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Android Forensics - Simplifying Cell Phone Examinations - Lessard & Kessler (ECU) 2010.

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Edith Cowan University

Research Online
ECU Publications Pre. 2011


Android Forensics: Simplifying Cell Phone

Jeff Lessard
Champlain College

Gary Kessler
Edith Cowan University

This article was originally published as: Lessard, J., & Kessler, G.C. (2010). Android Forensics: Simplifying Cell Phone Examinations. Small Scale
Digital Device Forensics Journal, 4(1), 1-12.
This Journal Article is posted at Research Online.

Android Forensics:
Simplifying Cell Phone Examinations
Jeff Lessard Gary C. Kessler
Champlain College Gary Kessler Associates Edith Cowan University

Authors' Note The good news is there are numerous people in the
field working on making smart phone forensics easier. Already
This paper was initially written during the fall of 2009 and since that there is material available on how to conduct an examination on
time, several new versions of Android OS have been available to Blackberry phones and a growing number of resources about
customers via upgrades or new phone purchases. With each new phone
the iPhone. However, there is a new smart phone OS on the
and firmware update, there are initial challenges to the forensic
community; the fundamentals of acquiring and analyzing an image, market named Android and it will likely gain in appeal and
however, have remained the same. market share over the next year. While Android initially
launched with only one phone on T-Mobile, phones are now
available on Sprint, Verizon and AT&T as well.
Introduction Introduction to Android
It is hardly appropriate to call the devices many use to Android is an operating system (OS) developed by the
receive the occasional phone call a telephone any more. The Open Handset Alliance (OHA). The Alliance is a coalition of
capability of these devices is growing, as is the number of more than 50 mobile technology companies ranging from
people utilizing them. By the end of 2009, 46.3% of mobile handset manufactures and service providers to semiconductor
phones in use in the United States were reported to be smart manufacturers and software developers, including Acer, ARM,
phones (AdMob, 2010). Google, eBay, HTC, Intel, LG Electronics, Qualcomm, Sprint,
With the increased availability of these powerful and T-Mobile. The stated goal of the OHA is to "accelerate
devices, there is also a potential increase for criminals to use innovation in mobile and offer consumers a richer, less
this technology as well. Criminals could use smart phones for a expensive, and better mobile experience" (OHA, 2009, n.p.).
number of activities such as committing fraud over e-mail,
harassment through text messages, trafficking of child
pornography, communications related to narcotics, etc. The
data stored on smart phones could be extremely useful to
analysts through the course of an investigation. Indeed, mobile
devices are already showing themselves to have a large volume
of probative information that is linked to an individual with just
basic call history, contact, and text message data; smart phones
contain even more useful information, such as e-mail, browser
history, and chat logs. Mobile devices probably have more
probative information that can be linked to an individual per
byte examined than most computers -- and this data is harder to
acquire in a forensically proper fashion.
Part of the problem lies in the plethora of cell phones
available today and a general lack of hardware, software, and/or
interface standardization within the industry. These differences
range from the media on which data is stored and the file Figure 1. Android architecture (, 2009b).
system to the operating system and the effectiveness of certain
tools. Even different model cell phones made by the same The basic architecture of Android is shown in Figure
manufacture may require different data cables and software to 1. At its core, Android OS builds are based on the Linux 2.6
access the phone's information. kernel. When running on a hard drive, the Linux system device
defaults to the first physical hard drive, or /dev/hd0. In

