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Street Photo Guide

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Well Hello, Olivier here, I am the co-creator of
Inspired Eye Magazine. I wrote all sorts of articles
on Street Photography for the last 2 years and the
amount of articles to dig out is quite large.

So I created this ebook that aims to guide you

trough the beginning steps of being a street
photographer all the way to some practical tips on
how to shoot Street Photograhy.

Lets dig in shall we?

The good news about the gear is that, most likely
you are all set, unlike say lit up portraiture where
you need lightstands and the like, you dont need
much besides a camera.

Granted, street Photography can be done with

any camera you have, but it is highly preferable
if its smaller and fast and allows for manual
focusing (Youll see why later)

6 7
Ive always been asked my Ricoh GRD IV, while cameras as you can to your best camera its that Removing the The cure to
what the best camera is, most people were happy figure out which one is the comparing specifications middle man spending too much
where here I will answer with their purchase, a few one you love most. It could bears no indication on
in gear
that question in a more peeps didnt like it at all also be a past camera. If wether or not you will
philosophical way instead and didnt get what all the you always think about enjoy a camera. There is nothing more
of singling out certain rage was about. a certain camera you liberating than finding the I used to be a gear addict.
cameras had, maybe its that one. camera you love. Theres Spent 1000s of $$$ in
Theres a certain minimum only one thing that stands
I remember when I sold cameras. Looking back, I
The thing is, cameras are that you might require for between you and the image
my GRD III, I couldnt should have invested that
There is no such like partners. If you have sure (at least a large sensor you have in your mind: money in a mutual fund
live without it and I think
thing as the best a boyfriend/girfriend, they
within the week I got
for example) but whatever The camera. By finding or something. But lets not
camera might be the perfect fit the case, it doesnt mean your best camera, you will
another one. go there. I use to buy new
for you, but for somebody that you will enjoy using use it more and more and cameras as I sold old ones
else, not so much. This it. The Fuji Xpro was, on surely enough you will
Lets start by being over and over again, and
is the same for cameras, As for the present, the one paper, my dream camera, know it like the back of
controversial. I dont its my experience that if
some cameras might fit you love is the one you miss in practice I didnt like your hands.
think there is such thing you find the camera you
you, others might not. when you dont shoot out using it, its too big. But for
as the best camera. Ive love, you will not have the
with it, the one you trust other its the best camera
owned many cameras Doing so will allow the temptation to buy other
the most to make your ever.
and I continue to review camera to move out of the cameras.
images, the one that leaves
cameras for this site. If I once asked what the best way and free you to make
the other ones in the dust.
there is something Ive film camera was. While My Ricoh GRD IV is pictures like you intend
At one point in time I had 4 Lets take my Ricoh GRD,
learned its that the best there are a few names outclassed by any new to. Take my Ricoh GRD
Ricoh GXRs. And then one its been with me for 4
camera doesnt exist. that pop up here and modern camera that comes for example once again,
day I bought their little years. Im still shooting
there, many people chose out but I preffer my GRD if I look at the screen and
brother home, the Ricoh with it daily. I believed
cameras that I would never IV. Its weird but its not see if its underexposed, I
When someone asks me GRD. From then on they it was on its last leg but
chose. This is to show there about the specifications know how many clicks
for recommendations, have been gathering dust. looks like its still has a few
IS such a thing as the best really, its about the camera I need to push the back
my answer will differ It was evident I found THE years or two. Sometimes
camera for YOU. Its all itself. I had a NEX7 and lever to the left to adjust
depending on the camera and I sold them all it cant turn on tough but
about finding the camera a Fuji XE1, the first kicks my aperture.
person and their needs. after months of not using thats besides the point. I
you love. the second ones butt but I
Sometimes I say go for the them. dont mind only using this
preffer the XE1. So getting
Fuji X100s, sometimes When I have this camera, I camera for life.
the better speced camera
for the Alpha 6000 or Finding the camera dont even see in terms of
sometimes something else. Specifications has no bearing on whether
you love you will love it or not. Lets fstops any more, only how
schmecifications much or how little clicks or
look at some benefits of
There is not a one size fits actually finding the one. wheel turning I need.
So, how does one recognize
all camera. I remember The one thing I have found
the one? If you havent
when I was raving about when trying to hunt down
got it yet, rent as many

