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Langkaan Realty Devt. vs. Ucpb

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This case discusses the issues of venue and jurisdiction regarding an extra-judicial foreclosure of a property. It also discusses the differences between questions of fact and law that can be raised in an appeal.

This is a petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals regarding an extra-judicial foreclosure of a property by United Coconut Planters Bank.

The main issues discussed are: 1) what questions can be raised in an appeal, 2) compliance with notice and publication requirements for an extra-judicial foreclosure, 3) proper venue for an extra-judicial foreclosure, 4) distinction between venue and jurisdiction.


Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters

Bank, 347 SCRA 542 , December 08, 2000
respondents.Case Nature : PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision
of the Court of Appeals.
Syllabi Class : Actions|Foreclosure of Mortgage|Appeals|Words and
Phrases|Real Estate Mortgages|Foreclosure of Mortgage|Venue|
Administrative Law|Statutes|Statutory Construction
1. Actions; Appeals; Pleadings and Practice, Only questions of law may be
raised before the Supreme Court in a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of
the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure.+
2. Actions; Appeals; Exceptions.+
3. Actions; Appeals; Words and Phrases; Question of Law and
Question of Fact, Distinguished.+
4. Actions; Appeals; Real Estate Mortgages; Foreclosure of
Mortgage; The question of compliance or non-compliance with notice and
publication requirements of an extra-judicial foreclosure sale is a factual
issue binding on the Supreme Court; Well-established is the rule that
factual findings of the Court of Appeals are conclusive on the parties and
carry even more weight when the said court affirms the factual findings of
the trial court.+
5. Foreclosure of Mortgage; Venue; The extra-judicial foreclosure sale
cannot be held outside the province where the property is situated. +
6. Foreclosure of Mortgage; Venue; Where the stipulation of the parties
lack qualifying or restrictive words to indicate the exclusivity of the agreed
forum, the stipulated place is considered only as an additional, not a limiting
7. Foreclosure of Mortgage; Venue; Administrative
Law; Statutes; Statutory Construction; The Court cannot sustain the
contention that the proper venue for the sale of a property in Dasmarinas,
Cavite is the RTC of Imus, Cavite which has territorial jurisdiction thereon as
provided under SC Administrative Order No. 7. It is difficult to fathom how a
general law such as B.P. Blg. 129 can repeal a special law like Act 3135; It is
a basic rule in statutory construction that the enactment of a later legislation
which is a general law cannot be construed to have repealed a special law; A
statute is superior to an administrative issuance, and the former cannot be
repealed or amended by the latter.+
8. Foreclosure of Mortgage; Venue; Words and Phrases; Venue and
Jurisdiction, Distinguished.+
9. Foreclosure of Mortgage; An extra-judicial foreclosure sale is an action
in rem, and thus requires only notice by publication and posting to bind the
parties interested in the foreclosed propertyno personal notice is


Docket Number: G.R. No. 139437

Counsel: Franco L. Loyola, Lainez and Partners Law Offices


Dispositive Portion:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby DENIED.

Citation Ref:
265 SCRA 327 | 323 SCRA 844 | 107 SCRA 126 | 251 SCRA 42 | 237 SCRA
167 | 268 SCRA 441 | 318 SCRA 373 | 230 SCRA 413 | 153 SCRA 712 | 146
SCRA 215 | 325 SCRA 504 | 236 SCRA 148 | 328 SCRA 256 | 265 SCRA
327 | 193 SCRA 93 | 18 SCRA 616 | 28 SCRA 699 | 303 SCRA 278 | 267
SCRA 1| 267 SCRA 1 | 328 SCRA 256 | 251 SCRA 42 |

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
G.R. No. 139437. December 8, 2000*
Actions; Appeals; Pleadings and Practice, Only questions of law may be raised
before the Supreme Court in a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Revised
Rules of Civil Procedure.At the outset, it must be stated that only questions of law
may be raised before this Court in a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Revised
Rules of Civil Procedure. This Court is not a trier of facts, and it is not the function of
this Court to re-examine theevidences submitted bythe parties.
Same; Same; Same; Exceptions.This rule admits of several exceptions, to wit: (a)
where there is grave abuse of discretion; (b) when the finding is grounded entirely
on speculations, surmises or conjectures; (c) when the inference made is manifestly-
mistaken, absurd or impossible; (d) when the judgment of the Court of Appeals was
based on a misapprehension of facts; (e) when the factual findings are conflicting;
(f) when the Court of Appeals, in making its findings, went beyond the issues of the
case and the same are contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee;
(g) when the Court of Appeals manifestly overlooked certain relevant facts not
disputed by the parties and which, if properly considered, would justify a different
conclusion; and, (h) where the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are contrary
to those of the trial court, or are mere conclusions without citation of specific
evidence, or where the facts set forth by the petitioner are not disputed by the
respondent, or where


