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Best practice guidance for healthcare



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Policies and principles Health Technical Memorandum 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering
Policies and principles
Health Technical Memorandum
00: Best practice guidance for
healthcare engineering

ISBN 0-11-322754-X
9 780113 227549

Policy Estates
HR / Workforce Performance
Management IM & T
Planning Finance
Clinical Partnership Working

Document Purpose Best practice guidance

ROCR Ref: 0 Gateway Ref: 7005
Title Health Technical Memorandum 00: 'Policies and principles' - best
practice guidance for healthcare engineering
Author Department of Health / Estates and Facilities Division
Publication Date Oct 2006
Target Audience PCT CEs, NHS Trust CEs, SHA CEs, Care Trust CEs, Foundation
Trust CEs , PCT PEC Chairs, NHS Trust Board Chairs, Special HA

Circulation List Department of Health libraries, House of Commons library,

Strategic Health Authorities, UK Health Departments, Directors of
Estates and Facilities,

Description HTM 00 gives best practice advice and a generic overview for the
Department of Health's revised Health Technical Memoranda
series. It provides a comprehensive guide, across the series, to all
common related issues for the management of engineering and
technical services, which can be applied to all healthcare facilities.

Cross Ref N/A

Superseded Docs N/A
Action Required N/A
Timing N/A
Contact Details Chris Holme
Department of Health/Estates and Facilities Division
Quarry House, Quarry Hill
0113 254 5932
For Recipient's Use
Policies and principles
Health Technical Memorandum 00:
Best practice guidance for healthcare

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Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

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About Health Technical Memoranda main source of specific healthcare-related guidance for
estates and facilities professionals.
Engineering Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)
give comprehensive advice and guidance on the design, The core suite of nine subject areas provides access to
installation and operation of specialised building and guidance which:
engineering technology used in the delivery of healthcare. is more streamlined and accessible;
The focus of HTM guidance remains on healthcare- encapsulates the latest standards and best practice in
specific elements of standards, policies and up-to-date healthcare engineering;
established best practice. They are applicable to new and
existing sites, and are for use at various stages during the provides a structured reference for healthcare
whole building lifecycle: engineering.
Figure 1 Healthcare building life-cycle






Healthcare providers have a duty of care to ensure that Structure of the Health Technical
appropriate engineering governance arrangements are in
Memorandum suite
place and are managed effectively. The Engineering
Health Technical Memorandum series provides best The series of engineering-specific guidance contains a
practice engineering standards and policy to enable suite of nine core subjects:
management of this duty of care. Health Technical Memorandum 00
It is not the intention within this suite of documents to Policies and principles (applicable to all Health
unnecessarily repeat international or European standards, Technical Memoranda in this series)
industry standards or UK Government legislation. Where Health Technical Memorandum 01
appropriate, these will be referenced. Decontamination
Healthcare-specific technical engineering guidance is a Health Technical Memorandum 02
vital tool in the safe and efficient operation of healthcare Medical gases
facilities. Health Technical Memorandum guidance is the

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Health Technical Memorandum 03 Electrical Services Electrical safety guidance for low
Heating and ventilation systems voltage systems
Health Technical Memorandum 04 In a similar way Health Technical Memorandum 07-02
Water systems will simply represent:
Health Technical Memorandum 05 Environment and Sustainability EnCO2de.
Fire safety
All Health Technical Memoranda are supported by the
Health Technical Memorandum 06 initial document Health Technical Memorandum 00
Electrical services which embraces the management and operational policies
from previous documents and explores risk management
Health Technical Memorandum 07
Environment and sustainability
Some variation in style and structure is reflected by the
Health Technical Memorandum 08
topic and approach of the different review working
Specialist services
Some subject areas may be further developed into topics
DH Estates and Facilities Division wishes to acknowledge
shown as -01, -02 etc and further referenced into Parts A,
the contribution made by professional bodies,
B etc.
engineering consultants, healthcare specialists and
Example: Health Technical Memorandum 06-02 Part A NHS staff who have contributed to the review.
will represent:

Figure 2 Engineering guidance

HTM 08
HTM 01
Services Decontamination

HTM 07


Environment & Medical




Sustainability Gases

HTM 00

Policies and




HTM 06 L& N HTM 03

IN EUROPEA S Heating &

Services STR AR Ventilation



Y S TA N D Systems


HTM 05 HTM 04


U Water

M Safety Systems H


Executive summary

This document gives best practice advice and provides a be put in place, supported by access to suitably qualified
generic overview for the Department of Healths revised staff to provide this informed client role, which reflect
Health Technical Memorandum series. these responsibilities.
It is provided as a comprehensive guide to all issues By locally interpreting and following this guidance,
relating to the management of engineering and technical boards and individual senior managers should be able to
service provision which can be applied to NHS and other demonstrate compliance with their responsibilities and
healthcare facilities, that is, wherever NHS patients are thereby support a culture of professionalism which instils
treated. public confidence in the capability of the NHS at local
Within this context, it is expected that the contents of
this document will remain relatively stable while also
remaining flexible enough to support the Governments Users of the guidance
reform agenda for the NHS. Those providing NHS healthcare and operating facilities
This version of Health Technical Memorandum 00 will be the main users of this document. However, other
negates the necessity for a management policy section stakeholders will be interested and will expect that this
in other guidance within the revised Health Technical best practice guidance is being followed.
Memorandum suite. Healthcare commissioners should expect that the facilities
to which they refer patients should provide a safe, caring
Scope environment which aids a patients recovery and does not
expose them to undue risk. Therefore the resilience of
Health Technical Memorandum 00, and the series
critical engineering services and business continuity
it supports, provide comprehensive specialist advice
linked to policies for emergency preparedness and the
and guidance on the design, installation and effective
ability to respond to major incidents should be high on
operation of a healthcare facility from an engineering
a provider organisations agenda.
technology perspective. While it is not intended to
cover every possible scenario, for example the concept of
hospital at home (in a domestic dwelling), the standards Structure
and principles it advocates may be appropriate to follow Within this document, each section deals with a different
in all locations where healthcare is provided. aspect of engineering and technical management from an
overview of commonly applicable statutes and legislation
Aim of the guidance through to the training and development issues to
consider when providing the necessary levels of
The aim of Health Technical Memorandum 00 is to
professional and technical expertise.
ensure that everyone concerned with the managing,
design, procurement and use of the healthcare facility Chapter 2 provides an overview of the context of the
understands the requirements of the specialist, critical Health Technical Memorandum suite.
building and engineering technology involved.
Chapter 3 (while not intending to be exhaustive) deals
Only by having a knowledge of these requirements can with commonly applicable statutory and legislative
the organisations board and senior managers understand requirements.
their duty of care to provide safe, efficient, effective and
Chapter 4 considers appropriate professional and
reliable systems which are critical in supporting direct
technical support.
patient care. When this understanding is achieved, it
is expected that (in line with integrated governance Chapter 5 looks at development of operational
proposals) appropriate governance arrangements would policies and advocates service-user involvement etc.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Chapter 6 considers emergency preparedness etc and when developing governance systems which take
the ability of the organisation to continue to provide account of risk;
healthcare throughout emergency situations and to
to establish principles and procedures which:
recover quickly.
recognise and address both corporate and the
Chapter 7 provides guidance on staff training, systems
individuals responsibilities;
and operation and maintenance procedures.
recognise the link between critical engineering
Chapter 8 considers maintaining engineering systems
systems and emergency preparedness capability;
to provide optimum performance and maximise the
potential for critical service availability. reflect the important role that engineering
polices and principles, as implemented by
Chapter 9 looks at design and access availability with
suitable qualified professional and technical staff,
regard to engineering services.
can have in support of direct patient care.

Recommendations Once boards and chief executives have embraced the

principles set out within this document and taken the
Health Technical Memorandum 00 recommends that necessary actions, their duty of care responsibilities are
boards and chief executives as accountable officers use the more likely to be fulfilled, as will their ability to maintain
guidance and references provided: public confidence in the NHS at local level.
when planning and designing new healthcare facilities
or undertaking refurbishments;



DH Estates & Facilities wishes to acknowledge the contribution made by professional bodies, engineering consultants,
healthcare specialists and NHS staff who have contributed to the various reviews.
Chris Holme, Department of Health
Will Snell, DH Emergency Planning Group
Health Facilities Management Group (HEFMA)
The Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM)
Engineering Knowledge Network Group
Professional Advisory Group
Welsh Health Estates
Health Facilities Scotland
Health Estates, Northern Ireland

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering


Executive summary
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Engineering governance
Chapter 2 Overview of engineering services guidance 2
Health Technical Memorandum 01: Decontamination (replaces Health Technical
Memoranda 2010, 2030 and 2031)
Health Technical Memorandum 01-01: The decontamination of reusable medical
Health Technical Memorandum 02: Medical gases (replaces Health Technical
Memorandum 2022)
Health Technical Memorandum 02-01: Medical gas pipeline systems
Health Technical Memorandum 03: Heating and ventilation systems (replaces Health
Technical Memorandum 2025)
Ventilation, design, installation, testing and validation (Part A)
Operational management and verification (Part B)
Health Technical Memorandum 04: Water systems (replaces Health Technical Memoranda
2027 and 2040)
Health Technical Memorandum 04-01: The control of Legionella, hygiene, safe hot
water, cold water and drinking water systems
Health Technical Memorandum 05: Firecode fire safety in the NHS (replaces the
previous Firecode suite of documents)
Health Technical Memorandum 05-01: Managing healthcare fire safety (published July
2006) (replaces Policy and principles)
Health Technical Memorandum 05-02: Guidance to support functional provisions for
healthcare premises (replaces Health Technical Memoranda 81 and 85)
Health Technical Memorandum 05-03: Operational provisions
Health Technical Memorandum 06: Electrical services (replaces Health Technical
Memoranda 2007, 2011, 2014, 2020 and 2021)
Health Technical Memorandum 06-01: Electrical services supply and distribution
Health Technical Memorandum 06-02: Electrical safety guidance for low voltage
Health Technical Memorandum 06-03: Electrical safety guidance for high voltage
Health Technical Memorandum 07: Environment and sustainability (replaces Health
Facilities Note 21, Health Technical Memoranda 2065 and 2075)
Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Safe management of healthcare waste
Health Technical Memorandum 07-02: EnCO2de making energy work in healthcare
(published February 2006)
Health Technical Memorandum 07-03: Transport management and car parking: best
practice guidance for NHS trusts in England (published February 2006)


Health Technical Memorandum 08: Specialist services

Health Technical Memorandum 08-01: Acoustics
Further documents which are under consideration
Chapter 3 Statutory and legislative requirements 7
Health and safety in the UK
Some statutory and legislative requirements in the UK
Risk and/or priority assessment
Chapter 4 Professional support 10
Management and responsibility
Health Technical Memorandum guidance structure
Management structure
Professional structure
Roles and responsibilities
Designated Person (DP)
Trust Senior Operational Manager (SOM)
Authorising Engineer (AE)
Authorised Person (AP)
Competent Person (CP)
Variation by service
Chapter 5 Operational policy 13
Operational considerations
Monitoring of the operational policy
Medical equipment purchase
Chapter 6 Emergency preparedness and contingency planning 15
Creating an emergency plan
System resilience, planning and design
Services and priorities
External impact
Staff functions
Incident manager
Resource manager
Emergency procedure manual owner
Testing the plan
Chapter 7 Training, information and communications 19
Building occupiers
Service and maintenance staff
The required workforce (as defined by service and operational needs)
Improving the workforce profile
Criteria for operation
Chapter 8 Maintenance 21
Maintenance contractors
Maintenance policy

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Maintenance frequency
Maintenance planning
Original commissioning tests
Original and amended drawings
Functional tests
Inspections prior to recommissioning
Planned maintenance programme
Design of a planned maintenance programme
Review of the planned maintenance programme
Chapter 9 Engineering services 24
Management of access to engineering services
Development planning
Distribution requirements
Working in confined spaces
Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation 27
1 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
2 Factories Act 1961
3 The NHS and Community Care Act 1990
4 Consumer Protection Act 1987
5 Disability Discrimination Act 1995
6 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
7 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
8 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
9 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
10 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
11 Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
12 Confined Spaces Regulations 1997
13 The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
14 The Working Time Regulations 1998
15 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002
16 Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
17 Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996
18 Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989
19 Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996
20 Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998
21 Health and Safety (Training for Employment) Regulations 1990
22 Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977
23 Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002
24 Electricity Act 1989
25 Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002
26 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
27 BS 7671:2001 (IEE Wiring Regulations, 16th Edition + amendments)
28 Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994
29 Plugs and Sockets etc (Safety) Regulations 1994
30 Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Regulations 2000
31 Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 1992
32 Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992 and Supply of Machinery (Safety)
(Amendment) Regulations 1994


33 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

34  as Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1995
35 Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998
36 Lifts Regulations 1997
37 Noise at Work Regulations 1989
38 Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000
39 The Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999
40 Simple Pressure Vessels (Safety) Regulations 1991
41 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994
42 Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996
43 Building Regulations 2000
Part A Structural safety
Part B Fire safety
Part C Site preparation and damp proofing
Part D Toxic substances
Part E Soundproofing
Part F Ventilation
Part G Hygiene
Part H Drainage and waste disposal
Part J Heating appliances
Part K Stairs, ramps and guards
Part L Conservation of fuel and power
Part M Access and facilities for people with disabilities
Part N Glazing materials and protection
44 Environmental Protection Act 1990
45 Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989
46 Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994 (as amended)
47 Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991
48 Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations 1991
49a Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005
49b List of Wastes (England) Regulations 2005
50 Pollution, Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000
51 Clean Air Act 1993
52 Environmental Protection (Prescribed Processes) Regulations 1991
53 Trade Effluent (Prescribed Processes and Substances) Regulation 1989
54 Controlled Waste Regulations 1992
55 Environment Act 1995
56 Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2003
57 Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001
58 Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 and Landfill Tax (Qualifying Material) Order 1996
59 Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002
60 Town and Country Planning Act 1990
61 Control of Pollution Act 1974
62 Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2005
63 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2002
64 Water Industry Act 1991
65 Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001
66 Water Resources Act 1991
67 Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999
68 Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002
69 Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986
70 Noise & Statutory Nuisance Act 1993
71 Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99)
Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

72 Radioactive Substances Act 1993

73 Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000
74 Radioactive Materials (Road Transport) Regulations 2002
75 Medicines (Administration of Radioactive Substances) Regulations 1978
76 Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
77 Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988
78 Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) 2002
79 Food Safety Act 1990
80 Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995
81 Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995
82 Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988
83 Medicines Act 1961
Procedure for electricity supply failure
Key areas of equipment likely to be
Risk assessment
Identification of failure
Appendix 2 Exemplar procedures 46
Major supply failure
Continued supply failure
Partial supply failure
Awareness and training
Review procedure
Procedure for water contamination
Investigation and response
Further work
Procedure for piped medical gas failure
Identification of the source and nature of failure
Minor failure, not life-threatening
Major failure of supply
Damage control
Areas of responsibility
Review procedure
Training and information
Sample procedure matrix
References 55
Acts and Regulations
European legislation
British Standards
Department of Health publications
NHS Security Management Service

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

Scope 1.8 Systems and processes need to be in place, backed

up with adequate resources and suitably qualified
1.1 Healthcare premises are dependent on the safe and trained staff.
and secure function of critical engineering services,
the application of sound environmental measures, 1.9 Healthcare organisations should ensure that sound
and the support of key services. There are some internal controls, safe processes, working practices
common principles that apply across the full range and risk management strategies are in place to
of engineering guidance and support the wider safeguard all their stakeholders and assets to prevent
interface of all healthcare-related equipment and and reduce harm or loss.
its environment.
1.2 The concept of providing and maintaining safe and
secure critical services carries a high priority and 1.10 Management should conduct regular reviews of
applies across the widest range of applications. It the effectiveness of the healthcare organisations
must apply to patients, staff and the general public, engineering structure and systems. The review
that is, all users of the healthcare environment. should cover all controls, including strategic,
operational, safety and engineering risk
1.3 In a similar way, the duty of care in operational
performance can contribute to the overall efficiency
and safety of a healthcare organisation. Accessibility
to suitably qualified and competent staff is a key Guidance
factor when considering governance arrangements. 1.11 Health Technical Memorandum guidance provides
1.4 Evidence suggests that a comfortable healthcare a best-practice framework which aims to raise
environment can have a strong influence on the awareness and provide the confidence for strong
healing cycle. This needs to be achieved in a management.
sensitive way, with design having regard to the 1.12 This document addresses the general principles,
function and purpose of the specific and adjoining key policies and factors common to all engineering
areas. services within a healthcare organisation.
1.5 Staff and services must be resilient to ensure 1.13 Key issues include:
continuity of business and the safety of patients
a. general health and safety;
and staff, and be capable of providing a suitable
response to maintain a level of healthcare in all b. professional support;
c. operational and training requirements;
Engineering governance d. emergency preparedness;
1.6 Responsibility and, more specifically, the duty of e. workforce planning and capability;
care within a healthcare organisation are vested f. maintenance.
in the management board and its supporting
structure. 1.14 To determine the right level of approach will often
require an assessment of the risk and an evaluation
1.7 Engineering governance is concerned with how of the factors that remain when reasonable and
an organisation directs, manages and monitors its practical measures have been taken to minimise the
engineering activities to ensure compliance with elements giving rise for concern.
statutory and legislative requirements.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

2 Overview of engineering services guidance

2.1 Within the overall Health Technical Memorandum Health Technical Memorandum 01:
guidance structure, there are eight specialist
Decontamination (replaces Health
subjects supported by this core document. The
specialist subject areas are detailed below. Technical Memoranda 2010, 2030 and
Health Technical Memorandum 01-01: The
The sequence of numbering within each subject area decontamination of reusable medical devices
does not necessarily indicate the order in which the
HTMs will be published/printed. However, the overall Part A Management and environment
structure/number format will be maintained as
described. 2.2 The purpose of this guidance is to provide an
overview and comprehensive advice, covering
the general and regulatory environment for
decontamination of reusable medical devices. It
How to obtain publications considers the key environment and management
To find out about publications that are finalised issues in this area including design, and operational
and currently being published, look under new management considerations. It outlines the best
publications on the Knowledge and Information practice for the philosophy of decontamination
Portal homepage at: http://www.knowledge.nhsestates. systems for the safety of patients and staff.
Part B Equipment
To find out about all DH Estates and Facilities
publications, go to the publications list in the 2.3 This document sets out the necessary arrangements
Knowledge and Information Portal publications for procuring and managing decontamination
folder at: systems across the healthcare environment. The
guidance is best practice and may encompass
Hard copies are available from:
compliance of other industry legislation and
The Stationery Office Ltd (TSO). Tel: 0870 600 5522; standards.
fax: 0870 600 5533.
2.4 It covers the design and pre-purchase
Online bookstore: considerations, validation and verification,
and operational management of test equipment,
washer-disinfectors and sterilizers.