8 9
It will make jump to compacts. Why? whit you. And to a large and it was true, but it was Conclusion
you a better Because I had a Pentax extent I agree, but I think because I REALLY didnt
K20D, one of the best the underlying principle want to take my camera
photographer Photography is about
cameras I used, but the is still the best camera sling bag everywhere I
relationships, the
problem was that it was is the one you love. went and pull out my large
A camera can and cant relationship between you
BULKY. DSLR for some family
make you a better and your images, but also
Simply put you will use images.
photographer. Let me your relationship with
what you love and love
I never wanted to go out your camera. If you can
explain. A camera, on what you use. I tried
and shoot with it. Even When I got my pocket one that you love, it will
a specification level that mobile photography
when I was home I never camera, I got the nickname liberate your photography,
cannot make you a better thing, the phone being
wanted to pull it out, just Paparazzi. Youll take not only you will want
photographer, it can only the camera thats always
doing so felt like work. All the camera you love to take it everywhere,
allow you to do new things with you, and it just didnt
of this changed when I got everywhere. If you like it you will also get better
that you couldnt before. work.
my Ricoh GXR, its like the enough youll probably as a consequence. My
For example if you have a
world opened up to me and start wearing Baggy pants photography took a serious
new camera with a macro
I really WANTED to shoot I hate using my phone as just to slip it in your pocket. turn when I found mine.
feature, it just opened up
everything. And I did. And a camera. Fidling with a
the macro world to you.
I got better. MUCH better. screen to interact with the
image is not my thing. But A positive circle
But in a more real world again for others its the That being said...
There is nothing my GXR
perspective, a camera
could do that my K20D
best thing ever. I think the Like I said above, the heres the cameras
can make you better. Or limits of what Chase said camera you love will make I recommend....
couldnt do. The difference
for more clarification, comes from the fact that you love what you use
was that I wanted to use
a camera can make you you will probably not want and use what you love.
on of them and not the
WANT to be better. Once to use something you dont It will alternate between
other. Thats why, even
you have the camera you like. the pleasure of using a
if I dont have a problem
love, you will want to use camera you like, making
with DSLRs I preach
it. Use it more and you will some killer images with it,
for everyone to have a Ive let many images
become better. making you liking it more,
compact. pass just because I didnt
want to pull out what I and what to shoot it more.
Its not really the camera had in my pocket or bag. Its feeding positive energy
that makes you better, Youll take it Alternatively I got many into your photography.
its that you get better everywhere images because the camera
the more and more you I love is always in front of
use it. I would not be the Chase Jarvis popularized me. My wife got angry at
photographer I am today the quote The best me because I didnt take
without having made the camera is the one thats pictures of her of the kids

10 11
If there is one camera designed ONLY If 28mm is not your fancy and is too If street photography is only one side of Most of my recommendations above are
with the street photographer in mind, its wide, the Fuji X100 might fit your bill. your photography, the Panasonic LX100 best reserved for a small bag (save the
the Ricoh GR. It has a fixed fast 28mm The camera looks and operates like one is in my opinion the best deal in cameras. Ricoh GRs). If pocketability is a MUST,
f2.8, is one of the smallest APSC sensor of those old rangefinders, crazy cool Op- It has about a 4/3 sensor, has a view- look no further than the Sony RX100,
cameras, and has a feature that you will tical viewfinder / Electronic viewfinder finder integrated and killer 24mm-75mm great for right about anything you throw
not be able to live without: Full press included. f1.7 to 2.8. Amazing lens for such a pack- at it with a 24-70mm f1.8-2.8, also has
snap. The Ricoh GR can focus like any age. This camera is great for landscapes, 4k video and a viewfinder!
other camera by half pressing the shutter portraits, events, street, etc thanks to
but if you set up full press snap, if you that versatile lens. It evens does amazing Is amazing how much they crammed
Its quite the looker and has a less wide,
squeeze the shutter release (without half videos in 4k, has wifi and does timelapse, into this thing. The drawbacks are a
middle-of-the-road focal lenght of 35mm
pressing it) it will set the focus at 1m (or etc. smaller sensor then the LX100 (it has a
at f2. Its better suited for street portrai-
1.5m, 2m) and make the shot. 1inch sensor but much more portable)
ture in that sense. There is a focusing
scale in camera so you can preset your That versatility unfortunately comes and also lacks any manual focusing scale
It allows you to have access to either focus and simply go on shooting. at a price, it does not have a focusing but has focus peaking. All I can say, to
normal autofocus or hyperfocal depend- The versatility of the X100 comes when scale, meaning you dont know if you everyone I recommend this, they some-
ing on how you press the shutter re- you get the 28 mm adapter or the 50mm are focused at 1m or whatever distance. how ended up selling their old cameras,
lease. This feature is NOT available on adapter. It does have focus peaking, so you can my Dad got rid of his Olympus PEN and
any other camera. Sure you can preset eyeball how much of the world is in an uncle gladly sold his DSLR.
your focus on other cameras but that focus as it becomes more and more Just a heads up, some users are experi-
Full press snap is Ricoh only and the highlighted. The transition from a Fuji encing some issues about it, its not been
handling is quite excellent. The biggest is painless at it handles pretty much the my experience or those that I know, so
drawback of this camera is that its prone same way with a dial on top and even has please do your research on it!
to dust entering the camera. click stop aperture ring.

I personally sold everything (save my

Ricoh GRD!) for this camera as I wanted
to simplify my gear and not have to deal
with lenses.

