Digital Media IA
Digital Media IA
Digital Media IA
slang and dialect used in varying cultures in the Caribbean into understandable Standard English.
Feedback is allowed through a speaker placed on the earphones for the purpose of responding in
The data for the design of this product was collected via a survey created on google
forms. This survey was distributed via email to those who suit the description of the target
The survey consists of 14 questions, 13 including required multiple choice and 1 short
answer question. The multiple-choice questions were chosen as they are easy to answer and
straight to the point as most people who answer these surveys patience or time available to give
well thought out answers. The 1 short answer question was chosen as it enabled us to view
suggestions from the consumer on what they would like us to add to our product. The survey
inquired as to whether the consumers would be interesting in buying the product, if they
encounter situations in which they dont understand the dialect of those they encounter and how
The instrument which was used to capture the data for this research was adequate as this
was the easiest form in which data could be collected from multiple persons. It was also adequate
as the use of a survey allowed us to ask direct questions pertaining to the creation of our product
and the need for our product. Using this method allowed for the collection of data in a timely and
easy manner, however, the use of this method of data collection also allowed no dynamic
method. This method was used as it requires the collection and conversion of data into numerical
data so that statistical calculations and decisions can be made. We believed that this method of
data collection was suitable for our product. The main reason for our use of a survey instead of
any of the other data collection methods is that with the use of a survey we are allowed to ask
specific questions and limit the variety of answer we want which helps use to answer direct
questions. It is less expensive than other methods, easy to produce and distribute via the internet,
and is less time consuming therefore more practical. Using a survey instead of another form of
data collection method for example interviews have the benefit of privacy for the person
answering the survey. The respondent can keep his identity a secret and feel more safe in
answering our various questions. Surveys also allow the recipients to answer our questions at
their own convenience and in the comfort of their own surrounding while interviews could lead
to the respondent feeling uncomfortable in a situation they are not familiar with. Surveys can be
given to a large amount of people at once and can be distributed through the internet, which was
the method we chose. Our survey was created via google forums and distributed via email thus it
countries and do not fully understand the dialect they encounter on their travels. These
individuals were chosen as the target audience for the reason that they often travel to various
caribbean countries and through these travels come in contact with individuals who may attempt
to communicate with them in their native dialect, however, the divide in cultures tend to lead to
graphs. This survey consisted of a total of 13 questions and each diagram represents the
Figure 1
Figure 1: This figure shows the percentage of the respondents who travel to caribbean countries
often, rarely, very often or not at all. From the graph 58.3% of respondents rarely travel to
caribbean countries, 16.7% very often travel, 16.7% often travel and 8.3% often.
Figure 2
Figure 2: This figure shows the percentage of respondents that are confused by the speech they
hear when they travel to caribbean countries. From the diagram it shows that 50% sometimes get
confused by the speech of those you encounter in these countries, 25% do not get confused and
Figure 3
Figure 3: This figure shows the percentage of those respondents that get confused by the slang
they hear in their own country. From the diagram it shows that 50% sometimes get confused by
the slang they hear in their own country, %25 get confused and 25% do not get confused.
Figure 4
Figure 4: This figure represents the percentage of respondents who have an interest in learning
caribbean slang. From the diagram presented it shows that 91.7% of respondents are interested in
Figure 5
Figure 5: This represents the amount of respondents who would like a product to be created that
would solve the problem of not being able to understand slangs they hear in caribbean countries.
From the diagram presented it shows that 100% of the respondents would use our product if
Figure 6
Figure 6: This figure represents the percentage of respondents who would find the product to be
very useful, useful or somewhat useful. From the diagram presented it shows that %58.3 of the
respondents would find our product useful, 25% would fine it somewhat useful and 16.7% would
Figure 7
Figure 7: This figure represents the amount of money that the respondents would pay for the
product. Fromt the diagram presented it shows that 66.7% of respondents would pay $10,000 for
the product, 16.7% would pay $15,000 and 16.7% would pay $20,000.
Figure 8
Figure 8: This figure represents how often the respondents would use the product after it is
released. From the diagram shown it can be seen that 50% of the respondents would use the
product a lot and the other 50% would not often use the product.
Figure 9
Figure 9: This figure represents the amount of respondents that would purchase the product.