2 Overview of engineering services guidance

Health Technical Memorandum and the close-control (air-conditioning) of

specialist environments.
02: Medical gases (replaces Health
Technical Memorandum 2022) Operational management and verification (Part B)
Health Technical Memorandum 02-01: Medical 2.10 This document sets out the necessary arrangements
gas pipeline systems for managing healthcare ventilation and air-
conditioning systems across the majority of
Part A Design, installation, validation and premises.
verification 2.11 The sophistication of ventilation and air-
2.5 The purpose of this guidance is to provide conditioning systems in healthcare premises is ever-
comprehensive advice, but not all-inclusive, on increasing. Patients, staff and visitors have a right to
design considerations applicable to healthcare expect that these systems will be designed, installed,
premises. It outlines the best practice philosophy operated and maintained to standards that will
for systems where patient safety and well-being are enable it to fulfil its desired functions reliably and
of prime importance. safely. To this end, current legislation requires all
parties involved to be aware of their individual and
2.6 Guidance in this part covers piped medical gases, collective responsibilities.
medical and surgical air, and medical vacuum
installations. It applies to all medical gas pipeline
systems installed in healthcare premises and
Health Technical Memorandum 04:
anaesthetic gas scavenging disposal systems. Water systems (replaces Health
Specifically, it deals with the issues involved in the Technical Memoranda 2027 and 2040)
design, installation, and validation and verification
(testing and commissioning) of a medical gas Health Technical Memorandum 04-01: The control
pipeline system. of Legionella, hygiene, safe hot water, cold
water and drinking water systems
Part B Operational management
Part A: Design, installation and testing
2.7 The safe operation of a medical gas pipeline system
relies on skilled staff who understand the system 2.12 Interruptions in water supply can disrupt
and who can liaise with clinical users to ensure healthcare activities. The design of systems must
continuing patient safety. ensure that sufficient reserve water storage is
available to minimise the consequence of
2.8 This document lists key personnel involved in the
disruption, while at the same time ensuring an
operation, maintenance and use of the system. This
adequate turnover of water to prevent stagnation in
will include nominated medical and nursing staff,
storage vessels and distribution systems.
risk managers/fire safety officers, pharmacy staff
and the quality controller for the site, and 2.13 This document gives comprehensive advice
competent personnel (who may be in-house staff or and guidance to healthcare management, design
contractors). The document also includes relevant engineers, estate managers and operations managers
drawings and schedules of plant, terminal units, on the legal requirements, design applications,
area valve service units (AVSUs), alarms etc. maintenance and operation of hot and cold water
supply, storage and distribution systems in all types
Health Technical Memorandum of healthcare premises. It is equally applicable to
both new and existing sites.
03: Heating and ventilation
systems (replaces Health Technical Part B: Operational management
Memorandum 2025) 2.14 This document sets out the necessary arrangements
for managing healthcare water systems across the
Ventilation, design, installation, testing and
majority of premises. Current legislation requires
validation (Part A)
all parties involved to be aware of their individual
2.9 This document provides best practice guidance on and collective responsibilities for the provision
the design and installation of ventilation systems

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

of wholesome, safe hot and cold water supplies, Part C Textiles and furnishing (replaces
storage and distribution in healthcare premises. Health Technical Memorandum 87)
2.15 The temperature control regimen is the preferred Part D Commercial enterprises on hospital
strategy for reducing the risk from Legionella and premises (replaces Fire Practice Note 5)
other waterborne organisms in water systems.
Part E Escape bed lifts (published July 2006)
This requires monitoring on a regular basis.
(replaces Fire Practice Note 3)
Recommended test frequencies are listed in the
document. Part F Arson prevention and control (replaces
Fire Practice Note 6)
2.16 For other water applications, such as hydrotherapy
pools and provision to laundries etc (although Part G Laboratories (replaces Fire Practice
briefly described in this publication), reference Note 10)
should be made to specific documentation. Part H Reducing unwanted fire signals in
healthcare premises (replaces Fire Practice
Health Technical Memorandum 05: Note11)
Firecode fire safety in the NHS Part J Fire engineering provisions
(replaces the previous Firecode suite of
Part K Fire risk assessments in hospitals
documents) (replaces Health Technical Memorandum 86)
Health Technical Memorandum 05-01: Managing Part L Fire statistics (replaces Fire Practice
healthcare fire safety (published July 2006) Note 9).
(replaces Policy and principles)
2.17 This document provides a framework for the Health Technical Memorandum 06:
implementation of the Department of Healths Electrical services (replaces Health
fire safety policy (mandated by the Minister of Technical Memoranda 2007, 2011,
State (Delivery & Quality)), which may be an 2014, 2020 and 2021)
appropriate method for meeting statutory duties
under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order Health Technical Memorandum 06-01: Electrical
2005. services supply and distribution
Health Technical Memorandum 05-02: Guidance Part A Design considerations
to support functional provisions for healthcare
premises (replaces Health Technical Memoranda 2.20 This document covers electrical distribution
81 and 85) assessment and design, which looks at the needs
of patients and how the resilience/safety of the
2.18 The functional approach is seen as enabling electrical system from source to patient can be
innovation in design while still providing an provided. It covers high voltage and low voltage
adequate degree of fire safety for patients, visitors distribution networks together with standby
and staff. Where the previous guidance was only systems including generators, uninterruptible
applicable to hospitals, Health Technical power supplies, and isolated power supplies (also
Memorandum 05-02 can be applied to all known as medical IT).
healthcare premises.
Part B Operational management
Health Technical Memorandum 05-03: Operational
provisions 2.21 This document considers the operational
management and maintenance requirements for
2.19 This part of the suite will bring together other fire hard-wired electrical systems and fixed power plant.
safety guidance which is specific in application.
2.22 The document is suitable for use with all forms of
Part A General fire precautions (replaces electrical maintenance work ranging from testing
Health Technical Memorandum 83) of plant, such as generators, to the periodic testing
Part B Fire detection and alarm systems and inspection of the electrical network(s) and final
(replaces Health Technical Memorandum 82) circuits.

2 Overview of engineering services guidance

Health Technical Memorandum 06-02: Electrical carriage, treatment and disposal, and health and
safety guidance for low voltage systems safety.
2.23 This Health Technical Memorandum gives
Health Technical Memorandum 07-02: EnCO2de
operational guidance on electrical safety
making energy work in healthcare (published
requirements for low voltage systems (up to 1 kV)
February 2006)
in healthcare premises including management,
the professional and operational structure, safety 2.29 This document replaces Encode guidance Parts I
procedures, testing, equipment and records. and II.
2.24 Guidance is intended to assist in meeting the 2.30 The purpose is to provide a primary source of
requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations guidance on managing energy use and carbon
1989, which detail the precautions to be taken emissions in the healthcare sector. It aims to ensure
against risk of death or personal injury from that everyone involved in managing, procuring
electricity in work activities. and using buildings and equipment gives due
consideration to the implications of energy use and
Health Technical Memorandum 06-03: Electrical carbon emissions. It draws together best practice
safety guidance for high voltage systems with the intention of putting energy at the heart of
the health service.
2.25 This Health Technical Memorandum gives
operational guidance on electrical safety
Health Technical Memorandum 07-03: Transport
requirements for high voltage systems (up
management and car parking: best practice
to 11kV) in healthcare premises including
guidance for NHS trusts in England (published
management, the professional and operational
February 2006)
structure, safety procedures, testing, equipment
and records. 2.31 The purpose is to consider what measures trusts
can adopt when developing travel plans and
2.26 Guidance is intended to assist in meeting the
managing transport and car parking, drawing on
requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations
best practice to assist the NHS in a practical way. It
1989, which detail the precautions to be taken
aims to identify best practice in developing travel
against risk of death or personal injury from
plans, give links to other assessment tools, provide a
electricity in work activities.
matrix from which to estimate a base level of car
parking provision, point to external funding
Health Technical Memorandum opportunities, and consider environmentally-
07: Environment and sustainability friendly transport options.
(replaces Health Facilities Note 21,
Health Technical Memoranda 2065 and Health Technical Memorandum 08:
2075) Specialist services

Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Purpose

Safe management of healthcare waste 2.32 Health Technical Memorandum 08 is the suite of
2.27 This document replaces the Health Services guidance which relates to building services systems
Advisory Committees (1999) guidance document or system components of a specialist nature.
Safe disposal of clinical waste (popularly known as 2.33 A specialist system can be either a specific
the purple book). stand-alone system utilised by the occupants for
2.28 This guidance is targeted at all waste producers a specified task (for example pneumatic air tube
involved in the management of healthcare waste. systems or lifts), or systems interfaced or directly
The purpose is to provide a framework for best connected to engineering systems themselves
practice in waste management in order to help (building management control systems (BMS)).
NHS trusts and other waste producers. It aims to 2.34 The specialist components are utilised in or in
be a primary source of guidance covering those conjunction with the engineering systems to enable
wastes produced directly from healthcare activities, suitable operation (that is, attenuation or bed-head
taking into account changes in the legislation services).
governing the management of waste, its storage,

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Health Technical Memorandum 08-01: Acoustics outlines the routine maintenance of noise control
hardware or acoustic treatment and the monitoring
2.35 This document outlines the principles and
and recording of noise levels. The responsibilities
considerations associated with the control of
of all parties involved are defined, either by brief
noise generated by not only the various activities
explanation or by use of reference to specific
undertaken within healthcare premises but also the
legislation, standards and/or codes of practice.
services which are required for these activities to
be undertaken. The document is concerned with
Further documents which are under consideration
reducing both the interior noise environment
affecting the exterior noise environment and vice- Health Technical Memorandum 08-02:
versa. Pneumatic air tube transportation systems
2.36 Noise from a certain activity within the premises Health Technical Memorandum 08-03:
should not appreciably intrude on activities taking Building management systems
place in adjacent areas. This may be avoided by Health Technical Memorandum 08-04: Lifts
either careful consideration of the positioning of
rooms during design conception, or by provision of Health Technical Memorandum 08-05: Bed-
sufficient sound insulation. head services
2.37 This document provides not only the Health Technical Memorandum 08-06:
considerations for use at the design stage, but also Pathology laboratory gases

3 Statutory and legislative requirements

3 Statutory and legislative requirements

there be an accident, the applied safety practices at

Health and safety in the UK the place of work would be examined against existing
3.1 Current health and safety philosophy was British or European Standards. It would be difficult to
developed following the Report of the Robens argue in favour of an organisation where safety was not
Committee 1972, which resulted in the Health and to the described level.
Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
Guidance is issued in some cases to indicate the best
3.2 The standards of health and safety in the UK way to comply with regulations. But the guidance has
are delivered through a flexible enabling system no legal enforcement status.
introduced in 1974 by the Health and Safety
at Work etc Act 1974 and are typified by the
Management of Health and Safety at Work
Some statutory and legislative
Regulations 1999. requirements in the UK
3.3 The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 leaves 3.4 There are numerous statutory and legal duties that
employers freedom to decide how to control the owners and occupiers of premises must adhere to.
risks that they identify that is, to look at what the These are continually changing in the light of new
risks are and to take sensible measures to tackle evidence and experience. Reference should be made
them. The Act is part of criminal law, and to these documents at the time of application.
enforcement is by the Health & Safety Executive. 3.5 The following are some of the commonly cited
Successful prosecution can result in fines or legislation in the UK and current at the time of
imprisonment. publication. The list is not exhaustive, but is
intended to demonstrate the range of issues that
Regulations are law, approved by Parliament. These should be considered. All references to guidance/
are usually made under the Health and Safety at Work legislation/standards should be compared to those
etc Act following proposals from the Health & Safety current at the time of application. Latest published
Commission. Regulations identify certain risks and set guidance always takes precedence.
out specific actions that must be taken.
3.6 Only the primary Acts and main regulations are
Approved Codes of Practice give advice on how to cited here. Most of these Acts and regulations have
comply with the law by offering practical examples of been subjected to amendment subsequent to the
best practice. If employers follow the advice, they will date of first becoming law. These amending Acts or
be doing enough to comply with the law. regulations are not included in this list.
Approved Codes of Practice have a special legal status.
1 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
If employers are prosecuted for a breach of health and
safety law, and it is proved that they did not follow the 2 Factories Act 1961 (as amended)
relevant provisions of an Approved Code of Practice, 3 The NHS and Community Care Act 1990
they will need to show that they have complied with 4 Consumer Protection Act 1987
the law in some other way, or a court will find them at
5 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA)
6 The Management of Health and Safety at Work
Standards (British or European), institutional guides Regulations 1999
and industry best practice play a large part in how
7 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)
things should be done. They have no direct legal status
Regulations 1992
(unless specified by regulations). However, should

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

8 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Mechanical

Regulations 1998 32 Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992
9 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and Supply of Machinery (Safety) (Amendment)
10 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1994
Regulations 1992 33 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
11 Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
Regulations 1992 34 Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1995
12 Confined Spaces regulations 1997 35 Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations
13 The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and 1998
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 36 The Lifts Regulations 1997
(RIDDOR 95) 37 Noise at Work Regulations 1989
14 The Working Time Regulations 1998 38 The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000
15 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 39 The Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999
Regulations (COSHH) 2002
40 Simple Pressure Vessels (Safety) Regulations 1991
16 Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
41 The Construction (Design and Management)
17 Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1994
Regulations 1996
42 The Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare)
18 Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1996
Regulations 1989
43 The Building Regulations 2000
19 Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals)
Regulations 1996
44 The Environmental Protection Act 1990
20 Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance)
Regulations 1998 45 The Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989
21 The Health and Safety (Training For 46 The Waste Management Licensing Regulations
Employment) Regulations 1990 1994 (as amended)
22 Safety Representatives and Safety Committees 47 Environmental Protection (Duty of Care)
Regulations 1977 Regulations 1991
23 Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 48 The Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers
and Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations 1991
49a Hazardous Waste (England and Wales)
24 Electricity Act 1989
Regulations 2005
25 Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity
49b List of Wastes (England) Regulations 2005
Regulations 2002
50 Pollution Prevention and Control (England and
26 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
Wales) Regulations 2000
27 BS 7671:2001 (IEE Wiring Regulations, 16th
51 Clean Air Act 1993
52 Environmental Protection (Prescribed Processes)
28 The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations
Regulations 1991
53 Trade Effluent (Prescribed Processes and
29 The Plugs and Sockets etc (Safety) Regulations
Substances) Regulation 1989
54 Controlled Waste Regulations 1992
30 The Radio Equipment and Telecommunications
Terminal Equipment Regulations 2000 55 Environment Act 1995
31 Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 1992 56 Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations
57 Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England)
Regulations 2001
58 The Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 and Landfill
Tax (Qualifying Material) Order 1996

3 Statutory and legislative requirements

59 Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging Public health

for Supply) Regulations 2002 82 Public Health (infectious Diseases) Regulations
60 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 1998
61 The Control of Pollution Act 1974 83 Medicines Act 1961
62 Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging 3.7 This list demonstrates the complex services that
Waste) Regulations 2005 exist within a healthcare organisation. A further
63 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment brief description of each piece of legislation is given
Directive 2002 in Appendix 1 of this document.
64 Water Industry Act 1991
65 Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 Risk and/or priority assessment
66 Water Resources Act 1991 3.8 In carrying out design, operational and
67 Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 management evaluation, a consistent method
of assessment should be engaged to ensure that
68 Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002
adequate information, consultation and appraisal is
69 Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 undertaken across the whole range of influences.
70 Noise & Statutory Nuisance Act 1993
3.9 Although some elements of a particular assessment
Radiation may be complex (for example whole-life costing,
71 Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99) net present value, patient criticality, resilience etc),
72 The Radioactive Substances Act 1993 (RSA93) it is important to keep the collective assessment as
simple as possible.
73 Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure)
Regulations 2000 3.10 One method is to establish an evaluation matrix
74 Radioactive Materials (Road Transport) which allows information across two scales to be
Regulations 2002 represented in an easily understood way that helps
users come to a particular decision.
75 Medicines (Administration of Radioactive
Substances) Regulations 1978 3.11 Both scales are graded from lowest to highest such
Fire that a combination of the assessments can be
76 The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
77 The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) 3.12 For example, an event analysis may appear as
Regulations 1988 below: mapping the likelihood of an event
happening and the consequences of the effect.
78 Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere
Regulations (DSEAR) 2002 3.13 In a similar way, a cost/benefit matrix may be
Food constructed or a risk/design measure assessment
79 The Food Safety Act 1990 made.
80 The Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) 3.14 A more detailed example of applied risk assessment
Regulations 1995 may be found in the Department of Healths
81 The Food Safety (Temperature Control) (2005) A risk-based methodology for establishing
Regulations 1995 and managing backlog.

