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3 Days Intensive

Online Traders Coaching Programme Day 3


L2ST does not have any knowledge of the trading needs or objectives of
individual viewers of this presentation
This presentation represents suggestions, training and information for viewers
to use when evaluating and making trading decisions in light of their own
individual trading goals and does not constitute specific advice.
L2ST does not take into account the trading Objectives, financial situation and
particular needs of any particular person person, and before making an trading
decision on the basis of an L2ST Method of Trading, the prospective trader
needs to consider, with or without the assistance of an Advisor, whether the
d i iis appropriate
i t iin lilight
ht off th
i own particular
ti l ttrading
di needs,
d objectives
bj ti
and financial circumstances.

Trading the Futures Markets involves Risk

Money can be both LOST and Made
Day 3 - AGENDA
The L2ST Philosophy


L2ST Game Plan STEP 4: Confirming Trade Setups

with Real-Time Order Flow:
Understanding Pre\Post Trade Supply & Demand

Reading Pre-Trade Supply and Demand

- Reading
R di & Understanding
U d t di the th Order
- Using the Book to Confirm\Ignore

Reading Post Trade Supply and Demand -

- Time & Sales
- Market Delta Footprints Revolution
- Reading the MD Footprint info
Day 3 - AGENDA
The Different Footprint styles
- Bid\Ask
- Delta
- Footprint Profile
- Trading\Executing off the Footprint
- Footprint\Order Flow Patterns &

L2ST Game Plan STEP 5:

Th Importance
The I t off O
t t di T Trade
d Management
M t

What to do after entry?

The Most Effective ways to Minimise Risk
The Most Effective ways to Maximise Profits

The L2ST Build Process

- Building a Solid Foundation and Structure
- Furnishing your Understanding
- Letting it Flow through Application
- Improving through Experience
- Mastery
The L2ST Philosophy

A Discretionary Approach to Day Trading.

Unique and different to the usual tactical rule based
system traders out there that you will commonly find.
Our client base is limited to those select few traders who
want to understand how the markets function, and
understand why the market moves the way they do each
and every day. We teach you how to understand the
Market Participants expected behaviours, so that you can
be prepared for the next move BEFORE it happens!
We appreciate dealing with traders that accept that
learning to trade is a skill and a process that develops
over time, and that success is the result of an
accumulation of trading EXPERIENCE.

How do you get an EDGE in the trading game?

1.User Better Information

2.Then UNDERSTAND it better
than your competition!
titi !

We use real-time order flow information as

presented by the MarketDelta software in what
we know as Footprints. We also read the DOM
and Time & Sales.
Order Flow Tools help us identify:
When Buying or Selling in a directional move is
being cut off.
When Buyers have got
g too long g OR Seller have
got too short.
When New Buyingy g and Selling g interest is re-
entering the market, and at which prices.
How Strong\Aggressive the Buying or Selling
conviction is at any given time.
We can see where stops should be triggered
and when they get triggered!
The L2ST Psychological EDGE

The Key is to gain Mastery

through Unconscious Competence
To Gain Unconscious Competence
you need to learn to Trust the
Power of your Unconscious\Sub-
Conscious Mind.
T iinto
t thi
this power by
b learning
l i to
LET GO of thoughts & emotions
that may y cloud the screen of the
Unconscious Mind.
The Mind needs to be STILL,
FLOW of Infinite Intelligence to
come through.
Tap into the power of
i T

The Unconscious dimension of

YOU flows effortlesslyy
and without friction! It arises
when you can step into the
R l off U
Realm Uncertainty
t i t
BEYOND what you know and
commit to the fullest
expression of your HIDDEN
k l d i your own
vulnerability and being
willing to surrender to the
UNKNOWN so that the
Wake Up Call!