From the diagram shown it can be seen that 50% of the respondents would buy the product and
Figure 10
Figure 10: This figure represents the percentage of respondents who would like the product to
also respond for them. From the diagram presented it shows that 75% of respondents would use
the product while 25% of the respondents would not use the product.
Figure 11
Figure 11: This figure shows the percentage of respondents who prefer comfort, quality or both.
From the diagram presented it shows that 66.7% of the respondents would prefer quality, 25%
would prefer comfort and 8.3% of the respondents would prefer both.
Figure 12
Figure 12: This figure represents the amount of respondents who own earphones. From the
diagram presented represents that 100% of the respondents own a pair of earphones.
Figure 13
Figure 13: This figure represents the percentage of respondents who use their earphones all day,
a lot or not often. From diagram presented it can be seen that 58.3% of respondents use their
earphones a lot, 25% use them all day and 16.7% of them use it not often.
In the caribbean there exists variations of language, slang, which are not usually widely
accepted as an official language. This leads to those who visit these countries encountering many
problems as it relates to understanding and communicating with the natives they run into.
Additionally some people require a deeper understanding of these languages foreign to them so
The product which is being developed if called One Voice. The goal which will be
achieved by this product is to assist those who visit caribbean countries in understanding the
language and slang they encounter. This product was envisioned when Hugh, Qua-Sean and
Stephan sat as a unit and discussed possible problems and sought a solution to these problems. A
survey was created via google forums by Hugh and distributed as a means by which to gather
information and assess if our product would solve an actual problem. The responses were
collected, the data was further analyzed by all the group members and the problem was deemed a
reality and thus the development of the product continued. A production schedule timeline and
milestone chart was then created by Stephan. These charts were created beforehand to ensure we
had sufficient motivation to stay on track with the creation of our product. The budget was then
created by Qua-Sean and the mock-ups, wireframes and storyboards were created by all the
members together. Furthermore ,to assist in convincing the public that our product will be useful,
To help solve the problem of persons not understanding the language they hear in their
own countries the product 1 voice will be created. The creation of this product will remedy the
problem faced by those who are confused by the dialect they hear in these caribbean countries by
translating what they hear into their own language for easy communication. This will allow
people who are not from the caribbean to no longer be confused by what they hear in these
caribbean countries as well as fully appreciate and understand caribbean slangs and not just refer
to it as being nonsensical or barbaric language. This product will come packed with alternative
features such as serving as a music player when not in use as a translator. This music player
feature will allow for dynamic use of an also appeal to the majority of individuals as many of the
respondents, as seen from the survey taken, listen to music on a daily basis. The intention of this
product is remedy the confusion faced by those who struggle to understand caribbean slangs and
In order for the members of this group to complete their individual pieces, a number of
tools and resources were used. Sony Vegas Pro as well as Audacity was used to edit the pitch so
that the end product was clear, concise and audible. Sony Vegas Pro was used because it allowed
the editing of video files so enhancements could be made as well as any other changes we
deemed necessary in order to get the information across to potential investors. Audacity was used
as it assisted in making sure the audio used was all at the same level and clear as multiple
recording were joined together for the completion of the pitch. A Google image was used for
reference as well as to give an idea as to how the device will look and operate. Rulers and pencils
were used to aid in the drawing of the product to ensure that all the required features would be
easily accessed and to design the product in such a way that it offers functionality and aesthetics.
Adobe Photoshop was used to help in the design of the product in digital form so the device
would look more refined. Photoshop was used because it allows the generation and production of
images with the use of tools and special effects. This is shown in the design of the product.
Group Members: Hugh Campbell, Qua-Sean Taylor and Stephan Henry
Software $15,000.00
1 Voice Timeline
Tasks Novemb Decemb January Februar March Apri
er er y l
Rationale 6th-7th
StoryBoarding 20th -
Budget 4th -
Milestone 7th -
Pitch 4th -
Creation of 7th-
Questionnaire 18th
Mock-ups 8th-
Storyboard 20th-
Prototype 7th-
Construction 28th
Testing 4th-
Pitch 18th-
Production Schedule
Production Schedule for 1Voice
Task Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Research o o
Definition of Problem o
Data analysis o
Product Design o o
Problem Solution o o
Prototype Construction o o o
Testing o o o o
Rough Designs