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Additional Mathematics Project Work 2017

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Additional Mathematics Project Work


Name : Cheow Jun Hao( 5 )

Chow Wen Chong
Ng Zhuo Ran
Teoh Yu Heng

IC : 000130-08-1217
School : S.M.J.K. Sam Tet
Class : 5S5
Teacher : Mr. Lai

No. Worksheet Page

1 Worksheet 1: Lets Coordinate 1-2
( Part1.1 )
2 Worksheet 1: Lets Coordinate 3-4
( Part1.2 )
3 Worksheet 2: Lets get into shape! 5-6

4 Worksheet 3: Enjoy the journey! 7

5 Worksheet 4: Coconut delight! 8-9

5 Worksheet 5: Share and share alike! 10-11

6 Worksheet 6: Close encounter! 12-13

7 Worksheet 7: Nursery Fun! 14-15

8 Worksheet 8:Money-minded! 16-18

9 Worksheet 9.1: Hello! Nice meeting you! 19-21

10 Worksheet 9.2: The grand line-up! 22-25

11 Worksheet 10: Loving it, HOTS! 26-34

12 Worksheet 11: Reflection! 35

Worksheet 1: Lets Coordinate
( Part1.1 )

Ren Descartes
Biography of Ren Descartes
Philosopher Ren Descartes was born on March 31, 1596, in La Haye en Touraine, a small
town in central France. He was the youngest of three children. He started to study at the age of
8 at the Jesuit college of Henri IV in La Flche for seven years. The subjects he studied, such
as rhetoric and logic and the mathematical arts, which included music and astronomy, as well
as metaphysics, natural philosophy and ethics, equipped him well for his future as a
philosopher. So did he spending the next four years earning a baccalaureate in law at the
University of Poitiers. Descartes later added theology and medicine to his studies. But he
eschewed all this, resolving to seek no knowledge other than that of which could be found in
myself or else in the great book of the world, he wrote much later in Discourse on the Method
of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences, published in 1637.
Descartes is considered by many to be the father of modern philosophy, because his
ideas departed widely from current understanding in the early 17th century, which was more
feeling-based. While elements of his philosophy werent completely new, his approach to them
was. Descartes believed in basically clearing everything off the table, all preconceived and
inherited notions, and starting fresh, putting back one by one the things that were certain, which
for him began with the statement I exist. From this sprang his most famous quote: I think;
therefore I am. Although philosophy is largely where the 20th century deposited Descartes
each century has focused on different aspects of his workhis investigations in theoretical
physics led many scholars to consider him a mathematician first. He introduced Cartesian
geometry, which incorporates algebra; through his laws of refraction, he developed an empirical
understanding of rainbows; and he proposed a naturalistic account of the formation of the solar
system, although he felt he had to suppress much of that due to Galileos fate at the hands of
the Inquisition. His concern wasnt misplacedPope Alexander VII later added Descartes
works to the Index of Prohibited Books.
His revolutionary ideas made him a centre of controversy in his day, and he died in 1650 far
from home in Stockholm, Sweden. 13 years later, his works were placed on the Catholic
Church's "Index of Prohibited Books".

Contributions and achievements of Ren Descartes

He also had an influential role in the development of modern physics. His early work on optics
was the first to mention the law of reflection, which states that light is reflected at the same
angle at which it approaches a surface. He supported the idea of conservation of momentum
and laid out the principle of inertia. He provided the first distinctly modern formulation of laws of
nature and a conservation principle of motion, made numerous advances in optics and the study
of the reflection and refraction of light, and constructed what would become the most popular
theory of planetary motion of the late 17th Century. His commitment to the scientific method was
met with strident opposition by the church officials of the day.
In 1637, he published his ground-breaking philosophical and mathematical treatise
"Discours de la mthode" (the Discourse on Method), and one of its appendices in particular,
"La Gomtrie", is now considered a landmark in the history of mathematics. Following on from
early movements towards the use of symbolic expressions in mathematics by Diophantus, Al-
Khwarizmi and Franois Vite, "La Gomtrie" introduced what has become known as the
standard algebraic notation, using lowercase a, b and c for known quantities and x, y and z for
unknown quantities. It was perhaps the first book to look like a modern mathematics textbook,
full of a's and b's, x2's, etc. It was in "La Gomtrie" that Descartes first proposed that each point
in two dimensions can be described by two numbers on a plane, one giving
the points horizontal location and the other the vertical location, which have come to be known
as Cartesian coordinates. He used perpendicular lines (or axes), crossing at a point called the
origin, to measure the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) locations, both positive and negative, thus
effectively dividing the plane up into four quadrants. Any equation can be represented on the
plane by plotting on it the solution set of the equation. For example, the simple
equation y = x yields a straight line linking together the points (0,0), (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), etc. The
equation y = 2x yields a straight line linking together the points (0,0), (1,2), (2,4), (3,6), etc. More
complex equations involving x2, x3, etc, plot various types of curves on the plane. As a point
moves along a curve, then, its coordinates change, but an equation can be written to describe
the change in the value of the coordinates at any point in the figure. Using this novel approach,
it soon became clear that an equation like x2 + y2 = 4, for example, describes a circle; y2 - 16x a
curve called a parabola; x2a2 + y2b2 = 1 an ellipse; x2a2 - y2b2 = 1 a hyperbola; etc.
Ren Descartes also introduce the Descartes' rule of signs, in his work La Gomtrie, is a
technique for determining an upper bound on the number of positive or negative real roots of
a polynomial. The rule is applied by counting the number of sign changes in the sequence
formed by the polynomial's coefficients. If a coefficient is zero, that term is simply omitted from
the sequence. The rule of signs gives us an upper bound number of positive or negative roots of
a polynomial. It is not a complete criterion, meaning that it does not tell the exact number of
positive or negative roots. The rule states that if the terms of a polynomial with
real coefficients are ordered by descending variableexponent, then the number of positive roots
of the polynomial is either equal to the number of sign differences between consecutive nonzero
coefficients, or is less by a multiple of 2.As a corollary of the rule, the number of negative roots
is the number of sign changes after multiplying the coefficients of odd-power terms by 1, or
less by a multiple of 2.

