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Implement Indian Roads Congress IRC:116-2014 To Solve Pothole Problem Across India

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6 April 2017

Subject: Readymade, idiot-proof, economical, durable, cold Bituminous Pothole

Patching Mix is now an Indian Roads Congress Standard Specification

Dear Highway Colleagues:

Do you have a readymade pothole patching mix which has the following

Readymade with a shelf life of at least 6 months. This allows use of the mix
as and when needed after advance production. Absolutely no wastage!
Idiot-proof in application. No preparation of pothole (wet or dry) required
except removing loose debris; no squaring or cutting; and no tack coat. No
roller, compaction with a hand-held rammer is sufficient. Open to traffic right
Highly durable. Patch has a service life of at least 4-5 years. Will outlast
adjoining bituminous surface.
Unpatented. Unlike similar readymade patching mixes from international oil
companies, it is not patented. Can be made by local contractor using locally
available materials and mixing equipment. Cost is about half of patented
patching mixes.
Economical. Patching with this mix is more economical than hot mix asphalt
patching because the latter is more labour intensive (cutting/squaring the
pothole); more material intensive (binder for tack coat); and equipment
intensive (roller is needed for compaction). If we consider that potholes get
larger and deeper during the three months of monsoon and therefore require
much more hot mix, the cost of readymade cold mix may be half due to
prompt repair of potholes with it. Hot mix patching is also expensive for
repairing a few isolated potholes.
Usable throughout the year. We should be able to use the readymade mix
throughout the year including very hot summer; monsoon season (with wet
potholes); and extreme cold winter (when hot mix plants are shut down).
Therefore, no surplus or wastage.

Yes, you do have such a miracle readymade pothole patching mix. It is made
in accordance with the Indian Roads Congress Standard Specification IRC:116-
2014, Specifications for Readymade Bituminous Pothole Patching Mix Using
Cut-Back Bitumen. This IRC Standard was officially released on 19 August
2014 by Hon. Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highways
(MORTH). It simply needs to be implemented across India to tackle the menace
of potholes on our roads and streets.

Do you really want to use this readymade, idiot-proof cold pothole patching mix in
your organization such as State PWD; Central PWD; MES; Border Roads
Organization; and city municipalities? If so, I have prepared the following documents
for you so that you can issue NIT today.

Recommended draft for including three (3) items in your Basic Schedule of
Rates (BSR) for easy implementation by your engineers (Annexure A)

Rate analyses based on the current 2017 market rates to support the costs
included in the three BSR items (Annexures B and C)

The preceding items have been used by the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA)
since 2011. The JDA maintains over 6000 km of roads and streets in greater Jaipur.

Please read on, if you would like to know more about the background and the success
story of this readymade pothole patching mix.

I had the privilege of developing this readymade cold pothole patching mix while
serving as Chief Asphalt Road Engineer for the US State of Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation (Penn DOT). Pennsylvania has the fourth largest highway network
in the US. My R&D work on this mix was published by the US Transportation
Research Board in Transportation Research Record No. 821, 1981. This mix was
included in the Penn DOT Specification in Section 485 and has been used in
Pennsylvania and adjoining states with success for over 30 years. It is used during
harsh cold and rainy weather when hot mix cannot be used.

Under the US Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) it was decided to

conduct a field performance study of some 10 different pothole patching
mixes/applications in 4 different extreme climatic regions of the US. The Kandhal
Mix (Section 485 material) was adjudged as the best performing patching mix in the
US because 78% patches made with this mix survived after 4 years service in the
field. Most other patches had failed miserably to different degrees by that time and so
the field study was terminated.

I attempted to introduce this mix in Jaipur in 2008. Numerous pothole patches were
made on city streets with the voluntary assistance of the students and faculty of the
Malviya National Institute of Technology at Jaipur. The mix was also tried by IJM,
contractor for National Highway 11 (Jaipur- Agra Section). All patches were highly
successful. Photograph 1 shows a patch made with this readymade mix on NH 11
after it was subjected to rains and traffic. It simply locks itself in the cavity of the
pothole and does not ravel out.

Photograph 1. Readymade Mix patch on NH 11

This pothole patching mix was then introduced by me to Indian national audience by
publishing and presenting a technical paper in the Annual Session of the Indian Roads
Congress (IRC) held in Kolkata in 2008. This IRC paper titled, A Simple and
Effective Method of Repairing Potholes in India was published in the Journal of the
IRC, Volume 69-3, October-December 2008. The paper describes all the logical
research conducted in the US, which led to its development. The paper can also be
accessed and downloaded at the following link:

Faced with severe pothole problem during 2010 monsoon, JDA experimented with
this mix in October 2010 with my voluntary technical assistance/guidance. Satisfied
with its excellent performance even in very adverse circumstances, JDA has been
inviting tenders for this so-called Kandhal Readymade Pothole Patching Mix since
2011 (about one crore rupees worth per year). They gave this name to differentiate it
from some patented readymade mixes which are very expensive. This mix is supplied
by the local contractors in a 50-kg plastic lined bag (Photograph 2) to the JDA store
premises. It has a shelf life of at least 6 months and therefore it is used throughout the
year. Once all the supply is obtained before monsoon, JDA awards the contract of
laying and compaction of the mix in potholes to another contractor. That is why: two
separate tenders are needed.

