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Barclays Report Entrepreneurship

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The psychology of entrepreneurship:

A data driven study into the motivation behind new

business creation
Introduction by Greg B. Davies PhD, Head
of Behavioural and Quantitative Finance

Entrepreneurs have an important role in supporting economic growth and

social progress through the creation of new jobs and proliferation of new skills.

And yet they remain largely misunderstood – often Academic research alone can neither create nor sustain
stereotyped in media and popular culture. the entrepreneurial ecosystem we strive towards. It will
require an unprecedented level of cooperation between
Getting smarter in how we identify and foster innovation academics, businesses, policymakers, local communities
and entrepreneurship can be crucial to driving economic and entrepreneurs themselves. Connecting these
growth and to rethinking employment in an increasingly stakeholders will help entrepreneurs gain access to the
automated world. right information, resources, guidance and support;
enabling them to go beyond the start-up phase and
There is a role to play for policymakers, local government achieve meaningful scale.
initiatives, businesses and academia in supporting the
‘entrepreneurial ecosystem’, but one factor that will unite At Barclays, we are focused on helping businesses achieve
all successful work in this area is a better understanding of their ambitions. We recognise the huge contribution that
what makes an entrepreneur. entrepreneurs make to any economy. Because of this, we
have made it a priority to understand entrepreneurs – as
That means understanding who today’s entrepreneurs are individuals and businesses – and the political and financial
and what pushes, motivates and frustrates them. It also context in which they operate. Helping entrepreneurs to
means getting to grips with what stops people from achieve their ambitions will fuel innovations, create jobs
becoming entrepreneurs, and working out whether this is and strengthen economies to the benefit of society as a
something that can be overcome. whole.

This study amassed a psychological dataset that looks at Banks like Barclays will not have all the answers but we
the question of what an entrepreneur is, how this changes have a role to play in terms of the products we offer, the
depending on industry or geography – and what difference partnerships we instigate and the knowledge we share.
it makes if you are female, a migrant, or aged 50+.
This report is another step in the journey to creating a
We are not looking to make overarching conclusions better environment for entrepreneurs.
about a particular demographic nor to add to existing
stereotypes. Rather this study aims to shine a light beyond
what we already know to better inform future planning
and policy decisions.
Entrepreneurship as a driving force

Entrepreneurs are an increasingly essential contributor to global economic

growth and social progress. Through the creation of new products, services
and jobs, or through personal investment in education and local communities,
we rely on entrepreneurs across all tiers of the economy.

The perceived psychology of entrepreneurs is often founded in media rhetoric

rather than data-driven scientific enquiry. This can lead to a disconnect
between the potential of entrepreneurship and often the rigid political, financial
and regulatory conditions in which it is often exercised. Starting a business is
about much more than simply making money. The motivations are multi-
dimensional and can vary widely among different groups of people.
Entrepreneurs should not be treated as a homogeneous group and
understanding individual differences in entrepreneurial behaviour provides an
opportunity to support meaningful progress for entrepreneurs today.

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 1

Executive summary

Barclays, in conjunction with The Psychometrics Centre, University of Cambridge,

embarked on a research study to explore the factors that drive or inhibit
entrepreneurship, and to understand the psychological aspects of business
creation. The research examines the opinions and psychological profiles of more
than 2,000 individuals, made up of both entrepreneurs and employees1, in
Germany, Singapore, UK, and USA. The main findings are as follows:

1. While entrepreneurs do not conform to the cultural b. The type B entrepreneur, who tends to be more
stereotypes often associated with them, they do stand traditional or conservative, emotional, spontaneous, and
out from employees. There are significant differences more focused on team-working. They score below
between entrepreneurs and employees regarding 10 of average in all of the entrepreneurial constructs, aside
the 13 psychological traits identified as being relevant to from need for autonomy and risk propensity, where they
business creation2. The top three traits which most score slightly above average.
distinguish entrepreneurs from employees are:
3. Male and female entrepreneurs have a similar
a. Need for autonomy – “How important is it for you to psychometric profile. Male entrepreneurs were more likely
influence the objectives of your work?” to take financially risky decisions and are more
b. Self-efficacy – “It is easy for me to stick to my aims introverted. Meanwhile the study found that female
and accomplish my goals” entrepreneurs are significantly better organised,
c. Achievement motivation – “Are you satisfied to be no extraverted, slightly more competitive and more
better than most other people at your job?” emotionally stable. Furthermore, women:

2. The study identified two broad ‘types’ of entrepreneur: a. Are more modest than men, with just 42% saying their
business is prospering compared to 62% of males.
a. The type A entrepreneur profile, defined as – artistic, This is despite the fact female-run businesses were
well-organised, highly competitive, emotionally stable, shown on average to report higher pre-tax profits.
and neither extraverted nor introverted; this BIG5 b. Show greater entrepreneurial ambitions, with 47% of
profile is commonly observed in leadership positions; them claiming they are very / extremely interested in
they also score well above average on most of the key starting another business in the next three years
entrepreneurial constructs, but score only slightly compared to 18% of men.
above average on risk propensity and attitude towards c. Tend to strive for steady, profitable expansion and
autonomy; and prefer to re-invest business profits than take equity
investment. Male entrepreneurs are more likely to take
risks in order to achieve fast growth and a quick exit.