Worksheet 1: Lets Coordinate

( Part1.2 )
Name of game: The Intelligent Race
Materials : A game board( shown in next page), a dice, 4 token
Number of players : Two players to four players
Explanation of the 1) The game board is consists of 14x14 of blocks.
game board : 2) Explanation of the symbol
S The starting point.

F The finishing point.

This symbol represents the obstacles. You are not
allow to go through it or step on it.
This symbol represents the booster. When you step
on it, you are allow to reroll the dice for the second
This symbol represents the island. When you step
on it, the symbol will automatically turn in to the
colour that represents you, hence your opponent is
not allow to go through it or step on it.
Rules of the game : 1) Each player is given a token ( different colour for different
player ) and it is placed at the position S at the very
beginning of the game.
2) The first player have to roll the dice.
3) The first player have to walk for a certain amount of
steps(block) according the number u roll out.
4) Players are allow to walk in horizontally ,verticallyor both
together during the steps(box) you are required to walk for.
5) Players must not walk on or step on the symbol .
Instead, player must find another way to walk around it.

6) Players that step on the are allow to roll the dice once

7) Players that step on the will automatically clam the

as his/her own. So no opponent can step on it. Instead,
opponent must find another way to walk around it.
8) Player that reach the F fastest wins the game !!

Choose wisely, and enjoy your game !


Dice Tokens

Worksheet 2: Lets get into shape!

(a) Table 1 shows the coordinates of the vertices of two sets of triangles. Observe the pattern
shown and complete the table.

Triangle Coordinates of vertices
A ( 0,1 ) ( 2,0 ) ( 2,2 )
B ( 0,2 ) ( 2,2 ) ( 2,4 ) Set2
C ( 0,3 ) ( 2,4 ) ( 2,6 ) Triangle Coordinates of vertices
D ( 0,4 ) ( 2,6 ) ( 2,8 ) P ( 5,0 ) ( 5,2 ) ( 7,1 )
E ( 0,5 ) ( 2,8 ) ( 2,10 ) Q ( 5,2 ) ( 5,4 ) ( 7,3 )
F ( 0,6 ) ( 2,10 ) ( 2,12 ) R ( 5,4 ) ( 5,6 ) ( 7,5 )
S ( 5,6 ) ( 5,8 ) ( 7,7 )
TABLE 1 T ( 5,8 ) ( 5,10 ) ( 7,9 )
U ( 5,10 ) ( 5,12 ) ( 7,10 )
( b ) Six rectangles, drawn on a Cartesian
plane, are shown on page 3. On the Cartesian plane, draw all the twelve triangles shown in
table 1 to complete the layout for the model of a quartz crystal.
( c ) Use the exact layout creatively to build the model.
( d ) Calculate the total surface area, in cm, of the model that you have built.
Area of a triangle Area of 12 triangles
= 2 12cm
= |
1 0 2 20
2 1 0 21 | cm
= 24 cm
= 2
|( 0 0 )+ (2 2 )+ ( 2 1 ) ( 2 1 )( 2 0 ) (0 2)| cm
= |0+ 4+2200| cm
= |4| cm
= 2cm

Area of 6 rectangles

= 6 (3 2)

Since each block in the graph paper represent 2cm
Total surface area
= (36+24)x2

Worksheet 3: Enjoy the journey!


A straight line joins point P ( x 1 ,Y )

1 and point Q ( x 2 ,Y ) 2 . Derive the formula for the length

Distance of QR= y2 - y1

Distance of PR= x 2 - x1

By using Pythagoras Theorem

PQ= ( x x ) +( y y )
2 1
2 1

Ali drives from Town A to visit his friends who stay in Town B and Town C. After the visit, he
returns to Town A.
1) Calculate the total distance of the journey.
Distance of AJ Distance of JB Distance of JC
= (72 ) +(84 )
2 2
= (52 ) +( 84 )
2 2
= (112 ) + (84 )
2 2

= (9 ) +(12 )
2 2
= (3) + (4 )
2 2
= ( 9 ) +(12 )
2 2

= 225 = 25 = 225
=15 =5 =15

Total distance = AJ + JB + BJ +JC + CJ + JA

=15 +5 + 5 + 15 + 15 +15
= 70km
2) A new straight road is to be built connecting Town C to either Town A or Town B. Which new
road should Ali prefer for the above journey? Explain.