VOL. 347, DECEMBER 8, 2000

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs. United Coconut Planters Bank
the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are premised on the absence of evidence
and are contradicted by the evidence on record. [Aniceto Saludo, Jr., et al. vs. Court
of Appeals, 207 SCRA 498 (1992), at p. 506., citing the cases of Garcia vs. Court of
Appeals, et al., 33 SCRA 622 (1970); Sacay vs. Sandiganbayan, 142 SCRA 593
(1986); and Manlapaz vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 147 SCRA 236 (1987)] However,
none of these exceptions obtain in the case at bar.
Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; Question of Law and Question of Fact,
Distinguished.A question of law may be distinguished against a question of fact as
follows: x x x a question of law x x x involves a doubt or controversy on what the
law is on a certain state of facts; and a question of fact, contrarily, is one in which
there is a doubt or difference as to the truth or the falsehood of the alleged facts
[Aniceto Saludo, Jr., et al. vs. Court of Appeals, supra., citing Pilar Development
Corporation vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 146 SCRA 215 (1986)]; or that the
query necessarily invites calibration of the whole evidence considering mainly the
credibility of witnesses, existence and relevancy of specific surrounding
circumstances, their relation to each other and to the whole and the probabilities of
the situation. [Thomas Cheesman vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 193 SCRA 93
(1991), at p. 101, citing Moran, Comments on the Rules, 1979 ed., p. 474, which
further cited Lim v. Calaguas, 83 Phil. 796, 799, and Mackay Radio & Tel. Co. v.
Rich,28 SCRA 699, 705 (1969)]
Same; Same; Real Estate Mortgages; Foreclosure of Mortgage; The question of
compliance or non-compliance with notice and publication requirements of an extra-
judicial foreclosure sale is a factual issue binding on the Supreme Court; Well-
established is the rule that factual findings of the Court of Appeals are conclusive
on the parties and carry even more weight when the said court affirms the factual
findings of the trial court.After a careful analysis of the issue set forth by the
petitioner, we find the same not to involve a pure question of law. It has been our
consistent ruling that the question of compliance or non-compliance with notice and
publication requirements of an extra-judicial foreclosure sale is a factual issue
binding on this Court. In the case of Reyes vs. Court of Appeals, we declined to
entertain the petitioners argument as to lack of compliance with the requirements
of notice and publication prescribed in Act No. 3135, for being factual. Hence, the
matter of sufficiency of posting and publication of a notice of foreclosure sale need
not be resolved by this Court, especially since the findings of the Regional Trial
Court thereon were sustained by the Court of Appeals. Well-established is the rule
that factual findings of the Court of Appeals are conclusive on the parties and

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs. United Coconut Planters Bank
carry even more weight when the said court affirms the factual findings of the trial
Foreclosure of Mortgage; Venue; The extra-judicial foreclosure sale cannot be held
outside the province where the property is situated.The extra-judicial foreclosure
sale cannot be held outside the province where the property is situated. Should a
place within the province be a subject of stipulation, the sale shall be held at the
stipulated place or in the municipal building of the municipality where the property
or part thereof is situated.
Same; Same; Where the stipulation of the parties lack qualifying or restrictive words
to indicate the exclusivity of the agreed forum, the stipulated place is considered
only as an additional, not a limiting venue.We agree with the petitioner that under
the terms of the contract, the extra-judicial foreclosure sale could be held at Trece
Martires, the capital of the province which has territorial jurisdiction over the
foreclosed property. The stipulation of the parties in the real estate mortgage
contract is clear, and therefore, should be respected absent any showing that such
stipulation is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public policy or public order. A
contract is the law between the parties. However, since the stipulation of the parties
lack qualifying or restrictive words to indicate the exclusivity of the agreed forum,
the stipulated place is considered only as an additional, not a limiting venue.
Therefore, the stipulated venue and that provided under Act 3135 can be applied
alternatively. Now, applying Act 3135, the venue of the sale should be at the
municipal building of Dasmarinas since the foreclosed property is located in the
municipality of Dasmarinas.
Same; Same; Administrative Law; Statutes; Statutory Construction; The Court
cannot sustain the contention that the proper venue for the sale of a property in
Dasmarinas, Cavite is the RTC of Imus, Cavite which has territorial jurisdiction
thereon as provided under SC Administrative Order No. 7. It is difficult to fathom
how a general law such as B.P. Blg. 129 can repeal a special law like Act 3135; It is a
basic rule in statutory construction that the enactment of a later legislation which is
a general law cannot be construed to have repealed a special law; A statute is
superior to an administrative issuance, and the former cannot be repealed or
amended by the latter.We cannot sustain the contention of the private respondent
that the proper venue for the sale of the Dasmarinas property is the RTC of Imus
which has territorial jurisdiction thereon as provided under SC Administrative Order
No. 7 issued pursuant to Section 18 of B.P. Blg. 129, which allegedly repealed the
venue provision under Section 2 of Act 3135.