addition, Linux only understands character and block devices,

such as keyboards and disk drives, respectively. With Linux on
flash, however, a Flash Transition layer provides the system
device functionality. A Memory Technology Device (MTD) is
needed to provide an interface between the Linux OS and the
physical flash device because flash memory devices are not
seen as character or block devices (Dedekind, 2009).
The Android Runtime System utilizes the Dalvik
virtual machine (VM), which allows multiple applications to be
run concurrently as each application is its own separate VM.
Android applications (the apps of today's common parlance)
are compiled into Dalvik executable (.dex) files
(, 2008). During a forensic examination one
will be mainly concerned with the Libraries and, in particular,
the SQLite databases. This is where one will find the majority
of data that could be of interest in an investigation. Files can be Figure 2. Sprint HTC Hero (left) and information screen of test
stored on either the device's storage or on the removable secure device (right).
digital (SD) memory card (, 2009b).
Unlike the typical desktop operating system, data or As of July 2010, the latest version of Android
other files created by one Android app cannot automatically be available was v2.2 (Froyo) and v3.0 (Gingerbread) is expected
viewed by other applications by default. The VM nature of before the end of the year. The analysis described below was
Android allows each application to run its own process. performed during the fall of 2009 on a Sprint HTC Hero
Security is permissions-based and attached at the process level running Android v1.5 (aka Cupcake) (Figure 2). The Hero is a
by assigning user and group identifiers to the applications. little different than a standard Android phone because HTC
Application cannot interfere with each other without being employs its own Sense user interface (UI) on the device, which
given the explicit permissions to do so (, 2009a). will not be used on any Google-branded devices (HTC, 2009;
The security mechanisms of the Android OS could Miller, 2009). While the Sense UI changes the look and feel of
impede a forensic examination although some of the basic tools the device, it is uncertain how much (if any) this impacts a
and techniques could allow investigators to recover data from forensic investigation of the HTC Hero.
the device. The first, most obvious step is to perform a
traditional forensics analysis of the microSD card from the Connecting the device via a data cable
phone. This is the least effective method as it can only is access
the data that apps directly store on the SD card. SD cards use Although the data cable for the Hero is a proprietary
the FAT32 file system and are easily imaged and examined HTC cable (ExtUSB), an ordinary mini-USB cable will work
using traditional forensics tools (including write-blocking for data transfers. The HTC cable handles running music and
hardware) (TalkForensics, 2009). video over USB and would be desired for consumer
The Android file system is Yet Another Flash File applications but is not required for any type of forensics
System 2 (YAFFS2). YAFFS, developed in 2002, was the first analysis.
file system designed for NAND (Not-AND) flash memory
devices. YAFFS2 was designed in 2004 in response to the Imaging the memory card
availability of larger sized NAND flash devices; older chips
support a 512 byte page size whereas newer NAND memory Although an analysis of the removable memory of the
has 2096 byte pages. YAFFS2 is backward compatible with phone has its limitation and phone system data is likely not
YAFFS (Manning, 2002). stored to the memory card, it can still be a valuable tool.
Making an image from the phone's memory card is quite simple
Acquiring a Physical Image of an Android Device and normal procedures for imaging a device can be used. In the
analysis here, AccessData's FTK Imager v2.5.1 was employed.
Since Android is still an emerging OS and, forensics is The phone first needs to be connected to the
in its infancy, this section will explore the steps of the analysis examination machine using a write blocker to ensure the
of an Android device. The following methods were assembled integrity of the data. Once the phone is connected, it will
from research done and methods created by the prompt that the USB cable is connected and ask the user to
android/htcmodding community as well as assistance from select to copy files to/from the host computer. Another screen
Andrew Hoog and ViaForensics. then appears asking the user to mount the device (Figure 3).

Figure 5. FTK Imager image summary screen.

