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The Guidelines in Job Interview

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The key takeaways are tips for preparing and conducting yourself well in a job interview such as researching the company, visualizing questions and rehearsing answers, and practicing tough questions.

Some important tips for job interviews are researching the company, visualizing the interview, practicing tough questions, and having good body language and clear answers.

Things that should be avoided in job interviews include not preparing, being late, dressing inappropriately, having poor body language, speaking negatively about previous employers, lying on your CV, and discussing personal topics.

Name : Yati Al Adawiyah

NPM : 3335160041 ( Teknik Kimia )

Class : B

A. The Guidelines in Job Interview

1. Personality

Tell me about yourself.

How would your best friend describe you?
What do your friends dislike about you?
Expand on your resume.
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?

2. Workplace Attitudes/Interests

What did you like most about your last job?

What did you dislike most about your last job?
What would you consider the ideal job?
What did you learn about yourself in your last job?

3. Decision-making and Goal Setting

Why did you choose your major?

What is the toughest decision you have ever had to make?
Tell me about a situation where you had to make a decision which made you
unpopular. What did you do to restore good will?
What do you want to be doing in five years?
Where do you expect to be in ten years?
What are your long-term goals?

4. Leadership

What leadership roles have you been involved in?

Cite an example of a time when you faced open opposition from a group and
Describe a time when you had to motivate people to solve a problem.

5. Problem-solving

What has been a problem that you had to deal with in your last job?
What is the biggest problem you have solved this year?
Describe a pressure situation you've been in and how you handled it.
When faced with a problem, how do you go about analyzing the situation and
developing a solution?
If you supervised your current department, what problems would get your
immediate attention and why?

6. Accomplishments

Tell me about an achievement of which you a're proud.

Discuss a major accomplishment in your life.
Tell me about a failure you have experienced, and what you learned from it.

7. Activities

What interests do you enjoy outside of work?

What skills have you developed or enhanced outside of your present (or most
recent) job?

8. Coursework

In school, which classes did you enjoy most and why?

What was the worst course you took and why?
Tell me about your coursework.
Which courses in school do you feel best prepared you for this position?

9. Miscellaneous

Why should we hire you?

Is there something you would like to tell me that I have failed to ask?

B. Tips and Trick in Job Interview

1. Make sure to do research upfront

Research the company and the interviewers.

Hirers know theyre dealing with someone who is serious about the position when
youre prepared with relevant data. Mention press releases and revenue numbers, quote
statistics, and be familiar with executives backgrounds.

For startup companies, be aware of who the venture capital investor is and which
partners sit on their board, as well as how much money they have raised so far. Savvy
online searching can turn up valuable information on most companies.
Ultimately, know the company, the industry, and competitors, and use their
product if available.

2. Visualize and rehearse in advance

Visualize the interview and questions that could arise, and project how a
successful interview experience will play out. Rehearse they way youll present yourself
and practice answers to important interview questions for your field. Mock interviews
prepare you for most possibilities and help with nerves as well.

The more you practice, the more comfortable you will be.

3. Practice tough interview questions beforehand

Hirers challenge applicants with tough questions to judge their company fit and
see how they cope under pressure. So expect questions on where you will be in 2 or 5 or
10 years. Theyll ask about difficult work experiences, your most stressful jobs, and your
favorite job.
And prepare to reveal the ideal manager and company you'd like to work for.
Formulate answers to common interview questions. There are exhaustive lists
online. You may be a convincing speaker, but being caught unawares by a trick question
and stumbling through an answer could cost you the job. Smooth delivery shows
knowledge of subject matter and allows for good rapport to develop.

4. Prepare for Behavioral Questions

Hirers use behavioral questions to dig into past achievements and predict future
performance. These questions identify an applicant's key competencies and skills, so its
vital to prepare answers to match your skill set to the employers requirements. Focus on
past achievements that highlight your abilities in these key areas:

Problem solving
Conflict resolution
5. Put thought into your appearance

First impressions matter. If appropriate, ask ahead of time about what to wear. The
safe bet is to dress professionally, paying attention to grooming, colors, and accessories.
If you are a coffee drinker or smoker, or you have lunch/breakfast before an
interview, use a mint or brush your teeth before starting.
Keep the following points in mind too:

Do NOT chew gum

Be conscious of how much perfume/cologne you wear

Remember to exude confidence - head high, stand straight and tall, hold a slight
smile, and relax
6. Arrive early (but not too early)

Arrive for your interview 5-10 minutes early. Everyone has their watch set
differently, and a 5-minute cushion is a good idea. Some interviewers are time-sensitive
and notice if you're even one minute late, dulling initial impressions. Dont arrive too
early and put pressure on the interviewer if they are not ready for you yet.

Give yourself ample time to reach the location. Rushing will affect your interview
performance, so if you think you might be late, call ahead to advise them of the situation.