VOL. 347, DECEMBER 8, 2000

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs. United Coconut Planters Bank
Section 18 of B.P. Blg. 129 provides for the power of the Supreme Court to define
the territorial jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Courts. Pursuant thereto, the Supreme
Court issued Administrative Order No. 7, placing the municipalities of Imus,
Dasmarinas and Kawit within the territorial jurisdiction of the RTC of Imus. On the
other hand, Section 2 of Act 3135 refers to the venue of an extra-judicial foreclosure
sale. It is difficult to fathom how a general law such as B.P. Blg. 129 can repeal a
special law like Act 3135. Aside from involving two entirely different legal concepts
such as jurisdiction (B.P. Blg. 129) and venue (Section 2 of Act 3135), this
proposition goes against a basic rule in statutory construction that the enactment of
a later legislation which is a general law cannot be construed to have repealed a
special law. Much less can the private respondent invoke Supreme Court
administrative issuances as having amended or repealed Section 2 of Act 3135. A
statute is superior to an administrative issuance, and the former cannot be repealed
or amended by the latter.
Same; Same; Words and Phrases; Venue and Jurisdiction, Distinguished.
Although venue has sometimes been treated as jurisdictional in nature [Venue is
procedural, not a jurisdictional matter, except that in criminal cases, venue goes
into the territorial jurisdiction of the court. Florenz Regalado, Remedial Law
Compendium, vol. I (1997), p. 6, citing Lopez vs. Paras, L-25795, 18 SCRA 616,
October 29, 1966], and the concepts of jurisdiction and venue have a close relation
that sometimes leads to confusion between them, the two concepts are distinct
from each other. [20 Am Jur 2d, 374] Jurisdiction refers to the authority by which
courts and judicial officers take cognizance of and decide cases. [Blacks Law
Dictionary, Fifth Edition (1979), at p. 766, citing Board of Trustees of Firemens Relief
and Pension Fund of City of Marietta v. Brooks, 179 Okl. 600. 67 P.2d 4, 6; State v.
True, Me., 330 A.2d 787] It is the power and authority of a court to hear and
determine a judicial proceeding [Ibid., citing In Re De Camillis Estate, 66 Misc.2d
882, 322 N.Y. S.2d 551, 556] The question of jurisdiction is always fundamental,
and is a question of law, involving a determination by the court of its right to
proceed with the litigation.[20 Am Jur 2d, p. 373] Territorial jurisdiction refers to the
geographical area within which [a courts] powers can be exercised. [F. Regalado,
supra., p. 5] Venue, on the other hand, x x x deals with locality of suit, that is,
with question of which court or courts, of those that possess adequate personal and
subject matter jurisdiction may hear the specific suit in question. [Blacks Law
Dictionary, citing Japan Gas Lighter Association v. Ronson Corp., D.C.N.J., 257
F.Supp. 219, 224] Venue means the place where a case is to be tried. It is intended
for the convenience of the parties, and not as a restriction to their access to courts.
[Philippine Banking Corporation vs: Hon. Salvador Tensuan, su-

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs. United Coconut Planters Bank
pra, at p. 417. See also Uy vs. Contreras, 237 SCRA 167 (1994) at p. 178] Although
the right to object to the exercise of jurisdiction by a court on the ground that it
lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter cannot be waived, a litigants right as to a
particular venue for trial can be waived, and a defect in venue can be cured by the
consent of the parties." [20 Am Jur 2d, p. 374] Former Supreme Court Justice, Hon.
Florenz D. Regalado, enumerated the following distinctions between jurisdiction and
venue: (a) Jurisdiction is the authority to hear and determine a case; venue is a
place where the case is to be heard or tried; (b) Jurisdiction is a matter of
substantive law; venue, of procedural law; (c) Jurisdiction establishes a relation
between the court and the subject matter; venue, a relation between plaintiff and
defendant, or petitioner and respondent; and, (d) Jurisdiction is fixed by law and
cannot be conferred by the parties; venue may be conferred by the act or
agreement of the parties x xx [F. Regalado,supra.,p. 6].
Same; An extra-judicial foreclosure sale is an action in rem, and thus requires only
notice by publication and posting to bind the parties interested in the foreclosed
propertyno personal notice is necessary.Well-known is the basic legal principle
that venue is waivable. Failure of any party to object to the impropriety of venue is
deemed a waiver of his right to do so. In the case at bar, we find that such waiver
was exercised by the petitioner. An extra-judicial foreclosure sale is an action in
rem, and thus requires only notice by publication and posting to bind the parties
interested in the foreclosed property. No personal notice is necessary. As such, the
due publication and posting of the extra-judicial foreclosure sale of the Dasmarinas
property binds the petitioner, and failure of the latter to object to the venue of the
sale constitutes waiver.
PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Franco L. Loyola for petitioner.
Lainez and Partners Law Offices for private respondent.

This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 seeking to set aside the
decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-GR NO. CV 53514 which affirmed the decision
of the Regional Trial Court of

VOL. 347, DECEMBER 8, 2000

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
Imus, Cavite, Branch 20, in Civil Case No. 360-89, and the Resolution of the Court of
Appeals denying the petitioners Motion for Reconsideration.
The antecedent facts are as follows:
Petitioner Langkaan Realty Development Corporation (LANGKAAN, for brevity) was
the registered owner of a 631,693 square meter parcel of land covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title No. 111322, and located at Langkaan, Dasmarinas, Cavite.
On April 8, 1983, petitioner LANGKAAN executed a Real Estate Mortgage over the
above-mentioned property in favor of private respondent United Coconut Planters
Bank (UCPB) as a security for a loan obtained from the bank by Guimaras
Agricultural Development, Inc. (GUIMARAS) in the amount of P3,000,000.00.1
LANGKAAN and GUIMARAS agreed to share in the total loan proceeds that the latter
may obtain from UCPB.2 Subsequently, another loan of P2,000,000.00 was obtained
by GUIMARAS, totaling its obligation to the bank to P5,000,000.00. The loan was
fully secured by the real estate mortgage which covered all obligations obtained
from UCPB by either GUIMARAS or LANGKAAN before, during or after the
constitution of the mortgage.3 Also provided in the mortgage agreement is an
acceleration clause stating that any default in payment of the secured obligations
will render all such obligations due and payable, and that UCPB may immediately
foreclose the mortgage.4
GUIMARAS defaulted in the payment of its loan obligation.5 On July 28, 1986,
private respondent UCPB filed a Petition for Sale under Act No. 3135,6 as
amended, with the Office of the Clerk of Court and Ex-officio Sheriff of RTC of Imus,
Cavite. The petition
1 Rollo,p.140.
2 TSN dated September 4, 1991,p. 9.
3 Article I, Real Estate Mortgage Contract, Exhibits K and 1, p. 38, Folder on
4 Article IX,Ibid.,p.40.
5 Rollo,p.141.
6 An Act to Regulate the Sale of Property under Special Powers Inserted in or
Annexed to Real-Estate Mortgages; commonly known as the Extra-judicial
Foreclosure of Mortgage.

