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Art 135 Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template 1

Visual Art Lesson Plan

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (please circle)

Print First and Last Names: Julia Kropinova, Liana Foxx

Unit Plan: Together with a partner, students will create one Unit Plan that contains several lessons, spanning several days. The
instructor will design these pairings with students interests and experiences in mind. The audience for the Unit Plan will be
your future secondary school students (grades 7-12) with limited to moderate exposure to (1) painting/drawing, (2) new media,
(3) sculpture/fibers, (4) ceramics/pottery, (5) printmaking, (6) jewelry/metals, (7) photography, and (8) collage/assemblage.
The Unit will be inspired by course content regarding the secondary school learner: pedagogical choices (Patterson, 2011, p.
6); special education (Gerber & Guay, 2007); practice and theory (Bird, 2012); key ideas, techniques, cultural contexts, and
creative inspiration (Parks, 2015, p. 4); and assessment (Beattie, 1997).

Please submit one hard copy of the Unit Plan and appendices to me (printed, double-sided, and stapled) on the due date. Also
by the due date, the completed Unit Plan and appendices should be emailed to peers in one document/attachment as a
resource for future use: login to Blackboard/ My SacCT, click on ART 135, click on Course Tools > Send Email > All

Lesson Title: Inspiration Artists, including those from underrepresented

Exploration of Self populations:
Martin Grohs

Lesson Overview (~3 complete sentences): Our lesson involves Electronic Art and New Media with the integration of performance art. The
students will perform a VTS session of a new media image, which will help them brainstorm ideas for their hands on activity. They will create an
image that incorporates their self-portrait photograph that explores their identities using collage elements from magazines while altering their final
product electronically through computer, phone, and other applications.
Background Knowledge (~3 complete sentences): How will you tap into students experiences and prior knowledge and
After presenting the students with a power point about the artist Martin Grohs, the students will be able to identify what they liked the
most about the artwork and appropriate ideas for their own products.
After reminding students that they have become familiar with Performance Art from Birds, Parks, Electronic Art, and New Media, the
students will be able to expose students to further exploration.
Students will be able to create a unique self-portrait that will hint at their personalities and interests which will celebrate who they are and
explore their individual interests.
Through prior knowledge about their culture, students will be able to incorporate information about whom they are by exploring
Lesson Plan Template 2

magazines and filters available electronically, creating a new media self-portrait that will provide further knowledge about self.

Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know. Essential Questions (3-4): Restate Key Concepts using open-
1. Electronic Art and New Media have no limits ended questions.
2. Digital revolution has increasingly influenced artists in their role 1. How can something that has no limits, such as electronic art, be
as innovator of materials narrowed down in the classroom so the students are able to explore new
3. Environment has urged artists to be involved in the eccentrically media in small increments?
rapid changed taking place in society 2. In what ways does digital revolution strengthen the role of innovator in
4. Transformation is the altering of a form or image that creates our society?
curiosity towards the subject matter. 3. How can the rapid change in our society help create meaningful
5. Multimedia equipment has been used increasingly among visual artwork?
artists and performance art 4. How can appropriation of images contribute to the students exploration
6. Limitless Electronic Media can create confusion among artists of self-portrait?
7. Electronic Media is the new means of mass communication 5. In what ways does multimedia equipment contributes to variation of
new media artwork?
6. What responsibilities come with freedom of Electronic media art?
7. In what ways can new media contribute to the exploration of self?

Visual art content and multicultural Lesson Objectives: Align Formative and Summative Assessments with Lesson
What you want the students to do. Objectives from left column. Please submit at least one
rubric per Lesson for a total of three or more per
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to identify and describe Unit.
verbally who they are as an artist, student or future teacher through 1. Visual art will be assessed though students ability to verbalize what
exploration of VTS activity. Students will use Martin Grohs as type of materials they decided to use and why. Description of words,
inspiration for the verbal identification of their final work.
adjectives, and intelligent explanation of their work will be important
2. Visual Art: The students will be able to visualize and create a
unique self-portrait using personal photographs and other mixed in order for students to relate their personality to this project.
media materials and electronic programs in order to express 2. Visual art will be assessed through students ability to create the
themselves. imagery while using mixed media materials and electronic programs
3. Multicultural: The students will be able to explore the prior to create their portraits. They will be able to relate and assemble
information they have learned about the history of their culture in imagery available to their personal experiences, culture, and race.
order to incorporate it into their final self-portrait. 3. Multicultural will be assessed through students relating their cultural
history to this project by incorporating imagery, words, and the
knowledge of their background into this project.
Lesson Plan Template 3