AC= (11 +7 ) +(8+8 )

2 2
BC= (115 ) +(88 )
2 2

= (18 ) 2
= ( 6 ) +(16 )
2 2

= 18 = 292
= 17.088
If AC is built, If BC is built,
AJ + JB + BJ + JC + CA AJ + JB + BC + CJ + JA
= 15 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 18 =15 + 5 + 17.088 + 15 +15
= 58km = 67.088km

AC is prefer, because the distance is shorter, which is 58 km.

Worksheet 4: Coconut delight!


A straight line joins point P( x 1 , y 1 )and point Q( x 2 , y 2 ). Point X divides internally

the line PQ in ratio m:n. Derive the formula for the coordinate X. Hence state the formula for the
coordinates of the midpoint of PQ.
State the formula for State the formula for coordinate
finding coordinate X, of midpoint PQ,
PX m
XQ = n Midpoint of PQ=

n PX = m XQ

( x +2 x , y +2 y )
1 2 1 2

n( OX - OP )=m(

OQ - OX )

n OX -n OP =m

OQ -m OX

m OX + n OX = m

OQ + n OP

(m+n) OX = m OQ

+ n OP
OX = m+n (m

OQ + n OP )
OX = m+n [m

() ()
y2 +n

m x 2 +n x 1

OX =
( ) m+n
m y 2 +n y 1


( m xm++ nn x , m ym+n+n y )
2 1 2 1
1 )Salleh, the owner of the land, would like to plant another coconut tree in such a way the four
coconut trees are at the vertices of a parallelogram. Where should Salleh plant the fourth
coconut tree? Show your calculation.

Midpoint of Midpoint of
AC=Midpoint of BD CD=Midpoint of AB
10+ 40 x+35 y + 40 510 20+10
( 10+35
2 ) ( 2
2 )=(
2 )

x+5 y +30
= ( 2 , 2 ) ( x+35
y + 40
2 )=(
5 30
2 2)

x +35 5
( 252 , 502 ) = 2
x+5 y +30
( 2
2 ) x=-40
The fourth coconut
tree should be plant
25 x +5
at ( -40,-10 ).
2 = 2
The fourth coconut
tree should be plant
at ( 20,20 ).

2 ) Puteri, Sallehs wife, would like to plant two more coconut trees.
( a ) One tree is to be planted between the coconut trees at location B and C such that the three
coconut trees form a straight line. Further, the location of the tree is such that its distance from
C is three times its distance form B. Where should Puteri plant the coconut tree?
Location of the coconut tree,

= ( 3(5)+3+1(35)
3+1 )
= ( 504 , 1304 )
= (12 12 ,32 12 )
Puteri should plant the coconut tree at (12 12 ,32 12 ) .

( b ) The other tree is to be planted 10m away from the coconut at location A such that this
coconut tree and the two coconut trees at location A and B form a straight line. Where should
Puteri plant the coconut tree?
Distance of AB,
= (105 ) ( 1030 )
2 2

= 152202
= 625
Let the location of the coconut tree that is going to be plant = S

= ( 3(10)+2(5)
3+ 2
3+2 )
= ( 205 , 905 )
=( -4,18 )
Puteri should plant the tree at ( -4,18 ).

Worksheet 5: Share and share alike!

A ( x1 , y1 ) ,B ( x2 , y2 ) ,c ( x3, y3) and D ( x4 , y4 ) are the vertices of quadrilateral
ABCD.Derive the formula for the area of triangle ABC. Hence, deduce the formula for the area
of quadrilateral ABCD and state the condition required.
Formula for triangle ABC
Area of ABC
= area of trapezium ADEB + area of trapezium EBCF area of
trapezium ADFC
1 1
= 2 ( y 1+ y 2 )( x 2 x 1 ) + ( y + y )( x x )
2 2 3 3 2 -
( y + y )( x x )
2 1 3 3 1
2[ 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2
( x y + x y x y x y ) + ( x 3 y2 + x 3 y 3x 2 y 2x 2 y 3 )( x 3 y 1+ x 3 y 3x 1 y 1

[ x y + x y x y x y + x y + x y x y x y x y x y + x y + x
2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1
= 2 [ x 1 y2 x2 y 3x 3 y 1+ x 2 y 1+ x 3 y 2+ x 1 y 3 ]

= 2 y
1 x1
| x2
x3 x1
y3 y1 |
Area of triangle ABC= 2 y
1 x1
| x2
y2 |
x3 x1
y3 y1

Area of Quadrilateral ABCD = |

1 x1
2 y1
y2 |
x3 x4 x1
y3 y4 y1

Condition required: four points given must not be collinear.

The four brothers agreed to share this piece of land equally among themselves. They decided to
divide it into four triangular plots of equal areas as shown in Diagram 3.
1 )Calculate the area, in km, of each plot of triangular land.
Area of whole land Area of each triangular land
=56 4
=14 km
= 2 2
1 0
| 2 8 10 0
10 6 0 2 |
= 2 |0+12+0+20480600|

= 2 |112|

= 2 ( 112 )

=56 km

2 ) Determine the coordinate of point X.