Data was collected from both people who had started their own business and from those who had not. For further details on the research
methodology see page 24.
See page 28

2 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

4. Migrant entrepreneurs are more conservative or b. Exhibit the same propensity for risk, innovation,
traditional. They also have a lesser need for initiative, self-efficacy and autonomy as younger
independence and attach less importance to influencing entrepreneurs, but are more motivated by the prospect
the objectives of their work. Migrants: of personal success.
c. Are more liberal, artistic and well-organised, and score
a. Are behind one in seven UK companies and create above average for extraversion. This paints a picture of
14% of all SME jobs. open, outgoing and conscientious leaders.
b. Have a similar psychological profile to national
entrepreneurs but tend to be more conservative with a 6. US entrepreneurs are the most innovative, proactive and
lesser need for personal autonomy. driven by the prospect of personal achievement. They
c. Are more likely to believe in luck or fate, and act score highly on several other traits as well.
spontaneously as a result. Entrepreneurs in the UK tend to be more extraverted
d. Perceive income and financial stability as more than those in other countries studied, while German
significant barriers to business creation than entrepreneurs are the most competitive and the most
nationals. emotionally stable. Participants who started their own
business in Singapore tended to score higher in
5. Entrepreneurs aged 50+ scored as highly as their agreeableness (defined as trust, empathy, tolerance, and
younger counterparts on the scales of risk propensity, kindness), but lower in conscientiousness (defined as
innovation, initiative, self-efficacy, attitudes towards being organised, self-controlled, punctual, and
autonomy and need for autonomy. 50+ entrepreneurs: achievement oriented, but not controlling). This means
they are more willing to work in a team and
a. View ‘freedom to make decisions’ as the main incentive spontaneous than average.
for starting a business, with 70% citing this reason
compared to just over half of those aged under 50.

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 3

Part I: Psychological profile of today’s

“Data-driven psychometrics has debunked the myth

of the CEO superhero. Entrepreneurs do differ from
employees, but as a group, they are still incredibly
diverse and often misunderstood.”
Vesselin Popov, Development Strategist, The Psychometrics Centre, University of Cambridge

4 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Psychological comparison between all entrepreneurs and all employees. Average
* Openness
* Risk propensity Conscientiousness

* Locus of control Extraversion

* Achievement motivation Agreeableness


* Innovativeness Neuroticism *

* Initiative Self-efficacy
Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need)

The stereotypical entrepreneur often represented in the media is someone who

takes risks, has clear financial goals and is very competitive, creative and single
minded. However, as with any stereotype, there are misconceptions.

The results demonstrated that entrepreneurs are slightly Entrepreneurs scored well above average in all nine of the
more introverted than traditional employees, they are not constructs identified as being relevant to business
particularly well organised nor are they very spontaneous.3 creation. The top three traits that most distinguished
Entrepreneurs score only slightly above average on entrepreneurs from employees were:
conscientiousness, a finding that largely conflicts with
some of the entrepreneur personas portrayed by the media. i) Need for autonomy;
ii) Self-efficacy; and
This challenges the notion of a ‘traditional’ entrepreneur iii) Achievement motivation.
and could offer encouragement to aspiring individuals who
do not fit the stereotypes. High scores in these traits are characterised by a range of
behaviours, including a desire to influence the objectives of
While a great degree of psychological diversity was observed one’s work, the ability to stick to one’s aims and
among entrepreneurs, they were still distinguishable as a accomplish goals, and a drive to go above and beyond
group from employees in a number of ways. one’s peers and surroundings in pursuit of success. Such
behaviours could, in light of this research, provide
indicative evidence of entrepreneurial potential.

See Appendix 1
* Denotes statistically significant difference
The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 5
Sector differences

Across finance, retail and technology, entrepreneurs were psychologically

distinguishable from employees in a number of ways. The profile of
entrepreneurs differed significantly across the sectors, particularly with regard to
individual personality traits. For example, technology entrepreneurs were found
to be significantly more spontaneous and introverted than average.

Entrepreneurs in financial services scored the highest in Retail entrepreneurs were the most extraverted of the
agreeableness (defined as trust, empathy, tolerance, and three sectors. By contrast, entrepreneurs in finance and
kindness) of the three sectors, but they were still more technology tended to be more contemplative and happy in
competitive than average for the whole sample. They their own company, scoring significantly below average in
were also the most emotionally stable and and therefore extraversion. Retail entrepreneurs were also less likely to
well-equipped to deal with the high-pressure nature of take financially risky decisions and were more inclined to
financial work. believe in fate or luck rather than in their own ability to
control external events.

6 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Psychological profiles: sector level comparison Financial services





* Risk propensity onscientiousness *


* Locus of control Extraversion *

Achievement motivation
A Agreeableness

I ovati
Inn tiveness Neuroticism

Initiative Self-efficacy

Autonomy (atttitude) Autonomy (need)

* Denotes statistically significant difference

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 7

A global perspective

The environments in which entrepreneurial behaviours manifest are

undoubtedly as diverse and multi-dimensional as the behaviours themselves.
From educational policies that promote independent thinking to bankruptcy
laws that soften the consequences of failure; it is important to provide a
supportive environment for individual potential.

“I was brought up in a culture where

entrepreneurship is revered and aspired to.”
Jay Patel, CEO,

Psychometric data was collected from participants in four In terms of personality traits, entrepreneurs in the UK
mature economies around the world to provide an tended to be more extraverted than those in the other
international perspective on the human aspects of this countries, while German entrepreneurs were the most
balancing exercise4. This section of the report examines competitive and the most emotionally stable. German
the psychological differences of entrepreneurs from the entrepreneurs were not found to be any more
four different countries and the varying psychological conscientious than those in the UK or USA.
drivers behind business creation in each of them.

See Appendix 2

8 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Spotlight on Singapore

Participants who had started their own business in Singapore tended to score
higher in agreeableness but lower in conscientiousness than the other three
groups. This indicates that, compared to the average among all participants,
Singaporean entrepreneurs enjoy cooperation over competition and are more
likely to be spontaneous and flexible rather than well-organised.