Each and every day in in the markets should be

treated as if yyou are going
g g in for Battle against
g some
of toughest competition you may ever face!
You cannot just turn up ready for battle with a chart,
a few indicators and a traffic light system.
You HAVE To UNDERSTAND your competition and
their likely next move VERY WELL.
Learning to trade a system and not understanding
WHY it works k when
h it does
d andd failing
f l to understand
d d
why it fails when it does, can be financial suicide!
Y have
h to
t llearn to
t gett b
hi d the
th mindset
i d t off your
competition, understand what their likely next move
is to be!
L2ST Game Plan STEP 4
g Trades
For Execution

Once you have a good UNDERSTANDING of

structure and the Setupsp yyou will trade, the next
step is to master Execution and Trade Management
This is our Focus Today.
A lot of traders lack the understanding of the
importance of TIMING and EXECUTION skills when
t di
trading. B
By th
the time
ti they
th realise
li itits usually
ll ttoo
Better Trade Execution is gained by focusing on the
reading of ORDER FLOW.
A few good tools are available that enable you to
do this successfully, yet you have to KNOW how to
use them, otherwise they can work against you!

"Too many traders are looking for setups, when in

fact they're the ones being set up!"
Every Trade Setup is only THAT a Trade SETUP!
Setups alone are not reasons for entry, some trade
t are best
b t left
l ft alone,
l and
d some mustt be
b taken
t k
without hesitation and precise timing!
Since making Trade Execution and Trade Management
my FOCUS my profits have increased MASSIVELY! And
more importantly Drawdown's become a thing of the
Reading the Order Flow behind a trade setups gives you
one great thing EVIDENCE!
When you have EVIDENCE that there is CONVICTION
behind the Opportunity that you have just defined you
also GAIN CONFIDENCE. Confidence is a Positive State!

Pre Trade Supply - The volume of Resting Offers
that are available at each price at the current offer
and above (Not yet filled) These exist either to
Supply to the current buyers willing to Lift the
Offer or Cut off their demand.
Pre-Trade Demand - The volume of Resting Bids
that are available at each price at the current Bid
and below (Not yet filled) These exist as Demand
to the current sellers willing to Hit the Bid or Cut
off their Supply.

Post Trade Supply The volume of contracts
actually sold on the current Bid. In order to fulfil
resting demand or behaviourally in order to enforce
or initiate a Downward move in price.
Post-Trade Demand The volume of contracts
actually bought on the current offer. In order to
fulfil resting offers or behaviourally in order to
enforce or initiate a Upward move in price.

REMEMBER: Trading is a ZERO sum game

For Every Buyer their is a Seller for every Seller
there is a Buyer.
WHO WINS overall at each p price and at every
y tick!
Is determined by their BEHAVIOUR.
p y
Behaviour is displayed within the amount of
willingness to trade at the offer or bid, in terms of
If Buyers are aggressive\willing enough to Lift the
Current Offers this will be displayed by higher
l T d d on th
Traded the Offer.
If Sellers are aggressive\willing enough to Hit the
Current t Bid
Bids thi
this will
ill be
b displayed
di l d by
b higher
hi h volume
Traded on the Bid.
Wh t is
What i the
th purpose off Reading
R di Order
O d Flow?
Fl ?

To understand when market is actually finding support or

resistance in terms of order flow is buying being cut off?
Is selling being cut off?
To enhance the probability of running a trade into profit
right after or soon after execution.
You should practice execution with evidence of order flow
on a trading platform if you find that when you enter
trades,, you
y just
j watch the market chop p around against
your entry for several minutes. There is no real reward in
How many time have you got out of a market only to see
the market race in your direction several ticks?
Reading g order flow will not eliminate this completely, but
you will be in a much better position with understanding of
it than without it!
Many traders have the right IDEA about a trade but often
have poor timing to accompany this. As Day Traders Timing
is Critical!
R di
Reading Pre-Trade
P T d Supply
S l and
d Demand
D d
h Tooll you need d to use to readd resting
orders on the Bid and Offer (Ask) is the Price Bids Price Offers
Ladder often named the DOM (Depth Of
1027.00 879
M k t)
A Typical trading platform can display a Depth 1026.75 1049
of 10 prices, 5 at bid and below and another 5 1026.50 877
att offer
ff and d above.
The numbers on the right column displays the 1026.25 987
resting offers, and the number on the left the 1026.00 387
resting bids. They are just RESTING ORDERS!
The Price column in the middle. 404 1025.75
The market works the resting g orders,, 899 1025.50
depending on where market orders wish to
1300 1025.25
trade. Sellers hit the Bid with more volume
we go Bid, buyer lift the offer with more 1179 1025.00
volume we go offer. The jobs of the market is
to facilitate trade it goes where the order flow 988 1024.75
The market will always be working either the
Bid or Offer- Last Trade shows you which.
R di
Reading Pre-Trade
P T d Supply
S l and
d Demand
D d

