Workshop Day1
Workshop Day1
Workshop Day1
Workshop Problems
Reservoir Simulation Application Training
Schlumberger Public
and (Eclipse) Workshop
GeoQuest Training and Development,
And NExT
Denver and Houston
Problem 1:
A. IMPES and Implicit Comparison
B. Time Truncation Tests
Schlumberger Public
C. Numerical Dispersion
2. Problem 2:
A. Water Coning Critical Coning Rate
B. Water Influx History Matching Kh
Schlumberger Public
C. Water Coning
I. History Matching Kv
II. Creation of Pseudo Krw in Coarse Grid to
Match Coning
D. Vertical Equilibrium Comparison
Schlumberger Public
B. History Match
C. Predictions
Schlumberger Public
Implicit Comparison Coarse Grid
IMPES Sub-directory
Schlumberger Public
producer at other end
Two phase (oil-water) system
Oil viscosity = 2 cp and water
viscosity = 0.5 cp
Simulate 2000 days.
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 8
Choice in Solution of the
IMPES Implicit Pressure Explicit
Linear problem smaller
Schlumberger Public
Through put limitations: 5 10% PV
Stability problems
Timestep size - small
Schlumberger Public
Few long timesteps
Schlumberger Public
Number of linear iterations
Number of non-linear (Newton)
CPU time per time step
Total CPU time
Schlumberger Public
Example of linear
and non-linear
iteration process:
4 non-linear
iterations Usually a non-linear iteration
requires 10 to 30 linears to
converge pressure and saturations
Schlumberger Public
Location sub-directory:
Problem 1/IMPES
Schlumberger Public
At 500 Days
At 1000 Days
Number of Linear Iterations in Each
Sum of Linear Iterations
Schlumberger Public
Timestep Length
Note: Fully Implicit takes 31 timesteps
IMPES takes 207 timesteps
CPU Time Per Timestep
Total CPU Time
Schlumberger Public
Run the data sets with ECLIPSE 100
Plot the results
Study the results and answer the
following questions
Schlumberger Public
iterations per timestep?
Which technique requires more work
to solve the simulation?
We will discuss the results in class.
Schlumberger Public
Implicit Comparison Fine Grid
IMPES 2 Sub-directory
Schlumberger Public
x-direction instead of the previous
Schlumberger Public
Schlumberger Public
and Fully Implicit runs.
Magnitude of the numerical dispersion in
the water cut, etc.
Instabilities in the IMPES run.
Number of linear and non-linear iterations
Sum of the linear and non-linear
Total CPU time for these cases.
Schlumberger Public
the results are much more stable and
the CPU time is less.
Schlumberger Public
Test: Quarter 5-Spot Water Flood
Schlumberger Public
t B o
When it is discretized we get terms
as follows S on+1 - S on
( x y z ) i
B w i t i
(1 - S oi ) P o in+1 - P o in
- ( x y z )i (1 )C f
B wi t
Schlumberger Public
in the solution of the equations.
This error is called Time Truncation
Schlumberger Public
1452 x 1452 x 50 meter flow field
K = 830 mD, = 0.17
Water Injector on water rate control
Producer on liquid rate control
Simulate 3660 days
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 27
Time stepping
Three data sets are provided with
different time stepping regimes initial timestep = 10 days,
grows to max timestep = 183 days, 53
Schlumberger Public
total timesteps Initial timestep = 1 day,
max timestep = 10 days, 389 total
timesteps Initial timestep = 1 day,
maximum timestep = 1 day, 3666 total
Schlumberger Public
Which solution requires the most
CPU time?
Given a balance between CPU time
and errors in the solution which
time stepping system would you
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 29
Results to be Viewed with Graf
Timestep length
Water cut effect of time truncation
Schlumberger Public
Oil production rate effect of time
truncation error
Water saturation maps
CPU time per timestep
Total CPU time
Schlumberger Public
Run the data sets with ECLIPSE 100
Plot the results
Study the results and answer the
following questions
We will discuss the results in class
Schlumberger Public
storing timestep lengths
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 33
Total CPU Time
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 34
Problem 1 Part C: Numerical
Schlumberger Public
Dispersion: Radial Model with Gas
Schlumberger Public
finite difference equations.
Schlumberger Public
Error term:
x f x f 2 2 3
2! x 2
3! x 3
forward error
Schlumberger Public
The reservoir has constant
properties; see data set RAD4.DATA
Metric Units
Oil, Water, Gas, Dissolved Gas
The reservoir is 200 meters thick with
Schlumberger Public
the top 50 meters in the gas cap
Flat Top at 2950 meters
The width (radius) of the model is
500 meters
Schlumberger Public
The oil production rate is set at 6000
Sm3 / day
Schlumberger Public
The well completions are located in the
proper layers so that the simulation
problems are identical except for the nr
and nz (number of grid blocks in the r and
z directions) values
Schlumberger Public
RAD8.DATA 8x1x8 grid
RAD16.DATA 16x1x16 grid
RAD32.DATA 32x1x32 grid
RAD64.DATA 64x1x64 grid
128 x 1 x 128 grid takes half a day to
run so not provided
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 42
Creation of the Radial Grid
In ECLIPSE radial grid
Schlumberger Public
Required input: INRAD internal (well)
radius and OUTRAD outside radius and
NR number of grid blocks in the radial
Schlumberger Public
ni re r nc
ri = rw exp ln ri = rw
c r
w OR
Schlumberger Public
The r results for the 5 grids follow
Schlumberger Public
Outer most grid block
Schlumberger Public
44.857 117.868 309.716
Schlumberger Public
6.513 10.558 17.114 27.742
Schlumberger Public
0.415 0.528 0.673 0.856 1.090 1.388 1.768 2.250
Schlumberger Public
0.1728 0.1950 0.2200 0.2482 0.2801 0.3161 0.3566 0.4024
nz = 4 z = 50 meters
nz = 8 z = 25 meters
nz = 16 z = 12.5 meters
Schlumberger Public
nz = 32 z = 6.25 meters
nz = 64 z = 3.125 meters
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 52
64 x 1 x 64 Grid
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 53
RAD4.DATA from FloViz
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 54
RAD8.DATA from FloViz
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 55
RAD16.DATA from FloViz
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 56
RAD32.DATA from FloViz
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 57
RAD64.DATA from FloViz
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 58
Numerical Dispersion
Schlumberger Public
numerical dispersion from both
discretization errors will decrease
Schlumberger Public
Analyze the effect of numerical
dispersion on the Gas-Oil Ratio
We will discuss the results in class
Schlumberger Public
March 06 Applied Reseervoir Simulation Day 1 61
Schlumberger Public
For this gas coning situation?
Schlumberger Public
We will run two cases: refined in the radial
direction only 64 x 1 x 8 grid refined in the vertical
direction only 8 x 1 x 64 grid
Schlumberger Public
very fine grid results.