Let the coordinate of X = ( a,b )

1 0 10 a 0
2 2 0 b2 | =14 |
1 10 8 a 10
2 0 6 b0 | =14

|0 10 a 0
2 0 b2 | =28 |10 8 a 10
0 6 b0 | =28

10b+2a-20=28 60+8b-6a-10b=28
10b+2a-20=28 10b+2a-20= -28
Whole equation is multiplied by 3, so
6a=-30b+144 (1) 6a=-30b-24(2) 6a=-2b+32 (3)6a=-2b+88 (4)

Sub (1) to (3) Sub (1) to (4)

-30b+144=-2b+32 -30b+144=-2b+88
-28b=-112 -28b=-56
b=4 b=2
when b=4 when b = 2
6a=-30(4)+144 6a=-30(2)+144
6a=24 6a=84
a=4 a = 14
X( 4,4 ) X(14,2 )
Sub (2) to (3) Sub (2) to (4)
-30b-24=-2b+32 -30b-24=-2b=88
-28b=56 -28b=112
b = -2 b = -4
when b = -2 when b = -4
6a=-30(-2)-24 6a=30(-4)-24
6a=36 6a=-144
a=6 a = -24
X( 6,-2 ) X( -24,-4 )

Since the coordinate of point x is 0<x<10 and y is 0<y<10,

The coordinate of X is X( 4,4 ) .

Worksheet 6: Close encounter!

The formula

1 ) A straight line passes through point A ( x1 , y1 ) and point B ( x2 , y2 ) , State the formula for
the gradient of the straight line.
y2 y1
Gradient = x 2x

2 ) The gradients of two straight lines are m1 and m 2 respectively. State the condition for
the two straight lines to be:
( a ) parallel

The gradient of the two lines must be the same, which means m1 = m2 .

( b )perpendicular

The product of the gradient of the two lines must be -1, which means m1 m 2 = -1
a) Rita begins from location (12,18) and drives along a straight road which allows her to be
always equidistant from the police station and the fire station at any time. By considering
gradients only, determine the location on the road when Rita is nearest to the petrol station.
Let, Police station = A, Petrol station = B, Fire station = C, Position of Rita = D,
Position nearest to the petrol station = M
Gradient of AC Gradient of DM
5+ 1 3
M DM )=-1
= 44 4 (

6 4
= 8 M DM =

= 4

Gradient of AC= Gradient of BM

= 4

Equation of BM Equation of DM
b2 3 b18 4
= =
a+3 4 a12 3
4b-8=-3a-9 3b-54=4a-48
4b+3a=-1 (1) 3b-4a=6 2

( 1 )multiple by 3, ( 2 )multiple by 4
12b+ 9a=-3 27
12b-16a=24 When a= 25
27 27
3b=4( +6
a= 25 25
3b= 25
b= 25
27 14
The position on the road when Rita is nearest to the petrol station is ( , .
25 25

b ) If Rita drives with an average speed of 80km h , calculate the time, in minutes, she
takes to reach this nearest location.
Distant of DM

= ( 12+ 2725 ) +(18 1425 )

= 106929 190096

= 11881

= 5

Time = 80 x 60

=0.2725 x 60
Worksheet 7: Nursery Fun!
State the formula for finding the equation of a straight line given in the following:
1 ) Gradient and the y-intercept
2) Gradient and one point on the line
3 ) Two points on the line
4) The x-intercept and y-intercept
y y1 = m(x x1)

1 ) The gradients of boundaries AB and BC are 2 and -1 respectively. Find all the equations
of all the five boundaries of the nursery bed.

Gradient of AE Gradient of DE Gradient of CD

50 20 42
= 03 = 63 = 76

5 2 =2
= 3 = 3
Equation of CD
y 4
Equation of AE Equation of DE x7 =2
y 5 5 y 0 2
x0 = 3 x3 = 3

3y-15=-5x 3y=2x-6 y=2x-10

5 2
y= x +5 y= 3 x -2

Equation of AB Equation of BC
y 5 1 y 7
= =1
x0 2 x4

2y-10=x y-7=-x+4

1 y=-x+11
y= 2 x+5
2 ) Calculate the area of the nursery bed by using two methods, one of which must be
Method one
Coordinate of Point B Area
y= 2 x+5 (1) = 2 5 |
1 0 4 76 3 0
7 42 0 5 |
y=-x+11 (2) 1
sub (1) to (2) = 2 |16+14+ 152049246|
2 1
= 2 |54|
2 =6 =27unit

When x=4
y= 2 ( 4 )+ 5

coordinate of B is B( 4,7 )

Method two
4 7 3 6 7

0 4 0 3 6

4 7 3 6 7
1 5 2
= 2 x+ 5 dx+ x +11 dx 3 x+5 dx 3 x2 dx 2 x 10 dx
0 4 0 3 6
4 7 3 6

