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Manual Fujifilm Ga645zi

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This manual provides instructions for operating a GA645ZL camera. It includes explanations of camera parts and functions as well as tips for taking better photos.

The manual teaches users how to operate the various functions and settings of the GA645ZL camera such as exposure, focus, shutter speed, etc. It also provides maintenance guidelines.

The camera allows users to customize settings like switching between meter and feet for distance measurements, turning off the buzzer sound, and disabling the lens cap sensor warning.

This camera manual library is for reference and historical purposes, all rights reserved.

This page is copyright by M. Butkus, N.J.

This page may not be sold or distributed without the expressed
permission of the producer
I have no connection with any camera company
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you. Most other places would charge you $7.50 for a electronic copy or $18.00 for a
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Conespondlng to the bar clde systom
Enstprlcht dem Stdchcod$ystem
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English(Pages12-31) ,
whileyou readthis manual.


Frangais (Pages 54-751 , ,, , ,,, :

Se reporter aux illustrationsen lisant le mode d'emploi,

Espafrol(Pdginas76-981 ii :: ,,, ,.
Consultelas ilustraciones

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-Fig. Fig.8-
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. 2-
-Fig. F i s .1 4 Fig. F i s1
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IFig. Fig.24-
-Fig. Fis.26 Fis,27-

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# Thismanualwillshowyou howto useyourcameracorrectly. \i
ft. Pleasefollowthe instructions
carefully. t
t C OiatLockRelease
U' @ SelectingDial u
O Up/DownDial a
@ ExposureCompensation Button
Window q
Namesof parts 12 @ PassiveAutofocus
@ ActiveAutofocus Window(alsoservesas an AE lightreceptor) (
of the functionsof parts
Description 13 (
Cameracareandcautions 14 @ ShutterReleaseButton
@Self-timerLamp (
Soecialfeatures 15 (
16 @Camera Grip
Specifications 6
17 @ LensCap Sensor
I . R e a d y i n gt h e c a m e r a
C Hot-Shoe (
Loading the batteries 17
Displayand printingof data 18 @ FinderWindow
19 @ ViewfinderFocusAdjustingDial
Attachingthe accessories I
L o a d i n gt h e f i l m 20 @ FlashHead -I
II. Basicprocedures 22 @ FinderLightIntakeWindow
(o SyncSocket L
Takingautomatic-mode (autofocus/programmed
f lash)pictures
exposurelautomatic 22 @ StrapLug v

U n l o a d i n gt h e f i l m 24 @ AE lightSensor
IIL Advanced techniques 24 @ FlashSensor
@ ActiveAutofocus Window e
Aperture-priorityauto exposure 24
Manualexposure 25 @ Lens
flash 26 Button
@ Self-timer Y
Usingthe built-in ,8 FlashButton a
U s i n ga n e x t e r n a l f l a s h 28 e
Exposurecompensation 28 @ LiquidCrystalDisplay
@ fitm Reminder Slot e
U s i n gt h e f o c u s l o c k 28
Manualfocusing 29 @ Cameraback
Usingthe self-timer 29 @FilmLoadingKnob
IV. Extrafunctions 30 @ Mid-roll
31 @TripodSocket 6
V. A wordon the camera'sautofocussystem 6,

Rererence data 31 @ FinderEyepiece a

6t DateButton 6
@ CableReleaseSocket
@ LigntButtonfor the liquidCrystalDisplay
rji,frri @ CameraBackLock
@BatteryCompafiment Cover Screw ffi
@BatteryCompartment Cover o Selecting Dial t5
@PressurePlate Changeover Switch ( 1 ) O F F : P o w e r o f f - S e t i t t o O F F w h e n n o t u s i n gt h e c a m e r a . z,
O FilmFeed Chamber (2) P : Programmedauto exposure- For setting exposure (ap- IU
[2FocalPlane Rail erture and shutter speed) automatically.
@rData printingWindow (3) A : Aperture-priorityauto exposure- lf you set the aperture,
,0 FilmWind Sensor Roller the shutter speed is set automatically.When the built-in
{9Spool flash is used, the shutterspeed will not be slower than 1/
+oPressurePlate 45 sec.
0 S p o o l P r e s s u r eS p r i n g (4) As : Slow synchro-aperturepriority auto exposure - lf you set
the apefture,the shutterspeed is set automatically.(When
4eSpoolShaft Buttons the built-inflash is used,the shutteroperatesfor the range
@ F i l mT a k e - u pC h a m b e r from the high speed to 2 second slow shutter speed.)
( 5 ) M : M a n u a l e x p o s u r e- Y o u c a n s e t y o u r d e s i r e d a p e r t u r e
LiquidCrystal Display (LCD) and shutter speed.
Thisillustration shows allsigns and indicatorsdisplayedin the LCD. (6) ISO : To set the film speed, use this dial and the Up/ Down
Usually, only the informationneeded for each shot is displayed. Dial.
Y DataPrintingSign o Up/Down Dial
?ExposureIndicator This dial has the followingfunctions:
@ F i l mS p e e dS i g n
( 1 ) F e e d i n go f t h e f i l m l e a d e rw h e n l o a d i n gf i l m . ffi
Compensation/Film (2) Aperture setting in the aperture-priorityauto exposure mode.
SoeedIndicator ( S e l e c t i n gD i a l : A , A S )
c5Seconds (3) Setting of aperture and shutter speed in the manual exposure
56F-number mode.
I DistanceUnit Sign(m) (4) Setting of the film speed. (lSO).
5aBatterySign (5) Selectingthe autofocus or manual focusing mode
@ FilmType Indicator (6) Setting of the shooting distance in the manual focusing mode.
@M a n u a F l o c u s i n gM o d e S i g n ( l f t h i s s i g n d o e s n o t a p p e a r ,t h e (7) Setting of the exposure compensating value (+/- EV) in the
camerais set for autofocusing) exposure compensationmode.
01,FlashSign (8) Setting of the date and time.
@ S e l f - t i m eMr o d e S i g n o Pressure plate changeover switch (12Ol22Ol
0ExposureCompensationMode Sign For setting the 120 or 220 film
6JExposureCounter o Exposure Compensation Button (g)
(1) To compensate exposure, use it with the Up/Down Dial.
(2) To choose a shutterspeed for manual exposure,use it with the ilH
Up/Down Dial.
m o Data Button (DATA) outto the edges.
z Usingthisbuttonandthe Up/DownDial,data(date,time,andex- afterall contaminants
@ Finally, havebeenremoved, wipeoff the
o posuredata)printingis set. remaining lenscleaningfluidwitha dry sheetof lenscleaning
w o AF/M Button paper.Again,startfromthecenterin a circularmotionthenmove
t outto the edges.
Usingthisbuttonwiththe UP/DownDialfor Settingthe shooting
distanceand autofocus. o Breathinga miston the lenssurfacethenwipingit withsilicon
o Self-timerButton (O) clothor othersimilarmaterialis the worstthingyou can do.
Forsettingthe self-timer Neverdo it becausethisis oneof the maincausesof scratches
o FlashButton (t) on cameralenses.
Forpoppingup andturningon the flash. o CleantheAutofocus Windowand Finderin the sameway as
o Zoom Lever described abovefor the lens.Scratches on theAutofocusWin- 7
Forchangingfocallengthtowardthe teleandwide. dowcan causeincorrect focusing. a

CAMERA CARE AND CAUTIONS 3. Liquid crystaldisplay G

o Thoughthe liquidcrystaldisplaymaysometimes lookblackat a

Yourcamerais a precision
instrument.Whenhandlingit,takesuf- hightemperature around60 "C, it will returnto normalat an I
ficientcareandobservethefollowinginstructions. ordinarytemperature.
o At low temperatures, the responsespeedof the liquidcrystal C
1. Cleaningthe camera displaytendsto becomeslower.Butthisis a naturalcharacter-
o Do not use solvents,suchas thinneror alcohol,to cleanyour isticof the liquidcrystaland it doesnot meananythingwrong.
o Makeit a habitto cleanthe camerabeforeandaftertakingpic- 4. Battery note
tures.To cleanit, dustoft withan air blowerandwipethe cam- o Thoughbatteryperformance will generallybe reducedby low
eraexteriorwitha softclothsuchas siliconcloth. temperatures, it will returnto normalat an ordinarytempera-
a Dustand soilinsidethe filmchambermaydamageyourfilm. ture.lf you are shootingin coldweather,be sureto use new
Takeparticularcareto cleanthe camerainterior. batteries andkeepsparebatteries on handand,whilewarming
themin a pocket,usethesebatteriesalternately. lf the battery s