Singaporean entrepreneurs differed from Western According to the research, Singaporeans were less likely to
entrepreneurs in several other respects. They exhibited far seek personal success and achievements. These findings
lower scores in two of the key entrepreneurial constructs, are a reminder that there are many possible motivations
i) Need for autonomy and ii) Achievement motivation. for starting a business. Globally, entrepreneurs tended to
Compared to Western entrepreneurs, those in Singapore give the same reasons for having started their businesses.
are more willing to work in a team and more spontaneous; However, entrepreneurs in Singapore referred to tax
they do not find it as important to influence their manner incentives and the availability of credit as reasons for
of work; and they do not feel as strongly that they can starting a business more frequently than their counterparts
influence the world around them. in Germany, the USA and the UK.

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 9

Country level comparisons Average

Openness Openness

Risk propensity Conscientiousness Risk propensity Conscientiousness

Locus of control Extraversion Locus of control Extraversion

* A
Achievement motivation Agreeableness
bleness Achievement motivation Agreeableness

* Inn
I ovati
tiveness Neuroticism
m * Innovativeness N roticism
Neu ti i

* Initiative Self-effficacy * Initiative Self-effficacy *

Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need) * Autonomy (attitude)

t Autonomy (need) *

UK entrepreneur: USA entrepreneur:

Extraverted; calm; sticks to goals; needs to set working Introverted; competitive; strong belief in personal
style; believes in non-prescriptive management; takes autonomy; needs to set working style; believes in non-
initiative; innovative; motivated by personal success; prescriptive management; takes initiative; highly
extremely risk averse innovative; motivated by personal success; extremely
confident in control of external environment; risk-taker

Openness Openness

* Risk propensity Conscientiousness Risk propensity Conscientiousness

Locus of control Extraversion * Locus of control Extraversion

Achievement motivation
A Agreeableness Achievement motivation
A Agreeableness

I ovati
Inn tiveness Neuroticism I ovati
Inn tiveness N roticism
Neu ti i m

Initiative Self-efficacy Initiative Self-effficacy

Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need) * Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need)

German entrepreneur: Singaporean entrepreneur:

Artistic; very introverted, competitive and stable; needs Very traditional or conservative, cooperative and in touch
personal autonomy at work but also values with emotions; less able to cope with adversity; less
management; extremely high tolerance of and concerned with manner of work; less of a self-starter; not
propensity for financial risk motivated by personal success; believes in fate or luck;
extremely high tolerance of and propensity for financial risk

* Denotes statistically significant difference

10 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Risks and rewards

The study also revealed geographical variations in the attitudes of entrepreneurs

towards financial risk tolerance and decision-making. This was measured on the
risk propensity scale using six probability discounting tasks, for example,
“Would you rather receive $9,000 or have a 25% chance of receiving $10,000?”.


Germany and Singapore UK and USA

Germany and Singapore both showed a higher propensity enterprises in order to recognise the psychological factors
for risk-taking among the entrepreneurs surveyed, at play and assist them in tailoring their products or
compared with the UK and USA. One explanation for this services accordingly.
might be that business cultures in Singapore and
Germany are inherently risk-averse in comparison with the This study revealed how easy it is to underestimate the
UK and USA. If, for example, it were more difficult to get degree to which local conditions impact on the dominant
early-stage venture funding, it would follow that a personality traits of entrepreneurs in a region. Creating
business-starter in Singapore or Germany would need to support networks that nurture and encourage the interplay
have a great deal of self-belief—and therefore a higher of psychological traits and cultural forces requires a
tolerance of risk—before taking the leap into self- smarter approach. Cooperation and collaboration between
employment. This could inform how financial institutions stakeholders will be critical to developing long-term
manage their relationships with small and medium sized solutions to better suit the needs of entrepreneurs.

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 11

Part II: Types of entrepreneurs

This study outlines that there is more than one type of entrepreneurial profile5.
We examined two of these psychological clusters in greater detail to explore
some common misunderstandings:

1. The first type could be seen as the type A entrepreneur According to our study, Western entrepreneurs were
profile. In terms of personality, entrepreneurs that fit this significantly more likely than Singaporeans to fit the type
profile tend to be artistic, well-organised, highly A profile. 53% of USA entrepreneurs and 48% of UK
competitive, and emotionally stable. This BIG5 entrepreneurs displayed the rather extreme
personality profile6 is commonly observed among characteristics associated with that cluster. While these
individuals in a variety of leadership positions. It is probabilities are high, they also highlight the fact that, in
notable that these entrepreneurs scored only slightly the West, only around half of the entrepreneurs conform
above average on risk propensity and on attitude to what might be described as the stereotypical business
towards autonomy. The last of these scales relates to owner profile. German entrepreneurs were slightly more
whether participants believe that employees should have likely to fall in the type B cluster than type A, with 41%
autonomy at work (low score) or rather that leaders matching the latter profile.
should be in charge (high score).
The ratio of type A to type B entrepreneurs was more
Type A is a more robust and coherent cluster than type similar across sectors than across countries.
B. The latter group could be broken down more easily Unexpectedly, the proportion of entrepreneurs matching
into further constituent profiles, whereas type A the type B profile was in fact slightly greater than those
entrepreneurs were all very similar to each other. matching type A. The average entrepreneur was therefore
This cluster therefore remained very stable throughout more likely than not to debunk the stereotype. Where it
the analysis. was observed, the type A profile was found to be more

Type A Type B
• Artistic • Traditional
• Well-organised • Spontaneous
• Highly competitive • Team-working
• Emotionally stable • Emotional or in touch with emotions
• Neither extraverted nor introverted • Neither extraverted nor introverted

See Appendix 3
See page 28

12 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Two entrepreneur clusters