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
was given due course, and a Notice of Extra-judicial Sale of LANGKAANs property
was issued by Acting Clerk of Court II and Ex-officio Sheriff Regalado Eusebio on
August 4, 1986, setting the sale on August 29, 1986 at the main entrance of the
Office of the Clerk of Court of RTC of Imus.7 The Notice of Extra-judicial Sale was
published in the Record Newsweekly,8 and was certified by Court Deputy Sheriff
Nonilon A. Caniya to have been duly posted.9
On August 29, 1986, the mortgaged property was sold for P3,095,000.00 at public
auction to private respondent UCPB as the highest bidder, and a corresponding
Certificate of Sale was issued in favorof thebank.
As petitioner LANGKAAN failed to redeem the foreclosed property within the
redemption period, the title of the property was consolidated in the name of UCPB
on December 21, 1987, and a new Transfer Certificate of Title with no. T-232040
was issued in the latters favor.
On March 31, 1989, LANGKAAN, through counsel, Atty. Franco L. Loyola wrote UCPB
a letter offering to buy back the foreclosed property for P4,000,000.00.10 This offer
was rejected by the bank in a letter dated May 22, 1989, stating that the current
selling price for the property was alreadyP6,500,000.00.11
On May 30, 1989, petitioner LANGKAAN filed a Complaint for Annulment of Extra-
judicial Foreclosure and Sale, and of TCT No. 232040 with Damages, with the RTC of
Imus, Cavite, docketed as Civil Case No. 360-89.
After trial, the RTC of Imus ruled in favor of private respondent UCPB, and dismissed
the petition of LANGKAAN for lack of merit.
7 Notice of Extra-judicial Sale, Exhibit C and Exhibit 4, pp. 47 to 48, Folder on
8 Rollo, pp. 121 and142.
9 Certificate of Posting, Exhibit J and Exhibit 6, p. 35, Folder on Exhibits.
10 Offer to Reacquire By Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. Without Prejudice,
Exhibit G, p. 36, Folder on Exhibits; Petitioners Memorandum, Rollo, p. 122.
11 Letter by UCPB dated May 22, 1989, Exhibit G-2 and 10, loc. cit.

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Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed en toto the decision of the RTC of Imus.
The petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration which was denied by the Court of
Appeals in a Resolution dated July 28, 1999.Hence thispetition.
The sole issue in this case, as stated by the petitioner in its Memorandum, is
whether or not the extra-judicial foreclosure sale is valid and legal on account of the
alleged non-compliance with the provisions of Act No. 3135 on venue, posting and
publication of the Noticeof Sale, and of the alleged defects in such Notice.12
At the outset, it must be stated that only questions of law may be raised before this
Court in a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Civil
Procedure.13 This Court is not a trier of facts, and it is not the function of this Court
to re-examine the evidences submitted by theparties.14

12 Petitioners Memorandum, Rollo, pp. 122-123.

13 Sec. 4 of Rule45 of the 1997 Revised Rules ofCivilProcedure.
14 Sps. Rodolfo Caoili and Imelda Caoili vs. Court of Appeals, 314 SCRA 353 (1999);
J.R. Blanco vs. William Quasha, G.R. No. 133148, November 17, 1999, 318 SCRA
This rule admits of several exceptions, to wit: (a) where there is grave abuse of
discretion; (b) when the finding is grounded entirely on speculations, surmises or
conjectures; (c) when the inference made is manifestly-mistaken, absurd or
impossible; (d) when the judgment of the Court of Appeals was based on a
misapprehension of facts; (e) when the factual findings are conflicting; (f) when the
Court of Appeals, in making its findings, went beyond the issues of the case and the
same are contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee; (g) when the
Court of Appeals manifestly overlooked certain relevant facts not disputed by the
parties and which, if properly considered, would justify a different conclusion; and,
(h) where the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are contrary to those of the
trial court, or are mere conclusions without citation of specific evidence, or where
the facts set forth by the petitioner are not disputed by the respondent, or where
the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are premised on the absence of evidence
and are contradicted by the evidence on record. [Aniceto Saludo, Jr., et al. vs. Court
of Appeals, 207 SCRA 498 (1992), at p. 506., citing the cases of Garcia vs. Court of
Appeals, et al., 33 SCRA 622 (1970); Sacay vs. Sandiganbayan, 142 SCRA 593
(1986); and Manlapaz vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 147 SCRA 236 (1987)] However,
none of these exceptions obtain in the case at bar.

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
After a careful analysis of the issue set forth by the petitioner, we find the same not
to involve a pure question of law.15 It has been our consistent ruling that the
question of compliance or noncompliance with notice and publication requirements
of an extra-judicial foreclosure sale is a factual issue binding on this Court.16 In the
case of Reyes vs. Court of Appeals, we declined to entertain the petitioners
argument as to lack of compliance with the requirements of notice and publication
prescribed in Act No. 3135, for being factual.17 Hence, the matter of sufficiency of
posting and publication of a notice of foreclosure sale need not be resolved by this
Court, especially since the findings of the Regional Trial Court thereon were
sustained by the Court of Appeals. Well-established is the rule that factual findings
of the Court of Appeals are conclusive on the parties and carry even more weight
when the said court affirms the factual findings of the trial court.18
The RTC found the posting of the Notice of Sale to have been duly complied with,