Importance of rooting the device in order to obtain a dd


The ability to physically image memory is the holy

grail of mobile device forensics. The device's memory can
contain extremely valuable data, such as: the contact list, call
logs, text messages, and other phone data. Additional
information can also be hidden and uncovered, such as Web
history, e-mails, images viewed on the phone, passwords, and
fragments of other data. Access to memory can be
Figure 3. "USB Connected" screen.
accomplished by rooting the phone.
While the term rooting can have a negative
Once connected, the device will look for any
connotation (similar to jailbreaking an iPhone), it has a
necessary appropriate drivers. If issues arise, drivers are made
different meaning than is generally perceived. Rooting a device
available on HTC's website.
merely means to gain access to the root directory (/) and
Now in FTK Imager, go to the File pulldown menu, having the appropriate permissions to take root actions. The
and select the Add Evidence open, and then choose Physical modding community -- i.e., modern day hackers (in the 1970s
Drive. Select the drive that is appropriate to the Android device sense of the word) who like to modify devices beyond the
(Figure 4). Note that the device will be the same size as the intentions of the device designers or vendors -- uses the term to
memory card (in this case, there is an 8GB microSD card in the mean accessing the root directory/permissions and then
device. substantially modifying the phone to increase battery life or
performance, run homebrewed applications, and/or install
custom firmware on the phone (Purdy, 2009). Obviously,
changing the data in such a way is not forensically sound and
would not be done in an investigation.
Obtaining a dd image file is possible when the
permissions are altered to gain access to the root directory. It is
Figure 4. FTK Imager "Drive Selection" screen. important to note that this method (at least for the Sprint HTC
Hero), in its current iteration, needs to have a third party
Save the image by using the File, Export disk image program installed on the device in order to get root permissions
option. Make sure to take a physical image of the entire drive and likely would not be admissible in a court room setting.
rather than a logical image of the partition. In this case, There are different ways to gain root permissions on other
\\PHYSICALDRIVE5 was selected and imaged, sending the devices that do not involve adding anything to the phone but
output to a raw dd image file. (The rationale for using dd for this is not the case on the Hero. The following method, then,
image files is provided below.) As with any image file, be sure should be viewed more of a proof of concept that could be
to verify the hash prior to any subsequent analysis (Figure 5). tailored to be forensically sound if an alternate way to obtain
Note that the SD card should be put aside and not replaced in root is found.
the phone.
USB Debugging

In order to acquire access to the root directory,

Universal Serial Bus (USB) debugging will have to be enabled
on the phone. Although the default setting is disabled, going
to Settings, selecting Applications, choosing Development and
touching the checkbox, can turn on this function.

Root access will not be possible if an examiner # cd /system/bin

encounters a locked Android device that does not have USB # cat sh>su
debugging enabled. If presented with a locked device, one may # chmod 4755 su
either attempt the method and hope that USB debugging is
currently enabled by the user or must defeat the lock screen by
some other method and then enable debugging using the
outlined method above.

Preparing the Hero for rooting

The method described here is based upon descriptions

at The (2009) and is the result of the work of
many users at the XDA Developers forum (forum.xda- The Android root access software was
created by Christopher Lais at Be sure to
insert a fresh SD card in the phone (do not replace the original
SD card in the phone as it contains evidence that this process
will alter). Figure 7. Obtaining root access of the Android device in
The first step is to set up the Android Development Windows.
Tools (ADT) on the host Linux, MacOS, or Windows computer
system. The ADT is part of the Android Software Development If these steps all work correctly, the examiner should
Kit (SDK) (Android Developers, 2009). For a Windows now have root permissions and can image the Android device.
system, download the SDK ZIP file and extract the files to the It should be noted that there is no real indicator that root access
host computer. is available; to test out if it is functioning properly, continue
The next step is to ensure that the phone and the and try to make a dd image of the memory (per the instructions
Android development bridge (ADB) are both functioning as below).
expected. In the Windows command line, move to the
AndroidSDK folder, navigate to the tools subfolder, and Creating a dd image of memory
run the adb devices command. If everything is working
properly, a list of attached devices will show up with a The file system of the Android device is stored in a
corresponding serial number (Figure 6). If not presented with a few different places within /dev. Without the use of a
list of devices, one must check that drivers are functioning traditional hard drive, the Linux kernel makes use of an MTD
properly and that USB debugging is enabled. that allows for the embedded OS running directly on flash (SSI
Embedded Systems, 2008). Although it may differ for other
android phones, there are six files of interest located in
/dev/mtd/ (, 2009):

mtd0 handles miscellaneous tasks

mtd1holds a recovery image
Figure 6. Starting the Android SDK in Windows. mtd2 contains the boot partition
mtd3 contains system files
The method necessary to obtain root is specific to
each phone and OS varient. The following method was mtd4 holds cache
designed for the Sprint HTC Hero running OS version 1.5 and mtd5 holds user data
utilizes a program called AsRoot2 (ZenThought, 2009). The
archive needs to be downloaded and the files extracted the files Although it is important to image each file to obtain
to the Tools folder and then execute the following commands the complete operating system, the majority of this examination
(Figure 7): will focus on the information in mtd3 and mtd5.
In order to image memory, the Android SDK shell will
> adb push asroot2 /data/local/ need to again be launched. As before, navigate to the
> adb shell chmod 0755 AndroidSDK\tools directory, start the shell by executing
/data/local/asroot2 the adb shell command, and then entering the
> adb shell /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh instruction.
$ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh Once in the shell, the dd command can be used to
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 image the memory files, using the command (Hoog, 2009a):
/dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