12 13
You can use the settings that are most
comfortable for you, but in the next few pages I
will share what most street photographers use
as settings.

14 15
With every single new so that all they need and it
camera released, it seems to worry about is the
AF (Autofocus) gets closer subject(s) to be within
and closer to being almost that area and they will be
instantaneous. in focus.

Certain cameras are Now since your area that

so good in focusing is in focus gets greater and
automatically, you really greater as you close down
do not need to know what your lens (higher fstop
I am about to say about number), most shots are
focusing, if AF works made with apertures from
for you go ahead! But if about f8 on.
youve always found your
shots blurry because you Sounds like spaceship
missed your focus, read engineering but it isnt:
on. Please note its quite a Hyperfocal distance is the
bit technical, and cannot distance that, if you focus
be any other way! on it, everything between
half that distance to in- your camera model but
will crunch it for you. Put in an aperture, use
But ever wondered how finity will be acceptably be warned, it does NOT
3 things should pop to Theres also some nice the actual focal length (for
those of the MF (Manual sharp. (To optics nazis know the focal length of
mind when looking at apps for Android and iOS cropped sensors) forget
Focus) days did it? I who dont like my expla- the camera if it has a fixed
this: First of all, its a that do that too! In depth about subject distance (we
mean, these guys only had nation: Bite me!). lens.
pretty darn cool illustra- of field master, put in are looking for the hyper-
manual cameras!! Well tion (yep, love me some focal, remember?) and
they had something even That distance is not al- pixel art!), second this guy look at the results you get:
faster than autofocus, pre ways the same, it depends probably needs to get off
focusing. I mean whats on sensor size, focal the streets, a car is com-
faster than autofocus than length, etc. ing! and finally third. The alternative approach
simply not focusing at all? how do I know the dis- is to check out these set-
Thats pretty much it for tance that is the hyperfo- tings, they are a bit cookie
that explanation, I per- cal one?
Basically what they cutter (same circle of con-
sonally cant stand the sci-
did, and many street fusion for cameras) but so
ence behind photography Well thats where you
photographers still do, far have not failed me.
too much, makes my head head to Depth of Field
is set up their camera so spin, so its Illustration
that a certain part of the master (Google it!), put in
time! your numbers and camera
imageis always in focus,

16 17
Common Settings
28mm 35mm

1/1.7 sensor @f5.6: 1 meter mu 43 sensor @f5.6: 14.6 meters

mu 43 sensor @f5.6: 9.4 meters APSC sensor@f5.6: 11.5 meters

APSC sensor@f5.6: 7.4 meters Fullframe @f5.6: 7.6 meters

Knowing the distance the object, congrats you markings to indicate your
mu 43 sensor @f8: 10.2 meters you are focused at are in hyperfocal! zone of focus, because if
Fullframe @f5.6: 4.9 meters
it doesnt or you camera
APSC sensor@f8: 8.5 meters So whats someone to do? Zone focusing doesnt have a digital scale
1/1.7 sensor @f8: 0.76 meters
Heres what my partner like below.well you have
Fullframe @f8: 5.3 meters Don does and Im passing Alternatively to hyperfocal no idea what your dis-
mu 43 sensor @f8: 6.6 meters
it on to you, its brilliant. you can use zone focusing, tances are!
Search your phone for a so instead of maximiz-
APSC sensor@f8: 5.5 meters
distance measuring app ing your depth of field,
Or can always focus at say 1 on your iPhone or An- you focus only on certain
Fullframe @f8: 3.4
meter or 2 meters and make test shots droid. predetermined broad
from 5.6 on and see what aperture you zones, say from 1meter to
are ok with. Its completely unscientific Download the app and 20meter or from 20 meter
but I use it all the time. I just make sure I simply stay in front of a to infinity.
test beforehand. street sign or something
and calculate the distance As you encounter differ-
But now that you know what the dis- from you and the object. ent situations, you focus
tance you should focus on, doesnt mean Go closer or further de- on the different zones.
you know where it is, this is where digi- pending on what your The zones are entirely up
tal fails us. Most modern cameras and settings are. to you and your shooting Pray focusing
lenses do not have a distance scale (those style. See above.
distance markings on a lens) nor do they So if you need to be at 1 It just so happens while
even have a digital one (in camera sche- meter, go back and forth This kind of focusing is you where changing your
matic telling you that you are focused at until the app says that you useful when you cant use lens or whatever reason
X distance). are at that distance. When too small apertures for an image just appeared
you hit the distance you hyperfocal (say when the in front of you. Time for
are supposed to be in, take light is dropping) but its prayer focusing. Heres
your camera and focus on better if your lens has the how it goes:

18 19
- #@$@%%!! Please G_d cused on, I do not know
let me make this shot, the settings for the long
pleeease zoom range.