15 A question of law may be distinguished against a question of fact as follows: x

xx a question of law xxx involves a doubt or controversy on what the law is on a
certain state of facts; and a question of fact, contrarily, is one in which there is a
doubt or difference as to the truth or the falsehood of the alleged facts [Aniceto
Saludo, Jr., et al. vs. Court of Appeals, supra., citing Pilar Development Corporation
vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 146 SCRA 215 (1986)]; or that the query
necessarily invites calibration of the whole evidence considering mainly the
credibility of witnesses, existence and relevancy of specific surrounding
circumstances, their relation to each other and to the whole and the probabilities of
the situation. [Thomas Cheesman vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 193 SCRA 93
(1991), at p. 101, citing Moran, Comments on the Rules, 1979 ed., p. 474, which
further cited Lim v. Calaguas, 83 Phil. 796, 799, and Mackay Radio&Tel. Co. v. Rich,
28 SCRA 699, 705 (1969)]
16 Pastora Valmonte vs. Court of Appeals, 303 SCRA 278 (1999), at p. 286; Renato
Cristobal vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 124372, March 16, 2000, at p. 5, 328 SCRA
256, citing Sulit vs. Court of Appeals, 268 SCRA 441, 456(1997).
17 107 SCRA 126 (1981), at p. 129.
18 J.R.Blanco vs. WilliamQuasha, et al., supra.

VOL. 347, DECEMBER 8, 2000

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
As regards the posting of the notices of sale, Deputy Sheriff Nonilon Caniya has
categorically declared that he posted the same in three conspicuous places, to wit:
(1) Municipal Hall of Dasmarinas, Cavite, (2) Barangay Hall of Langkaan, and (3) in
the place where the property is located (Exh. 6). He added gratuitously that he
even posted it at the Dasmarinas Public Market. Such being the case, the negative
testimony of Virgilio Mangubat, a retired sheriff of Trece Martires City, to the effect
that he did not see any notice posted in the Bulletin Board of Dasmarinas, Cavite
cannot prevail over the positive testimony of Deputy Sheriff Caniya. In like manner,
the general denial advanced by Barangay Captain Benjamin Sangco of Langkaan
that no notice was posted at the bulletin board of said barangay in August, 1986
cannot take precedence over the positive declaration of Deputy Sheriff Caniya who
is presumed to have performed his duties as such. Credence is generally accorded
the testimonies of (sic) sheriff who is presumed to have performed their (sic) duties
in regular manner.x x x
xxx xxx xxx
xxx In another case, Bonnevie vs. Court of Appeals, 125 SCRA 122, it was even
ruled that a single act of posting satisfies the requirement of law.19
Due publication was likewise found by the RTC to have been effected.
It is beyond dispute that notice of Sheriff's Sale was published in Record
Newsweekly, a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Cavite after a
raffle among the accredited newspaper thereat. No evidence was adduced by
plaintiff to disprove this fact. Its claim that said newspaper has no subscribers in
Cavite is without merit and belied by the Affidavit of Publication executed by the
Publisher of Records Newsweekly (Exh. 5) and by the Clerk of Court and Ex-Oficio
Sheriff of the Multiple Sala of Imus, Cavite. As held in the case of Olizon vs. Court of
Appeals, 236 SCRA 148, personal notice to the mortgagor in extrajudicial
foreclosure proceedings is not necessary. Sec. 3 of Act No. 3135 governing extra-
judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgages, as amended by Act No. 4118, requires
only posting of the notice of sale in three public places and the publication of that
notice in a newspaper of general circulation. Hence, the lack of personal notice to
the mortgagors is not a ground to set aside the

19 RTC Imus, Branch 20, Decision dated March 26, 1996, at pp. 7 to 8.

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
foreclosure sale. It was further held thereat (ibid) that publication of the notice
alone in the newspaper of general circulation is more than sufficient compliance
with the notice-posting requirement of the law.'20
On appeal, the findings of the RTC were sustained by the Court of Appeals, to wit:
Next, appellant contends that the notice of sale was posted, at the very least, at
only one [1] public placethe Municipal Building of Dasmarinas, Cavitecontrary to
and in violation of the requirement in Act No. 3135, as amended, that said notice
shall be posted in at least three [3] public places. Deputy Sheriff Nonilon Caniya,
however, has categorically declared that he had posted Notices of Sale in four
public places; namely: (1) Municipal Hall of Dasmarinas, Cavite, (2) Barangay Hall of
Langkaan, (3) in the place where the property is located and (4) at the Dasmarinas
Public Market (t.s.n., January 12, 1994, pp. 6-11). We give credence to said Sheriffs
testimony and accord his actions with the presumption of regularity of performance,
having come from a public officer to whom no improper motive to testifyhas been
At any rate, even if it were true that the Notice of Sale was not posted in three
public places as required, this would not invalidate the foreclosure conducted. As
explained in Olizon vs. Court of Appeals, 238 SCRA 148, 155-156
Furthermore, unlike the situation in previous cases where the foreclosure sales
were annulled by reason of failure to comply with the notice requirement under
Section 3 of Act 3135, as amended, what is allegedly lacking here is the posting of
the notice in three public places, and not the publication thereof in a newspaper of
general circulation.
We take judicial notice of the fact that newspaper publications have more far-
reaching effects than posting on bulletin boards in public places. There is a greater
probability that an announcement or notice published in a newspaper of general
circulation which is distributed nationwide, shall have a readership of more people
than that posted in a public bulletin board, no matter how strategic its location may
be, which caters only to a limited few. Hence the publication of the notice of sale in
the newspaper of general circulation alone is more than sufficient compliance with
the notice-posting requirement of the law. By such publication, a reasonably wide