and Portable Data Format (PDF) documents were recovered, as

dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd0 of=/sdcard/mtd0.dd were 12,709 BitMap (BMP), Graphics Interchange Format
bs=1024 (GIF), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), and Portable
Network Graphics (PNG) images.
The command above will make a bit-for-bit image of the mtd0
file, using a block size of 1024 bytes, and copy the image file to Recovered documents
the SD card. Repeat this command five more times in order to
image the remaining five files of interest (Figure 8). Most of the recovered documents were not of a real
evidentiary value. A large portion of the HTML files were
advertisements and only four files were complete snapshots of
Web pages (Figure 9, left). The HTML files included 28
Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) data for JPEGs; this
information can be helpful to determine what specific camera
took an image.

Figure 8. Obtaining root access of the Android device in


Note that this command will direct the output to the

SD card. For this reason, it is imperative that a formatted and
wiped SD card is placed into the phone and that the evidentiary
SD card is put aside. It is also extremely important to not mix
up the input file (if) and output file (of) parameters so as to
not inadvertently destroy any data.
At this point, the dd files can be analyzed using any
forensics software. Be sure to use a write-blocker when
accessing the files on the SD card.

Examination of Memory
Figure 9. Recovered files: Web page (left) and Google search
The examination of the memory image files was history (right).
performed using Access Data's Forensic Tool Kit (FTK) v1.81.
FTK was selected because of its data carving and searching One particularly interesting document that contained
capabilities; since today's forensic software does not mount the useful information was the single recovered PDF file. This file
YAFFS2 file system, the ability for string searches was was extremely fragmented and while Acrobat Reader reported
paramount. that the file was corrupt and could not be opened, FTK was able
When setting up the analysis in FTK, select options to view the contents. The file was 2 MB in size and was
for full indexing and data carving, and add all six files for substantially larger than all of the other recovered documents. It
analysis. In this case, the subject phone was approximately two contained information such as text messages, phone book
months old and had been used extensively for data applications. information, browser history, Facebook status updates, Google
After data carving, 207 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) search history (Figure 9, right), YouTube videos visited, and
music played from the SD card. It was difficult to look through

because it was so fragmented but searching the document made from browser Web pages, pictures taken with the Hero's camera
information easier to find. and sent to someone via the Multimedia Messaging Service
(MMS) or e-mail to those from applications such as Facebook,
Recovered images cover art from Pandora, image previews of videos from
SprintTV and YouTube, and icons from applications.
As on a typical computer, this Android device had
nearly 13,000 images, only some of which would be interesting Searching
in a forensics examination. The first noteworthy images found
were the ones displayed as the phone is booting up. There are While browsing through images and documents
three different images: the HTC logo, a Hero splash screen, and yielded some helpful information, FTK was unable to locate
a Sprint screen. The HTC logo screen is displayed at two points text messages, e-mails, contacts, and call history. The search
in the booting process and features the HTC logo in a beveled tool is quite powerful but in order to use it, an examiner needs
silver text on a reflective black background. As the phone to have an idea of what to search for. When trying to find
boots, the source of light in the image changes as it pans across emails, a logical starting point would be to search for the
the logo this seems like a loading screen, indicating suspect's e-mail address. A search for,
something is happening like a progress bar would. This logo for example, yielded 1628 hits over 92 files. The files generally
was merely an animated GIF file. started with the e-mail address, followed by a preview of the
The mtd3.dd file contained images for different body of the message and then the rest of the e-mail and
applications. Backgrounds for a labyrinth style game; images recipient information. Many of the strings found looked like
for bookmarks, weather, alarm clocks, keyboards, and widgets; this one:
grids for Sudoku games; and icons for check boxes, contacts,
camera, and navigation apps were found. >..7`..7c$Ryan
and Ysa I quite impressed with the talk they
gave our class. Maybe impre....Ryan and
Ysa<br><br>I quite impressed with the talk
they gave our class. Maybe impressed isnt
quite the right word for it - perhaps amazed
they let everyone in to their life like that. I
never really thought about the difficulty of
communicating across cultures and how it
would impact a relationship. Specifically if
they didnt speak each others language. I
guess the international language is truly
Figure 10. Recovered images: Corrupted image file (left) and
intact image file (right). It is likely that if the suspect were using a mobile e-
mail client (such as a gmail application) would yield more
The mtd4.dd file contains contents of the Android messages than a system where only Web mail has been
cache. Recovered images from this location included some that employed.
were viewed from e-mail; some of the images were corrupted
while others were perfectly intact (Figure 10).
Interestingly, only 30 images from the user's Gmail
account were found. The highly fragmented condition of some
of these images suggests that the amount of space allowed for
caching of images viewed from Gmail is not large.
Alternatively, it is possible that FTK was not able to locate or
identify the images.
Another interesting result was that two of the images
in the cache, although on the Gmail account, were never
specifically called up or viewed on the phone. The best
explanation is that they were preloaded from viewing the email,
although the user never selected to download or view them.
The mtd5.dd file contains the user data and, not Figure 11. User names and passwords found in plaintext,
surprisingly, is where the majority of the recovered images blacked out for publication.
were found. These were the types of pictures one would expect
to find, namely images ranging from contact photos, downloads

