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Twitter and Jihad:

the Communication
Strategy of ISIS
Edited by Monica Maggioni and Paolo Magri
ISBN 978-88-98014-67-5 (pdf edition)

2015 Edizioni Epok

Firs edition: 2015

Edizioni Epok. Via N. Bixio, 5

15067, Novi Ligure (AL)

ISPI. Via Clerici, 5

20121, Milano

Graphic project and impagination: Simone Tedeschi

I edition.

All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced

or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means,
now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording,
or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
The Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) is an
independent think tank dedicated to being a resource for govern-
ment officials, business executives, journalists, civil servants,
students and the public at large wishing to better understand
international issues. It monitors geopolitical areas as well as major
trends in international affairs.
Founded in Milan in 1934, ISPI is the only Italian Institute and
one of the few in Europe to place research activities side by side
to training, organization of international conferences, and the
analysis of the international environment for businesses.
Comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis is achieved through
close collaboration with experts (academics and non-academics
alike) in political, economic, legal, historical and strategic studies
and through an ever-growing network of think tanks, research
centers and Universities in Europe and beyond

by Paolo Magri............................................................................... 5
Part I The Message
1. The Caliphate between History and Myth
Paolo Branca ................................................................................ 13
2. The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate
Andrea Plebani, Paolo Maggiolini ............................................... 27
Part II Communication Strategies
3. The Islamic State:
Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look
Monica Maggioni ......................................................................... 49
4. IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project
Marco Lombardi ........................................................................... 83
Part III The Objectives of the Propaganda
5. The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe:
The Appeal of the IS Propaganda
to Would Be European Jihadists
Marco Arnaboldi and Lorenzo Vidino........................................ 125
6. The Discourse of ISIS:
Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination
Harith Hasan Al-Qarawee.......................................................... 145
About the Authors ...................................................................... 167

The capture of Mosul in the summer of 2014 by the self-styled

Islamic State appears today much more than a significant mili-
tary event in the complex scenario of the Middle-East and in the
tangled situation of Iraq and Syria. Close observers were not
surprised. The establishment of the Islamic State has character-
ized most of the recent history of this part of the world and has
shown the ability to benefit from the inability to provide a clear
answer to all the deep political and social unrest in this region.
The symbol of this constant evolution and transformation is
found in the various names that have been adopted over the years,
from al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI); Islamic State in Iraq (ISI); Islamic
State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS); to the current Islamic
State (IS). This aspect should not be overlooked.
IS has deliberately designed this naming process as a clear
sign of its slow-paced evolution all the way to the final stage with
the proclamation of the caliphate and the autonomous definition of
a state. No longer an organization, formation, front and what-not,
it has evolved into the Islamic State, thus overcoming all the
doubts and hesitations of other jihadist movements, including
al-Qaeda, and showing that the re-establishment of the caliphate
would be viable today and at the very heart of Islams classic
history no less.
This is how even before achieving the dimension of images,
proclamations, the spectacularization of military and terrorist
operations and, lastly, dreadful executions IS has shown a de-
termination to face the enemies on an even footing since its incep-
tion. In fact it has built on one of the tenets of the modern West:
6 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

the capacity to define and to name, inexorably imposing its own

categories on the outside world.
Since the very beginning IS has taken away from the enemy
the right to define its nature, engaging in direct, outrageous and
provoking exposition as the flag for all its actions. Communication
lies in the DNA of this organization, regardless of technological
savviness and familiarity with the times and the rituals of the
media. It was the only option, in line with the proposed objective.
Any political power or regime aspiring to impose its rule as a state
authority in a specific context and in an international scenario has
invariably claimed, along with military, coercive and cultural
power, the right to freely define relevant time and space references
and the names of the territory and the community over which it
intends to exercise its sovereignty, thus coming to embody its
identity and essence.
In the case of IS, this operation has proved to be particularly
effective. IS has successfully used as leverage the cultural con-
cepts of religious Islamic tradition, so that it has become opera-
tional in the everyday life of its supporters, in future new recruits,
and naturally, among its enemies. Until now IS has proved able to
control and to convey a wealth of different messages and symbols,
that sum up and follow a communication strategy that is, shall we
say, institutional at least in its intentions and a more infor-
mal one, that is left to the initiative of individual supporters. IS
has proclaimed itself to be the caliphate, acting or portraying itself
as a modern state for all Muslims, being active on the ground and
communicating in the virtual space of the Internet, looking every
individual in the eye (be them Muslims and non-Muslims) while
aspiring to guide the entire Islamic community. In this way IS has
brought together times and spaces that are only apparently apart
through the effective use of words, images and dissemination
instruments that provide coherence, or at least prove clearly effec-
This is how IS is waging a war that is both psychological and
physical in the Middle East and around the world. It is a psycho-
logical war made of texts, images, iconographies that the organiza-
Introduction 7

tion intends for widespread distribution. It aims to generate a

multiplier effect that magnifies and celebrates its exploits, as well
as its tangible results on the ground and its capacities, that should
not be overlooked, but that would require a more in-depth and
thorough evaluation.
This volume was inspired by the desire to examine critically
the narrative that IS is proposing and imposing through a rational
approach, taking apart and analyzing ISs messages, communica-
tion means and strategies, and its target audience.
In the first chapter, Paolo Branca retraces the long-term story
of the caliphate as an institution, shedding light on the most chal-
lenging issues that have marked its evolution and bringing out the
remarkable differences that set it apart from the current claims of
IS. The self-proclaimed caliphate does not appear to be a genuine
alternative to current forms of state organization, but brings to
light the deep political and identity crisis of the globalized world
not limited to Arab or Middle-Eastern countries. In the absence of
credible alternatives, any convincing identity or proposal becomes
In the second chapter Andrea Plebani and Paolo Maggiolini
analyze the relationship between IS, the enemy and communica-
tion. What is clear is that IS was able to make its message more
strikingly compelling through a careful representation of the
enemy, its humiliation, elimination and defeat. IS has shown its
skills at using the times and instruments of modern communica-
tion by synchronizing activities at local, regional, and international
level. Thus the enemy and its manipulation become the instrument
of this operation for the purpose of continuing recruitment and to
spread terror at all levels.
In chapter three, titled The Islamic State: Not That Surprising,
If You Know Where to Look Monica Maggioni travels in time
and space to outline the relations between jihadist movements and
communication. As she points out, the proclamation of the cali-
phate was accompanied since the very beginning by a skillfully
directed media campaign both locally and globally. The document
with which IS proclaimed the rebirth of the caliphate is charac-
8 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

terized by numerous registers and symbols that sum up its com-

munication strategy and the natural call to all Muslims of the
world, while containing a not-so-veiled threat to all those who will
not respond to the invitation. Al-Baghdadis speeches, the an-
nouncements entrusted to different spokespersons, the images of
the executions of those who stray, are edited and packaged by
specific communication units and agencies run by the caliphate
for the purpose of releasing them on the world media to convey a
potent message.
Nothing in ISs communication is left to chance. Everything is
carefully thought-out and focused on reaching out on the inside (to
gain credibility) and on the outside (to proselytize). Most signifi-
cantly, it is intended to associate with the Islamic State a sense of
inevitability on a global scale that is imposed on our narratives, on
newscasts and front pages worldwide.
In the fourth chapter Marco Lombardi examines IS communi-
cation in the context of the Internets media space. There is no
doubt that IS is perfectly at ease online and able to use the Inter-
nets multiple languages and instruments. On the one hand insti-
tutional communication is imbued with the emotional
dimension; the Web becomes a terrain where to lay communica-
tion traps for the aim of promoting the idea of a generalized and
widespread conflict that brings the level of the fight up a notch
and that consolidates its clout and prestige. On the other, IS has
proven that it has fully understood the potential of gamification.
Role-play and combat games against the infidel are spread online
to provide minimum training, to recruit and to build loyalty, but
mostly to tear down the ethical barriers that govern life.
In the fifth chapter, titled The Caliphate, Social Media and
Swarms in Europe: The Appeal of the IS Propaganda to Would
Be European Jihadists, Marco Arnaboldi and Lorenzo Vidino
focus on the appeal of IS communication on young Muslim gener-
ations in Europe. The two authors provide a different point of
view on the IS online presence, underscoring the role of the social
networks and swarms. Social networks allow young aspiring
jihadists to engage in a horizontal communication environment
Introduction 9

where every recipient and every consumer is a potential sender

and producer of propaganda and information materials. The shared
material is able to circulate according to decentralized patterns,
leading to a striking increase in the number of potential recipients
and creative know-how.
In conclusion, the chapter by Harith Hasan al-Qarawee empha-
sizes the local dimension of IS communication in Syria and Iraq. It
is here that IS was called to develop more sophisticated and differ-
entiated communication solutions to face the challenge of evolv-
ing from a jihadist movement to an almost state. Having
understood very early on that legitimacy cannot be earned exclu-
sively through violence, IS relied on the instruments of propagan-
da to represent itself as an appealing administrative model, as
shown by the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the territories under
its control.
In this way, by combining global and local communication
the latter directed at the context and the population where it oper-
ates IS has shown its natural inclination towards expansion, both
symbolically and physically. It is an ideological war and a military
conflict in which the IS propaganda becomes a fundamental
testing ground for its might and effectiveness.

Paolo Magri
Executive Vice-President and Director of ISPI
Part I
The Message
1. The Caliphate between
History and Myth
Paolo Branca

In the Koran the Arabic term khalifa designates Adam himself as

the vicar of God on earth (2, 30) and the regal-prophetic au-
thority of David (38, 26). The designation of a substitute for the
Prophet that is not envisaged by any of the provisions issued by
the latter or in the Holy Book is the expression of a need to
ensure continuity to the work undertaken by Muhammad by
providing a successor. Thus his function becomes no longer the
transmission of the revelation, but rather the safeguarding of the
unity of the newly-established Islamic community (ummah) and
its loyalty to the divine teachings and the example of its founder.
The creation of the caliphate was immediately challenged by all
sorts of tensions. As is known, the first caliph, Abu Bakr, was
called to fight the centrifugal forces through which the Bedouin
spirit attempted to loosen its ties from the center of power after the
Prophets disappearance and things did not improve under his
successors, due to the clashes between different factions. The
conflict between the fourth caliph, Ali (the last of the first four
caliphs in chronological order), and his adversaries, heir to Uth-
man (his murdered predecessor), marked the end of unity for the
ummah. This breakup led to the establishment of different and
competing formations that not only vied for titles and roles, but
that put forward arguments that presented different views of their
nature and the exercise of supreme authority, supported by diverg-
ing interpretations of the sources and original paradigms that were,
at times, diametrically opposed.
14 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Islamic tradition itself celebrates the golden age of the first four
caliphs, who were Rightly Guided (rashidun). On the one hand,
this shows a desire to preserve an idealized picture of those early
days which is, at times, at odds with reality but all the more para-
digmatic. On the other, it is the expression of the awareness of the
subsequent fracture that resulted from an event regarded, in some
way, as irreversible. Theories and diatribes on the figure and the
functions of the supreme chief of the community stem precisely
from this crisis, its various interpretations and those that followed
in later times, often for the purpose of supporting a contemporary
trend rather than reestablishing historical accuracy. Moreover, it
should be noted that throughout history, as is often the case,
practice and theory started to drift apart and the caliphate, that was
officially abolished only at the beginning of the past century, was
in fact flanked or even replaced by authorities in other forms.
These found their legitimacy more in the need to recognize the
roles and functions of those who, in practice, held the power rather
than in the adherence of the latter to qualities and requirements
that were theoretically attributed to those who were supposed to
hold the destiny of the Community in their hands.
From a historical point of view, the destruction of Baghdad by
the Mongols in 1258 was certainly perceived in the Islamic world
as a sort of Apocalypse. In spite of the fact that the title of cali-
phate was handed down first to the Mamluks of Egypt and then
to the Ottomans, no universal caliphate ever followed. This last
glorious and centuries-old historical manifestation, that at least in
its name is a direct reference to the caliphate, never exercised
control over Morocco and on the Eastern front reached no farther
than Iraq, leaving outside of its influence vast areas of the Islamic
world like Iran, the Central-Asian region, continental India and its
islands, and most of Africas Muslim Countries. With the fall of
the Ottoman empire both the sultanate and the caliphate were
eventually abolished de iure, thus putting an end to the centuries-
old history of the caliphate as an institution and immediately
leading to the establishment of modern nation-states where the
The Caliphate between History and Myth 15

reinstatement of a supranational authority was never an option,

least of all by means of political or military action.
How and why the restoration of the caliphate an objective
that was probably never ruled out, as some maintain, but that was
never identified as a practical objective to be achieved in the short
term has returned to the fore remains an open issue.
First of all, it should be considered that Islamic terrorism has
selected symbolic targets in the West but was never so nave as to
claim that it would bring down the American superpower and
Israel directly. It has always aimed, instead, at the destabilization
of various Arab and Islamic regimes. Witness the escalating
tension between the Sunnis and the Shias and the deterioration of
the situation in Iraq and Syria that evolved into full-blown civil
war. The chaos that followed the period of the so-called Arab
Spring mostly concerned the two countries that are traditionally
the seats of the Umayyad caliphate of Damascus and the Abbasid
caliphate of Baghdad. The two also emerged as nation-states
around a century ago after World War I, the dissolution of the
Ottoman Empire and the iniquitous distribution of the Arab territo-
ries between France and Great Britain following the Sykes-Picot
agreement. The latter was reached precisely at the time when
Lawrence of Arabia convinced the governments to join forces with
the future winners against the Turks and their allies of the time. It
was tempting to try and obtain as many advantages as possible in
one stroke:
doing away with Arab nationalism or what little remained of it,
in spite of its merit in achieving independence from colonial
power, denouncing its external and therefore illegitimate and
even pernicious origin for having promoted the fragmentation
of the great ummah into fragile and litigious entities;
the accusation against all the regimes that have been in power
since then, as co-conspirators of foreign powers and responsi-
ble of selling off the Arab cause and Islamic pride that were
systematically and deliberately prevented from returning to
their ancient splendor;
16 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

the bypassing of a whole galaxy of Islamist movements that, in

the past decades, have in some way accepted to take the in-
stitutional road while abandoning in full or in part the
armed option. These were guilty of treason, mainly for coming
to terms with a system that is formally and gradually pursuing
a pluralization of political and social forces called to compete
in a political arena based on the despised Western models;
reaching out to a number of disenchanted and discouraged
militants through an all-out call for action; a connection to
symbols that may seem archaic but that are in fact the least
touched by globalization and the economic crisis that have tak-
en most of the shine off recent ideologies. And, lastly, through
a skillful and no-holds-barred media campaign that brings to-
gether the most advanced technological instruments and the re-
turn to ancient messianic expectations that refer to the black
flags of Muslim fighters coming from the East before the end
of times and the coming of the awaited Mahdi, the Muslim ver-
sion of the Messiah.

The end of nationalism?

The very concept of nationalism is a product of modern Western

thought. Its affirmation among peoples who regard relations
between ethnic identity, language and state in different terms was
not devoid of issues and contradictions. In the Muslim world in
particular where ones belonging to the only ummah was rooted
in religion for a period of time the pan-Islamic ideal represented
an alternative to the penetration of nationalism. However the latter
eventually prevailed for a number of reasons. Whole areas of the
great Islamic empire had preserved, over the centuries, a specific
nature that brought together many elements that could be regarded
as part of a peculiar national identity. Moreover, the progressive
weakening of central power was accompanied by a revival of local
literary and cultural traditions that, while not questioning adher-
ence to the Islamic community, are the most recent representations
of the ancient uneasiness towards a process of Arabization that
The Caliphate between History and Myth 17

never truly came to be (as was the case with the Persians and the
Berbers) and the hegemony of a specific ethnic group within the
ummah itself (as was the case with the Arabs vis--vis the Turks).
Nationalism was also an integral part of the culture of those Euro-
pean countries that progressively started to flex their muscle and
to impose their power on the rest of the world. As such it was
regarded as the most suitable means to follow the Western lead in
the hope of bridging the gap that had widened over the past centu-
ries, and to face it on its own terrain. Thus the concepts and ideals
of nationalism entered the Arab and Muslim world. Paradoxically,
they found a more fertile ground in those countries where the fight
for independence from those who had contributed to introducing
those very concepts and ideals had required greater efforts. The
ambiguity of the relationship with the West, regarded both as a
model and an obstacle, originates in this paradox and was enriched
by other factors over time. Later developments would not be
understandable without considering that the elements of western
culture, no matter how innovative, did not entirely replace tradi-
tional ones nor did they amalgamate with them harmoniously.
Instead, they overlapped creating yet another stratification that
would prove quite precarious.
It should also be considered that, while epic and exciting, the
fight for national independence produced only partial results, and
other questions remained unsolved: nationalism that had brought
colonial occupation to an end had in fact legitimized, again
paradoxically, the territorial entities created by colonial powers,
splitting up what remained of the Ottoman empire according to
national interests. Which instances would be given priority in the
political arena of the newly created states? Perhaps those aiming
to overcome the unnatural fragmentation through a pan-Arabist or
pan-Islamic solution? Or additional autonomy would need to be
granted to groups that had not yet benefited from the battle for
independence (ethnic groups like Berbers and Curds or reli-
gious communities, like the Druze and the Maronites)? In this
way, just like the Islamic movements had had no choice but to
adhere to the nationalist campaigns while rejecting their ideology,
18 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

after the independence the governments of the new states, in spite

of their alleged non-confessional nature, were called to appeal to
Islam as a legitimizing factor to ensure cohesion more effectively
against the complexity and the delicate state of affairs that they
were experiencing. Too many failures over a long period of time
have progressively devoid nationalism also of its main source of
legitimation: the prestige of achieving independence. Among the
adult population this memory remains alive, but the younger
generations have no direct recollection of those events and disillu-
sionment over unfulfilled expectations grows.
The importance of nationalism, however, should not be hastily
dismissed, because it seems to have maintained some sort of
relevance. Significantly, some figures of modern-day Islamic
radicalism go to great lengths to criticize the concepts of the
subsequent phase, the time of the revolution. The latter did not
extend to all Arab-Muslim countries, but only to a part, it was
shorter and of a more intellectual and elitist nature. However, as is
evident from the events of the late Twentieth century, nationalism
compared to other ideologies was not the one to suffer the most,
but rather the one that appeared to feed off the crisis of the others,
which appears to be more menacing and inexorable.

Religious delegitimation

Any form of government that does not depend directly on Islamic

norms is allegedly devoid of any legitimacy. There is nothing new
in this argument, if one considers (in addition to the kharijiti1) that

1 This movement issued from the contrasts between the followers of Ali after he
accepted to end the fight in Siffin, in 657, and to resort to arbitrate in order to settle
the controversy that opposed him to his adversaries. While there is little doubt that
this was the immediate cause of the defection of the kharijiti from Alis camp, the
vicissitudes of this dissident movement are much more complex and revealing of the
deep-set positions that were rightly mentioned by specialists. What is particularly
interesting for the purpose of this publication is that the very name of this move-
ment and its passwords contained seeds of the positions that are still found today
in radical Islam, to which they refers more or less deliberately. The founding
principle was the one contained in the expression There is no rule but that of God
The Caliphate between History and Myth 19

even the Umayyad caliphate of Damascus (that came to an end in

the year 750) was accused of being only a means to exercise
power (mulk) and to have abandoned the correct practice based on
religion (din) of the first four rightly guided caliphs. But it is
only in more recent times that the anathema (takfir) against the
entire society regarded as no longer Muslim or apostate tried to
justify the recourse to terrorism whose indiscriminate targets
include innocent civilians. No compromise appears likely, as was
stressed by the IS spokesperson Abu Muhammad al-Adnani al-
Shami in an open letter made public at the start of the month of
Ramadan in 20142 in which any authority other than the caliph is
a mere reign, the fruit of conquest and consequently a herald of
destruction, corruption, injustice, terror and the reduction of the
human being to an animal. The same letter also announced the
change of the acronym ISIS into the simple IS, the only form of
state that is admissible for the believers who have not been led
astray by democracy, secularism, or nationalism, and who are
therefore invited to recognize it as their own and to side with it.
The recent response of official Islamic institutions confirms the
problematic nature of an open question that is exclusively internal:
consider that the barbaric execution of the Jordanian pilot who
was burnt alive by ISIS triggered the military reaction of his
country, and al-Azhar University voiced its condemnation in
unequivocal terms calling for death, crucifixion or the amputation
of their hands and feet. This very strong statement comes from
the Koran, but repeating these words verbatim and out of context
may lead some to associate the language of the Holy Book to that
of the fanatics it is intended to subdue. The punishment laid down

(la hukma illa li-llah) and that one of the verses of the Koran that was most often
quoted was And fight them until there is no unbelief and [until] the religion, all of
it, is for Allah (Koran 8, 39). At the opposite end are those who deemed it prefera-
ble to leave (irja) the judgement on the faith of individuals to God, thus taking the
ideological edge off the controversies in favor of the interest of the Community that
aspired to live in peace and ensuring order under a single authority. This authority
was recognized more in light of the need of its existence than because of the
legitimacy of its origin and the impeccable nature of its behavior.
20 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

in the Koran is reserved to brigands and would be interpreted

today more as a threat against organized crime without forget-
ting that in the Prophets time there were no prisons and that
society was not regulated by the rule of law but rather by the
application of the principle of an eye for an eye.
Even if one were to regard the Koran as Gods word to the let-
ter, it should not be forgotten that no text can be read without
turning ones head on (unless one is expected to repeat it like a
parrot) and it would be useful to reflect on the reason that led the
Creator to place the head at the very top of the human body.
Otherwise one runs the serious risk of using other parts of the
body for reasoning, which are far less noble than the body itself,
and may end up losing ones mind and implicitly agreeing with the
adversaries simply because by placing ourselves on the same
footing, thus legitimizing their language and the logic that lies
behind it. It is a perverse and destructive logic for both sides, two
faces of the same (fake) coin.

Ambiguous Springs

During the recent uprisings in many Arab countries to bring down

corrupt and authoritarian regimes, large masses of people have
mobilized in the name of principles and values that we believed
were foreign or at least distant from largely Muslim populations.
Many were also surprised by the absence of slogans against the
West or Imperialism, Neocolonialism and Zionism. Those who
were able to follow the debate that started in those days in the
original language certainly noticed that it hinged on highly mean-
ingful neologisms. The concept of secularism, that is generally
expressed in Arabic by the term ilmaniyya (from ilm, science,
or alam, world) which is markedly connected to rationalist or
secularist concepts that are typically European and rather outdated
was replaced by madaniyya (together with dawla, that is,
state) which means civilian as opposed to military, but
also as the opposite of clerical or religious in a confessional
The Caliphate between History and Myth 21

sense. This also explains the participation to the demonstrations of

Arab Christians and non-radical Muslims.
The fact that, particularly in Tunisia and Egypt, Islamist
movements carried the first rounds of elections may appear con-
tradictory, but it was partly inevitable that the situation would be
exploited by existing movements that were rooted in the local
territory and that for a long time have represented the only opposi-
tion in those countries. The transformation process that started
with the Arab Springs has therefore contributed to bringing to
the fore a number of unresolved issues rather than their solution.
Trends that had long been repressed or underestimated came to
light and may still bear fruit in the medium term.
This is supported by a number of provocations that representa-
tives of the more traditionalist groups have staged and that, while
paradoxical or precisely because of it, question some crucial
points concerning the position of individuals and groups towards a
modern state that is respectful of the human rights of its citizens.
The presumed return to the intransigent and fundamentalist appli-
cation of the so-called Islamic law that was never codified and
that established itself rather as jurisprudence than as a positive law
provided the pretext for some to propose not only the revival of
polygamy (for example in Tunisia, where it was banned) but even
concubinage. The Koran, like the Bible, envisages slavery as a
practice that should be moderated in its most extreme forms, but
that is not openly forbidden. Clearly the status of legally admissi-
ble non-wives would depend on the reintroduction of slavery,
which is not readily achievable or advocated by the supporters of
this restoration, because it is inacceptable also to those who pro-
pose it. Similarly, proposing to return to the submission tax for
minorities like Christians and other religious faiths is an implicit
regression to feudal customs and times, where the lack of the rule
of law would legitimize the perception of the status of a citizen as
lower for the followers of religions other than the dominating one,
who were not subject to the draft and for this privilege were
expected to pay a special tribute.
22 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

When some propaganda insists on regarding Islam as theocrat-

ic and therefore incompatible with democracy, two mistakes are
being committed: first, the wrong term is used. In a Muslim con-
text the risk does not lie in theocracy but in caesaropapism,
whereby the political power uses religion as an instrument but not
vice versa (at least in the Sunni camp, which accounts for about 90
per cent of the Islamic world). Second, it is taken for granted that
all Muslims agree that it is right, or even essential, to reintroduce
the norms contained in the traditional sources, disregarding the
fact that many would dismiss as inconceivable a return to slavery
or discrimination against religious minorities, once faced with this
very concrete possibility.
However it is clear that the overall failure on the part of histor-
ical radical Islamic groups in managing consensus in cases like
Egypt may have contributed to the resurgence of extremist and
subversive movements like IS.

Decadence and Messianism

Last but not least, the apocalyptic atmosphere has consolidated:

widespread and growing chaos and the awareness of living at a
time of deep crisis brings back to the fore end-of-the-world
symbols and slogans. The very black flag of the new caliphate is
connected, in the letter mentioned above, to the one that true
believers will raise as the Final Judgement approaches to hand it
to the Messiah in the decisive confrontation between good and
evil forces.
It is no wonder that such a jumble of catastrophism and epoch-
al expectations attracts militants both from inside and outside the
Islamic world, while the actual relevance of the foreign fighters is
more symbolic and media-related than factual.
On 19 September 2014 more than one-hundred-and-twenty
Muslim scholars issued an open letter addressed to the self-
styled caliph, generally known by a name that in fact does not
appear anywhere, You Dont Understand Islam. This text aims to
reject the arguments of al-Baghdadis inauguration speech by
The Caliphate between History and Myth 23

resorting to Koran verses and prophetic quotes. This was, to some

extent, inevitable, but it also shows how the pseudo-caliph has
forced his adversaries to confront him on an even terrain, which is
emblematic in itself. A conflict on the interpretation of the Sources
reveals that they remain extremely powerful, but also that there is
a dreadful lack of any alternative in political speech, as a result of
stagnation and an intellectual regression that is absolutely perni-
It is however relevant that many IS practices were condemned
precisely on the basis on those sources, like the killing of innocent
and unarmed civilians or diplomatic envoys, the inadmissible
excommunication of other Muslims, the lack of respect for
religious minorities, forced conversions, the indiscriminate appli-
cation of corporal punishment and the destruction of places that
are important to popular piety. On the political level, however,
there appears to be little doubt that the caliphate is an institution
that the Muslims should restore, but without recognizing to al-
Baghdadi the authority required to do it. Much less clear is who
and under which conditions could actually do it. The love for their
homeland regarded not as the Arab or Islamic ummah is de-
fended without hesitation, and the call for all Muslims to come
live under the protection of an Islamic state proper, to support and
defend it is regarded as outrageous. Historical reasons and the
experience of millions of believers who for centuries have lived
their life perfectly in line with the principles and the precepts of
Islam in the most diverse socio-political conditions is not enough
to dismiss a mythical model that appears immune to any attempt at
contextualization or critical articulated analysis.


Some of the classic issues that characterize the relation between

religion and politics in the Islamic world are returning to the fore,
if under new guises and with a new spirit. It is a question that, by
its very nature, is never going to be resolved, but that will be
constantly re-examined and reinterpreted in light of its most
24 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

ancient premises and of the changing needs and anxieties of the

present time.
Article 6 of the recent Tunisian Constitution (2014) on freedom
of religion is a perfect case in point3.
The climate is obviously quite heavy but reality in the modern
nation-states that have been created in the Muslim region is un-
likely to be questioned, let alone by sectarian and extremist groups
that are strongly localized and motivated by contingent conflicts.
While the resurrection of the caliphate at least as the supreme
moral authority of the immense and articulated Muslim ummah
still lacks the minimum requirements, all the rest plays in favor of
further dramatic fragmentation, both ethnic and religious. It is a
nightmare, not a dream, that comes at a very high price to be paid
not only by the minorities living in the Middle East but by the
population as a whole, that risks losing in the Islamic faith that
ethical and spiritual guidance that has been available for centuries
to millions and millions of believers.
For Arabs in particular everything happens as if all the
achievements of the past two centuries and the rich and versatile
experience of previous times has never existed.
The same Islamic reformism that during the nahda effectively
paved the way for unexpected openings in the name of renewal
soon clashed against authoritarian involutions. And this happened
amidst contrasting needs and with no real independence from
political power. The religious buzzwords that are making a come-
back are too worn out to function and vainly pretend to respond to
the anxiety that calls for national redemption and rebirth to deter-
mine its success, in the absence of viable alternatives. What failed
to materialize in the institutions and the practices of states that are

3 The article of the recent Tunisian Constitution concerning freedom of religion is

an impressive case in point: Ltat est gardien de la religion. Il garantit la libert
de croyance, de conscience et le libre exercice des cultes; il est le garant de la
neutralit des mosques et lieux de culte par rapport toute instrumentalisation
partisane. Ltat sengage diffuser les valeurs de modration et de tolrance,
protger les sacrs et interdire dy porter atteinte, comme il sengage interdire les
campagnes daccusation dapostasie et lincitation la haine et la violence. Il
sengage galement sy opposer.
The Caliphate between History and Myth 25

modern only in appearance, has no better chance of becoming

reality through demagogical rather than charismatic slogans.
These are unrealistic in their intention and outrageous in their
practice. They target once again people that are struggling to be
recognized as citizens and who appear condemned to remain
forever subjects. The presumed caliphate does not present a credi-
ble alternative, no more than it would a restoration of the Holy
Roman Empire in Europe. However, it speaks volumes of the
credible alternatives that are found in this globalized world, that
is clinging to any identity (more as belonging than believing), no
matter how fake or unrealistic (like marriage at the source of the
Po river, that the Celts never did practice). And yet it is a useful
harbor for the misfits of liquid society, as the destiny of the
nearby Balkans has eloquently and painfully shown not so long
ago, just outside of our doorstep.
2. The Centrality of the Enemy
in al-Baghdadis Caliphate
Andrea Plebani, Paolo Maggiolini

The idea of analyzing the theme of conflict and the relationship

with the other with reference to the self-styled Islamic State (IS)1
may appear as a merely rhetorical, almost tautological exercise.
The violence underlying IS activities and its all-out expansionist
attitude are, indeed, the aspects that most significantly characterize
the actions of the movement under the leadership of Abu Bakr al-
Baghdadi, also in light of the fact that IS makes no distinction
between adversaries (inimicus) and enemies (hostis). IS leaves no
room whatsoever for the right to exist of others in a shared social
or political space, except in submission and deprivation. This
principle inspires the IS narrative, starting from its peculiar con-
cept of caliphate, as clearly explained in the previous chapter, all
the way to the definition of and relationship with the other.
This is true not only with regard to the non-Muslim world, but
also towards the Muslim universe itself, as shown by the constant
application of takfir2, even for those jihadists who are not willing
to recognize the authority of the new caliph. It is clear that any

1 In Arabic Dawla al-Islamiyya or also Dawla Islamiyya fi Iraq wa Sham Islamic

State of Iraq and the Levant - Isil/Isis or Daish.
2 The term takfir identifies the act of declaring that a person or a practice is a

nonbeliever or non-Muslim (kafir, on which the term takfir is based). For Islam, a
declaration of takfir is a serious accusation and entails severe consequences for both
the accuser, who may be in turn accused of the same should his own declaration be
judged to be false, and for the accused, who may be sentenced to death. According
to IS, the question of takfir applies directly to the Muslim world, thus becoming an
instrument to legitimize the killing of Muslim believers accused of blasphemy or of
rejecting the true faith.
28 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

diversity, otherness or juxtaposition, either internal or external to

the world in which these subjects operate, falls within the category
of the enemy rather than the adversary.
The pages that follow aim to reflect on the concept of the cali-
phate in the IS message and to provide an analysis of the relation-
ship that IS has established between the enemy in its numerous
guises and media communication. More specifically, it will
focus on the identification of the ultimate target of the groups
violence and why it was lumped into the category of the hostis.
Interestingly, IS has not only achieved results in the field, but has
been able to resound its overbearing message through a careful
representation of the enemy as humiliated and defeated. With a
view to fueling this vision of the enemy, IS has been careful to
synchronize its activities across the local, regional and internation-
al dimensions, while also engaging in a campaign for recruitment
and an effort to spread terror across the board3.