- (Make a few shots)

Please please please So what I do is I turn on
lemme get this shot focus peaking (most mod-
ern cameras have this).
- Look at the screen for I crouch on the ground
(un) answered prayer and focus on the ground
and play around with my
aperture and focus until I
And no I am not joking, see most of the ground as
prayer focusing works far as I can see is sharp.
sometimes. Its better to I then stand up, make a
try to get the shot than let test shot, rinse and repeat
it get away. until satisfied.

While you are trying to Shutter speed consid-

make the shot, you can eration
also bracket the focus, say
making 3-4 shots with In normal, relaxed set-
varying focus hoping to tings, you can probably
land on the subject. make a nice shot hand-
held at 1/30th of a second
and have the stuff in the
Focus peaking
image sharp. But in street
photography where not
If I know my settings, I
only things in the frames
would use Hyperfocal,
but most likely you are
but sometimes I have a
moving, Id keep around
camera and I have no
1/125th of a second.
idea what the settings are.
Right now for example I
have a camera that has a
zoom lens and not only
there is no way to know
what distance I am fo-

20 21
Street Photography is awesome....but you gotta
stay safe. So depending on where you live you
need to know what the laws are so that you can
cover your butt.

22 23
Keeping Safe You are oblivious
your gut tells you you are are taking your picture.
in shady place, chances They would act innocent of whats happen-
are, you are! and you would lose your
Street Photography is must be said We all know other way, do so. Your
Youre hanging
fun and exiting. But we must not cross when camera might be a vehicle Your camera
like everything there the crossing light is red of self expression but to out in tourist traps You might be a nice guy
brings too much
is a darkside to it, are but the problem is that others its their next meal or gal with a camera, but
you making these street once you get into the flow and they will try to take it attention
The opposite of going to for others who are doing
photography safety of the images, you tend from you. shady areas is to hang out something illegal you
mistakes? to forget about the rules in tourist traps. Granted might be the police. Be
of the road and might be it looks more secure than Some cameras bring more aware of what you are
So watch out. If you are
tempted to cross without the shady streets but its attention than others. I pointing your camera
Let me start first by visiting a new contry
looking. like blood to a shark. only have small cameras at. If two characters are
saying that there IS a make your research first
good chance that you will into the areas you are What I mean is it attracts partly because people in a dark street corner, I
be (even more) fearful of If you are not careful, going (like B.D Colen who pick pockets because its dismiss me! Theres some wouldnt point my camera
the streets, dont be. This youll follow the crowd was advised to stay in the where veryone pulls out cameras that will fetch at them. Imagine they are
article is not to make you jaywalking, putting car). Not that something their shiny toys! way more if the are stolen, dealing, how do you think
fear the streets but to be yourself in danger without MUSt happen to you if if you have such cameras they will view you?
prepared. knowing. Be extremely you go shady places..I Have a handstrap and (they either have a red
attentive when it comes had some folks I know hold your camera (a dot or are black, large and I had an instance where I
to crossing the streets, I who went to film to Haiti. neckstrap is fine but dont have a huge lens), it might was at a corner shooting
Its like seatbelts, you wish be wise to have a second
find that many times I was recommend it because if because there was a nice
to never use them but you and cheaper body for
about to cross without the camera is too heavy light. One guy came up to
are glad they are there They told me they went to certain outings.
looking because an image it will mess you up).Put me and asked me what I
when you need them. Cite Soleil. I asked them
was waiting for me on the your bag in front of you was doing. The reason was
With that out of the way, if they were crazy
other side. and you should be fine. This of course depends because he was selling
lets get into the mistakes because its one of the
you might be making. most dangerous places When someone asks you on where you are, some fake bags (I believe that
Youre going into in the country. I get to take a picture of you in places have higher can lead to prison).
front of a monument or theft rate than others.
You are not watch- shady areas chills just passing by the
entrance!!!! (Ignorance is somethhing, careful. If your gear is REALLY I wasnt even aware they
ing where you are bliss I guess.) expensive, you might want were there! The thing
going Theres a scam out to buy a cheap phone with is people do not know
As simple as it is, avoid there where they have GPS and leave it in your how wide your lens is so
going certain areas. If you You dont need to be a camera bag to track it.
genius to figure out if accomplices that would even if they are far and
go somewhere and your run into them and snatch they are doing something
This is the most basic gut tells you to scram the a place is shady or not.
advice but trust me it Trust your intuition, if your camera while they they shouldnt.they