* Openness B
* Risk propensity Conscientiousness *

* Locus of control Extraversion *

* Achievement motivation Agreeab

bleness *

* Innovativeness Neuroticism
m *

* Initiative Self-efficacy *

Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need) *

common in the financial and technology sectors (49% and and traditional, more spontaneous, more focused on
48% of entrepreneurs respectively) than in retail (44%). team-working, more prone to anxiety and negative
emotions, and neither extraverted nor introverted.
Lastly, female entrepreneurs were more likely to be type
A and male entrepreneurs were more likely to be type B7. Neither group is a perfect stereotype. These findings
One reason for this may be that, in today’s society, emphasise the need to understand the psychology of
women who start their own businesses tend to not only entrepreneurs in greater depth than we do at present and
score above average on the psychological traits examined to consider the policy risks of categorising entrepreneurs
in this study, but in fact they score significantly above as one broad group. This is especially evident in light of
average. In that sense, female entrepreneurs have a more the different motivating factors cited by the two clusters
extreme profile. As a result, they are also more likely to be of entrepreneurs. Type B entrepreneurs cited the freedom
conforming to a stereotyped view of the role. to make decisions, the prospect of a higher income, and
the importance of securing their intellectual property as
Despite its stability across the sample, the status and primary reasons for starting a business. Whereas type A
frequency of the type A profile is often exaggerated, entrepreneurs cited more immediate reasons for starting
particularly by the media. a business, such as inheriting a family business and
available credit.
2. The second type of entrepreneur, referred to as type B, was
numerically more prevalent in the research sample as type Entrepreneurs tend to display certain personality traits,
A, but did not display as extreme scores on the but the psychological significance of their behaviour is
psychological traits. 83% of Singaporean entrepreneurs varied, as with any group of individuals. Business,
were type B, as were two out of three German education and incentive programmes need to take these
entrepreneurs. The split was more equal in the UK and differences into account when assessing or seeking to
USA. Type B entrepreneurs tend to be more conservative nurture the entrepreneurial potential of individuals.

53% of women in the business owner sample were type A compared to 45% of men
* Denotes statistically significant difference

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 13

Part III: Female entrepreneurs

“If women started businesses at the same rate as men, there

would be an extra 150,000 start-ups in the UK each year.”
The Women’s Business Council8


Gender and entrepreneurship is a complex issue that has appearing to be significantly better organised and more
been addressed differently from country to country. However outgoing. Women were also found to be slightly more
there is no doubt that female entrepreneurs play a crucial competitive and more emotionally stable than men.
role in driving economic growth. Research9 reveals that
narrowing the gender gap in employment through education Although this study looked specifically at the psychology
and policy could increase global income per person by as behind business creation, it also gave insight into the
much as 20% by 2030. In this study, 41% of the participants possible reasons for differences in the way male and female
were female, providing a large and representative sample to entrepreneurs scale their businesses. Female entrepreneurs,
extract and contrast some of the key psychological attributes for example, were less likely to take financially risky
of male and female entrepreneurs. decisions, so one may expect their growth strategies to be
more gradual, focusing on incremental progress rather than
Male and female entrepreneurs shared a similar riskier decisions with potentially larger rewards. This mirrors
psychometric profile10. Both groups were highly findings in another recent study between Barclays and The
competitive and emotionally stable compared to employees Centre for Entrepreneurs11, which found female entrepreneurs
in the sample, and displayed very similar qualities on all but are more likely to work towards controlled, profitable
one of the key entrepreneurial constructs. There were some growth, and avoid 'fool-hardy' risks that may endanger the
personality differences, with female entrepreneurs livelihood of their employees or their own financial situation.

The Women’s Business Council: Maximising women’s contribution to economic growth - evidence paper
Women Hold Up Half the Sky. Global Economics Paper No: 164. 2013.
See Appendix 5
Centre for Entrepreneurs. Shattering Stereotypes: Women in Entrepreneurship. April 2015.

14 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Case study:
Chantal Coady, Rococo Chocolates

As a student, Chantal Coady spent her weekends working in Harrods chocolate department. Now, 30 years later, the world-
famous retailer is among the many customers of her own successful chocolate making company, Rococo Chocolates.

“I’d always loved chocolate, so the Harrods job was kind of a dream come true,” she explains. “The one thing missing
was a spark of magic. I wanted selling (and buying) chocolate to be an emotional experience.”

In 1983, with her degree complete and her passion for chocolate reignited, Coady enrolled in a 10-week business course.
Months later, she was pitching her plan for a new chocolate making company to a local Barclays bank manager.

“I couldn’t believe it when he agreed to lend me the money for my first shop!” she recalls. “But then he asked me the
critical question: how would I secure the loan?”

The answer was the family home in which Coady lived with her mother and sisters – and a risk she still considers the
biggest of her career.

“Many people advised me against starting a business and that made me want to do it even more! But knowing if I failed I
would let the whole family down meant I didn’t even think about expansion at that stage. I just wanted to make the shop
a success.”

That competitive desire to prove the doubters wrong as well as the more gradual and emotional approach to growth
have been identified as being characteristic of female entrepreneurs.

“Men tend to be more focused upon a clear path to success regardless of risk,” Coady agrees. “Whereas women are
naturally more consensual and cautious. For any entrepreneur, though, their business is like their baby.”

After 32 years, four successful London stores and an OBE for services to chocolate making, Coady describes her own
‘baby’ as all grown up. Yet still her childhood passion burns bright.

In the Caribbean, her work with the Grenada Chocolate Company is creating a thriving microeconomy and getting local
people involved in chocolate making from bean to bar. Closer to home, she can regularly be found advising the next
generation of entrepreneurs.

“As an entrepreneur you can roll all your careers into one,” she says. “Of course, it’s hard and there will be mistakes. But
by trusting your instincts and ignoring the word ‘can’t’, the ups will outnumber the downs.”

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Part IV: Migrant entrepreneurs

Migrant entrepreneurs are behind 1 in 7 UK companies

and are responsible for creating 14% of all jobs among
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Centre for Entrepreneurs12

Centre for Entrepreneurs.

