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Module 1 - CEE 335

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CEE-335: Environmental

Pollution Control

Course Teacher
Dr Muhammad Azizul Hoque
Relevant Books
 Environmental Engineering
-by Howard S. Peavy
 Environmental Engineering
-by Davis and Cornwell
 Water Supply and Pollution Control
-by Warren Viessman and Mark J. Hammer
 Environmental Pollution and Its Control
-by S. A. Abbasi
 Environmental Pollution Control Engineering
-by C. S. Rao
 Pollution and Its Control
-by Gopal Bhargava
 Industrial water Pollution Control
-by W. Wesley Eckenfelder
Air Quality
(Physical and Chemical fundamentals)
Environmental System

Atmospheric Aquatic Soil

Sub-systems Sub-systems Sub-systems
Composition of the Atmosphere

Nonvariable Gases
Nitrogen 78.08%
Oxygen 20.95%
Argon 0.93%
Neon 0.002%
Variable Gases
Water Vapor 0.1 - 5.0%
Carbon Dioxide 0.035%
Ozone 0.000006%
Gas Laws

Ideal gas: An ideal gas is defined as one in which all collisions between atoms or
molecules are perfectly elastic and in which there are no intermolecular
attractive forces. An elastic collision is a collision in which the total kinetic energy
of the colliding bodies after collision is equal to their total kinetic energy before
collision. Elastic collisions occur only if there is no conversion of kinetic energy
into other forms
Gas Laws
 Boyles law: V=k/P (T and n are const.)
 Charless law: V=bT (P and n are const.)
 Avogadros law: V=an (T and P are const.)
P=Absolute pressure (Pa or kPa)
V=Volume (L or m3)
n=number of moles of gas
T=Absolute temperature (K)
k, b and a = constants
At standard temperature (273.15 K) and pressure (101.325 kPa),
one mole of an ideal gas occupies 22.414 L volume
Gas Laws (Cont.)

 Ideal Gas Law:

where R = universal gas constant
= 8.3143 Pa.m3/K.mole = 0.082056 Latm/K.mole

 Daltons Law of Partial Pressures: Total pressure exerted by a mixture

of gases is equal to the sum of the pressures that each type of gas
would exert if it alone occupied the container
Pt = (P1 + P2 + +Pn)
 Daltons Law in terms of Ideal gas law:
Pt = (n1 + n2 + n3 +)
Units of Measure

Particle Size

 Mass to Volume ratio

 parts per million (ppm)

 Volume to volume ratio
Units of Measure (Cont.)

Concentration (Cont.)
 parts per million (ppm)
 Volume to volume ratio
 Concentrations are independent of pressure and
temperature changes

1 ppm =1 volume of gaseous pollutant (Vp)

106 volumes of air (Va)
Unit Conversion
At STP 1 mole gas occupies 22.414 L volume
Vp (at STP) = * 22.414 in Liter
Use equation, P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2,
where, V1=Vp(at STP), P1=P(at STP), P2=P;
Vp (at respective tempt & pressure) = V2=??
Mp * 22.414 T (K) 1 atm
Vp =
MW 273.15K P(atm)
ppm = For Mp in g, and Va = 1 m3 ,
Va *106
Mp * 22.414 T (K) 1 atm 1
ppm =
MW 273 .15 K P (atm) 1000 ( L / m 3 )

Q1. A 28-L volume of gas at 300.0 K contains 11 g of CH4,

1.5 g of N2 and 16 g of CO2. Determine the number of
moles of each gas.
(Ans. Number of moles for CH4, N2,CO2 are 0.688, 0.054 and 0.364 respectively)

MW of CH4, N2,CO2 are 16 g/mole, 28 g/mole and 44 g/mole
Number of moles = Mass/MW

Q2. A sample of air contains 8.583 moles/m3 of O2 and 15.93

moles/m3 of N2 at STP. Determine the partial pressures of
O2 and N2 in 1.0 m3 of air.
(Ans. Partial pressure of O2 and N2 are 19.49 kPa and 36.18 kPa respectively)

