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Introduction to Oil & Gas Industry,

Accounting &
Financial Statement Analysis

Copyright by Wall Street Prep, Inc. | All rights reserved 1

Oil & gas industry sectors and players
A number of distinct yet
interconnected sectors
There are a number of Transportation

sectors that make up the

O&G industry each
focused on a specific
process in the value chain. Exploration O&G Refining &
Companies focus on one Production
Sector Marketing

Given the complexities of
this extractive industry,
most companies focus on Oilfield
one particular sector.

Oil & gas industry sectors and players

Mission to find and extract Crude terms

The Exploration & Production sector Exploration & Production
involves all operations associated with is typically referred by its
finding and extracting oil and gas. acronym: E&P.
E&P sector can be broken out into the Companies focused only
exploration and production on this sector are
components. referred to as E&P
Timing between the two components companies.
can take years (and usually does!). E&P is also known as the
upstream sector, to
indicate the upward
extraction of the

Oil & gas industry sectors and players

Timing Varies 5-10 Years

Exploration Production
Phase Phase

Pre-license prospecting Primary recovery method

Property/land rights Secondary recovery method
acquisition Tertiary (enhanced) recovery method
Exploration drilling
Evaluation and appraisal

Oil & gas industry sectors and players
Prospecting Exploration costs (part 1)
Involves performing a number of geological evaluations/surveys Geological and
to determine hydrocarbon presence . geophysical (G&G)
Property acquisitions
Involves activities relating to securing the rights from the Acquisition costs
property owner to explore for and produce oil & gas in that Related to acquiring
field/area. the rights to explore
Fiscal terms surrounding property acquisitions (what is owned by and develop
the oil companies versus original land owners/government) are
complex; we will examine them in the later section. Exploration costs (part 2)
Exploration (drilling) Exploratory drilling
Involves drilling exploration wells to determine if commercial
hydrocarbon quantities exist. Exploration costs (part 3)
Evaluation and appraisal Often include
Involves confirming the initial exploration results through appraisal-related costs
appraisal wells drilled to gain further insight into the property,
including the size of the reservoir. Development costs
Development Drilling costs
Involves activities relating to developing the discovered O&G Storage costs
reserves for production.

Oil & gas industry sectors and players

Production the beginning of the end

Crude terms
Involves extracting, storing, and getting O&G ready for shipping.
Costs associated with
Companies typically follow a number of recovery methods to prolong the the production phase
production life of the property (typically 5-10 years). are interchangeably
Primary recovery known as:
Relies on the underground pressure, which if sufficient, will force O&G to Production costs
the surface. Lifting costs
Less than 40% of O&G in the U.S. can usually be extracted using this Operating costs
Lease operating
Secondary recovery (LOE costs)
Implemented when natural pressure is insufficient to sustain commercial
O&G production.
Utilizes a number of various methods pumps, water injection, natural gas
re-injection and gas lift to sustain production.
Accounting for about 50% of extracted O&G in the U.S.
Tertiary (Enhanced) recovery
Various enhanced recovery methods focused on increasing the O&G's flow
characteristics .
Accounts for about 10% of extracted O&G in the U.S.

Oil & gas industry sectors and players

Reserves the lifeline of the E&P industry

Can be classified differently depending, among several other things, on the certainty
with which they can be recovered:

Estimated Reserves

Proved Reserves Probable Reserves Possible Reserves

Proved Proved
Developed Undeveloped

Oil & gas industry sectors and players

Proved reserves were fishing and the fish is most

Reserve talk
certainly in our net
Under U.S. GAAP rules,
Commercially recoverable under current economic
only proved reserves are
conditions (both in terms of prices and costs) and
allowed to be booked
currently available technology.
(shown in companies
Highly certain to be recovered must be a 90% financials)
chance that actual reserves will be larger than this
Under international
GAAP (IFRS) rules,
Proved Developed companies are allowed
Reserves that are expected to be produced from to book both proved and
existing wells. probable reserves.
Can be producing proved developed producing
Not yet producing proved developed non-producing
Proved Undeveloped (PUD)
Reserves that are expected to be produced from new

Oil & gas industry sectors and players

Probable reserves were fishing and we see fish in the

More reserve talk
1P or P = proved reserves
Unproved reserves that are likely to be recoverable.
2P = Proved + probable
Should be at least 50% chance of being technically and
economically producible.
3P = Proved + probable +
Possible reserves were fishing and we think there is
possible reserves
fish in the water
Estimated to have a significant, but less than 50
percent chance of being technically and economically

Oil & gas industry sectors and players
Transportation store and transport
Major midstream players
Involves all operations associated with storing O&G
Enterprise Products
and transporting it from fields to refineries and
processing plants.
Kinder Morgan
O&G can be transported by pipelines, trucks, and oil
tankers. Northern Border Partners
The sector is typically referred to as midstream, to Plain All-American Pipeline
indicate its role as a connection between E&P and TEPPCO Partners
refining and marketing operations.