= [ 1 2
x +5 x ] [
+11 x ] [
5 2
x +5x ] [
2 2
x 2 x ]
[ x 210 x ]6

1 ( 7 )2 ( 4 )2 5 2
=[( 4 (4) +5(4))-0] + [( +11(7)( + 11(4 ))[( ( 3 ) +5(3))0]
2 2 6
2 2 2 2
( ( 6 ) 2(6))( (3 ) 2(3)) 2 2
6 6 ] - [( ( 7 ) 10( 7)( ( 6 ) 10(6))

33 15
=24+ 2 - 2 -3-3


Worksheet 8:Money-minded!
1 ) A road junction is to be built along the highway connecting village B and Village Q to the
highway. The equation of the highway is y=2x+1. Determine the location of the road junction so
as to minimize the construction cost. Use two methods.
Method one
Let, the junction to village Q=M
the junction to village P=N
Village Q= Q
Village P=P

Gradient of MN=2 Gradient of MN=2

1 1
Gradient of MQ= 2 Gradient of NP= 2
Equation of MQ, Equation of NP,
y 7 1 y+1 1
= =
x8 2 x4 2
2y-14=-x=8 2y+2=-x+4
1 1
y 2 x + 11 y 2 x +1

Junction of village Q, Junction of village P

1 1
y 2 x + 11 1y=2x+1 2 y 2 x +1 (1) y=2x+1 2

sub (1) to (2) sub (1) to (2)

1 1
2 x +1= x+ 11 2x+1 2 x +1
5 5
x= 10 x=0
2 2
x=4 x=0
when x=4 when x=0
y=2(4)+1 y=2(0)+1
y=9 y=1

Junction of village Q is ( 4,9 ) Junction of village P is ( 0,1 )

Method two
Let, the junction to village Q=M
the junction to village P=N
Village Q= Q
Village P=P

Equation of MN, Equation of MN,

y=2x+1 y=2x+1
gradient of equation MN = 2 gradient of equation MN = 2
gradient of equation MN In vector form= 1
gradient of equation MN In vector form= ( 2 )
let x=1
(1 ) y=2(1)+1
let x=1 point = ( 1,3 )
point = ( 1,3 )
Point in vector form = (13)
Point in vector form = (13) Equation of vector
MN , r= ( 2 ) t+ (13)
Equation of vector
MN , r= ( 2 ) t+ (13) (1)

Equation of NP
(1) 1
y 2 x +1
Equation of MQ,
1 1
y 2 x + 11 gradient of equation NP
1 gradient of equation NP in vector form=
gradient of equation MQ
gradient of equation MQ in vector form=
(12 )
(12 ) point = (4,-1 )

point = ( 8,7 )
Point in vector form= (14 )
Point in vector form = 7
Equation of vector NP , r= 1 s + ( ) (14 )
Equation of vector

MQ , r= (12 ) s+

Sub (1) to (2)

(87) (2) ( 1 ) t+
2 (13)=(12 ) s (14 )

Sub (1) to (2)

() () ( )
s+ () 8 (2t+t+13)=(s 1)
2 s+ 4

2 3 1 7
t+1=2s+4 2t+3=-s-1
t=2s+3 (1) t=- 2 s2 (2)
(2t+t+13) = (s2 s ++87) sub(1) to (2)
t+1=2s+8 2t+3=-s+7 1
2s+3=- 2 s2
1 s=-2
t=2s+7 (1) t= s+2 (2)
2 when s=-2

sub (1) to (2)

((2) )1 (01)
2(2)+ 4
2s+7= 2 s+2

s=-2 Junction of village P is ( 0,1 )

When s=-2

((2)+ 7 )
2(2)+ 8
( 49)

Junction of village Q is ( 4,9 )

2) A school is to be built as far away from the highway as possible and it must be 5km from each
of the two villages P and Q. Determine the location of the school by solving simultaneously.

( Find one linear equation and two non- linear equation )

Linear equation Non- linear equation (1) Non- linear equation (2)
y 3 1 Let the location of school=S Let the location of school=S
x6 2 QS=5 PS=5

2y-6=-x+6 ( x 8 ) +( y 7)
=5 ( x 4 ) +( y +1)
1 ( x8 )2 + ( y7 )2=25 ( x4 )2 + ( y +1 )2=25
y= x +6
x-16x+64+y-14y+49=25 x-8x+16+y+2y+1=25
x=-2y+12 (1) x+y-16x-14y+88=0 --(2) x+y-8x+2y-8=0 (3)

a ) two non-linear b) one linear and one

equations non linear equation
(2)-(3) sub (1) to (3)
(-2y+12 )+y-8(-
- x+y-8x+2y-8=0 2y+12 )+2y-8=0
-8x-16y+96=0 144-48y+48y+y-
-x-2y=-12 96+16y+2y-8=0
-x=2y-12 5y-30y+40=0
x=-2y+12 (4) y-6y+8=0
Sub(4) to (3) (y-4)(y-2)=0
(-2y+12 )+y-8(- When y=4
2y+12 )+2y-8=0 x=-2(4)+12
144-48y+48y+y- x=4
96+16y+2y-8=0 ( 4,4 )
5y-30y+40=0 The location of the
y-6y+8=0 school should be
(y-4)(y-2)=0 further than village P
When y=4 Whenand y=2village Q, so the
x=-2(4)+12 location of the school
x=4 x=8 is ( 8,2 ).
( 4,4 ) ( 8,2 )
The location of the
school should be
further than village P
and village Q, so the
location of the school
is ( 8,2 ).