24 25
Keeping Safe The Law
might suspect you of will probably be areas or people. While Before you head out, a shot and simply wanted Photography laws
photographing them. So misunderstood by drug some of the tips can you must research to make it, but the officer (Canada)
dont point your camera addicts. be applied to everyone the legalities of street there asked me not to
at anything that seems like dont flaunt your photography in your because after the attacks
Australian photography
shady. jewelry or something, country. Usually street people are edgy about
But besides that, theres laws (Australia)
the photographer must photography in public these things.
some people whom you
be aware that people do places are ok, but again,
You are ignorant should probably avoid
not know how wide their you must do your own Unlawful photography
of who you are in general. They may Read more (external
camera is, and if someone research. For example, as in public spaces (New
have a nasty character links)
pointing your is doing something shady, I understand it, where I Zealand)
or are just itching to lash
camera at out at someone so be
they might become live (Korea) people have
suspicious. the right to their image, Nussenzweig v. DiCorcia
attentive and try to read
how it is used. (Lawsuit)
Theres all kinds of their energy and body
people in the streets, language. Again, the point of the
most of them are ok to article is safety, not So if I make a shot that Photography, the law and
make portraits of. But fear. These are things to they deem dishonors rights (USA)
Its always good to have
there is a group you know just in case they them, I can be in trouble.
some business cards at
should probably avoid present themselves. What In France, again, how I Photographers legal
hand to show people
making pictures of, about you, how do you understand it, you need handbook (USA)
that you are not in fact
and thats drug addicts. stay safe while doing the written consent of
a plain weirdo but a
Drugs make you high and street photography. Be everyone in a picture
photographer working. French privacy laws
happy, but they also make yourself, stay focused to publish it. Im not a
you paranoid, REALLY and keep on shooting. lawyer so this isnt legal (France)
paranoid. What you want Street Photography is advice, do your own
might be a caring portrait, Conclusion fun and exiting. But research and find out for Korean photo law and you
but what a junky thinks At the end of the day, like everything there yourself! (Korea)
you are is maybe an alien street photography is is a darkside to it, are
who came to abduct him only as dangerous as the you making these street
For street photography, Photographers rights
with a camera looking streets themselves. Street photography safety
there IS such a thing guide (UK)
device. Photography itself is not, mistakes?
as pre and post 9/11
but its good to follow for western countries. I
Ok, maybe not that your good judgment and wanted to make a shot UK Photographers rights
paranoid but you simply avoid certain inside a bus station, I saw (UK)

26 27
Fear hinders your street photography greatly,
heres how to get rid of it the simplest
way possible.

28 29
Fear is most likely the for something that is the thing you fear, the less Step 3 does essentially the same
number 1 factor that keeps probably 500 times you will fear it (because thing: it acknowledges The people around you
people for doing street bigger than a cockroach you will eventually realize When you are comfortable people. reflect you in a weird
photography. So if you are to be afraid of it. So I there is no reason to fear with this, you can finally way. Be negative and
afraid of even getting you just killed it and laughed it in the first place). start making images, but people are negative, be
In the movie One hour
feet wet, you are not alone at myself. Many people still, smile, nod and wave positive and people are
photo, Robin Williams
and I was in the same spot fear not so much street afterward. positive. Not only because
Kids who were dead afraid gives voice to the people
as you. Heck, I was so photography but fear of mirror neurons, but
of dogs ended up playing in a photograph, he says:
afraid, so shy of people I pointing their camera at also because negativity
with them trough this type The funny thing is, once
couldnt even look at my people. While people are breathes negativity
of therapy. So if you fear you see that people are
own brother in the eyes! not cockroaches, what you And if these pictures and positivity breathes
street photography, heres cool (1), and that most
will realize is that people have anything important positivity.
3 steps for you designed people are cool with the
are cooler than youd to say to future
But being afraid doesnt to getting rid of your fear camera (2) youll WANT
expect. generations, its this: I
mean there is reason of street photography to shoot by step 3. In other words, the way
was here. I existed. I was
to beremember Fear by proving that there you are in the streets will
young, I was happy, and
means FALSE EVIDENCE And the kicker is that you is nothing to fear from determine how the streets
Inside absolutely someone cared enough
APPEARING REAL. may end up enjoying it. people: respond to you. How
everyones heart is one about me in this world to
Heres something that I couldnt stand the taste would you feel if someone
thing and one thing only: take my picture.
happened to meso here of bell peppers as a kid, that reeks shadiness
Step 1 The longing to matter. It
I was chilling in my room, I would barf, now I eat takes your portrait? You
and because the window them stuffed like there is drives everything we do. This is by far the best intuitively do not trust
was opened.a huge, no tomorrow! Likewise Go out without your Take everyone you see in way I have ever seen put that person and you are
black, six-legged monsters just because you are afraid camera, go in the streets the streets and what do it. By making pictures immediately negative.
appeared. to point your camera at and from time to time, say you do when you say hi? of strangers, you make
people now doesnt mean Hi to someone, wave or You tell that person, hey I people feel special. Give
nod approvingly all with a notice YOU. Inversely what if someone
you wont enjoy it later! yourself time, your heart
Well ok, Im probably smile. if highly likable, smiley
rate will go up when you
the monster in this story and rose his camera to
You can Literally alter this for the first time, but
because I am talking Exposure therapy make a shot of you. Youd
Step 2 someones day by saying you will come to a time
about a cockroach but wonder why for a second
Hi with a smile. The where it will become
still. Look, I HATE I conquered my fear of but you are still cool and
When you get comfortable science behind it is that it second nature, remember
cockroaches and I was cockroaches and people even flattered that they
with this, do the same fires mirror neurons, we the brain adapts quickly.
afraid of it, there I said it, by going cold turkey, but would do such a thing,
I was afraid. there is a more gentle again, but this time with smile when we are smiled no?
way to go at it. Exposure your camera in your hand at, we mirror what we see!
therapy should help but do not make any shots Now imagine that person
But then something even if you want to. was having a random day,
happened, I realized plenty, the premise is, the
youve just brightened it
Making vs taking
how foolish it was more you are exposed to images
with a smile. The camera