2. Cleaningthe lens poweris low,the cameramaywill not operateat lowtempera-

o Scratches on the lenssurfacecan reduceitssharpnessfar more tures. a
thanyouwouldthink.lf the contrastof yourpictureseemssome- o lf the BatterySign(cz; switchesto the BatteryLowSign(cr),
howinsufficientand it doesnot lookcrispenough,the possible youshouldchangethebatteries soon.Takesparebatteries along G

causeis scratches on the lenssurfaceCleanthe lenscarefully withyou.

in the procedure described below. o Neverdismantlethe batteries,heat,throwintofire,chargeor
O Setthe Selecting Dialto OFF. causethemto shortcircuit.
@ Blowoff dustanddebrisfromthe lenssurfacewithan air blower.
O Moistena sheetof lenscleaning paperwitha commerciallyavail- 5. The workingtemperaturerange
ablelenscleaningfluidandwipethe lensgentlywithit in a cir- rangefor this camerais -10'C to
o The workingtemperature
ll4 cularmotion.Alwaysstartfromthe centerthengradually move +40'C.
6. Storage precautlons o What is a "Bar Code System"? #
o In hot weather,do not leave your camera in a closed compart- The film speed (lSO), type of the fitm (1201220),and other data t
m e n to f y o u r c a r , o r o n a n o c e a n b e a c h a n d i n m o i s t p l a c e s are recorded in a bar code format on the seal which connects ;il

excepttemporarilyfor a very short time.

the leader paper with the film. The Fujifilm'sbar code system ift;,
o Keepthe camera where it will be safe from moisture,heat, and a l l o w s t h e c a m e r a r e a d i n gt h i s b a r c o d e a n d s e t t i n g t h e f i l m
dust.Be sure to put the lens cap on the lens. speed and type of the film automatically.
o Do not store it in a wardrobe drawer because the gas of naph-
thaleneor other insecticidescan cause damage to the camera o Easy-loading film
andfilm. This system allows the film to be easily and correcfly loaded
simply by insertingthe leader paper into the slot on the take-up
7. Film loading and unloading spool. To be more specific,the round opening in the leader pa-
r Alwaysload and unload film in subdued light. per head is hooked to the claw on the slot of the take-up spool.
The leader paper is properly stretched preventingthe roll from
SPECIALFEATURES slackeningand the film is loaded completely.

o A fullyautomatic,6 x 4.5 cm format autofocuszoom cam-

era(Corresponding to the bar code system)
OSuperEBCFujinon1:4.5f=55mm - 1:6.9f=90mm 1.6xzoom
lenspromises sharpand clearpictureswithhighimagequality
fromwideto tele.
@Useof filmwiththe bar codesystemeliminates erroneousfilm
settings use of film.
r Automatic filmspeed(lSO)setting
o Automatic pressureplatesetting(automatic focalplanead- Easy-loading
film Conventional
automatic exposure counterinterlocking,automatic
_ filmtypeindication on the LCDpanel)
O Equipped withthe LensCapSensor- Pieventing an erroneous
exposure withthe lenscap on.
@TheLCDequippedwithan EL backtighr- Easitycheckeddis-
playsevenin the dark
O HyOriO autofocussystem{passivetypewithexternallight(sens-
infraredrays))backsup the SuperEBCFujinonlensto bringits
highperformance intofullplay.

Ifi SPECIFICATIONS o ExposureControl
2: Center-weighted lightmetering(SPDphotocell), programmed
f,l autoexposure, A, AS: aperture-priority autoexposure'manual
l- o Type
{n Fullyautomatic, 6 x 4.5cm formatautofocus zoomcamera(cor- exposure, EV 3 - 19 coupling range(lSO100).
Ei o ExposureCompensation
responding to the bar codesYstem)
o Picture Size t3 EV in 1/2-stopincrements.
,t.ii o Film SpeedSetting
lri; 6 x 4.5cmformat(actualpicturesize:56 x 41'5 mm)
o Film' ISO25 - 1600in 1/3-stepincrements.
120(16 exposures) and220(32exposures) rollfilm. Automatically setwitha barcodesystemfilmloaded.
;i.i o Flash
o Lens
SuperEBCFujinon1:4.5- 6.9f=55- 90 mm lens(10compo- Built-in,pop-uptypeflash,automatic controlof amountof light,
.iiii nents,10 elements), equivalent to 34 - 56 mm on 35 mm for- g u i d en u m b e1r 2 ( l S O1 0 0 ) .
mat,65 - 42" angleof view,1.0m minimumfocusingdistance, o Film Advance
52 mm filterdiameter. Automatic first-frame positioning (alignment of startmarkis not
tiu o Focusing necessary), automatic winding,provided withbuzzerfor indi-
Hybrid(activetypeandpassivetype)autofocus system,1.0m - catingthe lastframe,film is automatically woundup afterthe
- focusingrange,switchable to manualfocusingmode'pro- lastframeis exposed.
videdwithfocuslock. o ExposureCounter
o Finder Additivetypecounteron liquidcrystaldisplay,interlocked with
llluminating windowtypebrightframefinder,automatic parallax 12Ol22O pressureplateswitchover, "E" sign appearsafterthe
correction, 88% fieldof viewat infinity(-), 90% at 3 m, 0.4 - lastframeis exposed.
0.58xmagnification. o Liquid CrystalDisPlaY(LCD)
:ii:ii! o Displayin the Finder Numberof exposures, shutterspeed,aperture, filmspeed,type
Pictureframe(brightframe),autofocus sign,datadisplay:aper- of film(12Oor 220),batterywarningsign,flashactivation sign,
turevalue,correct-exposure sign(|), shutterspeed,flashacti- exposure compensation modesign,self-timer modesign,manual
't.ttiU vation,shootingdistance, distanceunit(m).Shutteractuated focusingmodesign,dateandtime(YearMonthDay/DayHour
display. Minute),shootingdistance, totalshotsindicator.
'jiii o DataPrinting
o Shutter
shutter(expo- Printing outsidethepictureframes,dates(YearMonthDay/Hour
i1i Electronic,programmed auto-exposure
suresettingson aperture-priority
autoex'posure and manual Minute), exposure data(exposure mode,aperture, shutterspeed,
exposure are atsopossible), provided withbuzzerfor indicating exposurecompensating value,AF/MF.)
thatthe shutterhastriPPed. o Others
o Shutter Speed Hot-shoe, filmreminder slot,cablereleasesocket,syncsocket,
B, 2 sec.- 1/700sec. tripodsocket,provision for switchingon and otlbuzzersound.
o Self-timer Lenscap warning.
'i,,1 Electronicself-timer with10 sec.delay,providedwithcountdown o Power Source
lamp. TwoCR123A/DL123A lithiumbatteries; about1600shotscan
:i1 be takenwithoutflash.
161.5(W)x 108.5(H)x 73 (D)mm. rh,
(Dimensionswhenthe lensbarrelis retracted) LOADINGTHE BATTERIES #
r Weight ft-
885g (withoutbatteries). 1. Open the battery compartmentcover (Fig. 1) tu
a Accessories Setthe SelectingDialto OFF and,witha coin,turnthe Battery
Camera softcase,neckstrap,lens hood,lens cap, batteries Compartment CoverScrewtowardthe arrowto penthe Cover.
* Specifications
and performanceare subjectto changewithout 2. Insert the batteries(Fig. 2)
notlce. Insertthe batteriesin the BatteryCompartment withthe plus(+)
and minus(-) endsas illustrated insidethe Cover,thenreplace
the coverandtightenit witha coin.
o Usetwo 3V CR 123AIDL123ALithiumbatteries.
o The camerawill not operateunlessthe batteriesare correctlv
o Changethetwo batteries at thesametimeandalwaysusenew
batteries.Do not mixnewandold ones.