The IS/violence connection

There is no doubt that the brutal use of violence by Dawla al-

Islamiyya and its aesthetic representation marks a qualitative leap
forward in the direction of an activity that contemporary jihadism
has appeared particularly concerned with since the early appear-
ances of al-Qaeda. With IS this relation has acquired even greater
weight. The enemy is not just the obstacle on the way to the
achievement of a political project, or simply the summation of
everything against which the group is called to fight, or a structur-
al threat that may be either near or far. The enemy becomes, in
fact, the object and the subject of the groups doctrine, eventually
coming to embody its very founding element, without which ISs
overall doctrine would fall apart and lose most of its meaning.

3 I. Eido, ISIS: The Explosion of Narratives The Land of the Revolution

Between Political and Metaphysical Eternities, Jadaliyya, 3 October 2014
The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 29

From an ideological point of view, the peculiar interpretation

of the relationship between the religious message and the political
objective (the reestablishment of the caliphate and the imposition
of sharia) promotes in a sort of short-circuit what is almost a
reification of violence, turning the religious dimension and
affiliation into a political matter. This result is achieved through a
two-pronged approach. On the one hand, violence thrives on the
power of the media and refers back to the traditional patterns of
the monopoly of power (war, punishment of the enemy, punish-
ment of those who do not comply with the law, etc.)4. On the
other, the constant and terrifying exposure to violence renders it
banal and readily dismissed. Through the reification of violence IS
aims to appeal to new recruits and to terrorize its enemies.
In its attempt to propose itself as the physical representation of
the ideal Islamic State, IS brings this reflection to its most extreme
consequences, rejecting the very concept of compromise with
anything other, both outside and inside the territory under the
groups control. At the same time, the interpretation of the sources
of the Koran that lies at the basis of the fundamentalist attitude of
entities like al-Qaeda and IS leads to a vision of the world rooted
in the need to fight the enemy, wherever he might be. In this
sense, there is no substantial difference between al-Qaeda and
IS in their doctrines towards the enemy, which are structured
around a peculiar interpretation of the Holy Book for a specific
political purpose. The West (identified as the home of the new
crusaders and of their Jewish allies), the several religious minor-
ities of the Middle East but also Muslims not adhering to the jihadi
message (both Shia and Sunni) are the enemy par excellence.
Additionally, compared to the traditional vision that dominated
the political arena of the Muslim world over the last centuries,
jihadist movements tend to view this classification according to an
ethical and de-territorialized approach. The battlefront is every-
where, because the distinction between friend and foe applies to
all places at all levels. That is because these movements propose a

4C. Lister, Profiling the Islamic State, Brookings Doha Center Analysis Paper, no. 13,
November 2014, p. 26.
30 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

view of the world that is no longer based on a separation between

the territory of Islam (dar al-Islam) and the land of war (dar al-
harb). IS itself stressed this view in the first issue of Dabiq de-
scribing a world clearly divided into two camps: on one side are
Islam and the mujaheddin supporting its laws. On the other disbe-
lief (kufr) and hypocrisy, namely Jews, crusaders and, with them
the rest of the nations and religions of kufr, all being led by Amer-
ica and Russia, and being mobilized by the Jews5.
There are, however, some distinctions to be made in terms of
priorities when facing the numerous enemies of the jihadist cause
and in the tactical decisions about how to channel violence against
them. According to bin Laden and al-Zawahiri the fight must be
oriented primarily against the so-called far enemy: the West led by
the United States, indicated as the new crusaders and their Jewish
allies6, with which no association or alliance is ever allowed.
Clearly, however, there are also near enemies exerting control and
occupying Muslim countries. But these are tactically secondary
according to al-Qaeda when compared to the far enemy. Fully at
ease in this scenario, IS takes this reasoning in a new direction in
its predisposition to violence and in the importance of the destruc-
tion of the near enemy. IS supports a radicalization of the Qaedist
cosmology that is turned upside-down, where the priority is as-
saulting the near enemy, without forgetting the far one. In this
context communication and media-fed psychological warfare
become strategically important because they allow IS to bring the
clashes in Iraq and Syria to an international plane7. This global
vision is evidence of ISs dreadfully contemporary dimension.

5 Dabiq, n. 1, 1435, Ramadam, pp. 11-12.

6 Cf. G. Kepel (ed.), Al-Qaeda. I testi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2006.
7 E. Brooking, The ISIS Propaganda Machine Is Horrifying and Effective. How

Does It Work?, Defense in Depth, 21 August 2014,
The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 31

A world ruled by enemies

Starting from these premises, the process for creating an enemy

represents the very foundation of the self-styled Islamic State, so
much so as to almost exclusively dominate its doctrine and propa-
ganda. Significantly, al-Baghdadi and his cohorts managed to
reverse the decline that affected the group at the end of the past
decade8. This was inevitable, considering the heavy and long-
lasting marks that the conflict within the Arab-Sunni galaxy in
Iraq had left on the ground. The collapse of ISI (the acronym used
as one of the early names of IS, meaning Islamic State in Iraq)
between 2006 and 2009 had deteriorated in the framework of
growing hostility to the movement among those who had once
been its main allies. It was the exploitation of these divisions that
had allowed the U.S. command to break up the axis that up to that
point had held together the Arab-Sunni-Iraqi community, the
insurrection and ISI. This led to the formation of awakening
councils9 (sahwa) that were fundamental in defeating the jihadist
forces. However, it was not an easy conflict, nor was it fought in
the light of day: the opposing sides were turning on each other
after sharing for years the same fight against the new Iraqi institu-
tions and their international patrons/protectors. These events,
together with the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq (completed
in 2011 and unanimously regarded as one of the main reasons for
the success of the Islamic State), called for an internal revolution
that could no longer be delayed. To ensure its revival, the group
could no longer engage in a fight against old ghosts or non-
existent enemies: its strategy needed to be adjusted to the new
local conditions, while remaining coherent with the guidelines
presented by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
As for other jihadist movements more or less directly connect-
ed to the al-Qaeda camp, al-Baghdadis group could never exist

8 See A. Plebani, The unfolding legacy of al-Qaida in Iraq, in Idem (ed.), New (and old)
patterns of jihadism: al-Qaida, the Islamic State and beyond, ISPI Studies, October 2014.
9 On this point see J. MacCary, The Anbar Awakening: an Alliance of Incentives,

The Washington Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 1, 2009.

32 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

without an opposing hostis. This approach builds on the themes

that have been expressed by a vast number of thinkers that domi-
nated the Islamist scene in the past century, including Abu al-Ala
al-Mawdudi, Sayyid Qutb, Abdullah Azzam, and Ayman al-
Zawahiri himself. Who is the enemy that the self-styled Islamic
State intends to strike anywhere, using any means, until it burns
the crusader armies in Dabiq?10. While in theory this category
includes all those who do not adhere to the plan of IS, the move-
ment devoted a large part of its doctrine and propaganda to clarify-
ing who shall be regarded as an enemy, which characteristics the
foe should possess, and based on which arguments it is legitimate
to regard the foe as such. According to this reasoning, it has often
been the case that theological elements have been lumped together
with more practical considerations, often in connection with
specific tactical and strategic interests.

The enemy within

In this sense, one major distinction could be made based on the
hostis belonging real or alleged - to the Islamic community. As
is the case with other jihadist movements, the enemy is not neces-
sarily and exclusively coming from outside dar al-Islam and the
circle of believers, but can be found also among those who appear
to be an integral part of the ummah (Islamic community) and that
the IS doctrine unequivocally labels as non-believers and as
such, punishable with death. In fact the group founded by al-
Zarqawi stood out in the early days of its establishment precisely
because of the fierce battle it engaged in with a number of Islamic
communities accused of having distorted the message of the
Prophet. By virtue of their positions, these groups were regarded
as even more dangerous than non-believers and the far enemy that
al-Qaeda had identified as its ultimate nemesis.

10 This is the formula from which Dabiq, an IS magazine, takes its name. The
sentence, that opens every issue, is attributed to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and sums up
the millenarianist vision of the group whose mission pursues the ultimate goal of the
apocalyptic battle at the end of time.
The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 33

Among the first names on ISs black list there are certainly
the Shia communities in the regional area. Generally indicated as
rawafid (those who reject), the Shias soon became the main
target of the operations launched by what was then al-Qaeda in
Iraq because of their positions considered diametrically opposed to
those of orthodox Sunni Islam. The massacres perpetrated by al-
Zarqawis fighters against the Shia community in Iraq were mostly
based on tactical rather than theological considerations. However,
they contributed significantly to the emergence of a sectarian drift
that, while present and historically rooted in the Middle-Eastern
scenario and connected to precise geopolitical dynamics11, was
thus reawakened and amplified. The groups position did not
coincide with that of the mainstream jihadist galaxy, which may
not have particularly appreciated the Shia community as such but
that repeatedly voiced harsh criticism of the groups conduct12.
Similar considerations mainly limited to the theological plane
also accompany the fight undertaken by IS against the Sufis and
their sanctuaries. This position is not exclusive to the movement
founded by al-Zarqawi and adopts a vision of the world guided by
a dichotomy whereby the Sufis are regarded as heterodox, an
unmistakable expression of the contamination to which the Islamic
faith had been exposed for centuries.
However, the self-styled caliphate does not devote its attention
solely to those forms of Islam that are traditionally accused of
being heterodox, but includes also a whole series of actors that,
while belonging to the Sunni Islamic world, do not recognize al-
Baghdadis authority. A doctrinal position that has led many

11In this instance, there is a clear reference to the geopolitical competition triggered
by what King Abdullah II of Jordan had at the time indicated as the Shia crescent,
meaning the growing political weight of Iran in the early 2000s. This theory is also
supported by the fact that the term rafida was often accompanied or replaced by
Persian-Safavid (safawi), thus anchoring the fight against the Shia enemy not only on
the religious and doctrinal plan, but also to geopolitics. Cf. V. Nasr, The Shia revival:
how conflicts within Islam will shape the future, W. W. Norton & Co, 2007.
12 Cf. S. Brooke, The Preacher and the Jihadi, in H. Fradkin, H. Haqqani, E. Brown

(eds.), Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, Hudson Institute Publications, vol. 2, 2005.
34 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

scholars to associate IS with the kharijite movement13. The same

treatment is reserved for those Islamist movements that, while
sharing part of the same doctrinal background, are not willing to
accept the authority of the caliphate and its supremacy. One case
in point is the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots, as well as
the Qaedist network that was repeatedly accused of having lost its

The enemy outside

As regards the enemy outside, IS whole-heartedly embraces the
jihadist view whereby the West, its allies and, in general, any
subject that is not a follower of Islam are its natural and necessary
targets. As noted earlier, IS does not contribute any significant
innovation to the definition of the enemy according to the pecu-
liar interpretation of jihadist groups. In this sense, the selection of
references in the Holy Sources is limited exclusively to those
passages that support and justify their armed and political struggle.
For this reason, every element or excerpt of the Koran that en-
courages coexistence with or acceptance of the other is ignored or
prosaically played down. Consequently, the overall Islamic reflec-
tion concerning the other brutally plummets into the ideological
abyss created by IS and leads to a tunnel vision that inevitably
regards the other as the enemy, classified according to the catego-
ries of non-believers (kuffar), polytheists (mushrik) or apostates
(murtad), as clearly expressed in the various videos and articles
released by the IS propaganda units. In fact this tripartite distinc-
tion may be misleading and should not be regarded only according
to the references found in the sources. If on the theoretical plane it
is possible to define the consequences of classifying the enemy

13 It is not easy to briefly explain the meaning of kharijite since this term has charac-
terized the whole history of Islam, referring to forms of religious and political
dissidence and attitudes defined by official powers as heretic vis--vis the Sunni
orthodoxy. In short, the use of this term aims to underscore the ambition of jihadist
movements to achieve the violent and militant overturn of the established religious
power and authorities, regarded as corrupt and rejecting the true principles con-
tained in the sources.
14 Cf. A. Plebani, (2014).
The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 35

according to such distinctions, in actual fact the IS propaganda and

the abundant use of vilification and violence makes them almost
interchangeable, depriving them of any contextual or theological
In the framework of IS propaganda, the importance of the cate-
gory of kuffar follows two directions that remain separate in spite
of occasional interconnections and overlaps. On the one hand the
use of this term identifies a whole external world roughly corre-
sponding to the West and its (Muslim and non-Muslim) allies to
which the jihadist galaxy and IS are clearly opposed. It is the
enemy that, according to the movement, is besieging Islam, threat-
ening its existence and requiring a defensive jihad. On the other,
the use of the kuffar category serves to blend together the question
of the enemy and the ethical and existential threat for the Muslim
believer. Thus transfigured, the kuffar becomes a scourge that
corrupts the Muslim believer himself: the bad company, as
noted in Dabiq15, that leads astray even the good believer who
complies with all the precepts of Islam and subjects him to the
constant risk of sinning. In the wake of this threat of contagion,
compromise and association, the good Muslim who lives peaceful-
ly among the kuffar is allegedly exposed to the most dangerous of
risks, namely abandoning or forsaking the jihad, a capital offense
in the eyes of IS. It is clear that this cosmic-ethical construction of
the relationship between the believer and the non-believer indi-
cates the need according to IS for Muslims to unequivocally
resolve the threat of contagion, first by acknowledging it and then
by deliberately choosing to take their distance from it by migrating
(hijra migration/separation) to the territories under IS control,
committing to its onslaught in the Middle East.
As regards the relation between IS and the enemy as kuffar in
the areas where the battle is fought, there is little doubt that the
various guarantees that have allowed Muslim societies to be ruled
as multi-religious empires over the centuries are recognized only
in theory and granted solely to the People of the Book (ahl al-

15 Dabiq, no. 3, 1435 Shawwal, p. 32.

36 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

kitab)16. As shown by numerous videos and online publications

released by IS, the question of protection (dhimma) in exchange
for the payment of a defense tax (jiziya) for the Peoples of the
Book is mentioned only rhetorically and prosaically, while in
actual fact IS has shown no mercy in Syria and Iraq towards the
Christians residing in those areas. Both in Raqqa in February 2014
and in Mosul in the summer of 2014 the militants of the self-styled
caliphate provided clear evidence of the fact that they intend to
pursue a policy of extermination and purge against the Chris-
tians17. Conversion was in fact the only option available to those
communities18. The introduction of the dhimma in the two consti-
tutions issued in Raqqa (February 2014) and Mosul (July 2014)
brought only a temporary halt to the actions of the IS armed
wing19. In Mosul, in particular, the dhimma was introduced in the
nothing but the sword form, anticipating a sort of truce rather
than the possibility of benefitting from the protection, no matter
how humiliating and degrading, of this institution. Thus IS al-
lowed only 48 hours to make the choice whether to embrace Islam
or leave the city. A kind of freedom that is merely rhetorical and
that in fact presupposed quite different intentions, in a crescendo
of skillfully directed and cruelly orchestrated pathos. In fact the
truth conveyed through videos and online materials showed ISs
intention to use the suffering and humiliation of these victims as a
clear and unequivocal manifesto of its military might and its
unwavering devotion to the annihilation of the other20. The deci-
sion to mark the property of Christians with the Arabic letter
nun (nasara) and that of Shia, Shabak and Turkmen communi-
ties with the Arabic letter ra (rafida) perfectly summarized the
intention of localizing and turning the suffering of the enemy into
a spectacle, generating terror and bewilderment internationally as

16 The followers of the recognized monotheistic religions (Christians, Jews, Zoroas-

19 Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian

Arab Republic, Rule of Terror: Living under ISIS in Syria, 14 November 2014, pp. 2-5.
The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 37

well as in the newly conquered territory21. Thus IS brought its

psychological warfare to its extreme consequences. Naturally, this
destructive and nihilistic attitude also lashed out against places of
worship, cemeteries and artistic sites that were desecrated and
The same fate also awaited the Yazidi community of Sinjar be-
tween July and August 2014. In this case, however, IS showed
special fury both in terms of physical force and in communication
efforts. The Yazidis are a minority group of Kurdish origin that,
from a religious standpoint, follows a mixture of mystical princi-
ples and religious and theological traditions dating back to the
ancient religions of the Middle East. In fact, the story of this
community has been marked by outbursts of persecution since the
days of the Ottoman Empire and various attempts at assimilation
under the various regimes of Iraq.
In their case the IS bias against mushrik (pagans) was brought
to the next level. Their martyrdom was staged openly, with delib-
erate pride, almost flaunted, using any communication tool availa-
ble. In this way the persecution of the Yazidis was construed as a
perfect example to show the (Muslim and non-Muslim) world the
meaning of the IS project and its application towards its enemies
and any potential threat. In the distorted ideology of this group,
the Yazidis are not simply pagans or mushrikun (polytheists), but
become the ultimate expression of the worst possible category of
enemies: an ethical enemy whose unrelenting rejection of the
Islamic message is reiterated in their ancient religious tradition.
For this reason any means are allowed to fight them according to
the IS propaganda. The only choice given them was conversion or
death. As noted in the articles that appeared in Dabiq about their
agony, IS systematically stressed that this community, unlike
Christians and Jews, could not be accepted in the dhimma. In the
context of Dawla al-Islamiyya, no protection was possible in
exchange for submission and humiliation.

38 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Thus the Yazidis became the ideal loot for IS, both in terms
of propaganda (the subjects on which to test and exercise the
heaviest bulk of violence, to be showcased on all available media)
and in the more material sense, with the enslavement of women
and children. The mainly symbolic reason for this massacre is
further confirmed by ISs decision to extend the battlefront to the
area of Jebel Sinjar (where the Yazidis reside) which holds no
particular strategic or operational value. This behavior can be
explained only by referring to the dynamics outlined above: the
jihadist leaders were not interested in the territories occupied by
the Yazidis or their possessions, but aimed to turn them into the
ideal sacrificial lamb to cement the unity of the composite front
put together by al-Baghdadi. It is distressing to read in the pages
of Dabiq22 that IS is actually feigning a positivist approach,
inviting the reader to become acquainted with this de-humanized
being, the Yazidi as mushrik. A plethora of selected sources and
opinions points in this direction without any specific purpose
except for an all-out effort to justify and rationalize the justness of
their murder, enslavement and humiliation. Dehumanized and
humiliated, the victims of IS become the ultimate symbols, exam-
ples of its unwavering and steadfast determination to establish a
new order that is pure and uniform, against all differences and
resistances. The enemy, stripped bare and helpless, serves a clear
purpose for Dawla al-Islamiyya, presenting a simplified interpre-
tation of religious tradition, shifting attention from the theoretical
plan to the suffering of the living flesh. At the same time this
operation also contributed to the psychological warfare that IS
engages in with no holds barred across all media platforms, show-
ing its strength, reifying as noted earlier the violence that it
delivers, and ritualizing the death and suffering of individuals and
groups alike.

22 Dabiq, no. 4, 1435 Dhul-Hijjah, pp. 14-17.

The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 39

IS and the necessity of violence

After ascertaining who IS identifies as its enemy, it is important to

understand why the creation of the enemy is so essential to IS
doctrine and propaganda. There is no doubt that the motivations
pertain to both the doctrinal plane and its grand strategy and,
perhaps more significantly, to tactical considerations. Since the
establishment of Tawhid wa-l-Jihad in Iraq (the precursor of the
movements that led to the creation of IS), the ability to hit the
enemy heavily and relentlessly has been the only means available
to the group to show their resilience in the face of mounting pres-
sure. Against the background that was outlined earlier, a combat
beast like IS could, and still can, survive only if it proves over
and over again that it can keep up the offensive, so as to convey a
message of aggressiveness targeting both its opponents and its
constituency and related actors. Unlike what one might expect,
ISs hold on the territories it controls is far from absolute and was
repeatedly tested by social actors and local centers of power
pursuing long-term agendas and objectives that differ significantly
from those of the group. Maintaining a consistently aggressive
stance and constantly high pressure from the outside has
served the need to strengthen its inward solidarity: keeping the
groups sense of mission alive, contributing to cement its spirit as
a single entity, and stressing its otherness vis--vis third-party
subjects. The latter is further achieved by dehumanizing (and de-
Islamizing in the case of enemies who claim to be Muslim) the
adversary. In this context, it is particularly interesting to analyze
how IS has managed and justified the conflict within the umma.
While IS has referred to a number of authors who have justified
extension of the fight to within the Islamic community, it has
raised the stake of intra-Islamic conflict to an unprecedented level.
The distinctive trait of the IS doctrine lies precisely in the fight
against those who claim to be Muslim but are regarded as the ones
responsible for the decay of the Islamic world and its return to a
state of jahilliya (ignorance) similar to the one that predates the
Prophets teachings. Rather than fighting the far enemy, it was the
declaration of war against the Islamic communities be them
40 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

heterodox or otherwise impure that made the group founded by

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi stand out from the rest of the jihadist
galaxy. It is against this background that one should interpret the
battle launched by al-Qaeda in Iraq and its epigones against the
Shia community, as well as the all-out fight against those Sunnis
who are unwilling to support the movements cause. In the former
case, the use of violence is justified by the decision of the victims
not to recognize the authority of the caliphs that followed Ali
(significantly, the term used to identify them is rafida) and there-
fore to perpetuate the division that indelibly marked Islam in its
early days. In the latter, the conflict was triggered not by the
formal rejection of Sunni orthodoxy but by the decision not to
adhere to the movements ultra radical message and therefore to
choose to err in spite of having been exposed to the truth (hence
the resort to the concept of taghut23 and to the practice of takfir).
However, the decision to concentrate the conflict within the Is-
lamic community is not based exclusively on theological and
doctrinal considerations. In fact it often stems from more material-
istic, more exigent priorities, as well as strategic and tactical
reasons. As correctly argued by Brian Fishmann, Abu Musab al-
Zarqawis decision to hit the Iraqi Shia community (and trigger a
civil war) was rooted in a vision of the evils of the Islamic world
whereby the near enemy is more dangerous than the far one24. But
it also stemmed from the need to prevent the start of a national
reconciliation process that would have led to the integration of the
Iraqi Sunni Arab community into the new post-Saddam order an
event that would have translated into the defeat of the movement
led by the Jordanian leader, for whom the support of the Iraqi
Sunnis was the condicio sine qua non to engage in an armed

23 The world taghut (literally rebel or cross the boundaries) denotes who exceed
their limits, imposing their rebellion against the will of God upon others. According-
ly, jihadist movements employ this word to address contemporary Arab leaders
considered morally corrupted tyrants.
24 B. Fishman, After Zarqawi: the dilemmas and future of Al Qaeda in Iraq, The

Washington Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 4, 2006, pp. 20-21.

The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 41

Targeting [Shia] in religious, political, and military depth will

provoke them to show the Sunnis their rabies [] and bare the
teeth of the hidden rancor working in their breasts. If we succeed
in dragging them into the arena of sectarian war, it will become
possible to awaken the inattentive Sunnis as they feel imminent
danger and annihilating death at the hands of the Sabeans25.
It should also be noted that the particular fury against the Shias
can be explained by ISs ambition to found a new state, regardless
of the divisions and the borders of the Middle East. IS views its
relation with the Shia community not only in religious terms, but
also according to eminently geopolitical considerations. Thus in
Iraq, where the Shias exercised control over the political life of the
country until the demise of Saddam Hussein, IS defined their
defeat and humiliation as the liberation of the Sunni from the
yoke of oppression26. These cross-references may appear at times
more contextual than the result of rigorous logic and shed light on
the ways in which IS mixes together religious and political
elements to serve the purpose of an agenda that clearly fills the
crannies of the Middle-Eastern region for the purpose of creating a
new state.
Moreover, material and spiritual interests cannot lose sight of
the rules of realpolitik not only as regards the fight against the
enemies that lie outside of the caliphate, but also against those
fifth columns within the IS territory. For this reason the viola-
tion of orders or norms imposed by IS is punished with exemplary
violence: lashing out at a full-fledged member of the caliphate
conveys a message of coherence and faith in an uncompromising
purity that adds polish to the movements aura of sacredness
while, at the same time, consolidating al-Baghdadis hold on the
territory according to the principle that calls for the elimination
of one enemy to educate one hundred. It is in this context that
one should look at the punishments inflicted in the public square at
regular intervals in the groups strongholds, but also the extreme
savagery adopted by IS against anyone daring to oppose its su-

25 Ibidem, p. 23.
26 Islamic State Report, Issue 3, Shaban 1435, p. 1.
42 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

premacy, as shown by the elimination of hundreds of members of

the al-Bu Nimr and al-Jubur tribes (in Iraq) and the Sheitat tribe
(in Syria)27. This obsession with public order and morality recent-
ly led IS to punish 13 youngsters solely for having watched a
match played by the Iraqi national football team. An act that
testifies to ISs desire to rigidly control the behavior of those who
represent, in its view, the future citizens of the caliphate. The
intransigence that IS has shown towards them should therefore
come as no surprise: the very fact that those kids were supporting
the national team of a state the group considers artificial and alien
to the Islamic message was considered one of the worse crimes
they could commit. After all, among ISs fiercest enemies are all
the states of the Middle East, their borders and identities, regard-
less of whether they are real, imagined, artificial or a mere pre-
The conflict engaged in with the Kurds deserves a special men-
tion. The Kurds are among the bitterest enemies of the self-styled
Islamic State both in Iraq and in Syria. They are presented on the
doctrinal plan as hostis not by virtue of their specific ethnic identi-
ty but because of their disbelief (or outright atheism in some
passages, in light of their proximity to far-left movements). In this
sense it is particularly interesting to read a passage in issue 5 of
Dabiq attributed to IS spokesperson Abu Muhammad al-Adnani:
Our war with the Kurds is a religious war. It is not a nationalistic
war we seek the refuge of Allah. We do not fight Kurds be-
cause they are Kurds. Rather we fight the disbelievers amongst
them, the allies of the crusaders and Jews in their war against the

27 O. Holmes, S. al-Khalidi, Islamic State executed 700 people from Syrian tribe:
monitoring group, Reuters, 16 August 2014.
28 Islamic State Report, Issue 4, Shaban 1435, p. 2.
29 Dabiq, no. 5, 1436 Muharram, p. 12.
The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 43


The relationship between communication, the enemy and its

elimination has primary strategic value in the war waged by IS. It
is precisely this connection that allows the group to support its
propaganda machine both for the fight against the external enemy
(at the operational and psychological levels) and the jihadist
world. In this way IS seeks to achieve primacy in recruitment and
in the jihadist struggle. At the same time, by pursuing the objec-
tive of establishing itself as a state, IS views the enemy as the
most natural vehicle to impose its monopoly of violence within a
given territory, through punishment and repression showing its
ability to impose public order. The exhibition of the enemy, his
punishment and elimination are therefore essential on the ruthless
path to the creation of a state or proto-state. At the same time,
from a strategic point of view the relationship between the enemy
and communication provides the possibility to express the mean-
ing of a political project inspired by standardization and uniformi-
ty among the subjects that it sets out to govern, according to the
most radical and deviant vision of the principle of the nation-state.
Consequently, the extirpation of those who are different and the
call to immigrate (hijra) become one and the same. Moreover, ISs
subtle communication skills that are aesthetically effective as
well as articulated in the use of a variety of media support its
desire to present itself as an organized, structured and distinct
entity, not unlike perhaps even better than any modern nation-
state. Lastly, in view of perpetual war, the possibility of combin-
ing the battle in the field with the one in the media, may play in
ISs favor, wearing down the near enemy or facilitating escape, so
as to enlarge the communities of refugees in nearby countries,
which are likely to become the enemies of tomorrow. The latter is
an aspect that is strategically important in that it may lead to the
destabilization of these areas and that could boost the expansionist
ambitions of IS according to the strategy of the 5 stages30.

