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Yusef Mohammed Rem D

Final Revision Notes
The Location of Physical features and major cities in the USA and India
Yusef Mohammed Rem D
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

Population Change and growth in the USA and India

The overall trend of this map is that the east of the United States of America has the highest
population and the south of the USA has the lowest population. New Jersey has the highest
population per square mile. In this map the central states normally have fewer population than the
boarded states but not at all the time. The least populated states are: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nevada, and New Mexico. As I said before the overall trend is in the
east but on the West, California is still quite highly populated. The whole of Alaska doesnt have
much population but Hawaii is going up the higher end of the population scale. The coastal regions
has quite a lot of population per square mile also, by the great lakes there are a lot of population. By
Pacific and Atlantic there are more population than the borders to other countries, as well as the
mountainous areas.

Comparing the two maps

The right map doesnt have Alaska

It doesnt tell you how much population there is

In the right map it much less generalised so you can see the population distribution, not just over
one state, but what place in that state.
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

Reasons for high/low population density

Area is dominated by agriculture. Low population because of the machines

Limited income of migrants

Mountings tends to harsh live in

ClimatesAlaska is a very cold this is a harsh living conditions. Coastal areas like California is no one
as a sunshine state

Urban areas provide job opportunities

Risk of flooding/natural disasters

Coastal areas attract tourism

Natural recourses
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

In the total population of the USA by decade graph, the trend is that over time the population
increase. Up to 1880 there is a steady increase but after 1880 the increase is much more rapid. In
this graph there does look like any anomalies or drops.

In the percentage population increase in the USA graph there is not a fixed trend but you could say
that the percentage decreases. There are many peaks where theline comes up and down. In 1860-
1890 there is a dramatic drop.

More births might cause the population to increase and higher life expectancy.

Lower birth rates might have slowed the growth of population between 2000 and 2010.

20 million children in the USA details and 11 were aged 0 to 4

Indias population pyramid is more triangular because there are higher birth rates and more young
dependents. This is because in India children work at a younger age so more families have children
(economic assets) to help them. Also to pass on the family name. Another reason why it is so
triangular is because there is a low life expectancy. In USA there is a higher life expectancy and low
birth rates

There are approximately 6 million the more boys than girls 0 to 4 years old in India at 2011 because
families want boys more than gills because they do more work even though girls will work to

There are more boys than girls because families want them because they do more physical work and
they pass on the family name

Overall population in the USA in 2030 will be more than in 2011, there will be more births higher
birth rates and a higher life expectancy because of modern medicines. The base is bigger because of
the high birth rates. The old dependents are more because of high life expectancy leading to an
ageing population.
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

India is the second most populous country in the world

In 2025, India will be the most populous country in the world

India occupies 2.8% of the worlds land area but supports over 17.5% of the worlds population

The general trend is that population increases as the years go by. There is no major drops or
changes. It is an expediential graph from 1951 it is a steady increase.

The general trend is that both lines decrease over time. There are specific occasions when birth and
death rates. Death rates increase by the most while death rates decrease by 33 and birth rates
decrease by 29. Death rates decrease more than birth rates. Death rates decrease much more

The reasons of a decline in Birth/death rates.

Medical improvements-increase life expectancy

Increased access to contraception to having fewer children

Improvements in sanitation.

Population and distribution in India

Population density is defines as the number of persons per square kilometre. It shows concentration
of population in a particular area. From the provisional population totals of the 2001 Census, the
population density of India has gone up to 382 persons per square km from 325. On an average, 57
more people inhabit every sq. km in the country as compared to a decade ago.

Overall the population distribution of India is very uneven. Population densities are generally highest
in India (501-1000 persons per km2) in a belt that corresponds to the Ganges Plain, running from
Punjab in the North-West, through Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to the West Bengal, bordering
Bangladesh in the East. The Ganges Plain can support high population densities because of the
excellent water supply provided by the River Ganges and its tributaries and the highly fertile alluvial
soils of the Plain on which agriculture thrives. Large population can also be supported in this area of
India because there are coal and Iron ore deposits.

Beyond the Ganges plain Kerala on the SW coast also has a high density (501-1000 people per km2).
With consistently warm temperatures (25-35degrees C) and high monsoon rainfall (3000+mm/yr)
the conditions are perfect for growing a wide range of crops (rice, tea, coffee, rubber and especially
spices). Income from the spice trade has long brought wealth to the state and vibrant coastal fishing
industry also helps to support a high population density.

Population densities in India are notably low (<100 people per km2) in the extreme North where the
high mountains of the Himalayas begin, producing inhospitable, cold winter conditions, poor access
and where poor, thin, rocky, infertile soils and steep slopes make agriculture difficult. The NW state
of Rajasthan also has a fairly low population density especially in the far NW because few people can
be supported in the arid, hot desert conditions of the Thar desert around Pakistan.

The highest population densities of all in India can be found in the major cities including Mumbai,
Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ahmadabad. Industrialisation and urban growth
mean that these cities provide homes and employment to millions. Often these places grew simply
for the strategic importance of their sites in helping control and administer surrounding regions
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

either during the pre-colonial era or during British rule. The ports of Mumbai and Kolkata were
especially important in developing trade.