Probability Rating
Certain 5 5 10 15 20 25
Likely 4 4 8 12 16 20
Possible 3 3 6 9 12 15
Unlikely 2 2 4 6 8 10
Rare 1 1 2 3 4 5
Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Effect Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

4 Professional support

4.1 Managers of healthcare property and services need Health Technical Memorandum
technical and professional support across a range of
guidance structure
specialist services. This support should be embraced
into the structure and responsibility framework of 4.5 Following the Health Technical Memorandum
the organisation to ensure an adequate approach guidance review, eight specialist topics have been
for each of the areas covered by the healthcare- identified:
specific technical engineering guidance. decontamination;
4.2 Within the Health Technical Memoranda, a range medical gases;
of measures are discussed to meet the needs of
each service. This section considers the principles, heating and ventilation;
standards and common features that will be water;
applicable as a core approach.
fire safety;
Management and responsibility electrical services;
4.3 Healthcare organisations have a duty of care environment and sustainability;
to patients, their workforce and the general
specialist services.
public. This is to ensure a safe and appropriate
environment for healthcare. This requirement is 4.6 Within each topic, specific duties and
identified in a wide range of legislation. responsibilities are defined. See Figure 2 in the
Preface for structure and relationships.
4.4 At the most senior level within an organisation, this
responsibility does not need to include technical,
professional or operational duties, but the Management structure
appointed person should have access to a robust 4.7 To engage and deliver the duties required, a
structure that delivers governance, assurance and healthcare organisation may consider the structure
compliance through a formal reporting mechanism. shown in Figure 3. In following this structure,

Figure 3 Management structure

Healthcare organisation management board:
Accountable officer
Executive and non-executive members

External independent Senior estates &

professional support facilities officer

Appointed qualified
technical staff

Competent Assessed (safety)

technical staff support staff

4 Professional support

healthcare organisations may consider that the 4.12 Within a specific service, other support staff
necessary professional and technical resilience is for safety, quality and process purposes may be
available to provide a robust service. required.
4.13 Within certain healthcare organisations, some
Professional structure elements of specialist services are not present (high
4.8 While a chief executive and the board carry voltage electrical, decontamination, medical gas
ultimate responsibility for a safe and secure pipelines etc). In this case, an appropriate level of
healthcare environment, it can be assigned or professional support should be considered.
delegated to other senior executives. 4.14 It is possible for several organisations to share
4.9 However, it may not be generally possible to the same professional staff either individually or
maintain a senior executive with specialist collectively; however, it is usual for the Authorising
knowledge for all professional services; external Engineer role to remain independent of the
support may therefore be required. organisation, with particular regard to the critical
audit process.
4.10 An independent adviser for audit purposes,
assessment and operational advice may also be
Roles and responsibilities
4.11 The structure shown in Figure 4 represents a Designated Person (DP)
professional approach to delivery of a specialist
4.15 This person provides the essential senior
management link between the organisation
and professional support, which also provides
independence of the audit-reporting process.

Figure 4 Professional structure

Designated Person
Appointed senior executive
(board level) with assigned
responsibility for service

Authorising Engineer Trust Senior Operational

Appointed independent Manager
professional engineer Informed client/intelligent
(specific to service) customer

Authorised Person
Appointed qualified
technical engineer (specific to

Competent Person
Assessed and qualified
(specific to service)

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

The DP will also provide an informed position at will be nominated by the AE and be able to
board level. demonstrate:
4.16 The DP will work closely with the Senior his/her application through familiarisation with
Operational Manager to ensure that provision is the system and attendance at an appropriate
made to adequately support the specialist service. professional course;
a level of experience; and
Trust Senior Operational Manager (SOM)
evidence of knowledge and skills.
4.17 The SOM may have operational and professional
responsibility for a wide range of specialist services. 4.21 An important element of this role is the
It is important that the SOM has access to robust, maintenance of records, quality of service and
service-specific professional support which can maintenance of system safety (integrity).
promote and maintain the role of the informed
4.22 The AP will also be responsible for establishing and
client within the healthcare organisation. This will
maintaining the roles and validation of Competent
embrace both the maintenance and development
Persons, who may be employees of the organisation
of service-specific improvements, support the
or appointed contractors.
provision of the intelligent customer role and give
assurance of service quality. 4.23 Larger sites may need more than one AP for a
particular service. Administrative duties such as
Authorising Engineer (AE) record-keeping should be assigned to specific APs
and recorded in the operational policies.
4.18 The AE will act as an independent professional
adviser to the healthcare organisation. The AE
Competent Person (CP)
should be appointed by the organisation with a
brief to provide services in accordance with Health 4.24 This person provides skilled installation and/or
Technical Memorandum guidance. This may vary maintenance of the specialist service. The CP
in accordance with the specialist service being will be appointed, or authorised to work (if a
supported. contractor), by the AP. He/she will demonstrate a
sound trade background and specific skill in the
4.19 The AE will act as assessor and make
specialist service. He/she will work under the
recommendations for the appointment of
direction of the AP and in accordance with
Authorised Persons, monitor the performance of
operating procedures, policies and standards of the
the service, and provide an annual audit to the DP.
To effectively carry out this role, particularly with
regard to audit, it is preferable that the AE remains
independent of the operational structure of the Variation by service
trust. 4.25 The particular detailed roles and responsibilities
will vary between specialist services, and the
Authorised Person (AP) guidance given in the appropriate Health Technical
4.20 The Authorised Person has the key operational Memorandum should be followed to ensure that
responsibility for the specialist service. The person the necessary safe systems of working are
will be qualified and sufficiently experienced and established and maintained.
skilled to fully operate the specialist service. He/she

5 Operational policy

5 Operational policy

General the continued safe operation of the system and

what action should be taken in an emergency.
5.1 The healthcare organisations management board is
responsible for setting overall operational policy, 5.10 The Authorised Person responsible for engineering
and it is the Designated Person as the senior services should take a lead in explaining to users
executive who has responsibility for the function of the system, and organise adequate
implementation. information and training about the system.
5.2 The Health Technical Memorandum series should 5.11 Maintenance and safety are two closely related
enable an organisation to be aware of the issues subjects. General safety is largely dependent on
relative to a particular service and support any good standards of maintenance being attained and
operational policy that has to be prepared. staff safety disciplines being mutually exercised.
5.3 It is acknowledged that some organisations have
separate procedures that are referenced within the
operational policy under the control of other 5.12 The organisation should have accurate and up-to-
specific departments. date records and/or drawings. These should be
readily available on site, in an appropriate format,
5.4 Where the operation of engineering services is vital
for use by any Authorised Person responsible for
to the continued functioning of the healthcare
engineering services.
premises, operation and maintenance may require
special consideration; therefore, improving 5.13 A unique reference number should identify the
resilience within the critical engineering systems equipment. This should correspond to that shown
should be considered. on the records/drawings.
5.14 The records/drawings should indicate the type and
Operational considerations make of the equipment.
5.5 The operational policy should ensure that users are 5.15 Database systems could be used to link plant
aware of the capacity of the specific system and any reference numbers to locations on drawings and
particular limitations. detailed records of the plant and its maintenance.
5.6 A maintenance policy that pursues and expects the 5.16 A schematic diagram of the installation should also
good upkeep of plant and equipment by regular be available and displayed in each plantroom or
inspection and maintenance is evidence of best service area, scheduling key components.
5.17 When additions or alterations are to be made
5.7 All safety aspects of operation associated with to existing installations, the Authorised Person
particular plant or equipment should be clearly responsible for engineering services should ensure
understood by operational staff. that the current as-fitted information is available in
5.8 Nursing, medical and other staff should be aware of an acceptable format. On completion of the work,
the purpose of any alarm systems and of the course the records/drawings should be updated and the
of action to be taken in the event of an emergency service alterations noted and dated.
5.9 Staff responsible for engineering plant operation
should be aware of the activities necessary to ensure 5.18 All means of service isolation, regulation and
control (except those in plantrooms) should be

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

secured in such a way that they can be fixed in the Contractors

normal position.
5.25 All contractors should comply with the
5.19 In the case of those components that may have to organisations safety procedures. This should be
be operated in an emergency, the fixing method clearly stated in the operational policy.
should be capable of being overridden.
5.26 Work should only be carried out by suitably
5.20 All plantrooms should be kept locked, suitably qualified contractors within the range of design,
signed and under access control. installation, commissioning or maintenance of
5.21 A procedure in the operational policy for services as appropriate. Evidence of current
controlling access, including in the event of an registration should be by sight of the correct
emergency, should be established. certificate of registration.

5.22 Adequate means of engineering plant isolation 5.27 The operational policy should set out the
and safe working areas should be provided for all responsibilities for monitoring the work of
operational and maintenance contingencies to contractors. The Authorised Person responsible for
allow temporary plant where required and safe the specific engineering services would normally
working around equipment. coordinate this. The call-out procedures for a
contractor, particularly in the event of a fault or an
Monitoring of the operational policy emergency, should be set out in the operational
5.23 The Designated Person is responsible for
monitoring the operational policy to ensure that Medical equipment purchase
it is being properly implemented. This should be
carried out on a regular basis, and the procedure 5.28 The Authorised Person responsible for engineering
for such monitoring should be set out in the services should be consulted during initial
operational policy. discussions on the purchase of any medical
equipment that will be connected to the
5.24 The responsibility for monitoring specific aspects engineering services. This is to ensure that the
may be delegated to appropriate key personnel. system has sufficient capacity and can continue to
For example, the responsibility for monitoring the deliver the required service.
implementation of the permit-to-work procedure
would normally be delegated to the Authorised 5.29 The policy should state the procedures to be
Person. The details of such delegation should be set followed and the personnel who need to be
out in the operational policy. consulted before a new item of medical equipment
is connected to an engineering service.

6 Emergency preparedness and contingency planning

6 Emergency preparedness and contingency


Introduction 6.6 Failures in essential support systems may lead to

patient evacuation and the temporary closure of
6.1 Under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, certain wards, which could have a major impact on the
NHS organisations (as category 1 responders) publics confidence in a healthcare organisation.
are required to assess the risk of an emergency
occurring and the impact on business continuity. 6.7 Additionally, dependent on the scale or nature
of the incident, the ability of the organisation to
6.2 The organisation should sustain plans for the continue an acceptable level of healthcare services
purpose of minimising the impact from such may itself be compromised.
emergencies, maintaining services and protecting
patients and staff. 6.8 It is the responsibility of the healthcare
organisations management to ensure that
6.3 Healthcare organisations should contribute and their premises comply with all legislation. (See
receive information through their local resilience Appendix1 for a summary of commonly cited
forum (LRF), which exchanges views and health and safety guidance documents.)
knowledge across a wide range of services within a Additionally, when considering the implications of,
local community. for example, an incident associated with terrorism,
reference should also be made to the NHS
Note Emergency Planning Guidance 2005.
In all aspects of emergency and operational planning, 6.9 Planning for such emergencies can help to reduce
trusts should ensure engagement with the emergency the impact. By developing an emergency plan,
planning officer and local security management lead. healthcare organisations should be able to restore
Wider specific NHS guidance on the management of systems to normal as quickly as possible after an
non-clinical business continuity in healthcare facilities emergency, using safe working methods and
can be found in the NHS Emergency Planning making the best use of available resources.
Guidance 2005. 6.10 Plans need to be regularly tested and updated to
meet changing circumstances.
6.4 Healthcare organisations may encounter such
scenarios as: 6.11 Emergency and contingency planning cannot be
carried out in isolation.
unplanned interruption to a utility supply (gas,
water, electricity etc); 6.12 All arrangements should be agreed through
consultation and dialogue.
unexpected equipment and service distribution
failures (telephones, water pipework, medical 6.13 Individual services or departments should be
gases etc); encouraged to accept responsibility for contingency
arrangements. This is particularly important for
a civil incident (act of terrorism, civil services provided through associated contracts (via
disturbance etc); PFI partners, commercial business, service level
an environmental incident (floods, transport agreements etc).
incident, storm damage etc). 6.14 Essential-service contingency plans should not be
6.5 Such failures or incidents, when they occur, can confused with major incident plans (although the
have an impact on all aspects of healthcare services, two should be consistent):
including patient care, staff comfort, and health major incident plans generally are outward-
and safety. looking and deal with the healthcare

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

organisations response to a public incident for 6.18 From an understanding of the area and the
which an immediate high level of healthcare is healthcare activity that takes place, all the estates
required; services and facilities that exist in the range of
buildings on-site should be considered.
contingency planning is generally inward-
looking and deals with actions needed to 6.19 Table 1 gives a broad list of suggested topics for
maintain a healthcare facility in a safe and consideration. It is not a comprehensive list and
operational status under adverse conditions. may not be applicable to all sites, but it should act
as a prompt to establish the services list.
6.15 It is possible that some features from both plans
may be needed for a complex incident, but lines
of responsibility should be clearly defined and System resilience, planning and design
understood at all times. 6.20 Resilience of the various systems and services (for
example water and fuel) is ideally provided at the
Creating an emergency plan design stage of a healthcare facility. This could
6.16 All plans should be documented and supported by
as much information as possible. This should be priority allocation of the site by local utility
kept up-to-date and under constant review. suppliers which provide alternative routes
for site supply, should parts of the external
6.17 It is important to define the area to which the
infrastructure be damaged or contaminated;
plan will apply. This will usually be by site rather
than individual buildings to avoid repetition of resilient internal infrastructure systems which
procedures and to embrace the wider service issues. provide flexibility in services supplies to

Table 1 Suggested systems and services for consideration when creating an emergency plan
System Services External influence
Mains electricity supply Catering patients and staff Mains water contamination
Standby generators Key clinical departments (A&E, theatres, Air pollution
UPS + other batteries critical care etc) Flooding
Mains water Estates & facilities management Mains sewage treatment failure
Hot water (including engineering, APs, CPs etc) Transport routes and infrastructure
Treated water (renal etc) Transport Infestation
Heating and ventilation Portering Civil disturbance
Steam Administration support Explosion
Pneumatics Patient information Excavation
Building Management System Cleaning Terrorism incidents
Drainage Waste disposal Communications
Surface/foul/waste Laundry
Fuel supplies Medical supplies
Gas/oil/other Fuel supplies
Communications Water drainage
Telephones (fixed) Security
IT and patient information system
Sterilization and decontamination
Medical gases
Fire alarms
Refrigeration (food, mortuary, blood
supplies, pharmacy equipment etc)
Medical equipment
Building structure

6 Emergency preparedness and contingency planning

provision of alternative fuel sources, with 6.28 It is also necessary to discuss and establish the
appropriate storage capacity on-site (for priorities of clinical services within the plan. These
example, fuel oil as back-up to natural gas will move from life-critical functions (operating
for boiler plant); theatres, critical care areas, neonatal intensive care
units, emergency care) through diagnostic services
enhanced levels of on-site standby capacity for
(imaging, laboratories) and on to clinical support
electricity supplies by the use of CHP systems,
(blood, sterile services, pharmaceutical supplies,
the sizing of standby generator plant, and
medical gases etc).
flexible electrical distribution systems;
6.29 Prioritised but flexible, estate and facilities services
appropriate monitoring and storage capacity for,
which underpin clinical priorities will provide a
for example, water supplies.
good platform for the organisation to cope with the
6.21 Planning and designing for resilience whenever impact of emergencies and speed up recovery to
the opportunity arises that is, when new sites/ provide normal business continuity.
buildings or departments are being considered and
when major refurbishments are taking place is a External impact
key responsibility of the management board.
6.30 External influences are perhaps the most difficult
6.22 This will require a clear understanding of the element of contingency planning due to the wide
critical operational service requirements and the range of scenarios that could be presented.
type and level of ongoing service needs in the event Consequently, scenario planning for every
of an emergency/incident. eventuality is very unlikely.
6.23 Prerequisite information should be provided at the 6.31 However, some of the most likely scenarios and the
planning and design stage to enable an appropriate key issues arising should be examined, evaluated
level of resilience to be built in. For this purpose, and, where possible, tested to ensure that some
close liaison should take place between the form of response is in place for that eventuality
organisations emergency planning officer and the (for example loss of major utility, external
estates & facilities professionals at the earliest communication links etc).
possible stages.
6.24 Of particular importance in times of emergency are Security
all forms of communication systems. Email, mobile 6.32 Areas of clinical concern (for example radiology,
phones, advanced telephone/telemedicine and pathology) may require enhanced access control,
patient data systems may all require a detailed and staff and contractor screening, in accordance
analysis of the effect of failure loss. with the NHS Security Management Manual.
6.25 Proposed changes to any communication system 6.33 Adverse incidents may present exceptional
should ensure that consideration is given to requirements to control security, access, patient
the requirements of emergency plans and and staff safety etc. Planning should ensure that
communication-service resilience before decisions measures are available and understood which may
are taken. include additional staff resources (drawn from non-
6.26 These considerations should also include home/ critical roles) for entry/exit control, increased
mobile communication systems for key staff who awareness and communications, defined
will be required in the event of an emergency or management responsibility etc.
adverse incident.
Services and priorities 6.34 If the issue or incident remains predominantly
6.27 Maintaining services is an essential function of an estates or facilities issue, action should be
business continuity and must be a priority within a coordinated through the estates and facilities
contingency plan. Alternative sources of catering, management (EFM) structure. However, if the
laundry, waste disposal, transport etc need to be cause and/or effect escalates into a more major
confirmed, and all lines of communication and event, and a major incident is declared, the lines of
supply chains regularly tested. responsibility should revert to the major incident
plan structure.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

6.35 Accountability must be maintained within the Communications

healthcare organisations structure. The chief
6.40 This is a vital responsibility which should be
executive and board members must be aware of the
assigned to someone who has a wide range of
proposed contingency plans, although it is likely
knowledge about the site and the infrastructure.
that operational managers will implement the
It may also be necessary to coordinate between
departments, media, public, emergency services,
6.36 The structure of different organisations will mean and other healthcare managers and providers.
that staff with varying levels of experience and
expertise could be called on to deal with estates and Incident manager
facilities emergencies. 6.41 This will probably be the most senior Operational
6.37 Written emergency operational procedures should Manager available.
therefore be easily understood by those people
expected to use them. For example, if the Resource manager
management structure is such that emergencies 6.42 This role is necessary for emergency procurement,
associated with engineering services will always be contact with external support, and maintaining a
handled by a qualified and experienced engineer, record of staff on site. It is important to ensure that
the emergency operational procedure may be highly staff welfare requirements are also considered and
technical. included in the plans.
6.38 In many cases, however, standby staff who may be
the first to attend an emergency will not have the Emergency procedure manual owner
technical knowledge to make appropriate decisions. 6.43 For each key role identified, there should be
If this is the case, emergency operational procedures a specific copy of the manual, and individual
should be detailed and specific, and should include departments should have a copy assigned to a
instruction on where and how to seek assistance named individual whose role it is to maintain and
from a more experienced colleague at any stage. review the details to ensure they remain valid.
This instruction should normally include more
than one route and more than one level of Testing the plan
management (that is, it should have some
communication resilience). 6.44 Small elements of the plan should be exercised in
order to familiarise staff and to test procedures.
Staff functions 6.45 Larger and more wide-ranging exercises should
6.39 Individuals who are responsible for different parts be carefully planned to ensure that control is
of the emergency process should be identified, maintained and that reversion to status quo is easily
notified and trained accordingly. Key functions will achieved. An alternative is to carry out a table-top
include: exercise where a scenario approach is tested and
staff are challenged to deal with the issues that
communications; arise.
incident manager; 6.46 These approaches should engage all staff involved
resource manager; in contingency and emergency planning for the
healthcare organisation so that all lessons learned
emergency procedure manual owner. can be shared across all services and used to update
the plans.