16 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship



Migrant entrepreneurs play an important role in driving national economies,

accounting for 20% of job creation in the countries surveyed. They are often
multilingual, highly educated and able to draw on a diverse set of experiences.
They also fulfil skills requirements that are in short supply in countries like the
UK. According to recent analysis by the Centre for Entrepreneurs13, migrant
entrepreneurs are behind one in seven UK companies and create 14% of all jobs
among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Their prevalence was also
evident in this research study, in which 181 of the 2,007 participants surveyed
were migrants.

High-growth companies often look for locations that give business to the UK, or choose the UK as a destination to
them access to a diverse and global talent pool. Flexible start their business. This has clear implications for
labour markets are needed to attract people with a variety policymakers in terms of both creating business
of skills and experience, many of whom may relocate their investment and attracting talent.

Centre for Entrepreneurs. Migrant Entrepreneurs: Building Our Businesses Creating Our Jobs. 2014

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 17

Part IV: Migrant entrepreneurs cont.

“Some people want to be entrepreneurs;

some people have to be entrepreneurs.”
Dr David Stillwell, Deputy Director of the Psychometrics Centre,
University of Cambridge

The study analysed the individual differences between Migrants perceived income and financial stability as being
entrepreneurs who were born in the country where they more significant barriers to business creation compared to
started their business (nationals) and those who were born nationals, though these considerations were among the top
elsewhere (migrants). three barriers overall – with fear of failure top for both
groups. This is despite the finding in Barclays’ wealth
It was found that the psychological profiles of migrant and insights study, ‘If at first you don’t succeed’, that most
national entrepreneurs were extremely similar, with both entrepreneurs cite failure as a valuable learning opportunity.
scoring highly in most of the scales associated with having an
‘enterprising’ profile. There were some differences, with One cannot assume that migrant entrepreneurs are any
migrants in the sample being more on the conservative and less driven by the psychological constructs explored in this
spontaneous side compared to the average. By contrast, research (on which they still score above average). Both
nationals were more likely to be artistic and conscientious. groups also express similar attitudes towards workplace
Migrant entrepreneurs also had a lesser need for personal autonomy, preferring managerial influence over a flat
autonomy, and were more likely to believe in luck or fate than structure.
in their power to influence their external environment14.
The entrepreneurial ecosystem can only thrive if it
In light of the World Economic Forum 2015 report15, the takes account of the value of migrants as drivers of
differences observed between the two groups on the need entrepreneurship. Migrant entrepreneurs require an
for autonomy and locus of control scales may be a environment that makes them feel valued, included and
manifestation of the wider political and economic landscape, empowered. These findings hint at some of the challenges
where migrants may have greater difficulty entering that this may entail. Understanding the subtle psychological
traditional employment than nationals. Some of those differences between these groups and looking closer at the
surveyed may therefore have become ‘necessity specific challenges faced by migrant entrepreneurs will be
entrepreneurs’, driven to start their businesses by instrumental in unlocking their potential to contribute
circumstances beyond their control, rather than by any further to economic development.
strong desire for personal autonomy.

See Appendix 4
World Economic Forum and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Leveraging Entrepreneurial Ambition and Innovation: A Global Perspective
on Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Development. 2015

18 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Case study:
Jay Patel,

Jay Patel was born to have his own business. His father did. His uncles did. And throughout his childhood in Africa, it was
instilled in him to follow his ambitions and control his destiny.

“I was brought up in a culture where entrepreneurship is revered and aspired to,” he explains. “My relatives set up their
own companies, so you could say I was always going to give it a try!”

However, after moving to the USA and completing an MSc in biotechnology, Patel began working life as an IBM
consultant. Yet even then, his innate entrepreneurial spirit bubbled beneath the surface.

“As a student, I remember thinking it would be great to get directions on the move,” he recalls. “I started developing
something but this was 2003 when phones didn’t have the same data and GPS capabilities, so I shelved it. When the
mobile map industry exploded, I was kicking myself!”

Aged 26, Patel left the USA and migrated to London, spending a short time working for Google before beginning an MBA
at London Business School and partnering with Lorenzo Caffarri to set up uBiCabs, a taxi booking app business.

Unfortunately, the arrival of industry giants Hailo and Uber saw the company ultimately outgunned, but by then Patel’s
entrepreneurial instincts were fully re-awakened. As his first two business ideas would suggest, Jay believes using
technology to automate manual tasks is an easy way to improve one’s life. One problem he recognised was related to
networking at conferences.

“I used to Google attendees’ names at conferences to work out who to speak to,” Patel says.’s Brent Hoberman shared this frustration and thought that an automated process could work to solve
the problem at his Founder’s Forum events, so Jay was hired to make this a reality and start a company.

The result was, a mobile platform that gives users suggestions of people to network with based on their social
media profile. Already, Patel has completed the business’s first investment round and is preparing to take it to market.

It is a rapid rise he puts down to the backing of Hoberman and the unstinting support of his family. But it would also not
have been possible without his own willingness to make swift decisions and take calculated risks.

“As a migrant, you’re more likely to be spontaneous and take risks because it often requires that kind of mind-set to
relocate to a new country in the first place,” he insists. “Besides, as a start-up, moving fast is your biggest advantage over
larger competitors. You have to make the most of it.”

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 19

Part V: Senior entrepreneurs

“Seniors are less concerned with financial fears

and seem to be more intrinsically motivated by
their need for achievement and the freedom to
make their own decisions.”
Vesselin Popov, Development Strategist, The Psychometrics Centre, University of Cambridge

20 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Principal drivers
• Freedom to make decisions
• Achievement motivation
• Confidence in skills
• Belief in control

Age 50+

People over the age of 50 represent enormous entrepreneurial potential. They are
able to draw on decades of practical employment experience and first-hand
exposure to changing industries. They are also excellent candidates for mentoring
less experienced entrepreneurs as well as leading new ventures of their own.