20 Ibid.

VOL. 347, DECEMBER 8, 2000

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
licity had been effected such that those interested might attend the public sale,
andthe purpose of thelaw had been thereby subserved.
The object of a notice of sale is to inform the public of the nature and condition of
the property to be sold, and of the time, place and terms of the sale. Notices are
given for the purpose of securing bidders and to prevent a sacrifice of the property.
If these objects are attained, immaterial errors and mistakes will not affect the
sufficiency of the notice; but if mistakes or omissions occur in the notices of sale
which are calculated to deter or mislead bidders, to depreciate the value of the
property, or to prevent it from bringing a fair price, such mistakes or omissions will
be fatal to the validity of the notice, and alsoto the sale made pursuant thereto.
In the case at bench, this objective was attained considering that there was
sufficient publicityof the sale through the Record Newsweekly.
Appellant next charges that the certificate of posting executed by Deputy Sheriff
Caniya is a falsified document resulting from the unlawful intercalations made
thereon, calculated to change the import and meaning of said certificate; and
contains untruthful statements of facts. A certificate of posting is however not a
statutory requirement and as such, is not considered indispensable for the validity
of a foreclosure sale under Act 3135 (see Bohanan vs. Court ofAppeals, 256 SCRA
Again, We accord a presumption of regularity in the conduct of the raffle whereby
publication of the Notice of Sale was awarded to the Record Newsweekly.
As to the erroneous designation of Guimaras Agricultural Development, Inc. as a
mortgagor as well as the mistakes in the technical description of the subject
property, both appearing in the Notice of Sale, We find these immaterial errors and
mistakes which do not affect the sufficiency of the Notice (Olizon vs. Court
ofAppeals,supra.)x x x.21
We refuse to disturb the factual findings of the lower courts. The notice of the extra-
judicial foreclosure sale was duly published and posted, and clerical errors therein
are not sufficient to invalidate the notice andnullify the sale.

21 Court of Appeals (Twelfth Division) Decision dated July 15, 1998, at pp. 4 to6.

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
We are left with the issue on the legal propriety of the venue of the extra-judicial
foreclosure sale which we deem proper for determination.
In ascertaining whether or not the venue of the extra-judicial foreclosure sale was
improperly laid, it is imperative to consult Act No. 3135, as amended, the law
applicable to such a sale.22 Act 3135 provides, insofar as pertinent, as follows:
SECTION 1. When a sale is made under a special power inserted in or attached to
any real estate mortgage hereafter made as security for the payment of money or
the fulfillment of any other obligation, the provisions of the following sections shall
govern as to the manner in which the sale and redemption shall be effected,
whether or not provision for the same is madeinthe power.
SEC. 2. Said sale cannot be made legally outside of the province which the property
sold is situated; and in case the place within said province in which the sale is to be
made is the subject of stipulation, such sale shall be made in said place or in the
municipal building of the municipalityin which the propertyor part thereof is
Thus, the extra-judicial foreclosure sale cannot be held outside the province where
the property is situated. Should a place within the province be a subject of
stipulation, the sale shall be held at the stipulated place or in the municipal building
of the municipality where theproperty or part thereof is situated. In the case at bar,
the Real Estate Mortgage contract contains the following stipulation on the venue of
theauction sale, viz.:

It is hereby agreed that in case of foreclosure of this mortgage under Act 3135, as
amended, and Presidential Decree No. 385, the auction sale shall be held at the
capital of the province, if the property is within the territorial jurisdiction of the
province concerned, or shall be held in the

22 Rodrigo Supena vs. Judge Rosalio G. de la Rosa, 267 SCRA 1 (1997),at p. 8.


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Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
city, if the property is within the territorial jurisdiction of the city concerned.23
The foreclosed property is located in Dasmarinas, a municipality in Cavite.
Dasmarinas is within the territorial jurisdiction of the province of Cavite, but not
within that of the provincial capital, Trece Martires City, nor of any other city in
Cavite. The territorial jurisdiction of Dasmarinas is covered by the RTC of Imus,24
another municipality in Cavite.
The petitioner contends that the extra-judicial foreclosure sale should have been
held in Trece Martires City, the capital of Cavite, following the above-quoted
stipulation in the real estate mortgage contract; or, in the alternative, Section 2 of
Act 3135 should have been applied, and the sale conducted at the municipal
building of Dasmarinas where the property is situated.25 On the other hand, the
private respondent argues that the extra-judicial foreclosure sale was properly held
at the main entrance of the Office of the Clerk of Court and Ex-officio Sheriff of the
RTC of Imus which has territorial jurisdiction over Dasmarinas, as provided in the
Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 7 (1983) issued pursuant to Section 18 of
B.P. Blg. 129.26 The private respondent further contends that Section 18 of B.P. Blg.
129 repealed the provision on venue under Section 2 ofAct3135.
We agree with the petitioner that under the terms of the contract, the extra-judicial
foreclosure sale could be held at Trece Martires, the capital of the province which
has territorial jurisdiction over the foreclosed property. The stipulation of the parties
in the real estate mortgage contract is clear, and therefore, should be respected
absent any showing that such stipulation is contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public policy or public order. A contract is the law between the parties.27 However,
since the stipulation of the parties lack qualifying or restrictive words to indicate the

23 Article XX, Real Estate Mortgage, Exhibit K-1,loc. cit.

24 Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 7 (1983).
25 Petitioners Memorandum, Rollo, pp. 124 to 125.
26 Private respondents Memorandum, Rollo, p. 39.
27 Benjamin Dihiansan vs. Court of Appeals, 153 SCRA 712 (1987), at p. 717.