7 Training, information and communications

7 Training, information and communications

General Service and maintenance staff

7.1 All personnel employed in the operation and 7.4 Training of all staff involved with the operation or
maintenance of critical engineering services, maintenance of the engineering services is essential
including maintenance personnel and operators, to realise the optimum use of facilities and the
should receive adequate, documented training. safety of staff, patients and the public.
Personnel should not commence their duties until
this training has been completed and detailed The required workforce (as defined by
operating instructions have been provided. service and operational needs)
7.2 As a minimum, training should include: 7.5 All staff involved, irrespective of employer, need to
a. the prime function for the operation and be adequately trained and competent to undertake
maintenance of the critical engineering service; the work expected of them. This is especially
pertinent to work on critical engineering systems
b. operational policies;
and services where errors may have significant
c. safety provisions; implications.
d. first-aid (as appropriate); 7.6 Consequently, a process needs to be developed
which regularly checks that the workforce is
e. emergency procedures;
competent and suitably trained to cover all aspects
f. use of respiratory equipment (as appropriate); of the work required. The following issues may
g. duties to be performed; require consideration:

h. actions in the event of a fire; analysis of maintenance profile (review of

existing practice);
j. problems and hazards that can arise from failing
to follow the agreed operating, monitoring and assessment of emergency repair experience
maintenance procedures; (to inform staff profile);

k. the permit-to-work system and safety planned and first-line maintenance of

procedures in use (when appropriate); equipment (to determine essential skills);

m. the danger of making unauthorised recruitment and retention experience (to

modifications, alterations or additions to understand the likely labour pool available);
the critical engineering service, as well as the skills gap (determined by an analysis);
possible legal consequences;
potential/ideal staff profile (as if setting up a
n. the procedure to be followed if it is suspected new structure);
that the system is no longer operating correctly.
possible training (to meet the above if not
available from in-house arrangements).
Building occupiers
7.7 From this type of assessment, it should be possible
7.3 The engineering services and their functions and to determine the service shortfalls relative to loss of
operation should be explained to the building staff for whom a natural replacement is not readily
occupiers. This will assist in understanding the safe available, and the skill shortages of existing staff
operation and capability of the particular system and the skill shortage for equipment or systems
when changes are being considered. installed etc.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

7.8 The resulting analysis may give rise to either a 7.14 The cost of training and the cost of apprenticeships
training need for existing staff or a need for a staff/ can be difficult to secure. When presented as part
structure review with possible training implications. of an overall assessment with, at least, a medium-
It may also identify a service which may be more term plan, it can deliver cost-efficient provision
cost-effectively provided by an outsourced contract. of services meeting the future need of the
7.9 While it is important to address the staff profile by
trade or service, it may be useful for an organisation 7.15 Training and the quality of service are inter-linked.
to link the outcome with other service profiles. Taking full advantage of multi-skilling and flexible
This may indicate some common issues, economies working practices will begin to deliver the cost and
of scale for training needs, useful feeder groups and performance efficiencies required from the services.
a better general overview of the service, which can
be used to inform a priority assessment. Criteria for operation
7.10 More advice and a checklist of issues is referenced 7.16 Maintenance staff should be trained in all
on the Department of Health Estates and Facilities maintenance procedures.
website under the workforce development section
7.17 The depth of training will depend on the level of
entitled Framework for transformation and
improvement ( required maintenance, but it should at least draw
attention to any risks and safety hazards arising due
to maintenance activities.
Improving the workforce profile
7.18 Other personnel who monitor plant or who carry
7.11 Many of the traditional training routes no longer
out routine plant maintenance should be trained
provide the level of opportunity relevant to the
healthcare sector; at the same time, skills and
competences needed are becoming more and more a. understanding the visual displays;
specific to the healthcare sector. b. acknowledging and cancelling alarms;
7.12 One challenge is to encourage more young c. taking required actions following alarm
people to enter the services sector of healthcare messages;
organisations under specific programmes such as
the modern apprenticeship scheme where skills can d. obtaining the best use of the system.
be delivered to meet a specific need. Another is to 7.19 Training (including refresher training) will need
develop a multi-skilled approach to service delivery. to be repeated periodically in order to cater for
In each case, training and development will be an changes in staff or the systems.
important factor in the solution.
7.20 Records of the training provided should be kept
7.13 With an understanding of the existing workforce up-to-date.
profile, a training plan may be established to meet
the short-, medium- and long-term requirements 7.21 On completion of training, employees should be
that are needed to satisfy the organisations assessed by an Authorised Person to ensure that the
requirements. training programme has been understood and that
they are competent to undertake the work required.

8 Maintenance

8 Maintenance

General 8.9 The maintenance contractor may not be the

equipment provider, services manufacturer or the
8.1 Healthcare organisations should make available to installation contractor. Clear understanding needs
maintenance personnel originals of commissioning to be established as to who is responsible for what,
data, as-fitted drawings, manuals etc, and records of and what maintenance service will be provided.
any changes implemented since commissioning.
8.10 Management should be satisfied that the contractor
8.2 Schedules of routine maintenance activities, responsible for the regular maintenance of the
suggested spares lists, and operational information engineering services employs staff who:
should be readily available. This could be achieved
by the use of computer-based systems to maintain a. understand the extent and nature of the
plant databases, maintenance requirements and healthcare to which the service relates;
records. b. are competent to do the work and have had the
8.3 Monitoring of data from the critical engineering necessary training;
services enables faults to be rectified at an early c. have a knowledge of the installed system;
d. maintain a current awareness of the
8.4 The actual frequency of any particular maintenance manufacturers equipment, including computer
activity and the need for planned preventive hardware and software;
maintenance of the critical engineering services
should be determined and continually assessed e. have access to modern diagnostic equipment;
throughout its operation. This is to avoid f. have good technical support;
unnecessary routine maintenance while ensuring
the services remain safe and available. g. are supported by an adequate supply of spares;

8.5 The initial frequency of maintenance will depend 8.11 Records of service reports and attendance dates
on the manufacturers recommendations and the (both scheduled and achieved) should always be
circumstances of application. available.

8.6 Record sheets should be completed for all Maintenance policy

maintenance actions.
8.12 A maintenance policy that pursues and expects the
Maintenance contractors good upkeep of equipment by regular inspection
and overhaul is a sign of good management. An
8.7 Organisations may arrange for the appointment of appreciation of safety, at all times, by operational
a contractor to provide a maintenance service and staff should be encouraged.
emergency breakdown support should directly-
employed staff not be suitably qualified or Tools
8.13 Special tools to carry out the necessary basic level of
8.8 Initial maintenance of equipment is particularly breakdown, maintenance or overhaul should be
important to establish validation of warranties. held in stock.
Responsibility for this can be focused effectively by
including the first 12 months maintenance in the 8.14 Instrumentation and tools that are classified as
supply contract. If maintenance is to be provided safety tools should always be available on site, and
by the supplier/installer, it will be advantageous to their position known to those who may need to use
detail the costs in the initial tender invitations. them.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Instructions 8.22 These tests generate the contractually agreed

records of the original commissioning procedures
8.15 It is essential that practical training is given to all related to particular items of equipment or plant.
operational and maintenance staff to ensure that They must be accurate, retained and kept in a safe
work routines, operational procedures, and correct place. Reference to these documents should be
application of the safety procedures and rules are made from copies, as they represent the history of
implemented. the equipment or plant. The originals should not
8.16 Initial and, where appropriate, ongoing training be handled for reference purposes in confirming
should be given by the manufacturer to all tests or in discussion, the exception being as legal
technical staff as part of the contract requirement, documents.
and should be based on the operating and
maintenance manuals, which themselves should be Original and amended drawings
supplied as part of the contract. 8.23 As with test records, these drawings have
contractually significance, being the original
Maintenance frequency as-built form.
8.17 The frequency of maintenance will be influenced 8.24 They are legal documents showing the assembly
by several operating factors, such as information and construction of a system, and healthcare
supplied by manufacturers. This information organisations should ensure that complete and
should be used to maintain the operational accurate drawings are handed over to them on
integrity of an item of plant or equipment. completion of the work.
8.18 Planned preventive maintenance (or maintenance 8.25 These drawings, with dated amendments
at fixed intervals irrespective of a service need) made during the construction phase up to final
should be balanced against the application of acceptance, should not be amended. Where
breakdown maintenance. The best approach may subsequent changes are made, these should be
be a mix of both, depending upon local factors and entered on separate amended drawings and noted
circumstances. to indicate the date and reference as appropriate.

Maintenance planning Functional tests

8.19 Irrespective of the scale of operation, maintenance 8.26 Functional tests are a practical demonstration of
programmes are essential to ensure that all the the operation of an item of equipment or plant.
critical engineering service equipment is checked, The commissioning functional test record sheet
inspected, tested, repaired or replaced at the should be preserved for future reference. It will
appropriate time. This makes sound economic be the comparative reference for all future
sense, as it enhances the operational life span of maintenance tests throughout the life of the
the equipment and maximises the potential for its item of equipment or plant.
availability for use. 8.27 The frequency of such routine tests can depend
8.20 To ensure that an organised maintenance on the use of the equipment as represented by the
programme is carried out economically, it should running hours or operations. Experience may well
be supported by a reporting system of defect and dictate this requirement on the basis of routine and
failure. Classifications of urgency would allow for specific time-checks.
those defects requiring extensive plant isolation and
shutdown to be slotted into the overall planned Inspections prior to recommissioning
maintenance programme to minimise disruption.
8.28 Before any engineering service equipment or
plant is put back into service following a period
Original commissioning tests
of maintenance, a thorough inspection of all
8.21 It is recommended that the original tests are operational controls, protection settings, alarms
checked and/or witnessed by suitably qualified staff and indications should be carried out. This would
on behalf of the client and signed off by both client normally be the responsibility of the person
and contractor. undertaking the work, the Competent Person,
or the Authorised Person.

8 Maintenance

Planned maintenance programme 8.31 Although the manufacturer may carry out certain
inspection and maintenance procedures under the
General terms of his guarantee, these may not constitute
a full PM programme. The user or their
8.29 The planned maintenance programme should be
representative should therefore ensure that the
designed according to the following principles: complete PM programme is carried out by the
where the correct functioning of important maintenance person during the guarantee period.
components is not necessarily verified by 8.32 The user or their representative should also
the periodic tests prescribed for the critical implement any reasonable instructions given by the
engineering service, those components should manufacturer during this period. Failure to carry
be regularly tested, and reference to testing out maintenance tasks and periodic tests could
them should be included in the schedules of affect safety.
maintenance tasks. This applies, for example,
to door interlocks that may only be required to 8.33 A set of procedures should be developed for each
perform their safety function when presented critical engineering service, containing full
with an abnormal condition; instructions for each maintenance task.
the maintenance programme should include, 8.34 It is important that maintenance is planned so that
at appropriate intervals, those tasks such as any plant or equipment is out of service for as little
lubrication and occasional dismantling of time as possible.
particular components (such as pumps), the 8.35 Where practicable, maintenance should be
need for which is indicated by normal industry scheduled to immediately precede any periodic
best practice, manufacturers advice and tests.
experience. Apart from those tasks, the
maintenance programme should concentrate Review of the planned maintenance programme
on verifying the condition of the critical
engineering service and its components by 8.36 The PM programme, procedures and records
means of testing and examination without should be reviewed at least once a year by the user
dismantling. Parts that are working correctly and the maintenance person in association with the
should not be disturbed unnecessarily. Authorised Person. To do this, it is necessary to
keep systematic records of all work done, so that
maintenance should be carried out under a judgement can be made in consultation with the
quality system such as BS EN ISO 9000. Spares manufacturer on what changes, if any, to the PM
fitted to critical engineering services constructed programme would be best.
under a quality system should be sourced from
the manufacturer or a similarly approved quality 8.37 The review should aim to identify:
system. a. any emerging defects;

Design of a planned maintenance programme b. any changes required to the maintenance

8.30 The planned maintenance (PM) programme
supplied by the manufacturer should be used where c. any changes to any maintenance procedure;
it is available. If no manufacturers programme can d. any additional training required by personnel
be obtained, a programme should be drawn up in concerned with maintenance;
consultation with the Authorised Person and the
maintenance person. e. whether records have been completed
satisfactorily, signed and dated.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

9 Engineering services

Management of access to engineering stage. The policy should also allocate crossover
zones, minimum separation distances and shielding
requirements in the event of it not being possible to
9.1 Healthcare organisations have the responsibility meet these requirements.
to ensure that all service installations are specified,
9.6 Before putting any engineering systems into
designed, installed, commissioned and maintained
service, the installation should be inspected, and
(including future upgrade) with consideration for
it should be verified that access is available for
services modifications and dismantling during the
commissioning, maintenance, and future
life of the building.
9.2 To satisfy these requirements, it is recommended
9.7 It should also be verified that there are adequate
that organisations:
provisions made for additional services and
a. designate a person responsible to coordinate dismantling during the life of the system.
all the engineering services to ensure that the
services do not have any adverse effects on each Development planning
other, the structure and personnel safety;
9.8 It is essential to ensure that both engineering and
b. ensure that a project file is available for all new architectural aspects are developed simultaneously
projects, alterations or extensions, regardless from project inception. This should ensure that
of the size of the project. The file should systems are safely integrated in terms of location,
contain specifications, drawings, and distribution and future developments, and that
maintenance information including access and service resilience is planned from the start.
safe disposal at the end of its useful life;
9.9 The architectural design should permit sufficient
c. ensure that adequate space is provided for space for services. Provision of extra space to allow
installation and maintenance staff and for future development is considered as best
appropriate access to services; practice.
d. adequately brief the designers on the current 9.10 Accurate and detailed drawings are essential for
and future maintenance policies; providing space requirements. However, these
e. ensure that any new work, alterations or may not be available at the early design stage.
modifications do not restrict existing access to An estimate of space requirements may have to be
plant and equipment. made on preliminary drawings in order to avoid
costly revisions.
9.3 Details of any asbestos survey must be made
available to the design team and any contractors
prior to carrying out any work.
Distribution requirements
9.11 An assessment of the distribution requirements
9.4 The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002
should be considered, taking into account
includes duties to protect those who come into
communication, area, plant and distribution. This
contact with asbestos unknowingly or accidentally.
must be related to the specific size and shape of the
The survey report should include details of any
building etc.
asbestos-containing materials, their condition and
location, and when they were last inspected. 9.12 Accommodation of vertical services will be decided
at an early design stage. The information may be in
9.5 A zoning policy allocating particular zones for
specific services should be agreed early in the design