The average age of participants in our research sample was Senior entrepreneurs were also more likely to have an
43, with an age range of 18-70. The results shed light on internal locus of control, meaning that they believe events in
the unique characteristics of senior entrepreneurs, 70% of their life result primarily from their own actions. This could
whom cited the freedom to make their own decisions as a translate into greater confidence in one’s actions and is a
primary reason for starting their business, compared to just quality that has been found in this research to correlate
over half of entrepreneurs under 50. strongly with business creation. The same is true for
achievement motivation, as the over 50s scored higher than
Senior entrepreneurs had the same scores as younger young entrepreneurs and thus put a greater weight on the
entrepreneurs on the scales of risk propensity, innovation, prospect of personal success to motivate their behaviour.
initiative, self-efficacy, attitudes towards autonomy and need
for autonomy16. This suggests that those over 50 could still be Senior entrepreneurs consistently cited ‘freedom to make own
very well suited to the entrepreneurial lifestyle. While this decisions’ and ‘confidence in one’s skills’ as important reasons
group may have gone into business for more specialised for starting a business. The data showed these drivers were
reasons, it is clear that one’s raw entrepreneurial potential not as influential in motivating the next generation to engage
continues into later life. in entrepreneurial training programmes, or to seek out extra-
curricular exposure to the business world. Given that
Significant differences were nevertheless observed between university students who received entrepreneurship education
the under 50 and over 50 age groups in five of the tend to start businesses over two years earlier than those
psychological constructs. Senior entrepreneurs were more who had not (0.7 years after graduation compared to 2.8)18,
liberal and artistic, more likely to be well-organised and also the potential for accelerating small business growth through
scored above average on extraversion. The older generation networks of all ages is evident.
more closely resemble the ‘type A’ personality discussed in
this report17, coming across as more open, conscientious and This suggests that there is a clear opportunity to tap into the
outgoing leaders. senior pool of entrepreneurs, both to grow entrepreneurship
and to motivate and help younger, aspiring entrepreneurs.

See Appendix 6
See page 12
Report on the results of public consultation on The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan. 2012.

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 21

Case study:
Jeffrey Kofman, Trint

For 30 years, Jeffrey Kofman was a broadcast journalist, foreign correspondent and war correspondent, reporting on
major events all around the world including the Iraq War, the Arab Spring, Hurricane Katrina and the Chile mine rescue.
But at the age of 54, he put away his microphone and began a new career as an entrepreneur.

“The job had become more about the Middletons than the Middle East,” he recalls. “I needed a new challenge to re-
energise me and take me out of my comfort zone.”

That challenge arrived with the birth of Trint, his own web-based service that automatically converts audio and video
content into a format that users can search, verify, correct, select, edit and export without the need to transcribe it.

It is a product borne of Kofman’s deep knowledge of life on journalism’s front line, manually transcribing thousands of
hours of interviews over his long career.

Kofman thinks of himself as an accidental entrepreneur. The seed for Trint was planted through a chance meeting of a
team of skilled developers at the Mozilla Innovation Festival (Mozfest) in London just over a year ago.

There he met technology developer Mark Boas who had been working on a software project for literacy and libraries.
Kofman was astonished by the innovation and asked Boas if it could work with automated speech-to-text and editing
software. In late 2014 Trint was born (it’s a word Kofman invented – combining ‘transcription’ and ‘interview’).

“To succeed, any tech start-up needs four things: domain knowledge; market access; great developers; and business
skills,” Kofman continues. “My reporting experience gave me the industry understanding, contacts and credibility to sell
Trint to investors and customers. But to genuinely revolutionise the industry I needed technology expertise too. That’s why
teaming up with Mark was crucial. I have had to learn the business skills as we go, that’s been the biggest challenge.”

Together with two other developers, Kofman and Boas began building Trint in late 2014 with the aim of turning it into a
commercially viable business.

“We are based in a terrific co-work space with other entrepreneurs,” Kofman says. “We all learn from each other and can
exchange advice on everything from investor opportunities to tax regulations.”

It is a far cry from his former life as an employee for large companies with job security, sick pay and employment benefits.
Yet with extraversion, organisation and creativity identified among the classic traits of older entrepreneurs, he has been
surprised to find some similarities between his old life and his new.

“Journalism is a creative career that requires focus and calmness in some of the most challenging situations imaginable,”
he adds. “That’s definitely helped prepare me for the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur. I’ve also been able to call
on my old sense of hustle. After all, just like when you’re covering a breaking news story, the business world is all about
getting there first!”

22 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship


A single research project could never claim to be definitive, but this study
revealed some very interesting results.

First, it demands recognition that entrepreneurs do not fall Finally, it suggests that there are many ways in which the
under the homogeneous group that is sometimes entrepreneurial ecosystem could be improved. Access to
represented in the media. Indeed, certain characteristics mentor networks, leadership and management skills
that we have found associated with some entrepreneurs – training and improved access and understanding of
risk aversion and low extraversion, for example – actively business finance could all have a role to play.
counter the stereotype.
Creating a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem requires
Second, the report throws up an interesting question that support from policymakers, local government initiatives,
should be looked at further in the context of creating a businesses and academia working together. To do this
thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem. Does a certain ‘type’ of they must understand who today’s entrepreneurs are.
person become an entrepreneur, no matter what – or does This study is a first step towards breaking down
the political and regulatory landscape of a particular country stereotypes and artificial constructs about what it takes
determine the type of person who will succeed as an to be an entrepreneur.
entrepreneur? Could we all be entrepreneurs, given the right
environment? And what is the right environment to
encourage the entrepreneurs most likely to succeed?

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 23

Research objective
Barclays and the University of Cambridge Psychometrics Centre embarked on an
original research study to provide a scientifically valid account of the psychological
profiles of individuals who start companies and of those who do not. This report
refers to these two groups as entrepreneurs and employees respectively.