National Core Art Standards: Visual Arts (3-4): Please California Visual and Performing Arts Standards (grades 7-
list number and description of Anchor Standard. 12 only) (2-5): Check all that apply and add number and
1. Creating: Standard 1-Generates and conceptualizes artistic ideas description of applicable content standard.
and work. Creativity and innovative thinking are essential life skills 1.0 ARTISTIC PERCEPTION
that can be developed in this section.
Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory Information Through
1.1.8a. Document early stages of the creative process visually or
the Language and Skills Unique to the Visual Arts
verbally in traditional or new media.
Standard 2-Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Artists Develop Perceptual Skills and Visual Arts Vocabulary
and designers experiment with forms, structures, materials, concepts,
media, and art-making approaches. 1.1 Describe the environment and selected works of art, using the
2.1.8a-Demonstrate willingness to experiment, innovate, and take elements of art and the principles of design.
risks to pursue ideas, forms, and meanings that emerge in the process
of art making or designing. Analyze Art Elements and Principles of Design
Standard 3-Refine and compete artistic work. Artist and designers
develop excellence through practice and constructive critique, 1.4 Analyze and describe how the elements of art and the principles of
reflecting on, revising, and refining work over time. design contribute to the expressive qualities of their own works of art.
2. Presenting: Standard 4- Selecting, Analyzing and interpreting
artists work for presentations. Artists and other presenters consider 2.0 CREATIVE EXPRESSION
various techniques, methods, venues, and criteria when analyzing, Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts
selecting, and curating objects artifacts, and artworks for preservation
and presentation. Skills, Processes, Materials, and Tools
4.1.8a. Develop and apply criteria for evaluating a collection of
artwork for presentation. 2.1 Develop increasing skill in the use of at least three different media.
Standard 5-Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for
presentation. Artists, curators and other consider a variety of factors 2.3 Develop skill in using mixed media while guided by a selected
and methods including evolving technologies when preparing and principle of design.
refining artwork for display and or then deciding if and how to
preserve and protect it. Communication and Expression Through Original Works of Art
5.1.8a. Collaborative prepare and present selected theme based 2.6 Create an original work of art, using film, photography, computer
artwork for display, and formulate exhibition narratives for the graphics, or video.
Standard 6-Convey meaning through the presentation of artists 3.0 HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT
work. Objects, artifacts, and artworks collected, preserved, or
presented either by artists, museums, or other venues communicate Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of
meaning and record of social, cultural, and political experiences the Visual Arts
Lesson Plan Template 4

resulting in the cultivating of appreciation and understanding. Role and Development of the Visual Arts
6.1.8a. Analyze why and how an exhibition or collection may
3.1 Research and describe how art reflects cultural values in various
influence ideas, beliefs, and experiences.
traditions throughout the world.
3. Responding: Standard 7-Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Individual aesthetic and empathetic awareness developed through
Diversity of the Visual Arts
engagement with art can lead to understanding and appreciation of
self, others, the natural world, and constructed environment. 3.2 Compare and contrast works of art from various periods, styles, and
7.1.8a. Explain how a persons esthetic choices are influenced by cultures and explain how those works reflect the society in which they
culture and environment and impact the visual image that one were made.
conveys to others.
Standard 8-Internet intent and meaning in artistic work. People gain 4.0 AESTHETIC VALUING
insight into meanings of artworks by engaging in the process of art
criticism. Responding to, Analyzing, and Making Judgments About Works in the
8.1.8a. Internet art by analyzing how the interaction of subject Visual Arts
matter, characteristics of form and structure, use of media, art-
Derive Meaning
making approaches, and relevant contextual information contributes
to understanding messages or ideas and mood conveyed. 4.1 Explain the intent of a personal work of art and draw possible parallels
Standard 9-Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. People evaluate between it and the work of a recognized artist.
art based on various criteria.
9.1.8a. Create a convincing and logical argument to support an 4.3 Construct an interpretation of a work of art based on the form and
evaluation of art. content of the work.
4. Connecting: Standard 10-Synthesize and relate knowledge and
personal experiences to make art. Through art-making, people make Make Informed Judgments
meaning by investigating and developing awareness of perceptions,
knowledge, and experiences. 4.4 Develop and apply a set of criteria as individuals or in groups to assess
10.1.8a. Make art collaboratively to reflect on and reinforce positive and critique works of art.
aspects of group identity.
Standard 11- Relate and works with societal, cultural, and historical 4.5 Present a reasoned argument about the artistic value of a work of art
context to deepen understanding. People develop ideas and and respond to the arguments put forward by others within a classroom
understanding of society, culture, and history through their setting.
interactions with and analysis of art.
11.1.8.a. Distinguish different ways art is used to represent, establish, Visual Literacy
reinforce, and reflect group identity.
5.3 Examine art, photography, and other two and three-dimensional
images, comparing how different visual representations of the same object
lead to different interpretations of its meaning, and describe or illustrate
Lesson Plan Template 5

the results.