30 While IS has not introduced any concrete innovation in the strategy for the
reestablishment of the caliphate (al-khilafa), it clearly illustrated this path in the first
44 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

From a tactical point of view, it is clear that IS concentrates, or

rather, deliberately organizes its propaganda and communication
strategy in stages, focusing on the representation of individual
groups as dictated by exigent needs and convenience, reflecting to
some extent the stage reached at a certain point by the organiza-
tion and connected to tactical-strategic considerations. The deci-
sion to focus almost exclusively at first, as can be gathered from
ISN news, another publication produced by IS along with Dabiq
on the Shias probably aimed at providing an image and adding
momentum to the fight against the central state, in view of the so-
called liberation. Later, particularly around the time of the cap-
ture of Mosul and the attack against Jabal Sinjar, Christians and
Yazidis were tactically turned into symbolic targets, for various
reasons, to generate significant media coverage, to showcase ISs
success internationally, and to terrorize nearby populations for the
purpose of continuing expansion.
From a practical and institutional point of view, while IS stands
out for the gruesomeness of its attitude and behavior, it remains a
political-social entity that needs to construct an identity making it
different and recognizable in the jihadist scenario and by the
enemies against which it is fighting. This element is essential to
provide legitimization in the eyes of its own militants and new
acolytes. Thus this operation becomes all the more important both
to ensure cohesion inside its constituency and in view of possible
expansion. Defining the enemy and communicating are useful
tools to underscore the unique nature of its mission and its cause.
At the same time, the construction of the image of the enemy as an
ethical and ontological threat is necessary to IS to ensure that its
fighters are focused on the battles objective and to provide moti-
vation. This becomes all the more important in view of the con-
struction of a state that requires the defense of a territory and the

issue of Dabiq. The 5 stages or required phases would be: hijra (migration strategic
detachment from a hostile territory towards an area where the central authority is
weak); jamaa (congregation and training of new recruits); destabilizing the taghut
(creating chaos and bringing down the tyrannical regime); tamkin (replacing disorder
by creating a new state); khilafa (caliphate). Dabiq, no. 1, 1435 Ramadan, p. 40.
The Centrality of the Enemy in al-Baghdadis Caliphate 45

constant control of its inhabitants. As such it must be able to count

on a cohesive and motivated system. Moreover, the nihilistic
exhibition of death and humiliation is instrumental to IS to in-
crease external pressure. As indicated by the so-called Simmel
rule31, the level of external pressure is directly related to the
degree of internal cohesion of a group. In order to devote itself to
the conquest and creation of a state that is solely designed for
those who declare themselves to be Islamic, according to its
particular interpretation, IS needs conflict. The purging of those
who follow a different faith and anyone other in general is
essential to trigger an external reaction feeding its own narrative.
Generating a certain level of indignation is not only part of a tactic
of terror, but is also a manipulative move to strengthen its constit-
uency depending on what measure appears most convenient.
Lastly, from an existential point of view, the enemy serves to
provide a secular and modern-day context for the cause that is
defined according to a millennial tradition. The exhibition of the
humiliation and the elimination of the enemy, therefore, allows IS
to bring this cause into the present, with no hesitation. In this
sense no time scale is broad enough to bring the conflict to a
close32. No defeat can entail the abdication of the battle, whose
triumph is entrusted to the hands of God who has already deter-
mined the fate of the enemy in the afterlife which is solely and
inevitably hell.
Indeed, it is clear that the relationship between communication
and the enemy is articulated by IS to hit both external adversaries
(as seen in the decision to convey all its messages in Western
languages as well as Arabic and the predilection for the use of
instruments like Twitter and the social networks in general) and to
persuade and entice new acolytes. From the recruitment viewpoint
the violence shown in a cinematic fashion and building on the

31 T.H. Eriksen, Ethnic identity, national identity and intergroup conflict: The significance of
personal experiences, in R.D. Ashmore, L.J. Jussim, D. Wilder (eds.), Social identity,
intergroup conflict, and conflict reduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001, p. 63.
32 There is no life without jihad and there is no jihad without hijrah, Dabiq, no. 3,

1435 Shawwal, p. 31.

46 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

powerfully engaging appeal of a videogame seems to point to ISs

determination to target the younger groups of the population, who
are possibly easier to influence. These are the recruits that IS is
aiming to persuade. At the same time this approach becomes an
effective weapon against the adversarial other, because violence
presented according to Hollywood standards and style is perfectly
suited to a variety of media and to being conveyed and shared
online (both individually and through official broadcasters). In this
way IS communication easily goes viral, turning the nihilistic
exhibition of violence into a language that is readily understood by
the average Western viewer, thus maximizing the psychological
effect on the groups target.
Part II
Communication Strategies
3. The Islamic State: Not That Surprising,
If You Know Where To Look
Monica Maggioni

There is a before and after in public opinions perception of the

establishment of the self-styled Islamic State and its appearance on
the worlds stage. The watershed date is 29 June 2014, when Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed the creation of the caliphate.
At that moment the attention of the media focused again on
Iraq and the whole region, after years in which every piece of
news coming from there was accepted with a sense of numbness.
What we used to call the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL/ISIS) chose to proclaim the establishment of the Islamic
caliphate in the territories it conquered in Syria and Iraq. It did so
through a speech delivered by al-Baghdadi at the mosque in Mo-
sul1, while in a press release on the Internet it encouraged all
fellow Muslims to ally in this new battle. At the same time, ISIL
announced that its name had changed to Islamic State and that its
leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had risen to the rank of caliph, the
prophets successor.
ISILs spokesman said the caliphate is every Muslims dream
and every jihadists desire. It was a way to get every Islamic
believer involved, but also a subtle threat meaning that for every
Muslim, with the establishment of the caliphate, their duty is to
pledge allegiance to the caliph. And to other jihadist groups, he
added: There is no religious excuse not to support this State. Be
aware that with the declaration of the caliphate, your groups have

50 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

lost their legitimacy. No one is authorized not to pledge allegiance

to the caliphate.
The message of the caliphates foundation was disseminated
using three communication media at the same time: direct preach-
ing by al-Baghdadi at the mosque in Mosul (the video was intro-
duced by Al-Furqan media foundation presents); a press release
which the spokesman entrusted to the Internet and, consequently,
to the media of the whole world; and then another video (intended
for global distribution) which immediately clarified the newly
established caliphates political perspective and position with
regard to the states and territories it is active in. Significantly, the
video's title reads: The end of Sykes-Picot2. It refers to the
agreement reached by France and the UK in 1916 (officially
known as the Asia Minor Agreement), signed by Franois George-
Picot and sir Mark Sykes, with which London and Paris defined
their areas of influence in the Middle East after World War I.
Yet, on that June day, none of the caliphs messages was as
strong as that last video, which irrevocably marked a change in
pace and strategy for the organization. The video stated the new
objectives and choices of the leader and his followers.
The caliphs men were basically outlining the moves and oper-
ating strategies that would then be carried out in the following
months by the Islamic State supporters.
The end of Sykes-Picot lasts fifteen minutes and four sec-
onds, it is in full HD with skillful framing and a good choice of
light. Sound mixing is professional, too. The symbol of the pro-
ducing company al-Hayat is shown in the top-right corner, togeth-
er with that of the media center Al-Itisam Establishment for
Media Production, which has been acting as a producer of media
contents for various Sunni jihadist groups over the years in Iraq.
A young bearded man appears on screen with a name caption
that reads Abu Safiyya from Chile, in line with the narrative
tradition of official audiovisual media around the world. The
young man is in an unspecified location in the desert (he immedi-
ately clarifies that it is the border between Syria and Iraq); an iron

The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 51

rod behind him. The ritual formula basmala is of course in

Arabic, but the man rapidly switches to English when he starts his
talk. The images are from al-Qaim, the border between Syria and
Iraq conquered by ISISs men, and the bearded youth confirms,
This is not the first border we have destroyed, and we will de-
stroy others, he says, mentioning Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon.
But who is Abu Safiyya3?
The name caption provides a piece of information that is im-
portant both in itself and because it is found there in the first place.
The videos director has a precise message to convey before any
other: the name caption in the first sequence is not just a way to
communicate the operating name of the jihadist protagonist of this
video. It is a way to immediately characterize him as a foreign-
er: he is from Chile says the caption and a few instants after
the ritual formula, we hear him speak English.
Bastin Vsquez, known as Abu Safiyya, is a Norwegian citi-
zen of Chilean origins. He is 25 years old and in his recent history
(since 2008) has followed the typical path of young converts who
rapidly sets out on the path of radical Islam. His family moved to
Norway during the dictatorship in Chile; hanging out in the sub-
urbs where immigrants from all over the world lived, he joined a
hip-hop band; around 2009 he converted to Islam after becoming
acquainted with Mohyeldeen Mohammad, an Iraqi known to the
police for his violent reaction to the cartoons against the prophet
Muhammad in 20104. Mohammad is one of the first Norwegian
jihadists to go fight in Syria. In the meantime, Vasquez was
among the instigators of the protest in front of the American
Embassy in Oslo in 2012, together with the members of the Nor-
wegian extremist group The Prophets Ummah. In the weeks
after the protest, he left Norway to join his friend Mohammed in
Syria. In 2013, under his new name Abu Safiyya, he himself
posted on Facebook that he was in Aleppo with ISIS.

3 A. McNeice, Abu Safiyya Police launch investigation into Chilean-Norwegian

jihadist in Syria, Thu, 3 July 2014.
4 Images of the protest:
52 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

It was not by chance that Bastian Vsquez became the protago-

nist of the first video shown to the world by the Caliphate a few
hours after its establishment. Abu Safiyya was chosen because he
represents what the new ISIS wants to be: he is the symbolic
representation of its message and, at the same time, of its main
target audience.
When the establishment of the caliphate was announced, ISIS
proclaimed its intention to become a state and to identify itself
with a precise territorial entity. In June 2014, al-Baghdadis mes-
sage and that of his followers to the world was not to build a
guerrilla movement or a terrorist organization (which they have
been for years, and there for all to see, even though very little has
been done to stop them), but a real state. A state with an organiza-
tion, with its own governing institutions and well-defined powers.
But there is more: it is a state with strong ambitions of expansion
both in terms of territories and population. It is a state based on an
ideology, a religion, a frame of thoughts and values which poten-
tially all good Muslims should identify with. At least, this is what
the caliph and his followers think and preach.
So, according to them, the IS is a state whose first objective is
to explain the ideal foundations and political objectives that justify
its establishment and existence (its not a coincidence that the first
video released in the caliphate era is the one declaring the end of
the borders set at the beginning of the last century by the crusad-
ers). The Islamic State is not content with todays successes.
Mosul is not enough, the hundreds of foreign fighters arrived in
Syria and Iraq to fight the jihad are not enough. The caliph needs
new followers, needs to call in believers from all over the world.
This is the target of its propaganda machine: convincing new
subjects, and making the jihadist proposal attractive.
Political strategy and media tactics go hand in hand, following
the same logic.
For all these reasons, analyzing ISISs communication styles
becomes fundamental, especially with regard to its most recent
phase (after the caliphate was proclaimed), in order to understand
its future moves. At the same time, analyzing everything that
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 53

happened before that 29 June is important to understand the con-

nections and the preparation that went on in the years when Iraq
was left to its own devices. It is important to fully appreciate the
continuity of that before and after that has been presented by
many as a surprise move, but which is hardly surprising at all.
Analyzing the before will perhaps allow us to try and under-
stand why nothing significant has been done to intercept al-
Baghdadis action when things would have been maybe easier
to handle.
This is why spending a few moments on the analysis of the
symbolic value of Chilean-Norwegian Abu Safiyyas appearance
in the first frames of the End of Sykes-Picot video is worth-
while. The name caption, which brings us thousands of miles from
the Iraqi desert, is the trademark of the new caliphate going be-
yond borders, being attractive and presenting itself as a global
political project, appealing to young Muslims all over the world to
enlarge its borders and strengthen the new Islamic State.
With the IS, the recruitment process, as well as the building of
the jihads fascination, have entered a new phase.
For years, the path from radicalization to recruitment, fighting
and martyrdom took place in secret and in silence, in the shadows.
We would see the faces of mujaheddin only after their sacrifice,
when they had already turned into shahid, martyrs.
Today this is no longer the case.
Fighters hold discussions on the Internet, post videos of them-
selves leaving for the new state, talk about their everyday life
made of indoctrination (doctrine, to their eyes) and life models
different from those they come from5.
The new fighters are finding a stage where they can be protag-
onists already in this life, before martyrdom: they already have a
global audience to play for and they enjoy an unexpected populari-
ty. Their journey, often with no return, is colored by magnificent
prospects of lives alternating heroic acts and everyday delights.
This is the IS they talk about in their videos on the web. And some

5 European jihadists, It aint half hot here, mum. Why and how Westerners go to
fight in Syria and Iraq, The Economist, 30 August 2014.
54 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

have the opportunity to become protagonists, like Abu Safiyya

from Chile.
As many of the converts, Abu Safiyya probably doesnt even
speak good Arabic. He obsessively repeats inshallah and
alhamdulillah in a double effort to justify himself from a lin-
guistic, as well as ideological point of view.
The whole lexical choice, though, implies an ideological struc-
ture that has to be evident to the watcher: So-called border, so-
called check point, says Abu Safiyya, to underline that nothing
that was codified by Western history should be taken for granted;
to state that history can be re-written from the beginning.
The video is divided into narrative portions marked by the clas-
sic fade to black, used in the narrative sequence of contempo-
rary trailers and videos. Every scenes detail is accurately
described in the speech. The caliphates first reportage leaves
nothing to chance. The map drawn on the wall of the al-Qaim
border post is intended to explain that that border no longer exists.
Iraqi and Syrian soldiers badges are picked up from the floor and
described: for each of them there is an explanation that aims to
underline the cowardice of the armies of unfaithful states. They
took these [badges] off their uniforms, they threw their uniforms
in the streets and they ran away, the narrator tells us.
The following scene appears again and again in the video: Abu
Safiyya hoists the black caliphate flag on the post where the flags
of the states whose armies fled used to wave. Abu Safiyya then
embarks on religious explanations, saying that Yazidis worship the
devil, and before letting us into the prison he says, Exclusive for
This sounds very familiar, too familiar in fact. It is the lan-
guage of journalism, the language of marketing of things and news
that we hear every day. Only this time whats exclusive for us is a
meeting with terrified prisoners awaiting the end. The 25-year-old
Chilean-Norwegian plays the perfect caliphate reporter. The
western-style report codes are systematically applied to the
caliphs message, creating a narrative contrast the strength of
which is hard to miss.
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 55

It is about words and narrating techniques, as well as technolo-

gy: it is the result of the use of low-cost, easy-to-carry digital
cameras with extraordinary performance, allowing the global
holy war fighters to copy the western narrative model, bending it
to the message of their concept of jihad. Step by step, computers,
the Internet and the social media become ideal tools to disseminate
the contemporary jihadist epic. Abu Safiyya is the first of a series
of more or less volunteer story-tellers of this new version of
history we have been learning from June 2014 onward.

From al-Zarqawi beheading Nick Berg to James Fowley.

Stories of doctrine, propaganda and beheadings

Mosul, the city in Northern Iraq where the caliphate was declared,
did not appear in western newspapers and Italian ones in particu-
lar for years.
The second largest city in Iraq showed up in a few sporadic
lines in the news about the persecutions against Christians in the
Nineveh province or in the case of spectacular actions such as
when prisons were attacked to set the prisoners free.
Iraq has become a sort of black hole in the narration of the
world and its stories. Even in 2011, when the Syrian question
broke out, most media treated it as a different problem, separated
from the Iraqi one. Apparently it did not matter that the two States
share a 605 km (375 miles) border; that jihadists have been cross-
ing it continuously, first toward Iraq (since the very beginning of
the U.S. war in 2003) and in recent years in the opposite direction,
toward Syria; that the corridors of oils black market are indisput-
ably important; that hints have been made repeatedly at sinister
training camps for hard-to-identify rebels. None of this apparently
mattered, and the information was disregarded.
The media, who forget yesterday and focus on today, have be-
come an ideal terrain where jihadist story-telling can grow, con-
solidate and find its own codes undisturbed: some codes are
original, others use the same signs of western codes, but complete-
ly opposite meanings.
56 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

As we are about to see.

Let us go back in time. On 7 May 2004, al-Zarqawi beheaded
Nick Berg. For the first time a video showed an al-Qaeda hostage
wearing the same orange uniform as the prisoners at Guantanamo.
It is a symbol that remains to be explained.
The man who put his knife to the throat of the communication
technician who had left the al-Fanar hotel, right in the center of
Baghdad, for the last time on 10 April has a complicated back-
ground. He had fought with the mujaheddin in Afghanistan, strug-
gling to legitimize himself in the eyes of the qaedist establishment
for years, but at that time he was in deep conflict with al-Qaedas
leaders, who did not want to recognize his affiliation and role as
manager of the organizations Iraqi franchise.
Though the video of the Americans slaughtering was criticized
by al-Zawahiri, bin Ladens deputy, it helped Abu Musab al-
Zarqawi to finally consolidate his position as al-Qaedas chief in
In May 2004, this bloody message was addressed to both the
jihadist community and the American people, who were expected
to interpret the horrors shown in that video as retaliation for the
atrocities they perpetrated during the war.
So, despite some initial resistance, al-Zarqawis aggressive
strategy, also on a communication level, paid off even within al-
Qaeda. On 27 December 2004 of the same year, it was Osama bin
Laden himself who acknowledged al-Zarqawi as al-Qaedas emir
in Iraq, stating: We call for the unification of jihadist groups
under one rule, recognizing al-Zarqawi as al-Qaedas emir in

6 Bin Ladin acknowledges al-Zarqawi and calls for a boycott of elections in Iraq, [in Arabic], 27 December 2004,; Bin Ladin
praises al-Zarqawi and acknowledges his leadership of al-Qaida in Iraq, [in Arabic], 27 December 2004,; an audio file
with this recording is available on al-Jazeera,
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 57

This event sanctioned al-Qaedas presence in post-war Iraq as

the catalyst of Sunni rage. This presence, in spite of some ups and
downs, has remained constant since 2004, legitimizing itself
through guerrilla actions, supporting Sunnis and often protecting
them from Shias aggressions. Over the years, its groups have
changed names and split up, but they have expertly exploited the
Sunni communitys resentment against the new Shia governments,
whose ungrounded arrogance derived from their majority in the
elections and the support of both Teheran and the West.
In the diverse jihadist galaxy, al-Qaeda has always shown its
strength and that of its propaganda even (or, should we say,
especially) in the years when the west showed little interest for
The Qaedist/jihadists voice has always left its mark: it has
maintained a dialogue with the Iraqi people and its own followers
at global level, and it has sent messages on the Internet and else-
where. Let us analyze a few examples: the exercise can be useful
to realize that the Islamic States declaration should come as no
surprise, and to wonder why nothing was done in the meantime.
Since 2004 Sunni insurgents who have largely converged in-
to the jihadist universe despite their very diverse origin, culture
and motives have used the Internet to spread their message and
advertise their guerrilla actions against the occupying army. Vide-
os made by the guerrillas propaganda machine have earned global
resonance through satellite TV networks (al-Jazeera, al-Arabia)
which have regularly turned amateur videos and hand-made mes-
sages into communication tools that can reach any latitude.
The video of Nick Bergs beheading marked a change in pace
and inaugurated a sinister tradition: between 2004 and 2005, the
kidnapped narrative series followed a precise script including
Westerners kneeling down with a Kalashnikov-armed mujaheddin
standing behind them. Parallel to this series, the rhetoric of video-
narrations also developed, describing actions against the coali-
tions men and means.
Improvised film-makers systematically followed every action
against coalition forces, with very limited technical and narrative
58 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

ability. They were evidently embedded in the fighting groups.

Within a few hours of the action, the corresponding video was
released on jihadist websites.
Together with these videos, an endless stream of promotional
material and propaganda was published every day on the Internet
and on the social media.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi did not stop at being filmed while be-
heading Nick Berg: convinced as he was that his message should
get across to his enemies with violence, thus strengthening the
mujaheddins action, he created a media unit proper whose first
traces can be found in Fallujah7.
Jihadist leaders were focusing on representing their moves
through the media and that was a fact. The structure through
which their message was delivered on the media was strengthened
and continued even after al-Qaedas emir in Iraq died8.
The narration of what was happening on the Iraqi battlefield
had an effect that reached far beyond the Land of Two Rivers. The
jihadist message of the guerrilla men fighting against the coalition
fuelled the global anti-West war narrative, which has been gaining
momentum on the Internet since 9-11. Although there is no pro-
duction center for holy war propaganda, messages and symbols
are completely coherent.
The live description of what happens in the field, as well as
claims of responsibility and propaganda have multiplied during
the years and became particularly efficient in 2007, in the days of
violence in Baghdad at the beginning of the upsurge.
On 26-27 March, the Al-Fajr Media Center persistently posted
detailed descriptions of the attacks against the American crusad-
Insurgents also produced a number of propaganda documents
to explain their ideology and to make sure they were not regarded
as a band of throat-cutting fighters, but as a vast group with an
action plan and a structured political project.

7 The Devoted Son, al-Furqan, Issue no. 30.

8 The Islamic State Of Iraq Announces al-Furqan Institute For Media Publication
time, Kavkaz Center, 4 November 2006, 12:08.
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 59

In February 2006, a report by International Crisis Group ana-

lyzed the situation and concluded that insurgent groups belonged
to a mixture of Salafism and patriotism which dilutes all distinc-
tion between foreign jihadists and Iraqi fighters9. The ambiguity
in the interpretation of the events that followed was largely based
on this unclear distinction. In those years, insurgents and jihadists
produced an impressive quantity of propaganda material which
was gathered on the Internet and used to build the foundations of
the ideology and narrative of the holy war against the West.
The production of videos was often linked to the presence of
foreign fighters. Their arrival from Europe and the United States
marked a significant improvement in the quality level and formal
accuracy of video material.
However, it is worthwhile to stop and consider what happened
in 2007 with regard to self-representation, despite a lack of means
and narrative ability on the part of both the insurgents and ji-
hadists. Amateur cameras were systematically used to record
scenes of U.S. Humvees being blown up, insurgents killing sol-
diers and, as if in a game of mirrors, Western professional cameras
recording jihadists being killed by the coalition forces.
Fighting groups logos appeared regularly on videos that pro-
vided their own version of the attacks against the coalition
forces, which often was completely different from that of official
military reports.
At this point, the video recordings of the attacks followed a set
ritual: in the first seconds, the credits of the group in charge of
the operation would appear on screen, and the video was intro-
duced by a quote from the Koran.
In some cases the packaging became more professional, when
videos were produced by official media centers such as al-Furqan:
in these instances the logo of the production company would
appear next to that of the operating group.

9The Next Iraqi War? Sectarianism and Civil Conflict, International Crisis Group,
Middle East Report, no. 52, 27 February 2006.
60 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

In 2006 al-Boraq produced the film series called Juba10. A

number of episodes told the story of the legendary sniper of Bagh-
dad, who allegedly killed 668 crusaders in 2005, according to a
version accredited also by many newspapers. The film consisted
of four parts with amateur images showing U.S. soldiers killed by
snipers and an almost non-existent narrative structure.
Rough and lacking resources as it was, it marked the beginning
of a systematic double narration, a true counter-information ser-
Jihadists understood that systematically producing information
was the way to achieve legitimization with their local audience as
well as with global jihadism. The various groups created press
agencies of some sort to write press releases for journalists, copy-
ing the format and style of the coalition forces.
A clear example is the report of the events of 12 April 2007. published an Iraqi Resistance Report describing
what happened on that Thursday in a very precise manner, but
very different from the official press agencies report.
So, at a time when the distinction between insurgents and
ISI/al-Qaedas jihadists was fading, the technical abilities of what
was left of the information apparatus of Saddams regime were
pooled with the new skills (mainly pertaining to the Internet and
video making) of foreign fighters.
In the same years, magazines started to be systematically pro-
duced. Some were rougher, some were more structured.
The bimonthly magazine al-Fursan was set up around 2005
and was published until the end of 2007. It is quite a substantial
magazine: just consider that issue no. 10 of 2006 consisted of 64
pages, the first 6 of which were dedicated to a graphic illustration
of the groups military results.
In the meantime, the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) pub-
lished 33 issues of Sada al-Rafidayn (The echo of the two riv-
ers), the self-defined weekly magazine of jihad and mujaheddin.
These are just examples of the many publications that have
thrived in recent years: tracking them gives us a more precise idea

The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 61

of continuity with the production of these past months (in particu-

lar with Inspire and Dabiq), which will be examined later.
Also with regard to magazines, what can be noticed is a natural
evolution taking place over the years, rather than any of the sur-
prises described in the mainstream media.
In those same years, on the Internet there was an increase in the
production of videos for PODs and films on al-Qaedas action at
global level. Al-Sahab, which is considered the central organiza-
tions media center, increased the quantity and quality of its filmed
material. In order to ensure that the message would spread also to
those who are not familiar with Arabic, English subtitles were
added to the most significant videos.
Its narrative was now global, and even more so thanks to an
ad-hoc structure, the GIMF.
The need for systematic counter-information and for a jihadist
brand linked to some sort of coordination was highlighted in a
document dated 21 September 2006 and published by al-Boraq
with the title Media Exuberance. It explained that jihadist media
had to follow rules regarding plagiarism and sources. The idea was
to create reliable documents to compete against traditional media
documents in terms of credibility. All these indications justify the
idea of a media coordinating unit with trans-regional supervision.
The need to build authoritative information in order to counter-
balance the crusaders mainstream information was stressed again
and again. It also became an explicit political statement: on 2 May
2007 the Mujahideen Army and Ansar al-Sunnas Legal Commit-
tee declared that media operators, speakers and writers have to
tell the truth and aim their arrows against what is false because
communication is half the battle.
Thus communication becomes half the battle and it is becom-
ing all the more crucial to understand what happens in the jihadist
universe: from Pakistan to Iraq at war, from Maghreb to Somalia,
messages are spread, year after year, according to patterns that are
strikingly coherent.
The Somali case is significant in this sense.
62 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Between 2007 and 2010 the jihadist group Harakat al-Shabaab

dedicated resources and men as never before to the communica-
tion effort. Its aim was precise: presenting itself as a Somali state
structure, claiming the role of legitimate successor of the Islamic
courts. During those years, many young fighters of European and
North American origin joined the movement. They played a key
role in the groups media strategy. The main character is Omar
Abu Mansur al-Amriki Hammami.
In those years, as we have seen, jihadist groups in Iraq were al-
ready developing their communication system, while in Somalia
the holy war tale was still quite primitive. The best production
consisted in speeches given in front of a fixed camera: the quality
was reminiscent of the very early productions by al-Qaedas
leaders. Only rarely did amateur videos feature images of spectac-
ular actions on the battlefield.
Then something happened. On 20 September 2009, Harakat al-
Shabaab released a 48-minute film titled Labbayk Ya Usama11,
in which Harakats leader, Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr, pledged
allegiance to central al-Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden.
This was a first-class multimedia production, with excellent narra-
tive structure and audio quality. But the key point is that the size
of this video was 1 Gigabyte. Now, in war-wrecked Somalia
Internet lines were barely working and certainly could not allow
for the download of such a heavy file. This means that its main
target were not or not chiefly Somali followers: the message
was intended for global distribution.
This indication was confirmed a few months later by another
essential episode of Harakat al-Shabaabs media actions.
It was 27 July 2010, when the jihadist group announced the es-
tablishment of a new information channel: the al-Kataib News
The trailer was remarkably similar to that of any official TV
channel: al-Kataib had a jingle, a logo and even a tagline. It used
the colors of an international news program, and even its design
included the same spherical element that is shown at the beginning

The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 63

of newscasts all over the world. But it is the broadcasting of

moving images that gives evidence of first-rate editing.
And then there was the tagline, shown in the final seconds, ex-
plaining the mission that the Somali jihadist fighters chose for
themselves: to inform, to inspire, to incite.
Those three verbs tell us everything: producing counter-
information, inspiring and thus spreading the ideology, proselytiz-
ing, and inciting to fight. Global and local: this was the new di-
mension of the jihadist message that incited fighters, attracted
foreigners and told the world about the reasons of the battle. This
was true in Somalia in 2010 and it is even more true today, in the
days of the ISIS caliphate.
As noted, the latest evolution in the media ability of Somali ji-
hadists (but the same happened with the IS) was directly linked to
the arrival of foreign fighters. A case in point is that of Omar
Hammami, a.k.a. Abu Mansur al-Amriki, who joined the ranks
from Alabama. He was a computer expert with editing skills and
professional technological knowledge: he was the key to the
creation and organization of the News Channel. He and other
recruits were allegedly requested to bring cameras, laptops and
other technological tools as a contribution to the groups media
The news channel was presented on 27 July 2010, and Harakat
announced that it would be the phalanx of truth. It is the same
intention shown by the Iraqi jihadists to fight half of the war
(i.e., the propaganda half). Significantly the channels first inde-
pendent production was a long report with the title: Mogadishu:
the Crusaders Graveyard12.
If one were to watch it without any prior information about it,
it would look like an episode of Panorama, the BBCs famous
documentary series. The tone, the narration in English, the pauses,
the description of the story: every aspect of this production is
impeccable. In the first minutes, we hear a voice-over description
of the situation in the streets of Mogadishu after the battle: attacks
to African Union soldiers are shown in the streets. It is only when

64 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

the self-appointed reporter appears next to a destroyed tank that

the mystery is solved: his face is covered by a black scarf. Yet, if
not for his hidden face, all the communication codes are respected
and sound familiar enough to remind us of Western communica-
tion systems a familiarity that was deliberately pursued by those
who set up this production. The closing is actually a replica of the
ritual formula of international reports, with the trademark sign-
off phrase: al-Kataib News Channel, live from the frontline in
Everything appears normal, if not for the fact that the reporter
is wearing a scarf. The same feeling everything normal except
for one detail that would characterize the reporting of John
Cantlie the latest addition to ISISs correspondents pool four
years later: everything just like the BBC, except for the fact that
the reporter is held hostage and his life is at stake.
Harakats media operation was a success. Al-Kataib was con-
sulted by jihadists of various nationalities and attracted the atten-
tion of both central al-Qaeda and Maghrebs al-Qaeda on Harakat.
And Harakat leader Abu al-Zubeyr was often mentioned in
Aqims series Shade of swords.
This clearly shows that, thanks to new technologies and media
strategies, the jihadist message was being globalized at great
speed, leveling out messages and strategies, and multiplying
opportunities including the opportunity to show horror on global
TV, as was the case with the series of beheadings signed by the
Islamic State. On 19 August 2014, exactly ten years and three
months after Nick Berg, with the same reasons and the same
brutality flavored with the same rhetoric, but with much grander
ambitions. The caliphate that Ayman al-Zawahiri and Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi described in their letters, had become reality.
The caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was not the one holding the
knife: his order to behead journalist James Foley and show the
video13 all over the world was carried out by a twenty-year-old
rapper from London who joined the fight on the jihads latest
frontline, the war against Assad to control Syria. The executions

The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 65

came in close succession, all in the same location, or so it appears.

They all followed the same ritual, in which John the executioner
speaks in a cockney accent, adding horror to horror and bringing it
straight into Western homes, and making it sound so familiar.
John used our sounds, not theirs. The barrier of what is oth-
er-than-self is no longer standing. This horror concerns us indeed.
This media aggression was so violent that TV and information
networks had to consider how to use those images. Editors all over
the world met to discuss: what should be shown? What should be
hidden? Why are terrorists showing everything in so much detail?
Showing means playing into their hands, the majority agreed.
Not showing means allowing some to keep thinking that ISISs
war is somehow acceptable as a fight to seek revenge for the
oppressed. The global media system itself is the victim of a strate-
gy it cannot control or fully understand.
Dread and horror seem to be the only keys to interpret the vid-
eos deliberately spread by ISIS through the Internet, Facebook and
dozens of Twitter accounts supporting the jihad, some of which
belong to the jihadists themselves.
And yet this is only the beginning. There is more to come. The
caliphates media production did not end with the series of horror
videos. Quite the opposite, in fact.

The strange case of John Cantlie

There is another man wearing orange in the recent history of the

caliphate. He is a hostage like others, and his fate should be the
same as that of the other hostages: beheading. His name is John
Cantlie, he is a British reporter kidnapped in Syria in November
2012 and he was James Foleys prison mate (and Foleys execu-
tion was broadcasted globally). And yet at some point his story
took a different turn and confronted us with yet another level of
the challenge that concerns not only military strategists but each
and every one of us, actually turning us into unwitting characters
of an evolving narrative.
66 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Cantlie made his first appearance on 18 September 2014. That

day we watched a video titled Lend me your ears and captioned
Messages from a British detainee14.
John Cantlie is the hostage in front of two cameras, skillfully
lit, leaning on a table, ready to deliver a message to the world. The
message is so complex that nobody is yet able to fully appreciate
Cantlie tells the story of his kidnapping and, one minute into
the video, he says, Its true, I am a prisoner, that I cannot deny,
but seeing as I have been abandoned by my government () and
then he adds, I want to take this opportunity to convey some facts
The game is clear now. Prisoner Cantlie will become the in-
strument of the caliphates counter-information strategy. We
understand that when, 103 into the video, the word facts
breaks into the reasoning, uttered by a British journalist who does
not deny his condition but implies that he is about to say things
different from what we expect.
That was the moment when plans were overturned and com-
munication rules were subverted. A new reality appeared that was
different from the idea everyone had up until that point. There was
a different side of the story that would be told by the host/hostage
from now on, starting with the declaration that counter-
information is necessary: I am going to show you the truth, as the
western media try to drag the public back to the abyss of another
war with the Islamic state, he says, announcing the series.
What we see is so skillfully studied that it makes us wonder if
even more than the ferocious beheadings the jihads most
violent tool against its enemies will be no other than us. This tool
is all the more efficient because it hides its cruelty behind the
narration, because it can make us forget that John Cantlie is a
prisoner and confer him the fake role of narrator that so logically
fits his British accent.
Certainly, in the third episode of the Inside series, dedicated
to field reports15, the unknown and brilliant director of the

The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 67

Cantlie operation had his character utter words that sound even
more sinister at a time when the White House is again considering
the possibility of bringing the Marines back to Iraq boots on the
ground to free Mosul, despite all previous announcements. The
Briton reminds us that ISs fighters are ready for battle and ex-
plains that Americans would better not flatter themselves, because
no surgical operation will earn them success on the ground, and
they will need to get their hands dirty. And he adds: this is a win-
win situation for the IS.
In his long speech Cantlie mentions newspapers, articles, edito-
rials from the previous weeks. Only his orange suit gives away his
Then, when John Cantlie appeared in besieged Kobane16 on 28
October, to show us the other side of the truth, it became really
difficult to remember that he was a hostage, not a reporter on the
ISs side. This time, the video begins with the new jingle dedicat-
ed to Inside reports. The ISs representation of the truth must be
based on verifiable and convincing information. That is why the
video starts with an aerial view, which the caption explains was
recorded by a drone of the IS army. Thirty-four seconds into the
video, Cantlie the reporter appears on screen against the back-
ground of moving images, an effect that is not that simple to
create. He is no longer wearing orange: in fact, he is all dressed in
black as the majority of the IS fighters are, when they are not
wearing their battledress. Cantlies speech is a challenge to the
U.S. strategy, it is a smirk against Kerrys statements. He looks
much calmer, his beard looks longer and, more importantly, his
tale shows even more accurate directing. Though filming images
outdoors in a city at war, the film director relies again on two
cameras. The shooting is slow and accurate. There is no sign of
haste. Cantlie refutes information coming from the Kurdish front
reporting fierce battles. He says, the situation is calm, there are
few gunshots, as you can hear and in closing he reminds us that

68 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

victory belongs to the mujaheddin who specialize in urban guerril-

Cantlie gives voice to everyones worst fears. Exactly like in
the video about Mogadishu, everything appears to be true, only
this truth is nothing but verisimilitude. A verisimilitude skillfully
recreated through well-known codes, stemming from the use of
words, video graphics, and light; from narrative sequences in
which we relax despite ourselves and follow the speech forget-
ting that the propaganda comes from a man who could be killed at
the end of any report, or why not? even during one.
In the second episode of the Inside series, shot in the streets
of Mosul17 and released on 3 January, the sense of normality is
strengthened by a motorcycle tour of the city governed by the IS
along with the host-hostage (who appears now much more host
than hostage, at least judging from his performance). There is an
enormous distance between this narration of a tranquil city and
western descriptions of life in the place fallen into the hands of the
Islamic State. The sense of relax and apparent calm perfectly
matches what young foreign fighters say on their websites when
they encourage their friends in Europe or in America to leave for
the exciting holy war adventure.
On 9 February, John Cantlie reappears wearing a brown jacket,
apparently in perfect health, in Aleppos outskirts18. He is ready to
present the latest report of the Inside series from the city tor-
tured by years of civil war. Cantlie says this is going to be the last
What does this mean? It is impossible to tell. Maybe the bril-
liant directors of the Islamic State are getting him ready for anoth-
er, more effective series, where he will be an anchor. Maybe
after all, this cannot be ruled out it means that Cantlie is going to
be killed, just like his prison mates. If so, it is also possible that the
execution ritual was already carried out on the day the video was
released. But then, why getting rid of such an effective story-
teller? This is, after all, what John Cantlies life or death comes

The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 69

down to. In this last 12-minute report the host/hostage takes us in

the streets of this broken city and from there he once more de-
scribes what he calls western lies. We visit a silo of wheat
which is distributed to the people at prices lower than the market
price and a school where students are reciting the Koran and
future guerrilla fighters are trained. Its not true that under the
Islamic State education will suffer, says Cantlie as he shows the
waiting room of a sharia tribunal, the Islamic law defined by
Cantlie as right and simple. From Aleppos market the Allies
drones are shown as they fly over a civilian only area and drop
bombs risking to kill innocents. Next is an interview with two
mujaheddin. The first says he is convinced that killing ISISs
leaders would do no good, because We will go on even stronger.
The second one speaks perfect French. Clearly, he is a foreign
fighter and in French he praises the attacks in Paris. And he goes
further: I encourage all my brothers who are still in France and in
the West to defend religion (...) you are sitting on your sofas while
other Muslims are being massacred, what will be your excuse
before Allah? (). It is an exhortation to choose jihad and join
the fight. Once again, the recruiting process occurs through a high-
quality video.
But a small detail leads us back to what has been argued so far.
There is some sort of aside reminding us of those 2007 counter-
information sheets. Cantlie crosses a street and shows a small
prefabricated building he calls the media center. Various com-
puters appear on the small desk inside. A boy is printing out sheets
and giving them out to passers-by. This is a way to show what the
Islamic state is actually doing for its citizens, at least in their view.
Ten years down the line from 2005 and Musab Abu al-
Zarqawis media center in Fallujah, all the way to here the need
is exactly the same: building a counter-information system so that
citizens can find information outside official networks managed
by the usual protagonists the Americans and the Gulf States
each with their own specific agenda.
In the meantime, while the vaguely sadistic game continues,
Cantlie has become the ISs multimedia reporter. His articles
70 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

appear also on Dabiq, the extra-glossy Islamic States magazine in

its seventh issue. The magazine is conceived specifically for
global communication, to spread the message through codes that
even those Muslims who grew up in the West or the converts can
recognize as their own.

