-section regressions, is given by j0 ujt . The regression in
Equation (11) uses only the FamaFrench benchmarks because the con-

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ditional three factor model seems to have the best performance in captur-
ing the impact of size and book-to-market on the cross-section of returns.
The results are presented in Table 9.
Specifically, Table 9 describes the impact of firm attributes on the
component of risk-adjusted returns that is unrelated to business cycle
variation. Strikingly, lagged returns are no longer or are even negatively
related to the fixed component of risk-adjusted returns. For instance,
when the FamaFrench factors are scaled by either size and book-to-
market ratio or only by the default spread, the coefficient on RET2-3 is
significantly negative and the coefficients on RET4-6 and RET7-12 are
statistically insignificant. In addition, when beta varies with both firm-
level size and book-to-market as well as with macroeconomic variables, as
proposed by economic theory, none of the lagged return variables is
The evidence thus suggests that when alpha varies with macroeconomic
variables the impact of firm-level lagged returns on the cross-section of
expected returns unrelated to business cycle variation is completely elimi-
nated.15 This in itself does not suggest that momentum is explained within
a rational asset pricing model or that momentum represents reward for
risk. However, it does suggest that the payoffs to a momentum strategy
vary with the business cycle. This evidence is important because the
momentum phenomenon, as evidenced by lagged returns, has defied
rational explanations and has led to numerous behavioral-based models.
We argue that it may be premature to discard rational asset pricing
models. It is possible that there exists a yet undiscovered risk factor
related to the business cycle that may capture the impact of momentum
on the cross-section of individual stock returns.
On the contrary, the coefficient on turnover in Table 9 is highly
significant and negative. In fact, compared to Table 3, the absolute

Similarly, Avramov and Chordia (2006) show that optimal portfolios based on time-varying alpha hold
stock with high previous year returns. That is, firm-level momentum is captured by alpha that varies with
aggregate macroeconomic variables.

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

Table 9
FamaMacBeth regression estimates with the FamaFrench three factor model and time-varying alpha

Unscaled Size + BM def (Size + BM) def

Intercept 0.438 0.151 0.476 0.347

(6.36) (2.59) (7.16) (6.12)
[6.56] [2.63] [7.26] [6.25]
Nasd 0.899 0.977 0.775 0.550
(7.15) (8.54) (6.05) (5.31)
[7.28] [8.69] [6.45] [5.42]
SIZE 0.292 0.230 0.372 0.285
(8.60) (7.35) (10.98) (9.53)

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

[9.63] [7.99] [11.85] [10.36]
BM 0.118 0.129 0.188 0.175
(2.29) (2.70) (3.68) (3.93)
[2.41] [2.98] [3.96] [4.29]
NYTURN 0.244 0.284 0.269 0.311
(6.48) (8.08) (7.29) (9.44)
[6.83] [8.59] [7.82] [10.05]
NASDTURN 0.350 0.480 0.469 0.787
(5.39) (8.41) (7.67) (14.90)
[5.72] [8.66] [8.10] [15.79]
RET2-3 1.141 0.694 1.100 0.423
(3.05) (1.97) (2.93) (1.16)
[3.24] [2.06] [3.08] [1.21]
RET4-6 0.426 0.231 0.355 0.095
(1.45) (0.83) (1.20) (0.34)
[1.57] [0.87] [1.28] [0.40]
RET7-12 0.273 0.315 0.312 0.370
(1.27) (1.55) (1.44) (1.86)
[1.29] [1.61] [1.46] [1.89]
 2 %
R 2.91 2.55 2.88 2.37

This table presents the time-series averages of individual stock cross-sectional OLS regression coefficient
estimates for NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks over 450 months from July 1964 through December
2001. The dependent variable in the cross-sectional regression is j0 ujt1 based on the following time
series regression

rjt j0 j1 BCt1 j1 FFt j2 zt1 FFt j3 Sizejt1 FFt j4 zt1 Sizejt1 FFt
j5 BMjt1 FFt j6 zt1 BMjt1 FFt ujt ;

where z is the default spread, and BC is a vector of business cycle variables including, default spread,
term spread, dividend yield, and the three-month Treasury bill yield. In the second column, the
dependent variable has no conditioning variables. In the third, size and book-to-market ratio are the
conditioning variables for the factor loadings. In the fourth, default spread is used as a scaling variable
for the betas. In the last column, scaling by size and book-to-market is allowed to vary over the business
cycle. Size represents the logarithm of market capitalization in billions of dollars. BM is the logarithm of
the book-to-market ratio with the exception that book-to-market ratios greater than the 0.995 fractile or
less than the 0.005 fractile are set equal to the 0.995 and the 0.005 fractile values, respectively. NYTURN
(NASDTURN) is turnover of NYSE-AMEX (NASDAQ) stocks. RET2-3, RET4-6, and RET7-12 are
the cumulative returns over the second through third, fourth through sixth, and seventh through twelfth
months before the current month or quarter, respectively. R  2 is the time-series average of the monthly
adjusted R2 . The t-statistics in parenthesis use standard errors as per Shanken (1990), and the t-statistics
in the square brackets use standard errors as in Jagannathan and Wang (1998). All coefficients are
multiplied by 100.