9 Engineering services

the form of total area requirements to be divided (i) immediate access is required for plant,
later as design progresses. valves, switches and other controls
requiring frequent attention for safe
9.13 Resilience and flexibility of services distribution
operation and maintenance;
should be included at an early stage.
(ii) if enclosed, the access should be by door or
9.14 Departments that require heavily-loaded services
should be grouped together and located near to the
distribution centre if possible. This avoids large (iii) adequate clearance should be provided for
runs and therefore distribution losses. Dependent ease of working.
on the building design, it may be advantageous for
b. Intermittent access: items that require access
services to follow the main communication routes.
at intervals (for example monthly) can be
9.15 Generally, the energy centre is the first plantroom provided by means of floor traps, removable
to be installed on-site. This allows the main service panels in walls, false ceilings and so on. It is
routes to be determined. The next step would be recommended that access panels be fitted by
to determine areas required for other plantrooms means of retained quick-release mechanisms
including, for example, those at rooftop level. rather than screws and cups.
9.16 Consideration should be given to maximising the c. Renewal or modification of service:
flexibility of engineering services to allow the
(i) most, if not all, services may require
maximum possible changes in the use of hospital
modification or renewal during the useful
life of the building. Accommodation
9.17 In multi-storey buildings: should be planned for this to occur,
taking into account weight, size and
a. most flexibility is achieved by a small number of
configuration of the item. During non-
large vertical ducts with adequate provision for
emergency renewals, it may be possible to
horizontal space above ceiling level and below
remove door frames, windows, partitions
structural members;
and other non-structural items. The
b. generally, less flexibility is achieved by a large renewal or modification of minor items
number of smaller vertical ducts with ceiling does not usually create problems except
spaces for horizontal distribution as necessary; where piping or cable lengths are
c. the omission of space above ceilings produces restrictive;
the least flexible arrangement. (iii) the destruction of finishes to open up
9.18 Convenient access should be provided to all service a trench or vertical duct or existing
spaces. access could be more economic than the
provision of expensive but rarely-used
9.19 In single-storey buildings: permanent access. Costs versus savings
a. sufficient headroom should be allowed for must be considered with regard to the cost
installation and maintenance purposes; of inconvenience/disruption to functions
incurred at the time of replacement.
b. if a service trench is provided, where practicable,
removable covers should be provided over the Working in confined spaces
complete length of the trench.
9.22 A confined-space permit-to-work system should be
Access established, and personnel trained in the use of the
9.20 Access to services should be considered at every
stage of both the architectural and engineering 9.23 The system should address the following points:
design process. assessment of the task to be undertaken;
9.21 The frequency of access required should be the identification of the potential risks/hazards;
main factor considered.
a. Frequent access:

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

air quality testing, prior to entry and monitoring of compliance of the system;
continuously during access requirements;
actions in case of emergency;
provision for special tools and lighting;
working methods;
implementation of the working methods;

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

The following paragraphs give a wider explanation (iv) provide for the health, safety and welfare
of the itemised legislation listed in paragraph 3.6. of all (employees, contractors and public)
They are not a definitive summary, but are those affected by their business;
intended to explain more fully the broad content.
b. duties of employees to:
Reference should be made to the current full
documents if consideration of the legislation is (i) correctly use equipment provided;
thought appropriate. (ii) work in accordance with the organisations
1 H
 ealth and Safety at Work etc Act
(iii) be responsible for their own acts and
1974 omissions;
This is the prime piece of UK general safety
(iv) cooperate with their employer.
legislation, and gives Government ministers the
legal powers to enact regulations.
2 Factories Act 1961
All employers, including healthcare organisations,
have a general duty under the Health and Safety at The Factories Act 1961 and the Offices, Shops and
Work etc Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably Railway Premises (Hoists and Lifts) Regulations
practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their 1968 require that every power-driven lift should be
patients, employees and visitors and members of of good mechanical construction, sound material
the public who may be affected by workplace and adequate strength etc. The act refers to
activities. maintenance and thorough examination by an
Authorised Person (Lifts) every six months, and
These duties are legally enforceable, and the Health states that a report of the result of every such
& Safety Executive has successfully prosecuted examination should be prepared.
employers including health authorities and trusts
for breaches of this statute. It falls upon owners 3 T
 he NHS and Community Care Act
and occupiers of premises to ensure that there
is a management regime for the proper design,
installation and maintenance of plant, equipment Section 60 of the NHS and Community Care Act
and systems. It is important to note that failure to 1990 removed Crown immunity from the NHS
have a proper system of work and adequate control and specified health service bodies from 1 April
measures can also constitute an offence even 1991 with only a few exemptions. This act brings
though an incident has not occurred. the local authority and the Health & Safety
Executive into play and puts the NHS into a
Key requirements are:
comparable position to any other organisation.
a. duties of employer to:
(i) issue each employee with a safety policy 4 Consumer Protection Act 1987
statement; The aim of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 is
(ii) provide a safe system of work; to help to safeguard the consumer from products
that do not reach a reasonable level of safety. The
(iii) give adequate training and supervision; main areas dealt with can be described as product
liability and consumer safety.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

The Act allows injured persons to sue producers, 8 P

 rovision and Use of Work
importers and own-branders for death, personal
Equipment Regulations 1998
injury or losses on private property, and the injured
party must be able to show that on the balance of The main provisions require employers to:
probabilities, the defect in the product caused the a. ensure the safety and suitability of work
damage. equipment for the purpose for which it is
Defective products are defined as being those where provided;
the safety of the product is not such as persons b. properly maintain the equipment, irrespective
generally are entitled to expect. On the other hand, of how old it is;
a product will not be considered defective simply
because it is of poor quality or because a safer c. provide information, instruction and training
version is subsequently put on the market. on the use of equipment;
d. protect employees from dangerous parts of
5 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 machinery.
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) was
enacted in 1995 to end the discrimination that 9 M
 anual Handling Operations
people with disabilities face. It protects people with Regulations 1992
disabilities in:
The main provisions require employers to:
a. employment;
a. so far as is reasonably practicable, avoid the
b. access to goods, facilities and services; need for employees to undertake any manual
c. the management, buying or renting of land or handling involving risk of injury;
property; b. make assessments of manual handling risks, and
d. education. try to reduce the risk of injury (the assessment
should consider the task, the load, and the
individuals capability);
6 T
 he Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999 c. provide workers with information on the weight
of each load.
Employers duties include:
a. making assessments of risk to the health and 10 P
 ersonal Protective Equipment at
safety of their employees and acting upon risks Work Regulations 1992
they identify, so as to eliminate or reduce them;
The main provisions require employers to:
b. appointing competent persons to oversee
workplace health and safety; a. ensure that suitable personal protective
equipment (PPE) is provided wherever there
c. providing employees with information and are risks to health and safety that cannot be
training on occupational health and safety; adequately controlled in other ways. The PPE
d. operating a written health and safety policy. must be suitable for the risk in question, and
include protective facemasks and goggles, safety
helmets, gloves, air filters, ear defenders, overalls
7 W
 orkplace (Health, Safety and and protective footwear;
Welfare) Regulations 1992
b. provide information, training and instruction
The main provisions require employers to provide: on the use of this equipment.
a. adequate lighting, heating, ventilation and
workspace, to be kept in a clean condition; 11 H
 ealth and Safety (Display Screen
b. staff facilities: toilets, washing and refreshment; Equipment) Regulations 1992
c. safe passageways (for example preventing The main provisions apply to display screen
slipping and tripping hazards). equipment (DSE) users (defined as workers who
habitually use a computer as a significant part of
their normal work). This includes people who are

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

regular users of DSE equipment, or rely on it as a. any person is killed;

part of their job. This covers you if you use DSE
b. a member of the public is taken to hospital;
for an hour or more continuously, and/or you are
making daily use of DSE. c. a specified major injury or work-related disease
(certified by a doctor) occurs to a person at
Employers are required to:
a. make a risk assessment of workstation use by
d. any specified type of dangerous occurrence
DSE users, and reduce the risks identified;
occurs, whether or not injury results.
b. ensure DSE users take adequate breaks;
Report the following events within ten days:
c. provide regular eyesight tests;
a. if a person injured at work is absent from work
d. provide health and safety information; or unable to do their normal work for more
than three consecutive days (including non-
e. provide adjustable furniture (desk, chair etc);
work days);
f. demonstrate that they have adequate procedures
b. if a doctor notifies you that your employee
designed to reduce risks associated with DSE
suffers from a work-related disease.
Prosecution may follow for failing to notify the
12 Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 relevant authority of any of the above.
The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 require Examples of major injuries:
employers to first try to avoid the need to enter a a. fracture other than to fingers, thumbs or toes;
confined space. Where this is not possible, they
must: b. amputation;

a. carry out an assessment of the risks associated c. dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine;
with entering a confined space and draw up a d. loss of sight (temporary or permanent);
safe system of work;
e. loss of consciousness.
b. limit entry to the confined space to employees
who are competent for confined space work and Examples of dangerous occurrences:
who have received suitable training; a. failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and lifting
c. verify, prior to entry, that the atmosphere in the equipment;
confined space is safe to breathe; b. explosion, collapse or bursting of any pressure
d. provide any necessary ventilation; and vessel or associated pipework;

e. make sure that suitable rescue arrangements are c. electrical short-circuit or overload causing fire or
in place before anyone goes into the confined explosion.
space. These rescue arrangements should not
involve risks to the safety of the people intended 14 T
 he Working Time Regulations
to carry out the rescue. 1998
The regulations implement two EU Directives
13 T
 he Reporting of Injuries, Diseases on the organisation of working time and the
and Dangerous Occurrences employment of young workers (under 18 years
Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR 95) of age). The regulations cover the right to annual
leave, to have rest breaks, and they limit the length
These regulations set out the responsibilities for
of the working week. Key protections include:
employers, the self-employed or those in control of
work premises to report certain injuries, diseases a. a 48-hour maximum working week. Employers
and dangerous occurrences. have a contractual obligation not to require a
worker to work more than an average 48-hour
The following events must be reported by the
quickest possible route (normally telephone).
b. four weeks paid holiday;
If there is an accident connected with work and:

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

c. minimum daily rest periods of 11 hours, unless (iv) dilution ventilation;

shift-working arrangements have been made
(v) reducing the period of exposure;
that comply with the regulations;
(vi) providing suitable PPE.
d. 20-minute daily rest breaks after six hours
work, with young workers entitled to The COSHH Regulations relate to any substance
45minutes if more than 4 hours are worked; irrespective of its form including, gas, solid, dust,
liquid, vapour, aerosol or microorganisms.
e. a weekly rest period of 24 hours every seven
Furthermore, substances not deemed to be
detrimental to health can cause problems if not
used correctly.
15 C
 ontrol of Substances Hazardous to
Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002 16 H
 ealth and Safety (First-Aid)
The COSHH legislation puts specific Regulations 1981
responsibilities on the employer as follows:
These regulations require an employer to provide
a. they must assess the possible risks to health that adequate and appropriate equipment facilities and
may occur due to exposure to the substance first-aid to be given to their employees if they are
before it is used; injured or become ill at work.
b. they must ensure prevention or practical control The Health & Safety Executive guidance states
to exposure; there is no mandatory list of items that must be
included in a first-aid kit the contents will
c. they have a duty to ensure that the control
depend on the employers overall assessment of
measures are used, adequately maintained, and
that they are examined and tested;
The minimum requirements for first-aid for any
d. they should monitor exposure and carry out
workplace are:
health surveillance;
a. a suitably stocked first-aid kit/container;
e. they should ensure that their employees are
informed of the hazards, instructed, and that b. a person appointed to take charge of first-aid
they are given adequate training; arrangements;
f. the employer should review the risk assessment c. information for all employees on first-aid
on a regular basis. arrangements.
Too often, the first control measure that the
employer adopts is the use of PPE (personal 17 H
 ealth and Safety (Consultation
protective equipment). That is not to say that PPE with Employees) Regulations 1996
cannot be used in tandem with the other control Under these regulations all employees must now
measures, should the risk assessment find it be consulted by their employers on health and
necessary. PPE does not remove the hazard. The safety matters. Employers can consult employees
hierarchal ladder of control measures is as follows: individually or through representatives elected by
a. prevent exposure by: groups of employees in their place of work.
(i) eliminating the substance; In general, the consultation should cover such
aspects as:
(ii) substitution with a substance less
hazardous to health; a. changes at work which may substantially affect
the health and safety of people at work, such
b. control exposure by:
as changes in systems of work, procedures or
(i) total enclosure of the process, therefore equipment;
removing exposure;
b. the employers compliance with the requirement
(ii) limiting the area of contamination; to appoint competent persons to assist in
meeting health and safety legislation;
(iii) the use of LEV (local exhaust ventilation);

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

c. information resulting from risk assessments on 20 E mployers Liability (Compulsory

likely risks and dangers, measures to control or
Insurance) Regulations 1998
eliminate such dangers, and what employees
own actions should be if confronted by risk or All employers need liability insurance unless
danger; they are exempt under the Employers Liability
(Compulsory Insurance) Act. The following
d. the consequences for health and safety standards
employers are exempt:
of the introduction of new technology.
a. most public organisations including government
18 H
 ealth and Safety Information for departments and agencies, local authorities,
police authorities and nationalised industries;
Employees Regulations 1989
b. health service bodies, including NHS trusts,
These regulations require employers to provide
health authorities, primary care trusts and
their employees with certain basic information
Scottish health boards;
concerning their health, safety and welfare at work.
This information is contained in both a poster c. some other organisations which are financed
and a leaflet approved by the Health & Safety through public funds, such as passenger
Executive. Employers can comply with their duty transport executives and magistrates courts
by either displaying the poster or providing committees;
employees with a copy of the leaflet.
d. family businesses. However, this exemption
Some of the more recent changes to the poster are: does not apply to family businesses which are
incorporated as limited companies.
a. removal of references to repealed duties under
the Factories Act 1961 and the Offices, Shops Further exemptions from the need to have
and Railway Premises Act 1963; employers liability insurance are listed at
section3(1)(a) and section 3(1)(b) of the
b. reference to the main duties under some of the
Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act
more recent legislation;
1969, and Schedule 2 to the 1998 Regulations.
c. drawing attention to the duty to consult
Employers must insure against liability for injury or
employees or their representatives on health and
disease sustained by an employee in the course of
their employment. The sum to be insured is not
d. the inclusion on the poster of two further less than 5 million. The certificate of insurance
information boxes which the employer is must be displayed in an appropriate location.
encouraged to complete as appropriate in
order to personalise the information. These give 21 H
 ealth and Safety (Training for
details of the names and locations of employee,
Employment) Regulations 1990
health and safety representatives, and the
names of competent persons appointed by the These regulations extend the health and safety
employer together with their health and safety legislation to all those receiving relevant training
responsibilities. as defined by the regulations. This includes
government training schemes and students and
19 H
 ealth and Safety (Safety Signs and pupils on work experience.
Signals) Regulations 1996 These regulations extend work in the Health and
Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to include relevant
These regulations specify minimum requirements
training. Those in training will be treated as
for safety signs at work. They implement a
employees of the immediate training provider.
European Directive aimed at encouraging the
For health and safety purposes, training for
standardisation of safety signs throughout Europe.
employment means that participants in many of
Safety signs are not a substitute for other methods the governments schemes will be employees, unless
of controlling risks, such as engineering controls the training is provided by an educational
and safe systems of work. establishment as defined by the regulations.
Fire safety signs are also covered in these Recent reforms in the health service mean that
regulations. teaching institutions are now separate

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

establishments from hospitals. However, the associated with its location or condition,
trainees spend much time in the associated hospital repaired or, if necessary, removed;
on educational visits. If these visits are purely
(iii) information on the location and condition
for observation, it is unlikely they are relevant
of the material is given to anyone
training; but if the trainees help with the work of
potentially at risk.
the hospital, assisting doctors at clinics or in caring
for patients, this might be relevant training, and
the hospital, as the immediate provider, would have ELECTRICAL
duties under section 2 of the Health and Safety at
Work etc Act 1974. 24 Electricity Act 1989
The primary legislation governing the electricity
22 S afety Representatives and Safety supply industry in Great Britain is the Electricity
Committees Regulations 1977 Act 1989 and the Utilities Act 2000. The 2000
Act established the Gas and Electricity Markets
If an employer recognises a trade union and Authority the office of which is known as Ofgem,
that trade union has appointed, or is about to the principal duties of which include:
appoint, safety representatives under the Safety
Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations a. protect the interests of consumers by, wherever
1977, the employer must consult those safety possible, promoting effective competition in
representatives on matters affecting the group or generation, transmission, distribution or supply;
groups of employees they represent. Members of b. secure reasonable demand for electricity is met;
these groups of employees may include people who
are not members of that trade union. c. have regard to the interests of the disabled and
sick, the elderly, those on low incomes and
23 C
 ontrol of Asbestos at Work those in rural areas.
Regulations 2002 25 E lectricity Safety, Quality and
The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations deal Continuity Regulations 2002
with the management of risk from asbestos in non-
domestic buildings and require duty holders These regulations revoke the Electricity Supply
(landlords, lessees, owners) to: Regulations 1988 and all subsequent amendments.
The requirements are separated into broad
a. take reasonable steps to find materials in equipment categories and include:
premises likely to contain asbestos, and to check
their condition; a. protection and earthing;

b. presume that materials contain asbestos unless b. substations;

there is strong evidence to suppose they do not; c. underground cables and equipment;
c. make a written record of the location and d. overhead lines;
condition of asbestos and presumed asbestos-
containing materials, and keep the record up-to- e. generation;
date; f. supplies to installations and other networks.
d. assess the risk of the likelihood of anyone being They impose requirements regarding the
exposed to these materials; installation and use of electric lines and apparatus
e. prepare a plan to manage that risk and put it of suppliers of electricity, including provisions for
into effect to ensure that: connections with earth. These regulations are
administered by the Engineering Inspectorate of
(i) any material known or presumed to the Electricity Division of the Department of
contain asbestos is kept in a good state of Energy, and may impose requirements which are
repair; in addition to those of the Electricity at Work
(ii) any material that contains or is presumed Regulations.
to contain asbestos is, because of the risks