Photograph 2. Kandhal Mix 50-kg bag

This readymade cold mix can be made in a portable or stationary drum or batch
asphalt mixing plants by any contractor using local materials. However, since the
MC-800 Cutback bitumen is used which has some kerosene in it, stringent safety
measures as given in the IRC specifications need to be followed. Portable asphalt
mixing plant as shown in Photograph 3 has been used in Jaipur. Cost of producing this
mix can be reduced significantly if a conventional batch or drum plant is used. All
these plants are used primarily to dry and warm the aggregate, which is then
processed again through the plant to mix with MC-800 Cutback. Under no

circumstances, drying/heating and mixing should be done in one operation because
MC-800 Cutback has kerosene which can cause explosion when exposed to flame.

Photograph 3. Readymade Mix production in portable drum plant

(burner flame turned off)

Photographs 4 and 5 show typical patches made in Jaipur with this readymade mix.

Photograph 4. Typical patch with Readymade Cold Mix

Photograph 5. Typical patch with Readymade Mix (next to divider)

Photographs 6 and 7 show as to how a pothole on Raj Bhawan Road in Civil Lines,
Jaipur was simply cleaned, filled with this readymade mix, and hit with hand rammer.
Photograph 8 taken after several months of rain and traffic dramatically shows the
patch was still there but the SDBC hot mix asphalt road surrounding the patch had
eroded and was gone.

Rajasthan PWD followed JDA and used this readymade cold mix successfully in 2012
on state roads and national highways.

Photograph 6. Long pothole being cleaned in Civil Lines, Jaipur

Photograph 7. Kandhal Mix being placed and compacted
in the long pothole in Civil Lines, Jaipur

Photograph 8. Long pothole patch in Civil Lines, Jaipur after rainfall

season; Kandhal patch is still there but hot mix road around it is gone

This mix is also very handy for contractors who are responsible for maintaining
national highways, state highways or PMGSY roads during the concession or
warranty or defect liability period. If there are a few potholes there is no need to
arrange hot mix; take some bags of this idiot proof mix and a labourer (with a hand
rammer) in a car or pickup and get the potholes repaired. It is also handy for filling
test/survey pits made on the road for testing and for filling utility cuts in city streets.

With all preceding information and encouragement, it would be unfortunate if

highway agencies and contractors do not adopt this generic, unpatented, economical
and effective patching technology to keep roads in India pothole free throughout the
year. Moreover, there is no excuse now this being an Indian Roads Congress

Together, we can tackle the menace of potholes on our roads and streets across India.


Prof. Prithvi Singh Kandhal

Jaipur, Rajasthan
Home page:

American roads are not good because America is rich, but America is rich
because American roads are good. - John F. Kennedy

Those who resist change will become irrelevant in the 21st Century.
Narendra Modi


Prof. Prithvi Singh Kandhal is Associate Director Emeritus of the National Center for
Asphalt Technology (NCAT) based at Auburn University, Alabama, U.S.A. NCAT is
the largest asphalt (bitumen) road technology center in the world.

Prior to joining NCAT in 1988, Prof. Kandhal served as Chief Asphalt Road Engineer
of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for 17 years. He is the first person
born outside North America, who has held the following three national and
international very prestigious positions in the asphalt road technology area:

President, Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (with members from

all continents in the world)
Chairman, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International
Committee on Road Paving Standards (responsible for over 200 standards
used worldwide)
Chairman, Transportation Research Board Committee on Asphalt Roads, U.S.
National Academy of Sciences

Prof. Kandhal has published over 120 technical papers and has co-authored the first
ever textbook on asphalt road technology, which is used by more than 25 universities
in the U.S. He has travelled to various countries in Europe, South America, Middle
East, China, Vietnam, Japan, Singapore, and Australia to provide training and
consulting services in asphalt (bitumen) technology. He has been to China three times
to train their highway engineers in building world-class roads.

Prof. Kandhal has been a practicing highway engineer in India for 20 years and in the
US for 30 years. Recently he has drafted many standards for the Indian Roads
Congress including specifications for dense graded bituminous mixes, stone matrix
asphalt and readymade pothole patching mix. He was also instrumental single-
handedly in introducing viscosity grading of bitumen in India in lieu of penetration
grading in 2005.

In August 2011, Prof. Kandhal was inducted on the Wall of Honour established at
the largest asphalt road research center in the United States. In April 2012, he

received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Asphalt Road Technology from the
International Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists during their annual
banquet held in Austin, Texas, USA.



Basic Schedule of Rates (BSR)

(Revised 6 April 2017)

Include the following 3 items in your agencys BSR right now to facilitate the
production and use of the readymade cold pothole patching mix.

