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4 - Sensitivity Analysis

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Cost Analysis:

Managerial and Cost Accounting Sensitivity Analysis

4 Sensitivity Analysis
The only sure thing is that nothing is a sure thing. Cost structures can be anticipated to change over time.
Management must carefully analyze these changes to manage profitability. CVP is useful for studying
sensitivity of profit for shifts in fixed costs, variable costs, sales volume, and sales price.

4.1 Changing Fixed Costs

Changes in fixed costs are perhaps the easiest to analyze. To determine a revised break-even level
requires that the new total fixed cost be divided by the contribution margin. Lets return to the example
for Leyland Sports. Recall one of the original break-even calculations:

Break-Even Point in Sales = Total Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin Ratio

$2,000,000 = $1,200,000 / 0.60

If Leyland added a sales manager at a fixed salary of $120,000, the revised break-even would be:

$2,200,000 = $1,320,000 / 0.60

In this case, the fixed cost increased from $1,200,000 to $1,320,000, and sales must reach $2,200,000 to
break even. This increase in break-even means that the manager needs to produce at least $200,000 of
additional sales to justify their post.

4.2 Changing Variable Costs

In recruiting the new sales manager, Leyland became interested in an aggressive individual who was
willing to take the post on a 4% of sales commission-only basis. Lets see how this would change the
breakeven point:

Break-Even Point in Sales = Total Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin Ratio

$2,142,857 = $1,200,000 / 0.56

This calculation uses the revised contribution margin ratio (60% 4% = 56%), and produces a lower
break-even point than with the fixed salary ($2,142,857 vs. $2,200,000). But, do not assume that a lower
break-even defines the better choice! Consider that the lower contribution margin will stick no matter
how high sales go. At the upper extremes, the total compensation cost will be much higher with the
commission-based scheme. Following is a graph of commission cost versus salary cost at different levels
of sales. You can see that the commission begins to exceed the fixed salary at any point above $3,000,000
in sales. In fact, at $6,000,000 of sales, the managers compensation is twice as high if commissions are
paid in lieu of the salary!

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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Sensitivity Analysis

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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Sensitivity Analysis

What this analysis cannot tell you is how an individual will behave. The sales manager has more incentive
to perform, and the added commission may be just the ticket. For example, the company will make more
at $6,000,000 in sales than at $3,000,000 in sales, even if the sales manger is paid twice as much. At a
fixed salary, it is hard to predict how well the manager will perform, since pay is not tied to performance.

You have probably marveled at the salaries of some movie stars and professional athletes. Rest assured
that some serious CVP analysis has gone into the contract negotiations for these celebrities. For example,
how much additional revenue must be generated by a movie to justify casting a high dollar movie star
(versus using a low-cost unknown actor)? And, you have probably read about deals where musicians
get a percentage of the revenue from ticket sales and concessions at a concert. These arrangements
are likely based on detailed calculations; what may seem foolish is actually quite logical in terms of a
comprehensive CVP analysis.

4.3 Blended Cost Shifts

Sometimes, a business will contemplate changes in fixed and variable costs. For example, an airline is
considering the acquisition of a new jet. The new jet entails a higher fixed cost for the equipment, but
is more fuel efficient. The proper CVP analysis requires that the new fixed cost be divided by the new
unit contribution margin to determine the new break-even level. Such analysis is important to evaluate
whether an increase in fixed costs is justified.

To illustrate, assume Flynn Flying Service currently has a jet with a fixed operating cost of $3,000,000
per year, and a contribution margin of 30%. Flynn is offered an exchange for a new jet that will cost
$4,000,000 per year to operate, but produce a 50% contribution margin. Flynn is expecting to produce
$9,000,000 in revenue each year. Should Flynn make the deal? The answer is yes. The break-even point
on the old jet is $10,000,000 of revenue ($3,000,000/0.30), while the new jet has an $8,000,000 break-
even ($4,000,000/0.50). At $9,000,000 of revenue, the new jet is profitable while continuing to use the
old jet will result in a loss.

4.4 Per Unit Revenue Shifts

Thus far, the discussion has focused on cost structure and changes to that structure. Another approach to
changing the contribution margin is via changes in per unit selling prices. So long as these adjustments
are made without impacting fixed costs, the results can be dramatic. Lets return to Leaping Lemming, and
see how a 10% increase in sales price would impact the contribution margin and profitability for 20X2.

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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Sensitivity Analysis



Notice that this 10% increase in price results in a doubling of the contribution margin and a tripling of
the net income. Bingo: the solution to increasing profits is to raise prices while maintaining the existing
cost structure if it were only this easy! Customers are sensitive to pricing and even a small increase
can drive customers to competitors. Before raising prices, a company must consider the price elasticity
of demand for its product. This is fancy jargon to describe the simple reality that demand for a product
will drop as its price rises.

So, the real question for Leaping Lemming is to assess how much volume drop can be absorbed

when prices are increased. The appropriate analysis requires dividing the continuing fixed costs (plus
target or current net income) by the revised unit contribution margin; this results in the required sales
(in units) to maintain the current level of profitability. For Lemming to achieve a $500,000 profit level
at the revised pricing level, it would need to sell 5,000 units:

Units to Achieve a Target Income

(Total Fixed Costs + Target Income) / Contribution Margin Per Unit
5,000 Units = ($500,000 + $500,000) / $200

If Lemming sells at least 5,000 units at $1,100 per unit, it will make at least as much as it would by selling
10,000 units at $1,000 per unit. The unknown is what customer response will be to the $1,100 pricing
decision. Many a business has fallen prey to the presumption that they could raise prices with impunity;
others have scored homeruns by getting away with such increases.

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Managerial and Cost Accounting Sensitivity Analysis

4.5 Margin Beware

Some contracts provide for cost plus pricing, or similar arrangements that seek to provide the seller with
an assured margin. These agreements are intended to allow the seller a normal and fair profit margin,
and no more. However, they can have unintended consequences. Lets evaluate an example. Pioneer
Plastics sells trash bags to Heap Compacting Service. Heap and Pioneer have entered into an agreement
that provides Pioneer with a contribution margin of 20% on 1,000,000 bags.

Originally, the bags were anticipated to cost Pioneer $1 each to produce, plus a fixed cost of $100,000.
However, increases in petroleum products necessary to produce the bags skyrocketed, and Pioneers
variable production cost was actually $3 per unit. Lets see how Pioneer faired under their agreement:


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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Sensitivity Analysis

Notice the astounding change in Pioneers net income $150,000 versus $650,000. Such cost plus
agreements must be carefully constructed, else the seller has little incentive to do anything but let costs
creep up. Sometimes you will hear a company complain about cost increases negatively affecting their
margins; before you assume the worst, take a closer look to see how the bottom line is being impacted.
Even if Pioneer agreed to cut Heap a break and reduce their margin in half, their bottom line profit
would still soar in the illustration.

4.6 Margin Mathematics

In the preceding illustration, the contribution margin was 20% of sales. Accordingly, variable costs are
80% of sales. If total variable costs are $1,000,000, then sales would be $1,250,000 ($1,000,000 divided
by 0.80).

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