30 31
Now being likeable and
smiley are EXTERNAL
factors, but its what
inside you that genuinely
determines how you will
act, you can only fake it
so much. What you think
determines you actions.

What makes a person

shady or confident is
simply how they view
what they are doing in
the streets. If they think
they are there to take
pictures, to steal in other
words they will act as
thieves would. But if their
intent is to make images,
they know what they
are doing is not merely
taking images but making
images, the posture and
action changes.

So you can be a
photographer that takes
or a person that makes.
The way you see yourself
will determine how you
act and how you act will
determine the streets will
react to you. How do YOU
see yourself in the streets?

32 33

34 35
Street Photography being of you, you make the Yeah, thats the motto of
such a broad genre, there image. The image has the Inspired Eye, now you
is much to discuss and potential bit its not there know why, the site seeks
way above the scope of a yet, its your raw material. to develop all 3 aspects of
beginner level discussion. You go home and fire up the photographer.
But I only had 5 minutes the computer, you bring
to give the best tip, it the image to what you felt
If youve ever seen an
would be this. when you shot it, then you
image that is for all
show it off to others in
intents pretty nice but
order to feel the same way
Photography is essentially doesnt move you, its
you did.
a transfer of feeling. Its missing some heart.
a transfer between the If youve ever seen an
streets and you, the image So, yes I firmly believe image that is nice but
you make and the person that photographers deal has bothersome details
looking at it. mainly in feelings, they like blown highlights,
are there to replicate its missing the technical
into others what they aspect. Lastly, if youve
A successful image then
felt trough the medium ever seen an image that
is your inner response to
of images. So its not is emotional but doesnt
what is in front of your
really about the images quite cut it because theres
lens, and being able to
as images you see, its not enough emphasis, its
transfer that onto an
about how you felt when lacking composition.
image that is able to
you shot it. The more you
produce that same feeling
that are in the images, the
into a viewer.
better they are.

Sorry for the fancy

Transferring a state
schmancy wording, its
of feeling is not easy
the best words I could
tough, it has 3 legs it
find, but heres what I
stands on, a photograph
mean: So youre in the
has 3 elements: The
streets, focus on what you
compositional, the
are Seeing, observe, look
emotional and the
at everything.
technical. Seek all 3 in the
images you make, its the
Something will produce Eye, the Heart and the
an inner feeling inside Mind.

36 37

38 39
Writing What to shoot than their best, after all It tells me when to rise
irks me a bit. The reason youre born an original, up ( I get up at nautical
is simple, I think you dont die a copy. twilight) and where I can
should focus on what YOU expect the sun to be at
want to shoot and not any point. I let things flow
That being said, theres
have any preconceived during the day but like I
certain principles to watch
notions along the lines of said I like knowing what
out for that might provide
Shoot this, not that. Im to expect, especially where
some starting point. Street
not here to tell you WHAT to go to get some nice
Photography is all about
to shoot because only shadows.
being open about what
YOU know what you want
comes your way.
to shoot. Yeah, I know it
flies in the face of people
Look for color contrasts
who offer photo recipes. But especially for
as some parts can be blue
beginners, it might be
and others red, look for
hard knowing what
My humble advice is this: soft shadows (great for
is possible. So here I
shoot everything, dont portraits) and patches of
outline what it possible
think about it. Then look light
when certain conditions
back at your work and
are met. Make sure to
look for patterns, you will
read the article on the 7 Harsh sun
invariably see what you
conditions (see link at the Either put the sun in
are drawn to and you can
end of this section). your back for some harsh
start focusing on whatever
contrasts, on your side
that is more.
for some nice side lights,
Watch your light
include it in the frame or dont have a groove yet, brainpower. Example, encountered anything
In that sense the recurring find something to block they are useful pointers. think about horses, they like that before, hence
themes would come While I am all being it and find silhouettes. can be black brown, black, the interest. You can also
straight from you and open about what comes Alternatively, look for the they are usually tall etc. create the same thing in
you way, its sometimes Seek the Punctum
not from any kind of shade for softer shadows If you pass one by you your street images, by
useful to know what is and Studium wont give them too much looking for the Punctum
recipe. Way too many self
proclaimed photography coming your way, so Rainy attention because in a of the scene.
gurus out there want to before going out its useful Protect your camera and Lets talk about the brain sense they are already
make clones out of you, I check what the weather is its a good time to look a bit. Its VERY powerful, known.
going to be like and check In the image above
(and my partner Don) are for reflections and moody but since the conscious
out the photographers we see a Nicaraguan
opposed to this stuff. shots of people with can be overloaded very
ephemeris. Its a desktop Now imagine with me police officer, usually
umbrellas quickly, what it does
and Android/iOS app you see a Pegasus, a (wrongfully) associated
is look for patterns
designed for landscape horse with wings. It will with sternness and
and file them into the
shooters but I use it for Again, all of this is not immediately gain your rigidness with a lollipop in
subconscious in order not
my street photography. really to create cookie attention, why? Because his mouth.
I believe people shouldnt to be bothered with using
cutter results, but if you your brain doesnt know
settle for anything else the limited conscious
what to do with it, it never