Dabiq, a glossy magazine for global jihad

The will to provide themselves with an articulated and multimedia

communication system has been there at various levels in all
jihadist groups and even in the peculiar mix of jihad and territorial
insurgence that has characterized Iraq since 2004.
The idea of producing a glossy magazine is part of the project,
so as to spread their message, as well as recompose it in a more
complex analytical framework beyond individual releases. Al-
Fursan, Sada al-Rafidayn were the magazines of the Iraqis jihad
in 2006 and 2007. They were serious and substantial magazines,
with an often significant number of pictures, still linked to a
traditional representation in terms of both graphic and general
structure. Qaedism leaps into the contemporary print media indus-
try with Inspire. It is a truly modern magazine, designed for a
global, young, radicalized, and English-speaking audience. Its
latest issue was published in December 2014. In between political
news there is practical advice (even on how to build a home-made
bomb, which is an old theme connected to all forms of subver-
sions, certainly not just Middle East extremism) and interviews
with mujaheddin. Inspires March 2013 issue mentioned the name
of Stephane Charbonnier, the director of the satirical weekly
Charlie Hebdo, in the list of the 10 most wanted by Qaedism.
Inspire was considered the reference product in the qaedist gal-
axy. That is why, when the caliphate was established, it could only
come up with its own competing (though completely coherent as
far as the message is concerned) magazine: that is how Dabiq
came about.
Dabiq is slick, sophisticated, printed in various languages in-
cluding English. It defines itself as a magazine focusing of the
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 71

issues of tawhid (unity), manhaj (truth-seeking), hijra (migration),

jihad (holy war) and jamaa (community).
What is impressive is the tremendously modern approach to
these issues. While imbued with doctrinal analyses and philosoph-
ical and religious considerations, its articles follow the usual
current affairs magazine structure: editorials, reports, analyses.
In order to understand Dabiqs genesis and the objectives of its
message, we have to start from its name. According to Islamic
literature references, Dabiq is a small city in Northern Syria near
the border with Turkey and it will be the location of the final battle
against the crusaders before the Messiah returns, according to
hadith 6924 (the collection of Muhammads sayings). This is a
very strong symbol, yet according to the most advanced Koran
studies experts, it is a dismissive interpretation of a very complex
hadith, which requires a completely different one. But that is not
one of the main aims of the caliphate. The key point is war sym-
bolism in a very simplified version. And it is no coincidence that
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi himself used this same symbolism before
being killed by U.S. missiles in 2006, which again proves the deep
connection between the present of the caliphate and the past of
Iraqi guerrilla. The spark has been lit here in Iraq, and its heart
will continue to intensify by Allahs permission until it burns
the crusader armies in Dabiq. This sentence appears above the
index in each issue of Dabiq. As we have already seen, Abu
Musab al-Zarqawi is once more indicated as the true intellectual
and political reference, forerunner of the caliphate and its value
and symbolic system. He is the one, not Osama bin Laden; the
caliphate is the winning model, not al-Qaeda.
References to Dabiq recur often. The latest was on 16 Novem-
ber 201419, when a video was released in which the executioner
with the cockney accent announces the death of hostage Peter
Kassig (former U.S. ranger converted to Islam). He utters precise-
ly this sentence: We are burying the first American crusader
here in Dabiq, and eagerly waiting for the rest of your armies,
while the severed head of the young man is shown. The black-clad

72 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

men are waiting for the armies of Rome, the crusaders: the same
armies mentioned in hadith 692420, those coming to Dabiq, which
is the name of the trendiest magazine of the IS.
This is the very symbolic code the Islamic State has gotten us
used to. Nothing is left to chance. A century-old name used for a
glossy magazine; a message linked to the Prophets actions and
mediated by history and tradition is used as a tool to package an
extraordinarily contemporary media content. The result must give
us pause.
As we are about to see in the analysis of each issue, another
fundamental element is that very often the magazine refers to
events that took place only a few days earlier. This means that
Dabiq is neither amateurish nor improvised: there is a group of
editors choosing the contents of each issue, writing them in a
journalist-like way, impeccably arranging the lay-out and releas-
ing them in several languages. All this over just a few days.
Analyzed individually, the titles of the issues released since last
June are evocative and aim at spreading a very precise message,
which can both engage the reader and stimulate curiosity, thus
enlarging the potential readership. Clearly, Dabiq targets readers
who are interested in political Islam, for sure, but without neces-
sarily already being convinced jihadists. Step by step, these read-
ers are very skillfully explained about the caliphates reasons,
sense and projects. This is an explosive mixture for those already
pursuing the path of jihad, and an inspiring message for the non-
jihadists who might be in doubt.
Dabiqs first issue appeared on 5 July 2014, a month after Mo-
sul was conquered. The title on the cover reads: The return of the
caliphate. It is a political issue, which very carefully illustrates
the Islamic states program. In order to attract others, it explains
that caliph al-Baghdadis project is a successful one, that his

20Hadith 6924: Abu Huraira reported Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him)
as saying: The Last Hour would not come until the Romans would land at al-Amaq
or in Dabiq. An army consisting of the best (soldiers) of the people of the earth at
that time will come from Medina (to counteract them). When they will arrange
themselves in ranks, the Romans would say: Do not stand between us and those
(Muslims) who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them.
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 73

control over the territory is already strong and many tribes have
already joined in. The writers of the articles know that the issues at
stake are high: the IS is launching an attack against all other
jihadist groups at global level (first and foremost, al-Qaeda). With
this issue of Dabiq the Islamic State wants to spread the message
that the caliphates establishment is correct both from a political
and a doctrinal point of view, and that al-Baghdadi and his follow-
ers are better suited than others to fight their jihad, which they
discuss in triumphant tones.
Each issue of Dabiq deserves a thorough analysis. The second
was released on 27 July 2014 and it was titled The Flood. The
third appeared in October and dealt with the call to migration,
hijra, comparing the journey of those choosing to move to the
Islamic State to the journey of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina.
But it is the front cover of the fourth issue, published on 22 Octo-
ber, that drained the color from the faces of many Western securi-
ty agencies. A photoshopped picture portrayed a caliphate black
flag flying atop the obelisk in St. Peters Square. The cover story
was entitled The failed crusade and described the failing of all
military operations of the coalition forces against the IS.
Dabiqs fifth issue was released on 22 November 2014 with a
programmatic title: Remaining and Expanding. Its political
reasoning is an ideal continuation of the first issue: the goal is to
become the main reference for those who are leading the holy
war, but it is not limited to them. The goal is to be recognized as
the caliphate by all qaedist groups all over the world. The idea is
to become the political and religious entity of reference associated
with a corresponding territory. This same vision was confirmed by
several messages on the web, the social networks and official
information websites but, significantly, the Central Organization
felt the need to elaborate on it in its very fancy, very global maga-
In Dabiqs sixth issue, the cover story is about a report on al-
Qaeda in Waziristan. In this very long and interesting article a
Jordanian mujaheddin tells the story of his trip through Afghani-
stan and the tribal area between Pakistan and Afghanistan and his
74 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

search for the ideal place where to fight the jihad. What is particu-
larly interesting, however, is the clearly diverging view of some
qaedist groups compared to the caliphates vision as the day-to-
day narration of events unfolds. Besides any philosophical and
religious consideration, the report confirms the caliphates criti-
cism against traditional al-Qaeda positions especially at doctri-
nal and operating level and it provides valuable peeks into the
life of a contemporary jihadist. It is also an engaging tale of a
great adventure, an irresistible element for youth looking for
heroic role models.
In light of all this it is worth taking a moment to consider the
style used by the author and the translator. The long text includes
tens of terms connected to the jihad that are not simply translated
into English, but systematically quoted in Arabic and then trans-
lated. This is a precise educational method, revealing the intention
to help the readers to become acquainted with jihadist terms
even if their familiarity with Arabic is limited. It is a perfect
product to recruit foreign fighters, where world-scale proselytism
is clearly at work.
Issue 6 is built around two other key elements: the umpteenth
report by John Cantlie, who has turned into the Islamic States
media story-teller (until when?, one could wonder), and the open-
ing article dedicated to the attacks in a caf in Sydney. The most
interesting aspect lies the fact that the whole article aims at show-
ing how western media smeared the character of Islamic State
mujaheddin Haron Monis, portraying him negatively for the sole
purpose of discrediting him. This goes back to the media war, the
information battle which the ISs men have decided to fight sys-
tematically. The analysis of the action in Sidney and the criticism
against western media goes hand in hand with Cantlies counter-
tale in Kobane, Mosul and Aleppo.
And it does not end here. The juiciest elements of the narration
are highlighted in the Islamic States multimedia communication
platform: just like in western media, scoops need to reach as many
readers and viewers as possible. That is why Dabiqs issue 6
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 75

features an exclusive confession by Muadh al-Kasasbeh, the

Jordanian pilot captured after his jet crashed.
Issue 7 beats all the others in terms of contemporary-ness.
The whole issue is a response to what is happening in Europe. It
was released on 11 February 2015, exactly a month after the peace
rally in Paris, and it is entirely dedicated to claiming responsibility
for the attacks against Charlie Hebdo, featuring: an interview with
Coulibalys wife some doubt that this testimony is authentic ;
the story of the two Belgian jihadists who eluded all the European
secret services; and the religious justification of the decision to
burn Jordanian pilot Muadh to death. That is, the media reaction to
everything that has gone on in the last month.
This shows that information and counter-information are now
playing on the same field, at the same time, and with increasingly
similar tools.

From Flames of war to Muadhs stake:

Hollywood-style horror

The interview or, rather, the confession-turned-interview with

the Jordanian pilot published on Dabiq no. 6 deserves some con-
Once again strictly adhering to western media layout standards,
the magazines editor highlights questions and answers using bold
fonts; questions from the magazine are introduced by the word
Dabiq, whereas the pilots answers are introduced by the word
murtadd (apostate). This style gives readers the impression that
the person asking questions for the magazine is a third element, a
subject describing the situation objectively, an interviewer, not a
tormentor torturing the pilot.
In fact, the article opens with a description of how Muadhs jet
crashed and the events that followed, then the rest is introduced by
the sentence The following is an interview with the murtadd.
This is what skillful propaganda is all about: turning the interroga-
tion of a prisoner, who will soon be burnt alive, into an captivating
interview for the worlds readers.
76 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

The pictures shown in the interview were taken at the same

time as the filming of the dreadful video; perhaps they were actu-
ally single frames of the video itself. The interview is the word-
by-word transcription of the interrogation-confession recorded in
the video.
The message prepared to be spread through the video is used
on all available platforms: the caliphs propaganda already knows
the rules of content production optimization. And this considera-
tion on how several media are used and contents are shared on
various platforms brings us to the issue of how the video or
should we say the movie is designed to show Muadh al-
Kasasbeh21 burning at the stake.
Let us go through those 22 minutes together.
The beginning is that of classic American action movies (the
Bourne series comes to mind). The backstory is provided to the
viewer: sequences showing king Abdallah of Jordan addressing
U.S. allies in English, sending armed Muslims to fight against
other Muslims, their brothers. In response, battle songs alternate in
the sequence an alternation that continues as battlefield images
appear: Muslims against Muslims.
Once more, the graphic and sound effects are those of a war
videogame. The quality of editing and image selection is truly
remarkable. A 3D reconstruction of the jet flying towards Syria is
shown, then flames in a village appear, then pieces of the plane
and the title Healing the believers chests ().
A syncopated sequence of all the Arab worlds newscasts an-
nouncing that the jet has been brought down brings us back to the
story. Information captions appear one after the other, then we
hear the pilots voice describing his mission in detail (that is, the
text published as an interview in Dabiq).
The background documentation work carried out by the movie
directors is clear: they include images of all the airstrips from
which coalition planes take off, as well as the geographic coordi-
nates of air raids. Muadhs target is Raqqa, Syria. It is 24 Decem-

The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 77

The interview/interrogation is filmed with two cameras. Style,

lighting and framing are very similar to John Cantlies first videos.
The same hand is behind the style, or at least some of the technical
aspects, that much is very clear. The extensive and careful use of
graphic solutions causes us to be detached from reality and leads
us to codes that we typically associate with cinema, to that which
is similar to the truth and plausible, and yet it is not the truth.
They take us away from our compassion and instinctive horror for
what is happening to the young Jordanian pilot.
The sequences showing his flying jet alternate with those
showing the tragedy of his targets: villages destroyed, children
mutilated and burnt to death. The pilot is being skillfully depicted
as the foe, someone who has allegedly perpetrated heinous crimes
so despicable that the cruel fate awaiting him can only be regarded
as an act of justice. But this judgement remains unspoken. The
video is not explicit on this point. The images, however, speak
louder than words: the visual narration is built to lead precisely to
that conclusion. Those same images, that were shown on 5 Febru-
ary in the streets of the Syrian town of Raqqa22, generated approv-
al not horror among adult and teenager viewers.
What follows is a sharp turn in the narration: no more synco-
pated images of war, no more top-gun in action. The climax is
perfectly built. From the chaos of wars we find ourselves in a
suspended, rarefied place. Muadh walks past some ruins (perhaps
the ones he himself caused with his jets bombs?). Time is sus-
pended in the extraordinary light, there is a surreal silence. He
walks slowly in the silence. A rapid sequence of frames of night
battles illuminate his steps. All around, the Islamic State fighters
appear. Their uniforms show something new. This is no impro-
vised brigade wearing military suits found who knows where.
These masked mens uniforms are spotless. Brand new. These
men are perfect. The pilot looks at them in silence, a puzzled look
on his face or perhaps he is just stunned (we do not know how
badly he was beaten, perhaps he has been drugged). Surely Muadh

78 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

al-Kasasbehs look is the key element of an extraordinary filmic

Then another change of pace, another sequence begins. He is
now in his cage, and his orange prisoner suit is wet.
The men wearing uniforms are all around him, very still, a sce-
ne clearly arranged by a skillful director. Only one of them is
moving: he holds a stick soaked in flammable liquid in his hand.
A voice-over description says he is the commander of an Is-
lamic State region that was bombed.
The following sequences show the nightmare of a man burnt
alive. Yet his screams are kept at a low volume, almost covered.
Here we get the feeling that someone has decided which level of
horror is acceptable.
The message has been dosed ad hoc.
The burning scene is cut. What follows is the burnt corpse, and
the bulldozer that appeared in the first frames closes in to bury
him under rubble and rocks. The corpse lies now under a pile of
rocks. The final sequence returns to the initial action style and
rhythm: this time it is not just a narration of an attack, but pictures,
names, and IDs of fifty Jordanian pilots who flew their planes
against the IS that day. The end of the movie is dedicated to them.
The names of the most wanted by the caliph close the action
The way in which the various parts of the narration are en-
twined (interrogation, walk, cage) indicates that they were filmed
at different moments, according to a carefully set script. Nothing
is improvised: the men in uniforms, the light in the various points
of the action, the symbols.
Achieving such a high-quality final product is not easy, even
by western production standards. The various videos are all coher-
ent, filming and editing methods are consistent, everything is
released on social networks in a coherent and systematic way: all
this suggests a single director, or a small group, who are extremely
sophisticated and familiar with editing, writing and spectaculariza-
tion techniques. Such techniques are a combination of cinematog-
raphy and videogame production. Thats why some analysts tend
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 79

to think that the head of the organization dealing with social media
and multimedia production is Ahmad Abu Samra, among others.
He grew up in Stoughton, Massachusetts, and was an excellent
student and a genius at university. He became a great expert in
communication and IT, and was employed by a U.S. telecommu-
nication company. There, Abu Samra learnt the marketing rules he
is thought to be applying in the promotion of the IS brand. Alleg-
edly, he is the bright mind behind the idea of building an ad hoc
narration for the caliphates endeavors, translating them into a
filmed series halfway between an action movie and a videogame,
thus turning web supporters into virtual fighters. The result is a
series of low-cost, adrenaline-filled, epic moments and the sense
of a mission to reestablish justice, which becomes explosive
material in the recruiting campaign aimed at youth who are sensi-
tive to the jihads appeal.
According to the latest information, the 34-year-old lives in
Syria, in the Aleppo area, and he is supposed to be responsible for
the launch of the Dawn of Glad Tidings app that can be down-
loaded from the Google Play store to spread news and notifica-
tions in order to enlarge the media machine of the Islamic State
and make it look even more sophisticated in terms of technical
Various divisions within the IS deal with social media: the of-
ficial account releases all videos, while provincial accounts release
local news. Single mujaheddins accounts allow them to keep
telling their everyday life and experience on the ground, says
Abu Bakr al-Janabi23, an Islamic supporter who often translates
and spreads the groups messages.
Behind all this, there are various organizations for the centrali-
zation and spreading of messages. The main one is al-Furqan
Media, which keeps posting documents on epic battles and the
idyllic caliphate world, while Fursan al-Balagh Media deals with
translations to spread the message globally. Together, they set up a

23Who is behind Isiss terrifying online propaganda operation?, The Guardian, 23

June 2014.
80 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

real communication agency, al-Hayat Media Center, which posts

ISISs videos and spreads the organizations messages.
Yet this description is partial: there are countless video pro-
duction centers and places where propaganda is organized and
circulated, as well as countless individuals who work and contrib-
ute their abilities and creativity to the construction of a massive
narrative structure.


The IS has very clearly shown a number of things through their

communication choices.
First of all, the caliphates communication methods are far
from random, but pursue various goals with precision and lucidity.
The first goal is to be perceived as a full State organization with
rules, a political project, a structure and long-term planning. The
second goal is to proselytize within its own territory and, in par-
ticular, at a global level. The target of its most sophisticated narra-
tion are young second- or third-generation Muslims. Their
resounding message and epic tale of fighting against injustice
fascinating as very few western messages can be become ex-
traordinary powerful catalysts to rebel against the West, which is
perceived as unjust, aggressive and corrupted.
There is also a third level of communication, aimed at all ji-
hadist groups all over the world. The Islamic State sets itself as the
successful example of a state built on sharia law, in which rules
and behaviors are based on an obscurantist interpretation of the
Koran. The caliphates success story becomes a model of attrac-
tion and imitation for all other radical groups on earth; that is why
so much of the propaganda is devoted to showing that the Korans
correct interpretation is that of the caliph and that the true jihadists
are only those who have joined the Islamic State. The IS has
launched its aggression campaign against all other groups using a
very coordinated strategy. The caliphate has global aspirations and
this is clear from its communication choices.
The Islamic State: Not That Surprising, If You Know Where To Look 81

Twitter, Facebook and the Internet have become the modern-

day tools with which the oldest of messages is spread. Having
burnt thousands of books in Mosul, the Islamic State is assisted by
young communicators who grew up with Hollywoods myths and
who use social networks to disseminate a vision of the world that
is modern only in its language and formal codes.
The recent proliferation of messages, videos, magazine issues
coming from the Islamic State suggest an escalation. We have no
way of knowing whether this media escalation reflects actual
actions on the ground and possibly more terrorist attacks, or if it is
only a full-blown media assault.
Surely, in light of what was said, such extensive media activ-
ism simply cannot be disregarded.
The obsessive proliferation of testimonies is already producing
a result: it is giving the presence of the IS in the world a sense of
inevitability. The IS is forcing itself into our discussions, the
programming of our newscasts, the first pages of our newspapers.
This is already a result in itself. By increasingly communicating
their undertakings, a single group of men are creating an augment-
ed representation of reality, as if in a sophisticated game of mir-
4. IS 2.0 and Beyond:
The Caliphates Communication Project
Marco Lombardi

IS has always stood out for its specific ways of communicating,

particularly since the declaration of the caliphate on 19 June 2014.
The Western reaction to the communication of Islamists has
been one of surprise. However, such amazement is not justified at
all. For historical reasons: for instance, the jihad and Qaedism in
particular has always used communication as an instrument of
war. And for specific reasons, suffice it to note the skillful and
flexible use of the name of the Islamic State, as explained in other
parts of this publication.
In the following pages, we will try and explore the communica-
tion of IS by looking at its main products, so as to understand the
categories that can explain them in the context of a complex
communication project strategically aimed at establishing the
caliphate, of which communication is a key pillar. What is new in
the case of IS is that, for the first time, the use of different media is
directed in a competent manner. It is not just a matter of being
familiar with the right techniques: communication and the use of
media are part of a more complex political and military strategy,
aimed at consolidating radical and jihadist Islam in a specific
geographical area.
IS is simply pursuing its goals through a clever and linear
strategy, where fighting, mass murders, communication, economic
and political actions converge into the project for the creation of
the Islamic State. In short, it is the DNA of IS that guides the
project. This is a terrorist group that calls itself a State and that is
organized like a state: it governs an area where it collects taxes
84 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

and offers services; it intends to issue money and it publishes its

budget; it uses the legitimate power of violence; it communicates
through a variety of media and using diversified messages. It is a
group that is taking on the form of a rising state according to the
shared political theory and it is already showing the first features
of an actual state.
For the purpose of the IS project, achieving the ideological he-
gemony of the IS caliphate over other forms of Islamic state or
governance is essential. In this context, the campaign for formal
support promoted among AQ organizations is fundamental and
aims at obtaining a pledge of allegiance to al-Baghdadis authori-
The following sections present a selection of the huge amount
of messages issued by IS. They also provide a short description of
the different types of media used and the series produced, focus-
ing on the most significant messages sent out. The conclusion will
highlight the perilous media strategy followed by the new terror-
ism of the caliphate1.

Social media and more: Promotion and recruiting

In recent years, especially after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the
subsequent attacks in Europe, researchers have tried to pin down
the new features of international terrorism.
Studies on radicalization processes, on the other hand, are
more recent. These focus on the mechanisms through which
individuals change their attitudes and embrace a potentially devi-
ant behavior based on a radical or extremist ideology. The end
result of these mechanisms is the individuals recruitment to join
organizations or extremist groups that use violence to achieve their
social and political goals or to destabilize the context where they
operate. Although radicalism cannot be considered a synonym for
terrorism, the process that pushes people to embrace radical

1 A summary table, with the titles and publication dates of the analyzed contents,
can be found at the end of the chapter.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 85

ideologies is extremely important: it is the first, crucial step to-

wards violent extremism.
At this historical moment, the phenomena which characterize
the wider Mediterranean region are strictly connected to the de-
velopment of radicalization processes with the threats that
follow and, in turn, act as boosters of the very same processes.
Italy too contributes to strengthening the jihadist ranks, espe-
cially in Syria, with the support of online radical cells which,
rather than being fighters themselves, help future fighters travel to
their destination.
This is nothing new for Italy: in the 1990s the Country was al-
ready a reference center to recruit fighters for the Balkan wars.
The phenomenon is simply picking up again after a slowdown due
to the fact that organized Islamic networks in Italy are less wide-
spread than in other European countries, and to a lower radicaliza-
tion of recent migrants, who do not live in ghettos as they do in
France, Belgium or The Netherlands. These characteristics still
influence the recruitment process for Syria in Italy. Here, more
than elsewhere, self-recruitment has taken root, mainly through
online channels and concerning small self-styled groups rather
than activism at the mosque.
The Islamic State alone has managed to make the most of so-
cial media (Facebook and Twitter in particular), both as specific
tools for recruitment and as instruments that are coordinated with
other media to achieve broader goals. The power of communica-
tion in the process of radicalization is clear in the facts that, on 18
June 2013, led to the discovery of Giuliano Delnevos death in the
fights in Syria against Bashar al-Assad. Delnevo had converted to
Islam in 2008, he had changed his name to Ibrahim and he had
been fighting in Syria for about one year. His is a dramatic case in
point that illustrates the effects of the ISs communication strate-
gy. His Facebook profile made explicit reference to the Chechen
jihad and to the Kavkaz Center, the Web portal of the Caucasus
Emirate, a network of militants aspiring to create the pan-
Caucasus Islamic caliphate. One of his last posts, dated 12 Febru-
86 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

ary 2013, shows Abdullah Azzam2 as Delnevos role model.

Radicalization through the Internet and exposure to preachers
sermons pushed the young man from Genoa to fight alongside a
large number of Arabian and North African jihadists in Syria,
where he eventually died.
Other stories followed, like Anas el Abboubis (born in Mo-
rocco in 1992), who moved to Italy in 1999 and lived in Brescia.
His steps can be traced to the Sharia4Belgium network: he wanted
to create Sharia4Italy and then leave for Syria to join the ranks of
al-Qaeda and die as a martyr, as he wrote in his Facebook profile.
He was charged of terrorism and arrested before leaving, as he
was suspected of planning terrorist attacks in Italy. He was later
released and he dropped off the radar in January 2014 in Syria,
where he had landed with the help of an Albanian network.
The case of Mohamed Jarmoune is also similar. The 20-year-
old man from Brescia of Moroccan origin contacted recruiters
through the Web, but he did not leave. He was a computer jihadist
who collected information and organized other militants. He was
arrested on charges of terrorism and jailed, as his computer con-
tained information that raised suspicions about a possible attack
against the synagogue in Milan.
The whole of Europe is not immune to the Syrian sirens of
the Web. In April 2014, news spread about the alleged death in a
suicide attack of Denis Mamadou Cuspert, a German citizen who
had joined the jihad in Syria and was fighting with the Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/L). The man, who was also
know in Germany as Deso Dogg (his stage name as a rapper), had
joined the ranks of the jihadist group under the battle name of Abu
Maleeq first, and then Abu Talha al-Almani. He was from Berlin
and came from a mixed family: his father was originally from

2Abdullah Yusuf Azzam (1941-1989) was a Palestinian Sunni theologian and master
and the mentor of Osama bin Laden. He was an important inspiration, guide and
even organizer of the fighting jihad and invited all Muslim to join forces against the
enemy to reclaim the lands of Islam and establish the caliphate.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 87

The Islamic nation is bleeding after hearing of the martyr of

his jihadist fighter, brother Abu Talha al-Almani. May he be
received by God, is one of the messages published on jihadist
forums. That continues: His death was caused by a kamikaze
attack carried out by the traitors of Jolani (the head of Abu Mo-
hammeds al-Nusra Front) against the house where some Isis
brothers were.
Cuspert had been under observation for at least three years: he
was a popular German rapper, known to al-Qaeda for his nasheed
(Islamic inspired chants). He was considered one of the most
influential figures in the promotion of the violent jihad and a
supporter of the strategy to attack Western interests through the
Web and YouTube.
The story of Wael Ahmed Abd al-Fattah comes from a differ-
ent part of the world. He was arrested by Egyptian authorities in
April 2014; he was a fighter returning from Syria, one of many
hundreds of Egyptians recruited by Al-Nusra and/or ISIS. Many of
them are part of the first wave of fighters who are now returning to
Egypt, where they side with Ansar Bait al-Maqdis a jihadist
group of the Sinai region and have already organized several
attacks in Egypt.
These are all different stories, but they all point in the same di-
rection: recruitment through social media is supported especially
by stories and first-hand reports of foreign fighters that are popu-
larized online. This makes for an extremely viral process: it be-
comes a sort of chain of imitation, a dangerous infection for
dissatisfied young people looking for their lost identity.
The battle on social media is deliberately open.
These messages were posted in July 2014 (in Arabic and then
translated in English):
#The_Concept_of_Lone_Wolf_Attacks The time has arrived to
respond to Twitters management by directly attacking their
employees and physically assassinating them!! Those who will
carry this out are the sleepers cells of death.
#The_Concept_of_Lone_Wolf_Attacks Twitter management
should know that if they do not stop their campaign in the virtual
88 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

world, we will bring the war to them in the real world on the
And so on and so forth. These messages were posted in response
to the decision by Twitter to suspend several accounts that dissem-
inated IS-related materials from the battlefield. But this measure
failed: the suspended accounts resurface under slightly different
names and are always connected to users in the U.S., Canada,
Switzerland, The Netherlands, etc. The so-called foreign fighters
are well positioned also in this virtual war. However, the aware-
ness that external observers can access social media led to the
announcement, at the beginning of 2015, that a dedicated messag-
ing platform would soon be launched to protect the privacy of
As we know, the use of these tools was popular long before the
massive intervention of IS: these are the instruments of the digital
generation, they are highly pervasive, they allow people to be
constantly connected and are intimately familiar to the young
people who are recruited.
While it is clear that IS has not used social media in an innova-
tive way, it has managed to include them in a wider scheme: they
are part of the overall media strategy that IS has developed giving
proof of remarkable competence. In the hands of IS, social media
have become story telling instruments, ensuring high circulation
in virtual places where fighters share their experiences from the
battlefield. Recently, by avoiding posts that contain excessively
crude images that may be censored by providers, these stories
from the front have legitimately remained online. Their enthralling
and subjective narratives have further promoted viral emulation
which lies at the heart of the recruitment process.