1. Supply of readymade cold bituminous pothole patching mix in accordance

with IRC:116-2014 Specifications in 50-kg plastic lined sturdy bags with 10-
km average lead. Mix shall contain at least 5.6% MC-800 Cut-back Bitumen
and suitable anti-stripping agent. Mix shall be workable and usable for at least
6 months. All 50-kg bags shall be transported to a storage facility designated
by the Engineer. Since the mix contains volatile kerosene, sealed bags shall
not be stored in a closed building or warehouse. No open flame or smoking
shall be permitted near the stored mix. Cost Rs. 370 per 50-kg bag

2. Placing and compacting readymade cold bituminous pothole patching mix in

potholes in accordance with IRC:116-2014 Specifications from 50-kg plastic
lined sturdy bags with 20-km average lead. Cost Rs. 23 per 50-kg

3. Supply, placing and compacting readymade cold bituminous pothole patching

mix in accordance with IRC:116-2014 Specifications in 50-kg plastic lined
sturdy bags with 10-km average lead for supply and 20-km average lead for
placement. Mix shall contain at least 5.6% MC-800 Cut-back Bitumen and
suitable anti-stripping agent. Mix shall be workable and usable for at least 6
months. All 50-kg bags shall be transported to a storage facility designated by
the Engineer. Since the mix contains volatile kerosene, sealed bags shall not
be stored in a closed building or warehouse. No open flame or smoking shall
be permitted near the stored mix. Cost Rs. 393 per 50-kg bag


Cost Analysis of Supplying Readymade Bituminous Pothole Patching Mix (IRC:

116-2014) to Department Godown
(Revised 6 April 2017)

Assume one ton (1000 kg) of the mix is to be made and filled in 20 bags of 50 kg
each, which will be supplied to Department Godown for use later.

A. Cost of Materials

1. Aggregate of specified gradation
Aggregate 940 kg @ Rs. 525 per ton.... 493.50

2. Bitumen MC-800 Cutback supplied in drums:

60 kg @ Rs. 57,000 per ton. 3420.00

3. Anti Stripping Agent @ 0.3 % by weight of MC-800

1.8 kg @ Rs. 140 per kg. 252.00

Total for A 4165.50

B. Production Cost

1. Portable Mini Hot Mix Plant with capacity of 8 tons/day

Rent for one day = Rs. 3500. Rent to produce one ton will be
one-eighth of Rs. 3500, that is, Rs. 437.50 437.50

2. Fuel costs: 24 liters per day; 3 liters per hour

3 liters @ Rs. 60 per liter 180.00

3. Labour: 8 labourers needed per day to produce 8 tons

1 labourer needed per ton @ Rs. 400 per day. 400.00

Total for B 1017.50

C. Packing, Handling and Transport to Department Godown

1. Cost of 50-kg empty bags

20 bags @ Rs. 12 per bag.. 240.00

2. Labour for filling, weighing and sealing bags;

3 labourers can fill 160 bags in one day (20 bags in one hour)
Cost of labourers for one day = 3 times Rs. 400 = Rs. 1200
Cost of filling 20 bags in one hour = 1200/8.. 150.00

3. Transport of bags from plant to department godown

(average 10 km lead) 1 ton@ Rs. 300 per ton . 300.00

Total for C 690.00

D. Total of A + B + C. 5,873.00

Contractors overhead @ 10% of D........................................................... 587.30

Royalties, sales tax, income tax etc. @ 4.5% of D....................................... 264.28

Total 6724.58
Add 10% contractors margin 672.46

Total Cost per ton (20 bags of 50 kg each)..Rs. 7397.04

Cost per kg..Rs. 7.40

Cost per 50-kg bag..Rs. 370.00


Cost Analysis of Laying Readymade Bituminous Pothole Patching Mix

(Revised 6 April 2017)

Assume Eight (8) tons of the readymade mix will be laid

in potholes in one day. Costs for one day operation are as follows:

1. 4 Labourers @ Rs. 400 each 1,600.00

2. Transportation of bags from Department Godown to

laying site (average one-way lead of 20 km)
(a) Rent of tractor = Rs. 800
(b) Cost of diesel = Rs. 480 (tractor will consume one liter
per 5 km; 8 liters for 40 km @ Rs. 60 per liter = Rs. 480
Total transportation cost = 800 + 480 = 1280 1,280.00

3. Sand bags for sprinkling sand on patches to avoid pickup:

2 sand bags @ Rs. 12 per bag24.00

Total 2,904.00

Add 10% contractor overhead... 290.40

Add 4.5% for royalty, sales tax, income tax, etc.. 130.68

Total 3325.08

Add 10% contractor margin.. 332.51

Total 3657.59

This is the cost for 8 tons.

Cost per ton = Rs. 457.20

Cost per kg = Rs. 0.46
Cost per 50-kg bag = Rs. 23.00



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