Reading order flow is not an exact

science. It is important to just get a Bids Price Offers
guestimate of each column overall, Bids 1027.00 879
and Offers. Ask your self which is
heavier? Which is lighter? By how 1026.75 1249
much? A lot or a little? 1026.50 877
Watch the hypothetical Order book on
the right. 1026.25 987
At the moment there are less offers on 1026.00 387
the table above the Asking price, and
404 1025.75
not much more at the current Bid and
below either. There is a demand at 899 1025.50
1025.25 and 1025.00 (Even) however
we do not know how real this is, and 1700 1025.25
also the offer at 1026.75. Some of 1179 1025.00
these orders can easily be pulled when
the market reaches there (Often called 988 1024.75
Spoofing the market!)
R di
Reading Pre-Trade
P T d Supply
S l and
d Demand
D d

Lets assume that this market is

becoming more bullish what would we Bids Price Offers
may be see that may have changed on 1027.00 879
the book?
1026.75 949
Notice now that the Bids have started to
p Pay
fill up. y special
p attention to the 1026.50 877
current bid and just below the current
bid (1025.75 and .50) notice how the 1026.25 987
current bid is much heavier than the 1026.00 207
offer. This is much likely to hold as
support as the sellers wishing to hit the 1205 1025.75
bid have more work to do than the 1356 1025.50
buyers that
h are willing
ll to llift
f the
h offer.
You can lean on the support of these 1700 1025.25
bids for a better long entry. 1179 1025.00
The market has been bidded up, all that
1677 1024.75
remains to be seen is if the initiating
buyers or market orders will start to lift
the offers?
R di
Reading Pre-Trade
P T d Supply
S l and
d Demand
D d

Watch as now the market has proven

that those 207 resting on offer were Bids Price Offers
lifted and the market now goes offer 1027.25 1207
1026.25 and Bid 1026.
1027.00 1306
The offers are getting lighter as we up
tick,, but the bids are getting
g g heavier. 1026.75 877
Which means less resistance and more
support ... All good for more upside 1026.50 787
The only y real resistance we can see is at 1026.25 455
1027. So we can expect this market to
1450 1026.00
lean on the bids for support, and have a
high chance of getting to test 1027s. 1345 1025.75
1433 1025.50
1567 1025.25
1233 1025.00
Th problem
The bl with
ith this
thi approach?

Quite simply its not as effective as a standalone method for

trading anymore, however still Excellent purely for
execution of trades and to confirm timing of entries!
The order book can often be spoofed with non-genuine
orders as they do not have to get filled and may be pulled
very quickly.
i kl S
So its
it nott a True
T reflection
fl ti off Real
R l Supply
S l
and Demand, Just POTENTIAL Supply and Demand!
There are 2 types
yp of orders: Genuine and Non-Genuine.
The trick is to identify what is real.
With experience it becomes quite easy to define what is
real and what is not
not, but takes focus and attention
attention, as the
order book can move REAL quick!
Most spoofed orders are about 3-4 ticks away from current
bid. SO the trick I use is focus on Current Bid and tick
below, and Current Offer and tick above. Also use other
evidence from Post Trade Supply and Demand using Market
Delta Footprints.. Discussed next.
Id tif i
Identifying Spoofing
S fi

Traders usually posting much higher quantity than they are actually willing to buy or
sell. This quantity is usually so high, that it stands out on the ladder! Its usually easy
t see as it does
to d nott fit in
i with
ith other
th orders
d th
thatt surround
d it.
it For
F example l 3500
sitting in between order of 800 and 900! Definitely something you watch to see if it
gets pulled!

The spoof is to create a false impression in other traders mind as to what the supply
and demand is around a certain price level.

They spoof to scare people away or sometimes they do the same for the opposite
reason. They want to attract the market to their order. People are curious and they
bid the price up, or offer it down to the spoof so that they can see and test whether
this order is genuine or just spoof and removed immediately. There are also lots of
algorithms with black box systems that are programmed to spoof, but it becomes
easy to figure out, who is doing it and with what intention.