Hoog (2009b) has reported that the Android browser valuable files were uncovered. As before, the files were copied
stores passwords in plaintext right next to a username and to the SD card using the dd command (Figure 13):
Uniform Resource Locator (URL). As expected, several of the
search hits found the displayed username and password for dd if=/data/data/subdir/databases/file.db
several Web sites, one of which yielded a piece of a database of=/sdcard/file.db
that held all of the password information (Figure 11). This is
very helpful for the forensic examiner although a poor security
practice from the user perspective. While many people
appropriately worry about saving their username and password
information on their computers, and may even know how to
hide those traces, most are likely less careful with similar data
stored on their phone.
When searching for e-mail addresses, references were
found to a file named contacts.db. After searching for that Figure 13. dd commands to create images of database (.db)
string, contact and phonebook information was found quite files.
easily. It was located in a few different places and in pieces but
that is likely due to the fact that FTK was unable to recognize
the operating system and, before data carving, everything was
just considered unallocated space. The actual path for the Figure 14. Username and password of HTC Twitter user.
contacts appears to be

Logical Examination Figure 15. Information about Twitter sites that the user follows.

Although it is valuable to perform a physical The database files found by a logical examination of
examination to access deleted information that might otherwise the Android device yielded a significant amount of interesting
go unnoticed, much of the data that was viewable in FTK was information. The first such file examined was /data/data
fragmented and difficult to read. Looking at files logically can /,
show whole databases that are not fragmented. the database associated with htctwitter, the Twitter application
called Peep, developed by HTC. This database file yielded
account information (including an unencrypted password)
(Figure 14) as well as account information for Twitter sites that
the user follows (Figure 15).
In addition, 1460 Twitter updates were found, with
detailed information about the sender. This output also contains
a field named is_public, which defines whether the message
was a private (0) or a normal tweet (1).

Figure 12. Contents of the /data/data directory.

Figure 17. Passwords found in plaintext.
Following the naming convention of the path where
contacts.db was found, the Hero was hooked up again to
the examination machine and the directory /data/data was
inspected, and 154 subdirectories were found (Figure 12).
After the process of browsing each of these folders,
listing the subdirectories and looking for databases, several
Figure 18. Data typed into browser forms.

Figure 23. Google apps account information.

Figure 19. Browser history.
The Google applications database is found in
.googleapps/databases/accounts.db. This file
contains Google apps account information, including the user
name and the encrypted passwords (Figure 23).

Figure 20. Browser search history.

