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How To Kit

Literacy Games for

Deninu Ke

NWT Literacy Council

Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Literacy Games for Adults

People of all ages can play literacy games. They can be a lot of
fun. They can:
help reduce tension
make the learning environment more comfortable
help build positive relationships, and . . .
theyre also educational.

And . . . you can play them in any languageEnglish, French,

or an Aboriginal language!

In this How to Kit, you will find

A variety of literacy
games for adults, and
supporting materials

Ideas on how to adapt

them to create more games

Suggestions for adapting

them to French or the
Aboriginal languages

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT


1. Ask participants to choose a theme, such as literacy, home, school,

children, etc.

2. Give each participant a Bingo Card (attached), or ask them to make

their own.

3. Ask participants to call out 16 words related to that theme, one

word at a timefor example, kitchen, garden, etc.

4. Write each word on the board or a flipchart. At the same time, ask
each participant to write the word in any of the boxes.

5. Call out the words at random. The first participant to get a straight
line and call out Bingo! is the winner.

6. You can play this game using French or an Aboriginal language.

Choose a topic like animals or the land, or another topic where
people might be familiar with the words. You can call the game
another name, if that is more appropriate for your community.

Lets play Bingo!

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT


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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Group Bingo
1. Divide participants into groups of 4 or 5.

2. Give each group a piece of flipchart paper and ask them to fold
their sheet into 16 boxes.

3. Give a different coloured marker to each group.

4. Using themes like food, cars, countries, etc., ask participants to

call out the names of examples for that theme.

5. Write one word at a time on the board. At the same time, ask
groups to write the word in any box on their sheet of paper.
Make sure everyone gets a chance to write. When all 16 boxes
are filled, each group will have a different Bingo card.

6. For the first game, the participants circle the word on their sheet
when they hear it. Call out the words randomly and put a circle
beside each one that you call out. When a group has a whole
line, they win.

7. Now ask groups to exchange papers.

8. For the second game, they mark the words with an X. When a
group has a straight line, they win.

9. Exchange the papers again, and continue to play like this until all
the words have been called.

10. You can also play this game using French or an Aboriginal

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT


1. Divide participants into groups of 5.

2. Each member of the group donates the first and last letter of their
first and last names. For example, Bill Smith donates b, l, s
and h.

3. Each group should have 20 letters.

4. Together, the group writes down as many words as they can, using
these letters.

5. When the facilitator calls Time!, the groups must stop writing.

6. Each group reads out their words. The one with the most words

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

1. Divide participants into groups of 4 or 5.

2. They must use all 26 letters of the alphabet for the scavenger hunt.

3. In their groups, participants try to find something in the room that

they can see that begins with each letter of the alphabet. They
need only one thing for each letter.

4. The first group to find things for all 26 letters reads out their
words. If the words are all OK, this group is the winner. If any are
not OK, the game continues until another group finishes.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Paper Bag Skits

1. Divide the participants into groups of 3 to 6 people.

2. Give each group a paper bag filled with a variety of objects, such
as a wooden spoon, a hammer, a toy car, a ball, etc.

3. Each group makes up a skit (or short play) using all of the props in
the bag. The props may be used as they are used in everyday life,
or they may be used imaginatively.

4. When all the skits have been planned and rehearsed, each group
performs theirs for the other groups.

5. This game may also be played using French or an Aboriginal


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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

People Poems

1. Ask the participants to use the letters in their names to create a

poem. Each line begins with the letters of their name in order.
They need only one word in each line.

2. The words must tell something about themselvesfor example,

something they like to do, or a personal characteristic.

3. When they have finished the poems, ask them to share their poem
with the other participants.

4. Participants may use a dictionary to help them find words.

5. You can also make up community poems describing your

community, using the letters in the name of your community.

For example: Catherine might write


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1. Divide the participants into groups of 4 or 5.

2. Ask the participants call out 10 different categories of objectsfor

example, river, food, car, girls name, animal, country, etc. The
more categories you have, the longer each game will be.

3. Write the categories on the board or a flipchart paper.

4. Ask one of the participants to choose a letter of the alphabetfor

example, m.

5. When the facilitator says Go!, all the groups have to try to write
down an example for each category beginning with that letter.

6. You can do this in an Aboriginal language. Instead of using a

particular letter, you may want to use only the category to make it
easier. You decide!

For example:

River Mackenzie
Food mushrooms
Cars Mercedes Benz
Girls name Mary
Animal marten
Country Mexico

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Food for Thought

1. Have participants sit in a circle.

2. Each participant has to say their name and also a food they like
that begins with the same first letter as their first name. For
example, My name is Jeanie and I like jerky.

3. The next participant does the same, but also repeats the previous
one. For example, My name is Frank and I like french fries.
Shes Jeanie and she likes jerky.