Source: EIA

Oil & gas industry sectors and players
Refining and Marketing refine and
get ready for end-users
Includes refining crude oil into
petroleum products (gasoline, jet
fuel, heating oil, diesel, fuel oil,
asphalt, etc.) and marketing them
to end-users (i.e. through gasoline
As with its E&P counterpart, the
downstream sector can be
examined by looking at refining
separately from marketing.

Refining terms
Refining & Marketing is typically
referred by its acronym: R&M
R&M is also known as the
downstream sector, to indicate the
delivery of petroleum products to

Oil & gas industry sectors and players
Refining from crude oil to petroleum products
Since crude oil cannot be used in its natural unrefined form, it must first be converted
(refined) into petroleum products this is accomplished in processing plants known as

Oil & gas industry sectors and players
How are refining profits calculated?
Refining terms
Refining margins refer to the difference between
Refining profits are
the price of a petroleum product (output) and raw
interchangeably referred to:
material costs (feedstocks/input) expressed on a
per barrel basis. Indicator margin
Often based on benchmark feedstocks such as (Margin) differential
WTI. Crack / spread / crack
Refining margins exist for each petroleum product: spread
o Gasoline crack = 1 bbl gasoline 1 bbl crude oil
o Heat crack = 1 bbl heating oil 1 bbl crude oil

Oil & gas industry sectors and players

More complex refineries = higher refining margins

More complex refineries are able to refine cheaper (heavy and/or sour) heavy oil
into petroleum products, increasing their profits.
More complex refineries can change the proportion of petroleum product mix to
take advantage of feedstock costs and petroleum product prices.

Feedstock / Unit Price Revenue / Feedstock / Unit Price Revenue /

Product Mix Volume ($/bbl) (Cost) Product Mix Volume ($/bbl) (Cost)
WTI 100% $71.00 ($71.00) Maya 100% $64.00 ($64.00)
Gasoline 33% $90.00 $30.00 Gasoline 33% $90.00 $30.00
Distillate 33% $85.00 $28.05 Distillate 33% $85.00 $28.05
Residual 33% $50.00 $16.50 Residual 33% $50.00 $16.50

Revenue $74.55 Revenue $74.55

Costs ($71.00) Costs ($64.00)
Gross Margin $3.55 Gross Margin $10.55

Oil & gas accounting

Complex topic made more challenging by competing accounting methods

The challenge stems from treatment of unsuccessful exploration costs

O&G costs

Acquisition Exploration Development Production

Costs Costs Costs Costs

Capitalized (B/S) Capitalized (B/S)

Depends Expensed (I/S)
Amortized (I/S) Amortized (I/S)

Oil & gas accounting
Different treatments of unsuccessful exploration methods:
Full costs (FC) method
Allows all exploration results (dry holes and discoveries) to be capitalized (on the balance
sheet) and amortized (on the income statement) over the estimated lives of the
Successful efforts (SE) method
Requires unsuccessful exploration results (dry holes) to be expensed as incurred.
Only successful exploration wells are capitalized (on the balance) and amortized (on the
income statement) over the estimated lives of the properties.
O&G Costs Successful Efforts Full Cost
Acquisition costs CAPITALIZED Cap
Geological & geophysical Exp Cap
Exploratory dry hole Exp Cap
Successful exploratory well Cap Cap
Development dry hole Cap Cap
Successful development well Cap Cap
Operating costs Exp Exp
Size of cost center Small Large
Amortization Cost Center Single well / field Company / country

Oil & gas accounting
Whats depreciated?
A method by which the cost of long-term fixed assets
(over 1 year) is spread over a future period (number of Fixed assets:
years), when these assets are expected to be in service Plants
and help generate revenue for a company. Machinery
An allocation of the costs of an original purchase of fixed Drilling equipment
assets over the estimated useful lives of those fixed
assets. Pipelines
O&G industry specific Whats depleted?
Same concept as depreciation that is applied to mineral O&G reserves
Whats amortized?
Amortization is the systematic allocation of the cost of Acquired intangible
acquired intangible assets over a period of time that assets:
these assets are expected to be in service and help Brand
generate revenue for a company. Franchise
All 3 appear on the income statement
Combined into 1 line item: Depreciation, Depletion, and
Amortization (or DD&A).

Oil & gas accounting
Full costs (FC) method
Requires companies to perform a ceiling test limitation (impairment test) comparing the
book value of O&G assets against the SEC value of reserves (market value proxy) that all
O&G producing companies must disclose in their footnotes (more on this in the later
If SEC value is lower than the capitalized costs, a write-down is required.
This is why companies using the FC method utilize large cost centers.
Successful efforts (SE) method
Companies are not required to perform a ceiling test limitation.
Write-downs are less frequent than under the SE method, since unsuccessful exploration
costs are expensed.

A ceiling test limitation example

If a company has book value of proved O&G reserves of $200 million and the SEC value of
these reserves is $150 million, there would be a $50 million write-down.
If the SEC value of these reserves is $275 million, there wouldnt be any write-down (a
company would have a cost ceiling cushion of $75 million).


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