3. Checkthe batteries(Fig.3, 4)
Whilepressingin the DialLockRelease, turnthe Selecting
fromOFFto "P"(or "A"or "As"or "M").lf the Lensmovesout into
the batteries
are loadedcorrecily.
4. Conditionof batteries(Fig.5)
o tndicatortights(Fig.5-A)
o Indicatortights(Fig.5-B)
o Indicatorftickers(Fig.5-C)
@ The batterycapacityis normal.
@ the batterycapacityis low.Replacethebatteries withnewones.
@ Sincethe batterycapacityis low,the shutterlockis apptied
Replacethe batteries withnewones.
o A pairof newbatteries willprovidepowerfor takingabout1600
shotswithoutflash,and about450 shotswhenhalfof the pic-
turesaretakenwithflash(astestedaccording to Fujifilm's

rfi DISPLAYAND PRINTINGOF DATA o Thiscameraincorporates a dataprintingunitwhichallowsyou
z, to printthe date,time,and exposuredataoutsidethe picture
6f frameson yourfilm.
f 1. Changingthe data format
Data Format Displayon LCD(ExamPle) Printing(Example)

I '98 r{ '98
rar M
I 1 15:35
Day HourMinute I i5:15
J- Programmode
Displayedwhen the built-inflash fires.l