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
clusivity of the agreed forum, the stipulated place is considered only as an
additional, not a limiting venue.28 Therefore, the stipulated venue and that
provided under Act 3135 can be applied alternatively. Now, applying Act 3135, the
venue of the sale should be at the municipal building of Dasmarinas since the
foreclosed property is located in the municipality ofDasmarinas.
We cannot sustain the contention of the private respondent that the proper venue
for the sale of the Dasmarinas property is the RTC of Imus which has territorial
jurisdiction thereon as provided under SC Administrative Order No. 7 issued
pursuant to Section 18 of B.P. Blg. 129, which allegedly repealed the venue
provision under Section 2 ofAct 3135.
Section 18 of B.P. Blg. 12929 provides for the power of the Supreme Court to define
the territorial jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Courts. Pursuant thereto, the Supreme
Court issued Administrative Order No. 7,30 placing the municipalities of Imus, Das-

28 Philippine Banking Corporation vs. Hon. Salvador Tensuan, 230 SCRA 413 (1994),
at p. 420.
29 Section 18 of B.P. Blg. 129,as amended, provides:
Sec. 18. Authority to define territory appurtenant to each branch.The Supreme
Court shall define the territory over which a branch of the Regional Trial Court shall
exercise its authority. The territory thus defined shall be deemed to be the territorial
area of the branch concerned for purposes of determining the venue of all suits,
proceedings or actions, whether civil or criminal, as well as determining the
Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
over which the said branch may exercise appellate jurisdiction. The power herein
granted shall be exercised with a view to making the courts readily accessible to the
people of the different parts of the region and making the attendance of litigants
and witnessesas inexpensive as possible.
30 Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 7 (1983)provides:
x x x Pursuant to the provisions of Section 18 of B.P. Blg. 129, the Judiciary
Reorganization Act of 1980, and Section 4 of Executive Order No. 864 of the
President of the Philippines, dated January 17, 1983, the territorial areas of the
Regional Trial Courts in Regions One toTwelveare hereby defined as follows:
xxx xxx xxx

VOL. 347, DECEMBER 8, 2000

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
marinas and Kawit within the territorial jurisdiction of the RTC of Imus.31 On the
other hand, Section 2 of Act 3135 refers to the venue of an extra-judicial foreclosure
It is difficult to fathom how a general law such as B.P. Blg. 129 can repeal a special
law like Act 3135. Aside from involving two entirely different legal concepts such as
jurisdiction (B.P. Blg. 129) and venue (Section 2 of Act 3135),33 this proposition
goes against a


xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
5. Branches XX to XXII, inclusive, with seats at Imuscomprising the municipalities
of Imus, Dasmarinas and Kawit.
6. Branch XXIII, with seat at Trece Martires Citycomprising TRECE MARTIRES CITY
and the municipalities of General Triasand Tanza.
xxx xxx x x x
31 Multiple Sala,Branches XX-XXII
32 Rodrigo Supena vs. Judge Rosalio de la Rosa, supra.,at p. 8.
33 Although venue has sometimes Jjeen treated as jurisdictional in nature [Venue is
procedural, not a jurisdictional matter, except that in criminal cases, venue goes
into the territorial jurisdiction of the court. Florenz Regalado, Remedial Law
Compendium, vol. I (1997), p. 6, citing Lopez vs. Paras, L-25795, 18 SCRA 616,
October 29. 1966], and the concepts of jurisdiction and venue have a close relation
that sometimes leads to confusion between them, the two concepts are distinct
from each other. [20 Am Jur 2d, 374] Jurisdiction refers to the authority by which
courts and judicial officers take cognizance of and decide cases. [Blacks Law
Dictionary, Fifth Edition (1979), at p. 766, citing Board of Trustees of Firemens Relief
and Pension Fund of City of Marietta v Brooks, 179 Okl. 600. 67 P.2d 4, 6; State v.
True, Me., 330 A.2d 787] It is the power and authority of a court to hear and
determine a judicial proceeding [Ibid., citing In Re De Camillis Estate, 66 Misc.2d
882, 322 N.Y. S.2d 551, 556) The question of jurisdiction is always fundamental,
and is a question of law, involving a determination by the court of its right to
proceed with the litigation.[20 Am Jur 2d, p. 373] Territorial jurisdiction refers to the
geographical area within which [a courts] powers can be exercised. [F. Regalado,
supra., p. 5] Venue, on the other hand, x xx deals with locality of suit, that is,
with question of which court or courts, of those that possess adequate personal and
subject matter jurisdiction may hear the

