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Mathematics in Quality Management

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1 Which of the following is NOT true of a bar chart?

Select one:
a. The bars can be either horizontal or vertical
b. It is used for numerical data
c. It can show either frequency or relative frequency
d. It is used for categorical data

Answer : B
Thirty-six of the staff of 80 teachers at a local intermediate school are certified in cardio-
pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). In 180 days of school, about how many days can we expect
that the teacher on bus duty will likely be certified in CPR?

Select one:
D) 81 days B) 45 daysC) 65 days A) 5 days

If event A and event B cannot occur at the same time, then events Aand B are said to be
Select one:
a. mutually exclusive.b. independent.c. collectively exhaustive.d. none of the above

Answer : A

A sample of 300 subscribers to a particular magazine is selected from a population frame of

9,000 subscribers. If, upon examining the data, it is determined that no subscriber had been
selected in the sample more than once,
Select one:
A) the sample could not have been random.C) the sample had to have been selected with
replacement. B) the sample may have been selected without replacement or with
replacement.D) the sample had to have been selected without replacement.

The probability that house sales will increase in the next 6 months is estimated to be 0.25.
The probability that the interest rates on housing loans will go up in the same period is
estimated to be 0.74. The probability that house sales or interest rates will go up during the
next 6 months is estimated to be 0.89. The probability that both house sales and interest
rates will increase during the next 6 months is ________.

Select one:C) 0.705 A) 0.10 D) 0.90 B) 0.185

A probability distribution is an equation that

Select one:
A) associates a particular probability of occurrence with each outcome.B) measures
outcomes and assigns values of X to the simple events.D) assigns a value to the center of
the set of events. C) assigns a value to the variability of the set of events.

The employees of a company were surveyed on questions regarding their educational

background (college degree or no college degree) and marital status (single or married). Of
the 600 employees, 400 had college degrees, 100 were single, and 60 were single college
graduates. The probability that an employee of the company is married and has a college
degree is ________.
Select one:
a. 0.0667b. 0.667c. 0.833 d. 0.567
Of the 400 that have degrees 60 of them are single, so that leaves 340 that are married. Of the 600, 100 are single which leaves 500 married. So out of the 500 married ones, 340 have degrees.

So the answer is "B" 340 out of 600.

A survey of banks revealed the following distribution for the interest rate being charged on a
home loan (based on a 30-year mortgage with a 10% down payment).

If a bank is selected at random from this distribution, what is the chance that the interest
rate charged on a home loan will exceed 5.19%?

Select one:a. 0.41 b. 0.06c. 1.00 d. 0.59

If the outcomes of a random variable follow a Poisson distribution, then their

Select one:B) median equals the standard deviation.A) mean equals the standard deviation.
D) median equals the variance. C) mean equals the variance.

To monitor campus security, the campus police office is taking a survey of the number of
students in a parking lot every 30 minutes for a 24-hour period with the goal of determining
when patrols of the lot would serve the most students. If Xis the number of students in the
lot during each period of time, then Xis an example of

Select one:
a. a statistic.
b. a continuous random variable.
c. a categorical random variable.
d. a discrete random variable.

A business venture can result in the following outcomes (with their corresponding chance of
occurring in parentheses): Highly Successful (10%), Successful (25%), Break Even (25%),
Disappointing (20%), and Highly Disappointing (?). If these are the only outcomes possible
for the business venture, what is the chance that the business venture will be considered
Highly Disappointing?
Select one:
a. 15% b. 25% c. 10% d. 20%

8. Which of the arithmetic mean, median, and mode are resistant measures of central
Select one:
a. the arithmetic only b. the median and mode only c. the mode mean only d. the median

Which measure of central tendency can be used for both numerical and categorical
Select one:
A. median B. mode C. arithmetic meanD. standard deviation

Many Wal-Mart stores have automotive departments where customers can buy tires, have
their vehicles serviced, and obtain other automotive services. Recently, the manager at an
Ohio Wal-Mart collected data on the time customers had to wait to get the desired
automotive service. Of the 500 cars in the sample, the shortest time any customer spent
waiting was 3 minutes and the longest time was 183 minutes. Assuming that the manager
wishes to develop a frequency distribution with 9 classes, which of the following would be an
appropriate class width for each class?