The Review of Financial Studies / v 19 n 3 2006

coefficient on NYTURN is over twice as large and the absolute coeffi-

cient on NASDTURN is over eight times as large. This suggests that the
impact of liquidity on returns does not diminish after controlling for
potential business cycle effects. One potential explanation is that liquidity
is more of trading phenomenon, unrelated to the state of the economy.
Liquidity is likely to be a function of market design, competition amongst
liquidity suppliers, and the degree of information asymmetry or the lack
Moreover, in the presence of time-varying alpha, the book-to-market
ratio has a negative impact on expected stock return.16 This is consistent

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with the fact that the value premium is indeed related to the business
cycle, as shown by Liew and Vassalou (2000) and others. The notion is
that the positive impact of book-to-market on total risk-adjusted returns
turns negative when total returns are replaced by non-business cycle-
related returns.
Indeed, in Table 9, we have presented the results only at a monthly
frequency focusing on the FamaFrench three-factor model. We have
conducted a number of robustness checks and found that qualitatively the
results hold at the quarterly frequency, with only the NYSE-AMEX
sample, and with the CAPM as well as the FamaFrench model augmen-
ted by the PastorStambaugh liquidity risk factor. Moreover, we have
experimented with using only the default spread as the business cycle
variable in regression (3). While using only default spread does capture
the impact of past returns over the months t  2 to t  3 and over months
t  4 to t  6, the returns over months t  7 through t  12 are still
positive, but much less significant.

5. Conclusions
This article develops and applies a framework in which to examine
whether the predictive ability of size, book-to-market, turnover, and
past returns is explained by various asset pricing models. Following
recent developments in economic theory, our framework allows factor
loadings in first-pass time series regressions to change with firm-level size
and book-to-market as well as business cycle-related variables. Risk-
adjusted returns based on the first-pass regressions are then regressed
on size, book-to-market, turnover, and prior returns. If the predictive
power of such firm-level variables is explained by asset pricing models,
then they should be statistically insignificant in the second-pass cross-
sectional regressions.

Note that the difference in the signs and significance of some of the variables in Table 9 as compared to
(say) Table 3 should not be surprising. The dependent variable in the cross-sectional regressions is
different. In Table 3, the dependent variable is the risk-adjusted return while in Table 9 the dependent
variable is the asset mispricing purged of the business cycle variation.

Asset Pricing Models and Financial Market Anomalies

The empirical evidence shows that

. The conditional and unconditional versions of the single-factor
CAPM and CCAPM do not capture any of the size, book-to-market
ratio, turnover, and past return effects, even when the market or
consumption beta may vary with (i) the default spread, (ii) firm-
level size and book-to-market, and (iii) both firm-level variables
and the default spread.
. The predictive ability of size, book-to-market, turnover, and past
returns is also unexplained by FamaFrench model with constant

Downloaded from at Univ of Southern California on April 3, 2014

risk and expected return.
. The conditional FamaFrench model does capture the impact of firm
size and book-to-market ratio on the cross-section of individual stock
. Consistent with economic theory, allowing beta to vary with size,
book-to-market, and business cycle variables can substantially
improve the pricing abilities of most examined models.
. Even when beta variation helps, none of the examined models cap-
ture the impact of liquidity or momentum on the cross-section of
individual stock returns, even when returns are risk-adjusted by
liquidity and momentum factors.
. Momentum profits are consistent with asset pricing misspecification
that varies with the business cycle. This could point to a systematic
rather than idiosyncratic source of momentum profits.
. Time-varying business conditions do not capture the liquidity effect
on stock returns.
To summarize, time-varying beta versions of multifactor models can
capture the size and book-to-market effects. Even so, turnover and past
returns are important determinants of the cross-section of stock returns
even when return is adjusted by a liquidity factor or a momentum factor,
or both. The fact that time-varying alpha captures the impact of past
returns points to a potential business-cycle related explanation for the
impact of momentum on the cross-section of individual stock returns.
Ultimately, the search for a risk-based asset pricing model that captures
the impact of turnover and/or momentum goes on.

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