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Lesson Plan For Teaching Writing

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Lesson Plan : KSSR Teaching Writing

Subject : English Language

Class : Year 3 Kelisa

Enrollment : 26 (14 boys; 12 girls)

Date : 21st August 2016

Time : 11.15 12.15 am (60 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic 13 : I See Numbers!

Focused skill(s) : Writing

Content Standard : 3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

write using appropriate language, form and styles for a range of


Learning standards : 3.1.2 Able to write with guidance:

(a) simple sentences

(b) compound sentences

Learning outcomes : By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
(a) complete at least 5 out of 5 words into its correct sentences
with the teachers guidance.
(b) fill in with correct words in each sentences at least 5 out 10
based on the worksheet (worksheet 1) given.
(c) complete 4 out of 6 sentences based on the worksheet
(worksheet 2) given.

Educational emphasizes : Multiple intelligences, critical thinking, learning how to learn,

mastery learning

Moral value(s) : Dedicated to work and focus in class

Teaching aids : word cards, mahjong paper, double sided tape, laptop, speaker,


Set Introduction to 1. Teacher makes a 1. Pupils look at the EE: Multiple
Induction the topic: magic. magic perform by intelligences
(5 minutes) Magic 2. Teacher shows few teacher.
Example of items: items and asks pupils 2. Pupils name the TA : Items
Rope, pen, socks, to guess. items shown. (rope, pen,
tissue. socks, tissue)
Pre-writing Individual work: 1. Teacher pastes 1. Pupils read and EE: Learning
(15 minutes) Complete the word cards about understand the word how to learn
sentences public holidays on the cards shown by
white board. teacher. TA: word cards
Examples of and sentences
words cards: 2. Teacher asks pupils 2. Pupils read the about public
Labour Day to look understand sentences and try to holidays.
1st May each of the word complete the
National Day cards. sentences using a MV: Dedicated
31st August correct word cards. to work
3. Teacher introduces
Examples of simple sentences in 3. Pupils paste the Ps : Pupils refer
sentences: paragraph describing word cards that to text book
about the public describing about public page 102.
holidays to pupils. holidays in the correct
4. Teacher instructs .
pupils to complete the
sentences using word
cards by pasting it into
its correct sentences.

While Individual Work: 1. Teacher gives pupils 1. Pupils read the EE: Critical
writing Complete the a worksheet in form of sentences and words thinking
(15 minutes) sentences using paragraph. given in the worksheet.
the words given. TA: Worksheet.
Examples of 2. Teacher asks pupils 2. Pupils complete the
words and to read the sentences paragraph using MV: Dedicated
sentences given: and the words given. correct words with to work
teachers guidance.
3. Teacher tells pupils
to complete the
sentences in the
paragraph using the
correct words.
Worksheet 1
4. Teacher guides
pupils in completing
the worksheet.
Post writing Group Work: 1. Teacher gives pupils 1. Pupils read and EE: multiple
( 20 minutes) Complete a worksheet. understand the words intelligences,
sentences using given. critical thinking
the words given in 2. Teacher explains
a paragraph form. each word given. 2. Pupils complete the TA: Worksheet.
sentences using the
Examples of 3. Teacher asks pupils words given in the MA: Dedicated
words and to complete the paragraph form to work
sentences given: sentences based on
words given in a 3. Pupils check and
paragraph form. discuss their answer
with teacher.
4. Teacher checks and
discussed the answer
with pupils.

Closure Testing pupils 1. Teacher shows a 1. Pupils watch the EE: Mastery
( 5 minutes) understanding video about video and guess the learning
celebration / festival in celebration shown in
Examples: Malaysia. that video.
National Day
Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2. Teacher asks pupils
Christmas to watch the video and
then guess the
celebration / festival in
that video
What Why
Which When
How Who
Whose Where
What Why
Which When
How Who
Whose Where
Write simple sentences using wh-questions that you got









Rearrange the words given into sentences

What favourite ? is fruit your


do Why like you to durian ? eat


is Who your best ? friend


When are going you back ?


make to How ice an cream ?


What that does ? fruit taste


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