France: Threats and recruitment

As was mentioned before, there is more to the Web than social

media, but social platforms in particular are used by IS to maintain
real time communication with its audience. Twitter, then Face-
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 89

book, as well as specific chat programs, are used to launch new

media products that can be accessed and used online, such as
videos, magazines, games and music.
A similar product to the stories published on social media
in terms of recruitment purposes and viral capacity is the video
posted on 9 November 2014 by one of the IS film majors: the al-
Hayat Media Center. The video, titled What are you waiting
for, is 7 minutes and 19 seconds long. It features Abu Osama al-
Faransi, Abu Maryam al-Faransi and Abu Salman al-Faransi: as
their names suggest, these are three French men who call young
Westerners to war in French (with Arabic subtitles).
There are weapons and vehicles, and targets ready to be hit.
There is poison to use in the water and food of Allahs enemies.
Kill them, spit on their faces and crush them with your cars, say
the anchormen, speaking to their young fellow French country-
The video is interesting both in terms of its intended target au-
dience and for the symbolic mixture it shows: the men speak
perfect French, the second speaker is standing between a Kalash-
nikov and a Muslim curved sword, the three speakers follow each
other and are introduced by an individual title.
The message is clear, explicit and has a strong impact.
In this case, the viral nature of the video starts from the three
French anchormen. They are probably school friends to some,
acquaintances to others or the guys next door: this is the audience
of IS television. At the same time, they are accomplished dra-
matic actors who enjoy the media fame that has come from telling
us about their deeds. They are also men for whom there is no
coming back (an added value for IS): they are now dead men
walking, it would be unacceptable for them to return home after
doing something that is neither understandable nor justifiable. This
video is the supreme pledge that inextricably binds them to the
As usual, the message also suggests targets and operating
methods. It builds on a practice that has already been used in
recent months (crush them with your cars) and suggests another
90 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

one that the jihad has long been considering (the use of poison to
contaminate water and food). More significantly, however, it is a
dangerously viral video that encourages imitation among dissatis-
fied youngsters living in the banlieues, who may act locally as
lone wolves (lone fighters who have now become zombies3),
the greatest threat to daily life in the West.
Finally, the video shows impeccable direction and perfect tim-
ing. The attack against France appeared at exactly the right politi-
cal moment: on the same day when What are you waiting for
went online, France decided to step up its military effort in the war
against IS.

Beheadings: The evolution of how

to communicate horror

Foley is not the first reporter murdered by the jihad. Daniel Pearl,
correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, was beheaded on 1
February 2012. Sadly, the list does not stop here.
The pace is impressive and the sequence of media products
persistently shows the same ritual: the prisoner is kneeling, wear-
ing the orange jumpsuit of Guantanamo inmates. After reciting the
curses against the West imposed by the caliphate, he is beheaded
with a knife. The throat cutting ritual is willingly used and pro-
moted as a distinctive mark of the caliphate. It shows continuity
with the project of al-Zarqawi, but such brutality is reserved to the
kuffar alone, thus making the threat even stronger. Let us remem-
ber, for instance, that on 9 February 2015 an IS citizen accused
of sorcery was beheaded with an axe and not with a knife. Again,
the diversification of the instruments of death has a significant
symbolic and communication impact.

3 Zombies: skilled individuals who have been trained to fight. They gather in semi-
structured and flexible networks, characterized also by sentimental and soft ties (for
instance, the survivors of the attack against Charlie Hebdo in Paris who come from
the same battlefield). They take action for internal or external reasons. (Note:
Dabiq, the IS magazine, had indicated the director of Charlie as a target!).
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 91

The goal is to terrorize the West with a media product that is

easy to disseminate (a short video launched, for each murder, on
all platforms, including mobile ones) and that is immediately
understood, given its extremely graphic content. It is a threat
aimed at everyone, and one that the media will feel compelled to

But on 16 November 2014, something changes with Kassig

The horrifying 15-minute video which shows, among other things,
the beheading of Kassig imposes a change in perspective: the
video shows the head of the American man but there is no orange
Guantanamo uniform and no speech. This killing is preceded by a
long introduction on IS, with images of the beheadings of a group
of Syrian soldiers carried out by IS staff wearing camouflage
uniforms and standing in a parade. The faces of several participat-
ing foreign fighters (French and German) are shown quite clearly.
The video has been accurately shot and thought out, nothing is left
to chance: the parade, the rhythmic execution, the placing of the
heads on the corpses, etc.
Some analysts may assume this is due to an emergency strate-
gy: the usual ceremony (used in the case of Foley and Henning)
could not be followed because something went wrong during the
execution. Kassig had fought in the war and may have refused to
comply with the staging required by the ritual.
However, in addition to this possible interpretation, a shift in
style may have occurred as was the case with the Cantlie video
series for very specific purposes, as part of an effective jihadist
communication strategy.
The video is a different product and may have multiple mean-
The method of beheading continues to be a distinctive mark of
IS. As noted, it follows the tradition of its founder Zarqawi. But,
in this case, the threat is even more explicit, direct and emotionally
effective as the executioners, their face no longer hidden, are
clearly from the West. The representation of an unconceivable act
for the world that has exorcised death and now is faced with
92 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

coarse brutality caused, through everyday technological instru-

ments shows Western culture the possibility of unexpected acts,
carried out by people who were born and brought up in the same
world but are now a threat to Europe. The video steers clear of the
risks of a terrorist attack in Europe, but effectively highlights the
kind of threat that IS represents by winning the hearts and minds
of young Europeans. Which is probably worst than a terrorist
Finally, it is an opening to dialogue with that part of Islam
even Qaedist Islam which is critical of beheadings. In addition to
Zawahiri in 2006, others have recently voiced their criticism: a
group of British Salafi scholars, Fethullag Glen in Turkey and
the radical Abu Qatada al-Filastini in Jordan, who openly criti-
cized IS and the beheading of Western journalists while he was in
Putting the knife in the hands of Westerners can help reach out
to those critical radical religious men, a useful strategy to foster
dialogue with traditional al-Qaeda.

The evolution continues

On 24 January 2015 another message is published online: Kenji
Goto, one of the two Japanese citizens held hostage by IS, an-
nounces the killing of Haruna Yukawa. The ritual beheading was
anticipated in a previous video, where the two asked the Japanese
government for a 200 million dollar ransom, the same amount that
Japan had just approved to support the fight against the caliphate.
Although there are hints that the traditional procedure has been
followed (orange jumpsuit for the prisoners, and executioner
wearing a hood), the fellow prisoner shows Yukawas cut head
resting on his body in a picture that he holds in his hand. The
barbarous ritual itself is not shown. As a sort of innovation in
tradition, this message keeps the option of the payment open,
without giving up the gruesome impact of what happened. Its
skillful direction attracts the audience and creates suspense for
what may soon follow: the first beheaded Japanese man is an
ominous indication of the possible fate of his companion, who is
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 93

now delivering the message. The same format is replicated on 27

January with the Second public message of Kenji Goto Jogo to
his family and the Japanese government: fixed camera, white
background, prisoner wearing an orange jumpsuit, he speaks while
holding a picture of the Jordanian pilot held prisoner by IS since
Christmas. In this video Kenji announces he has 24 hours left to
live, and the pilot even less. The pressure is now on the Jordanian
government, asked to release terrorist Sajida al Rishawi in ex-
change for the Japanese and, now, the pilot too. This request
confirms the attention paid to international political events. The
case ends on 31 January with a 67 second video, produced by al-
Furqan and published on Twitter, which documents the beheading
of the Japanese journalist by British jihadist John according to the
usual ritual, although in a different location, possibly in the Alep-
po area. No news are received on Muadh al-Kasaesbeh, the Jorda-
nian pilot who many tweets claim is dead. However, with no
official news from the caliphate, there is no certainty. The com-
munication strategy concerning the two kidnapped Japanese
journalists followed two routes: on the one hand, it showed the
usual approach based on terror, with the knife of the killer and the
orange jumpsuit of the victim, but at the same time it provided
factual information on the payment of the ransom, using the
metacommunication of the pictures in the videos. The combination
of these two aspects was certainly useful for the twofold objective
of the videos, but it could also be the beginning of a new phase in
the dramatic communication of beheadings, which in the merci-
less, continuous and indiscriminating display of horrific events by
Western TV and media the public seems to have almost grown
used to.
All patterns are dramatically broken with the release of the 22-
minute video where Jordanian pilot Muadh al-Kasaesbeh is burnt
alive in a cage.
The end of Muadh al-Kasaesbeh, the Jordanian pilot captured
on 24 December 2014, and the communication of his death gener-
ated heated debate. We will not discuss the immediate reactions to
the event here not because of relevance, but because it is hasty
94 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

and potentially not effective by its own nature and consider the
following points instead:
The pilot was killed on 3 January; rumors about his death had
already been circulating on Twitter and other information had
been gathered. An accurate reading of the sequence (starting
from the picture shown by Kenji Goto, with the pilot wearing
the orange jumpsuit, and finally the video with the execution in
the cage) clearly shows the evolution of his imprisonment and
the frequency of the use of the cage where he ended his days;
It can be assumed that the Jordanians were already aware of the
pilots death, which had taken place before the release of the
video, considering how they handled ISs ransom request (at
the same time as Kenji Gotos);
Terrorists Sajida al-Rishawi and al-Karbouly, whose release IS
had demanded, were immediately executed;
Right from the start, it is safe to assume that this was the only
epilogue IS was expecting to reach. The pretense could not last
until the conclusion of the hypothetical exchange;
The week after the pilots capture, IS launched a Twitter
hashtag about Tips to kill a Jordanian pilot pig, and a second
hashtag that read We all want to slaughter Moaz: it was a
sort of online poll to decide how to kill the pilot. Suggestions
included beheading, burning him alive, and crushing him with
a bulldozer. The tweets were retweeted thousands of times;
Fragments of the full video (22 minutes) of the pilots death
have been circulating on Twitter, along with some stills, since
3 February;
Some of these fragments can be considered as autonomous
videos, for instance:
o The sequence that shows the pilots death, built with a
dramatic crescendo using mixed images of the effects of
air strikes, flying pilots, interviews with the prisoner and
finally al-Kasaesbeh who moves closer to the cage in an
area full of debris. A handful of IS men watch on standing
in a theatrical pose: their positions have been carefully
thought out, and what they wear a camouflage suit and
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 95

desert balaclavas is very different from the clothes worn

by killers in the videos of the beheadings. The video ends
with the pilot burning in the cage where he is held captive;
o The part (video) called security database, posted on
Twitter as a separate video at about 8 pm Italian time on
the same day. It lists the names and shows 60 mugshots of
pilots that IS wants to kill and proclaims: On this occa-
sion, the Islamic State announces a 100 gold dinar reward
for anyone who kills a crusader pilot. The state security
command has released a list with the names of the Jorda-
nian pilots who participate in the campaign. This is good
news for anyone who supports its religion and commits a
killing that will save them from the flames of hell;
The full, 22-minute video is rather complex. The two partial
videos described above are made of fragments taken from the
full video and reassembled and edited to create two separate
shorter videos with their own narratives. The full video is skill-
fully made, carefully shot and edited. The story of the pilot (his
capture, imprisonment, declarations and death) alternate with
images of air strikes, the damage that they produce, briefings
and finally information on the pilots that should be hunted
down and killed. The theological motivation for the killing is
superimposed on the image of the burnt pilot: Ibn Taymiyya,
may Allah have mercy on him, said: So if horror of commonly
desecrating the body is a call for them [the infidels] to believe
[in Islam], or to stop their aggression, it is from here that we
carry out the punishment and the allowance for legal Jihad4. It
is both significant and threatening that the last images do not
show Muadh al-Kasaesbehs burnt body, but the pilots on
whom IS has placed a bounty;
The release of the (extremely crude) video was discussed by
the media for the first time: some chose not to publish any im-
age, others released softer images, others linked to other web-
4 Ibn Taymiyya, considered one of the most important scholars of Islam, declared
the legitimacy of the jihad against Muslims who do not follow the sharia, stating that
they are not real Muslims, despite their declaration of faith.
96 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

sites that showed the video in full. The different attitudes have
stirred up a debate on whether or not (and how) to disseminate
communications from IS on Western media. This marks the
emergence of the issue of media responsibility.
These are the aspects that are worth reflecting on. Once again, the
ISs communication strategy prevails: it is clear that the exchange
of prisoners was never an option, but the new way of handling
communication allowed IS to change the usual format of behead-
ings (Kenji Gotos videos with the picture of his friend and the
Jordanian pilot) and close the case with a disruptive, burning
video, that was held up for one month before being released.
Everything had been planned since the beginning in order to
change the perspective that the Western public was beginning to
get used to, drag viewers into the empathic sharing of a horrific
event and set the trap for Western media that felt compelled to
report the news.
The IS director is like a cat playing with a mouse: after allow-
ing the prey to catch its breath, it is hit with the deadliest of blows.
This type of communication also sends a direct message to Jor-
dan, where the opposition to IS is not to be taken for granted many
groups of society and 3,000-4,000 men are already fighting with
the jihadists. It is also a threat to the caliphates neighboring
countries a target for IS expansion and consolidation. Finally, it
clearly shows the identity of possible targets and the fate that
awaits the soldiers of the coalition.
The video also seems to add something to the complex com-
munication strategy of the caliphate, which is trying to present
itself as a state and, with these images, provokes an instinctive
reaction to brutality. A second objective emerges, in addition to
that of institutionalizing IS. We may call it double radicalization,
as will be explained in the conclusion. If we look at the sequence
of communications on the first five beheadings, the Kassig video
in mid-November, the two Japanese prisoners videos and the
killing of the Jordanian pilot, the objective appears clearly and
deliberately. The first five videos follow the same script, both in
the announcements and in the execution, and have a strong impact,
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 97

although the public of flow television was beginning to become

used to it.
Kassig breaks the pattern, by necessity or choice, as discussed,
and the video directors take the opportunity to stage a more com-
plex representation: they show a shared ritual with men wearing
military camouflage suits, some of them clearly Westerners.
Fear remains but becomes more subtle given the direct threat
of many potential neighbor killers and less impactful, although
supported by an accurate choreography. The director is evolving
the series with the continuity that the public expects; he introduces
new twists but does not change its meaning and perspective. The
two Japanese, instead, are a sort of digression, a break to let view-
ers catch their breath. It is an intentional pause; the Jordanian pilot
video is probably in post-production, the soldier has certainly been
sacrificed already. With Muadh al-Kasaesbeh, that pause comes to
a sudden end that evokes shock, although it is expected and con-
sistent with the workings of the media: it aims at making the
public jump off their seat, provoking their emotions, looking for
the spontaneous reaction caused by watching a man being burnt
alive (especially in the way this was presented). It leads us back to
the same choreography of Kassigs video, but makes it even more
sophisticated with men lined up in their camouflage suits as
extras and elaborates on the same terrifying message, after using
the pause as a communication booster.
This communication sequence highlights, at the beginning of
2015, a second objective which does not replace but accompanies
and strengthens that of institutionalizing ISs role. The additional
goal is the promotion of a generalized and widespread conflict that
the outraged and understandable reaction to these images can spur
in Europe a reaction obtained with the whole sequence of vide-
os. So, in addition to the strategy of communication aimed at
institutionalization, the strategy of emotional communication
emerges; these are both traps that IS has prepared and that we are
running the risk of falling into.
If this is the case, the crescendo of horrific communications of
the last few months can only promote further radicalization both
98 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

among IS militiamen and those who oppose IS. A burnt mosque5

or worse may soon become reality even in Western countries.
In addition to these considerations, the case of the Japanese
prisoners deserves a brief comment concerning the so-called
fakes. The communication format, in this case, is more complex
and very flexible. It causes horror and uncertainty at the same
time, also because of the clear post-production opportunities that
these messages allow. The issue of fakes fake videos and com-
munication products that has often been part of the analysis of
the caliphates production, gained new momentum and, possibly,
some new justification. However, it is necessary to make a distinc-
tion between a post-production fake which does not show
reality but is a representation of it and a fake that is not real
because the identity of the source is fake. In the first case, the
discussion is certainly useful and helps to understand the tech-
niques, technologies and professional skills used, the reasons that
justify the fake and the strategies behind it. But it should not
become a pointless exercise: a fake which, in technical terms, is
certainly possible and likely for some of these messages does not
necessarily reflect on the effectiveness of the communication to
the public if the caliphates signature is confirmed. It is part of the
complex strategy of the media jihad.
The beheadings are also part of the IS media products that are
created and communicated according to a consistent strategy. Thus
a change in perspective even if caused by events which could
not be controlled or a video edited in post-production are an
opportunity to renew and refine the weapons of the current media

5 After the drafting of these notes, the first, albeit clumsy, attempt to burn a mosque
was reported: The Islamic Cultural Center in Massa Lombarda was targeted on the
night between Wednesday and Thursday (4-5 February 2015). At around 4.30 a fire
started and burnt the window-sill of the building on the corner of via Marchetti and
via Quadri. An improvised device made of rags soaked in flammable liquid was
thrown at the mosque. Flames damaged the window, the frames and several prayer
rugs inside. The smoke blackened the walls of the building.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 99

John Cantlie: from prisoner to ambassador

John Cantlie, an English reporter, was kidnapped the first time on

19 July 2012 while he was crossing the border between Turkey
and Syria in Bab al-Hawa. Wounded, he was freed by four mem-
bers of the Free Syrian Army on the 26 of the same month. In
November 2012 he went back to Syria and was kidnapped again
with his American colleague James Foley, who was later killed by
IS. Nothing was heard of Cantlie until he launched a video series
called Lend Me Your Ears, where he focused on the critical
topics of the political and media debate on the caliphate. In these
videos Cantlie wears a Guantanamo-style orange jumpsuit, he sits
at a table against a black background and recites his message as a
prisoner. The title says Messages from the British Detainee John
Cantlie. Cantlies communication changes with the second series
Table 4.1 - John Cantlies messages
Title Episode Release date Length (min:sec)
Lend Me Your Ears Introduction 18 September 2014 3:21
Lend Me Your Ears 1 23 September 2014 5:56
Lend Me Your Ears 2 29 September 2014 5:35
Lend Me Your Ears 3 12 October 2014 6:54
Lend Me Your Ears 4 16 October 2014 7:49
Lend Me Your Ears 5 25 October 2014 6:31
Inside 'Ayn al Islam 28 October 2014 5:32
Lend Me Your Ears 6 21 November 2014 8:52
Inside Mosul 3 January 2015 8:15
From inside Halab 9 February 2015 11:59

of videos, starting with Inside Ayn al Islam, from Mosul and

then from Aleppo.
Monica Maggioni has analyzed in depth Cantlies videos (see
her contribution in this book for an analysis of his role). From a
more general perspective, aimed at studying the caliphates com-
munication strategy, John Cantlie appears to be the common
thread of all the video series: he is an actual anchorman, followed
by an audience that is certainly not immune to the wicked appeal
100 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

of knowing that each new episode is proof that the presenter is still
Uncertainty grows after the reportage from Aleppo which inev-
itably requires a change in format and questions the role of the
journalist (a role that he maybe resuming for the caliphates an-
nounced TV channel, KhilafaLive). The topics correspond to the
critical points on the public and political agenda of the countries
that fight against IS. There is no blood, no violence, every concept
is clearly argued, the message is we can talk about this.
In the second Cantlie documentary series, the topics presented
are enriched by tales of ordinary daily life in the caliphate. This
creates even greater dissonance with the representations found in
the Western media. The target audience is more informed than the
average, more interested in what happens in the lands of the cali-
phate and in the consequences of the possible reactions of the
West. It is also potentially reactive and participates in the Western
The series, that can be described only briefly, are carefully
constructed by someone who is intimately familiar with both the
IS communication strategies and the target audience. Once again,
nothing is left to chance when it comes to the ISs use of media as
instruments of war that are as effective as an AK47 rifle. The
complex planning of the ISs communication strategy is also clear
in the article signed by Cantlie himself that appeared in issue 4 of
the IS magazine Dabiq, on 22 October 2014, in which he ex-
plains the meaning of his reportages.

Gamification and convergence

One of the foul words used in recent studies on new media and
their use is gamification. The concept, introduced in 2010, is very
interesting: it expresses the idea that daily behaviors, often boring
and mandatory, can be influenced and guided by a fun activity or
game, which is voluntary and pleasant by nature. Somehow,
gamification is a communication facilitator that helps accepting
such routines.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 101

Another useful concept is that of convergence: this concept re-

fers to the confluence on the same technological platform of
traditionally different media (listening to radio, watch TV, play
videogames, etc. on computers and smartphones), and to the
resulting melting pot of cultural attitudes and perspectives,
encouraged by this mix of genres and tools.
The result is the engagement of users for the purpose of retain-
ing (and eventually recruiting) them and guiding them towards an
apparent solution of problems, which has more to do with pleasure
(fun) than effectiveness. As a result these days much is heard
about game-related diseases whereby games superimpose their
virtual reality on real everyday life until the latter is replaced by
the former, which eventually becomes the only reference for an
individual. This technique maximizes the extremely close relation
between the virtual and the real world and exploits it to inform, to
guide, and to provide the opportunity to experiment and to break
Terrorists discovered gamification and convergence long ago,
even before they became a theory: role games and games where
the infidels are the enemy aimed at training, recruiting and
retaining, and, more importantly, at breaking the ethical barriers of
life have existed for decades in various forms. The first example
are the early jihadist cartoons which showed how to train a child
terrorist blowing himself up on a line of enemy lorries, replicating
the actions of one of his parents.
Very early on terrorists had also discovered how to distribute
these products on multi-platforms and to how to connect them
with other media products, e.g. games that follow or precede

Again, the IS has exploited

these possibilities very effectively
On 16 September 2014 the caliphate released a short video called
Flames of War, a sophisticated trailer in the media campaign
carried out by al-Hayat Media Center for IS. The video is about 1
minute long and fairly well documented, it has a fast pace and
102 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

slow motion parts: it is a classic trailer announcing something that

will come later and raising expectations and interest. It is clearly a
product made by skilled hands. More importantly the video high-
lights the deliberate media strategy of IS: it is part of the jihadist
fight, which uses video and media materials on the battlefield of a
widespread war. In this case, the strategy is more relevant than
the technique: the video has an open ending (what will follow? A
videogame, a movie, a series?) which embodies the idea of
media convergence typical of our society. By circumventing all
limitations on the transmission of contents (violent and gruesome
videos fall under the censorship policies now applied by social
media), this strategy also manages to create hugely viral contents.
Only a few days later Grand Theft Auto: Salil al- Sawarim
makes its appearance.
Grand Theft Auto (GTA) was first released in 1997 for
PlayStation and other platforms; in 2004 it boasted 30 million
players worldwide. The game targets young players, it is highly
enthralling, and therefore hugely successful. Precisely the kind of
potential that was not lost on IS, that promptly customized the
game to suit its own purposes. The brand name is the same with
the addition of Salil al-Sawarim. Its goal is to attract young
people and to introduce them to a career not as car thieves, but as
jihadists. The Arabic addition to the title translates roughly as
rattling swords and is consistent with the images of the video-
game trailer released on 18 September 2014, which is not too
different from the commercial videos for the actual videogame.
This is a perfect example of gamification and convergence: the
title Salil al-Sawarim (abbreviated as SaS) had already been
used for a video made by al-Furqan, one of the most important
production houses of IS. The fourth episode appeared on 17 March
2014. In the first 24 hours on YouTube, the video was watched by
about 57,000 people, with an average permanence per visitor of 17
minutes (the video is 1 hour long). As usual, the video was made
available in different formats, including a high-definition 1G
version for download: in short, it was a huge success. Searches for
the video came especially from Twitter in the first two days,
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 103

particularly from Android platforms, followed by iPhone, and

mostly in Arabic (about 30,000 searches) followed, at a significant
distance, by Indonesian. The video shows mujaheddin fighting and
IS convoys being cheered by the crowd in Homs, Raqqa and
Fallujah, where a drone, apparently a Parrot AR Drone con-
trolled through an iPad, offers viewers a 360 view from above of
the IS march from Syria to Iraq. The video is actually very well
made and effective in captivating the audience and promoting
support, like any war or adventure video produced in the U.S. or
Europe would. Of course, the topics, characters and goals are
different and the myth it is inspired by is obviously the jihad.
The videogame builds on the success of this video to target,
through a specific product, a younger and more fun-oriented
audience. Of course the game an appreciated and common
format among young people aims at influencing the ideology of
users by legitimizing terrorism and the jihad ideals while having
Once again, this is proof of ISs ability to use media. In this
case it perfectly grasps and applies the concept of gamification to
its advantage, making the most of all its communication power.
The only missing piece to fully implement the strategy of con-
vergence was a web TV: on 20 January a teaser trailer6 promoting
KhilafaLive made its appearance in various forums.
The video refers to the website, advertised as
the official website for the supporters of the Islamic State cali-
phate and anticipates broadcasts with the same protagonists and
topics of the whole IS media system: Cantlie with its reportages,
nasheed7 on the jihad, programs for recruitment and training,
updates on life in the caliphate. It is a sort of State television that
will perhaps one day require an annual subscription fee and an
important step towards the institutionalization goal pursued by IS.
The possibility for viewers to chat on the issues presented in the
TV programs was also announced.

6 A teaser trailer is a short promotional video usually focusing on one single se-
7 Traditional Islamic vocal music, widely used in the jihad.
104 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

The strategy aims at achieving the convergence of messages

that are reinforced on multiple platforms, thus attracting different
audiences for the same purpose: strengthening the jihad.
But this should come as no surprise: it is actually a strategy that
we created ourselves.

The jihad magazines

Inspire is the historical magazine of Qaedism. The first issue was

published in January 2010, making the Western world fully aware
of the communication skills and strategies of terrorists. In print the
publication disseminated online on forums and chats looks like
any modern magazine: it has about 30 color pages, it contains
many pictures, and texts are mainly in English, indicating that the
target is a young, modern and radical audience. Its topics deal with
promotion, recruitment and training; detailed information is given
on how to launch an attack and which tools to use from home-
made bombs to the correct maintenance for Kalashnikov rifles.
Inspire of which 13 issues have been published (most recently
on 24 December 2014) is one step forward in the media produc-
tion of the jihad. It supports the new, flexible structure of on
demand, self-taught terrorist groups who are encouraged to hit
soft targets with operations they have to organize autonomously.
Most notably, in March 2013, the 10th issue of Inspire listed
Stphane Charbonnier the editor of Charlie Hebdo who was
killed in the attack on 7 January 2014 in Paris among the most
wanted targets.
The new magazines (including Al-Shamikha, The magnificent
woman, 31 glossy pages published in March 2011 with an armed,
veiled woman on the cover, clearly intended for female readers)
are written in English. They are based on a traditional model but
are available on platforms and distributed online. This highlights
the complexity of the media galaxy of the jihad and begins to
clearly show the strategies and the careful direction behind the
activities of al-Qaeda before, and IS now.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 105

Dabiq is the IS version of Inspire and a further evolution of the

first Qaedist magazine8.
Dabiq is a small town with a population of around 3,000 in
Syria, on the northern border with Turkey so ISs special interest
in conquering Dabiq in the battle of August 2014 may appear
puzzling. But Dabiq has an important role for Islam: according to
one of the hadith in the Sunnah9, Mohammeds teachings, the
Muslims will fight against a horde of infidels near the town of
Dabiq, in the last hour of history, before the return of the Messiah.
These are the plan and the promises that the name of this town
enshrines: hence the decision to use Dabiq as the title of the IS
magazine that aims to communicate and spread strategies and
targets and, more importantly, the radical view of the caliphate.
Dabiq is a modern magazine, full of colors and pictures, an inter-
esting layout, consisting usually of 40 to 60 pages (but the first
issue was shorter, 26 pages). Here is how it defines itself:
a periodical magazine focusing on the issues of unity (tawhid),
truth-seeking (manhaj), migration (hijrah), holy war (jihad) and
community (jama'ah). It will also contain photo reports, current
events, and informative articles on matters relating to the Islamic
Until January 2015, Dabiq pursued these goals with six issues
published from 5 July to 29 December 2014. In all these issues,
the caliphate makes its conquest plan clear by promoting the
recruitment of fighters and families, trying to establish its Qaedist
leadership, explaining to its own advantage aspects of daily
life according to the doctrine of Islam (see the paper by Monica
Maggioni for further analysis). Its communication is always

8 For further information on Dabiq, see the chapter 3 by Monica Maggioni in this
9 Hadith 6924: The Last Hour would not come until the Romans would land at al-

Amaq or in Dabiq. An army consisting of the best (soldiers) of the people of the
earth at that time will come from Medina (to counteract them) They will then
fight and a third (part) of the army would run away, whom Allah will never forgive.
A third (part of the army) which would be constituted of excellent martyrs in Allahs
eye would be killed and the third who would never be put to trial would win and
they would be conquerors of Constantinople.
106 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

mindful of Western debates: for instance, the 6th issue of Dabiq in

December 2014 mentions the attack against the chocolate shop in
Sidney10 and uses this good example in a counter-narrative to
explain the aspirations of IS. In other words, it contextualizes the
debate from a different perspective that of the jihad. Dabiq is
perfectly integrated in the multiplatform communication strategy
of the caliphate, it is an important part of it and uses Internet
channels to spread its messages also in a more traditional form.
While the goal is the same, all communication activities are skill-
fully orchestrated to rely on different media to reach different

The caliphate and tourist brochures

As regards the use of different media including the more tradi-

tional ones it should come as no surprise that IS is also using
brochures as a promotional tool for a very targeted audience: the
families of foreign fighters. The goal here is to attract them to IS
territories and to consolidate ISs status as a rising state.
One example of this kind of systematic communication is an-
other magazine, called Islamic State News, published by al-Hayat
Media Center. Since June 2014, the weekly publication has been
celebrating the success of the caliphate, presenting both its mili-
tary victories and the assistance provided to the population. The
first issue discusses Aid distribution. The Islamic State gives
flour, fish and other materials to Sunni families in Ewessat; the
second opens with pictures of apple and gold stalls at the market
under the title Business flourishes under the guide of the Islamic
State. Finally, the third issue states: The Islamic State offers
protection to shepherds. All the provinces are covered, thus
further emphasizing the state organization of IS and the opportuni-
ties for development that it can offer.