40 41
These two fancy words
were coined by Rolands
Barthes and to put it
simply, the studium is
everything in the image,
the punctum is that
THING, usually a detail
that makes the image.

Like my partner Don

says, the punctum is the
punchline to a joke. A
good example would be
something like traditional
buddhist monks with
sunglasses or a DSLR, its
not something you would
normally expect with
the way culture presents

Contrasts and jux-


Juxtaposition is one of
those fancy words that
mean side by side. One
object once photographed
can be perfectly normal
but once but side by side
with another, things take
another turn, usually to
show similarity, contrast
or other. Heres an

42 43
Mind your back- So While walking the Since things happen fast
ground streets, its good to look in the street, always keep
at the large vectors your background in the
(the big lines that will back burner, when a shot
force your eyes to look comes your way, you will
A good shot is made and at somewhere) like the know how to frame it in
not taken, its something vanishing point (where order to attract the eye to
thats good to ponder I the buildings on right and your subject and not from
think. The difference is left seem to converge), it.
design, intent! people looking at
something, body posture, Looking for the him. Just made that up, mans camera got powers?
etc. interesting, no? The the etc.
When you have your story and the mys-
subject that you want to thing is, this story BEGS
frame, right after noticing It might not come to be explored but its
Its tried and true that in
it, remember to take a naturally at first but if you done. Its you who read it
Heres my try at a one cinema the best scenes
look at the background squint, you can have an that has questions and let
paragraph story: He are implied, never shown,
and work it. A background idea of the broad strokes your mind wander.
couldnt breathe once he the director shows you
can either pull your that your brain will see the moment before,
attention to or from your first before processing the realized the man in the
photograph blinked at What does it mean? Is it the moment after, your
subject. details like textures, etc. a miracle? A ghost? The brain does the rest. The

44 45
same is possible in street the grim reaper for
photography, if not even example:
more because where else
can you find such wealth Humor
of different characters but
in the streets?
This is pretty
straightforward but oh
so hard to do. Its great
to find the funny side of
All it takes is a little the streets, funny looks,
imagination as finding funny actions, etc. One of
stories is tied to the easiest ways to make
mystery. Its good to find a humorous photo is to
mysterious images, the simply juxtapose someone
story part comes from the with a funny banner or
mind of the viewer. a banner taken out of

I personally have a whole

series on mystery but Some people successfully
you dont have to take just focus on humor in
everything that far, as the streets and get a very
long as an image poses nice body of work. Im
more questions than not the funny shooter, but
it answers, theres the heres what I believe is my
mystery to hook viewers FUNNIEST image:
into a story:

That sign on the right, gay

You can always find street (as in joyful) and
stories by looking at the that guys priceless face!
relationship between two Gets me every time.
people in the frame, but
also by taking cues from
popular culture, so a
hooded man can become

46 47

48 49
Remember when I said now I think the shots photography, and because
way above that Street stand on their own and you are required to be
Photography was an derive their value from IN the present moment,
umbrella term? being nice photos on their Street photography quire
own. frankly helped me change
Well most of the guide for the better.
talks about going out, but
When I am hired for
since street photography From that whole thing
an event, I still carry
is about life and you are about nodding and
the street mindset with
still living, I think its best smiling or people in
me and shoot it like I
seen as a mindset. the streets, to loving to
would the streets. Its
photograph my family,
when you start shooting
street photography can
I believe you can either everything with a street
have a greater impact on
have a compartmentalized photography mindset that
you as a person, beyond
view of street photography youll probably see that
the initial intended
where you are, like an the better term for street
IT worker and you are photography is (your) life
a street photographer photography.
only on Saturdays and
Sundays. Or you can have Street photography has
a symbiotic view where never been about the
you are always a street streets per say but life,
photographer. and life happens, in and
outside the streets. Thats
my feelings at least.
I only started to make
killer images of my family
after I became a street Beyond photography
photographer. Before the
shots of my family were
Because of the heightened
tied to the fact that they
sense of observation
were my family, but now
needed for street
as a street photographer,

50 51
Here I have collected all the ressources I found
beneficial for Street Photographers. Please note
that some of the documentaries are on a legal
grey area, if you found value in them, please
throw a bone at the producers.