4. And so on round the circle. It gets harder the more participants

you have.

My name is Tyler and

I like turkey.

My name is Sara and

My name is Cathy and I like spaghetti.
I like coffee. Shes Hes Tyler and he
Sara and she likes likes turkey.
spaghetti. Hes Tyler
and he likes turkey.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Fishbowl Sentences

1. Divide the participants into two equal groups.

2. Ask each group to form a circle, one inside the other.

3. Play some music. As the music is playing, the outside circle

moves in a clockwise direction and the inside circle moves

4. When the music stops the two people opposite each other pair up
and have to finish a sentence that the facilitator begins. If they
have time left, they can discuss their answers.

5. Then start the music again. The next time the music stops, each
participant should have a new partner, and complete another

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Sentence Starters

1. I like people who . . .

2. The funniest thing I ever saw was . . .

3. Id like to have . . .

4. The riskiest thing I ever did was . . .

5. I hate it when . . .

6. My favourite music is . . .

7. Last night, I . . .

8. The best gift I ever received was . . .

9. In the future, Ill . . .

10. I wish . . .

11. I could not live without . . .

12. I have never . . .

13. Everybody should . . .

14. . makes me feel good.

15. If I had a $1,000,000 I would . . .

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Community Literacy Scavenger Hunt

1. Divide the participants into groups of 4 or 5.

2. Each group has to go around the community looking for words in

the Aboriginal language of the community.

3. Ask them to write down the words or phrases, and where they are

4. Then they have to find out what the words or phrases mean. They
may know themselves, find out from the English translation, or ask
someone who can speak the language.

5. When they have twenty words or phrases, they should return to the
starting place.

6. The first team back is the winner.

Deninu Ke

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Crazy Word Chains

1. Ask the participants to sit in a circle.

2. Have them clap a slow rhythm.

3. The first participant says any word to the time of the rhythm.

4. The next participant must then say a word that begins with the last
letter of the previous word.

For example:

APPLE . . . ELEPHANT . . . TOY. . . YELL. . . LOON . . . NIGHT

5. The game starts over when a participant misses a turn or says a

wrong word.

6. You can also play this game in French or an Aboriginal language.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Mystery Boxes
(This game takes longer to complete and may be more suitable for a
classroom setting.)

1. Participants each have to make a mystery box. Find a suitable box.

On the outside of the box, draw or paste magazine pictures of
characters, settings, and objects related to a crime they have in
mind. Cover the box completely. They can make it more difficult
if they add more characters, or more than one setting.

2. Then add the name of a crime to the outside, such as snowmobile

theft, kidnapping, break and entry, etc.: it can be written on a piece
of paper, or made with letters cut from a magazine or newspaper.

3. Now put a clue inside the box. They may write it on a piece of
paper or put an object into the box, like a hammer, a letter, etc.
(Do not put anything of value into the box.)

4. When the boxes are complete, participants exchange their box with
someone else.

5. They then try to create, either orally or in writing, the mystery

story that is suggested by the box. They may introduce additional
characters and supply further detail, but they must use all the
information that is on the outside and inside of the box.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Twenty Questions

1. Choose any item that people might be familiar with. For example,
you might choose Stephen Kakfwi, or snowmobile, or banana, or

2. Participants then have to try to guess the item, but can ask only
questions with Yes or No or I dont know answers. For
example, Is it a person? Is the person male or female? Does
he live in Canada? Does he live in the Northwest Territories?
Is he a politician? Is he Stephen Kakfwi? Etc.

3. The game is over if twenty questions have been asked and no one
has guessed the right answer.

4. If someone guesses the right answer, that person can choose the
next item and answer the questions.

5. You might also play this as a vocabulary game in an Aboriginal


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1. You need many short sentences or phrases written on strips of

paper. For example:

He goes bowling every week.

She often orders pizza for supper.
My father went to hunt ducks last weekend.

2. Put the strips of paper in a box or bag.

3. Divide participants into groups of 4 or 5.

4. One participant from one team draws a sentence or phrase out of

the bag. They then act out the charade (the sentence or phrase),
while the rest of the team tries to guess what it is.

5. The team gets one point if they guess the complete sentence within
the time limit.

6. Other teams must watch quietly until it is their teams turn.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

1. Divide the participants into groups of 4 or 5.

2. Give each group a piece of flipchart paper with a room of the

house written on itfor example, kitchen. Also give each group a
different coloured marker.

3. Give the group a short length of time to write examples of print

they might see in that roomfor example, fridge magnets.

4. At the end of the time period, the group exchanges their paper with
another group, and continues writing things for their new room.
They cannot write anything that is already written on their paper.