Quite Simply Genuine orders are quite consistent and Most spoofs are not close to
current bid and offer.
Some example
l Emini
E i i S&P Screen
S shots
h t

Heavier Bids Heavier Offers

Some example
l Emini
E i i S&P Screen
S shots
h t

Current Offer Light Current Bid Light

R di
Reading Post
P t Trade
T d Supply
S l & Demand
D d

The two tools that exist to read Post Trade Supply and
Demand d are:
Time & Sales
M k t Delta
D lt Footprints
F t i t
Time & Sales Shows you each individual trade actually
filled on the current bid and offer as they trade.
Market Delta Footprints Accumulates this information
so that it is more easily
y readable and digestible.
g You mayy
then display this information in many ways to easily display
Execution Patterns that highlight aggressive trading as it is
Time & Sales
S l

With Time and Sales

you simply
i l llook
k ffor Selling
S lli
FLOODS of Selling Flood Even\Balanced
or Buying to drive
the market off a
trade setup.
Also watch for larger
individual sizes for
clues of bigger trade
Be aware of
Icebergs! Large
Trades worked in as Flood
ll chunks.
h k
Market Delta Footprints
R di Bid\A
Reading Bid\Askk IInformation
f ti

Example of Demand Exceeding Supply

= Buyers Aggressively Lifting the Offers

Price Bid Ask

1003 0 300
1002 140 1100
1001 60 2500
1000 550 1900
999 900 1600
998 110 2500
997 210 0
Market Delta Footprints
R di Bid\A
Reading Bid\Askk IInformation
f ti

Example of Supply exceeding Demand

= Sellers Aggressively hitting the Bids

Price Bid Ask

1003 0 300
1002 1100 140
1001 2500 60
1000 1900 550
999 1600 900
998 2500 110
997 1100 0
Reading Delta

Delta = Net Difference between the Bid\Ask

Volume (Can
Be displayed
di l d at Price
P i or at Bar)
B )

Positive Price Delta Negative Price Delta

Price Delta Price Delta
1003 300 1003 300
1002 1100 1002 -1100
1001 2500 1001 -2500
1000 1900 1000 -1900
999 1600 999 -1600
998 2500 998 -2500
997 -1100
1100 997 -1100
Reading Footprint Profiles
The Market Delta Footprint Profile is unique in that it not only
shows yyou a visual representation
p of Volume at Price ((Similar to
a Market\Volume Profile) it provides information who was
responsible for most of the Volume at that price, the Buyer or
the Seller.
Seller It does this by shading the Volume profile at each
price based upon the Delta (Net Buying\Selling) for each price in
that footprint.

With enough Time and Practice the Footprint Profile can

display some key Execution Setups,
Setups that are more visual and
easier to identify than reading just numbers.

Through Experience at L2ST we have defined some of the

setups into a learnable format that you can now follow
Reading Footprint Profiles

At each price you will

See a histogram building
The wider the bar the
Higher the volume.

The Shading at Each bar

Represents the Delta. If
The Shading is red that
Identifies a Negative Delta,
If the shading is Green
h isi positive
ii D

The Darker the shading

the more significant the
U i th
Using the F
t i t for
f Better
B tt Execution
E ti

Understanding what the Market Delta Footprints are showing

you is KEY before applying the tool for Execution.
Understand and learn the patterns that are to be shown by
repetition of recognition The more you see them and trade
ff the
h patterns the
h more automatic i your responses willill b
once you see them.
Understand that Execution is all about Timing based upon
Evidence of Order Flow!
Learn to recognise what patterns of volume are significant for
h marketk that
h you will ll trade.
d We will
ll ffocus on examples
l ffor
the E-mini S&P within upcoming slides and charts...
M k t Delta
Market D lt F
t i t Execution
E ti Setups
S t

Firstly its good ,to keep thing simple to get started as you
gain more experience with reading and trading with the
footprints you will consciously and more so unconsciously
begin to recognise more and more patterns for execution as
you trade.
d You then
h begin
b i to d develop
l an automatici response
to these because you begin to see them all the time!