ExposureData rv t{5 5.5 P 55mmF5.6 1145+0.5EV AF S

I ShutterspeedJ t- P-nurnSep Shootingfocal
| | Exposure
F-number I CompensationI

I '98 t{
'984 1 P 55mmF5.61/45+0.5EVAF S

YearMonth | ,u t{5 5.6
L gtint. alternatey -il

Afterchangingthe batteries,the dataformatis initiallyset to " - - - :k When the shutter speed is set to "Bulb"," brL " will be displayed
- - -" (printing
otf).Eachtimeyou pressin the DataButton,the on the LCD, and'BULB" will be printed as the exposure data.
j,< 1: Changing the data format; Data mode column.
arrangement of datawillchangeas shownabove.lf yourdesired
formatappears,stoPoPerating it. Year Month Day can be changed in the followingsequence when-
The displayof the datain the formatwhichyou haveset willturn ever the SelectingDial is set from OFF to ISO with the Zoom Lever
on for fivesecondsafteryou removeyourfingerfromthe Button, pressed downward (Wide angle side). (Fig. 6)
thenturnoff.The [DATA]Signin the LCDwillremainon to tellyou Month Day Year + Day Month Year---> Year Month Dayl
thatthe camerahas beenset to the dataprintingmode. l+
* The "YearMonthDay/Exposure Data"will blinkalternately be-
causeall of thesedatacannotbe displayedin the LCDat the When the date is set once under a selected mode, the mode will
sametime. last until it is changed again.
* Whenthe exposurecompensation has beenset,the compen-
1,8 satedvaluesof apertureand shutterspeedwillbe displayed'
2. Dataprintingexample(Fig.7) strapeithervertically
or horizontally. :l
Dataunderthe set mode(dateand exposuredata)are indicated C Passbothendsof the strapthroughthe StrapLugs. ffi ":,:
thepictureframeson yourfilm.The printedexposuredata
outside O Adjustthe straplengthproperlywiththe Buckle. t,
areexposure mode,focallength,aperture,shutterspeed,expo- o WhenyoupassthestrapendsthroughtheAnti-loosening Rings, fr',
surecompensation value,focusingmode(automatic or manual) slidetheAnti-looseningRings.Thestrapendswillpassthrough
andflashusedor not. the themmoreeasily.
* Whentheflashfired,"S"willbe printed.
Whentheflashis turned
onundertheP modebutthelightis so brightthattheflashis not 2. Put on the lens cap (Fig.13)
"S"willnot be printed.
required, Taketwo buttonson the lenscap withyourfingersto put it on or
3. Set the date (Fig. 8, 9) To preventaccumulating dustand otherforeignmatterson the
e Pressingin the Dial Lock Release; lensglass,putthe lenscap on as soonas you arethroughtaking
\9Setthe SelectingDial to "P" (or "A" or "As" or "M"). pictures.
Tocleanthelens,referto "Cleaningthe lens"on page14.
\t Pressingin the Data Button, press in the AF/M Button.
@ TheYearnumber will blink.When the Year number has started 3. Put on the lens hood and filter (Fig.14)
blinking,you may leave your finger from the Data Button. o Indicator (Fig.14-A)
o Setthe blinkingYear number correctlywith the Up/Down Dial. [Lens Hood - Bayonettype]
@ Pressin the AF/M Button to complete the Year setting. The Placethe indicatoron the lenshoodupwardas shownin the fig-
nextnumber (Month) will then blink. Set the number correctly ure,putthe hoodintothe frontof the lensbarrelandturnit to the
as describedin @ above. righttill it is locked. a
l . -
o As the AF/M Button is pressed in, set numbers will be shifted o The lenshoodhas beendesignedespecially for yourcamera.
fromMonthto Day,from Day to Hour,and from Hour to Minute.
Set the numbers correctlywith the Up/Down Dial.
Be surenotto use the lenshoodotherthanthatcomeswith
yourcamera.lf you useotherhoods,Fujifilmcannotguarantee '.
l* correctautofocusing becauselightmayfalloffalongthe picture
t# 4. S e t t h e t i m e ( F i g . 1 0 ) edgesor the autofocus beammaybe blocked.
Set the correct Minute as described above, and press in the IFilter]
t*- AF/M Button.Second will be zero-set,the film speed (lSO)will Usecommercially available
52 mm diameterfilters.The filteris
l# b e d i s p l a y e d a, n d t h u s , t i m e s e t t i n ge n d s . mountedby screwingit intothe frontof the lensbarrel.
* Thecorrectdatewillbe displayedup to the year2030, a Do notputon two or morefilters.Fujifilmcannotguarantee cor-
:i<Whenthe batteriesare replacedwithnewones,the set dataare rectautofocusing becauselightmay fall off alongthe picture
erased.Be sureto resetthe data. edges.
o Whentakingpicturesby usingfilterswithexposurefactors,be
THE ACCESSORIES sureto compensate exposuresaccordingly withthe exposure
1. Attachthe neck strap (Fig. 11,121
o Anti-loosening
Ring(Fig.11-A) 4. Usethe soft case (Fig.15)
o Buckle(Fig.11-B) Alwaystry to keepyourcamerain the SoftCasewhencarryingit
Yourcamerahas threeStrapLugs,and you can attachthe neck aboutor storing.Sucha habitwillprotectyourcamerafromdam- lig
nx aging and dust. You can keep your camera in the Soft Case with * For the protection of the lens,it is recommendedthatthe Se-
z t h e l e n s h o o d a t t a c h e dt o t h e l e n s b a r r e l . lectingDialbe in the off positionwhenloadingfilm.
tt}' LOADING THE FILM PressurePlate 120 220
1. Opening and closing the camera back (Fig. 16)
Type of Film 220 120
To open the Camera Back, raisethe Camera Back Lock and turn it
toward the arrow (counterclockwise).To close the Camera Back,
press it gently against the body till you hear the snapping sound. LCD Indication "120"lights "220"lights *
T h e n , t u r n d o w n t h e C a m e r a B a c k L o c k t o t h e o r i g i n a lp o s i t i o n .
* For the protectionof the lens, recommendthe SelectingDial be Exposure A f t e r e x p o s i n gt h e Operation may vary
set to OFF when openingor closingthe Camera Back and when Counter 15th frame, the dependingon the film
l o a d i n gt h e f i l m . buzzersounds,and type used. Most films
the filmis woundup are wound up after
2. Setting the pressure plate (Fag.17) a f t e r e x p o s i n gt h e exposing the 16th
No pressureplate setting is requiredwhen a film with the bar code 16thframe.Then,"E" frame,and "E" will be
system is used. The camera automaticallysets the pressureplate willbe displayed. displayed.
a c c o r d i n gt o t h e f i l m l o a d e d . W h e n a c o n v e n t i o n a lf i l m ( w i t h o u t
Resultof Expo- Accurate focusing may not be made when the
bar code) is used, set the pressure plate. Open the Camera Back
sureCounter l e n s i s a t o r n e a r t h e f u l l y o p e n e d p o s i t i o n .
a n d p r e s s i n t h e P r e s s u r e P l a t e C h a n g e o v e rS w i t c h s o t h a t t h e
L C D i n d i c a t e st h e t y p e o f f i l m l o a d e d .T h e p r e s s u r ep l a t e w i l l b e
o When you find, after advancingthe film, that the pressure plate
s e t a u t o m a t i c a l l ya n d a c c o r d i n g l yw i t h t h e l o a d e d f i l m a f t e r a d -
has not been set correctly,correct it by the following method:
v a n c i n gt h e f i l m . *OFF".
C S e t t h e S e l e c t i n gD i a l t o
3. Type of film and number of exposures @ Pressing in the Data Button,set the SelectingDial from "OFF"
to "lSO".
o 120 roll film: 16 exposures
o 220 rollfilm: 32 exoosures @ C h e c k t h e L C D t o i n s u r e t h a t t h e B a t t e r yS i g n a n d " 1 2 0 " o r
"220" have been indicated.
o T h e e x p o s u r e c o u n t e r i s i n t e r l o c k e dw i t h t h e p r e s s u r e p l a t e
c h a n g e o v e rs y s t e m , a n d w h e n t h e p r e s s u r e p l a t e i s s e t , t h e @ Keep pressingin the Data Button,turn the Up/Down Dial to the
d e s i r e dt y p e o f f i l m .
exposurecounteris also changed over accordinglywith the type
Turned clockwise:"120"
of film loaded.
Turned counterclockwise:"220"
o While 120 roll film is attachedto an opaque backing paper over
i t s e n t i r e l e n g t h ,s u c h p a p e r i s u s e d o n l y o n b o t h e n d s o f 2 2 0 @ Leave your finger from the Data Button to end the setting.
rollfilm. The thicknessof the backingpaper causes a shift in the
4. Press in the spool shaft buttons (Fig. 18) ft
position of the focal plane, and the pressure plate adjusts for
Press in the Spool Shaft Buttons on both sides. The Spool (Film) [
this differencewhile keepingthe film flat on the focal plane.There-
L o a d i n gK n o b s w i l l p o p o u t . *
fore, check the type of film loadeddisplayedon the LCD to make >k The Take-upSpool and rollfilm can be loaded easier by fittingin F
20 sure that the Pressure Plate is set correctlvfor the film loaded.
the top side first, then pressing in the bottom side.
5. Replacethe empty spool (Fig. 19) and close the Camera Back, the roll may slacken. Be sure .iE
Takeout the empty spool, fit it into the Take-up Chamber (on the to wind the film by 3 to 5 turns around the spool. ,!&
rightside),then press in the Take-up Spool Knob. * Exact start mark positioningis not requiredbecause the film tip {5
* Theempty spool is set in the Take-up Chamber, at the time of is detectedby the Film Sensor. Be careful,however,not to wind z
0urcnase. it in too much until the start mark comes to the right side of the
p i c t u r e f r a m e c e n t e r b e c a u s e t h e f i r s t - f r a m ew i l l n o t b e p o s i -
6, lnsertthe film (Fig. 20) tioned correctlycausing it to be partiallyexposed.
the film in the Film Chamber (on the left side), then press in
theFilmLoadingKnob tillyou hear the snappingsound and it draws 9. Set the film speed (lSO) (Fig. 23)
backcompletely. C Wnite pressingin the Dial Lock Release,set the SelectingDial
I Confirmthat the Film Loading Knob has drawn back and been t o " l S O " . " l S O " w i l l t h e n b l i n k o n t h e L C D , i n d i c a t i n gt h a t t h e
fixedcompletely.lf not, slackened film roll and inaccurate fo- camera is under ISO setting mode.
cusingmay result. *: Automatic ISO setting with a bar code system film used
@ Turn the Up/Down Dial clockwiseto set it to "Auto".
7. Pull out the leader paper (Fig. 21) :i: Manual ISO setting with a film without bar code used
O p u t to u t t h e f i l m l e a d e r p a p e r a n d p a s s i t a l o n g t h e f i l m c h a n - @ Turn the Up/Down Dial to set it to a desired number.
nel. When turned clockwise : UP
@ Insertthe tip into the slot of the take-upspool.The round open- When turned counterclockwise:DOWN
ing in the leader paper head will be hooked to the claw on the
slotof the take-up spool. (lnsert the tip into the slot of take-up 10. Set the film to the first frame (Fig. 2a)
s p o o li n t h e s a m e m a n n e r a l s o w h e n t h e u s e d f i l m a n d s p o o l C Close the Camera Back.
are not of an easy-loadingtype.) @ Wfritepressing down the Dial Lock Release,
I Turnthe Up/Down Dial to the arrow directionto adjust the spool @ S e t t h e S e l e c t i n gD i a l t o " P " , " A " ," A s " o r " M " .T h e f i l m w i l l t h e n
slotpositionso it can be readily seen. The spool turns 90 de- automaticallyadvance to the first frame position,and the Lens
g r e e sa s t h e U p / D o w n D i a l i s t u r n e d , a n d t h e p o s i t i o nc a n b e will move out into shooting position.
adjustedeasily. @ Wfren the Selecting Dial has already been set to "P", "A", "As"
or "M", the film will automaticallyadvance to the first frame po-
8. Wind the leader paper (Flg.22l sition as the Shutter Release Button is pressed down.
r Line up the start mark with this pin. (Fig. 22-A) @ W h e n t h e f i l m i s s e t t o t h e f i r s t f r a m e , t h e e x p o s u r ec o u n t e r
Windthe leader paper around the take-up spool by turnirrgthe Up/ d i s p l a y s" 1 " . A l s o d i s p l a y e da r e I S O [ N u m b e r ]a n d s e t p r e s -
D o w nD i a l t o w a r d t h e a r r o w . W h e n y o u a r e u s i n g 1 2 0 r o l l f i l m , sure plate setting number nzOl or W.
windit until the start mark appears in the left side. Do not wind it *< When a film is not loaded correctly(slackened),the validitydate
anymore. When you are using 220 rollfilm, wind it in by about 3 to has been expired,or improperlystored film is used, the camera
5 t u r n s( a b o u t1 5 c m ) a r o u n dt h e s p o o l . may not read the film data correctly.
O To prevent the roll from slackening, press down the leader >i<When the Up/Down Dial is set to "Auto" and LCD displays "- - !',
paper at the left side, and applying tension, wind the leader the camera is not reading the bar code of the film correctlyor film
f paper securely around the Take-up Spool. used has no bar code. In this case, the shutteris locked and the
I ff you wind the film by only 'l to 2 turns around the Spool camera does not work. Set ISO number and changeoverthe pres-

TI' sureplatecorrectly. the camera is placed under the programmed auto exposure mode
#i >i<Recommendthe top coverof the film box be cut out and in- ( P m o d e ) ,t h e F l a s h w i l l n o t f i r e i n b r i g h t l i g h t b u t i t w i l l a u t o m a t i -
11:, Slotso thatyou won'tforgetwhich
sertedin the FilmReminder c a l l yf i r e i n d i m l i g h t .
u, filmyouareusing. * lt will automaticallyfire in brightnessof EV12 or equivalent (at
!E F5.6,1/90sec. with ISO 100 film loaded).
TI. BASIC PROCEDURES * For details on flash photography,refer to page 26.