10 On 15 and 16 December 2014 the Lindt coffee shop in Sidney was attacked by
Haron Monis. The attack ended with the death of the terrorist and two of about
thirty hostages.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 107

Another brochure was launched through the Twitter account

@Wilaiat_Halab (later suspended): 31 color pages in Arabic,
published in September 2014, illustrated life in the province of
Aleppo. It contained no references to rifles or dead people, but
plenty of data on economics and demographics, pictures of quiet
rivers, fields ready for harvest, views of automated ovens to make
bread and schools educating children under the black IS flag. Its
success is clear from the interviews gathered in those months in
that province, where people say that, thanks to IS, diesel fuel is
finally cheap and justice is ensured:
I recently (22 August 2014) had the opportunity to speak to a
friend in Manbij, a small city in Aleppo of about 100,000 (pre-
war) under exclusive Islamic State (IS) control since January
2014 (when the organization was still called ISIS). He told me
about how IS cadres were administering the city and what
Manbijis think about the new political order. () In Manbij,
people see that IS is getting comfortable, and that the trappings
of statehood appear stronger every day. ISs public administra-
tion structure includes several types of police, courts and
administrative bodies. The group provides services and under-
takes development projects. IS collects taxes in the form of zakat
and redistributes some of the money to the poor Recently, IS
has begun shipping fuel from fields it recently captured in Dayr
al-Zawr province and selling it at fixed discounted rates in Alep-
This is basically what Cantlie later explained in his reportages
from Mosul and Aleppo.
This type of communication in the framework of the general
project has two objectives: it shows the world the quality of life
in the caliphate and, more importantly, it aims to attract the fami-
lies of foreign fighters to build solid ties of loyalty among the
108 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

ISs online editorial production: the Black Flags Books

This analysis of the caliphate communication strategy would not

be complete without considering ISs production of e-books
limited to .pdf that are distributed via Twitter, with links to new
volumes. Compared to other communication products, the editori-
al quality of IS e-books is lower in terms of layout and language.
However, they are certainly useful in the context of ISs general
The production of e-books came to the fore on 16 January
2015, when some well-known and often banned Twitter accounts
began to promote the new e-book published by the caliphate:
Islamic State 2015, 100 pages in non-perfect English containing a
lot of information on IS.
The e-book is made up of 5 sections:
Leadership (pages 8-21): the first section describes the IS
command, its goals and the strategies used to escape attacks.
Soldiers (pages 22-50): this part describes how to access IS-
controlled territories, what type of training is carried out, the
command chain and the daily life of a fighter.
Services (pages 51-64): this section explains that the State will
soon issue its own currency and that free transport, education
and health services are provided.
Media (pages 65-86): this section details the caliphate com-
munication strategy and tools, with particular emphasis on so-
cial media, based on the appreciation with which IS messages
have been received in the Western world.
The future (pages 87-100): where the State will hit, including
missiles against Europe and Italy that AQIM is asked to send.
Despite some initial surprise which would reveal a lack of
awareness it was clear that Islamic State 2015 is actually the
eighth book in the series of the Black Flags Books, that are
widely advertised in jihadist forums.
The titles published so far that have appeared more frequent-
ly after the establishment of the caliphate - are the following:
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 109

E-book 1: Black Flags from the East (Khorasan) (November

E-book 2: Black Flags from Syria (May 2013)
E-book 3: Black Flags from Arabia (September 2013)
E-book 4: Black Flags from Persia (Iran) (October 2014)
E-book 5: Black Flags from Rome (November 2014)
E-book 1: Miracles in Syria (2013)
E-book 2: Martyrs of Syria (2014)
E-book: The Islamic State (2015)
As is evident, the e-books target the caliphates neighboring
countries, where IS wishes to expand and where it already boasts a
certain level of ideological and operating clout, thanks also to the
internal fractures within the Islamic group. Rome is the exception:
it is considered the capital of Europe and the homeland of all
kuffar. This is how the Black Flags from Rome e-book is presented
on the Internet:
Europe is returning to the Dark Ages (due to a financial reces-
sion). Armed gangs are forming into militias for racist politi-
cians, and a young Muslim minority is their enemy. All this
while a caliphate is growing across the Mediterranean sea next
door. How does this mix of chaos lead to the conquest of Rome
(the capital of Europe)?
The programmatic e-book that opens 2015 is part of a more com-
plex editorial strategy which, once again, highlights ISs ability to
orchestrate a versatile use of different media.
In terms of communication, Islamic State 2015 is an interesting
product: although it is not particularly refined and the magazines
have a better quality one gets the feeling that it was probably a
rush project it often uses information and infographics taken
from Western media and presents them from the caliphate per-
spective. The text adds nothing relevant about the caliphate itself,
but systematically organizes all the information that is already
circulating on the Internet, thus becoming a useful tool for those
who search for IS and a propaganda tool for its State.
The chapter on communication indirectly explains the reasons
behind this new media production. Page 76 reads:
110 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

The Islamic State has imprisoned and later beheaded some jour-
nalists and activists from Western non-Muslim lands, many who
later turned out to be spies or ex-army soldiers. However, late-
ly (end of 2014) the Islamic State has changed its position and is
being a lot more transparent with journalists. It is allowing them
the right to travel in the Islamic State and see the services it is
providing for the people.
Transparency has become a strategic cornerstone: although
they reveal nothing new, the contents are reorganized to reflect the
caliphates view, and are aimed at a wider Western audience and
particularly new recruits. Cantlies work should be considered in
this context, as well as German journalist Todenhoefers, whose
opinions even critical ones are recontextualized in the book as
an example of transparency, which, according to the clever and
correct interpretation of the Islamist strategy is a rewarding
On this point, the book contains an interesting section that is
found at page 80-81, under the title The Islamic State Online: It is
surprising to notice that the Islamic State does not have a website
of its own. Its entire network of propaganda consists of the follow-
ing media types:
Professionally edited videos. (i.e. al-Furqan, al-Hayat)
Social media accounts (i.e. on Twitter)
E-books and eMagazines. (i.e. Dabiq magazine)
The Islamic States online world is similar to its practical real life
world, in that everything is decentralized. Example: In real life,
nobody knows where Khalifah Ibrahim (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) is
located, similarly no-one has one centralized website they can visit
to find the Islamic State and its content. This is really important
because by hiding Khalifah Ibrahims location, no-one can easily
assassinate him. Similarly, by not having a website, no-one can
hack it and claim an online victory. The Islamic States content
(videos, e-books, social media accounts) are scattered all around
the Internet. Just like the different provinces of the Islamic State
are scattered in different locations. Each province has its own
responsibility in creating its own videos and social media accounts
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 111

to share its successes. By decentralizing everything from the core

leadership, even if a province fails online or offline, the leadership
and overall Khilafa (Caliphate) leadership project is still safe and
can grow elsewhere. Hashtags: whenever Islamic State members
want to promote a cause or message, they will use hashtags (such
as: #AllEyesOnISIS) to promote their campaign, message or to
advertise a new release. What we see is that even though Muslims
have been trying to tell people about Islam for the past 20yrs, there
have been more searches for Islamic State on YouTube in the
past 3yrs than there have been for Islam since YouTube has ever
existed. This shows that the world is starting to search about Islam
a lot more now that it is a real practical entity (State) instead of
just an idea ().
These few lines, expressed in rather clumsy English, portray
the same picture of the caliphate that has emerged from previous
analyses. In this case, however, the description has the strength of
a self-portrait: the caliphate describes itself for what it claims to
be and maybe actually is which is in fact very close to what we
who do not belong to IS say it is.
In communication terms, this is a powerful statement. Once
again, it aims to consolidate ISs identity as a State proper, it is
likely to attract new recruits and to destabilize Western readers.
The latter, faced with the same symbolic codes they are used to,
are forced to break away from the stereotypical idea of the Bed-
ouin jihadist used to label the enemy as someone other than
oneself, different and far away, someone who is unable to com-
The transparency and multiple media use implemented in the
complex IS strategy serves precisely the purpose of rejecting the
stereotypical image of the jihadist which, by facilitating the identi-
fication of the enemy, ends up being the number one enemy of the
caliphate aspiring to be a State: an entity you can have relations
112 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

The hybrid war on the Web

The examples of the complex and articulated communication

strategy of IS that we have outlined clearly indicate that this is all
part of an accurate, determined and targeted effort to achieve the
caliphates ultimate goal: recognition as a State. The State the IS
aspires to would control a territory, be inhabited by citizens and
function according to a system of institutions and infrastructures.
Within this global strategy, the media strategy plays an important
role which may not have been fully understood by those who fight
against IS.
For instance, it may appear odd but IS has proved more effec-
tive at producing counter-information and counter-narratives than
the coalition fighting it.
While on one side there is a journalist like Cantlie, the undis-
puted anchorman of the IS approach, on the other there is an
attempt by Barak Barfi a representative of Steven Sotloffs
family (beheaded on 2 September 2014) who speaks directly to
the Islamists in Arabic and questions the legitimacy of that be-
heading, using informed arguments. The request by French Minis-
ter for Foreign Affairs Laurent Fabius (16 September 2014) not to
use the acronym IS to call the Daish11 in order to avoid acknowl-
edging its status as a State and use a derogatory acronym instead,
has not been very successful and seems to be a weak suggestion.
An example of carelessness comes from Italys RAI radio news
broadcast of 4 February 2015. While commenting the executions
of Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouly12 the word retaliation
crops up, while other media, including ANSA (Italys national

11 The term Daish (al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham) is the Arabic acronym for
Isis (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant); it was used in April 2013 by Iranian
media and later adopted by anti-IS Syrian fighters. Also, in Arabic Daish sounds
like Daes, which means he who crushes something under his feet and also like
Dahes, which means he who sows discord.
12 Sajida al-Rishawi was sentenced to death for her role in the terrorist attacks in

Amman in 2005, where 60 people died. Al-Karbouly, an al-Qaeda fighter, had been
on death row since 2008 for planning terrorist attacks against Jordanian citizens in
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 113

news agency), use the word revenge. Considering that both had
been tried by the legitimate court of a sovereign state, their refer-
ence should have been limited to the execution of the sentence,
as that is what it was. In contrast, journalists insisted on the emo-
tional side of the event, thus playing the game of the IS communi-
cation strategy. Counter-narrative actions must necessarily involve
the whole media system, which should be aware of the responsi-
bilities that stem from a situation where each and every communi-
cation is part of a strategic game of conflict where everyone is
involved, media included. The same comments apply to most of
the IS communications that are indiscriminately reported in the
media, with no consideration for effects and responsibilities. This
situation that is passed off as freedom of expression is actually a
dangerous and irresponsible game in the context of the new forms
of hybrid war.
In the so-called hybrid war, where actors and battlefields are
most diverse, communication plays a central role, which goes far
beyond traditional psychological warfare operations. At the end
of January 2015 the announcement was made that the British army
would soon create a specialist brigade for online fighting. It is
the 77th Brigade, already identified as the Twitter Troops. As of
1 April, their task will be to fight the pervasive presence of IS,
especially on social media. It is an important step in military
enforcement strategies: for the first time, specific kinetic activities
in the virtual world are formally launched (in this case, non-
conventional, non-lethal combat actions), with explicit objectives.
It will be interesting to see if this new approach can be shared with
other units which may be created in other allied countries.
Along the same lines, after the attack against Charlie Hebdo
(Paris, 7 January 2015), Anonymous stepped in. This is a global
network of hacktivists who have declared war on IS and are
determined to fight it in cyber space13 with operation #OpCharlie-

13 The Anonymous statement of 10 January 2015 reads: People of the world, the
time is serious. On 7 January 2015, freedom of speech was hit. Terrorists broke into
the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine and killed several cartoon artists, journalists
and two policemen. Disgusted and shocked, we cannot fall to our knees. It is our
114 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Hebdo. Again, this confirms the multitude of fields and actors

involved. In particular, Anonymous intensified its activities at the
beginning of February, when it hit hundreds of Facebook and
Twitter accounts related to IS and announced with a video: You
will be treated like a virus, and we are the cure () Operation Isis
continues. We are Muslims, Christians, Jews the terrorists who
call themselves Islamic State are not Muslims.
There is no doubt that the Web the global network is be-
coming an important battlefield, used deliberately by IS (as stated
in the above mentioned book Islamic State 2015), and probably
less deliberately by its opponents.
In this virtual war, Anonymous has been mentioned for the
clamor of the #OpCharlieHebdo initiative, but hacktivists had
began to launch their attacks much earlier, in the summer of 2014,
with operations opIceISIS and OpISIS, which were later revived
after the attack against Charlie Hebdo and boosted by the media
with the Anonymous video of 6 February. Another campaign,
NO2ISIS, aimed at attacking institutions and states accused of
supporting IS by providing funds and weapons.
So far the result amounts to less than 2,000 identified Facebook
and Twitter accounts and a few blacked-out jihad websites, com-
pared to about 60,000 registered accounts of IS supporters before
Foleys killing, a figure that dropped by about one half after the
implementation of social media control policies. Anonymous is
actually trying to list jihad-related websites, looking for their
weaknesses, creating a database of websites, defacing them

duty to react. We are all affected by the death of Cabu, Charb, Tignous and Wolin-
ski, talented artists who were massacred for their opinions and for the freedom of
the press... Charlie Hebdo, historical figure of satirical journalism, was targeted by
coward killers. Anonymous has always fought for the freedom of expression and
press. We will never stop. Anonymous must remind every citizen that the freedom
of the press is one of the fundamental principles of democracy. It is everybodys
responsibility to defend it. We have always fought for the freedom of expression.
We will not stop now. Any attack against the freedom of expression is an attack
against Anonymous. We do not allow it. All companies and organizations connected
to these terrorist attacks should expect a massive reaction by Anonymous. We will
track you down. We will find you and we will never stop. We are Anonymous. We
are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 115

(changing the homepage), gathering information on their partici-

pants and, the very last option, launching a DDoS attack to put
them offline (black them out). It is a cooperation strategy which
has involved several activists and non-activists who share a large
amount of data on chats. For instance, the @OpCharlieHebdo
account reached 30,000 followers in two days. If we look beyond
statistical data, it becomes clear that Anonymous does not express-
ly encourage its activists to put websites offline, but rather to
gather information which, if interesting, can be passed on to the
agencies that are working on the Web. In other words, it is a
meaningful and adequate intelligence operation to tackle the
problem, shaped by the awareness that if a profile or a website is
blacked out, it will emerge again soon afterwards, under a slightly
different identity. This would waste the time of those who look for
information on the Internet, without significant outcomes. Maybe,
we hope, constructive cooperation can be set up between all those
who have decided to fight IS in the virtual world, in various forms.
IS itself does not use the Web for propaganda and recruitment
purposes only: it also launches digital attacks. The eye of the
caliphate is one of the IS initiatives in this field: with a Trojan
virus, it installs a program in the users computer. The program
runs in the background and registers all inputs sent through the
keyboard or any other device. A few weeks ago, IS put down for a
few hours the Twitter account of CentCom, the United States
Central Command for the Middle East, headquartered in Tampa
(Florida) and responsible for the area from Egypt to Pakistan and
In short, identifying accounts on social media, putting down
Islamist websites, listing providers and identifying IP addresses
scattered all over the global network is hardly useful; it is just a
limited victory which immediately leads to the emergence of
new virtual battlefields. This is due to the very nature of the Inter-
net a delocalized and virtual network. As a consequence, the
most useful approach is the constant monitoring of communica-
tions sent over the Internet, in order to acquire information and to
launch any necessary operation (although with limited results) to
116 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Table 4.2 Summary of IS communication strategies

Type Target Objective Strategy Preferred

(and products) medium

Promoting viral
Social media Potential supporters, Radicalization, Social
behaviors and
(FB, Twitter, etc.) Islamist radicals, etc. recruitment platforms
imitation, story telling
Enemies of the Showing the
Communication of Terrorizing and brutality of death,
caliphate wide Video
horror (beheadings) threatening promoting
Western audience
emotional reactions
Promoting the Creating
debate on the IS, counter-narratives:
information Informed and
focusing on the recontextualization
(Cantlie: Lend Me interested Video
critical points on of contents from
Your Ears and Western audience
the Western public the point of view of
agenda IS

Normalization: recontextualization
Information Families of (potential)
spreading news of contents from
(Islamic State News supporters, Western-
that emphasize the the point of view of Pdf
and various ers who are critical of
normality of daily IS; promotion of
brochures) actions against IS
life in the caliphate the normality of
daily life in the
IS members, Explaining and
especially Using a traditional
Magazines, e-books providing political,
foreign fighters, and medium and Pdf
(Dabiq, Inspire, etc.) theological and
competent multiple strategies
tactical guidelines
Western audience
Gamification Using games as a
Digital youth, Socializing with the tool for socializa- Online
(Grand Theft Auto:
not just Islamists caliphate and IS tion and normaliza- game
Salil al- Sawarim)
Dissemination of all topics already raised by IS communica-
tion activities, targeting a wide public; individuals will then
(KhilafaLive, Web TV
find their own niche areas in terms of language
and time.

hinder activities, infiltrate groups or spread counter-narratives in

cooperation with the private sector, i.e. companies that offer
online services. This is the rationale behind the appeal launched by
the British intelligence at the beginning of 2015.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 117

The following table (Tab. 4.2) is a summary limited to the

examples mentioned in this paper that attempts to identify types,
targets, objectives and strategies that characterize the caliphates
communication activities.
The analysis clearly shows that this complex media strategy is not
accidental, but rather the result of knowledge and skills that be-
long to the global world of widespread and pervasive communica-
Not acknowledging as much, or being surprised at the use of
communication technologies, shows the frequent cultural delay
and the ethnocentrism that the West adopts far too often towards
its rivals, thus generating huge vulnerabilities.
It is now clear that the IS media strategy has a solid structure
and organization: it is an effective and competent system that
pursues clear strategies (for instance the al-Hayat Media Center
brand). It is equally clear that the jihad has been using media
technologies for years and that terrorism has invested money and
resources in the media war for quite some time. As discussed in
the previous pages, the qualitative progress made by IS is the
complex direction of its different media products, which follow
different lines. Let us not forget that communication in general
(not just IS communication) is always based on a process that aims
to build relations. In other words: each communication particu-
larly competent communication leaves a track that reflects the
characteristics of the addressees, the competence of the source, the
features of the dissemination infrastructures, etc. This creates a
potential vulnerability for the communication creators whenever
there is a competent and proactive interest to interfere. And this
is a good reason why the surprise generated a few pages ago is
not acceptable.
It is also important to remember that, in pervasive communica-
tion, the processes of such communication define the level of
reality: more and more often, the public agenda (conveyed through
media) and the political agenda tend to coincide. By the same
token, the gap between the representation of reality and reality
itself has significantly decreased, especially in the emotional
118 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

communication that Western media uncritically use and the cali-

phate uses within a carefully designed strategy.


As far as the objectives of the complex and articulated communi-

cation strategies of the caliphate are concerned, it is very clear that
the end goal pursued is the institutionalization of IS, its acknowl-
edgement as a State. The production and organization of media
contents is one of the components of this process; it is not the only
one, but it is certainly quite relevant.
However, the growing dramatization and the increased fre-
quency of new significant media products in the last months points
towards a second objective. This time the aim is not only to pro-
mote radicalization in order to recruit so-called foreign fighters,
but also to accentuate the conflict, intensified by reactive attitudes
in the West. IS is trying to indirectly activate the potential enemies
of the caliphate, that is European citizens. It no longer relies on
direct terrorist attacks alone to let the violence between Islam
and the West explode, but also on the reactive response that it is
trying to trigger.
In addition to establishing itself as a State, IS seems to be also
interested in unsettling Western societies with violence by promot-
ing all kinds of conflict, and conflicts inspired by ethnic and
religious radicalism are easier to generate.
The strategy of communication aimed at institutionalization is
now accompanied by the strategy of emotional communication:
both are traps that IS has prepared and that we are running the risk
of falling into.
This second communication approach where the central tool
is the beheading series is aimed at a double radicalization: on
the one hand, it helps IS look for supporters and new fighters. Let
us not forget that the terrible killing of the pilot is understood as
retaliation against those who had done the same against IS villages
using bombs and that the indignation it generates is not necessarily
shared by everyone. As a result, it promotes the radicalization we
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 119

are used to, aimed at recruiting people. On the other hand, howev-
er, it fuels indignation by exasperating and surprising another
audience (the European public) and fostering a violent reaction
against a generalized enemy, a beast (the most common com-
ment that appeared in the media) that is specifically characterized
by the fact of being Muslim.
The result is a second radicalization involving those members
of the European and Western population who are led to react. The
first signs of this phenomenon are the following:
Between 4 and 5 February a clumsy attempt to burn the
Islamic Cultural Center in Massa Lombarda was made: At
around 4.30 a fire started and burnt the window-sill of the
building on the corner of via Marchetti and via Quadri. An im-
provised device made of rags soaked in flammable liquid was
thrown at the mosque. Flames damaged the window, the
frames and several prayer rugs inside. The smoke blackened
the walls of the building;
A growing sense of fear and uneasiness is spreading, particu-
larly among younger people, which tends to turn into violence.
Although no statistical data are available, in January the num-
ber of worried parents whose children (usually aged 14-20) are
afraid when they meet someone who speaks Arabic and ask (or
say) what they can do to go and fight against IS, was on the
Political debate within individual European countries is becom-
ing inevitably radicalized. This translates into stances that con-
tain elements of xenophobia and racism. As a result, any action
against the caliphate becomes more difficult (any measure
wishing to be effective requires a joint effort);
The statements of traditionally influential imams - such as
Ahmed al-Tayeb (4 February 2015) from the University of Al-
Azhar in Cairo, the most prestigious center for the teaching of
Sunni Islam- have proved rather ineffective. After the Jordani-
an pilot was killed he condemned the terrorist act and stated
that the Koran-prescribed punishment should be asked for
these aggressors who fight God and his Prophet: death, cruci-
120 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

fixion or the amputation of their hands and feet but the ef-
fect was nil, as traditional Islam no longer carries a significant
influence on IS. This showed the obvious weakness that al-
Tayeb and other religious leaders now suffer in the world of
radical Islam, and at the same time engaged them in the poten-
tial emerging conflicts in the West, as defenders of Islam. IS is
effectively impairing their power of representation14.
Both strategies aim at both establishing the caliphate as the
leader of the Islamist world which is fragmented into a multitude
of discordant groups looking for a new commander-in-chief
and at threatening Europe (identified as the weak plurality of the
West), while establishing the legitimacy and supremacy of IS in its
If, as is likely, this also relates to the difficulties that the cali-
phate is experiencing in its expansion and to its ability to exploit
the vulnerabilities of its opponents who constantly fall into the
traps laid by IS we can soon expect an exacerbation of the
conflict at all levels of the hybrid war.
After all, a radical clash between Islam and the rest would on-
ly play to the advantage of IS.
Given the specificities of the media conflict, responses must be
based on the development of specific counter-strategies in the
context of the hybridization of the conflict, where actors and tools
blend and communication is a real and virtual battlefield at the
same time.
Also, we need answers to more general issues such as the im-
possibility to govern the Web, given the absence of legal instru-
ments that define the freedom of action of each individual accord-
according to shared rules; the responsibility of Western media
that are used more and more by IS as channels to spread its own
messages for the effects that the information they convey;

14Unfortunately, even data that describe the situation in more general terms do not
paint a rosier picture: according to a survey carried out at the end of August 2014,
92 per cent of Saudi Arabians still consider the Islamic State compliant with the
values of Islamic law.
IS 2.0 and Beyond: The Caliphates Communication Project 121

Table 4.3 Timeline of analyzed media products

Title Type Release date
Various on social media - FB and Post, profiles,
Constant release
Twitter stories
Salil al-Sawarim Video 17 March 2014
Islamic State News - 3 issues Magazine June 2014
Dabiq, issue 1 Magazine 15 July 2014
Dabiq, issue 2 Magazine 27 July 2104
Beheading of James Foley Video 19 August 2014
The province of Aleppo Brochure September 2014
Beheading of Steven Sotloff Video 2 September 2014
Beheading of David Haines Video 13 September 2014
Salil al-Sawarim IV Video 18 September 2014
Flame of Wars Video trailer 18 September 2014
Grand Theft Auto: Salil al-Sawarim Trailer, videogame 18 September 2014
Lend Me Your Ears Foreword - Cantlie Video 18 September 2014
Lend Me Your Ears 1 Cantlie Video 23 September 2014
Beheading of Herv Gourdel Video 24 September 2014
Lend Me Your Ears 2 Cantlie Video 29 September 2014
Beheading of Alan Henning Video 19 August 2014
Lend Me Your Ears 3 Cantlie Video 3 October 2014
Dabiq, issue 3 Magazine 12 October 2014
Dabiq, issue 4 Magazine 22 October 2014
Lend Me Your Ears 4 Cantlie Video 16 October 2014
Lend Me Your Ears 5 Cantlie Video 25 October 2014
Inside 'Ayn al Islam Cantlie Video 28 October 2014
Beheading of Peter Kassig Video 16 November 2014
What are you waiting
Video 19 November 2014
for- al-Hayat Media Center
Lend Me Your Ears 6 Cantlie Video 21 November 2014
Dabiq, issue 5 Magazine 22 November 2014
Dabiq, issue 6 Magazine 29 December 2014
Inside Mosul - Cantlie Video 3 January 2015
20 January 2015
KhilafaLive Web TV
Beheading of Haruna Yukawa Video 24 January2015
Second public message of Kenji Goto
Jogo to his family and the Japanese Video 27 January 2015
Beheading of Kenji Goto Video 31 January 2015
2 February 2015
Islamic State 2015 E-book (on Twitter since
15 January)
Martyr of Muad al-Kasaesbeh Video 3 February 2015
From inside Halab - Cantlie Video 9 February 2015
122 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

the need to embrace an open, empathic and analytical cultural

approach to reduce vulnerability and adapt our responses to the IS
attack capabilities.
In addition to these specific objectives and given the emer-
gence of a strategy of conflict pursued by IS it is still important
to keep on looking for active cooperation, and not simply dia-
logue, with that part of Islam that chooses to keep its distance
from Islamism.
Part III
The Objectives of the Propaganda
5. The Caliphate, Social Media
and Swarms in Europe:
The Appeal of the IS Propaganda
to Would Be European Jihadists
Marco Arnaboldi and Lorenzo Vidino

Since the IS became the main protagonist of the global jihadist

scene and created a de facto state which now controls large por-
tions of Syria and Iraq, governments and terrorism experts have
been wondering about the Islamic States skills on battlefields and
in an equally important arena: media campaigns. The focus on the
Islamic States propaganda strategies is particularly strong in
Europe, given the presence of about 5,000 fighters from various
European countries among the IS ranks, according to January
2015 estimates.
Part of the secret of the Islamic States success lies in its mili-
tary achievements. However, the groups skilled use of media in
no less important and it is an essential component of its appeal
among young European Muslims. Since the 1980s several jihadist
groups have been investing significant resources in propaganda
activities. Abdullah Azzam was probably the first to understand
the importance of propaganda, but his disciple Osama bin Laden
was equally aware of the fact that the war of the media is one of
the most powerful weapons of this century; we may say it ac-
counts for 90 per cent of the preparation for battle1. In his first
speech as the head of al-Qaeda, his successor Ayman al-Zawahiri
praised the warriors of the media jihad, whom he described as
1Harmony Database, Combating Terrorism Center at the U.S. Military Academy,
West Point. ID, AFGP-2002-600321.
126 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

hidden soldiers unknown to most, who have left their mark in the
world2. In recent years, al-Qaeda has intensified its messages to
the Western audience: it has translated its materials into various
European languages and it has been using a framing that is attrac-
tive to young Muslims who have grown up in the West.
Although sophisticated, al-Qaedas media efforts pale in com-
parison with the modernity, reach and effectiveness of its former
branch and now rival: the Islamic State. The group led by al-
Baghdadi has outshined al-Qaeda, both in terms of quality and
reach of its communication activities. This chapter will look at the
IS European media campaign and explore some techniques, style
choices and communication frames which seem to be the most
widely used by propagandists in the Old Continent, and the most
suited to European tastes. In looking at how the Islamic State
spreads its message in Europe and the kind of people who are
particularly attracted to it, we will also try to illustrate the evolu-
tion of the European jihadist scene towards new forms of net-
works. This development which, as will be explained, is limited
to our continent seems to be strongly influenced by and to fol-
low the same communication environments which determined the
propaganda strategy of the IS in Europe. Finally, the paper will
present the specific case of Anas el Abboubi, a young Italian
jihadist, as a good example to empirically confirm the ideas pre-
sented by the authors.

Social networks and swarm dynamics

The analysis of various episodes of radicalization and the result-

ing connection of Europe to the different theaters of the global
jihad highlights, in most cases, a common thread. This is par-
ticularly true if we focus on the years between the end of 2010 and

2The Emirs Speech: Zawahiri Addresses Al-Qaeda, Janes Terrorism and Insurgency
Centre, 25 August 2011.
The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 127

the beginning of 2013, the time that can be defined as the first
wave of European fighters leaving for Syria3.
The study of the linkage4 mechanisms that can be observed in
this first wave of departures shows the key role played by a galaxy
of small cells scattered throughout Europe in connecting aspiring
European jihadists and various armed groups in Syria. In this
context, the network of groups belonging to the Sharia45 move-
ment appears to be very relevant. The different branches of this
network allowed their supporters to get in contact with so-called
facilitators, people with the necessary contacts to open a privi-
leged channel with a specific jihadist group. For countless aspiring
jihadists, getting in contact with these people was the turning point
in their original plan.
Studying groups like Sharia4 is particularly important if we fo-
cus our attention on the communication model that they have
chosen6. As we will see, the most modern forms of proselytism
and calls to the jihad now coming from Syria and Iraq follow a
communication strategy that Europe has already seen in the last
five years. In this respect, some of the groups that led to the birth
of the Sharia4 universe such as the English groups al-
Muhajiroun and Islam4UK were precursors of trends which are
now easy to observe. The main characteristic of their communica-
tion style is the shift from a vertical structure to a bottom-bottom,
horizontal approach; this creates a communication environment
where each addressee and consumer is also a potential issuer and
producer of materials. Back in 2009 Islam4UK already relied on a
large team of multimedia content creators, who published their
products on six official YouTube channels, several websites and a

3 D. Weggemans, E. Bakker, P. Grol, Who Are They and Why Do They Go? The
Radicalization and Preparatory Processes of Dutch Jihadist Foreign Fighters,
Perspective on Terrorism, vol. 8, no. 4, 2014.
4 L. Vidino, Radicalization, Linkage, and Diversity: Current Trends in Terrorism in Europe,

RAND, 2011.
5 For further information on the Sharia4 network, see M. Arnaboldi, Sharia4: Un

ponte tra Europa e Levante, ISPI Commentary, 8 October 2014.

6 L. Vidino, ISIS Incubators: The Emergence of Salafi Jihadism in Europe, Al-Mesbar

Center, 20 November 2014.

128 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

few social network accounts. The group also organized public

debates, it held street dawa (street proselytism) sessions twice a
week and a variety of events in schools7.
The qualitative (and quantitative) leap began in 2010, when the
network spread into a galaxy of cells scattered throughout Europe.
The new cells are now smaller, but are deeply integrated in the
different local contexts. These groups immediately showed their
penchant for the use of social media to spread contents and, at the
same time, as platforms for dialogue and debate. Since 2008
Anjem Choudary, the current leader of Sharia4UK, has been
holding Salafi-jihadist doctrine courses on Paltalk8, a software that
allows users to create chat and webcam rooms. Its two channels
(Muslims Against Crusaders and The Road to Jannah9) can be
freely accessed and are not shy about their purpose10. Although
some official Web pages (especially blogs) have been set up for
some Sharia411 groups thus preserving a certain degree of verti-
cal communication the members of the various groups have
gradually begun to operate autonomously through personal Twitter
and Facebook accounts. Shared contents have therefore begun to
circulate in a decentralized manner, leading to a staggering in-
crease in terms of potential audience and creative know-how12.
Once the foundations of the new jihadist propaganda had been
laid in Europe at the beginning of the new millennium, the Syrian-

7 C.Z. Raymond, Al Muhajiroun and Islam4uk: the group behind the ban, ICSR, 2010.
8 Terrorism gang jailed for plotting to blow up London Stock Exchange, The
Telegraph, 9 February 2012.
9 The two chat rooms can be accessed on and
respectively (visited on January 21, 2015).
10 The Muslim Against Crusaders chat room describes itself as follows: We belive

the shariah shall be implimented into british kaffir society and islam will rule the
world [sic].
11 The Italian branch of Sharia4 also runs its own blog; it is still active at (visited on 21 January 2015).