Worksheet 9.1: Hello! Nice meeting you!

Point P( x,y ) lies on a cartesian plane. Define the position vector of point P relative to the origin.

P = ( xy ) =


The position vectors of Johan, Kassim and Latif relative to thr origin O are OJ ,OK and OL

respectively. It is given that OJ = 63 t ) ,

OK = (4t
92 t
) and OL

= ( 424

where t is the time in seconds.

( a ) Identify the names of student A, student B, and student C.

OJ = 4t
63 t )
OK = (4t
92 t
OL = ( 424

When t = 0 When t=0 When t=0

OJ =
OK = (4(0)
OL = (424(0)
(0)12 )

OJ = 4
6 ()
OK = ( )

OL = (122 )

OJ is Johan OK is Kassim OL is Latif
Johan is student A Kassim is student C Latif is student B

( b ) Find the equation of the path taken by each of three students.

Johan (Student A) Kassim (Student C) Latif (Student B)

When t=0 When t=1 When t=0 When t=1 When t=0 When t=1

OJ = 4
6 () OJ =
( )
OK = OK = OL = OL =

OJ = 3
3 () (49 ) (4(1)
) (122 ) ( ( ) ( ))
24 1
4 1 12

OK =
( )
OL = 2
=3 (57 ) Gradient,
8+12 4
Equation of Johan, Gradient, 22 4
y 6 5+ 4 1 = -1
=3 =
x4 79 2 Equation of Latif
y-6=3x-12 1 y+8
y=3x-6 = 2 x +2

Equation ofKassim, y+8=-x-2

y+ 4 1 y=-x-10
x9 = 2
1 17
y= 2 x 2
( c )Determine whether Johan, Kassim and Latif will meet one another at a common location by
using a vector method. If they meet, determine that location by using two methods, one of which
must a vector method.
Method one


(63 t ) (4s )
4t = 92 s
(63 t ) ( 4 m12)
4t = 24 m

4-t=9-2s 4-t=2-4m
2s-t=5(1) 4m=t-2(1)
6-3t=-4-s 6-3t=4m-12
s-3t=-10(2) 4m=18-3t(2)
when (2) is multiple by 2 Sub (1) to (2)
2s=6t-20(3) t-2=18-3t
Sub (1) to (2) 4t=20
6t-20-t=5 t=5
5t=25 when t=5
t=5 4m=18-3(5)
when t=5 3
2s=6(5)-20 m= 4

when t=5 when t=5

OJ = ( 45
63(5)) ( )

OJ = (63(5)
) (1
9 )

When s=5 3
When m= 4

OK = (92(5)
45 ) (9 )

( )
24( )

OL = 3
4 ( )12
= (1
9 )

Answer: Johan, Kassim and Latif will meet one another, they will meet at ( -1,-9 )

Method Two

y=3x-6(1) Sub (1) to (2) Sub (1) to (3) Sub (2) to (3)
3x-6= 3x-6=-x-10 1 17
1 17 1 17 4x=-4 2 2 =-x-10
y= 2 x 2 2
2 x=-1
when x=-1
(2) 5 5 y=3(-1)-6 3 3
x= x=
2 2 y=-9 2 2
y=-x-10(3) ( -1,-9 )
x=-1 x= -1
when x=-1 when x=-1
y=3(-1)-6 y=-(-1)-10
y=-9 y=-9
( -1,-9 ) ( -1,-9 )
Answer: Johan, Kassim and Latif will meet one another, they will meet at ( -1,-9 )

( d ) If V x and V y are the horizontal and vertical velocities of a student respectively,

i j
express, for each student V x and V y in terms of and by using differentiation.
~ ~
Hence, find the resultant velocity V of each student in the form x i +y j to determine who
jogs the fastest.

Johan Kassim Latif

(student (student (student
A) C) B)

OJ = 4tOK
63 t
) =

92 t
) ( 424

x=9-2t x=2-4t
V x =i dx
dt dt

V x =2 i V x =4 i

nt Resulta Resulta
velocity nt nt
= velocity velocity
(1 ) +(3) =

= (2 ) +(1)
(4 ) +(4)

10 = 5 =
Answer: Latif (student B) jogs the fastest because the resultant velocity is the highest which is
32 .

Worksheet 9.2: The grand line-up!

The position vectors of Sam, Paul and Martin relative to the origin O are OS , OP , and

( )

2 t2
respectively. It is given that OS = 6 t+9 ) (
t +5
, OP = t2 ) and OM = 2 t5
where t is the time in minutes.

( a ) Find the coordinates of Paul and Martin when they are in the location shown in Diagram 8.
In the diagram the coordinate of Sam is ( 0,3 ).
(62 t2
t+ 9) (03)

when t=1

Coordinate of Paul Coordinate if Martin

= ((1)2
) =
( )
= (34 )
( )
= 13
The coordinate of Paul = ( 4,-3 )

The coordinate of Martin = ( 5, 3 )

( b ) On the same axes, draw the loci of the three men.