S/ PROGRAMM 4. Display in the finder (The figure below shows all markings
AUTOEXPOSURE/AUTOMATIC FLASH)PICTURES displayed in the finder) (Fig. 28)
e Field-of-viewframe (for distant objects) (Fig. 28-A)
modes,you can take
o lf you set the camerato the automatic \1) Field-of-viewframe (for near objects) (Fig. 28-B)
picturesvery easily. v Field-of-viewframe (fixed)(Fig. 28-C)
The area seen insrde the frame C or @ will be taken in your
1. Set the camerato the programmedauto exposuremode picture.
(Fis.25) The field-of-viewframe O moves to the positionof @, and the
Whilepressingin the DialLockRelease,setthe SelectingDialto parallax is compensatedautomatically.
"P"The camerais setto the programmed autoexposuremode,in @ nf (autofocus) frame(Fig.28-D)
whichthe apertureand shutterspeedare automatically set ac- Aim at the desiredobjectby positioning it withinthisAF frame.
of the subject.
cordingto the brightness The Lenswillfocuson the objectaimedwithinthisframe.
a Theprogrammed exposure diagramon page31 showsthecou- @ Shutteractuatedsign(Fig.28-E)
plingrangesof apertureand shutterspeedin the programmed @ Aperture value(F-number) (Fig.28-F)
autoexposuremode. Blinkswhenit is notsuitedfor correctexposure.
o Whentakingpictureswithoutflashin the programmed autoex- @ Overor underexposuresign(Fig.28-G)
posuremode,cautionis requiredbecausecamerashakemay Under"P","A" or "As"mode:Thissign is not displayedwhen
to occurwitha shutterspeedlowerthan1/45sec. the exposureis correct.
Under"M" mode:I lightswhenthe exposureis correct'
2. Checkthe autofocus(Fig.26) r lightsin caseof an overexposure.
Makesurethatthe "MF"is not displayed in the LCD.lf it is dis- v lightsin caseof an underexposure.
played,pressingin theAF/MButton,turnthe Up/DownDialcoun- Whena v appearunder"P","A"or "As"mode,it denotesthe
to placethe cameraunderthe aOtofocus
terclockwise mode.The systemis outsidethe exposureinterlocking range.
"MF"willdisappear as you leaveyourfingerfromtheAF/MButton' @ Shutterspeed(Fig.28-H)
o Whenthe "MF"is notdisplayed, it denotesthecamerais under Thesign"11" willlightwhentheshutterspeedis slowerthan0.7
the autofocusmode. sec.The sign" 5,r1" willappearduringbulbexposure.
a Whenthe "MF"is displayed, it denotesthe camerais under @ Exposurecompensation set sign(Z) (Fig.28'l)
manualfocusmode. (Referto page29.) Thissignappearswhenexposurecompensation is set.
@ Flashsign(f ) (Fig.28-J)
3. Readyingthe flash (Fig.27l Whenthissignappears,the flashwillfire.Whenchargingthe
Pressin the FlashButton(f ) andlettheFlashHeadpopup.When flashsystem,thissignwillblink.
O Distance (Fig.28-K) *<The LensCap Sensorlocatedin the lensbarrelmeasuresout llU
"1"lightsin response
to thedistancemeasuredby theautofocus sidebrightness and generatessignals.Forthis reason,when 9
system. Whentwosignslight,the measured distanceis in the is darkerthanEV6ISO100(F5.6,112),
the brightness no warn- fI
middleof two signs."1" blinkswhendistanceis set underthe ingwillbe made, ,*,,
m a n u a l f o c um
s ode. * The lenscap warningcan be turnedon or off. (Referto page
>i:Thedistancesdisplayed in the finder are hints for autofocus 30)
8. Zoomthe lens (Fig.33)
5. Adiust diopter of the finder (Fig. 29) Whenzoomingthe lensto theteleside(spottingan objectin large
Looking at an AF frame through the finder,turn the diopter adjust size),slidethe ZoomLeverup.
dialproperlyso that the object can be seen clearly. Whenzoomingthe lensto the wideside(takinga picturein wide
Whenyou are far-sighted,turn the dial clockwise(toward"+" side), range),slidethe ZoomLeverdown.
orwhenyou are short-sighted,turn it counterclockwise (toward Whenzoomingthe lens,the lensstopsat positionsfor 55 mm,65
"-" side). mm,75 mm and90 mmfocallengths.
Thediopteradjustablerange is -3 to +1D.
9. Composeyour picture(Fig.34)
6. Holdthe camera (Fig. 30, 31) o AE lightmeasuringarea(Fig.34-A)
r Takingveftical-positionpictures(Fig. 30) o AF rangingarea(Fig.34-B)
r Takinghorizontal-positionpictures (Fig. 31) eAim at the desiredobjectwithintheAF mark"[ ]" (AF ranging
Camerashake is a typicalcause of harming sharpnessof pictures area).
taken. @ Pressthe ShutterReleaseButtonhalfwaydown,holdit there
H o l dt h e c a m e r a s t i l l w i t h b o t h h a n d s w i t h y o u r a r m s t i g h t l y a t - andcheckthe displayin the Finder.
tachedto your body,and squeeze the Shutter Release Button gently o Whenthe objectyou aim at is out of theAF mark,shootusing
00wn. focuslock. Forfurtherinformationon focuslock,referto Page
a Be sure to keep your fingers and neck strap away from the Flash 28.
Sensor,AE LightSensor and AutofocusWindows. lf these parts
':n' are blocked,exposuresand focusing cannot be made correctly
:rj,t 10.Checkthe exposure(Fig.35)
resultinga poor quality picture. o Blinking(Fig.35-A)
Whenyou are taking horizontal-position pictures,positionthe Cam- O Whenyou see neitherthe Overexposure (r) northe Underex-
eraGrip side down. When the built-inflash fires, shade of the ob- posure(v) Signin the Finder,youwillobtaincorrectexposure.
jectis likelyto appear in the back. (Exceptfor the manualmode)
o When taking pictures under 1/45 sec. or slower shutter speed, @ Whenthe Underexposure Sign(v) lightsandboththe F-num-
mount the camera on a tripod to prevent camera shake. ber and shutterspeedblink,the cameracan not set correct
exposurewithinits couplingrange,and your picturewill be
7. Lens cap warning (Fig.32) underexoosed.
Whenthe Shutter Release Button is pressed half way down with @ Whenthe Overexposure Sign(r) lightsand boththe F-num-
thelens cap put on the lens,the field-of-viewframe in the viewfinder berandshutterspeedblink,thecameracannotsetcorrectex-
blinksto warn you. Take out the lens cap before taking pictures. posurewithinits couplingrange,andyourpicturewillbe over- 2S
lfli exoosed. UNLOADINGTHE FILM i
z @ Wfren the Flash Sign (l) turns on, it tells you that the Flash will
fire automatically. 1. Exposingthe last frameand unloadingthe film (Fig.a0)
Afterexposingthe lastframe,thefilmwillautomatically winditself
11. Check the shooting distance (Fig. 36, 37) up to the veryend andthe letter"f" willappearin the LCD.Make
o Blinking(Fig. 36-A, 37-A) surethe "[" Signappearsin the LCD,henopenthe CameraBack
O W h e n t h e d i s t a n c ei n d i c a t o r" l " l i g h t s ,t h e c a m e r a h a s c o m - andtakeoutthe exposedfilm. To preventthefilmfromloosening,
pleted focusing and set the correct distance. sealit tightlywiththe EndSeal.
@ Wfren the 1m distanceindicator"r" blinks,you are too close to
your object. Move back 1m or more from the object. 2 . U n l o a d i n tgh e f i l m i n m i d - r o l l ( F i g . 4 1 )
o When the displayed disiance on autofocus differs remarkably Pressin the Mid-rollWind-upButtonon the camerabottom. The
from that estimated with your eyes, the cause may be that the filmwillwinditselfup to theveryendthenstop.Whenwindingis
AutofocusSpot is off your object. Focus again correctlyby aim- completed, the "f" Signwillappearin the LCD.
ing the Autofocus Spot at your object.
@ W h e n - ( i n f i n i t y )b l i n k s , i t t e l l s y o u t h a t y o u r c a m e r a c a n n o t III.ADVANCEDTECHNIQUES
focus correctly.Use manual focusing or Focus Lock. (For de-
tails, refer to Page 28.) AUTOEXPOSURE
r W h e n t h e S h u t t e r R e l e a s e B u t t o n i s d e p r e s s e dw i t h t h e d i s -
tance indicalep* (infinity)blinked,the Lens will focus on infinity. Thistechniqueis usedwhenyou wantto giveperspective to the
o W h e n t h e d i s t a n c ei n d i c a t o rb l i n k sa l l t h e t i m e , y o u r c a m e r a i s takenpicturesby openingup the aperture, or to takesharppic-
u n d e rt h e M F ( m a n u a lf o c u s ) m o d e . S e t i t t o t h e A F m o d e . turescoveringshortdistanceto longdistanceby stoppingdown
the aoerture.
12.Trip the shutter (Fig. 38) Forapefture-priority
autoexposure, therearetwo modes;modeA
Press the Shutter Release Button halfway down and check the andmodeAs.Whenthebuilt-inflashis notused,thecamerafunc-
c o m p o s i t i o n ,d i s t a n c e a n d e x p o s u r e . W h e n a l l r i g h t , p r e s s t h e tionsin thesamemannerunderbothmodesA andAs.
Shutter Release Button gently allthe way down. When the shutter Whenthe built-inflashis used,it firesnormally.
trips,the shuttertrip indicatorin the finder (upperleft portion)lights, However:
and an electronicbuzzer "beep" sounds. UndermodeA: Theshutterspeedwillnotbe slowerthan1/45sec.
:i: When using the cable release, this halfway-down mode is not UndermodeAs:Depending on the lightmeasured by yourcam-
p o s s i b l e .B e c a r e f u l t o m a k e o n e p o s i t i v es h u t t e r p r e s s i n gt o era,theshutterspeedis controlled up to 2 sec. Thismodeis used
operate the distance,exposure and shutter tripping . whentakingnighttime scenesor portraitwiththe slowsynchro-
apenureprioritytechnique.Recommend the camerabe mounted
13.When the last frame is reached (Fig. 39) on a tripodbecauseshutterspeedis so slowthatthecamerashake
l f t h e f i l m i s p o s i t i o n e df o r t h e l a s t s h o t , a n e l e c t r o n i cb u z z e r w i l l is likelyto occur.
sound six times to tell you that the film has reachedthe last frame.
:i: lf the sound of the electronicbuzzer is worrisome,you can switch 1. Settingthe selectingdial (Fag.42)
it off. For details,refer to "Extra functions"on page 30. Whilepressingin the DialLockRelease,set the SelectingDialto
"A" or "As".
.... r
2. Set the aperture (Fig. a3) @ Wnenthe shutterspeedblinksandtheOverexposure Sign(r) TN

