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Dalton Vance ENGR1202 Writing Assignment Final Due 4/13/2017

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Renewable Energy

In ENGR 1202 we were given a writing assignment where we would have to do research into a
topic. In my inquiry, I will be looking at renewable energy with a focus in solar panels and wind
turbines. Within these two subjects I will be looking at the advantages/drawbacks of each system.
I will also be looking at the reasons why these systems are not being used by normal household
families. I will be comparing how we obtained energy in the past to how energy is being created
in the present. There are many new technological advances that are becoming available in this
part of the country but I chose solar and wind power because they are the most widely used
throughout the nation and the world.

The biggest reason I am looking into this topic is my concern with the reduction of the non-
renewable resources that we use to produce a majority of the worlds power. This is important to
me because my generation and my childrens generation will be the ones living with limited
amounts of these resources. We will also be the ones living with this new type of energy
production that we are still working on. It is necessary that we understand the benefits and
concerns with each new emerging technology to produce energy. We will need to understand
how green these new forms of energy production are including their manufacturing cost and
the pollution the manufacturing process causes. No matter where you move in the world, the
renewable resources will always be available to use solar and wind energy. This makes these two
systems very profitable no matter the location.

Throughout the last 30 years solar energy has been looked at as the next step in power
production. In the eyes of many activist for green energy the pros of solar energy greatly
outweigh the negatives. Solar panels do not require any fuel combustion allowing them to have
zero waste while they are in operation. Another huge advantage of solar panels is the ability to
use them. They are completely self-sufficient once they are created. [1] They can be used by all
kinds of people, from people who want to move off the grid to people who want to reduce their
energy bill. While non-renewable resources are running out the use of solar panels is just
beginning. The fuel source for solar panels is the sun, which has been around for billions of years
and will still be around in another billion years. In one day the sun produces 73,000 terawatts of
energy on the earth alone. This is 10,000 time the daily global energy use. [1] Solar panels are
the way in which the vast amount of energy can be captured.

While solar panels look like the next breakthrough in energy production, there are quite a few
draw backs to them as well. Solar energy is great for harnessing the energy of the sun but you
cant always see the sun. For instance, while its night time or a cloudy day solar panels arent
doing anything but occupying space. During the day, solar panels produce more energy than a
normal household can use but there is no way to store that energy efficiently and economically.
Germany is considering research on how to solve this problem for the common household [1].
Solar panels may be practical for small households but for large businesses or commercial use
the application of solar panels is unrealistic. Large amounts of commercially zoned land will be
needed to produce the desired amount of energy. Larger systems may require 3.5 to 10 acres of
land to produce just 1 megawatt of energy [1]. Land is a major factor in commercial solar panel
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usage but some ideas have arisen that may make it more feasible. Solar panels could be placed
along existing transmission corridors because there is no other possible usage of these areas.
Today solar panels have a huge demand that companys struggle to keep up with. This demand
drives the cost of solar panels through the roof. With this demand come the increased need of
materials to create them. Solar panels do require some rare materials in their production.
Production companies dont focus on the mining of their own rare materials they simply recycle
the materials from old electronics to obtain them [1].

Figure 1: Simple Diagram on how a Solar Panel works.

Wind energy, like solar energy, is a

clean fuel source once constructed. It is
said that solar energy has the capability
of reducing cumulative greenhouse
gases by 14%, saving billions in global
damage. Unlike many other fuel sources, wind energy does not need water. This gives them the
ability to be placed where traditional fuel sources couldnt go, such as the desert or atop a
mountain. Wind energy has been steadily increasing over the past ten years to produce 75,000
megawatts of energy which is enough to power 20 million homes. Wind energy is like solar
energy. Wind is created when the sun shines and heats up the atmosphere, along with the rotation
of the earth and surface irregularities. Wind energy can be helpful to others in rural areas. Many
wind power companies rent land from people who own large farms and ranches to place wind
turbines on to create energy. With wind turbines popping up across the US there is a need for
people to maintain these structures. As of 2016, wind energy companies provided $8.8 Billion to
the US economy to help employ 101 thousand workers [2].
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Just like solar energy, wind energy has many disadvantages as well. Wind energy might not be
able to compete with older sources of energy production. This is due to its higher initial cost and
the inconsistency of where strong winds occur not producing enough energy. Windy locations
that are suitable for the placement of a wind turbine are often located away from large cities and
atop mountains. This isnt very helpful when the electricity needs to be transferred from the
turbine down into the city where it can be used. To get the electricity into the city expensive
transmission lines must be constructed which will further increase the initial cost. Issues with the
turbines themselves are ones such as noise pollution and harm to the wildlife. The noise pollution
isnt a major issue because the turbines that are located away from populated areas in which they
cannot be heard. The harm to the wildlife is a greater concern to the public. Some populations of
birds and bats have been reduced due to them being struck by the spinning turbine blades. The
National Renewable Energy Laboratorys National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) is
conducting research on how to reduce these fatalities caused by wind turbines. [2]

Figure 2: Diagram on how a wind turbine works

The fossil fuels we use every day will one day

come to an end. On average, every year the
world uses 11 billion tons of oil. It is
estimated that if our current trend continues
we will deplete all our oil reserves by 2052. By
2060 we will be out of gas and by 2088 we will be out of coal as well. There numbers dont
necessarily predict the year we run out of the resources because there will be new pockets of fuel
discovered. The lack of resources isnt the only thing that concourses our generation. The
increasing production of carbon dioxide will be catastrophic if we use up all our resources
without a way to effectively clean it [3]. With the decreasing amount of fossil fuels, it becomes
more necessary that we create new ways of producing energy from the resources that are
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Figure 3: Shows an estimate of the decreasing fossil fuels

In todays society, we are using our resources at an ever increasing rate. With an increasing
population, the time in which we run out of fossil fuels is only decreasing unless an effort is
made to extend their lifespan. Solar energy and wind energy are two of the top competitors when
it comes to ways we can create renewable energy. Both have their draw backs, but they both have
major advantages that could positively impact the way society obtains its energy.
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[1] Johnston, Matthew. "Pros And Cons Of Solar Energy." Investopedia. May 30, 2015.
Accessed March 06, 2017.
[2] "Advantages and Challenges of Wind Energy." Advantages and Challenges of
Wind Energy | Department of Energy. Accessed March 06, 2017.
[3] "The End Of Fossil Fuels." Britain's leading green energy supplier. Accessed
March 06, 2017.

Figure 1:
"Solar Panels and Solar Energy Efficiency." TheScienceClassroom. Accessed March 06, 2017. Panels and Solar Energy Efficiency.

Figure 2:
"How does wind energy work." Life Free Energy. April 23, 2016. Accessed March 06, 2017.

Figure 3:
"The End Of Fossil Fuels." Britain's leading green energy supplier. Accessed March 06, 2017.

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