The database file

/browser.db is a separate database for the Android browser.
The contents of this file included usernames, URLs, and
plaintext passwords (Figure 17), data typed into forms (Figure
18), web browser history (Figure 19) and search history
(although it was thought that this information had been deleted)
(Figure 20).
Another interesting file is the
/data/data/ Figure 24. MMS/SMS message information.
/geolocation.db, which stores the last known location as
reported by the GPS satelites (Figure 21). The
/databases/ directory contains information related to the
messaging applications, including picture and text message
Figure 21. Last known geographic location. data. The mmssms.db database contains the MMS and Short
Message Service (SMS) messages [Address field truncated]
The Google maps database can be found in (Figure 24). Note that the contents in this database included
/data/data/ some deleted messages although no messages that were deleted
.apps.maps/databases/search_history.db. This more than 45 days prior were available. It is likely that the
file contains the history saved for all searches entered into the retained deleted messages would depend on the phone and
Google maps application (Figure 22). individual user.

Figure 22. Google maps database.

Figure 25. Voice mail audio files.

example of the complete body of an e-mail can be found in

Figure 29.

Figure 26. Playback and analysis of voice mail audio files.

Voice mail audio files are not stored in a typical

database file, but can be found in the
es directory, using the file names VN-*.AMR (Figure 25).
Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) files use a standard audio format Figure 29. Call history database, Number and name fields
that is commonly found in Global System for Mobile (GSM) truncated for publication.
communications cell phones (Figure 26).
Android phones also contain extensive call history and
contact information. The
databases/contacts.db database contains the call
history, including the phone number, date, length of call in
Figure 27. Telenav recent stops information. seconds, type of call (1 = incoming, 2 = outgoing, 3 = missed),
and name from a phonebook look up, if available (Figure 29).
Telenav is the Sprint navigation application. Files
related to Telenav can be found in the
files directory. The most useful file appears to be
ANDROID_TN55_recent_stops.dat, which contains
recent location information (Figure 27). When viewed
Figure 30. Contact history information.
logically, deleted history is not shown.
Other potentially useful information in
contacts.db includes contact names, number of times
contacted, the time of the most recent contact, contact photo
file (if used), custom ringtone (if used), and last time the
contact information was updated (Figure 30).
Figure 28. Gmail database file.

Figure 31. Facebook status updates.

Finally, the HTC Hero also synchronizes contact's

Facebook status updates with the phone book. That information
is also stored in contacts.db (Figure 31).
Figure 29. Complete e-mail.
Analysis With the CelleBrite
/data/data/ For comparison purposes, a CelleBrite Universal
ail/databases directory contains files related to Gmail, Forensic Extraction Device (UFED) was also employed to
and contains information that is available when accessing acquire information from the phone. The UFED is a stand-
Gmail via the application rather than via the browser. The alone hardware device that is designed to pull contact lists and
mailstore.j.lessard file is the address books, pictures, videos, music, ringtones, text
database for the user, and includes e-mail messages, call history, and device identifying information. The
history information such as sender, receiver, date received, UFED communicates with a cell phone via a data cable,
subject, and a snippet of the message body (Figure 28). An infrared (IR), or BlueTooth (BT). Subscriber Information
Module (SIM) data can be acquired directly from the card or

while in place in the phone. The UFED can acquire data

logically or physically, although physical acquisition is not
supported for the HTC Hero. The UFED acts as a write blocker
so no information is written to the phone when conducting an
examination (CelleBrite, 2010).
In order to connect the HTC Hero to the UFED, USB
storage and USB debugging both need to be turned on. The
UFED walks an examiner through the steps needed to logically Figure 35. Two of the picture files extracted by the UFED.
acquire data; the examination output in this case was an HTML
file directed to a USB thumb drive.

Figure 36. Video file extracted by the UFED.

The 69 pictures that were extracted from the phone

came from shots taken by the phone's camera, screenshots of
bookmarked Websites, and those received and downloaded as
MMS messages. Two images are shown in Figure 35. Note that
the EXIF information suggests that this phone may have taken
the image at the top, while the picture at the bottom was not
taken by this phone. Note also the different picture file naming
Figure 32. Phone identifying information from the UFED. format, further evidence that the files were created by different
cameras. The one video that was found was taken with the
camcorder feature in the Hero (Figure 36).

