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Assessment of Dentures Form 10: (If Required)

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Assessment of Dentures (if required)

Form 10
For office use D D M M Y Y
Surname CHI Number
Examination Date
Age Sex Day Month Year

Patients Assessment of Dentures Yes No Unsure Clinicians Assessment of Dentures

Denture Base Material
Are you happy with the appearance of your dentures?
Acrylic Cobalt Chrome
Do your dentures move?
Denture Hygiene Type of Denture
Are your dentures comfortable?
Good F/F P/P F/P
Do your dentures affect your speech?

Are you able to chew adequately? Fair P/F F/ /F

Are you able to bite adequately? Poor P/ /P

Upper Denture Good Poor N/A Good Poor N/A Alteration proposed / Notes

Tissue adaption Incisal level

Base extension Incisal plane
Labial Position of posterior teeth
Buccal Occlusal plane level
Posterior border Occlusal plane orientation
Tuberosity Arch width
Labial fullness Buccallingual width

Assessment of Dentures (if required) Form 10 (cont.)
Lower Denture Good Poor N/A Good Poor N/A Alteration proposed / Notes

Tissue adaption Labial fullness

Base extension Position of posterior teeth
Labial Occlusal plane level
Buccal Arch width
Posterior border Buccallingual width
Lingual Cusp form

Relationship of Dentures Alteration proposed / Notes

Occlusal Position (Select one) Occlusal Contacts Good Poor N/A

Retruded Articulation
Protruded Occlusal vertical dimension
Intercuspal / Muscular Incisal overjet
Incisal overbite

Aesthetics Alteration proposed / Notes

Good Poor

Mould / Arrangement

Signature of Practitioner Date

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