Select one:
A. 3 to 23
B. 20.00
C. 10.50
D. 19.99

What type of probability distribution will the consulting firm most likely employ to analyze
the insurance claims in the following problem?
An insurance company has called a consulting firm to determine if the company has an
unusually high number of false insurance claims. It is known that the industry proportion for
false claims is 3%. The consulting firm has decided to randomly and independently sample
100 of the company's insurance claims. They believe the number of these 100 that are false
will yield the information the company desires.
Select one:
D) none of the above
B) Poisson distribution A) binomial distribution C) all of the above

For air travelers, one of the biggest complaints is of the waiting time between when the
airplane taxis away from the terminal until the flight takes off. This waiting time is known to
have a right-skewed distribution with a mean of 10 minutes and a standard deviation of 8
minutes. Suppose 100 flights have been randomly sampled. Describe the sampling
distribution of the mean waiting time between when the airplane taxis away from the
terminal until the flight takes off for these 100 flights.

Select one:
D) Distribution is approximately normal with mean = 10 minutes and standard error = 8
C)Distribution is approximately normal with mean = 10 minutes and standard error = 0.8
minutes. B) Distribution is right-skewed with mean = 10 minutes and standard error = 8
minutes. A) Distribution is right-skewed with mean = 10 minutes and standard
error = 0.8 minutes.

A common rule of thumb for determining how many classes to use when developing a
frequency distribution with classes is

Select one:
a. no fewer than 6 classes
b. at least 10 classes
c. between 5 and 20 classes
d. equal to 0.25 times the number of data

The owner of a fish market determined that the average weight for a catfish is 3.2 pounds
with a standard deviation of 0.8 pound. A citation catfish should be one of the top 2% in
weight. Assuming the weights of catfish are normally distributed, at what weight (in pounds)
should the citation designation be established?
Select one:
D) 7.36 poundsA) 1.56 poundsB) 4.84 pounds C) 5.20 pounds

The amount of juice that can be squeezed from an orange randomly selected from a box of
oranges that are all approximately the same size can most likely be modeled by which of the
following distributions?
Select one:
C) normal distribution A) binomial distributionB) Poisson distributionD) none of the above

The chancellor of a major university was concerned about alcohol abuse on her campus and
wanted to find out the proportion of students at her university who visited campus bars on
the weekend before the final exam week. Her assistant took a random sample of 250
students and computed the portion of students in the sample who visited campus bars on
the weekend before the final exam. The portion of all students at her university who visited
campus bars on the weekend before the final exam week is an example of

Select one:
A. a statistic B. a population. C. a sample. D. a parameter.
22. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the need for sampling?
Select one:
A) It is usually too costly to study the whole population.B) It is usually too time consuming to
look at the whole population.C) It is sometimes destructive to observe the entire
population.D) It is always more informative by investigating a sample than the entire

Major league baseball salaries averaged $3.26 million with a standard deviation of $1.2
million in a recent year. Suppose a sample of 100 major league players was taken. Find the
approximate probability that the mean salary of the 100 players exceeded $4.0 million.
Select one:
C) 0.9772 B) 0.0228 D) approximately 1 A) approximately 0

According to a survey of American households, the probability that the residents own two
cars if annual household income is over $50,000 is 80%. Of the households surveyed, 60%
had incomes over $50,000 and 70% had two cars. The probability that the residents of a
household do not own two cars and have an income over $50,000 a year is ________.

Select one:
B) 0.18 A) 0.12 D) 0.48 C) 0.22

If we know that the length of time it takes a college student to find a parking spot in the
library parking lot follows a normal distribution with a mean of 3.5 minutes and a standard
deviation of 1 minute, find the probability that a randomly selected college student will find
a parking spot in the library parking lot in less than 3 minutes.

Select one:A) 0.3551 B) 0.3085 D) 0.1915C) 0.2674

The city counsel has just voted to pass the city's budget for next year. If you were writing a
report describing the budget so the citizens could understand how the total tax dollars will
be spent, which of the following graphs might be most appropriate?

Select one:
a. Pie chart
b. Histogram
c. Scatter diagram
d. Ogive

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