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Teammisticoist 520 Rubricelements

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Team Mistico: Baffico, Clark, El Ahmadieh, Marin, Olaveson

IST 520 - Group Assignment

February 28, 2017

Rubric Elements

Should this
be Included?
Y = Yes
Element of Motivation N= No Comments
NA = Not
? = Cannot
Material is relevant to needs Y Presenters need to have an objective
and goals that they will focus on. This will ensure
that learners are able to be successful.
The material presented must be
relevant to the topic at hand and meet
the needs of all learners.
Material and/or Y Its important that those involved in
presentation/stimulus is training view the training as serious.
novel Unprofessional material will have a
negative effect on the learner's
perception of the training.
Presentation approach is Y The learner shouldnt be overloaded but
intrinsically should desire to remain engaged. There
pleasant/interesting/stimul is a fine line between having an
ating interesting training and adding material
just for the sake of interest.
Wording, visuals, language is Y Follows PARC principles. Take into
manageable and useable to consideration how material will be
the receiving group or received on different screen sizes, or in
individual different formats.
In terms of a theory, does Presentation phase aims to make what
the theory provide/consider is presented follow a certain protocol of
the above? design, and instructional elements.
Opportunities are provided y This is the opportunity to determine if
to develop proficiency in the learner is acquiring the skill
application of the skill,
knowledge, ability or
Practice activities are y The more we do something the more
designed to develop natural and easy it becomes as neural
automaticity in responses connections are built and strengthened
and execution
Repetition and/or spiraling y Each repetition should build upon the
is used to develop successful completion of another.
automaticity Fading is an example of this.
Practice is relevant to needs y Exercises need to be meaningful and
and goals appropriate for learning objectives
Learner can see that y This builds confidence and continued
skill/competency acquisition engagement
is taking place
Practice requirements are y The learner should be challenged
within or slightly above appropriately
learners competency level
Learner is able to perform y Confirming/corrective feedback is key.
practice requirements.
Practice is designed to lead
to correct response. Practice
does not reinforce incorrect
Practice, while not y Dopamine and opioids work together to
necessarily pleasant, is strengthen neural connections and
generating the feel of encoding of information
accomplishment, which is
In terms of a theory, does y It is a must in order to demonstrate that
the theory provide for learning is occurring

Production and Posting

What is produced is y Learners should understand the task
informed and scaffold by goals.
practicemay even be All the practice done should prepare the
concurrent learners into building their skills and
knowledge and make them ready for
the production stage which is crucial for
their learning.
Opportunity is provided to y The production stage enable learners
apply the skill, to utilize the skills and knowledge
knowledge/ability or acquired during the instructional
concept being learned module . learners get motivated and
start thinking out of the box. learners
use their critical thinking during the
production stage
Production reinforces y learners apply the skills and knowledge
practice activities learned.
The production stage include task based
activities that are related to their life
experience linked to the lesson or to the
training topic

Production is posted or y Learners should develop and create

provided to group for peer tangible product.
view and learning The product is in the form of online
poster, plan , suggestion, letter ,.....
The product demonstrates learners
understanding of the lesson.
Learners should make their product
available for all learners for discussion
and feedback .

In terms of theory, does the y Production stage enables trainer to

theory cover or require evaluate and assess the learners.
production or evidence of The product should demonstrate
skill, knowledge, ability or learners understanding of the topic
concept acquisition?

There is opportunity for y Virtual environments such as Elluminate,
synchronous or Collaborate, and Adobe Connect can and
asynchronous review of often do surpass the classroom as a place
posted products to meet, to communicate, and to bring
more voices to the solution of a complex
problem or to learn new skills

Teacher and peer feedback y Feedback at this point is more than

promotes a Community of reporting on practice, through technology
Practice/Wisdom/Knowledg and data analytics, we can solve
e educational problems now.
Teacher and cohort are able y The tracking of participants, the individual
to see who and how are and group chat capability, the ability to
contributing to knowledge synchronously speak and listen, the ability
sharing to share resources, the ability to do virtual
breakouts, and the ability to record
provide an environment where learners
must contribute and collaborate
Variation in task readiness y Finally, group bonding provides desired
and ability to contribute is soft glove accountability. Being
dealt with by group effort to responsible for ones part of a group effort
meet goals is a most powerful incentive to participate
and produce.
Virtual opportunities to y In virtual environments, speech and
meet and collaborate are written samples should be posted to a
provided for and if face to virtual space for teacher and cohort review
face meetings are not and feedbackand to insure that the
feasible learner completes the assignment on time
In terms of theory, does the y Students can ensure that learning and
theory provide for knowledge creation efforts are moving in
collaboration? a timely manner and in the directions that
were intended or developed during the
learning and knowledge creation process

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