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Journal of Metabolic Syndrome Kupsal, et al.

, J Metabolic Synd 2016, 5:3

DOI: 10.4172/ 2167-0943.1000210

Review Article OMICS International

Metformin Combinatorial Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Keerthi Kupsal1, Saraswati Mudigonda1, Nyayapathi VBK Sai2, Krishnaveni Neelala2 and Surekha Rani Hanumanth1*
1Department of Genetics, University College of Science, Osmania University, Telangana, Hyderabad-500007, India
2Department of Cardiology, South Central Railway Hospital, Lallaguda-500013, Secunderabad, India
*Corresponding author: Dr. Surekha Rani Hanumanth, M.Sc, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007, Telangana

State, India, Tel: +919866620067; Fax: +91-4027095178; E-mail:

Received date: Jul 01, 2016; Accepted date: Jul 27, 2016; Published date: Aug 03, 2016
Copyright: 2016 Kupsal K, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a worldwide chronic epidemic with increasing incidence. The current algorithm
for medical management of type 2 diabetes includes the pharmacological treatment with nine classes of anti-diabetic
drugs. Among the nine classes of drugs approved, metformin, an oral hypoglycemic agent from the biguanide family
is widely prescribed as the first-line anti-diabetic monotherapy for the treatment of initially diagnosed T2D
individuals. The failure of monotherapy to achieve sustain glycemic control prompted the early use of aggressive
combination therapies with other anti-diabetic drugs. The primary aim of T2D treatment is to achieve target glycemic
control and reducing further complications of diabetes. Hence, fixed dose combination drugs are preferable in order
to reduce pill burden and capital investment. Single pill combinations containing drugs for two different diseases can
also be prescribed for avoiding extra medication and to reduce further diabetic complications. Our review addresses
the mode of action of anti-diabetic drugs and their combinatorial therapy with metformin.

Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus; Metformin; Anti-diabetic Use of metformin is effective in lowering glycosylated haemoglobin
drugs; Combinatorial therapy; Fixed dose combination drugs (HbA1c) by 1 to 2 percentage points when used as monotherapy or in
combination with other anti-diabetic drugs [2]. Substantial evidence
Introduction indicates that combinatorial therapy can establish superior glycemic
control in most of the patients and targets key pathophysiological
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a global public health crisis defects and help to achieve recommended targets in diabetes
worldwide, facing escalating epidemic particularly in developing management. Nine classes of anti-diabetic drugs, their mechanism of
countries. It is one of the most challenging health problems and action, rationale of combinatorial therapy and the list of combination
insidious disease in the 21st century. India is a repository to nearly 62 drugs available in the market are discussed in Tables 1-3.
million diabetics making the worlds highest diabetes burden country
being termed as the diabetes capital of the world. The number of Metformin - Mode of action
diabetic patients is set to increase to 69.9 million by the year 2025.
Indias diabetes numbers are expected to cross the 100 million mark by Metformin from the biguanides family is an antihyperglycemic
2030 [1]. agent and is the drug of first choice to treat initially affected type 2
diabetic cases. It is a safer drug with multiple physiological and
T2D is a disastrous disorder characterised by hyperglycemia as a molecular effects associated with minimal toxicity. Metformin lowers
result of insulin resistance, impaired insulin secretion or both. The hyperglycemia by reducing glucose absorption in intestine, increases
pharmacological treatment of T2D include eight classes of approved glucose uptake in peripheral tissues and stimulates insulin secretion
oral anti-diabetic drugs (biguanides, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, from pancreatic beta-cells.
glinides, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, amylin mimetics, glucagon-like
peptide 1 mimetics and dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors). Insulin Metformin acutely decreases hepatic glucose output by increasing
therapy is recommended for patients with initial HbA1c level greater insulin suppression of gluconeogenesis and reducing the energy supply
than 9%. through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) by
inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory-chain complex 1 and
Over 120 million people worldwide are prescribed metformin, a sole consequent increase in NADH oxidation and ultimate reduction in
member of biguanide family drug as the first line oral anti-diabetic synthesis of ATP (Figure 1).
therapy owing to its safety profile and reduced risk of side effects. It has
an exceptional therapeutic index for diabetes to treat hyperglycemia. It This mechanism induces glucose uptake into muscle cells, thus
is considered as the gold standard anti-diabetic drug due to the lowers the fasting blood glucose in T2D patients [3], (Figure 2).
insignificant risk of hypoglycemia and prescribed as first-line Metformin also regulates its effect in the indirect inhibition of insulin
monotherapy. When metformin monotherapy fails to achieve the receptor expression and tyrosine kinase activity, thereby enhancing
recommended standards of care like uncontrolled hyperglycemia, insulin sensitivity and reducing insulin resistance in diabetic patients
combinatorial therapy with one or two other anti-diabetic drugs along [4,5].
with ongoing metformin therapy is prescribed for effective glycemic