Summary of Results
Figure 33. Some of the SMS messages extracted by the UFED
[Phone numbers truncated for publication]. This experiment in acquiring information from an
Android device using multiple methods is far from conclusive,
although it provided some interesting insights:

dd analysis with FTK

o Pros: Found deleted text messages and
contacts that would have likely not been
located utilizing another method, found
passwords with relative ease.
o Cons: Required root access, results extremely
fragmented, countless hours would have to be
spent to try to locate and piece everything
together (although another forensic suite may
Figure 34. Some of the call history information extracted by the have netted better handling of the file system
UFED; and FTK easily could in the future with an
incoming calls (top), outgoing calls (middle), and missed calls update).
Logical analysis of specific databases
The CelleBrite device starts its report with basic phone o Pros: Recovered virtually everything that
identifying information, such as the acquired device type, could be helpful to a mobile forensic
software level, mobile equipment identifier (MEID), and the investigation including call history, Web and
data and time of the data acquisition (Figure 32). In this search history, pictures, MMS/SMS
instance, the UFED recovered 1070 SMS messages (Figure 33), messages, e-mail data with complete
56 contacts, 107 incoming calls, 192 outgoing calls, 49 missed messages, and even GPS data, voice mail and
calls (Figure 34), 69 pictures, and one video. It was able to passwords.
report on each category 100% correctly, as confirmed by o Cons: Required root access, did not find all
examination of the phone itself. deleted SMS messages, phone records, and
contact info.

Data extraction with the CelleBrite UFED program at Champlain College. He is a Certified Computer
o Pros: Recovered MMS/SMS messages, call Examiner (CCE) and Certified Information Systems Security
logs, photos, video, and contact information; Professional (CISSP), and is an associate editor at the Journal
simple, stand-alone method. of Digital Forensic Practice and Journal of Digital Forensics,
o Cons: Logical extraction only (physical Security and Law.
acquisition not yet supported); did not
recover e-mails, browser, or search history. References

It appears that browsing the databases logically netted AdMob. (2010, January). AdMob mobile metrics report. Retrieved
the most information in an easily viewable way. Obtaining a dd February 2, 2010, from
image is extremely valuable but, aside from the user content/uploads/2010/01/AdMob-Mobile-Metrics-Dec-09.pdf
reconstructing where all the pieces fit, it was not the best
method in this case. A different tool or forensics software with (2009a, December 16). Android security and
permissions. Retrieved December 21, 2009, from
specific YAFFS2 support would make the physical analysis a
winner. As it stands now, however, FTK would be most
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Cell phones are becoming even more sophisticated and (2009, December 7). Edit and re-pack boot images.
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invest time and money into learning about new operating
systems and developing new forensic methods.
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being made to meet the new technology. CelleBrite (2010), Android Developers Web site. Retrieved December 21, 2009, from
Paraben (2008), and .XRY (Micro Systemation, 2008) all
currently offer some type of Android solution and more tools
will be adding support as Android gains in popularity. Android CelleBrite. (2010). UFED standard kit. CelleBrite Web site. Retrieved
is not just for phones either; it can be used on computers, August 15, 2010, from
kitchen appliances, and military applications (Spencer, 2009). Kit.html
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increasing as more manufactures adopt the budding OS. As it
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UIs, the standardization will make mobile forensics simpler in Hoog, A. (2009a, March 16). Input/output error trying to dd Android
/dev/block devices. viaForensics Web site. Retrieved December 21,
the long run. Indeed, as the market for Android continues to 2009, from
grow, learning how to forensically acquire information from forensics/inputoutput-error-trying-to-dd-android-devblock-devices/
these devices becomes essential for mobile device examiners.
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Jeff Lessard received a B.S. degree in Computer & Digital forensics/android-browser-stores-passwords-sensitive-data-plain-
Forensics from Champlain College (Burlington, Vermont) in text.html
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Gary C. Kessler, Ed.S., is president of Gary Kessler Associates, Lomas, N. (2009, March 6). Android could overtake iPhone by 2012.
adjunct associate professor at Edith Cowan University (Perth, BusinessWeek Online. Retrieved December 21, 2009, from
Western Australia), and mobile device examiner for the
Vermont Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. _886305.htm
At the time of this project, he was an Associate Professor and
director of the M.S. in Digital Investigation Management

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