Barclays and Cambridge sought to explore:

• The psychological profile of today’s entrepreneurs compared with employees
• The individual psychological differences within entrepreneurial communities
• The cultural and demographic factors influencing entrepreneurship in mature economies, specifically; Germany,
Singapore, UK, and USA

Research design
The University of Cambridge Psychometrics Centre designed an assessment
that incorporated questions on 13 independent psychological scales, each
identified as being relevant to business creation on the basis of prior
academic literature.

Responses to the 77-item test were collected from 2,007 In order to give the study deeper insight into entrepreneurial
participants in Germany, Singapore, UK, and USA. These behaviours and reveal any misconceptions, the research
countries were selected for a variety of reasons. They are all also collected information at an individual level on the key
mature economies in which the indicators of enablers and barriers to entrepreneurship. Respondents
entrepreneurship are clearly recognisable. Their respective were asked to rank the top three most influential factors
regulatory and cultural environments differ greatly, enabling from two lists – one list contained reasons for having
interesting points of discussion to compare and contrast. started one’s own business, and the other, a list of the
challenges faced. By contrast, employees were asked why
In each country, the study focused on three sectors of the they had not started their own business and what might
economy – technology, retail and finance – chosen to drive them to do so in the future. This section of the test
represent a variety of disciplines and individuals, and provided further insight into the wider context surrounding
assessed both the profiles of people who had started their entrepreneurial behaviours and revealed several
own business and of those who had not. The breakdown misconceptions from both entrepreneurs and employees.
of the sample is as follows: 922 entrepreneurs, 1097
employees, of which 821 are female, 1198 male, and 181
migrants. Geographically, 33% of participants are from the
USA, 32.5% are based in the UK, 22.5% are from Germany,
and 12% live in Singapore.

24 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Appendix 1 Psychological comparison between all A
entrepreneurs and all employees. * Openness
* Risk propensity Conscientiousness

* Locus of control Extraversion

* Cut-off for significance

was set at P<0.0005 * Achievement motivation Agreeableness

* Innovativeness Neuroticism *

* Initiative Self-efficacy
Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need)

Appendix 2 Country-level psychological Openness

comparison of entrepreneurs only.
* Risk propensity Conscientiousness *

* Locus of control Extraversion *


Achievement motivation
A Agreeableness

* Cut-off for significance

was set at P<0.0005 I ovati
Inn tiveness Neuroticism

Initiative Self-efficacy

Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need)

Appendix 3 Cluster analysis showing at least

* Openness
two ‘types’ of entrepreneur. Risk propensity Conscientiousness
A * Locus of control Extraversion

* Cut-off for significance * Achievement motivation Agreeableness

was set at P<0.05

* Innovativeness Neuroticism

* Initiative Self-efficacy
Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need)

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 25

Appendix 4 Psychological comparison of national
and migrant entrepreneurs. * Openness
Risk propensity Conscientiousness
* Locus of control Extraversion

* Cut-off for significance

Achievement motivation Agreeableness
was set at P<0.0005

Innovativeness Neuroticism

Initiative Self-efficacy

Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need) *

Appendix 5 Psychological comparison of Openness

male and female entrepreneurs.
* Risk propensity Conscientiousness *

Locus of control Extraversion *

* Cut-off for significance Achievement motivation Agreeableness

was set at P<0.0005

Innovativeness Neuroticism

Initiative Self-efficacy

Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need)

Appendix 6 Psychological comparison of Openness *

younger and senior entrepreneurs. Risk propensity Conscientiousness *

Above 50
* Locus of control Extraversion *
Below 50

* Cut-off for significance * Achievement motivation Agreeab


was set at P<0.0005

Innovativeness Neuroticism

Initiative Self-efficacy

Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need)

26 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Appendix 7 Psychological comparison:
sector level comparison
* Risk propensity Conscientiousness *

Financial services

Retail * Locus of control Extraversion *



Achievement motivation
A Agreeableness

* Cut-off for significance

was set at P<0.0005

I ovati
Inn tiveness Neuroticism

Initiative Self-efficacy

Autonomy (attitude) Autonomy (need)

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 27

The Big Five personality traits
The BIG5, or five-factor model of personality, is arguably the most popular and
widely used scientific taxonomy for describing individual differences in personality.
It is comprised of five independent, non-binary scales, namely Openness,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. There is no 'correct'
score to have on any given trait. BIG5 personality was measured in this study using
the Mini-IPIP scale19, an open-source instrument that uses four items per trait. The
Mini-IPIP has been translated into multiple languages and validated across cultures.

Description of traits

Openness - The extent to which people prefer novelty over Agreeableness – This trait reflects individual differences
convention. This scale distinguishes imaginative, creative concerning cooperation and social harmony. It refers to the
people from down-to-earth, conventional people. Those way people express their opinions and manage relationships.
scoring high on Openness can be described as People scoring high on Agreeableness are generally
intellectually curious, sensitive to beauty, individualistic, considered as being trusting, soft-hearted, generous, and
imaginative, and unconventional e.g. “I have a vivid sympathetic (e.g. “I sympathise with others”). People scoring
imagination”. People scoring low on Openness, on the low on this trait can best be described as competitive,
other hand, can be characterised as traditional and stubborn, self-confident, or aggressive (e.g. “I am not really
conservative, and are likely to prefer the familiar over the interested in other people’s feelings”).
unusual e.g. “I am not interested in abstract ideas”
Neuroticism – This trait refers to one’s tendency to
Conscientiousness – The extent to which people prefer an experience negative emotions, and concerns the way people
organised as opposed to a flexible approach in life. This cope with and respond to life’s demands. People scoring
scale is concerned with the way in which we control, high on Neuroticism can be characterised as being anxious,
regulate, and direct our impulses. People scoring high on nervous, moody, and worrying (e.g. “I have frequent mood
this trait can be described as organised, reliable, swings”). On the other hand, people scoring low on
perfectionist, and efficient (e.g. “I get chores done right Neuroticism can be described as emotionally stable,
away”), while people scoring low on this trait are optimistic, and self-confident (e.g. “I seldom feel blue”).
generally characterised as spontaneous, impulsive,
careless, absentminded, or disorganised (e.g. “I make a Self-efficacy – The way in which an individual perceives
mess of things”) their ability to perform novel or difficult tasks, and to cope
with hardship. People who score high on this trait believe in
Extraversion – The extent to which people enjoy company their capabilities to organise and execute courses of action
or seek excitement and stimulation. This is marked by required to manage prospective situations. They view
pronounced engagement with the external world, as challenging problems as tasks to be mastered rather than
opposed to being comfortable with one’s own company. believing that difficult tasks are beyond their capabilities.
People scoring high on Extraversion can be described as People with high scores also recover quickly from setbacks
energetic, active, talkative, sociable, outgoing, and and disappointments, whereas those with lower scores are
enthusiastic (e.g. “I am the life of the party”). Contrary to more likely to lose confidence in their personal abilities.
that, people scoring low on Extraversion can be This trait was measured using the General Self-Efficacy
characterised as shy, reserved, quiet, or withdrawn (e.g. “I Scale (GSE)20, which includes 10 items, such as “It is easy
keep in the background”) for me to stick to my aims and accomplish my goals”