J Metabolic Synd, an open access journal Volume 5 Issue 3 1000210

Citation: Kupsal K, Mudigonda S, Nyayapathi VBKS, Neelala K, Hanumanth SR (2016) Metformin Combinatorial Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus. J Metabolic Synd 5: 210. doi:10.4172/ 2167-0943.1000210

Page 2 of 8

Sulfonylureas [SU] Mode of action beta-cells, thereby decreasing hepatic glucose production and
effectively lowering blood glucose concentrations accompanied by
SU are the oldest and most widely used medications for the reduction in HbA1c. They also act on the liver, inhibits the production
treatment of T2D. These are the insulin secretagogues that enhance of glucose by stimulating the glycolytic pathway [6].
pancreatic islet cell function by stimulating insulin secretion from

Drug class Drug name Mechanism of action

Biguanides Metformin Suppresses gluconeogenesis

Reduces glucose absorption in intestine
Increases glucose uptake in peripheral tissues
Stimulates insulin secretion

Glibencamide, Glimepiride, Stimulates insulin secretion

Glipizide, Glicazide

Thiazolidinediones Pioglitazone, Rosiglitazone Increases glucose uptake by skeletal muscle

Enhances insulin sensitivity in liver and adipose tissue
Rejuvenate Beta cell function

DPP4-Inhibitors Vidagliptin, Sitagliptin, Improves insulin secretion

Suppress glucagon secretion

Repaglinide, Nateglinide Early insulin secretion


Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors Acarbose, Miglitol Inhibits carbohydrate absorption in the small intestine
Blocks oligosaccharide catabolism

GLP1-mimetics Exenatide, Liraglutide Suppresses glucagon secretion

Amylin mimetics Pramlinitide Delays glucose absorption from intestine

Insulin Physiological insulin release


Table 1: Antidiabetic drugs and their mechanism of action.

stoichiometry of Kir6.24/SUR14 on the cell membrane of pancreatic

beta-cells and inhibits potassium efflux, thereby causing the electrical
potential to become positive, thus the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are
opened leading to intracellular rise in calcium which further leads to
increased fusion of insulin granules with cell membrane and finally
secretion of insulin from beta-cells [7].
Treatment with SU is associated with a progressive linear decline in
beta-cell function [8,9]. Eventual inability to maintain glycemic control
reflects an advanced stage of beta-cell failure, thereby leading to
hypoglycemia, the most common and most serious adverse event
associated with SU therapy. The hypoglycemia episodes can be
significant leading to coma or seizures and are seen more often in the

SU combinatorial therapy with metformin

Due to the adverse effects associated with the use of SU,
combinatorial therapy has been focused mainly on adding metformin
Figure 1: Mechanism of action of metformin. drug. Metformin and sulfonyl combinatorial therapy is associated with
reduced mortality [10,11]. Metformin lowers blood glucose by
decreasing hepatic glucose production and by increasing peripheral
SU bind to ATP-dependent K+(K-ATP) channel, which is an glucose utilization. SU induces insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-
octameric complex of the inward-rectifier potassium ion channel cells [12]. Combining both these drugs at an early stage that act by
Kir6.2 and sulfonylurea receptor SUR1 which associate with a different individual mechanisms has an advantage of improving

J Metabolic Synd, an open access journal Volume 5 Issue 3 1000210

Citation: Kupsal K, Mudigonda S, Nyayapathi VBKS, Neelala K, Hanumanth SR (2016) Metformin Combinatorial Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus. J Metabolic Synd 5: 210. doi:10.4172/ 2167-0943.1000210