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
basic rule in statutory construction that the enactment of a later legislation which is
a general law cannot be construed to have repealed a special law.34 Much less can
the private respondent invoke Supreme Court administrative issuances35 as having
amended or repealed Section 2 of Act 3135. A statute is superior to an
administrative issuance, and the former cannot be repealed or amended by the

specific suit in question. [Blacks Law Dictionary, citing Japan Gas Lighter
Association v. Ronson Corp., D.C.N.J., 257 F.Supp. 219, 224] Venue means the place
where a case is to be tried. It is intended for the convenience of the parties, and not
as a restriction to their access to courts. [Philippine Banking Corporation vs. Hon.
Salvador Tensuan, supra, at p. 417. See also Uy vs. Contreras, 237 SCRA 167 (1994)
at p. 178] Although the right to object to the exercise of jurisdiction by a court on
the ground that it lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter cannot be waived, a
litigants right as to a particular venue for trial can be waived, and a defect in venue
can be cured by the consent of the parties." [20 Am Jur 2d, p. 374]
Former Supreme Court Justice, Hon. Florenz D. Regalado, enumerated the following
distinctions between jurisdiction and venue: (a) Jurisdiction is the authority to hear
and determine a case; venue is a place where the case is to be heard or tried; (b)
Jurisdiction is a matter of substantive law; venue, of procedural law; (c) Jurisdiction
establishes a relation be-. tween the court and the subject matter; venue, a relation
between plaintiff and defendant, or petitioner and respondent; and, (d) Jurisdiction
is fixed by law and cannot be conferred by the parties; venue may be conferred by
theact or agreement of the parties x x x.[F. Regalado,supra.,p. 6]
34 Laguna Lake Development Authority vs. Court of Appeals, 251 SCRA 42 (1995),
at p. 56.
35 Supreme Court Administrative Order Nos. 7 (1983) and 3 (1984) known as the
Procedure in Extra-judicial Foreclosure of Mortgage, as amended by Supreme
Court Administrative CircularNo.3-98.
36 China Banking Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 265 SCRA 327 (1996)atp.343.
The Supreme Court explained in this case that SC Administrative Order No. 3 is a
mere directive for executive judges and clerks of courts, [i]n line with the
responsibility of an Executive Judge, under Administrative Order No. 6, dated June
30, 1975, for the management of courts within his administrative area x xx and
cannot repeal or amend Act 3135. [Ibid.,at p. 342.]

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Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs. United Coconut Planters Bank
Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, this Court finds the extra-judicial
foreclosure sale held at the RTC of Imus to be valid and legal.
Well-known is the basic legal principle that venue is waivable. Failure of any party to
object to the impropriety of venue is deemed a waiver of his right to do so. In the
case at bar, we find that such waiver was exercised by the petitioner.
An extra-judicial foreclosure sale is an action in rem, and thus requires only notice
by publication and posting to bind the parties interested in the foreclosed property.
No personal notice is necessary. As such, the due publication and posting of the
extra-judicial foreclosure sale of the Dasmarinas property binds the petitioner, and
failure, of the latter to object to the venue of the sale constitutes waiver.
In the testimony of the President of LANGKAAN, Alfredo Concepcion, the latter
admitted that he was informed sometime in 1986 by GUIMARAS President Antonio
Barredo about the foreclosure sale of the Dasmarinas property held on August 6,
1986, viz.:
At or about the date when Atty. Loyola made that written offer to the bank.

I think 1986, Your Honor.




Yes, Your Honor.

xxx xxx xxx


xxx xxx xxx

So you talked to Ex-Justice Barredo?
I did.

Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank
And of course he informed you about the proposal that took place on August 6,
He told me thathe is aware.
And you were also aware of the Certificate of Sale executed by the Sheriff, isntit?
At that point there was a foreclosure sale and that it was the mortgagee bankthat
was the highest bidder.
After you were informed there was a foreclosure sale, you did not do anything about
it, isntit? (sic)
Well, at that point when I was so informed, I did not take any stepyet but on the first
opportunity, I consultedAtty.Loyola.
And that was in1986 also?
1986, correct.37
From 1986 to April 1989, despite knowledge of the foreclosure sale of their property,
the President of petitioner LANGKAAN did not take any step to question the
propriety of the venue of the sale. It was only on May 30, 1989 that the petitioner
filed a Complaint for Annulment of the foreclosure sale, and only after its offer to
repurchase the foreclosed property, the title to which had been consolidated in the
name of private respondent UCPB, had been rejected by thebank.
In the letter denominated as Offer to Reacquire by Langkaan Realty Development,
Inc. Without Prejudice, petitioner LANGKAAN, through its counsel Atty. Franco L.
Loyola, who is likewise the petitioners counsel in this case, acknowledged that the
title to the property then registered under the name of LANGKAAN has been
consolidated under the name of UCPB, which was the highest bidder in the
extrajudicial foreclosure sale conducted by the sheriff.38 Nowhere can it be found
that the petitioner objected to or opposed the holding of the sale at the RTC of Imus.
By neglecting to do so, petitioner LANGKAAN is deemed to have waived its right to
object to the venue of the sale, and cannot belatedly raise its objection in this
petition filed before us.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby DENIED.

37 TSN, September 4, 1991, pp. 22 to 25.

38 Exhibit G, p. 36, Folder of Exhibits.

VOL. 347, DECEMBER 8, 2000

Presidential Commission on Good Government vs. Desierto
Melo (Chairman), Vitug and Panganiban, JJ., concur.
Petition denied.
Notes.Under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, review by the Supreme Court of a
judgment, a final order or a resolution is discretionary, not a matter of right, but of
sound judicial discretion. (Diesel Construction Company, Inc. vs. Jollibee Foods
Corporation, 323 SCRA 844 [2000])
A petition for review under Rule 45, as a general rule, is limited to reviewing errors
of law, findings of fact being conclusive as a matter of general principle, unless
there is a conflict between the factual findings of the trial court and the Court of
Appeals in which event the Supreme Court may review the factual issues as an
exception to the general rule. (Agasen vs. Court of Appeals, 325 SCRA 504 [2000])

Copyright 2017 Central Book Supply, Inc. All rights reserved. Langkaan Realty
Development, Inc. vs.United Coconut Planters Bank, 347 SCRA 542, G.R. No. 139437
December 8, 2000

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