Donnellan, M.B., Oswald, F.L., Baird, B.M., and Lucas, R.E. (2006). The mini-IPIP scales: Tiny-yet-effective measures of the Big Five factors of personality.
Psychological Assessment, 18, 192-203.
Schwarzer, R., and Jerusalem, M. (1995). Generalised Self-Efficacy scale. In J. Weinman, S. Wright, and M. Johnston, Measures in health psychology: A user’s
portfolio. Causal and control beliefs (pp. 35-37). Windsor, UK: NFER-NELSON.

28 | June 2015 | The psychology of entrepreneurship

Autonomy (need) – The degree to which one needs Innovativeness23 – The level to which an individual seeks
independence and freedom to make decisions freely, novelty and complexity and is willing to accept and drive
especially with regard to the individual’s expectations of change, especially in the workplace. High scores on this
their workplace. A high score in this trait indicates a greater trait might be indicative of someone who aims to
need for personal autonomy in the context of one’s introduce new and useful ideas, processes, products or
responsibilities and the manner in which they are fulfilled. An procedures. An example question is “How often do you
example question on this scale might be “How important is wonder how things can be improved?”
it for you to influence the objectives of your work?”
Achievement motivation24 – The level to which one needs
Autonomy (attitude) – Attitudes towards the degree to success for self-motivation and strives for personal
which others need autonomy. This refers to an individual’s excellence and recognition, e.g. “Are you satisfied to be no
broader beliefs about autonomy in the workplace and better than most other people at your job?”. Strongly
whether they believe in more directive or hierarchical agreeing with this statement would correlate with a low
management (high score) or in a flatter structure where score in this trait.
employees have greater freedom (low score). Those with
higher scores would tend to agree with the statement that Locus of control25 – The extent to which an individual
“Individuals and/or teams should rely on senior managers believes their actions and behaviour determine the
to guide their work”, whereas those with low scores might outcomes of external events. A high score indicates an
believe that “Companies should support the efforts of ‘internal’ locus of control, meaning that the individual is
individuals and/or teams that work autonomously”. confident that they can influence or control their
environment (e.g. “I believe that my success depends on
Initiative22 – The level to which one’s behaviour at work is ability rather than luck.” A low score on this trait therefore
indicative of being proactive. People with high scores on indicates an ‘external’ locus of control (e.g. “I believe in the
this trait are self-starters that overcome barriers to achieve power of fate”).
goals. They tend to agree with the statement “Whenever
something goes wrong, I search for a solution Risk propensity26 – The degree to which one is willing to
immediately” and the consequences of such an active take risks and experience losses. The nature of the items
approach is usually that the environment is changed by the used to measure risk propensity in this study are
individual. This is in contrast to a low score, which particularly well suited to investigating individual
indicates a more passive approach in which one merely differences in tolerance of risk in the context of financial
reacts to environmental demands. decision-making, e.g. “Would you rather receive $9000 or
have 20% chance of receiving $10,000?”(higher risk
propensity) vs. “Would you rather receive $600 or have
85% chance of receiving $10,000?” (lower risk propensity).

Lumpkin, G. T., Cogliser, C. C., and Schneider, D. R. (2009). Understanding and measuring autonomy: An entrepreneurial orientation perspective.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33, 47-69
Frese, M., Fay, D., Hilburger, T., Leng, K., and Tag, A. (1979). The concept of personal initiative: Operationalization, reliability and validity in two German
samples. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 139-161.
Adapted from de Jong, J. and den Hartog, D. (2010). Measuring innovative work behaviour. Creativity and Innovation Management, 19(1), 23-36.
Adapted from Ray, J.J. (1979). A Quick Measure of Achievement Motivation - Validated in Australia and Reliable in Britain and South Africa. Australian
Psychologist, 14(3), 337-344.
Scale included in the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP). Goldberg, L. R., Johnson, J. A., Eber, H. W., Hogan, R., Ashton, M. C., Cloninger, C. R., et al.
(2006). The International Personality Item Pool and the Future of Public-Domain Personality Measures. Journal of Research in Personality, 40(1), 84-96.
Adapted from Shead, N. W., and Hodgins D. C. (2009). Probability discounting of gains and losses: Implications for risk attitudes and impulsivity. Journal of
the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 92(1),1-16.

The psychology of entrepreneurship | June 2015 | 29
Barclays is a trading name of Barclays Bank PLC and its subsidiaries. Barclays Bank PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 122702). Registered in England.
Registered number is 1026167 with registered office at 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

June 2015.

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