Page 3 of 8

glycemic control effectively. This has the potential advantage of control that is not possible with single agents. The combination of both
increasing the therapeutic effectiveness of both these agents and these drugs can attain a greater reduction in HbA1c (0.8-1.5%) than
decreasing the side effects if lower doses could be used. either of the monotherapies.
In an UKPDS experimental study, it has been demonstrated that In a study by Reaven GM, et al. administration of 2.5 g/day
addition of metformin to SU therapy has increased the proportion of metformin to sulfonylureas significantly lowered the fasting plasma
patients who could attain FPG criterion of diabetes (i.e., <40 mg/dl). glucose concentration (12.4 0.8 vs. 8.8 0.7 mmol/l), mean hourly
This study has shown that early progression to metformin and SU postprandial plasma glucose concentration from 0800-1600 h (14.0 1
combinatorial therapy benefits in maintaining better blood glucose vs. 9.4 0.9 mmol/l), and HbA1c (12.3 0.6% vs. 9.0 0.6%) [13].

Drug class combinations Drug combinations Mechanism of action Rationale

Biguanide + Sulfonylureas Metformin + Glibencamide Metformin suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis thus Provides synergistic effect, reduced
reducing fasting glycemia. Sulfonylureas stimulates mortality, decreases side effects
insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells

Biguanide + Thiazolidinediones Metformin + Pioglitazone Pioglitazone increases insulin sensitivity in liver and Provides synergistic effect, prescribed as
adipose tissue and pancreatic inhibits beta cell loss late add-on therapy, reduces weight gain

Biguanide + DPP- IV Inhibitors Metformin + Improves insulin secretion from beta cells, decreases Safety and tolerability (used for early
output of glucose from pancreatic alpha cells and combinatorial therapy), Synergistic effect
decreases hepatic gluconeogenesis

Biguanide + Metformin + Controls postprandial hyperglycemia Provides synergistic effect

Meglitinides Repaglinde

Biguanide + Metformin + Blocks oligosaccharide catabolism, reduces intestinal Synergistic effect

glucose absorption thus controls postprandial blood
Alpha glucosidase inhibitors Acarbose

Biguanide + Metformin + Exenatide Suppresses glucagon secretion thus lowers postprandial Synergistic effect
blood glucose

Biguanide + Metformin + Pramlinitide Suppresses release of glucagon from pancreatic alpha Synergistic effect
cells, delays absorption of glucose from intestine
Amylin mimetics

Biguanide + Insulin Metformin + Insulin Physiological insulin release Reduces weight gain

Table 2: Combinatorial therapy with metformin and other antidiabetic drugs.

Combination of drugs Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) Mode of action

Glimepiride + Metformin TZDs bind to peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors (PPARs),
a ligand co-activated transcription factor involved in glucose and lipid
Glipizide + Metformin metabolism. PPARs exist in several different forms: PPAR-a, PPAR-d,
and PPAR-g. PPAR-g is the major target of TZDs, and these receptors
Glicazide + Metformin
are expressed throughout the body in many different tissues,
Saxagliptin + Metformin macrophages, and endothelial cells, beta- cells of the pancreas and
predominantly in adipose tissue [14]. The drug-PPAR-g complex
Sitagliptin + Metformin stimulates the production of proteins like adiponection that enhances
Vidagliptin + Metformin insulin sensitivity [15]. Partial insulin sensitivity can be enhanced by
activation of AMPK.
Voglibose + Metformin
TZDs rejuvenate beta cell function thereby delaying progression of
Metformin + Rosiglitazone the disease and reduce insulin resistance and exhibit no effect on
insulin secretion. TZDs lower fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia,
Pioglitazone + Metformin
fasting insulin levels, free fatty acids suggesting that these drugs
Metformin [SR] + Glimepiride + Pioglitazone improve insulin sensitivity [16].