Turnthe Up/Down Dial. The aperture indicated on the LCD will lights,thecorrectshutterspeedsuitedfortheapertureyouhave H.
c h a n g eT. h e a p e r t u r ew i l l o p e n u p b y t u r n i n gt h e D i a l c l o c k w i s e , set is notwithinthecamera'scouplingrange.In thiscase,stop .u
andis stoppeddown by turning counterclockwise. downthe aperture. z
r The aperturewill be displayed in 1/2-stopincrements. l$
@ Wherrtheshutterspeedblinksandthe Underexposure Sign(v)
; 55 mm F4.5- F22
lights,theaperlureis stoppeddowntoo muchandtheaperture
youhavesetis notwithinthecamera's couplingrange.Openup
65 mm F5.2- F27 theapertureor setthecamerato theflashpicturemode.
o Fortakingflashpictures,referto Page26.
75 mm F6.2- F32 o In caseof incorrectexposurein @ or @ above,theshutterspeed
displayed on the LCDwillalsoblink.
90mm F6.9 - F38
o Whenthe apertureis set to F6.9at teleside90 mm and the
ZoomLeveris slid down(towardthe wideside),the aperture 1. Set the selectingdial to "M" (Fig.46)
becomesF6.7at 75 mm, 65 mm and 55 mm. Whentaking Whenthe SelectingDialis set to M, whilepressingdownthe Dial
pictureswiththe aperturefullyopened,fullyopenit againafter LockRelease,the "TV"signwillappearin the LCDto informyou
decidingthezoomposition. thatthe camerahas beenset to the manualexposuremode. {{
o Whenthe apertureis set to F4.5at wideside55 mm andthe o lf you wantintentional overor underexposureto takehigh-key
focallengthis changed,the apertureis set to the full open F- - or low-keypictures,use manualexposure.
valuesuitedto the setfocallengthautomatically. r Thismodecan alsobe usedto set exposurefor backlighted
subjectsor othersubjectsfor whichcorrectexposurecannotbe
3. Pressthe Shutter ReleaseButton about halfway down obtainedin the "P"or "A"mode.
Aimyoursubjectandpressthe ShutterReleaseButtonabouthalf- 2. Set the shutter speed (Fig. 47)
waydownThe aperlureyou haveset andthe shutterpeedsuited Whilepressing in the ExposureCompensation Buttonsettheshut-
forit willbe displayedin the Finderand LCD.lf you changethe ter speedwiththe Up/DownDial.Whenthe Exposure Compensa-
aperture, the shutterspeedwillchangeautomatically. The upper tion Buttonis depressed, the "TV"Signwillblink.
limitof the shutterspeedthatcan be set differswiththe aoerture o lf the camerais set to the manualexposuremode,the Expo-
asshownbelow. sureCompensation Buttoncan be usedfor settingthe shutter
speed,but notfor exposurecompensation.

3. Set the aperture(Fig.a8)

4. Checkthe displayin the finder (Fig.45) Setthe apertureby turningthe Up/DownDial.
Pressthe ShutterReleaseButtonhalfwaydown. o lf the shutterspeedis setfor bulbexposure,
the " 9,.,1"
D Whenneitherthe Overexposure Sign(r) northe Underexpo- appearbothin the Finderand LCD.Duringbulbexposure, no
sureSign(v) lights,you willobtaincorrectexposure. batterypoweris consumedso you neednotworrythatthe bat-
teriesmay runout duringa longexposure,
m o At bulbexposure, the shutterremainsopenwhilethe shutter ture. The flash sensor which receives the light reflectedfrom the
z. buttonis heldpressed. o b j e c t m e a s u r e st h e a m o u n t o f l i g h t i n t h e c e n t e r o f t h e p i c t u r e
r) * Underthe Manualmode,theexposurecompensating functions frame.
f/l do notwork. o When your camera is under "A", "As" or "M" mode and flash is
:t tuned on, the flash will always fire.
4. Adjust the shutter speed and aperture(Fig. 49) You can use it effectivelyas fill-in light when shooting your ob'
o Correct-exposure Sign(Fig.a9-A) ject in the shade of a tree or for obtaininga catch-lighteffect on
o Ov'erexposure Sign(Fig.49-B) portraits.
o Underexposure Sign(Fig.49-C)
Pressthe ShutterReleaseabouthalfwaydown.lf the Correct-ex-
posureSign(|) appearsin the Finder,the exposureis correct.lf
theOver(r) or Underexposure (v) Signappears,adjusttheaper-
tureor shutterspeedso that(C)Signturnson.
o lf youwantintentional takepictures
overor underexposLlre, with
theOver(r) or Underexposure (v) Signdisplayedin the Finder.


