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Dendrimers: A Review

Article January 2010


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3 authors, including:

Vineet Mathur Mithun Singh Rajput

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College


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periphery of the molecule is activated for

Dendrimers: A Review reaction with more monomers. The two steps
Vineet Mathur*1, Yamini Satrawala2, Mithun Singh Rajput3 can be repeated. The divergent approach is
successful for the production of large
Abstract: Dendrimers are a new class of polymeric materials. They are highly branched, quantities of dendrimers since, in each
monodisperse macromolecules. Structural Advantages allow dendrimers to play an important generation-adding step, the molar mass of the
role in the fields of nanotechnology, pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry. As a result of their dendrimer is doubled. The first synthesized
unique behaviour dendrimers are suitable for a wide range of biomedical and industrial dendrimers were polyamidoamines
applications. The bioactive agents can be easily encapsulated into the interior of the dendrimers (PAMAMs). They are also known as starbust
or chemically attached that is conjugated or physically adsorbed onto the dendrimer surface, dendrimers [7].
serving the desired properties of the carrier to the specific needs of the active material and its
therapeutic applications. The review aims to emphasize on construction, characterisation, drug
delivery and possible application of dendrimers in various areas of research, technology and
Keywords: Dendrimer, drug delivery, polyamidoamine dendrimer (PAMAM).

INTRODUCTION an initiator core, interior layers (generations)

Dendrimers are repeatedly branched composed of repeating units, radically
molecules. The huge number of papers on attached to the interior core and exterior
dendritic architectures such as dendrimers, (terminal functionality) attached to the
dendronized, hyperbranched and brush- outermost interior generations [4, 5].
polymers has generated a vast variety of
inconsistent terms and definitions making a Figure 2. Divergent growth of dendrimer
clear and concise unfolding of this topic highly
difficult. A dendrimer is generally described as Convergent dendrimer growth
a macromolecule, which is characterized by its The 'convergent' approach was developed as a
highly branched three diamentional structure response to the weaknesses of divergent
that provides a high degree of surface syntheses. Convergent growth begins at what
functionality and versatility. Dendrimers have will end up being the surface of the dendrimer,
often been referred to as the Polymers of the and works inwards by gradually linking
21st century. Dendrimer chemistry was first surface units together with more. When the
introduced in 1978 by Fritz Vogtle and co- Figure 1. Architecture of a dendrimer growing wedges are large enough, several are
workers [1]. He synthesized the first cascade attached to a suitable core to give a complete
Synthesis of dendrimers dendrimer (Figure 3). The advantages of
molecules. In 1985, Donald A. Tomalia,
The synthesis used for dendrimer preparation convergent growth over divergent growth
synthesized the first family of dendrimers [2].
permit almost entire control over the critical stem that only two simultaneous reactions are
The word dendrimer originated from two
molecular design parameters such as size, required for any generation-adding step [7].
words, the Greek word dendron, meaning tree,
shape, surface/interior chemistry, flexibility, The convergent methodology also suffers from
and meros, meaning part. At the same time,
and topology. Many dendrimer syntheses rely low yields in the synthesis of large structures.
Newkome et al [3] independently reported
upon traditional reactions, such as the Michael
synthesis of similar macromolecules. They
reaction or the Williamson ether synthesis
called them arborols from the Latin word
whilst others involve the use of modern
arbor also meaning a tree. The term cascade
techniques and chemistry, such as solid-phase
molecule is also used, but dendrimer is the
synthesis, organo-transition-metal chemistry,
best established one. Due to their multivalent
organo-silicon chemistry, organo-phosphorus
and monodisperse character, dendrimers have
chemistry, or other contemporary organic
stimulated wide interest in the field of
methodologies. The choice of the growth
chemistry and biology, especially in
reaction dictates the way in which the
applications like drug delivery, gene therapy Figure 3. Convergent growth of dendrimer
branching should be introduced into the
and chemotherapy. Dendrimers then
dendrimer. Branching may be present in the
experienced an explosion of scientific interest
building blocks as is more often the case or it
because of their unique molecular
can be created as a function of the growth
reaction, as is the case with the
Dendrimers possess three distinguished
polyamidoamines and the
architectural components (Figure 1), namely
polypropyleneimines [6].