Metformin + Glimepiride + Pioglitazone

TZDs combinatorial therapy with metformin
Table 3: List of antidiabetic combination drugs available in the market. TZDs are prescribed as second line therapy or late add-on therapy
as they show no effects on beta-cell function. TZDs should be used in
combination with other drugs [17]. Metformin improves insulin
sensitivity through the activation of AMPK in liver; TZDs improve
insulin sensitivity through activation of PPAR-g in adipocytes. Due to

J Metabolic Synd, an open access journal Volume 5 Issue 3 1000210

Citation: Kupsal K, Mudigonda S, Nyayapathi VBKS, Neelala K, Hanumanth SR (2016) Metformin Combinatorial Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus. J Metabolic Synd 5: 210. doi:10.4172/ 2167-0943.1000210

Page 4 of 8

their different sites of action and different cellular mechanisms, this [28,29]. These two incretin hormones play a major role in the
combination results decrease in HbA1c and attains a potential additive postprandial hyperglycemia, for up to 70% of the total insulin is
and synergistic effect on insulin resistance. The major side effects secreted in response to a meal.
associated with TZDs include weight gain and fluid retention which
In T2D patients, incretin function may be impaired, which leads to
typically manifests as peripheral edema. Hence, weight gain can be
reduced postprandial insulin secretion and inadequate glucagon
minimized by using TZDs combined with metformin [18]. Metformin
suppression that contribute to postprandial hyperglycemia [28]. DPP-
and TZDs combination exhibits cardiovascular benefits also.
IV inhibitors improve insulin secretion and suppress glucagon
secretion by glucose-dependent mechanisms by promoting glucose
homeostasis through inhibition of DPP-IV, the key enzyme,
responsible for degradation of GLP-1 and GIP. Sitagliptin, vildagliptin
and saxagliptin and linagliptin (gliptins) are the licensed agents
currently in use for DPP-IV inhibitors.

DPP-IV inhibitors combinatorial therapy with metformin

Progressive decline in beta-cell function is associated in T2D.
Vildagliptin improves glycemic control through physiological
mechanisms that result in an attenuation of beta-cell decline [30-33].
Vidagliptin prolongs the action of incretins, works in a unique way and
improves insulin secretion from the beta-cells of the pancreas and
decrease the output of glucagon from the alpha-cells which results in
the decrease of hepatic gluconeogenesis.
In an experimental study of 36 patients who were under medication
of vidagliptin 50 mg and metformin 500 mg twice daily , the FPG and
PPG values were found to be reduced by -76.93 66.55 and reduction
in HbA1c levels by - 0.58 0.67 [34,35]. So in patients with T2D the
add on of vidagliptin 100 mg to metformin 1000 mg caused a greater
reduction in HbA1c [36,37]. The addition of low dose combination of
vidagliptin to metformin shows synergistic effect in reducing FPG,
PPG and HbA1c.
Figure 2: Anti-diabetic action of metformin In a VISION study in Chinese patients, the early use of
combinatorial therapy of vidagliptin with ongoing metformin therapy
achieved target glycemic goals and improves islet-cell function during
Apart from enhancing glycemic control, these drugs lower
fasting stage [37,38]. Saxagliptin at 2.5 mg, 5 mg dosage in
triglycerides levels, increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
combination with 10 mg metformin decreased HbA1c by 0.59%,
(HDL) levels, and increases the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
0.69%, and 0.58%, respectively [38]. Sitagliptin enhances the
(LDL) particle size. The most commonly approved TZDs in
postprandial GLP-1 response in a glucose-dependent manner and
combination with metformin are pioglitazone and rosiglitazone [19].
increases post-meal insulin secretion.
These drugs have been shown to produce similar reductions in HbA1c
of approximately -1.6%, with reductions ranging from -1.2% to -2.3%
over 3-12 months of therapy [20-25]. Meglitinides Mode of action

Fixed dose levels of pioglitazone-metformin are approved (15 Glinides are the short acting non-sulfonylureas insulin
mg/500 mg and 15 mg/850 mg) for treatment of patients who failed to secretagogues that stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin in
achieve monotherapy with metformin [26]. In Europe and US, single response to ingested glucose. Due to their shorter duration of action,
pill combinations of both pioglitazone-metformin and rosiglitazone- they are used as prandial drugs taken just before meals and must be
metformin are available in the market [27]. This kind of combination administered more frequently. Two glinides repaglinide and
in the same pill often leads to improvement in patient compliance and nateglinide are currently in use; of these two glinides, repaglinide is
a decrease in cost. less effective in lowering HbA1c than nateglinide [39]. They act via the
ATP dependent potassium channels in pancreatic beta-cell receptors
similar to SUs and increases insulin release.
Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV [DPP-IV] inhibitors Mode of
action Repaglinide
Ingestion of food leads to higher levels of active incretins, the Repaglinide is the first meglitinide; it stimulates early insulin
naturally occurring two intestinal glucoregulatory hormones, secretion during postprandial period and causes reduction of
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic postprandial hyperglycemia and reduced HbA1c. It stimulates insulin
peptide (GIP) released from small intestine throughout the day. The secretion by blocking ATP-dependent potassium channels (K-ATP) of
physiological actions of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) includes the pancreatic beta-cell, which is a hetero-octameric complex
sensitization of beta-cells, augmentation of glucose stimulated insulin composed of two different protein subunits, an inwardly rectifying K+
secretion, inhibition of glucagon secretion, thereby reducing the channel (KIR) subunit 6.x and a sulfonylurea receptor (SUR). More
circulating glucose levels and stimulation of insulin biosynthesis