5. At the end of the period, change papers again.

6. Continue until all ideas are exhausted.

7. Each group shares its last paper with all the groups.

8. You can play this game with a variety of topics. All you need is a
topic that lends itself to a variety of situations. For example:

Helpful Hints (Health, Learning, Living, Cleaning, Children,

Transportation (on the land, in the water, in the air, etc.)
Our natural world (plants, animals, constellations, weather, etc.)

9. You can also play this game using an Aboriginal

language. For example, participants might have to
write down things they would find in different parts
of the house, or in the hospital, etc.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Baggage Claim

1. Give each participant a baggage card. Have them pack their

bags by writing five interesting facts about their lives on the bag.
Try to have them use facts that other people may not know about
them. This will make the game a little more difficult.

2. Collect the cards.

3. Participants now have to pretend they are getting off a flight and
they are going to the baggage area to get their bag. Only they
accidentally pick up someone elses bag. (In other words, they
get someone elses card.)

4. They then have to go around the room questioning the other

participants until they find out whose bag they have.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Baggage Claim Card

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Whats the Question?

1. Write one fact on the board. For example:

Yellow, or
5 years, or

2. Participants try to guess the question that matches each fact.

For example:

Yellow: Whats your favourite colour?

What colour is your car?
What colour is your parka?

5 years: How old is your child?

How long have you been married?
How long have you lived in Yellowknife?

MacDonalds: What is your favourite food?

Where do you work?
Where are you going to have breakfast?

3. The person who guesses correctly gets to write the next fact on the

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Penny Story Telling

1. Collect a number of pennies with different dates on them.

2. Pass them out to so that every participant gets one.

3. The idea is to look at the date and try to think of a story that
happened to them in the year that is on the penny. For example, if
the date on the penny is 1984, the person has to try to think of
something that they did or that happened to them that year.

4. It will be important to make sure that the dates are relevant to the
participants. For example, if everyone is under 20, then a coin
with 1967 will have little meaning for them.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Lie Detector

1. The facilitator writes three statements on the board.

Two are true and one is false. For example:

I have been teaching for ten years.

I have a pet rat called Monty.
I lived in the United States for one year.

2. Participants ask lie detector questions to get more information to

try to find out which statement is false.

For example:

Teaching: Where have you taught?

How long did you teach in each place?
What subject did you teach?
What year did you start teaching?

Pet: How old is Monty?

What does he eat?
Where do you keep him?

The US: Where in the US did you live?

What state was that in?
What was your zip number?

3. Participants vote on which statement is a lie.

4. Then another person gets to be the facilitator.

5. You can also play this game in small groups of 3 or 4.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Footsteps into the Past

1. Ask each participant to choose an item from the

community with some history attached to it. For
example, it could be a building, a grave, an old sign, an old boat,

2. They have to find out whatever they can about the history of the
item, and be prepared to share the information with the other

3. On a set day, the participants should go for a walk together around

the selected items. At that time, each person tells the other
participants about some of the history connected to the item.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Running dictation

1. Choose one or more short pieces of text (about 5 lines).

2. Make enough copies of the text for each pair of participants to

get one. (You can use different texts for each pair if you like,
but they need to be the same length and difficulty.)

3. Stick the texts up around the room at some distance from where
the participants are sitting.

4. One person in each pair sits on a chair with a pencil and paper.
Their partner has to stand up and run to where the text is. They
read it (probably chunk by chunk), memorize it and run back to
their partner. They have to dictate it to their partner, helping in
any way they can without writing it. For example, Actually,
community has two ms, and so on.

5. The winners are the first pair with the first absolutely correct
version of the text.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT


1. You need the names of twelve famous people or twelve

professions on slips of paper that are put into a bag.

2. Each participant chooses one of the slips of paper randomly.

3. They have to pretend they are all survivors of a shipwreck,

whose lifeboat is about to sink, unless one of them jumps

4. Each participant, in turn, must try to convince the other

participants of their value to the group and to society, in order to
save themselves.

5. When everyone has spoken, each participant votes for the

person they feel should jump out, and explains their reasons to
the rest of the group.

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Celebrate Literacy in the NWT

Brainstorm Rummy

1. Divide the participants into groups of 4 or 5.

2. Give each group a piece of flipchart paper.

3. Announce a general topic to the entire group, such as Animals,

Holidays, Vegetables, Actors, etc.

4. Give the groups one minute to brainstorm and write down as

many examples of the topic as they can.

5. When the time is up, all the teams must stop writing.

6. On the board, write Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, etc.

7. Ask each team to read out a word and write it under that team.
Once a word has been written on the board, another team may
not use it.

8. Keep going, until all the teams run out of words.

9. The team with the most words wins that round.

10. You can obviously play this game in any language.

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