1Niper,ITI Compound, Shri Bhawani Paper Mill Road, Divergent dendrimer growth
Rae Bareli 229010, UP, India. E-mail: The synthetic methodology employed in the Figure 4. A schematic representation of
early dendrimer syntheses came to be known double exponential and mixed growth of
2Department of Pharmacy, Shri G S Institute of
as the 'divergent' approach (Figure 2). This dendrimer
Technology and Science 23 - Park Road, Indore - name comes from the way in which the
452003, MP, India. dendrimer grows outwards from the core, Double exponential and mixed growth
diverging into space. Starting from a reactive The most recent fundamental breakthrough in
3Collegeof Pharmacy, IPS Academy, Rajendra Nagar, core, a generation is grown, and then the new the practice of dendrimer synthesis has come
A B Road, Indore- 452012, India.

Inventi Rapid: NDDS Vol. 1, Issue 1 2010nd014, CCC: $10 Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
ISSN - 0976-3791 Published on Web 27/05/2010

with the concept and implications of 'double Ocular drug delivery drug-carrier molecule. Dendrimers failed to
exponential' growth (Figure 4). Double Dendrimers provide unique solutions to show enhancement in drug transport through
exponential growth, similar to a rapid growth complex delivery problems for ocular drug intact skin, because of its high molecular
technique for linear polymers, involves an AB2 delivery. Recent research efforts for improving weights. More research efforts are required in
monomer with orthogonal protecting groups residence time of pilocarpine in the eye was this area to understand the relationship of
for the A and B functionalities. This approach increased by using PAMAM dendrimers with dendrimers to skin transport mechanism.
allows the preparation of monomers for both carboxylic or hydroxyl surface groups. These
convergent and divergent growth from a single surface-modified dendrimers were predicted Targeted gene delivery
starting material [8]. to enhance pilocarpine bioavailability [15]. Dendrimers can act as carriers, called vectors,
Topical application of active drugs to the eye is in gene therapy. Vectors transfer genes
Properties of dendrimers the most prescribed route of administration through the cell membrane into the nucleus.
Many of the properties of dendrimers include [9]: for the treatment of various ocular disorders. Currently liposomes and genetically
1. Nanoscale sizes that have similar It is generally agreed that the intraocular engineered viruses have been mainly used for
dimensions to important bio-building blocks bioavailability of topically applied drugs is this. PAMAM dendrimers have also been tested
for example, proteins, DNA. extremely poor. These results mainly due to as genetic material carriers. Cationic
2. Numbers of terminal surface groups (Z) drainage of the excess fluid via nasolacrimal dendrimers (Polypropylenimine (PPI)
suitable for bio-conjugation of drugs, duct and elimination of the solution by tear dendrimer) deliver genetic materials into cells
signaling groups, targeting moieties or turnover. Several research advances have been by forming complexes with negatively charged
biocompatibility groups. made in ocular drug delivery systems by using genetic materials through electrostatic
3. Surfaces that may be designed with specialized delivery systems such as polymers, interaction. Cationic dendrimers lend
functional groups to augment or resist trans- liposomes, or dendrimers to overcome some of themselves as non-viral vectors for gene
cellular, epithelial or vascular bio- these disadvantages. Ideal ocular drug- delivery because of their ability to form
permeability. delivery systems should be non-irritating, compact complexes with DNA. Another
4. An interior void space may be used to sterile, isotonic, biocompatible, does not run potential application could be the use of
encapsulate small molecule drugs, metals, or out from the eye and biodegradable [16]. dendrimers coated with sialic acid for the
imaging moieties. Encapsulating in that void influenza virus to attach to the cell surface. In
space reduces the drug toxicity and Transdermal drug delivery addition, dendrimers are non-immunogenic
facilitates controlled release. Dendrimers designed to be highly water- and are thus uniquely suited as carrier
5. Positive biocompatibility patterns that are soluble and biocompatible have been shown to structures for drugs or bioactive molecules
associated with lower generation anionic or be able to improve drug properties such as without degradation in immune system [20].
neutral polar terminal surface groups as solubility and plasma circulation time via
compared to higher generation neutral transdermal formulations and to deliver drugs CNS delivery
apolar and cationic surface groups. efficiently [17]. The viscosity imparting Dendrimers, are regularly branched polymer
6. Non- or low-immunogenicity associated with property of a dendrimer solution allows for molecules with branches growing from one or
most dendrimer surfaces modified with ease of handling of highly concentrated several centers. They can be formulated non-
small functional groups or polyethylene dendrimer formulations for these applications. covalently with biological agents, such as DNA
glycol (PEG). Dendrimers have been shown to be useful as or conjugated with pro-drug or imaging agents
7. Surface groups that can be modified to transdermal drug delivery systems for and thus can be used as delivery vehicles for
optimize bio-distribution; receptor mediated nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs drug therapy or molecular imaging [21-26]. To
targeting, therapy dosage or controlled (NSAIDs), antiviral, antimicrobial, anticancer, the best of our knowledge dendrimers have
release of drug from the interior space. or antihypertensive drugs [18]. PAMAM not been evaluated so far for CNS delivery
dendrimers have been studied as carrier except for few studies on intratumoral
Comparision of dendrimers with linear transdermal systems for the model NSAIDs: delivery of dendrimer conjugates with anti-
polymers ketoprofen and diflunisal [19]. It is well known cancer agents to treat glioma [27, 28]. Notably,
Dendrimers are different with the linear that the molecular transport through intact the generation and surface properties of
polymers in various properties, which are skin is related to the molecular weight of the dendrimers were found to be very important.
listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of various properties of dendrimers with linear polymer
Applications of dendrimers Property Dendrimer Linear polymer
Oral drug delivery Structure Compact, Globular Not compact
Dendrimers with diameters in the range of 2.5
Careful & stepwise growth
to 6 nm seemed to offer the ideal progression Synthesis Single step polycondensation
to smaller and smaller systems. Problem of
Structural control Very high Low
flocculation and aggregation of the system in-
vivo, oral uptakes of dendrimers are not better Architecture Regular Irregular
as accepted. Using polyoxyethylene glycol Shape Spherical Random coil
chains or ionic groups can reduce this Non-crystalline, amorphous Semi-crystalline/crystalline
problem, but oral uptake is then hindered by materials -lower glass temperature materials -high glass temperature
the hydrophilic nature of the surface Aqueous solubility High Low
dendrimers [10-13]. Dendrimer-drug size, Nonpolar solubility High Low
molecular weight, surface charge, incubation Non linear relationship with Linear relationship with
time and concentration of active molecule molecular weight molecular weight
impart different characteristics for oral Reactivity High Low
delivery of dendrimers [14]. Compressibility Low High
Dispersity Monodisperse Polydisperse

