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Install Packages:: Cygwin

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When running OpenFOAM in Windows we recommend to

use Cygwin software to keep the workflow consistent with Linux as much
as possible. There are many other ways of using OpenFOAM for
Windows, depending on your previous experiences, preferred applications
and other circumstances. This page describes just one of those ways.
After downloaded OpenFOAM for Windows we recommend following:

Install packages:

pspad457inst_en.exe (optional)
FreeCommanderXE_setup.exe (optional)

Export system variables (recommended)

1. run OpenFOAM-2.3.x-reg.bat
2. restart your system

Install Cygwin64 (optional)

1. run cygwin64-setup.exe
2. choose Install from Internet and also all the installer default
3. choose any download site (some are faster some are slower)
4. choose following linux packages:
mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ mingw64-x86_64-zlib mc
you can also choose your favorite linux packages
5. finish the installation
6. copy OpenFOAM-2.3.x-win64-dir.tar.gz to
7. copy ThirdParty-2.3.x-win64-dir.tar.gz to
8. run Cygwin.bat and extract OpenFOAM packages typing:
9. cd /opt/OpenFOAM
10. tar -xf OpenFOAM-2.3.x-win64-dir.tar.gz
11. tar -xf ThirdParty-2.3.x-win64-dir.tar.gz

Install test & first case run (optional)

1. Cygwin.bat
2. mkdir -p /home/michael/OpenFOAM/michael-2.3.x/run
3. cd /home/michael/OpenFOAM/michael-2.3.x/run
4. cp -r /opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-
2.3.x/tutorials/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity ./
5. cd cavity/
6. blockMesh.exe
7. icoFoam.exe
8. touch .foam
9. paraview.exe .foam

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