1. Readyingthe flash (Fig.50)

C Popup the FlashHeadby pressingthe FlashButton.
@ As soonas the FlashSign(l) in the LCDstopsblinkingand
glows,theflashis readyto fire.
o TheFlashSign(f ) willblinkwhiletheflashis charging. Whileit
blinks,the camera'soperatingfunctionssuchas releasing the
o The tableshowsthe minimumexposure(allowable aperture)
depending of flashcon-
on the ISOvalue,due to the limitation
, 200
rso 50 100 400
Minimum 8 11 16 22

2. Exposure control with the built-in flash (Fig. 51)

r F l a s h s e n s o r( F i g . 5 1 - A )
W h e n t a k i n g f l a s h p i c t u r e s ,t h e e x p o s u r e sa r e c o n t r o l l e du n d e r
the manner of an automatic flash. To be more specific,the inten-
sity of the light reflectedby the object is measured and its amount
2S of light is automaticallyadjusted in accordancewith the set aper-
3. Variousexposuremodes and flash operatlons E
F l a s hP o p - U p Aperture ShutterSpeed w
No flash firing Automatic
control Automaticcontrol LU
firingin low light Automatic
control Automatic
Mode AE "A"
Aperture-priority controlx1
Set aperture
AE "As"
Aperture-priority Alwaysfires Automatic
Manualexposure"M" Set aoerture Setshutterspeed
*1:Toavoidpoorpicturequalitydueto camerashake,the shutterspeedwillnot be set to slowerthan 1/45sec.