Inventi Rapid: NDDS Vol. 1, Issue 1 2010nd014, CCC: $10 Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
ISSN - 0976-3791 Published on Web 27/05/2010

Cationic dendrimers were generally more synthesized by the conjugation of PEG or conjugates. It will be interesting not only to
toxic and disrupted the tight junctions. These polyethylene oxide (PEO) chains to a have highly functionalized dendrimers but also
effects increased as dendrimer generation and, multifunctional dendritic chain. A study by Lee to direct the functionalities towards the
consequently, net surface area increased. and colleagues [34] showed the feasibility of concave interior of the dendrimer for better
Surface modification of dendrimers with polyester-based dendrimerPEOdoxorubicin encapsulation of the drug.
carboxylic groups greatly decreased the conjugate to substantially inhibit the
toxicity, although the modified dendrimers progression of DOX-insensitive C-26 tumor Dendrimer-based nanoparticles for lung
still opened tight junctions. In our opinion, it is subcutaneously implanted in BALB/c mice. delivery
a matter of time before various dendrimers Additionally, Bhadra et al used PEGylated Kukowska-Latallo et al investigated the ability
are applied for CNS delivery of diagnostic and PAMAM dendrimers for the incorporation of of PAMAM dendrimers to augment plasmid
therapeutic agents. 5FU [35]. Thus, as anticipated, it was observed DNA gene transfer in-vivo and evaluates the
that this is formulation is suitable for targeting of the lung by alternative routes of
Anticancer drug delivery prolonged delivery of anticancer drugs by in- administration [42]. They suggested that
One of the major applications of dendrimers is vitro and blood-level studies in albino rats, vascular administration seemed to achieve
as a delivery vehicle for various anticancer without producing any significant expression in the lung parenchyma, mainly
drugs. The structure and tunable surface hematological disturbances. PEGylation within the alveoli, while endobronchial
functionality of dendrimers allows for the contributed an additional advantage to the administration primarily targeted bronchial
encapsulation/conjugation of multiple entities, dendrimer formulation by reducing drug epithelium, indicating that each delivery route
either in the core or on the surface, rendering leakage and hemolytic toxicity. This, in turn, requires different vectors to achieve optimal
them ideal carriers for various anticancer could improve drug-loading capacity and trans-gene expression that each approach
drugs. There are numerous examples of stabilize such systems in the body. appears to target different cells within the
dendrimer mediated targeted drug delivery. In lung.
2002, Jesus et al [29] had explored the Dendrimer and carbon nanotube Rudolph et al compared the properties of
possibility of a 2, 2-bis (hydroxymethyl) The utilization of dendrimers as branched polyethylenimine (PEI) 25 kDa and
propanoic acid based dendritic scaffold as a nanotemplates for carbon nanotube fractured PAMAM dendrimers for topical gene
delivery carrier for doxorubicin in-vitro and formation in a controlled manner has been a transfer to the airways in-vivo [43]. Bai et al
in-vivo. This dendritic nano-formulation, growing area of research interest since Choi produced low molecular weight heparin
which contains doxorubicin covalently bound and his group introduced the idea of utilizing (LMWH)dendrimer complex through
through a hydrazone linkage to a high PAMAM dendrimers for the synthesis of electrostatic interactions using various
molecular weight three-arm polyethylene catalytic nanoparticles for single-walled PAMAM dendrimers then evaluated both the
oxide; exhibits reduced cytotoxicity in-vitro. In carbon nanotube (SWNT). Thus, using this safety and the efficacy of the drugdendrimer
an attempt to improve the efficacy of dendritic platform, chemical vapor deposition formulations in preventing deep vein
doxorubicin, Lai et al [30] utilize photochemical (CVD) nanotubes with a narrow diameter thrombosis in-vivo and in-situ [44]. They
internalization (PCI) technology for site- distribution between 1 and 2 nm were concluded that cationic dendrimers can be