Indias population structure

Population structure refers to the breakdown of the population of an area according to age and
gender. More properly it is known as the populations age sex structure. Anna areas population
structure is mostly usually represented using a population pyramids

Are you full population structure is indicated by a bottom heavy population pyramid with a wide
base compares with the rest of the pyramids where the 0 to 15 age bands clearly have the greatest
populations of any age group. Typically 35 to 40% of the population will be able 0 to 15 in a country
with a youthful population.

Current estimates suggest that the population structure of India is as follows 0 to 40 and is 38.8%
1564 years is 64.3% 65+ years equals 4.9%

Countries like India that have a youthful population structures face great challenges because their
populations tend to be growing rapidly they may have a big problem providing a Nuffield and Hamza
for the growing population and may struggle to provide sufficient housing health care clean water
sanitation education and job opportunities for the largest population as it reaches adult heard. On
the other hand the plentiful put one of you full labour may present big opportunities for industrial

Three characteristics of a youthful population

The base is very wide

The side are going inwards

30.8% of the population are under 15.

48% of Indias population was aged 0-14 in 1971

8.2% of Indias female population aged 60+ in 2011

From 1971-2001 the birth rate decreased. As the years go by the population pyramid becomes more
straight from 2011-2016 the birth rate increases. The life expectancy is growing higher.

Describe the differences between the population structure of cola and those of Uttar Pradesh and
Indian as a whole

Kerala has people from 0 to 40 in at nearly 29% when in Utter Pradesh as people from 0 to 14 at

Kerala has a higher percentage of elder people

Kerala has a higher percentage of working class

Improvements in female literacy cause the growth of the city to drop because more women are
aware of contraception. This means that more women are using contraception to less people are
having babies. Also many girls want to drop out of school early to help in the house but Caroline has
forced that's all woman has to complete schools. This might make the people who want to quit
school early leave the state resulting in a D crease of population. Also more women are getting
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

aware that babies are economic burdens if you don't work in agriculture. So less people will have
babies. Also because more women are more educated so they can make a better judgement on how
many children they want so let's children will be born

The wits of the base may relate to the birthrate this is the number of live births per 1000 of the
population per year. The height of the pyramids can really be related to the life expectancy this
means that the average number of years a member of Society is expected to live usually given from
birth. The slope of the pyramid can be related to mortality rates such as the child mortality rates this
means the number of children that guy before the age of five per 1000 live births

Kinks and bulges may relate to migration patterns or significant changes in the birth or death rate

Impacts of an Ageing population

What is an ageing population?

An ageing population is when a country has at least 15% of the population or more are all
dependents above 16 years olds. Also, at the population is going to increase.

What is a dependent?

Independent is either under 16 or over 60. These people are not economically contributing to the
country and rely on the economically active to pay for the fluids and schools

What is an old age dependency ratio?

An old age dependency ratio is a the number of pensioners/All dependents/over 60 years old for
every 100 people of working age

Outline the causes of an ageing population?

Some causes of an ageing population are at low/declining birth rates. This is because young
dependants are also called economic burdens. This means they dont contribute to the economy and
are expensive to look after; this is why fewer babies are being born. Another cause is that more
people marry later in life, leading to fewer babies, and there are shops that offer contraception.
Another reason that causes an ageing population is higher life expectancy; this is because of better
medical care, diet and baby booms.

What are the positives of an ageing population?

Positive impacts of an ageing population are: free childcare from their grandparents, they create
jobs with care homes, medical positions, holidays, and products. They help drive the economy with
spending money (the grey pound). Also, some old dependants remain in work, which helps
contribute to the economy. Finally, they have a lot of experience, which could help younger
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

What are the negative impacts of an ageing population?

Some of the negative impacts of an ageing population are increased demand for medical care,
government funds to be divided to look after the elderly in hospitals, cares homes and medicines.
Also, there is an increase of taxes so less government spending.

What are the possible solutions to the problem?

If you increase the retirement age, people are paying tax longer and get pensions for a less of a time.
You could increase taxes paid by the economically active. You could encourage migrant workers to
the country, for example Germany. Migrants work in other countries to help drive the economy and
they will get taxes as well. Also, you encourage an increase of birth rates like France. They do this by
enforcing the pronatalistic policy, which means the government gives money and incentives for
families, which have over three children. They do this so when they grow up and get older there will
be more economically active people.

The site advantages and reasons

Site is the exact place on which the settlement is built

Situation is the location of the settlement in relation to surrounding features

Flat land-easy to build on

On the coast-easy access to sea or trade with Europe
On a river (mouth)-trade route
Segmented settlement-island offers shelter (protection from Atlantic Storms)
The coastline acts as a natural harbour. Deep water extends up the Hudson River allowing
large ships to anchor. There is only a small tidal range and Long Island offers protection from
ice and fog
The valley of the Hudson River and tributaries pass through a gap in the mountains and
allow access to the Great Lakes and the rest of the USA.
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

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