12 Jihadist contents use the same arguments and standardized production methods.

For instance, the various Sharia4 logos all show the map of the country where they
are located, one of its most famous monuments and a flag with the shahada, the
Islamic declaration of faith.
The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 129

Iraqi jihad gave European fighters the opportunity to take what

they had been doing at a local level to a global scale13. Easy to use
and cheap, they offer unlimited opportunities to share content and,
as a consequence, are difficult to control: these are the strengths
that social networks offer to jihadists. Twitter is the most widely
used platform, followed by Facebook, Instagram, Ask.FM, Paltalk
and Tumblr. Other sites allow users to create flash pages where
audio, video and text contents can be very easily uploaded, and
then saved under one URL address that does not change over time.
This is the case of,, and the Italian Free of any restriction and control on published mate-
rials, these websites are the main platforms where contents are
stored, while social networks are more often used to spread them.
A study carried out by a group of researchers of Brandeis Uni-
versity looked at the way Twitter is used by some Western ji-
hadists in Syria and Iraq. Using a snowball sociological research
method, the investigators have shed light on the interconnections
between European and local jihadist scenes, detecting in the
social networks of the analyzed accounts the predominance of
some representatives of Western Islamism, including several
people linked to the Sharia414 network. Leading figures on social
media are the above mentioned Anjem Choudary, as well as
Ahmad Musa Jibril, an American preacher of Palestinian origins
who speaks in favor of foreign fighters, and Musa Cerantonio, an
Australian imam of Italian origins who has become a star of the
Web and openly supports the Islamic State15. In these social net-
works, the role of European users (and Western users in general)

13 It is usually Western members of these jihadist groups, where their presence is

accepted, who are responsible for communication and propaganda.
14 J. Klausen, Tweeting the Jihad: social media networks of Western Foreign

Fighters in Syria and Iraq, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, vol. 38, no. 1, pages 1-22,
2015. In dissemination mechanisms, particular emphasis is placed on the role of
women: many Twitter accounts belong to women and have the sole purpose of
spreading content. The name of these users is often preceded by the Arabic word
Umm (mother).
15 J. Carter, S. Maher, P. Neumann, #Greenbirds: Measuring Importance and Influence in

Syrian Foreign Fighter Networks, The International Centre for the Study of Radicaliza-
tion and Political Violence, Kings College, 2014.
130 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

is to disseminate contents. The study has highlighted a chain of

dissemination of online materials. Islamist organizations that are
actively involved in the fight are the primary producers of con-
tents, created through the various media centers that have been
established. They have the opportunity to disseminate their prod-
ucts through the above-mentioned platforms and, in some cases,
expressly ask mujaheddin to share them. European followers, who
usually do not care for primary outlets, republish the messages
received from fighters and act as a tertiary source of information16.
To better understand how this dissemination process works, let
us consider the example of Dabiq, the most relevant magazine of
the Islamic State17. It is produced by the al-Hayat Media Center
(Markaz al-Hayat lil-Ilam), one of the four official propaganda
centers of the IS18, which specializes in the production of English
language materials. This media center was founded by German
Abu Talha al-Almani, also known as Deso Dogg19 before his
conversion to Islam. He is a well-known German-Salafi militant
who, after a brief experience as a foreign fighter, decided to de-
vote his time and efforts to propaganda activities alone20. The
magazine is published online on file-sharing platforms. Websites

16 The recent study by E.F. Kohlmann, Charlie Hebdo and the Jihadi Online Network:
Assessing the Role of American Commercial Social Media Platforms, House Committee of
Foreign Affairs, 27 January 2015, also shows the completely opposite mechanism. In
some cases, it is the jihadist websites which republishes and thus legitimizes contents
primarily published on social networks (an example is the forum).
17 In addition to Dabiq, in May 2014 two IS official journals had already been

published the first called Islamic State News, a more military publication, and Islamic
State Report, a political one. In December 2014, the al-Hayat Media Center also
launched a short magazine aimed specifically at French readers, called Dar al-Islam.
18 Al-Hayat Media Center only deals with English language contents. Other official

media centers are al-Itisam, al-Furqan and the Ajnad Foundation. See M. Al-
Ubaydi, B. Price, D. Milton, N. Lahoud, The Group That Calls Itself a State: Understand-
ing the Evolution and Challenges of the Islamic State, Combating Terrorism Center at West
Point, December 2014.
19 Before leaving for the Islamic State, Al-Almani was a rapper and he had produced

three albums for the Streetlife Entertainment label under the alias Deso Dogg.
20 New ISIS Media Company Addresses English, German And French-Speaking Westerners,

MEMRI JTTM, June 2014.

The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 131

and forums connected to the Islamic State then spread the news
and disseminate the link to download the magazine. At this point,
the IS mujaheddin add the social media dimension and advertise
Dabiq through their official accounts. Finally, the followers of
these accounts including Europeans share and repost, thus
allowing the IS to reach a potentially unlimited audience. A self-
feeding dissemination process of this kind takes away the role of
primary subject of information from traditional media and turns
them into objects, held hostage to uncontrolled news flows. Social
media have allowed terrorist organizations to break away from
mainstream journalism and to spread contents regardless of the
priorities of newspapers and TV channels.
The symbiosis that has developed between the European and
the Middle-Eastern jihadist scenes sheds light on the modern
mechanisms of influence between individual mujaheddin. Through
social media, each jihadist can put pressure on the rest of their
contacts. People who have already reached the affiliation group
can convince their friends to do the same, giving advice and
offering support. This model of interactivity between individuals
is essentially horizontal and free from hierarchies. In terms of
communication, the current European jihadist landscape has
evolved compared to the vertical patterns of the past years; it has
few leaders, as it has given more power of influence to the bottom.
A very useful concept when describing the characteristics and
dynamics of the various European jihadist cells is that of swarm21,
a term that refers to the group as a whole. First of all, the activi-
ties, behavior and ideology of the various groups are shaped by a
few individuals only (whom we may call the choreographers),
whose influence guides the collective flight of the swarm. An
illuminating example is given by online conversations: often,
during a debate, it becomes clear that some users are going to have
the last word or have more weight than others. These mechanisms

21The application of swarm dynamics to the European jihadist scene has already
been introduced, in relation to The Netherlands, in The Transformation of jihadism in the
Netherlands: Swarm dynamics and new strength, General Intelligence and Security Service
(AIVD), Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, June 2014.
132 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

of collective control are also useful to ensure cohesion and define

the general policy of the group. However, the fact that the deci-
sion-making power is shared by several people does not mean that
the different groups do not acknowledge leaders. The path traced
by the major international jihadist networks is often taken as the
first reference model followed by local groups. Secondly, the
various groups have great collective action and movement capabil-
ities. By feeding constant flows of information on social networks,
the members of these groups are able to start behavioral escalation
mechanisms and to coordinate their actions, thus rapidly reaching
the critical mass required for the success of their operations
(demonstrations, meetings, protests, and fundraising activities).
Finally, swarms are very flexible, both internally and externally.
When a member is arrested, has left or is absent, he/she is easily
and quickly replaced. Since they do not depend on individual key
figures, these groups need no authorizations or opinions to organ-
ize events, and each member has the opportunity to communicate
and exchange information and ideas with another member. In the
long term, choreographers themselves risk being excluded from
the group. The various swarms in Europe can take on different
forms, adapting to specific environmental conditions and protect-
ing themselves from external attacks.
On a microscopic level, smaller, more cohesive circles can be
identified within the jihadist swarms. Often made up of members
from the same city, these particularly close-knit circles are kept
together by friendship ties or similar ideological views. Their
limited size allows for frequent meetings: from gatherings at the
mosque, to study groups on doctrine. Individuals as minimal
units of the swarm can belong to more than one circle and serve
as bridges between them, thus creating larger units and allowing
people who are socially distant to get in contact with each other.
Very similar structures also exist on social networks, although the
boundaries of a circle are much less clearly defined in the online
world. In some cases, European fighters at the front remain in
contact with their original circle through the Internet.
The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 133

Despite the continuity and replication of European communica-

tion models in Syria and Iraq, these have not caused the same
redefinition of the local jihadist landscape. This may be due to a
number of reasons. First of all, unlike their European counterpart,
the Eastern jihadist scene is highly formal: its organization is
based on closed groups which are often in contrast with each
other and a clearly defined chain of command. Also, several
organizations have set up internal systems to limit the influence of
European fighters, such as the ban to use social networks or the
imposition of specific propaganda contents at specific times22. It is
believed that only the most trustworthy militiamen are free in their
use of social media. Environmental causes also play a role: muja-
heddin do not always have access to a mobile network or to a
source of power to recharge the batteries of their phones.

The intended messages and the target audience

The analysis of the contents spread through social networks by the

mujaheddin who fight in the Syrian civil war poses some qualita-
tive problems and issues when trying to make a distinction be-
tween messages that may be regarded as personal (freely written
and disseminated from the various accounts) and those that are
somehow imposed to fighters by their affiliation front. As it is not
always possible to distinguish between the two, but we will try to
at least identify the different purposes of the various contents. As
for the quantitative analysis of messages, we will make reference
to the results of two previous studies on the use of Twitter by
Western jihadists in the Middle East: an analysis by the Interna-
tional Centre for the Study of Radicalization and Political Vio-
lence by Kings College in London23 and the study by Brandeis
University that was mentioned earlier24.

22 J. Klausen, (2015).
23 J. Carter, S. Maher, P. Neumann, (2014).
24 J. Klausen, (2015).
134 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

The results of these studies clearly show the predominance of

doctrine-related messages on social networks. Among these, there
are references to Salafi principles, notes that glorify martyrdom
and references to key figures of global jihadism, including Awlaki
and Osama bin Laden. As far as doctrine goes, different groups
often tend to delegitimize each other. Takfir (charge of unbelief)
messages sent between rival factions are not unusual, and groups
may call each other kharijita25. It is interesting to note that the
importance of doctrine has withstood the changes in communica-
tion and propaganda activities of jihadist groups of the last ten
years and it is still the most widely discussed topic. Part of the
reason lies in the attempt by jihadist groups to obtain a certain
theological legitimacy. The Islamic State, for instance, in the
above-mentioned Dabiq magazine, almost always quotes hadith26
from the Muslim and Bukhari collections, which are universally
recognized as the most reliable27. On this basis it can be gathered
that the main purpose of using the Internet is still proselytism,
although it is now aimed more markedly at jihadism than in the
past. The number of independent preachers and non-
institutionalized platforms has dramatically increased, while many
figures from non-jihadist Salafism have recently embraced a more
condescending view of foreign fighters28.
Updates from the battlefield and information on life on the
frontline are also very frequent. Contents may be extremely varied
and show different degrees of violence. The continuum is so wide
that it includes extreme videos of crucifixions or children holding
decapitated heads, as well as images of mujaheddin pouring milk

25 The term kharijita originated at the time of the first Islamic civil war to indicate
the faction of those Muslims who, after supporting Ali and hindering Muawiya in
the fight for the succession to Uthman, the third caliph, decided to stop their
activities and accepted an arbitrate. In jihadism, the term is now used to indicate that
a group is not compliant with the true spirit of Islam: the word comes from an
Arabic root which means to exit, to detach oneself.
26 The Hadith are the tales of the Sunna, i.e. the Muslim tradition. For the purpose of

this paper, not all hadith have the same value; their relevance depends on the
reliability of the transmission chain.
27 It is not by chance that their collections are called sahihani, the two true ones.
28 General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), (2014).
The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 135

for their kittens29. Given this vast heterogeneity, it is not unusual

to come across pictures showing the daily life of foreign fighters
who go shopping, give the zakat30 to people in need or read the
Quran o the battlefield. However, some doctrine-related messages
are included even in this type of contents. Very often mujaheddin
are shown with their index finger pointing upwards (the sign of the
tawhid31, the unicity of God), or smiling when they are dead, to
show their martyrdom. Finally, several videos show the infliction
of punishments according to the shariah, while others show
public baya ceremonies (loyalty oath to a leader). In these cases,
these are mainly projections of power: as a group, the various
fronts want to show their influence in the context where they
operate; at individual level, fighters try to present their experience
from different angles. On the one hand, some mujaheddin boast
heroic and romantic models of presumed humanitarian efforts to
free the Muslim people from oppression. Others focus on the odd
fun that the jihad offers them, and others emphasize its gangster-
ism, action and danger.
Messages against enemy factions, often accompanied by pic-
tures of the innocent victims that they have caused, are less fre-
quent. The main trend is the dehumanization of the rival: while
dead companions are shown in serene poses, killed enemies are
often reduced to a pile of torn bodies. Finally, mujaheddin use the
network to exchange information, coordinate their actions and,
rarely, send general threats to the West.
Such variety of propaganda contents has made the jihadist
message attractive to an unprecedented number of people32. As a

29 One Twitter account is exclusively devoted to cats and mujaheddin in the Islamic
State; it can be accessed on @ISILCats (Islamic State of Cat).
30 The zakat, the third pillar of Islam, is a tax that each Muslim must pay to help the

poorest sections of the population.

31 The tawhid is one of the core principles of Wahhabi ideology. It may seem like an

empty concept, but it has important repercussions, since it is the opposite of the
shirk (polytheism) that several radical thinkers see, for instance, in the Christian
Trinity or in democracy, regarded as a way to elevate the power of man at the same
level as Gods.
32 Foreign fighters are joining jihadi groups in unprecedented numbers, Public Radio Interna-

tional, 31 October 2014.

136 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

consequence, the community of foreign fighters that we now find

in Syria and Iraq is difficult to define as a whole. Given its internal
variety, it takes a certain analytical effort to identify the possible
causes that attract these people to the jihadist discourse. Their
diversity creates a wide continuum which includes the most dis-
parate cases. The multiple nature of the phenomenon suggests a
more targeted, ad hoc approach to consider each case individually.
For this reason psychological causes are usually accepted as an
explanation, considering that different subjects react in different
ways depending on the message they receive. A study by CPDSI
(Center for the Prevention of Sectarian Deviations of Islam)33 has
highlighted some patterns in the influence of propaganda based on
the type of content and the characteristics of the recipient. The
results of this analysis show that people who suffer from anxiety
and/or depression are particularly sensitive to strongly doctrinal
messages, which reassure them on the uncertainty of the future by
presenting a life system based on a limited set of clear values. The
case of people who have grown up in excessively tolerant or
atheist families is very similar: they are more prone to find com-
fort in messages that, contrary to their family context, impose
clear doctrinal rules. As for younger subjects, many of them seem
to be mainly attracted by the adventurous side of the jihad: they
believe they can live a videogame experience in real life and are
particularly sensitive to messages and videos of people and friends
of the same age from the frontline, especially if they depict action-
packed, frenzied raids. Finally, those who suffer from social
exclusion or have difficulties integrating may feel strongly attract-
ed to the promises and perspectives of a much simpler life, which
would allow them to easily access elitist inclusion dynamics,
invert power relations and reduce the necessary effort to live a
socially fulfilling life. An example of propaganda aimed at this
kind of audience is the announcement made by al-Baghdadi in the

33 La metamorphose opere chez le jeune par les nouveaux discours terroristes: recherche-action sur
la mutation du processus dendoctrinement et dembrigadement dans lislam radical, Cpdsi,
November 2014. See also the related article, Dpressif et issu dune famille athe: le
profil type du jihadiste franais, France 24, 18 November 2014.
The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 137

summer of 2014, when he promised grants to marriages between

members of the Islamic State34.
However, there are some objective environmental characteris-
tics of the Syrian-Iraq jihad which cannot be overlooked when
analyzing the boom of foreign fighters in the last four years. These
include the fact that Syria is easy to reach (and to leave), and the
attractive prospect of fighting in the cradle of the Arab world and
in the context of what some foreigners have defined a five-star
The later evolution of the jihadist galaxy into more and more
sophisticated forms of quasi-states, which culminated in the proc-
lamation of the caliphate by the IS, has a number of several highly
relevant implications. It is possible that people who were not
entirely sure about leaving were ultimately convinced by the
presumed organization and transparency of the Daesh. Fascinated
by a more user-friendly narrative than the pompous Qaedist
speeches of the past, modern jihadists do not simply aspire to be
on the battlefield, they hope to settle down in a State.

An Italian case study: Anas el Abboubi

Italy seems to be touched in a relatively marginal way by these

dynamics. The number of Italian foreign fighters is much lower
than is the case for most other European countries: slightly more
than 50, compared to more than 1,000 in France, about 600 in the
UK and Germany, and 400 in a relatively small country like
Belgium. Additionally, the local jihadist scene seems to be in a
very early stage, both online and offline. However, in recent
months some cases have emerged which replicate the same mech-

34 ISIS leader offers marriage grants to militants, Al Arabiya, 29 August 2014.

35 For instance, former English fighter now deceased Ifthekar Jaman spoke in
favor of the Syrian jihad on several occasions. He said mujaheddin are allowed to
live in fully equipped houses, enjoy a number of free goods and, in some cases,
receive a wage. See for instance British Muslim who bragged on Newsnight that he
was fighting a holy war alongside Al Qaeda group in Syria has been killed, Daily
Mail Online, 17 December 2013.
138 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

anisms that have been observed in central and northern Europe for
some years.
The most revealing case is probably that of Anas el Abboubi,
one of the few Italian jihadists who seem to have joined the militia
of the Islamic State in Syria. Investigations on el Abboubi began
in September 2012, when the Digos (General Investigations and
Special Operations Division) in Brescia, alarmed by some state-
ments made by the young man during a visit to the police station,
decided to open a file on him36. Born in Marrakech in 1992, he
moved to Italy at the age of seven and settled with his family in
Vobarno, a small town in the quiet Valle Sabbia, 40 km from
Brescia37. The family is described as well integrated and Anas
seems to favor Italian, which he speaks with the strong accent like
any Brescia native would, over Arabic. As a teenager he attended
a technical high school in Brescia and developed a passion for rap.
He became relatively well-known on the local hip-hop scene under
the name McKhalif38.
But something changed very rapidly at the beginning of 2012.
Almost overnight he turned from a rebellious teenager who en-
joyed binge drinking and light drugs into a rapper inspired by
Islam and then into a Muslim militant39. In the summer of that
year he abandoned rap altogether and described music as a haram
(forbidden by religion) activity. He began to wear long white
tunics and broke off many of his friendships. He also began to
spend a lot of time online, visiting jihadist websites and forums.
He created various profiles on Facebook (Anas Shakur, Anas
Abdu Shakur) and Twitter (@anas_abdu), and changed the con-
tents of the YouTube channel (McKhalif) that he had used as a
rapper, in order to make it more compliant with his new ideolo-

36 (visited on 21
January 2015).
37 U. Vallini, A colloquio con pap El Abboubi, Valle Sabbia News, 15 June 2013.
38 R. Mora, Dr. Domino, il fenomeno del rap, Giornale di Brescia, 28 January 2013.
39 Interview with police officers, Brescia, October 2013; A. Troncana, His mother:

He is a great boy. His schoolmates: A taleban, Corriere della Sera, 13 June 2013.
40 (visited on 21 January 2015).
The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 139

Investigators were impressed by the speed at which el Ab-

boubis topics, expressions and opinions had taken on increasingly
radical tones. In September 2012, when he started to be monitored,
his online activities only showed strong anti-American and anti-
Israeli feelings. A mere couple of months later, the young man
from Brescia was posting jihadist texts (including the omnipresent
text by Anwar al Awlaki The 44 ways to support the jihad), he
was looking for manuals on weapons and instructions to make
explosives using materials available on the market, and he trans-
lated jihadist texts41.
El Abboubi also began to produce his own propaganda materi-
als. He made a video called La vera civilt questa? (Is this true
civilization?) that criticized Western civilization and depicted
Pope Benedict XVI as a vampire with a bloody face and hands. He
also posted a poem in praise of the jihad; its Italian rhymes clearly
come from his hip-hop past as a younger man: Martyrdom seduc-
es me, I want to die with an armed hand, I keep my crosshair on
the crusade, I am the bullet hitting you I am thirsty for battle,
the jihad against Italy the enemy fears death, the mujahid knows
this, France [sic] oppresses the weak, the mujahid will kill it42.
Towards the end of 2012 el Abboubi openly expressed his de-
sire to leave Italy and fight for the jihad. As he had no contacts
with facilitators in the real world, he turned to the Web. Through
the Internet, he made contact with several representatives of the
Italian jihadist scene. However, many of el Abboubis contacts
the most powerful ones were not in Italy but abroad. Through
Twitter and Facebook he contacted Millatu Ibrahim, an important
German Salafi group, and followed many lessons on Paltalk held
by Omar Bakri, one of the founders, in the Nineties, of the so-
called Londonistan (the London jihadist scene) who is now exiled
in Lebanon. El Abboubi also made contact with Anjem Choudary,

41 Interview with police officers, Brescia, October 2013. When he was arrested, el
Abboubi was about to translate the book The Missing Obligation: Expelling the Jews and
Christians from the Arabian Peninsula, written by the leader of the Egyptian jihad,
Mohammed Abdus Salam Faraj.
42 Order to implement a precautionary measure in the el Abboubi case, Court of

Brescia, 28496/12, 10 June 2013.

140 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Bakris right arm, who later founded the Sharia4UK movement. El

Abboubi developed a particular interest for the Belgian branch of
the movement, Sharia4Belgium. The group, initially small and
mainly active on the Internet, organized a few demonstrations and
surprised Belgian authorities by channeling dozens of Belgian
Muslims towards the fights in Syria. In December 2012 el Ab-
boubi bought a plane ticket to Brussels to meet the leaders of
Sharia4Belgium in person. However, the meeting was cancelled at
the last minute, because several representatives of the group had
been arrested just a few days before el Abboubis departure43.
Although he never managed to meet his Sharia4 contacts in
person, el Abboubi still decided to create its Italian branch. On 23
August 2012, the Web page of Sharia4Indonesia celebrated the
birth of Sharia4Italy and sent its best wishes to el Abboubi44.
Sharia4Italy was actually a significantly smaller group than the
English and Belgian branches of the movement and it only in-
volved a couple of el Abboubis friends. Trying to imitate the
deeds of the most developed branches of the organization, el
Abboubi and his friends practiced the street dawa: they took
pictures of themselves in the center of Brescia wearing tunics and
showing the Italian flag with the shahada45 and went to the moun-
tains to do physical exercise46.

43 Interview with police officers, Brescia, October 2013; L. Damiani, Manette al

padre di Sharia4Italy, terrorista internazionale (The international terrorist, father
of Sharia4Italy, in handcuffs), Corriere della Sera, 12 June 2013; W. Petenzi,
Laspirante bombarolo sgridato dal padre per cento euro spariti (The aspiring
bomber told off by his father for stealing 100 euros), Corriere della Sera, 14 June 2013;
Blitz antiterrorismo, arrestato studente marocchino. Cercava obiettivi da colpire in
Italia (Anti-terrorism raid, Moroccan student arrested. He was looking for targets in
Italy), Il Giorno, Brescia, 13 June 2013; W. Petenzi, Post e contatti da Vobarno con i
combattenti in Siria (Posts and contacts from Vobarno with the fighters in Syria),
Corriere della Sera, 21 June 2013.
44 (visited on

12 December 2013); interview with police officers, Brescia, October 2013; L.

Damiani, (2013); W. Petenzi, (2013).
45 See note 12.
46 Interview with police officers, Brescia, October 2013; picture available at
7808791.-2207520000.1385657145.&type=3&theater (visited on December 5, 2013).
The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 141

El Abboubi also created the Sharia4Italy blog, where he pub-

lished strong criticism against capitalism and man-made judicial
systems, and called for an Islamic system as the solution to bring
about peace and social justice47. Just like the texts of his previous
blog (, most of el Abboubis writings
criticized the Western banking system and promoted the dissemi-
nation of information on the Islamic banking system. Say no to
interests!, said a leaflet circulated by the group in capital letters,
Join us and present an Islamic banking system to your city coun-
In May 2013 police investigators, who had observed el Ab-
boubis rapid radicalization with growing concern, became ex-
tremely nervous when the young man searched for relevant sites in
the city of Brescia on Google Maps49. They feared that el Abboubi
who had not managed to get in contact with the facilitators for
his trip to Syria or any other country where he could join a jihadist
group had decided to carry out his own terrorist attacks in Italy.
On 12 June 2013 the Digos arrested el Abboubi, charged under
article 270 quinquies of the Italian Criminal Code for engaging in
training and using information for terrorist purposes50.
On 18 June el Abboubis lawyers filed a request for his release
from prison to the Court of Review, stating that their client was
only an occasional and passive consumer of jihadist propaganda51.

47 See note 11.


77808791.-2207520000.1385651977.&type=3&theater (visited on 5 December

49 The sites are Brescias train station, the Goito police station, the Crystal Palace

building, piazza della Loggia and the Kennedy overpass. Pre-trial detention order in
the el Abboubi case, Court of Brescia, 7456/11, 10 June 2013; W. Petenzi, Nel
mirino dello studente pure questore e piazza Loggia (The Chief of Police and
piazza Loggia among the students targets), Corriere della Sera, 13 June 2013.
50 Order of application of supervision measure, Court of Brescia, 28496/12, 10 June

51 Court of Review of Brescia, 348/2013, 1 July 2013; interviews with the public

prosecutor of Brescia, Antonio Chiappani, and with el Abboubis lawyer, Nicola

Mannatrizio, Brescia, September and October 2013; W. Petenzi, Terrorista a
Vobarno, la procura pronta a ricorrere in Cassazione (Terrorist in Vobarno, the
public prosecutor to appeal to the Court of Cassation), Corriere della Sera, 2 July 2013.
142 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

According to the defense, el Abboubi had only viewed some

jihadist files but had not saved or shared them. Also, they main-
tained that the few files he had sent to other people did not contain
specific training instructions, but were similar to documentaries
that were available for anyone to watch on television (according to
his lawyers, this was supported by the fact that most of those files
came from YouTube and not from password-protected jihadist
websites). Finally, they continued, el Abboubi had researched
various sites in Brescia out of mere curiosity: these were places he
regularly visited, so he had no reason to view them on the Internet
since he could have surveyed them in person. The argument was
accepted by the Court and el Abboubi was released. In November
2013 the Court of Cassation upheld the decision52.
However, by that time el Abboubi had already left Italy. In
August 2013, he created a new Facebook profile page using the
name Anas Al-Italy and indicated Aleppo, Syria, as his place of
residence53. In what may be interpreted as a mockery against
Italian authorities, on 6 September el Abboubi wrote: Free to run
as a swallow in the sky. Three days later he posted a praise for
Syrian children: Children here are very dignified; despite their
dramatic situation and misery, every time I offer them money or
food, they refuse as if they were already rich enough.
El Abboubis new Facebook page, before being abruptly closed
in January 2014, was very active and he regularly posted pictures,
links and comments, many of which triggered heated discussions
among his more than 200 contacts. The Risposta al fondamental-
ismo laico (Answer to non-religious fundamentalism) video is
particularly interesting: el Abboubi, speaking in front of a camera,
presents his spiritual testament. For 15 minutes and adopting a
pace that is reminiscent of his past as a hip hop artist, he rails
against Western society, which he condemns as perverse and

52 El Abboubi resta libero, ma scomparso (El Abboubi is free, but he has

disappeared), Brescia Oggi, 9 November 2013.
53 (visited on 24 December 2013).
The Caliphate, Social Media and Swarms in Europe 143

In the opening minutes of the video, el Abboubi talks about his

detention in Italy: he complains that the authorities tried to subju-
gate and to terrorize him, and labeled him an extremist without
attempting to understand his positions and rejection of Western
society. I am one of the many immigrants whose childhood is
rooted in this Europe, consumed by hypocrisy, continues el
Abboubi before criticizing the West in all its aspects. Who should
I integrate my principles with?, he asks sarcastically before
accusing Italian society of a series of faults, including individual-
ism, sexual promiscuity, discrimination and lack of respect for the
elderly. Apart from some limited references to the Islamic banking
system and the Sykes-Picot agreement, el Abboubis speech
makes no reference to global politics and it appears simply an
accusation against the values (or lack thereof) of the Italian and
Western society.
It is interesting to note that the comments to el Abboubis posts
often generated a lively debate among his Facebook friends. Some
of them praise him with admiration, others have very different
stances. Many of those who criticize him are women who, judging
from their Facebook profiles, are not Muslims. However, there are
Muslims even observant Salafis who criticize el Abboubis
position on the jihad from a theological point of view. Several
members of the online Italian jihadist community reply to this
criticism stating that fighting in Syria is a legitimate jihad and
praise those who do it. These debates, that often unfold into hun-
dreds of posts, provide an interesting view of the different opin-
ions and groups found in the Italian Islamic community, including
the more conservative ones.


In recent years, propaganda has come to play a fundamental role

in the activities of jihadist groups. Helped by the huge potential
offered by social networks, it is high in the agenda of terrorist
organizations and has transformed the structure and operating
frame of the European jihadist scene.
144 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

This chapter has tried to show how the current use of social
networks is the result of a series of innovations introduced in
Europe in the last five years by the farsighted approach of the
Sharia4 movement. Their success, combined with the massive
linkage from Europe to the Levant, has contributed to export the
model at global level.
This exchange of expertise in the use of social networks has
had two significant consequences. First of all, there appears to be a
close relation between the European (and North American) ji-
hadist scene and the jihadists who fight on the Middle Eastern
front (the destination of most fighters issued from the Old Conti-
nent). This has led to the coordination of operations (sometimes
limited to a strong influence), shared ideologies and dissemination
of knowledge. Secondly, the global jihadist scene is now able to
reach an incredibly wide audience and can count on an unprece-
dented heterogeneity among its members.
Starting from communication innovations, the European ji-
hadist scene has structurally changed (and is still evolving). Its
organization has become more and more horizontal and shows
swarm dynamics. This translates into high flexibility, cohesion
and the absence of hierarchy. Anas el Abboubis case clearly
shows that similar mechanisms are developing also in Italy, while
they may still be at a very early stage.
The European Islamist theater should not be seen as a mere pe-
riphery of the primary jihadist groups who are active in the Arab-
Muslim world. Its characteristics are actually more important than
ever to foresee the possible future trends of the Islamist landscape
in general, especially in terms of communication, propaganda and
the use of technologies. The European scenario, however, is still
highly dependent on the major reference groups; without them, it
is reasonable to expect a significant decrease in the production of
6. The Discourse of ISIS:
Messages, Propaganda
and Indoctrination
Harith Hasan Al-Qarawee

Following its successful campaign to control Mosul and other

Sunni areas, ISIS sought to achieve the maximum benefit from
these advancements. The shock that resulted from the quick fall of
Mosul and the unorganized retreats of Iraqi forces helped media
outlets of the terrorist organization disseminating messages glori-
fying its victories and promising a new Islamic State. Remain-
ing and expanding became its main slogan, stressing that it
represents a godly promise of a time when Islam will prevail all
over the world.

The medium and the message

ISIS developed new outlets and managed to efficiently use social

media and some genres of traditional media to communicate its
messages. It also found allies, mostly individuals adhering to its
ideology or inspired by its successes. Among these media outlets
Jihadi websites and forums that connect jihadists all over the
world. The rise of ISIS and its conflict with Al-Qaeda (AQ)
and some of its branches in the region deepened divisions in
the landscape of online jihadism. Some of the websites became
mouthpieces of ISIS; others maintained some degree of neu-
trality or directed their loyalty to AQ.
146 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Publications and online magazines: ISIS published several

newspapers, online magazines and pamphlets, mainly through
its Al-Hayat Center for Media, Al-Iitissam Institute and Al-
Furqan. The number of publications increased following the
fall of Mosul. In July 2014, the first issue of its online maga-
zine, Dabiq, was published in several languages. The maga-
zines main objectives were recruitment, indoctrination and
dissemination of propaganda.
Visual products such as films and short videos that portray
military successes of the organization or the lives of citizens
under its authority. One famous example was a series of films
titled The Clash of Swords, which followed ISISs military
operations against Iraqi forces prior and following its invasion
of Mosul.
Social networks, especially Twitter and Facebook, were main
tools for ISIS propaganda. Whether through official accounts
or those of supporters and sympathizers, ISIS managed to cre-
ate an efficient news agency that disseminated and amplified
its version of events.
Traditional media, such as Al-Bayan radio station that opened
in Mosul on August 2014; billboards and murals carrying its
slogans and teachings; and statements and documents that con-
veyed its instructions.
As its territory was expanding, ISIS felt the need not only to
develop its outreach but also to speak to a wider and more diversi-
fied audience. Its propaganda was based on an elementary kind of
market segmentation. There were some common themes repeated
in its discourse and propaganda that gave a sense of consistency
and represented the organizations main narrative. The notions that
the Islamic State is here to stay, that all true Muslims should be
part of its jihad and that it will prevail against its opponents
were very recurrent.
However, the groups messages vary, depending on who is the
speaker and who are the audience. Its key leaders, such as Abu
Bakr Al-Baghdadi or the spokesperson, Abu Mohammed Al-
Adnani, sought to consistently represent those major themes
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 147

without concerning themselves with details of governance or daily

fighting. Lower ranking members have been closely dealing with
more specific situations, whereas the highly decentralized network
of sympathizers have enjoyed the liberty of anonymous online
activism to act more freely.
ISIS combines both the media structure of a terrorist organiza-
tion that relies heavily on cyber activities and underground distri-
bution of materials, and an embryonic propaganda machine of a
state. According to a report by the Counter Terrorism Center
(CTC)1, each wilaya (Province) had its largely autonomous media
bureau. However, ISIS eventually tried to impose a more central
control over its media activities, especially after the beginning of
U.S.-led military operations and the circulation of videos and
pictures showing its militants killing Sunni tribesmen. ISIS also
attempted to influence the coverage of Western journalism, as was
the case with the German journalist Jrgen Todenhfer, who was
granted access to its territory, or the British reporter John Cantlie,
who was taken hostage by ISIS and allowed to write an article for
the groups magazine.
According to a CTC groups report, ISIS appears to have tem-
porarily abandoned official social media channels in favor of
unofficial channels and social forums. All of this makes tracking
ISIS on social media a challenge, as the content they post on
unofficial forums becomes mixed in with the large amount of
unofficial content produced by activists, supporters, etc2. In gen-
eral, ISIS directs its messages to different categories of audience:
the local population living under its authority, the external world
including Muslims living outside its territories and the non-
Muslims, especially Western governments and citizens. The
messages differ in their content, language and sophistication,
depending on the category of people they are targeting.