J Metabolic Synd, an open access journal Volume 5 Issue 3 1000210

Citation: Kupsal K, Mudigonda S, Nyayapathi VBKS, Neelala K, Hanumanth SR (2016) Metformin Combinatorial Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus. J Metabolic Synd 5: 210. doi:10.4172/ 2167-0943.1000210

Page 5 of 8

than one isoform exists for both Kir6.x (Kir6.1, Kir6.2) and SUR Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (AGI) - Mode of action
(SUR1, SUR2A, and SUR2B). These subunits Kir6.2 and SUR1 are
predominantly expressed in pancreatic beta-cells. AGI are competitive inhibitors that inhibit alpha-glucosidase
enzymes found in the brush border cells lining the small intestine and
The blocking of K-ATP channels results in depolarization of blocks the oligosaccharide catabolism thus lowering postprandial
membrane and influx of calcium through voltage-gated calcium hyper glycemia and enabling the beta-cells of pancreas to compensate
channels leading to an increase in intracellular calcium and subsequent for the first phase insulin secretory defect.
exocytosis of insulin-containing granules [40].
Acarbose and miglitol were the first alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Nateglinide approved in mid-1999 in the U.S. Miglitol, derived from 1-
deoxynojirimycin are the first pseudomonosaccharide AGI. Voglibose
Nateglinide is a derivative of phenylalanine. Molecular studies have is weaker at inhibiting sucrase and inhibits most alpha glucosidase
revealed that the binding site of nateglinide is different from that of enzyme and has minor effect on pancreatic amylase whereas acarbose
repaglinide [41]. Nateglinide binds competitively to SURs, inhibits K- is an inhibitor of intestinal sucrase and pancreatic amylase [48]. These
ATP channels more rapidly enhancing at a 16-fold when the glucose drugs are administered at the beginning of each meal, and are
concentration is raised from 3 mmol/l to 16 mmol/l and shows a contraindicated in patients with diseases such as inflammatory bowel
higher degree of specificity for SUR1 over SUR2 in a shorter duration disease, partial bowel obstruction, and in severe renal or hepatic
of action and stimulates insulin secretion compared to repaglinide disease.
where the potency of repaglinide is enhanced 4-fold only. The
pharmacodynamic properties of nateglinide are very much unique in AGI combinatorial therapy with metformin
several aspects.
Hypoglycemia is not typically associated with monotherapy with the
The half-life of nateglinide on the receptor is approximately 2 s, very alpha-glucosidase inhibitors; hence it is approved as combinatorial
much shorter than that of repaglinide, which is ~3 min. The therapy with metformin. Acarbose delays glucose absorption and thus
dissociation from the receptor is 90 times faster when compared to attenuates postprandial rises in and blood glucose and insulin.
that of repaglinide. It indicates a very short on-off effect of nateglinide
on insulin release. Pharmacodynamic studies in T2D patients have Metformin suppresses hepatic glucose production. Acarbose in
revealed that the nateglinide when administered before meals induces combination with metformin has been shown to improve HbA1c
early phase insulin secretion and reduces post-prandial hyperglycemia measurement by 0.8% [49], 0.65%, and 0.9% [50]. It has been reported
in a dose-dependent manner [42]. Insulin secretion was significantly that the combination of acarbose to metformin in sub-optimally
greater when repaglinide was taken prior to a meal than nateglinide controlled patients reduced HbA1c by about 0.8-1.0% [47].
administered in the fasted state [43]. In an observational GLOBE study by Saboo et al., the combination