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

26 E lectricity at Work Regulations While not being encompassed in an Act of

Parliament, the regulations do have sufficient
recognition to make it unthinkable to install
These regulations apply to all workplaces and the electrical services that do not comply with the
electrical equipment used in them. They require regulations. Their primary purpose is to ensure that
precautions to be taken against the risk of death or all electrical installations are safe.
personal injury from the use of electricity in work
The regulations are in seven parts, supported by six
activities and commercial premises.
appendices, as follows:
They impose duties in respect of:
a. Part 1 Scope, objects and fundamental
a. systems, electrical equipment and conductors; requirements for safety;
b. competence of persons working on or near b. Part 2 Definitions;
electrical equipment.
c. Part 3 Assessment of general characteristics;
The employers and self-employed people must
d. Part 4 Protection for safety;
make sure that everything that uses or carries
electricity in the workplace is safe, that employees e. Part 5 Selection and erection of equipment;
do not interfere with or abuse anything electrical
f. Part 6 Special installations or locations
that has been supplied for their use, or bring into
particular requirements;
the workplace anything electrical that is unsafe.
g. Part 7 Inspection and testing.
Employees must be instructed to report any
damaged electrical equipment to their supervisors In addition, the 16th Edition has a number of
immediately and to not carry out any electrical publications called guides which include much
work themselves, unless competent and authorised material previously to be found in appendices.
by the employer. These guides must be considered to form part of
the regulations.
One of the most important elements of electrical
safety is the need for routine visual inspections
of electrical equipment. The visual checking of 28 E lectrical Equipment (Safety)
electrical leads to appliances, for example, should Regulations 1994
be made a part of every employees work habits. These regulations replace the Low Voltage Electrical
To achieve compliance with the regulations, Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1989 and impose
organisations need to make arrangements to make additional requirements on manufacturers. The
sure that all portable electrical appliances are safe to rules cover electrical equipment designed or
use. The items may already be high-risk, for adapted for use between 50 and 1000 volts ac
example electrical drills, or the danger may be or 75 and 1500 volts dc. Electrical equipment
increased by using them in a high-risk environment manufacturers whose equipment falls within the
such as wet conditions. These items particularly scope of the regulations must:
must be inspected by a competent person on a a. CE mark the equipment, or the packaging,
regular basis. instruction sheet, or guarantee that accompanies
It is recommended that a record of all maintenance, the equipment. Components that are themselves
including test results, is kept for each appliance. electrical equipment must also carry CE
27 B
 S 7671:2001 (IEE Wiring b. issue a Declaration of Conformity that
Regulations, 16th Edition + confirms in writing that the product complies
amendments) with the requirements of the regulations;

The IEE Wiring Regulations (now called BS 7671 c. compile technical documentation, which must
Requirements for electrical installations) are an be kept for ten years.
all-encompassing set of documents that give both
technical and practical guidance on the installation
and maintenance of electrical services.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

29 P
 lugs and Sockets etc (Safety) MECHANICAL
Regulations 1994
32 S upply of Machinery (Safety)
These regulations require domestic plugs in the UK
to be independently certificated as complying with Regulations 1992 and Supply of
BS 1363. Domestic socket-outlets, adaptors, fuse- Machinery (Safety) (Amendment)
links etc are required to meet the relevant British Regulations 1994
Standard. Additionally, the regulations require most
domestic electrical appliances to be pre-fitted with These regulations place duties on those who supply
a compliant standard plug. machinery and safety components, including
manufacturers, importers and others in the supply
chain. They set out the essential requirements
30 R
 adio Equipment and which must be met before machinery or safety
Telecommunications Terminal components may be supplied in the UK.
Equipment Regulations 2000 There are basically three steps to dealing with the
This applies to radio equipment and requirements:
telecommunications terminal equipment, ensuring
a. the responsible person should ensure that
that relevant products meet certain minimum
machinery and safety components satisfy the
essential requirements concerning health and safety,
relevant essential health and safety requirements
electromagnetic interference, and radio spectrum
of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations
and that, where appropriate, relevant
conformity assessment procedures have been
31 E lectromagnetic Compatibility carried out;
Regulations 1992 b. the responsible person must issue a
These regulations apply to almost all electrical declaration of conformity (or a declaration of
and electronic appliances, and regulate radio incorporation) which is issued with the finished
interference from electrical equipment. For the product so that it is available to the user. This
purposes of being able to test whether or not will contain various details such as the
equipment complies with the regulations, tests are manufacturers address, the machinery type and
divided into five classes: serial number, and the harmonised European or
a. radiated emissions checks to ensure that the other standards used in design;
product does not emit unwanted radio signals; c. when the first two steps have been satisfactorily
b. conducted emissions checks to ensure the completed, the responsible person or person
product does not send out unwanted signals supplying or assembling the final product
along its supply connections and connections to should affix the CE marking if they are satisfied
any other apparatus; it is safe.

c. radiated susceptibility checks that the product 33 L ifting Operations and Lifting
can withstand a typical level of electromagnetic
Equipment Regulations 1998
d. conducted susceptibility checks that the
product can withstand a typical level of noise In general, these regulations require that any lifting
on the power and other connections; equipment used at work for lifting or lowering
loads is:
e. electrostatic discharge checks that the product
is immune to a reasonable amount of static a. strong and stable enough for particular use and
electricity. marked to indicate safe working loads;
b. positioned and installed to minimise any risks;
c. used safely: that is, the work is planned,
organised and performed by competent people;

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

d. subject to ongoing thorough examination and, 37 Noise at Work Regulations 1989

where appropriate, inspection by competent
people. These regulations impose a duty on employers to
reduce risk of damage to hearing of employees from
exposure to noise. They require employers to assess
34 G
 as Appliances (Safety) Regulations the noise to which employees may be exposed.
Usually the important factors are:
These regulations apply to domestic and
commercial gas appliances used for cooking, a. the noise level given in decibels (dBA);
heating, hot water production, refrigeration, b. exposure how long employees are exposed to
lighting or washing (with no limit on power), the noise (not only daily but over a number of
excluding appliances which have a normal years).
operating temperature above 105C. Appliances for
use in industrial processes on industrial premises If in doubt, it is important to have the noise
are specifically excluded. exposure to workers assessed by a competent
person, tell the workers of the findings, reduce
the noise as far as reasonably practicable, and
35 G
 as Safety (Installation and Use) implement ear protection measures that are
Regulations 1998 required. Routine monitoring of the situation
These regulations cover safe installation, should follow.
maintenance and use of gas systems and appliances
in domestic and commercial premises. 38 P
 ressure Systems Safety Regulations
36 Lifts Regulations 1997 These regulations revoke and replace the Pressure
These regulations apply to lifts permanently serving Systems and Transportable Gas Containers
buildings and constructions, and specified safety Regulations 1989. These regulations apply to all
components. All lifts and safety components placed plant/systems which contain a relevant fluid (steam,
on the market from 1 July 1999 in the UK, gas under pressure and liquids under pressure
including imports, will have to: which become gases upon release to the
a. be safe (in the case of a safety component, atmosphere) at a pressure greater than 0.5 bar
enable the lift in which it is installed to be safe); above atmospheric. Certain small vessels, where the
combination of the internal volume and pressure of
b. meet the relevant essential health and safety the vessel is less than 250bar litres, are exempt
requirements in their design, construction and from some parts of the regulations.
The regulations require users to:
c. satisfy the appropriate conformity assessment
procedure set out in the regulations; a. establish the safe operating limits of the plant;

d. carry CE marking; b. have a suitable written scheme drawn up or

certified by a competent person for the
e. be accompanied by an EU declaration of examination at appropriate intervals of:
(i) most pressure vessels,
Additional duties include:
(ii) all safety devices,
a. liaise between installers of lifts and those
responsible for work on the building or (iii) any pipework which is potentially
construction; dangerous;

b. keep lift shafts free of extraneous piping, wiring c. arrange to have examinations carried out by a
and other fittings; competent person at the intervals set out in the
c. keep the supply of relevant information to those
who are entitled to it. d. provide adequate operating instructions
(including emergency instructions) to any
person operating it (for example operating

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

manual supplemented by on-the-job training The health and safety requirements identified at the
and supervision for new staff ); design and planning stage must be set down in a
safety plan. This must be further developed during
e. ensure the pressure system is maintained in
the construction phase. When the project is
good repair;
complete, a safety file must be provided which
f. keep adequate records of the most recent contains the detailed information about the
examination and any manufacturers records structure and equipment within it, so the end-user
supplied with the new plant; can manage health and safety properly during
g. distinguish between installed or mobile systems subsequent use, construction and maintenance
and whether owner or user is responsible. activity.
The regulations apply to construction work on
39 T
 he Pressure Equipment structures, but both the definitions are extremely
Regulations 1999 broad:

These regulations apply to the design and a. Construction. These include alteration,
construction aspects of pressure equipment installation, commissioning, assembly,
intended to contain a gas or liquid at 0.5 bar gauge conversion, repair, renovation, maintenance,
or above. Assemblies of such equipment (that is, a demolition, exploration etc. It should be noted
pressure system) are also covered. particularly that the term can apply to work on
mechanical, electrical and telecommunications
installations fixed within or to a structure.
40 S imple Pressure Vessels (Safety)
Regulations 1991 b. Structure. These include any building, railway,
shaft, bridge, pipe, sewer, gasholder, road, cable,
The legislation harmonises national laws of pylon etc.
member states across the European Union
regarding the design, manufacture and initial The regulations apply if more than four persons
conformity of simple pressure vessels which are will be involved in the construction work at any
intended to contain air or nitrogen at a gauge one time. The project requires notification to the
pressure between 0.5 and 30 bar gauge. Health & Safety Executive if it will exceed 30 days
or involve more than 500 person-days of work.
Simple pressure vessels cannot be placed on
the European market unless they meet the One of the requirements of the legislation is a
requirements of this legislation. safety plan. This is a statement of the arrangements
made in order to achieve satisfactory standards of
Before being placed on the market, vessels must health and safety during construction. It should be
bear the CE conformity marking. prepared at the pre-tender stage and be part of the
The vessel or data plate must bear, in addition to documentation used in the tender process which
the CE marking, at least one of the seven additional results in the selection of the Principal Contractor.
inscriptions described in the regulations. The purpose is to identify known hazards
associated with the project and to invite prospective
41 T
 he Construction (Design and contractors to say what arrangements they will
make to deal with them.
Management) Regulations 1994
Another requirement of the legislation is to have
These regulations are intended to improve
a health and safety file. This file is a record of
management of safety during construction work.
information for the end-user, focusing on health
They establish high standards in the management
and safety. It should identify significant health and
and control of construction activity from concept
safety risks associated with the structure and the
to commissioning, rather than imposing detailed
equipment it contains. It should contain as built
engineering requirements. In particular, they
drawings and plans.
emphasise the need to take account of health and
safety aspects during initial planning to ensure that The legislation imposes a duty on various
these considerations are built into the scheme. participants, including:
a. client;

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

b. planning supervisor; Building Regulations have three purposes:

c. designer; a. to ensure the health and safety of people in and
around buildings;
d. principal contractor.
b. the conservation of energy;
Several or all of these roles can be performed by the
same person and can be performed in-house. The c. access and facilities for people with disabilities.
essential fact is that each of the roles must be
The Approved Documents that run from A to N
performed by competent persons.
reproduce the legal requirements and give practical
and technical guidance on how to meet them.
42 C
 onstruction (Health, Safety and
Part A Structural safety
Welfare) Regulations 1996
Part B Fire safety
These regulations consolidate, modernise and
simplify three sets of regulations. Part C Site preparation and damp proofing
Most of the duties are already found in existing Part D Toxic substances
regulations, but they have been updated and
Part E Soundproofing
adapted to take account of modern working
practices. Examples of the duties covered are: Part F Ventilation
a. requirements to ensure a safe place of work and Part G Hygiene
safe means of access to and from a place of Part H Drainage and waste disposal
Part J Heating appliances
b. preventing people falling from a height;
Part K Stairs, ramps and guards
c. preventing accidental collapse of new or existing
structures; Part L Conservation of fuel and power
d. preventing accidental collapse of the ground Part M Access and facilities for people with
both in and above excavations; disabilities
e. identifying and preventing risk from Part N Glazing materials and protection.
underground cables and other services;
Part A Structural safety
f. training for work which could cause injury.
The weight of the building from the walls,
The new provisions applying to construction sites furniture and people in the building will be
are: transmitted to the ground, so as not to cause
a. providing safe traffic routes; instability to the building or other buildings.
b. preventing and controlling emergencies such as Requires buildings to be built in a way ensuring
fire and explosion. that no collapse will occur disproportionate to
its cause.
43 Building Regulations 2000 Ground movement such as freezing of subsoil
Building Regulations are legal requirements will not impair the stability of the building.
aimed at achieving adequate standards for the
construction of domestic, commercial and Part B Fire safety
industrial buildings. They are laid down by Requires safe means of escape from the
Parliament and are supported by separate building.
documents containing practical and technical
Requires the stability of a building to be
guidance on compliance, which are known as
maintained in a fire, both internally and
Approved Documents. These are produced in
different parts.
Internally the wall lining and ceiling will resist
the spread of flames and give off reasonable
levels of heat, if on fire.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Internal stability will be maintained during fire, A house must have either a bath or shower with
and fire spread will be prohibited. ability to heat hot water.
Fire and smoke will be prohibited from Unvented hot water storage systems
spreading to concealed spaces in a buildings restrictions apply to who can install the system.
Part H Drainage and waste disposal
Externally the external walls and roof will
resist spread of fire to walls and roofs of other An adequate system to carry water used for
buildings. cooking, washing, toilet, bath or shower to a
sewer cesspool or settlement tank must be in
The building will be easily accessible for fire-
fighters and their equipment.
A cesspool or settlement tank must be
Part C Site preparation and damp proofing impermeable to liquids and have adequate
ventilation. It must also have means of access
Nothing should be growing on the ground
for emptying, not harm the health of any
covered by the building.
person, and not contaminate water or water
Precautions must be taken to stop gases and supply.
dangerous substances from previous land use
An adequate system to carry rainwater away
from entering the building and endangering the
from the roof of a building (for example
health and safety of occupants.
guttering carrying water to a sewer).
Subsoil drainage will be in place, if needed,
A place to put a wheeled bin or dustbin. The
to stop the passage of ground moisture to the
place must not harm anyones health.
interior of the building and to prevent damage
to the fabric of the building.
Part J Heating appliances
The walls, floors and roof of the building shall
Must have an adequate air supply for
prevent moisture passing to the inside of the
combustion and for efficient working of a
fluepipe or chimney.
Part D Toxic substances Appliances shall discharge the products of
combustion to the outside.
Insulating materials inserted into cavity walls
can give off fumes. Measures must be taken to The appliance, fireplace and chimney shall
prevent these fumes reaching occupants of the reduce the risk of the building catching fire.
Part K Stairs, ramps and guards
Part E Soundproofing
Stairs, ramps and ladders shall provide safety for
Floors and walls between domestic buildings people when moving between different levels of
should have a certain resistance to the passage of a building.
Stairs, ramps, floors and balconies shall be
Sound insulation requirements also apply to adequately guarded.
floors and certain walls within individual
Safety shall be provided for people using vehicle
dwellings and new schools.
ramps and loading bays.
Part F Ventilation
Part L Conservation of fuel and power
The building must have adequate ventilation
Provision must be made for the conservation of
and provision to prevent condensation
fuel and power in a building.
occurring in the roof structure.
The fabric of the building must limit heat loss.
Part G Hygiene
Controls to operate the heating of the building
Adequate sanitation facilities. and heating of water.