Lets look at some more examples of some patterns and

significant volume levels that I have recognised for the Emini
Confirmed Negative
D lt Offer
Delta Off to
t Sell
S ll
High Negative Delta

OR Confirmed Follow Through

Hit the Bid

Delta Divergence
Th L2ST-Prints
The P i t )
L2ST P i t (AKA FacePrints

By combining and overlaying the Footprint Profile with Delta or

Bid\Ask information we have defined some key y High
g probability
p y ways
to obtain better execution off some simple, easy to recognise Trade
Execution Setups.
L2ST Order Flow Patterns for Execution
Understand that Trading with Order Flow is an
ART form not an exact science!
Patterns will not always appear EXACTLY the
same however they will have similarities,
same, similarities and
that is what you look for Similar Behaviours in
Order Flow that lead to prior reversals and good
trading opportunities.
Focus on the High Volume Node,
Node and where it is
trading. Focus on where Buyers and Sellers are
doing business within the Footprint as it unfolds.
L2ST Order Flow Patterns for Execution
To Sell look for a Top or for Buying to be cut off
we need the High Volume Node close to the High
(2-3 Ticks off the High)of the Footprint with
sellers beginning
g g to Hit The Bids jjust below with
To Buy look for a Bottom or for Selling to be cut
off we need the High Volume Node close to the
Low ((2-3 Ticks off the Low)) of the Footprint
p with
Buyers beginning to Lift the Offers just above
with conviction.
When you have either of the above conditions its
e to look
oo for
o a trigger
t gge by watching
atc g the
t e Time
Sales for timing the trade.
L2ST P i t B
L2ST-Prints Buy S
t Example
E l

NOTE: Following a Buy or Sell Setup from Step 2 of the game

plan, and once Risk and Reward has been defined in Step 3,
simply look for the following setups.
The L2ST Setups are:
To Buy Find that selling has been cut off
and we are stalling a down move (you may
check Order book fro resting support to lean
on and less offers as resistance)) the setupp
for actual entry can be confirmed by Looking
for a New Low bar, which is showing positive
Delta within 2-3 ticks of the last Low with the
High Volume Node Shifting 2-3 tick off the
lows. The higher the Delta reading and
Volume towards the low end of the bar the
higher probability that the trade will play off.
This can be further confirmed with the Time &
Sales info for timing looking for decent Buy
i on the
th Offer\Ask
Off \A k and d a Flood
Fl d off
buying(Lots of Green!)
L2ST P i t S
L2ST-Prints Sellll S
t E Example

NOTE: Following a Buy or Sell Setup from Step 2 of the game

plan, and once Risk and Reward has been defined in Step 3,
simply look for the following setups.
The L2ST Setups are:
To Sell Find that Buying has been cut off
and we are stalling an up move (you may
check Order book for resting offers to lean on
pp ) the setup
and less bids as support) p for
actually entry can be confirmed by Looking for
a New High Bar, which is showing Negative
Delta within 2-3 ticks of the last High with the
High Volume Node Shifting to 2-3 tick off the
Highs. The higher the Delta reading and
Volume towards the High end of the bar the
higher probability that the trade will play off.
This can be further confirmed with the Time &
Sales info for timing looking for decent sell
i on the
th Bid and d a Fl
d off selling
lli (L
t off
L2ST Order Flow Patterns for Execution
To Sell look for a Top or for Buying to be cut off
we need the High Volume Node close to the High
(2-3 Ticks off the High)of the Footprint with
sellers beginning
g g to Hit The Bids jjust below with
To Buy look for a Bottom or for Selling to be cut
off we need the High Volume Node close to the
Low ((2-3 Ticks off the Low)) of the Footprint
p with
Buyers beginning to Lift the Offers just above
with conviction.
When you have either of the above conditions its
e to look
oo for
o a trigger
t gge by watching
atc g the
t e Time
Sales for timing the trade.
MD Footprint Buy Setups