treatment with acarbose/metformin has shown a significant reduction
Meglitinides combinatorial therapy with metformin in HbA1c, FBG and PPG by -1.0%, -42.4 mg/dl, and -80.2 mg/dl,
Metformin regulates basal glucose levels and repaglinide targets respectively [51]. In an another study, acarbose/metformin fixed dose
postprandial glucose levels, hence the combinatorial therapy of combination (FDC) therapy significantly reduced HbA1c by -1.35%;
repaglinide with metformin having complementary mechanisms of FPG by -29.5mg/dl, PPG by -41.6mg/dl from baseline. More patients
action are recommended by AACE/ACE for the management of treated with acarbose/metformin FDC achieved HbA1c<7.0% [47.8%
hyperglycemia in patients with HbA1c levels, 9.0%. vs. 10.7%] [52]. In a study by Rosenstock et al. mean HbA1c achieved a
significant reduction by 0.65% in acarbose add-on therapy to
Clinical data have shown there is an excellent improvement in metformin [22].
glycemic control with combination of repaglinide and metformin over
a 4 to 5 months. In a study conducted by Moses et al. [45] metformin
Glucagon like peptide mimetics (GLP-1 mimetics) -Mode of
and repaglinide combination groups has shown a significant reduction
in HbA1c from 8.3% (67 mmol/l) to 6.9% (52 mmol/l) whereas alone
metformin and repaglinide groups has shown a remission from 8.6% GLP-1 mimetics are also known as GLP-1 receptor agonists. GLP-1
(70 mmol/l) to 8.3% (67 mmol/l) and from 8.6% (67 mmol/l) to 8.2% is rapidly degraded by DPP-IV enzyme which reduces half-life, thereby
(66 mmol/l) respectively [44,45]. Due to their effective combination in limiting its effects, hence may not be given therapeutically. To provide
maintaining blood glucose, USA has approved this combinatorial resistance to rapid degradation of GLP-1, GLP-1 mimetics and GLP-1
therapy in 1997 and in Europe in 1998. In a phase III study in Japanese analogues are given as an injection for therapeutic use which provides
patients for 16 weeks, HbA1c was reduced by approximately 1% from longer half-lives than native hormone. On pancreatic beta-cells GLP-1
baseline in patients with metformin and repaglinide combinatorial mimetics bind to GLP-1 receptors, this binding leads to have a longer
therapy and achieved significant control in PPG, FPG and postprandial half-life as the DPP-IV enzyme cannot degrade the homologue or
serum insulin [46]. analogue peptides as rapidly as native GLP-1.
The combination of nateglinide to basal insulin combined with
metformin might help in controlling postprandial hyperglycemia. In a GLP-1 mimetics combinatorial therapy with metformin
study of initial combinatorial therapy of nateglinide with metformin by Exendin and Liraglutide are the first generation GLP-1 analogues.
Horton et al. the patients has shown a significant reduction in HbA1c Exendin-4 (exenatide) is the first developed GLP-1-agonist, improves
from a mean baseline of 8.2 0.1% than 0.8% reduction with both glycemic control similar to the endogenous GLP-1 hormone. Exenatide
monotherapies. Seventy percent of the patients achieved a target suppresses glucagon secretion. It is administered subcutaneously twice
HbA1c of <7.0% in nateglinide and metformin combination patients daily. HbA1c levels are lowered by 0.5-1%, mainly by lowering
and also FPG and PPG values also reduced [47]. postprandial blood glucose levels [53].

J Metabolic Synd, an open access journal Volume 5 Issue 3 1000210

Citation: Kupsal K, Mudigonda S, Nyayapathi VBKS, Neelala K, Hanumanth SR (2016) Metformin Combinatorial Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus. J Metabolic Synd 5: 210. doi:10.4172/ 2167-0943.1000210