Name When t=0 When t=1 When t=2


OS = 2 t2 ) ( )
OS = 2 t2
6 t +9 ( )
OS = 2 t2
6 t+9 ( )
OS = 2 t2
6 t+9
6 t+9

OS =(2) OS =(0 ) OS =( 2 )
9 3 3
Coordinate = ( -2,9 ) Coordinate = ( 0,3 ) Coordinate = ( 2,-3 )

OP = t +5 ) ( )
OP = t +5
t2 ( )
OP = t +5
t2 ( )
OP = t +5
OP =( 5 ) OP =( 4 ) OP =( 3 )
2 3 4
Coordinate = (5,-2 ) Coordinate = ( 4,-3 ) Coordinate = ( 3,-4 )

( ) ( ) ( )
72t 72t 72t

( )
72t OM = 2 OM = 2 OM = 2
t5 t5 t5
OM = 2 3 3 3

OM = 7
5 ( ) 5
OM = 13
( )
OM = 11
( )
3 3
Coordinate = ( 7,-5 )
Coordinate = ( 5, Coordinate = ( 3,
13 11
3 3
( The loci is draw on the graph paper on next page )

( c ) At a certain time, the position of Sam, Paul and Martin lie on a straight line.
( i ) Determine this using two methods.
Method One
Let, Sam=S

t Gradient SP Gradient SM Gradient PM

1 33 3 13 13
= 3 +3
40 2 3 22 3 4
= =
50 15 54 3
2 4+3 11 11
=1 +3 +4
32 3 2 3
= =
32 3 33
3 5+9 3+ 9 3+5
=2 =2 =2
24 14 12
Answer: At t=3, Sam Paul and Martin are on the straight line, because line SP, line SM and line
PM have the same gradient.
Method two


= (t2) (6 t +9) ( 5 t11 )
t+5 2t2 = 3t +7

( )( ( )
72 t 2t


t+5 =
t2 )5

Gradient SP =Gradient PM
5t11 3
3 t+7 2t
10t-22-5t+11t=-5t+ t +9t-21

3 =1

Answer: At t=3, Sam Paul and Martin are on the straight line.

( ii ) Find the equation of the straight line.

When t=3, coordinate=( 4,-9 )
x4 = -2


( iii )Find the ratio of the distance between Sam and Paul to the distance between Sam and
Martin at that time.
When t=3
Coordinate of Sam is ( 4,-9 ), Coordinate of Paul is ( 2,-5 ), Coordinate of Martin is ( 1,-3 )
Distance between Sam and Paul Distance between Sam and Martin
= ( 42 ) +(9+5)
= ( 41 ) +(9+3 )
2 2

= 4+ 16 = 9+36
= 20 = 45

SamPaul 20 2
= =
SamMartin 45 3
Answer: The ratio between Sam and Paul to the distance between Sam and martin is 3 .

Worksheet 10: Loving it, HOTS!

1 ) Diagram 9 shows a scale drawing of two parallelograms, A and B.
( a ) Copy the two parallelograms
( Refer to the graph paper at next page )
( b ) On each parallelogram, draw suitable coordinate axes that will enable you to state the
coordinates of each vertex of the parallelogram easily.
Parallelogram A Parallelogram B
A( 2,4 ) , B( 14,9 ) , C( 17,13 ) , D( 5,8 ) A( 5,2 ) , B( 17,7 ) , C( 13,10 ) , D( 1,5 )

( c ) Hence by considering integer coordinates only, calculate a possible area for each

Area of Parallelogram A Area of Parallelogram B

= 2 4 |
1 2 14 17 5 2
9 13 8 4 | |
1 5 17 13 1 5
= 2 2 7 10 5 2 |
1 1
= 2 |18+182+136+20561536516| = 2 |35+170+65+234911025|
1 1
= 2 |66| = 2 |112|

=33 unit =56 unit

2 )( a ) Diagram 10 shows two straight lines, PQ and RS, intersecting at the origin O, and the
line x=2 drawn on a Cartesian plane. The gradients of PQ and RS are m1 and m2

respectively. Show that m1 m2=1

Let the y-coordinate of the point that intersect When the point ( 2,4 ) if rotate 90 clockwise,
the line x=2 be 4 the new point is ( 4,-2 ).
Point = ( 2,4 )

Gradient of PQ, Gradient of RS,

40 20 1
=2 =
20 40 2

m1 m2=(2)( )

m1 m2=1 (shown)

( b ) Show that it is possible for the two lines 2x-(m+1)y=5 and 3my=x-1 to be parallel but
impossible to be perpendicular.