7. Make a strong introduction

Introduce yourself with a smile, a handshake that matches the firmness of the
hirers, and a relaxed and self-assured demeanor.

Greet others on the panel if theres one and follow the interviewers lead to sit
down or to head elsewhere. Youre well aware by now people form first impressions
within seconds of meeting someone new, so make sure yours is a solid one.

8. Be conscious of your body language

Nonverbal communication cues are part of the impression you make. A weak
handshake, for example, shows a lack of authority. An averted gaze signals distrust or
disinterest in the job. Show assertiveness by sitting up straight and leaning slightly
forward in your chair. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer without making things
awkward. You should look at each interviewer if its a panel but address your answer
primarily to the asker.

9. Remember to take notes

Bring a notepad and pen to take notes during each interview. This is an effective
way to show your interest in the job and your attention to detail. It also gives you an
opportunity to look down at times if you struggle with eye contact.
10. Dont ask about money, benefits, an office tour, or

Never bring up money on your first interview. If they ask what you're making, be
honest and provide your exact salary or a salary range. Indicate it is still premature to talk
numbers and that you're interested in evaluating the entire opportunity rather than the
salary alone.

Don't ask about benefits unless the hirer broaches the subject, and dont ask to
take an office tour, either. That will happen later. Never bring up overtime, even to show
a willingness to work extra hours. The interviewer will almost always remember overtime
was discussed, and they may doubt your ability to work efficiently during regular work

11. How to let the interviewer know if youve been laid off or

Dont lie if you were laid off or your job was terminated. The truth will come out,
and if you secure the position, you future at the company will be in jeopardy. Answer
with the facts. Be open and confident, providing valid reasons for losing previous

If you were laid off, make it clear that your performance didnt contribute to the
decision. If it was a termination, use a softer term like let go. Then bring your skills and
suitability for the job on offer back into focus. If possible, refer the hirer to referees who
can vouch for your skills and performance.

12. Ask questions at the end of the interview

A job interview is an investigation into your experience, achievements, and

cultural fit. But most importantly, your skills are under the microscope. Your
communication skills determine how well you present this vital information. When the
hirer asks if you have any questions, youll have one more opportunity to demonstrate
how well you communicate and how well youll fit in with the company. And you can
find out details that may not have arisen during the interview. Examples of solid
questions to ask the hirer are:

Whats a typical day for someone in this role?

What are vital qualities for someone doing this job?

What are some of the challenges facing the company?

Where do you see the company in 5-10 years?

What does success mean to you and to the company?

I believe Im a great fit for this company. Is there anything else I can do to
dispel any doubts?

C. Things That Should Be Avoided In Job Interview

1. Not doing your research

You might have the skills to do the job but do you know the how the company
operates? Check the About Us link on the company website and read their mission
statement. Find out who the competition and major players in the market are.

2. Turning up late

Unless you have a very good excuse and ring ahead to rearrange, turning up late
for an appointment will not endear you to any employer.

3. Dressing inappropriately

While smart casual might be the current trend, professional attire is still proper
business etiquette for interviews. Its all about first impressions.

4. Fidgeting with unnecessary props

This can include mobile phones, nail files and chewing gum. They all have one
thing in common they dont belong at the interview table.

5. Poor body language

Eye contact, good posture, a cheerful demeanour and a firm handshake will get
you a long way in an interview.
6. Unclear answering and rambling

Take time to think before you answer questions and avoid bumbling to an
uncomfortable halt; it doesnt inspire confidence. Also, dont mumble; the interviewer
doesnt want to have to ask you to repeat an answer or have to strain to hear every word
youre saying.

7. Speaking negatively about your current employer

Never complain about your current employer no matter how despotic or

ineffectual they are. Badmouthing wont reflect well on you.

8. Not asking questions

Employers want to see youre interested enough to hear more about the post or
company and will look kindly on any well placed questions.

9. Lying on your CV

Anything written on your CV could be discussed at an interview and a fabrication

about your work or education record could damage your reputation in the long run.

10. Getting personal or too familiar

Avoid giving sob stories about how much you need the job due to the mountain of
debt youve accrued. Also, dont behave in a conceited or over familiar and flirty manner;
its not a good look no matter how much you fancy your chances.

11. Not bringing along additional CVs

If youre unsure how many people will be interviewing you, bring along surplus
copies of your CV to hand out. It will show that youre highly prepared.

12. Sitting down before invited

Its common courtesy to wait until youre shown a seat to sit down. Also, avoid
slouching or putting your feet anywhere but firmly on the ground.
13. Discussing money or time off

Unless an offer is put on the table its not recommended that you discuss money
or future working and holiday arrangements.

14. Cursing

Using foul and inappropriate language is generally not acceptable at any time in
the workplace, so at an interview it wont win you any accolades.

15. Not following up

You might not think youve performed well in an interview but a simple email
reiterating your interest is a courtesy that might just pay off in the long run.

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