R = 8.3143 Pa.m3/K.mole
P = nRT/V

Q3. Calculate the volume occupied by 5.2 kg of CO2 at 152.0

kPa and 315.0 K. (Ans. Volume = 2036 L)

Find the number of mole of CO2 (MW = 44 g/mole)
At standard temperature (273.15 K) and pressure (101.325
kPa), one mole of an ideal gas occupies 22.414 L volume
For 1 mole gas following expression comes from the ideal
gas law (P=nRT/V) for the change of temperature and
P1V1/T1 =P2V2/T2 then, calculate V2 and find it for respective
mole number.

Q4. A gas mixture at 0 0C and 108.26 kPa contains 250

mg/L of H2S gas. What is the partial pressure exerted by
this gas ? (Ans. Partial pressure = 16.7 kPa/L)

MW of H2S is 34 g/mole
Mole of gas = Concentration/MW
For 1 mole of gas, P1V1/T1 =P2V2/T2, calculate P2 and find
it for respective mole number.
R = 8.3143 Pa.m3/K.mole
P = nRT/V

Q5. Convert 80 g/m3 of SO2 to ppm at 25 0C and 101.325 kPa pressure.

(Ans. ppm = 0.031)

MW of SO2 is 64 g/mole,
Mole of SO2 = Concentration/MW (for 1 m3 volume) ,
For 1 mole of gas, P1V1/T1 =P2V2/T2, (here P1=P2),
Calculate V2 and find it for respective mole number,
V2 refers to Vp,
So, ppm (parts per million)= Vp/Va
Air Quality and Meteorology

 Air quality depends on

 precipitation and humidity
 Energy from the sun and earths
rotation drives atmospheric
 Circulation, and the resulting
interactions with water and temperature
differences produce the climate and
weather we observe
 Easy to understand how wind and
turbulence produce mixing
 Lapse rate: change in temperature with
height (altitude)
Adiabatic process (contd.)

# Adiabatic process takes place with no addition

or removal of heat

# Increase in thermal energy is equal to the

work done and reflected by an increase in the
temperature of the gas

# Adiabatic expansion results a decrease in the


 Dry adiabatic lapse rate: temperature decreases due to

lower pressure (ideal gas law)
= = 1.00 C/100 m
*Lapse rate is the change in temperature with height (altitude)

 Ambient (actual) lapse rate

< (temperature falls faster) unstable or
> (temperature falls slower) stable or
= (same rate) neutral
Neutral Conditions
Unstable Conditions
Stable Conditions
Exercise 6

Z(m) T(C)
2 -3.05
318 -6.21
T T2 T1 6.21 ( 3.05 )
= = = 0.0100 C/m
z z 2 z1 318 2

= 1.00 C/100 m
Since lapse rate = , atmosphere is neutral
Exercise 7

Z(m) T(C)
10 6.00
202 3.09
T T2 T1 3.09 6.00
= = = 0.0152 C/m
z z 2 z1 202 10

= 1.52 C/100 m
Since lapse rate is more negative than ,
(-1.00 C/100 m), atmosphere is unstable
Exercise 8

Z(m) T(C)
18 14.03
286 16.71
T T2 T1 16.71 14.03
= = = +0.0100 C/m
z z 2 z1 286 18
= +1.00 C/100 m

Since lapse rate is positive, atmosphere

is stable (inversion)
Temperature Inversion & Isothermal

 Inversion: It is the extreme case of stability

where the lapse rate is actually positive, i.e.
temperature increases with altitude. It is the
most severe form of a stable temperature
 Isothermal: When there is no change of
temperature with elevation, the lapse rate is
called Isothermal.
 Both the inversion and isothermal are two
special cases of subadiabatic lapse rate.
Why are these plumes so different?
Plume is the smoke tail
Effect of Lapse Rate on Plumes

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