Typical Buy Setups for Lower Volume Markets

Like: MiniDow, Crude Oil, Gold, Dax & Russell
MD Footprint Buy Setups

Typical Buy Setups for Lower Volume Markets

Like: MiniDow, Crude Oil, Gold, Dax & Russell
MD Footprint Buy Setups

Typical Buy Setups for Higher Volume Markets

Like: Emini S&P, DJ EuroStoxx
MD Footprint Sell Setups

Typical Sell Setups for Lower Volume Markets

Like: MiniDow, Crude Oil, Gold, Dax & Russell
MD Footprint Sell Setups

Typical Sell Setups for Lower Volume Markets

Like: MiniDow, Crude Oil, Gold, Dax & Russell
MD Footprint Sell Setups

Typical Sell Setups for Higher Volume Markets

Like: Emini S&P, DJ EuroStoxx
L2ST Order Flow Patterns for Execution

e s Look
oo At Volume
o u e Breakdown
ea do
Delta Divergences....
L2ST Game Plan STEP 5
g Trade
Th Importance
The I t off Outstanding
O t t di Trade
T d Management
M t

Trade Management is probably the most important

step of the game plan!
WHY? Because this is the step that defines the
OUTCOME of any trade!
How well you manage the trade will define the
amount of loss possible in that trade
trade, and also just
as importantly the amount of PROFIT!
No trading plan is complete without OUTSTANDING
Trade Management & the L2ST trading is definitely
not complete without it!
Step POINT Risk
Ri k Eli
i ti !

The Most important think to Focus on as soon as

you are in a trade is........



Not How much Profit can I make!

Profit making becomes the objective only
after you have No Risk in the trade!
Effective ways to Minimise Risk

In Order of Efficiency:

1 Disciplined Exits base upon Order Flow
2. Time Based Exit
3. Scaling
l Out
4. Counter Trade Divergence
5. Hard Price Stop
Eff ti ways tto M
Effective Maximise
i i P Profits

Pre Defined Trading Platform - # of

Ticks/Points based Profit Targets
Using Price,
Price Market Profile
Profile, VWAP and
Fibonacci Support/Resistance Profit Targets
Using Trailing
l Stops
- Volatility/ATR Stops
- Price Swing Stops
Outlook on Risk\Trade Management
Make the move towards a different Outlook on Risk, in
essence like jumping out of an airplane.
Having jumped, the situation itself and the experience of
free-falling through the air becomes the new context that
defines your experience.
Once you are in the air you must MANAGE the fall, the
opening of your parachute and your landing. Once within
this experience your focus and attention automatically
shifts to a very powerful sense of BEING in the NOW and in
th Present.
the P t
Having made the commitment to jump, you have no
alternative but to manage your flight through the air.
air Your
thoughts, opinions, your feelings and past history have very
little do with handling your experience.
How your respond to the event itself, after jumping is the
critical issue!
Outlook on Risk\Trade Management
The same principles apply to Trading.
You have to ggo BEYOND the p planning\analysis
g y stages
g and
You have to move BEYOND the reasons why it wont work.
Your Task is to act consistently with your declaration and
commitment, and.....

Learning to trade IN THE gap between

where you are and where you wish to be!
L2ST Order Flow Patterns
f Trade
for T d Management
M t & Exits
E it
Risk ELIMINATION is the Goal!
Focus on eliminating Risk and THEN Maximising
Get to Break-Even
Break Even and No Risk ASAP!
Use Profit Target Exits and try to hold the VISION
of where you expect the market to go to and also
how you expect it to trade.
U orderd flow
fl to
t highlight
hi hli ht if th
the market
k t may turn
against you soon after entry, and if so you need
t know
to k how
h to
t react!t!
At times - without Fear you need to observe for a
goodd enough h reason to exiti or take
k profits
fi before
b f
Profits Targets\Stops may get hit.
E it E
Exit Example
l ffor Emini
E i i S&P
T d M
Trade Managementt E
l CCrude
d Oil
T d M
Trade Managementt E
l CCrude
d Oil
T d M
Trade Managementt E
l CCrude
d Oil
T d M
Trade Managementt E
l CCrude
d Oil
The L2ST Technique
f U
for Unbeatable
b bl Discipline
Di i li & Commitment
C i
1. Silence the Mind of Inner Thoughts, Voices &
Emotions (Regular Meditation helps if you find this difficult!)
2. Hold the Vision of What you need to see in order to
react and Execute the trade (Or Exit the trade if
already in the trade!)
3. Repeat, the following Mantra, with your inner voice
I KNOW what I need to see.
I KNOW what I need to see.
I KNOW what I need to see.
I KNOW what I need to see.
4. As you repeat keep you focus & attention on the
screen of your minds sub-conscious. Keep
KNOWING that you will respond automatically and
pull the trigger. Again trust the unconscious mind!
The L2ST Visualisation
T h i
Technique Metaphor
M h
The L2ST Enhanced Learning Process
Learn to Trust your Sub\Unconscious
Believe in Your Ability to learn rapidly and
unconsciously as well as consciously
Do not TRY to learn, just let it happen
Your Unconscious Mind Learns more
effectively & more quickly without effort!
Open your Mind, Learn to let go and you
will tap into the infinite Intelligence that
will expand on your leanings over the
nextt 3 d
days tto all
ll future
f t experiences.
Let Go & Let the Infinite Intelligence
You Already KNOW all You Need To Know,
However you will be guided so that you
can find what is already within YOU
The L2ST Enhanced Learning Process
A Process for Successful Learning
Learn Knowledge-g Unconsciously y & Rapidly
p y RELAX -
See, Hear and Feel & TRUST!
It takes Time to Understand & Process the Knowledge
i l Review,
R i Review
R i & Review
R i
Practice Application from Understanding to grow
Experience & Consciousness
Performance and Feedback is essential!
Continue to Grow Understanding & Unconscious
Competence through EXPERIENCE
This is the L2ST Learning
g Loop
Repetition & Unconscious Learning is the key to
Trading Success is an accumulation of Trading
The L2ST Enhanced Learning Process