52 53
Magazine, Ebooks [Amazon] Daido Moriama Monograph
E-Magazine: Inspired Eye Magazine (Thats our own) [Amazon] Slightly out of focus
Ebook: Essentials of Street Photography (19.95) [Amazon] Workers by Sebastiao Salgado
Ebook: Portrait tips and techniques (19.95) [Amazon] Vivian Maiers Street Photographer
Ebook: Timeless portraits (14.95) [Zine] Month-Day-Year by Michael Penn
Ebook: DAAN: Essence of the streets (free) [Zine] Walking and watching
Ebook: What Street Photography means to me (free) [Zine] Observations
Ebook: Creating impact (free)
Photography Documentaries

Books on Street Photography [Independent] Everybody street documentary ($13)

[Amazon] Bystander: A History of Street Photography [Netflix] How to make a book with Steidl (The americans publisher)

[Amazon] Michael Freeman Photo School Street [Netflix] Time Zero: the Polaroid story

[Amazon] Street Photography Now [Netflix] The mexican suitcase

[Amazon] World Atlas Street Photography [Youtube] Atget & Berenice Abbott

[Amazon] From Atget to Henri Cartier Bresson [Youtube] Born into brothels

[Amazon] Doing documentary work [Youtube] Annie Leibowitz documentary

[Amazon] Untold: The story behind the photographs [Youtube] In Harms way: Zoriah & alissa

[Amazon] National Geographic: Trough the lens

[Amazon] National Geographic the photographs [Youtube] Masters of photography: Diane Arbus

[Amazon] National Geographic portraits [Youtube] Eugne Smith: photography made difficult

[Amazon] Magnum stories [Youtube] American Masters: Alfred Steiglitz

[Amazon] Magnum contact sheets [Youtube] American Masters: Richard Avedon

[Amazon] The contact sheet [Youtube] Magnum Photos: The changing of the myth

[Amazon] Hollywood frame by frame [Youtube] Masters of photography: Andre Kertesz

[Youtube] Masters of Photography: Ansel Adams
Photobooks and Zines [Youtube] Masters of Photography: Bill Brandt
[Amazon] Robert Frank: The americans
[Amazon] Dream Street: Eugene Smith Pittsburg project [Youtube] Masters of Photography Edward Steichen
[Amazon] Friedlander (MoMa) [Youtube] Ansel Adams Master photographer

54 55
[Youtube] A portrait of Robert Frank [Youtube] Shoot from the hip: The LOMO Story
[Youtube] The colorful Mr Enggleston [Youtube] The adventure of Photography
[Youtube] Enggleston in the real world [Youtube] [NSFW] Duffy: The man who shot the sixties
[Youtube] Garry Winnogrand Q&A at MIT [Youtube] Sam Abell: Art of simplicity
[Youtube] Visions and images: Garry Winnogrand [Youtube] Sam Abell: My journey in photography
[Youtube] Visions and images: Horst P. Host
[Vimeo] Reely and truly: A short film on photography
[Youtube] Visions and images: Harry Callahan [Vimeo] Markus Andersen: In the belly of the beast
[Youtube] Visions and images: Joel Meyerowitz
[Youtube] Visions and Images: Cornell Capa Movies related to Photography
I love movies. I love when movies use photography or photographers as their
[Youtube] Visions and images: Elliot Erwitt subject or their main character.
[Youtube] Visions and images: Duane Michals
[Youtube] Visions and images: Barbara Morgan [Netflix] Photographing Fairies
[Amazon] One hour photo (The best movie about photography IMHO)
[Youtube] Visions and images: Arnold Newman [Amazon] Shutter (The GOOD asian version)
[Youtube] Visions and images: Frederick Sommers [Amazon] Shutter (The stupid american remake)
[Youtube] Imagine: Don Mc Cullin [Amazon] Under Fire
[Youtube] Henri Cartier Bresson: Just plain love [Amazon] Fur: An imaginary portrait of Diane Arbus
[Youtube] Henri Cartier Bresson: Pen, Brush and Camera [Amazon] Harrisons Flowers
[Youtube] Henri Cartier Bresson interview
[Youtube] Near Equal Daido Moriama
[Youtube] Frames from the Edge: Helmut Newton

[Youtube] Robert Kapa: In love and war

[Youtube] War photographer James Natchwey
[Youtube] The many lives of William Klein
[Youtube] Joel Meyerowitz Photographer
[Youtube] Strand: Under a dark cloth

56 57
Thats it for the beginners guide, you have
learned about the basics of Street Photography,
there is much to explore, so see you in the streets!

58 59

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