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

Limit heat loss from hot water tanks and hot is through the local authority. Regulations also
water pipes. place a duty of care on all those involved in the
management of waste, be it collecting, disposing
Lighting systems in buildings should use no
or treating controlled waste which is subject to
more energy than needed and have adequate

Part M Access and facilities for people with 45 C

 ontrol of Pollution (Amendment)
disabilities Act 1989
People with disabilities means people who This act covers the registration of waste carriers and
have an impairment which limits their ability to controls fly-tipping. Waste carriers are obliged to
walk or which requires them to use a wheelchair register with the Environment Agency.
for mobility, or who have impaired hearing or
sight. 46 W
 aste Management Licensing
Reasonable adjustments shall be made for Regulations 1994 (as amended)
people with disabilities at entrances to and These regulations sit under the 1990
within new dwellings and buildings. Environmental Protection Act. They make it
An existing building should have reasonable an offence to treat, keep or dispose of controlled
provision for people with disabilities to gain waste except under and in accordance with a waste
access and use the building. management licence. Certain activities are exempt
from the requirement for licensing, but these
If toilets are provided, reasonable provision shall
exemptions require to be registered with the waste
be made available for people with disabilities.
regulation authority (the Environment Agency).
If a building has seating such as audience or
The Waste Management Licensing (Amendment)
spectator seating, reasonable provision should be
Regulations 1995 and the Waste Management
made for people with disabilities.
Licensing (Amendment No 2) Regulations 1995
provide exemptions for carrying out certain
Part N Glazing materials and protection
activities relating to scrap metal and waste motor
Glazing that people come into contact with vehicles, and other transitional exemptions.
while in a building should, if broken, break in
The Waste Management Regulations 1996 relate to
a way unlikely to cause injury, should resist
transitional provisions for certificates of technical
impact without breaking, or should be shielded
competence in the management of waste treatment
or protected from impact.
plants and also add exemptions relating to the
Buildings, other than dwellings that have storage of certain materials.
transparent glazing which people encounter
while moving around a building, must have 47 E nvironmental Protection (Duty of
features to make it apparent. Windows that
Care) Regulations 1991
can be opened must be operated safely and
provision made for safe, accessible cleaning. These regulations impose requirements on those
who import, produce, carry, keep, treat or dispose
ENVIRONMENT of controlled waste, or act as a broker, and as such
have a duty of care under the Environmental
44 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Protection Act 1990. The regulations require that
the transferor and the transferee of the waste should
To prevent the pollution from emissions to air, land complete and sign a transfer note as the waste is
or water from scheduled processes, the concept of transferred, and make and retain copies. The
integrated pollution control has been introduced. transfer note must identify and describe the waste
Authorisation to operate the relevant processes in question and state its quantity, how it is stored,
must be obtained from the enforcing authority the time and place of transfer, and the name and
which, for the more heavily polluting industries, is address of the transferor and the transferee. Breach
HM Inspectorate of Pollution. Control of pollution of the duty of care or of these regulations is a
to air from the less heavily polluting processes criminal offence.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

48 C
 ontrolled Waste (Registration of the classification and coding of waste or
hazardous waste. The different types of waste in
Carriers and Seizure of Vehicles)
the List of Wastes regulations are fully defined
Regulations 1991 by the six-digit code for the waste and the
These regulations cover the registrations required respective two-digit and four-digit chapter
for certain waste carriers, brokers and dealers by headings.
the local environmental regulator. These controls,
together with the Duty of Care, are designed to 50 P
 ollution, Prevention and Control
prevent fly-tipping (illegal waste disposal). (England and Wales) Regulations
Organisations or individuals that want to transport,
deal in and/or arrange the disposal or recovery of
controlled waste, whether in liquid or solid form, These regulations apply to installations or mobile
are required to register with their environmental plant that complies with set criteria or limits, for
regulator. The carriage of an organisations own the purpose of achieving a high level of protection
wastes does not usually require registration, unless of the environment taken as a whole by, in
it is construction or demolition waste. Waste particular, preventing or, where that is not
carriers who operate in England must register with practicable, reducing emissions into the air, water
the Environment Agency. and land. This will require that some businesses
need a permit from the Environment Agency
49a H
 azardous Waste (England and before they can operate. Such situations in
healthcare may include provision of an energy
Wales) Regulations 2005
centre or the operation of an on-site incinerator.
The Hazardous Waste Regulations and associated
List of Wastes Regulations (below) replaced the 51 Clean Air Act 1993
Special Waste Regulations. The regulations define
and regulate the movement of hazardous waste in This Act deals with the emission of smoke from
England and Wales from the point of production to agriculture, industrial burning, industrial furnaces,
the point of disposal or recovery. These regulations, railway engines and ships. The best practicable
among other things, require producers of hazardous means must be used to reduce emissions, and
waste to notify (register with) the environmental furnaces are required to be fitted with plant for
regulatory authority (Environment Agency for arresting grit and dust.
England and Wales) and to provide unique codes Chimney heights are also specified.
to be applied to the consignment notes which
accompany waste when transported. The act is enforced by local authorities, who can
prosecute organisations or their employees.
See HTM 07-01 Safe management of healthcare
waste. The Act also specifies maximum concentrations of
lead and sulphur in motor fuel.
49b L ist of Wastes (England)
52 E nvironmental Protection
Regulations 2005
(Prescribed Processes) Regulations
The List of Wastes Regulations, combined with the 1991
Hazardous Waste Regulations (above), implement
the requirements of the Hazardous Waste Directive This legislation defines the substances that must
and the European Waste Catalogue Codes. be controlled when released to a particular
environmental medium.
The List of Wastes effects the regulation of waste
and hazardous waste and in particular for the
purposes of:
53 T
 rade Effluent (Prescribed Processes
and Substances) Regulation 1989
the determination of whether a material or
substance is a waste or a hazardous waste, as the These regulations prescribe the substances and
case may be; processes which are treated as special category
effluent. Stringent controls apply to such effluents.

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

Prescribed processes include those processes 58 L andfill Tax Regulations 1996 and
discharging chlorinated effluents.
Landfill Tax (Qualifying Material)
54 Controlled Waste Regulations 1992 Order 1996
These regulations apply to all waste going to
These regulations cover the wastes which are to be
landfill. Tax is chargeable by weight on all types of
treated as controlled waste under the categories of
waste. Two rates are applied: inert wastes are those
household, industrial and commercial wastes.
which do not give off methane or other gases and
Most wastes from industry and commerce are do not have the potential to pollute underground
controlled wastes one notable exception being water.
radioactive waste.
Lists of wastes are found in Annex A of the Landfill
Tax (Qualifying Material) Order 1996. Those liable
55 Environment Act 1995 for tax are the licence holders for the landfill site.
The Environment Act 1995 creates a system
whereby local authorities must identify, and 59 C
 hemicals (Hazard Information and
if necessary arrange for the remediation of, Packaging for Supply) Regulations
contaminated sites in their areas.
Each local authority must inspect its area from time
These regulations describe the requirements for the
to time in order to identify contaminated land, and
labelling of substances to indicate risks to health,
must keep a register of such land.
safety and the environment. Preparations classified
as dangerous for the environment should be
56 P
 ackaging (Essential Requirements) assigned the symbol N. Some substances that pose
Regulations 2003 no particular human health and safety problem
These regulations implement Directive 94/62/EC nevertheless require to be labelled dangerous for the
on packaging and packaging waste, which relates environment.
to the essential requirements to be satisfied by
packaging. The regulations apply to all packaging 60 T
 own and Country Planning Act
placed on the market in the UK, and are enforced 1990
by trading standards officers of local authorities.
This Act requires a local authority to assess the
The regulations place a responsibility on any environmental effects of certain development
company that introduces packaging onto the projects, and to consult the Environment Agency
marketplace to ensure that it is minimal, safe, and before granting planning permission.
is either reusable, or recoverable, or recyclable.
61 Control of Pollution Act 1974
57 C
 ontrol of Pollution (Oil Storage) The Control of Pollution Act 1974 (CPA) gives
(England) Regulations 2001 powers to local authorities to set noise criteria
These regulations require persons having custody or within the local environment. The local authority
control of oil, or who store oil, to carry out certain therefore has the power to serve notices on those
works and take precautions and other steps for responsible for causing noise amounting to a
preventing pollution of any controlled waters. It nuisance.
is a criminal offence to fail to comply with these
regulations, but the regulations do not apply to 62 P
 roducer Responsibility Obligations
premises where less than 200 litres is stored, nor (Packaging Waste) Regulations
to private dwellings where less than 3500 litres
is stored, nor to farms if the oil is for use in
connection with agriculture. A company involved in the production and sale of
packaging or packaging materials has an obligation
as a producer under the regulations where
thresholds are exceeded. A producer can be a
manufacturer, converter, packer/filler, seller or

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

importer of packaging or packaging material. The 66 Water Resources Act 1991

obligations can be discharged individually or by
joining a registered scheme. The Water Resources Act 1991 controls discharges
to inland waters. Under section 85 of the Act, it is
an offence to cause or knowingly permit, without
63 W
 aste Electrical and Electronic consent from the Environment Agency, any
Equipment Directive 2002 poisonous, noxious or polluting matter to enter
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment controlled waters (surface and ground waters).
(WEEE) Directive was agreed in 2003, together
with the related Directive on Restrictions on the 67 W
 ater Supply (Water Fittings)
use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and Regulations 1999
electronic equipment (RoHS).
The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations
The WEEE Directive applies to a huge range 1999 replaced local water byelaws in England and
of products. It aims to minimise the impact Wales. They were made under section 74 of the
of electrical and electronic equipment on the Water Industry Act to prevent the waste, misuse,
environment during their lifetimes and when they undue consumption, contamination or erroneous
become waste. It focuses on collecting, treating, measurement of drinking water. The regulations
recycling and recovering waste electrical and set requirements for the design, installation and
electronic equipment. maintenance of plumbing systems and water
From July 2006, the RoHS Directive will ban the fittings. They are enforced by water companies
placing on the EU market of new electrical and in their respective areas of supply.
electronic equipment containing more than
agreed levels of certain prescribed substances. 68 C
 ontrol of Lead at Work
Manufacturers will need to make sure that their Regulations 2002
products and their components comply in order to
be able to offer their products for sale. The primary aim of the Control of Lead at Work
Regulations 1998 is to control risks to health
caused by exposure to lead (in the form of lead dust
64 Water Industry Act 1991 or fumes or lead alloys) where that lead is liable to
This legislation controls discharge to sewers. A be inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin.
consent is required from the sewerage undertaker to
dispose of trade effluent to the sewer. The sewerage 69 C
 ontrol of Pesticides Regulations
undertaker will place relevant conditions on the 1986
The Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 and
65 W
 ater Supply (Water Quality) the Control of Pesticides (Amendment) Regulations
1997 regulate the sale of pesticides. The regulations
Regulations 2001 are supported by an approved code of practice that
These regulations supplement parts of the Water includes guidelines for the safe storage of pesticides
Industry Act 1991 and revoke and replace the and details of training and certification
Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 1989. requirements.
They are primarily concerned with the quality of
The sale or supply of pesticides must be under
water supplied by water undertakers for drinking,
the control of someone that holds a nominated
washing, food preparation and food production,
storekeeper certificate from the British
and for the publication of information about water
Agrochemical Standards Inspection Scheme,
quality. The regulations contain information
which also maintains a register of suppliers.
on prescribed concentrations and values of
microbiological and chemical parameters, indicator
parameters, parameters in circumstances for check 70 N
 oise & Statutory Nuisance Act
monitoring, annual sampling frequencies, and 1993
analytical methodology. The Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 is not
directly relevant to healthcare premises, but will be
to associated activities. It covers nuisances arising

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

from vehicle and building alarms, loudspeakers and a. package design should be such that the risk
other noise in public areas. of any radioactive contamination or external
radiation hazard should be kept to a minimum;
RADIATION b. all shipments should be traceable to the sender;

71 Ionising Radiations Regulations c. good quality assurance should produce public

1999 (IRR99)
These regulations place duties and responsibilities 75 M
 edicines (Administration
for radiation safety and the setting up of local of Radioactive Substances)
rules and procedures. They identify the role of a
radiation protection adviser (RPA) and a radiation
Regulations 1978
protection supervisor (RPS). They classify different These regulations relate to nuclear medicine.
types of personnel and restricts the exposure Certificate holders are only authorised to
through design and safe systems of work. They administer these medicines. They cover nuclear
specify various dose limits, equipment, notification medicine scanning, nuclear medicine therapy, some
of incidents, and routine inspection and testing of pathology tests and brachytherapy.
72 Radioactive Substances Act 1993
This Act consolidates earlier legislation including 76 R
 egulatory Reform (Fire Safety)
the Radioactive Substances Act 1960. It requires Order 2005
those keeping and using radioactive materials to This order applies to England and Wales. It replaces
register with the Environment Agency, and those most fire safety legislation with a simple order. Any
disposing of radioactive wastes or accumulating person with some level of control in premises must
them for subsequent disposal to be authorised. take reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire
and make sure people can escape safely if there is a
73 Ionising Radiation (Medical fire.
Exposure) Regulations 2000 The order applies to virtually all premises and
These regulations revoke the 1988 version and are covers nearly every type of building (including
concerned with exposure of patients and research hospitals, primary care premises, care homes etc),
activities. They lay down basic measures for the structure and open space. It does not apply to
health and protection of individuals against dangers peoples private homes, including individual flats in
of ionising radiation in relation to medical a block or house. The main duties of the order are
exposure. to:
The regulations impose duties on those responsible a. carry out and document a fire risk assessment,
for administering radiation to protect persons identifying any possible dangers and risks;
undergoing medical exposure, whether as part
b. consider who may be especially at risk;
of their own medical diagnosis or treatment or as
part of occupational health surveillance, health c. eliminate or reduce the risk from fire as far as
screening, voluntary participation in research or is reasonably possible and provide general fire
medico-legal procedures. precautions to deal with any possible risk
74 R
 adioactive Materials (Road d. take other measures to make sure there is
Transport) Regulations 2002 protection if flammable or explosive materials
are used or stored;
These regulations detail the requirements of
transporting radioactive substances. The regulations e. create a plan to deal with any emergency, and
are concerned with the following: keep a record of your findings;

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

f. review your findings when necessary, that is, The following items are exempt:
whenever the fire risk situation changes or at
a. bed linen (including duvets and pillowcases);
least annually.
b. loose covers for mattresses;
Under the order, anyone who has control of
premises or anyone who has a degree of control c. curtains;
over certain areas or systems may be a responsible d. carpets.
person. For example, it could be:
the employer, for those parts of premises staff 78 D
 angerous Substances and
may go to; Explosive Atmospheres Regulations
the managing agent or owner, for shared parts (DSEAR) 2002
of premises or shared fire safety equipment such
These regulations set minimum standards for the
as fire-warning systems or sprinklers;
protection of workers and others from the risk of
the occupier, such as self-employed people or fire or explosions related to dangerous substances.
voluntary organisations, if they have any Petrol and LPG are amongst those substances
control; deemed to be dangerous.
any other person who has some control over a The regulations require that risks arising from those
part of the premises. dangerous substances are comprehensively risk-
Although in many premises the responsible person assessed and recorded.
will be obvious, there may be times when a number
of people have some degree of responsibility. FOOD

77 F urniture and Furnishings (Fire) 79 Food Safety Act 1990

(Safety) Regulations 1988 The Food Safety Act 1990 aims to protect
consumers by preventing illness from the
This legislation relates to the supply of furniture
consumption of food and by preventing them from
and furnishings. It is intended to ensure that
being misled as to the nature of the food they are
furniture and furnishings are fire-resistant and will
purchasing. The Act has similarities to the Health
not produce harmful, noxious smoke in the event
and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, which deals with
of a fire.
the concept of hazards and risk.
All furniture or furnishings supplied must be
marked with a label to show that they comply with 80 F ood Safety (General Food Hygiene)
the regulations. Any furniture manufactured in the
Regulations 1995
UK since March 1989 must comply. The following
items are covered by the regulations: These regulations cover:
a. furniture for private use in a dwelling, including a. general requirements for food businesses, for
childrens furniture; example cleanliness, structural requirements,
facilities such as water supply, ventilation,
b. sofas and chairs;
drainage etc;
c. beds, headboards and mattresses;
b. further requirements such as personal hygiene
d. sofa-beds and futons; and staff training;
e. nursery furniture; c. obligations on proprietors, that is, a risk
f. garden furniture which is also suitable for use
81 F ood Safety (Temperature Control)
g. scatter cushions and seat pads;
Regulations 1995
h. pillows;
These regulations cover all types of food businesses,
j. loose and stretch covers for furniture. ranging from a mobile food caterer to a 500-

Appendix 1 Summary of key legislation

bedroom hotel. This includes food that is sold PUBLIC HEALTH

publicly or privately, for profit or fund-raising.
There are a number of stages in the food 82 P
 ublic Health (Infectious Diseases)
production chain which are subject to the Regulations 1988
The Public Health (Infectious Diseases)
a. preparation; Regulations 1988 require that a properly appointed
b. handling; officer shall inform the Chief Medical Officer for
England or for Wales, as the case may be, of any
c. processing; serious outbreak of any disease which to his
d. packaging; knowledge has occurred in his district.

e. manufacturing;
83 Medicines Act 1961
f. storage;
Medical gases are classified as medicinal products
g. transporting; under the Medicines Act and are therefore subject
to the same procurement and quality procedures as
h. selling;
all other medicinal products.
j. distribution;
k. supplying.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Appendix 2 Exemplar procedures

Introduction 3 These procedures cover:

1 The following procedures have been prepared by electricity supply failure;
trust EFM personnel to meet the needs of their water contamination;
own organisations.
piped medical gas failure.
2 They are not intended to be appropriate or
definitive for all sites, but they give an idea of 4 Further procedures will be required within a
the types of format which may be used, and the healthcare organisation, and a regular review is
different levels of technical content which may be important to ensure that directives, staff and
appropriate on different sites. equipment remain current.

Procedure for electricity supply failure

Operational procedure reference no: ..
Hospital location: ..
Healthcare description (A&E, CCU, Ward 6 etc): ..

Key areas of equipment likely to be

Lighting, medical equipment, fixed and/or mobile computers and associated equipment, other non-medical
equipment (catering, waste disposal etc), communication systems (telephones, nurse call etc), heating and

Risk assessment
This procedure is linked to the overall hospital site procedure for failure of electricity supply and departmental
risk assessment register. This document should be reviewed on a regular basis and especially if any alterations to
equipment function, staff and responsibility take place.

This emergency procedure is intended to highlight the key issues that may arise at departmental level in the event
of electrical power failure. It is appreciated that this may be the result of a full site power failure, but it may also
be the result of a local failure for which notification will be necessary. The main aim is to provide a structured
approach to the safety of patients and staff and to minimise the risk associated with an electrical failure.

Identification of failure
This may be indicated by the failure of key observable elements, for example lighting and computer displays.but
may also be indicated by alarm signals from monitored supply panels on medical equipment, services and

Appendix 2 Exemplar procedures

Major supply failure

In the event of an obvious full electrical failure, do not wait for the restoration of supplies by generator, but
immediately take action.
Staff should safely complete or suspend any procedure being undertaken and prioritise their attention on the
most critical equipment and/or patients. Local standby supplies and equipment-based systems should be checked.
Where necessary, manual intervention should be started to ensure the safety of patients.
When supply is restored by generator, staff should ensure that all essential equipment is functioning correctly
and, where necessary, transfer equipment or patients onto essential supplies.
On restoration of the normal supply, staff should check that all systems and equipment have reset to normal.