Grow towards
Process the
Competence &

Rapidly Apply,
Performance Take Action &
and Feedback Build
The Build
ild Process

STEP 1: Building a Solid Foundation and Structure By

Further Learning

1. Review Training Material Slides and Presentation Videos.

2. Take Time to Learn each step of the Game Plan one by one.
3. Continue to Learn and further your understanding within the
L2ST live Trading Room.
Room Begin to observe the L2ST Game Plan
in real-time application. Watch, Listen and Learn.
4. Start with Step 1 and learn the to understand market
participants behaviours around Value.
5. Understanding the Price and Value Relationships Fully, by
identifying in real-time.
The Build
ild Process

STEP 2: Furnishing your Understanding

1. Identify the Trade Setups including Divergences very well.

Learn to identify the opportunities with ease in real-time.
2. Understand How to Identify the Risk Reward in each trade with
ease, learn to do it very quickly.
3 Understand the importance of reading the order flow for trade
execution and better timing to reduce risk and probability in a
4. Practice Trade Execution based upon this new understanding
with a Live Simulator Trading Platform.
5 Begin to Focus on Trade Management to eliminate Risk firstly,
5. firstly
cutting trades very quickly when wrong.
6. Practice Maximising Profits and Running Trades
7. Record Performance Daily and keep a written trading journal.
The Build
ild Process

STEP 3: Improving Understanding through REAL


1. Know that FULL Understanding g will come throughg Experience

and Application.
2. From this state of knowing begin to apply the knowledge from
th structure
the t t th
thatt you h
have BBuild
ild iin Step
St 1 and dU
d t di
in Step2 through to Real-Time Live Trading with minimal trade
size. 2-3 contracts should be sufficient enough.g
3. Continue to record performance and provide yourself feedback,
with a written journal.
4 Continue
4. C ti to
t PPractice
ti with
ith Conscious
C i Competence,
C t looking
l ki to t
move to unconscious competence.
5. If yyou need help
p with further understanding g or have questions
about trades entries and exits. Take Screen shots of trades
mark comments and send to Brian or myself for review.
The Build
ild Process


1. The Goal is to Gain Unconscious Competence meaning that

you now UNDESTAND the methodology so well that the
application of the knowledge becomes almost Automatic.
2. You no longer think yourself into trades.
3 You just respond to trades based upon a Solid Foundation of
Understanding of the Methodology its setups and Reading
Order Flow.
4. You automatically minimise Risk quickly and cut trades that
have no further evidence to support your decision.
5 You trade effortlessly each and every day KNOWING that
each day WILL be profitable. No more belief in drawdowns.
6. You are one of the BEST traders in the world and now not only
do you believe it YOU KNOW IT
More Information & Education
1. Review the Video Seminars you already have form
L2ST and this 3 day seminar once produced.

2. Join in to the L2ST Live Trading Room DAILY!

3. Become a student of the MARKETS! And let them

teach you!

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