Careers and Career-Related Skills

5.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the various skills of an artist, art
critic, art historian, art collector, art gallery owner, and philosopher of art.

Identify and define visual art vocabulary that connect Materials: List all materials needed in the columns below.
to other concentration area(s) and/or medium(s): Have Purchase
Electronic media
Mixed media Cardboard
New Media Computer Decocolor Acrylic
Evolution Magazines Paint Marker
Innovation Markers (Metallic Gold)
Decocolor Acrylic
Performance Art Acrylic Paint
Paint Markert
Culture Glue
(metallic Silver)
Accelerate Hot glue gun
Broadcast Photographs
Inspiration Glitter
Influence Sharpie

Lesson Procedures: Outline the steps that will happen first, second, etc. in the Procedures that follow to teach
what you expect the students to learn. Procedures should be the longest section in the Lesson Plan, and should be
very specific and detailed, including time spent on each task. Describe directions you plan to give the students,
teaching models/strategies you plan to use during the lesson, different activities your students will do, etc. Be sure
Lesson Plan Template 6

to include management issues such as transitions, room arrangements, and student groupings.

1. Focus Lesson (teacher does): Detail opening activities by exploring the following questions. How will you
motivate the students to want to learn the new concepts (see Key Concepts) and strategies/skills (see Lesson
Objectives)? How will you introduce the Big Idea of the lesson? How will you link this lesson to the students prior
First, teacher will (Julia, Liana) motivate students with a video of (The Alchemy of Light) performance art by DandyPunk artist who
incorporates digital media into his performance, inspiring many to create and learn more about new media. The video supports the key
concepts related to digital media, new media, and performance art. (3 minutes)
Transition: (Julia) will relate Performance Art to Electronic media specifically presented through the video the students are shown.
Second, Teacher will introduce the big idea of the lesson through a creative power point that uses Martin Grohs imagery to create interest
in the subject, while inspiring students to appropriate the techniques used by the artist. (20 minutes)
Third, Teacher will make sure to link the lesson plan to students prior knowledge by identifying specific vocabulary words shown in the
power point and the think sheet provided to students in order to focus on the objectives for this project. (5 minutes)
Transition: (Liana) will pass out the vocabulary list so that each student will be able to relate and verbalize their work.
Modeling (teacher does): Name and demonstrate the content area strategies/skills (see Lesson Objectives) that are the focus of the lesson.
Explain and show their purpose. Use analogies or other concrete examples to explain concepts (see Key Concepts).
Teacher will (Julia) show to the class how to assemble the cardboard base for the project and provide other materials that will be used for
art making establishing safety rules among students. (5 minutes)
Teacher will (Liana) administer VTS in order to identify specific vocabulary that will help students brainstorm the ideas for their own
projects. They will identify their culture and other unique information related to the exploration of self and the big idea of identity. (10
Arrangements: (Julia) will set up the room for the items that will be used in this activity, such as glue guns, paper and other mixed media
The teacher (Julia) will show their own creations to the class in order to explain the concepts of electronic art and the new media
transformation that is affecting the digital revolution in our society. (1 minute)
Arrangement: (Liana) will pass out the Think Sheet available for each of the students
2. Guided Instruction (teacher and students do together): Detail main activities by exploring the following
questions. What Essential Questions will you ask students to facilitate learning? How will you organize students?
What will you do/say during each learning activity? What will the students do (see Lesson Objectives)?
Student Arrangements: (Liana) will inform students that will be seated according to their Unit plans.
The teacher will provide the class with an opening video, which will focus on the performance art with incorporation of electronic media.
This will present students with the new concept of electronic art, digital revolution and new media.
The teacher will provide the class with a power point presentation of the new concept of electronic media and performance art, the
Lesson Plan Template 7