Continued supply failure

If full supply loss should continue for several minutes, immediately contact the hospital duty manager via the
switchboard. The switchboard will also contact the duty engineer for attention.
Within the department, prioritise duties to ensure safety of patients and take preventative measures, where
possible, to minimise the workload.
In the event that it is identified as a local failure, contact the duty manager to gain further staff support from
other adjacent unaffected areas, or arrange to move the most critical patients to other departments.

Partial supply failure

If only part of the departments electrical systems fail, it is unlikely that standby systems will restore supplies
in the immediate term. First, minimise the risk to patients and identify the extent of the failure. Contact the
switchboard, who will alert the duty engineer and duty manager. Continue to monitor the situation and move
critical equipment and/or patients to fully supported areas where possible.

Awareness and training

Electrical supply failure is one of the most wide-ranging impacts on the normal running of a department. It is
likely that staff will be engaged in the regular testing of the standby systems, but further local awareness should
be engaged to ensure that all staff are aware of the departmental issues and the effects of a longer-term and full
failure. Where possible, this should be carried out at the workplace, but with minimum impact on patients.
Senior managers should liaise with the estates engineer to arrange simulation and practical support.
Emergency procedures should be an essential part of new staff induction to the department to ensure all local
issues are fully understood.

Review procedure
From incident experience and training evaluation, this procedure and any supporting information should be
reviewed and amended as necessary to ensure the document remains up-to-date and definitive for the
This document was first issued on: .. (Date)
Amendments: ... (Brief details and date)
Plan approved and accepted by:
Senior manager
Head of department: .

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Procedure for water contamination

Operational procedure reference no: .........................................................
Other relevant procedures: Engineering scheme to provide piped fresh water supplies

The following procedure is designed to instruct and advise on the operational requirements for dealing with
contamination of the water supply. It is not considered a definitive guide as the particular circumstances of the
incident will ultimately determine the course of action taken. It will attempt to highlight the responsibilities of
estates staff, clinical staff and on-call administrators.

Water may become contaminated in a number of ways, including:
contamination of the incoming water supply to the hospital site;
contamination due to substances inadvertently or maliciously added to the water storage systems;
contamination caused by the corrosion or decay of materials in contact with the water supply, for example
rusting metal and dead animals;
cross-contamination of water supply due to the effect of a process carried out on site by staff or contractors
where the safety devices are inadequate or non-existent, for example cross-contamination due to siphonage
from drains and stagnant water;
misoperation/failure of water treatment plant;
migration between domestic hot and cold water services.

The possible effects of contamination are varied, and will depend on the severity and degree of the
contamination. However, further investigation should be carried out if:
staff complain about the taste of the drinking water;
the water is discoloured;
the water has a distinctive smell (this could be the result of chemicals (for example chlorine), acid, sewage or
decaying matter);
the water appears normal but people using it have become sick.

Investigation and response

The size of the affected area must first be ascertained. This will give some indication of the extent of the problem
and may help to identify the source of the contamination.
The following actions may or may not require to be taken, depending on whether part of or the whole water
system has been contaminated:
inform the senior staff of affected departments to cease using the water;
contact the local water authority. The contamination may have originated from the main water incoming
supplies; there is likely to be an obligation not to contaminate the public water network;
take samples as necessary to determine the nature of the contamination;
once the extent has been determined, an assessment should be undertaken as to the nature of the
contamination. The use of microbiology staff is recommended;

Appendix 2 Exemplar procedures

isolate the affected area from the main supply to prevent further contamination;
take samples at various points within the affected area(s) for future analysis;
contact on-call or emergency administrative staff and advise them to arrange a supply of fresh water for areas
requiring it;
dependent on the nature of contamination, the cause may be obvious or easily located. If this is not possible,
carry out a systematic investigation of water supply systems;
if the cause of the contamination is located, isolate the contamination and carry out necessary works to resolve
the situation;
inform medical staff of the nature of the contamination and await advice on the clinical effect before restoring
the water supply to the area;
thoroughly flush all pipework (run taps, flush toilets, bidets etc) until further analysis shows no trace of
when the water quality is restored and confirmed by medical or microbiology staff, allow normal use to

Further work
Study how the contamination has occurred and carry out preventative work if possible to avoid recurrence.
Review the operational procedure for the incident and modify as necessary.
Note the date and time of the incident, action taken and by whom, for future reference.
Relevant drawing nos: ..........................................................
Additional information

Plan approved and accepted by:

Board member: .......................................................................................
Risk assessment
This document is linked to risk assessment no ..................... It should incorporate existing controls contained in
the risk assessment and should be modified if any changes to the risk assessment are made.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Procedure for piped medical gas failure

Operational procedure reference no: .........................................
Hospital location: ...........................................................
Plant or system description: .................................................
Systems in use:
Oxygen ref ................. Nitrous oxide ref .................
Nitrous oxide/oxygen ref ................. Medical air ref .................

The aim of this emergency procedure is to provide guidance and a structured approach to the management
response in the case of a major failure in supply of piped medical gases, and to safeguard patients at risk from any
such failure.

Identification of the source and nature of failure

This will normally be indicated by an alarm actuation at one of the following locations:
telephone exchange;
porters lodge;
boiler room;
main corridor;
ward 1;
ward 2;
ward 3.
On actuation of the alarm, the hospital switchboard must be contacted with a description of the alarm legend.
The switchboard operator will immediately contact the Duty Engineer or Duty Authorised Person (responsibility
allocated in the medical gas pipeline system (MGPS) operational policy) for the initial response and investigation
of the fault, and will follow switchboard procedures.
The situation will be assessed by the Duty Engineer and categorised accordingly as a minor or major failure of the

Minor failure, not life-threatening

The Duty Engineer will contact the Authorised Person to have repairs carried out in accordance with Health
Technical Memorandum 02-01, and inform the Duty Senior Manager of the cause and outcome of the situation.
Permits-to-work will be issued in accordance with Health Technical Memorandum 02-01.

Major failure of supply

If a major failure of supply has occurred, the following procedure is to be followed by the Duty Engineer, who
will carry out the initial assessment and arrange for the following personnel to be contacted:
Authorised Person Senior Manager Senior Pharmacist Senior Nurse Senior Medical Officer/Surgeon
The situation will be re-assessed by the Senior Manager and a decision taken as to whether the major incident
plan is also implemented and brought into operation, together with the procedures outlined in this document.

Appendix 2 Exemplar procedures

Damage control
The cause and result of the damage to the system should be investigated by the Duty Engineer/Authorised
Drawings and schematics should be readily available.
Steps should be taken to limit the amount of disruption, and a temporary supply should be secured by either
valving or capping of damaged areas to enable emergency supply banks to cope during repairs. Failing this,
sufficient portable cylinders should be provided at the point of use.
Following damage limitation, valve-off the damaged section where possible and ensure back-up supply banks are
Team members attendance should be confirmed. They should assemble at a predetermined location where
control will be handed from the Duty Engineer/Duty Estates Manager to the responsible Senior Manager.
The areas of responsibility for the various team members are outlined, but this list is by no means exhaustive and
should be further developed in the light of knowledge as the incident develops.

Areas of responsibility

First-line communications.
Initial coordination of response.
Assists with all communications and logs calls and responses.

Senior Manager
Coordination of all team members.
Recovery strategy and repair coordination.

Senior Pharmacist
Ordering and procurement of gases.
Purity checks on reinstatement of supply.

Senior Medical Officer, Surgeon/Senior Nurse

Clinical prioritisation of supply requirements.
Liaison with doctors and nursing staff.
Movement of patients where necessary.
Advice to other team members on clinical criteria.

Duty Engineer/Authorised Person

Initial response and coordination.
Damage limitation and securing supply.
Diagnosis and repair of failure.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Provision of temporary supplies (pipeline).

Testing and verification on reinstatement.
Recommissioning and documentation.

Designated Manager, Hotel Services

Provision of portering staff for moving and changing cylinders.
Liaison with other team members for manpower requirements.
Organisation of patient transport where needed.
Organisation of transport for support services.
Liaison with outside agencies and press.

Following return to normality, a team debriefing should be held to review the emergency procedure and update
or correct any apparent weaknesses.

Review procedure
This procedure will be reviewed following any change in personnel, equipment, materials and environment or
following any change. It will be reviewed at regular intervals not exceeding 12 months.

Training and information

All staff involved will receive adequate training and instruction to enable them to carry out these procedures with
confidence during an emergency. This training will be recorded in the log attached, and updated on a regular

Plan approved and accepted by:
Board member: .....................................................................
Risk assessment
This document is linked to risk assessment no ..................... It should incorporate existing controls contained in
the risk assessment and should be modified if any changes to the risk assessment are made.










Air pollution

Domestic hot
Clinical waste

Extreme weather

Electricity supply

Operating theatres
Laboratory failures

Piped medical gases

Define ownership of the problem?
Will patient/Public/Staff safety/care be affected?
Will evacuation be required?
Sample procedure matrix

Risk of fire outbreak, or reduced fire-fighting ability?

Consider impact on electricity supply?
Consider impact on gas supply?
Consider impact on water supply?
Consider impact on drainage?
Consider impact on other services?
Increased risk of legionella?
Consider impact on site security?
Impact on fire alarms?
Will medical gases be affected?
Is there an impact on clinical waste?
Agree responsibility boundaries
Clinical department procedures?
Control of Infection Team involvement?
Do public relations need to be addressed?
Consider Service Level Agreements with purchasers?
Involve commercial services?
Record Trust personnel contact details?
Locate supply of specialist equipment?
Locate approved subcontractors?

Appendix 2 Exemplar procedures

Record specialist contractor contact details?

Keep records of actions taken?


Sewage plant

Water supply

Water treatment
Transport incidents
Define ownership of the problem?
Will patient/Public/Staff safety/care be affected?
Will evacuation be required?
Risk of fire outbreak, or reduced fire-fighting ability?
Consider impact on electricity supply?
Consider impact on gas supply?
Consider impact on water supply?
Consider impact on drainage?
Consider impact on other services?
Increased risk of legionella?
Consider impact on site security?
Impact on fire alarms?
Will medical gases be affected?
Is there an impact on clinical waste?
Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Agree responsibility boundaries

Clinical department procedures?
Control of Infection Team involvement?
Do public relations need to be addressed?
Consider Service Level Agreements with purchasers?
Involve commercial services?
Record Trust personnel contact details?
Locate supply of specialist equipment?
Locate approved subcontractors?
Record specialist contractor contact details?
Keep records of actions taken?


Acts and Regulations Control of Pollution Act 1974. HMSO, 1974.

BS 7671:2001 (IEE Wiring Regulations, 16th Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989. HMSO,
Edition). British Standards Institution, 2001. 1989.
Building Regulations 2000. SI 2000 No 2531. HMSO, 19890014_en_1.htm
2000. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Regulations (COSHH) 2002. SI 2002 No 2677.
Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for HMSO, 2002.
Supply) Regulations 2002. SI 2002 No 1689. HMSO,
2002. Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and Seizure
of Vehicles) Regulations 1991. SI 1991 No 1624.
Civil Contingencies Act 2004. HMSO, 2004. HMSO, 1991.
Clean Air Act 1993. HMSO, 1993. 1.htm Controlled Waste Regulations 1992. SI 1992 No 588.
19930011_en_1.htm HMSO, 1992.
Confined Spaces Regulations 1997. SI 1997 No 1713.
HMSO, 1997. htm Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations Regulations (DSEAR) 2002. SI 2002 No 2776.
1994. SI 1994 No 3140. HMSO, 1994. HMSO, 2002.
htm Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA). HMSO,
Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1995.
1996. SI 1996 No 1592. HMSO, 1996. Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994.
htm SI1994 No 3260. HMSO, 1994.
Consumer Protection Act 1987. HMSO, 1987.
Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002.
SI2002 No 2675. HMSO, 2002. Electricity Act 1989. HMSO, 1989.
Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002. SI 2002
No 2676. HMSO, 2002. Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. SI 1989 No 635. HMSO, 1989.
Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. SI 1986 htm
No1510. HMSO, 1986.
Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations
Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) 2002. SI 2002 No 2665. HMSO, 2002.
Regulations 2001. SI 2001 No 2954. HMSO, 2001.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 1992. Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees)
SI1992 No 2372. HMSO, 1992. Regulations 1996. SI 1996 No 1513. HMSO, 1996.
1.htm 1.htm
Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment)
Regulations 1998. SI 1998 No 2573. HMSO, 1998. Regulations 1992. HMSO, 1992.
Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981.
Environment Act 1995. HMSO, 1995. SI1981 No 917. HMSO, 1981.
Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals)
Regulations 1996. SI 1996 No 341. HMSO, 1996.
Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations
1991. SI 1991 No 2839. HMSO, 1991. 1.htm
Health and Safety (Training For Employment)
Regulations 1990. SI 1990 No 1380. HMSO, 1990.
Environmental Protection (Prescribed Processes)
Regulations 1991. SI 1991 No 1749. HMSO, 1991. 1.htm
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. HMSO,
Environmental Protection Act 1990. HMSO, 1990.
Health and Safety Information for Employees
Regulations 1989. SI 1989 No 682. HMSO, 1989.
Factories Act 1961 (as amended). HMSO, 1961. 1.htm
Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations Highly Flammable Liquid and Liquid Petroleum Gas
1995. SI 1995 No 1763. HMSO, 1995. Regulations 1972. SI 1972 No 917. HMSO, 1972.
Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations
2000. SI 2000 No 1059. HMSO, 2000.
Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995.
SI 1995 No 2200. HMSO, 1995.
Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999. SI 1999
No3232. HMSO, 1999.
Food Safety Act 1990. HMSO, 1990.
Landfill Tax Regulations 1996. SI 1996 No 1527.
HMSO, 1996.
Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1.htm
1988. SI 1998 No 1324. HMSO, 1988.
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulations 1998. SI 1998 No 2307. HMSO, 1998.
Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1995. SI 1995
Lifts Regulations 1997. SI 1997 No 831. HMSO,
No1629. HMSO, 1995.
List of Wastes (England) Regulations 2005. SI 2005
Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.
No 895. HMSO, 2005.
SI1998 No 2451. HMSO, 1994.
Low Voltage Electrical Regulations. HMSO, 1997.
Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations
2005. SI 2005 No 894. HMSO, 2005.


Management of Health and Safety at Work Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988.
Regulations 1999. SI 1999 No 3242. HMSO, 1999. SI 1988 No 1546. HMSO, 1988.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.
SI1992 No 2793. HMSO, 1992. Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Regulations 2000. SI 2000 No 1903.
1.htm HMSO, 2000.
Medicines (Administration of Radioactive Substances)
Regulations 1978. SI 1978 No 1006. HMSO, 1978. Radioactive Materials (Road Transport) Regulations
2002. SI 2002 No 1093. HMSO, 2002.
Medicines Act 1961. HMSO, 1961.
NHS and Community Care Act 1990. HMSO, 1990.
Radioactive Substances Act 1993. HMSO, 1993.
Noise & Statutory Nuisance Act 1993. HMSO, 1993.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR 95).
SI1995 No 3163. HMSO, 1995.
Noise at Work Regulations 1989. HMSO, 1989. 1.htm
(The) Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2003. SI2005 No 1541. HMSO, 2005.
SI 2003 No 1941. HMSO, 2003.
Safety Representatives and Safety Committees
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations Regulations 1977. SI 1977 No 500. HMSO, 1977.
1992. SI 1992 No 2966. HMSO, 1992.
Simple Pressure Vessels (Safety) Regulations 1991.
SI1991 No 2749. HMSO, 1991.
Plugs and Sockets etc (Safety) Regulations 1994. 1.htm
SI1994 No 1768. HMSO, 1994.
Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992.
SI1992 No 3073. HMSO, 1992.
Pollution Prevention and Control (England and 1.htm
Wales) Regulations 2000. SI 2000 No 1973. HMSO,
Town and Country Planning Act 1990. HMSO, 1990.
Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999. SI 1999
Trade Effluent (Prescribed Processes and Substances)
No2001. HMSO, 1999.
Regulations 1989. SI 1989 No 1156. HMSO, 1989.
Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000. SI 2000 1.htm
No128. HMSO, 2000.
Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994.
SI1994 No 1056.
Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging
Waste) Regulations 2005. SI 2005 No 3468. HMSO, 1.htm
Water Industry Act 1991. HMSO, 1991.
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 19910056_en_1.htm
1998. SI 1998 No 2306. HMSO, 1998.

Policies and principles HTM 00 Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering

Water Resources Act 1991. HMSO, 1991. British Standards
19910057_en_1.htm BS EN ISO 9000:2005. Quality management systems.
Fundamentals and vocabulary. British Standards
Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. Institution, 2005.
SI1999 No 1148. HMSO, 1999. Department of Health publications
Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000. A risk-based methodology for establishing and
SI2000 No 3184. HMSO, 2000. managing backlog. The Stationery Office, 2005.
(The) NHS Emergency Planning Guidance 2005.
Working Time Regulations 1998. SI 1998 No 1833. Emergency Preparedness Division, 2005.
HMSO, 1998.
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations NHS Security Management Service
1992. SI 1992 No 3004. HMSO, 1992.
NHS Security Management Manual. NHS Security
Management Service, 2005.

European legislation
Council Directive of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical
and electronic equipment (WEEE) (2002/96/EC).
Official Journal L 37, 13.02.2003, pp 2438.


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