0 UnderprogrammedAE "P" mode: The flash willfire automati- 4. Controlrange

cally in low light. (Refer to Programmed Exposure Diagram in
P a g e3 1 . ) F i l ms p e e d ( l S O ) 50 1 0 0 1 6 0 200 400 800
Underaperture-priority AE "A" mode: The flash will always fire.
The amount of the flash light will be controlled in accordance Guidenumber 8.5 12 15 17 24 34
with the set aperture,and the shutter speed will change in re- Farthest flash distance (m) w 1 . 9N 2 . 7 w3.3w3.7w5.3w7.5
sponseto brightnessof the object. T1.2T 1 . 7 r2.2 T2.4T3.5 T4.9
y E "As" mode: The flash will always
O U n d e r a p e r t u r e - p r i o r i tA
f i r e .T h e a m o u n t o f t h e f l a s h l i g h t w i l l b e c o n t r o l l e di n a c c o r - Nearest flash distance (m) 1.0
dance with the set apefture,and the shutterspeed will change
in responseto brightnessof the object. The shutter speed will Whena filmof ISO25 is used,theguidenumberwillbe 6, andthe
be quite slow in a dark place. Be carefulto avoidcamera shake flashlightwillbe insufficient at the teleside. Forthisreason,use
and avoid taking moving objects. of the built-inflashis not recommended. ';
.@ Under manual exposure "M" mode: The flash will always fire
and the flash will adjust its amount of light accordingto the set The guidenumberof the built-inflash(withthe maximumamount
aperture.The shutter will trip at the set shutter speed. of light)is 12 at ISO 100.The guidenumberwillincrease by 1.4
r Lightcontrol cannot be compensatedwith the flash light. timesif the filmspeed(lSO)becomesdouble,and doubleif the
filmspeed(lSO)increases fourtimes.
o The farthestflashdistanceis calculatedby dividingthe guide
numberby the lensF-number (W:4.5,T 6.9 in
at fullaperture
caseof yourcamera).
lJistance =--
F-number 27
llt o When your camera is set to the aperture-priorityAE (mode "A"), EXPOSURECOMPENSATION
r} calculatethe maximum flash distance with the set aperture.
1. Set the exposurecompensatingvalue(Fig.54)
H o S i n c e n e g a t i v ef i l m s h a v e a w i d e r e x p o s u r el a t i t u d e ,t h e f l a s h
u, ranges are longer than those in the above table. lf you wantto takehigh-keyor low-keypictures,use exposure
compensation in the programmed autoexposureor aperture-pri-
USING AN EXTERNAL FLASH orityautoexposuremode.
C Wnitepressingin the Exposure Compensation Button(+/-),
1. Mount the flash on the hot-shoe (Fig. 52) @ turnthe Up/DownDial.
Mount a commerciallyavailablehot-shoetype externalflash such @ Theexposure compensating valuewillbe displayed
in the LCD
as Strobe GA (Fujifilmoptionalattachment)on the Hot-Shoeof the in 0.5 EV-stepincrements.
camera. The compensating rangeis +3 EV.
o Do not use flashes designed for cameras of other makers
that have a signal pin because mounting and dismounting 2. Displayof the exposurecompensatingvalue (Fig. 55)
may become impossible. Whenyou leaveyourfingerawayfromthe ExposureCompensa-
o When an externalf lash is used under "P", "9" or "As" mode in a tion Button(+/-) aftercompensating the exposure,onlylhe "Zt"
dark place,the camera will select a slow shutterspeed resulting signwill be displayedto tell you thatthe camerais set for expo-
blurred pictures. Recommend your camera be used under the surecompensation.
"M" mode. Now,pressin theShutterReleaseButtonhalfwaydown.Thecom-
:F When an externalflash is used, the shutter limiter (which oper- pensatedvaluesof apertureandshutterspeedwillbe displayed.
ates under "P" or "A" mode) does not work. Whenthe compensated exposure valueis sel,"7" signwilllight
* D o n o t u s e b o t h t h e b u i l t - i nf l a s h a n d e x t e r n a lf l a s h t o g e t h e r . alsoin the finder,informingyou thatthe exposurecompensation
The flash light will not be controlledcorrectly. has'been set.
* lt shouldbe notedthatthe set exposurecompensation will be
2. Flash light distribution characteristics (Fig.53) cancelledif the SelectingDialis set to "OFF".
. Light fall-out(Fig. 53-A)
o Flash light covering area (When the covering area differs USINGTHE FOCUSLOCK
Cependingon vertical or horizontalangle) (Fig. 53-B)
o Covering area for 6x4.5cm version (Fig. 53-C) 1. A word on the auto-focus lock (Fig. 56)
r Coveringarea of Strobe cA (Fig.53-D) lf theAutofocusSpotis off yourobject,the Lenswillnotfocuson it.
In the case of an externalflash with differentverticaland horizon- In sucha case,movethe cameraslightly, aimtheAutofocus Spot
tal coveringangles (lightdistributingcharacteristics),
the flash cov- at yourobjectto focuson it, thenrecompose yourpictureby mov-
ering area and the directionof an image plane may not coincide. ing the camerabackto its originalposition.Thismethodis called
To solve this problem (lightfall-out),recommenduse of Strobe GA "Auto-Focus Lock".
Strobe GA has 42 modes. 2. Aim your object and pressthe ShutterReleaseButton half-
When ISO 100 film is used and the aperture is set to F8, you can way down (Fig.57)
take pictures under the automatic exposure mode. AimtheAutofocus Spotat yourmainobject,andpressthe Shutter
28 ReleaseButtonhalfwavdownto lockthe auto-focus.
3. Compose your picture and trip the shutter (Fig. 58) autofocus is eliminated. With the aperture stopped down (to F8 iff..ii
Withthe Shutter Release Button pressed halfway down, compose - Fl1), the lens will exhibit its pan focus effect to enable you to .tr.,:
y o u rp i c t u r ea n d t r i p t h e s h u t t e r b y g e n t l y p r e s s i n gt h e S h u t t e r take quick shots. .{Iil'i
ReleaseButton all the way down. O lf you want to minimizethe time lag on shutter operation Z,:
.* When the camera is set to automatic exposure (AE) (pro- All-automaticcameras requiresome time for the distancemea-
g r a m m e do r a p e r t u r e - p r i o r i t a
y u t o m a t i ce x p o s u r e m o d e ) , t h e surement and lens drive. lf you set the camera in the following
exposurewill be determinedfor the picture you composed with manner,the time lag from the moment you depressthe Shutter
the ShutterRelease Button pressed halfway down (focus locked). R e l e a s e B u t t o nt o t h e m o m e n t t h e s h u t t e rt r i p s w i l l b e m i n i -
mized to let you take pictures successively.
MANUAL FOCUSING i) Dependingon the subject,set the distanceby manualfocusing.
ii) Pressthe ShutterReleaseButtonabout halfwaydown and move
1. Set the manual focusing mode (Fig. 59, 60) the lens to the set distance in advance.
Pressin the AF/M Button.The "MF" Sign will blink in the LCD to tell a Distancesset under the manual focus mode
youthat the camera is set to the manual focusing mode.
Keeppressing in the AF/M Button, turn the Up/Down Dial clock Indicationsin meter I N F 2 0 m 1 0 m 7 . O m5.0m 4.0m 3.0n
w i s e .D i s t a n c e sw i l l b e d i s p l a y e di n o r d e r o f I n f , 2 0 m , . . . . . . . . . 1 . 0 m Indicationsin foot INF 30 15 10
(fromfar distanceto close-up distance).
W h e nd i s t a n c ey o u d e s i r e t o s e t i s d i s p l a y e d ,l e a v e y o u r f i n g e r 2.5 m 2.0m 1 . 7m 1 . 5m 1 . 3m . 2 m1 . 1m 1 . 0n
a w a yf r o m t h e A F / M B u t t o n .T h e d i s p l a y e dd i s t a n c e w i l l g o o u t 8 7 6 5 4 3.5
andMF Sign will light to tell you that your camera has been set to
For changeover across the meter and foot indications,refer to Page
t h em a n u a l f o c u sm o d e .
Toreturnthe camera to the autofocusmode, keep pressing in the
AF/M Button,turn the Up/Down Dialcounterclockwise,and leave
yourfinger away from the AF/M Buttonwhen the camera is placed
in the AF mode. The MF Sign will go out to tell you that the camera
1. Set the self-timer mode (Fig.61)
has been set to the AF mode.
Press in the Self{imer Button(q;).The Self-timer Mode Sign (g)
>i:Under the manual focus mode, the distance mark "r" blinks in
will be indicatedon the LCD and the camera is set under self-timer
the finder.
l 2. Effectiveuses of the manualfocusing mode
* After taking a picturewith the Self-timer,the self-timermode will
be switched off. To take a picture with the Self-timer again, press
e lf youwantto haveanotherpersontakea pictureof yourself in the Self-timerButton again.
Setthe shootingdistancebeforehand, handoverthe camera
to anotherpersonand ask him (or her)to depressthe Shutter 2. Start the self-timer (Fig. 62)
ReleaseButton.Youneednotexplainhim (or her)howto aim Press in the Shutter Release Button.The Self-timerLamp will light
the subjectwiththeAutofocusSpot. a n d t h e S e l f - t i m e rw i l l s t a r t . T h e L a m p w i l l g l o w f o r s e v e n s e c -
@ tf you want to take a moving object by pan focus onds, blink for three seconds, and then, the shutterwill trip to take
lf you have set the shooting distance in advance by using the your picture.
manual focusing mode, the time lag caused by a lens drive on
111: * Underthe self-timermode,the autofocusand auto-exposure o Buzzer off (Fig. 65-8)
v::: systemsof the camerawilloperateas soonas the ShutterRe- An electronic"beep" which sounds when the shutter tripped, or a
|::lii leaseButtonis depressed.Depending on theobjectconditions, r e p e a t e d" b e e p ,b e e p , b e e p . . . . . . .w
" h i c h t e l l sy o u t h a t t h e f i l m h a s
ur':i usemanualfocusingand manualexposure for compensating reached the last frame can be switched off.
for autofocus,
or reducingthe objectcontrast,etc. While pressingin the Selttimer Button,turn the SelectingDialfrom
. l S O " .T h e " o F F
OFF to b " S i g n w i l l b e d i s p l a y e di n t h e L C D f o r
IV.EXTRA FUNCTIONS five seconds and the buzzer will turn off.
To reset it to "ON", repeatthe same procedure.The LCD willshow
1. Externalchangeoverof the pressure plate (Fig. 63) "gn b" forfive seconds to tell you that the buzzer has been switched
The pressureplatesettingcan be changedafterloadingthefilm. on again.
Set the SelectDialto "lSO",and turn the Up/DownDialwiththe
DataButtondepressed. Typeof film(120,220)displaywillchange 4. Totalshots indicator (Fig.66)
on the LCD. Use it as a guide for regular maintenance.
Whenthe Up/DownDialis turnedcounterclockwise: 220 o Indicates3,000th shots (Fig. 66-A)
Whenthe Up/DownDialis turnedclockwise :12O o Always shows "00" (Fig. 66-8)
* When the loadedfilm is a bar code system film and pressure Press in the Exposure Compensation Button (+/-) and turn the
plate has been automaticallyset, this function does not work. SelectingDialfrom OFF to "lSO". While pressingin the Button,the
* < T h i s f u n c t i o nc h a n g e s w h e n a d v a n c i n gt h e f i l m . F o r t h i s r e a - Total Shots Indicatorin the LCD will show you the total number of
son, when resettingafter the automatic first frame setting,take shots that have been taken. lt will count the number in units of
picture after exposing one extra frame. 100. Use this function as a guide for overhaulingor regular main-
2. Switchover of the distance unit (Fig. 64) o Though new, some units will show that they have been factory-
The distance unit can be switched over. tested up to about 200 shots.
r Distance unit in meters (Fig.64-A)
o Distance unit in feet (Fig. 64-8) 5. Turn off the lens cap sensor (Fig. 67)
Your camera is Factory-setto display the distances in meters for W h e n t h e L e n s C a p S e n s o r i s n o t r e q u i r e d ,t h e w a r n i n g c a n b e
m a n u a l f o c u s i n g a n d t h e l e t t e r " m " w i l l b e d i s p l a y e db e s i d e t h e turned off.
distancenumber in the LCD. Depressingthe AF/M Button,set the Slide the Zoom Lever up (Telephotoside), and set the Selecting
SelectingDialfrom OFF to lSO. The LCD indicationwill be changed Dial from OFF to lSO. The LCD will indicate"oFF c" for five sec-
over from meter to feet, and "F[" sign will appear on the LCD for onds to tell you that the Lens Cap Sensor has been turned off.
five seconds. (When "feet" is set, distance unit (ft) will not be indi- To turn on the Lens Cap Sensor again, slide the Zoom Lever up
cated beside the distance number on the LCD.) and set the SelectingDial from OFF to ISO in the same manner as
* In the Finder,distancesare displayedin meters only. Even if the to turn off the Lens Cap Sensor.The LCD will indicate"[]n c" for
"feet" is set, the meter indicationswill not change to feet. five seconds to tell you that the Lens Cap Sensor has been turned
3. Switching off the buzzer (Fig. 65)
lf you feel the buzzer sound worrisome,you can switch it off.
o Buzzer on (Fig. 65-A)
Principle a Programmed
Yourcamera's autofocus system uses an active type method (trigo- autoexposure]P mode(lSO100)
[Programmed tg.
nometricaldistance measurement with infrared rays) and a pas-
sivetype method (detectionof phase difference)for precisefocus-
ing.While the passive type method takes care of distant objects
thatcannot be reached by infrared rays, the active type method
takescare of low-contrast objects (at near distances) that are not 4.8
suitedfor the passivetype autofocusingmethod, thereby increas- 5,6
ingthe reliabilityof the autofocus system to improve the focusing 6.7

accuracy. t 8

I 1t
Objects that are not suited for autofocusing f
In the following cases, the Lens may not be able to focus on the to
subjector the displayed distance may differ extremely with the '19
actualsubject distance. 22
I Fast-moving objects 27
r Objectsthat have no definiteshape, such as smoke and flame JZ

(especiallyon active-typeautofocusing). 38
r lf you are shootingthrough a window glass.
o lf your subject cannot reflect enough light, such as a bunch of * ShutterSpeed
hair and fur.
o Strongly reflecting objects, such as a mirror or car body (espe-
cially on passive-typeautofocusing).
o Extremelylow-contrastobjects.
o Objects which have vertical lines only.


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