Page 6 of 8

The add-on therapy of exenatide or rosiglitazone or both with a Metformin is usually continued even though the patient is on
stable metformin dose in an open-label study in 73 T2D patients has insulin therapy because it reduces cardiovascular risk in patients with
shown controlled mean HbA1c level, 7.8%. [54]. Randomized clinical T2D who are overweight. Metformin combined with insulin is
trials of exenatide in combinatorial therapy with metformin in associated with decreased weight gain, a lower insulin dosage, and less
different dosages have shown a significant reduction in HbA1c [55]. hypoglycemia when compared with insulin therapy alone. Hence, the
efficacy of combinatorial therapy of metformin with other anti-diabetic
Liraglutide is a GLP-1 analogue with 97% sequence similiar to the
drugs might have significant achievement in glycemic control.
human hormone. Due to its structural modifications, it results in
reversible albumin binding leading to prolonged duration of action The landscape combination treatment for management of
with reduced susceptibility to DPP-IV. It is injected once daily, it hyperglycemia in T2D may not achieve desired glycemic goals due to
reduces fasting blood glucose and glycemic excursions associated with adherence, poor compliance, and persistence to suggested anti-diabetic
all meals. Liraglutide combined with metformin shows reduced mean therapy, flexibility of time of administration and frequent dosages. In
HbA1c levels by more than 1% over 26 weeks [56-58]. order to achieve target glycemic index, improved adherence, decreased
incidence of adverse drug reactions, strategies are required for the
Amylin mimetics - Mode of action and combinatorial optimal management of the disease. This problem can be managed by
therapy with metformin prescribing fixed dose combination drugs (FDCs). The early shift into
fixed dose combinatorial therapy is efficient in maintaining glycemic
Amylin is an amino acid polypeptide hormone produced by the goals and has a chance of preventing diabetic complications.
pancreas that is co-localized and co-secreted with insulin in small
amounts which slows down the movement of food through the Fixed dose combination drugs [FDCs]
intestine. This suppresses the release of glucagon from pancreatic
alpha-cells and delays the absorption of glucose from the intestine FDCs are oral pharmaceutical combination formulations with fixed
which reduces sudden increase in blood glucose. Amylin mimetics are amounts of two or more than two active drugs in a single pill. Use of
synthetic drugs that are administered before meals; they act like amylin FDCs reduces prescriber flexibility, simplifies dosage titration along
hormone and benefits in weight loss, reducing HbA1c, blood glucose with advantages like ease of administration, convenience, and reduces
levels and delays gastric emptying [59]. the pill burden and capital investment. The relative benefits of FDCs
compared to monotherapy and combination therapy are discussed in
Pramlinitide is a synthetic human amylin analogue, a beta-cell Table 4.
peptide co-secreted with insulin. This has the same actions of native
amylin. Pramlintide therapy is not clear as it requires three self- The main aim of T2D treatment is to achieve good glycemic control
injections daily. At the beginning of the pramlintide therapy, nausea, and to minimize the risk of diabetic complications, macro and micro
diarrhoea and headache are the severe side effects. Combination of vascular disorders. The diabetic subjects worldwide rises to double in
pramlinitide with metformin shows a significant reduction in HbA1c the next 20 years, as a result of increasing obesity and hypertension
[60]. [58].
Hence, the development of FDCs of anti-diabetic agents, anti-
Combination of metformin with insulin obesity agents, anti-hypertensive agents and statins [in a single pill-
Due to progressive deterioration of pancreatic beta-cell function, Polypills] can be established to reduce the economic burden which
oral hypoglycaemic agents often fail to maintain adequate glycemic provides an expedience for extra medication without extra tablets.
control after few years of treatment. Insulin and metformin Several FDC drugs have been developed and available in the market
combination was more effective than the other combinations shown by (Table 5). FDCs or polypills when administered in the early onset of
a greater reduction in HbA1c after 12 months of treatment and also the disease might help in improving therapeutic outcomes in diabetes
put on less weight than the other groups [61,62]. Combinatorial and prevent complications.
therapy with insulin usually refers to the use of daytime oral anti-
diabetic agents together with a single injection of intermediate or long-
acting insulin at bedtime.

Relative benefits Monotherapy Combinatorial therapy Fixed dose combinatorial therapy

(free drug combinations)

Response rate Low High High

Dosage simplicity Simple Complex Simple
Compliance Medium Medium High
Tolerability Medium High High
Titration flexibility High High Medium
Ease of administration Simple Complex Simple
Convenience Simple Complex Simple
Cost Medium High Medium

Table 4: Relative benefits of Monotherapy, Combinatorial therapy and FDC therapy

J Metabolic Synd, an open access journal Volume 5 Issue 3 1000210

Citation: Kupsal K, Mudigonda S, Nyayapathi VBKS, Neelala K, Hanumanth SR (2016) Metformin Combinatorial Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus. J Metabolic Synd 5: 210. doi:10.4172/ 2167-0943.1000210

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