specific delivery of membrane impermeable obtained [36]. Later, in another study by used as pulmonary delivery carriers for a
macromolecules from endocytic vesicles into Amama et al, the use of fourth-generation relatively large molecular weight anionic drug.
the cytosol. PAMAM dendrimers as a platform for These carriers bind anionic drug molecules
Many investigators have also explored the synthesizing multi-walled carbon nanotubes most likely via electrostatic interactions and
feasibility of cisplatin incorporation in (MWCNTs) with systematically varied increase drug absorption through charge
dendrimers. One of the early examples is diameter distributions and defect densities by neutralization.
PAMAM dendrimer generation 3.5 conjugated microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor
to cisplatin through the sodium carboxylate deposition was demonstrated [37]. Dendritic catalysts / enzymes
surface giving a dendrimerplatinate The combination of high surface area and high
(dendrimerPt; 2025 wt% platinum), which Dendritic micelles solubility makes dendrimers useful as
resulted in a fairly water soluble nano- Dendrimers, the highly branched nanoscale catalysts. Dendrimers have a
formulation with the ability to release cisplatin monodisperse macromolecules, have a large multifunctional surface and all catalytic sites
slowly in-vitro [31]. Zhou et al [32] synthesized number of tunable surface groups and an are always exposed towards the reaction
poly (amide-amine) based dendrimers with a interior that provides space as well as mixture. They can be recovered from the
cyclic core and four direction branches using microenvironment suitable for host-guest reaction mixture by easy ultra filtration
the method referred to as time-sequenced chemistry. [38, 39] Dendritic micelles are methods [45]. Dendritic shells can be used to
propagation technique. Using this technique, generally unimolecular and do not suffer from create a microenvironment favorable for
they successfully synthesized dendrimers from even the low CMC that the linear polymer catalysis or provide shielding for functional
generation 0.5 to generation 5.5. Further, based micelles have. Also, these have been groups at the dendritic core. Because of their
dendrimers were then reacted with 1- shown to be rapidly internalized into cells pseudo-spherical nature and their resultant
bromoacetyl-5-fluorouracil to form through endocytosis due to their nanometer- conformations the metal sites in these well-
dendrimer5FU conjugates. PEGylated scale dimensions. By virtue of these unique dened polymeric catalysts should be easily
dendrimers are one of the sub-classes of features, dendrimers are being recently accessible for substrate molecules and
dendrimers that attract numerous scientists studied for applications in gene therapy and as reagents, and therefore exhibit characteristics-
due to its prolonged blood circulation time, drug carriers and as contrast agents in imaging fast kinetics, specicity and solubility [46].
lower level of toxicity and relatively lower [40, 41]. It is evident from the above discussion Metallodendritic catalysts, catalysis with
accumulation in different organs. Also, in-vivo that dendritic micelles with anionic or PEG phosphine-based dendrimers, catalysis with
experiments show a significantly higher groups on the periphery are promising (metallo) dendrimers containing chiral
accumulation in the tumor tissues due to the carriers for drug delivery. Further, ligands, non-metal containing dendrimers are
enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) functionalized biocompatible dendrimers will some of the examples of dendritic catalysts
effect [33]. PEG-dendrimers are generally be attractive for multiple dendrimer-drug and enzymes.

Inventi Rapid: NDDS Vol. 1, Issue 1 2010nd014, CCC: $10 Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
ISSN - 0976-3791 Published on Web 27/05/2010

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Inventi Rapid: NDDS Vol. 1, Issue 1 2010nd014, CCC: $10 Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
ISSN - 0976-3791 Published on Web 27/05/2010

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