2x-(m+1)y=5 2x-(m+1)y=5

(m+1)y=2x-5 (m+1)y=2x-5

2 2 5
y= m+1 x - y= m+1 x - m+1
gradient of this equation is

gradient of this
2 m1 m2=1
equation is m+1

Since both lines are

( m+1 )( 31m )=1
possible to be 2
parallel, 2
3 m +3 m
2 1
m+1 = 3m 2=- 3 m 3 m
3 m2+3 m+2=0
b b24 ac
5m=1 2a
m= 5 ( it is ( 3) (3)24 (3)(2)
shown that these two
lines are possible to 3 15
be parallel ) = 6
= no answer ( it
is shown that these
two lines are
impossible to be

3 ) Find the perpendicular distance of the point ( 8,3 )from the line y=2x-3

Let line CB be y=2x-3 Sub (1) to (2)

Let the perpendicular point from the line CB 1
2x-3= x +7
be A( 8,3 ) 2
Let the coordinate of point B on the line CB
be ( x,y ) 4x-6=-x+14
y=2x-3 (1) x=4
when x=4
Gradient of line CB = 2 y=2(4)-3
1 y=5
Gradient of line AB = 2 B=( 4,5 )

Equation of line AB, Distance of AB

y 3 1 ( 48 ) +( 53 )
2 2
= =
x8 2
= 16+4
2y=-x+14 = 20
y= 2 x +7 (2) =4.472 units

4 ) A( -1,7 ) and B( 7,13 ) are two points on the Cartesian plane. Point P moves such that the
product of the gradient of PA and PB is always -1
( a ) Find the equation of locus P
Let coordinate of P be P( x,y )
(gradient PA)(gradient PB)=-1
y 7 y 13
( ( =1
x +1 x7
( b ) The x-coordinate of point Q is -2 and it lies on the locus of P. Calculate the area of triangle
AQB in two ways

Method one Method two

When x=-2 When x=-2
(-2)+y-6(-2)-20y+84=0 (-2)+y-6(-2)-20y+84=0
y-20y+100=0 y-20y+100=0
(y-10)=0 (y-10)=0
y=10 y=10
Point Q = ( -2,10 ) Point Q = ( -2,10 )

Area of triangle AQB AQ

(1+2 ) +(710)
| |
1 1 7 2 1 =
= 2 7 13 10 7
= 10
= 2 |13+ 701449+26+10|
= 2 |30|
= (7 +2 ) +(1310)

= 90
= 15 unit

Area of triangle AQB

= 2 ( 10 ( 90)
= 2 900

=15 unit

5 ) Point P moves on a Cartesian plane such that it is always at a constant distance from point
C( 0,12 ). Diagram 11 shows part of the locus of point P which passes through point A( -8,8 )
and point B( 4,4 )
( a ) Find the equation of locus P.

AC PC = 80
= (80 ) +(812)

( x 0 ) +( y 12)
= 80
= 80
x+y-24y+144= 80

= ( 40 ) +(412)

= 80

( b ) Calculate the area of shaded region.

Gradient of AC Gradient of BC
128 124
= 0+8 = 04
1 =-2
= 2

( 2 (-2)=-1

since line AC and line BC are perpendicular and have the same length with a locus P passing
through, it is a sector of a circle with 90.
Area of trapezium ACO Area of trapezium CBO Area of the sector of circle
1 1 22 1
= ( 8+12 ) ( 8 ) = ( 4+ 12 )( 4 ) =( ( 80 ) ( 4
2 2 7
=80 unit =32 unit =62.857 unit

Area of shaded region= 80+32-62.857

6 ) During the cold season, the thickness of a sheet office in a lake is 1.5m. When the weather
gets warmer, the sheet of ice melts at a constant rate. After 2 weeks, the thickness of the sheet
of ice is 1.2m.
( a ) If y is the thickness, in m, of the sheet of ice after x weeks, express y in terms of x.

when x=0, y=1.5

when x=2, y=1.2,c=1.5
( b ) sketch the graph y against x
( refer to the graph paper at next page )
( c ) How many weeks are needed for the sheet of ice to melt completely
When y=0
10 weeks are needed for the sheet of ice to melt completely.

Worksheet 11: Reflection!

First of all, I am glad that I am given a chance to do this meaningful project. Through this
project, I do not just learn more about ways to solve the questions about coordinate geometry,
but also during the time I am trying to complete this project, I improved myself in computer skills.
Besides that, because I choose to do this project solo, I am glad I learnt how to manage my time
well. Last but not least I must thank my teacher and mother that aid me in this project. Without
their guidance, I think I might not able to finish this project on time with quality.
During the process when I am trying to finish this project, it reminds me about three years ago, I
remembered its the very first time I start to learn about coordinate geometry. I always thought
that this chapter is just all about the x and y axis, some points, some formula, some lines and as
if I thought it is only useful in solving mathematics question and it is totally useless in our daily
life. But since after I work on this project, I found out that coordinate geometry is actually very
useful and it is everywhere in our daily life. From art-craft, architecture, modern electronic
devices, satellites and even in video games, coordinate is just a major part that cant be
separate away from it. I was amazed by the ability of human that is able to transform such a
simple idea by Ren Descartes into something that is great and beneficial to human. So, to end
this project, here is a poem what I think about coordinate geometry.

What is the reason for a point?

Why location and a place?
Here it is, point and case.
A line from me to you
is straight and not far.
Who knows if measurement is possible,
or if numbers exist at all!
A line perpendicular to where we are
is parallel to the stars,
in the plane of our moon,
or brother planet Mars.
That their orbits
never meet doesn't matter
as long as our line,
in its infinite number of points,
stretches from me to you.

Thank you

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