Mohammed Al-Ubaydi, Nelly Lahoud, Daniel Milton and Bryan, December 2014.
The Group That Calls Itself a State: Understanding the Evolution and Challenges of the Islamic
148 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Local population

Building legitimacy and governance

ISISs most sophisticated and diverse discourse is the one target-
ing local population in the territories under its control. There, the
group had to handle multiple tasks, starting with the consolidation
of its power over the territory and its population. It also needed to
practice governance which is the most challenging task because it
required major transformation from the structure and operational
nature of an underground insurgent organization into one similar
to a totalitarian government.
The propaganda targeting the local population focused on legit-
imizing the rule of ISIS and presenting it as a model of an Islamic
State that represents the aspirations of the population.
I dont promise you luxury and lavishness (), but promise you
what Allah has promised His believers: the establishment of
their Khilafa on the land
said Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in his first public appearance in the
Hadbaa Mosque of Mosul3. ISIS tried to present its rule as a
salvation for the Sunni population in Iraq and Syria, portraying an
eternal and missionary struggle against Rafidha (Shia) in Iraq and
Nussairiya (Alawites) in Syria. In the City Document4, which
was published on July 12, 2014, the group defined itself as
soldiers of the Islamic State (.) who took upon us the burden
of restoring the glories of Islamic Khilafa and press against the
injustice that our people and brothers had suffered.
ISISs first message to the local population was: We saved you
and restored your dignity, which naturally leads to the next
message: You have to obey our rules. By presenting itself as the

Awal Dhuhur lil Khalifa Al-Daishi Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, Al-Arabiya, 2014, -
- .html.
Daish Yusdir Wathiqat Al-Madina fi Ninewa, Al-Arabiya, 2014, -
- - -.html..
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 149

realization of an authentic Islamic rule which all true Muslims

longed for, ISIS delegitimized any other ideology or organization
that could claim such status, especially in its two major strong-
holds: Raqqa and Mosul. It has shown very little tolerance towards
other Sunni groups who tried to claim some credits for the libera-
tion of those cities. When some local tribes refused to recognize
its authority, ISIS did not refrain from punishing them brutally, as
shown by the massacres it committed against the tribes of Shueitat
in Dir Azzur and Al-Bu Nimr in Anbar5. The terrorist organization
tried to make clear that its protection is extended only to those
who prove to be true Sunnis and accept its definition of their
Relying on its jurisprudential interpretation of Islam, ISIS por-
trays Sunni groups or communities that reject to pledge allegiance
to its Khalifa as murtadeen (Apostates) or Mumtanieen (ab-
stained). The former usually applies to groups and tribes that
fought AQ and ISIS from the beginning, such as tribal forces in
Anbar from Al-Bu Nimr, Al-Jaghaiffa and Ajjubour. Tribes that
inhabit ISIS-controlled territory and refuse to pledge allegiance to
its Khalifa are called abstained. This is how the tribe of Shueitat
in Dir Azzur-Syria was declared an abstained group, which
justified the massacre committed against them by ISIS6.
Realizing that legitimacy is not something that can be secured
only by force, ISIS sought to present an appealing model of gov-
ernance. In this respect, its propaganda machine was very active,
portraying a state of collective contentment among residents of
controlled territories. In Vices documentary entitled The Islamic
State7, we see members of al-Hisba diwan (Monitoring) walking

5 M. Georgy, ISIS Militants Kill Over 300 Members Of Defiant Iraqi Tribe, The
Huffington Post , M., 2014. [Online],
massacre_n_6089678.html; J. Varghese, Mass Grave of 230 from a Syrian Tribe
Killed by ISIS Found, 2014, [Online],
6 Badr Al-Ibrahim, Daesh Wal-Wahabbiya Wal-Takfir: Al-Ikhtilaf Wal-Tashabuh,

Al-Akhbar, 2 July 2014,

7 The Islamic State. 2014. [Film] s.l.: Vice News.
150 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Figure 6.1 From left (above) to right (below): Boxes of aid carrying ISISs
slogan; distribution of gas cilynders; bags of aid with the groups slogan; the
Institute of the Islamic State for Religious Sciences in Atharib; and a converted
police car with ISISs slogan

on the streets and asking people about their needs and complaints
and monitoring the prices of the basic needs. As part of its propa-
ganda, the group published pictures of its social services, such as
providing cheap medical care, distributing aid or gas to local
residents, opening classes to teach Quran, reaching out to children
and patrolling the cities in police cars8.
ISISs online activities propagated this image of efficient gov-
ernance and sought to put it in the context of comparison with the
Iraqi and Syrian central governments. The Iraqi government has
This video, for example, shows members of the group distributing food for
households in a Syrian village:
See also: L. Dearden, Islamic State: Propaganda photos claim to show Isis militants
delivering food aid in Rutba, The Independent, 2014. [Online],
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 151

notoriously failed in handling the rampant corruption in its admin-

istration and security forces or rehabilitating its infrastructures and
public services. The corruption and mistreatment of the local
Sunni population by the Iraqi government were major causes of its
unpopularity in the Sunni areas. ISIS sought to use this to its
advantage and continues to do so via the propaganda showing a
strong connection with the local population. One ISIS-affiliated
account called a Diary of a Muhajira (an immigrant woman)
published a list of facts about the group, that makes the argument
for efficient and fair governance in order to attract more Muslim
immigrants to ISIS-controlled territories.
The list says: 1) We dont pay rents here, houses are given for
free; 2) We pay neither electric no water bills; 3) We are given
monthly groceries; 4) Monthly allowances are given not only to
husband and wife (wives) but also for children; 5) Medical check
ups and medications are free - The Islamic State pays on your
behalf; 6) You can live here even if you dont speak Arabic. You

Figure 6.2 - Examples of ISIS governance activities as portrayed by its sup-

152 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

can find almost any race and nationality here; 7) Every newly
married couple is given 700USD as a gift. (Im not sure if its still
available now); 8) You dont have to pay taxes (if youre Muslim);
9) No one conducts business during prayer time and you can see
people leave their shops open and pray either in the masjid or near
their shops; 10) The number of mixed marriages and mixed-race
children are high. Its beautiful to witness brotherhood with no
Of course, there is no mention of how ISIS can provide those
services and what its sources of funding are. More importantly,
this narratives contradict a lot of information coming from the
local population in those areas. One Facebook (FB) page, called
Mosul Eyes, has been communicating whats happening in
Mosul through the voices of real people living there. The picture
published on this FB page portrayed the population living in dire
conditions, lacking services, under oppression and terror.

Salafization of society
As a Salafist organization, ISIS believes that justice has no other
meaning but submission to the Sharia rule. Accordingly, a just
State is, by definition, an Islamic Salafist State. Therefore, people
have to follow its mandates as the group purifies society from
non-Islamic rules and practices. The group installed a large bill-
board in Mosul showing one of its militants placing one of his feet
on what seems to be books of law, while carrying a machine gun
in his hand; on the side of the billboard Arabic words read: Under
my foot man-made laws. Another one had this sentence written in
Arabic: We want to have nothing but gods law to judge us. A
similar message was seen in a mural with the slogan The Islamic
State: a book guides and a sword brings victory9.
The local Radio, Al-Bayan, broadcasts religious sermons and
lectures that teach the audience about the superiority of Gods
rule, instead of those invented by man. The diwans that have
become ministries published their instructions to the residents on
A.J. Al-Tamimi, The Islamic State Billboards and Murals of Tel Afar and Mosul, s.l.:
Pundicity. 7 January 2015.
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 153

Figure 6.3 - ISISs billboard with the slogan: under my foot man-made laws

documents containing the name of the diwan and the slogan of

ISIS, which is later distributed manually or posted on the walls of
mosques or related institutions.
One of ISISs most important documents was The City Doc-
ument, which was meant to imitate another historical document
declared by prophet Mohammed to be the main law that regulates
political and social relations in the first Islamic city-state, Al-
Madina. The document announced the major principles of ISISs
authority in Mosul. Article 4 emphasized that
under our rule, people are secure and safe; there is no life better
than one under an Islamic rule that guarantees its subjects their
rights and restores justice to whoever was oppressed. Anybody
who was disgruntled by our actions is today a safe subject, un-
less (he) contests or disregards.
The document declared that governmental property had passed
under the authority of the Khalifa and the Islamic state would
protect the private property of Muslims. It urged Muslims to
attend the prayers and women to abide by the Islamic veil (niqab).
Article 13 stipulated that polytheist shrines a reference to
154 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

Shia, Yazidi religious places and Sunni mosques built on graves

will be destroyed, according to the commandments of Prophet
Muhammad. There was a warning that the terrorist groups will not
tolerate any factions threatening the unity of Muslims, and any
armed group carrying a flag other than the flag of the Islamic
The document ends by stating the groups ideological position
which will dictate its indoctrination policy. It addresses the popu-
lation of Mosul with these words:
You have tried all kinds of secular regimes, the monarchy, the
republican, the Baathist and the Rafidhiya (a degrading term for
Shias), and you were stung by their fire and flames. Now it is
the age of the Islamic state and its Khalifa, Abu Bakr Al-
Qarashi, and you will see by Gods help - how hugely different
an unjust secular government and a Qarashi Imama whose ap-
proach is the gods revelation10
ISIS issued a statement on 14 July 2014, announcing that the
Friday prayer sermon would present an exclusive reading and
explanation of the City Document11. The group uses the
mosques as platforms for indoctrination and as an important tool
to legitimize its rule and re-create the true Muslim society. In
most jihadi literature, including an influential book titled The
Management of Savagery12 written by an Islamist strategist under
the name of Abu Bakr Annaji, there is an ambivalent attitude
towards Muslim societies. On the one hand, jihadists portrays
themselves as the protectors of those societies and, on the other
hand, they deeply distrust ordinary Muslims and consider them
contaminated by the manners of regimes that have been governing
them for a long time. ISIS expressed this ambivalence by inculcat-

Daish Yusdir Wathiqat Al-Madina fi Ninewa, (2014).
Daish Tuharik Souq AlTibaa wa Mussalihuha Yastaaduun li Itlaq Mahtta
Ifhaiyya, Zawiyya, 2014, _ _ _ _ _ _
12 A.B. Annaji, n.d. Idarat Attawahush: Akhtar Marhala Satamur Biha Al-Umma, s.l.:

Center for Islamic Studies and Research.

The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 155

ing its beliefs in the social fabric and, at the same time, seeking to
change that fabric by calling on true Muslims to migrate to the
land of Khilafa and by violently repressing its Sunni opponents.
The salafization of society found its most tragic expression in
the way non-Sunni religious minorities were treated. Using its
literalist interpretation of Quran and Sunnah, ISIS declared that
Christians had to choose between converting to Islam or paying a
tribute to the State. A warning was issued by the ISIS judiciary
diwan on 17 July 2014, to give Christians a third option: rapid
departure from the city without taking any of their properties13.
The Yazidi minority was treated even more harshly because ISIS
considered them a polytheist group that should be annihilated, and
it explained the religious basis for this decision in its online maga-
zine, Dabiq. It also published a pamphlet illustrating the rules
related to the enslavement of Yazidi women according to its
interpretation of Sharia14.
The terrorist group published decrees regarding the dress and
behavior of Muslim women, explaining the religious basis for the
niqab, quoting Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. The instruc-
tions defined the legitimate hijab and urged women not to leave
their homes late at night or without a man from their families15.
ISIS also issued Bayan Al-Hudood the statement of Islamic
penalties16 which established the penalty for common crimes.
Death will be the penalty of anybody convicted of insulting the
Prophet Muhammad or Islam or engaging in homosexual relations

13 Daish Tukhayir Al-Massihyeen fi Al-Mosul Bayna I'tinaq Al-Islam wa dafi' Al-

Jizya wa Muwajehat Assayf, Assakina, 2014, [Online], Available at:
Daish Tusdir Ta'alimat Jadida Hawla Al-Tariqa Allati Umkin Al-Tamatu's biha
Bil-Sabaya, Rawafid, 2014, [Online].
Personal communication. For more details, see: Daish Tusdir Bayanan Jadidan bi
Muaaqabat Mukhalifi Lil-Hijab Al-Shar't, Muanat, 2014, Marsad Al-Iftaa:
Khnsaa Daish Tamnai Khorouj Al-Nisaa Bi Dun Mahram wa Tafridh Ghitaa Al-
Wajh wal Kafayn, Akhbarek, 2014,
_ __ __ _ _
Bayan Al-Hudood: Daish Takshif Ala Ai Shai Yatum Al-Hukm Bil-I'idam, Al-
Iraq, Mauso'at, 2014, [Online],
156 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

or sodomy. Thieves will have their hands chopped off and

individuals making use of alcohol will be flogged 80 times.
The Diwan of education has published its first statement on
September 4, 2014, announcing decisions to Islamize education
and organizing the educational activity accordingly. The group
imposed gender segregation on students and teaching staff and
decided to cease teaching the current curriculum of history, art,
philosophy, humanities, national identity and geography, replacing
those subjects with new materials selected by the Curriculum
Administration of the Islamic state. It emphasized that those
materials and anthems that urge students to be loyal to their na-
tion-state must be replaced with others inculcating in the students
the idea that the real homeland is the one where Islam rules socie-
On 20 December 2014, ISIS issued a statement declaring that a
special committee had reviewed the secular Syrian school cur-
riculum and concluded that the whole educational system (.) is
deviant. It decided to close down the schools until a new curricu-
lum would be produced. Teachers were given an ultimatum to visit
the Diwan, declare their repentance and take courses in Sharia and
religion, before resuming their pedagogical activities. According
to a resident in Mosul, ISIS has brought in or permitted hundreds
of religious books to be sold in the city, as part of the indoctrina-
tion process18.
Mobilization is another important element of ISIS propaganda
in the areas it governs. The idea of jihad and that Muslims should
be ready to fight for their Islamic State is present in most of its
statements. Murals and billboards in Mosul and Raqqa are rife
with slogans praising the Jihad. One famous quote from the Egyp-
tian Jihadi intellectual Sayyid Qutb was written on the walls and
appeared repeatedly in ISIS texts: Whoever does not pay the

S. Al-Nassir, Al-MosulL Diwan Daish Al-Ta'alimi Yahdhuff Qasa'id Hub Al-
Watan wa Yulghi Al-Adab Al-Insaniya min Al-Manahij,, September .
Personal communication.
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 157

price of jihad, shall pay the price of abstention19. In January 2015

ISIS released pictures showing children receiving military training
in a camp in Tel Afar (Ninawa region). The children were wearing
headbands carrying the slogan of ISIS as they practiced martial
arts. A video of one of those children was circulated on Jihadi
social media as he explained that he immigrated along with his
parents to the Islamic State in order to become a martyr. Again in
January 2015 ISIS released another shocking video in which a boy
of around 10 years of age executed two men the group claimed to
be Russian spies20. Those scenes that involve children aim to
give the sense of continuity for ISISs project, to further normalize
the idea of Jihad and to show its success in shaping societies and
building a new generation of warriors.

ISIS targeting the world

Propaganda for the Islamic world

ISIS presented itself as the ultimate objective of any true Muslim
and urging Muslims to immigrate to its land, to join forces under
its umbrella and support the Islamic State in every possible way.
Khilafa was portrayed as an integral part of Islam that Muslims
had lost for a long time and that now has been returned, thanks to
its Mujaheddin (religious militants). The group expropriated the
properties of and expelled Christians and other religious minori-
ties, sometimes even Sunni families that fled from Mosul or Riqqa
and were unable to prove they have properties in those cities. At
the same time, it has been urging Sunni Muslims all over the

Al-Tamimi, (2015).
S. Malm, ISIS release new footage claiming to show a child executing two
Russian 'spies' by shooting them in the back of the head, Daily Mail, 2015, [Online],
Withnall, A., 2015. Isis 'execution video' purports to show 10-year-old boy shooting dead two
'Russian spies'. [Online] Available at:
158 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

world, especially those who believe in its cause, to be part of this

project, whether by migration or by serving it in their countries.
ISIS is generating a demographic change that aims to strengthen
its grip in those cities and attract more people who are true adher-
ents to its ideology.
In his first speech as Khalifa, Baghdadi addressed Muslims
everywhere, hailing the establishment of the Khilafa state and
calling on them to join it: Come to your State, Syria is not for
Syrians and Iraq is not for Iraqis; the land is for Allah, who de-
cides to whom it is entrusted21. He specifically called on religious
scholars, preachers, judges, those who have experience in the
military, administration and services, doctors and engineers to
remember that it is their obligation to help Muslims. Residents in
Mosul mentioned that ISIS counted among its staff qualified
members with specialized experience. The head of the Education
Diwan, Ridha Siyam a German citizen of Egyptian origin,
killed in an air strike was described as very well-informed
regarding educational systems. The same goes for the one re-
sponsible for economics and financial affairs22.
Highlighting this notion of an Islamic utopia that is being cre-
ated to realize a divine promise was always an integral part of the
ISIS discourse targeting other Muslims. The organization did not
only focus on the abstract idea of Islamic Khilafa but also tried to
show examples of its just rule, where there will be no more
poverty23. Like most totalitarian groups, ISIS envisages a model
of a missionary and egalitarian collectivity, where every individual
has a role to serve the umma and to be awarded for his service.
Sometimes this award is a divine one, which is exactly what
makes ISIS a particular kind of totalitarianism, one that represents
the connection ring between the eternal and the temporal.

Al-Baghdadi Bi Khitab Al-Khilafa: Alyawm Lakum Dawla Fahajitu Ilaiha, CNN
Arabic, 2014, [Online],
Personal communication.
The Islamic State. 2014. [Film] s.l.: Vice News.
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 159

However, while seeking to appeal to all Muslims, ISIS could

not ignore its competition with other Jihadi organizations, espe-
cially AQ and its branch in Syria, Jabhat Al-Nusra (JN), in addi-
tion to smaller Sunni groups both in Syria and Iraq. The terrorist
organization has engaged in this competition politically, ideologi-
cally and militarily. Its propaganda emphasized that it represents
an expanding Islamic state to which all other jihadi groups should
pledge loyalty. It insisted that no other flag but its own can be
raised in the lands of khilafa and celebrated the declarations of
Baiyah (allegiance) by other jihadi groups in the region. It used
these proclamations, even the most symbolic ones, to give the
impression of an incessantly growing project despite the hostilities
it has been facing.
Jihadi forums have seen intense debates on ISISs actions and
decisions. Its advocates sought to justify in religious terms the
declaration of Khilafa as one based on true Salafist jurisprudence.
The group declared an ideological and military war against those
challenging its authority, issuing several statements to justify
actions against them. One such statement was issued on February
2014, accusing JN of betraying the Islamic project and allying
with factions that adopt deviant approaches. The statement ex-
plained that ISIS tried to avoid more fighting among Jihadists, and
still hoped that trusted members of JN will join its ranks. But it
concluded with a strong threat for those continuing to fight ISIS
and refusing to accept that it represents the true jihadi project24.
It is noticeable that ISISs discourse differs in areas where it
exerts partial control. For example, in Halab, where ISIS shares
the space with other Syrian groups, it used the opposition language
and claimed a leading role in the fighting against the Syrian re-
gime. In one statement by its branch in the east side of the city,
ISIS blamed the Syrian regime and the hypocrites for organizing
a demonstration protesting its presence and attempting to break
into its offices. The statement announced that the group will start a

The Islamic State in Iraq and Assham, Wilayat Al-Khubr, 9 February 2014.
160 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

campaign to eliminate the allies of the regime and named two

opposition groups to be targeted as well25.
In its attempt to recruit more militants and supporters, the or-
ganizations media centers published videos of battles that had
been fought. They even included scenes of massacres committed
against the Syrian and Shia soldiers, and other violent actions that
presumably symbolize the Islamic revenge and fabricate the
appearance of an undefeated organization. This ultraviolence was
very instrumental in weakening the morale of its adversaries and
contributing to the collapse of Iraqi units on the eve of the fall of
Mosul. It was also intended to provoke the enemies and deepen
the sectarian gap which has provided ISIS with a fertile land for
recruitment. The scenes of ISISs mass execution of unarmed Iraqi
soldiers who were deployed in the Spiker military base of Sala-
haddin, have had precisely this impact, especially in the accelera-
tion of the mobilization of Shia militias26. The ultraviolence of
the group is itself a message that aims not only to terrorize the
groups foes, but also to attract young jihadists who are enraged
and ill-adjusted to their societies.
A Statement by the Islamic State - Wilayat Halab, 1 November 2013.
A. Baker, Massacre Claim Shakes Iraq, Time, 2014. [Online],
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 161

ISIS has also developed its tools to appeal emotionally in an

attempt to win the hearts of all Muslims. Its anthems have been
spread online by jihadists and supporters, using a language of
determination and love of martyrdom. Although Jihadi anthems do
not use music, they are usually sung by Munshideen (performers)
with powerful voices. By the end of 2013 ISIS released the song
Oh my Ummah, Dawn Has Risen which became very popular in
the jihadi platforms and among ISIS supporters. These anthems
are important because they provide the soundtrack to all the Islam-
ic States videos; they are played from cars in towns they control
and, they are even played on the battlefield27.
This fervid expression is empowered by the mythology that
ISIS has adopted in its discourse and propaganda that views to-
days conflict in apocalyptic terms. The group named its maga-
zine, Dabiq, after a small town in the Halab region (Syria) near the
border with Turkey, which featured prominently in an Islamic
prophecy predicting that Muslims would defeat Rome (which
jihadis had long reimagined as a reference to Western powers) in
the area of Dabiq, before moving to conquer Constantinople
(present-day Istanbul). The prophecy was quoted at length in the
opening pages of the magazine28.
The mythology was used to remind us that ISIS is implement-
ing a divine plan and that fighting with its forces is the most
essential choice Muslims have to make between being on the side
of faith or against it. Some interpreted ISISs attack on the Kurd-
ish town of Khobani, in Syria, as an attempt to secure the road to
Dabiq. The groups supporters on the social networks have been
counting the number of States that joined the international alliance
against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, to make sure they will reach 80
States, which is the number of the enemies flags according to the

27 A. Marshall, How Isis got its anthem, The Guardian, 2014. [Online],
28 G. Fraser, To Islamic State, Dabiq is important - but its not the end of the

world, 2014, [Online],
162 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

prophecy. This prophecy is recognized by small circles of jihadists

and does not appear as an influential element in mainstream Islam.
However, it has been used to generate the sense of inevitability
that ISIS seeks to create about its ambition to remain and ex-

Propaganda for Non-Muslims

ISIS is an incarnation of the first AQ-affiliated group operating in
Iraq under the leadership of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, Tanzim Al-
Tawheen Wal-Jihad Fi Bilad Al-Rafidayn, known as Al-Qaeda in
Iraq. It started as a jihadi project, heavily staffed and guided by
foreign militants. Eventually the group became increasingly Ira-
qized and some of its formations today, especially the military
council, is heavily staffed with Sunni officers from the former
Iraqi army29. With a leader of Iraqi origin, backed by efficient ex-
Baathist officers, the group became more involved in local Iraqi
conflicts, building in particular on the widening sectarian divide.
However, after taking control of the city of Raqqa in Syria and,
later on, following its declaration of Khilafa and the end of the
Sykes-Picot borders, ISIS has been resumed its breadth as a global
organization. This not just a matter of rhetoric, but it has its opera-
tional advantages. A Jihadi enterprise seems more appealing to
young militants all over the Muslim world compared to a localized
project. It actually gave ISIS an advantage over other Jihadi
groups in the region whose local dimension has been frustrating
their global ambitions. After all, any foreign jihadi would prefer to
fight for an entity called Islamic State than just an Iraqi or Syrian
group. Moreover, as ISIS moved into territorializing its operations
across the Iraqi-Syrian borders, it had to find a larger cause to
secure legitimization.
As the United States and other Western Countries decided to
lead a military campaign against ISIS in order to stop its march on

For further details: A. A.-R., Al-Bakri, Daish wa Mustaqbal Al-Alam: Bayna Al-Wad'i
Al-Siyassi wal Hadith Al-Nabawi Al-Sharif, Cologne, Dar Al-Ghurabaa Lil Nashr,
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 163

other major cities in Iraq, ISIS replaced AQ as the main jihadi

organization. The group started to intensify its messages targeting
the West and reiterated the theme that we will fight you and
defeat you. News, videos and pictures were released showing that
western airstrikes were killing civilians, which served as another
recruitment message calling on other Muslims to defend their
brothers from U.S.-led bombardments30. ISIS also strived to
avoid appearing defensive: it published videos of American and
Western hostages being beheaded, usually following a defiant
speech. It highlighted the role of Western jihadists in an attempt to
warn the West that the threat is very close and imminent31. Eng-
lish-speaking jihadists and propagandists became pivotal in this
confrontation, mainly because they speak the language of foreign-
ers which is something that ISIS used to give the impression that
we are closer to you than you to us.
In the confrontation with the West, ISIS is trying to highlight
its advantages. One repeated theme is that its jihadists like death
as much as westerners like life. Jihadists attempt to demonstrate
that they are ready to commit any atrocity in order to terrify their
opponents and weaken their moral. Even when it shows videos or
photos in which Western citizens are being beheaded, ISIS makes
sure that it is the West to be blamed and to use words of the victim
himself to reiterate this theme. Dabiq magazine, for example,
published a message from the U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff, days
before his filmed beheading by ISIS. They quote him saying that
ISIS knows he is a journalist, but do U.S. airstrikes differentiate
between those who are armed and those who are unarmed? Like-

A.M. Al-Masri, Al-Harb Al-Salibbiyya Al-Jadida Dhidh Al-Muslimeen, 2014, [Online],
31 For further information of foreign jihadists, see: T. McCoy, How ISIS and other

jihadists persuaded thousands of Westerners to fight their war of extremism,

Washington Post, 2014, [Online],
of-extremism/; P. Ross, ISIS Recruitment Reaches Unprecedented Scale With
15,000 Foreign Jihadists Joining Militant Fighters, 2014, [Online],
164 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

wise they dont. John Cantlie, the British journalist taken hostage
by ISIS, has written an article for the sixth issue of Dabiq, in
which he praises ISISs decisions and actions and criticizes the US
The fourth issue of Dabiq was named "The Failed Crusade",
addressing the attempts by the U.S.-led coalition to counter the
Islamic State. Through serious and ironic language it portrays this
campaign as one doomed to fail. This certainty is expressed
through these words: This (meaning Islam) is the religion to
which victory was promised. The picture on the cover is of the
iconic St. Peters Square in Rome, displaying the groups ambi-
tions of world conquest. The magazine published a speech by Abu
Mohammed Al-Adnani, ISIS spokesperson, in which he vows that
we will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave
your women, with the permission of Allah, the Highest. This is
his promise to us; He is glorified and he does not fail in his
promise. If we do not reach that time, then our children and
grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves
in the slave market32.


ISIS is a new model of totalitarianism that is based on three pil-

lars: ultraviolence, indoctrination and expansion. Its ultraviolent
nature exceeds that of any other jihadi organization, showing both
its nihilistic nature and a radical project of political, social and
demographic change. Unlike AQ and most other terrorist organi-
zations, ISIS claims to be a State, controls territory and seeks to
monopolize legitimate violence within this territory. While
violence is an essential element of this state formation process,
indoctrination is another crucial component of its totalitarian plan.
ISISs early appeal derived from claiming to be the protector of
Sunnis in Iraq and Syria, taking advantage of the widening sectari-
an gap in the two Countries and the region. After securing its

Dabiq, Issue 4.
The Discourse of ISIS: Messages, Propaganda and Indoctrination 165

control over large swaths of territory, the group adopted a more

aggressive form of discourse to legitimize itself and diminish
the credibility of its rivals. It conceives itself as the pure mani-
festation of Islam; one that emulates and restores the prophets
state and dictates to its subjects to follow this vision. The indoctri-
nation has taken two forms: salafization of society and calling on
Sunni Muslims to migrate to the Khilafa land.
Bust ISISs ideology is based on expansion. Confining itself to
its controlled-territories will eventually undermine its claim of
representing the Islamic umma. In the words of ISISs German
fighter, Abu Qatada, who was speaking to the German Journalist
Jrgen Todenhfer, ISIS does not have frontiers, but front-
lines33. Its slogan remaining and expanding reflects its current
objective of consolidating its power in those territories and using
them as bases to attack and conquer more lands.
Propaganda has been a major tool in achieving its aims. The
group developed traditional communication means that served
their purpose in its direct interaction with the local population, but
the most effective tool was the Internet, especially social networks
and YouTube, which provided ISIS with cheap outlets and the
ability to reach a wide audience scattered all over the globe. De-
spite attempts to restrict the groups ability to disseminate its
propaganda, its network of supporters and its experience of online
jihadism helped it skip or manipulate some of these restrictions.
This is a war that will continue both online and offline. It is a
battle of ideas as much as it is a military conflict. While military
means are helpful to contain the group or even force it out of areas
it controls now, the propaganda war will decide whether ISIS or
similar organizations will have a larger or smaller role in the

Jrgen Todenhfer published his interview with Abu Qatada on his Facebook
About the Authors

Harith Hasan al-Qarawee, is a researcher at the Radcliffe Insti-

tute - Harvard University. He is a political analyst and his research
focuses on the status, religion, and identity of Iraq and the Middle
East. He has produced several contributions for many British and
Arab academic publications. He is also a political commentator
and consultant.
Marco Arnaboldi, is a scholar of radical Islamist movements and
an expert of radicalization processes via the web and social net-
works. In recent years he has collaborated with a number of news-
papers and think-tanks, including Il Corriere della Sera, ISPI,
Fondazione Internazionale Oasis, and Caff Geopolitico.
Paolo Luigi Branca, is a researcher of Islamic Studies at the
Department of Humanities and Philosophy at Universit Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore of Milan. He teaches History of Religions (Islam-
ic Studies) at Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose in Milan. He
has participated in numerous conferences and seminars at various
institutions, including Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, Institut
du Monde Arabe Paris (France), Accademia della Guardia di
Finanza Bergamo, Centro Altri Studi per la Difesa Rome,
Universit de Lausanne (Switzerland), University of Pisa, Univer-
sity of Florence, University of Ain Shams Cairo (Egypt).
Marco Lombardi, Scientific Advisor at ISPI. He is Associate
Professor of Crisis Management and Communication-related
Risks, Theory of Mass Communication and Sociology at Universi-
t Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, and director of ITSTIME
(Italian Team for Security, Terroristic Issues & Managing Emer-
168 Twitter and Jihad: The Communication Strategy of Isis

gencies). He is also a member of the scientific committee for the

international doctoral program in Criminology and the director of
the School of Journalism of Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
of Milan.
Paolo Maggiolini, Ph.D. in Institutions and Policies, is an ISPI
Research Fellow and collaborates with Universit Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore of Milan. His research is focused on the relation
between religion and politics in the Middle East, with special
emphasis on Arab Christians and Islamic radicalism, especially in
Israel, Jordan, and Palestine.
Monica Maggioni, journalist. Since January 2013 she is the
director of all-news channel Rai News. She has hosted several
programs on Italian national TV, but has always remained a war
correspondent at heart. Since the late 90s she has worked in areas
of crisis around the world, from Iraq to Iran and Afghanistan. She
has explained the U.S. to the Italian audience, met Chiefs of State,
pacifists and terrorists. She has directed two documentaries: Ward
54 and Out of Tehran. She has published two books: Dentro la
guerra and La fine della verit.
Andrea Plebani, researcher at the Department of Linguistic
Science and Foreign Literature of Universit Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore, is a Professor of History of Civilizations and Political
Cultures at the Universitys branch in Brescia. He is Associate
Research Fellow at ISPI and contributes to the project Conoscere
il meticciato, governare il cambiamento promoted by Fondazione
Lorenzo Vidino, Ph.D., is among the leading experts on Islamic
studies and political violence in Europe and North America. He is
Visiting Fellow at ISPI. He was Professor and Researcher at the
RAND Corporation, Harvard University, and the National Defense
University. He is the author of several books, including The New
Muslim Brotherhood in the West (Columbia University Press,
translated into Arabic by Al Mesbar). He has appeared before the
U.S. Congress on several occasions and collaborates with the
authorities of numerous countries.

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