presentation will include essential questions such as: How can something that has no limits such as electronic art be narrowed down in the
classroom so the students are bale to explore new media in small increments? In what ways does digital revolution strengthen the role of
innovator in our society? How can the rapid change in our society help create meaningful artwork? How can appropriation of images
contribute to the students exploration of self-portrait? In what ways does multimedia equipment contributes to variation of new media
artwork? What responsibilities come with freedom of Electronic media art? In what ways can new media contribute to the exploration of
The students will be seated in their Unit Plan groups so that they get to communicate freely, discussing the information given to them
while relating it to their own Unit plans.
The teacher will perform VTS in order to identify specific meanings of Martin Grohs artwork. The VTS will allow students to relate their
personal experiences to the artwork in which they will be creating. Students will be inspired by the VTS and use Martin Grohs work as an
example for their projects.
The teacher will present the artist during the power point to help identify his background information and possible inspirations. During the
power point, the students will be able to see the artists work that will inspire them even further.
Students will curate a small-scale self-portrait from mixed media materials and photographs they brought as homework assignment while
incorporating electronic applications available to them.
Students will identify their culture and other unique information about them related to this self-portrait.
Students will visualize the artwork using personal photographs and other mixed media materials in order to celebrate their culture,
personality and race.
Students will take a photo of the final artwork, while creating a digital filter through application available on any electronic device.
3. Collaborative Learning (students do together): What activity will you include so that students have an
opportunity to negotiate understandings and engage in inquiry with peers?
Students will be arranged in the Unit Groups; they will discuss and brainstorm among each other what type of self-portrait they would like
to create keeping in mind that electronic media has to be incorporated into this project.
Students will be in the arranged Unit Groups while creating their self-portraits where they will be able to communicate with their peers
about their focus.
Students will perform a gallery walk, where everyone will walk around while analyzing the art works of other students.
Some students will be able to share the final stage of the project on the overhead projector.
4. Independent Learning (students do alone): What activity will the students complete independently to apply
their newly formed understanding to novel situations? What will the students explore independently?
Students will brainstorm and come up with specific experiences that they have been through in relation to their culture and identity.
Students will explore the multiple meanings that relate to identity through their final stage of artwork.
Some students will be able to identify any hidden meanings that are expressed through their artwork and will share their work with the rest
of the class.
Lesson Plan Template 8

Closure: How will you end the lesson to solidify learning? How will you and/or students summarize concepts
and strategies/skills (see Key Concepts and Lesson Objectives) for the day?
At the end of the class, a teacher will facilitate a class discussion about their personal self-portraits. A teacher will ask students to share
what they have created focusing on why they have put specific elements in their artwork and how they felt about using electronic
applications to alter their work.
Teacher will focus on questions such as: Did they initially have a different idea? How did they have to alter their artwork due to
unexpected quality of electronic media application? Does the transformation and altering of a form through electronic media create
curiosity towards the subject matter?

Please respond to the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.

1. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for differently-labeled students, including English
language learners and advanced learners?
The lesson plan does not focus on specific materials allowing the differently-labeled students to work with different materials. This will
give students that opportunity to work with challenging materials if they are advanced learners, other students can feel comfortable in an
environment that is free choice and none judgmental. The EL students would benefit from discussion in small groups because it would
avoid putting them on the spot, while creating a safe environment with in the classroom.

2. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This lesson will encourage students to incorporate and explore electronic media within their own work. They will participate in a VTS and
will formulate their own reasonable assumptions about the artwork and will be working with materials they choose and may not have been
exposed to yet. This lesson will introduce multimedia artwork that has been used increasingly among visual artists and performance art,
allowing students to understand that electronic media is the new means of mass communication among ourselves.

3. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?

Teacher will be asking open-ended questions that refer back to the key concepts and the essential questions, which will reinstate their
knowledge in the subject matter.

4. How will you (a) address potential safety issues and (b) assure necessary precautions are followed? See
As a teacher, I will make sure to provide properly labeled products that inform the students of potential chronic health hazards and safe use
instructions. A teacher will make sure to supervise the students in order to make sure they are all following directions and using the
products properly. Students will receive a warning to keep their food away from the materials and wash their hands, and surfaces after
finishing the art project. Most important precautions will include purchasing the correct materials for the according grade level and
Lesson Plan Template 9

distributing warnings regarding exposures to chemicals.

Lesson Resources/References (use APA):

Parks p. 126
Bird p. 183
Patterson, 2011, p. 6
Gerber & Guay, 2007
Bird, 2012
Parks, 2015, p. 4
Beattie, 1997

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